Term 4 - Singleton High School


Term 4 - Singleton High School
Singleton High School
75 - 81 York Street SINGLETON NSW 2330
Phone: 02 6571 1199 Fax: 02 6572 4889
Email: singleton-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Web: www.singleton-h.schools.nsw.edu.au
Office Hours: 8.30am – 4.00pm
Principal’s Report
As another very busy and engaging school term draws
to a close I reflect on some exciting recent events that
have taken place at Singleton High School.
Firstly, it is with great pleasure that I announce the
incoming Singleton HS leaders for 2013. Our Captains
are Breanna and Jackson Vice Captains are Shanelle
and Joseph. Congratulations to you all. I look forward to
working closely with this leadership team to lead and
manage our amazing school.
From l – r
Boys Vice Captain
Boys Captain
Girls Captain Breanna
Girls Vice Captain
candidates for captaincy was very high which made the
voting decision extremely difficult. I would like to
acknowledge and thank the students who embarked on
the process. You are leaders in your own right and
contribute daily to making Singleton High School a better
place to be.
Our outstanding current school leaders; Elle , Matt Olivia
and Bobby will undertake a coaching process to induct
the new leaders in Term 4.
The week commencing 3 September was the School
Administration and Support staff recognition week.
Thank you to our administration officers, school learning
support officers, Aboriginal education officers, farm
assistant and general assistants. Your contribution to the
successful, ongoing operation of our school is
at Belmont High School and Ms Jodie Coutts will take
maternity leave. Grant Godfrey has very successfully led
and managed a competent PE staff for the last seven
years and has been an integral driver of the Indigenous
leadership team. His skills and talents also saw him
capably relieve in the role of Deputy Principal on many
On behalf of the Singleton High School family I would
like to wish Grant well in his new endeavour and extend
those warm wishes to Jodie and her exciting role as a
As this will be the last newsletter before October, on
behalf of the staff I would like to pass on our best wishes
to Year 12 for their impending Higher School Certificate
exams which commence on 15 October. Congratulations
on your decision to complete Year 12. May you remain
energised and focused to achieve your personal best? I
trust your results reflect your commitment to learning
and open pathways to lifelong learning opportunities.
Best wishes Year 12!
It is also worth reminding parents about the attendance
of students in Term 4, 2012. With the removal of School
Certificate tests and the introduction of the Record of
Achievement in 2012, all students excepting those
undertaking Higher School Certificate examinations will
be required to attend school up until the last day of
As school staff are involved in school development days
at the end of Term 4 in 2012, all students are required to
be in attendance until the third last day of Term 4,
Wednesday, 19 December 2012.
Where parents are seeking permission for their child not
to be at school for a period of time the matter should be
dealt with using the Exemption from School Procedures. Please see Year Advisors, Front Office
Staff or Deputy Principals for the relevant paperwork.
This year marked the 16th annual visit of the Takahata
Japan study tour. The staff and students from our sister
school departed our shores on 9 August. It was
wonderful to see Mr Greg Davis again.
Thank you to all our parents and carers for your support
this Term. Students return to school on Monday,
8 October.
I wish you all a safe and happy holiday.
The reciprocatal 2012 Japan study tour leaves
Australian shores on Friday, 21 September. The very
excited representatives from Singleton High School are
Ms Cowmeadow, Mrs Webb and Mr and Mrs Means. I
wish you well and safe travel as you embark upon this
amazing cultural exchange.
Elizabeth Bate
Rlvg Principal
On a much more sombre note, it is with regret that I
announce that we are farewelling two outstanding
PD/H/PE staff members at the end of this Term.
Mr Grant Godfrey, Head Teacher, will take up a position
In this issue
Important Year 12 dates and organisation times for the
rest of the year.
There are many interesting articles about the school and
written by the students.
Check list for Yr 12 Students, Parents and
Dates to remember
08 11.12
Compulsory attendance Year 12
rehearsal and end of year
Yr 12 graduation assembly
University Admissions Centre (UAC)
On-time applications close
HSC commences
HSC ends
Year 12 sign out day 9:25 - 11:37
Singleton High School Library
SHS Year 12 Formal
HSC results released
ATAR result released
UAC Main Round offers released
The following information has been distributed to
Year 12 students
Signing out procedure
Formal information/ permission note:
5.00pm meet at Civic Centre, Singleton
Formal Invitation – Cost $75
Principal's expectations of final days
Yearbook information + purchase price $53
DER laptop release forms
ALL payments (school fees. Formal $75,
Year Book $53) need to be paid by 21.09.12.
Rhys Jones
Year 12, Year Advisor
Tommy’s Day – Relay for Life
Equestrian News
Three students have been selected in the NSW
Equestrian team
Jake Year 10 and Cade Year 7 have been selected in
the Olympic Show Jumping team and Courtney Gould in
It will be held in
Hunter boys will
have to choose,
for they are both
going to Victoria
to compete in the
championships which is an international event, with
competitors from New Zealand, Canada , Germany and
France all competing for the national title and the
international FEI events.
They won‟t be able to travel the horses from such a long
distance in time for both events. Cade was selected in
the junior team and Jake and Courtney in the senior
Dungog Competition Results
On Thursday, 30 August, the team travelled to Dungog
for their annual Horse Sports Competition, which had
previously been postponed twice because of wet
weather. Finally a nice day and 6 students and parents
made the trip and enjoyed a great day of competition.
Our students and their results included:
1 x1, 2 x 1, 3 x 4 places
5 x 1 place
2 x 1, 4 x 2, 5 x 3 places
4 x 1, 5 x 1 place
1 x 1, 2 x 1, 3 x 1, 4 x 1 place.
J also had an enjoyable day in a big age group.
All students as usual represented their school with pride
and their presentation of themselves and their horse was
Thank you to all the parents for their assistance on the
Bruce Withers
Team Manager
Did You Know?
A horse can sleep
standing up.
An adult bear can run as fast as a horse.
A big crowd gathered to see Ebony and Simone have
their heads shaved to raise money for Tommy‟s Day and
Relay for Life.
Japanese Excursion
On Friday, 24 August 2012, Year 7 Simpson travelled by
train to Newcastle foreshore. With 28 students in our
class and our Japanese exchange student
Join a FREE creative writing workshop at
The National Young Writers‟ Festival
When? 27 - 30 September
Where? Newcastle
Who? Writers aged 14 - 17
What? You will meet and work with professional editors,
designers and type-setters, proof readers and printers.
They will take you from plotting to publishing and help
the group create a collection of 20 stories.
These stories will be published in a book, launched at
the festival and go on sale.
Only 20 places available. Email Hollie or Karen today:
hunterwriterscentre.com youngwritersfestival.org
Year 9 News
The final years of high school are for many students a
challenge. Some rise to the occasion, many just cope
and some are completely overwhelmed. This is why the
school has organised a study skills day to provide
students with the skills they can use to face the
challenges with confidence.
This Year 9 study skills day will be run by an
organisation called Learn4Life. They offer seminars to
students who wish to learn how to study more
effectively. Learn4Life visits schools and present
interactive workshops that encourage students to
become independent learners.
Ryutarou (Ryu) which made 29, we were accompanied
by our Japanese teacher
Ms Cowmeadow.
We left at 10:45am and
arrived back in Singleton
at approximately 5:15pm.
We travelled to Newcastle
to have lunch together
called the „Nagisa‟.
We enjoyed 3 different
meals. The first one
consisted of a sushi roll,
some Japanese noodles,
vegetables with peanut
sauce and raw fish. The
cucumber and sweet
potato, some fried round octopus, and a dumpling. With
that we also got miso soup. The final dish was dessert
and consisted of either a scoop of black sesame seed
ice cream or a scoop of green tea ice cream.
Afterwards we enjoyed a long walk along the foreshore
and ice cream cones. Then we went to the beach and
played for 30 minutes to show Ryu the beach.
The students will be introduced to note taking as a tool
to help understanding. To learn something means to
understand it properly and to be able to remember when
required. The strategy has been proven as a very
effective way of recording notes to enable both
understanding and memory.
The Memory Workshop will provide the students with
practical ways to remember specific details. A variety of
methods are covered to meet all types of learning styles.
The Revision Workshop shows students how to
maximise their ability to recall without the need to cram.
This provides students with confidence in their learning
and removes the stress and frustration associated with
their current method of revision. The students will also
consider their organisational skills and how they might
need to improve them.
Learn4Life will ensure the students day is both
informative and fun.
The Study Skills Day will be held on 23 October. The
cost to students is $15 payable at the office.
Bob Collins
Year Adviser
The day was fantastic and the dishes tasted delicious. a
I am sure the rest of the class would love to go back
there again someday to enjoy their delicious food they
have to offer.
Kendall Alston of Year 7
Embracing Your True Self
Do you want to live a happier life?
Next Group Term 4
6 week workshop
Monday, 22 October to 26 November
10.00am to 12.00pm
This workshop is for women looking to improve
confidence and nurture hope and purpose. Workshop
activities will include goal setting, positive thinking and
health and well being. It is run by volunteers with
support from Singleton Family Support.
For more information please contact
Singleton Family Support
02 6572 4288
RoboRescue 2012
The day had dawned on one of the
most anticipated events of the year.
The „Cup that stops the nation‟ - the
official Regional RoboCup Rescue
Singleton High School debuted at
the NXT Lego robotics competition.
The premise was that students
would design and program a robotic vehicle using the
Lego NXT products. The robot had to carry out a rescue
task autonomously with only its pre-programming and
sensors to guide the vehicle.
spent 10 weeks
preparing their
unique robots for
competition. The
teams consisted
Team R.E.D (Robotics Engineering Division)
powered by Abraham and Liam ,
The Decepticons – actuated by Nathan, Donald
and Conrad and
Shell Shockers – triggered by Tim and Callum.
The teams did their best in the later competition rounds.
Alterations to infra red sensors, modifications to
ultrasonic emitters and rebuilding of chassis provided
some relief to our performance. Regrettably, it was a
little too late to regroup as we failed to qualify for the
final rounds.
With heads held high we exited the battle arena knowing
we had given it our all. We let our robots do the
We are wiser now. We have been battle hardened. We
are preparing for our next encounter. We will be ready
next year. Watch out RoboRescue 2013.
R Jones
Industrial Arts
RSPCA Cupcake Fundraising Event
A small number of Year 10 students assisted in the
fundraising efforts for our local RSPCA shelter in
Rutherford. Over 200 tasty cupcakes were baked and
were creatively decorated into animal faces or covered
in lollies. The event was well supported by staff and
students, with all cakes being sold out before the
completion of lunch time. A grand total of $435 was
raised to support the animals at the RSPCA.
Navigating around Newcastle University was effortless
due to Tim‟s incredible knowledge of the campus. In
fact, he knew the campus so well he even took us on a
guided tour around the university. Eventually we found
our destination after 20 minutes of sightseeing and as it
turned out we had originally parked directly next to the
We quickly registered our teams for competition. As we
entered the battle arena, sorry, I mean the competition
arena, there was a sharp stillness in the room.
Immediately we could sense that all the other teams
were looking at us. No doubt they were intimidated by
our bold and innovative NXT robotic designs. Right then
and there we were marked as the robotic triple threat –
programming, mechanical design and attitude to boot.
The teams had only 5 minutes to prepare before the
1 round of competition ended. Quickly, Team R.E.D.
crunched the numbers of the NXT light sensors. The
Shell Shockers infiltrated another team to steal, sorry, I
mean borrow the obstacle course track. While the
Decepticons decided to test run their robot through its
paces on the competition track.
Competition was fierce as many of the other schools had
a home town advantage. The advantage gave teams
critical time to simulate test runs, alter ambient light
settings and modify designs to suit game day
competition requirements.
Cracks in our programming began to surface throughout
the competition rounds. Fluorescent lighting played
havoc with sensitive receivers. This caused our robots to
become confused. The result was some fantastic circle
work and some advanced shortcut cornering.
Unfortunately, the judges did not score us strongly for
our creativity.
A “BIG THANK YOU” to my team of helpers (from left to
right) - Aimee, Breanna, Tanna , Tayla, Simone,
Mrs French and Renae. Missing from the photograph –
Jessica, Emily and Brittany
Mrs French and Mrs Schmitt
Year 10 Student Advisors
Science Super Challenge
CAPA Report
On Thursday, 30 August, 35 students from Years 8, 9
and 10 represented the Upper Hunter in the Northern
NSW Science and Engineering Super Challenge in
Newcastle. Singleton High School competed against 7
other schools from around Northern NSW including
Taree, Gosford, Willyama and Gulgong.
Higher School Certificate
It was a great day with many successful challenges
including the Helter Skelter Shelter, Future Power and
Eco-Habitech. Although Singleton High School did not
win any activities we were consistent in our efforts
collectively gaining great points towards our final score.
The clincher at the end of the day was the excellent
efforts of the „Bridge Building Team‟, Georgia, Sam,
Brendan and Jordan . Their team effort, skills and
communication put together a great strong but light
design, a favourite of the judges. The bridge carried a
total of 6kg and put Singleton High School into the top 3.
Many cheers and shouts were heard as Singleton High
School took home 3rd place and a trophy! Overall it was
a brilliant day!
Written by Emily and Lily
Photos Emily, Lily and Ethan
The CAPA department would like to wish all our
fabulously talented HSC students the best of luck as
they approach their final exams. At this stage Dance and
Drama practical performances have been assessed.
Music will be assessed in week 9 and Visual Arts early
in Term 4. Once again we have been astounded by the
quality of work produced by our talented CAPA students.
Staff and students who attended our HSC performance
nights have all been complimentary of the talent fostered
at Singleton High School.
Student Contributions
As we approach the end of Term 3, I must remind our
elective and non-elective students to ensure they have
paid their fees for the year. The contributions required by
CAPA students are essential to enable us to purchase a
range of quality consumable equipment and resources
for student use. Fee money goes directly to the
students. Elective students who have not made
payments by Term 4 may have to work with restricted
access to some materials.
Year 9 Music 2013
Thanks to all the students and parents who fought hard
to save Year 9 Music in 2013.
From left: Mitchell , Mitchell, Jackson and Brendan with their
hover craft.
Unfortunately the executive decision was made and
Music will not run for Year 9 in 2013. I know that there
are many talented students who will be disappointed but
we intend to offer these current Year 8 students‟ extra
curricula opportunities over the next two years to
maintain their interest and passion for the subject and
support their continued learning. We certainly hope to
see all these students (and some more friends) select
Music again for Year 11 in 2015.
MADD (Music, Art, Dance, Drama)
Our MADD performances and art exhibit will take place
towards the end of Term 4. This year we will have one
school matinee, one normal night performance and one
dinner show (it's a MADD MESS). The dinner show will
see us once again collaborate with Hospitality for a night
of dinner and entertainment. Proceeds from the dinner
theatre show will go towards supporting the student and
staff representatives attending Gallipoli in 2015.
Judging time: From left Chelsea, Nick, Brady and Jack.
Further details, dates and ticket prices will be advertised
in Term 4.
J Johns (HT CAPA)
Singleton Arts & Music Society
(SAMS) concert at Sisters of Mercy Convent,
Queen Street Singleton
Sunday. 23 September at 2.00pm
Ambre Hammond (piano) and Marcello Mayo (piano
Featuring the world of tango music of Piazzolla and
Second Runners Up - A very happy Singleton High School
Science and Engineering Team.
Ticket prices $30 (adult), $25 (SAMS member),
$10 (student)
Tickets available from Singleton HiFi
(91 John Street Singleton) and at the door.
Afternoon tea provided.
More information by phoning 0265 722 907
EDuCARE Carer Support
Service Invites:
Carers, Families, Health
Professionals, Service Providers,
To Attend the: 2012 Expo for Carers being held to
Complement Carers Week the Expo will provide a
variety of Resources & Information to:
 Aid and Support Carers in their caring role,
 Provide Professionals with a range of
Information to assist them in their roles
Supporting Carers, and
 Provide an Opportunity to Network and Promote
Carers Week Activities.
Guest Speakers Include:
10.00am – 11.00am: Matthew Elder
Education and Training Officer – Carers NSW
‘How Carers NSW Advocates for Carers on a Policy
Level, Person Centred Approaches and the National
Disability Insurance Scheme’
11.30am – 12.30pm: Naomi Richards
Behavioural Consultant and Educator Director
Danar Consulting and Maintenance
PO Box 895 Raymond Terrace NSW 2324
Ph.: 02 4987 1847 Email: admin@fcansw.org.au
What unites us is the common goal we have in
raising this next generation to reach their full
‘Positively Dealing with Negative Behaviours’
1.15pm – 2.15pm: Mandy Harden – Clinical Nurse
Consultant – Aged Care - HNELHD
‘Tips to Help a Person with Memory Loss when they
Need to go to Hospital’
A Range of Exhibitors including Hunter Health Services,
Carers NSW, Legal & Financial Information, Children‟s
Services and Aged Care Services will be available to
speak to on the day
Expo Details:
Thursday, 11 October 2012
9.30am – 3.30pm
Cardiff Panthers,
Cnr Pendlebury and Munibung Roads,
Cost: Free - includes Lucky Door Prizes
This is a Collaborative Project between EDuCARE Carer
Support Service and our Carer Reference Group
For more Information or to Register Contact
EDuCARE on: 02 4921 4895 or 1300 887 776
or Email: Educare-Admin@hnehealth.nsw.gov.au
Foster Care Association NSW Inc
CARERS UNITE - For all NSW foster carers to unite into
a powerful collective voice.
ADVOCATE - To advocate on behalf of foster carers &
their families, & to form
strong working partnerships with government & nongovernment organisations in
support of a quality OOHC system.
SUPPORT - To provide peer support to foster carers, &
to assist them to achieve the
best possible outcomes for their foster children &
EDUCATE - To educate foster carers & raise awareness
in the general public of the
vital role of foster carers.
VISION - To provide advocacy, support & information
to carers, that ensures they continue to receive the best
support from their NGOs, allowing each child in care to
achieve their full potential.
FCANSW welcomes & supports a culturally diverse
community of foster carers who come from all different
backgrounds & offer a wealth of experience.
Address: P.O. Box 895 Raymond Terrace NSW 2324
Email: admin@fcansw.org.au
02 4987 1847
ABN: 74 198 044 817
Are you due to finish school at the end of the year?
You, along with thousands of other students will be
finishing school together and all applying for casual, part
time and full time work. How will you stand out from all
the other students and get noticed?
Professional Resume Writing Service
Contact Penny today on (02) 4955 1856 and obtain a
resume that stands out from the crowd!
Annual Visit from our Friends in Takahata
A group of 13 students and 3 staff from our sister
schools in Takahata, including Mr Greg Davis a former
Singleton High School English teacher, arrived in
Singleton for a week long stay on 1 August.
The Takahata group were marvellous ambassadors for
their homeland, participating to the fullest in activities
such as Amazing Race of our school, classes with their
host students, a woodwork lesson and also a
cooking lesson. The inaugural Australia vs Japan
challenge of „Hide and Seek‟ saw lots of smiling faces
and loud cheers. The match ended in a tie, and
everyone thankfully was found!
Once again it would not have been as successful if it
was not for the wonderful host families who provided
warm hearted Aussie hospitality for our visiting
Japanese friends. It was clear from the very sad and
teary faces on the morning of their departure that
friendships were made and lifelong memories created
despite such a short visit.
In the September school holidays the following students
from Singleton will accompany Mr Means, Mrs Means,
Mrs Webb and I, over to Takahata to reciprocate our
friendship agreement: Mariah, Aidon , Hanna, Renee,
Nick, Amy, Renae, Dylan Jonathan and Noah.
The tour group will also visit famous places in Japan
such as Tokyo, Kyoto and Hiroshima.
Dayna Cowmeadow
Languages Faculty
Thank You from Takahata
This is well overdue but things have been very busy
since our return from Australia on 9 August . Went
straight from organising one tour and then getting ready
for the arrival of 10 students and 4 staff from Singleton
High School on 23 September . No rest for the wicked
they say. I did want to write and thank the Singleton
High School community for their efforts during our visit to
This year‟s group were unusually anxious about the tour,
so much so that we had complaints of stomach aches
and nausea but, thanks to you all, every one of the
students and teachers came back to Japan full of happy
stories about their time in Oz. Looking at the pictures, I
was not surprised that there were very few of the Opera
House or Harbour Bridge, but many of host families and
new friends. This, to me, is a sure sign that the purpose
of the visit was achieved.
Thank you, to Dayna Cowmeadow who, as usual, did an
amazing job organising for us. Thank you to
Velma Webb who as usual opened her home to
welcome Ms Yakuwa. Thank you to Brian and Jenny
Means for taking on the challenge of hosting Mr Ando, a
teacher and for the yummy lamingtons. Thank you to
Tony Jarrett for allowing us to come again as he has
every year.
This year, the 16th year of annual visits was wonderful.
Thank you finally, to the host families. I know we all
know, that it's more than a little nerve wracking having
people in the house, let alone people who can't speak
the language. I hope that the experience, especially for
first-timers, will encourage you all to do it again next
year. Personally, I do so appreciate you all for what you
provide for my students and colleagues.
Can't wait to see some of you on September 23!!! I'll be
the one waving the Aussie flag at Narita Airport and
calling out „Aussie! Aussie! Aussie!‟ GET READY for a
great adventure!!!
Greg Davis
Japanese Visit
On Thursday, 2 August
several Year 10 Food
Technology students had the
pleasure to facilitate a
cooking session with 15
Japanese students from our sister school in Takahata.
The international students were
warmly greeted
around the fabulous kitchen
facilities before receiving a range
of gifts including a personalised
Singleton High School apron, their very first sample of
ANZAC biscuits and a folder with recipes and the history
of the lamington.
The Japanese students were not
used to getting their hands
covered in chocolate but once they
realised they would be able to eat
this new creation time seemed to
rush by. With the washing
up complete, they took their lamingtons around and
shared them with the teachers and high school students
who had made them feel so welcome. It was now time
to enjoy an Aussie morning tea before an impromptu
performance by the Japanese students
of a traditional
Japanese song
in the beautiful
of the outdoor
learning area.
After they finished singing, the Year 10 students not to
be out done had a go at teaching them some Australian
hand games and guitar riffs.
It was a great day full of laughs and smiles but there
were some minor communication troubles.
Cheers Aimee
Singleton High School P&C Update
At our last P&C meeting held on Monday, 20 August we
welcomed the new Canteen Managers, Donna and
Tracey, to the meeting. The Canteen is going through
some exciting changes at the moment including new
menu items, new equipment and new people. Both
Donna and Tracey have introduced “daily specials” that
are made fresh each day in the Canteen as well as
offering a wider choice of healthy options.
Feedback from the students, staff and parents has all
been positive and we can‟t wait to see what else Donna
and Tracey have planned.
The Canteen is an important part of school life and it
relies on the assistance of volunteers that are able to
spare just a few hours. If you can spare some time, then
Donna and Tracey would love to hear from you.
Of course, the Canteen isn‟t the only service needing
volunteers. The Clothing Pool is operated and managed
by a dedicated group of parents and they too, could use
some assistance. If you can spare an hour or so, then
please get in touch with Kim Andrews.
Our next P&C meeting will be held at 7.30pm Monday,
17 September 2012 and everyone is welcome.
Cynthia Mulholland
Secretary 0418 230 498
Take Your Language Studies Seriously
Experience a New Culture at Home
Host Families Needed in January 2013
In January 2013 Student Exchange Australia New
Zealand Ltd will be receiving exchange students from
Europe, Japan, Canada, the USA and Latin America.
Our new arrivals will live with a host family and attend a
local school for 2-10 months. We are keen to hear from
suitable families who might be interested to host a
student. It's a great way for them to learn about a new
country and share an unforgettable experience with the
entire family!
Singleton Junior Touch is looking for players to form
representative teams from Under 10‟s to Under 18‟s for
the 2012/2013 season.
Teams will compete at the following competitions:
Berkeley Vale Carnival 16 December 2012
Peter Wilson Memorial Championships
2 and 3 February 2013
Junior State Cup in Port Macquarie
16 and 17 February 2013.
Selection trials will be held at Civic Park in Singleton on
7 October, 2012.
Anyone can come along and try out!
Under 10‟s (Born 2003 or 2004)
Under 12‟s (Born 2001 or 2002)
Under 14‟s (Born 1999 or 2000)
Under 16‟s (Born 1997 or 1998)
Under 18‟s (Born 1995 or 1996)
Cost to play rep will be $175 and includes uniform and
hat and water bottle.
For further information contact:
Mick Carroll - Rep Co-ordinator 0458 013 294
Melissa Mathews - Treasurer 0432 839 713
Website: www.singletonjuniors.touch.asn.au
Email: singletonreptouch@hotmail.com
Gallipoli 2015 - Centenary of Landing
Singleton High School has a position for a student to go
on the tour to Gallipoli in 2015.
At this stage the criteria for determining which students
and reserves are chosen to go to Gallipoli is nearing
completion and will be signed off by the School
Educational Director plus Returned Service Personnel.
Information about the selection process
disseminated once the process is complete.
To assist in supporting the tour we have been
conducting fundraisers since 2011. Our next fundraiser
is proposed for Thursday, 20 September.
Host families come in all shapes and sizes, backgrounds
and ages. Hosting an exchange student can be a truly
rewarding experience. It allows a family to experience a
foreign culture first hand, be exposed to a new language
and pass on a bit of our own culture. They might even
make a friend for life!
The Singleton School of Infantry are bringing along a
mobile commando course for students to try. Students
make a gold coin donation to have a go at the course.
Year groups will be going out on a rostered basis.
"Becoming a Host family for an international student has
been much more than we expected. We thought it would
be great for our kids to learn a little about another
language and maybe something about another country.
Instead, we gained another family member and some
great new friends, her parents from Germany. We get to
show off our country and learn so much about hers.
What a fantastic experience for all of us.”
Melissa, Host Mum
Students will wear full school uniform to start the day
and will attend normal classes except when their year
group is participating in the course. They are able to
change into military clothes at a time to be advised on
the day.
If you have any questions about hosting an exchange
student or would like to view profiles of students arriving
from other countries. Call our office on 1300 135 331.
No obligation.
Additional to the course will be the sale of cupcakes and
opportunity to be made up with camouflage paint.
We thank you for your support in this great venture and
look to continuing such a positive relationship with
yourselves and the School of Infantry.
Ian Skilton
On Behalf of the Organising Committee
Hunter Region NSW National Parks and Wildlife
service presents
Mon -Fri
„Discover the Burning Mountain‟
Burning Mountain Nature Reserve
Take a guided tour and investigate this unique
environment that is State Heritage listed.
Grade: Medium
When: Wednesday, 26 September
Time: 1.00pm-3.00pm
Cost: $10 per person
‘WilderQuest! Bug Detectives
at Towarri National Park
Search for all sorts of bugs!
Especially for children aged 5-8 years.
Start your adventure online at
Grade: Easy
Thursday 4 October
10am-12noon Cost: $15
adults FREE if accompanying children.
Singleton Gym and Swim
Civic Avenue Singleton NSW 2330
Phone; 02 6572 1359
Session 1
Session 2
Session 1
Session 2
09.00am -10.30am
10.30am -11.45am
04.45pm - 06.00pm
06.00pm - 07.15pm
Spots are limited so book your place today
 Bookings can only be made up to one week in
 Parents must remain on site at all times,
 Afternoon crèche is available for both preschool
and school age children,
 Morning crèche is for under school age children
and babies only and
 School holiday crèche available for school age
children - conditions apply
September/October School Holiday Events
at Your Library
Booking and pre-payment is essential for all tours as
http://www.wildwildworld.com.au or contact our Regional
Office on ph 0249 848 200.
Look out for the Discovery Ranger on the day.
Discover just how much fun school holidays can be>
NPWS is a part of the office of Environment and
Singleton Mobile Preschool 2013
If you would like your child to attend the Mobile
Preschool in 2013 please contact Colleen Gale
Children‟s Services on (02) 6573 2000 to register your
The Mobile Preschool operates 9am-3pm MondayFriday during school terms. It provides a valuable
opportunity for children in rural areas to attend a
structured Preschool program before going to
Singleton Council is accepting Expressions Of Interest
from parents for 2013 and this will assist in planning
which venues the Mobile Preschool operates from in
Children attending for the first time in 2013 need to be at
least 3 years old and the daily attendance fee is $33.00.
Closing date for Expressions of Interest is 21 September
2012 and parents will receive confirmation of enrolment
details by the end of October 2012.
No matter your age or interests, there‟s something for
you @ the library this October – from magicians, craft,
Wargaming, cooking and a music workshop to battling it
out on the Wii.
Magician Joel Howlett
Thursday, 27 September 1.00pm – 2.00pm
$5 Single, $15 family - All ages,
Joel is a full time magician, juggler and entertainer who
performs all over Australia.
Music Workshop
Tuesday, 2 October 11.30am– 12.30pm.Free – Ages 8+,
An hour of musical fun and learning provided courtesy of
Singleton Sound Solutions.
Cooking Masterclass competition
Wednesday, 3 October 10.30am – 12.30pm –
Free - Ages 13 - 18.
This is a competition, for younger people, featuring the
creation of a no-bake lunch. This event promotes
healthy eating as well as teaching the participants skills
in the production and presentation of tasty food.
CWA Craft
Thursday, 4 October 1.00pm - 2.30pm - Free -Ages 8+
CWA ladies share their knowledge of all aspects of a
range of crafts. Feel free to bring along anything you
have worked on previously.
Lord of the Rings Wargaming
Friday, 5 October 12.30pm – 2.00pm – Free- Ages 8+
The Boys from Games Workshop Newcastle are
returning to hold another workshop where you can, view
and paint figures and characters from The Lord of the
Rings – then battle it out!
Ages 8+
Wii Olympics
Daily from Tuesday, 2 October – Friday, 5 October,
2.00pm – 4.00pm - Free- Ages 8+
Battle it out on Mario Cart, bowling, golf and tennis for a
chance to win movie passes.
Prizes generously
donated by Singleton Majestic Cinemas.
Bookings are essential to all events. Please visit the
library or call on 6578 7500
Support Networks Program
Hunter & Central Coast
HTN Hospitality Workshop
Hunter Training Network‟s main purpose is to assist
people with apprenticeships in the Hospitality industry.
On Wednesday, 22 August Hospitality
students were involved in a workshop
where Chef Rod and Chef Mark
worked alongside our students to
create a seafood tasting plate.
Students really enjoyed themselves
and this event gave them more
confidence in their abilities to create a
served up at a
agreed that the
chefs were happy, bubbly and easy to approach.
Deputy Principal Ms Bate was quite taken back when
students went to her office with a
tasting plate for her to sample.
The quality of the food the
students produced was fantastic.
Chef Rod and Chef Mark were
extremely impressed with the
Hospitality students have.
Congratulations to those students
who participated and I am looking
forward to more workshops with
our wonderful students.
Sue Hartnett Home Economics
The Support Networks Program is a
service designed to provide support to
children and young people with a
disability and their families.
Northcott aims to work in partnerships with mainstream
services to facilitate a range of social and support
network activities and events so that families of children
with a disability are able to establish meaningful support
networks that provides them with social support and a
sense of connectivity with the community.
The service aims to provide this through:
• Sibling Support
• Parent Support
• Family Support
• Community Development
Activities are fun focused and provide information
resources, and emotional support
Geographical Area
Support Networks Program covers Hunter and Central
People with a Disability aged 0-24 years
Families who support a person with a disability aged 024 years
Mainstream services that people with a disability and
their families may wish to access
Local communities including other disability service
The service is funded by Ageing, Disability and Home
Care, Department of Human Services NSW and
Julie McDonald Support Networks Program
Coordinator Hunter & Central Coast
Hunter office:
13 Valencia Street, Mayfield NSW 2304 Ph: (02) 4935
Fax: (02) 4935 0499
Central Coast office: 1/6 Margaret Street Wyong NSW
Email: julie.mcdonald@northcott.com.au
Disability Services.
Northcott Service Information
Exchange student
Jo our exchange students from
Germany with her first taste of
Aussie scones in Year 11
Hospitality. The extra strawberry
jam and cream topped off the
lovely treat.
Tracey Holloway
HT Home Economics
Jerry’s Plains Community Fair and Car Boot Sale
Saturday, 20 October
Bookings are now being taken for stall holders.
Stall fee only $10.00.
Phone Maureen 02 6576 4093 after 6.00pm
Summer Menu 2012
SHS Canteen -Term 4
Hot Lunches
Sausage Roll
Meat Pie
Chicken Burger
Beef Burger
Sweet Chilli Wrap
Pizza Rounders
Tomato Sauce
B.B.Q. Sauce
Spoons / Folks / Straws
$ 0.30
$ 0.30
Rolls - (Salad Rolls with meat can be ORDERED)…
Chicken and Lettuce Roll
Salad Roll (No Meat)
Salad Roll (With Meat)
$ 4.00
$ 4.00
$ 4.50
Sandwiches –
Chicken and Lettuce
Roast Beef and Pickles
Cheese and Tomato
Ham, Cheese and Tomato
Egg and Lettuce
Curried Egg and Lettuce
Salad Sandwich (No Meat)
Salad Sandwich (With Meat)
Each Additional Filling
Sandwiches TOASTED extra
$ 0.30
$ 0.30
Salad Containers
Large – Plain – lettuce, tomato, carrot, beetroot,
cheese, cucumber, egg.
$ 5.00
Small – Plain
( Same as large only ½ egg)
$ 4.00
Large – Chicken Or Ham – lettuce, tomato, carrot,
beetroot, cheese, cucumber, egg.
$ 6.00
Small – Chicken or Ham
(Same as large only ½ egg)
$ 5.00
HOT Chocolate
Large Flavour Milks
Small Flavour Milks
Plain Milk
Large (100%)
Small (100%)
Aroona 350ml Flavour Drinks
Play Water
Screw Top Bottled Water
Litre Pop Top Bottled Water
Cans of Drinks
$ 4.00
$ 3.00
$ 3.00
$ 3.00
$ 2.00
Large Packet Pretzels
Red Rock Deli Chips
Smiths Chips
Jumpy Chips
Ice Blocks
Zooper Dooper
TNT Sour Pops
Lemonade Twist
Icy Poles
Paddle Pops
Frozen Yogurts
Paddle Pop Shakes
We need your help in the SHS Canteen. Could you
volunteer one day a month or even just a few hours?
Please phone: Tracey or Donna on
0265 722 373
Check the canteen for daily specials
Singleton High School Canteen Roster 2012
Contact: Donna Horton or Tracy Johnson
02 6572 2373
Canteen Roster 2012
Cameron, Hickey, Sergeant
Griffin, Groucutt, Ferguson
Constable, Lancaster
Treat Day, Scott, Flaks
2012 Opening Times
Normal Opening Hours:
Monday – 8.30am to 10.30am and 4.00pm to 5.00pm
Girls’ Items:
Skirt – Checked grey 8-20
Skirt – Checked grey 22-26
Blouse – Blue or White
Polo shirt – Blue or White
Pants – Navy Hipster
Three Quarter Navy Pants
Boys’ Items:
Polo Shirt – Blue or White
Shorts – Grey Longer length
Shorts – Grey Longer leg (old style)
Shorts – Grey Short leg (elastic waist)
Polo Shirt
Shorts – Navy
Jumpers – Girls’ and Boys’:
Polar Fleece jumper
Woollen Jumper 12 - 14
Woollen Jumper 16 - 22
Woollen Jumper 24 – 28
Track suit jacket
Track suit pants
$ 8.00
$ 5.00
$ 8.00
Hickey, Sargent, Jones
Cooper, HELP
Du Chateau, HELP
Forbes, Cochrane
Horton, Johnson, Mitchell
Cameron, Hickey, Sargent, Hitchcock
Griffin, Groucutt, Ferguson
Nicols, HELP
Other items Girls’ and Boys’:
Aprons white or navy
School Tie
Safety Glasses
Socks (football)
Constable, Lancaster, Johnston
Second Hand Clothing Available
Flaks, Horton, Johnson, Mitchell
On the eastern side of the school
between MPC and staff common room.
Marcheff (2pm start), Taylor, Hickey,
Watts, HELP
Dann, Hitchcock
O‟Connell, Chesworth
Horton, Johnson, Mitchell
Hickey, Sargent
Hamilton, HELP
Magill, Fry
Horton, Johnson, Mitchell
Outside the school grounds and enter
through main office gates and sign the visitor‟s book at
Cash or cheque. Sorry, we cannot offer
EFTPOS or credit card facilities.
Kim Andrews is Roster Coordinator and can be
contacted on 0439 993 464.
Did you Know?
Coconuts kill more people than sharks
do. Approximately 150 people are killed
each year by coconuts.