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to download. - Office for the Development of the Educational #odeanews #odeanews · June 2012 FIN-FIS Interaction June 6, 2012 A meeting of the animators of the schools and TVET Centers of the FIS and FIN Provinces convened on June 6, 2012 at the 3rd Flr. Conference Room of the Provincial house to continue the interactions between the two provinces in carrying out their educational apostolate. Fr. Ronald Guiao- CYM Delegate, Fr. Cesar Manlosa - Delegate for Schools and Fr. Rex Carbilledo – Delegate for TVET Centers represented the FIS Province. Fr. Onofre Inocencio, ODEA Head represented the FIN Province. They have forged together some lines of action which have yet to be presented to their respective provincials for approval. They agreed to publish an info brochure of our TVET Centers as way of getting the public informed who we are as a group - BOSCO TECH - Philippines. Pre Synod Visits of Schools and TVET Centers June 4-25, 2012 Fr. Inocencio made rounds of the schools and TVET Centers to orient school personnel on the challenges, issues and concerns that confront our school and TVET Centers brought about by the implementation of the K-12 Program. It is also an opportunity to gather data on the different programs and activities engaged by the school to implement the decisions taken as contained in the Strategic Plan for schools and TVET Centers. Fr. Inocencio shared some preliminary thinking regarding the matter but he encouraged each setting to do their own reflection and come up with some proposals which can be presented during the Synod of schools and TVET Centers on September 13-15, 2012. Visits to the different settings were scheduled as follows: June 4 – DB Naga June 5 – DB Legazpi June 6 – DB Mandaluyong HS June 7 – DB Tondo June 8 – DB Canlubang June 11 – DB San Jose June 13 – DB Makati June 14 – DB Mandaluyong GS and TVET June 15 – DB Mandaluyong College June 25 – DB Pampanga #odeanews · June 2012 BOT Assembly June 9, 2012 Members of the Board of Trustees of the Schools and TVET Centers gathered in an assembly on June 9, 2012 at the Bosco Hall, DBTI-Makati. They were engaged in a highly spirited interaction revisiting previous guidelines and decisions regarding the nature and operation of the BOT. There were also revisions and updates made in the present by-laws of the BOT. HR Officers Meeting June 15, 2012 A joint meeting of the HR Officers of the schools and TVET centers, the HR Provincial Task Force Group represented by Fr. Edwin Ulanday and Ms. Myrna Tolentino, and Fr. Inocencio, ODEA Head was held at at the latter’s office on June 15, 2012 to discuss some HR concerns particularly the job descriptions and the performance evaluation tool for the managerial and supervisory positions in the school workforce. ODEA is tasked to formulate a common performance evaluation tool for the managerial and supervisory staff of the schools and TVET Centers. APAA/APTA and SAH/SH Meeting June 16, 2012 The Asst. Principals for Academic Affairs/Technical Affairs (APAA/APTA) and the Subject Area Heads/Shop Heads (SAH/SH) met together for their first quarterly meeting for SY 2012-13 at the Bosco Hall – DBTI Makati on June 15, 2012. Highlighted during this meeting was the discussion on the implementation of the K-12 Program for the Basic Education. There was a focus on the concerns for the time allotment of the different subjects, the mother tongue based education (MBE) and multilingual education (MLE) approach, the spiral curriculum for mathematics and science programs, and the assessment of student performance. Dr. Auxencia Limjap, the consultant for the Math Program delivered a progress report on the Math Project. 2 TVET Directors Forum June 21, 2012 #odeanews · June 2012 TVET Directors held their regular monthly meeting on June 21, 2012 at the Conference Room of the Provincial House. HR issues and concerns, in particular the job descriptions and the performance evaluation tool were discussed in this forum. There were clarifications made regarding some items on the MAXI Project 2 which needed to be complied by the TVET Directors. Other topics for the discussion: research update, institutional promotion, the synod of schools and TVET Centers, the K-12 Program, FIS-FIN Interactions were taken up in this meeting. Theater Group Advisers Meeting June 20, 2012 The advisers of the theatre groups of the schools met in the afternoon of June 20, 2012 at the ODEA and shared the development of this youth group. DB – Makati took pride in the staging of Jesus Christ Superstar last SY 2011-12. Mr. Raymond de Guzman presented a program to help teachers acquire some theatre skills with the experience he had of working with the teachers of the grade school of Don Bosco Mandaluyong. Choir and Musical Instruments Advisers Meeting June 20, 2012 The animators of the Choir and Musical Instruments of the schools gathered for their annual meeting at the ODEA on June 20, 2012. Each one of them delivered a status report on the development of the organization and the different activities carried out by the group. The progress of the Don Bosco Makati Choir is phenomenal as they continued to earn recognitions and win in the different competitions they joined during SY 2011-12. Kudos to BosCorale. 3 #odeanews · June 2012 Principals Forum June 21, 2012 The principals held their regular meeting on June 21, 2012 at the Conference Room of the Provincial House. They tackled the implementation plan for the K-12 program. The school were encouraged to maximize the use of social networks (websites, facebook) and promotional materials such as AV presentations, corporate portfolio and program brochures to promote the schools. It was also decided to conduct workshop for performing arts animators on July 17-18 or 24-28, 2012. A courtesy call to the Secretary of DepEd and TESDA will be organized to strengthen network and collaboration with the said agencies. #odeanews June 2012 EDITOR Fr. Onofre G. Inocencio Jr., SDB PHOTO AND LAYOUT Lord Marcelo C. Magsino III CIRCULATION Jeffrey R. Gomez School Publication Advisers Meeting June 22, 2012 Advisers of School Publications held their annual meeting on June 22, 2012 at the ODEA. Fr. Inocencio congratulated the participants for the improvement he noticed on the publication of the school organ. Foremost was the recognition given to DB-Tarlac for keeping high standard and a benchmark for the other schools on school publications. DB-Tarlac continues to receive awards and local district, provincial, regional and national recognitions. The group also decided to hold the Don Bosco Press Conference on July 19-21, 2012. 4 Don Bosco Scouting Movement Meeting June 22, 2012 The Scoutmasters of the schools gathered together for their annual meeting at the ODEA on June 22, 2012. Each of the scoutmasters rendered a status report on the Boy Scouts Movement in their schools. The long protracted plan to hold a Don Bosco Jamboree was finally scheduled on September 13-15, 2013. The early scheduling of this activity was to ascertain that the request will be given priority in the calendar of activities of each school next SY 201314. Sctr. Noriel Garcia of DBTI – Makati was elected as Chairman of the Don Bosco Scouting Movement. #odeanews · June 2012 APSA Meeting June 23, 2012 Asst. Principals for Student Affairs held their first quarterly meeting for SY 2012-13 on June 23, 2012 at the ODEA Office. The sharings they had regarding the different disciplinary issues they encountered during the school year were very enriching and gave them the opportunity to reflect on their own practices. Student Activities at the province level for SY 2012-2013 were communicated and were slated in the calendar. ` CEAP NTEC-NBEC Meeting June 26, 2012 FUSE General Assembly June 26, 2012 Dr. Nelia Benito, Director III of the National Education Testing and Research Center of DEPED presented to the members of FUSE in their general assembly held on June 26, 2012 at the FUCE-LCT Conference Room, Pearl Tower, Roxas Blvd, Manila the performance of Gr. 1 and Gr 2 on public elementary school teachers in the Test of English Proficiency for Teachers (TEPT) and the Process Skills Test (PST) in Science and Mathematics. The findings of the study revealed that there is a need to hone the English Proficiency of teachers in the different components; specifically in structure, written expression and reading comprehension. There is an urgent need to address teacher’s weakness in the following areas: inferring, predicting, communicating, analyzing data, evaluating, making conclusions, defining operationally and conducting experiments. CEAP National Tertiary Commission (NTEC) and National Basic Education Commission (NBEC) held a joint meeting on June 26, 2012 at the Board room of the DLSU – Manila to discuss some K-12 transitional issues (e.g. Senior High School models and curriculum, relaxing of requirements, faculty, college readiness, costing of programs, unionized schools, etc.). The meeting aimed at sorting out these issues and identifying which ones private education should be concerned with and need to address. 1st SLA Organizational Meeting June 25, 2012 Representatives from the Student Councils of the different Don Bosco schools met together on June 25, 2012 to organize the Student Leaders Assembly slated for August 15-16, 2012 at DBA – Malabacat, the host school for SLA 2012. The Student Council of the DBAPampanga takes leadership in the organization of the event. Don Bosco – Caritas of Sta. Rosa joins the other five Don Bosco schools of the FIN province in this gathering of student leaders. Deans and Vice Deans Forum June 27, 2012 The Deans and Vice Deans held their regular monthly meeting on June 27, 2012 at the Community room of the Salesian Residence in DBC-Canlubang. Follow up of the resolutions of the previous meeting highlighted the first part of the meeting. The need to comply with the agreed resolutions was emphasized. HR concerns were taken up in particular the job descriptions and the performance evaluation tool. ODEA was charged with a mandate to come up with a common performance evaluation for managerial and supervisory positions. The Deans were requested to prepare the Report on the State of Affairs of the College and the Proposed Plan on the implementation of the K-12 Program. #odeanews · June 2012 Guidance Counselors Meeting June 29, 2012 Librarians Meeting June 28, 2012 In a meeting held at MIC – DBTI – Makati City on June 19, 2012, the librarians interacted with each other and benchmarked their practices through their sharings. They discussed some HR concerns in particular those that pertained to their job descriptions and the performance evaluation. Fr. Gerard Ravasco presented to the body the proposal to establish a research repository in order to make the research materials easily accessible through the network. DBTI – Makati Guidance Office hosted the annual gathering of the Guidance Counselors on June 29, 2012 at the Bosco Hall – DBTI Makati. HR concerns and issues were taken up particularly regarding their job description and performance evaluation. The counselors shared best practices of their institutions for the enrichment of each one. Sexual orientation and the gay phenomenon, ADHD, bullying, use of technology, MIS, aligning the guidance program to the K-12 demands were the topics of discussion for the day. Fr. Inocencio bared the plan to provide class advisers basic guidance skills. COW Assembly June 30, 2012 The members of the Council of the Work of the schools and TVET Centers participated in an assembly held at the Bosco Hall – DBTI Makati City on June 30, 2012. A review of the various documents of the Educational Apostolate of the FIN province in particular the Profile of the Ideal Bosconian was carried out by the assembly. Fr. Dennis Paez presented to the body the different modules he has prepared as resource materials to help in the family Apostolate of the schools and TVET Centers. HR issues and concerns were taken up and the discussion was facilitated by Ms. Myrna Tolentino. Fr. Inocencio led the reflection on the implementation of the K-12 Program, the use of social network for school promotion and the urgent need for a technology plan and a vocation plan required of the schools and TVET Centers #odeanews Is a monthly newsletter of the Office for the Development of the Educational Apostolate (ODEA) Don Bosco Technical College Gen. Kalentong St., Mandaluyong City, PHILIPPINES Tel. no. 534-5922 · · OFFICE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE EDUCATIONAL APOSTOLATE (ODEA) Don Bosco Technical College 2nd Flr. Old Bldg., Gen. Kalentong St., Mandaluyong City, PHILIPPINES 6
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