2016 Sponsorship Options - Rhonda Walker Foundation


2016 Sponsorship Options - Rhonda Walker Foundation
The Rhonda Walker Foundation
Presents the 6th Annual
Run/Walk Fitness Classes Health Fair
2016 Sponsorship Options
Sunday, July 31, 2016 | Detroit Riverwalk | 8AM
The Rhonda Walker Foundation Presents the 6th Annual
Board of Directors
Rhonda Walker
Lloyd L. Banks, III
Terri Bond
Sheree Calhoun
Nikki Howard-Combs
Dr. Ronald Gillum
Lori Jackson
Ron Mims
Monyka Murphy
Stacie Robinson
Kimberly Walker
Kimberly Keaton-Williams
Dear Friends, The Challenge Among Adults: *Michigan is ranked among the na5on’s most obese and physically inac5ve states *23.6% of Michigan adults report in the past month they had no physical ac5vity Among Kids: *Only 25.3% achieve the recommended level of 60 minutes of ac5vity per day *Only 31% of adolescents aGend daily school physical educa5on classes *Instead of exercise, 29.6% of kids watch television three or more hours on school days The Solu5on Being physically ac5ve is one of the greatest steps that we can take to improve our health. In addi5on to controlling weight gain, people who are physically ac5ve generally live longer and have a lower risk for heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, depression and some cancers. That said, The Rhonda Walker Founda5on (RWF) will once again hosts its annual Give and Get Fit (GGF) event. Its purpose is to promote physical ac5vity and raise awareness about the latest trends in overall health, fitness and nutri5on for all ages. GGF is a morning of exercise where par5cipants learn about smart nutri5on while raising funds to support the RWF award winning health and wellness programming. Give and Get Fit will take place on Sunday, July 31, 2016 at 8AM on Detroit’s Riverwalk located in the heart of downtown Detroit. Each year, hundreds of health-­‐conscious metro-­‐Detroiters come together for a morning of fitness including a 5k/10k chipped 5med race, 5k walk, fitness classes and a health fair. This fun event is open to the public and provides an opportunity for exhibitors to provide product samples, informa5on and health screenings. We invite you to be a part of this exci5ng event! AGached is our 2016 sponsorship package. Your sponsorship will not only showcase your company, it will support ini5a5ves for inner city teens by providing opportuni5es to improve their physical fitness and well being through a sixteen week health and wellness program. The program is designed to teach healthy ea5ng and increase physical ac5vity for health, enjoyment, self-­‐expression and confidence. If you have any ques5ons, please contact Courtney Cholody at ccholody@jrturnbull.com or 313-­‐407-­‐4679. For more informa5on, please visit rhondawalkerfounda5on.org. We hope you will support this exci5ng opportunity to Give and Get Fit! Sincerely,
Rhonda Walker
Foundation is a 501(c)3
non-profit organization.
Est. 2003
Rhonda Walker
WDIV TV 4 News Anchor
Founder & President,
Rhonda Walker Foundation
Thank you to our generous past sponsors of
We value our partnership with both corporate and individual donors and will serve
as good stewards of your generous investment. We commit to delivering valuable
benefits and positive partnership experiences to our sponsors.
Art Van Furniture
Azimuth Capital Management
Bank of America
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
Community Foundation of SE Michigan
Detroit Pistons
DMC Detroit Receiving Hospital
DTE Energy Foundation
Ernst & Young, LLP
Flynn Benefits Group
Greektown Casino-Hotel
Health Alliance Plan
Ilitch Holdings
Matilda R. Wilson Foundation Fund
Meridian Health Plan Health Leader
MGM Grand Detroit
Miller Canfield
Miller Vein
Michigan Office Solutions
Plante Moran
PT in the D
Quicken Loans
Rizik Family
Schechter Wealth
Stout Risius Ross
St. John Providence Health System
Talmer Bank and Trust
Vanguard Motor Sales
Whole Foods Market
Rizik Family
Sponsorship Options
Deadline for first print of posters: May 1, 2016
Olympian $15,000
Active Leader $2,500
• Exclusive category designation
• Exclusive company signage at start/finish line
• Recognition as Olympian Sponsor at event and on
event materials
• Recognition on event t-shirts
• Opportunity to include materials in event gift bags
• Opportunity to speak at event
• 10 race entries
• Exhibit space
• Recognition as official Active Leader at event and
on event materials
• Recognition on event t-shirts
• 4 race entries
• Exhibit space
Fitness Champion $10,000
• Recognition as official Health Leader at event and
on event materials
• Recognition on event t-shirts
• Opportunity to include materials in event gift bags
• Opportunity to speak at event
• 8 race entries
• Exhibit space
Health Leader $7,500
• Recognition as official Health Leader at event and
on event materials
• Recognition on event t-shirts
• Opportunity to include materials in event gift bags
• 6 race entries
• Exhibit space
Wellness Supporter $5,000
• Recognition as official Wellness Supporter at event
and on event materials
• Recognition on event t-shirts
• Opportunity to include materials in event gift bags
• 6 race entries
• Exhibit space
Fitness Advocate $1,000
• Recognition as official Fitness Advocate at event
and on event materials
• 2 race entries
• Exhibit space
Exhibitor $250
• Recognition as Exhibitor on event materials
• Exhibit Space with opportunity to pass out
company information to participants
General or In-kind Contribution
In-kind donations of services and products are
gladly accepted. A monetary sponsorship value
will be assigned and related sponsorship benefits
2016 Sponsorship Commitment Form
CONTACT INFORMATION (as you would like it in print materials)
Company Name: __________________________________________________________________
Contact Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Phone: ___________________________ Email: ________________________________________
YES! I would like to be a Give & Get Fit Sponsor at the following level:
Olympian $15,000
Fitness Champion $10,000
Health Leader $7,500
Wellness Supporter $5,000
Active Leader $2,500
Fitness Advocate $1,000
Exhibitor $250
Other ____________ PAYMENT INFORMATION
______ Visit RhondaWalkerFoundation.org to conveniently pay online.
______ Check enclosed. Please make checks payable to Rhonda Walker Foundation.
______ Credit Card:
Card Number: ______________________________________________________________
EXP: ______________
CSC: _____________
Cardholder Name: _______________________ Signature:___________________________
Billing Address (If different from above): _________________________________________
Please mail forms and checks to: Rhonda Walker Foundation
PO Box 251746 | West Bloomfield, MI 48325
For questions, contact Courtney Cholody| ccholody@jrturnbull.com | 313-407-4679
Rhonda Walker Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.