Angus Bull Sale Reyes/Russell
Angus Bull Sale Reyes/Russell e good stry. Thes with u d in le tt a ly ec rked close We ctors of th yes-R and all se ily has wo annual Re s. m rs rd th e fa e 4 c s h 2 u e d e y w e o ro th c to r their rs, the R ow/calf p fo a c e r s y n Welcome fo g and o 4 r ti in 2 a v t ta e s by sa the pas h expec e ptional y r ig e o m c h ti F x d r. e rd n a a n a e h a be oals ew Y rical proven to into the N es have common g ave survived histo 2014 has h tinuing on ili n o m o h c fa w e o e b s tw to The . Tho times look is family. d. They e this one rally soun sell and h a year lik s tu d u c e R u in tr h g s it a d e K k an or im ffs. strive for deep, thic er seen n g big payo ontinue to re c in a e e y e e W s . th d w have nev s o in n m you a wisely are ngevity in e. tment for investing ped with lo work at any altitud ood inves lo g e a v e e d b n ill e ill w e w b t lls e a u v b a th ll h s e and uss bilitie rry Gran e Reyes-R re, are good footed nd easy fleshing a s bulls. La e y e R e We believ a tu th , c p of bone stru on, fertility dom grou . have good rmance, conformati sted a ran te interested K re 0 a 5 o o e rf ose wh we hav , th ’s quality, pe to D t P s 00+ feet E te r WY at 8,0 cy of ou lts of the , u ra g s u in c re P c id a S in e la at Tie lls are PA improve th ble sale day to exp y summer Reyes bu e e h th T a T e . t. ila In order to h e n a e v W m a rn to g that ti environm s will be e bulls retu d see durin n th tic range a y n from Zoeti e s lis e e a th h ll th re W a lo a rking c ineral is o t 7,250’. loped in a m w e d v d ir e n e te d a s th s d te s n a n in gra PAP are raised d. They ru mountain ll bulls are Our bulls not pushe 0’. Russe ber. Short re 0 m a ,0 e y 8 v e t o a th N lt , to Ho hage from May y Dr. Tim fact that 60% roug ie Siding b n like the e tion that is m ra le l tt a c a C M tested at T 6 lls. are on a 4 g older bu land they atment. bout sellin e a tr l rs ia e c m e p to s cus receive no 10 bull back from ale day. of the Lot sitive feed ing until s o n % p a 0 e e 1 w iv te e m c a o re don roup fr ntinuing to ort we will ne large g We are co gh this eff u ether in o ro g h to T n .” ru Gold pare these bulls r Blue and ering, com er e “Bulls fo th in g e sale off n th ti ov t a s a ip u k ic . d o rt n e lo a o rt ain p ill come e suppo Foundati v w A a u h F o F o y We are ag h g a e c w in p ee to ll. mers We ho the Wyom ns, feel fr and custo o the bulls. ti s t s d a e n to benefit u k ie q o fr y lo r and ll ou ve an anks to a to stop by . If you ha ted. lishing. Th February 23, 2015 invite you p e m w o c . c s d PAP tes y a a As alw gram is onday, fertility an ro M s p a u r ll o u e y o w g t ha h; as seein and see w , and Tric forward to , DD, BVD . We look 1 rs M a , e A y C e th , and of AM, NH sted free te n e e b ave All bulls h us Bull ussell Ang Sale u, amilies Russell F Thank Yo h it e K d n es a Juan Rey Reyes/Russell Angus Bull Sale General Information: Sale Location: Sale will be held at the Reyes Ranch located 6 miles south of Wheatland on I-25, take Exit 73 west 1.5 miles to junction 312, then one mile north to MR Angus Ranch. Delivery Options: A. The buyer can take home their purchases sale day and deduct $100 per lot hauled. B. The buyer can take home their purchases between Feb. 24 and March 3, 2015 and we’ll deduct $50 per bull. C. Free delivery to a central location up to 400 miles with purchases of $3000 or more. D. If desired, MR Angus Ranch will feed your purchases for $2.50 per day. With this option the buyer will pick up his purchases by April 9, 2015 and will assume all risks. Monday Inspection of Bulls: Bulls can be inspected at MR Angus Ranch at anytime. Retained Interest: Selling full possession. We are retaining 1/3 Semen Interest on all the bulls. We will collect semen at our cost during the off-breeding season and at the convenience of the buyer. Bids or Sight Unseen Purchases: If you cannot attend but will explain your needs, we will do our best to meet those needs and guarantee full satisfaction. Bids may also be sent to the auctioneers or publication representatives. Note: Announcements from the block take precedence over information in this catalog. EPD s & W eights : EPDs printed in this catalog were current as of Dec. 22, 2014. Pathfinder sire and dams are marked with #. Accommodations: Call Keith, Juan, or the following motels: Motel 6 . ........................................307.322.1800 Best Western Torchlight Inn......... 307.322-4070 Super 8..........................................307.322.2224 Keith will be at Super 8 after Friday, Feb. 20, 2015. Reyes/Russell Angus Bull Sale Storm Date: March 2, 2015 At the MR Angus Ranch southwest of Wheatland, WY Featuring ... Health: PAP testing was completed by Tim Holt, DVM, Ft. Collins, CO, (970) 221-4535. Complete physical exam and semen testing completed by Steve Lucas, DVM, Wheatland, WY, (307) 322-3640. All cattle sell fully guaranteed and reproductively sound. All bulls will have a complete fertility physical and are BDV and Trich tested and defect free as per the American Angus Association as of Jan. 1, 2015. 192 Registered Summer Yearlings 44 Commercial Summer Yearlings 13 Registered Yearlings Sale Day Phones: (307) 322-4847 (307) 331-1010 (307) 331-1530 Juan Reyes Cell Phone (307) 331-1568 Keith Russell Cell Phone (970) 371-7819 Jennifer Reyes-Burr Cell Phone (307) 331-1530 Auctioneers: Lex Madden Cell....................................................... (307) 532-1580 Shawn Madden Cell................................................... (307) 532-1575 Livestock Publication Representatives: Alan Sears, Western Ag Reporter.............................. (970) 396-7521 Jim Gies, Western Livestock Journal......................... (970) 590-0500 Randy Rasby, Western Livestock Reporter............... (308) 539-6195 Curt Cox, Wyoming Livestock Roundup..................... (307) 630-4604 Don Ravellette, Cattle Business Weekly.................... (605) 685-5147 Southwestern Representative: Tom Hardesty, Sonoita, AZ Cell Phone (520) 909-0233 If you can’t be with us sale day, we’ve made arrangements to present the sale through Superior video. See complete details for bidding on the inside back cover. Juan & Joni Reyes 98 Olson Road Wheatland,WY 82201 (307) 322-4848 1 Jennifer Reyes-Burr 5104 Hwy 34 Wheatland,WY 82201 (307) 331-1530 Keith Russell 21419 WCR 13 Johnstown, CO 80534 (970) 587-2534 Reyes/Russell Angus Bull Sale Reyes/Russell Angus Bull Sale Reference Sires A AAR Ten Gauge 1501 Calved: 2/5/11 Reg. No. 17049149 Tattoo: 1501 #mytty in Focus aar ten x 7008 sa #aar lady kelton 5551 #saf focus of er mytty countess 906 sav adaptor 2213 hsaf lady kelton 504B b bar i87 alliance 2017 aar clova pride 9549 aar clova pride 3016 #kmk alliance 6595 i87 #b bar barbara 2023 harb quantum 180 aar clova pride 404 $W +57.94 $F EPDs BW WW YW Milk IMF +0.4 +67 +122 +23 +.68 B AAR Ten Gauge 1501 +.16 $G +30.49 +.028 $B +107.52 HARB Windy 758 JH Calved: 2/1/08 Reg. No. 16227857 #aar really windy 1205 #harb windy 702 jh #harb black lady 073 jh Tattoo: 758 #aar windy ridge 362 aar lady kelton 2170 #harb cincha 829 harb black lady g67 jh #sitz traveler 8180 #sav final Answer 0035SaV emulous 8145 harb juanada erica 571 jh #harb cincha 829 harb juanada erica 391 jh juanada erica 9024 harb EPDs BW WW YW Milk IMF +0.7 +39 +75 +23 +.23 C REA +.46 $W +29.27 $F +21.00 $G +18.30 Fat $B +.061 +48.88 HF Rebel 53Y Calved: 1/11/11 Reg. No. 17234737 Tattoo: 53Y Sandy Bar Advantage 43M hf kodiak 5r wilbar rudy 955n hf tiger 5T #tc freedom 104 hf echo 84r hfdf echo 6n HARB Windy 758 JH hf done right 125R hf tibbie 103T hf tibbie 62r #bt right time 24j hf rosebud 127K hf progress 20k hf tibbie 178l $W +51.56 EPDs BW WW YW Milk IMF +2.3 +60 +99 +26 +.22 D HF Rebel 53Y Reyes/Russell +84.98 Fat REA REA +.38 Fat +.002 +51.31 +17.47 $B +101.25 Woodhill Game Day U6-Y98 Calved: 2/18/11 Reg. No. 16991654 Tattoo: Y98 #boyd new day 8005 gdar game day 449 gdar miss wix 474 #aar new trend svf forever lady 57D #tehama band 207 gdar miss wix 749 #mytty in focus woodhill evergreen s28-u6 woodhill evergreen 62n-S28 #saf focus of er mytty countess 906 #woodhill foresight $W +67.22 woodhill evergreen 1058-62n $F EPDs 2 $F $G BW WW YW Milk IMF +0.3 +64 +111 +28 +.44 REA +.59 Fat +.082 +65.12 $G +22.56 $B +85.84 Angus Bull Sale Reyes/Russell Angus Bull Sale Reference Sires E Barstow Cash Calved: 1/28/11 Reg. No. 17145326 Tattoo: Y18 #connealy onward #sitz upward 307R sitz henrietta pride 81M sitz dash 10277 #occ emblazon 854E sitz everelda entense 2665sitz everelda entense 4948 #sav final answer 0035 barstow queen w16 rca queen r42 #sitz traveler 8180 sav emulous 8145 tc patriot 337 rca queen 1231 $W +60.05 EPDs BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat +0.8 +71 +131 +29 +.35 +1.12 +.030 F +93.89 +28.18 $B +120.02 Calved: 1/18/10 Reg. No. 16543710 Tattoo: 1180 #bon view new design 208 tc erica eileen 2047 #hero 6267 of rr 2418 #kmr lyn 1116 #boyd poundmaker 21 kmr blackbird 1176 tam blackbird 1168 #sitz alliance 6595 boyd forever lady 9001 rally legend 5076 kmr blackbird 56 $W +42.28 $F EPDs BW WW YW Milk IMF +3.0 +58 +94 +19 +.51 REA +.11 +42.67 $G +26.59 Fat $B +.022 KMR Total 1180 +87.41 SA Upward 671 Calved: 1/13/11 Reg. No. 17121379 Tattoo: 671 Connealy onward sitz upward 307R sitz henrietta pride 81m #connealy lead on altune of conanga 6104 sitz value 7097 sitz henrietta pride 1370 #vermilion dateline 7078 sa victoria 51 #sa victoria 188 #connealy dateline #vermilion blackbird 5044 oneills juice forever 1115 $W +49.66 #sa victoria 444 $F +97.68 EPDs BW WW YW Milk IMF +3.8 +74 +138 +28 +.73 H Barstow Cash KMR Total 1180 #tc total 410 kmr total 48 kmr lyn 1030 G $F $G REA +.71 Fat -.013 $G +38.26 $B +136.13 SA Upward 671 Woodhill Discovery W2-Y20 Calved: 2/6/11 Reg. No. 16991843 Tattoo: Y20 #gar predestined tehama reputation #tehama elite blackbird M681 woodhill break thru #woodhill foresight woodhill evergreen 62n-S28 woodhill evergreen 1058- 62n Kcf bennett efficient #car efficient 534 #car miss susie 308 #woodhill gammer t288-W2 #feltons meat packer 62 $W +41.27 #woodhill gammer G867-T288 lcc bon view gammer lg867 $F EPDs BW WW YW Milk IMF +4.0 +51 +91 +22 +.73 Angus Bull Sale REA +.29 Fat +.033 +34.63 $G +33.93 $B Woodhill Discovery W2-Y20 +91.60 3 Reyes/Russell The more cow-calf producers know about the bulls they buy,the more they can take advantage of the genetic forces -selection and mating - that drive the productivity and value of each calf-crop. With genomic-enhanced expected progeny differences (GE-EPDs) and percent ranks powered by High-Density (HD) SOK from Zoetis,commercial users can unlock the power of these forces like never before. The value of HD SOK HD SOK for Angus includes genetic predictions in the form of percent ranks for 19 traits plus parentage verification. For most of these traits,Angus Genetics, Inc. (AGI), computes and reports weekly GE-EPDs powered by HD SOK, which are the most accurate genetic predictions possible for young bulls with limited or no progeny. The resulting EPD accuracy is generally equivalent to tested bulls having an initial progeny proof of roughly a dozen calves/carcasses/daughters withperformance data contributing to their EPDs. Increasingly, Angus bull buyers are demanding tested bulls. HD SOK percent ranks, interpretation for non-GE-EPD traits HD SOK percent ranks from Zoetis are currently based on a reference population of nearly 40,000 tested Angus animals. Ranks range from 1to 100,with lower numbers generally favored for most traits. Some traits for which HD SOK percent ranks are available do not yet have GE-EPDs. These include ranks for residual feed intake (RFI) and end-product tenderness (Tend). Percent ranks for RFI provide Angus bull buyers with added feed efficiency information, while ranks for Tend explainapproximately one-fourthof the genetic differences in this component of eating satisfaction.’ Selection - Better bull buying for specific purposes Higher-accuracy GE-EPDs and more complete trait information from HD SOK percent ranks help Angus bull buyers more dependably select bulls for specific purposes, including: • Heifer bulls - GE-EPDs for calving ease direct (CED) and birth weight (BW) have accuracies roughly equivalent to bulls with 22 and 12 progeny, respectively,with calving ease and birth weight data recorded. • Growth/carcass bulls - GE-EPDs for growth (WW & YW), feed efficiency (RADG) and carcass merit (CW,Marb, RE, Fat) have accuracies that are basically equal to bulls having 21,17 and 10 progeny/carcasses, respectively,with performance data recorded. • Maternal bullsfor making replacements - GE-EPDs for scrotal circumference (SC), docility (Doc), milk and mature size (YH and MW) deliver the rough equivalent accuracy of bulls having 12 daughters with performance/productivity information recorded for these traits. Percent ranks from HD SOK for heifer pregnancy (HP) and calving ease maternal (CEM) provide information for these important maternal traits. • All-purpose bulls - Across all applicable traits, GE-EPDs powered by HD SOK have accuracies that are approximately equal to bulls with a dozen progeny/carcasses/daughters with recorded performance. Mating Besides selection, mating is the other genetic force that drives production. More accurately evaluated bulls may be more strategically matched with sets of females to accentuate strengths and correct weaknesses -creating more valuable progeny, carcasses and replacements. This is especially true if commercial Angus females are tested with GeneMax™and genetic information,and assigned Angus sires are used for selection and mating (see As well,HD SOK-verified parentage improves theaccuracy of EPDs and the precision with which commercial producers can minimize inbreeding. It also reliably documents relationships to tested sires and dams that are proven to befree of known genetic conditions. Summary Angus bulls with more accurate and complete GE-EPDs powered by HD SOK from Zoetis can more dependably be selected and matched with females for specific purposes to produce progeny with increased productivity. Reyes/Russell 4 Angus Bull Sale Registered Summer Yearling Bulls Lot 3 Lot 1 1 MR Windy 20223 Calved: 6/17/13 Reg. No. 18002048 3 Tattoo: 20223 #harb windy 702 JH harb windy 758 jh #harb juanada erica 571 jh #aar really windy 1205 #harb black lady 073 jh #sav final answer 0035 harb junanada erica 391 jh mr new trend 3948 mr monica 4690 mr rock queen 3795 #vdar new trend 124 mr betty 4257 #med rock traveler jr mr high queen 3163 Performance EPDs BW 74 WW 686 MR Ten Gauge 6983 Calved: 5/28/13 Reg. No. 18001274 Tattoo: 6983 aar ten x 7008 sa aar ten gauge 1501 aar clova pride 9549 #mytty in focus #aar lady kelton 5551 #b bar I87 alliance 2017 aar clova pride 3016 #sitz alliance 6595 mr donna 2109 mr donette 3590 #sitz traveler 8180 #sitz barbaramere jet 2698 Performance mr ideal don 3478 BW 82 #mr bonnie 2243 WW EPDs 718 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 43 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 46 +1.0 +44 +75 +21 +.13 +.17 +36.25 SC 41.5 +2.2 +54 +97 +26 +.03 +.63 +86.09 SC 41.0 2 MR Gamer 20003 Calved: 5/25/13 Reg. No. 18021424 #gdar game day 449 woodhill game day u6-y98 woodhill evergreen S28-u6 4 Tattoo: 20003 #boyd new day 8005 #gdar miss wix 474 #mytty in focus woodhillevergreen62n-S28 TAM hydro 1171 kmr hefty 115 #kmr blackcap 1091 mr dawn 2507S mr cola 4118 mr dawn 6981 mr dawn 4549 EPDs Performance BW 70 WW 816 MR Windy 21373 Calved: 6/15/13 Reg. No. 18002073 #harb windy 702 JH harb windy 758 jh #harb juanada erica 571 jh #aar really windy 1205 #harb black lady 073 jh #sav final answer 0035 harb junanada erica 391 jh mr vision 8087 mr audrey 2780 mr audrey 1584 #woodhill foresight mr amelia 1551 kmr edge 231 mr audrey 0569 EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 42 BW WW YW Milk REA -0.2 +54 +94 +30 +.21 +.26 +58.61 SC 41.0 +0.7 +47 +80 +21 NA Lot 2 Angus Bull Sale Tattoo: 21373 IMF NA $B NA Performance BW 70 WW 662 PAP 49 SC 40.0 Lot 4 5 Reyes/Russell Lot 8 Lot 5 5 MR Gamer 4983 Calved: 5/19/13 Reg. No. 18001246 Tattoo: 4983 #gdar game day 449 woodhill game day u6-y98 woodhill evergreen S28-u6 #boyd new day 8005 #gdar miss wix 474 #mytty in focus woodhillevergreen62n-S28 tam hydro 1171 mr gina 9506 mr gina 5413 kmr hero 299 tam blackbird 1168 kmr cheyenne 1580 mr gina 3137 BW WW YW Milk REA +49 +88 +28 +.52 6 IMF -.04 Calved: 5/16/13 Reg. No. 18001222 #tc franklin 619 mr audrey 2788 mr audrey 1584 BW 68 WW 709 #tc total 410 #tc marcia 1069 kmr edge 231 mr audrey 0569 Performance BW 90 WW 751 $B PAP 41 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 51+ +55.64 SC 36.5 +6.7 +55 +87 +18 +.12 +.65 +85.81 SC 36.0 Reg. No. 18001170 9 Tattoo: 1933 mr halter 1347 mr rope 3029 #mr lucky 6564 #connealy lead on mr emily 5569 svf gbar junction 114i mr jazzy 3688 mr new frontier 1244 mr birdie 3378 mar blackbird 2154 #b/r new frontier 095 mr gladyes 5229 #leachman right time mar jr blackbird 8008 MR Gamer 23173 Calved: 5/25/13 Reg. No. 18021435 #gdar game day 449 woodhill game day u6-y98 woodhill evergreen S28-u6 BW 70 WW 656 Tattoo: 23173 #boyd new day 8005 #gdar miss wix 474 #mytty in focus woodhillevergreen62n-S28 #hyline right time 338 leachman right time 338-5605 leachman erica 1201 mr constance 4391S #sav 8180 traveler 004 mr constance 5699S mr constance 9415 Performance EPDs EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 36 BW WW YW Milk REA +2.7 +53 +83 +24 +.07 +.25 +61.49 SC 40.5 +1.7 +62 +105 +24 NA 7 Tattoo: 2903 EPDs MR Rope 1933 Calved: 6/10/13 MR Discovery 2903 Tehama reputation woodhill break thru woodhillevergreen62N-S28 woodhill discovery w2-Y20 #car efficient 534 #woodhill gammer T288-W2 #woodhillgammerG867-T288 Performance EPDs -0.2 8 IMF NA $B NA Performance BW 74 WW 635 PAP 40 SC 40.5 MR Storm 21973 Calved: 7/2/13 Reg. No. 18001201 Tattoo: 21973 apex windy 078 mr windy 6060 mr tessa 3247 #harb windy 702 jh apexette lucy 6037 mr exec 6035 mr tessa 8664 cole creek one shot 22v mr hellen 5630S mr hellen 5958s cole creek black cedar 46p colecreekjuanadamere34n Performance mr power 1516 BW 78 mr hellen 2014 WW EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA +1.0 +61 +91 +26 +.17 IMF -.06 834 $B PAP 40 +46.07 SC 41.5 Lot 9 Reyes/Russell 6 Angus Bull Sale Lot 13 Lot 10 10 MR Discovery 2753 Calved: 6/1/13 Reg. No. 18001218 13 Tattoo: 2753 MR Slagle 4223 Calved: 6/5/13 Reg. No. 18001234 Tattoo: 4223 Tehama reputation woodhill break thru woodhillevergreen62N-S28 woodhill discovery w2-Y20 #car efficient 534 #woodhill gammer T288-W2 #woodhillgammerG867-T288 #sitz upward 307R sa upward 671 sa victoria 51 #connealy onward sitz henrietta pride 81m #vermilion dateline 7078 #sa victoria 188 #schurrtop mc 2500 mr kim 7218 mr jess 8884 #boyd poundmaker 21 mr grace 1596 mr grace 0579 #sitz alliance 6595 boyd forever lady 9001 osu 9fb3 halfback 6164 far lady 206 traveler 535 #schurrtop mc schurrtop rs 1413 2153 #hyline right time 338 mr jessie 5632 Performance EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B +3.9 +49 +87 +21 +.04 +.40 +61.38 11 Reg. No. 18001203 #mytty in focus #aar lady kelton 5551 #b bar i87 alliance 2017 aar clova pride 3016 kmr right time 575 mr tessa 3241 mr tessa 8664 #3210 Right time D919 k&L lady 531 #connealy danny boy mr countesa 1622 829 PAP 46 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 43 40.5 +2.9 +59 +111 +23 +.19 +.42 +98.12 SC 40.0 SC EPDs 14 MR Ten Gauge 20753 Calved: 5/24/13 aar ten x 7008 sa aar ten gauge 1501 aar clova pride 9549 BW 77 WW 695 Reg. No. 18001181 Tattoo: 20753 #mytty in focus #aar lady kelton 5551 #b bar i87 alliance 2017 aar clova pride 3016 WMR Dateline 210 wmr dateline 377 #ab fanny 0222 kmr sara 2819 svf durango 561 kmr sara 121 kmr sara 928 Performance EPDs 78 799 WW Tattoo: 22403 aar ten x 7008 sa aar ten gauge 1501 aar clova pride 9549 BW WW 80 MR Ten Gauge 22403 Calved: 5/31/13 Performance BW Performance EPDs BW 72 WW 734 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 42 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 51+ +1.9 +63 +102 +24 +.10 +.52 +93.98 SC 38.0 +1.4 +57 +99 +22 +.11 +.21 +61.90 SC 34.5 12 MR Cash 22373 Calved: 5/25/13 Reg. No. 18003806 Tattoo: 22373 sitz dash 10277 barstow cash barstow queen w16 #sitz upward 307R sitz everelda entense 2665 #sav final answer 0035 rca queen r42 mr halter 1347 mr bonnie 2931 mr bonnie 5764 #connealy lead on mr emily 5569 kmr edge 231 mr bonnie 4337 EPDs Performance BW 79 WW 641 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 46 +2.6 +54 +97 +22 +.55 +.31 +91.74 SC 40.0 Lot 14 Angus Bull Sale 7 Reyes/Russell Lot 17 15 MR Cash 22183 Calved: 5/27/13 Reg. No. 18003810 17 Tattoo: 22183 MR Discovery 2933 Calved: 5/17/13 Reg. No. 18021436 Tattoo: 2933 sitz dash 10277 barstow cash barstow queen w16 #sitz upward 307R sitz everelda entense 2665 #sav final answer 0035 rca queen r42 Tehama reputation woodhill break thru woodhillevergreen62N-S28 woodhill discovery w2-Y20 #car efficient 534 #woodhill gammer T288-W2 #woodhillgammerG867-T288 mr total 9988 mr bava 1041 mr bava 1184 #tc total 410 #mr lady 8183 #sitz alliance 6595 buckeye bava 138 KMR Executive 1466 kmr edge 231 #far lady 206 traveler 542 Performance mr bonnie 5764 kmr supreme 825 BW 86 mr bonnie 4337 mr algris 2305 Performance EPDs BW 78 WW 749 WW EPDs 739 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 38 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 46 +2.5 +69 +114 +28 +.58 +.24 +92.94 SC 40.5 +3.1 +41 +73 +19 +.14 +.63 +68.40 SC 38.0 16 MR Rebel 4333 Calved: 5/31/13 Reg. No. 18002041 18 Tattoo: 4333 MR Granite 23123 Calved: 6/6/13 Reg. No. 18018068 Tattoo: 23123 hf tiger 5t hf rebel 53y hf tibbie 103t hf kodiak 5r hf echo 84r #hf done right 125r hf tibbie 62r Connealy consensus connealy consensus 7229 blue lily of conanga 16 connealy black granite sav bismarck 5682 #eura elga of conanga 9109 eura cal of conanga 56B #lt 598 bando 9074 mr ritzi 2846 mr ritzie 2264 #saf 598 bando 5175 #mill coulee barbara k 323 Performance kmr cheyenne 1580 BW 82 mr ritzie 5790 Leachmanrighttime338-5605 wmr timeless 458 wmr blackcap 521 Performance mr sara 3581S #twin valley precision E161 BW 82 kmr sara 254 kmr sara 937 WW 819 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 46 BW WW YW Milk REA +2.4 +54 +87 +21 +.15 +.14 +76.93 SC 40.0 +2.5 +72 +120 +29 NA EPDs WW EPDs 19 IMF NA $B NA Reyes/Russell 8 40 SC 40.0 MR Windy 6643 Calved: 6/5/13 Reg. No. 18002083 Tattoo: 6643 #harb windy 702 JH harb windy 758 jh #harb juanada erica 571 jh #aar really windy 1205 #harb black lady 073 jh #sav final answer 0035 harb junanada erica 391 jh #tc franklin 619 mr essa 9649 mr erin 6163 #tc total 410 #tc marcia 1069 #basin max 602c kmr eileen 627 Performance EPDs Lot 16 721 PAP BW 80 WW 734 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 51+ +2.6 +49 +90 +24 +.33 +.61 +87.33 SC 39.0 Angus Bull Sale Lot 23 Lot 20 20 MR Ten Gauge 22483 Calved: 5/25/13 Reg. No. 18001204 aar ten x 7008 sa aar ten gauge 1501 aar clova pride 9549 #mytty in focus #aar lady kelton 5551 #b bar i87 alliance 2017 aar clova pride 3016 leachman right time 338-5605 mr glad 4710 mr glad 8536 #hyline right time 338 leachman erica 1201 tam hydro 1171 mr gladis 1242 Tattoo: 22483 WW YW Milk REA +2.1 +56 +101 +22 NA 21 IMF NA $B NA Reg. No. 18009928 BW 78 WW 604 PAP 39 #mcBee wmr super x 745 wmr blackcap 048 kmr forman 210 kmr erica 1244 EPDs Tattoo: 22193 BW WW YW Milk REA SC 36.5 +1.1 +58 +97 +27 NA 24 Tattoo: 4873 Performance BW 82 WW 765 WW EPDs #sav Final Answer 0035 #connealy right answer 746 happy dell of conanga 262 wk bobcat schurrtop mc 2500 #wk miss angus 7127 #wk miss angus 1403 wmr super x 134 mr erin 9186 mr erica 7162 Reg. No. 18021431 Cole Creek Black Cedar 46P cole creek black cedar 23v cole creek juanada bird 38n Performance mr valorie 6131 kcj lasso BW 75 mr valorie 8729 mr valorie 2272 Performance MR Bobcat 4873 Calved: 5/17/13 Calved: 5/31/13 Connealy consensus connealy consensus 7229 blue lily of conanga 16 connealy black granite sav bismarck 5682 #eura elga of conanga 9109 eura cal of conanga 56B EPDs BW MR Granite 22193 23 IMF NA $B NA 618 PAP 44 SC 37.5 MR Slagle 20023 Calved: 6/4/13 Reg. No. 18004689 Tattoo: 20023 #sitz upward 307R sa upward 671 sa victoria 51 #connealy onward sitz henrietta pride 81m #vermilion dateline 7078 #sa victoria 188 thomas precision E161 3688 kmr sara ntense 2787 kmr sara 1750 #twin valley precision E161 #thomas ester 4123 Performance kmr explore 1507 BW 86 kmr saras 1756 WW EPDs 822 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 39 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 42 +4.2 +51 +88 +24 -.05 +.67 +73.32 SC 41.5 +3.4 +61 +113 +23 +.38 +.48 +103.58 SC 41.0 22 MR Rope 533 Calved: 6/22/13 mr halter 1347 mr rope 3029 #mr lucky 6564 Reg. No. 18001253 Tattoo: 533 #connealy lead on mr emily 5569 svf gbar junction 114i mr jazzy 3688 KMR explore 1507 kmr cheyenne 1580 masterfare sara 852 mr blackbird 4603 #leachman right time buckeye blackbird 7460 buckeye blackbird 1746 EPDs Performance BW 76 WW 671 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 46 +2.4 +51 +80 +19 +.15 +.22 +48.09 SC 41.0 Angus Bull Sale Lot 24 9 Reyes/Russell Lot 25 25 MR Rebel 20373 Calved: 5/23/13 Reg. No. 18002045 hf kodiak 5r hf echo 84r #hf done right 125r hf tibbie 62r #connealy danny boy mr reba 2605 #mr queen 8473 #connealy timeline energy of conanga 4851 tam hydro 1171 queen of paintrock 2821 WW YW Milk REA +2.3 +50 +87 +17 +.61 IMF -.01 Performance Calved: 5/25/13 Reg. No. 18001277 Tattoo: 8483 mr halter 1347 mr rope 3029 #mr lucky 6564 #connealy lead on mr emily 5569 svf gbar junction 114i mr jazzy 3688 #vermilion dateline 7078 mr enchantres 4171 #mr enchantra 4323 #connealy dateline #Vermilion blackbird 5044 Performance #vdar new trend 700 BW 80 #ytsc enchantress 0304 BW 84 725 $B PAP 51+ BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 45 +80.20 SC 39.5 +3.5 +50 +87 +20 +.21 +.35 +74.17 SC 39.5 Reg. No. 18018083 WW EPDs MR Granite 9393 Calved: 5/25/13 MR Rope 8483 WW EPDs BW 27 Tattoo: 20373 hf tiger 5t hf rebel 53y hf tibbie 103t 26 Lot 27 28 Tattoo: 9393 MR Willow 5463 Calved: 6/17/13 Reg. No. 18001255 Tattoo: 5463 Connealy consensus connealy consensus 7229 blue lily of conanga 16 connealy black granite sav bismarck 5682 #eura elga of conanga 9109 eura cal of conanga 56B #ch quantum 6247 cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek clova juanada 67 cole creek blk cedar 50v hbr encore 0544 #cole creek 858 juanada 75p #colecreekjuanadabando132x thomas new design 0406 #mr razz 2333 mr razz 6170 mr new frontier 1244 mr becky 4168s mr becky 5348S #b/r new design 036 #thomas blackbird 7429 #hero 6267 of rr 2418 mr ritz 4508 EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B +1.1 +54 +91 +25 +.78 +.43 +90.42 Performance #b/r new frontier 095 mr gladyes 5229 sav 5175 bando 1024 #mr new trend 1013 Performance BW 78 WW 871 BW 80 WW 790 PAP 42 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 38 41.5 +0.9 +57 +93 +23 +.00 +.27 +52.74 SC 41.5 SC EPDs 29 MR Spruce 4313 Calved: 6/2/13 Reg. No. 18001237 Lot 26 10 Tattoo: 4313 cole creek black cedar 46p mr black cedar 3940 mr lyn 9845 #ch quantum 6247 cole creek clova juanada 67 mr futre direction 3722 mr queen 7003 leachman right time 338-5605 mr katherine 6800 mr katherine 3488 #hyline right time 338 leachman erica 1201 Performance #krugerrand of donamere 490 BW 80 #mr new trend 1013 WW EPDs Reyes/Russell 704 BW WW YW Milk REA +3.1 +51 +86 +20 NA IMF NA $B NA 686 PAP 39 SC 39.0 Angus Bull Sale MR Willow 2763 33 Calved: 6/14/13 Reg. No. 18001219 Tattoo: 2763 #ch quantum 6247 cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek clova juanada 67 cole creek blk cedar 50v hbr encore 0544 #cole creek 858 juanada 75p #colecreekjuanadabando132x svf gbar junction 114i mr goldie 1514 mr goldie 0289 #sitz traveler 043 gdar forever lady 3078 #kmr force 714 far lady 640 bando 504 Performance EPDs Lot 30 30 MR Industry 20863 Calved: 6/30/13 Reg. No. 18001183 #connealy industry 5634 g bar h industry 074 g bar h rita r555 #connealy freightliner eilera of conanga 2583 kg power design g bar h rita h147 wmr focus 546 mr beauty 120 mr beauty e6137 wmr focus 124 hyline wmr eldorene 922 svf ext 17g vdar beauty 3015 WW YW Milk REA +2.9 +53 +88 +22 NA 31 IMF NA $B REA IMF $B PAP 37 +19 +.10 +.01 +43.07 SC 42.0 MR Bobcat 713 Calved: 5/21/13 Reg. No. 18009926 75 PAP 42 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 39 SC 39.5 +0.1 +40 +76 +23 +.04 +.16 +57.42 SC 40.0 BW 76 WW 704 WW EPDs 35 Performance EPDs 695 MR Kolt 2813 Calved: 5/21/13 Reg. No. 18001220 Tattoo: 2813 kmr kolt 173 kmr kolt 116 #kmr blackcap 1091 tam hydro 1171 kmr blackbird 2270 #sitz alliance 6595 kmr blackcap 2296 kcj lasso mr ellla 3438 mr ella 1325 #bon view new design 878 dcc rita 3j7 of 1i2 180 Performance thomas precision e161 3360 BW 78 mr elsa 5529 WW EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 42 BW WW YW Milk REA +3.1 +40 +75 +15 +.02 +.68 +67.43 SC 39.5 +1.3 +40 +68 +26 -.05 32 Tattoo: 713 747 Tattoo: 21883 #connealy lead on mr delta 4041 kmr frontier 2993 #mr ellie 4687 Milk BW Tehama reputation woodhill break thru woodhillevergreen62N-S28 woodhill discovery w2-Y20 #car efficient 534 #woodhill gammer T288-W2 #woodhillgammerG867-T288 mr stride 8167 mr eddie 4300s mr eddie 5588s YW +80 WW NA Reg. No. 18001198 WW +54 Cavalier of donamere 978 #krugerrand of donamere 490donamere bachel beauty 288 Performance mr beauty 1573 fairview triple threat 4037 BW 75 buckeye triple threat 15w tar kinochtry beauty 1673 Performance MR Discovery 21883 Calved: 6/10/13 BW #sav Final Answer 0035 #connealy right answer 746 happy dell of conanga 262 wk bobcat schurrtop mc 2500 #wk miss angus 7127 #wk miss angus 1403 EPDs BW 82 781 +3.8 34 Tattoo: 20863 BW WW IMF -.22 750 $B PAP 46 +31.59 SC 39.0 MR Ten Gauge 6513 Calved: 5/31/13 Reg. No. 18001266 Tattoo: 6513 aar ten x 7008 sa aar ten gauge 1501 aar clova pride 9549 #mytty in focus #aar lady kelton 5551 #b bar i87 alliance 2017 aar clova pride 3016 mr halter 1347 kmr lady erica 3379 kmr lady erica 6006 #connealy lead on mr emily 5569 thomas precision e161 3656 kmr lady erica 2764S EPDs Performance BW 80 WW 806 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 42 +0.8 +54 +95 +26 +.34 +.30 +82.16 SC 40.5 Angus Bull Sale Lot 35 11 Reyes/Russell 36 MR Discovery 2043 Calved: 5/23/13 Reg. No. 18001175 Tattoo: 2043 Tehama reputation woodhill break thru woodhillevergreen62N-S28 woodhill discovery w2-Y20 #car efficient 534 #woodhill gammer T288-W2 #woodhillgammerG867-T288 #hsaf bando 1961 mr tamera 8708 mr tomera 2182 #saf 598 bando 5175 jks miss cheyenne 196 #sitz value 7097 mr tomera 5230 Performance EPDs BW 74 WW 657 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 44 +2.0 +41 +76 +17 +.22 +.38 +85.30 SC 38.0 37 Lot 39 MR Discovery 8783 Calved: 5/20/13 Reg. No. 18001278 39 Tattoo: 8783 Tehama reputation woodhill break thru woodhillevergreen62N-S28 woodhill discovery w2-Y20 #car efficient 534 #woodhill gammer T288-W2 #woodhillgammerG867-T288 kmr explore 1507 mr delia 3472 mr highroller delia 2922 kmr explorer 1036 kmr sara 874 #kma highroller 5025 mr delia 2510 EPDs Performance BW 88 WW 785 MR Slagle 20443 Calved: 6/13/13 Reg. No. 18001176 Tattoo: 20443 #sitz upward 307R sa upward 671 sa victoria 51 #connealy onward sitz henrietta pride 81m #vermilion dateline 7078 #sa victoria 188 mr new frontier 1244 mr camille 3028S mr camille 1066s #b/r new frontier 095 mr gladyes 5229 Performance thomas precision e161 3688 BW 80 mr camille 3669 WW EPDs 853 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 43 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 40 +4.2 +44 +72 +18 +.13 +.38 +59.81 SC 37.5 +2.9 +62 +112 +25 +.38 +.35 +103.34 SC 37.5 38 MR Kolt 4813 Calved: 5/23/13 kmr kolt 173 kmr kolt 116 #kmr blackcap 1091 Reg. No. 18021438 40 Tattoo: 4813 tam hydro 1171 kmr blackbird 2270 #sitz alliance 6595 kmr blackcap 2296 Tam hydro 1171 mr hydro 6834 mr ellen 3468 mr jetta 9016 kmr explore 1507 mr jetta 6482 mr jepta 3338 Performance EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B +2.1 +45 +81 +20 +.03 +.11 +45.44 MR Windy 21303 Calved: 6/14/13 Reg. No. 18002054 #harb windy 702 JH harb windy 758 jh #harb juanada erica 571 jh #aar really windy 1205 #harb black lady 073 jh #sav final answer 0035 harb junanada erica 391 jh mr halter 1347 mr amerlia 3230 mr amerlia 8634 #connealy lead on mr emily 5569 tam hydro 1171 mr amelia 1552 BW 70 WW 730 PAP 43 BW WW YW Milk REA 38.5 +2.2 +46 +81 +23 NA SC Tattoo: 21303 Performance EPDs 41 IMF NA $B NA BW 82 WW 691 PAP 51 SC 40.0 MR Windy 9623 Calved: 6/26/13 Reg. No. 18002086 Tattoo: 9623 #harb windy 702 JH harb windy 758 jh #harb juanada erica 571 jh #aar really windy 1205 #harb black lady 073 jh #sav final answer 0035 harb junanada erica 391 jh mr ideal don 3478 mr emy 5492 mr emy 3385 eagle pass 6088 mr highroller delia 2922 kmr mega power 781 #mr highroller emy 2842 EPDs Performance BW 80 WW 676 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 45 +3.1 +34 +64 +20 +.17 +.12 +32.38 SC 37.0 Lot 38 Reyes/Russell 12 Angus Bull Sale Lot 45 Lot 42 42 MR Ten Gauge 23113 Calved: 5/23/13 aar ten x 7008 sa aar ten gauge 1501 aar clova pride 9549 Reg. No. 18001213 MR Tied 2853 45 Tattoo: 23113 Calved: 6/16/13 Reg. No. 18001221 Tattoo: 2853 mr halter 1347 mr tied 4629 mr royal 7006 #connealy lead on mr emily 5569 mr new frontier 6464 queen 902 Cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek black cedar 7v cole creek juanada rita 11s Performance mr rita 3331s sav 5175 bando 1024 BW 78 #mr ritta 5136S #mr rita 4086 mr power 1516 mr eileen 5748 #mr eileenmere 4317 mr hydro 6834 mr goldie 0289 gdar rainmaker 456 mr eileenmere 2175 EPDs EPDs #mytty in focus #aar lady kelton 5551 #b bar i87 alliance 2017 aar clova pride 3016 WW BW WW YW Milk REA +2.3 +59 +100 +25 NA 43 IMF NA $B NA Calved: 6/17/13 Reg. No. 18001230 mr halter 1347 mr erin 4870 mr erin 9186 #connealy lead on mr emily 5569 wmr super x 134 mr erica 7162 41 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 51+ 39.0 +3.5 +45 +79 +24 +.00 +.50 +68.94 SC 38.5 WW YW Milk REA +3.9 +51 +82 +21 NA IMF NA 46 MR Willow 20743 Calved: 6/6/13 Reg. No. 18021426 Tattoo: 20743 #ch quantum 6247 cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek clova juanada 67 cole creek blk cedar 50v hbr encore 0544 #cole creek 858 juanada 75p #colecreekjuanadabando132x mr romeo 3167 mr minie 1229s mr minie 2537s Performance EPDs BW 74 655 SC Tattoo: 4013 #connealy freightliner eilera of conanga 2583 kg power design g bar h rita h147 BW WW PAP MR Industry 4013 #connealy industry 5634 g bar h industry 074 g bar h rita r555 44 657 Performance $B NA mr new frontier 6464 mr dalia 8224 mr exec 6035 #mr minie 3671 Performance BW 74 WW 701 PAP 51 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 42 SC 42.0 +2.5 +52 +82 +19 +.05 +.53 +64.75 SC 41.0 EPDs BW 76 WW 756 MR Discovery 0043 Calved: 5/17/13 Reg. No. 18001155 Tattoo: 0043 Tehama reputation woodhill break thru woodhillevergreen62N-S28 woodhill discovery w2-Y20 #car efficient 534 #woodhill gammer T288-W2 #woodhillgammerG867-T288 #bon view new design 878 mr bett 3467 #mr bett 1605 #b/r new design 036 bon view gammer 85 kmr exec 360 mr betsy 259 EPDs Performance BW 78 WW 602 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 38 +2.6 +44 +79 +24 +.09 +.71 +84.46 SC 39.0 Angus Bull Sale Lot 44 13 Reyes/Russell 50 MR Ten Gauge 2563 Calved: 5/28/13 Reg. No. 18001216 Tattoo: 2563 aar ten x 7008 sa aar ten gauge 1501 aar clova pride 9549 #mytty in focus #aar lady kelton 5551 #b bar i87 alliance 2017 aar clova pride 3016 kmr force 2706 mr pam 8789 mr delia 3472 mr force 10529 kmr sara 961 kmr explore 1507 mr highroller delia 2922 Performance EPDs Lot 47 MR Blow 6813 47 Calved: 6/27/13 Reg. No. 18001270 apex windy 078 mr windy 3580s kmr sara 254 harb windy 702 jh apexette lucy 6037 twin valley precision E161 kmr sara 937 mr halter 1347 mr erren 3739 #mr erren 7165 #connealy lead on mr emily 5569 #sav 8180 traveler 004 mr erica 1244 Performance EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA +1.6 +62 +96 +26 NA IMF NA $B NA BW 70 WW 708 Calved: 7/25/13 Reg. No. 18030609 #harb windy 702 JH harb windy 758 jh #harb juanada erica 571 jh BW WW YW Milk REA +1.7 +45 +76 +18 NA 49 IMF NA $B NA YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 36 +89 +19 +.02 +.21 +55.00 SC 40.5 MR Gamer 23213 Calved: 5/23/13 Reg. No. 18001215 Tattoo: 23213 #gdar game day 449 woodhill game day u6-y98 woodhill evergreen S28-u6 #boyd new day 8005 #gdar miss wix 474 #mytty in focus woodhillevergreen62n-S28 leachman right time 338-5605 mr lady erica 5291S kmr lady erica 3378 #hyline right time 338 leachman erica 1201 mr flint 3156 kmr lady erica 6006 51+ BW WW YW Milk REA SC 41.5 +0.9 +60 +102 +26 NA 52 #aar really windy 1205 #harb black lady 073 jh #sav final answer 0035 harb junanada erica 391 jh EPDs WW +50 PAP Tattoo: 8013 Woodhill foresight mr vision 8087 mr amelia 1551 mr cara 4409 wmr dateline 210 mr cara 3116 mr sarah 7114 BW Performance EPDs MR Windy 8013 48 Performance 84 778 +2.6 51 Tattoo: 6813 BW WW IMF NA $B NA BW 78 WW 662 PAP 40 SC 36.5 MR Balance 2013 Calved: 6/7/13 Reg. No. 18001172 Tattoo: 2013 kmr total 48 kmr total 1180 kmr blackbird 1176 #tc total 410 kmr lyn 1030 boyd poundmaker 21 tam blackbird 1168 cole creek one shot 22v mr wy 2540 mr wy 4518 cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek juanadamere 34n Performance connealy packer 547 BW 78 mr wyo 5436 BW 74 WW 688 PAP 39 BW WW YW Milk REA SC 38.5 +3.3 +49 +84 +21 NA WW EPDs IMF NA $B NA 673 PAP 39 SC 42.0 MR Kolt 20263 Calved: 7/10/13 Reg. No. 18001174 kmr kolt 173 kmr kolt 116 #kmr blackcap 1091 tam hydro 1171 kmr blackbird 2270 #sitz alliance 6595 kmr blackcap 2296 kmr exec 360 mr lucky S6564 mr lucky 4528 kmr executive 1466 kmr sara 357 mr cola 4118 mr lucy 3045 EPDs Tattoo: 20263 Performance BW 76 WW 912 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 36 -0.3 +52 +85 +22 -.24 +.16 +37.56 SC 41.0 Lot 52 Reyes/Russell 14 Angus Bull Sale Lot 56 Lot 53 53 MR Slagle 1583 Calved: 5/25/13 Reg. No. 18001166 #sitz upward 307R sa upward 671 sa victoria 51 56 Tattoo: 1583 #connealy onward sitz henrietta pride 81m #vermilion dateline 7078 #sa victoria 188 TAM hydro 1171 kmr hefty 115 #kmr blackcap 1091 mr playful 6077S tam hydro 1171 mr playful 3154 mr playful 2421 Performance EPDs BW 72 WW 736 MR Ten Gauge 20543 Calved: 5/31/13 Reg. No. 18001177 aar ten x 7008 sa aar ten gauge 1501 aar clova pride 9549 #mytty in focus #aar lady kelton 5551 #b bar i87 alliance 2017 aar clova pride 3016 mr new frontier 1244 mr rita 6158S mr rita 5134 #b/r new frontier 095 mr gladyes 5229 kmr exec 360 #mr rita 4086 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 39 BW WW YW Milk REA +54 +100 +23 +.41 +.57 +102.03 SC 39.0 +0.5 +48 +88 +24 NA MR Discovery 6553 Calved: 6/3/13 Reg. No. 18001267 57 Tattoo: 6553 IMF NA $B NA Calved: 5/31/13 Reg. No. 18001254 mr halter 1347 mr tied 4629 mr royal 7006 #connealy lead on mr emily 5569 mr new frontier 6464 queen 902 #schurrtop american 5846 mr lana 9079 mr linn 6662 vf forward 5135 ka queen mar 130 ka queenmar 1308 #vf venture forward rr 6807 rachel 0823 brusetts appraiser 84 ryg marshas queen 515 #schurrtop mc #schurr 77 marias 598 1889 Performance #siTZ value 7097 BW 86 mr linn 4618 WW 650 BW 70 WW 658 PAP 42 SC 39.5 MR Tied 543 Tehama reputation woodhill break thru woodhillevergreen62N-S28 woodhill discovery w2-Y20 #car efficient 534 #woodhill gammer T288-W2 #woodhillgammerG867-T288 EPDs Performance EPDs +1.9 54 Tattoo: 20543 Tattoo: 543 Performance EPDs BW 80 WW 723 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 38 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 38 +4.5 +51 +85 +25 +.25 +.33 +71.62 SC 36.5 +2.0 +45 +72 +19 +.08 +.26 +55.38 SC 41.0 55 MR Storm 1193 Calved: 6/2/13 apex windy 078 mr windy 6060 mr tessa 3247 Reg. No. 18001162 58 Tattoo: 1193 MR Gust 21593 Calved: 6/25/13 Reg. No. 18001195 Tattoo: 21593 apex windy 078 mr windy 2100 mr donette 3590 harb windy 702 jh apexette lucy 6037 mr ideal don 3478 #mr bonie 2243 cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek Blace Cedar 7VCole Creek Juanada Rita 11S Performance mr minnie 1670 mm futures right 704 BW 76 mr minnie 4488 mr minnie 3966 wmr focus 546 mr lucy 430 buckeye lucy 6771 wmr focus 124 hyline wmr eldorene 922 rally force 718 basin lucy 957c EPDs EPDs #harb windy 702 jh apexette lucy 6037 mr exec 6035 mr tessa 8664 WW BW WW YW Milk REA +3.0 +52 +84 +25 NA Angus Bull Sale IMF NA $B NA 687 PAP 43 BW WW YW Milk REA SC 41.0 +1.1 +46 +78 +22 NA 15 IMF NA $B NA Performance BW 70 WW 669 PAP 40 SC 37.0 Reyes/Russell View videos of the bulls selling online at & 50K results can be viewed at Call (817) 624-3800 to bid! Lot 59 59 MR Windy 3673 Calved: 6/21/13 Reg. No. 18002080 61 Tattoo: 3673 MR Kolt 4993 Calved: 5/31/13 Reg. No. 18001247 #harb windy 702 JH harb windy 758 jh #harb juanada erica 571 jh #aar really windy 1205 #harb black lady 073 jh #sav final answer 0035 harb junanada erica 391 jh kmr kolt 173 kmr kolt 116 #kmr blackcap 1091 tam hydro 1171 kmr blackbird 2270 #sitz alliance 6595 kmr blackcap 2296 #3210 right time d919 mr cherry 6425 mr delia 2928 #leachman right time basin trojan erica ds 637y Performance kmr yuma 747 BW 70 mr delia 2510 mr hydro 6834 mr niki 9576 mr niki 5853 tam hydro 1171 mr ellen 3468 b/r new frontier 095 mr w gal 4577 WW EPDs 579 Tattoo: 4993 Performance EPDs BW 72 WW 663 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 40 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 41 +0.9 +35 +63 +18 +.13 +.25 +44.44 SC 38.0 +1.4 +43 +73 +20 +.11 +.36 +53.03 SC 42.0 60 MR 7V 5663 Calved: 7/1/13 Reg. No. 18001259 62 Tattoo: 5663 #ch quantum 6247 cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek Clova juanada 67 cole creek black cedar 7v cole creek cut a track 46m cole creek juanada rita 11s cole creek juanada rita 44w kmr force 2706 mr bailey 3839 mr bailey 8865 mr force 10529 kmr sara 961 kmr edge 231 mr betty 5512 Calved: 6/22/13 mr halter 1347 mr tied 4629 mr royal 7006 BW 85 WW 927 Reg. No. 18021430 Tattoo: 2143 #connealy lead on mr emily 5569 mr new frontier 6464 queen 902 TAM Hydro 1171 mr hydro 6834 mr ellen 3468 mr elta 1398 #hero 6267 of rr 2418 mr etta 5709 #mr lynn 4217 Performance EPDs MR Tied 2143 Performance EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 51+ BW WW YW Milk REA +3.4 +54 +80 +23 +.22 +.19 +38.97 SC 42.0 +3.7 +43 +74 +16 NA 63 IMF NA $B NA BW 80 WW 539 PAP 41 SC 37.5 MR Kolt 5113 Calved: 6/14/13 Reg. No. 18001250 kmr kolt 173 kmr kolt 116 #kmr blackcap 1091 tam hydro 1171 kmr blackbird 2270 #sitz alliance 6595 kmr blackcap 2296 #rally 661 mr sweet rally 4016 mr sweet pea 4285 #ps high pockets rally rf missie 538 #vdar new trend 700 mr sweet pea 900 Tattoo: 5113 Performance EPDs BW 82 WW 715 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 51+ +3.2 +43 +68 +20 +.03 +.17 +44.86 SC 39.0 Lot 60 Reyes/Russell 16 Angus Bull Sale Lot 67 Lot 64 64 MR 7V 5833 Calved: 6/18/13 Reg. No. 18001261 67 Tattoo: 5833 #ch quantum 6247 cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek Clova juanada 67 cole creek black cedar 7v cole creek cut a track 46m cole creek juanada rita 11s cole creek juanada rita 44w mr vision 8087 mr esteila 2869 #mr esteila 3524 #woodhill foresight mr amelia 1551 #b/r new frontier 095 mr esteila 1593 Performance EPDs BW 82 WW 788 MR FC 23183 Calved: 5/17/13 Reg. No. 18002038 Tattoo: 23183 #sav final answer 0035 ma final choice 8036 ma 5175 bando 349 #sitz traveler 8180 sav emulous 8145 saf 598 bando 5175 vdar pridella 4069 cole creek black Cedar 7V mr darlene 4521s mr darlene 7115 cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek juanada rita 11s Performance tam hydro 1171 BW 74 kmr sara 1098 WW EPDs 690 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 36 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 41 +3.9 +42 +68 +24 +.22 +.26 +45.07 SC 41.5 +0.6 +64 +98 +25 +.06 +.13 +35.93 SC 40.5 65 MR FC 22243 Calved: 6/6/13 Reg. No. 18001766 68 Tattoo: 22243 MR Windy 8063 Calved: 7/6/13 Reg. No. 18030607 Tattoo: 8063 #sav final answer 0035 ma final choice 8036 ma 5175 bando 349 #sitz traveler 8180 sav emulous 8145 saf 598 bando 5175 vdar pridella 4069 #harb windy 702 JH harb windy 758 jh #harb juanada erica 571 jh #aar really windy 1205 #harb black lady 073 jh #sav final answer 0035 harb junanada erica 391 jh wmr focus 546 mr betty 5511 #mr betty 3657 wmr focus 124 hyline wmr eldorene 922 #ha traveler 2041 #mr betty 2573 MR halter 1347 mr erin 4879 mr erin 9186 #Connealy Lead On mr emily 5569 wmr super x 134 mr erica 7162 EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA -0.4 +47 +83 +23 NA 66 IMF NA $B NA Performance BW 70 WW 570 PAP 43 BW WW YW Milk REA 38.0 +1.5 +47 +78 +21 NA SC EPDs MR Packer 5983 Calved: 6/21/13 Reg. No. 18001262 69 Tattoo: 5983 connealy packer 547 wmr packer 117 wmr pride 519 #feltons meat packer 62 bestrelle of conanga 539 wmr super x 112 #wmr pride 217-168 tam hydro 1171 mr alagra 8997 mr alagra 6172 kmr hero 299 tam blackbird 1168 dmm dynasty 03g mr ritz 4508 $B NA 70 653 PAP 51+ SC 38.0 MR Granite 22693 Calved: 6/3/13 Reg. No. 18018072 mr total 9988 mr bava 181 mr bava e7792 BW 76 WW 631 #tc total 410 #mr lady 8183 #n bar emulation ext #aar bava 596 EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 43 BW WW YW Milk REA +2.4 +44 +72 +16 -.05 +.26 +37.90 SC 37.5 +2.5 +61 +101 +29 NA Angus Bull Sale IMF NA BW WW Tattoo: 22693 Connealy consensus connealy consensus 7229 blue lily of conanga 16 connealy black granite sav bismarck 5682 #eura elga of conanga 9109 eura cal of conanga 56B Performance EPDs Performance 17 IMF NA $B NA Performance BW 82 WW 702 PAP 42 SC 40.0 Reyes/Russell 70 MR Mainline 3493 Calved: 6/4/13 Reg. No. 18001228 73 Tattoo: 3493 MR Industry 6953 Calved: 7/10/13 Reg. No. 18001273 Tattoo: 6953 #connealy Danny Boy woodhill mainline #woodhillblackbird1288-138k woodhill mainline s180-Y358 kcf bennett quality m22 woodhill evergreen 250N-s180woodhillevergreen807-250N #connealy industry 5634 g bar h industry 074 g bar h rita r555 #connealy freightliner eilera of conanga 2583 kg power design g bar h rita h147 apex windy 078 mr bell nellie 4070 bairds bell nellie p98 acf new design 2062 mr tessa 3249 mr tessa 8664 #b/r new design 323 acf queen 8192 #connealy danny boy mr countesa 1622 #harb windy 702 jh apexette lucy 6037 abbeys ambush 4356 bairds bell nellie k16 Performance EPDs BW 72 WW 733 EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 38 BW WW YW Milk REA +0.2 +56 +94 +26 +.26 +.43 +85.56 SC 40.5 +0.8 +51 +88 +24 NA 71 MR Discovery 20093 Calved: 5/28/13 Reg. No. 18001171 74 Tattoo: 20093 Tehama reputation woodhill break thru woodhillevergreen62N-S28 woodhill discovery w2-Y20 #car efficient 534 #woodhill gammer T288-W2 #woodhillgammerG867-T288 mr new frontier 1244 mr angelica 3429S mr agatha 6116s #b/r new frontier 095 mr gladyes 5229 mr alliance 5701 mr gina 4124 EPDs Performance BW 82 WW 788 Performance IMF NA $B NA BW 72 WW 758 PAP 43 SC 38.5 MR Santa Fe 20683 Calved: 6/6/13 Reg. No. 18001179 Tattoo: 20683 lyons santa fe 6119 hilltop santa fe cp 0341 #ht blackcap of cp p126 #nichols extra h6 lyons lady allison 4348 bon view new design 878 #ksp blackcap of ht b6 kmr explorer 1036 mr lady 3259S kmr lady 2986 gdar svf explorer #kmr lyn 1116 mr royce 4960 kmr lady 239 Performance EPDs BW 72 WW 824 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 43 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 41 +1.5 +49 +86 +25 +.18 +.51 +78.02 SC 39.0 +1.7 +51 +89 +25 +.31 +.36 +73.82 SC 37.5 72 MR Ten Gauge 22713 Calved: 5/23/13 Reg. No. 18001206 75 Tattoo: 22713 MR Balance 4173 Calved: 7/18/13 Reg. No. 18001233 Tattoo: 4173 aar ten x 7008 sa aar ten gauge 1501 aar clova pride 9549 #mytty in focus #aar lady kelton 5551 #b bar I87 alliance 2017 aar clova pride 3016 kmr total 48 kmr total 1180 kmr blackbird 1176 #tc total 410 kmr lyn 1030 boyd poundmaker 21 tam blackbird 1168 cole creek black cedar 7v mr queen 2411 mr queen 2608 cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek juanada rita 11s Performance #tc franklin 619 BW 76 #mr queen 8473 cole creek black cedar 46p mr jewel 3910 mr jewel 9695 #ch quantum 6247 cole creek clova juanada 67 Performance mr futre direction 3722 BW 68 mr queenie 6393 EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA +2.3 +55 +96 +23 NA IMF NA $B NA WW 605 PAP 51+ BW WW YW Milk REA SC 40.0 +1.3 +52 +83 +18 NA EPDs 76 IMF NA $B NA WW 789 PAP 51+ SC 40.0 MR Industry 6043 Calved: 7/1/13 Reg. No. 18001263 Tattoo: 6043 #connealy industry 5634 g bar h industry 074 g bar h rita r555 #connealy freightliner eilera of conanga 2583 kg power design g bar h rita h147 mr exec 1345 mr eileen 6167 kmr eileen 627 kmr exec 360 mr emily 5569 #hbr omaha clint saf eileenmere lass 540 EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA +1.5 +46 +76 +24 NA IMF NA $B NA Performance BW 74 WW 761 PAP 42 SC 39.0 Lot 72 Reyes/Russell 18 Angus Bull Sale 77 MR FC 22993 Calved: 5/28/13 #sav final answer 0035 ma final choice 8036 ma 5175 bando 349 Reg. No. 18001763 Tattoo: 22993 #sitz traveler 8180 sav emulous 8145 saf 598 bando 5175 vdar pridella 4069 Cole creek black Cedar 46P cole creek black cedar 23vcole creek jUANADABIRD 38n Performance mr tamera 6321 mr new frontier 6464 BW 88 mr tamera 8709 mr tomera 2182 WW EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA +3.4 +53 +86 +22 NA 78 IMF NA $B 39 SC 42.0 NA Lot 81 MR FC 22923 Calved: 5/28/13 Reg. No. 18001761 #sav final answer 0035 ma final choice 8036 ma 5175 bando 349 #sitz traveler 8180 sav emulous 8145 saf 598 bando 5175 vdar pridella 4069 kmr kolt 116 mr minnie 1671 mr minnie 4488 kmr kolt 173 #kmr blackcap 1091 mm futures right 704 mr minnie 3966 BW WW YW Milk REA +0.8 +50 +85 +25 NA IMF Performance NA $B #aar really windy 1205 #harb black lady 073 jh #sav final answer 0035 harb junanada erica 391 jh mr power 1516 mr forever sara 3648S kmr forever sara 1584 mr hydro 6834 mr goldie 0289 kmr edge 231 masterfare sara 852 37 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 40 SC 37.0 +0.8 +46 +80 +28 +.32 +.13 +48.64 SC 39.0 EPDs BW 74 WW 740 Calved: 6/10/13 Reg. No. 18027515 cole creek Black Cedar 46p mr black cedar 3940 mr lyn 9845 #ch quantum 6247 cole creek clova juanada 67 mr futre direction 3722 mr queen 7003 kmr frontier 2993 mr bonn 1390s mr bonn 4457S #b/r new frontier 095 kmr sara 55 mr future direction 5742 mr bonn 5765 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 41 BW WW YW Milk REA +47 +84 +21 +.18 +.41 +72.20 SC 41.0 +2.0 +39 +76 +20 NA Calved: 6/14/13 Reg. No. 18001167 83 Tattoo: 1703 86 792 Tattoo: 22073 Performance EPDs MR Balance 1703 BW WW MR Spruce 22073 82 +2.3 80 Performance PAP Performance EPDs #harb windy 702 JH harb windy 758 jh #harb juanada erica 571 jh 578 Tattoo: 21553 #b/r new frontier 095 mr gERTIE 3208 svf gbar junction 114i mr goldie 0289 Tattoo: 20473 WW Tehama reputation woodhill break thru woodhillevergreen62N-S28 woodhill discovery w2-Y20 #car efficient 534 #woodhill gammer T288-W2 #woodhillgammerG867-T288 mr new frontier 6464 MR Goldie 2760 mr goldie 1514 Reg. No. 18002049 76 NA Reg. No. 18001193 Calved: 6/14/13 BW MR Discovery 21553 Calved: 5/28/13 MR Windy 20473 81 Tattoo: 22923 EPDs 79 604 PAP IMF NA $B NA BW 78 WW 594 PAP 39 SC 35.0 MR Balance 21533 Calved: 7/1/13 Reg. No. 18001192 Tattoo: 21533 kmr total 48 kmr total 1180 kmr blackbird 1176 #tc total 410 kmr lyn 1030 boyd poundmaker 21 tam blackbird 1168 kmr total 48 kmr total 1180 kmr blackbird 1176 #tc total 410 kmr lyn 1030 boyd poundmaker 21 tam blackbird 1168 mr right time 9098 mr linn 8420 mr linn 6661 leachmanrighttime338-5605 mr ella 6832 Performance kmr executive 1466 BW 78 mr linn 4618 cole creek one shot 22v mr tess 1870 mr tess 3818 cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek juanadamere 34n Performance kcj lasso BW 80 mr tessa 8665 EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA +2.9 +48 +80 +22 NA Angus Bull Sale IMF NA $B NA WW 659 PAP 40 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 37 SC 34.5 +2.6 +55 +90 +28 +.04 +.52 +77.03 SC 38.0 WW EPDs 19 823 Reyes/Russell 84 MR Impact 3183 Calved: 6/25/13 Reg. No. 18001226 cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek black cedar 23V cole creek juanada bird 38n 87 Tattoo: 3183 Calved: 5/27/13 Reg. No. 18003800 sitz dash 10277 barstow cash barstow queen w16 #ch quantum 6247 cole creek cLOVA Juanada 67 hbr encore 0544 cole creek juanita 311 #hyline right time 338 leachman right time 338-5605 leachman erica 1201 mr amelia 1550 #kmr force 714 mr amelia 0499 #mr bonie 1977 MR Cash 22203 EPDs 74 WW 854 #sitz upward 307R sitz everelda entense 2665 #sav final answer 0035 rca queen r42 MR New frontier 6464 mr romeo 3167 mr dalia 8224 mr ellen 3841 kmr exec 360 mr ellen 8905 mr eileen 5752 Performance BW BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 37 BW WW YW Milk REA +56 +88 +24 +.53 +.34 +80.99 SC 38.5 +0.8 +52 +94 +23 NA MR Mainline 4323 Calved: 6/30/13 Reg. No. 18001238 Performance EPDs +3.9 85 Tattoo: 22203 88 Tattoo: 4323 IMF NA $B NA BW 72 WW 620 PAP 40 SC 39.0 MR Impact 5183 Calved: 6/28/13 Reg. No. 18021440 Tattoo: 5183 #connealy Danny Boy woodhill mainline #woodhillblackbird1288-138k woodhill mainline s180-Y358 kcf bennett quality m22 woodhill evergreen 250N-s180woodhillevergreen807-250N cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek black cedar 23V cole creek juanada bird 38n cole creek one shot 22v mr dee 2250 mr dee 4268 #hyline right time 338 leachman right time 338-5605 leachman erica 1201 Performance mr Eileem 8900 #ca future direction 5321 BW 80 mr eileen 5752 mr eileenmere 4327 cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek juanadamere 34n Performance connnealy packer 547 BW 78 mr dee 2376 #ch quantum 6247 cole creek cLOVA Juanada 67 hbr encore 0544 cole creek juanita 311 WW WW 825 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 51+ BW WW YW Milk REA +1.5 +51 +88 +28 +.50 +.42 +76.67 SC 38.0 +3.9 +48 +79 +21 NA EPDs 86 EPDs MR One Shot 2293 Calved: 5/28/13 Reg. No. 18001209 89 Tattoo: 2293 #ch quantum 6247 cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek cLOVA Juanada 67 cole creek One Shot 22V hbr encore 0544 cole creek juanadamere 34n cole creek juanadmere 748 MR force 10529 kmr force 2706 kmr sara 961 mr ellen 3848 kmr exec 360 mr ellen 8905 mr eileen 5752 Performance EPDs BW 76 WW 740 IMF NA $B NA 48 SC 38.0 MR Ten Gauge 22963 Calved: 5/31/13 Reg. No. 18001210 Tattoo: 22963 aar ten x 7008 sa aar ten gauge 1501 aar clova pride 9549 #mytty in focus #aar lady kelton 5551 #b bar I87 alliance 2017 aar clova pride 3016 kmr total 1178 mr katrina 9141 #mr katrina 7092 #tc total 410 tam blackbird 1168 kmr executive 1466 kmr blackcap 2296 Performance EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 41 BW WW YW Milk REA +2.3 +44 +74 +25 +.13 +.37 +52.70 SC 39.0 +1.0 +57 +100 +18 NA 90 696 PAP IMF NA $B NA BW 72 WW 568 PAP 39 SC 39.0 MR Gamer 22553 Calved: 5/31/13 Reg. No. 18001205 #gdar game day 449 woodhill game day u6-y98 woodhill evergreen S28-u6 Tattoo: 22553 #boyd new day 8005 #gdar miss wix 474 #mytty in focus woodhillevergreen62n-S28 Cole creek Black Cedar 46P cole creek blk cedar 50v #cole creek 858 juanada 75p Performance mr graditude 3411 kmr exec 360 BW 82 mr graditude 1225 mr gertrude 5049 WW EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA +2.3 +58 +98 +26 NA IMF NA $B NA 678 PAP 39 SC 40.5 Lot 86 Reyes/Russell 20 Angus Bull Sale MR FC 22533 91 Calved: 5/31/13 #sav final answer 0035 ma final choice 8036 ma 5175 bando 349 Reg. No. 18001768 95 Tattoo: 22533 #sitz traveler 8180 sav emulous 8145 saf 598 bando 5175 vdar pridella 4069 WMR Focus 124 WMR Focus 546 hyline wmr eldorene 922 mr bradie 3861 mr futre direction 3722 mr bradie 9455 mr black lady 3723 EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA +0.3 +56 +91 +23 NA IMF NA $B NA Performance Calved: 5/31/13 Reg. No. 18001199 Calved: 6/10/13 Reg. No. 18001223 Tattoo: 2963 connealy packer 547 wmr packer 117 wmr pride 519 #feltons meat packer 62 bestrelle of conanga 539 wmr super x 112 #wmr pride 217-168 mm futures right 704 mr christina 4128 mr christina 1216 #ca future direction 5321 sa faith 529 Performance mr new frontier 1244 BW 76 mr christina 3979 BW 72 WW 629 PAP 42 BW WW YW Milk REA SC 36.0 +1.9 +42 +72 +17 NA WW EPDs MR Kolt 21893 92 MR Packer 2963 96 Tattoo: 21893 IMF NA $B NA Calved: 6/9/13 Reg. No. 18001217 cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek black cedar 23V cole creek juanada bird 38n #ch quantum 6247 cole creek Clova Juanada 67 hbr encore 0544 cole creek juanita 311 mr right time 9098 mr gina 4410S #mr gina 5921S leachmanrighttime338-5605 mr ella 6832 Performance #3210 right time d919 BW 80 #mr gina 5302 mr scotch cap 1684 mr elsa 4648 mr elsa 7186 mr scotch cap 3728 mr maddie 5420 wmr dateline 210 mr elsa 1324 EPDs WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 46 BW WW YW Milk REA +1.1 +54 +88 +32 -.04 +.15 +64.08 SC 44.0 +1.8 +41 +68 +16 NA MR Frontier 1323 Calved: 6/3/13 Reg. No. 18001164 Performance EPDs BW 93 97 Tattoo: 1323 IMF NA $B NA Calved: 5/19/13 Reg. No. 18001165 #gdar game day 449 woodhill game day u6-y98 woodhill evergreen S28-u6 #boyd new day 8005 #gdar miss wix 474 #mytty in focus woodhillevergreen62n-S28 Connealy packer 547 mr niki 4998 mr niki 9576 #feltons meat packer 62 bestrelle of conanga 539 Performance mr hydro 6834 BW 70 mr niki 5853 mr new frontier 1244 kmr enchantress 6017 kmr enchantress 793 #b/r new frontier 095 mr gladyes 5229 d&D right time 285 kmr sara 921 713 EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 39 BW WW YW Milk REA +0.3 +43 +74 +18 +.44 +.39 +75.75 SC 42.0 +2.2 +46 +83 +24 NA 94 MR Kolt 0183 Calved: 5/25/13 Reg. No. 18001159 kmr kolt 173 kmr kolt 116 #kmr blackcap 1091 tam hydro 1171 kmr blackbird 2270 #sitz alliance 6595 kmr blackcap 2296 kmr cheyenne 1580 mr blackbird 6783 buckeye ludy 2678 kmr explore 1507 masterfare sara 852 #vdar lucys boy tar blackbird 911a EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA +2.6 +41 +70 +23 NA Angus Bull Sale IMF NA $B NA 74 604 PAP 37 SC 38.0 Tattoo: 1553 #b/r new design 036 white fence pride h1 kmr yuma 747 mr gina 2721 WW BW WW MR Gamer 1553 #b/r new frontier 095 mr new frontier 6464 #mr gertie 3208 EPDs 41.5 Tattoo: 2653 tam hydro 1171 kmr blackbird 2270 #sitz alliance 6595 kmr blackcap 2296 850 51 SC MR Impact 2653 kmr kolt 173 kmr kolt 116 #kmr blackcap 1091 WW 582 PAP IMF NA $B NA Performance BW 82 WW 561 PAP 46 SC 39.5 Twin Tattoo: 0183 Performance BW 75 WW 733 PAP 45 SC 40.0 Lot 97 21 Reyes/Russell 101 MR Total 20943 Calved: 6/5/13 Reg. No. 18021428 Tattoo: 20943 #tc Total 410 kmr total 1178 tam blackbird 1168 #bon view new design 208 tc erica eileen 2047 rally legend 5076 kmr blackbird 56 kmr kolt 116 mr eunice 5450 mr eunice 8067 kmr kolt 173 #kmr blackcap 1091 mr new frontier 6464 #mr eunice 1401 Performance EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA +3.1 +44 +79 +19 NA IMF NA $B BW 78 WW 640 PAP 43 SC 40.0 NA Lot 98 MR Ten Gauge 22973 98 Calved: 5/22/13 Reg. No. 18001211 aar ten x 7008 sa aar ten gauge 1501 aar clova pride 9549 102 Tattoo: 22973 MR Ten Gauge 9983 Calved: 6/5/13 Reg. No. 18001282 Tattoo: 9983 aar ten x 7008 sa aar ten gauge 1501 aar clova pride 9549 #mytty in focus #aar lady kelton 5551 #b bar i87 alliance 2017 aar clova pride 3016 Cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek blk cedar 50v #cole creek 858 juanada 75p Performance mr beauty 291 svf bando 199f BW 76 mr beauty vd1513 buckeye beauty 151 kmr explorer 1036 #mr lady 8183 mr reyes lady 4441 gdar svf explorer #kmr lyn 1116 mr ideal don 3478 mr rito lady 2895 EPDs EPDs #mytty in focus #aar lady kelton 5551 #b bar i87 alliance 2017 aar clova pride 3016 WW BW WW YW Milk REA +1.2 +57 +100 +23 NA IMF NA $B NA 592 Calved: 6/14/13 Reg. No. 18015058 #bon view new design 208 tc erica eileen 2047 bar ext traveler 205 mar miss winsome 5210 mr halter 1347 mr jessie 4780 mr jessie 8886 #connealy lead on mr emily 5569 #boyd poundmaker 21 mr jessie 5632 37 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 45 40.0 +0.1 +51 +88 +23 -.02 +.41 +63.69 SC 42.0 BW WW YW Milk REA +1.7 +49 +87 +26 NA 100 IMF NA 103 Performance EPDs $B NA BW 72 WW 669 Reg. No. 18001235 cole creek Black Cedar 46p mr black cedar 3940 mr lyn 9845 MR Windy 20883 Calved: 5/19/13 Reg. No. 18002051 Tattoo: 20883 #harb windy 702 JH harb windy 758 jh #harb juanada erica 571 jh #aar really windy 1205 #harb black lady 073 jh #sav final answer 0035 harb junanada erica 391 jh apex windy 078 mr dot 5950 mr dot 9347 #harb windy 702 JH apexette lucy 6037 mr exec 6035 mr dot 2173 Performance EPDs 36 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 51+ 39.0 -1.5 +39 +66 +18 +.19 +.12 +30.37 SC 40.0 104 Tattoo: 4233 MR Impact 6733 Calved: 7/25/13 Reg. No. 18018863 Tattoo: 6733 cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek black cedar 23V cole creek juanada bird 38n #ch quantum 6247 cole creek Clova Juanada 67 hbr encore 0544 cole creek juanita 311 Cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek black cedar 7v cole creek juanada rita 11s Performance mr sara 9910 #schurrtop global BW 78 mr sara 7153 kmr sara 858 wmr focus 546 mr goldie 2769 mr goldie 1514 wmr focus 124 hyline wrm eldorene 922 svf gbar junction 114i mr goldie 0289 EPDs EPDs WW BW WW YW Milk REA +50 +80 +20 NA Reyes/Russell IMF NA $B NA 60 633 SC #ch quantum 6247 cole creek clova juanada 67 mr futre direction 3722 mr queen 7003 +2.7 BW WW PAP MR Spruce 4233 Calved: 6/20/13 72 657 SC Tattoo: 20973 #tc total 410 mr marlboro 3308 mar miss winsome 1007 BW WW PAP MR Matt 20973 99 Performance 711 PAP 51+ BW WW YW Milk REA SC 35.0 +0.7 +50 +79 +21 NA 22 IMF NA $B NA Performance BW 65 WW 702 PAP 42 SC 40.0 Angus Bull Sale 105 MR Granite 22633 Calved: 5/31/13 Reg. No. 18018070 109 Tattoo: 22633 Connealy consensus connealy consensus 7229 blue lily of conanga 16 connealy black granite sav bismarck 5682 #eura elga of conanga 9109 eura cal of conanga 56B Connealy packer 547 wmr packer 117 wmr pride 519 mr gladis 5371 #connealy lead on mr gladis 8537 mr gladis 1242 Performance EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA +1.7 +53 +93 +23 NA 106 IMF NA $B NA BW 80 WW 540 Reg. No. Pending cole creek Black Cedar 46p mr black cedar 3940 mr lyn 9845 Calved: 5/18/13 Reg. No. 18024461 Tattoo: 20193 #harb windy 702 JH harb windy 758 jh #harb juanada erica 571 jh #aar really windy 1205 #harb black lady 073 jh #sav final answer 0035 harb junanada erica 391 jh mr halter 1347 mr jrssie 4789 mr jessie 8886 #connealy Lead on mr emily 5569 #boyd poundmaker 21 mr jessie 5632 47 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 40 37.0 +1.2 +44 +80 +27 +.19 +.25 +59.83 SC 37.0 110 Tattoo: 21033 MR Ten Gauge 23033 Calved: 5/23/13 Reg. No. 18021434 Tattoo: 23033 #mytty in focus #aar lady kelton 5551 #b bar i87 alliance 2017 aar clova pride 3016 Kmr kolt 173 kmr kolt 116 #kmr blackcap 1091 Performance mr barbara 2640 #ca future direction 5321 BW 72 #mr barbara 8031 mr barbara 1181 mr complete 6586S mr enchantress 1551S kmr enchantress 6017 wmr dateline 210 mr sara 4408 mr new frontier 1244 kmr enchantress 793 EPDs EPDs WW WW YW Milk REA +45 +75 +23 NA 107 IMF NA $B NA 633 PAP 38 BW WW YW Milk REA SC 37.0 +1.7 +53 +96 +18 NA MR 7V 5583 Calved: 7/15/13 Reg. No. 18001257 IMF NA Performance $B NA Calved: 6/17/13 Reg. No. 18001185 cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek black cedar 23V cole creek juanada bird 38n #ch quantum 6247 cole creek Clova Juanada 67 hbr encore 0544 cole creek juanita 311 #tc franklin 619 mr negra 3529 mr negra 3685 kmr kolt 116 mr betsy 5320 mr betsy 1607 kmr kolt 173 #kmr blackcap 1091 mr exec 6035 mr betsy 259 EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B +1.3 +46 +68 +24 +.34 +.38 +57.42 108 BW 78 WW 865 PAP 50 BW WW YW Milk REA 39.0 +2.7 +45 +72 +19 NA SC Calved: 5/22/13 Reg. No. 18003378 112 Tattoo: 23193 PAP 39 SC 35.0 Performance EPDs MR Cash 23193 74 567 Tattoo: 21153 #ch quantum 6247 cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek Clova juanada 67 cole creek black cedar 7v cole creek cut a track 46m cole creek juanada rita 11s cole creek juanada rita 44w Performance BW WW MR Impact 21153 111 Tattoo: 5583 #tc total 410 #tc marcia 1069 #3210 right time d919 mr black jet 2713 82 757 SC aar ten x 7008 sa aar ten gauge 1501 aar clova pride 9549 BW BW WW PAP #ch quantum 6247 cole creek clova juanada 67 mr futre direction 3722 mr queen 7003 ++0.7 Performance EPDs MR Spruce 21033 Calved: 6/18/13 MR Windy 20193 IMF NA $B NA BW 78 WW 640 PAP 39 SC 36.0 MR Cash 22393 Calved: 5/31/13 Reg. No. 18003808 Tattoo: 22393 sitz dash 10277 barstow cash barstow queen w16 #sitz upward 307R sitz everelda entense 2665 #sav final answer 0035 rca queen r42 sitz dash 10277 barstow cash barstow queen w16 #sitz upward 307R sitz everelda entense 2665 #sav final answer 0035 rca queen r42 dd 909 k205 mr jazie 4551S mr jazie 8395 #nichols extra k205 dd blackcap 609 newsline Performance thomas precision e161 3360 BW 78 #mr jazz 6561 mr right time 9098 mr flora 1471 mr flora 1458 leachmanrighttime338-5605 mr ella 6832 Performance mr new frontier 6464 BW 68 #mr flora 5889 EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA +2.0 +61 +109 +23 NA Angus Bull Sale IMF NA $B NA WW 640 WW 591 PAP 40 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 40 SC 39.5 +0.3 +61 +104 +25 +.57 +.44 +95.80 SC 36.0 EPDs 23 Reyes/Russell 113 MR Industry 6773 Calved: 6/3/13 Reg. No. 18001269 Tattoo: 6773 #connealy industry 5634 g bar h industry 074 g bar h rita r555 #connealy freightliner eilera of conanga 2583 kg power design g bar h rita h147 mr romeo 3167 mr amy 3239 mr amerlia 8634 mr new frontier 6464 mr dalia 8224 tam hydro 1171 mr amelia 1552 WW YW Milk REA +1.9 +39 +68 +19 NA 114 IMF NA $B NA Reg. No. 18001214 mr halter 1347 mr halter 9490 mr elba 5323 #connealy lead on mr emily 5569 schurrtop global mr elba 2787 mr hydro 6834 mr zara 8298 mr zarth 5991 tam hydro 1171 mr ellen 3468 #alberda traveler 416 kmr zara 2113 Reg. No. 18001207 #mytty in focus #aar lady kelton 5551 #b bar i87 alliance 2017 aar clova pride 3016 BW 70 WW 660 PAP 37 BW WW YW Milk REA SC 40.0 +2.0 +55 +96 +24 NA 118 Performance BW 78 WW 801 WW EPDs Tattoo: 2313 EPDs Calved: 7/8/13 WW EPDs $B PAP 51+ BW WW YW Milk REA +3.1 +56 +90 +17 +.45 +.83 +113.51 SC 39.5 +3.2 +49 +78 +19 NA #boyd new day 8005 #gdar miss wix 474 #mytty in focus woodhillevergreen62n-S28 kmr exec 360 mr omera 8705 mr tomera 2182 kmr executive 1466 kmr sara 357 #sitz value 7097 mr tomera 5230 BW WW YW Milk REA +1.9 +45 +82 +17 NA 116 IMF NA 119 Performance EPDs $B NA Reg. No. 18003804 #sitz upward 307R sitz everelda entense 2665 #sav final answer 0035 rca queen r42 mr total 9988 mr delta 6211 mr dlta 5657 #tc total 410 #mr lady 8183 mr new frontier 6464 mr delta 4047 EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA +0.8 +56 +101 +25 NA Reyes/Russell IMF NA $B NA NA $B NA 681 PAP 38 SC 35.0 MR Identity 4303 Calved: 7/25/13 Reg. No. 18001236 Tattoo: 4303 sitz identity 7828 hilltop identity 1340 #hilltop chloe lass 728 #sitz identity 2575 #sitz beebe queen 1956 sav peacemaker 3179 #hilltop chloe lass n21 kmr frontier 2993 mr eddie 5588s #mr ellie 4687 #b/r new frontier 095 kmr sara 55 mr cola 4118 mr eli 3735 Performance 78 WW 532 PAP 39 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 46 SC 35.0 -0.5 +54 +94 +20 +.13 +.16 +57.60 SC 37.5 EPDs 120 Tattoo: 22813 sitz dash 10277 barstow cash barstow queen w16 IMF BW MR Cash 22813 Calved: 5/25/13 Tattoo: 3633 leachmanrighttime338-5605 mr ella 6832 Performance kmr executive 1466 BW 80 kmr blackcap 2296 IMF Tattoo: 0193 37.0 mr right time 9098 mr katrina 9140 #mr katrina 7092 REA MR Gamer 0193 41 SC #ch quantum 6247 cole creek Clova Juanada 67 hbr encore 0544 cole creek juanita 311 Milk #gdar game day 449 woodhill game day u6-y98 woodhill evergreen S28-u6 NA 621 PAP cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek black cedar 23V cole creek juanada bird 38n YW Reg. No. 18001160 NA $B Reg. No. 18001229 WW Calved: 5/20/13 IMF MR Impact 3633 BW 115 Tattoo: 22833 Cole creek black cedar 46P cole creek black cedar 7v cole creek juanada rita 11s Performance mr eileen 2851 mr power 1516 BW 75 mr eileen 5748 #mr eileenmere 4317 Performance MR Lead 2313 Calved: 5/31/13 Calved: 5/23/13 aar ten x 7008 sa aar ten gauge 1501 aar clova pride 9549 EPDs BW MR Ten Gauge 22833 117 BW 69 WW 605 Calved: 5/31/13 Reg. No. 18001202 Tattoo: 22123 #sitz traveler 8180 sav emulous 8145 gar predestined woodhill lass 245K-260M #connealy lead on mr emily 5569 #tc total 410 #mr lynn 4217 EPDs PAP 36 BW WW YW Milk REA SC 40.5 +0.0 +54 +99 +26 NA 24 65 695 MR Acclaim 22123 #sav final answer 0035 woodhill acclaim u301-y87 woodhill lass 260m-u301 mr halter 1347 mr lynn 2221 mr lynn 5708 Performance BW WW IMF NA $B NA Performance BW 72 WW 574 PAP 37 SC 35.0 Angus Bull Sale 121 MR Gamer 22773 Calved: 6/12/13 Reg. No. 18021433 Tattoo: 22773 #gdar game day 449 woodhill game day u6-y98 woodhill evergreen S28-u6 #boyd new day 8005 #gdar miss wix 474 #mytty in focus woodhillevergreen62n-S28 mr total 9988 mr ulma 4211 mr ulm 1576 #tc total 410 #mr lady 8183 mr hydro 6834 #mr alma 0519 Performance EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA +2.7 +58 +99 +24 NA 122 IMF NA $B NA Calved: 7/15/13 Reg. No. 18001156 mr halter 1347 mr queen 4089 bairds queen k50 #connealy lead on mr emily 5569 prodigy 8071 bcar bairds queen g9 BW WW YW Milk REA +0.9 +49 +82 +23 NA IMF NA $B NA Reg. No. 18001182 Tattoo: 5153 sitz identity 7828 hilltop identity 1340 #hilltop chloe lass 728 #sitz identity 2575 #sitz beebe queen 1956 sav peacemaker 3179 #hilltop chloe lass n21 connealy packer 547 mr lousia 2218s mr louisa 2003 #feltons meat packer 62 bestrelle of conanga 539 Performance willwood commitment 1e33 BW 70 mr louis 4810 80 PAP 45 BW WW YW Milk REA SC 36.5 +0.4 +57 +102 +24 NA WW EPDs 126 IMF NA $B NA 681 PAP 41 SC 41.5 MR Rope 1923 Calved: 6/19/13 Reg. No. 18001169 Tattoo: 1923 mr halter 1347 mr rope 3029 #mr lucky 6564 #connealy lead on mr emily 5569 svf gbar junction 114i mr jazzy 3688 mm futures right 704 mr doris 9248 mr doris 1263 #ca future direction 5321 sa faith 529 Performance kmr edge 231 BW 72 mr doris 5259 BW 68 WW 627 PAP 41 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 43 SC 40.5 +1.5 +58 +90 +25 +.07 +.58 +83.76 SC 39.0 WW EPDs MR Matt 20773 Calved: 5/29/13 Reg. No. 18001251 647 Performance EPDs Calved: 7/15/13 BW Tattoo: 0103 harb windy 702 jh apexette lucy 6037 twin valley precision E161 kmr sara 937 MR Identity 5153 WW MR Blow 0103 apex windy 078 mr windy 3580s kmr sara 254 123 125 127 Tattoo: 20773 776 MR Brush 2393 Calved: 5/19/13 Reg. No. 18035566 Tattoo: 2393 cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek black cedar 66V cole creek juanadacap 42P #ch quantum 6247 cole creek Clova Juanada 67 hbr encore 0544 cole creek juanada cap 882 Cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek black cedar 7v cole creek juanada rita 11s Performance mr shawn 3700 mr exec 6035 BW 78 mr shawn 9918 mr sara 7153 #hero 6267 of rr 2418 mr betsy 6290 mr betsy 4418 #rr hero 6267 rr everelda entense 0413 Performance mr cola 4118 BW 60 mr betty 2805 EPDs EPDs #tc total 410 mr marlboro 3308 mar miss winsome 1007 #bon view new design 208 tc erica eileen 2047 bar ext traveler 205 mar miss winsome 5210 BW WW YW Milk REA +3.9 +49 +83 +24 NA 124 IMF NA $B NA Reg. No. 18001243 41 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 40 SC 38.0 -2.1 +30 +50 +21 +.31 +.12 +46.36 SC 37.0 #bon view new design 208 tc erica eileen 2047 rally legend 5076 kmr blackbird 56 apex windy 078 mr danete 2200 #mr danete 5330 #harb windy 702 jh apexette lucy 6037 mr ideal don 3478 mr betty 2807 EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA +1.7 +58 +94 +21 NA Angus Bull Sale IMF NA $B NA 128 Tattoo: 4583 #tc total 410 kmr total 1178 tam blackbird 1168 548 688 MR Total 4583 Calved: 7/1/13 WW WW PAP Performance BW 70 WW 751 MR Tied 2273 Calved: 6/8/13 Reg. No. 18021432 mr halter 1347 mr tied 4629 mr royal 7006 #connealy lead on mr emily 5569 mr new frontier 6464 queen 902 #tc franklin 619 mr enchant 6618 mr enchantra 4178 #tc total 410 #tc marcia 1069 #saf fame #mr enchantra 4323 EPDs Tattoo: 2273 Performance BW 78 WW 622 PAP 37 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 41 SC 41.0 +3.1 +49 +78 +21 +.46 +.28 +73.24 SC 37.0 25 Reyes/Russell 129 MR Tied 8423 Calved: 6/20/13 Reg. No. 18001276 mr halter 1347 mr tied 4629 mr royal 7006 #connealy lead on mr emily 5569 mr new frontier 6464 queen 902 kmr executive 1466 mr linn 6661 mr linn 4618 svf executive 185d kmr sara 873 rally high 5 mr lynn 3455 133 Tattoo: 8423 Performance EPDs BW 84 WW 562 MR Windy 5513 Calved: 7/5/13 Reg. No. 18002082 Tattoo: 5513 #harb windy 702 JH harb windy 758 jh #harb juanada erica 571 jh #aar really windy 1205 #harb black lady 073 jh #sav final answer 0035 harb junanada erica 391 jh #ha traveler 2041 #mr betty 3657 #mr betty 2573 #qas traveler 23-4 #h 96 eiserica 1426 #rally 661 #mr betty 1778 Performance EPDs BW 70 WW 666 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 41 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 46 +4.9 +38 +64 +21 +.03 +.30 +45.26 SC 36.0 +1.2 +38 +71 +22 +.39 +.11 +54.68 SC 38.0 130 MR Willow 4543 Calved: 7/27/13 Reg. No. 18001242 Tattoo: 4543 cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek black cedar 50V #cole creek 858 Juanada 75P #ch quantum 6247 cole creek Clova Juanada 67 hbr encore 0544 #colecreekjuanadabando132x mr new frontier 1244 mr ashley 5676 mr ashley 4137 #b/r new frontier 095 mr gladyes 5229 mr cola 4118 mr ashley 4314 Performance EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA +0.7 +49 +81 +23 NA 131 IMF NA 134 $B NA BW 74 WW 841 Reg. No. 18001186 Calved: 6/13/13 Reg. No. 18001239 #harb windy 702 JH aar windy 0529 #aar blackbird 2469 #aar really windy 1205 #harb black lady 073 jh #aar new trend aar blackbird 1320 wmr dateline 210 mr sara 2966 mr sara 6034 #connealy dateline #wmr pride 217-168 tam hydro 1171 kmr sara 1735 43 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 39 +3.1 +46 +77 +19 +.16 +.54 +69.28 SC 38.0 135 Tattoo: 21193 MR Balance 3413 Calved: 6/20/13 Reg. No. 18001227 #tc total 410 kmr lyn 1030 boyd poundmaker 21 tam blackbird 1168 kmr kolt 116 mr katherine 9080 #mr katherine 6802 kmr kolt 173 #kmr blackcap 1091 mr ideal don 3478 mr katherine 3488 kmr exec 360 mr graditude 1225 mr gertrude 5049 kmr executive 1466 kmr sara 357 force pr 52-7 mr bessie 3846 WW YW Milk REA +51 +85 +24 NA 132 IMF NA $B NA 72 744 36.5 kmr total 48 kmr total 1180 kmr blackbird 1176 BW BW WW SC #tc total 410 kmr lyn 1030 boyd poundmaker 21 tam blackbird 1168 +1.8 Performance PAP kmr total 48 kmr total 1180 kmr blackbird 1176 EPDs Tattoo: 4343 EPDs MR Balance 21193 Calved: 7/15/13 MR Brad 4343 Performance BW 65 WW 705 Tattoo: 3413 Performance EPDs BW 80 WW 706 PAP 42 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 38 SC 36.5 +2.9 +49 +81 +22 -.13 +.41 +58.91 SC 40.0 MR Storm 693 Calved: 6/7/13 apex windy 078 mr windy 6060 mr tessa 3247 Reg. No. 18001272 #harb windy 702 jh apexette lucy 6037 mr exec 6035 mr tessa 8664 KMR Explor 1507 kmr cheyenne 1580 masterfare sara 852 mr rosetta 4923SAV ext emulation 5040 sav rosetta 7492 sav rosetta 2949 EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA +4.2 +50 +80 +22 NA Reyes/Russell Tattoo: 693 IMF NA $B NA Performance BW 84 WW 677 PAP 38 SC 38.0 26 Angus Bull Sale 136 MR Total 21243 Calved: 7/1/13 Reg. No. 18001187 140 Tattoo: 21243 MR Granite 23143 Calved: 5/28/13 Reg. No. 18018065 Tattoo: 23143 #tc total 410 kmr total 1178 tam blackbird 1168 #bon view new design 208 tc erica eileen 2047 rally legend 5076 kmr blackbird 56 Connealy consensus connealy consensus 7229 blue lily of conanga 16 connealy black granite sav bismarck 5682 #eura elga of conanga 9109 eura cal of conanga 56B kmr right time 575 mr candy 4560 mr candy 6186 #3210 right time d919 k&L lady 531 #sav 8180 traveler 004 mr candy 4508 kmr kolt 116 mr blackcap 3631s kmr blackcap 964 Performance EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA +2.3 +49 +84 +17 NA 137 IMF NA $B NA 70 WW 659 Calved: 5/17/13 Reg. No. 18001157 PAP 37 BW WW YW Milk REA SC 38.5 +0.5 +54 +95 +26 NA 141 Tattoo: 0153 BW WW YW Milk REA +2.5 +41 +68 +22 +.06 IMF -.04 $B +42.80 Reg. No. 18001225 Reg. No. 18001212 WW 708 PAP 41 BW WW YW Milk REA 41.5 +2.6 +58 +99 +25 NA Tattoo: 3143 cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek black cedar 66V cole creek juanadacap 42P #ch quantum 6247 cole creek Clova Juanada 67 hbr encore 0544 cole creek juanada cap 882 kmr exec 360 mr amelia 8084 mr amelia 1551 kmr executive 1466 kmr sara 357 #rally 661 mr amelia 0499 Performance EPDs BW 74 WW 559 PAP 41 SC 37.0 Tattoo: 23083 Performance EPDs 142 72 594 #boyd new day 8005 #gdar miss wix 474 #mytty in focus woodhillevergreen62n-S28 74 MR Brush 3143 Calved: 6/6/13 Calved: 5/28/13 BW SC $B NA #hyline right time 338 leachman right time 338-5605 leachman erica 1201 mr lady 2441s thomas new design 0640 mr lady 3393 mr new trend lady 2012 Performance EPDs IMF NA BW WW MR Gamer 23083 #gdar game day 449 woodhill game day u6-y98 woodhill evergreen S28-u6 tam hydro 1171 kmr blackbird 2270 #sitz alliance 6595 kmr blackcap 2296 TAM hydro 1171 mr hydro 6834 mr ellen 3468 mr wyo 3578 #3210 right time d919 #mr wyo 5435 mr wyo 3297 Performance EPDs MR Kolt 0153 kmr kolt 173 kmr kolt 116 #kmr blackcap 1091 138 BW kmr kolt 173 #kmr blackcap 1091 #b/r new frontier 095 kmr sara 116 IMF NA $B NA BW 80 WW 582 PAP 39 SC 39.0 MR Kolt 5013 Calved: 5/25/13 Reg. No. 18001248 Tattoo: 5013 kmr kolt 173 kmr kolt 116 #kmr blackcap 1091 tam hydro 1171 kmr blackbird 2270 #sitz alliance 6595 kmr blackcap 2296 wmr super x 134 mr ebony 9666 mr ebony 6273 #mcBee wmr super x 745 mwr blackcap 048 thomas new design 0640 mr ebony 3518 EPDs Performance BW 82 WW 773 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 39 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 42 +2.1 +35 +58 +17 +.11 +.37 +47.70 SC 36.5 +2.5 +47 +80 +17 -.17 +.16 +44.11 SC 41.0 139 MR Cash 23063 Calved: 5/22/13 Reg. No. 18003801 143 Tattoo: 23063 MR Tied 5683 Calved: 6/4/13 Reg. No. 18001260 sitz dash 10277 barstow cash barstow queen w16 #sitz upward 307R sitz everelda entense 2665 #sav final answer 0035 rca queen r42 mr halter 1347 mr tied 4629 mr royal 7006 #connealy lead on mr emily 5569 mr new frontier 6464 queen 902 kesslers frontman r001 mr jessie 2291s mr jrssie 4789 #connealy front page 0228 kesslers bell 0024 Performance mr halter 1347 BW 78 mr jessie 8886 #bon view new design 878 mr jodie 3777 mr jodie 8145 #b/r new design 036 bon view gammer 85 kmr exec 360 mr bonnie 3591 EPDs WW 644 EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 41 BW WW YW Milk REA +1.2 +54 +101 +28 +.79 +.32 +89.56 SC 40.0 +2.4 +38 +69 +21 NA Angus Bull Sale 27 IMF NA $B NA Tattoo: 5683 Performance BW 72 WW 532 PAP 43 SC 37.0 Reyes/Russell 144 MR Tied 2093 Calved: 6/11/13 mr halter 1347 mr tied 4629 mr royal 7006 Reg. No. 18021427 148 Tattoo: 2093 #connealy lead on mr emily 5569 mr new frontier 6464 queen 902 #hyline right time 338 leachman right time 338-5605 leachman erica 1201 mr holly 7198 kmr edge 231 mr holly 6824 da miss complete a79 Performance EPDs BW 66 WW 678 MR Windy 20693 Calved: 6/25/13 Reg. No. 18024475 #harb windy 702 JH harb windy 758 jh #harb juanada erica 571 jh #aar really windy 1205 #harb black lady 073 jh #sav final answer 0035 harb junanada erica 391 jh mr exec 6035 mr agatha 4009S mr agatha 5109s kmr exec 360 kmr sara 1735 Performance willwood commitment 1e33 BW 80 mr agatha 4729 WW EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 37 BW WW YW Milk REA +2.7 +51 +85 +19 +.20 +.40 +76.24 SC 39.5 +1.6 +36 +66 +18 NA 145 MR Discovery 20633 Calved: 5/17/13 Reg. No. 18001178 149 Tattoo: 20633 Tehama reputation woodhill break thru woodhillevergreen62N-S28 woodhill discovery w2-Y20 #car efficient 534 #woodhill gammer T288-W2 #woodhillgammerG867-T288 mr halter 1347 mr pepe 1939S mr peppie 4000 #connealy lead on mr emily 5569 mr cola 4118 mr estella 4279 EPDs WW 703 $B NA NA Calved: 7/9/13 Reg. No. 18001244 638 PAP 40 SC 37.0 Tattoo: 4803 #connealy onward sitz henrietta pride 81m #vermilion dateline 7078 #sa victoria 188 #sitz alliance 6595 #boyd poundmaker 21Boyd forever lady 9001 mr sara 8966 mr ideal don 3478 #mr sara 6032 kmr sara 1735 Performance 82 IMF MR Slagle 4803 #sitz upward 307R sa upward 671 sa victoria 51 BW Tattoo: 20693 Performance EPDs BW 70 WW 868 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 49 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 47 +4.3 +46 +78 +21 +.12 +.53 +80.56 SC 39.0 +2.5 +66 +115 +27 +.30 +.48 +104.03 SC 41.5 146 MR Santa Fe 2153 Calved: 6/17/13 Reg. No. 18001191 150 Tattoo: 2153 MR Gust 6623 Calved: 7/10/13 Reg. No. 18001268 lyons santa fe 6119 hilltop santa fe cp 0341 #ht blackcap of cp p126 #nichols extra h6 lyons lady allison 4348 bon view new design 878 #ksp blackcap of ht b6 apex windy 078 mr windy 2100 mr donette 3590 harb windy 702 jh apexette lucy 6037 mr ideal don 3478 #mr bonie 2243 mr vision 8087 mr amelia 3149 mr amelia 8084 #woodhill foresight mr amelia 1551 kmr exec 360 mr amelia 1551 mr vision 8087 mr emily 8579 mr emily 1362 #woodhill foresight mr amelia 1551 mr scotch cap 3728 mr enid 5599 Performance EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA +2.6 +48 +86 +21 NA 147 IMF NA $B NA BW 78 WW 689 PAP 40 SC #tc total 410 mr marlboro 3308 mar miss winsome 1007 Reg. No. 18021437 Performance EPDs 36.5 MR Matt 3813 Calved: 6/18/13 Tattoo: 6623 BW WW YW Milk REA +2.4 +49 +80 +20 NA 151 Tattoo: 3813 IMF $B NA NA Calved: 7/12/13 Reg. No. 18001194 Cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek black cedar 7v cole creek juanada rita 11s Performance mr Andie 2970 #tc franklin 619 BW 76 mr andie 9888 #mr andie 7123 wmr dateline 377 mr sue 4190 mr sue 1526 wmr dateline 210 #ab fanny 0222 mr hydro 6834 mr bessey 0319 EPDs EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA +2.1 +56 +93 +28 NA Reyes/Russell IMF NA $B NA 679 PAP 38 BW WW YW Milk REA SC 39.0 +0.5 +54 +88 +20 NA 28 PAP 37 SC 39.0 Tattoo: 21573 harb windy 702 jh apexette lucy 6037 twin valley precision E161 kmr sara 937 WW 74 707 MR Blow 21573 apex windy 078 mr windy 3580s kmr sara 254 #bon view new design 208 tc erica eileen 2047 bar ext traveler 205 mar miss winsome 5210 BW WW IMF NA Performance $B NA BW 70 WW 591 PAP 51+ SC 38.0 Angus Bull Sale 152 MR Blow 21483 Calved: 6/15/13 Reg. No. 18001190 Tattoo: 21483 apex windy 078 mr windy 3580s kmr sara 254 harb windy 702 jh apexette lucy 6037 twin valley precision E161 kmr sara 937 kmr right time 575 mr shona 4090 #bairds top shona p14 #3210 Right time d919 k&L Lady 531 ca leadtime 101 miss kr top shona 90l EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA +3.4 +53 +87 +24 NA 153 IMF NA $B NA Calved: 7/12/13 Reg. No. 18001258 #connealy lead on mr emily 5569 mr new frontier 6464 queen 902 tam hydro 1171 3597 bonnie 3597 #mr bonie 2243 kmr hero 299 tam blackbird 1168 #gdar executive 727 #mr bonie 1977 EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA +4.6 +39 +70 +23 NA IMF NA $B NA Reg. No. 18015057 Calved: 6/28/13 Reg. No. 18001275 BW 82 WW 637 Tattoo: 7223 #connealy onward sitz henrietta pride 81m #vermilion dateline 7078 #sa victoria 188 Royal rito l2 royal rito pride 125 landes stormy rainfall lone cone blackcap 324 #vdar new trend 315 lone cone blackcap 688 lone cone blackcap Performance Performance EPDs 42 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 45 39.5 +1.8 +58 +103 +22 +.39 +.54 +100.34 SC 40.5 156 Tattoo: 5603 MR Windy 0113 Calved: 7/12/13 Reg. No. 18002037 #harb windy 702 JH harb windy 758 jh #harb juanada erica 571 jh Twin Tattoo: 0113 #aar really windy 1205 #harb black lady 073 jh #sav final answer 0035 harb junanada erica 391 jh Cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek black cedar 23v cole creek juanada bird 38n Performance mr queen 2410 #tc franklin 619 BW 70 mr queen 2608 #mr queeen 8473 Performance BW 80 WW 580 PAP 40 BW WW YW Milk REA SC 37.0 +2.1 +45 +79 +23 NA WW EPDs 157 Tattoo: 22753 IMF NA $B NA Calved: 7/2/13 Reg. No. 18001241 #ch quantum 6247 cole creek Clova Juanada 67 hbr encore 0544 cole creek juanita 311 dd 909 k205 mr cassie 5861 mr cassie 8417 #nichols Extra k205 dd blackcap 609 newsline Performance mr new frontier 6464 BW 72 mr cassie 6621 Leachman right time 338-5605 mr madoline 9020 #mr madoline 6492 #hyline right time 338 leachman erica 1201 kmr executive 1466 mr madoline 3358 722 EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 47 BW WW YW Milk REA +0.2 +70 +120 +27 +.05 +.55 +97.07 SC 40.0 +2.9 +54 +85 +20 NA 158 IMF NA $B NA 29 37.5 Performance BW 76 WW 727 PAP 45 SC 38.0 MR FC 22723 Calved: 5/22/13 Reg. No. 18001759 Tattoo: 22723 #sav final answer 0035 ma final choice 8036 ma 5175 bando 349 #sitz traveler 8180 sav emulous 8145 saf 598 bando 5175 vdar pridella 4069 cole creek black cedar 7v mr hya 8041 mr hya 6159 cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek juanada rita 11s Performance kcj lasso BW 82 mr hya 3547 WW EPDs Lot 154 39 SC Tattoo: 4523 cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek black cedar 23V cole creek juanada bird 38n WW 616 PAP MR Impact 4523 #mytty in focus #aar lady kelton 5551 #b bar i87 alliance 2017 aar clova pride 3016 Angus Bull Sale 70 758 SC aar ten x 7008 sa aar ten gauge 1501 aar clova pride 9549 EPDs BW WW PAP MR Ten Gauge 22753 Calved: 5/21/13 MR Slagle 7223 #sitz upward 307R sa upward 671 sa victoria 51 MR Tied 5603 mr halter 1347 mr tied 4629 mr royal 7006 154 155 BW WW YW Milk REA +2.5 +45 +83 +24 NA IMF NA $B NA 523 PAP 41 SC 34.5 Reyes/Russell 159 MR Frontier 6333 Calved: 6/26/13 Reg. No. 18001265 #b/r new frontier 095 mr new frontier 6464 #mr gertie 3208 #b/r new design 036 white fence pride h1 kmr yuma 747 mr gina 2721 kmr hefty 115 mr ellen 8467 #mr ellen 6831 tam hydro 1171 #kmr blackcap 1091 force pr 52-7 mr ellen 3468 Tattoo: 6333 WW YW Milk REA +2.9 +38 +67 +21 NA 160 IMF NA $B NA Reg. No. 18001279 cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek black cedar 50V #cole creek Juanada 75P WW YW Milk REA IMF $B +51 +81 +18 -.10 +.23 +39.38 161 PAP 38 BW WW YW Milk REA SC 41.0 +2.5 +44 +70 +19 NA 164 Reg. No. 18001224 mr power 1516 mr valarie 5838 #mr valarie 4477 mr hydro 6834 mr goldie 0289 gdar rainmaker 456 mr valerie 2945 EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA +3.3 +44 +75 +17 NA IMF NA $B NA Reg. No. 18021429 aar ten x 7008 sa aar ten gauge 1501 aar clova pride 9549 #mytty in focus #aar lady kelton 5551 #b bar i87 alliance 2017 aar clova pride 3016 mr total 9988 mr zarth 5030 mr zarth 8297 #tc total 410 #mr lady 8183 #connealy lead on mr zarth 5991 EPDs mr complete 6586S mr ebony 9660 mr ebony 6273 wmr dateline 210 mr sara 4408 thomas new design 0640 mr ebony 3518 39 BW WW YW Milk REA 38.5 +3.1 +53 +89 +17 NA EPDs 78 WW 669 38.0 IMF NA $B Performance BW 78 WW 606 PAP 43 SC 40.5 NA MR Ten Gauge 9323 Calved: 6/5/13 Reg. No. 18001280 aar ten x 7008 sa aar ten gauge 1501 aar clova pride 9549 Tattoo: 9323 #mytty in focus #aar lady kelton 5551 #b bar i87 alliance 2017 aar clova pride 3016 #gar commitment willwood commitment 1e33 2tm miss 335 oscar 502 mr donette 2103 mr ideal don 3478 mr donette 3590 #mr bonie 2243 Performance 39 SC Tattoo: 21603 harb windy 702 jh apexette lucy 6037 twin valley precision E161 kmr sara 937 165 634 PAP NA apex windy 078 mr windy 3580s kmr sara 254 PAP BW NA $B Reg. No. 18001196 816 Performance EPDs BW 65 WW 583 PAP 47 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 38 SC 38.0 -0.3 +53 +94 +22 +.17 +.37 +74.57 SC 38.0 MR Ten Gauge 21323 Calved: 5/25/13 Calved: 6/16/13 WW Tattoo: 3093 #connealy freightliner eilera of conanga 2583 kg power design g bar h rita h147 IMF MR Blow 21603 70 MR Industry 3093 Calved: 6/25/13 WW EPDs BW SC #connealy industry 5634 g bar h industry 074 g bar h rita r555 162 80 595 Performance EPDs Tattoo: 20933 #ch quantum 6247 cole creek Clova Juanada 67 hbr encore 0544 cole creek juanita 311 BW Tattoo: 8973 SVF executive 185D kmr executive 1466 kmr sara 873 mr capri 6042 3 bar statesman 1509 kmr blackcap 461 kmr blackcap 278 BW Reg. No. 18001184 WW #ch quantum 6247 cole creek Clova Juanada 67 hbr encore 0544 #colecreekjuanadabando132x +1.3 Calved: 8/15/13 Cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek black cedar 66v cole creek juanadacap 42p Performance mr eriskay 750 #leachman right time BW 65 mr eriskay 9994 buckeyes 3999 Performance MR Willow 8973 Calved: 7/20/13 MR Impact 20933 cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek black cedar 23V cole creek juanada bird 38n EPDs BW 163 166 Tattoo: 21323 Performance BW 79 WW 794 MR Bob 8493 Calved: 6/3/13 Twin Reg. No. 18018750 Tattoo: 8493 wmr dateline 210 mr complete 6586s mr sara 4408 #connealy dateline #wmr pride 217-168 #mr cola 4118 mr saratoga 2715 #rally 661 mr beth 1531 mr beth 0369 #ps high pockets rally rf missie 538 #saf fame #ytsc enchantress 0304 EPDs Performance BW 68 WW 656 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 43 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 41 +0.2 +65 +108 +33 +.17 +.53 +79.09 SC 42.0 +1.1 +39 +64 +14 +.26 +.26 +51.09 SC 40.0 Reyes/Russell 30 Angus Bull Sale 167 MR Willow 1773 Calved: 6/12/13 Reg. No. 18001168 171 Tattoo: 1773 cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek black cedar 50V #cole creek Juanada 75P #ch quantum 6247 cole creek Clova Juanada 67 hbr encore 0544 #colecreekjuanadabando132x #tc franklin 619 mr gal 8838a mr gal 5242 #tc total 410 #tc marcia 1069 kmr executive 1466 mr pond gal 2457 Performance EPDs BW 84 WW 761 MR Ten Gauge 23293 Calved: 6/22/13 Reg. No. 18023284 aar ten x 7008 sa aar ten gauge 1501 aar clova pride 9549 #mytty in focus #aar lady kelton 5551 #b bar i87 alliance 2017 aar clova pride 3016 kesslers frontman r001 mr jen 6501s mr jen 4668 #connealy front page 0228 kesslers bell 0024 Performance mr cola 4118 BW 76 #mr jenny 3695 WW EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 40 BW WW YW Milk REA +2.6 +50 +80 +18 +.07 +.25 +64.09 SC 38.0 +0.3 +53 +95 +26 NA 168 MR Santa Fe 6243 Calved: 7/26/13 Reg. No. 18001264 lyons santa fe 6119 hilltop santa fe cp 0341 #ht blackcap of cp p126 172 Tattoo: 6243 BW 70 WW 961 Calved: 6/19/13 REA IMF $B PAP 43 BW WW YW Milk REA +2.4 +67 +108 +24 +.08 +.39 +87.59 SC 37.5 +2.2 +41 +76 +28 NA MR Brad 6003 #aar really windy 1205 #harb Black lady 073 JH #aar new trend aar blackbird 1320 Performance EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA +2.0 +48 +77 +21 NA 170 173 Tattoo: 6003 Woodhill foresight mr vision 8087 mr amelia 1551 mr jetta 4819 mr hydro 6834 mr jetta 9016 mr jetta 6482 IMF NA $B NA BW 70 WW 786 PAP 50 SC 35.5 Reg. No. 18001188 #ch quantum 6247 cole creek Clova Juanada 67 hbr encore 0544 cole creek juanita 311 kmr kolt 116 mr alagra 8990 mr alagra 6172 kmr kolt 173 #kmr blackcap 1091 dmm dynasty 03G mr ritz 4508 EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA +1.0 +53 +81 +23 NA Angus Bull Sale IMF NA $B NA NA $B NA Performance 626 PAP 41 SC 37.5 MR Right Time 6053 Calved: 7/7/13 Reg. No. 18021442 Tattoo: 0053 #3210 right time d919 kmr right time 575 k&L lady 531 #leachman right time #basin trojan erica ds 637y svf gbar junction 114i far lady 245 5357 mr new frontier 6464 mr amelia 8637 mr amelia 1552 #b/r new frontier 095 #mr gertie 3208 mr schotch cap 3728 mr amelia 0499 BW WW YW Milk REA +2.0 +38 +64 +17 NA 174 Tattoo: 21333 cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek black cedar 23V cole creek juanada bird 38n IMF EPDs MR Impact 21333 Calved: 7/30/13 37.0 WW Milk #harb windy 702 jh aar windy 0529 #aar blackbird 2469 35 SC Tattoo: 21943 EPDs YW Reg. No. 18030608 609 PAP #bon view new design 208 tc erica eileen 2047 bar ext traveler 205 mar miss winsome 5210 WW Calved: 7/17/13 NA Reg. No. 18001200 BW 169 NA $B Cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek one shot 22v cole creek juanadamere 34n Performance mr Connie 5310S mr new frontier 1244 BW 78 mr connie 3458s mr connie 6276S Performance EPDs IMF MR Matt 21943 #tc total 410 mr marlboro 3308 mar miss winsome 1007 #nichols extra h6 lyons lady allison 4348 bon view new design 878 #ksp blackcap of ht b6 #3210 right time d919 kmr right time 575K&L lady 531 mr elba 9497 #schurrtop global mr elba 5323 mr elba 2787 Tattoo: 23293 IMF NA $B NA Performance BW 70 WW 585 PAP 51+ SC 35.0 MR Kolt 5093 Calved: 5/28/13 Reg. No. 18001249 Tattoo: 5093 kmr kolt 173 kmr kolt 116 #kmr blackcap 1091 tam hydro 1171 kmr blackbird 2270 #sitz alliance 6595 kmr blackcap 2296 mm futures right 704 mr tambra 1898S #mr tambra 5280 #ca future direction 5321 sa faith 529 Performance force pr 52-7 BW 76 mr birdie 2647 BW 70 WW 774 PAP 41 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 40 SC 35.0 +1.3 +51 +85 +21 +.07 +.13 +55.99 SC 38.0 WW EPDs 31 647 Reyes/Russell 175 MR Kolt 5953 Calved: 5/25/13 kmr kolt 173 kmr kolt 116 #kmr blackcap 1091 Reg. No. 18021441 179 Tattoo: 5953 MR Slagle 20043 Calved: 7/5/13 Reg. No. 18021425 Tattoo: 20043 #sitz upward 307R sa upward 671 sa victoria 51 #connealy onward sitz henrietta pride 81m #vermilion dateline 7078 #sa victoria 188 KMR Exec 360 mr exec 6035 kmr sara 1735 Performance mr dot 9347 willwood commitment 1e33 BW 70 mr dot 2173 mr dot 4870 mr cola 4118 mr jazzy 4497S mr jazzy 6565 #rr 9440 scotch cap 1483 #mr barbara 1186 tam hydro 1171 mr jazzy 3688 EPDs EPDs tam hydro 1171 kmr blackbird 2270 #sitz alliance 6595 kmr blackcap 2296 WW 615 Performance BW 70 WW 800 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 42 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 37 +0.7 +37 +66 +17 -.17 +.22 +33.52 SC 37.5 +1.2 +56 +102 +22 +.42 +.36 +99.15 SC 35.0 176 MR Slagle 1043 Calved: 6/2/13 Reg. No. 18001161 180 Tattoo: 1043 MR Spruce 4903 Calved: 6/25/13 Reg. No. 18001245 Tattoo: 4903 #sitz upward 307R sa upward 671 sa victoria 51 #connealy onward sitz henrietta pride 81m #vermilion dateline 7078 #sa victoria 188 cole creek Black Cedar 46p mr black cedar 3940 mr lyn 9845 #ch quantum 6247 cole creek clova juanada 67 mr futre direction 3722 mr queen 7003 #sitz alliance 6595 mr bava 1184 buckeye bava 138 #sitz traveler 8180 #sitz barbaramere jet 2698 Performance #woodhill triple threat BW 78 #aar bava 596 apex windy 078 mr errin 3730 #mr erren 7165 #harb windy 702 jh apexette lucy 6037 #sav 8180 traveler 004 kmr erica 1244 WW EPDs 756 EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 39 BW WW YW Milk REA +3.2 +57 +103 +25 +.21 +.30 +91.62 SC 40.5 +3.3 +61 +94 +27 NA 177 MR Cash 22363 Calved: 6/5/13 Reg. No. 18003803 Performance 181 Tattoo: 22363 IMF NA $B NA Calved: 6/29/13 Reg. No. 18035568 #ch quantum 6247 cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek Clova juanada 67 cole creek black cedar 7v cole creek cut a track 46m cole creek juanada rita 11s cole creek juanada rita 44w mr complete 6586s mr blkack bird 941 mr blackbird 6783 wmr dateline 210 mr sara 4408 kmr cheyenne 1580 buckeye lucy 2678 #ca future direction 5321 mr eileen 5752 mr eileenmere 4327 BW WW YW Milk REA +2.2 +54 +98 +23 NA 178 IMF NA $B NA Reg. No. 18001180 mr ideal don 3478 mr ginnie 5410 mr gina 3137 Eagle pass 6088 mr highroller delia 2922 hyline wmr super x 502 mr gina 2391 EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA +3.3 +43 +70 +17 +.04 Reyes/Russell IMF -.07 #gar precision 1680 ca miss power fix 308 gdar rainmaker 456 mr eileenmere 2115 Performance BW 80 WW 708 WW 635 PAP 38 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 46 37.0 +3.8 +34 +59 +22 +.39 +.46 +49.23 SC 35.5 EPDs 182 Tattoo: 2073 #harb windy 702 jh apexette lucy 6037 mr exec 6035 mr tessa 8664 40.0 78 SC apex windy 078 mr windy 6060 mr tessa 3247 39 SC BW MR Storm 2073 Calved: 6/13/13 PAP Tattoo: 8903 #sitz upward 307R sitz everelda entense 2665 #sav final answer 0035 rca queen r42 EPDs 78 769 MR 7V 8903 sitz dash 10277 barstow cash barstow queen w16 Performance BW WW Performance BW 84 WW 650 MR Spruce 1313 Calved: 6/12/13 Reg. No. 18001163 cole creek Black Cedar 46p mr black cedar 3940 mr lyn 9845 #ch quantum 6247 cole creek clova juanada 67 mr futre direction 3722 mr queen 7003 mr new frontier 6464 mr Eiisi 9668 mr ebony 6273 #b/r new frontier 095 #mr gertie 3208 thomas new design 0640 mr ebony 3518 EPDs $B PAP 34 BW WW YW Milk REA +38.60 SC 39.0 +3.0 +39 +70 +17 NA 32 Tattoo: 1313 IMF NA $B NA Performance BW 78 WW 582 PAP 51+ SC 36.5 Angus Bull Sale 183 MR Industry 21383 Calved: 6/6/13 Reg. No. 18001189 187 Tattoo: 21383 MR Spruce 6883 Calved: 7/5/13 Reg. No. 18001271 Tattoo: 6883 #connealy industry 5634 g bar h industry 074 g bar h rita r555 #connealy freightliner eilera of conanga 2583 kg power design g bar h rita h147 cole creek Black Cedar 46p mr black cedar 3940 mr lyn 9845 #ch quantum 6247 cole creek clova juanada 67 mr futre direction 3722 mr queen 7003 mr vision 8087 mr erica 9680 mr erica 6323 #woodhill foresight mr amelia 1551 #basin max 602c kmr erica 1606 kmr force 2706 mr jazzy 6569 mr jazzy 3688 mr force 10529 kmr sara 961 #gdar royce 131 mr black jet 2713 Performance EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA +2.5 +40 +72 +19 NA 184 IMF NA $B NA BW 72 WW 598 EPDs PAP 40 BW WW YW Milk REA SC 36.5 +1.7 +54 +84 +20 NA MR Windy 21453 Calved: 7/26/13 Reg. No. 18002078 #harb windy 702 JH harb windy 758 jh #harb juanada erica 571 jh Performance 188 Tattoo: 21453 IMF NA $B NA BW 75 WW 754 PAP 38 SC 38.5 MR Ten Gauge 22853 Calved: 5/21/13 Reg. No. 18001208 Tattoo: 22853 aar ten x 7008 sa aar ten gauge 1501 aar clova pride 9549 #mytty in focus #aar lady kelton 5551 #b bar i87 alliance 2017 aar clova pride 3016 Cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek one shot 22v cole creek juanadamere 34n Performance mr andie 1980 mr flint 3156 BW 70 mr andie 5058 mr andie 9886 cole creek black cedar 23v mr ginnie 671 mr ginnie 8679 cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek juanada bird 38n Performance #tc franklin 619 BW 74 mr ginnie 2072 EPDs EPDs #aar really windy 1205 #harb black lady 073 jh #sav final answer 0035 harb junanada erica 391 jh BW WW YW Milk REA +0.2 +44 +77 +25 NA 185 IMF NA $B NA WW 664 PAP 46 BW WW YW Milk REA SC 34.5 +0.4 +56 +97 +23 NA MR Spruce 21873 Calved: 6/25/13 Reg. No. 18001197 189 Tattoo: 21873 WW IMF NA $B NA Calved: 7/20/13 Reg. No. 18001231 #ch quantum 6247 cole creek clova juanada 67 mr futre direction 3722 mr queen 7003 kmr total 48 kmr total 1180 kmr blackbird 1176 #tc total 410 kmr lyn 1030 boyd poundmaker 21 tam blackbird 1168 cole creek black cedar 46p mr blackcap 3630S kmr blackcap 964 #ch quantum 6247 cole creek clova juanada 67 Performance #b/r new frontier 095 BW 78 kmr sara 116 mr total 9988 mr graditude 3410 mr graditude 1225 #tc total 410 #mr lady 8183 kmr exec 360 mr gertrude 5049 WW BW WW YW Milk REA +2.9 +54 +81 +19 NA 186 IMF NA $B NA 769 41 SC 36.0 MR Balance 4063 cole creek Black Cedar 46p mr black cedar 3940 mr lyn 9845 EPDs 622 PAP Performance EPDs PAP 40 BW WW YW Milk REA SC 41.0 +0.7 +65 +101 +26 NA IMF NA Tattoo: 4063 $B NA BW 70 WW 874 PAP 39 SC 39.0 MR Bob 4973 Calved: 6/14/13 Reg. No. 18021439 Tattoo: 4973 wmr dateline 210 mr complete 6586s mr sara 4408 #connealy dateline #wmr pride 217-168 #mr cola 4118 mr saratoga 2715 tam hydro 1171 mr emm 9486 mr emmy 5233 kmr hero 299 tam blackbird 1168 Performance #ca future direction 5321 BW 65 mr emmy 2347 EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA +1.6 +41 +74 +18 NA Angus Bull Sale IMF NA $B NA WW 585 PAP 51+ SC 36.5 33 Reyes/Russell 190 MR Industry 4133 Calved: 6/28/13 #connealy industry 5634 g bar h industry 074 g bar h rita r555 Reg. No. 18001232 Tattoo: 4133 #connealy freightliner eilera of conanga 2583 kg power design g bar h rita h147 #hyline right time 338 leachman right time 338-5605 leachman erica 1201 mr razz 9390 thomas new design 0406 #mr razz 2333 mr razz 6170 Performance EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA +2.3 +44 +78 +21 NA 191 192 IMF NA $B NA MR Impact 5143 Calved: 7/10/13 Reg. No. 18035567 Tattoo: 5143 cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek black cedar 23V cole creek juanada bird 38n #ch quantum 6247 cole creek Clova Juanada 67 hbr encore 0544 cole creek juanita 311 cole creek one shot 22v mr glory 2790 mr Glory 3458 cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek juanadamere 34n Performance mm futures right 704 BW 70 mr glory 1505 BW 72 WW 632 PAP 36 BW WW YW Milk REA SC 34.0 +2.1 +43 +72 +23 NA WW EPDs IMF NA $B NA 694 PAP 41 SC 37.0 MR Total 5203 Calved: 7/4/13 Reg. No. 18001252 Tattoo: 5203 #tc total 410 kmr total 1178 tam blackbird 1168 #bon view new design 208 tc erica eileen 2047 rally legend 5076 kmr blackbird 56 mr halter 1347 mr jazz 2570 mr jazz 8393 #connealy Lead on mr emily 5569 Performance #ca future direction 5321 BW 70 #mr jzaa 6561 WW EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA +1.5 +63 +99 +21 NA IMF NA $B NA 786 PAP 38 SC 40.0 Where feed efficiency is tested! The Angus Yearling bulls were PAP tested at 7250 feet elevation. The Angus 2 -year-olds and Commercial bulls were tested at 8000 feet. Reyes/Russell 34 Angus Bull Sale Commercial Summer Yearling Bulls Lot 196 Lot 193 193 MR Matt 17633 Calved: 6/15/13 #tc total 410 mr marlboro 3308 mar miss winsome 1007 196 Tattoo: 17633 #bon view new design 208 tc erica eileen 2047 bar ext traveler 205 mar miss winsome 5210 Cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek one shot 22v cole creek juanadamere 34n Performance mr Madoline 16870 mr power 1516 BW 80 mr madoline 13888 mr madoline 12503 WW 194 738 195 cole creek Black Cedar 46p mr black cedar 3940 mr lyn 9845 #ch quantum 6247 cole creek clova juanada 67 mr futre direction 3722 mr queen 7003 mr halter 1347 mr laslie 15460 mr leslie 10966 connealy lead on mr emily 5569 mr alliance 5701 mr leslie 9518 Performance BW 68 WW 807 39 PAP 40 42.0 SC 41.5 197 Tattoo: 16713 kmr exec 360 kmr sara 1735 kmr explore 1507 mr marilyn 8787 Tattoo: 18143 SC Sav Final Answer 0035 connealy right answer 746 happy dell of conanga 262 wk bobcat schurrtop mc 2500 wk miss angus 7127 wk miss angus 1403 mr exec 6035 mr marilyn 12718 mr marilyn 10372 Calved: 6/28/13 PAP MR Bobcat 16713 Calved: 6/5/13 MR Spruce 18143 MR Blow 17883 Calved: 6/19/13 Tattoo: 17883 Harb windy 702jh apex windy 078 apexette lucy 6037 mr blow 3580S twin valley precision e161 kmr sara 254 kmr sara 937 mr absolute 2866 mr polly 14909 mr polly 10285 Performance BW 78 WW 672 mr futre direction 3722 mr estella 3524 kmr edge 231 mr polly 8387 Performance BW 80 WW 672 PAP 39 PAP 37 SC 40.0 SC 41.0 MR Abe 17603 Calved: 6/30/13 Tattoo: 17603 CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 tc aberdean 759 tc blackbird 4034 db next aberdeen 129 boyd next day 6010 db ms next day 9154 dbmsblackcapchapter5126 cole creek one shot 22v mr maggie 16480 mr maggie 10748 Angus Bull Sale cole creek black cedar 46p colecreekjuanadamere34n Performance kcj lasso BW 74 mr maggie 8868 WW 770 PAP 41 SC 40.0 Lot 197 35 Reyes/Russell Lot 198 198 Lot 201 MR Spruce 18363 Calved: 5/26/13 201 Tattoo: 18363 MR Total 18003 Calved: 6/3/13 Tattoo: 18003 cole creek Black Cedar 46p mr black cedar 3940 mr lyn 9845 #ch quantum 6247 cole creek clova juanada 67 mr futre direction 3722 mr queen 7003 Bon view new design 208 tc total 410 tc erica eileen 2047 kmr total 1178Rally Legend 5076 tam blackbird 1168 kmr blackbird 56 mr Stride 8167 mr lucia 14710 mr lucia 10665 connealy lead on mr delta 4041 tam hydro 1171 mr lucia 7068 mr halter 1347 mr nettie 14449 mr nettie 13044 199 Performance BW 78 WW 730 #harb windy 702 JH harb windy 758 jh #harb juanada erica 571 jh wmr super x 134 mr judy 14388 mr judy 12484 48 PAP 51+ SC 40.0 MR Ten Gauge 17753 202 Calved: 6/2/13 Tattoo: 17753 Performance BW 84 WW 643 aar ten x 7008 sa aar ten gauge 1501 aar clova pride 9549 #mytty in focus #aar lady kelton 5551 #b bar i87 alliance 2017 aar clova pride 3016 mr exec 6035 mr lorie 14439 mr lorie 12754 kmr exec 360 kmr sara 1735 mr future direction 3722 mr lorraine 10512 Performance BW 88 WW 659 PAP 39 PAP 41 SC 38.5 SC 41.0 MR Bobcat 16443 200 Calved: 5/19/13 Tattoo: 16443 203 Calved: 6/27/13MR 423 Sav Final Answer 0035 connealy right answer 746 happy dell of conanga 262 wk bobcat schurrtop mc 2500 wk miss angus 7127 wk miss angus 1403 Registered Angus Bull registered angus bull registered angus cow registered angus bull registered angus bull registered angus cow registered angus cow Reyes/Russell 76 730 40.0 #aar really windy 1205 #harb black lady 073 jh #sav final answer 0035 harb junanada erica 391 jh #Hyline right time 338 leachman right time 338-5605 leachman erica 1201 mr annie 15098 angus bull mr anngie 45 angus cow BW WW SC Tattoo: 16403 mcbee wmr super x 745 wmr blackcap 048 svf gbar junction 114i mr judith 10671 Performance PAP MR Windy 16403 Calved: 6/20/13 connealy lead on mr emily 5569 connealy danny boy mr ness 8002 tam hydro 1171 mr kate 8915 mr barbie 5772 Performance BW 90 WW 789 kmr hero 299 tam blackbird 1168 mr ideal don 3478 mr barbie 4337 Tattoo: 423 Performance BW 80 WW 686 PAP 40 PAP 40 SC 39.5 SC 37.0 36 Angus Bull Sale Lot 204 Lot 207 MR Ten Gauge 18413 204 Calved: 5/16/13 Tattoo: 18413 MR Rope 13573 207 Calved: 6/14/13 Tattoo: 13573 aar ten x 7008 sa aar ten gauge 1501 aar clova pride 9549 Connealy lead on mr halter 1347 mr emily 5569 mr rope 3029 svf gbar junction 114i mr lucky 6564 mr jazzy 3688 #mytty in focus #aar lady kelton 5551 #b bar i87 alliance 2017 aar clova pride 3016 tc total 410 kmr total 1178 tam blackbird 1168 mr Leslie 15461 mr alliance 5701 mr leslie 10966 mr leslie 9518 mr scotch cap 9440 10481 mr nicki 9453 mr nichole 4798 Performance BW 76 WW 622 mr scotch cap 4158 mr loretta 9507 mr split rock 8312 mr nichole 577 Performance BW 82 WW 656 PAP 40 PAP 42 SC 39.0 SC 39.0 MR Packer 15923 205 Calved: 6/6/13 Tattoo: 15923 MR Packer 14903 208 Calved: 5/30/13 Tattoo: 14903 connealy packer 547 wmr packer 117 wmr pride 519 feltons meat packer 62 bestrelle of conanga 539 wmr super x 112 wmr pride 217-168 connealy packer 547 wmr packer 117 wmr pride 519 feltons meat packer 62 bestrelle of conanga 539 wmr super x 112 wmr pride 217-168 wmr Super X 134 mr madoline 12707 mr madoline 10332 mcbee wmr super x 745 wmr blackcap 048 kmr explore 1507 mr madoline 8597 kmr edge 231 mr polly 10285 mr polly 8387 kmr executive 1466 far lady 206 traveler 542 occ dakota 409a mr folly 7589 Performance BW 76 WW 550 Performance BW 74 WW 667 PAP 41 PAP 39 SC 38.5 SC 41.0 Ten Gauge 17943 206 Calved: MR 5/28/13 Tattoo: 17943 MR Rope 14123 209 Calved: 6/7/13 Tattoo: 14123 aar ten x 7008 sa aar ten gauge 1501 aar clova pride 9549 #mytty in focus #aar lady kelton 5551 #b bar i87 alliance 2017 aar clova pride 3016 Connealy lead on mr halter 1347 mr emily 5569 mr rope 3029 svf gbar junction 114i mr lucky 6564 mr jazzy 3688 mr vision 8087 mr josie 15549 mr josie 12786 woodhill foresight mr amelia 1551 sitz alliance 6595 mr judith 10672 Angus Bull Sale tam hydro 1171 mr agnes 13216 mr agnes 10132 Performance BW 76 WW 759 kmr hero 299 tam blackbird 1168 mr ideal don 3478 mr agnes 9086 Performance BW 70 WW 610 PAP 38 PAP 36 SC 41.0 SC 37.0 37 Reyes/Russell 212 MR Right Time 17483 Calved: 6/6/13 3210 right time d919 kmr right time 575 k&L lady 531 Tattoo: 17483 leachman right time basin trojan erica ds 937y svf gbar junction 114i far lady 245 5357 connealy lead on mr lead on 7007Queen 902 mr goldie 11869 kmr yuma 747 mr goldie 9009 mr beth 7642 Performance BW 68 WW 600 PAP 36 SC 36.0 Lot 210 210 MR Impact 18043 Calved: 6/1/13 Tattoo: 18043 cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek black cedar 23V cole creek juanada bird 38n #ch quantum 6247 cole creek Clova Juanada 67 hbr encore 0544 cole creek juanita 311 mr new frontier 6464 mr katherine 13020 mr katherine 32 b/r new frontier 095 mr gertie 3208 kmr high 5 146 mr sharon 3 211 213 Performance BW 82 WW 614 #ch quantum 6247 cole creek Clova Juanada 67 hbr encore 0544 cole creek juanita 311 mr romeo 3167 mr estell 15500 mr estell 11256 mr new frontier 6464 mr dalia 8224 kmr edge 231 mr estella 10479 Tattoo: 16013 wmr dateline 210 mr complete 6586s mr sara 4408 connealy dateline wmr pride 217-168 mr cola 4118 mr saratoga 2715 mr exec 6035 mr melissa 14427 mr melissa 12734 kmr exec 360 kmr sara 1735 hyline right time 338 mr melissa 10472 Performance BW 86 WW 600 42 PAP 38 SC 38.5 SC 36.5 214 Tattoo: 18153 cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek black cedar 23V cole creek juanada bird 38n Calved: 6/8/13 PAP MR Impact 18153 Calved: 7/15/13 MR Bob 16013 MR 7V 0163 Calved: 7/15/13 Tattoo: 0163 #ch quantum 6247 cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek Clova juanada 67 cole creek black cedar 7v cole creek cut a track 46m cole creek juanada rita 11s cole creek juanada rita 44w Angus Bull Angus bullAngus Cow angus cow angus bull angus cow angus cow Performance BW 72 WW 778 Performance BW 76 WW 887 PAP 43 PAP 47 SC 39.0 SC 41.0 Lot 214 Reyes/Russell 38 Angus Bull Sale 215 MR Gamer 18523 Calved: 5/27/13 219 Tattoo: 18523 Boyd new day 8005 gdar game day 449 gdar miss wix 474 woodhill game day u6-y98 mytty in focus woodhill evergreen s28-u6woodhillevergreen62n-s28 wmr packer 117 mr helen 14921 mr helen 10725 216 connealy packer 547 wmr pride 519 tam hydro 1171 mr hannah 1978 Performance 80 WW 639 Calved: 6/22/13 sitz upward 307R sa upward 671 sa victoria 51 connealy onward sitz henrietta pride 81m vermilion dateline 7078 sa victoria 188 mr halter 1347 mr jane 15830 mr jane 15127 connealy lead on mr emily 5569 mr future direction 5742 mr judy 12785 40 SC 40.0 MR Kevin 17143 Twin 220 Calved: 6/19/13 Tattoo: 17143 harb windy 702 jh harb windy 758 jh harb juanada erica 571 jh mytty windy 758 136x connealy thunder mytty everelda entense u307 sitz everelda entense 5038 Bon view new design 878 kcj lasso dcc rita 3j7 of 1i2 180 Performance mr laura 14668 willwood commitment 1e33 BW 76 mr laura 13255 mr laura 11592 Performance BW 70 WW 726 PAP 42 PAP 37 SC 37.5 SC 39.5 WW 221 Tattoo: 17853 Calved: 6/20/13 Tattoo: 17133 mr halter 1347 mr tied 4629 mr royal 7006 connealy lead on mr emily 5569 mr new frontier 6464 queen 902 mr vision 8087 mr amy 14179 mr amy 10224 woodhill foresight mr amelia 1551 tam hydro 1171 mr ammie 9586 kmr force 2706 mr iRma 14558 mr irma 11655 kmr force 10529 kmr sara 961 3210 right time d919 mr irma 9749 Performance BW 75 WW 916 kmr hero 299 tam blackbird 1168 dro high pockets 697 dro beckies traveler 7197 Angus Bull Sale BW 76 WW 574 42 PAP 37 SC 35.0 SC 38.0 MR Balance 17763 222 Calved: 5/30/13 Tattoo: 17763 Tattoo: 14923 tam hydro 1171 mr helen 10725 mr hannah 1978 Performance PAP MR Tied 14923 connealy lead on mr emily 5569 mr new frontier 6464 queen 902 660 MR Tied 17133 aar really windy 1205 harb black lady 073 jh aar new trend aar blackbird 1320 mr halter 1347 mr tied 4629 mr royal 7006 86 823 PAP MR Brad 17853 Calved: 7/12/13 BW WW 39 harb windy 702 jh aar windy 0529 aar blackbird 2469 218 Performance 39.5 #ch quantum 6247 cole creek clova juanada 67 mr futre direction 3722 mr queen 7003 Calved: 6/30/13 Tattoo: 18133 SC Tattoo: 18283 #hyline right time 338 leachman right time 338-5605 leachman erica 1201 mr justine 13560 mr famous 5351 mr justine 11533 mr justine 8938 Calved: 5/31/13 PAP MR Spruce 18283 cole creek Black Cedar 46p mr black cedar 3940 mr lyn 9845 217 BW MR Slagle 18133 tc total 410 kmr total 48 kmr lyn 1030 kmr total 1180 boyd poundmaker 21 kmr blackbird 1176TAM Blackbird 1168 mr romeo 3167 mr lucile 10889 mr lucile 7178 Performance BW 70 WW 580 mr new frontier 6464 mr dalia 8224 mr cola 4118 mr irene 7765 Performance BW 84 WW 634 PAP 42 PAP 42 SC 38.0 SC 40.0 39 Reyes/Russell MR Impact 0123 223 Calved: 7/20/13 Tattoo: 0123 MR Dean 13763 226 Calved: 6/6/13 Tattoo: 13763 cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek black cedar 23V cole creek juanada bird 38n CRA bextor 872 5205 608 tc aberdean 759 tc blackbird 4034 ddb aberdeen 1146 bon view new design 1407 ddb ms freightdesign 415 dd ms freightlander 129 #ch quantum 6247 cole creek Clova Juanada 67 hbr encore 0544 cole creek juanita 311 Angus Bull angus bull angus cow angus cowANGUS BULL ANGUS COWANGUS COW kmr edge 231 mr hattie 11093 mr hatty 2038 Performance BW 66 WW 687 kmr executive 1466 far lady 206 traveler 542 dro high pockets 697 dro kims traveler 7203 BW 78 WW 555 PAP 35 PAP 38 SC 35.5 SC 37.0 MR Packer 16103 224 Calved: 7/9/13 Tattoo: 16103 227 connealy packer 547 wmr packer 117 wmr pride 519 Connealy consensus connealy consensus 7229 blue lily of conanga 16 connealy black granite sav bismarck 5682 #eura elga of conanga 9109 eura cal of conanga 56B feltons meat packer 62 bestrelle of conanga 539 wmr super x 112 wmr pride 217-168 pAPA FORTE 1921 WOODHILL FORESIGHTBON VIEW GAMMER 85 MR JANA 10107 FAF ROMAN BANKER MR JANA 8916MR JANA 8022 Performance 75 WW 743 Calved: 5/31/13 Tattoo: 0023 Angus bull angus bull angus cow angus cow angus bull angus cow angus cow Performance BW MR Granite 0023 Performance BW 85 WW 594 PAP 51+ PAP 46 SC 41.0 SC 40.0 MR Frontier 0073 225 Calved: 7/10/13 Tattoo: 0073 Right Time 16723 228 Calved:MR 6/7/13 Tattoo: 16723 B/r new design 036 b/r new frontier 095 white fence pride h1 mr new frontier 6464 kmr yuma 747 mr gertie 3208 mr gina 2721 3210 right time d919 kmr right time 575 k&L lady 531 angus bull angus cow angus cow Angus bull angus bull angus cow angus cow angus bull angus cow angus cow angus bull angus cow angus bull angus cow Performance BW 80 WW 701 leachman right time basin trojan erica ds 937y svf gbar junction 114i far lady 245 5357 Performance BW 80 WW 520 PAP 37 PAP 49 SC 34.0 SC 35.5 MR Discovery 18323 229 Calved: 7/15/13 Tattoo: 18323 Tehama reputation woodhill break thru woodhillevergreen62N-S28 woodhill discovery w2-Y20 #car efficient 534 #woodhill gammer T288-W2 #woodhillgammerG867-T288 hyline right time 338 leachman right time 338-5605 leachman erica 1201 mr nicole 16350 bon view new design 878 mr nochole 14707 mr nichole 10635 (817)624-3800 Reyes/Russell 40 Performance BW 80 WW 765 PAP 43 SC 37.5 Angus Bull Sale MR Brush 15043 230 Calved: 6/27/13 Tattoo: 15043 MR Industry 0083 234 Calved: 5/28/13 Tattoo: 0083 #ch quantum 6247 cole creek Black Cedar 46p cole creek clova juanada 67 Cole creek black cedar 66vHBR Encore 0544 cole creek juanadacap 42p cole creek juanada cap 802 #connealy industry 5634 g bar h industry 074 g bar h rita r555 b/r new frontier 095 mr lois 12945 mr lois 12082 Angus bull angus bull angus cow angus cow angus bull angus cow angus cow 231 b/r new design 036 white fence pride h1 hero 6267 of rr 2418 mr lois 11000 Performance BW 75 WW 588 Performance 74 588 38 PAP 38 SC 35.5 SC 38.0 MR Kevin 15813 235 Calved: 6/7/13 Tattoo: 15813 Tattoo: 15253 connealy packer 547 wmr packer 117 wmr pride 519 feltons meat packer 62 bestrelle of conanga 539 wmr super x 112 wmr pride 217-168 harb windy 702 jh harb windy 758 jh harb juanada erica 571 jh mytty windy 758 136x connealy thunder mytty everelda entense u307 sitz everelda entense 5038 thomas precision e161 3688 mr gladys 11846 mr gladys 8729 twin valley precision e161 thomas ester 4123 Performance rally high 5 BW 76 mr juna 7861 mr cola 4118 mr polly 14907 mr polly 10285 WW 592 rr 9440 scotch cap 1483 mr barbara 1186 kmr edge 231 mr polly 8387 Performance BW 78 WW 666 PAP 38 PAP 37 SC 34.0 SC 40.5 MR Brush 15063 232 Calved: 6/23/13 Tattoo: 15063 MR FC 22353 236 Calved: 5/27/13 #ch quantum 6247 cole creek Black Cedar 46p cole creek clova juanada 67 Cole creek black cedar 66vHBR Encore 0544 cole creek juanadacap 42p cole creek juanada cap 802 #sav final answer 0035 ma final choice 8036 ma 5175 bando 349 #sitz traveler 8180 sav emulous 8145 saf 598 bando 5175 vdar pridella 4069 tam hydro 1171 mr kathie 13025 mr katherine 32 harb icon 019 mr blackbird 6381 mr blackbird 2648 #sav final answer 0035 harb belle nellie 702-707 mr cola 4118 mr blackbird 1289 kmr hero 299 tam blackbird 1168 kmr high 5 146 mr sharon 3 BW WW PAP MR Packer 15253 Calved: 6/11/13 #connealy freightliner eilera of conanga 2583 kg power design g bar h rita h147 Performance BW 84 WW 635 Tattoo: 22353 Performance BW 78 WW 608 PAP 51 PAP 34 SC 41.5 SC 38.0 MR Kevin 14843 233 Calved: 6/21/13 Tattoo: 14843 harb windy 702 jh harb windy 758 jh harb juanada erica 571 jh mytty windy 758 136x connealy thunder mytty everelda entense u307 sitz everelda entense 5038 Twin valley precision E161 thomas precision E161 3360Thomas Pride 8589 Performance mr lena 12935 kmr force 1867 BW 84 mr lena 11992 mr lena 10690 WW Angus Bull Sale 681 PAP 41 SC 39.5 41 Reyes/Russell Registered Yearling Bulls 237 KMR Rebel 893 Calved: 9/11/13 Reg. No. Pending Tattoo: 893 hf tiger 5t hf rebel 53Y hf tibbie 103t hf kodiak 5R hf echo 84r hf done right 125R hf tibbie 62r mr power 1516 kmr sara 888 kmr sara 765 mr hydro 6834 mr goldie 0289 kmr kole 623 kmr sara 1212 Performance EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA +2.5 +51 +84 +22 NA IMF NA $B NA BW 76 WW 676 PAP 36 SC 40.5 Lot 239 KMR Rebel 33 239 Calved: 11/20/13 Reg. No. 17860903 hf tiger 5t hf rebel 53Y hf tibbie 103t Tattoo: 33 hf kodiak 5R hf echo 84r hf done right 125R hf tibbie 62r kmr frontier 625 kmr frontier 687TAM Blackbird 1161 kmr blackbird 39 mm futures right 704 kmr blackbird 1177 tam blackbird 1168 Performance EPDs Lot 238 BW WW YW Milk REA +1.5 +48 +80 +21 NA IMF NA $B NA BW 80 WW 731 PAP 39 SC 38.5 Prime Trend 313 238 Calved:KMR 9/11/13 Reg. No. Pending Tattoo: 313 KMR Wisdom 734 240 Calved: 11/29/13 Reg. No. 17851239 Tattoo: 734 AAr windy ridge 362 #aar really windy 1205 aar lady kelton 2170 vdar really windy 4097 vdar enterprise 2059 vdar blackbird 2031 vdarenviousblackbird6060 #connealy onward sitz wisdom 481T sitz elluna elite 94p #connealy lead on altune of conanga 6104 #sitz new design 349M sitz eltuna elite 163M ambush g 1150 forever lady 334 forever lady 1322 #boyd poundmaker 21 kmr enchantress 766 kmr sara 1212 #sitz alliance 6595 boyd forever lady 9001 dmm dynasty 03g kmr sara 928 #rockn D Ambush 1531 harmony hill katinka 229 Performance #summitcrest prime cut 1g42 BW 84 rSR elizabeth 676 WW EPDs 762 EPDs Performance BW 84 WW 741 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 39 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 49 +2.0 +52 +82 +16 +.06 +.35 +71.72 SC 40.0 +1.8 +50 +94 +20 +.30 +.58 +92.93 SC 41.0 Lot 240 Reyes/Russell Sitz Wisdom 481T Angus Bull Sale KMR Ukon 1014 244 Calved: 12/24/13 Reg. No. 17851242 Tattoo: 1014 #sitz upward 307R sitz Uncommon sitz ellunas elite 1697 sav trailblazer 3015 hm elnora 6117 wk elnora 0081 #connealy onward sitz henrietta pride 81m sitz rls alliance 7164 sitz ellunas elite 1281 #bcc bushwacker 41-93 #sav priscilla 5158 Performance #connealy dateline BW 80 wk elnora 7483 WW EPDs Lot 241 241 760 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 36 +2.0 +53 +87 +28 +.45 +.32 +96.70 SC 37.5 KMR Wisdom 854 Calved: 12/11/13 Reg. No. 17851241 #connealy onward sitz wisdom 481T sitz elluna elite 94p #connealy lead on altune of conanga 6104 #sitz new design 349M sitz eltuna elite 163M kmr pace 127 kmr erica 849 kmr erica 1535 kmr pace 614 kmr erica 1255 kmr precision 1252 kmr erica 1523 Tattoo: 854 Performance EPDs BW 76 WW 719 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 39 +0.1 +50 +91 +19 +.36 +.60 +92.49 SC 38.5 Lot 245 KMR Wisdom 264 242 Calved: 2/9/14 Reg. No. 17851243 Tattoo: 264 Ukon 554 245 Calved: 2/27/14KMR Reg. No. 17854271 Tattoo: 554 Sitz wisdom 481T kmr wisdom 832 kmr lady 827 #connealy onward sitz elluna elite 94p kmr right time 85 lhr forever lady 2005 sitz uncommon kmr ukon 1182 kmr blackbird 1176 #sitz upward 307R sitz ellunas elite 1697 #boyd poundmaker 21 tam blackbird 1168 kmr total 48 kmr blackbird 1110 kmr blackbird 1114 #tc total 410 kmr lyn 1030 #sav 8180 traveler 004 kmr blackbird 1162 cole creek black cedar 7v kmr erica 851 kmr erica 849 cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek juanada rita 11s Performance kmr pace 127 BW 72 kmr erica 1535 EPDs Performance BW 86 WW 864 WW EPDs 762 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 38 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 44 +4.6 +59 +94 +25 +.29 +.51 +94.13 SC 36.0 +1.6 +47 +78 +21 +.24 +.37 +69.24 SC 33.5 KMR Rebel 674 243 Calved: 12/2/13 Reg. No. 17851240 Tattoo: 674 Black Creek 914 246 Calved:KMR 2/27/14 Reg. No. 17854271 Tattoo: 914 hf tiger 5t hf rebel 53Y hf tibbie 103t hf kodiak 5R hf echo 84r hf done right 125R hf tibbie 62r sitz uncommon kmr ukon 1182 kmr blackbird 1176 #sitz upward 307R sitz ellunas elite 1697 #boyd poundmaker 21 tam blackbird 1168 kmr kolt 116 kmr blackbird 268 #kmr sara 1922 kmr kolt 173 #kmr blackcap 1091 kmr exec 360 kmr sara 55 cole creek black cedar 7v rsr sarah 921 forever sarah 1309 cole creek black cedar 46p cole creek juanada rita 11s Performance mr power 1516 BW 72 rsr nicy EPDs Performance BW 105 WW 785 WW EPDs 774 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 41 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 36 +4.4 +53 +86 +25 +.12 +.21 +69.38 SC 37.5 +1.8 +50 +83 +24 +.25 +.34 +68.38 SC 34.5 Angus Bull Sale 43 Reyes/Russell 247 KMR Ukon 584 Calved: 3/2/14 Reg. No. 17851245 KMR Wisdom 324 249 Calved: 3/24/14 Reg. No. 17851246 Tattoo: 324 Tattoo: 584 sitz uncommon kmr ukon 1182 kmr blackbird 1176 #sitz upward 307R sitz ellunas elite 1697 #boyd poundmaker 21 tam blackbird 1168 #connealy all around kmr erica 610 kmr erica 440 #Connealy Whitman entrust of conanga 894 kmr drifter 197 kmr erica 2077 EPDs Performance BW 86 WW 775 Sitz wisdom 481T kmr wisdom 832 kmr lady 827 #connealy onward sitz elluna elite 94p kmr right time 85 lhr forever lady 2005 kmr kolt 1119 kmr lady 151 kmr lady 575 kmr kolt 116 kmr blackbird 1114 #boyd poundmaker 21 k&L Lady 531 Performance EPDs BW 86 WW 710 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 51 BW WW YW Milk REA IMF $B PAP 48 +2.3 +50 +83 +21 +.17 +.50 +83.68 SC 36.0 +4.3 +48 +86 +21 +.07 +.52 +82.91 SC 34.5 Rustic 284 248 Calved: 1/8/14KMR Reg. No. 17854289 Tattoo: 284 sitz uncommon kmr ukon 732 kmr enchantress 766 #sitz upward 307R sitz ellunas elite 1697 #boyd poundmaker 21 kmr sara 1212 wk bobcat rsr forever lady 312 forever lady 334 #connealy right answer 746 wk miss angus 7127 Performance ambush g 1150 BW 74 forever lady 1322 EPDs BW WW YW Milk REA +1.5 +53 +89 +26 NA IMF NA $B NA WW 620 PAP 50+ SC 37.5 Sitz Uncommon Notes Reyes/Russell 44 Angus Bull Sale We have made preparations to bid and buy livestock through Superior Productions’ “Call or Click-To-Bid” service for those unable to attend in person on sale day. Please note that all of the lots in the sale will also be available for viewing online prior to sale day at HERE’S HOW IT WORKS Turn in Bids Over the Phone: This is our traditional method of buying livestock and is the suggested process for anyone who does not have excellent, high-speed internet. To get started simply go online to www.superiorlivestock. com and click on the tab titled “Register for a Buyer Number”. Select the registration form for Superior Productions and print the registration form, fill it out and fax it in to Superior Productions at (817) 378-3380 with a signature on it. You can also mail it in to the address provided on the form. Upon receipt of this information Superior will call you with a buyer’s number and the bid line phone number that you will use on sale day to place bids over the phone. Click-To-Bid: This is Superior’s newest way to buy cattle! Please note that high speed internet is required – this is not for dial-up or satellite internet. Registration is free, but you must become a member of to sign up. Becoming a member is easy – just go to the homepage of and follow the out-lined steps to get started. Input your information and select a username and password. You will receive an e-mail confirming you are a member. From that point forward you just have to sign in and select the sale you would like to register for and once approved by the ranch you will receive an e-mail confirming which sale you are now registered for. Viewing the Auction: The sale will be broadcast via satellite on Dish Network channel 232 (RURAL TV). Please note that there is a short delay if you are watching the auction on television so be sure to call in a couple lots ahead of the lot you are interested in bidding on. The sale will also be broadcast live on the internet at – just go to the home page and select the auction. Remember you can call in to bid whether you watch on the TV or on the internet, but you must be a member of www.superiorclicktobid. com to “click-to-bid”. Your computer must have Flash Media Player installed to view the auction. Bidders successful in making purchases via satellite or internet will be contacted by the ranch after the sale to settle payment and make shipping arrangements. (817)624-3800 Thanks for Coming! See you next year! Angus Bull Sale Reyes/Russell Reyes/Russell Angus Bull Sale
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