THE BBS WAY! - Bina Bangsa School
THE BBS WAY! - Bina Bangsa School
BACK TO BACK THE OFFICIAL E-NEWSLETTER OF BINA BANGSA KJ PRIMARY SEMESTER ONE A.Y. 2015 - 2016 Back-to-Back Greetings! BBS-KJP is always abuzz with a multitude of activities. We pride ourselves with an array of activities and opportunities for our pupils, your children. It is often cited that BBS is very academic in approach but that is not all that happens in BBS-KJP. This issue of our publication, showcases the myriad of activities offered in our ac- tivity. Sit back, relax and enjoy what we have had for the first semester of AY 20152016. Hold on! There is more to come, in the next semester. We hope that you will look forward to the next instalment with glee and enjoy it just as much. Ms Vaasuhi, Headmistress A CAMP TO REMEMBER The Prefects had But the most interest- This camp pushed the their camping with the ing part of the camp prefects to their limits, schools, homes, and theme “Companion- was when the students made them face chal- other ship and Learning”. The went to the public mar- lenges, and strength- Bina Bangsa School, prefects experienced ket. performed ened their leadership teachers yearly nomi- exciting adventures tasks to earn money skills. The poster at Prin- nate students who dis- like Tree Top Adventure to buy their own ingre- gayu Camp summed play leadership poten- and Eco Night Trail. Fur- dients for dinner. Im- up what the students tial. Our Prefects are thermore, teamwork pressively, the prefects learnt throughout the our pride and joy. It was and camaraderie were were able to manage camp, a great experience to developed through a the gether is a beginning. witness 20 future pre- variety of fun activi- selves. Chosen leaders Keeping fects undergo different ties like Stick Transfer, of the two groups as- progress. Working to- challenges during their Buldozer Race, Fran- signed various roles to gether is success. – Leadership Training at tic Balloon, Enggrang their members such as: Henry Ford “. Camp Pringayu, Ciawi and Gladiator 3. These auditors, helpers, chefs Kudos to our Prefects Bogor last 22-23 August activities had tested and attendants. It was 2015-2016! 2015.The was the prefects’ ability to astounding to witness aspiring for your goals ideal for developing overcome their fear, students’ bravery to with—“Discipline, the students’ charac- to cope up with a new unfamiliar tasks yet ter while enjoying the environment they still managed to natural atmosphere . take on challenges. Leadership is exer- cised every day—in institutions. place For and to They tasks by them- have fun and to learn. “Coming together tois Keep on De- termination and Drive!” By Ms Ida P BLAST WRITE-UP and Drawing Competition. The hard work of children was very much noticeable when they stood on the stage and performed confidently. Regardless of winning, every child had fun performing. The cheerful and happy faces of their parents were very obvious as they felt proud of their children. BBS children were challenged by the only competitors of The Bright Star Preschool. The BLAST competition was held at BBS-KJ for the BBS looks forward to see more schools participat- third consecutive year. BBS-KJ students had the ing and challenging our students at different ar- opportunity to pitch their talents against students eas of talent. Overall, it was a successful event, from other schools. where many departments displayed their stu- The competition was held at different levels to dents’ work for the visitors to enjoy. help children showcase their talents in different areas including Poem recitation, Chinese Singing By: Miss Ami The Hall was filled with children wearing colourful Batik. The preschool teachers and students came to school with their best Batik attire. The celebration began with singing of the Indonesia Raya and BBS School song. The master of ceremony gave an exciting Batik Day quiz for the pupils. The pupils were very much enthusiastic and eager in answering the questions. The games that children played were Batik Cloth Running Relay and Go-To-The-Market. They played them breathlessly and showed their sportsmanship skills. It was a time for them to experience camaraderie among themselves. This year’s Batik Day was celebrated last September 28, 2015. It was indeed a fun event for the pupils and they look forward to the next Batik Day celebration. BATIK DAY CELEBRATION CELEBRATION By Miss Sofi CELEBRATING REPUBLIC INDONESIA’S 7O INDEPENDENCE DAY th THE BBS WAY! BBS celebrated Indonesia’s 70th Independence Day with the colours white and red and fun activities for all. The solemn flag-raising ceremony was different from the regular monthly ones; for the extra special occasion, a mini concert was a pleasant add-on. After the ‘Mengheningkan Cipta’ (Prayer) and singing of ‘Hari Merdeka’ (Independence Day Anthem), a short Independence Day quiz was presented by our Bahasa Indonesia teacher, Pak Wimbo followed by a refresher on Indonesian history by Ms Priska. A light music entertainment was a sumptuous item on the mini-concert menu. Our three teach- ers Mr Adrian, Mr Ronald and Mr Rovie rendered a national song, ‘Garuda Pancasila’. Everyone was in awe of their performance. After which, the Primary 3-6 moved down to the courtyard and Preschool pupils with Primary 1-2 stayed in the Hall for some games and relays like, ‘Pencil in a Bottle’, ‘Bakiak Relay’ and ‘Joget Balon’. This year’s Independence Day celebration ended on a happy note with a teachers’ balloon race accompanied by screams of approval from the crowd. By: Mr Fairul school attendants. Some games were organised for children to enjoy the event. They were introduced to some of the ‘less fortunate’ children from Yayasan Sayap Ibu, who performed and got special souvenirs from the BBS children. LET US HAVE A COSTUME PARTY! Just before the term break, BBS- KJP celebrated Wacky- Faced greet- a special event – Children’s Day. As always, this ings from teachers in year too, the event was full of fun-filled activities. the Assembly Hall. A The school looked very colourful with children special dance perfor- walking around in their adorable and colourful mance, ‘ Minions’ was cartoon character costumes. Teachers also en- presented by thusiastically dressed-up like children. The cel- teachers accompa- ebration started with a class party followed by nied by parents and 妙趣横生 的中文故 事比赛 some Last but not the least, the selection of ‘best costume’ for children and teachers was done. Children’s Day is indeed a celebration that every child looks forward to be celebrated every year. BBS celebrated it with a special thought ‘Everyone is a child at heart.’ By Mr Chris 2015年9月15日,一个阳光明媚的下午,培民学校KJ校区小学部举办了一场别开生面 的“讲故事比赛”,提供给学生们一个更广阔、更有趣的学习平台。 经过初赛的选拔,来自小学三年级至六年级共十八位小选手进入了最终的决赛。这些小选 手果然不负众望:三年级信义班的杨华菁将《丑小鸭变天鹅》的故事表演的惟妙惟肖,让 同学们在听故事的同时,仿佛真的看到一只丑陋的小鸭子美丽蜕变的画面;四年级信义班 的马澧兰,可以熟练地背诵长达十五分钟的俄罗斯童话故事《娜塔莎与雅佳婆婆》,在场 的老师和同学无不拍手称赞;六年级信义班的邓恩琍 ,凭借清晰纯正的发音、丰富多彩的 内容和富有感染力的肢体语言摘得了桂冠,获得六年级组的第一名。 最后,中文“讲故事比赛”在副校长的颁奖中,在大家的欢笑和赞叹声中圆满结束了。虽 然比赛只是短暂的两个小时,但是它留给每位老师和同学美好的回忆。这甜甜的回忆就像 一股暖流,温暖了同学们的心,激发了他们学习中文的兴趣,并且会伴随他们在学习中文 的路上越走越远,越走越好! 中秋节活动总结 2015年10月30日早会时间,为了切实加强同学们对中华优秀文化传统的了解,我校认真开展了“中国的节日.中秋节” 主题活动,引导全体师生进一步了解传统节日、认真对待传统节日、由衷喜爱传统节日,传承节日文化。 中秋节为每年农历的八月十五日。因為這一天月亮满圆,象征团圆,又称为团圆节。中秋节有三大传统习俗:(一)赏 月:中秋节的月亮是特別的皎洁、明亮与圆满,具有象征性的意义。更有许多人想看月亮里的玉兔和嫦娥(二)吃月 饼:吃月饼的习俗有文字记载是始于明代,传说把节庆的食品神奇化,并赋予爱国的意义。中秋应景的品是「月饼」, 与端午节吃粽子一样。月饼是纪念反抗异族的统治。(三)团圆:大家吃月饼、赏月、酬谢社区之——土地公等習俗, 圆满光辉,家庭团圆幸福,社区平安,表现出月圆人亦圆的理想。 然而,为了激发同学们对中秋节的兴趣,我们还讲诉了一篇关于中秋的民间传说:嫦娥奔月;并播放视频动画,学生们 的反应都很好,看得也非常入神;最后,我们还准备了一些小问题让学生们回答,为了进一步的让学生们牢记中秋节的 相关知识。 中秋节就这样完美告终了,总体来说活动是顺利了,让我们一起期待明年的中秋节吧。 BBS IS A HAPPY PLACE A soft board with the caption “This Place Is A ronment. Thus, rules are necessary for order and Happy Place Because You Are Here” welcomed safety. Wherever we are, whatever we do, rules everyone at the start of AY 2015-16. It was a great are essential for us to behave appropriately. way to start the academic year. It set the wel- As such, BBS-KJP embarked on a Character coming mood bursting with positivity for all mem- Building Campaign focussing on the use of polite bers of the BBS community. words such as: The caption was introduced to the pupils during • Thank you assembly and in a quick activity, they cited ways • You’re welcome or It’s my pleasure on how to make BBS, KJP a happy place. Pupils •Please were given a cut-out of a smiley face and they • Excuse me wrote their pledges on it. • May I......Yes, you may • I am sorry.....It is alright Obeying school rules, following the teachers, studying, having self-control, being polite and kind and keeping the school clean were some Politeness costs us nothing but makes our life of the ways that BBS pupils across all levels cited bright and pleasant. Truly BBS, KJP is a happy and agreed to contribute in making this school place to be at, when it abounds with politeness a happy place. BBS-KJP will be a happy place if and courtesy. and when all of us, as one family promote and work together to make it a safe and secure envi- By: Miss Jasmin SMART CHOICES FOR BETTER LIVING prepared healthy and 13, there was an inte- Winners of the most celebrated Health and nutritious each gration of K2 and P1 earned points in their Nutrition Week by en- day. They prepared students to raise their Health Cards: gaging the students to Indonesian, Japanese, curiosity on health. To P1 – Gwyneth Rahardja become more aware American, Italian, and get their bodies pump- P2 – Gregorious Richard of what they eat and Chinese meals for stu- ing blood, K2 and P1 to choose a balance dents to enjoy! Teach- had a class exercise P3 – Fabrizzio Ravanell meal every day. ers checked and re- together. The students P4 – David William Last November minded the students learnt about the im- P5 – Ivasavega Dijanto 9-13, students were en- that a healthy and bal- portance of warm-ups P6 – Stella Kang couraged to make a anced diet is funda- and cool-downs in ex- positive change and mental to their health ercise routines. take up a new habit and well-being. for health. To create ing recess of P1-P2 and Living a healthier life awareness to this cam- lunch of P3-P6, teach- requires determination paign, students made ers gave points to stu- and commitment. We SLOGAN-COLOURING posters slogans dents for every healthy could start by choosing and POSTER-MAKING which was an integra- food they had in their to eat healthy and nu- WINNERS: tion of Health Educa- meal. tritious food and make P1 – Andrew tion, Health it a habit! P2 – Naomi Once again, BBS-KJP and Language and food and HOUSE WINNER: GREEN Dur- Nutrition Arts. Week is not just about During the Health and the food, but about Nutrition The how to be physically fit parent Support Group as well. On November Week, Sugiri By Miss Pinky Our Preschool Camp and dancing performances, story-telling and poem recitation. Some of Rock and Roll is a tal- the students had individual performances. They played the piano and did ent show that gives our Ballet, Indian and Belly dancing. One student did a Fashion Show on Mod- young stars their mo- elling. One of the highlights of the said activity was our “Teachers-Parents ment in the spotlight. performance”. Some of the K2 Parents were delighted to dance with the For this year, our Pre- teachers for a surprise number. school Camp Rock ‘n On the performance day itself, the audience was composed mostly of Roll was held last 23rd parents who were very proud of their children. The preschoolers looked to 26th of September. confident and enthusiastic in performing on stage in front of their parents, This was our culminat- relatives and friends. It was a great way to show off what our Preschoolers ing activity for Term I, could do. Week 9 Topic: “My Tal- To all Preschool Teachers, congratulations for the successful performances! ent”. This activity was To all our Preschool Parents, our earnest gratitude, great pride and joy for to showcase our lit- your continued support and co-operation! And most of all to our Preschool tle ones’ talents. The children, we are so proud of you! You were amazing and be the best that talent show featured you can be! To everyone- KUDOS! Let your light spark and shine for other. children By Miss Rowena who sang, danced and played instruments. Preschool Camp Rock is a vehicle to build their confidence and bring our Preschool community together. It was a showcase and not a contest—which meant no judges, no winners and losers, and no points awarded. It was all about building up our Preschooler’s confidence and self-pride. Preschool classes rendered group singing THE PRESCHOOL CAMP ROCK ‘N ROLL These cows were so hungry when the children arrived so the children fed them with grass. Two K1 children slept soundly on the way back to school after the field trip. PRESCHOOL PRESCHOOL CHILDREN CHILDREN WENT WENT FEEDING FEEDING FRENZY FRENZY Bina Bangsa Preschool had their first fieldtrip to Kuntum Nursery last November 27, 2015 for this school year 2015-2016. They enjoyed singing songs, chatting with friends and watching the view during the two-hour trip. Kuntum Nursery prepared fun activities such as feeding cows, goats, rabbits, chickens and birds. The most enjoyable activity turned out to be catching fish. The children went into the pond to catch fish using either the given basket or their bare hands. It was a fun and tiring day for them but it was all worth it. By Ms Ida F K2 children were happily and patiently sitting in the bus during the two-hour trip to Kuntum Nursery. NBS was enthusiastic to feed the big and healthy cows with the long grass. Though they were a little nervous, they were happy to see the chows chew the grass really fast. NSS children attempt to catch some fish. A K2 child was happily letting the goat drink milk form a feeding bottle. A Pre-Nursery child fed the guinea pigs with some leaves. It was a sunny day last October 16 when the Primary 1 children went on a field trip to Ocean Dream Samudra Ancol. On the day of the trip, the children boarded the bus excitedly. They were looking forward to seeing the animals and shared their snacks with their friends. When we P1 P1 FIELD FIELD TRIP TRIP TO TO OCEAN OCEAN DREAM DREAM SAMUDRA SAMUDRA ANCOL ANCOL arrived at the venue, the first show we went to see was the Underwater Theatre. Although the story was not readily understood by the children, they all enjoyed watching the mermaids and the dolphins swimming together in the aquarium. The next show we went to was, the Animal Variety Show where different kinds of animals showcased their talents to the delight of the children. They even took a photo with the sea lion after. The children’s favourite was the Dolphin Show. Some of the brave ones went as near as they could and got wet when the dolphins splashed at the audience. The children were thrilled to see the different tricks exhibited by the magnificent and friendly dolphins that they wanted to see the show again. It is safe to say that that was their favourite. Finally, it was time to go home and the children said their good-byes to the dolphins and boarded the bus once again in a happier mood than when they arrived. By Ms Antoniette P2 P2 FIELD FIELD TRIP TRIP TO TO some exercises to warm up before they started KAMPOENG MAEN the programme. just to learn new lessons but for a childhood ritu- dents cooperated with their respective groups Students welcomed Term 2 with excitement, not al which they do at BBS twice a year – the field trip! Last October 16, BBS took Primary 2 students to Kampoeng Maen. Upon arrival at the site, the facilitators gathered all the students and did There were individual challenges and games for teams. One of the most sought after activities at Kampoeng Maen was the Flying Fox. Almost all of the children courageously did the Flying Fox while screaming at the top of their lungs and reached the other end with a wide grin. Stuto do their best as they completed their tasks. Though some groups lost in some games, it was a healthy competition as all of them had fun doing all the activities. One of the activities for girls was making accessories. Girls had fun making necklaces and bracelets for themselves and some were very glad to do something for their mums, too! Boys expressed their artistic talents and skills as they painted their own jars. All students felt tired at P3 FIELD TRIP TO BOGOR the end of the trip but were immensely satisfied. They even chatted with their friends about their activities while on the bus on the way back to school. This may be a very short trip but to them, this trip was one of the happiest moments that they had this semester! By Miss Pinky Last 16 October 2015, the Primary 3 students went on an excursion to Taman Budaya, Sentul City, Bogor. It was a fine day and the children were all geared up to face the challenges prepared at the venue. When they arrived there, the event facilitators gathered the students at the hall for orientation and briefing. At the same time, delicious snacks and drinks were served. The students were grouped into 5s and a facilitator was assigned to supervise and guide the group. Teachers also geared themselves up to assist them. Students enjoyed different activities and challenges, the facilitators prepared for them. They made ‘Wayang’, an Indonesian traditional puppet made from cassava leaves and stalks and made grasshoppers from coconut leaves. They also experienced hands-on ‘Batik’ painting and played a traditional game called ‘Conglak’. Most students tried the flying fox even though, some were very scared. They faced their fear and conquered it. They were victorious at the end. Students arrived back at school ahead of the scheduled time. They shared with their friends the fun they had at Taman Budaya. To God be the glory! By Mr Ronald FIELD TRIP P4 After a week-vacation and series of holidays, also worth-remembering, for memories of it will October will soon come to an end. Just like last always linger in every pupil’s heart! Friday, October 16, 2015 when the Primary 4 pupils went on a field trip to Kebun Wisata Pasirmukti. Time flies so fast, indeed! The buses took off as scheduled with so much fun and enjoyment. From start to finish, everybody was excited and thrilled. Lots of activities were in store for them, namely: fishing, goat and duck feeding, lemon-picking, pot planting, ground hole- breaking, hat painting, rice planting and cow riding. What completed the adventure was when pupils plunged into the muddy ricefields; afterwhich, they rode on cows of their choice! Homeward bound, the trip was really successful! It was not only educational and significant but Ms Ma. Gina Garganera FIELD TRIP TRIP FIELD TO BOGOR BOGOR TO BOTANICAL BOTANICAL GARDEN GARDEN The most awaited moment for the students of Primary 5 finally arrived on 16th of October, when they went to explore the beautiful world of flora in Bogor Botanical Garden. They started their excited and fun-filled trip at 7.30 a.m and within 2 hours reached the venue. Upon arrival, students were welcomed by the guides. They watched a movie in which they were introduced to many new varieties of seeds and plants. They were very curious to see the hanging fruit bats in the garden, while walking through it to explore more of the nature’s gift to mankind. Though students were not involved in many activities other than planting a small plant, they thoroughly enjoyed the museum. The collection of preserved species of insects and animals amazed them. The fun trip ended at around 1.30 p.m when they safely returned to the school premises. By Ms Annu P6 P6 VISIT VISIT TO TO XERAMIX XERAMIX ART ART PAINTING PAINTING FACTORY FACTORY Primary 6 Charity and Faith pupils had the experience of their lives at the Tanggerang Xeramix Art Painting Factory on the first week of Term 2. At the factory, the children learned first-hand, how earth-sourced materials are mixed into ceramic ‘dough’, shaped, painted and glazed by hand and then fired in monstrous kilns to produce eco-friendly ceramic crockery of unique designs and colours. On arrival at the factory, Ibu Lydia, the owner of the plant, delivered a short lecture on the manufacturing process of her products, impressing upon the students her concern for the global environment and the necessity for factories to be as eco-friendly as possible in any manufacturing process in order to address the problem of negative climate change. Ibu Lydia’s factory remains a glowing model of this concern, using 90% raw earth with just an unavoidable dash of chemicals in the ceramic-making process. After learning the manufacturing process, our pupils were given a coin bank each to paint with either their own designs or some batik motifs that were available. Before leaving the quaint old factory-in-the-wilderness, the gracious host gave our children a substantial snack each and the teacher-participants, samples of her products. By Mr Fairul