codrina irena mihaela ancuta - cv - Universitatea de Medicina si


codrina irena mihaela ancuta - cv - Universitatea de Medicina si
Curriculum vitae | Codrina Irena Mihaela ANCUTA
Nume si prenume: ANCUTA Codrina Irena Mihaela
Nume anterior casatoriei: CHIRIEAC
Locul si data nasterii:
Date contact:
Stare civila:
Pozitie profesionala si academica actuala
medic primar specialitatea Reumatologie;
medic primar specialitatea Recuperare Medicala, Medicina Fizica si Balneologie;
doctor in medicina;
sef lucrari univ Disciplina Reumatologie-Balneofizioterapie, Departamentul Medicale II,
Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie “Gr.T.Popa” Iasi;
coordonator Centru EUSTAR 162
Loc de munca actual
de Medicina si Farmacie “Gr.T.Popa” Iasi, Facultatea de Medicina, Disciplina
Reumatologie – Balneofizioterapie (din 1995);
Clinic de Recuperare Iasi, Clinica Reumatologie II, sef clinica (din 2013);
1984-1988: Liceul “Emil Racovita”, profil matematica-fizica; absolventa a promotiei iunie 1998,
diploma de bacalaureat seria E Nr.39358 (media generala examen bacaureat 9.62);
1988-1994: Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie “Gr.T.Popa” Iasi, Facultatea de Medicina;
absolventa a promotiei 1994, diploma de medic - doctor: diploma M nr. 041128; media generala
de promovare a anilor de studiu 9.98; media generala de licenta 9.99 (sesiunea sept 1994);
Titluri stiintifice
Doctor in Medicina (seria E nr. 0002743) (ordin MEC nr 3824/03.05.2006);
titlul tezei: Miopatia inflamatorie in poliartrita reumatoida/ Inflammatory myopathy in
rheumatoid arthritis
conducator de doctorat: prof univ dr George Ioan Pandele;
1998-2005: doctorand, data sustinerii tezei de doctorat: 15 iulie 2005
Experienta in specialitate si locuri de munca relevante
01.02.1995-02.10.1995: medic rezident specialitatea Pneumoftiziologie prin concurs
(OMS 2213/1994), Spitalul Clinic de Pneumoftiziologie Iasi
1996-1999: medic rezident in specialitatea Reumatologie (OMS nr. 715/27.03.1996), Clinica de
Reumatologie, Spitalul Clinic de Recuperare Iasi
1999 -2003: medic specialist Reumatologie (OMS nr. 900/ 20.10.1999; medie 9.17), Clinica de
Reumatologie, Spitalul Clinic de Recuperare Iasi
din 2003: medic primar specialitatea Reumatologie (OMS nr. 846/ 12.09.2003; medie 9.66),
Clinica de Reumatologie, Spitalul Clinic de Recuperare Iasi
Recuperare Medicala, Medicina Fizica si Balneologie
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Curriculum vitae | Codrina Irena Mihaela ANCUTA
1999-2002: medic rezident in specialitatea Recuperare, Medicina Fizica si Balneologie, Clinica de
Reumatologie, Spitalul Clinic de Recuperare Iasi
2002-2008: medic specialist Recuperare, Medicina Fizica si Balneologie (OMS
256/11.04.2002; media 9.33), Clinica de Reumatologie, Spitalul Clinic de Recuperare Iasi
din 2008: medic primar specialitatea Recuperare, Medicina Fizica si Balneologie (OMS
1971/03.12.2008; media 10.00), Clinica de Reumatologie, Spitalul Clinic de Recuperare Iasi
Experienta didactica si locuri de munca relevante
2.10.1995-01.03.1999: preparator universitar prin concurs, Disciplina ReumatologieBalneofizioterapie, Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie “Gr.T.Popa” Iasi
05.03.1999-01.03.2004: asistent universitar prin concurs (decizia 2825/05.03.1999),
Disciplina Reumatologie-Balneofizioterapie, Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie “Gr.T.Popa”
din 01.03.2004 - in prezent: Sef lucrari univ prin concurs, Disciplina ReumatologieBalneofizioterapie, Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie “Gr.T.Popa” Iasi
Cursuri de formare medicala (nationale, internationale) si specializari
Curs Management Spitalicesc, Scoala Nationala de Sanatate Publica si Management Sanitar,
14.02-28.03.2008, Bucuresti, Romania (seria A, nr. 00331);
Supraspecializare in Boli osoase endocrino-metabolice (certificate de absolvire curs seria D,
Nr 0011216) martie-nov 2003, Iasi, Romania; Certificat de supraspecializare in Patologie osoasa
endocrino-metabolica seria C Nr. 013718
Curs Laser-terapie, 01.03-31.05.2001, Iasi, Romania, certificate de absolvire curs seria A, nr
Curs intensiv Metode moderne de tratament al copilului spastic, 21-23.09.2000, Bucureti,
Curs postuniversitar Algeziologie (durerea si tratamentul ei), 23.04-21.05.1999, UMF
“Gr,T.Popa” Iasi (certificat de absolvire seria B, nr 0003658)
Curs imagistica: Imagistica in bolile reumatice, 01 oct 2014, Bucuresti, Romania
3rd Annual Meeting of the Lupus Academy, 7-9 March 2014 Berlin, Germany
Pain Refresher Course, 2nd May 2013, Singapore
2nd SE Europe Course Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, 25.09.2013, Bucuresti, Romania
APLAR Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Course in Rheumatology, The 15th Congress pf the Asia
Pacific League of Associatios for Rheumatology, 10-14 Sept 2012, Dead Sea, Amman, Jordan
Al doilea Curs International de Ecografie Musculoscheletala sub patronaj stiintific EULAR, 8-10
martie 2012 Bucuresti, Romania
Workshop: Methodentransfer und neue knozepte rheumatologie, 2-4 Jun 2011, Chisinau, Moldova.
ISCD Clinician Bone Densitometry Course, 25-26 feb 2011, Bucharest, Romania.
ISCD and IOF FRAX Initiative: Interpretation and Use of FRAX in Clinical Practice, 11-13 nov 2010,
Bucharest, Romania.
Curs Internaţional de Osteoporoză cu Certificare în Osteodensitometrie, IOF-OsArt, 27-28 mai
2009, Sinaia, Romania.
6th RCRD International Workshop: Up-to-date in Rheumatology, 27-29 apr 2009, Bucharest,
The 1st Quantitative Ultrasound Densitometry Course, 3-4 july 2008, Bucharest & Iasi
Curs EUSTAR: Scleroderma Skin Scoring Course, 11 jul 2008, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Academy of Rheumatology, 18-20 dec 2008, Cairo, Egipt
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Curriculum vitae | Codrina Irena Mihaela ANCUTA
Program educational de armonizare a managementului PR precoce in concordanta cu
recomandarile EULAR- Eupera, Sanofi Aventis (Universitatea Paris VII Franta; platforma
Workshop New evidence-based pain control: oxycodone in severe somatic, neuropatic and visceral
pain, 23-27 March 2007, Paris, France
4th RCRD (Research Centre on the pathology and treatment of Rheumatic Disorder) International
Workshop: Outcomes in Rheumatology, 6-8 dec 2007, Bucharest, Romania (European Commission
Musculoskeletal ultrasound course, 19-21 Jan 2007, Bucharest, Romania
Curs International de Osteoporoza cu Certificare in Osteodensitometrie, 11-14 apr 2007, ClujNapoca, Romania
14th EULAR Intermediate Sonography Course, 10-13 June 2007, Sitges, Barcelona, Spania (sub
patronaj stiintific EULAR) (bursa studiu EULAR);
1st RCRD International Workshop: Advanced Techniques in Bone Research, 28-30 sep 2006
Bucuresti, Romania
ISCD Bone densitometry Course, 29-30 sept 2006, Bucuresti, Romania
International Musculo-skeletal Sonography Course (EULAR, OSART), 13-16 apr 2005, Cluj-Napoca,
Advancing arthritis therapy: addressing patient needs, 4 Feb 2006, Seville Spain
9th EULAR Sonography Course (from introductory to advanced practical course on musculoskeletal
sonograhy), 9-12 Dec 2004, Paris, France (sub patronaj EULAR) (bursa de studiu EULAR);
1st European Course–Capillaroscopy and Rheumatic Diseases, 10-12 Sep 2004, Genova, Italy (bursa
John Humphrey International Course of Immunology on self-tolerance and self-recognition, 15-19
May 2000, Sinaia, Romania; (sub patronaj European Federation of Immunological Societies, RSI,
Romanian Society for Immunology – Iasi Branch)
6th EULAR Postgraduate Course in Rheumatology, 18-27 June 2000, Nice, Franta (sub patronaj
EULAR) (bursa de studiu EULAR);
30 aug-03 sep 1992, John Humphrey Course on Tumor Immunology, Iasi, Romania
Cursuri Good Clinical Practice (GCP)
CME Program SCEPTER, Introduction to the Clinical Drug Development Process: ICH Good
Clinical Practice for Clinical Trial Sites, web-training, 04 Jan 2012
Quintiles Global Learning & Development, Introduction to the Clinical Drug Development
Process: ICH Good Clinical Practice for Clinical Trial Sites, web-training, 03 Jan 2012
Pfizer GCP for Investigational Site Staff, Pfizer Partner Learning Solution, web-training, 11 feb
FLEX-LA294 Investigator Meeting, 28029 apr 2011, Barcelona, Spain
Membru al asociaţiilor si organizatiilor profesionale (nationale, europene)
Internationale: EUSTAR (EULAR Scleroderma Trials and Research); IASP (International
Association for the Study of Pain) si SIG musculoskeletal pain (subgroup durere musculoscheletala); ECTS (European Calcified Tissue Society); EMEUNET; Autoimmunity network
Nationale: Societatea Romana de Reumatologie; Asociatia de Recuperare Nord Est
(membru fondator; 2009); RHEUMA-NORD EST – asociatie profesionala reumatologie
(presedinte si membru fondator; 2014); Colegiul Medicilor din Romania (CMI
Limbi de circulatie internationala cunoscute
Engleza – nivel B2 (atestat EuroEd, certificat absolvire nr 019/05 dec 2010; certificat de
absolvire Funny English center Curs avizat de Ministerul Invatamintului nr 25410/18.03.1997 si
Autorizat Consiliul National de Formare a Adultilor decizia 22/240 din 11.04.2008);
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Curriculum vitae | Codrina Irena Mihaela ANCUTA
Franceza (nivel B2; atestat DALF- Diplome Approfondi de la Langie Francais 12/04/1995 – no
Membru în colectivele de redacție ale revistelor de specialitate, in consiliul peer-review
Membru in Colegiul de Redactie al Revistei Romane de Reumatologie
Invited peer-reviewer pentru reviste cotate ISI (Clinical Rheumatology, European Journal of
Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine);
Membru consiliul peer-review al Revistei Romane de Reumatologie (Editura Medicala Amaltea,
Bucuresti; ISSN: 1843-0791; eISSN: 2069-6086, Cod CNCSIS: 378, B+)
Invited peer-reviewer pentru reviste BDI (Journal of Dentistry, Medicine and Medical Sciences);
Premii si distinctii
Premiu de Excelenta in Reumatologie, Societatea Romana de Reumatologie pentru lucrarea
Model matematic de predicție a obținerii remisiunii SDAI în poliartrita reumatoidă, Trifan
AE, Pomîrleanu C, Miu S, ANCUTA C, comunicare orala la CNR 2014 Bucuresti, Romania;
Diploma de merit, lucrarea Terapia cu Infliximab si sarcina – o provocare a etapei moderne, Cardei M,
ANCUTA C, Ancuta E, Stoica S, Zugravu G, Chirieac R, Sesiunea comunicari orale Simpozionul Conect
2008 – Remicade la puterea a 6-a, 30 mai 2008, Bucuresti, Romania;
Mentiune lucrarea Infliximab, eficacitate si tolerabilitate in artropatia psoriazica, ANCUTA C
et al, sesiunea postere, Simpozionul Conect 2008 – Remicade la puterea a 6-a, 30 mai 2008,
Bucuresti, Romania;
Premiul de excelenta in medicina TNL, Gala Tinerilor valori editia IV, 24 feb 2009, Iasi, Romania
Recunoastere in Marquis Who's Who; Ancuta Codrina Mihaela Irena is recognized in Marquis
Who's Who. : physician, educator, Location: Iasi; Country: Romania;
Activitate didactica, cercetare stiintifica si clinica/ de asistenta medicala (vezi Lista
completa de lucrari anexata)
Activitatea profesionala desfasurata in cadrul UMF “Gr.T.Popa” Iasi si in Clinica Reumatologie, Spitalul
Clinic de Recuperare Iasi (integrare cu ½ norma) s-a conturat pe trei directii principale, respectiv
didactica, de cercetare stiintifica si activitatea clinica. O sinteza a acestor coordonate releva urmatoarele:
articole publicate in extenso in reviste cotate ISI: (30) (11 articole in calitate de autor
principal; 19 articole coautor) (vezi lista completa lucrari anexata);
articole publicate in rezumat in reviste cotate ISI: (86) (42 autor principal, 44 coautor) (vezi
lista completa lucrari anexata);
articole in extenso in reviste indexate in BDI: (85) (39 autor principal, 46 coautor) (vezi lista
completa lucrari anexata);
articole in rezumat in reviste indexate in BDI sau volume manifestari stiintifice cu si fara
ISBN: (76) (39 autor principal, 37 coautor) (vezi lista completa lucrari anexata);
carti, manuale, monografii: carte internationala (4 capitole); carte nationala (1 editor, 4
autor unic, 1 membru in colectiv de autori, 13 autor capitol); (vezi lista completa lucrari anexata)
participare la manifestari stiintifice internationale si nationale: (201 prezentari) (75
comunicari orale, 126 postere): international (4 autor principal si 20 coautor), national (25 autor
principal si 26 coautor) (comunicari orale); international (44 autor principal si 37coautor)
national ( 23 prim autor, 22 coautor) (postere); (vezi lista completa lucrari anexata)
lector la manifestari stiintifice: 110 manifestari nationale (vezi lista completa lucrari anexata)
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Curriculum vitae | Codrina Irena Mihaela ANCUTA
granturi/contracte de cercetare/ studii multicentrice: granturi internationale (14) (2
director de grant; 2 director partener national in consortiu international; 10 membru in colective
internationale); granturi nationale (4) (membru in echipa grant); studii multicentrice
postmarketing (14) (4 investigator principal in studii internationale; 10 investigator principal
in studii nationale); studii multicentrice randomizate (53) (9 investigator principal; 44 –
subinvestigator/coordonator de studiu)
citari in articole: (272) (254 ISI, 18 BDI)
Articolele/studiile in extenso in reviste din fluxul stiintific international principal si BDI, publicatiile in
rezumat, participarile cu comunicari orale sau postere la manifestari stiintifica internationale si nationale,
activitatea editoriala se regasesc punctate in lista completa de lucrari.
Granturi/contracte de cercetare/ studii multicentrice
Director grant international (2)
IASP Grant: Musculoskeletal pain academy, 2011, IASP Developing Countries Project: Initiative for
improving pain education; jul2011-jul2012; (acord UMF “Gr.T.Popa” Iasi nr.12119/28.06.2011);
finantare IASP 7000 USD;;
Proiectul este focusat pe aspectele multivalente ale durerii musculo-scheletale, cu interpretare
interdisciplinara, atat din perspectiva specialistului in reumatologie, cat si a particulatilor de definire a
durerii in contextul sarcinii ce survine la o pacienta cu patologie reumatismala (prezentand punctul de
vedere a obstetricianului), a patologiei musculo-scheletale ce se dezvolta la practicianul stomatolog.
EUSTAR Clinical Project CP34: Early Accelerated Atherosclerosis in Systemic Sclerosis (SSAS), grant
EUSTAR 2011-2015; UCN-EUSTAR162 (nr.12428/30.06.2011) membri echipa cercetare: Carmen
Marina Mihai, UMF Bucuresti (UCN-EUSTAR 100); Valeria Ricerri, Jose Luis Rosales-Alexander (UCNEUSTAR 094), Patricia Carreira P (UCN-EUSTAR 023), Maria Joao Salvador (UCN-EUSTAR 068), Juan
José Alegre Sancho (UCN EUSTAR 123);
Colaborarea multicentrica raportat la clarificarea profilului ATS accelerate in sclerodermia sistemica, cu
explorare complexa (biomarkeri surogat biologici si imagistici), in dinamica doar pentru subgrupul de
pacienti cu incadrare nationala, cu insertie de asemenea interdisciplinara; date preliminare prezentate in
analiza subgroup UCN EUSTAR 162 la congrese internationale; lucrare prezentata la Congresul National
de Reumatologie oct 2014, Bucuresti, Romania
ANCUTA C, Pomirleanu C, Belibou C, Grosu C, Mihai CM, Magda SL, Carreira P, RosalesAlexander JL, Ricerri V, Salvador MJ, Chirieac R, Surrogate biomarkers for subclinical
atherosclerosis in systemic sclerosis: an interim analysis of the SSAS cohort, Revista
Romana de Reumatologie 2014, XXIII (supliment): 78;
Director partener national in consortiu international (2)
EULAR Orphan Disease Program Observational study of treatment outcome in early diffuse
cutaneous systemic sclerosis; Chief Investigator Professor Ariane Herrick (University of Manchester);
Funder EULAR Orphan Disease Program (Funding Reference Number R111788); Acord colaborare
nr. 13517/14.07.2011 Universitatea Manchester-U.M.F. “Gr.T.Popa” Iasi (jul2011-ian2014); director
proiect UMF Iasi: dr. ANCUTA Codrina; finantare EULAR ODP 312 EURO/patient; 17 pacienti
inrolati (5300 Euro);; (activitatea site UMF
Gr.TPopa Iasi – al treilea ca si activitate de recrutare a pacientilor SSc in cadrul proiectului de
International EU-funded Research Project (FP7): DEsschipher, to decipher the optimal
management of systemic sclerosis, ; ;
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Curriculum vitae | Codrina Irena Mihaela ANCUTA
OT 1: Prevention and treatment of digital ulcers, Marco MATUCCI-CERINIC (UNIFI), Francesco
OT2: Improvement of hand dysfunction by arthritis, principal investigator László CZIRJÁK,
OT3: Prevention and treatment of interstitial lung disease (lung fibrosis), principal investigator
Gabriela RIEMEKASTEN (CHARITÉ), Christopher DENTON (UCL), NCT01858259;
OT4: Development and prevention of pulmonary hypertension, principal investigators: Yannick
ALLANORE, Jérôme AVOUAC (UPD), NCT01840748;
OT5: Development and prevention of severe heart disease, PI: Gabriele VALENTINI (UNINA2),
Proiect de cercetare castigat si finantat prin program European FP7, ambitios prin dezvoltarea
multicentrica, pe 5 directii de studiu, vazand afectarea viscerala cu relevanta vitala si impact
functional si asupra calitatii vietii, aflat in stadiul de recrutare a pacientilor pe teme de interes.
Membru in colectiv international (10)
1. IASP Grant IASP Developing Countries Project: Initiative For Improving Pain Education - Grant IASP
(International Association for the Study of Pain); Manager de proiect dr. Jaba Irina 05.2009-05.2010;
8499/20.05.2009; finantare IASP 9700 USD
Publicare ghid practic de terapie a durerii cronice – participare cu doua capitol - primul cu
insertie cai patofiziologice, metode de cuantificare si terapie farmacologica a durerii cronice
msculocheletale, cel de-al doilea cu raportare la terapia fizicala si de reabilitare
ANCUTA C. Durerea cronica musculo-scheletala. In: Mungiu OC, Jaba IM (ed) Managementul durerii –
ghid practic (grant IASP: Initiative for Improving Pain Education), Editura “Gr.T.Popa”, UMF Iasi 2010,
ISBN: 978-973-7682-98-7 (pg 113-142);
ANCUTA C, Managementul non-farmacologic al durerii cronice musculo-scheletale. In: Mungiu
OC, Jaba IM (ed) Managementul durerii – ghid practic (grant IASP: Initiative for Improving Pain
Education), Editura “Gr.T.Popa”, UMF Iasi 2010, ISBN: 978-973-7682-98-7 (pg 206-210);
2. PROTOCOL QUEST-RA 2009-2011: Quantitative Patient Questionnaire Monitoring in Standard
Clinical Care of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis (QUEST-RA), Manager de proiect Tuulikki SOKKA
(Finland), 2009-2011 (grant cu finantare internationala si locala Abbvie)
3. PROTOCOL QUEST-RA 2013-2014: Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis to Target: Are Recommendations
met? A Multinational Study of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis who Receive Usual Care in 33
Countries; Manager de proiect Tuulikki SOKKA (Finland), 2013-2014 (aviz nr 6680/01.04.2013)
(grant cu finantare internationala si locala Abbvie)
Protocol de studiu complex, cu incadrare multinationala (33 tari) si multicentrica, cu o cuantificare atat
de moment (pacienti consecutivi) a normelor de practica cotidiana in poliartrita reumatoida cu
specificitate nationala, dar si cu evaluare in dinamica (vizite predefinite in cadrul studiului), cu raportare
la recomandarile T2T formulate de EULAR.
Pt protocoalele 2 si 3, rezultatele au fost diseminate in cadrul manifestari EULAR si ACR, dar si prin
numeroase publicatii in fluxul international ISI. Intre acestea, participarea directa in:
Grøn et al, The association of fatigue, comorbidity burden, disease activity, disability and gross
domestic product in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Results from 34 countries participating in
the Quest-RA program. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology [2014] (PMID:25327997); Clin Exp
Rheumatol. 2014 Nov-Dec;32(6):869-77. Epub 2014 Oct 20 IF=2.973;;;
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Curriculum vitae | Codrina Irena Mihaela ANCUTA
Khan NA, ANCUTA C, Patient's global assessment of disease activity and patient's assessment of
general health for rheumatoid arthritis activity assessment: are they equivalent? Ann Rheum Dis.
2012 Dec;71(12):1942-9. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2011-201142. Epub 2012 Apr 24. IF=9.11;
Khan NA, ANCUTA C, Determinants of discordance in patients' and physicians' rating of rheumatoid
arthritis disease activity. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2012 Feb;64(2):206-14. doi: 10.1002/acr.20685.
Sokka T, QUEST-RA. Work disability remains a major problem in rheumatoid arthritis in the 2000s:
data from 32 countries in the QUEST-RA study. Arthritis Res Ther. 2010;12(2):R42. doi: 10.1186/ar2951.
Epub 2010 Mar 12.; IF=4.357;
Participare in 6 protocoale in colaborare multinationala multicentrica EUSTAR in cadrul UCN EUSTAR
162, si anume:
4. EUSTAR Project CP18: Digital Ulcers secondary to Systemic sclerosis AC-052-513 - grant EUSTAR
Research group and Actelion EUSTAR (Project leader: Prof. Ulrich Walker; Actelion Project leader:
Monika Brand; Project manager: Dr Rebecca Hollaender) (Nov 2009 – Oct 2010);
5. EUSTAR Clinical Project: Very Early Diagnosis of Systemic Sclerosis VEDOSS, 2010-2015 (2020), ,
PROJECT manager: prof dr. Marco Matucci Cerinic ; aviz nr. ;
Minier et al (EUSTAR co-workers), Preliminary analysis of the Very Early Diagnosis of Systemic
Sclerosis (VEDOSS) EUSTAR multicentre study: evidence for puffy fingers as a pivotal sign for
suspicion of systemic sclerosis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2014 Dec;73(12):2087-93. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis2013-203716. Epub 2013 Aug 12.; IF=9.270;
Meier et al EUSTAR Co-authors. Update on the profile of the EUSTAR cohort: an analysis of the EULAR
Scleroderma Trials and Research group database. Ann Rheum Dis. 2012 Aug;71(8):1355-60. doi:
10.1136/annrheumdis-2011-200742. Epub 2012 May 21.; IF=9.111;
Elhai M et al (EUSTAR co-authors), A gender gap in primary and secondary heart dysfunctions in
systemic sclerosis: a EUSTAR prospective study. Ann Rheum Dis. 2014 Oct 23. pii: annrheumdis-2014206386. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2014-206386. [Epub ahead of print]; . IF=9.27;
Maurer B et al, EUSTAR co-authors. Prediction of worsening of skin fibrosis in patients with diffuse
cutaneous systemic sclerosis using the EUSTAR database. Ann Rheum Dis. 2014 Jun 30. pii:
annrheumdis-2014-205226. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2014-205226. [Epub ahead of print]; IF=9.27;;
7. EUSTAR Clinical Project IMPRESS 2: International Multi-centric Prospective study on pregnancy in
systemic sclerosis, Directori proiect: Monika Ostensen University of Trondheim Norway, Angela
Tincani University of Brescia Italy, Antonio Brucato, Ospedale Reuniti Bergamo Italy. oct 2013; aviz
8. EUSTAR Clinical Project CP11: Prevalence and clinical associations of capillaroscopic scleroderma
patterns in the EULAR Scleroderma Trial And Research group (EUSTAR) database of patients with
systemic sclerosis. Project Francesca Ingegnoli, (EUSTAR UCN 110), 2011;
Ingegnoli F et al (EUSTAR co-authors), Nailfold capillaroscopy in systemic sclerosis: data from the
EULAR scleroderma trials and research (EUSTAR) database. Microvasc Res. 2013 Sep;89:122-8. doi:
10.1016/j.mvr.2013.06.003. Epub 2013 Jun 17.; IF=2.432
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Curriculum vitae | Codrina Irena Mihaela ANCUTA
9. EUSTAR Clinical Project CP14: Biologics in systemic sclerosis patients treated with Rituximab. If you
have SSc patients treated with Rituximab; PI O Distler, UCN 006, Zurich;
Jordan S, Distler JH, Maurer B, Huscher D, van Laar JM, Allanore Y, Distler O; on behalf of the EUSTAR
Rituximab study group. Effects and safety of rituximab in systemic sclerosis: an analysis from the
European Scleroderma Trial and Research (EUSTAR) group. Ann Rheum Dis. 2014 Jan 17. doi:
10.1136/annrheumdis-2013-204522. [Epub ahead of print]; . IF=9.270;
10. PROTOCOL IRIS: International Recommendation Implementation Study – a multinational
observational study to investigate the impact of recent treatment recommendations for the treatment of
patients with rheumatoid arthritis using web-based patient monitoring (METEOR); primary
investigator Robert B.M. Landewé (22.05.2013)
Protocol international de monitorizare a pacientului cu PR in cadrul recomandarilor T2T si insertie in
registru electronic, cu potential de dezvoltare a multiple publicatii in conditiile analizei
multidimensionale a bolii raportat la activitate, calitatea vietii, practice terapeutice.
Membru colectiv national (4)
1. GRANT CNCSIS: Platforma de cercetari fizio-farmacologice si clinice asupra mecanismelor
durerii oncologice si non-oncologice; cod CNCSIS 68; Contract 11/15.09.2006; 2006-2008; director
proiect OC MUNGIU (membru in echipa de cercetare) (finantare CNCSIS) in cadrul Centrului pentru
Studiul si Terapia Durerii de la Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie "Grigore T. Popa” Iasi;
proiect de cercetare cu finantare CNCSIS, ce a pus bazele cercetarii aprofundate in domeniul durerii
musculoscheletale, cu predilectie durerea inflamatorie, colaborarii interdisciplinare; puncte de reper:
infiintarea Centrului de Algeziologie Clinica, achizitie VICON, aparat de analiza computerizata a
biomecanicii mersului; grup de studiu dezvoltat ulterior cu activitate si in prezent pe durerea
inflamatorie din boala reumatismala cu determinsm imun si insertia terapiei biologice in acest
context (sub coordonarea subsemnatei); diseminare rezultate manifestari stiintifice si publicatii ISI;
2. PROIECT POSCCE-A2-O2.2.1-2007-1+Capacitati-I-2007-2, IMPACT IV sesiunea Sept 2007:
Centru de cercetare a lupusului eritematos sistemic si bolilor autoimune inrudite (CCLESAI),
2007-2008, proiect finantat (ID 1071); director proiect prof Chirieac R; (director stiintific in
echipa proiectului)
3. POSCCE A2-O2.2.1-2009-4 Operatiunea 2.2.1 Centru de cercetare a lupusului eritematos
sistemic si bolilor autoimune inrudite, Director stiintific,
(proiect depus la
competitia mentionata urmarind dezvoltarea infrastructurii de cercetare pe domeniul lupusului
eritematis sistemic; desi punctajul obtinut a situat proiectul intre cele admise, cu un scor egal pentru
4 dintre acestea, nu a beneficiat de finantare)
PROIECT POSDRU 81/3.2/S/55648, Formare profesionala pentru implementarea noilor
tehnologii in sistemul de sanatate PERFORMED, director proiect – prof dr HD Bolosiu, UMF I
Hatieganu Cluj-Napoca, 2010-2013, competitie, fonduri 5.000.000 EURO (realizarea si prezentarea
cursuri, Sesiunea de formare NE,;
Studii multicentrice, PMOS si de faza II-III (randomizate, controlate)
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Curriculum vitae | Codrina Irena Mihaela ANCUTA
Investigator principal PMOS: nationale (4), internationale (10), si trialuri randomizate
PROTOCOL ML25228 REPEAT: Studiu observational post-marketing cu Mabthera prescris pacientilor TNFIR, pentru evaluarea eficacitatii si sigurantei curelor repetate in practica medicala clinica de rutina
(Repeated Courses in routine Clinical Practice) (2012-2013) sponsor Roche
PROTOCOL ML25332 STONE: Studiu observational post-marketing cu Ro-actemra (tocilizumab) prescris
pacientilor DMARD-IR pentru evaluarea eficacitatii si sigurantei adminstrarii in practica clinica de rutina;
sponsor Roche (2009-2011)
PROTOCOL ML27953 FAST2 SWITCH: Studiu non-interventional prospective multicentric pentru a evalua
eficacitatea si siguranta rituximab la pacienti cu artrita reumatoida active care au avut un raspuns inadecvat
sau intolerant la un agent anti-TNF (2011) sponsor Roche
Protocol ELOCVENT – Evaluarea impactului osteoporozei postmenopauza asupra calitatii vietii pacientelor
– studiu observational sponsor Servier; 04.2008-07.2008
PROTOCOL BEL115014 SESAME: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in CEE Settings: Romania, Poland,
Hungary. An insight on Medical, Economic and Social Burden (2011-2012); sponsor: GSK.
PROTOCOL P10-599: An observational study of the impact of the anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody
(anti-CCP) status on the management of patients with early rheumatoid arthritis (study HU-08-02): a multicountry, multi-center, post-marketing observational study in the routine clinical use (2010-2011); sponsor:
PROTOCOL P10-919 EviraEAST: Evaluation of clinical outcome, treatment compliance and tolerability of
Humira (adalimumab) in patients with active Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis and Ankylosing
Spondylitis in Eastern European countries: a multi-country, multicenter post-marketing observational study
in routine clinical use (2009-2011) (PMOS-CE-08-01); sponsor: Abbott.
PROTOCOL PMOS P10-733 DEXA: Evaluation of the Role of Adalimumab on extra-articular manifestationbone metabolism and bone mineral density in patients with active Rheumatoid Arthritis (2011-2012) (centre
42146); sponsor: Abbott.
PROTOCOL P12-768: Multi-country post-marketing observational study on maintenance of effectiveness of
adalimumab (Humira) in patients with ankylosing spondylitis and psoriatic arthritis – a multi-country
observational study in routine use in Central and Eastern Europe (nov 2011-2012 ); sponsor Abbott;
10. PROTOCOL P13-682 IDEA: Impactul adalimumab (Humira) ca terapie asupra utilizării anumitor resurse
legate de îngrijirea sănătății și asupra concediului medical la pacienții cu spondilită anchilozantă, în practica
clinică curentă (2012-2014), sponsor Abbott;
11. PROTOCOL P13‐683 PACE: Evaluarea activitatii fizice la pacientii cu poliartrita reumatoida tratati cu
adalimumab in practica clinica de rutina (PACE)- studiu observational postmarketing, multinational,
multicentric privind practica curentă în Europa Centrală și de Est (2012-2014); sponsor Abbott;
12. PROTOCOL IMM11-0138 ALIGN: Epidemiological/HEOR Study– Multi-country, cross sectionAL study to
determine patient specIfic and General beliefs towards medicatioN and their treatment compliance to
selected systemic therapies in chronic inflammatory diseases (IMID) (2012-2013); sponsor Abbott;
13. PROTOCOL 10297 PROOF: Pacienţi cu spondiloartrită axială: registru multi-naţional al caracteristicilor
clinice, inclusiv progresia radiologică, şi al poverii bolii pe parcursul a 5 ani în condiții reale (2014-2019);
sonsor Abbvie;
14. PROTOCOL IMM-12-0118: Evaluation of management of patients with early rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
in routine clinical practice based on Treat to Target (T2T) principles, (2014-2015), sponsor Abbvie
15. PROTOCOL IM 128-027: Studiu de faza 2 multicentric randomizat dublu orb controlat placebo de evaluate
a sigurantei si eficacitatii BMS-913699 vs placebo adminstrat pe fondul standardelor de ingrijire
restrictionat, ca tratament al subiectilor cu lupus eritematos sistemic active; sponsor Bristoll Myers Squibb
International Corporation Belgia; Investigator Principal (2014)
16. PROTOCOL A3921187 (9002-0249): A Phase 3b/4 randomized double blind study of 5 mg of Tofacitinib
with and without Methotrexate in comparison to Adalimumab with Methotrexate in subjects with moderately
to several active rheumatoid arthritis. Investigator principal (2014)
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Curriculum vitae | Codrina Irena Mihaela ANCUTA
17. PROTOCOL G0-VIBRANT. COD CNTO148PSA3001 A multi-centric, randomized, double blind placebo
controlled trial of golimumab, an anti TNF monoclonal antibody, administered intravenously, in subjects with
active psoriatic arthritis. Phase3. Investigator principal (2014)
18. PROTOCOL G0-ALIVE. COD CNTO148AKS3001 A multi-centric, randomized, double blind placebo
controlled trial of golimumab, an anti TNF monoclonal antibody, administered intravenously, in subjects with
active ankylosis spondylitis.Phase3. Investigator principal (2014)
19. PROTOCOL GLASS: A multi-center, randomized double-blind parallel group study on the therapeutic efficacy
and safety of febuxostat (taken once daily) and the therapeutic efficacy and safety of allopurinol on serum
urate concentration in subjects suffering from hyperuricemia and gout (MEIN/11/FEN-Gou/001; CRO
InnoPharma SRL, Sponsor MIOL, 2014-2015
20. PROTOCOL A9391010: a phase 2, randomized, double blind assessment of efficacy and safety of pf04171327 (1, 5, 10, 15 mg dose, daily) compared to 5 mg and 10 mg prednisone daily and placebo daily in
subjects with rheumatoid arthritis over an 8 week period followed by a 4 week period of tapering of study
drug; intermediar; Parexel; sponsor: Pfizer; Investigator principal (2014)
21. PROTOCOL B1801315: A randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled study of the maintenance of efficacy
of etanercept plus DMARD(s) compared with DMARD(s) alone in subjects with rheumatoid arthritis after
achieving an adequate response with etanercept plus DMARD(s); CRO: Parexel; sponsor: Pfizer Investigator
principal (2013)
22. PROTOCOL AB 06012: A phase 2b/3 study to evaluate efficacy and safety of masitinib in comparison to
methotrexate in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis with inadequate response to methotrexate or to
any disease-modifying antirheumatic drug; CRO: HT Research RO; sponsor AB Science; Investigator
principal (2013)
23. PROTOCOL PRINT Study, TcLand: Validation study of RA-INF-Dx as multigene molecular in vitro blood test
intended to aid in the identification of patients with rheumatoid arthritis who are unlikely to shown an initial
response to infliximab and methotrexate combination therapy (”Predict non-response to Infliximab therapy
study”) (2011-2012); sponsor: TcLand Expression; CRO: Premier Research Investigator principal (2012);
Subinvestigator (membru in echipa proiectului) sau coordonator de studiu (44)
PROTOCOL M12-965 EudraCT 2014-001471-31: Phase 2, Multicenter, Open-Label Extension (OLE) Study
with ABT-122 in Rheumatoid Arthritis Subjects Who Have Completed the Preceding M12-963 Phase 2
Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) Subinvestigator (2014-in desfasurare); sponsor Abbvie; (Investigator
principal prof Chirieac R) (adeverinta 2/05.01.2015)
PROTOCOL EFC 10832: A randomized, double-blind, parallel, placebo-controlled study assessing the efficacy
and safety of sarilumab added to non-biologic DMARD therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis who are
inadequate responders to or intolerant of TNF-α antagonists; CRO: Covance; sponsor: Sanofi;
Subinvestigator (2013 – 2014); (Investigator principal prof Chirieac R) (adeverinta 6/05.01.2015)
PROTOCOL CD-IA-MEDI-546-1013: A phase 2, randomized study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of
medi-546 in subjects with systemic lupus erythematosus; CRO: INC Research; sponsor: Medimmune;
Subinvestigator (2013 – in desfasurare); (Investigator principal prof Chirieac R) (adeverinta
PROTOCOL CNTO136ARA3002: A study of CNTO 136 (sirukumab), administered subcutaneously, in
patients with active rheumatoid arthritis despite disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (DMARD) therapy
(SIRROUND); CRO: Parexel; sponsor: Janssen; Subinvestigator (2013 – in desfasurare); (Investigator
principal prof Chirieac R) (adeverinta 8/05.01.2015)
PROTOCOL RA 0055: A multi-center, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the
efficacy and safety of certolizumab pegol in combination with methotrexate for inducing and sustaining
clinical response in the treatment of DMARD-naïve adults with early active rheumatoid arthritis; CRO:
Parexel; sponsor: UCB Subinvestigator (2013 – 2014); (Investigator principal prof Chirieac R) (adeverinta
PROTOCOL I4V-MC-JADV a randomized, double-blind, placebo and active-controlled, phase 3 study
evaluating the efficacy and safety of baricitinib in patients with moderately to severely active rheumatoid
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Curriculum vitae | Codrina Irena Mihaela ANCUTA
arthritis who have had an inadequate response to methotrexate therapy; CRO: ICON; sponsor: Eli Lilly;
Subinvestigator (2013 – in desfasurare); (Investigator principal prof Chirieac R) (adeverinta
PROTOCOL I4V-MC-JADY: a phase 3, multicenter study to evaluate the long-term safety and efficacy of
baricitinb in patients with rheumatoid arthritis; CRO: ICON; sponsor: Eli Lilly; Subinvestigator (2013 – in
desfasurare); (Investigator principal prof Chirieac R) (adeverinta 11/05.01.2015)
PROTOCOL H9B-MC-BCDP: a phase 3, multicenter, open label study to evaluate the long-term safety and
efficacy of LY2127399 in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis; CRO: Quintiles; sponsor Eli Lilly; 2012-2013;
Subinvestigator; (Investigator principal prof Chirieac R) (adeverinta 12/05.01.2015)
PROTOCOL H9B-MC-BCDM: a phase 3, multicenter, randomized, double blind placebo controlled study to
evaluate the efficacy and safety of sc LY2127399 in patients with moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis
who had an inadequate response to methotrexate therapy; CRO: Quintiles; sponsor: Eli Lilly;
Subinvestigator (2012-2013); (Investigator principal prof Chirieac R)
10. PROTOCOL H9B-MC-BCDT: a phase 3, multicenter, randomized, double blind placebo controlled study to
evaluate the efficacy and safety of sc LY2127399 in patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus; CRO:
Parexel; sponsor: Eli Lilly; Subinvestigator (2012-2013); (Investigator principal prof Chirieac R)
(adeverinta 13/05.01.2015)
11. PROTOCOL H9B-MC-BCDO: a phase 3, multicenter, randomized, double blind placebo controlled study to
evaluate the efficacy and safety of sc LY2127399 in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis with or without
background of Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drug(DMARD) therapy; CRO: Quintiles; sponsor: Eli Lilly;
Subinvestigator (2012-2013); (Investigator principal prof Chirieac R) (adeverinta 14/05.01.2015)
12. PROTOCOL H9B-MC-BCDX: a phase 3b, multicenter, open-label study to evaluate the long-term safety and
efficacy of subcutaneous LY2127399 in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) (illuminate-x); CRO:
Parexel; sponsor: Eli Lilly; Subinvestigator (2012-2013); (Investigator principal prof Chirieac R)
(adeverinta 15/05.01.2015)
13. PROTOCOL Novartis CAIN457F2306: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled multicenter study,
Novartis, Subinvestigator (2012-2013); (Investigator principal prof Chirieac R)
14. PROTOCOL WA22762: A randomized, double-blind, parallel group study of the safety and effect on clinical
outcome of tocilizumab SC versus tocilizumab IV, in combination with traditional disease modifying antirheumatoid arthritis drugs (DMARDs), in patients with moderate to severe active rheumatoid arthritis; CRO:
Comac sponsor Hoffman La Roche, Sub-investigator, 2010 -2104; Subinvestigator(Investigator principal
prof Chirieac R) (adeverinta 16/05.01.2015)
15. PROTOCOL ENTRACTE: A clinical outcomes study to evaluate the effects of IL-6 receptor blockade with
tocilizumab (TCZ) in comparison with etanercept (ETA) on the rate of cardiovascular events in patients with
moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis (RA);CRO: Quintiles; sponsor : Hoffmann-LaRoche, Subinvestigator,
(Investigator principal prof Chirieac R) (2012- in desfasurare) (adeverinta 17/05.01.2015)
16. PROTOCOL I4V-MC-JADA: A randomized, double blind placebo controlled, dose ranging, parallel group,
phase 2b study in patients with active RA on MTX background therapy spondor: Eli Lilly; CRO Parexel; Subinvestigator, 2010 - 2014 (Investigator principal prof Chirieac R) (adeverinta 18/05.01.2015)
17. PROTOCOL Protocol I1F-MC-RHAK: studiu faza II cu doze variabile, subcutanate multiple de LY2439821
(Ac anti IL-17) la pacienti cu artrita reumatoida activa care urmeaza tratament concomitent cu DMARD;
sponsor: Eli Lilly; Sub-investigator, 2010 - 2013 (Investigator principal prof Chirieac R) (adeverinta
18. PROTOCOL A phase II, randomized, double-blind, controlled study to evaluate the immune responses, safety
and clinical efficacy of three doses of Neovacs’ TNF Kinoid in adult patients with rheumatoid arthritis who
have relapsed despite anti-TNF- biological therapy-sponsor Neovasc; CRO Genexion, Sub-investigator,
2010 - 2011
19. PROTOCOL P06129 GO-MORE: Un studiu cu design deschis (open-label),pentru a evalua adaugarea de
Golimumab Subcutanat (GLM) la terapia conventionala cu medicamente modificatoare de boala (DMARD) la
pacientii cu Artrita Reumatoida naivi la terapia biologica (Partea 1) urmata de un studiu randomizat ce
evalueaza valoarea terapiei combinate cu GLM administrat intravenous si subcutanat in scopul inducerii si
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Curriculum vitae | Codrina Irena Mihaela ANCUTA
mentinerii remisiunii(Partea 2); MSD, Sub-investigator, 2010 – 2012 (Investigator principal prof Chirieac
R) (adeverinta 20/05.01.2015)
20. PROTOCOL TRU-015-3206K1-2203-WW: a randomized, parallel, double-blind, placebo controlled dose
regimen finding study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of TRU-015 in subjects with active seropositive
Rheumatoid Arthritis on a stable background of methotrexate; sponsor & CRO: Wyeth; Sub-investigator,
2009-2011 ; (Investigator principal prof Chirieac R)
21. PROTOCOL A3921024: A long term, open label follow up study of CP-690.550, a moderately selective Janus
kinase 3 inhibitor, for treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Sponsor & CRO: Pfizer; Sub-investigator, 2009-in
desfasurare (Investigator principal prof Chirieac R) (adeverinta 21/05.01.2015)
22. PROTOCOL RADAR: PROTOCOL P05320, Observational Trial on the value of diagnostic criteria in
the diagnosis of spinal spondylarthropathies in patients with chronic low back pain; Recognizing and
Diagnosing Ankylosing Spondylitis Reliably; sponsor MSD; Sub-investigator, 2009-2010 (Investigator
principal prof Chirieac R) (adeverinta 22/05.01.2015)
23. PROTOCOL BT971: studiu randomizat, controlat placebo, dublu orb cu esaladarea dozei pentru a evalua
eficacitatea, siguranta, si tolerabilitatea medicatiei de studiu BT971 la pacienti cu artrita reumatoida cu
tratament concomitent cu MTX; sponsor: Biotest AG Germany; CRO: IFE Romania, Sub-investigator, 20092010 ; (Investigator principal prof Chirieac R) (adeverinta 23/05.01.2015)
24. PROTOCOL H8C-MC-LQBG: A Phase 2 Study of the Effects of LY545694, an iGluR5 Antagonist, in the
Treatment of Subjects With Osteoarthritis Knee Pain; sponsor: Eli Lilly; Sub-investigator, 2008-2009;
(Investigator principal prof Chirieac R) (adeverinta 24/05.01.2015)
25. PROTOCOL WA20496: A randomized, double-blind, parallel group, international study to evaluate the
safety and efficacy of Ocrelizumab given as a single infusion or dual infusion compared with placebo in
patients with active Rheumatoid Arthritis who have an inadequate response to methotrexate therapy;
Sponsor: Hoffmann La Roche; CRO: Quintiles Romania; subinvestigator, 2008-2011; (Investigator
principal prof Chirieac R) (adeverinta 25/05.01.2015)
26. PROTOCOL ROB 803-09-002: a phase II, randomized, double-blind, multicenter placebo-controlled, doseranging, parallel study group to evaluate the efficacy and safety of orally administered Rob 803 when added
to stable MTX in patients with moderate or severe active Rheumatoid Arthritis; Sponsor: Oxypharma; CRO:
Pharm-Olam; Sub-investigator, 2008-2009 ; (Investigator principal prof Chirieac R) (adeverinta
27. PROTOCOL LJP 394-90-14: A randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled, three arm, parallel group,
multicenter, multinational safety and efficacy trial of 300 mg and 900 mg of Abetimus Sodium in SLE patients
with a history of renal disease; sponsor: La Jolla International; CRO: Pharm-Olam; subinvestigator, 20082009; (Investigator principal prof Chirieac R) (adeverinta 27/05.01.2015)
28. PROTOCOL WA20499: A randomized, double-blind placebo controlled parallel group multicenter study to
evaluate the efficacy and safety of two doses of Ocrelizumab in patients with active SLE; Sponsor: HoffmannLa Roche Ltd/ Genetech Inc; CRO: Quintiles Romania, subinvestigator, 2008-2009; (Investigator principal
prof Chirieac R) (adeverinta .01.2015)
29. PROTOCOL IP-004: studiu faza IIb, multicentric, randomizat, dublu orb, placebo-contolat pentru evaluarea
sigurantei, tolerantei si eficacitatii a doua doze de studiu IPP 201101 subcutanat plus terapia standard, in
comparatie cu placebo la pacientii cu LES; sponsor: Immupharma; CRO: Genexion; Sub-investigator, 20082009 ; (Investigator principal prof Chirieac R) (adeverinta 28/05.01.2015)
30. PROTOCOL A3921035: a phase II B, randomized, double blind, placebo controlled active comparator,
multicenter study to compare 5 dose regiments of CP-690.550 and adalimumab versus placebo, administered
for 6 months in the treatment of subjects with active Rheumatoid Arthritis. Sponsor & CRO: Pfizer, Subinvestigator, 2008-2009 ; (Investigator principal prof Chirieac R) (adeverinta 29/05.01.2015)
31. PROTOCOL D1520C00001: a randomized, double-blind (with open comparator Etanercept), placebocontrolled, phase IIB multicenter study to evaluate the efficacy of 4 doses of AZD9056 administered for 6
months on the signs and symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis in patients with active disease receiving
background MTX or Sulphasalasine; sponsor: Astra-Zeneca; CRO: Verum; Sub-investigator, 2008-2009 ;
(Investigator principal prof Chirieac R) (adeverinta 30/05.01.2015)
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Curriculum vitae | Codrina Irena Mihaela ANCUTA
32. PROTOCOL MDX 1100-04: a phase II, multi-dose, double-blind, placebo controlled, randomized, multicenter
study of MDX-1100 (anti CXCL 10 Human Monoclonal Antibody) in patients with active Rheumatoid Arthritis;
sponsor: Medarex; CRO: PSI Pharma; Sub-investigator, 2008-2009; (Investigator principal prof Chirieac
R) (adeverinta 31/05.01.2015)
33. PROTOCOL ACT5488: Activity and safety of oral administration of SSR150106XB for the reduction of
inflammation in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis; :a 4 week, multicenter, randomized, double-blind,
placebo-controlled parallel group study of 90 mg administered once daily and 90mg once every other day;
Sponsor Sanofi-Aventis; CRO: I3 research; subinvestigator, 2007-2008; (Investigator principal prof
Chirieac R) (adeverinta 32/05.01.2015)
34. PROTOCOL P04422: A randomized, multicenter, international open label study of infliximab plus
methotrexat versus methotrexat alone for the treatment of methotrexate naive subjects with active psoriatic
arthritis; sponsor & CRO: Schering Plough Central East AG; faza IV; subinvestigator, 2007-2008;
(Investigator principal prof Chirieac R) (adeverinta 33/05.01.2015)
35. PROTOCOL: A phase 2 multicenter randomized double-blind placebo-controlled parallel-group dose finding
study of the safety and efficacy of daily CF101 administered orally when added to weekly methotrexate in
patients with active rheumatoid arthritis; Sponsor Can-fite Bio-Pharma Ltd; CRO: Pharm Olam
International; subinvestigator 2006-2007; (Investigator principal prof Chirieac R) (adeverinta
36. PROTOCOL WA17047: A randomized, phase 3, controlled, double-blind, parallel-group, multicenter study to
evaluate the safety and efficacy of rituximab in combination with methotrexat compared to methotrexate
alone, in methotrexat –naïve patients with active rheumatoid arthritis; Sponsor: Hoffmann-La Roche
Genentech; CRO: Parexel, subinvestigator 2006-2010; (Investigator principal prof Chirieac R) (adeverinta
37. PROTOCOL P1-0205: Efficacy and safety of FASU1 versus FASU2 in a 180 day study treatment in patients
with osteoarthritis of the knee; Sponsor Laboratoires Expascience; CRO: CRC Pharmaceuticals,
subinvestigator 2006-2007; (Investigator principal prof Chirieac R) (adeverinta 35/05.01.2015)
38. PROTOCOL F1J-MC-HMEP. Duloxetine 60 to 120mg versus placebo in the treatment of patients with
Osteoarthritis knee pain; sponsor si CRO: Eli Lilly Romania SRL; subinvestigator 2006-2007; (Investigator
principal prof Chirieac R)
39. PROTOCOL D1520C05287. A randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group, ascending dose
study to assess the activity, safety and tolerability of 2 doses of AZD9056 for 4 weeks in patients with active
rheumatoid arthritis receiving methotrexate and/or sulphasalazine, phase II; sponsor Astra Zeneca; CRO
Parexel International SRL, subinvestigator, 2005-2006; (Investigator principal prof Chirieac R)
(adeverinta 34/05.01.2015)
40. PROTOCOL MDT3-005. A two-arm study comparing the analgesic efficacy and safety of Tramadol HCl oncea-day versus placebo for the treatment of pain due to osteoarthritis of the knee; CRO: Parexel International;
coordonator studiu, 2005-2006; (Investigator principal prof Chirieac R) (adeverinta 38/05.01.2015)
41. PROTOCOL H4Z-MC-GJAD. Effects of Arzoxifene on vertebral fracture incidence and on invasive breast
cancer incidence in postmenopausal; women with osteoporosis or with low bone density; Sponsor Ely Lilly
and Company; CRO: Quintiles Romania; subinvestigator, 2004-2009; (Investigator principal prof Chirieac
R) (adeverinta 39/05.01.2015)
42. PROTOCOL MI-CP100: A phase II, randomized, double -blind study to evaluate the effects of MEDI-522, a
humanized monoclonal antibody to integrin alpha V beta 3 on disease activity and progression of joint
damage in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis sub-optimally responding to methotrexat; sponsor
Medimmune; CRO: PSI Pharma Support Romania SRL; coordonator studiu, 2003-2004; (Investigator
principal prof Chirieac R)
43. PROTOCOL Studiu multicentric, de faza III, randomizat, asupra tolerabilitatii Tramadol la pacienti cu atroza
de genunchi; Parexel International, coordonator studiu, 2003-2004; (Investigator principal prof Chirieac
44. PROTOCOL Studiu multicentric, de faza III, randomizat, dublu orb, placebo-controlat asupra tolerabilitatii
gastro-intestinale a combinatiei terapeutice diclofanac-misoprostol (ArthrotecR) la pacienti cu atroza de
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Curriculum vitae | Codrina Irena Mihaela ANCUTA
genunchi; coordonator studiu, 1998-1999; (Investigator principal prof Chirieac R) (adeverinta
Burse de tip mobilitate pentru pregatire profesionala, obtinute prin competitie
(evaluarea CV, scrisoare de motivatie)
3rd Annual Meeting of the Lupus Academy, 7-9 March 2014 Berlin, Germany (bursa)
14th EULAR Intermediate Sonography Course, 10-13 June 2007, Sitges, Barcelona, Spania (bursa
studiu EULAR)
9th EULAR Sonography Course (from introductory to advanced practical course on musculoskeletal
sonograhy), 9-12 Dec 2004, Paris, France (bursa de studiu EULAR);
1st European Course–Capillaroscopy and Rheumatic Diseases, 10-12 Sep 2004, Genova, Italy (bursa
6th EULAR Postgraduate Course in Rheumatology, 18-27 June 2000, Nice, Franta (sub patronaj
EULAR) (bursa de studiu EULAR);
Lucrari de diploma indrumate: 74 lucrari licenta Facultatea de Medicina (42 licenta in limba engleza);
14 lucrari indrumate Faculatatea Bioinginerie; 3 lucrari in dubla coordonare cu cadru didactic disciplina
Ergonomie, Facultatea Stomatologie (web-site-ul bibliotecii UMF “Gr.T.Popa” Iasi)
Proiecte educationale si de formare medicala continua
IASP Grant: Musculoskeletal pain academy, 2011, IASP Developing Countries Project: Initiative for
improving pain education; jul2011-jul2012; (acord UMF “Gr.T.Popa” Iasi nr.12119/28.06.2011);
finantare IASP 7000 USD; (coordonator international)
IASP Grant IASP Developing Countries Project: Initiative For Improving Pain Education - Grant IASP
(International Association for the Study of Pain); Manager de proiect dr. Jaba Irina 05.2009-05.2010;
(accord UMF Iasi 8499/20.05.2009); finantare IASP 9700 USD, membru in echipa
Cursuri postuniversitare EMC acreditate, Facultatea Medicina, UMF Gr.T.Popa Iasi –
Coordonator (6)
An universitar 2014/2015,
1. Sclerodermia sistematică (SS) – aspecte practice clinice şi terapeutice, 01.03-30.04.2015
An universitar 2010/2011 (
2. Terapia biologica in boli inflamatorii cronice cu determinism imun, 1-31 mar 2011
3. Evaluare si monitorizare in bolile reumatismale inflamatorii cornice, 1-28 feb 2011
4. Sclerodermia sistemica (SS) – actualitati diagnostice si terapeutice, 1-30 apr 2011,
An universitar 2009/2010
5. Evaluare si monitorizare in bolile reumatismale inflamatorii cornice, 1-28 feb 2010
6. Sclerodermia sistemica (SS) – actualitati diagnostice si terapeutice, 1-30 apr 2010
Proiecte de educatie continua nationale (membru) (4)
PROIECT POSDRU 81/3.2/S/55648, Formare profesionala pentru implementarea noilor tehnologii
in sistemul de sanatate PERFORMED, director proiect – prof dr HD Bolosiu, UMF I Hatieganu ClujNapoca, 2010-2013, competitie, fonduri 5.000.000 EURO, membru cu participare directa in realizarea si
prezentarea cursuri, Sesiunea de formare NE,;
Master UMF Gr.T.Popa Iasi, specializarea Boli cu determinism imun, coordonator prof. univ dr Rodica
Marieta Chirieac (mai 2006-dec 2007); lector;
Tulburari de crestere staturo-ponderala, coordonator prof dr. Corina Galesanu; lector; (syllabus ISBN
978-973-7682-11-6), curs postuniverstar acreditat UMF Iasi, An universitar 2006/2007
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Curriculum vitae | Codrina Irena Mihaela ANCUTA
Boli osoase endocrine-metabolice; coordonator prof dr C Galeasanu; lector
Lector cursuri postuniversitare formare continua (23)
Curs Osteoporoza (de la diagnostic la tratament) o provocare pentru practician, 28 feb-02 mar2013
Iasi, Romania, coordonator prof dr. Corina Galesanu; lector (Osteoporoza glucocorticoid indusa;
Osteoporoza la barbat)
Curs postuniversitar (Rolul medicului de familie in diagnosticarea, monitorizarea si managementul
poliartritei reumatoide, Lector, Conferinta Zilele Spitalului Clinic de Recuperare 3-7 apr 2012,
Conferinta Zilele Spitalului Clinic de Recuperare 3-7 apr 2012, Iasi, Romania; Manifestarile
cardiovasculare din bolile reumatismale imunoinflamatorii cronice: screening, diagnostic si management",
curs interdisciplinar Cardiologie-Reumatologie; lector (Hipertensiunea arteriala pulmonara in contextul
bolilor reumatismale: date epidemiologice, etiopatogenie, diagnostic clinic);
Curs EMC: Urgențe reumatologice în practica clinică, Conferinta ”Zilele Spitalului Clinic de Recuperare”
(editia a IX-a), 22-27 mar 2011, Iasi, Romania: Impactul recuperarii asupra calitatii vietii; lector (Criza
renala sclerodermica)
Curs postuniversitar: Dizabilitatea și calitatea vieții în bolile reumatismale cronice, Conferinta
“Zilele Spitalului Clinic de Recuperare” (editia a IX-a), 22-27 mar 2011, Iasi, Romania: Impactul recuperarii
asupra calitatii vietii. Lector (Poliartrita reumatoida, dizabilitatea si calitatea vietii)
Curs postuniversitar Reumatologie, 15-16 apr 2010, Iasi, Romania. Coordonator prof Chirieac R;
lector (Evaluarea – clinica, functionala, de calitate a vietii in poliartrita reumatoida; Posibile ratiuni clinice
pentru ciclizarea tratamentului anti-TNF; switching si efecte adverse)
Curs postuniversitar: Osteoporoza – boala cronica invalidanta. De la depistarea precoce la
tratament, 20 mar 2010, Iasi, Romania. Coordonator curs: prof Galesanu C, moderatori sesiune: prof
Galesanu C, prof Botez P; lector (Osteoporoza glucocorticoid indusa. Poliartrita reumatoida)
Curs postuniversitar: Osteoporoza – Aspecte teoretice si practice, Conferinta “Zilele Spitalului Clinic
de Recuperare” (editia a VII-a), 24-28 mar 2009, Iasi, Romania: Actualitati in preventia si recuperarea
medico-chirurgicala; coordonator prof dr. Rodica Chirieac; lector (Modalitati diagnostic in osteoporoza–
evaluarea DXA; Actualitati in managementul osteoporozei– medicatia antiosteoporotica cu actiune duala;
Actualitati in managementul osteoporozei – perspective terapeutice in osteoporoza; Monitorizarea terapeii
Curs postuniversitar: Performantele musculare si rolul in reeducarea functional din bolile
reumatismale, neurologice, cardio-vasculare, posttraumatice Conferinta “Zilele Spitalului Clinic de
Recuperare” (editia a VII-a), 24-28 mar 2009, Iasi, Romania: Actualitati in preventia si recuperarea medicochirurgicala; lector (Metode de reabilitare: metode electrice–stimularea electrica neuromusculara; Metode
de reabilitare: metode kinetoterapeutice – tehnici de facilitare; Particularitati ale muschiului si metode de
recuperare in boli reumatismale: poliartrita reumatoida, miopatii de tip inflamator, artroza)
10. Curs postuniversitar: Recuperarea medicala si reabilitarea – un act terapeutic de echipa;
coordonator: dr Gavrilas C. Manifestarea “Zilele Spitalului de Recuperare “Sf Gheorghe” Botosani”, 23-24
apr 2008, Botosani, Romania (editia I); Lector
Chirieac R, ANCUTA C, Tacu C, Gavrilas C, Recuperarea medicala si reabilitarea intre present si viitor, aspect ale
interdisciplinaritatii, Modul Recuperare; Rezus E, Chirieac R, ANCUTA C, Tacu C, Recuperarea soldului operat,
Modul Recuperare; ANCUTA C, Tacu C, Rezus E, Tehnici de facilitare in recuperare, Modul Recuperare; Rezus E,
Chirieac R, ANCUTA C, Tehnica exercitiului aerobic, modul Recuperare; Chirieac R, ANCUTA C, Gavrilas C, Evaluarea
clinica in poliartrita reumatoida si impactul pe reeducarea functionala, modul Reumatologie; ANCUTA C, Rezus E,
Gavrilas C, Evaluarea si monitorizarea tratamentului in bolile reumatismale inflamatorii cronice, modul
Reumatologie; Rezus E, Chirieac C, ANCUTA C, Evaluarea in osteoporoza, modul Reumatologie;Chirieac R, ANCUTA
C, Rezus E, Mecanismele durerii, modul Algeziologie; Rezus E, Chirieac R, ANCUTA C, Durerea din afectiunile
degenerative, modul Algeziologie; Ancuta Codrina, Chirieac R, Durerea de tip inflamator, modul Algeziologie
11. Curs postuniversitar: Bio-Care – terapie revolutionara in bolile autoimune: actualitati si
perspective (coordonator R. Chirieac), Conferinta “Zilele Spitalului Clinic de Recuperare Iasi, 20-22 mar
2008, Iasi, Romania; lector (Efecte adverse ale terapiei biologice. Infectia tuberculoasa – screening si
monitorizare; Terapia anti-CD20)
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Curriculum vitae | Codrina Irena Mihaela ANCUTA
12. Curs postuniversitar: Actualitati in imunopatologia si terapia bolilor reumatismale cu determinism
imun, Conferinta “Zilele Spitalului Clinic de Recuperare Iasi” (editia a V-a), 29-31 mar 2007, Iasi, Romania;
13. Curs postuniversitar: Exercitiu aerobic: implicatii teoretice si practice, Conferinta “Zilele Spitalului
Clinic de Recuperare Iasi” (editia a V-a), 29-31 mar 2007, Iasi, Romania; lector
14. Curs EMC: Managementul durerii in patologia reumatismala, 25 mai 2007, Iasi, Romania moderator
prof Chirieac R; Lector (Managementul durerii articulare in reumatismele inflamatorii
15. Curs EMC: 05 Dec 2007, Suceava, Romania; moderator prof Chirieac R; Lector, Terapii eficiente in
patologia musculoscheletala.
16. Curs postuniversitar: Terapia prin miscare. Aspecte fiziopatologice si practice, Conferinta “Zilele
Spitalului Clinic de Recuperare Iasi” (editia a IV-a), 6-8 apr 2006, Iasi, Romania;
R Chirieac, ANCUTA C, C Munteanu, Recuperarea aparatului musculo-scheletal; R Chirieac, L Macovei, I Boaru, C Tacu,
ANCUTA C, Parametrii fizici ai miscarii; R Chirieac, ANCUTA C, C Nacu, Metode practice de intretinere si recuperare a
miscarii: mobilitate, flexibilitate, ROM, posturari; ANCUTA C, C Tacu, Tehnici de facilitare
17. Curs EMC: Managementul bolii artrozice. Curs pentru depistarea, diagnosticarea precoce si
tratamentul bolii artrozice, 2006, Bacau, Romania. Lector, Terapia bolii artrozice si rolul coxibilor.
18. Curs EMC: Managementul bolii artrozice. Curs pentru depistarea, diagnosticarea precoce si
tratamentul bolii artrozice, 14 apr 2006 Suceava, Romania, lector, Boala artrozica – prezentare de caz
19. Curs EMC: Managementul bolii artrozice. Curs pentru depistarea, diagnosticarea precoce si
tratamentul bolii artrozice, 2006, Iasi, Romania, Lector, Boala artrozica – prezentare de caz
20. Curs EMC: Eficacitatea – obiectiv esential in tratamentul afectiunilor musculo-scheletale, 3 mar
2006, Iasi, Romania, coordonatori – prof dr. Chirieac R, ptof dr. Bolosiu H, lectori: Ionescu R, Balanescu A,
ANCUTA C, Rezus E, sarbu P
21. Curs EMC: Osteoporoza- o epidemie cu adevarat silentioasa?, 05 nov 2005, Iasi, Romania; moderator
Sirbu P, participant: Sirbu P, ANCUTA C (Fracturile vertebrale: cause declansatoare si preventia acestora),
Branisteanu D, Galesanu C (5 EMC)
22. Curs EMC: Patologia osteoarticulara la inceput de mileniu, 27 apr 2004, Iasi, Romania moderatori: prof
Chirieac R, Bolosiu H; ANCUTA C, Tratamentul biologic al afectiunilor cronice inflamatorii.
23. Curs EMC: Calitatea vietii virstnicului cu afectiuni musculo-scheletale, 26 nov 2003, Iasi, Romania,
moderator prof Chirieac R, lectori: prof Pandele G, conf Botez P, Rezus E, ANCUTA C (Caractere clinicopatogenice, terapeutice si calitatea vietii varstnicului cu poliartrita reumatoida).
Membru in comitete științifice, organizator de manifestări științifice (18)
Organizator/coordonator Workshop – Poliartrita reumatoida – de la diagnostic la tratament – ANCUTA C,
Bojinca M, Ancuta I, Conferinta Zilele Spitalului Clinic de Recuperare Iasi, 25-29 mar 2014, Iasi, Romania,
2. Organizator/ coordonator Workshop, Artropatiile microcristaline: o noua abordare patogenica, diagnostica
si terapeutica, Conferinta Zilele Spitalului Clinic de Recuperare Iasi, 25-29 mar 2013, Iasi, Romania
3. Comitet de organizare Conferinta Zilele Spitalului Clinic de Recuperare Iasi, 26-29 mar 2013, Iasi, Romania
4. Comitet de organizare/ Coordonator modul Reumatologie II: Autoimunitatea la pacientul varstnic:
particularitati de diagnostic si terapie; Conferinta Zilele Spitalului Clinic de Recuperare Iasi – editia XI, 26-29
mar 2013, Iasi, Romania
5. Comitet de organizare Conferinta Zilele Spitalului Clinic de Recuperare Iasi, 3-7apr 2012, Iasi, Romania
6. Congresul Roman de Reumatologie 23-26 nov 2011; Brasov, Romania
7. Comitet de organizare Congresul Roman de Reumatologie, 19-22 oct 2010, Brasov, Romania
8. Comitet de organizare Conferinta Zilele Spitalului Clinic de Recuperare Iasi (editia a VIII-a), 23-27 mar 2010,
Iasi, Romania
9. Comitet de organizare Conferinta Zilele Spitalului Clinic de Recuperare Iasi (editia a VII-a), 24-28 mar 2009,
Iasi, Romania
10. Comitet de organizare Coferinta Zilele Spitalului Clinic de Recuperare Iasi, Editie aniversara 30 ani, 20-22
martie 2008
11. Congresul National de Reumatologie cu participare internationala, 14-17 sep 2005, Brasov, Romania
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Curriculum vitae | Codrina Irena Mihaela ANCUTA
Conferinta Zilele Spitalului Recuperare 27-29 mar 2003, Iasi, Romania
Conferinta Nationala de reumatologie cu participare internationala, Iasi, 28-30 mai 1998
Consiliul stiintific al XXI-lea Congres National de Reumatiologie, 1-4 Oct 2014, Bucuresti
Comitet stiintific Conferinta Zilele Spitalului Clinic de Recuperare Iasi editia a XII-a, 25-29 Martie 2014,
Iasi, Romania
16. Comitet stiintific al XX-lea Congres National de Reumatologie 25-28 sept 2013, Bucuresti,
17. Comitet stiintific – Zilele Spitalului de Recuperare Sf Gheorghe Botosani, editia 1, 23-24 apr 2008, Botosani,
18. Secretar stiintific Congresul National OSART, 14-17 mai 2008, Iasi, Romania
Brevete de inventie: 2 internationale (vezi lista completa de lucrari anexata)
Evaluare activitate didactica si cercetare anuala – in primele 10 locuri din universitate in
ultimii 3 ani (
Nume si adrese contact personalitati din domeniu pentru recomandare
Professor Ariane HERRICK, professor of Rheumatology, University of Msnchester, UK, Telephone +44
(0)161 275 5993; Email: (recomandare atasata)
Prof univ dr. Mioara BANCIU, Email:, mobil 0744925789Timisoara, Romania
(recomandare atasata)
Prof univ dr. Maria SUTA, Email:; mobil: 0723213019, Constanta, Romania
(recomandare atasata)
Conf univ dr. Denisa PRESETEANU, Email:; mobil 0723640548, Bucuresti, Romania
(recomandare atasata)
Prof univ dr Laurentiu MOGOANTA, Email:, Craiova, Romania,
(recomandare atasata)
Prof univ Eugen CARASEVICI, Iasi, Romania, Email:
Prof univ dr Minodora MAZUR, Chisinau, Moldova, email:
Prof univ dr Liliana GROPPA, Chisinau, Moldova, email:
17 | P a g e
Curriculum vitae | Codrina Irena Mihaela ANCUTA
Recunoasterea contributiilor stiintifice: (272 citari) (254 citari in reviste cotate ISI)
Adresa web pt citari:,5
Articol citat: A phase II, randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled study evaluating the efficacy and safety
of MDX‐1100, a fully human anti‐CXCL10 monoclonal …, …, H LeBlanc, G Nichol, C Ancuta… - Arthritis & …,
2012 - Wiley Online Library
B cells as therapeutic targets in SLE, I Sanz et al, Nature Reviews Rheumatology, 2010 -,
Chemokines: established and novel targets in atherosclerosis, RR Koenen et al, EMBO molecular medicine,
2011 -
Innovative therapies for systemic sclerosis, VH Ong, CP Denton, Current opinion in rheumatology, 2010
Trial Watch, L Zitvogel, G Kroemer - 2012 -, [HTML] from (CITARE BDI)
CXCL10 and its receptor CXCR3 regulate synovial fibroblast invasion in rheumatoid arthritis, T Laragione et
al, Arthritis & …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Synoviocyte innate immune responses: TANK-binding kinase-1 as a potential therapeutic target in
rheumatoid arthritis, D Hammaker et al, Rheumatology, 2012
B cell therapies for rheumatoid arthritis: beyond B cell depletion, I Calero et al, Rheumatic Disease Clinics of
North America, 2010 – Elsevier
International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. LXXXIX. Update on the Extended Family of
Chemokine Receptors and Introducing a New Nomenclature for …, F Bachelerie et al, Pharmacological …,
2014 – ASPET,
Rheumatoid arthritis therapy: advances from bench to bedside, SI Choi, E Brahn, Autoimmunity, 2010
Anti-IP-10 antibody (BMS-936557) for ulcerative colitis: a phase II randomised study, L Mayer et al, Gut,
Enhanced expression of CXCL10 in inflammatory bowel disease: Potential role of mucosal toll‐like receptor 3
stimulation, AE Østvik et al, Inflammatory bowel …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Chemokine (C–X–C motif) ligand (CXCL) 10 in autoimmune diseases, A Antonelli et al, Autoimmunity …, 2014
– Elsevier
The interaction between CXCL10 and cytokines in chronic inflammatory arthritis, EY Lee, ZH Lee, YW Song Autoimmunity reviews, 2013 – Elsevier
Targeting chemokines and chemokine receptors with antibodies, A Klarenbeek et al, Drug Discovery Today:
…, 2013 – Elsevier
Liver X receptor regulates rheumatoid arthritis fibroblast-like synoviocyte invasiveness, matrix
metalloproteinase 2 activation, interleukin-6 and CXCL10, T Laragione, PS Gulko, Molecular Medicine, 2012
Monoclonal antibody against CXCL-10/IP-10 ameliorates influenza A (H1N1) virus induced acute lung injury,
W Wang et al, Cell …, 2013 -, [HTML] from
Safety and Efficacy of the Newer Biological Therapeutics in the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis, V
Navarro-Compán… - Clinical Medicine Insights …, 2011
Emerging therapies for rheumatoid arthritis, P Jacques, F Van den Bosch, Expert opinion on emerging …,
Prolonged TNFα primes fibroblast‐like synoviocytes in a gene‐specific manner by altering chromatin, C Sohn
et al, Arthritis & …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Review: new anti-cytokines for IBD: what is in the pipeline?, M Scharl, SR Vavricka, G Rogler, Current drug
targets, 2013 -
The JAK inhibitor tofacitinib suppresses synovial JAK1-STAT signalling in rheumatoid arthritis, DL Boyle et al,
Annals of the …, 2014 -
Перспективы фармакотерапии ревматоидного артрита: моноклональные антитела, ЕЛ Насонов, ЛН
Денисов… - Научно-практическая …, 2012 -
Thymidine Phosphorylase Regulates the Expression of CXCL10 in Rheumatoid Arthritis Fibroblast‐like
Synoviocytes, Y Toyoda et al, Arthritis & …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Chemokines and chemokine receptors blockers as new drugs for the treatment of chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease, G Caramori et al, Current medicinal …, 2013 -
Brief Report: Inadequate Description and Discussion of Enrolled Patient Characteristics and Potential Inter–
Study Site Differences in Reports of Randomized …, S Yurdakul et al, Arthritis & …, 2014 - Wiley Online
18 | P a g e
Curriculum vitae | Codrina Irena Mihaela ANCUTA
26. Targeting Chemokine (CXC motif) Receptor 3 in Thyroid Autoimmunity, P Fallahi et al, Recent patents on …,
2014 -
27. Inflammatory cytokines epigenetically regulate rheumatoid arthritis fibroblast-like synoviocyte activation by
suppressing HDAC5 expression, C Angiolilli et al, Annals of the …, 2014 -
28. Novel treatment options for ulcerative colitis, BP Vaughn, AC Moss - Clinical investigation, 2013 - Future
29. Anti-inflammatory drimane sesquiterpene lactones from an< i> Aspergillus</i> species, S Felix et al,
Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, 2014 – Elsevier
30. World Journal of Pharmaceutical ReseaRch, K Sekhri, R Nandha, S Aditya - 2014 -
31. The JAK inhibitor tofacitinib suppresses synovial JAK1-STAT signalling in rheumatoid arthritis, DL Boyle et al,
Annals of the …, 2014 -
32. Перспективы фармакотерапии ревматоидного артрита: моноклональные антитела, ЕЛ Насонов, ЛН
Денисов… - Научно-практическая …, 2012 -
33. Thymidine Phosphorylase Regulates the Expression of CXCL10 in Rheumatoid Arthritis Fibroblast‐like
Synoviocytes, Y Toyoda et al, Arthritis & …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
34. Chemokines and chemokine receptors blockers as new drugs for the treatment of chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease, G Caramori, A Di Stefano, P Casolari… - Current medicinal …, 2013 -
35. Brief Report: Inadequate Description and Discussion of Enrolled Patient Characteristics and Potential Inter–
Study Site Differences in Reports of Randomized …, S Yurdakul, BN Mustafa, I Fresko… - Arthritis & …, 2014 Wiley Online Library
Targeting Chemokine (CXC motif) Receptor 3 in Thyroid Autoimmunity, P Fallahi, S Martina Ferrari, A
Corrado… - Recent patents on …, 2014 -
Inflammatory cytokines epigenetically regulate rheumatoid arthritis fibroblast-like synoviocyte activation by
suppressing HDAC5 expression, C Angiolilli, AM Grabiec, BS Ferguson… - Annals of the …, 2014
Current and prospective pharmacotherapy for autoimmune hepatitis, AJ Czaja - Expert opinion on
pharmacotherapy, 2014 -
The Role of CXCR3 in DSS-Induced Colitis, B Chami, AWS Yeung, C van Vreden, NJC King, S Bao - PloS one,
2014 -
Role of CXCL10 in central nervous system inflammation, D Michlmayr, CS McKimmie - International Journal
of Interferon, …, 2014 -
Therapeutic effect of anti-CXC motif chemokine 10 (CXCL10) antibody on C protein-induced myositis mouse, J
Kim, JY Choi, SH Park, SH Yang… - Arthritis research & …, 2014 -
CXCR3 ligands in disease and therapy, K Van Raemdonck, PE Van den Steen… - Cytokine & Growth …, 2014 –
Review article: chemokines as orchestrators of autoimmune hepatitis and potential therapeutic targets, AJ
Czaja - Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Chemokine receptors as important regulators of pathogenesis during arboviral encephalitis, D Michlmayr, JK
Lim - Frontiers in cellular neuroscience, 2014 -
MAbs Targeting Soluble Mediators in Phase 1 and 2 Clinical Studies Immunological Disorders, FR Brennan Handbook of Therapeutic Antibodies - Wiley Online Library
Chemokines and chemokine receptors: Update on utility and challenges for the clinician, I Roy, DB Evans, MB
Dwinell - Surgery, 2014 -
G protein-coupled receptors in rheumatology, E Neumann, K Khawaja, U Müller-Ladner - Nature Reviews …,
2014 -
CXCL10, TNFR2 and Galectin‐9 correlate with disease activity in Juvenile Dermatomyositis, F Bellutti Enders,
F van Wijk, R Scholman… - Arthritis & …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Th1-like Innate Lymphoid Cells Accumulate in the Intestinal Lesions of Patients with Crohn's Disease, JOM List
- Immunity, 2013 -
BET bromodomain inhibition suppresses transcriptional responses to cytokine‐Jak‐STAT signaling in a gene‐
specific manner in human monocytes, CH Chan, C Fang, Y Qiao, A Yarilina… - European journal of …, 2014 Wiley Online Library
The multiple chemokine-binding Bovine Herpesvirus 1 Glycoprotein G (BHV1gG) inhibits polymorphonuclear
cell but not monocyte migration into inflammatory …. Z Liu, R Bethunaickan, R Sahu, M Brenner… Molecular medicine …, 2013 -
19 | P a g e
Curriculum vitae | Codrina Irena Mihaela ANCUTA
52. Investigative Approaches to Drug Therapy, VH Ong, CP Denton - Scleroderma, 2012 – Springer
53. Динамика уровней цитокинов на фоне терапии метотрексатом и адалимумабом у пациентов с
ранним ревматоидным артритом (исследование РЕМАРКА), AЕ Каратеев, AЛ Лучихина… - Научнопрактическая …, 2014 -
54. Целесообразность и перспективы применения антицитокиновой и иммунокорригирующей
терапии у пациентов с хронической обструктивной болезнью …, AД Таганович - Пульмонология,
2014 -
55. Rheumatoid arthritis and bacterial infections, NL Prokopjeva, NN Vesikova, IM Marusenko… - … Science and
Practice, 2008 -
56. Untersuchungen zur Funktion enterischer Gliazellen bei der Vermittlung der angeborenen Immunantwortș FI
Intensivmedizin - 2014 - (CITARE BDI)
ARTICOL CITAT: Determinants of discordance in patients' and physicians' rating of rheumatoid arthritis
disease activity, …, E Abda, A Aggarwal, R Alten, C Ancuta… - Arthritis care & …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Discrepancies between patients and physicians in their perceptions of rheumatoid arthritis disease activity, P
Studenic, H Radner, JS Smolen… - Arthritis & …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Effect and treatment of chronic pain in inflammatory arthritis, YC Lee - Current rheumatology reports, 2013
– Springer
Validity and reliability problems with patient global as a component of the ACR/EULAR remission criteria as
used in clinical practice, KR Masri, TS Shaver, SH Shahouri, S Wang… - The Journal of …, 2012 -
Near misses of ACR/EULAR criteria for remission: effects of patient global assessment in Boolean and indexbased definitions, P Studenic, JS Smolen, D Aletaha - Annals of the rheumatic diseases, 2012 -
The importance of patient participation in measuring rheumatoid arthritis flares, CO Bingham, R Alten, MP
de Wit - Annals of the rheumatic diseases, 2012 -
Characterization of rheumatoid arthritis subtypes using symptom profiles, clinical chemistry and
metabolomics measurements, HA van Wietmarschen, W Dai, AJ van der Kooij… - PloS one, 2012 -
Patient's global assessment of disease activity: what are we measuring?, LHD van Tuyl, M Boers - Arthritis &
Rheumatism, 2012 - Wiley Online Library,
Adherence to a treat-to-target strategy in early rheumatoid arthritis: results of the DREAM remission
induction cohort, M Vermeer, HH Kuper, HJB Moens… - Arthritis research & …, 2012 -
Patients' views about treatment with combination therapy for Rheumatoid Arthritis: a comparative
qualitative study, H Lempp, D Hofmann, SL Hatch… - BMC musculoskeletal …, 2012 -
Impact of socioeconomic gradients within and between countries on health of patients with rheumatoid
arthritis (RA): Lessons from QUEST RA, P Putrik, T Sokka, S Ramiro, A Boonen - Best Practice & Research
Clinical …, 2012 – Elsevier
Long-term sustained remission in a cohort study of patients with rheumatoid arthritis: choice of remission
criteria, B Svensson, MLE Andersson, SV Bala, K Forslind… - BMJ open, 2013 -
Establishing a core domain set to measure rheumatoid arthritis flares: report of the OMERACT 11 RA Flare
Workshop, VP Bykerk, E Lie, SJ Bartlett, R Alten… - The Journal of …, 2014 -
Comparison of physician and patient global assessments over time in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a
retrospective analysis from the RADIUS cohort, JA Markenson, AS Koenig, JY Feng… - JCR: Journal of …, 2013
Understanding how patients (vs physicians) approach the decision to escalate treatment: a proposed
conceptual model, L Fraenkel, EK Seng, M Cunningham… - …, 2014 - Br Soc Rheumatology
Further optimization of the reliability of the 28-joint Disease Activity Score in patients with early rheumatoid
arthritis, L Siemons, M Peter, HE Vonkeman, MAFJ van de Laar… - PloS one, 2014 -
Discordance of Global Estimates by Patients and Their Physicians in Usual Care of Many Rheumatic Diseases:
Association With 5 Scores on a Multidimensional …, I Castrejón, Y Yazici, J Samuels, G Luta… - Arthritis care
& …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
The Role of Depression, Anxiety, Fatigue, and Fibromyalgia on the Evaluation of the Remission Status in
Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis, N Inanc, S Yilmaz-Oner, M Can, T Sokka… - The Journal of …, 2014
Vectra DA for the objective measurement of disease activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, OG
Segurado, EH Sasso - Clinical and experimental …, 2014 -, ABSTRACT
Predictors of Outcome Following Standardized Rehabilitation for Patients with Shoulder Pain, SD Moore 2013 -
20 | P a g e
Curriculum vitae | Codrina Irena Mihaela ANCUTA
20. Pain in rheumatoid arthritis: a critical review, P Sarzi-Puttini, F Salaffi, M Di Franco, L Bazzichi… -
Reusmatismo, 2014 -
21. Assessment of global disease activity in RA patients monitored in the METEOR database: the patient's versus
the rheumatologist's opinion, E Gvozdenović, R Koevoets, R Wolterbeek… - Clinical …, 2014 – Springer
22. Health Literacy Predicts Discrepancies Between Traditional Written Patient Assessments and Verbally
Administered Assessments in Rheumatoid Arthritis, JM Hirsh, LA Davis, I Quinzanos, A Keniston… - The
Journal of …, 2014 -
Discordance in Global Assessments Between Patient and Estimator in Patients with Newly Diagnosed
Rheumatoid Arthritis: Associations with Progressive Joint …, Y Kaneko, M Kuwana, H Kondo… - The Journal
of …, 2014 -
" Stiffness has different meanings, I think, to everyone". examining stiffness from the perspective of people
living with rheumatoid arthritis, AM Orbai, KC Smith, SJ Bartlett… - Arthritis Care & …, 2014 - Wiley Online
Individual patient monitoring in daily clinical practice: a critical evaluation of minimal important change, aJ
Hendrikx, J Fransen, W Kievit, PLCM van Riel - Quality of Life Research, 2014 – Springer,
Factors explaining the discrepancy between physician and patient global assessment of joint and skin disease
activity in psoriatic arthritis patients, L Eder, A Thavaneswaran, V Chandran… - Arthritis care & …, 2014 Wiley Online Library
Benefits and risks of targeted treatment in rheumatoid arthritis, L Dirven - 2012 -
A systems approach to sub-typing of rheumatoid arthritis, HA Wietmarschen - 2012 (CITARE BDI)
Articol citat: Comparison of two referral strategies for diagnosis of axial spondyloarthritis: the Recognising
and Diagnosing Ankylosing Spondylitis Reliably (RADAR) study, …, D Danda, T Reitblat, F Cantini, C Ancuta…
- Annals of the …, 2012 -
Optimizing the identification of patients with axial spondyloarthritis in primary care—the case for a two-step
strategy combining the most relevant clinical items …, A Braun, H Gnann, E Saracbasi, J Grifka… - …, 2013 Br Soc Rheumatology
Recomendations for the Detection, Study and Referral of Inflammatory Low-back Pain in Primary Care, XJ
Roura, EC Estévez, FL Vázquez, AT Villamor… - … Clínica (English Edition), 2014 – Elsevier
Advances in classification, basic mechanisms and clinical science in ankylosing spondylitis and axial
spondyloarthritis, PC Robinson, H Benham - Internal medicine journal, 2014 - Wiley Online Library;
Nonradiographic axial spondyloarthritis background and confounding factors of this new terminology: an
appraisal, J Erbil, LR Espinoza - Clinical rheumatology, 2014 – Springer
Spondyloarthritis: recognition, imaging, treatment, R Berg - 2014 -
Consensus statement on the investigation and management of non‐radiographic axial spondyloarthritis (nr‐
axSpA), PC Robinson, P Bird, I Lim, N Saad… - … journal of rheumatic …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Men's Experiences of Living with Ankylosing Spondylitis: A Qualitative Study, M Madsen, KV Jensen, BA
Esbensen - Musculoskeletal care, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Referral strategy for early recognition of axial spondyloarthritis: consensus recommendations from the Hong
Kong Society of Rheumatology, CC Mok, LS Tam, MH Leung, KY Ying… - … journal of rheumatic …, 2013 Wiley Online Library
Similarities and differences between nonradiographic and radiographic axial spondyloarthritis: a clinical,
epidemiological and therapeutic assessment, D Poddubnyy, J Sieper - Current opinion in rheumatology,
2014 -
General Practitioners' Perceptions of Their Ability to Identify and Refer Patients with Suspected Axial
Spondyloarthritis: A Qualitative Study, M van Onna, S Gorter, A van Meerendonk… - The Journal of …, 2014
Recognition of Preclinical and Early Disease in Axial Spondyloarthritis, D Wallis, RD Inman - Rheumatic
Disease Clinics of North America, 2014 – Elsevier
The burden of Non-radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis, A Boonen, J Sieper, D van der Heijde… - Seminars
in Arthritis and …, 2014 – Elsevier
Classification and Diagnosis of Axial Spondyloarthritis—What Is the Clinically Relevant Difference?, J Braun,
X Baraliakos, U Kiltz, F Heldmann… - The Journal of …, 2014 -
The prevalence of inflammatory back pain in a UK primary care population, L Hamilton, A Macgregor, V
Warmington… - …, 2014 - Br Soc Rheumatology
21 | P a g e
Curriculum vitae | Codrina Irena Mihaela ANCUTA
15. Comparación de 2 estrategias de derivación en el diagnóstico de la espondiloartritis axial en España. Estudio
RADAR, XJ Roura, JLF Sueiro, JCT Alonso… - Reumatología …, 2013 -
16. Recomendaciones para la detección, investigación y derivación del dolor lumbar inflamatorio en Atención
Primaria, XJ Roura, EC Estévez, FL Vázquez, AT Villamor… - Reumatología …, 2014 – Elsevier
Articol citat: Patient's global assessment of disease activity and patient's assessment of general health for
rheumatoid arthritis activity assessment: are they equivalent?, …, EA Abda, R Alten, C Pohl, C Ancuta… - Annals
of the …, 2012 -;
Near misses of ACR/EULAR criteria for remission: effects of patient global assessment in Boolean and indexbased definitions, P Studenic, JS Smolen, D Aletaha - Annals of the rheumatic diseases, 2012 -
2. Impact of socioeconomic gradients within and between countries on health of patients with rheumatoid
arthritis (RA): Lessons from QUEST RA, P Putrik, T Sokka, S Ramiro, A Boonen - Best Practice & Research
Clinical …, 2012 – Elsevier
3. Discordance of Global Estimates by Patients and Their Physicians in Usual Care of Many Rheumatic Diseases:
Association With 5 Scores on a Multidimensional …, I Castrejón, Y Yazici, J Samuels, G Luta… - Arthritis care
& …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
4. The Role of Depression, Anxiety, Fatigue, and Fibromyalgia on the Evaluation of the Remission Status in
Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis, N Inanc, S Yilmaz-Oner, M Can, T Sokka… - The Journal of …, 2014
5. Rheumatoid Arthritis in the Elderly in the Era of Tight Control, M Soubrier, Z Tatar, M Couderc, S Mathieu, JJ
Dubost - Drugs & aging, 2013 – Springer
6. Aiming for SDAI remission versus low disease activity at 1 year after inclusion in ESPOIR cohort is associated
with better 3-year structural outcomes, A Ruyssen-Witrand, G Guernec, D Nigon… - Annals of the …, 2014
7. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis have better functional and working ability but poorer general health and
higher comorbidity rates today than in the late 1990s, T Uutela, H Kautiainen, S Järvenpää… - Scandinavian
…, 2014 -
8. Clinical measurement of disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis: why, how and utility of patient selfassessment, PP Cheung, L Gossec - International Journal of Clinical …, 2014 - Future Medicine
9. Health Literacy Predicts Discrepancies Between Traditional Written Patient Assessments and Verbally
Administered Assessments in Rheumatoid Arthritis, JM Hirsh, LA Davis, I Quinzanos, A Keniston… - The
Journal of …, 2014 -
10. Patient‐Reported Improvement in Rheumatoid Arthritis is Associated With Different Measures of Arthritis
Activity When Assessed Prospectively Versus Retrospectively …, MM Ward, LC Guthrie, MI Alba - Arthritis
care & research, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
11. Growing up with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, A McKeever, MM Kelly - MCN: The American Journal of
Maternal/ …, 2015 -
Articol citat: Carotid intima-media thickness and plaque as surrogate biomarkers of atherosclerosis among
consecutive women with systemic lupus erythematosus, C Belibou, C Ancuţa, E Ancuţa, C Filoş… - Rom J
Morphol Embryol, 2012 -
Study of anti-apolipoprotein AI antibodies and paraoxonase 1 activity in systemic lupus erythematosus
patients; correlation with disease activity and damage …, EM Elserougy, II El-Gazzar, MM Ahmed… - The
Egyptian …, 2013 – Elsevier
Anti-apolipoprotein A-1 antibodies and carotid intima–media thickness in Egyptian women with systemic
lupus erythematosus, MM Radwan, D El-Lebedy, R Fouda, E Elsorougy… - Clinical …, 2014 – Springer
Subclinical atherosclerosis in systemic lupus erythematosus patients and its relationship to disease activity
and damage indices, S Fadda, H Nassar, SM Gamal, H Al-Azizi - Zeitschrift für Rheumatologie, 2014 –
Hyperhomocysteinemia and metabolic syndrome are risk factors for sub-clinical atherosclerosis in women
with systemic lupus erythematosus, E Baraka, M El Dein, H Farouk, Y El Moutaz - The Egyptian
Rheumatologist, 2014 – Elsevier
22 | P a g e
Curriculum vitae | Codrina Irena Mihaela ANCUTA
Intima media thickness measurement as a marker of subclinical atherosclerosis in SLE patient, A Smrzova, P
Horak, M Skacelova… - Biomedical …, 2013 -
药物治疗对系统性红斑狼疮患者血脂的影响, 吴鹰,王剑华,马海智,崔敏 - 广东医学, 2013 -
Articol citat: Prediction of worsening of skin fibrosis in patients with diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis
using the EUSTAR database, …, A Dumitrascu, I Tiglea, R Chirieac, C Ancuta… - Annals of the …, 2014
Observational Cohort Studies in Rheumatic Diseases, SK Cho, D Kim, YK Sung - Korean Journal of Medicine,
2014 -
Systemic Sclerosis: Results from a multicenter survey of Norwegian patients, AM Hoffmann-Vold - 2014
Esclerosis sistémica. Evaluación clínico-epidemiológica de una serie de casos en dos centros de referencia en
Cuba, GAR Llerena, ZMG Toledano… - Revista Cubana de …, 2014 -
류마티스질환의코호트연구, SK Cho, D Kim, YK Sung - 대한내과학회지, 2014 -
Factors Influencing Delay in Symptom-to-Door Time in Patients with Acute ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial
Infarction, JH Lee, MH Jeong, J Rhee, JS Choi… - Korean Journal of …, 2014 -
Articol citat Adalimumab therapy in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis., C Ancuţa, E Ancuţa, S Miu,
C Iordache… - … medico-chirurgicala a …, 2008 -
Activation of Sirt1 by resveratrol inhibits TNF-α induced inflammation in fibroblasts, X Zhu, Q Liu, M Wang, M
Liang, X Yang, X Xu, H Zou… - PloS one, 2011 -
Retrospective cohort study of anti-tumor necrosis factor agent use in a veteran population, M Bounthavong,
N Madkour, R Kazerooni - PeerJ, 2014 -
Untersuchungen zum Krankheitsverlauf von Patienten mit Morbus Crohn unter der Therapie mit
Adalimumab, C Reichel - (CITARE BDI)
Articol citat: Effects of Pilates, McKenzie and Heckscher training on disease activity, spinal motility and
pulmonary function in patients with ankylosing spondylitis: a randomized …, MO Roşu, I Ţopa, R
Chirieac, C Ancuta - Rheumatology international, 2014 – Springer
Effects of physical therapy for the management of patients with ankylosing spondylitis in the biological era, E
Giannotti, S Trainito, G Arioli, V Rucco… - Clinical rheumatology, 2014 – Springer
Exercise therapy for spondyloarthritis: a systematic review, T O'Dwyer, F O'Shea, F Wilson - Rheumatology
international, 2014 – Springer
Exercise as an anti-inflammatory therapy for rheumatic diseases [mdash] myokine regulation, FB Benatti, BK
Pedersen - Nature Reviews Rheumatology, 2014 -
Nonpharmacologic therapies in spondyloarthritis, AM Reimold, V Chandran - Best Practice & Research
Clinical …, 2014 – Elsevier
Articol citat: [Prospective study of the efficiency and safety of adalimumab in treatment of active established
rheumatoid arthritis].; C Pomirleanu, C Ancuţa, L Macovei… - … medico-chirurgicala a …, 2011 -
1. 治疗性单克隆抗体药物的现状及发展趋势, 王志明,高健,李耿 - 中国生物工程杂志, 2013 (CITARE BDI)类风湿关节炎治疗药物的研究进展, 兰芬,阳凌燕,管剑龙 - 药学服务与研
究, 2013 - 万方数据资源系统(CITARE BDI)
Articol citat: [Clinico-biological issues of systemic lupus erythematosus patients].; IC Belibou, C Ancuţa,
S Miu, E Ancuţa… - … medico-chirurgicala a …, 2011 -
Long-term cardiac changes in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, MF de Godoy, CM de Oliveira,
VA Fabri… - BMC research …, 2013 -
23 | P a g e
Curriculum vitae | Codrina Irena Mihaela ANCUTA
Articol citat: Importance of posture assessment in ankylosing spondylitis. Preliminary study, MO Roşu, C
Ancuţa, C Iordache… - … medico-chirurgicală̆ a …, 2012 -
Postural Control and Balance in Ankylosing Spondylitis, T Yildirim, O Yildirim - Medicine Science| International
Medical Journal -
Evidencia científica de la rehabilitación en la espondilitis anquilosante, A Bigorda-Sague, MA Castellano-delCastillo… - Rehabilitación, 2014 – Elsevier
Articol citat: Immunohistochemical study of skeletal muscle in rheumatoid myositis, C Ancuţa, E Ancuţa, C
Iordache… - Romanian Journal of …, 2009 -
Anti-inflammatory effect of plant compositions of Tibetan medicine in vitro on early rheumatoid arthritis, LY
Semenova, JM Salmasi, GV Poryadin - Health, 2011 -
Articol citat: [Identification of bone mass and bone turnover in patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with
corticosteroids in order to elaborate an optimal therapeutic approach]., L Macovei, C Ancuţa, C Pomîrleanu… … medico-chirurgicala a …, 2011 -;
男性类风湿关节炎患者骨质疏松与骨密度的临床研究, 马喜喜,刘童,徐胜前,沈晓濛,胡琳玮… - 中华临
床医师杂志( …, 2013 - (citare BDI)
Alendronate for postmenopausal osteoporosis: focus on bone resorption biomarker, E Ancuta, C Ancuta, C
Iordache… - …, 2010 - … LONDON LTD 236 GRAYS INN RD, …
Systematic review of the use of bone turnover markers for monitoring the response to osteoporosis treatment:
the secondary prevention of fractures, and primary …, J Burch, S Rice, H Yang, A Neilson, L Stirk… - Health
technology …, 2014 -
[CITATION] Changes in bone mineral density during anti-TNF alpha therapy in rheumatoid arthritis patients,
C Ancuta, R Chiriac, E Ancuta… - …, 2007 - SPRINGER LONDON LTD …
Gateways to clinical trials, M Bayes, X Rabasseda, JR Prous - Methods and findings in …, 2007 (CITARE BDI)
Articol citat: Effects of physical and vibroacoustic therapy in chronic pain in juvenile arthritis, LM Ailioaie, C
Ailioaie, C Ancuta… - Revista Romana de …, 2011 -
Ocena efektów analgetycznych terapii wibroakustycznej w leczeniu dolegliwości bólowych części
lędźwiowo-krzyżowej kręgosłupa u pracowników biurowych., M Drężewska, A Sieroń, Z Śliwiński (CITARE BDI)
Articol citat GOUT-INDUCED BY INFLIXIMAB?-CASE REPORT, …, A Chirana, AE Chiriac, A Codrina - Our
Dermatology Online/ …, 2012 -
PROPÓSITO DE UN CASO, L Rodríguez, BDM Ortiz, R Contreras… - Our Dermatology …, 2013 (CITARE BDI)
2. Giant tophus in the course of gout, with a good response to infliximab, T Pinteala, P Brzezinski -
Articol citat Importance of posture assessment in ankylosing spondylitis. Preliminary study, MO Roşu, C
Ancuţa, C Iordache… - … medico-chirurgicală̆ a …, 2012 -
Postural Control and Balance in Ankylosing Spondylitis, T Yildirim, O Yildirim - Medicine Science|
International Medical Journal -
Evidencia científica de la rehabilitación en la espondilitis anquilosante, A Bigorda-Sague, MA Castellano-delCastillo… - Rehabilitación, 2014 – Elsevier
Articol citat Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases in idiopathic inflammatory myopathies: an update on
immunopathogenic significance, clinical and therapeutic implications, CM Ancuta, E Ancuta… - Idiopathic
Inflammatory …, 2011 -
Antisynthetase syndrome: Not just an inflammatory myopathy, S CHATTERJEE, R PRAYSON, C FARVER - Cleveland
Clinic journal of …, 2013 -
24 | P a g e
Curriculum vitae | Codrina Irena Mihaela ANCUTA
Articol citat: Study on the effectiveness of the kinetic method in patients with rheumatic diseases and
temporomandibular joint dysfunction., MD Havriş, C Ancuţa, C Iordache… - … medico-chirurgicală̆ a …, 2012
PAIN IN TEMPOROMANDIBULAR …, A dos Santos Soares, M Medeiros de Oliveira… - International Journal of …,
Articol citat: The Pilates method in ankylosing spondylitis, S Berea, C Ancuţa, S Miu, R Chirieac rehabilitation, 2012 -
Effects of Pilates, McKenzie and Heckscher training on disease activity, spinal motility and pulmonary function in
patients with ankylosing spondylitis: a randomized …, MO Roşu, I Ţopa, R Chirieac, C Ancuta - Rheumatology
international, 2014 - Springer
Articol citat: Effects and safety of rituximab in systemic sclerosis: an analysis from the European
Scleroderma Trial and Research (EUSTAR) group, …, P Airo, JJA Sancho, L Ananjeva, CM Ancuta… Annals of the …, 2014 -
1. TLR4 knockout ameliorates tissue fibrosis in the murine models of systemic sclerosis, T Takahashi, Y Asano, Y
Ichimura… - Arthritis & …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
2. Molecular and cellular basis of scleroderma, B Eckes, P Moinzadeh, G Sengle… - Journal of Molecular …, 2014
- Springer
3. Targeting B Lymphocytes in Progressive Fibrosing Mediastinitis, BD Westerly, GB Johnson, F Maldonado… American journal of …, 2014 - Am Thoracic Soc
4. B-cell depletion attenuates serological biomarkers of fibrosis and myofibroblast activation in IgG4-related
disease, E Della-Torre, E Feeney, V Deshpande… - Annals of the …, 2014 -
5. Анти-В-клеточная терапия при иммуновоспалительных ревматических заболеваниях:
эффективность и переносимость у 229 больных, AП Ананьева, AК Соловьев, AЭ Цанян… - Научнопрактическая …, 2014 -
6. Estimating Benefits from Immunesuppressive Treatment in Diffuse Cutaneous Systemic Sclerosis: Data from
the Canadian Scleroderma Research Group, T Choy, M Baron, JE Pope - Open Journal of Rheumatology and
…, 2014 -
7. Quoi de neuf en Médecine interne?, E Laffitte - Annales de Dermatologie et de Vénéréologie, 2014 - Elsevier
8. Long-term efficacy of B cell depletion therapy on lung and skin involvement in diffuse systemic sclerosis, SL
Bosello, G De Luca, M Rucco, G Berardi… - Seminars in arthritis and …, 2014 - Elsevier
9. Simultaneous downregulation of KLF5 and Fli1 is a key feature underlying systemic sclerosis, S Noda, Y
Asano, S Nishimura, T Taniguchi… - Nature …, 2014 -
Articol citat: A predictive model for remission and low disease activity in patients with established
rheumatoid arthritis receiving TNF blockers, C Pomirleanu, C Ancuta, S Miu, R Chirieac - Clinical
rheumatology, 2013 - Springer
Evaluating drug-free remission with abatacept in early rheumatoid arthritis: results from the phase 3b,
multicentre, randomised, active-controlled AVERT study …, P Emery, GR Burmester, VP Bykerk… - Annals of
the …, 2015 -
Articol citat: Lichen planus secondary complications associated with the use of biologic therapy for
rheumatoid arthritis, A Chiriac, L Foia, AE Chiriac, C ANCUŢA… - Romanian journal of …, 2013 -
1.Safety of Anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor Therapies in Arthritis Patients, MG Neuman, RM Nanau - Journal of
Pharmacy & …, 2014 -
Articol citat: Work disability remains a major problem in rheumatoid arthritis in the 2000s: data from
32 countries in the QUEST-RA study, T Sokka, H Kautiainen, T Pincus… - Arthritis research & …, 2010
Systematic literature review on economic implications and pharmacoeconomic issues of rheumatoid
arthritis, G Furneri, LG Mantovani, A Belisari… - Clinical and …, 2012 -
2011 Consensus of the Brazilian Society of Rheumatology for diagnosis and early assessment of
rheumatoid arthritis, LMH Mota, BA Cruz, CV Brenol, IA Pereira… - Revista brasileira de …, 2011 - SciELO
25 | P a g e
Curriculum vitae | Codrina Irena Mihaela ANCUTA
The need to address the burden of musculoskeletal conditions, AD Woolf, J Erwin, L March - Best Practice
& Research Clinical …, 2012 – Elsevier
Monitoring rheumatoid arthritis, JS Smolen, D Aletaha - Current opinion in rheumatology, 2011
Angiogenesis as a therapeutic target in arthritis in 2011: learning the lessons of the colorectal cancer
experience, N Thairu, S Kiriakidis, P Dawson, E Paleolog - Angiogenesis, 2011 – Springer
Economic consequences and potential benefits, B Fautrel, SMM Verstappen, A Boonen - Best Practice &
Research Clinical …, 2011 – Elsevier
The incidence of permanent work disability in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in Sweden 1990–2010:
before and after introduction of biologic agents, E Hallert, M Husberg, L Bernfort - Rheumatology, 2012 Br Soc Rheumatology
Consenso da Sociedade Brasileira de Reumatologia 2011 para o diagnóstico e avaliação inicial da artrite
reumatoide, LM da Mota, BA Cruz, CV Brenol, IA Pereira… - Rev Bras …, 2011 - SciELO Brasil
The rationale of pharmacoeconomic analysis in rheumatologic indications, G Turchetti, L Scalone, AO
Della Casa… - Clin Exp …, 2012 -
Determinants of work disability in patients with systemic sclerosis: a longitudinal study of the GENISOS
cohort, R Sharif, MD Mayes, PM Nicassio, EB Gonzalez… - Seminars in arthritis and …, 2011 – Elsevier
Very early rheumatoid arthritis as a predictor of remission: a multicentre real life prospective study, E
Gremese, F Salaffi, SL Bosello, A Ciapetti… - Annals of the …, 2012 -
My treatment approach to rheumatoid arthritis, JM Davis III, EL Matteson - Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 2012
– Elsevier
Agreement between aggregate and individual-level measures of income and education: a comparison
across three patient groups, CA Marra, LD Lynd, SS Harvard… - BMC health services …, 2011
Work disability rates in RA. Results from an inception cohort with 24 years follow-up, E Nikiphorou, D
Guh, N Bansback, W Zhang… - …, 2012 - Br Soc Rheumatology
Decline in work disability caused by early rheumatoid arthritis: results from a nationwide Finnish
register, 2000–8, VM Rantalaiho, H Kautiainen, S Järvenpää… - Annals of the …, 2012 -
Methodological issues when measuring paid productivity loss in patients with arthritis using biologic
therapies: an overview of the literature,SMM Verstappen, B Fautrel, S Dadoun… - …, 2012 - Br Soc
Which patients with rheumatoid arthritis are still working?, T Uhlig - Arthritis Research and Therapy,
2010 -
Prognostic factors for long-term work disability due to musculoskeletal disorders, L Abásolo, C Lajas, L
León, L Carmona… - Rheumatology …, 2012 – Springer
Characterization of a novel and spontaneous mouse model of inflammatory arthritis, IA Adipue, JT Wilcox,
C King, CA Rice… - Arthritis Res …, 2011 -
Negotiating targets with patients: choice of target in relation to occupational state, SM Robinson, DJ
Walker - Rheumatology, 2012 - Br Soc Rheumatology
The influence of a< i> TNF</i> gene polymorphism on the severity of rheumatoid arthritis in the
Brazilian Amazon, AL Boechat, NO Boechat, MM Ogusku, MR Alencar… - Cytokine, 2013 – Elsevier
About classification of rheumatoid arthritis, DE Karateev, YA Olunin - Rheumatology Science and Practice,
2008 -
Взаимосвязь клинических характеристик ревматоидного артрита с трудоспособностью и
производительностью труда, ОЮ ВАКУЛЕНКО, ДВ ГОРЯЧЕВ - Научно-практическая …, 2012
Impact of modified-release prednisone on functional ability in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, BM
Pfeiffer, S Krenzer, R Dockhorn… - Rheumatology …, 2013 – Springer
Management of work disability in rheumatic conditions: a review of non-pharmacological interventions,
MAM Gignac, A Jetha, J Bowring, DE Beaton… - Best Practice & …, 2012 – Elsevier
Biological therapy in inflammatory rheumatic diseases: issues in Central and Eastern European countries,
M Péntek, G Poór, P Wiland, M Olejárová… - The European Journal of …, 2014 – Springer
Impact of socioeconomic gradients within and between countries on health of patients with rheumatoid
arthritis (RA): Lessons from QUEST RA, P Putrik, T Sokka, S Ramiro, A Boonen - Best Practice & Research
Clinical …, 2012 - Elsevier
类风湿关节炎患者工作能力障碍的现况调查, 张晓盈, 段天娇, 穆荣, 楼放, 李春, 王秀茹… - 中华
风湿病学 …, 2012
26 | P a g e
Curriculum vitae | Codrina Irena Mihaela ANCUTA
The role of goal management for successful adaptation to arthritis, RY Arends, C Bode, E Taal… - Patient
education and …, 2013 – Elsevier
Burden of disease in treated rheumatoid arthritis patients: Going beyond the joint, M Cutolo, GD Kitas,
PLCM van Riel - Seminars in arthritis and rheumatism, 2014 – Elsevier
Predictors of work disability during the first 3 years after diagnosis in a national rheumatoid arthritis
inception cohort, T Olofsson, IF Petersson, JK Eriksson… - Annals of the …, 2014 -
Costs of rheumatoid arthritis during the period 1990–2010: a register-based cost-of-illness study in
Sweden, A Kalkan, E Hallert, L Bernfort, M Husberg… - …, 2014 - Br Soc Rheumatology
Predictors of work disability during the first 3 years after diagnosis in a national rheumatoid arthritis
inception cohort, T Olofsson, IF Petersson, JK Eriksson… - Annals of the …, 2013 -
Low prevalence of work disability in early inflammatory arthritis (EIA) and early rheumatoid arthritis at
enrollment into a multi-site registry: results from the catch cohort, L Mussen, T Boyd, V Bykerk, F de Leon,
L Li… - Rheumatology …, 2013 – Springer
Early rheumatoid arthritis 6 years after diagnosis is still associated with high direct costs and increasing
loss of productivity: the Swedish TIRA project, E Hallert, M Husberg, A Kalkan… - Scandinavian …, 2013
Sensibility of five at-work productivity measures was endorsed by patients with osteoarthritis or
rheumatoid arthritis, K Tang, DE Beaton, D Lacaille, MAM Gignac… - Journal of clinical …, 2013 – Elsevier;
Interaction between smoking and HLA-DRB1* 04 gene is associated with a high cardiovascular risk in
Brazilian Amazon patients with rheumatoid arthritis, N de Oliveira Boechat, MM Ogusku, AL Boechat… PloS one, 2012 -
Fit For Work?, K Zheltoukhova, S Bevan, A Reich - … disorders and the …, 2012 -
Angiogenesis in joint disease: the need for clinical data, EM Paleolog - International Journal of Clinical
Rheumatology, 2010 - Future Medicine
Potential of the HAQ score as clinical indicator suggesting comprehensive multidisciplinary assessments:
the Swedish TIRA cohort 8 years after diagnosis of RA, I Thyberg, Ö Dahlström, M Björk, P Arvidsson… Clinical …, 2012 – Springer
Advances in the treatment of cervical rheumatoid: Less surgery and less morbidity, GW Mallory, SR
Halasz, MJ Clarke - World journal of orthopedics, 2014 -
Disability mediates the impact of common conditions on perceived health, J Alonso, G Vilagut, ND
Adroher, S Chatterji, Y He… - PloS one, 2013 -
Pacing as a treatment modality in migraine and tension-type headache, A McLean, K Coutts, WJ Becker Disability and …, 2012 -
Situation of rheumatology in Poland in 2012, P Wiland, B Maciazek-Chyra - Reumatologia, 2012
Employment in adults with cystic fibrosis, K Targett, S Bourke, E Nash, E Murphy… - Occupational …, 2014
- Soc Occupational Med
The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) Core Sets: Application to a
postmenopausal woman with rheumatoid arthritis and …, AL Lorbergs, NJ MacIntyre - Physiotherapy
theory and …, 2013 -
Rehabilitation in der Rheumatologie, F Luttosch, C Baerwald - Der Internist, 2010 – Springer
The initial treatment strategy and the long-term outcome of early rheumatoid arthritis with special
interest in the FIN-RACo trial and the current Finnish …, V Rantalaiho - 2012 - Tampere University Press
Relationship of the clinical characteristics of rheumatoid arthritis to work capacity and efficiency, OY
Vakulenko, OA Krichevskaya, DV Goryachev… - … Science and Practice, 2012 -
Rheumatology and work, AC Jones, AF Kavanaugh, DJ Walker - Rheumatology, 2010 - Br Soc
Association of employment and working conditions with physical and mental health symptoms for people
with fibromyalgia, C Rakovski, L Zettel-Watson… - Disability and …, 2012 -
27 | P a g e
Curriculum vitae | Codrina Irena Mihaela ANCUTA
Impact of impaired morning function on quality of life in rheumatoid arthritis: results of an exploratory
patient survey, S Phillips, L Dow - International Journal of Clinical Rheumatology, 2012 - Future Medicine
Stan reumatologii w Polsce w 2012 roku, P Wiland, B Maciążek-Chyra - Reumatologia, 2012 -
Moving from evidence to practice: Models of care for the prevention and management of musculoskeletal
conditions, R Speerin, H Slater, L Li, K Moore, M Chan… - Best Practice & …, 2014 - Elsevier
The Burden of Disease in Rheumatoid Arthritis, T Uhlig, RH Moe, TK Kvien - PharmacoEconomics, 2014 Springer
Musculoskeletal Disorders and Health Behaviors Among US Workers, AJ Caban-Martinez - 2011
Angiogenesis in Rheumatoid Arthritis, S Konisti, S Kiriakidis, EM Paleolog - Angiogenesis and
Vascularisation, 2013 - Springer
Evaluation eines neuen 7-Gelenke-Ultraschall-Scores zum Therapiemonitoring bei Patienten mit
Rheumatoider Arthritis und Psoriasisarthritis mit …, B Halbauer - 2012 -
Unity in diversity: Rheumatoid arthritis across countries, S Pandya, P Ghosh - Indian Journal of
Rheumatology, 2014 -
Retentissement professionnel de la sclérodermie systémique, A Bérezné, C Nguyen, L Mouthon - La Presse
Médicale, 2013 - Elsevier
Krónikus betegségek biológiai terápiájának alkalmazásával kapcsolatos gazdasági megfontolások [védés
előtt]= Economic consideration of the implementation of …, O Balogh - 2014 -
Körperliche Aktivität und Sport bei Rheumatoider Arthritis, O Schultz - Aktuelle Rheumatologie, 2012
Comparison of the long-term outcome for patients with rheumatoid arthritis with persistent moderate
disease activity or disease remission during the first year …, B Combe, I Logeart, MC Belkacemi… - Annals
of the …, 2014 -
Work ability and work disability evaluation in Saudi patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Special emphasis
on work ability among housewives, N Janoudi, H Almoallim, W Hussein… - Saudi medical …, 2013
Revmatoid artritt i Norge–demografi, sykdomskarakteristika og behandling. En sammenligning med andre
europeiske land og USA, G Haugeberg, EW Rebnord, A Diamantopoulos… - Norsk …, 2012 -
Fit For Work?, R Thomas, K Zheltoukhova, S Bevan - (CITARE BDI)
Name of journal: World Journal of Rheumatology ESPS Manuscript NO: 12240 Columns: REVIEW Oral
creatine supplementation: A potential adjunct therapy …, TJ Wilkinson, TD O'Brien, AB Lemmey
О некоторых подходах к количественной оценке снижения производительности труда при
ревматических заболеваниях, ОА Кричевская, ОЮ Вакуленко… - Научно- …, 2012 -
Contribution of ethnic group and socioeconomic status to degree of disability in rheumatoid arthritis in
Chilean patients, AM Alarcón, S Muñoz, JS Kaufman, C Martínez… - Rheumatology …, 2014 – Springer
Impact of morning stiffness on working behaviour and performance in people with rheumatoid arthritis, K
Mattila, F Buttgereit, R Tuominen - Rheumatology international, 2014 – Springer
Availability, Need for, and Use of Work Accommodations and Benefits: Are they related to Employment
Outcomes in People with Arthritis?, MAM Gignac, X Cao, J McAlpine - Arthritis care & research, 2014 Wiley Online Library
[PDF] Economic evaluation of a tight-control treatment strategy using an imaging device (handscan) for
monitoring joint inflammation in early rheumatoid arthritis, SC Nair, PMJ Welsing, JWG Jacobs… DECISION MAKING IN … -
Puttini… -
Linguistic Validation into 20 Languages and Content Validity of the Rheumatoid Arthritis-Specific Work
Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire, J Lambert, BB Hansen, B Arnould, G Grataloup… - The
Patient-Patient- …, 2014 - Springer
28 | P a g e
Curriculum vitae | Codrina Irena Mihaela ANCUTA
76. Early rheumatoid arthritis: The performance of the 2010 ACR/EULAR criteria for diagnosing RA, MD
Mjaavatten, VP Bykerk - Best Practice & Research Clinical …, 2013 - Elsevier
77. Budget impact analysis of biosimilar infliximab (CT-P13) for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in six
Central and Eastern European countries, V Brodszky, P Baji, O Balogh, M Péntek - The European Journal of
Health …, 2014 - Springer
78. Guidelines for the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis, LMH Mota, BA Cruz, CV Brenol, IA Pereira… - Revista
brasileira de …, 2013 - SciELO Brasil
79. Stan reumatologii w Polsce w 2012 roku więcej, P Wiland, B Maciążek-Chyra - Reumatologia, 2012
80. A goal management intervention for polyarthritis patients: rationale and design of a randomized
controlled trial, RY Arends, C Bode, E Taal… - BMC musculoskeletal …, 2013 -
81. Outcomes of early rheumatoid arthritis–The WHO ICF framework, SMM Verstappen - Best Practice &
Research Clinical Rheumatology, 2013 - Elsevier
82. Determinants Associated with Work Participation in Patients with Established Rheumatoid Arthritis
Taking Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitors, SHM Manders, W Kievit… - The Journal of …, 2014 -
83. Work disability and state benefit claims in early rheumatoid arthritis: the ERAN cohort, DF McWilliams, S
Varughese, A Young… - …, 2014 - Br Soc Rheumatology
84. Oral creatine supplementation: A potential adjunct therapy for rheumatoid arthritis patients , TJ Wilkinson,
TD O'Brien, AB Lemmey - World J Rheumatol, 2014 -
Articol citat Tumor biomarkers in cervical cancer: focus on Ki-67 proliferation factor and E-cadherin
expression, E Ancuţa, C Ancuţa, LG Cozma, C Iordache… - Rom J Morphol …, 2009 -
Expression and prognostic value of the Ki-67 in Wilms' tumor: experience with 48 cases, I Jurić, Z
Pogorelić, I Kuzmić-Prusac, M Biočić… - Pediatric surgery …, 2010 – Springer
2. A comparative analysis of clinical and molecular factors with the stage of cervical cancer in a brazilian
cohort SM Amaro-Filho, JE Golub, GJ Nuovo, CB Cunha… - PloS one, 2013 -
3. SUV on dual-phase FDG PET/CT correlates with the Ki-67 proliferation index in patients with newly
diagnosed non-Hodgkin lymphoma, CC Chang, SF Cho, YW Chen, HP Tu… - Clinical nuclear …, 2012
4. Lacking hypoxia-mediated downregulation of E-cadherin in cancers of the uterine cervix, A Mayer, M
Höckel, N Schlischewsky… - British journal of …, 2013 -
5. Survivin, Ki-67 在口腔颌面部非霍奇金淋巴瘤中的表达及竟义, 刘卓星, 刘文玲 - 临床肿瘤学杂志, 2013
7. Existe alteração no mecanismo de adesão celular mediado pela E-caderina nas neoplasias cervicais de
pacientes soropositivas para o HIV?; JB Zimmermmann, H Gobbi, VH MELO - Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet, 2010
- SciELO Brasil
8. Current status of the management of cervical carcinoma stage IB, S DEXEUS, D DEXEUS, MD OJEDA, B
9. Molecular Pathology and Diagnostics of Gynecologic Malignancies, RE Shackelford, M Ghayouri, D
Coppola… - Molecular Pathology and …, 2014 - Springer
Luha… - OnLine Journal of …, 2013 -
Articol citat: Predictive value of cellular immune response in cervical cancer, E ANCUŢA, C ANCUŢA, F
Zugun-Eloae… - Romanian Journal of …, 2009 -
Prognostic impact of lymphocytes in soft tissue sarcomas, SW Sorbye, T Kilvaer, A Valkov, T Donnem, E
Smeland… - PLoS One, 2011 -
Induction of apoptosis with diallyl disulfide in AGS gastric cancer cell line, JE Lee, RA Lee, KH Kim… Journal of the Korean …, 2011 -
The effectiveness of postoperative neutrophils to lymphocytes ratio in predicting long-term recurrence
after stomach cancer surgery, YH Kim, WJ Choi - Journal of the Korean Surgical Society, 2012
Proex C para o diagnóstico de lesões intra-epiteliais no colo do útero, AA Pias - 2012 -
Tumor Infiltration by Immune Cells: Pathologic Evaluation and a Clinical Significance, DW Gutkin - The
Tumor Immunoenvironment, 2013 – Springer
29 | P a g e
Curriculum vitae | Codrina Irena Mihaela ANCUTA
Prognostic value of adaptive and innate immune system in soft tissue sarcomas, SW Sørbye - 2013
7. Breast Cancer: CD3+ Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes Differences among Molecular Subtypes, NA
Mohammed, SA Ali, SM Saleh, AS Abood - cancer cells -
8. Predictive Value of Cellular Immune Response and Tumor Biomarkers in Patients Surgically Treated for
Cervical Cancer in Relation to Clinical Outcomes, E Ancuta, C Ancuta, D Sofroni -
9. shrew-1 与 MMP-9 蛋白的表达及其联合检测对早期子宫颈鳞癌复发的预测价值, 孙晓彤, 杨毓琴, 李耘
, 王梅, 曲波, 任睿 - 中华妇产科杂志, 2012 - 万方数据资源系统
10. CD3+, CD4+ & CD8+ tumour infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) are predictors of favourable survival outcome
in infiltrating ductal carcinoma of breast, AS Rathore, S Kumar, R Konwar, A Makker… - The Indian journal
of …, 2014 -
11. Manipulation of tumour-infiltrating B cells and tertiary lymphoid structures: a novel anti-cancer treatment
avenue?, K Siliņa, U Rulle, Z Kalniņa, A Linē - Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy, 2014 – Springer
…. Articol citat: Neoangiogenesis in cervical cancer: focus on CD34 assessment, C ANCUŢA, E Ancuţa, F
Zugun-Eloae… - Romanian Journal of …, 2010 -
EFEMP1 expression promotes angiogenesis and accelerates the growth of cervical cancer< i> in vivo</i>, E
Song, Y Hou, S Yu, S Chen, J Huang, T Luo… - Gynecologic …, 2011 – Elsevier
Proliferation and maturation of intratumoral blood vessels in non–small cell lung cancer, S Yazdani, Y Miki,
K Tamaki, K Ono, E Iwabuchi, K Abe… - Human pathology, 2013 – Elsevier
COX-2 expression and survival in patients with locally advanced cervical cancer treated with
chemoradiotherapy and celecoxib: a quantitative immunohistochemical …, CM Doll, K Winter, DK Gaffney,
JK Ryu… - International Journal …, 2013 -
AD-1, a novel ginsenoside derivative, shows anti-lung cancer activity via activation of p38 MAPK pathway
and generation of reactive oxygen species, LH Zhang, YL Jia, XX Lin, HQ Zhang, XW Dong… - … et Biophysica
Acta (BBA …, 2013 - Elsevier
Is there any role of mast cell density and microvessel density in cervical squamous cell carcinoma? A
histologic study with special reference to CD-34 …, SK Mondal, S Dasgupta, PK Mandal… - Indian journal of
…, 2014 -
Articol citat: [CITARE] Alendronate for postmenopausal osteoporosis: focus on bone resorption
biomarker, E Ancuta, C Ancuta, C Iordache… - …, 2010 - … LONDON LTD 236 GRAYS INN RD, …
Systematic review of the use of bone turnover markers for monitoring the response to osteoporosis
treatment: the secondary prevention of fractures, and primary …, J Burch, S Rice, H Yang, A Neilson, L
Stirk… - Health technology …, 2014 -
Articol citat: Changes in bone mineral density during anti-TNF alpha therapy in rheumatoid arthritis
patients, C Ancuta, R Chiriac, E Ancuta… - …, 2007 - SPRINGER LONDON LTD …
Gateways to clinical trials, M Bayes, X Rabasseda, JR Prous - Methods and findings in …, 2007
Articol citat: [Epidemiologic and functional aspects of rheumatoid arthritis in patients attending the
Hospital Rehabilitation Clinic in Iasi, Romania]., AI Costea, C Ancuţa, R Chirieac - … de Medici si
Naturalisti din Iasi, 2010 -
Biological therapy in inflammatory rheumatic diseases: issues in Central and Eastern European countries,
M Péntek, G Poór, P Wiland, M Olejárová… - The European Journal of …, 2014 – Springer
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