Introduction to Aggreko
Introduction to Aggreko
Introduction to Aggreko March 2015 Overview Investment Case Strategy Our History Financial Information Where We Operate Shareholder Information Our Equipment Further Information Local Business Power Projects 2 Investment Case Twangiza Mine, DRC 3 The global leader in flexible power and temperature control Customers in c.100 countries use us when the need is urgent or for a limited period Services are asset-intensive, often involve significant engineering input and are frequently in response to emergencies Two business models: • Local Business rents power and temperature control equipment to a broad range of users • Power Projects sells electricity, supplying and operating utility power plants, mainly in emerging markets to utility government users 2014 Highlights Revenue £1,577m PBT £289m EPS 82.5p DPS 27.1p ROCE Power Fleet Employees 19% 9,695 MW 7,700 4 Reasons to invest in Aggreko Market • • • • Structural growth in emerging markets drives demand in Power Projects Local business market is growing at 2x GDP Global operations Diversified product portfolio Competitive advantage • • • • Global scale and reach enables us to respond to rapidly shifting demand Complimentary business models which diversify short term variability Focused product range ensures unrivalled expertise In-house design and assembly delivers optimised fleet at a lower capital cost Strategy • Clearly defined business strategy • Supported by a strong management team • Delivering on strategic targets in a challenging environment Shareholder returns • Priority is to invest for long term growth • Cash generation set to increase over the next few years • Excess liquidity will be returned to shareholders Gentle warning • This business has high variability and low visibility; progress is not smooth • Returns in Power Projects are “risk-unadjusted” 5 Our History London 2012, Olympics 6 History of the Group Entered the temperature control rental business through the acquisition of Mobile Air and Pierce Industrial in the US Became a wholly owned subsidiary of Salvesen Group Founded in the Netherlands 1973 1962 1986 1984 UK business established in Scotland Demerged from Salvesen Group and listed on the LSE 1989 1987 Entered the US market through the acquisition of Electric Rental Systems Acquired GE Energy Rentals 2000 1997 Entry into Asia Pacific region with acquisition of Yeow Kong Electrical Company in Singapore Acquisition of Cummins India 2008 2006 Established Aggreko International Projects (Power Projects) in Jebel Ali Acquisition of N.Z. Generator Hire Ltd, New Zealand 2010 2009 Acquisition of Power Plus Rentals Ltd, Canada 2012 2011 Acquisition of Northland Power Services and entry into US shale market Acquisition of Poit Energia in Brazil 7 Where We Operate Manufacturing, USA 8 A global business Serving customers in c.100 countries Americas EMEA APAC Revenue £684m Revenue (ex fuel) £599m Revenue Trading Profit £141m Trading Profit (ex fuel) £119m Trading Profit Service Centres & Offices Local Business Fleet (MW) Temperature control fleet (MW) Key local business sectors 100 1,860 663 Oil & gas; petrochem & refining Service Centres & Offices Local Business Fleet (MW) Temperature control fleet (MW) Key local business sectors 73 2,232 483 Oil & gas & events £246m £49m Service Centres & Offices 38 Local Business Fleet (MW) 722 Temperature control fleet (MW) 148 Key Local business Sectors Mining; oil & gas Note: FY14 numbers 9 Customer base well diversified Revenue by geography North America 22% 21% 22% Europe Middle East Revenue £1,529m FY14 Revenue excl. pass-through fuel 16% 15% Africa Asia & Australasia 17% 9% Latin America 10 Our Equipment Manufacturing, USA 11 Narrow product range Product Type Power Temperature Control Oil-free Air Gas, diesel and HFO generators 5KW-2MW; ancillaries. Chillers; heaters; air conditioners; air handlers; de-humidifiers; cooling towers. Electric and diesel oil-free air compressors. Fleet Size Key Regions FY14 Revenue c. 20,000 units All £1,062m c. 4,900 units All £119m c. 600 units Americas £29m Note: Revenue excludes service and pass-through fuel 12 In-house product development Design and manufacture most of our equipment in-house using major sub assemblies Developed the Aggreko G3+ • Refurbishment from our existing G3 engine • Produces 14% more power than a standard G3 • Optimised for Utility duty materially improved, market-leading fuel consumption • >20% lower cost / MW than a new Aggreko standard G3 The Aggreko G3+ HFO • 1MW continuous 20ft containerised genset running on HFO • Cost / MW less than half that of new product from leading manufacturer Conversion of G3 to G3+ and G3+ HFO carried out as part of standard 25,000 hours rebuild 13 Local Business Houston Refinery, USA 14 Local business Key facts FY14 Revenue by customer type Average contract value: £21k Average contract duration: 50 days Average installation time: Hours - days Power fleet (MW): 4,814 Contracting Temperature control fleet (MW): 1,294 Services Service Centres: 211 across 53 Countries Oil & Gas Construction Other Petrochemical & Refining Events Application: Power, temperature control and oil-free compressed air 8% 1% 9% 26% 3% 7% 6% Manufacturing Shipping Utilities Military 10% 6% 12% 5% 7% Mining Revenue Keys to our competitive advantage • Broad range of equipment • Ability to deploy quickly • Low-cost operating model • Local reputation and brand £904m (59% of Group excl. fuel) 15 Major events Commonwealth Games 2014, Glasgow 16 Industrial Oil Refinery, Tunisia 17 Commercial Manufacturing, USA 18 Shipping Belfast 19 Oil & Gas Brazil 20 Local business market drivers GDP In faster growing economies, businesses are busy and more likely to rent equipment to maintain production. Propensity to rent This is driven by tax treatment of assets, availability of financing and an awareness and acceptance of outsourcing. Events High value / low frequency events change the market size temporarily, e.g. Hurricane Sandy in 2012. Local business market is growing at c.2x GDP 21 Local business competition Aggreko is the only company with a global footprint Customers have a choice to buy or rent; largest competitors either general rental or equipment manufacturers Global Aggreko Competitive environment has been stable • Fierce local competition but no global competition • Few local competitors are able to compete for large scale or technically demanding work Using market potential analysis we believe that the global local market is about £4bn and we have a 25% share 10-15 regional Hertz, URI, Sunbelt, Speedy Hire, CAT Hundreds of national Thousands of local small businesses 22 Local business customer proposition Fast deployment through proximity to customers • Reliable in emergency situations Fungible range of customised products • Covering variety of size and applications (from marquee, to a mine) • Optimised for use in extremes of temperature and altitude • Access to global pool of fleet when required In–house technical expertise enables us to handle larger scale and more complex projects Flexibility over duration – anything from 1 day Maintenance and servicing handled by Aggreko 23 Power Projects Utility, Mozambique 24 Power Projects business Key facts FY14 Revenue by customer type (excl. fuel) Average contract value: £5m per annum Average contract duration: 1 year Average contract size: 30MW 2% Installation time: Weeks - months 3% 3% MW in power fleet: 4,881 Application: Base-load and peakshaving power Hubs: Dubai, Rotterdam, Singapore, Panama 3% Oil & Gas Utilities Military Mining Other 89% Keys to our competitive advantage Revenue • Ability to quickly deploy large fleet capacity globally • Highly reliable, easily-transportable, standardised, purpose-built equipment • Expertise in engineering, commercial, tax, logistics and risk management £625m (41% of Group excl. fuel) 25 100MW diesel For hydro shortfall support, Kenya 26 232MW gas Gas-fired, cross border power, Mozambique 27 Power Projects market drivers Demand Demand in developing countries is growing; 4% CAGR in electricity consumption driven by industrialisation and urbanisation. Financing Capital markets are unwilling to support longterm infrastructure projects in many developing countries. UnderInvestment Under-investment in new and replacement permanent power has led to frequent breakdowns and damaging power cuts. Developed Markets De-carbonisation and ageing infrastructure in developed countries requires $trillions in investment. 28 Demand for power growing in developing countries 1. Demand • Population growth, industrialisation and urbanisation drive demand From Hut to House (Illustrative) Power Demand (KW) • Electrification rates in low income countries are around 30% 7 • Reliability of existing infrastructure is often poor 6 • Demand for power anticipated to grow at 3.7% pa between 2015 and 2020 • We estimate that the resulting shortfall in power supply will be over 140GW in our core markets by 2020 Item load Base load 5 4 3 2 1 0 Lighting & Fan TV Fridge AC Water Heater Sound System House Computer Lighting CAGR: 25 years = 18%, 50 years = 9% 29 A number of countries cannot finance new infrastructure 2. Under investment New MW of Permanent Power Installed 1979-2009 000s 250 World China World Ex China 200 150 100 50 - 1979 1984 1989 1994 1999 2004 2009 Source: Platts 30 A number of countries cannot finance new infrastructure 3. Financing Projected IRR’s vs. Country Risk 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% EU/USA Brazil India Unbankable 31 Installed base is ageing fast 4. Competition • 1,000 GW of world generating capacity > 40 years old by 2015 • In next 10 years North America and Europe will have to invest $tn’s in power infrastructure to replace ageing capacity and respond to renewables • This will draw investment away from countries with poor risk profiles at a time when their infrastructure is ageing rapidly Operating capacity (GW) reaching >40 years old in period 2005-2010 2010-2015 Movement Africa 6 9 47% Anz-Oceania 5 7 29% Asia 26 51 97% China 3 6 98% CIS 42 49 16% Europe 59 91 54% Latin America 9 17 102% Middle East 1 7 430% North America 89 171 91% TOTAL 240 407 70% Source: Platts 32 Power Projects competition • Only one other company that competes globally Estimated market share • There are c.10-15 CAT dealers that operate standalone and compete for power projects either locally or regionally • Difficult to operate efficiently without a large homogenous fleet and infrastructure to market, sell and operate consistently across the world • In some countries, e.g. Indonesia and Brazil where there are long standing power shortages, there are a number of local competitors Aggreko APR Others 35% 40% 25% 33 Power Projects customer proposition Speed • Immediate solution to today’s problems • Instant result, immediately felt by industry and consumers Pay-as-you-go • No need to raise capital for purchase Modularity • Distributed generation means that power can go where it is most needed Flexibility • No long-term commitment – send it away when you don’t need it Low risk, proven solution, used by many countries Technically extremely helpful to network operators • Helps stabilise grid and supports other assets 34 Relative cost of permanent and temporary power Illustrative Permanent Power ($c/kWhr) Hydro 2-3 Nuclear 3-10 Gas 7-15 HFO 13-20 Temporary Power ($c/kWhr) Diesel 7-15 HFO Gas C.3 3-10 2-3 C.5-6 C.4-5 10-15 25-30 15-20 Fuel cost Rental Note: Based on oil at c.$100/bbl 35 Investment in gas has been a big success • Proprietary Aggreko product, launched in 2006 Power Projects Gas Revenue $m • Higher margin, similar ROCE to diesel • Cheaper fuel, lower emissions 400 • Expanded market by reducing cost / KWh 350 • Enabled us to operate as an Independent Power Producer 300 • Operates in both Local & Power Projects 250 200 150 100 50 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 36 Strategy Mining, Australia 37 Aggreko’s strategy Leading global provider of temporary power and temperature control Standard operating processes and systems Moveable fungible fleet Global reach Lowest capital cost Local Business Service Efficiency Power Projects Optimise Network Scale Product Innovation Orange Blood Culture: Passion, Pace, Performance 38 We will continue to grow faster than the market in our Local business Service • Outstanding customer service • High-quality rental fleet • Result: Maintain clear differentiation from competitors Efficiency • Use benefits of global scale to optimise utilisation • Use Orange Excellence to drive efficiency • Result: Make attractive returns Optimise network • • • • • Expand network in faster growing markets of ME, Africa, Latam & Asia Focus on adding new service centres /upgrading existing centres in Europe & NA Drive performance of recently opened depots Exploit specific global verticals: major events, wind, oil & gas Result: Increase market share and extend global reach Through pursuing these actions we believe that over the five years from 2013-2017 we can achieve: • Underlying revenue growth between 8-12% • Trading margins between 17-20% • ROCE between 18-21% 39 Power Projects business will grow in line with the market Scale • • • • • • Address demand globally resulting in higher utilisation because demand moves Focus on non-OECD ex. China with ability to react to “black swans” Maintain a diverse customer portfolio, reducing the risk to the Group Optimise economies of scale to retain 20-40% capital cost / MW advantage Leverage links with the local business Result: Largest, most responsive operator with lower volatility of demand, better lifetime utilisation of equipment and lower capital costs Product innovation • • • • Continue to invest in product development of gas and HFO (cheaper fuels) Work towards bringing the cost of temporary power in line with permanent power Continue to develop capability to act as an Independent Power Producer Result: Market leading products and the ability to offer customers the best value Through pursuing these actions we believe that over the five years from 2013-2017 we can achieve: • Underlying revenue growth between 10-15% (subject to year on year variation) • Trading margins between 27-32% • ROCE between 25-30% 40 Group strategy for the next 5 years Implement business-line strategies for Local & Power Projects Build strength and depth in management team Keep looking for bolt-on acquisitions Build synergies between Local and Power Projects Drive operational efficiency & economies of scale Innovate in product development Aggreko has a proven strategy and the management to deliver it 41 Strategic targets & KPIs Strategy Local • • • Power projects • • • Group • Targets2 Superior service Utilise global scale for efficiency Increase market share and extend presence in emerging markets Revenue growth: 8-12% Margin: 17-20% ROCE: 18-21% Grow to secure operating efficiencies and competitive advantage Be the largest global operator Develop technology to make temporary power competitive with permanent power Revenue growth: 10-15% Margin: 27-32% ROCE: 25-30% To be the leading global provider of temporary power and temperature control Revenue growth: >10% Margin: > 20% ROCE: > 20% FY14 Progress Revenue growth: 8% Margin: 16% ROCE: 15% • • • Revenue growth: 18% Margin: 27% ROCE: 25% • • Revenue growth: 12% Margin: 19% ROCE: 19% • • Opened 9 new service centres (net of closures) NPS score of 58% in top quartile globally Commenced roll out of telemetry Contracts in Panama and Mozambique competing with permanent power Additional 757 MW won in the year Refurbished 290 generators 25% of Power Projects fleet are now refurbished generators (1) Net of closures (2) These are averages over a five year period and there will be years when we may be outside one of these ranges. Revenue growth is underlying, i.e. excluding London Olympics, Poit acquisition, pass-through fuel and currency translation and adjusted to exclude Military and Japan. Margin and ROCE targets are on a reported basis post amortisation. 42 Financial Information Wind Farm, Ireland 43 Solid financial performance Underlying revenue up 9% FY14 FY13 Reported Change Underlying Change Revenue 1,577 1,573 -% 9% Underlying margin at 20% Revenue excl. pass-through fuel 1,529 1,531 -% 9% EPS down 10% driven by currency Trading profit 306 352 (13)% (2)% Dividend increase of 3% Operating profit 310 358 (13)% Net interest expense (21) (25) 15% Profit before tax 289 333 (13)% Tax (74) (87) 15% Profit after tax 215 246 (13)% Diluted earnings per share 82.5p 92.0p (10)% Dividends per share (declared) 27.1p 26.3p 3% £m Underlying trading profit down 2% Underlying excludes pass-through fuel and currency translation. 44 2014: Revenues of £1,577m from three product families Why Power & Temperature Control? Mission critical: availability, service and reliability more Rental product is different to purchase product => differentiated offering important than price => strong margins Fleet fungible between sector and geography => can Long life of equipment => 10-year old equipment can get same rate as new operate as a global business Rental revenue £1,210m (80% of total revenues) Power Temperature Control Oil-free Air £1,062m / 88% £119m / 10% £29m / 2% £136m / 5% £72m / 3% Gross Rental Assets £2,599m £2,174m / 84% Fleet also includes ancillaries with a gross value of £217m / 8% 45 Underlying growth across both businesses Solid performance in Local; underlying revenue up 8% Good performance in Power Projects; underlying revenue up 10% Broadly in line with strategic targets Revenue Local Business Power Projects (ex fuel) Total (ex fuel) Trading profit FY14 £m FY13 £m Underlying % FY14 £m FY13 £m Underlying % 904 838 8% 139 144 (4)% Trading Margin: 16% 17% ROCE: 15% 17% 10% 170 170 Trading Margin: 27% 30% ROCE: 25% 27% 9% 309 314 Trading Margin: 20% 22% ROCE: 19% 21% 625 1,529 567 1,405 -% (2)% Underlying excludes pass-through fuel and currency translation. 46 Diverse geographic spread and complimentary business models Trading Profit (ex. fuel) by Business (£m) Revenue (ex. fuel) by Market (£m) 900 400 883 350 800 309 300 700 645 600 250 200 170 500 150 139 400 300 100 Local Emerging markets Developed markets 200 Power Projects 50 Total Group 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Emerging markets = Local: Russia, Middle East, Asia, Africa, LATAM; Power Projects = everywhere excluding Japan 47 Very attractive returns on capital • Returns are very attractive, and reflect relative risk profiles • Power Projects peak returns 2009-2011 driven by Japan & Military • Local ROCE peaks in 2008 and 2010 due to Olympics and World Cup; diluted slightly 2011 to expansion in Emerging Markets; slight improvement in 2012 due to London Olympics • 2014 ROCE diluted by challenging Power Projects environment and the mining slowdown in the Local business Return on Capital Employed % 45 Local 40 Power Projects Group 35 30 25 20 15 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 48 Shareholder Information Aggreko Service Centre, Jebel Ali 49 Shareholder information Share Types Ordinary: Listed on the LSE Treasury: Shares purchased by the Company out of distributable reserves. They hold no voting or preemption rights and receive no dividends Share price history Capital structure Market information Priority is to invest in the business. Excess capital will be returned to shareholders. Listing: London Ticker: AGK:LN Dividend policy Market Cap: c.£4bn Reduce dividend cover to c.3x earnings between 2013 and 2015 ISC: 256m Our Shareholders Shareholder returns (£m) 2500 27% 2000 UK 1500 N America 7% 1000 60% AGK 500 6% Europe (ex UK) Rest of World FTSE100 FTSE350 Bus. Serv. 0 Jan 10 Jan 11 Jan 12 Jan 13 Jan 14 Jan 15 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 * Past performance is no indication of future performance; data correct at 30 January 2015 50 Further Information Refining, USA 51 Further information Business Information References Investor Relations Contact For further information about Aggreko, please refer to the following: Website: Annual report: Investor Relations & Media app available for iOS and Android devices All data correct as of 31 December 2014 unless otherwise stated Stock market data from Reuters, 30 January 2015 unless otherwise stated Louise Bryant, Head of Investor Relations 52 Disclaimer The information contained in this presentation has largely been extracted from the Results Announcement for the year ended 31st December 2014. This presentation may contain certain “forward-looking” statements. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to future events and circumstances. Actual outcomes and results may differ materially from any outcomes or results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Any forward-looking statements made by or on behalf of Aggreko speak only as of the date they are made and no representation or warranty is given in relation to them, including as to their completeness or accuracy or the basis on which they were prepared. This presentation is published solely for information purposes. The distribution of this presentation in jurisdictions other than the UK may be restricted by law and therefore any persons who are subject to the laws of any jurisdiction other than the UK should inform themselves about, and observe, any applicable requirements. All opinions expressed in this presentation are subject to change without notice and may differ from opinions expressed elsewhere. 53
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