Bob Billups - First Baptist Church Midland, TX
Bob Billups - First Baptist Church Midland, TX
Ministers Monthly Report to Church Council October , 2014 Bob Billups Senior Associate Pastor Our annual Staff Planning Retreat was held on Thursday, October 2, at The Petroleum Museum here in Midland. Our staff spent the day planning and evaluating the 2015 FBC Major Event Calendar. And we also spent a little time touring the museum. I was once again reminded at this all-‐day planning session that we truly do have a wonderful ministry staff that is passionate about “knowing Christ and making Him known.” Below is the complete Sunday Worship Service Schedule for October 19 -‐ December 28 including a list of our special guest preachers. Date: Morning: Evening:___________ October: 19 Rene Maciel Hope 1:8 Challenge 26 Dr. D. L. Lowrie Chad Clark & Lord’s Supper November: 2 Mike Goeke Mike Goeke 9 Steve Vernon Steve Vernon 16 Dr. Kenneth Hall The Blackwood Quartet Concert 23 Dr. Gene Wilkes Family Thanksgiving Dinner 30 Dr. Jim Denison Hanging of the Green December: 7 Dr. Jim Denison Children’s Christmas Program Christmas Store Ingathering 14 Dr. Jim Denison Adult Choir Christmas Musical White Christmas 21 Dr. Jim Denison Christmas Carol Singing 28 Dr. Joel Gregory No Evening Service Dr. Gene Wilkes Dr. D. L Lowrie Rene Maciel Chad Clark Mike Goeke Steve Vernon Dr. Kenneth Hall Dr. Jim Denison Dr. Joel Gregory President, B. H. Carroll Theological Institute Retired, Former Pastor, FBC Lubbock President, Baptist University of the Americas President, Fuel the Fire Ministries, Midland Associate Pastor, FBC San Francisco Associate Executive Director, BGCT Senior V. P. for University Development and Strategic Initiatives @ Baylor University President, Denison Forum and Former Pastor of FBC Midland Professor of Preaching, George W. Truett Seminary All of our surplus projects have now been completed. Here are the updates for this month: The new fire alarm system installation is complete. The church is fully monitored for fire. Update: Project is now 100% complete. The October FBC Church Council Meeting is the one meeting each year that combines the previous year’s church council with the new year’s church council. As soon as the old business is completed the church council members who are rotating off will be allowed to leave. A BIG THANKS to these church council charter members who have served faithfully over the past three years: Brandon Pinson, Retha Hunnicutt, Michelle Cobb, Dick Campbell, Justin Dockrey, Keith Skaar, and John Quisenberry. Thank you for a job well done as you have helped establish a successful new governance here at FBC. A BIG THANKS also to Greg West who has served this past year as Missions Committee Chairman. Also at the October meeting we will welcome new members to the Church Council: Danny Campbell, Buddy Dickson, Craig Freeman, Art Hobbs, Dennis Johnson, Pete Schrenkel, Vernon Stokes (Missions Chair) and Shane Stokes (Deacon Chair). Welcome aboard gentlemen!!! It is an honor to serve this great church. Thank you for the opportunity. David Johnson Associate Pastor I took 2 weeks of vacation during this past reporting period so my ministry activities report will be a bit light --- but Thank You for allowing the ministers to have time away from our ministry! It really is refreshing and helpful to get away and recharge our spirits! I also want to thank Hank Henry, Paul Byrom, and Sarah Arrambide for helping with hospital visits while I was out of town, and Bob Billups and Bill Johnson for helping lead Wednesday Prayer Meeting in my absence! --- Great partners in ministry! Since my last report I have made approximately 29 hospital visits; I also made 5 home visits, made 7 phone calls and prayed with members on the phone, and I led a monthly Nursing Home service at Park’s Methodist in Odessa. I also conducted 4 funerals, sang with my wife at the James SS Dept Fall covered dish dinner, and had the privilege of leading 3 bible studies at the Joseph SS Dept retreat at the Greathouse Retreat Ctr. in Junction. It is a privilege to serve with this staff and be a part of this church fellowship! Gene Hilburn Minister of Counseling Ministry Assistant – Stacie Storrie is such an asset to the counseling ministry. She just completed her HIPAA exam, which is required by law for everyone working in the counseling center. She is a quick learner and hard worker. I’m convinced that The Lord has truly blessed the counseling ministry. Anniversary – Phyllis and I celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary in August and are just returning from a fall foliage cruse. A gift from our children and friends. Michael – Our son is looking for employment in the DFW area and auditioned for the Fort Worth Opera. We are now waiting patiently for a reply if he was accepted or not. Wedding – Emily’s wedding preparations have really become all consuming. Ministries Open to Community & FBC Members: The Family Life Ministry is offering the following support groups and classes: - Divorce Care – lead by Heidi and Patrick Mayers - Greif Share – lead by Tiffany Telesca - The Family Project – lead by Tiffany Telesca - Engagement Enrichment – On going Gene – 29 hours counseling, 6 hours of Supervision with two interns. Tiffany – 47 hours counseling, 6 hours of Supervision, 6 hours -‐ Engagement Enrichment. (Off 1 week – vacation) Michelle – 25 hours counseling, 6 hours of Supervision, 2 hours – Engagement Enrichment Healing Through Hope – 50 hours counseling March Grand Total: 159 Counseling hours Gene Hilburn, M.Ed., MRE, LPC-‐S, LMFT-‐S 2Cor. 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” Paul Byrom Minister of Adult Education Education Ministry September 2014 Paul Byrom, Minister of Education 432-683-0603 Information • Preschool minister search -‐-‐ As the search for this position continues, please pray for the search team as they conduct interviews with candidates in October. Another big need in this area is to fill the Preschool Ministry Assistant position!! Pray for Janna Boyd, as she begins her ministry. She was blessed with a quick home purchase. She has moved in and she is beginning to serve. The Sunday School departments that she is leading are adults in the 65+ division: Daniel, James, John, Joseph, Stephen and Samuel. We had a great men’s retreat this year at the Greathouse Retreat Center in Junction. We were blessed with the Blaylock’s/Chapman’s and Lea’s hospitality, great music and speaking. My ministry partner Patrick Mayer did a great job with the event. I attended Joe Willis’ speaking seminar hosted by the Midland Chamber and have planned to have Joe present it for our teachers on November 12. If you would like to attend please call to r.s.v.p. I taught Starting Point in September and will present it again twice in October. As I have become better acquainted with those taking Starting Point, it has shown me once again what a good heart for ministry our folks embody. • • • • sunday School September Numerical Summary Sunday School Year to Date September 2014 Avg. Enrolled Adult 09.2014 Avg. Attend 9/7 – 9/28 Avg. Attend. Avg. Attend 1407 630 630 741 Young Adult 269 114 114 120 Singles 173 69 69 79 College 74 9 9 14 Student 238 124 124 116 Children 267 167 167 175 Preschool 332 182 182 181 2758 1294 1294 1426 108 108 101 Main Campus Total Mission Midland Agape (Homebound) Child Development Center Children's Day Out Enrollment Total 47 47 47 47 124 123 123 123 100 95 95 95 3029 1667 1667 1793 Year to Date Sunday School members joined the church Total visitors recorded Month 9/7 – 9/28 14 14 302 302 Moses Caesar Minister to Young Adults and Single Adults Young Unmarried Adults: 3 Mission Trips in 2015. India (Jan16-‐25): 7 GAP are joining 5 from North Carolina to do Medical Clinics and Evangelism. India (June 15-‐July 15): 6-‐8 GAP School Teachers will perform teaching clinics and work with orphanages and villages. (We are working to raise full funding for each member of this group) New York City (July 3-‐July15): 10-‐14 GAP members will do street evangelism and children’s activities. Small Groups: Two small group are meeting each week for 15 weeks with GAP Adult Leaders facilitating in their homes (Schantz & Johnson) Full Slate of Activities: Please consult the FBC website for a group Calendar. Single Adults: Thirsty: Event on third Thursday of each month has been successful in the Welcome Center. Our numbers started small and are slowly growing. This (worship based event) replaced First Friday (entertainment based event). Jury still out as to its future. Conducting 2 brunches in the Fellowship Hall during Sunday School hour in place of after church lunch. Response should be great. Full Slate of Activities: Please consult the FBC website for a group Calendar. Young Married Adults: New Class starts Oct. 12 to accommodate 20 something married adults with no children. Clark and Carrie Moreland are the teachers and Steve and Cherly Gressett will be serving as directors. We are able to target 91 internal individuals as possible prospects for this class. Newly Wed/Nearly Wed class will restart at the end of October. They took a two month break after last group graduated. Blessings, Moses Sarah Arrambide Minister of Children’s Education Sunday School We continue to have many guests in Sunday School! Our goal is to contact each guest either by phone, card or a personal visit. We also keep in touch with children who have been absent two Sundays in a row. It has been exciting to see the excitement in the hallways and in the classrooms. We had a first and second grade fellowship at The Jumping Place, 29 kids attended and 9 teachers helped. Speaking of Sunday School teachers!!! I could not do what I do without them!!! Once again, we are putting an emphasis on teaching children how to pray. Darrell and Barbara Dunton have been kind enough to teach one grade each Sunday, until the end of the school year. They are awesome blessing to the Children’s Ministry!! We had our first “Prayer and Dessert” with our Sunday School leadership and we spent a precious time lifting our families and church to the Lord. VBS Yes……..we are already planning for another wonderful VBS. The timeline has been set, the curriculum has been ordered, the grade level coordinators have been recruited, and most importantly, the prayers have begun. VBS is scheduled for June 8-‐13, 2015. The theme is Journey Off the Map – Unknown to Us, known to HIM. Be ready to see some beautiful rain forests and tree houses in our building in just a few months. GA’s and RA’s Both our GA’s and RA’s are doing very well. They average about 140 kids in attendance. The GA’s raised money to go to the Mary Hill Davis offering. They also celebrated the 100th year of GA’s. The RA’s went are alive and well and went on a camping trip this past weekend. Did you know we are the ONLY large church in town that still offers GA’s and RA’s???? What a great ministry!!!! A.S.K (After School Kids) Community Bible Study for Children We are blessed to host After School Kids in our building. Currently there are 178 kids attending on average each Monday afternoon. Thank you for the privilege of serving as your Children’s Minister. It is a joy to serve our Lord here at FBC!!! You have a very special place in my heart. Philippians 1:7 TLB Brad Echols Student Ministry FALL KICKOFF • We got the fall off to a great start with a Progressive Pool Party planned and hosted by three of our student ministry families. Thanks to the Beebes, Hannahs, and McCrays for their hard work and willingness to invest in students. Students learned about Joshua and how the Israelites set stones after crossing the Jordan as a reminder of what God had done in their life. Students were challenged to remember what God had done throughout the summer and commit to live it out as they returned to school. • Sunday School is off to a strong start as students and teachers are excited about the new year. Many of our students have returned from summer break and our numbers are up and consistent for the first month back. Almost every class has had a fellowship for their students and some even for parents as they get to know one another and invest in the lives of students. • Wednesday night is off to a slower start, but has gained some momentum as we’ve modified our space and programming. We have been studying about evangelism and working on giving students the tools to overcome their fears and see the joy of sharing their faith. • Challengers and Acteens are off to a good start, thanks to John and Elaine Elliot and Nathan Wennerland for their willingness to invest into the lives of students. OTHER HAPPENINGS • Midland High Tailgating was a great success. Stephen Johnson cooked the meal and there were a variety of games for students to play. Many of our adult workers and parents were in attendance and had a great opportunity to build relationships with students. • Fuel the Fire was hosted by Crestview and several students attend as we prayed for revival specifically in our schools. • We had our monthly teacher meeting and teacher fellowship. These both were great times of fellowship, learning, and spiritual growth. I believe these events are beneficial to growing and strengthening our leadership and I am excited to see the passion our teachers have for the spiritual development of our teenagers. • We had our initial IMPACT Weekend meeting and have set the date for February 6-‐8. Our theme is Can I Ask That? We will be partnering with local churches, helping teenagers to deal with the tough questions they have about their faith. • Kelsey Giddens joined our student ministry team as an intern and has already been a huge blessing. She has already helped teach in Sunday and prepare a ministry outreach for middle schools students. Kelsey is a graduate of Baylor who feels called to full time ministry; she is currently working on her master’s degree. • The student ministry staff had several other opportunities to learn, promote, and minister throughout the month. We had the opportunity to attend the Lift Conference which is a gathering of large church student ministries which discusses the current trends and issues in student ministry. We had opportunities to speak to teachers at Sam Houston, the Midland High football team, Midland High booster club, and Lydia class. We also had individual meetings investing in student and adult leaders as well as supporting students at their extracurricular events. ON THE HORIZON • Youth Ministry Conclave 10/12 • Midland Lee Tailgating 10/24 • Discathalon 10/25 • Parkfest 10/31 Shane Dockrey Preschool Ministry 1. Our Preschool Sunday School has been THRIVING!!!! We have averaged 185 most weeks since Promotion Sunday!!! So exciting to see these young families bringing their children to church! 2. We will have Baby Dedication on Sunday, September 12th during both of the services. 6 families will participate this time around. 2 of those families have older children they want to dedicate also. 3. I’m working on getting all my volunteer requirements completed so they can be elected on Oct. 26th. 4. We are having a 3 year old picnic on October 21st from 6-‐7:30. 5. Parkfest is on October 31st at Kiwanis Park and will be WONDERFUL!! Jumpers, Clowns, Face Painting, Hot Dogs, Cotton Candy and a Magician that will present the Gospel while doing magic tricks! 6. Our CDC was awarded the Reader’s Choice Award in the MRT!! Hank Henry Associate Minister of Missions Looking for Your Kingdom Assignment Are you still looking for that perfect niche that matches your God given Gifts, experiences and passion? The Missions Ministry is searching for those members who feel the calling to become involved in several new or expanded ministry opportunities in the Midland area. Those ministries are as follows: Expansion of our Food to Kids: Last year we provided weekend food bags for an average 150 kids at Sam Houston and Lamar Elementary schools during the regular school year. RAs and GAs have prepared the bags on Wednesday evenings to be delivered to the schools on Thursdays and distributed by the teachers at the end of the day on Friday. Beginning this Fall, we are continuing the food bags to students attending Sam Houston, Lamar and will be adding San Jacinto Junior High. This will bring us up to around 200+ students weekly. Apartment Ministry: We are in the process of restarting FBC’s apartment ministry in two local apartment complexes. The focus will initially be with the youth. Two FBC departments have already began partnering with Agape Ministries and two other churches at one of the apartments this last month providing a hamburger cookout at the Renaissance Apartments. Three weeks ago, we provided a hamburger cookout at the Chaparral Apartments across from Midland College. Over 150 kids and parents participated with a dozen FBC volunteers. We handed out school supplies, back packs and Bibles. Sunday night meetings began last week. Oil Field Man-‐Camp Ministry: As we obtain permission to establish Bible study in some of the local man-‐camps, we will need folks to help set-‐up cookouts, offer group studies, provide support to Christians living in the camps to take on the leadership role and responsibility for continuation of organized, scheduled gatherings. We just recently received the green light to provide ministry to a local camp. We are also looking for volunteers to help partner with the Basin Baptist Network and Southern Baptists of Texas to provide lunches, Bibles and other prizes to gain a platform to share Christ with those coming to the Permian Basin International Oil Show October 21-‐23. We need help to cook fajitas, clean up, pass out welcome bags, etc. If you would be available to help, contact Ivy Shelton at Sherwood Baptist in Odessa at 432.362.0331. Basin Baptists Network Annual Meeting: This year’s annual meeting will be held at Sherwood Baptist Church 505 E. 42nd Street in Odessa on Sunday, October 5th at 5:00 p.m. Our guest speaker will be Getaneh Getaneh. Come join us for Fun, Food, and Fellowship. Retirement Center Services: There are currently two retirement centers locally asking us to provide Bible study/church service for the residents. Day and time would be worked out by our volunteers and the retirement center management. Disaster Response Team: Should there ever be a major disaster such as tornado, explosion, grass fire or the recent Wounded Warrior train accident, one of the first places people look for help is the church. Because of our location, two blocks from the hospital, and facilities that our church can offer should such an event occur, the missions ministry is in the process of setting up a disaster response team and procedure with the assistance of the local Red Cross. We need personnel experienced in all phases of response such and medical, security, counseling, feeding, etc. Jim Hanson, myself, and a representative from the Red Cross did a formal walk-‐thru of the main campus two weeks ago to evaluate the options for serving as a sheltering center in case of a disaster situation. The option recommended was to use the north end of the main building (FH, atrium hall, D-‐hallway , kitchen facility, and bathrooms) as well as the Activity Building for sheltering with the Red cross providing manpower , supplies, and funding for any expenses incurred. Baptist Crisis Center: Volunteers needed to help with food and clothing distribution. Also counselors for utility assistance. The center is open Monday-‐Friday 9:00-‐11:30 a.m. Jail/Prison Ministry: We currently have 40 volunteers corresponding and grading bible courses for 1800 inmates throughout the U.S. prison system. Volunteers’ IDs are kept confidential. Benevolence: Every Monday and Wednesday, we take call-‐in requests for financial assistance for rent, utilities and medical needs. On Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. we have volunteers interview those call-‐ins that were qualified and scheduled to come in . The volunteers are assigned one specific day per month to assist in interviewing. (I.E. the first Tuesday of the month, etc.). If you are interested in being considered for a back-‐up volunteer should anyone be unavailable to come in on their assigned day, please contact Eva Diaz at 683-‐0656. Christmas Store and White Christmas Food Baskets: As our annual Christmas Store and White Christmas Food Basket ministry approaches, be watching for our volunteer needs. This year this combined ministry will be held Tuesday, December 15th and Wednesday, December 16th. Sign-‐up sheets will be located in the Welcome Center, Chapel Foyer, and hallway near the art displays by the Fellowship Hall. Don’t wait to the last minute to sign up. If you have had experience and a passion to be involved in any of these areas and feel lead by the Lord to be part of any of these ministries, please contact the mission’s office at 683-‐0623. Jana Farley -‐ Director Child Development Center We finished September off by hiring an assistant for Kindergarten. Robin Louwerse. She has been a wonderful addition to our staff and we are so glad that God sent her our way. The children have been busy learning about creation, Noah and the Ark, Joseph and his coat of many colors, Abraham and his many sons along with scriptures to go along with their stories. Each child is given the opportunity to pray if he/she feels comfortable doing it. It is truly amazing to watch and see how God is working in their lives. This is a blessing to all of the teachers. We have had several families that are having troubles of one kind or another. We have been able to witness to them and to give them resources in our church and professionally so they may seek help. We are truly a mission field in our own little hallway. The children will be going to the Pumpkin Patch and Fiddlesticks Farm this month. What a treat for them to ride the bus! They enjoy getting out and experiencing something new. We are having many children and staff out with illness and ask that you pray for them. Parents do call and ask us to pray for their children and other family members. We are so thankful that they feel comfortable asking us to do that for them. We are encouraging them to attend our church services and Sunday school classes. It is truly a blessing to be a part of this church and Child Development Center. John Elliott Minister of Activities • • • • We are offering our new fall exercise classes. Circuit training is offered Monday and Wednesday at 6:00 am and 8:30 am. Ben is offering a new class called Tabata style. This class is offered Tuesday and Thursday at 6:00 am and 8:30 am in a group style setting. Spin class is also offered at 12:05 Monday – Thursday. Out of these 16 classes that Ben is leading, multiple outreach and counseling opportunities have occurred. Ben is creating, through FCA, a “huddle” which is part of their endurance program that is open to all ages that focuses on 5K’s, ½ marathons, full marathons and bike races. It is a program that allows outreach and sharing the gospel through these common interests. Devotionals are prepared by FCA but Ben will lead them. Upward basketball registration began on September 15th and will run through November 15th. We are anticipating the same number last year, 456, or possibly higher. The Activities Ministry is organizing a Men’s Ski Trip to Winter Park, Colorado, March 21-‐25, 2015. The package includes: 4 nights lodging at The Vintage Hotel, 3 days lift tickets and all rentals, transportation, 3 dinners in the Private Conference Center and 3 nights of Bible Study and Fellowship led by Greg Smith. The total cost is $525 for the full package. If you have your own skis the price is $475 and if you would just like to go for the fellowship and scenery with no skiing it is $300. The first deposit of $250 is due by December 5th with the remaining balance due on January 23rd. Here’s what else is going on at the AB… • The AB is open M-‐F 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM and on Saturdays 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM and for Sunday School on Sunday mornings… this is 90 hours per week. • The Solid Rock Café is open Monday -‐ Friday at the AB (about 60 people a day) • Open Play Basketball every day (about 20 people a day) • Business Men’s Basketball on Tuesday and Thursday (about 10 men) • The cardio/weight room (40 people per day) • Senior Adult Fitness on MWF (8 people) • Scouts on Monday’s (about 50 people) • About eight parties and/or meetings held every week (approximately 200 people per week) • Junior High Challengers on Wednesday • High School Challengers on Sunday night • RA’s on Wednesday nights