[Worship Fully] Welcome to Asbury!


[Worship Fully] Welcome to Asbury!
to Asbury!
We are so glad you are our guest today! If you have any questions or needs, please stop by
our Guest Services areas located outside the Sanctuary in the Narthex or in the Grace Building
Concourse. Please let us know you are here by filling out a Welcome Card, located in the back
of the pews in the Sanctuary and in the chair backs in the Grace Worship Center. If you are in
need of any special assistance, please see one of our ushers to assist you. There are handicap
accessible pews in our Sanctuary and for those that are deaf, there is an interpreter at our 8:45 am
Contemporary Service. The Grace building and Sanctuary are equipped with hearing assistance
systems. Please see an Ambassador at Guest Services in either lobby for a receiver.
Sunday School is available at 8:45 for Youth (7th-12th grade) and Adults. Adult classes are also
at the 10:30 hour. Please visit Guest Services in Hope Building for more information.
If you have children, we have lots of great opportunities on Sunday mornings for them. Infants to
age 3 (New Life Nursery Ministry) is in the Grace Lower Level. Age 3-Kindergarten (Jump Start)
is in the Grace Lower Level. 1st-2nd Grade (Moving On Up) is in the Hope Lower Level H011.
3rd-4th Grade (Moving On Up) is in the Hope Lower Level H017. 5th-6th Grade (Taking Off) is
in the Hope Building H122. Visit the Reignforest Children’s Ministry website at http://reignforest.
The next DiscoverAsbury takes place January 23 from 6:30pm-8pm in the Hospitality Area.
Please stop by to hear more about our church and take a church tour. Appetizers are served.
Contact Kym Williams/kym.williams@asburyumcmadison.com/x286 by Thursday, January 20 to
sign up or online at http://www.asburyumcmadison.com/new-to-asbury. Childcare is available.
Joining Asbury
Welcome Cards are in the pews in the Sanctuary and in the chair backs in the Grace Worship
Center. At the end of each service the pastor makes an “Invitation to Join the Asbury Family.”
Please completely fill out the card and bring it with you as you come forward at the end of the
worship service. If you have any questions about joining, please contact Kym Williams at x286
or email kym.williams@asburyumcmadison.com.
FINANCIAL MINISTRY fpu@asburyumc.madison.com
Financial Peace University • Financial Coaching
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-Centered 12 Step
Recovery Program for anyone with a hurt, habit, or hangup. Mondays at 5:45pm in the Hope Building with dinner. sTEPHEN mINISTRY Referral Line 256-837-9696 x310
Job Seeking/Career Transition Ministry Class/
Support Group 256-653-8245 Call to schedule a
Asbury Thrift Store. Inc. 256-464-0460 www.
Asbury Counseling Center, Inc.
www.asburycfcc.net 256-722-8091
In the Old Testament of the Bible, there are seven
Hebrew words that tell us how to praise God. When we
see the word “praise” in the Old Testament, it is one
of these seven words. We’ll take a look at a word each
week and how it is used in the scripture…..
The first week was TOWDAH – sacrificial praise.
The second week was YADAH – lifting of hands.
The third week was BAROUCH – to humbly bow.
This week….
SHABACH (shev·akh’) – to shout in faith. A loud
adoration, jubilation, and shout proclaiming with a loud
voice the glory, triumph, mercy and love of the Lord.
Psalm 117:1 “O praise (SHABACH) the Lord all ye
nations: Praise (SHABACH) Him all ye people.”
It is the shout of faith. As the children of Israel were
marching around Jericho and her walls, they were
[Worship Fully]
told to SHABACH for God had given them the city.
They began to shout, before the walls fell down. They
shouted praise unto God before they saw the answer.
That is, again, the shout of faith.
DEC 5th
980 Hughes Road, Madison, AL 35758 256-837-0365
www.asburyumcmadison.com | twitter.com/asburymadison | facebook.com/asburyumcmadison