Winsford Neighbourhood Plan Themes Winsford Transport Strategy


Winsford Neighbourhood Plan Themes Winsford Transport Strategy
Existing public transport provision in Winsford
Top 10 transport issues to address
A detailed review of the current transport issues and problems has been undertaken. This identified 10 transport issues
which are important to address in order to support the vision of the Neighbourhood Plan. These are detailed below:
Ensure Winsford takes full advantage of opportunities presented by High Speed Two (HS2) rail proposals
Encourage sustainable transport and help more
journeys on foot, bicycle or by public transport
Enhance connectivity across the town and the wider neighbouring area, to the benefit of Winsford
Support proposed growth in the town as outlined in the Neighbourhood Plan and Local Plan
A Transport Strategy is needed for Winsford to:
The purpose of the Winsford Transport Strategy is to
support the Neighbourhood Plan, to ensure that as growth
takes place consideration is given to the impacts of this
upon transport, and that there is a plan to address issues.
The final Winsford Transport Strategy will use your
feedback on these schemes to provide a final list of
recommendations and an action plan for their
To develop the final strategy we have identified 23
potential schemes which we would like your opinion on.
The strategy will be taking into consideration other
initiatives being developed by the Neighbourhood Plan
such as the Waterways Strategy.
Transport Strategy Overview
Accessing Cheshire West and Chester Council
information and services
Council information is also available in Audio, Braille,
Large Print or other formats. If you would like a copy in
a different format, in another language or require a
BSL interpreter, please email us at
Transport Strategy
Accessing Cheshire West and Chester Council
information and services
Council information is also available in Audio, Braille,
Large Print or other formats. If you would like a copy in
a different format, in another language or require a
BSL interpreter, please email us at
Tel: 0300 123 8 123 Textphone: 18001 01606 275757
Tel: 0300 123 8 123 Textphone: 18001 01606 275757
Promoting growth, improving accessibility and supporting
sustainable transport
Buses serving
Winsford Town
Centre do not run in the
evenings and do
not operate on
Winsford Rail Station is
remote from the
town centre and is
poorly connected by
bus, walking and
cycling routes.
There is a general
lack of cycle routes
and facilities within
Winsford and what
little there is, is poorly
Improving road links
between Winsford
and Crewe including
access to Leighton
New housing in the
town will require new
and improved links to
the town centre, jobs
and local schools, as
well as the
surrounding area.
There are poor public
transport links
between Winsford and
key neighbouring
towns and cities such
as Northwich, Chester,
Manchester and Crewe.
Congestion in
Middlewich impacts
on the main road
between the M6
motorway and
Winsford and affects
the attractiveness of
Winsford for investment
The car is dominant in
almost all aspects of
transport within
Winsford leading to
issues of congestion
and poor air quality.
The A54, Town Green
gyratory, and River
Weaver act as key
barriers to movement
in the town, particularly
for pedestrians.
There is a lack of car
parking at Winsford
Rail Station which
limits the ability to use
the site as a Park and
Ride and further reduces
the attractiveness of rail.
Winsford Neighbourhood Plan Themes
The Winsford Neighbourhood Plan was introduced in 2014, having been developed based on comments made by local
residents. Winsford is a growing town and it is important that this growth is managed, with the Neighbourhood Plan providing guidance on where new housing and other developments should go and how it benefits the town. It provides a vision
for the town looking to 2030 and is based around seven key themes that will help to deliver this growth.
Theme 1
Improve the image and attractiveness of the town as a whole
Theme 2
Promote and diversify the use of the Flashes and Weaver Valley
Theme 3
Improve the attractiveness and vibrancy of the town centre
Theme 4
Support and strengthen the local employment base and attract a wide
variety of businesses to Winsford
Theme 5
Encourage sustainable growth
Theme 6
Improve social, community and leisure facilities
Theme 7
Improve movement around the town and the region
Improving our roads
Scheme Shortlist
The following shortlist of ideas has been developed in response to the
Neighbourhood Plan themes (as shown by the numbers) to take into consideration
the 10 issues identified.
Parking and Taxis
Improvements to key junctions to increase traffic capacity to support future growth (7)
A553/A556 junction improvements at Davenham to support increased use and better accessibility to the A556 (7)
Explore options to build a new bypass to improve links between Winsford and the M6 at junction 18 (7)
Introduction of 20mph speed limits in some residential areas (1)
Improvements to the A54 from the Gyratory to Swanlow Lane, providing a boulevard setting with better pedestrian facilities. This could include reducing the speed limit to 30mph and improved public realm (3)
Increase and improve taxi rank facilities in the town centre to meet demand (3)
Taxi buses co-ordinated with train arrivals/departures at Winsford
Rail Station (5)
Examine options to improve car parking in Winsford town centre (3)
Introduction of a dedicated truck and heavy goods vehicle (HGV) layover facility to serve theindustrial site growth (4)
A comprehensive network of cycle routes to include longer distance connections (1)
Pedestrian bridge from Road 4 over West Coast Mainline railway
connecting to Bradbury Road (4)
Improved links between the High Street and Town Park (3)
How to have your say
We would like to hear your feedback on the proposals and
have developed a short survey to capture these. To
comment on the proposals, to suggest an alternative, or to
let us know something we may have missed, please
contact us:
By email at:
Online at :
By phone on: 0300 123 7 036
The consultation period runs from Monday 26th October to
Sunday 22nd November 2015.
You can also speak to officers from Cheshire West and
Chester Council and the study team by attending one of
our public events during the consultation period.
Encouraging walking and cycling
New leisure pedestrian/ cycle route around Bottom Flash (2)
Asda/Winsford Town Centre
Thursday 29th October 12.30pm – 7.30pm
Morrisons, Wharton
Tuesday 3rd November 12.30pm – 7.30pm
Following these events, the display will be on show in
Wyvern House during the consultation period.
Next steps
Improving bus options
Town Centre Bus Station/ Interchange (3)
Evening and weekend service improvements for buses (6)
The feedback we receive will be used to shape and finalise
the Winsford Transport Strategy. Following this
consultation, your views will be collated and studied and
used to help prepare our recommendations.
Strengthening of a ‘bus triangle’ (Northwich, Middlewich, Winsford) (7)
The final strategy will be published in early 2016 along with
a list of key recommendations and an action plan for
taking these forward. This document will identify
immediate actions to ensure that medium and long-term
schemes are delivered.
Longer hours
of operation
Improving rail options
Encouraging sustainable travel
Park and Ride (P&R) Infrastructure at Winsford Rail Station to support multi-travel and longer distance trips (4)
The development of a parkway station (aimed at longer stay P&R), north of Winsford 1-5 Industrial
Estate (5)
Support the re-opening of the rail station in Middlewich to support direct connections to Manchester (5)
Circular rail service – Crewe/ Sandbach/ Middlewich /Northwich/ Winsford/ Crewe (5)
The introduction of a rail link between the Mid Cheshire Line and West Coast Mainline to support services between Northwich and Winsford (below) (7)
Exploring the options for introducing smart tickets for public transport travel (5)
Encouraging the use of more sustainable travel through awareness
campaigns and working with local schools and employers to adopt travel plans (5)
The Transport Strategy will support the Neighbourhood
Plan to ensure the vision for Winsford can be achieved.
Further details on the Transport Strategy are also available
online at: