The Asbury Update June 2009


The Asbury Update June 2009
The Asbury Update
June 2009
Asbury Memorial
United Methodist Church
Rev. Billy Hester
Volume 14 Number 6
June 1, 2009
It’s VBS Time!
Gear up for Camp E.D.G.E.
No one does Vacation Bible School quite like Asbury! We love our
children, and with all of the creative folks and willing volunteers, we
strive to make VBS a very special experience for our children. This
year’s theme is:
Experience + Discover God Everywhere
At Camp E.D.G.E., kids will go on an action-packed, adrenaline-filled
expedition. Through rockin' music, extreme sports video, cool,
challenging crafts, mind-boggling science activities, and larger-thanlife games, kids will learn how to live on the E.D.G.E. - Experiencing
and Discovering God Everywhere!
VBS will be June 14-19 (Sunday through Friday) from 6-9 p.m. It is
available to rising Kindergartner's to rising 6th graders. The cost is $15
per child with a family maximum of $50…& includes supper & a t-shirt.
Register now...on our church website…..or at church this Sunday.
If you have any questions, please call Cheri Hester at 695-1170 or e-mail her at Can't wait to see you at Camp E.D.G.E.!!!
Reflections on Services in the Sanctuhall
By Rev. Billy Hester
I have enjoyed seeing the look on people’s faces as they leave the Social Hall (or the Sanctuhall as some have
called it) after the 9:15 and 11:15 a.m. worship services. The looks are often followed by comments like, “That was
great!” or “It was different, but really good.” A couple of other people have said, “For the first time I’m hearing everything in the service.”
After having such wonderful worship services in our sanctuary, I’m sure that many folks might have been concerned about how things would go in the Social Hall. Be concerned no more...things are going great. Every space has
its strengths and weaknesses. While we can’t wait to be back in the sanctuary where we can all worship together and
have more space for things like liturgical dance, the Social Hall allows us an intimacy that is refreshing. It also helps
that is has been refurbished with a new floor, paint job, blinds, lighting and sound system. It feels good. The only
thing that may be a bit challenging is the metal chairs, but we’re trying to get cushions...feel free to bring your own.
I want to give Cindy Hanks and the Trustees a great big THANK YOU for all they did to get the Social Hall,
choir room and kitchen ready for us. Special kudos to Jeff Follett, Jeremy Upchurch, Michael Prow, Carolyn Bowden,
Barri Marshall, Randy Canady, Ray Ellis, Tim Burkett, Todd Nolan, Virginia Holliday, Barry Parker, Roger Smith,
Tommy Schafer, and Sylvester Kemp for helping work on everything from floors, the sound system, lighting, refreshments, and moving and fixing furniture and appliances. We are blessed for these servants whose efforts are part of
the reason why people are leaving our worship services with bright faces and blessed hearts.
Look forward to seeing you in the sanctuhall during the summer!
The Asbury Update
June 2009
TGIY Times
Thank God It’s Youth
Wednesday, 3rd—TGIY
7:00 p.m.—8:30 p.m.
Wednesday, 10th—TGIY
7:00 p.m.—8:30 p.m.
Wednesday, 17th—TGIY
7:00 p.m.—8:30 p.m.
Wednesday, 24th—TGIY
7:00 p.m.—8:30 p.m.
As we prepare for the summer with anticipation of Ashley Bolfik, our summer intern, information will be sent by e-mail of additional events that the youth will participate in for
Debbie Wright,Youth Minister
If you have any question or need any information about our youth program please
contact Debbie Wright by email:
Youth Going to Governor’s Honors!
Two of our youth have been selected to be part of the Governor’s Honors Program at
Valdosta State University this summer.
Shelby Hines (in Dance) and Kristen Kelso (in Drama).
Congratulations Shelby and Kristen!
Youth Graduating from High School:
Maggie Devlin
Ivey Jenkins
Phil Wagner
Volume 14 Number 6
June 2009
 We extend our love and sympathy to Patsy
Jacobs and family on the death of her uncle, and
one of Asbury’s greatest Elderberries, Joe
 We extend our love and sympathy to Jay & Tonya
Hillis & family on the death of Jay’s grandmother,
Gertrude Buckley.
 We extend our love and sympathy to the Nettles
and Karacostas families on the death of Barbara
 We extend our love and sympathy to Mary
Hinely and family on the death of her brother-inlaw, Robert Francis Hinely, Sr.
Annette Anderson, Lexi Bolinger, Alice
Bouk-night, Francis Brannen, Ericka
Chamblee, Vicki Cronk, Helen Downing,
Jim Dudley, Marjorie Edenfield, John Giles,
Edna Girard, Tim Guyer, Gay Gwinner,
Nell Hagins, Chase Harrison, Mary Hinely,
Elizabeth Jackson, Judy Jones, Judith
Kessler, Elizabeth Lariscy, Justin
Linthicum, Sara Linthicum, Linda Luke,
Janet Mayne, Grady Mills, Marie Parker,
Barbara Rogers, Mike Skinner, Cabell
Stewart, Jean Stewart, Joyce Wickstrom,
Harold Wiley, Diane Williamson
We extend our love and sympathy to Dina and
Kathy Consentino and family on the death of
Dina’s mother, Mina Consentino.
We extend our love and sympathy to Tina Smith
and family on the death of her father, Harvey
We extend our love and sympathy to Danny
Beam and family on the death of his aunt, Louise
We extend our love and sympathy to Harold
Wiley and to Cynthia Herold and Claudette
DeLong an d family in the death of Harold’s
brother-in-law, Nathan Robertson (Cynthia and
Claudette’s uncle).
We extend our love and sympathy to Cheryl and
Tina Hamilton and family on the death of their
cousin, Owen Thayer
Janice Gantt Butterfly Miracle
In honor of Chase Harrison
Whitney and Lindsey Braddock
Dot and Buddy Whitlock
Prayer List
Family & Friends of Members
Marvin Aull, Ivory Beardslee, Kathryn Burkett,
Rhonda Clyatt, Rose Crosby, Schaefer Dean,
Barbara Decker, Rev. Bill Hust, Archie Iodice,
Dexter Johnson, Mary Kessler, Howard
Knight, Hugh Oakley, Brenda Prahl, Mar “Ma”
Roubal, Harry Skinner, Barbara Smith, Eddie
Solomons, Dan Strickland, Susan Waters
Danny is Ordained
Congratulations to Asburian, Danny Adams,
who was ordained as a minister in the Disciples
of Christ Church. The ordination was in May
in Paris, Kentucky. We celebrate with Danny
and Joseph.
Volume 14 Number 6
June 2009
Having a Birthday?
Let us know when! Sign up on the main bulletin board
between the nurseries or call the office at 233-4351.
JUNE Birthdays
1st Jackie Fall
Roger Oliver
17th Robert McNew
Grady Mills
Michele Young
2nd Amy Povie
3rd Lorelle Carter-Walter
Catherine Glibert
Colin Harrison
4th Kathy Jones
Trina Stafford
18th Wendy Ciccodicola
Carol Crawford
Claire Reeve
Alexis Terry
5th Andrew Foster
Kathy Hodges
20th Emma Campbell
Jewel Nieuwstraten
Joe Richards
Sally Stephens
Jean Stewart
6th Anne Lynes
21st Betty Surprenant
8th Jeff Follett
23rd Graham Cooper
9th Charles Ennis
Erin McGavin
Tom Nease
25th Barb Lackey Beam
Artley Lynah
26th Melissa Burkholder
Spencer Luke
10th Jennie Wilburn
11th Gay Gwinner
Sandy Rogers
27th Callie Downing
13th Carol Anderson
Linda Jensen
Carson McBrayer
Susan Smith
29th Jordan Herzog
30th Sean Collins
Russ Kirks
16th Whitney Braddock
Susan Harrison
Jeanine Hoag
Paul Mazo
Congratulations to Asbury’s
own Reverend Jan Durham
on her nomination for a
Georgia Author of the Year
Award to be presented in Atlanta on June
13th. Well done and well deserved Jan!
Congratulations to
Asbury Grads
A wonderful group of Asburians
graduated from high school and college this year.
High School
Maggie Devlin
Ivey Jenkins
Phil Wagner
Jessica Bolfik
University of Georgia
Ashley Doliber
University of Georgia
Kim Jorgensen
University of Georgia
Russ Kirks
University of Georgia
Jennie Wilburn
Rice University
Congratulations to Asburians Lynne
Chappell and Paul Horovitz, who were
married at Asbury Memorial on Saturday,
April 11th! Lynn and Paul’s wedding was
the last wedding in the sanctuary before the
renovation. It looked beautiful with all the
Easter lilies. Blessings to Paul and Lynne!
Volume 14 Number 6
June 2009
A Very Special Thank You
What a GREAT day we experienced
on May 3rd’s 100th Celebration…Happysad and all between. Happy I felt at home
again in Asbury Memorial’s sanctuary. I loved it
more than most will ever know, having so many
of my family, most notably Kierst (my love and
joy). Sad because of the much needed renovation - it will not be old just new. Thanks to
those who planned the program to honor us elderberries. Also, thanks to the Busy Bees for
planning the centennial clown - they are so special. Mine is enclosed in glass in the bedroom…
the first thing I see in the A.M. and the last in
the P.M. Thanks, too, for the pews — which we
will also cherish and respect.
God bless you in all you do for Him.
Nell S. Hagins
Thank You…
I would like to thank all of my Asbury family for
their prayers, phone calls and cards during my recent illness. I’m now back in the kitchen ready to
start preparing those Wednesday Night Supper and
Special Events!
Chef Robbie
2009 Budget Offering
May 3rd - $9,472.00
May 10th - $7,989.00
May 17th - $6,649.50
May 24th - $5,183.05
May 31st - TBA
Weekly Budget Needed
Budget Needed to Date
Received to Date
Balance of the Operating Fund
as of May 26th, 2009
$ 82,180.85
“Celebrate the Joy!” Fund
(Renovation) as of April 30th, 2009
$ 569,996.32
Worship Attendance
May 3rd - 487
May 10th - 250
Thank You…
May 17th - 230
Dear Billy and fellow Asburians,
May 31st - 267
Thank you so much for all the
prayers, cards and gifts for Lexi.
She is out of the hospital again
and hopefully this will be her
last trip. She still has a long road to recovery but the
smile on her face each time she has opened a card
for a gift has been PRICELESS. The prayers helped
her through the most painful and difficult times.
From deep in our hearts...we thank everyone so
much. May God Bless.
Cindy and Lexi Bolinger and Anne Muendel
May 24th - 283
Berry Special News
If you are interested in joining the Berry Specials our
next luncheon will be Friday June 19th at 11:30 a.m. in
the social hall. We would love to have you join us.
The group is open to anyone wishing to come join and
have fun. In addition to the new Angel Food Ministry at
Asbury, we welcome other ideas for outreach in our
community. Come bring a side dish or dessert (meat
will be provided) and share food and fellowship with us.
Please call the church office if you would like to attend
so we plan for the appropriate number .
Volume 14 Number 6
June 2009
Spring Cleaning Thank you
from the Nursery
We had a wonderful nursery clean up day on Saturday, March 7th. The nursery received a special springcleaning, toys were washed and sanitized, and linens
were laundered. A special thanks goes to Sara Linthicum for rearranging the pre-school nursery.
Thanks to all who helped clean. They were: Ellie
Covington, Sara Linthicum, Jean Young, Geoff and
Chloe Harrison, Ronald Mann, Dale Karacoastas, Curtis Hanks, and Amy Povie.
Thanks again to all the volunteers who made the nursery cleaner and ready for our children to play, while
their parents enjoy the worship service!
Meals on Wheels Volunteers Needed
Seniors in our community
need your help! The
Meals on Wheels program is looking for volunteers to help deliver
meals throughout the
summertime. This is a
great volunteer opportunity for families, for
teachers, for school-aged children to experience
with their parents. If you have an hour to an hour
and a half a week—you will make someone’s day!
For more information on where to sign up and
where to deliver meals, call 236-0363, ext. 107.
Angel Food Network
Want to make your summer giving
easier while you rest and refresh?
Remember that you, your friends and family
can all make a contribution to the church or
the renovation fund via the internet. Go to
our website, On
the Home Page in the left-hand column, click
“Support Asbury.” This will take you to a
simple form where you can make a taxdeductible contribution via credit card. Take a
day at the beach AND support Asbury…how
A Tremendous Thank-you
I would personally like to thank Kimberly Smith, Gwyn
Yarbrough, Roger Smith, Ron Dufault and Todd Nolan
for all their volunteer services in the office. Of course,
I can not leave out Virginia Holliday, Ron Dufault and
Diane Williamson who stuff and fold the newsletter
each month. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Claudette
Congratulations to Tiia Strong for being nominated for the Woodruff Center Art Award
We are very excited to offer
the Angel Food ministry at
Asbury. The first month was
very successful with 44 units being purchased. If you
are interested in participating, orders will be taken on
Sunday’s after worship. Also, orders will be taken in
the office on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m. If you are interested in helping with the
Angel Food Ministry contact Todd Nolan at 596-2940.
South Georgia Conference
The United Methodist Annual Conference
for the South Georgia Conference will be
held in Columbus, Georgia, June 7th through
June 10th. Rev. Hester and our Lay Delegate
this year, John Naylor, will be attending.
Please pray for John, Billy, and all the delegates as they seek to make decisions that
help shape our denomination.
Shekhinah Spiral will not meet during
the months of June, July and August.
Volume 14 Number 6
June 2009
Congress of the Unites States
House of Representatives
Becoming Disciples through Bible
The following have completed a 34 week
course of being devoted to reading their Bibles daily and meeting weekly with their
Facilitator—Helen Downing
Group Members
John Barrow
12th District of Georgia
May 1, 2009
Asbury Memorial United Methodist Church
1008 Henry Street
Savannah, GA 31401
To Reverend Hester and the Asbury Memorial Congregation:
It is with great pleasure that I bring you greetings on the
occasion of your Centennial Celebration. I would have liked
very much to be with you; however, commitments elsewhere in
the district would not allow me to attend.
It has been said that creativity has the ability to overcome all. It
was not long ago that few could have imagined this day would
bring cause for celebration. Yet, the vision to revive church and
congregation through the expression of creativity prevailed.
Asbury Memorial has since fashioned a legacy out of spiritual
expression through individual talents and creativity, two of the
greatest gifts one could ever receive. Today as you delight in the
100th Anniversary of Asbury Memorial, you have cause for two
celebrations, one your history and the other your future.
I wish Asbury Memorial and its congregation the greatest of
success in all of its endeavors. I look forward to working both
with you and for you in the many years to come.
Mickey Dodge
Jan Durham
Deb Gibson
David Grice
Rena Howell
Judith Kessler
Carol Klein
Pam Parker
Kate Strain
Cindy Telljohann
Facilitators—David and Pat Alley
Group Members
KT Aull
Margaret Clay
Ellie Covington
Colleen Forehand
Andrea Harrelson
Steve Johnson
Debra Skinner
Mike Skinner
Debbie Wright
Evans Wright
Facilitator—Ernie Lee
Group Members
John Barrow
Debbie Anderson
Anita Clay
Claudette DeLong
Charles Ennis
Dian LaRoe
Tracy Maxwell
Richard Reeve
Volume 14 Number 6
June 2009
A gift has been given to the “Celebrate the Joy” Fund
in memory of Stuart M. Wallace, M.D. by
Dot Wallace
A gift has been given to the “Celebrate the Joy” Fund
in memory of Joe Hunnicutt by
Andra Bowers
Mary Alice Garvin
Virginia Donaldson and Family
Mrs. C. J. Hollingsworth
Harold and Sue Wood
A gift has been given to the “Emergency” Fund in
memory of Joe Hunnicutt by Judy Wilburn
A gift has been given to the “Celebrate the Joy” Fund
in memory of Barbara Nettles by Betsy Woodward
A gift has been given to the “Celebrate the Joy” Fund
in memory of Mina Consentino by David Grice and
John Naylor
A gift has been given to the “Celebrate the Joy” Fund
in memory of Gertrude H. Buckley, Jay Hillis’
grandmother by David Grice and John Naylor
A gift has been given to the “Busy Bee” Fund in
memory of Mina Consentino, Dina’ Consentino’s
mother by Karl and Judy Graham
A gift has been given to the “General” Fund in
memory of Family Past and Members Bobbie
A gift has been given to the “Celebrate the Joy” Fund
in memory of William S. “Dump” Sheffield, Beth
Harn’s grandfather by The Asbury Choir
A gift has been given to the “Organ” Fund in
memory of George Morel by Phil and Betty Hunter
A gift has been given to the “Celebrate the Joy” Fund
in memory of Dina Consentino’s mother, Mina
Consentino by The Busy Bees
A gift has been given to the “Celebrate the Joy”
Fund in memory of Hattie Bertha Crane by
Joan Crane (Hattie made and decorated the
50th anniversary cake)
A gift has been given to the “Celebrate the Joy”
Fund in memory of Janet Wagner’s father, Capt.
Lawrence M. King, Jr. M.D. (USN Ret.) by Karl
and Judy Graham
A gift has been given to the “Celebrate the Joy”
Fund in memory of Janet Wagner’s father, Capt.
Lawrence M. King, Jr. M.D. (USN Ret.) by
The Busy Bees
A gift has been given to the “Celebrate the Joy”
Fund in honor of Barb Lackey and Danny
Beam’s marriage by Helen Downing
A gift has been given to the “Janice Gantt
Butterfly Miracle” Fund in honor of Joan Hester
Byrd’s 80th birthday by Phil and Betty Hunter
A gift has been given to the “Janice Gantt
Butterfly Miracle” Fund in honor of Joan
Hester Byrd’s 80th birthday by
Thurman and Jean Butcher
A gift has been given to the “Celebrate the Joy”
Fund in honor of Barb Lackey and Danny
Beam’s marriage by Janet and Steve Wagner
A gift has been given to the “Celebrate the
Joy” Fund in honor of Charles Ennis and
Bernie Colclasure by Bobbie J. Bridgers
A gift has been given to the “Celebrate the Joy”
Fund in thanksgiving to God for all creation by
A gift has been given to the “Celebrate the Joy”
Fund in honor of Andra Bowers on the 100th
Anniversary by Irene H. Riebe
Volume 14 Number 6
June 2009
Thank You One & All
The Neighborhood Picnic in Asbury Park on April 18th was
But as Billy has always said “It takes a Village,” and the
Asbury Village is a Wonderful Place to live.
It was about a 50/50 mix between Asburians and Neighbors
and around 200 total. A great, grand good time was had by
all. The children bounced in Noah’s Ark, got their faces
painted and Hula Hooped. The adults mixed, mingled,
viewed the Sanctuary complete with videos and tours, and a
couple of impromptu card games took place after lunch on
tables under the trees. It was just a Fun Day on a Saturday.
I want to thank everyone who helped. Billy and Ernie are
tops on the list for this becoming a reality, but there are so
many I cannot count. We had people monitoring the
inflatable Noah’s Ark in shifts. The Men’s Breakfast Club not
only brought grills, but grilled, grilled, grilled and then grilled
a bit more. Tons of cookies baked by many people. There
were those who helped set up tables, chairs, tents….and take
everything down. Debbie and Evans Wright organized the
face painters and Hula hoops. Roger Smith organized the
church tours. Hank, our favorite clown, was a good will
announcement ambassador and the kids loved him. Dozens
(literally) helped bring out the food, serve, refresh, clean up
and wash dishes. So many just chipped in and relieved
others. It was a great time of sharing.
Special thanks to Pat Prokop for putting together the DVD
of various Asbury services. I know we will use that in the
future. But even more thanks for the absolutely incredible
weather. It couldn’t have been more perfect, and the only
gnat I saw the entire day was in my cup of lemonade.
I know our neighbors enjoyed this, and several expressed to
me that they are SO thankful we are staying in the
community rather than leaving to build in another part of
town. Also, many did not know that we bought, own and
lease the old “crack” house on the corner of Duffy & Waters,
and they were delighted to learn this. The whole purpose
was to get acquainted and have them see the challenges we
face with the renovation. I’ve been an Asbury ambassador to
the East Side for about 5 years. At the last monthly meeting
in March when I rolled out the Picnic Party, the President,
Freddie Patrick, said to the audience “there are 17 churches
in our neighborhood, and Asbury is the ONLY church that is
actively involved in our organization.” That’s special, but
that’s because Asbury is special.
Thanks again to all who helped make April 18th a Fun Day
on a Saturday.
…..Andra Bowers
Minute for Mission
Here is list of names…. Do you know what
they have in common?
George Carlin
Sonny Bono
John Travolta
Redd Foxx
Randy Travis
Fantasia Barrino
Carrie Fisher
Mary Lou Retton
Cary Grant
Jerry Garcia
Chris Rock
Flip Wilson
Waylon Jennings
LL Cool J
Bill Cosby
Lena Horne
Each of these people has earned their GED.
att Adult & Community Education (ACE). At
Royce we help adults in the Savannah area
who want to earn their GED. Anyone 17 and
over can attend ACE classes and improve
their basic reading, writing, and math skills.
We offer classes in mornings, afternoons and
evenings at Royce Learning Center, Wesley
Community Center and at the YMCA on
Tybee Island.
Our adult learners need your help. We train
volunteers to work individually with our
learners to help them meet their academic
goals. If you would like to help someone
improve their literacy skills or if you know
someone who wants to earn their GED,
please call Kathy Oakley at Royce Learning
Center at 354-4047.
*We are a United Way Agency.
Asbury Memorial
United Methodist Church
1008 East Henry Street
Savannah, GA 31401-7128
INT.ID 206896
Office 233-4351 Fax 233-5026
Non Profit Organization
U.S. Postage Paid
Permit #133
Savannah, GA
Return Service Requested
Flowers in the Sanctuary
Supplying the flower arrangements for the worship service is a wonderful way to commemorate a date
that is important to you or a loved one. Please check the 2009 Flower Chart in the narthex and sign up.
The cost is $40. For more information call the church office at 233-4351.
Special Funds
One way to honor or to remember a loved one is with a memorial or an honorarium to the
“Celebrate the Joy” (Renovation) Fund, the Piano/Organ Fund, the Hester-Children Education Fund, the
Trustees Fund, or the General Fund.
Newsletter Information
If you have an announcement for “The Asbury Update,” please send it to the church office in writing by the 15th of
each month. Contact Claudette DeLong, Church Secretary at 233-4351 or email to
Office hours are 9 AM to 2 PM, Monday thru Friday.
Mission Statement:
Asbury Memorial is a place where all people can develop their spirituality, use their
talents, and grow in faith as we seek to love, serve, and celebrate God, each other, and
our community.