Congress Pre-Course - 10th European Lupus Meeting
Congress Pre-Course - 10th European Lupus Meeting
General Information The Congress Pre-Course on October 5 is included in the registration fee of the Congress but has a limited number of participants. For those will not attend the congress, the pre-course has a cost of € 120,00. Please check your name at the registration desk. The Congress Pre-Course is supported by an unrestricted educational grant of ACCREDITAMENTO ECM Il Congress Pre-Course è stato accreditato presso la Commissione Nazionale per la Formazione Continua con Obiettivo Formativo di Processo “Documentazione Clinica. Percorsi clinicoassistenziali diagnostici e riabilitativi, profili di assistenza – profili di cura (3)” per la figura professionale del Medico Chirurgo con specializzazione nelle seguenti discipline: allergologia ed immunologia clinica; cardiologia; genetica medica; geriatria; malattie metaboliche e diabetologia; malattie dell’apparato respiratorio; malattie infettive; medicina fisica e riabilitazione; medicina interna; medicina termale; nefrologia; pediatria; reumatologia; ortopedia e traumatologia; anatomia patologica; anestesia e rianimazione; biochimica clinica; farmacologia e tossicologia clinica; medicina legale; patologia clinica (laboratorio di analisi chimico-cliniche e microbiologia); medicina generale (medici di famiglia); continuità assistenziale; pediatria (pediatri di libera scelta); per un numero massimo di n. 450 partecipanti. 10 th Alfa Wassermann fa parte del gruppo Alfasigma EUROPEAN LUPUS MEETING Oltre tale numero e per professioni/discipline differenti da quelle accreditate non sarà possibile rilasciare i crediti formativi. Si precisa che i crediti verranno erogati a fronte di una partecipazione del 100% ai lavori scientifici e del superamento della prova di apprendimento con almeno il 75% delle risposte corrette. La verifica della presenza verrà effettuato tramite firma su apposito registro. Tali firme dovranno essere apposte in entrata e in uscita. L’EVENTO HA OTTENUTO N. 2,5 CREDITI FORMATIVI – ID ECM: 93-165765 – ED. 1 CME PROVIDER AIM Education - Provider n. 93 Via G. Ripamonti, 129 - 20141 Milan, Italy Ph. +39 02 56601.1 - Fax +39 02 70048585 ORGANIZING SECRETARIAT AIM Group International - Milan Office Via G. Ripamonti, 129 - 20141 Milan, Italy Ph. +39 02 566011 - Fax. +39 02 70048578 Congress Pre-Course VENICE 2016 5-8 October Palazzo del Casinò 1 Welcome Congress Pre-Course Scientific Program Congress Pre-Course Scientific Program Dear Colleagues WEDNESDAY 5 OCTOBER, 2016 WEDNESDAY 5 OCTOBER, 2016 The landscape of therapeutics in autoimmune rheumatic diseases has been evolving in recent Perla Room Party Room years, probably owing to emerging concepts that are wisely changing their management. Indeed, rheumatologists advocate the need for preventive strategies, treat-to-target approaches and targeted therapies, as well as the importance of remission and steroid tapering, which have influenced recent clinical research on novel drugs. In turn, the roots of targeted therapy are plunged into the knowledge on disease mechanisms of development, which makes it indispensable for a modern rheumatologist to enjoy basic immunology. Although basic and clinical researches are providing encouraging results for any disease, the most relevant advances currently concern inflammatory arthropathies, being either rheumatoid arthritis or seronegative arthritis, and SLE. 12.45-13.00 WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION A. Doria (Padova, Italy), A. Tincani (Brescia, Italy), P. Sarzi-Puttini (Milano, Italy) Perla Room Use of the guidelines for a proper diagnosis E. Lubrano di Scorpaniello (Campobasso, Italy) 13.00-15.30 Autoimmunity and tolerance: two sides of the same coin S. Sozzani (Brescia, Italy), D. Bosisio (Brescia, Italy) 14.20-15.00 Undifferentiated spondiloarthropathis: still a therapeutic dilemma P. Leccese (Potenza, Italy), I. Olivieri (Potenza, Italy) 15.00-15.30 General Discussion 15.30-16.00 Coffee Break arthritis and seronegative arthritis and going over challenges in classification and diagnosis, General Discussion patient stratification and treatment strategies pointing to the best clinical success. Casinò Room Each of the three sessions will be subdivided into two sub-sessions and followed by a general 13.00-18.30 specialist. So, a warm welcome to the 10th Lupus Meeting pre-course and to this journey together. Prof. Piercarlo Sarzi-Puttini Prof. Andrea Doria Prof. Angela Tincani Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis: an autoimmune or autoinflammatory disease? C.F. Selmi (Milano, Italy) 13.40-14.20 18.00-18.30 discussion, that will hopefully tantalize anyone of you, being either a resident or an experienced 13.00-13.40 THE IMMUNOLOGY OF LUPUS Chairs: A. Doria (Padova, Italy), A. Tincani (Brescia, Italy) Immunopathogenesis and treatment of lupus S. Sozzani (Brescia, Italy), D. Bosisio (Brescia, Italy) these issues, highlighting recent advances in immunology and development of SLE, rheumatoid PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS / SPONDILOARTHROPATHIES: NEW PATHWAYS, NEW TREATMENTS Chairs: L. Punzi (Padova, Italy), C. Salvarani (Reggio Emilia) 13.00-18.30 16.00-18.00 Hence, the 10th European Lupus Meeting pre-course on Wednesday afternoon will deal with all of 13.00-18.30 15.30-16.00 Coffee Break 16.00-16.40 Treatment of the psoriatic diseases: what is relevant? A. Marchesoni (Milano, Italy) 16.40-17.20 Anti-TNF agents in psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis C. Salvarani (Reggio Emilia, Italy) RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS: DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT Chairs: M. Galeazzi (Siena, Italy), C. Montecucco (Pavia, Italy) 17.20-18.00 Comorbidities in psoriatic arthritis and spondiloarthropathies F. Atzeni (Milano, Italy) 13.00-13.40 Biomarkers and subgrouping of patients: is it relevant? G. Ferraccioli (Roma, Italy) 18.00-18.30 General Discussion 13.40-14.20 Role of metotrexato and other non-biologic DMARDs P. Ostuni (Padova, Italy) 14.20-15.00 Treatment of early and established RA L. Sinigaglia (Milano, Italy) 15.00-15.30 General Discussion 15.30-16.00 Coffee Break 16.00-16.40 De-escalation and spacing: what is behind remission and low disease activity R. Caporali (Pavia, Italy) 16.40-17.20 Biosimilars: different or just the same? P. Sarzi-Puttini (Milano, Italy) 17.20-18.00 Transition clinic: from juvenile idiopathic arthritis to adult idiopathic arthritis F. Zulian (Padova, Italy) 18.00-18.30 General Discussion Welcome Congress Pre-Course Scientific Program Congress Pre-Course Scientific Program Dear Colleagues WEDNESDAY 5 OCTOBER, 2016 WEDNESDAY 5 OCTOBER, 2016 The landscape of therapeutics in autoimmune rheumatic diseases has been evolving in recent Perla Room Party Room years, probably owing to emerging concepts that are wisely changing their management. 12.45-13.00 Indeed, rheumatologists advocate the need for preventive strategies, treat-to-target approaches and targeted therapies, as well as the importance of remission and steroid tapering, which have influenced recent clinical research on novel drugs. In turn, the roots of targeted therapy are plunged into the knowledge on disease mechanisms of development, which makes it indispensable for a modern rheumatologist to enjoy basic immunology. Although basic and clinical researches are providing encouraging results for any disease, the most relevant advances currently concern inflammatory arthropathies, being either rheumatoid arthritis or seronegative arthritis, and SLE. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION A. Doria (Padova, Italy), A. Tincani (Brescia, Italy), P. Sarzi-Puttini (Milano, Italy) Perla Room Use of the guidelines for a proper diagnosis E. Lubrano di Scorpaniello (Campobasso, Italy) 13.00-15.30 Autoimmunity and tolerance: two sides of the same coin S. Sozzani (Brescia, Italy), D. Bosisio (Brescia, Italy) 14.20-15.00 Undifferentiated spondiloarthropathis: still a therapeutic dilemma P. Leccese (Potenza, Italy), I. Olivieri (Potenza, Italy) 15.00-15.30 General Discussion 15.30-16.00 Coffee Break arthritis and seronegative arthritis and going over challenges in classification and diagnosis, General Discussion patient stratification and treatment strategies pointing to the best clinical success. Casinò Room Each of the three sessions will be subdivided into two sub-sessions and followed by a general 13.00-18.30 specialist. So, a warm welcome to the 10th Lupus Meeting pre-course and to this journey together. Prof. Piercarlo Sarzi-Puttini Prof. Andrea Doria Prof. Angela Tincani Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis: an autoimmune or autoinflammatory disease? C.F. Selmi (Milano, Italy) 13.40-14.20 18.00-18.30 discussion, that will hopefully tantalize anyone of you, being either a resident or an experienced 13.00-13.40 THE IMMUNOLOGY OF LUPUS Chairs: A. Doria (Padova, Italy), A. Tincani (Brescia, Italy) Immunopathogenesis and treatment of lupus S. Sozzani (Brescia, Italy), D. Bosisio (Brescia, Italy) these issues, highlighting recent advances in immunology and development of SLE, rheumatoid PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS / SPONDILOARTHROPATHIES: NEW PATHWAYS, NEW TREATMENTS Chairs: L. Punzi (Padova, Italy), C. Salvarani (Reggio Emilia) 13.00-18.30 16.00-18.00 Hence, the 10th European Lupus Meeting pre-course on Wednesday afternoon will deal with all of 13.00-18.30 15.30-16.00 Coffee Break 16.00-16.40 Treatment of the psoriatic diseases: what is relevant? A. Marchesoni (Milano, Italy) 16.40-17.20 Anti-TNF agents in psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis C. Salvarani (Reggio Emilia, Italy) RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS: DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT Chairs: M. Galeazzi (Siena, Italy), C. Montecucco (Pavia, Italy) 17.20-18.00 Comorbidities in psoriatic arthritis and spondiloarthropathies F. Atzeni (Milano, Italy) 13.00-13.40 Biomarkers and subgrouping of patients: is it relevant? G. Ferraccioli (Roma, Italy) 18.00-18.30 General Discussion 13.40-14.20 Role of metotrexato and other non-biologic DMARDs P. Ostuni (Padova, Italy) 14.20-15.00 Treatment of early and established RA L. Sinigaglia (Milano, Italy) 15.00-15.30 General Discussion 15.30-16.00 Coffee Break 16.00-16.40 De-escalation and spacing: what is behind remission and low disease activity R. Caporali (Pavia, Italy) 16.40-17.20 Biosimilars: different or just the same? P. Sarzi-Puttini (Milano, Italy) 17.20-18.00 Transition clinic: from juvenile idiopathic arthritis to adult idiopathic arthritis F. Zulian (Padova, Italy) 18.00-18.30 General Discussion Welcome Congress Pre-Course Scientific Program Congress Pre-Course Scientific Program Dear Colleagues WEDNESDAY 5 OCTOBER, 2016 WEDNESDAY 5 OCTOBER, 2016 The landscape of therapeutics in autoimmune rheumatic diseases has been evolving in recent Perla Room Party Room years, probably owing to emerging concepts that are wisely changing their management. 12.45-13.00 Indeed, rheumatologists advocate the need for preventive strategies, treat-to-target approaches and targeted therapies, as well as the importance of remission and steroid tapering, which have influenced recent clinical research on novel drugs. In turn, the roots of targeted therapy are plunged into the knowledge on disease mechanisms of development, which makes it indispensable for a modern rheumatologist to enjoy basic immunology. Although basic and clinical researches are providing encouraging results for any disease, the most relevant advances currently concern inflammatory arthropathies, being either rheumatoid arthritis or seronegative arthritis, and SLE. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION A. Doria (Padova, Italy), A. Tincani (Brescia, Italy), P. Sarzi-Puttini (Milano, Italy) Perla Room Use of the guidelines for a proper diagnosis E. Lubrano di Scorpaniello (Campobasso, Italy) 13.00-15.30 Autoimmunity and tolerance: two sides of the same coin S. Sozzani (Brescia, Italy), D. Bosisio (Brescia, Italy) 14.20-15.00 Undifferentiated spondiloarthropathis: still a therapeutic dilemma P. Leccese (Potenza, Italy), I. Olivieri (Potenza, Italy) 15.00-15.30 General Discussion 15.30-16.00 Coffee Break arthritis and seronegative arthritis and going over challenges in classification and diagnosis, General Discussion patient stratification and treatment strategies pointing to the best clinical success. Casinò Room Each of the three sessions will be subdivided into two sub-sessions and followed by a general 13.00-18.30 specialist. So, a warm welcome to the 10th Lupus Meeting pre-course and to this journey together. Prof. Piercarlo Sarzi-Puttini Prof. Andrea Doria Prof. Angela Tincani Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis: an autoimmune or autoinflammatory disease? C.F. Selmi (Milano, Italy) 13.40-14.20 18.00-18.30 discussion, that will hopefully tantalize anyone of you, being either a resident or an experienced 13.00-13.40 THE IMMUNOLOGY OF LUPUS Chairs: A. Doria (Padova, Italy), A. Tincani (Brescia, Italy) Immunopathogenesis and treatment of lupus S. Sozzani (Brescia, Italy), D. Bosisio (Brescia, Italy) these issues, highlighting recent advances in immunology and development of SLE, rheumatoid PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS / SPONDILOARTHROPATHIES: NEW PATHWAYS, NEW TREATMENTS Chairs: L. Punzi (Padova, Italy), C. Salvarani (Reggio Emilia) 13.00-18.30 16.00-18.00 Hence, the 10th European Lupus Meeting pre-course on Wednesday afternoon will deal with all of 13.00-18.30 15.30-16.00 Coffee Break 16.00-16.40 Treatment of the psoriatic diseases: what is relevant? A. Marchesoni (Milano, Italy) 16.40-17.20 Anti-TNF agents in psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis C. Salvarani (Reggio Emilia, Italy) RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS: DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT Chairs: M. Galeazzi (Siena, Italy), C. Montecucco (Pavia, Italy) 17.20-18.00 Comorbidities in psoriatic arthritis and spondiloarthropathies F. Atzeni (Milano, Italy) 13.00-13.40 Biomarkers and subgrouping of patients: is it relevant? G. Ferraccioli (Roma, Italy) 18.00-18.30 General Discussion 13.40-14.20 Role of metotrexato and other non-biologic DMARDs P. Ostuni (Padova, Italy) 14.20-15.00 Treatment of early and established RA L. Sinigaglia (Milano, Italy) 15.00-15.30 General Discussion 15.30-16.00 Coffee Break 16.00-16.40 De-escalation and spacing: what is behind remission and low disease activity R. Caporali (Pavia, Italy) 16.40-17.20 Biosimilars: different or just the same? P. Sarzi-Puttini (Milano, Italy) 17.20-18.00 Transition clinic: from juvenile idiopathic arthritis to adult idiopathic arthritis F. Zulian (Padova, Italy) 18.00-18.30 General Discussion General Information The Congress Pre-Course on October 5 is included in the registration fee of the Congress but has a limited number of participants. For those will not attend the congress, the pre-course has a cost of € 120,00. Please check your name at the registration desk. The Congress Pre-Course is supported by an unrestricted educational grant of ACCREDITAMENTO ECM Il Congress Pre-Course è stato accreditato presso la Commissione Nazionale per la Formazione Continua con Obiettivo Formativo di Processo “Documentazione Clinica. Percorsi clinicoassistenziali diagnostici e riabilitativi, profili di assistenza – profili di cura (3)” per la figura professionale del Medico Chirurgo con specializzazione nelle seguenti discipline: allergologia ed immunologia clinica; cardiologia; genetica medica; geriatria; malattie metaboliche e diabetologia; malattie dell’apparato respiratorio; malattie infettive; medicina fisica e riabilitazione; medicina interna; medicina termale; nefrologia; pediatria; reumatologia; ortopedia e traumatologia; anatomia patologica; anestesia e rianimazione; biochimica clinica; farmacologia e tossicologia clinica; medicina legale; patologia clinica (laboratorio di analisi chimico-cliniche e microbiologia); medicina generale (medici di famiglia); continuità assistenziale; pediatria (pediatri di libera scelta); per un numero massimo di n. 450 partecipanti. 10 th Alfa Wassermann fa parte del gruppo Alfasigma EUROPEAN LUPUS MEETING Oltre tale numero e per professioni/discipline differenti da quelle accreditate non sarà possibile rilasciare i crediti formativi. Si precisa che i crediti verranno erogati a fronte di una partecipazione del 100% ai lavori scientifici e del superamento della prova di apprendimento con almeno il 75% delle risposte corrette. La verifica della presenza verrà effettuato tramite firma su apposito registro. Tali firme dovranno essere apposte in entrata e in uscita. L’EVENTO HA OTTENUTO N. 2,5 CREDITI FORMATIVI – ID ECM: 93-165765 – ED. 1 CME PROVIDER AIM Education - Provider n. 93 Via G. Ripamonti, 129 - 20141 Milan, Italy Ph. +39 02 56601.1 - Fax +39 02 70048585 ORGANIZING SECRETARIAT AIM Group International - Milan Office Via G. Ripamonti, 129 - 20141 Milan, Italy Ph. +39 02 566011 - Fax. +39 02 70048578 Congress Pre-Course VENICE 2016 5-8 October Palazzo del Casinò 1 General Information The Congress Pre-Course on October 5 is included in the registration fee of the Congress but has a limited number of participants. For those will not attend the congress, the pre-course has a cost of € 120,00. Please check your name at the registration desk. The Congress Pre-Course is supported by an unrestricted educational grant of ACCREDITAMENTO ECM Il Congress Pre-Course è stato accreditato presso la Commissione Nazionale per la Formazione Continua con Obiettivo Formativo di Processo “Documentazione Clinica. Percorsi clinicoassistenziali diagnostici e riabilitativi, profili di assistenza – profili di cura (3)” per la figura professionale del Medico Chirurgo con specializzazione nelle seguenti discipline: allergologia ed immunologia clinica; cardiologia; genetica medica; geriatria; malattie metaboliche e diabetologia; malattie dell’apparato respiratorio; malattie infettive; medicina fisica e riabilitazione; medicina interna; medicina termale; nefrologia; pediatria; reumatologia; ortopedia e traumatologia; anatomia patologica; anestesia e rianimazione; biochimica clinica; farmacologia e tossicologia clinica; medicina legale; patologia clinica (laboratorio di analisi chimico-cliniche e microbiologia); medicina generale (medici di famiglia); continuità assistenziale; pediatria (pediatri di libera scelta); per un numero massimo di n. 450 partecipanti. 10 th Alfa Wassermann fa parte del gruppo Alfasigma EUROPEAN LUPUS MEETING Oltre tale numero e per professioni/discipline differenti da quelle accreditate non sarà possibile rilasciare i crediti formativi. Si precisa che i crediti verranno erogati a fronte di una partecipazione del 100% ai lavori scientifici e del superamento della prova di apprendimento con almeno il 75% delle risposte corrette. La verifica della presenza verrà effettuato tramite firma su apposito registro. Tali firme dovranno essere apposte in entrata e in uscita. L’EVENTO HA OTTENUTO N. 2,5 CREDITI FORMATIVI – ID ECM: 93-165765 – ED. 1 CME PROVIDER AIM Education - Provider n. 93 Via G. Ripamonti, 129 - 20141 Milan, Italy Ph. +39 02 56601.1 - Fax +39 02 70048585 ORGANIZING SECRETARIAT AIM Group International - Milan Office Via G. Ripamonti, 129 - 20141 Milan, Italy Ph. +39 02 566011 - Fax. +39 02 70048578 Congress Pre-Course VENICE 2016 5-8 October Palazzo del Casinò 1