Seminario de Patología “Salvados por la campana”
Seminario de Patología “Salvados por la campana”
Seminario de Patología “Salvados por la campana” Fátima Carneiro IPATIMUP & Medical Faculty/Centro Hospitalar São João Porto, Portugal Case 1 Female, 18-year old, 4-month history of abdominal pain CT scan showed a tumour in the gastric wall with cystic areas and calcification. A distal gastrectomy was performed. CT scan Endoscopic ultrasound FNAB – not conclusive Surgical specimen H12/257 HE 40X H12/257 HE 100X H12/257 H12/257 HE 200X HE 200X H12/257 H12/257 HE 200X HE 200X H12/257 HE 400X H12/257 HE 400X H12/257 HE 400X Unfortunately, no bell was ringing! • It was not any gastric tumour that I had seen before • Apparently it was a (malignant?) biphasic neoplasia • Several hypotheses were advanced and IHC studies were performed • GIST • Synovial sarcoma • Carcinosarcoma • Teratoma • Other CD117 (c-Kit) AE1/AE3 Vimentina 200X 200X 200X CD56 (Epithelial) CD56 (spindle cells) CD10 200X 200X 200X Immunohistochemistry Epithelial component Spindle cell component + + + + + CD117 (c-Kit) AE1/AE3 Chromogranin Synaptophysin Vimentin Desmin S100 CD34 Calretinin CD56 CD10 + (multifocal) Molecular study • Screening of KIT mutations – negative • Search of synovial sarcoma t(X;18) - absent • GIST • Synovial sarcoma • Carcinosarcoma • Teratoma • Other A bell was finally ringing... Am J Surg Pathol 33:1370,2009 J Clin Pathol 63: 270, 2010 Clinicopathologic features Case Age/sex 1 19/M Size (cm) Mitotic index 5x4x2.5 30 (free of disease) Greater Sub-total 3.5 years curvature, body gastrectomy Greater curvature, body Sub-total gastrectomy dor abdominal 27/F 6x4x3,5 4 3 30/M 15x12 1 Antrum Anemia 4 9/M 9x6,5 0 Antrum, abdominal pain Sub-total gastrectomy 9 months 5 18/F 10,5x8,7x 5,5 5 Antrum, abdominal pain Distal gastrectomy 1 year Shin (2010) Our case Treatment 2 (2009) et al Localization (50 HPF) Miettinen et al Follow-up 5 years Tumorectomy, 14 years radiotherapy Immunohistochemistry CD117 (c-Kit) Miettinen et al (2009) Shin et al (2010) Our case - + (epithelial component) - + (epithelial component) + (epithelial component) + (epithelial component) AE1/AE3 Cromogranina Sinaptofísina Vimentina + (spindle cell component) + (spindle cell component) + (spindle cell component) Desmina ND S100 CD34 Calretinina CD56 CD10 + (epithelial component; ND faint in the spindle cell component) + (spindle cell component) + (focal, spindle cell component) NA – not available; +: positive; -: negative + (both components) + (both components) Gastroblastoma • Young adults and children • Symptoms: abdominal pain; can be asymptomatic • Macro: solid and cystic, with haemorragic areas • Micro: biphasic tumor – epithelial and spindle cell component, without necrosis; low mitotic index • Immunohistochemistry: epithelial component – keratins and CD56; spindle cell component – vimentin and CD10 • Prognosis: very few cases described so far and limited follow-up Gastroblastoma in a 28-year-old man with nodal metastases Proof of malignant potential Wey et al; Arch Pathol Lab Med, 136: 961, 2012 TAKE HOME LESSONS Never try to fit into a previously known histological category cases that do not fit in. In this case, the bell has been the temporo-spacial memory that pathologists share with chess players. Thanks for your attention Save the Date 25th European Congress of Pathology 31 August – 4 September 2013 in Lisbon, Portugal
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