View 2015 Sale Catalog - Chapman Cattle Company
HELLO from Welcome Chapman Cattle Company from First and foremost I would like to thank all of the buyers and bidders for your expressed interest through the past eight bull sales. It is very rewarding to hear the success these bulls are having in your programs, and that the bulls are doing exactly what we had promoted their merit on. Having majored in economics in university, I enjoy reading about the different market forces that influence the commodity markets, and obviously, the cattle industry. In August 2013 Bill Helmig gave a presentation at the Annual Grass-fed Exchange Conference for Beef Producers in Bismark, ND. Bill has a Masters in Ag Economics from the University of Nevada, was the first Chief Economist for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, launched CattleFax, and subsequently launched a Macro Economic & Ag Consulting firm in 1972, “Bill Helming Consulting Services”. According to Helmig, the major U.S. and Canadian Beef Industry Trends over the next 15 to 25 years are as follows: • Total beef cow and calf crop inventory numbers will very likely decline significantly further over the next 20 years. • There will be significantly fewer corn full fed cattle on feed over time and there will be further major excess cattle feeding capacity. • There will be less corn and feed grains used by the beef industry. There will be more and less expensive grass and forages used over time by beef producers and cattle feeders to produce more ground beef. • Total per capita beef consumption and market share will continue to decline. However, the consumption of ground beef will increase significantly further in the years ahead. • The total cost of producing beef will and must come down in order to make beef more cost and price competitive with chicken. He also goes on to suggest the North American Business Model pertaining to the cattle industry is broken. He summarizes the current beef model as a model based on full fed cattle and high input costs when the long term demand for ground beef consumption and demand is going up. However, middle meat (steaks) consumption and demand is going down and total per capita beef consumption and domestic beef demand and market share are declining. Case in point: today, 60% of the total ground beef consumed in the U.S. comes from corn and full-fed steers and heifers on feed at very high ration costs. This means that about 40% to 42% of the total U.S. corn and full-fed steer and heifer annual marketing’s end up going into ground beef! This makes no economic sense! Even though beef supplies will continue to decline and will be tight over most of the next 10 years, cattle prices will also generally trend lower because of consumer demand destruction, consumers eating less whole muscle beef middle meats and buying more lower price ground beef and chicken, price deflation trends, a weak U.S. and global economy and a stronger U.S. dollar. As an industry, Helmig suggests we plan and prepare accordingly by producing more grass-fed and forage-fed ground beef at lower and more affordable prices for North American consumers. So how do we as cow/calf producers do this? Helmig suggests a major way to do this is to own and purchase cows, bulls, steers and heifers with frame scores of 3.0 to 5.0 and to maintain and to grow these beef cattle by using more grass, more forages and more lower cost feed by-products; and to use no corn, barley or other feed grains, and to sharply reduce cow-calf maintenance costs via the use of smaller frame beef cows. To view the complete Bill Helming Consulting Services presentation, visit – it is a very good read. With that, please accept this as your invitation to join us February 12, 2015 at 2:00pm at the Stettler Auction Mart, Stettler, AB. The bulls are a solid sort – out of multi-generational dams that have been environmentally pressured and sorted for fertility and efficiency. These bulls reflect that selection pressure – it’s bred in. We know you have options when it comes to your bull purchases, but we are confident this is as honest a representation of 2 Year Old Angus bulls as there will be to sell anywhere in Canada this year. 2 Silas Chapman Castle Rock Marketing Welcome to the Chapman Cattle Co Bull Sale! In working with Chapman’s over the past years we have seen a continuance of the cattle and the direction the herd is set on achieving. The bulls each year offer the same predictable function, sound made, forage grown and backed by genetics that have not only served their herd well but through the numerous repeat customers that stay involved with this program. No expense has been spared in attaining the genetics that best serve this herd. Crowfoot Cattle Co has been a long time source for Silas in bolstering the herd lineup. Having custom grazed a number of their cattle it was easy to see that the genetics fit into the plan for Chapman Cattle Co and its road to attaining those goals. Sinclair Cattle Co has also recently been another source which has been looked upon to further the genetic qualities that the N Bar herd offers and was the backbone not only to Sinclair but to the Walling herd which had a marked impacts on the Crowfoot herd as well. Customers return each year to select their next genetic pieces being happy with the previous purchases. It is often commented that the bulls go out and breed well and often times go forward gaining body condition. The bull pen consists of a small percentage of the male calves that are born each year meaning you the customer is getting the cream of the crop each time. If you have every raised Two Year old bulls you will know those that can make it to the sale truly are survivors as they tend to take care of a lot of the culling themselves. The bulls are in prime condition to serve their purpose in being athletic, sound breeding bulls that will do their job well. But don’t take our word for it, stop by Chapmans to have a look or stop by the Stettler Auction Mart February 12 and find out for yourself. By all means feel free to contact Silas or myself if you have any questions regarding the offering or absentee bidding! We will look after your properly! See you sale day! Shane Castle 2014 HERDSIRES RESIDENT Chapman Memento 0505X Sinclair Memento 8RL5 x OCC Joker 620J Sinclair Exquisite 1X51 N Bar Emulation EXT x N Bar Emulation EXT Red Bar-E-L Gambler 87X Red Lazy MC Cowboy Cut 26U x Red Bar-E-L Approval 4L Chapman Memento 0513X Sinclair Memento 8RL5 x OCC Moonshine 740M Crowfoot Joker 6172S OCC Joker 620J x Tomwall GDAR Royce 964 McCumber 536P EXT 7196 Sitz JLS Emulation EXT 536P x Pine Creek Right Time 1147 Chapman Memento 0509X Sinclair Memento 8RL5 x OCC Moonshine 740M Sinclair Rito 9R7 Rito Revolve 0R5 x Sinclair Net Present Value McCumber 8R101 Rito 161 Sinclair Entrepeneur 8R101 x Pine Creek Right Time 1147 Sinclair Patriarch 3B47 Sinclair Boss x OCC Great Plains 943G Trendsetter Powerhouse 1254 Duff Angus 011 x OCC Anchor 771A Crowfoot Joker 2029Z Crowfoot Joker 6172S x OCC Legacy 839L Sinclair Broker 3RC33 Sinclair Entrepreneur 8R101 x N Bar Emulation EXT V722 XO Crowfoot EQU 268Z Crowfoot Equation 5793R x Crowfoot 6071S 3 Terms and Conditions Sale Date | February 12, 2015 Sale Day Phone | 403-742-2368 Sale Professionals Don Raffan, Auctioneer Joe Ferris, Ring Staff Dean Edge, Ring Staff Shane Castle, Buyer Rep Greg Hayden, Buyer Rep Jim Abel, Buyer Rep Blake Chapman, Buyer Rep 250-558-6789 250-558-8745 403-704-0280 306-741-7485 403-742-2368 403-742-2368 403-741-5760 Bids Buyer may call or send their bids to any of the sale professionals listed above or directly to Chapman Cattle Company. Complete satisfaction is guaranteed for cattle purchased sight unseen as well as all bulls sold. Sale Location Hotels Canalta Hotel, Stettler Ramada Inn, Stettler Super 8 Motel, Stettler Heartlander Motel, Stettler Liability All persons who attend the sale do so at their own risk and the owners, management, and Sale Day staff assume no liability, and disclaims all liability, legal or otherwise, for any reason. Health All sale bulls have been vaccinated under the Pfizer Gold Program, poured with Ivomec and Boss, supplemented with MultiMin 90, fertility tested and guaranteed sound. Storm Date Stettler Auction Mart, Stettler, Alberta FEBRUARY 13, 2015 – 2:00pm – Stettler Auction Mart Terms & Conditions All cattle sell under the standard terms and conditions of the Canadian Angus Association. Terms of the sale are cash, payable on Sale Day unless prior arrangements have been made with Chapman Cattle Company. Insurance Ownership risk to purchaser commences when the Auctioneer’s hammer falls. All cattle returning to Chapman Cattle Company must be insured. Although all precautions will be made for the well-being of your cattle until possession has transferred, Chapman Cattle Company will not be liable for any sickness, injury or death that causes loss of use of the specified cattle. A Livestock Insurance agent will be available Sale Day to discuss your coverage options. Announcements Delivery Upon Settlement, please choose one of the following options and inform the clerk at the time of settlement. Please leave detailed delivery instructions upon doing so. A. $100 Discount off of the Total Invoice per buyer if bulls are picked up Sale Day B. Free Board & Delivery to Central Points Every attempt will be made to deliver your new bull(s) to your bull pen commencing after the sale and will be done at the expense of Chapman Cattle Company for bulls selling within the Prairie Provinces and BC. All bulls going beyond will be delivered at cost. Chapman Cattle Company assumes no liability of death or injury for bulls returning to the ranch. All bulls MUST be insured. All announcements from the sale block on sale day take precedence of any printed material. Food Coffee and donuts in the a.m. Lunch will be prepared and served starting at 12:00pm. 4 403-742-3371 403-742-6555 403-742-3391 403-742-3401 View online: DON RAFFAN Auctioneer Silas Chapman phone: (403) 741-2099 fax: (403) 742-0503 Sight-Unseen Purhcases Can’t make it to the sale? We guarantee you won’t be disappointed in the Chapman ‘Forage-Developed’ bulls that you buy sight unseen. In fact, we sell many bulls across Canada every year this way. Our experience over the past 65 years is the sooner you contact us, the better we are able to match the right cattle to your specifications. When cattle purchased “sight-unseen” are delivered, the buyer has the right of refusal for any animals that are not as they were represented. Guarantee We’re confident that our ‘Forage-Developed’ bulls will meet and exceed your standards for longevity and performance. If for any reasons you’re not satisfied with a bull you purchase from us, you don’t have to pay – just call us for a prompt and courteous credit or refund. Follow-Up and Consulting We are interested about your program too, your success, and the effectiveness of our cattle in your herd. Feel free to contact us at any time. Call us at (403) 741-2099 email us at or through our website at Complete Bull Information available on-line including catalog, video, individual performance, EPD’s, scrotal measurements and sale weights at www.chapmancattle. com. Please let us know if we can provide you with any additional information or assistance. We look forward to seeing you on sale day! We will be Broadcasting the Sale Live Ringside! live ring - live video - live auctioneer INTERNET BIDDING To participate in internet bidding is as easy as 1,2,3... PRE-REGISTER in advance at by clicking Sign Up Here under On-Line Auctions. You will receive a validation email with your user name and password once registration has been completed. SALE DAY- click View Live Auctions. You will be prompted to enter your user name and password to login into the system. Once logged in you will be able to view the auction live and bid. Bids can be submitted by phone or over the internet. Sale Day Phone to place bids is (403) 742-2368. For technical assistance please contact the Stettler Auction Mart - Greg Hayden or Jim Abel 403-742-2368 You will be contacted the week after the sale for settlement and delivery instructions. In an effort to cover liability issues and protect buyer’s interest, we require all bulls returning to Chapman Cattle Co. to be insured. A Stockmen’s Insurance agent will be available to assist you with coverage options. If at all possible, we invite you to stop by and evaluate the bulls prior to sale day. 5 CHAPMAN MEMENTO 0505X SONS SIRE A CHAPMAN MEMENTO 0505X Male Tattoo: SWC 0505X DOB: Feb 26 2010 Reg#: 1571495 R R RITO 707 AMF NHF CAF DDF IDEAL 4465 OF 6807 4286 AMF NHF SINCLAIR MEMENTO 8RL5 (1510491) N BAR SHADOW X4124 SINCLAIR LADY 06S3 4465 IDEAL 8114 OF ELDO 5110 3127 SINCLAIR RITO LEGACY 3R9 AMF CAF DDF O C C EMBLAZON 854E OSF AMF NHF CAF O C C JUANADA 709V CROWFOOT REV ERICA 5752R (1254877) BASIN EXPEDITION K47 CROWFOOT ERICA 3906N CROWFOOT FORKS 755K O C C JOKER 620J DDF January ‘15 EPD’s BW WW YW Milk TM +1.1 +34 +61 +24 +41 SC CE MCE REA CW Marb Fat -0.63 0.0 +3.0 +0.39 +9 - +0.014 0505X topped our 2012 bull sale with an interest going to Crowfoot Cattle Co. His pedigree consists of multiple generations of top females known for fertility, udder quality, and adaptability. He is moderate framed, deep bodied, wide based, and tracks wide and true as he travels. 0505X easily stamps his progeny to fit any grassbased program; siring easy fleshing, forage efficient cattle that will thrive in even the harshest environments. One of the best parts about 0505X is his outstanding dam and the cow family behind him. His donor dam, Rev Erica 5752R, is a moderate framed, easy fleshing, good footed daughter of OCC Joker 620J. Her udder is typical of the Joker-bred females and sets the standard for quality with small well placed teats, and snug rear and fore udder attachment. 0505X is one of three ¾ brothers used in 2014 to naturally service 178 females, with a 4th brother repatriated for 2015. The Memento line is the real deal and early on has proven its ability to sire added capacity, appetite and conversion, and super sweet udders on the daughters. Moderate, efficient, maternal – not just buzzwords... LOT 1 CHAPMAN MEMENTO 3589A Male Tattoo: SWC 3589A DOB: April 23 2013 Reg#: 1752973 SINCLAIR MEMENTO 8RL5 CHAPMAN MEMENTO 0505X CROWFOOT REV ERICA 5752R CROWFOOT EQUATION 5793R CHAPMAN KAWICH LADY 8065U CHAPMAN KAWICH LADY 434P SINCLAIR RITO LEGACY 3R9 AMF CAF DDF SINCLAIR LADY 06S3 4465 O C C JOKER 620J DDF CROWFOOT ERICA 3906N O C C LEGACY 839L CROWFOOT FORKS 755K LEACHMAN RIGHT TIME DMF AMF GLADWALL KAWICH LADY 6171 January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+0.9 WW:+45 YW:+77 Milk:+27 TM:+50 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 88 - 749 122 1224 38 cm 3589A has been a standout from a very young age, consistently rising to the top at weaning, yearling and now as a rising 2 Year Old. His dam 8065U is quickly proving herself as one of the top cows on the ranch, being designated an Elite dam in 2015 with the Canadian Angus Association with a Lifetime Ratio of 4/111 on just her first four calves. His grandmother is near the top in terms of phenotype and the dam to the really good Lot 51, and the great granddam was one of my favorite original Walling Angus cows sired by N Bar Impact U1253. A maternal brother to Lot 1 sold to Bluesky Colony. I have had my eye on this bull all the way through and believe him to be as good if not better than any Memento we have used or sold. Therefore we plan on making 3589A a big part of our program moving forward. Selling 2/3 interest and full possession. 6 | Chapman Cattle Company’s 9th Annual Forage-Developed Angus and Red Angus Bull Sale CHAPMAN MEMENTO 0505X SONS LOT 2 LOT CHAPMAN MEMENTO 3506A Male Tattoo: SWC 3506A DOB: April 09 2013 Reg#: 1752920 SINCLAIR MEMENTO 8RL5 CHAPMAN MEMENTO 0505X CROWFOOT REV ERICA 5752R CHAPMAN LEGACY 026S CHAPMAN PRIDE 834U CROWFOOT R G PRIDE 4410P SINCLAIR RITO LEGACY 3R9 AMF CAF DDF SINCLAIR LADY 06S3 4465 O C C JOKER 620J DDF CROWFOOT ERICA 3906N O C C LEGACY 839L PAT LADY ERICA 8984 O C C MAGNUM 749M CROWFOOT WJ 2514M 3 CHAPMAN MEMENTO 3512A Male Tattoo: SWC 3512A DOB: April 11 2013 Reg#: 1752921 SINCLAIR MEMENTO 8RL5 CHAPMAN MEMENTO 0505X CROWFOOT REV ERICA 5752R LIONHEART OF WICKWIRE OCTORARO MISS WIX 803 D D A FAHREN 21X CHAPMAN EILEEN 216M S B R WATERTON 6148S CHAPMAN EILEEN 804U CHAPMAN EILEEN 636S January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+1.1 WW:+33 YW:+57 Milk:+21 TM:+38 SINCLAIR RITO LEGACY 3R9 AMF CAF DDF SINCLAIR LADY 06S3 4465 O C C JOKER 620J DDF CROWFOOT ERICA 3906N January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+0.7 WW:+35 YW:+58 Milk:+20 TM:+38 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 81 - 635 102 1012 38 cm 83 - 654 105 1028 39 cm Good low birth weight bull out of a soft-made productive Legacy daughter. LOT 4 CHAPMAN MEMENTO 3590A Male Tattoo: SWC 3590A DOB: April 23 2013 Reg#: 1752968 SINCLAIR RITO LEGACY 3R9 AMF CAF DDF SINCLAIR LADY 06S3 4465 CHAPMAN MEMENTO 0505X O C C JOKER 620J DDF CROWFOOT REV ERICA 5752R CROWFOOT ERICA 3906N O C C EMBLAZON 854E DMF AMF CAF NHF OSF DDF DDA EMBLAZON 27C AMF CAF NHF DDF D D A MELISA 824 CHAPMAN ROSE 8057U CROWFOOT VENTURE 1698L CHAPMAN ROSE 4405 CHAPMAN ROSE 208M SINCLAIR MEMENTO 8RL5 January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+2.8 WW:+41 YW:+67 Milk:+20 TM:+41 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 95 - 702 112 1129 38 cm 8057 Elite dam 4/106 on 1st 4 calves – brother to Doug Johnson. LOT 6 CHAPMAN MEMENTO 3592A Male Tattoo: SWC 3592A DOB: April 23 2013 Reg#: 1752974 SINCLAIR MEMENTO 8RL5 CHAPMAN MEMENTO 0505X CROWFOOT REV ERICA 5752R SINCLAIR RITO LEGACY 3R9 AMF CAF DDF SINCLAIR LADY 06S3 4465 O C C JOKER 620J DDF CROWFOOT ERICA 3906N O C C MAGNUM 749M CROWFOOT BLACKBIRD 2537M CROWFOOT VENTURE 1698L CHAPMAN PRINCENE 422P CROWFOOT MACHO 4549P CHAPMAN PRINCENE 8024U CHAPMAN PRINCENE 616S January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+0.4 WW:+38 YW:+67 Milk:+20 TM:+39 216M elite dam 7/108 – great granddam 6230 was donor – nice blend of Emulation 31 and Wye breeding on maternal side – ¾ brother to Lot 9 & 10. LOT 5 CHAPMAN MEMENTO 3591A Male Tattoo: SWC 3591A DOB: April 23 2013 Reg#: 1752969 SINCLAIR MEMENTO 8RL5 CHAPMAN MEMENTO 0505X CROWFOOT REV ERICA 5752R SINCLAIR RITO LEGACY 3R9 AMF CAF DDF SINCLAIR LADY 06S3 4465 O C C JOKER 620J DDF CROWFOOT ERICA 3906N O C C MAGNUM 749M CROWFOOT BLACKBIRD 2537M BLACK GEM RAIN AGAIN 340N CROWFOOT LOVEMERE R 9221 CROWFOOT MACHO 4549P CHAPMAN LOVEMERE 8020U CHAPMAN LOVEMERE 607S January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+2.5 WW:+36 YW:+61 Milk:+20 TM:+38 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 86 - 628 100 1026 39 cm Brother to Ken Morrison. Crowfoot Macho cows are some of the most productive. LOT 7 CHAPMAN MEMENTO 3631A Male Tattoo: SWC 3631A DOB: April 29 2013 Reg#: 1753004 SINCLAIR MEMENTO 8RL5 CHAPMAN MEMENTO 0505X CROWFOOT REV ERICA 5752R SINCLAIR RITO LEGACY 3R9 AMF CAF DDF SINCLAIR LADY 06S3 4465 O C C JOKER 620J DDF CROWFOOT ERICA 3906N LIONHEART OF WICKWIRE OCTORARO MISS WIX 803 D D A FAHREN 21X GLADWALL ROSE OF L 6310 S B R WATERTON 6148S CHAPMAN ROSE 805U CHAPMAN ROSE 627S January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+0.1 WW:+36 YW:+58 Milk:+20 TM:+38 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 76 - 652 106 1028 37 cm 80 - 639 103 987 38 cm 8024U produced one of the feature sale bulls in 2013 now jointly owned with Kalevi Lustig.Pedigree stacking paternal growth and low birth weight maternal sires. ¾ brother to Lot 3 & 9. The Memento’s are a lower birth weight line of cattle and can be considered for cows and/ or heifers. Chapman Cattle Company’s 9th Annual Forage-Developed Angus and Red Angus Bull Sale | 7 CHAPMAN MEMENTO 0505X SONS LOT 8 CHAPMAN MEMENTO 3600A Male Tattoo: SWC 3600A DOB: April 24 2013 Reg#: 1752978 SINCLAIR MEMENTO 8RL5 CHAPMAN MEMENTO 0505X CROWFOOT REV ERICA 5752R CROWFOOT EQUATION 5793R CHAPMAN K PRIDE 8067U CHAPMAN PRIDE 4409 SINCLAIR RITO LEGACY 3R9 AMF CAF DDF SINCLAIR LADY 06S3 4465 O C C JOKER 620J DDF CROWFOOT ERICA 3906N O C C LEGACY 839L CROWFOOT FORKS 755K CROWFOOT VENTURE 1698L CHAPMAN PRIDE 226M January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+1.2 WW:+45 YW:+78 Milk:+27 TM:+50 8067U Elite dam 4/110. Brother to Blue Goose Cattle Co. Every cow in his pedigree has had minimum 10 calves as far back as the great great great great grandmother. BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 78 - 716 117 1126 37 cm LOT 9 CHAPMAN MEMENTO 3607A Male Tattoo: SWC 3607A DOB: April 24 2013 Reg#: 1752982 SINCLAIR MEMENTO 8RL5 CHAPMAN MEMENTO 0505X CROWFOOT REV ERICA 5752R SINCLAIR RITO LEGACY 3R9 AMF CAF DDF SINCLAIR LADY 06S3 4465 O C C JOKER 620J DDF CROWFOOT ERICA 3906N O C C MAGNUM 749M CROWFOOT BLACKBIRD 2537M CHAPMAN MR. MARBLES 258M CHAPMAN PRIDE 215M CROWFOOT MACHO 4549P CHAPMAN G PRIDE 8013U CHAPMAN G PRIDE 672S January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+1.6 WW:+35 YW:+61 Milk:+24 TM:+42 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 82 - 646 104 1001 38 cm Brothers to Don & Bill Day as well as Rodvang Farms. Double bred Sitz Alliance 6595. LOT 10 CHAPMAN MEMENTO 3626A Male Tattoo: SWC 3626A DOB: April 27 2013 Reg#: 1752999 SINCLAIR MEMENTO 8RL5 CHAPMAN MEMENTO 0505X CROWFOOT REV ERICA 5752R S B R WATERTON 6148S CHAPMAN PRIDE 806U CHAPMAN FAHRENESS 678S SINCLAIR RITO LEGACY 3R9 AMF CAF DDF SINCLAIR LADY 06S3 4465 O C C JOKER 620J DDF CROWFOOT ERICA 3906N LIONHEART OF WICKWIRE OCTORARO MISS WIX 803 D D A FAHREN 21X BARBWALL G PRIDE 632 January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+1.0 WW:+37 YW:+62 Milk:+23 TM:+42 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 85 - 689 111 1065 37 cm ¾ brother to Lot 3 & 10. Dam’s production index 2/98. The Memento’s will be a line to move forward with for low input cattle. 8 | Chapman Cattle Company’s 9th Annual Forage-Developed Angus and Red Angus Bull Sale SINCLAIR RITO 9R7 SONS SIRE B SINCLAIR RITO 9R7 Male Tattoo: IMP 9R7W DOB: Feb 7 2009 Reg#: 1583293 RITO REVOLVE OR5 SINCLAIR MEMENTO 8RL5 (1510491) IDEAL 1456 OF 8103 8114 RITO N BAR ERISKAY OF ROLLIN ROCK 3 IDEAL 8103 OF ELDO 5110 5213 IDEAL 8114 OF ELDO 5110 3127 N BAR PRIME TIME D806 AMF NHF CAF DDF IDEAL 4465 OF 6807 4286 AMF NHF SINCLAIR K BTY 6PV5 25F3 (US15365619) EMULATION N BAR 5522 SINCLAIR K BTY 25F3 Z189 N BAR KINOCHTRY BEAUTY 1740 SINCLAIR NET PRESENT VALUE January ‘15 BW WW YW Milk TM EPD’s +3.9 +71 +107 +12 +51 SC CE MCE REA CW Marb Fat +0.8 -1.0 +3.0 +0.12 +39 -0.34 +0.032 9R7 is a high capacity, wide based, thick made bull that is old line Rito, ensuring correctness and functionality. In fact, the dam of his sire, 0R5, traces 19 times to RR Rito 707 who was born in 1967. 9R7 weaned off his mother at 742 lbs and recorded a 365 day weight of 1355 lbs for a weaning and yearling ratio of 114 and 122 respectively in a very competitive Sinclair program. 9R7 has a classy, masculine beef bull look along with a wide, deep quarter and excellent scrotal development that he stamps into his sons with authority, yet leaving wedge-shaped, feminine daughters with extra rib shape. 9R7 has been used heavy and is an excellent breeding bull having naturally sired 263 calves in his first 4 years and another 77 expected in 2015! Utilize 9R7 sons for added payweight, eye appeal, capacity and structural correctness. LOT 11 CHAPMAN RITO 3571A Male Tattoo: SWC 3571A DOB: April 21 2013 Reg#: 1752963 R R RITO 707 AMF CAF NHF DDF IDEAL 1456 OF 8103 8114 SINCLAIR NET PRESENT VALUE AMF CAF NHF DDF SINCLAIR K BTY 25F3 Z189 RITO REVOLVE OR5 SINCLAIR RITO 9R7 SINCLAIR K BTY 6PV5 25F3 CROWFOOT EQUATION 5793R CHAPMAN JEANNE 9040W CHAPMAN JEANNE 4402 O C C LEGACY 839L CROWFOOT FORKS 755K CROWFOOT BRUNO 1670L GLADWALL JEANNE T 2114 January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+4.3 WW:+55 YW:+86 Milk:+19 TM:+47 Expect added payweight from the Rito’s. Granddam produced the top indexing heifer last year posting a WR 1/134 to ratio 134 now owned by Townview Farms. Another top indexing brother to the PFRA. BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 95 - 690 109 1170 38 cm Chapman Cattle Company’s 9th Annual Forage-Developed Angus and Red Angus Bull Sale | 9 SINCLAIR RITO 9R7 SONS LOT 12 LOT 13 CHAPMAN RITO 3514A Male Tattoo: SWC 3514A DOB: April 11 2013 Reg#: 1752923 RITO REVOLVE OR5 SINCLAIR RITO 9R7 SINCLAIR K BTY 6PV5 25F3 CROWFOOT JOKER 6172S CHAPMAN B ZARA 9062W BARBWALL B ZARA 6987 R R RITO 707 AMF CAF NHF DDF IDEAL 1456 OF 8103 8114 SINCLAIR NET PRESENT VALUE AMF CAF NHF DDF SINCLAIR K BTY 25F3 Z189 O C C JOKER 620J DDF CFCC 1801L AMBUSH BANDO 01 BAR B ZARA BAND 969 CHAPMAN RITO 3533A Male Tattoo: SWC 3533A DOB: April 15 2013 Reg#: 1752939 R R RITO 707 AMF CAF NHF DDF IDEAL 1456 OF 8103 8114 SINCLAIR NET PRESENT VALUE AMF CAF SINCLAIR K BTY 25F3 Z189 RITO REVOLVE OR5 SINCLAIR RITO 9R7 SINCLAIR K BTY 6PV5 25F3 LIONHEART OF WICKWIRE OCTORARO MISS WIX 803 D D A FAHREN 21X CHAPMAN ROSE 43P S B R WATERTON 6148S CHAPMAN ROSE 911W CHAPMAN ROSE 741T January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:-0.7 WW:+52 YW:+76 Milk:+17 TM:+43 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 60 - 636 106 1015 37 cm Both dam and granddam possess added power combined with the mass and volume of Rito 9R7 and Joker. January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+3.6 WW:+57 YW:+86 Milk:+15 TM:+44 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 90 - 703 113 1162 38 cm The Emulation 31 x Fahren 21X seems to be a recipe for herd bull producing dams. Great grand dam 6242 was very productive and one of the last original Walling cows to leave. LOT 14 CHAPMAN RITO 3532A Male Tattoo: SWC 3532A DOB: April 15 2013 Reg#: 1752936 RITO REVOLVE OR5 SINCLAIR RITO 9R7 SINCLAIR K BTY 6PV5 25F3 CROWFOOT MACHO 4549P CHAPMAN B PRIDE 9013W CHAPMAN PRIDE 729T R R RITO 707 AMF CAF NHF DDF IDEAL 1456 OF 8103 8114 SINCLAIR NET PRESENT VALUE AMF CAF NHF DDF SINCLAIR K BTY 25F3 Z189 O C C MAGNUM 749M CROWFOOT BLACKBIRD 2537M CROWFOOT EQUATION 5793R CHAPMAN PRIDE 218M January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+4.8 WW:+55 YW:+88 Milk:+16 TM:+44 Dam posted the #1 individual yearling ratio. Great granddam designated an Elite dam 3/106 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 92 - 673 107 1023 36 cm 10 | Chapman Cattle Company’s 9th Annual Forage-Developed Angus and Red Angus Bull Sale SINCLAIR RITO 9R7 SONS LOT 15 CHAPMAN RITO 3537A Male Tattoo: SWC 3537A DOB: April 15 2013 Reg#: 1752937 R R RITO 707 AMF CAF NHF DDF IDEAL 1456 OF 8103 8114 SINCLAIR NET PRESENT VALUE AMF CAF NHF DDF SINCLAIR K BTY 25F3 Z189 RITO REVOLVE OR5 SINCLAIR RITO 9R7 SINCLAIR K BTY 6PV5 25F3 O C C JOKER 620J DDF CFCC 1801L CROWFOOT VENTURE 1698L CHAPMAN LURA 446P CROWFOOT JOKER 6172S CHAPMAN LURA 9046W CHAPMAN LURA 614S January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+2.7 WW:+49 YW:+80 Milk:+18 TM:+43 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 84 - 645 103 1061 39 cm LOT 16 Brother to Huxley Colony. Very productive cow family. CHAPMAN RITO 3549A Male Tattoo: SWC 3549A DOB: April 18 2013 Reg#: 1752945 R R RITO 707 AMF CAF NHF DDF IDEAL 1456 OF 8103 8114 SINCLAIR NET PRESENT VALUE AMF CAF NHF DDF SINCLAIR K BTY 25F3 Z189 RITO REVOLVE OR5 SINCLAIR RITO 9R7 SINCLAIR K BTY 6PV5 25F3 CROWFOOT EQUATION 5793R CHAPMAN EILEEN 924W CHAPMAN EILEEN 533R O C C LEGACY 839L CROWFOOT FORKS 755K MC CUMBER 7111 TOTAL VALUE GLADWALL G V EILEEN 6230 January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+3.9 WW:+59 YW:+92 Milk:+21 TM:+51 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 92 118 735 - 1187 39 cm A high-indexing bull that really pushed down the scales. Same cow family as Lot 3. Maternal side of pedigree stacks our 6230 ET donor with the Miss Wix 7111 donor. LOT 17 CHAPMAN RITO 3552A Male Tattoo: SWC 3552A DOB: April 18 2013 Reg#: 1752949 R R RITO 707 AMF CAF NHF DDF IDEAL 1456 OF 8103 8114 SINCLAIR NET PRESENT VALUE AMF CAF NHF DDF SINCLAIR K BTY 25F3 Z189 RITO REVOLVE OR5 SINCLAIR RITO 9R7 SINCLAIR K BTY 6PV5 25F3 CROWFOOT EQUATION 5793R CHAPMAN ZARA BAND 9083W CHAPMAN ZARA BAND 438P O C C LEGACY 839L CROWFOOT FORKS 755K LEACHMAN RIGHT TIME DMF AMF GLADWALL B ZARA BAND 6355 January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+5.0 WW:+63 YW:+96 Milk:+20 TM:+52 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 96 - 754 121 1066 40 cm Another high-indexing 9R7 with added pay weight with a nice blend of added maternal growth. There have been 270 Rito 9R7 calves born to date and I have yet to assist one at birth. Chapman Cattle Company’s 9th Annual Forage-Developed Angus and Red Angus Bull Sale | 11 SINCLAIR RITO 9R7 SONS LOT 18 CHAPMAN RITO 3568A Male Tattoo: SWC 3568A DOB: April 21 2013 Reg#: 1752965 R R RITO 707 AMF CAF NHF DDF IDEAL 1456 OF 8103 8114 SINCLAIR NET PRESENT VALUE AMF CAF NHF DDF SINCLAIR K BTY 25F3 Z189 RITO REVOLVE OR5 SINCLAIR RITO 9R7 SINCLAIR K BTY 6PV5 25F3 O C C LEGACY 839L CROWFOOT FORKS 755K LEACHMAN RIGHT TIME DMF AMF GLADWALL ROSE OF L 661 CROWFOOT EQUATION 5793R CHAPMAN ROSE 9027W CHAPMAN ROSE 208M January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+5.1 WW:+58 YW:+92 Milk:+20 TM:+49 BW Brothers to Grant Tallieu & San Jose Cattle Co. Herd bull producing family with dam, granddam and great granddam all posting above average indexes. LOT 19 20 Male Tattoo: SWC 3569A DOB: April 21 2013 Reg#: 1752959 R R RITO 707 AMF CAF NHF DDF IDEAL 1456 OF 8103 8114 SINCLAIR NET PRESENT VALUE AMF CAF NHF DDF SINCLAIR K BTY 25F3 Z189 RITO REVOLVE OR5 SINCLAIR K BTY 6PV5 25F3 96 LOT CHAPMAN RITO 3569A SINCLAIR RITO 9R7 Act WW O C C LEGACY 839L CROWFOOT FORKS 755K CHAPMAN KAWICH LADY 9051W HIGH VALLEY 7D7 OF 4G9 DWC CHAPMAN KAWICH LADY 3316 GLADWALL KAWICH LADY 6186 CROWFOOT EQUATION 5793R ADJ 205 114 713 - ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 1160 39 cm CHAPMAN RITO 3574A Male Tattoo: SWC 3574A DOB: April 21 2013 Reg#: 1752962 R R RITO 707 AMF CAF NHF DDF IDEAL 1456 OF 8103 8114 SINCLAIR NET PRESENT VALUE AMF CAF NHF DDF SINCLAIR K BTY 25F3 Z189 RITO REVOLVE OR5 SINCLAIR RITO 9R7 SINCLAIR K BTY 6PV5 25F3 LIONHEART OF WICKWIRE OCTORARO MISS WIX 803 CROWFOOT VENTURE 1698L CHAPMAN ROSE 429P S B R WATERTON 6148S CHAPMAN ROSE 802U CHAPMAN ROSE 631S January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+3.6 WW:+54 YW:+85 Milk:+18 TM:+45 WR January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+1.5 WW:+57 YW:+87 Milk:+20 TM:+49 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 84 - 655 105 1002 39 cm 85 - 698 113 1084 38 cm Same cow family as Lot 1. Pedigree boasts Shoshone PP 7105 twice – a bull Tom Walling accredited to leaving some of the most productive cows he ever owned. A pedigree that combines low birth weight and accelerated growth. Very nice dam with a great udder, typical to all the Waterton daughters. 802U posts a lifetime index of 4/109. LOT 21 CHAPMAN RITO 3575A Male Tattoo: SWC 3575A DOB: April 21 2013 Reg#: 1752960 RITO REVOLVE OR5 SINCLAIR RITO 9R7 SINCLAIR K BTY 6PV5 25F3 CROWFOOT MACHO 4549P CHAPMAN NEONIA 9014W CHAPMAN NEONIA 756T R R RITO 707 AMF CAF NHF DDF IDEAL 1456 OF 8103 8114 SINCLAIR NET PRESENT VALUE AMF CAF NHF DDF SINCLAIR K BTY 25F3 Z189 O C C MAGNUM 749M CROWFOOT BLACKBIRD 2537M CHAPMAN ALLIANCE 262M CHAPMAN NEONIA 4408 January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+5.3 WW:+57 YW:+89 Milk:+18 TM:+47 Big numbers in all categories. 9014’s lifetime production index reads 3/111. The Neonia cow family originated at Happyvale Angus and 9014 is double bred Sitz Alliance 6595. BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 96 - 682 108 1148 42 cm 12 | Chapman Cattle Company’s 9th Annual Forage-Developed Angus and Red Angus Bull Sale SINCLAIR RITO 9R7 SONS LOT 22 LOT CHAPMAN RITO 3580A Male Tattoo: SWC 3580A DOB: April 22 2013 Reg#: 1752966 R R RITO 707 AMF CAF NHF DDF IDEAL 1456 OF 8103 8114 SINCLAIR NET PRESENT VALUE AMF CAF NHF DDF SINCLAIR K BTY 25F3 Z189 RITO REVOLVE OR5 SINCLAIR RITO 9R7 SINCLAIR K BTY 6PV5 25F3 O C C LEGACY 839L CROWFOOT FORKS 755K BASIN PARTNER 137H RED OH GOLDIE 508E CROWFOOT EQUATION 5793R CHAPMAN GOLDIE 9044W CHAPMAN GOLDIE 234M 23 CHAPMAN RITO 3609A Male Tattoo: SWC 3609A DOB: April 25 2013 Reg#: 1752990 R R RITO 707 AMF CAF NHF DDF IDEAL 1456 OF 8103 8114 SINCLAIR NET PRESENT VALUE AMF CAF NHF DDF SINCLAIR K BTY 25F3 Z189 RITO REVOLVE OR5 SINCLAIR RITO 9R7 SINCLAIR K BTY 6PV5 25F3 CROWFOOT EQUATION 5793R CHAPMAN K PRIDE 9033W CHAPMAN PRIDE 4409 January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+4.3 WW:+51 YW:+85 Milk:+20 TM:+46 O C C LEGACY 839L CROWFOOT FORKS 755K CROWFOOT VENTURE 1698L CHAPMAN PRIDE 226M January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+2.8 WW:+59 YW:+94 Milk:+21 TM:+51 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 92 - 666 106 1074 36 cm 81 - 691 112 1146 40 cm Great granddam was designated an Elite dam 5/108 who had 14 consecutive calves. Take advantage of a large sire groups consisting of similar type ¾ brothers throughout the offering. LOT 24 A product of the herd bull producing K Pride cow family that also produced Lot 7. Dam’s production 8/103. CHAPMAN RITO 3610A Male Tattoo: SWC 3610A DOB: April 25 2013 Reg#: 1752989 R R RITO 707 AMF CAF NHF DDF IDEAL 1456 OF 8103 8114 SINCLAIR NET PRESENT VALUE AMF CAF NHF DDF SINCLAIR K BTY 25F3 Z189 RITO REVOLVE OR5 SINCLAIR RITO 9R7 SINCLAIR K BTY 6PV5 25F3 LEACHMAN RIGHT TIME DMF AMF GLADWALL B CHLOE 7135 O C C MOONSHINE 740M CROWFOOT LOVEMERE PET 5791R CROWFOOT 3778N CROWFOOT 2711M CHAPMAN LOVEMERE PET 9007W January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+3.9 WW:+63 YW:+97 Milk:+17 TM:+49 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 90 - 688 110 1106 39 cm LOT 25 A nice blend of performance numbers across the board. Same cow family as the cover bull and herd sire, Chapman Memento 0513X and Lot 45. Dam’s production 3/101 LOT 26 CHAPMAN RITO 3624A Male Tattoo: SWC 3624A DOB: April 26 2013 Reg#: 1752992 RITO REVOLVE OR5 SINCLAIR RITO 9R7 SINCLAIR K BTY 6PV5 25F3 CROWFOOT JOKER 6172S CHAPMAN TILDA 0161X CHAPMAN TILDA 784T R R RITO 707 AMF CAF NHF DDF IDEAL 1456 OF 8103 8114 SINCLAIR NET PRESENT VALUE AMF CAF NHF DDF SINCLAIR K BTY 25F3 Z189 O C C JOKER 620J DDF CFCC 1801L CHAPMAN ALLIANCE 259M SANDY BAR TILDA 7F CHAPMAN RITO 3676A Male Tattoo: SWC 3676A DOB: May 11 2013 Reg#: 1753031 R R RITO 707 AMF CAF NHF DDF IDEAL 1456 OF 8103 8114 SINCLAIR NET PRESENT VALUE AMF CAF NHF DDF SINCLAIR K BTY 25F3 Z189 RITO REVOLVE OR5 SINCLAIR RITO 9R7 SINCLAIR K BTY 6PV5 25F3 CROWFOOT EQUATION 5793R CHAPMAN EILEEN 937W GLADWALL G V EILEEN 6230 January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+3.3 WW:+55 YW:+84 Milk:+17 TM:+45 O C C LEGACY 839L CROWFOOT FORKS 755K N BAR IMPACT V53 GLADWALL G V EILEEN 4101 January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+3.5 WW:+55 YW:+86 Milk:+19 TM:+47 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 83 - 659 106 1047 39 cm 89 - 671 107 989 38 cm A lower birth weight 9R7 that goes back to a good old Sandy Bar Tilda 7F cow. Granddam 784T produced the leadoff bull in our 2014 sale to Cody & Karla Klaus. Same cow family as Lots 3 & 16. These bulls are approximately 21 months of age and will continue to grow & develop into sound herd sires ensuring years of service. Chapman Cattle Company’s 9th Annual Forage-Developed Angus and Red Angus Bull Sale | 13 SINCLAIR RITO 9R7 SONS LOT “SIGHT-UNSEEN” Purchase Plan We would prefer to have everyone in attendance for sale day, but realistically we know there are scheduling conflicts and distance limitations. Regardless of the situation, we handle many sight-unseen bull purchases every year, and have successfully placed cattle into 6 provinces this way. Almost every one of those original sight-unseen purchases has resulted in repeat orders. In fact, of all the bulls sold sight-unseen, we have only had to bring 1 bull home! We know the cattle well, and realistically some of our customers prefer to allow us to select their bull power for them. Please contact Silas, Blake, or Shane Castle to discuss your bull requirements. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed! 27 CHAPMAN RITO 3684A Male Tattoo: SWC 3684A DOB: April 13 2013 Reg#: 1752932 R R RITO 707 AMF CAF NHF DDF IDEAL 1456 OF 8103 8114 SINCLAIR NET PRESENT VALUE AMF CAF NHF DDF SINCLAIR K BTY 25F3 Z189 RITO REVOLVE OR5 SINCLAIR RITO 9R7 SINCLAIR K BTY 6PV5 25F3 O C C JOKER 620J DDF CFCC 1801L CHAPMAN ALLIANCE 262M RED CHAPMAN PINE 804H CROWFOOT JOKER 6172S CHAPMAN PHOEBE 9067W CHAPMAN PHOEBE 685S January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+2.7 WW:+58 YW:+91 Milk:+18 TM:+47 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 83 - 688 111 1001 40 cm Lower birth weight 9R7 son posting a WR of 111. 804H great granddam designated an Elite/Premier dam indexing 13/108. LOT 28 CHAPMAN RITO 3685A Male Tattoo: SWC 3685A DOB: May 17 2013 Reg#: 1753038 R R RITO 707 AMF CAF NHF DDF IDEAL 1456 OF 8103 8114 SINCLAIR NET PRESENT VALUE AMF CAF NHF DDF SINCLAIR K BTY 25F3 Z189 RITO REVOLVE OR5 SINCLAIR RITO 9R7 SINCLAIR K BTY 6PV5 25F3 CROWFOOT EQUATION 5793R CHAPMAN BLACKBIRD 917W CHAPMAN BLACKBIRD 319N O C C LEGACY 839L CROWFOOT FORKS 755K BASIN EXPEDITION K47 BEVALEN BLACKBIRD 7K January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+3.9 WW:+59 YW:+94 Milk:+23 TM:+53 One of the heavier bulls at weaning. Granddam is designated an Elite dam indexing 9 calves at 106 and is also the dam to Lot 72. BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 92 - 778 126 1077 40 cm LOT 29 CHAPMAN RITO 3686A Male Tattoo: SWC 3686A DOB: May 19 2013 Reg#: 1753039 R R RITO 707 AMF CAF NHF DDF IDEAL 1456 OF 8103 8114 SINCLAIR NET PRESENT VALUE AMF CAF NHF DDF SINCLAIR K BTY 25F3 Z189 RITO REVOLVE OR5 SINCLAIR RITO 9R7 SINCLAIR K BTY 6PV5 25F3 CROWFOOT EQUATION 5793R CHAPMAN PRINCENE 9061W CHAPMAN PRINCENE 3314 O C C LEGACY 839L CROWFOOT FORKS 755K SITZ TRAVELER 9929 GLADWALL PRINCENE 6320 January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+4.5 WW:+65 YW:+97 Milk:+24 TM:+57 Big time performance from birth to weaning. His granddam has been very productive and has one of the top bred heifers retained. BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 90 - 806 132 1092 39 cm 14 | Chapman Cattle Company’s 9th Annual Forage-Developed Angus and Red Angus Bull Sale CROWFOOT JOKER 6172S SONS LOT 30 LOT 31 CHAPMAN RITO 3693A Male Tattoo: SWC 3693A DOB: May 22 2013 Reg#: Not Registered RITO REVOLVE OR5 SINCLAIR RITO 9R7 SINCLAIR K BTY 6PV5 25F3 R R RITO 707 AMF CAF NHF DDF IDEAL 1456 OF 8103 8114 SINCLAIR NET PRESENT VALUE AMF CAF NHF DDF SINCLAIR K BTY 25F3 Z189 CHAPMAN RITO 3695A Male Tattoo: SWC 3695A DOB: May 31 2013 Reg#: 1753047 R R RITO 707 AMF CAF NHF DDF IDEAL 1456 OF 8103 8114 SINCLAIR NET PRESENT VALUE AMF CAF NHF DDF SINCLAIR K BTY 25F3 Z189 RITO REVOLVE OR5 SINCLAIR RITO 9R7 SINCLAIR K BTY 6PV5 25F3 O C C JOKER 620J DDF CFCC 1801L S A V 004 PREDOMINANT 4438 AMF CAF NHF DDF HAPPYVALE ERICA 182N CROWFOOT JOKER 6172S DAM: REGISTERED ANGUS COW CHAPMAN ERICA 9052W CHAPMAN ERICA 660S January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:- WW:- YW:- Milk: - TM:BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 85 - 628 100 1025 38 cm Sells unregistered as he was orphaned early on. He is a 9R7 though and went on to develop into a really good bull with above average growth. SIRE C January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+3.2 WW:+64 YW:+95 Milk:+23 TM:+55 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 85 130 793 - 1120 38 cm Lower birth weight 9R7 son that was one of the heaviest bulls at weaning AND as a yearling from an emerging herd bull producing cow family. Granddam designated an Elite dam 4/107. CROWFOOT JOKER 6172S Male Tattoo: CFCC 6172S DOB:Jan 28, 2006 Reg#: 1316033 O C C EMBLAZON 854E AMF CAF NHF OSF O C C JOKER 620J (1079149) O C C JUANADA 709V TOMWALL GDAR ROYCE 964 CFCC 1801L (1085514) GLADWALL PEARL ENECHOR 8155 January ‘15 D H D TRAVELER 6807 AMF NHF DIXIE ERICA OF C H 1019 COLE CREEK OSCAR 92R IJUANADA OF ROLLIN ROCK 0355 G D A R ROYCE 131 GLADWALL L BL NELLIE 752 AMITIE ACRES L EXT 1376 GLADWALL PEARL ENECHOR 3165 BW WW YW Milk TM EPD’s +3.2 +34 +55 +28 +47 SC CE MCE REA CW Marb Fat -0.02 -0.5 +2.7 -0.04 +8 -0.09 -0.001 A stout and powerful son of OCC Joker 620J, who has proven year after year his ability to sire oderate, efficient, functional cattle ideal for grass utilization. With over 60 direct daughters currently in production here, it is evident they are among the most efficient and productive, as evident by the demand for Joker daughters and granddaughters at the ‘13 Crowfoot Dispersal. As his sons have matured over the years, they are probably as consistent, durable and solid as any sire group we have sold. Utilize Joker sons for their maternal potential, docility, favorable carcass traits and conversion efficiency. Of note, his HD50k dNA profile ranks him near the top for dry matter intake and residual feed intake – in other words, use a Joker son and his daughters will do more for less – it’s in their dNA! Proven genetics for any grass-based outfit. Chapman Cattle Company’s 9th Annual Forage-Developed Angus and Red Angus Bull Sale | 15 CROWFOOT JOKER 6172S SONS LOT 32 CHAPMAN JOKER 3507A Male Tattoo: SWC 3507A DOB: April 12 2013 Reg#: 1752927 O C C EMBLAZON 854E DMF AMF CAF NHF OSF DDF O C C JUANADA 709V TOMWALL GDAR ROYCE 964 GLADWALL PEARL ENECHOR 8155 O C C JOKER 620J DDF CROWFOOT JOKER 6172S CFCC 1801L RED BJR JR 105 RED SSS EMULY 163C CROWFOOT VENTURE 1698L CHAPMAN PRIDE 226M RED SSS JUSTICE 174R CHAPMAN PRIDE 780T CHAPMAN PRIDE 4409 January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+4.4 WW:+33 YW:+56 Milk:+23 TM:+40 Very good bull from a dam produced a lead-off bull in the 2014 sale to Huxley Colony. Looks like she hit the mark again. Same pride cow family as Lots 7 & 23. BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 95 - 619 96 980 40 cm LOT 33 CHAPMAN JOKER 3526A Male Tattoo: SWC 3526A DOB: April 13 2013 Reg#: 1752930 O C C EMBLAZON 854E DMF AMF CAF NHF OSF DDF O C C JUANADA 709V TOMWALL GDAR ROYCE 964 GLADWALL PEARL ENECHOR 8155 O C C JOKER 620J DDF CROWFOOT JOKER 6172S CFCC 1801L CHAPMAN ALLIANCE 262M CHAPMAN PATRICIA 726T CHAPMAN PATRICIA 4406 SITZ ALLIANCE 6595 AMF NHF DMF CAF DDF GLADWALL G EILEEN 6339 BOYD NEW DAY 8005 AMF NHF CAF DDF HAPPYVALE PATRICIA 121L January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+2.1 WW:+36 YW:+62 Milk:+25 TM:+43 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 83 - 589 93 977 40 cm Another good bull by the 726T cow with sons also selling to Ron & Sandra Rude and Hunt’s Coulee Ranch. Performance right in the middle but a bull with a lot of shape and moderation. LOT 34 CHAPMAN JOKER 3546A Male Tattoo: SWC 3546A DOB: April 17 2013 Reg#: 1752942 O C C EMBLAZON 854E DMF AMF CAF NHF OSF DDF O C C JUANADA 709V TOMWALL GDAR ROYCE 964 GLADWALL PEARL ENECHOR 8155 O C C JOKER 620J DDF CROWFOOT JOKER 6172S CFCC 1801L CROWFOOT MACHO 4549P CHAPMAN ROSE 728T CHAPMAN ROSE 317N O C C MAGNUM 749M CROWFOOT BLACKBIRD 2537M SITZ TRAVELER 9929 BARBWALL P ROSE LEE 5140 January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+2.7 WW:+36 YW:+59 Milk:+20 TM:+38 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 86 - 636 101 973 36 cm Thick made bull full of moderation. Grass-type genetics for sure that have been perennial favorites. 16 | Chapman Cattle Company’s 9th Annual Forage-Developed Angus and Red Angus Bull Sale CROWFOOT JOKER 6172S SONS LOT 35 CHAPMAN JOKER 3562A Male Tattoo: SWC 3562A DOB: April 20 2013 Reg#: 1752956 O C C EMBLAZON 854E DMF AMF CAF NHF OSF DDF O C C JUANADA 709V TOMWALL GDAR ROYCE 964 GLADWALL PEARL ENECHOR 8155 O C C JOKER 620J DDF CROWFOOT JOKER 6172S CFCC 1801L O C C LEGACY 839L CROWFOOT FORKS 755K BASIN PARTNER 137H GLADWALL B PRIDE 1265 CROWFOOT EQUATION 5793R CHAPMAN PRIDE 729T CHAPMAN PRIDE 218M January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+3.7 WW:+37 YW:+63 Milk:+26 TM:+45 A nice blend of individual performance numbers from a dam with a production record of 4/106. Granddam was designated an Elite dam 3/106. BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 88 - 680 109 1075 38 cm LOT 36 CHAPMAN JOKER 3588A Male Tattoo: SWC 3588A DOB: April 23 2013 Reg#: 1752970 O C C EMBLAZON 854E DMF AMF CAF NHF OSF DDF O C C JUANADA 709V TOMWALL GDAR ROYCE 964 GLADWALL PEARL ENECHOR 8155 O C C JOKER 620J DDF CROWFOOT JOKER 6172S CFCC 1801L SITZ ALLIANCE 6595 DMF AMF CAF NHF DDF GLADWALL G EILEEN 6339 BOYD NEW DAY 8005 AMF CAF NHF DDF HAPPYVALE T. NEONIA 131L CHAPMAN ALLIANCE 262M CHAPMAN NEONIA 756T CHAPMAN NEONIA 4408 January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+4.2 WW:+47 YW:+72 Milk:+27 TM:+51 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 95 - 740 119 1176 38 cm LOT 37 LOT 38 CHAPMAN JOKER 3630A Male Tattoo: SWC 3630A DOB: April 29 2013 Reg#: 1753005 O C C EMBLAZON 854E DMF AMF CAF NHF OSF DDF O C C JUANADA 709V TOMWALL GDAR ROYCE 964 GLADWALL PEARL ENECHOR 8155 O C C JOKER 620J DDF CROWFOOT JOKER 6172S CFCC 1801L CHAPMAN ALLIANCE 259M CHAPMAN BLOSSOM 798T HAPPYVALE BLOSSOM 4M A performance Joker son from the Neonia cow family. Dam’s production record 4/108. Brother to Hays Grazing Association. SITZ ALLIANCE 6595 DMF AMF CAF NHF DDF GLADWELL D DIAMOND 621 SITZ ALLIANCE 6595 DMF AMF CAF NHF DDF HAPPYVALE BLOSSOM 102K January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+3.7 WW:+38 YW:+64 Milk:+27 TM:+46 CHAPMAN JOKER 3640A Male Tattoo: SWC 3640A DOB: May 01 2013 Reg#: 1753013 O C C EMBLAZON 854E DMF AMF CAF NHF OSF DDF O C C JUANADA 709V TOMWALL GDAR ROYCE 964 GLADWALL PEARL ENECHOR 8155 O C C JOKER 620J DDF CROWFOOT JOKER 6172S CFCC 1801L CHAPMAN ALLIANCE 259M CHAPMAN LURA 782T CROWFOOT L LURA 9144 SITZ ALLIANCE 6595 DMF AMF CAF NHF DDF GLADWELL D DIAMOND 621 TOMWALL NB IMPACT U1253 6238 GLADWALL L LURA 7370 January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+2.3 WW:+38 YW:+65 Milk:+25 TM:+44 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 96 - 646 101 1044 38 cm 85 - 627 100 997 37 cm A stout Joker that stand down on all four corners out of a very productive Alliance daughter who produced a crowd favorite in last years’ bull sale to Larry Meyer. Dams production 4/100. The Joker daughters & granddaughters were some of the most sought after females at the recent Crowfoot Dispersal. These sons will leave very efficient daughters. Chapman Cattle Company’s 9th Annual Forage-Developed Angus and Red Angus Bull Sale | 17 CROWFOOT JOKER 6172S SONS LOT 39 CHAPMAN JOKER 3650A Male Tattoo: SWC 3650A DOB: May 01 2013 Reg#: 1753007 O C C EMBLAZON 854E DMF AMF CAF NHF OSF DDF O C C JUANADA 709V TOMWALL GDAR ROYCE 964 GLADWALL PEARL ENECHOR 8155 O C C JOKER 620J DDF CROWFOOT JOKER 6172S CFCC 1801L SITZ ALLIANCE 6595 DMF AMF CAF NHF DDF GLADWALL G EILEEN 6339 VDAR DATABANK 1061 CAF DDF GLADWALL PRINCENE 2179 CHAPMAN ALLIANCE 262M CHAPMAN PRINCENE 752T CHAPMAN PRINCENE 422P January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+3.2 WW:+36 YW:+60 Milk:+26 TM:+44 A good bull with a solid stack of individual performance numbers. Same cow family as Lot 6 and one of last years’ lead-off bulls to Kalevi Lustig. Brother to Lot 39 sold to Kelly Walker in 2014. BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 88 - 644 102 1070 38 cm LOT 40 CHAPMAN JOKER 3677A Male Tattoo: SWC 3677A DOB: May 12 2013 Reg#: 1753033 O C C EMBLAZON 854E DMF AMF CAF NHF OSF DDF O C C JUANADA 709V TOMWALL GDAR ROYCE 964 GLADWALL PEARL ENECHOR 8155 O C C JOKER 620J DDF CROWFOOT JOKER 6172S CFCC 1801L CROWFOOT EQUATION 5793R CHAPMAN JEANNE 750T CHAPMAN JEANNE 202M O C C LEGACY 839L CROWFOOT FORKS 755K LEACHMAN RIGHT TIME DMF AMF GLADWALL JEANNE T 2114 January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+3.9 WW:+42 YW:+71 Milk:+25 TM:+46 Good bull. Brother sold to Castor Colony. The Joker x Equation cross has really hit the mark. Between the two sires we have about 150 direct daughters in production. Dam posts 5/102 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 95 - 709 113 1155 38 cm 18 | Chapman Cattle Company’s 9th Annual Forage-Developed Angus and Red Angus Bull Sale COLE CREEK CEDAR RIDGE 181 SONS SIRE D COLE CREEK CEDAR RIDGE 181 Male Tattoo: IMP 181Y DOB: Feb 8 2011 Reg#: 1715228 COLE CREEK BLACK CEDAR 46P COLE CREEK CEDAR RIDGE 1V (1659099) COLE CREEK CLOVANADA 49S COLE CREEK BLACK CEDAR 46P COLE CREEK CLOVA JUANADA 67 HBR ENCORE 0544 COLE CREEK CLOVANADA 709 SHOSHONE ENCORE 6310 C A R MISS FOREVER 546 COLE CREEK JUANADACAP 42P (US14496790) JUANADA 7 OF P J M COLE CREEK JUANADA CAP 882 COLE CREEK RITA BLACKCAP 20W HBR ENCORE 0544 January ‘15 EPD’s LOT 41 BW WW YW Milk TM +0.5 +25 +54 +30 +43 SC CE MCE REA CW Marb Fat +0.84 +9.0 +6.0 +0.48 +5 +0.31 +0.046 CHAPMAN MONTANA 3628A Male Tattoo: SWC 3628A DOB: April 28 2013 Reg#: 1765849 COLE CREEK CEDAR RIDGE 1V COLE CREEK CEDAR RIDGE 181 COLE CREEK JUANADACAP 42P COLE CREEK BLACK CEDAR 46P COLE CREEK CLOVANADA 49S HBR ENCORE 0544 COLE CREEK JUANADA CAP 882 O C C JOKER 620J DDF CFCC 1801L CROWFOOT BRUNO 1670L RED CHAPMAN DUCHESS 103L CROWFOOT JOKER 6172S CHAPMAN DUCHESS 1068Y CHAPMAN DUCHESS 4403 January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+3.2 WW:+35 YW:+64 Milk:+28 TM:+46 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 79 - 667 108 1186 37 cm LOT 42 Maybe better than the original four Cole Creek bulls Crowfoot & I brought up from Montana. A great birth to weaning spread from a young Joker dam who indexed 1/112 on her first calf. Selling 2/3 interest and full possession. CHAPMAN MONTANA 3642A Male Tattoo: SWC 3642A DOB: May 02 2013 Reg#: 1765846 COLE CREEK CEDAR RIDGE 1V COLE CREEK CEDAR RIDGE 181 COLE CREEK JUANADACAP 42P COLE CREEK BLACK CEDAR 46P COLE CREEK CLOVANADA 49S HBR ENCORE 0544 COLE CREEK JUANADA CAP 882 O C C LEGACY 839L PAT LADY ERICA 8984 MC CUMBER 7111 TOTAL VALUE GLADWALL L DELLA 606 CHAPMAN LEGACY 026S CHAPMAN DELLA 135Y CHAPMAN DELLA 513R January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+1.2 WW:+39 YW:+67 Milk:+26 TM:+46 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 75 - 745 123 1151 36 cm These two Cedar Ridge sons really hit the mark combining low birth with high growth. Out of a smaller Legacy dam who probably weaned 70% of her body weight to indexed 1/109 on her 1st calf. Chapman Cattle Company’s 9th Annual Forage-Developed Angus and Red Angus Bull Sale | 19 COLE CREEK GOLDMERE 581 SON / COLEMAN MISSING LINK 9267 SON LOT 43 LOT CHAPMAN MONTANA 3544A Male Tattoo: SWC 3544A DOB: April 17 2013 Reg#: 1765864 COLE CREEK GOLDMERE 70V COLE CREEK GOLDMERE 581 COLE CREEK JUANADA 92T CHAPMAN LEGACY 026S CHAPMAN ROSE 103Y CHAPMAN ROSE 802U 44 CHAPMAN MONTANA 3671A Male Tattoo: SWC 3671A DOB: MAY 10 2013 Reg#: 170365 COLE CREEK GOLDMERE 31N COLE CREEK CLOVA JUANADA 16N COLE CREEK GOLDMERE 31N COLE CREEK JUANADA 32P OCC MISSING LINK 830M COLE MAN MISSING LINK 9267 BOHI PURE PRIDE 6096 OCC HEADLINER 661H OCC DIXIE ERICA 946K SAV 8180 TRAVELER 004 BC PURE PRIDE 413 854E 304 O C C LEGACY 839L PAT LADY ERICA 8984 S B R WATERTON 6148S CHAPMAN ROSE 631S CHAPMAN RITO LEGACY 218U CHAPMAN KIWI ZARA 101Y CHAPMAN KIWI 919W SINCLAIR RITO LEGACY 3R9 AMF CAF DDF PAT LADY ERICA 8984 CROWFOOT MACHO 4549P CHAPMAN KIWI 661S January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:-1.7 WW:+48 YW:+74 Milk:+26 TM:+50 January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+3.2 WW:+35 YW:+64 Milk:+28 TM:+46 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 68 - 779 131 1051 37 cm 75 - 690 112 965 38 cm Lot 41-44 should satisfy those looking for a bull to breed heifers to without sacrificing growth.This bulls’ entire pedigree reads proven calving ease plus a shot of Australian breeding. Same cow family as Lot 20. I sure like these smaller cows that are low maintenance, efficient, fertile and wean a high percentage of their own body weight. A low birth – high growth combo. Lot 43 Reference Sire | Cole Creek Goldmere 581 Lot 44 Reference Sire | Coleman Missing Link 9267 20 | Chapman Cattle Company’s 9th Annual Forage-Developed Angus and Red Angus Bull Sale MCCUMBER 8R101 RITO 161 SONS SIRE F MCCUMBER 8R101 RITO 161 Male Tattoo: 3RC33 DOB: Feb 20 2013 Reg#: AAA 17539052 RITO N BAR ERISKAY OF ROLLIN ROCK 3 R R RITO 707 SINCLAIR ENTREPRENEUR 8R101 (AAA 16027234) N BAR KINOCHTRY BEAUTY Z1925 LEACHMAN RIGHT TIME SITZ EVERELDA ENTENSE 1137 BT TRAVELER 228K B PRIDE 690 OF MC CUMBER PINE CREEK RIGHT TIME 1147 B PRIDE 463 OF MC CUMBER B PRIDE 273 OF MC CUMBER January ‘15 EPD’s N BAR EMULATION EXT N BAR KINOCHTRY BEAUTY 4310 BW WW YW Milk TM +2.5 +51 +85 +19 - SC CE MCE REA CW Marb Fat +0.47 +4 +4 +0.18 +25 +0.10 +0.034 Impressive phenotype and genotype describes 161, who is proving to be a reliable source of herd building genetics. There is no guesswork with this bull. His donor dam has not missed posting a WWR 7@110, YWR 7@106, IMF 6@110, REA @100. His sire is the result of mating the standard for performance and longevity, Rito 707, with an N-Bar donor who was still in production at the age of 17. It is no surprise that the 161 daughters are some of our best, warranting the accelerated use of this bull in the future. Utilize these sons for their genetic merit to sire great replacement females and steer calves with added stature, capacity and style. LOT 45 CHAPMAN RITO 3637A Male Tattoo: SWC 3637A DOB: May 01 2013 Reg#: 1753010 R R RITO 707 AMF CAF NHF DDF SINCLAIR ENTREPRENEUR 8R101 CAF NHF DDF N BAR KINOCHTRY BEAUTY Z1925 MC CUMBER 8R101 RITO 161 PINE CREEK RIGHT TIME 1147 AMF NHF B PRIDE 463 OF MC CUMBER B PRIDE 273 OF MC CUMBER O C C MOONSHINE 740M CROWFOOT LOVEMERE PET 5791R CROWFOOT 3778N O C C JUST RIGHT 619J DDF O C C DIXIE ERICA 816B BASIN EXPEDITION K47 CROWFOOT FORKS 774K January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+1.0 WW:+44 YW:+77 Milk:+24 TM:+46 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 78 - 707 103 1169 38 cm A 3-dimensional bull full of moderation, maternal, and middle. I fully expect him to mature like his herd sire brother Chapman Memento 0513X who is pictured on the cover. Lot 45’s dam will enter the embryo program this year after indexing 110 on 7 calves. She has four daughters currently in production as well as having two sons see herd sire use both here and for Dan Reimer. Selling 2/3 interest and full possession. Chapman Cattle Company’s 9th Annual Forage-Developed Angus and Red Angus Bull Sale | 21 MCCUMBER 8R101 RITO 161 SONS LOT 46 LOT 47 CHAPMAN RITO 3510A CHAPMAN RITO 3551A Male Tattoo: SWC 3510A DOB: April 11 2013 Reg#: 1752924 Male Tattoo: SWC 3551A DOB: April 18 2013 Reg#: 1752944 R R RITO 707 AMF CAF NHF DDF SINCLAIR ENTREPRENEUR 8R101 CAF NHF DDF N BAR KINOCHTRY BEAUTY Z1925 MC CUMBER 8R101 RITO 161 PINE CREEK RIGHT TIME 1147 AMF NHF B PRIDE 463 OF MC CUMBER B PRIDE 273 OF MC CUMBER R R RITO 707 AMF CAF NHF DDF SINCLAIR ENTREPRENEUR 8R101 CAF NHF DDF N BAR KINOCHTRY BEAUTY Z1925 MC CUMBER 8R101 RITO 161 PINE CREEK RIGHT TIME 1147 AMF NHF B PRIDE 463 OF MC CUMBER B PRIDE 273 OF MC CUMBER O C C JOKER 620J DDF CROWFOOT REV ERICA 5752R CROWFOOT ERICA 3906N O C C EMBLAZON 854E DMF AMF CAF NHF OSF DDF O C C JUANADA 709V BASIN EXPEDITION K47 CROWFOOT FORKS 755K January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+1.9 WW:+29 YW:+53 Milk:+27 TM:+42 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 84 - 626 100 1010 39 cm Dam has produced two sale toppers in Chapman Memento 0505X to Crowfoot Cattle & Chapman Joker 8503U to Ole Farms. Same cow family as Crowfoot Equation 5793R. She will enter the embryo program this year. Good bull with added cow power behind him. O C C JUST RIGHT 619J DDF O C C DIXIE ERICA 816B TOMWALL PIED PIPER 413 GLADWALL B CHLOE 762 O C C MOONSHINE 740M CROWFOOT CHLOE 5879R CROWFOOT FORKS 669K January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+1.6 WW:+41 YW:+68 Milk:+21 TM:+42 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 86 - 660 106 1049 38 cm 5879R is a favorite little cow who produced a really good son sold to Heiberg Farms. Dave Hanson also selected herd sire Chapman Memento 0509X. Granddam is still in production at the age of 15 with 13 consecutive calves. LOT 48 CHAPMAN RITO 3618A Male Tattoo: SWC 3618A DOB: April 26 2013 Reg#: 1752996 R R RITO 707 AMF CAF NHF DDF SINCLAIR ENTREPRENEUR 8R101 CAF NHF DDF N BAR KINOCHTRY BEAUTY Z1925 MC CUMBER 8R101 RITO 161 PINE CREEK RIGHT TIME 1147 AMF NHF B PRIDE 463 OF MC CUMBER B PRIDE 273 OF MC CUMBER A A R NEW TREND BOYD NEW DAY 8005 AMF CAF NHF DDF S V F FOREVER LADY 57D CHAPMAN LADY 4407 MVF STOCKMAN 122H HAPPYVALE LADY 43L LLB LADY 220G January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+1.0 WW:+53 YW:+91 Milk:+23 TM:+50 Great birth to weaning spread out of a very productive Boyd New Day dam (8/104) that produced sons to Sauter Ranches, Doug Johnson, & Jim Simpson. Strong individual performance. BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 82 - 734 120 1003 38 cm LOT 49 CHAPMAN RITO 3622A Male Tattoo: SWC 3622A DOB: April 26 2013 Reg#: 1752998 R R RITO 707 AMF CAF NHF DDF SINCLAIR ENTREPRENEUR 8R101 CAF NHF DDF N BAR KINOCHTRY BEAUTY Z1925 MC CUMBER 8R101 RITO 161 PINE CREEK RIGHT TIME 1147 AMF NHF B PRIDE 463 OF MC CUMBER B PRIDE 273 OF MC CUMBER BASIN MAX 104J AMF CAF NHF GLADWALL SARITA 8255 RED OH BOOMER 552E KLUZAK PRIDE 25G CROWFOOT VENTURE 1698L CHAPMAN PRIDE 4409 CHAPMAN PRIDE 226M January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+2.2 WW:+48 YW:+83 Milk:+22 TM:+46 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 84 - 682 110 1117 38 cm Another solid bull originating from the herd bull producing Pride cow family. These Rito 9R7 and Rito 161 bulls represent old school Angus genetics from the 60’s not widely available today. MCCUMBER 8R101 RITO 161 SONS LOT 50 CHAPMAN RITO 3657A Male Tattoo: SWC 3657A DOB: May 03 2013 Reg#: 1753021 R R RITO 707 AMF CAF NHF DDF SINCLAIR ENTREPRENEUR 8R101 CAF NHF DDF N BAR KINOCHTRY BEAUTY Z1925 MC CUMBER 8R101 RITO 161 PINE CREEK RIGHT TIME 1147 AMF NHF B PRIDE 463 OF MC CUMBER B PRIDE 273 OF MC CUMBER O C C MAGNUM 749M CROWFOOT PATTIE QUEEN 4584P CROWFOOT PATTIE QUEEN 2552M O C C EUREKA 865E O C C JUANADA 818E O C C HUNTER 928H GLADWALL PATTIE QUEEN 640 January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+1.0 WW:+44 YW:+71 Milk:+20 TM:+42 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 83 - 673 109 1085 35 cm LOT 51 4584P posts a production index of 8@103 on all male progeny. Notable sons have sold to Simpson Ventures, Pine Haven Colony, herd sire retained by Net Present Value, Donald & Bill Day, Blue Goose Cattle Co., and a top yearling bull candidate for 2016. CHAPMAN RITO 3708A Male Tattoo: SWC 3708A DOB: June 03 2013 Reg#: 1753053 R R RITO 707 AMF CAF NHF DDF SINCLAIR ENTREPRENEUR 8R101 CAF NHF DDF N BAR KINOCHTRY BEAUTY Z1925 MC CUMBER 8R101 RITO 161 PINE CREEK RIGHT TIME 1147 AMF NHF B PRIDE 463 OF MC CUMBER B PRIDE 273 OF MC CUMBER LEACHMAN RIGHT TIME DMF AMF CHAPMAN KAWICH LADY 434P GLADWALL KAWICH LADY 6171 N BAR EMULATION EXT AMF CAF NHF DDF LEACHMAN ERICA 0025 N BAR IMPACT U1253 GLADWALL KAWICH LADY 4186 January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+0.5 WW:+48 YW:+78 Milk:+22 TM:+46 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 83 - 729 119 1106 41 cm Lot 51 Dam | Chapman Kawich Lady 434P Same cow family as Lot 1. 434P is a model Angus cow – angular, fertile, and an udder typical of a Right Time udder with a production record of 8/108. Brothers to Lot 51 to Rodvang Farms, Blue Goose Cattle Co., & Clyde McCoy. Chapman Cattle Company’s 9th Annual Forage-Developed Angus and Red Angus Bull Sale | 23 MCCUMBER 536P EXT 7196 SONS SIRE G MCCUMBER 536P EXT 7196 Male Tattoo: IMP 7196T DOB: March 11 2007 Reg#: 1478134 N BAR EMULATION EXT AMF NHF CAF DDF EMULATION N BAR 5522 N BAR PRIMROSE 2424 SITZ JLS EMULATION EXT 536P (US14809623) IDEAL 4465 OF 6807 4286 AMF NHF D H D TRAVELER 6807 AMF NHF E E 4286 OF IDEAL 2240 1254 LEACHMAN RIGHT TIME AMF DMF SITZ EVERELDA ENTENSE 1137 LASSIE434OFMCCUMBER(US14798054) BT NEW TREND 172K LASSIE 2140 OF MC CUMBER LASSIE 914 OF MC CUMBER PINE CREEK RIGHT TIME 1147 AMF NHF January ‘15 EPD’s BW WW YW Milk TM +3.0 +62 +84 +16 +47 SC CE MCE REA CW Marb Fat +0.45 -3.0 +5.0 +0.07 +24 +0.21 +0.019 7196 is an extremely long bull with a lot of muscle expression down his top. He carries this muscle out into a big expressive rump and has always been one of the more stylish bulls in the group. He weaned off his very productive dam with a 205 day weight of 732 lbs. to ratio 108 and scanned exceptionally with an IMF of 5.23 to ratio 128 and a REA of 13 to ratio 106. His Pathfinder dam by Pine Creek Right Time posts a WR 8@105, YR 8@104, IMF 8@103, and REA 8@109 and has been a model of consistency and profit at McCumber. If you are looking to redesign or make EXT-type replacement females with the productivity, fertility, and brilliant udder structure the Angus female was known for, then the 7196 sons will take you in the right direction. LOT 52 CHAPMAN 7196 EXT 3598A Male Tattoo: SWC 3598A DOB: April 24 2013 Reg#: 1752981 SITZ JLS EMULATION EXT 536P MC CUMBER 536P EXT 7196 LASSIE 434 OF MC CUMBER CROWFOOT EQUATION 5793R CHAPMAN BLACKBIRD 016X CHAPMAN BLACKBIRD 719T N BAR EMULATION EXT AMF CAF NHF DDF IDEAL 4465 OF 6807 4286 AMF NHF PINE CREEK RIGHT TIME 1147 AMF NHF LASSIE 2140 OF MC CUMBER O C C LEGACY 839L CROWFOOT FORKS 755K CROWFOOT MACHO 4549P CHAPMAN BLACKBIRD 319N January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+3.6 WW:+54 YW:+85 Milk:+23 TM:+50 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 87 - 703 113 1123 37 cm A big growthy EXT bull with an extra rib. In fact, all these bulls exhibit the extra length of their sire. Granddam is designated an Elite dam. 24 | Chapman Cattle Company’s 9th Annual Forage-Developed Angus and Red Angus Bull Sale MCCUMBER 536P EXT 7196 SONS LOT 53 CHAPMAN 7196 EXT 3509A Male Tattoo: SWC 3509A DOB: April 12 2013 Reg#: 1752928 SITZ JLS EMULATION EXT 536P MC CUMBER 536P EXT 7196 LASSIE 434 OF MC CUMBER CROWFOOT MACHO 4549P CHAPMAN ROSEWALL 0195X CROWFOOT ROSEWALL 5770R N BAR EMULATION EXT AMF CAF NHF DDF IDEAL 4465 OF 6807 4286 AMF NHF PINE CREEK RIGHT TIME 1147 AMF NHF LASSIE 2140 OF MC CUMBER O C C MAGNUM 749M CROWFOOT BLACKBIRD 2537M O C C LEGACY 839L CROWFOOT ROSEWALL 1666L January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+4.5 WW:+51 YW:+73 Milk:+18 TM:+44 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 92 - 671 106 1102 36 cm PATERNAL SISTER to LOTS 52 - 63 If you are looking for a bull with above average performance, added length that will leave superb daughters, consider Lot 53: double-bred EXT on top/ double-bred Traveler 6807 on the bottom – you can’t write a maternal pedigree any better than that. LOT 54 CHAPMAN 7196 EXT 3527A Male Tattoo: SWC 3527A DOB: April 14 2013 Reg#: 1752934 SITZ JLS EMULATION EXT 536P MC CUMBER 536P EXT 7196 LASSIE 434 OF MC CUMBER N BAR EMULATION EXT AMF CAF NHF DDF IDEAL 4465 OF 6807 4286 AMF NHF PINE CREEK RIGHT TIME 1147 AMF NHF LASSIE 2140 OF MC CUMBER O C C JOKER 620J DDF CFCC 1801L CROWFOOT EQUATION 5793R CHAPMAN PEARL 209M CROWFOOT JOKER 6172S CHAPMAN PEARL 0116X CHAPMAN PEARL 771T January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+3.3 WW:+51 YW:+76 Milk:+23 TM:+49 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 83 - 690 112 1095 38 cm LOT 55 CHAPMAN 7196 EXT 3539A Male Tattoo: SWC 3539A DOB: April 16 2013 Reg#: 1752940 SITZ JLS EMULATION EXT 536P MC CUMBER 536P EXT 7196 LASSIE 434 OF MC CUMBER N BAR EMULATION EXT AMF CAF NHF DDF IDEAL 4465 OF 6807 4286 AMF NHF PINE CREEK RIGHT TIME 1147 AMF NHF LASSIE 2140 OF MC CUMBER SINCLAIR RITO LEGACY 3R9 AMF CAF DDF SINCLAIR LADY 06S3 4465 LEACHMAN RIGHT TIME DMF AMF GLADWALL B CHLOE 623 SINCLAIR MEMENTO 8RL5 CHAPMAN CHLOE 0129X CHAPMAN CHLOE 428P January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+1.5 WW:+60 YW:+86 Milk:+18 TM:+48 Lot 54 is out of one of my favorite young cows. 0116X reflects the direction of our program and has an early production index 2/103. Granddam posts a progeny index 5/108. LOT 56 CHAPMAN 7196 EXT 3596A Male Tattoo: SWC 3596A DOB: April 24 2013 Reg#: 1752983 SITZ JLS EMULATION EXT 536P MC CUMBER 536P EXT 7196 LASSIE 434 OF MC CUMBER N BAR EMULATION EXT AMF CAF NHF DDF IDEAL 4465 OF 6807 4286 AMF NHF PINE CREEK RIGHT TIME 1147 AMF NHF LASSIE 2140 OF MC CUMBER DOUBLE AA BLACKMAN 252’96 DOUBLE AA OLD POST BANDOLIER AMF CAF NHF DDF DOUBLE AA ANNIE K 548’99 REMINGTON LADY ERICA 843X O C C JOKER 620J DDF CROWFOOT LADY ERICA 3785N PAT LADY ERICA 8984 January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+3.3 WW:+49 YW:+77 Milk:+18 TM:+43 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 79 - 743 122 1167 38 cm 85 - 644 103 1056 36 cm Low birth – big weaning and indexing bull. Lot 55’s sire, 7196, is out of a proven Pathfinder dam so the maternal strength of these sons is rock solid. 0129X has an ideal udder and indexes 2/107 on her progeny. Lot 56, 57 and 61 are 3 full brothers in blood, originating from donor dam 3785N who originates from donor dam 8984 – both reside at Bow Valley Genetics. Dam’s production 2/103. Brother sold to Bill Brown. Chapman Cattle Company’s 9th Annual Forage-Developed Angus and Red Angus Bull Sale | 25 MCCUMBER 536P EXT 7196 SONS LOT 57 CHAPMAN 7196 EXT 3597A Male Tattoo: SWC 3597A DOB: April 24 2013 Reg#: 1752980 SITZ JLS EMULATION EXT 536P MC CUMBER 536P EXT 7196 LASSIE 434 OF MC CUMBER N BAR EMULATION EXT AMF CAF NHF DDF IDEAL 4465 OF 6807 4286 AMF NHF PINE CREEK RIGHT TIME 1147 AMF NHF LASSIE 2140 OF MC CUMBER DOUBLE AA BLACKMAN 252’96 DOUBLE AA OLD POST BANDOLIER AMF CAF NHF DDF DOUBLE AA ANNIE K 548’99 REMINGTON LADY ERICA 866X O C C JOKER 620J DDF CROWFOOT LADY ERICA 3785N PAT LADY ERICA 8984 Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 84 - 621 99 1102 40 cm Lot 56, 57 and 61 are very similar in type and performance. Dam’s production 2/103. CHAPMAN 7196 EXT 3623A Male Tattoo: SWC 3623A DOB: April 26 2013 Reg#: 1752993 SITZ JLS EMULATION EXT 536P MC CUMBER 536P EXT 7196 LASSIE 434 OF MC CUMBER N BAR EMULATION EXT AMF CAF NHF DDF IDEAL 4465 OF 6807 4286 AMF NHF PINE CREEK RIGHT TIME 1147 AMF NHF LASSIE 2140 OF MC CUMBER O C C JOKER 620J DDF CFCC 1801L CHAPMAN PAY DAY 4456 CHAPMAN NELLIE 524R CROWFOOT JOKER 6172S CHAPMAN NELLIE 0111X CHAPMAN NELLIE 744T CHAPMAN 7196 EXT 3612A Male Tattoo: SWC 020X DOB: April 25 2013 Reg#: Not Registered SITZ JLS EMULATION EXT 536P MC CUMBER 536P EXT 7196 LASSIE 434 OF MC CUMBER REGISTERED ANGUS COW BW 59 58 CHAPMAN RITO LEGACY 218U January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+3.2 WW:+47 YW:+71 Milk:+18 TM:+42 LOT LOT SINCLAIR RITO LEGACY 3R9 AMF CAF DDF PAT LADY ERICA 8984 January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:- WW:- YW:- Milk:- TM:BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 84 - 676 108 1101 38 cm This bull sells as an unregistered bull. A bull with nice individual performance numbers and unique in pedigree with a combination of old-school Rito and Emulation bloodlines. LOT 60 CHAPMAN 7196 EXT 3699A Male Tattoo: SWC 3699A DOB: May 15 2013 Reg#: 1753035 SITZ JLS EMULATION EXT 536P MC CUMBER 536P EXT 7196 LASSIE 434 OF MC CUMBER N BAR EMULATION EXT AMF CAF NHF DDF IDEAL 4465 OF 6807 4286 AMF NHF PINE CREEK RIGHT TIME 1147 AMF NHF LASSIE 2140 OF MC CUMBER O C C JOKER 620J DDF CFCC 1801L DDA EMBLAZON 27C AMF CAF NHF DDF HAPPYVALE NJP IDELLETTE 111M CROWFOOT JOKER 6172S CHAPMAN IDELETTE 0137X CHAPMAN IDELETTE 764T January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+3.5 WW:+55 YW:+79 Milk:+24 TM:+52 N BAR EMULATION EXT AMF CAF NHF DDF IDEAL 4465 OF 6807 4286 AMF NHF PINE CREEK RIGHT TIME 1147 AMF NHF LASSIE 2140 OF MC CUMBER January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+2.4 WW:+54 YW:+74 Milk:+21 TM:+48 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 85 - 743 121 1174 37 cm 84 - 703 114 1126 35 cm Lots of performance in this bull. An Adj. 205d @ 743lb. and an Adj 365d 1174lb. are very formidable statistics considering he was never fed for maximum post-weaning gain. Dam’s production 2/113 Very nice spread from birth to weaning with a big weaning index of 114. EXT x Joker x Emblazon x Emblazon = maternal, moderate + efficient. Dam’s production 2/105. 26 | Chapman Cattle Company’s 9th Annual Forage-Developed Angus and Red Angus Bull Sale MCCUMBER 536P EXT 7196 SONS LOT 61 CHAPMAN 7196 EXT 3670A Male Tattoo: SWC 3670A DOB: May 09 2013 Reg#: 1753028 SITZ JLS EMULATION EXT 536P MC CUMBER 536P EXT 7196 LASSIE 434 OF MC CUMBER N BAR EMULATION EXT AMF CAF NHF DDF IDEAL 4465 OF 6807 4286 AMF NHF PINE CREEK RIGHT TIME 1147 AMF NHF LASSIE 2140 OF MC CUMBER DOUBLE AA BLACKMAN 252’96 DOUBLE AA OLD POST BANDOLIER AMF CAF NHF DDF DOUBLE AA ANNIE K 548’99 REMINGTON LADY ERICA 815X O C C JOKER 620J DDF CROWFOOT LADY ERICA 3785N PAT LADY ERICA 8984 January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+2.9 WW:+50 YW:+74 Milk:+19 TM:+44 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 83 - 671 108 1128 38 cm CFCC3785N - Granddam of Lots 56, 57, 61 Full brother in blood to Lot 56 & 57. Dam’s production 2/105 LOT 62 CHAPMAN 7196 EXT 3645A Male Tattoo: SWC 3645A DOB: May 02 2013 Reg#: 1753017 SITZ JLS EMULATION EXT 536P MC CUMBER 536P EXT 7196 LASSIE 434 OF MC CUMBER N BAR EMULATION EXT AMF CAF NHF DDF IDEAL 4465 OF 6807 4286 AMF NHF PINE CREEK RIGHT TIME 1147 AMF NHF LASSIE 2140 OF MC CUMBER O C C JOKER 620J DDF CFCC 1801L CHAPMAN ALLIANCE 259M CHAPMAN JEANNE 4402 CROWFOOT JOKER 6172S CHAPMAN JEANNE 0119X CHAPMAN JEANNE 778T January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+3.7 WW:+52 YW:+74 Milk:+23 TM:+49 Dams production 2/105. Same high-indexing cow family as Lot 11. Nice cow. This bull was just shy of achieving a 1200lb. Adj. 365d weight. These EXT sons are highly fertile too. LOT 63 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 86 - 701 113 1187 35 cm LOT 63 SIRE SINCLAIR FORTUNE SON CHAPMAN FORTUNE 3663A** Male Tattoo: SWC 3663A DOB: May 3 2013 Reg#: 1750362 EMULATION N BAR 5522 SINCLAIR FORTUNATE SON SINCLAIR BLACKBIRD 2P8 7079 N BAR IMPACT U1253 PAT LADY ERICA 8984 (990548) PAT PIED PIPER 921 SINCLAIR EXTRA 4X13 AMF NHF CAF DDF SINCLAIR BLACKBIRD 20F3 6417 N BAR PRIME TIME D806 AMF NHF CAF DDF RITO 707 OF IDEAL 089 7076 LOT 63 DAM PAT LADY ERICA 8984 LEMMON IMPACT N BAR CLOVA PRIDE 1696 SHOSHONE P P 7105 PAT LADY ERICA 613 January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:- WW:- YW:- Milk:- TM:BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 71 - 545 ET 942 38 cm Lot 63 is a twin as a result of one implanted embryo splitting and producing identical twins. Unfortunately it happened to a recipient cow that really wasn’t designed to nurse twins. I think Lot 63 has a lot of upside potential, being out of the grand old 8984 donor and the $80,000 Sinclair Fortunate Son whose progeny have been exceptionally popular at McCumber Angus. Chapman Cattle Company’s 9th Annual Forage-Developed Angus and Red Angus Bull Sale | 27 CHAPMAN EQUATION 8541U SONS SIRE H CHAPMAN EQUATION 8541U Male Tattoo:SWC 8541U DOB: May 2 2008 Reg#: 1468663 R R RITO 707 AMF NHF CAF DDF IDEAL 4465 OF 6807 4286 AMF NHF SINCLAIR MEMENTO 8RL5 (1510491) N BAR SHADOW X4124 SINCLAIR LADY 06S3 4465 IDEAL 8114 OF ELDO 5110 3127 SINCLAIR RITO LEGACY 3R9 AMF CAF DDF OCCEMBLAZON854EOSFAMFNHFCAFDMFDDF O C C JUANADA 709V CROWFOOT REV ERICA 5752R (1254877) BASIN EXPEDITION K47 CROWFOOT ERICA 3906N CROWFOOT FORKS 755K O C C JOKER 620J DDF January ‘15 EPD’s BW WW YW Milk TM +2.8 +33 +60 +25 +42 SC CE MCE REA CW Marb Fat +1.22 0.0 +3.0 -0.09 +11 - +0.052 Retained from the 2008 calf crop, 8541U has been proven the old-school way after being usedsuccessfully on commercial cows and then being incorporated into the purebred program. 100% Forage-Developed, 8541U excelled structurally and has proven his ability to transmit the same maternal prowess as his forefathers. His dam maintains impeccable udder structure and attachment as an aged cow and is designated for embryo transfer in 2015; and an EXT granddam who produced a top calf until age of 16. LOT 64 CHAPMAN EQUATION 3547A Male Tattoo: SWC 3547A DOB: April 17 2013 Reg#: 1752943 CROWFOOT EQUATION 5793R CHAPMAN EQUATION 8541U CHAPMAN NELLIE 210M CROWFOOT VENTURE 1698L CHAPMAN ZARA BAND 625S CHAPMAN ZARA BAND 438P O C C LEGACY 839L CROWFOOT FORKS 755K SITZ ALLIANCE 6595 DMF AMF CAF NHF DDF GLADWALL BELLE L NELLIE 581 BASIN MAX 104J AMF CAF NHF GLADWALL SARITA 8255 LEACHMAN RIGHT TIME DMF AMF GLADWALL B ZARA BAND 6355 January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+2.9 WW:+34 YW:+65 Milk:+22 TM:+39 Dam’s production 5/104. Nice productive cow bred back early to Sinclair Broker 3RC33. Brothers have sold to Heiberg Farms and Devon & Gail Boulding. BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 93 - 648 102 1050 38 cm 28 | Chapman Cattle Company’s 9th Annual Forage-Developed Angus and Red Angus Bull Sale CHAPMAN EQUATION 8541U SONS LOT 65 CHAPMAN EQUATION 3586A Male Tattoo: SWC 3586A DOB: April 23 2013 Reg#: 1752976 CROWFOOT EQUATION 5793R CHAPMAN EQUATION 8541U CHAPMAN NELLIE 210M O C C LEGACY 839L CROWFOOT FORKS 755K SITZ ALLIANCE 6595 DMF AMF CAF NHF DDF GLADWALL BELLE L NELLIE 581 S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 DMF DWF AMF CAF NHF OSF DDF S A V 004 PREDOMINANT 4438 AMF CAF NHF DDF S A V EMBLYNETTE 1182 CHAPMAN ROSE 644S WESTWIND FINESSE 1113 GLADWALL ROSE OF L 661 GLADWALL ROSE OF L 3231 January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+1.1 WW:+38 YW:+67 Milk:+22 TM:+41 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 82 - 632 101 1018 38 cm LOT 66 CHAPMAN EQUATION 3601A Male Tattoo: SWC 3601A DOB: April 24 2013 Reg#: 1752979 CROWFOOT EQUATION 5793R CHAPMAN EQUATION 8541U CHAPMAN NELLIE 210M O C C LEGACY 839L CROWFOOT FORKS 755K SITZ ALLIANCE 6595 DMF AMF CAF NHF DDF GLADWALL BELLE L NELLIE 581 VERMILION DATELINE 7078 AMF CAF NHF DDF R L S EISA EVERGREEN 5018 TOMWALL PIED PIPER 357 GLADWALL PRICENE 1236 SITZ TRADITION RLS 8702 CHAPMAN PRINCENE 670S GLADWALL PRINCENE 6320 January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+3.6 WW:+43 YW:+68 Milk:+23 TM:+45 Dam’s production 5/103. Brothers to Dan Reimer and Garrett Ranches Ltd. LOT 67 CHAPMAN EQUATION 3633A Male Tattoo: SWC 3633A DOB: April 29 2013 Reg#: 1753002 CROWFOOT EQUATION 5793R CHAPMAN EQUATION 8541U CHAPMAN NELLIE 210M CHAPMAN MR. MARBLES 258M CHAPMAN G PRIDE 672S CHAPMAN PRIDE 215M O C C LEGACY 839L CROWFOOT FORKS 755K SITZ ALLIANCE 6595 DMF AMF CAF NHF DDF GLADWALL BELLE L NELLIE 581 SITZ ALLIANCE 6595 DMF AMF CAF NHF DDF GLADWALL KAWICH LADY 6171 BASIN PARTNER 137H BARBWALL G PRIDE 310 January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+0.3 WW:+32 YW:+57 Milk:+26 TM:+42 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 91 - 662 105 993 36 cm 75 - 662 108 987 38 cm 670S is a larger cow but correct in type. She comes from a line of very productive cows with a progeny index of 5 @ 99. Brothers to Lot 66 have sold to Greg Pennock and the Blue Goose Cattle Co. LOT 68 A low birth weight son of Equation 8541U. Expect above average performance in a more moderate package but the replacement females should hit the mark. Dam indexed 5/101 with a good son to Devon & Gail Boulding. CHAPMAN EQUATION 3659A Male Tattoo: SWC 3659A DOB: May 03 2013 Reg#: 1753020 CROWFOOT EQUATION 5793R CHAPMAN EQUATION 8541U CHAPMAN NELLIE 210M O C C LEGACY 839L CROWFOOT FORKS 755K SITZ ALLIANCE 6595 DMF AMF CAF NHF DDF GLADWALL BELLE L NELLIE 581 SITZ TRAVELER 8180 AMF CAF NHF DDF SITZ ALLIANCE 6595 DMF AMF CAF NHF DDF SITZ BARBARAMERE JET 2698 HAPPYVALE DELIA 35S GET-A-LONG CAST IRON 359 SWENCO DELIA 13H SWENCO DELIA 26A January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+3.3 WW:+37 YW:+65 Milk:+24 TM:+43 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 91 - 668 106 1023 36 cm Double-bred Sitz Alliance 6595 from a dam with a production record of 5/101. 35S has also produced a solid brother of Lot 68 to Skocdopole Ranches. Chapman Cattle Company’s 9th Annual Forage-Developed Angus and Red Angus Bull Sale | 29 CHAPMAN EQUATION 8541U SONS LOT 69 CHAPMAN EQUATION 3660A Male Tattoo: SWC 3660A DOB: May 04 2013 Reg#: 1753025 CROWFOOT EQUATION 5793R CHAPMAN EQUATION 8541U CHAPMAN NELLIE 210M O C C LEGACY 839L CROWFOOT FORKS 755K SITZ ALLIANCE 6595 DMF AMF CAF NHF DDF GLADWALL BELLE L NELLIE 581 S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 S A V 004 PREDOMINANT 4438 AMF CAF NHF DDF S A V EMBLYNETTE 1182 CHAPMAN KAWICH LADY 659S HIGH VALLEY 7D7 OF 4G9 DWC CHAPMAN KAWICH LADY 3316 GLADWALL KAWICH LADY 6186 January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+2.2 WW:+41 YW:+70 Milk:+21 TM:+42 LOT 70 CHAPMAN EQUATION 3700A Male Tattoo: SWC 3700A DOB: May 31 2013 Reg#: 1753046 CROWFOOT EQUATION 5793R CHAPMAN EQUATION 8541U CHAPMAN NELLIE 210M CROWFOOT VENTURE 1698L CHAPMAN ZARA BAND 677S CHAPMAN ZARA BAND 437P O C C LEGACY 839L CROWFOOT FORKS 755K SITZ ALLIANCE 6595 DMF AMF CAF NHF DDF GLADWALL BELLE L NELLIE 581 BASIN MAX 104J AMF CAF NHF GLADWALL SARITA 8255 LEACHMAN RIGHT TIME DMF AMF GLADWALL B ZARA BAND 6355 January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+1.8 WW:+34 YW:+60 Milk:+25 TM:+42 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 83 - 654 105 1028 37 cm 85 - 674 108 1074 40 cm From the same cow family as Lot 1, 659S has a production record of 5/102 with sons to Doug Reid and the Blue Goose Cattle Co. The dam of Lot 70 has been designated an Elite dam, registering production indexes of 5/107, having a son sell to the A7 Ranches and 2 daughters retained. LOT 71 CHAPMAN EQUATION 3705A Male Tattoo: SWC 3705A DOB: June 01 2013 Reg#: 1753051 CROWFOOT EQUATION 5793R CHAPMAN EQUATION 8541U CHAPMAN NELLIE 210M O C C LEGACY 839L CROWFOOT FORKS 755K SITZ ALLIANCE 6595 DMF AMF CAF NHF DDF GLADWALL BELLE L NELLIE 581 S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 DMF DWF AMF CAF NHF OSF DDF S A V 004 PREDOMINANT 4438 AMF CAF NHF DDF S A V EMBLYNETTE 1182 CHAPMAN ERICA 660S R P 3RD BUSHWACKER HAPPYVALE ERICA 182N LLB ERICA ENERGY 639F January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+2.3 WW:+44 YW:+73 Milk:+25 TM:+47 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 85 - 701 114 1063 37 cm Erica 660S is designated an Elite dam with a production index of 5/107. 660S is slowly emerging as a real herd bull producing dam, with Doug Johnson purchasing a son, and a yearling bull destined for the 2016 sale. Same cow family as Lot 31. 30 | Chapman Cattle Company’s 9th Annual Forage-Developed Angus and Red Angus Bull Sale CHAPMAN RITO LEGACY 218U SONS SIRE I CHAPMAN RITO LEGACY 218U Male Tattoo:YUS 218U DOB: April 25 2008 Reg#: 1474046 R R RITO 707 AMF NHF CAF DDF RITO N BAR ERISKAY OF ROLLIN ROCK 3 SINCLAIR RITO LEGACY 3R9 AMF CAF DDF (1436721) IDEAL 4465 OF 6807 4286 AMF NHF LEMMON IMPACT N BAR CLOVA PRIDE 1696 SHOSHONE P P 7105 PAT LADY ERICA 613 N BAR IMPACT U1253 PAT LADY ERICA 8984 (990548) PAT PIED PIPER 921 January ‘15 EPD’s D H D TRAVELER 6807 AMF NHF E E 4286 OF IDEAL 2240 1254 BW WW YW Milk TM +0.5 +25 +54 +30 +43 SC CE MCE REA CW Marb Fat +1.84 +9.0 +6.0 +0.48 +5 +0.31 +0.046 ‘218” was retained from the 2008 calf crop as the top son of Sinclair Rito Legacy 3R9 in order to carry on the RR Rito 707 lineage; as well as the lineage of his donor dam, Pat Lady Erica 8984, who has earned lifetime weaning and yearling ratios of 108 and 110 respectively on 10 natural calves with 12 daughters in production. ‘218U’ posted weaning and yearling indexes of 108 and 104 respectively, and with a BW of 72 lbs., he is a true calving ease bull that balances functionality with performance. Utilize ‘218’ sons for calving ease, traditional Angus characteristics and maternal lineage LOT 72 LOT CHAPMAN RITO 3587A 73 Male Tattoo: SWC 3587A DOB: April 23 2013 Reg#: 1752975 SINCLAIR RITO LEGACY 3R9 AMF CAF DDF CHAPMAN RITO LEGACY 218U PAT LADY ERICA 8984 R R RITO 707 AMF CAF NHF DDF IDEAL 4465 OF 6807 4286 AMF NHF N BAR IMPACT U1253 PAT PIED PIPER 921 GARDENS EXPEDITION AMF CAF NHF DDF BASIN PRIMROSE LADY 296E CAF SIDEKICK 7784 GRACEDALE BLACKBIRD 3D BASIN EXPEDITION K47 CHAPMAN BLACKBIRD 319N BEVALEN BLACKBIRD 7K January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+2.7 WW:+22 YW:+56 Milk:+22 TM:+33 CHAPMAN RITO 3511A Male Tattoo: SWC 3511A DOB: April 11 2013 Reg#: 1752922 SINCLAIR RITO LEGACY 3R9 AMF CAF DDF CHAPMAN RITO LEGACY 218U PAT LADY ERICA 8984 LEACHMAN RIGHT TIME DMF AMF CHAPMAN CHLOE 205M GLADWALL B CHLOE 623 R R RITO 707 AMF CAF NHF DDF IDEAL 4465 OF 6807 4286 AMF NHF N BAR IMPACT U1253 PAT PIED PIPER 921 N BAR EMULATION EXT AMF CAF NHF DDF LEACHMAN ERICA 0025 J A R COOL HAND LUKE GLADWALL B CHLOE 524 January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:-0.1 WW:+28 YW:+57 Milk:+15 TM:+29 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 91 - 642 102 1063 37 cm 75 - 613 99 970 36 cm Lot 72 packs a lot of muscle in a moderate package. His dam is an Elite dam (9/106) that has had sons go to Seeson Ranch and Rowbottom Farms, with 5 daughters in production. The dam of Lot 73 was a productive cow from the Chloe cow family. She’s had sons sell to Glen Martin, Pine Haven Colony and Larry Meyer. Lot 73 could be used on heifers. Chapman Cattle Company’s 9th Annual Forage-Developed Angus and Red Angus Bull Sale | 31 RED BAR-E-L GAMBLER 87X SONS SIRE J RED BAR-E-L GAMBLER 87X Male Tattoo: YHB 87X DOB: February 20, 2010 Reg#: 1567613 RED LAZY MC SMASH 41N OSF RED LAZY MC SCYTHIA 78N RED LAZY MC COWBOY CUT 26U (1441140) LAZY MC WORLDWIDE 5K RED LAZY MC STAR 185M OSF RED LAZY MC STAR 100J RED LAZY MC STOUT 30S RED TER-RON CARLTON 810H RED BAR-E-L CLASS 10 RED TOWAW MATRIX 19D RED HOWE MS MINOLA DDH 98D RED BAR-E-L APPROVAL 4L RED BAR-E-L MINOLA 243T (1403174) RED RINGSTEAD MINOLA 75N January ‘15 EPD’s BW WW YW Milk TM +1.3 +39 +71 +21 +40 SC CE MCE REA CW Marb Fat - -2.4 +4.2 +0.37 +15 -0.13 +0.010 ‘Gambler’ was selected as the $12,000 high-selling bull from the 2011 Bar-E-L Bull Sale, and has been used successfully in both herds. He is a wide-based, sound-structured, big-scrotal bull with outstanding performance that is extremely fluid in his movement. The footnotes on our reference sires generally reflect the bull’s ability to sire productive and efficient daughters first and foremost, and Gambler daughters, backed by one of the top cows at –EL, should be the ‘Money Making Kind’. We don’t sell many reds, but these are a good sort ... Red Angus 2’s that are stout and athletic with pedigree and style in tow ... and seeing as our draw is predominantly for black bulls, these reds may come as a bargain in 2015! LOT 74 RED CHAPMAN GAMBLER 3627A Male Tattoo: SWC 3627A DOB: April 28 2013 Reg#: 1753001 RED LAZY MC STOUT 30S RED LAZY MC COWBOY CUT 26U AMF NHF OSF MAF RED LAZY MC STAR 185M OSF DDF RED BAR-E-L GAMBLER 87X RED BAR-E-L APPROVAL 4L RED BAR-E-L MINOLA 243T RED RINGSTEAD MINOLA 75N RED BAR-E-L ENCORE 89K RED CHAPMAN MISS RIO 225M RED CHAPMAN MISS RIO 909J RED YY RED KNIGHT 640F OSF RED ALDER ABG HYJEBU 98G RED LMAN KING ROB 8621 OSF MAF RED O H MISS RIO 81A January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+1.1 WW:+46 YW:+79 Milk:+19 TM:+42 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 88 - 697 112 1158 39 cm Lot 74 is a really good bull visually and backed by a proven matron who has had sons sell to Ross Crawford, STS Copley Farms, Circle Y Farms and the PFRA. Our draw is predominately for blacks due in part to quantity, so help yourself as these reds will be good value. Please visit us online at 32 | Chapman Cattle Company’s 9th Annual Forage-Developed Angus and Red Angus Bull Sale RED BAR-E-L GAMBLER 87X SONS LOT 75 RED CHAPMAN GAMBLER 3662A Male Tattoo: SWC 3662A DOB: May 04 2013 Reg#: 1753024 RED LAZY MC STOUT 30S RED LAZY MC COWBOY CUT 26U AMF NHF OSF MAF RED LAZY MC STAR 185M OSF DDF RED BAR-E-L GAMBLER 87X RED BAR-E-L APPROVAL 4L RED BAR-E-L MINOLA 243T RED RINGSTEAD MINOLA 75N CROWFOOT 3500N RED CHAPMAN PRISCILLA 732T RED CROWFOOT GREEN 1015L O C C ECHELON 857E DDF RED MS FORSTER BRITE 8055 RED OH BOOMER 552E RED CROWFOOT GREEN 683F January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+1.6 WW:+42 YW:+76 Milk:+17 TM:+38 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 92 - 669 106 1036 38 cm LOT 76 732T has a production index of 5/102 and produced last years’ heaviest bull to sell, being picked out by the Hays Grazing Association. Very similar in type to the lead-off Lot 74. RED CHAPMAN GAMBLER 3617A Male Tattoo: SWC 3617A DOB: April 26 2013 Reg#: 1752997 RED LAZY MC STOUT 30S RED LAZY MC COWBOY CUT 26U AMF NHF OSF MAF RED LAZY MC STAR 185M OSF DDF RED BAR-E-L GAMBLER 87X RED BAR-E-L APPROVAL 4L RED BAR-E-L MINOLA 243T RED RINGSTEAD MINOLA 75N STEVENSON BRUNO 561G CAF NHF DDF GLADWALL B REV ERICA 7289 RED LCHMN GRND CANYON 1244G OSC MAF RED HR CHEROKEE LADY 33D CROWFOOT BRUNO 1670L CHAPMAN HANNI 4401 RED CHAPMAN HANNI 002K January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+1.2 WW:+43 YW:+79 Milk:+19 TM:+40 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 92 - 655 104 1109 40 cm LOT 77 RED CHAPMAN 7196 EXT 3595A Male Tattoo: SWC 3595A DOB: April 24 2013 Reg#: 1752986 RED LAZY MC STOUT 30S RED LAZY MC COWBOY CUT 26U AMF NHF OSF MAF RED LAZY MC STAR 185M OSF DDF RED BAR-E-L GAMBLER 87X RED BAR-E-L APPROVAL 4L RED BAR-E-L MINOLA 243T RED RINGSTEAD MINOLA 75N RED CROWFOOT COWBOY 7206T RED CHAPMAN GOLDIE 0160X RED CHAPMAN GOLDIE 653S RED 5L NORSEMAN KING 2291 OSF MAF CROWFOOT BLACKBIRD 4739P RED BFCK CHEROKEE CNYN 4912 OSF MAF CHAPMAN GOLDIE 234M January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:-2.5 WW:+49 YW:+78 Milk:+20 TM:+44 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 83 - 657 106 1075 38 cm Lot 77 is more moderate in size and possess nice numbers across the board. Dam’s production 2/101. A birth weight that could be used either way. Dam is a black cow with the red gene, so a unique pedigree for a Red Angus. A brother to Lot 76 was picked up by the PFRA. Lots of value in these Red 2’s versus a yearling at the same price tag. RED BAR-E-L GAMBLER 87X SONS LOT 78 RED CHAPMAN GAMBLER 3558A Male Tattoo: SWC 3558A DOB: April 19 2013 Reg#: 1752950 RED LAZY MC STOUT 30S RED LAZY MC COWBOY CUT 26U AMF NHF OSF MAF RED LAZY MC STAR 185M OSF DDF RED BAR-E-L GAMBLER 87X RED BAR-E-L APPROVAL 4L RED BAR-E-L MINOLA 243T RED RINGSTEAD MINOLA 75N RED CROWFOOT COWBOY 7206T RED CHAPMAN PINE 0166X RED CHAPMAN PINE 804H RED 5L NORSEMAN KING 2291 OSF MAF CROWFOOT BLACKBIRD 4739P RED OH BOOMER 552E RED O H LADY PINE 76B January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:+0.5 WW:+43 YW:+80 Milk:+17 TM:+38 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 80 - 688 112 1196 38 cm 0166X has an Elite/Premier dam and is slowly following in her footsteps posting an early index of 3/108. Lots 74-76 could be put together for a little more growth and Lots 77-79 could be put together for a more versatile package of lower birth and above average growth. LOT 79 RED CHAPMAN GAMBLER 3554A Male Tattoo: SWC 3554A DOB: April 19 2013 Reg#: 1752951 RED LAZY MC STOUT 30S RED LAZY MC COWBOY CUT 26U AMF NHF OSF MAF RED LAZY MC STAR 185M OSF DDF RED BAR-E-L GAMBLER 87X RED BAR-E-L APPROVAL 4L RED BAR-E-L MINOLA 243T RED RINGSTEAD MINOLA 75N RED CROWFOOT COWBOY 7206T RED CHAPMAN SCAARA 0169X RED CHAPMAN SCAARA 439P RED 5L NORSEMAN KING 2291 OSF MAF CROWFOOT BLACKBIRD 4739P RED OH BOOMER 552E RED MISS SCAARA 486E – EPD EXPLANATION – EPD’s are predictions on how each bull rates against his own contemporary group and the rest of the breed. EPD’s evaluate group averages and offspring’s performance, however they cannot predict individual performance or weights. For example, if Bull A (WW EPD of +10) & Bull B (WW of +60) were randomly mated with 10 similar cows, we would expect the group avg. weaning weight of Bull A’s offspring to be 50 lbs. lighter than Bull B’s (60 - 10 = 50). BW Birth Weight - expressed in pounds, is a prediction of a sire’s ability to transmit birth weight to his progeny. WW Weaning Weight - expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit weaning growth to his progeny. YW Yearling Weight - expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit yearling growth to his progeny. Milk A predictor of a sire’s genetic merit for milk and mothering ability as expressed in his daughters. TM Total Maternal - 1/2 Weaning Weight + Milk. This index is the expected amount of pounds that a sire’s daughters’ calves will differ from the breed average assuming the daughters are mated to sires of average genetic merit for Weaning Weight. BLACK ANGUS EPDS & RED ANGUS EPDS should not be compared across the board to each other. January ‘15 EPD’S: BW:-0.1 WW:+39 YW:+70 Milk:+20 TM:+39 BW Act WW ADJ 205 WR ADJ 365 Scrotal Circ. 83 - 632 101 1036 36 cm Gambler was perhaps the best Red Angus bull to sell in 2011, and remains very fluid and athletic for a 5 year old bull. I would expect these six Red 2’s to follow in their sires footsteps as they mature and develop. Dam’s production of 3/106 – BREED EPD AVERAGES – Red & Black Angus Breed Averages are compiled from the total number of Red Angus calves registered in 2014 to compare the RED & BLACK ANGUS BULLS in this catalogue to: BW WW YW Milk TM BLACK ANGUS +2.7 +45 +79 +19 +41 RED ANGUS -0.6 +49 +75 +16 +41 RITO LINEAGE RR Rito 707 Sinclair Rito Legacy 3R9 Rito N Bar Sinclair Original 9RN3 Sinclair Entrepreneur 8R101 TRAVELER LINEAGE QAS Traveler 23-4 Chapman Rito 1547 Chapman Rito Legacy 218U Chapman Memento 0505X Sinclair Memento 8RL5 Chapman Memento 0511X McCumber 8R191 Rito 161 Chapman Memento 0513X Sinclair Broker 3RC33 Chapman Memento 0509X Traveler 1148 GDAR GDAR Traveler 71 Sitz Traveler 8180 Sitz Alliance 6595 RR Traveler 5204 Gardens Prime Time N Bar Prime Time D806 Sinclair Net Present Value OCC Joker 620J Crowfoot Joker 6172S Crowfoot Joker 2029Z OCC Kiddo 832K Sinclair Hydro 90K6 XO Crowfoot 8814U OCC Headliner 661H OCC Missing Link 830M Coleman Missing Link 9267 OCC Just Right 619J OCC Moonshine 740M OCC Legacy 839L Crowfoot Equation 5793R OCC Emblazon 854E DHD Traveler 6807 OCC Echelon 857E EMULATION LINEAGE Leachman Right Time Sinclair Exquisite 1X51 N Bar Emulation EXT Sinclair Rito 9R7 Chapman Alliance 259M Chapman Alliance 262M DDA Emblazon 27C Chapman Legacy 026S Chapman Equation 8541U XO Crowfoot Equ 268Z Sinclair In Time 9RT10 BT Right Time 24J Sitz JLS Emulation EXT 536P McCumber 536P EXT 7196 Sinclair Extra 4X13 Sinclair Emulate 7XT28 N Bar Shadow X4124 Sinclair Telecast 01S3 Sinclair Grass Master Sinclair Fortunate Son Sinclair Boss Sinclair Patriarch 3B47 GENEALOGY CHART Rito Revolve 0R5 CHAPMAN CATTLE CO. BOX 728 STETTLER, ALBERTA T0C 2L0 R P G \ P R G RETURN POSTAGE GUARANTEED PORT DE RETOUR GARANTI ENGINEERED to BREED BUILT to LAST PRINTED IN CANADA / FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION In order to save trees, please email us if you do not wish to receive a catalog or are no longer in the cattle business. Thank you.
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