It`s Cool in the Furnace - First Baptist Church Midland, TX
It`s Cool in the Furnace - First Baptist Church Midland, TX
Banner The August 5, 2015 Vol. 35 - No. 49 of First Baptist Church Midland SUPER SUMMER SINGERS ARE KEEPING IT COOL DESPITE THE TEMPERATURE HEATING UP! "It's Cool in the Furnace" will be presented This Sunday, August 9, 6:00pm in the Worship Center Super Summer Singers is a summer music program for children who have completed 1st - 6th grades. The children explore the meaning of the chosen musical and learn how God wants them to respond to situations in life. In this choir, we seek to provide your child with spiritual, emotional, physical, musical, and social developments in a fun and exciting atmosphere. During the camp, we dig deeper into the Christian principles presented in the musical, learn basic music skills, rehearse the music and drama and have activities both on and off the FBC campus. The musical is presented during the evening service on Sunday following the week of camp. DRESS 'EM & BLESS 'EM! FBC Midland's Annual Mission Action Project 2104 W. Louisiana Midland, TX 79701 Phone: 432.683.0600 Fax: 432.683.0660 FBC's annual church-wide local mission action project, for individuals, families or Sunday School classes. You may participate by choosing a student's name, buying them school clothes, praying for them, donating funds by designated gift, or volunteering to just do the shopping! Student names and clothing info will be available on tables in the Welcome Center and the chapel foyer NOW through this Sunday, August 9th. Deliver your packages by next Sunday, August 16 to the Welcome Center with name of student clearly marked & secured to the package. Please remember to pray for this child during the school year. 2 This Sunday, August 9 Preaching This Week: Mike Goeke 6:00 p.m. "It's Cool in the Furnace" Super Summer Singers Program Mike is the Associate Pastor of First Baptist Church San Francisco. Mike has been in full-time ministry since leaving his law practice in 2001 and was formerly part of the pastoral staff of Stonegate Fellowship in Midland. He is a speaker and writer on issues related to life, Christianity, culture and sexuality. Mike graduated from Baylor University and Texas Tech School of Law. He and Stephanie married in 1994 and have three children. 8:25 a.m. & 11:05 a.m. Mike Goeke will be preaching "Love Others, Trust God.” John 13:35; 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 Bob Billups From the Senior Associate Pastor: Make Sunday School a Priority Over the next few months you will hear a lot about the FBC Sunday School and how its ministry is unparalleled in potential impact. Its scope, power, and effectiveness are unprecedented in reaching people for Christ, assimilating them into our church, discipling them, and seeing believers transformed into Christlikeness. I believe that God wants our Bible study ministries to succeed. The Great Commission is simple. We are to make disciples. We are to present the good news of Christ and of God’s kingdom, asking people to repent of their sins and trust Christ for forgiveness and eternal life. We are to baptize them, immersing them in water in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We are to teach them to obey the things Christ has taught us in His Word. From the life of Christ, we see the biblical principles of making disciples, maturing disciples, and multiplying disciples into Great Commission ministries. One of the methods Jesus used in His kingdom ministry was that of small groups. He used two different kinds of small groups effectively. One was open to anyone who was seeking the Lord. The other was restricted to His disciples for training and equipping. Our Sunday School classes have been and still are effective Great Commission units because they contain everything necessary to fulfill that command. They have evangelism, discipleship, fellowship, ministry and they are married to the morning worship services. Our Sunday School is a small-group strategy that allows believers and unbelievers to come together around Bible study and fellowship with an evangelistic focus. It is the most efficient way to reach people for Christ. My challenge to you is this: Let’s continue to make Sunday School a priority at FBC. Let’s do our best to insure that everyone at FBC is active in a small group Bible study. Let’s go to work and make the 2015-16 FBC Sunday School Year the best one yet! I’ll look forward to seeing you on Sunday…the absolute greatest day of the week!!! JOY!! Bob Billups, Senior Associate Pastor It’s Committee Enlistment Time! The Committee on Committees will begin recruiting new church committee members this month for 3-year terms beginning Oct. 1. If you would like to be considered to serve on a church committee then please contact Jeri Schantz (jschantz@ in the church office (683.0616). Your name will then be given to the Committee on Committees for consideration. Committees include Finance, Personnel, Childcare, General Nominating, Membership, Transportation, and Maintenance & Expansion. 3 New Class for "I'm a Christian Now!" for children who have recently become a Christian! Saturday, Aug. 15, 10am-2pm, Room A215, Lunch provided "I’m a Christian Now" is an excellent and comprehensive study for helping children understand their Profession of Faith and what it means to live a Christian life. Topics covered are: Baptism • The Lord’s Supper • Being a church member. Please call Bertha Rendon at 432.683.0609 or email to register or get more info. Summer Starting Point Dates CELEBRATING ANNIVERSARIES These staff members celebrate an anniversary in August. Please take a moment to thank them for their service to our Lord the next time you see them. Susan Upham Pastor's Ministry Assistant - 31 yrs George A. Koehl, III MInister of Music - 22 yrs Myrna Morris Finance Office - 19 yrs Jim Cawthon Media Minister - 15 yrs Ofelia Ortega Missions Ministry Assistant - 5 yrs Bob Billips Senior Associate Pastor - 4 yrs Jeri Schantz Senior Associate Pastor's Ministry Assistant - 2 yrs Brittany Moultroup Music Ministry Assistant - 1 yr THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO FOR FBC! Our Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) ministry is growing, but we need your help! Once school begins, we will need volunteers to share God’s love with our little ones (newborn to 5 yrs) for 2-4 hours/month while we reach out and share the ministry with even more local mothers. We meet on the first and third Fridays of the month (Fall 2015 dates TBA). Can you help us? If so, please contact Jenny Daves at 432.556.0331 Starting Point is an introduction to membership and ministry at FBC. We will cover topics such as: our core beliefs, church history and organization and your ministry interests. Wednesday Night, August 12th Room E102, 5:45 – 9p.m., No Cost Volunteers Needed for Broadcast Ministry We need help with the production of our weekly broadcasts of the Sunday services. If you are willing to help in sharing worship with our community, please contact the Media office at 432.683.0608 or The tasks are easy and the training is free and adequate! Cookies/homemade goodies are needed for snack bags, which are delivered to MMH hospital rooms for family and friends of those hospitalized. Please put about 4 in each baggie and put the type of cookie and the date baked on the bag. They will be frozen until they are needed. Please deliver the cookies to Janna’s office. Thanks! Janna Boyd & David Johnson F R I E N DS Wednesday Prayer Meeting Book Reviews As Christians are being persecuted in alarming numbers in the Middle East, we need to ask ourselves "How can we show support for these, our brothers and sisters in Christ?" Wednesday evenings, August 12, 19 & 26, three books on persecuted Christians will be reviewed during the 6:00 Prayer Meeting. Please make plans to attend. 4 Our Deepest Sympathies to... Kurt O’Briant in the death of his father, Jimmy O’Briant. The family of W. R. (Bill) Harral, who passed away. Congratulations to... Jake and Rebecca Griffith on the birth of their baby boy, Silas Griffith. The proud grandparents are Gary and Robin Hoke and Mrs. Sherry Pack. The proud great grandmother is Mrs. Truma Poe. Letters that Lift First Baptist Church, We wanted to express our thanks for the generous use of your church for David and Jenny's rehearsal dinner. The dinner went well and everyone had a good time! Bruce & Patty Spruiell SEEKING FBC'S FORMER CHAPEL PEWS A former FBC Midland member is searching for a pew from the "preconstruction" FBC Chapel. The pews were given to members when First Baptist was remodeling a few years ago. If you have a pew from the chapel and are willing to part with it, or if you know someone who does, please call Debbie Nobles 432.559.3733. Willing to pay for a pew and pick it up at your convenience! Church-Wide Service Opportunity FBC Senior Adult Ministry needs more volunteers to check on church members who have difficulty making it to the FBC campus. This would involve “adopting” a senior adult, visiting them and calling them occasionally, just to keep in touch. If you would enjoy the blessings of this opportunity, please contact Janna Boyd at 432.683.0653 Thursday, August 27 12:00 Noon, Fellowship Hall Annalon Gilbreath “Sally Skull: Rip-Roaring Early Texas Feminist” As a nationally known storyteller & retired teacher, from Lubbock Annalon still enjoys her association with schools and school children. For the past several years, she has told stories of the Old West at the National Cowboy Symposium. Call Janna Boyd before Monday, Aug. 24, to reserve your space or for more information, 683.0653. Please Continue to Pray for the FBC Pastor Search Committee Denise Beckham Shirley Butts Lu Calhoun Christian Cotton Jim Henry David Hurta Retha Hunnicutt Ralph Lea Mark Pederson Brandon Pinson Ginger Schantz Scholarships for Children with Autism The Brotherhood & the Royal Ambassadors encourage FBC families to collect clean slick & colored paper that can be brought to FBC & deposited in MARC containers located around FBC. Accepted recycle items: newspaper, copy paper, magazines, completed Sunday School lesson quarterlies, worship guides & outlines, junk mail, used envelopes, telephone books & semi-confidential documents, etc. Please, NO cardboard, Styrofoam or Christmas paper. PLEASE BAG ALL SHREDDED MATERIALS! Questions? Call Dr. Gene Spires, 432.682.8401. LOCATIONS OF MARC CONTAINERS: North doors at Fellowship Hall, Valet Parking entrance on Garfield, in the Art Gallery. SUNDAY SCHOOL - 9:45AM Adults The Worthy Lamb Revelations 5:1-14 Preschool Jesus Read the Bible (Babies - Kindergarten) Luke 4:16-22 Children Jesus Read the Bible (1st - 6th grades) Luke 4:16-22 Students Awake: Return to God's Word (7th - 12th grades) Nehemiah 8:1-8 The Banner is a publication of the First Baptist Church in Midland, Texas. Deadline for submission of articles is Friday prior to publication of the next issue. To ensure the printing of your article, we recommend you first submit your article to the appropriate ministry area for review. The Banner is edited and produced by Kate Dominguez and Jim Cawthon. Please advise the Membership Office at 432.683.0616 for any change in your mailing address or phone number. ARTISTS' WORK NEEDED! 5 FBC's Art Gallery is in need of artists who would like to display their work for an extended period of time. Any adult church member who may be interested in displaying their original art is welcome to contact Doris Spires, 432.682.8401 for more information. MEN'S LUNCHEON MONDAYS, 11:45AM-1:00PM, $6 FOR LUNCH August 10 - James Mims, " Midland’s Glorious History" For more information on the Men's Luncheons, please contact Dave Pearcy at 432.528.4221 or see our web page: WEDNESDAY FAMILY MEAL Adult Meal $6/ Hamburger $4 Salad Bar $3.50 / Family Plan $23 Wednesday Family Meal service begins at 4:45pm in the Fellowship Hall. All meals include one dessert and beverage. AUGUST 12 Entree: Crispy Oven Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Tossed Green Salad, Biscuit Dessert: Banana Pudding Sunday, August 2, 2015 Sunday School Attendance ♦ Main Campus..................................................1076 ♦ Mission Midland.................................................112 ♦ REC Team.............................................................7 ♦ As One Dept..........................................................8 TOTAL.................................................................1209 Week Day Bible Study ♦ Agape..................................................................47 ♦ CDC............................................... Out for Summer ♦ CDO............................................... Out for Summer TOTAL BIBLE STUDIES......................................1256 Stewardship Report August 2, 2015 Offering This Week Year to Date First Baptist...................... $ 137,324 $ 7,144,961 Budget Required.............. $ 181,260 $7,975,449 Over/Under Budget.......... $ -43,936 $ -830,488 Hope 1:8........................... $ 1,195 $ 325,097 Alpha Term – (a) "World Religions." Dr. Copeland. Students will study Christian approaches to followers of various world religions & their beliefs, and then prepare to share the Gospel with followers of at least one of the religions. Anyone may come and audit the class for free. Tuesday nights, August 11-September 29. PAID First Baptist Church Midland U.S. Postage NON-PROFIT ORG. Upcoming Classes for BH Carroll Preaching II – (b) A directed study on Thursday nights, August 6-September 24. Dr. Copeland. Anyone is welcome to audit the class for free. This will be a course on the application and presentation of the spoken message. Return Service Requested 2104 W. Louisiana Midland Texas 79701-5972 All local classes are taught at FBC from 6-9 pm. Email copelandjiii@yahoo. com or call 432.269.0151 for more info. WORSHIP TEAM REHEARSALS Orchestra, 6-7:30 p.m. Choir, 7-8:30 p.m. Wednesdays Meet in the Sanctuary/Choir Room FBC DIRECTORY For more info contact Music Ministry @ 432.683.0618 Main Phone - 432.683.0600 Main Fax - 432.683.0660 Prayer Line - 432.683.0683 Pastoral Ministry - 683.0604 Counseling Ministry - 683.0645 Missions Ministry - 683.0623 Music & Worship Ministry - 683.0618 Administrative Office - 683.0616 Activities Ministry - 683.0647 Children's Ministry - 683.0609 Preschool Ministry - 683.0611 Child Development Center - 683.0638 Children's Day Out - 683.0632 Student Ministry - 683.0610 Adult Ministry - 683.0612 Senior Adult Ministry - 683.0653 Young Adults & Single Adults Ministry - 683.0644 Media Ministry - 683.0608 Live and On-Demand Membership - 683.0616 streaming of Sunday’s Tape Ministry - 683.0626 message is available at Library - 683.0625 Bible Correspondance Prison Ministry If you are looking for a way to share your faith with people who have deep spiritual, personal, and family needs, we invite you to join the Bible correspondence PRISON MINISTRY here at FBC. At present, our ministry has 1,000 students with more being added each week! If you are interested, please call Ruth Ann Riek: 432.699.1555, Cindy Marshall: 432.687.0209, or Louise Goode: 432.683.0656 FBC Connections Table The Connections Table has 3 purposes: to assist members in connecting with books & other resources to help members build up their walk with Christ, pray for members & visitors for their concerns in a personal way that witnesses Christ, act as a clearing house to direct members and visitors to all ministries of the church. Those interested in helping can call Joe Willis at 664.1175, email or Barbara Willis at 664.1161 Sunday Morning Services at 8:25 a.m. & 11:05 a.m. Childcare available for birth - 4yo Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. (all ages) Sunday Evening Service at 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Activities 6:00 p.m. Service Televised at 10:00 a.m. (weekly) KOSA (CBS), Channel 7 & KWES (NBC), Channel 9 Televised services are on a one-week tape delay S.H.A.R.E. Needs Volunteers! Do you feel the need to give back to your community? S.H.A.R.E. is a non-profit organization that provides services for families with children who have special needs. Check them out at They offer Midland College Legacy and Texas Scholar volunteer hours.
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