Bob Billups - First Baptist Church Midland, TX


Bob Billups - First Baptist Church Midland, TX
Ministers Monthly Report to Church Council September, 2014 Bob Billups Senior Associate Pastor Bob Billups Below is the complete Sunday Worship Service schedule for September 7 -­‐ December 28 including a list of our special guest preachers. Date: Morning: Evening:___________ September 7 Dr. Gene Wilkes Dr. Gene Wilkes 14 Dr. Todd Still Reggie & Ladye Love Smith Concert 21 Greg Smith Greg Smith 28 Greg Smith Greg Smith October: 5 Dr. D. L. Lowrie Dr. D. L. Lowrie 12 Dr. Paul Armes Deacon Ordination 19 Rene Maciel Hope 1:8 Challenge 26 Dr. D. L. Lowrie Chad Clark & Lord’s Supper November: 2 Mike Goeke Mike Goeke 9 Steve Vernon Steve Vernon 16 Dr. Kenneth Hall The Blackwood Quartet Concert 23 Dr. Gene Wilkes Family Thanksgiving Dinner 30 Dr. Jim Denison Hanging of the Green December: 7 Dr. Jim Denison Children’s Christmas Program Christmas Store Ingathering 14 Dr. Jim Denison Adult Choir Christmas Musical White Christmas 21 Dr. Jim Denison Christmas Carol Singing 28 Dr. Joel Gregory No Evening Service Dr. Gene Wilkes Dr. Todd Still Greg Smith Dr. D. L Lowrie Dr. Paul Armes Rene Maciel Chad Clark Mike Goeke Steve Vernon Dr. Kenneth Hall Dr. Jim Denison Dr. Joel Gregory President, B. H. Carroll Theological Institute Professor of Christian Scriptures, George W. Truett Seminary President, In-­‐Step Global Inc. Retired, Former Pastor, FBC Lubbock President, Wayland Baptist University President, Baptist University of the Americas President, Fuel the Fire Ministries, Midland Associate Pastor, FBC San Francisco Associate Executive Director, BGCT Senior V. P. for University Development and Strategic Initiatives @ Baylor University President, Denison Forum and Former Pastor of FBC Midland Professor of Preaching, George W. Truett Seminary Our Policies and Procedures Sub-­‐Committee has completed its charge to rewrite, tweak & create the revised FBC Policies and Procedure Manual that directs FBC church committee strategy. This policy goes before the church on Sept. 28 for a vote. Once again a big thank you to Michelle Cobb, Retha Hunnicutt and Brandon Pinson for a job well done. Most of our surplus projects have been completed. Here are the updates for this month: Renovations are complete for our mission house at 2204 Cuthbert. There will be an open house on Sunday, Sept. 21, from noon – 1:30 pm. The new fire alarm system installation is near completion. The church should be fully monitored for fire by the end of September. Update: Project is now 95% complete. A big thank you to the Membership Committee for a wonderful Farewell Reception for Randel and Sheila. The reception was very well attended and very well done. Once again hats off to this committee for providing a great opportunity for the entire church and community to say their goodbyes. It is an honor to serve this great church. Thank you for the opportunity. David Johnson Associate Pastor Since my last report I have made approximately 101 hospital visits; I also made 10 home visits, made 5 phone calls and prayed with members on the phone, baptized 3 (one of which I sent out on the wrong side – boy’s dressing room – and she swam behind me while I was praying and brought lots of smiles to those NOT PRAYING!); I led a monthly Nursing Home service at Manor Park in Midland and Park’s Methodist in Odessa. I also conducted 3 funerals, and preached one Sunday in the absence of a Sr. Pastor. I had the opportunity to teach SS in the John Department and got to drive a bus for one of the Super Summer Singers’ field trips. It is a privilege to serve with this staff and be a part of this church fellowship! Gene Hilburn Minister of Counseling Ministry Assistant – This news is really for September’s report but I’m so excited about it I have to share now. I have a new ministry assistant! Her name is Stacie Storrie. I’m so pleased with her abilities, enthusiasm, great personality and dedication to this ministry. The Lord has truly blessed the counseling ministry. Anniversary – Phyllis and I celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary August 2nd. I want to thank all who came to our reception. Our children did a great job making us feel very special on a special day. Dallas – Two major events took place in Dallas. Our son graduated from DBU and he had his senior recital. Wedding – I’m sure most are aware that our first-­‐born, Emily is getting married in December. All of us are excited about this special event. Everett’s Farewell – A sad day in our lives as this chapter draws to a close. They will be missed very much. However, it’s a glorious day with the starting of the Wilberforce Initiative. Ministries Open to Community & FBC Members: Getting ready for the Fall by offering the following again: - Divorce Care – started Aug. 27th, lead by Heidi and Patrick Mayers - Greif Share – Will start in September - The Family Project – Will start in September - Engagement Enrichment – On going Gene – 27 hours counseling, 7 hours of Supervision with two interns. Tiffany – 40 hours counseling, 6 hours of Supervision, 2 hours -­‐ Engagement Enrichment. (Off 1 week – vacation) Michelle – 25 hours counseling, 7 hours of Supervision. Healing Through Hope – 55 hours counseling March Grand Total: 147 Counseling hours Gene Hilburn, M.Ed., MRE, LPC-­‐S, LMFT-­‐S 2Cor. 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is
Paul Byrom Minister of Adult Education Education Ministry
August 2014
Paul Byrom, Minister of Education
Discipleship classes: We now have discipleship guides available on our information boards and want you to encourage members and guests to participate. Preschool minister search: as the search for this position is underway please pray for the search team as well as for the next preschool minister. Interim, Shane Dockery is doing a wonderful job with the preschool division. We have ended our search for a senior adult minister – Janna Boyd, who was previously on staff in the Music ministry will begin October 1st. The Sunday School departments she will lead are adults in the 65+ division: Daniel, James, John, Joseph, Stephen and Samuel. We began making preparations for her arrival. Adult Sunday School training – after poling the directors at the meeting we agreed the best time to meet will be on a Wednesday evening in October, excluding October 8th. I encourage you to provide strong leadership in Sunday School ministry during the interim time. There are three events I would like the middle adult division to lead this next year: a wellness event, men’s retreat and a Principled Leadership seminar. These are designed to meet needs and also to reach these people groups for Christ. Please let me know if you know members that would like to be involved in an event team for any of these events. •
Sunday School August Numerical Summary Sunday School
Year to Date August 2014 Avg.
694 126 74 13 103 167 189 1317
Young Adult
Main Campus Total
Agape (Homebound)
Child Development Center
Children's Day Out
08.2014 Avg. Attend 9/2 – 8/31
Mission Midland
Year to Date Sunday School members joined the
Total visitors recorded
Sarah Arrambide Month 17 521 9/2 – 8/31
Minister of Children’s Education Hello! It has been a great month in the Children’s Ministry at FBC! Promotion Sunday went very well, thanks to God. We have a great group of teachers serving in the children’s. I thank God for Sunday School volunteers that are willing to serve every Sunday, for an entire Sunday School year!!! Every single teacher in grades 1-­‐6 has committed to serving every Sunday!! Praise the Lord! What Else went on in Children’s Ministry? September 3 • M&M Night (Music and Missions registration) September 7 • We kicked Arena off (CM praise and worship time) • First Quiet Time Devotional went home with children. • First Grade Bible Presentation Luncheon – We gave 24 cook Bibles away. We had 140 people in attendance. • Bible Drill class started • The Fall session of I’m a Christian Now began and will run through September 28. September 10 • GA’s and RA’s kicked off September 12-­‐14 • Sunday School Retreat at the Great House Retreat Center in Junction (6 Sunday School leaders and their families and some members of the Marcos department and other invited guests participated.) What’s Coming Up? September 20 First and Second Grade party at The Jumping Party September 23 • Fear 2 Freedom Celebration Night with Rosemary Trible September 24 • Prayer and Dessert with Sunday School leadership On a personal note: Our daughter and son in law are having another baby!!!! She is due in early May. Love those precious grandbabies!!! God is GOOD! To God Be the Glory! Sarah Brad Echols Student Ministry STUDENTS ON MISSION
Students served through several different opportunities in the month of August.
• A few of our guys helped move one of our senior adults. • Several students helped serve with Mission Agape at the Renaissance apartments. Students sorted groceries, played with kids, and helped residents with their shopping. It was great seeing students interact with the community and build relationships with the residents. • Students volunteered to help with Super Summer Singers. Students helped in the classroom through the week, playing with kids and teaching them the songs. Students also helped with the presentation of Hans Branson. •
Some students helped at Rock the Dessert serving in various capacities. Many students also got to enjoy the concerts and had a great time worshipping and fellowshipping with fellow believers. SUNDAY SCHOOL
We had our first meeting with our new leadership for the fall and had almost 100% attendance from our teachers. We talked about tools for teaching, spiritual growth, and ideas on how to better reach and connect with students. Promotion Sunday was a huge success because teachers contacted each of the students on their roles. Students had a great time meeting their new teachers, taking pictures in the photo booth, and eating some great food prepared by some of our parents. The year is off to a great start. LEAP
We welcomed our new 7th grade students and parents to the student ministry. We shared our major calendar events, introduced our new teachers, and gave parents an opportunity to ask questions about our ministry. MISCELLANEOUS
• On the Wednesday before Rock the Dessert, students went and prayed for the event. • Students attended a Fuel the Fire event at Elevate Church as they continued their prayer for revival. ON THE HORIZON
• On Wednesday nights we begin our study on evangelism. • Students are planning a Hunger Battle to help raise awareness of starving children in Haiti and across the world. • September 19 will be a “Tailgating Party” at the Midland Bulldogs’ football game. Shane Dockrey Preschool Ministry 1. Lori Zettler left for McKinney and Shane Dockrey stepped in as the Interim Preschool Minister. 2. We had a Sunday School meeting with our volunteers on August 12th and had a GREAT turn out. 3. We had a very smooth Promotion Sunday on August 17th. 4. Recruitment of more Volunteers is still happening and making sure everyone has completed all the requirements. (13 in the past week have been placed in classrooms and we still need 11 more volunteers.) 5. Choir and Missions Friends began on September 10th. 6. We have had between185-­‐206 in attendance on Sunday Mornings!! 7. Children’s Day Out began on September 2nd with 100 kids and a waiting list for every room. 8. CBS started on August 27th. 9. We are making sure the A and B Hallways are secure during the hours that we have children under our roof. Jana Farley -­‐ Director Child Development Center We have had a very successful first 10 days of school. We are already experiencing a run of strep throat and the stomach bug. Please be in prayer for a healthy year. On Monday, September 8th we celebrated Grandparents Day with muffins and juice in the lunch room with the child’s grandparent. Then on Tuesday evening we had our OPEN HOUSE. The halls were all decorated with projects that the children had been working. The parents were very impressed with our school and how the children are doing. We have been issuing key FOBs to all parents so they will have access to the building. We are charging them $20 a FOB. Once again we give thanks for the security of our children while at school. This is a very big selling point for the school. Our current enrollment is 124 with 5 students being on scholarship. Many more have applied but there were not funds for everyone. We go on a first come first serve basis. We are fully staffed except for a Kindergarten assistant. We have put another ad in the Banner in hopes that the right person will come to aid us in the education of these children. On Wednesday we will have our first Chapel time in the JAM room. We rotate having each teacher and her class help present a Bible story to the school. We read the Bible each day in the classroom as well as teach the children to be comfortable praying their own prayers at meal time and whenever they want to talk to GOD. It is such a blessing to hear their sweet prayers. We are trying to catch our breath as we finish these first two weeks and head in to the middle of September. We thank God for our staff and the families He has brought us this year. We do have a mission field here at the CDC!