Takahata Visit 2014 - Singleton High School


Takahata Visit 2014 - Singleton High School
Singleton High School
75-81 York Street Singleton NSW 2330
Phone: 02 6571 1199 Fax: 02 6572 4889
Email: singleton-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Web: www.singleton-h.schools.nsw.edu.au
August 2014 News
Takahata Visit 2014
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In this issue
What’s on in August / September
Takahata visitors and their families
What‘s on in August / September
Principal‘s Report
Deputies‘ Reports
Youth Express and assessment
Deputy Report, Welfare News
Year Advisor Reports
SRC Report
Takahata Visit 2014
Max Potential and Support News
Faculty Reports
Career News
Aboriginal Education
Library and Behind the Scenes
Sports News
Canteen and Uniform Shop
18 August
Motivational Media
WIYA opening
P & C Meeting 7.30pm
19 August
Ag Quip
20 August
PCYC Rugby League program
Meeting of the Minds challenge
21 August
UNE presentation to Year 12
27 August
Captains 2015 speeches/voting
27 August
Jesus racing team
28 August
SRC election
29 August
Equestrian team
Tommy‘s Day
1 September
Year 8 police talk
3 September
Parent Info night Yr 7 into 8, Year
8 into 9 and early stage 6
4 September
Tocal live cattle show day
Year 12 Safe Partying police talk
Year 11 exams start
10 September
Meeka Youth expo
Year 7 & 8 fun run at Rose Point
Fire cadet competition
11 September
Year 7 & 9 boys vaccinations
15 September
Year 10 police talks
P & C Meeting 7.30pm
17 September
Love Bites Year 11
18 September
Love Bites Year 11
19 September
Year 12 Final Assembly
For your information
Mr Tony Jarrett
Deputy Principal
Yr 7,9,11 Mr Glenn Yates
Deputy Principal
Yr 8,10,12 Mr Ian Skilton
Deputy Principal
Mr Shane Hookway
Deputy Principal
Mr David Welsh
Welfare HT (Rel)
Ms Dayna Cowmeadow
Administration HT (Rel) Mr Graeme Lindsay
Admin Manager
Mrs Margaret Richardson
Uniform shop
Opening hours
Monday 8.30 to 10.00am
Monday 4.00 to 5.00pm
Mrs Tracy Johnson
02 6572 2373
P&C Association
Meets the 3rd Monday of
the month in common room
Next meeting
18 August
Mrs Salli Avard
Mrs Cynthia Mulholland
Mr Simon Rock
School Hours 9.25am - 3.25pm
School Office Hours: 8.30am - 4.00pm
22 September to 7 October School Holidays
Singleton High presents
“Little Shop of
Night Performances: Two nights only
Thursday 30 &
Friday 31 October
Adults: $15
Students/Concession: $10
For best seats book tickets through Front Office
Principal’s Report
Although we are well and truly into the
term, I would like to take this opportunity
to welcome our community back as we
enter Semester Two.
We have had a number of staff changes
for this semester. Mark Dyball has retired
as Head Teacher Administration, although he will
continue to teach for the remainder of Term 3.
Carolyn Barker has also resigned from teaching at
Singleton High School. It is hoped to fill both of these
position before the end of Term. I wish both staff
members all the best as they go into a new stage in
their journey. Both have been outstanding teachers at
Singleton High School and have made a large
contribution to public education in the school.
Term 3 is a time to prepare and to make choices on
our future directions at Singleton High School.
Recently we had our parent information nights and
students have now started to make their subject
choices for 2015. As we move into 21st Century
technology our school now allows students the
opportunity to select their courses online. Parental
response to this innovation has been very positive
and again highlights the direction our school is
heading in the use of technology. What also is very
pleasing is the involvement of the parents in
supporting their child in their subject choices.
Year 12 has just finished sitting the Trial Higher
School Certificate and now they are undergoing the
stress of preparing for their Higher School Certificate.
As parents you can support your child to maximise
their exam results, by encouragement, looking at
ways to gain the extra mark, and ensuring they take
every opportunity to work with their teachers. Too
often we see some Year 12 students switch off
between the trials and the Higher School Certificate.
In August New South Wales public schools celebrated
60 years of promoting public education through
Education Week. The Education Week ceremony was
held recently providing the Singleton Public Schools
the opportunity to recognise and celebrate the
outstanding achievements and contributions of our
students, staff and school communities. The opening
address was given by our state local member for
Upper Hunter Mr George Souris who clearly outlined
how public schools are preparing our communities for
the future.
The recipients from Singleton High School who were
recognised for their work in public education are:
From our community we recognised the efforts
of Donna Horton and Tracy Johnson in our
school canteen and uniform shop;
The Yinpi Program as an example of one of the
many outstanding school programs to support
Aboriginal students move from school to work
and recognised the effort of the Coordinator Mrs
Jo Vinson;
Mrs Katherin Solman and Mrs Trish Duncan
representing our non-teaching staff.
The following students were also recognised
Jake H, Amy B, and Ryan D;
Mr Mark Dyball, Mrs Linda Wilkes, and Mrs
Angela Brown were also recognised from our
teaching staff and
Our AECG award winner was Ms Deirdre
Congratulations to all our award recipients and thank
you for serving public education. I would also like to
pay tribute to our hospitality students and to our
musicians. Again, they highlighted the
professionalism and talents that this school has in
abundance. This presentation, celebrating public
education, demonstrates the talent that is nurtured by
the staff at Singleton High School.
During August our school and community renewed
our relationship with Takahata, Japan. This year, 14
students and two staff from Takahata were hosted by
families from throughout the Singleton district. We
also had the opportunity to welcome back Mr Greg
Davis to Singleton, although Mr Davis no longer
teaches in Takahata. The visitors were impressed by
the hospitality of our community and the new learning
experiences they enjoyed at our high school. Many
memories they will take with them back to Japan. I
would like to take this opportunity to thank the host
families who have continued to ensure the success of
these visits.
I would like to remind our community we will shortly
be celebrating Tommy‘s Day, a unique event in the
school‘s calendar. This day is held in memory of Tom
Kirkwood. Tom‘s influence brings our school
community together through various activities to raise
much needed funds for children‘s cancer research.
I wish our athletes all the best as they compete at the
state titles at Sydney Olympic Stadium and team
Singleton as they represent us at the 2014
International Children‘s Games to be held at Lake
Yours in Public Education,
Tony Jarrett, Principal.
Deputy Principals’ Reports
It has been a busy start to the new term
and it was great to see so many
parents and students at the subject
selection night last Wednesday. I
believe it provided a good foundation to
the making of best choices for subjects
in 2015. I would like to thank Mr
Lindsay and all of the staff who came
back to support our school community on the night.
Term 3 will be a busy term for Year 11 students as
they complete their Preliminary HSC and prepare for
entry into the HSC courses. It is vital that students
continue to attend all classes and present
assessment tasks. I am seeing that there are some
students who are putting their success in the
Preliminary HSC at risk by their failure to submit tasks
and poor attendance. Mr Lindsay and I are working to
identify those most at risk and hope to be able to
interview these students before the situation becomes
too difficult for the student to repair.
Finally, a quick reminder of the powers of social
media. I have had to spend a large chunk of time
dealing with a situation caused by uploading images
to the web. Students need to be reminded that once
things have been sent to the web, they can be made
available to almost anyone. In the latest case, some
images were sent via Snapchat. It was believed that
these images would only go to a small (12) group of
recipients and then disappear after three seconds.
Unfortunately, there is now an App which allows you
to capture those images and store them. Some
students were surprised to find their private(?) shots
on my computer the day after posting. I can
guarantee that I will not be sending them on, but can
you say the same for everyone who finds one of your
uploads? Please think before sending out an image!
Thank you for the warm welcome I have received
since my official start this term. I am looking forward
to working with you all over the coming years.
Glenn Yates Deputy Years 7,9,11
Term 3 is a critical term in our school
planning. Work is underway already in
planning for 2015. Alongside some
major reviews that have already
commenced at Singleton High School,
we will be developing the strategic
plan for 2015 and beyond.
Part of developing that plan involves gathering
feedback from our community and the parents of our
students as to what you think are the great things that
we do at Singleton High School and what are the
things that you would love to see focused on or
developed to make it an even better school.
Look out for upcoming surveys on our Parent Moodle
website and be prepared to help us make Singleton
High School the best school we can make it.
(visit http://web1.singleton-h.schools.nsw.edu.au/
Assessment Tasks are now available on the
Millennium Parent Portal for download.
Assessments will appear in your activities tab two
weeks before the due date, which is the same time
that students receive their formal notification of
assessment task requirements. Other elements such
as Critical Student Information, Notification
Information, and Marking Criteria / guidelines will also
be made available to assist. Examinations, for
obvious reasons, will not be available until the exam
has been completed and a catch up period expired.
See the full page promotion in the newsletter for more
Subject Selections for 2015 has commenced and will
be finalised this term. All students have been e-mailed
(to their DEC @education e-mail account) instructions
on how to choose including a unique login code to our
new ―Edval‖ online subject selection website
(visit https://web.edval.com.au/).
Students have also been e-mailed their relevant
subject selection booklet. Copies of the subject
selection booklet are available for parents on the
Parent Moodle under subject selection.
(visit http://web1.singleton-h.schools.nsw.edu.au/
Deadlines for students are: Yr 7, 8, 9 need to have
made their 2015 choices by Wednesday 13 August,
and Yr 10 students need to have logged their 2015
selections by Wednesday 20 August.
Please look out for BYOD information. Singleton High
School is engaging in staff development and training
to enhance our capacity to accommodate 21st
Century learners. As part of this Bringing Your own
Device will become increasingly beneficial to the
learning opportunities of our students.
Shane Hookway, Deputy
By Robert Reed
An off-beat comedy play for off-beat
teenagers, at the
Singleton Youth Venue
7 Pitt St, Singleton.
Thursday 4 September at 7pm
Friday 5 September at 7pm
Saturday 6 September at 7pm
Gold coin donation
Tel. 6571 4687
Deputy Principals’ Reports cont..
It has been a delight this term to have
been working with your children. The
ability to walk the journey of their
educational career is a teacher‘s/
parent‘s delight. The subject selection
evenings have allowed us to share
future thoughts, directions, u-turns,
even quantum jumps. The choices
available to students today, in this modern system
certainly makes me very envious.
Congratulations to Year 12 as having completed the
Trial HSC you are now that milestone closer to the
goal of the next phase in your life. I am aware that
much planning is happening for post HSC exams
period but I advise you to keep your eye on the prize
of study and successful completion of the HSC. As
parents of Year 12 students you are no doubt
experiencing a young person who is under a lot of
stress and may be more emotional than normal. The
time will pass quickly and by November all should
return to normal.
A reminder that Term 3 is a consolidation term for all
students in the junior years with the yearly exams
Week 4/5 Term 4. Year 11 are to attempt their final
exams in Week 8/9 this term. We wish them well and
are looking forward to working with them when they
are in Year 12.
It is soon that we move into the election process of
our new school leaders for 2015. I am aware of
candidates who are putting themselves forward and
the field is of high quality once again. It has been a
pleasure to have been working with our captains over
the years. I look forward to the completion of this
year‘s interviews and speeches.
Ian Skilton, Deputy Years 8,10,12
Welfare News
Welfare Programs
Term 3 is a busy time for the Welfare Faculty. We
already have underway many programs that support
and encourage the positive wellbeing of our students.
We currently have running; Seasons for Growth (Yr 7
& 8), Be Your Best (Yr 7 & 8 girls) and Beautiful (Yr 9
girls). Our school is fortunate to be able to run these
programs in conjunction with both the Youth Venue
and Singleton Family Support.
On 18 August we will welcome
Motivational Media to our school.
This year the theme is IMPACT.
The production will encourage us to
understand the impact of some
events may leave us fearful and
hurt. Others may challenge us and even empower us
to do great things. We in turn can impact on the
decisions and directions of those we come in contact
with. Understanding the power of such impacts should
make us consider carefully what actions we take.
The Pit Stop for Youth Program aimed at Year 9 boys
and girls will also occur on 19 August. This program is
provided by local health services that come to our
school and work with our young people sharing
information about health and wellbeing. This is a
hugely successful program that has been facilitated in
our school for the past four years. I would like to
acknowledge Libby Gresham, Community Health
Nurse, for her efforts in coordinating this program.
We currently have a member of our
school community who is undergoing
chemotherapy and would like you to be aware of the
following information which will support Singleton
High School‘s endeavour to minimise those risks
where reasonably practicable.
Measles is a viral disease that may have serious
complications. Measles is now rare in NSW because
of immunisation but many areas of the world continue
to experience outbreaks.
Measles is usually spread when a person breathes in
the measles virus that has been coughed or sneezed
into the air by an infectious person. Measles is one of
the most easily spread of all human infections. Just
being in the same room as someone with measles
can result in infection.
People at risk of measles include people with a weak
immune system (e.g. people who are receiving
chemotherapy or radiotherapy for cancer or people
who take high-dose steroid medications) even if they
have been fully immunised or have had past measles
infection. Source: http://www.schools.nsw.edu.au/
For further information please call your local Public
Health Unit on 1300 066 055 or visit the New South
Wales Health website www.health.nsw.gov.au
Thank you for your understanding and support.
It is pleasing to see the majority of our student
population dressed in school uniform. The reasons
why we are a uniform school are varied. Uniform
builds pride. Our community wants to be proud of our
school and its students. They expect high standards
and judge students poorly when they do not meet
community standards. Uniform enhances our
students‘ reputations. Our uniform also helps us
ensure our school is safe. We can easily identify
people who should not be in the school and who
place students at risk. Your uniform says ‗You are one
of us!‘. The Welfare Team is here to support and
provide assistance to students who require support
with their uniform.
Lastly, it is with pleasure and excitement that I
undertake the role of relieving Head Teacher Welfare
for the remainder of this year. I look forward to
working with not only the staff and students but also
with the wider school community.
Dayna Cowmeadow, HT Welfare (Rel)
Year Reports
Year 7 Report
Welcome back to Term 3 although it is
already nearing its halfway point!!! Lots of
exciting things have been happening in
Year 7 this term, the highlight being Beanie Day
which took place on Friday 1 August. This event was
an SRC initiative fundraiser to support one of our
own, Jacob Moore. The response was overwhelming
with enough money raised to purchase a laptop for
Jacob to use during his absences from school. Well
done to all for your generosity!
The first Leadership Team meeting was conducted in
Week 4 with an excellent response from Year 7
students. This team will become the driving force
behind many events which will occur over the next
few years and we encourage all Year 7 students to
become active participants in this team. Students can
see year advisors for more information regarding the
Leadership Team.
A number of serious bullying incidents has been
reported of late and we would like to remind all
students of the Singleton High School DHV policy in
which any form of discrimination, harassment or
vilification is not tolerated and will be dealt with
accordingly. For the DHV policy to be effective all
steps must be followed to ensure a positive outcome
is able to be achieved. The SHS DHV policy was
included in the Year 7 Handbook issued at the
commencement of this year. A hard copy is available
upon request.
Whilst the large majority of Year 7 students presents
for school in full school uniform there is a small
minority who continue to wear items of clothing that
do not comply with SHS uniform policy. Uniform
infringements will be issued to such students who do
not bring a note explaining why they are out of
uniform and uniform detentions and pre-suspension
formal cautions will be given for continued
non-compliance. If a student needs assistance with
obtaining the correct uniform they may approach
either the year advisors or HT Welfare, Miss
Margaret Bagnall and Leanne Mullen, Year Advisors
———————————————————————Year 8 Report
Welcome back Year 8. I hope you all had
a very restful break and are well and truly
underway with your Semester 2 courses.
Subject Selection
Year 8 will soon be making their subject selections for
Years 9 and 10. Subject selection booklets are
available for download in Moodle under Student
Administration/Subject Selection. Please familiarise
yourself with this document as it contains important
information about the subjects your child will study in
2015. Please don‘t hesitate to contact faculty head
teachers or year advisors if you have any
issues or concerns about subject selections.
Tommy’s Day
Tommy‘s Day this year will be held on Friday 29
August. It is to raise much needed funds for cancer
research. Students are encouraged to bring some
loose change along and participate in the many
activities on the day. All money raised will go to this
great cause, we encourage all of Year 8 to get
involved and enjoy the day.
Well Done
Mr Jones and I would like to extend our
congratulations to all students who received well done
certificates at the end of last term. Keep up the great
Jo Radcliffe and Nathan Jones, Year Advisors
———————————————————————Year 9 Report
Year 9 is currently in a very busy period of
the year. Heads are in the books and
there are lot of extra curricular activities to
get involved in such as Tommy‘s Day,
Beautiful, subject selection, Pit Stop, police talks and
the leadership team.
Tommy's Day will be held on 29 August and we as a
year are organising pass the footy. We need some
more student volunteers to run the stall on the day.
We have gained sponsorship from Singleton Hungry
Jacks providing us with three $15 vouchers, we are
also looking for more prizes and donations for the
The Year 9 girls program Beautiful, which looks at
body image and self-awareness has begun. Girls will
participate in their science class groups. This will take
place over a four week period in Term 3 in B1 and will
be facilitated by Reina Stalker from the Singleton
Youth Venue.
Pit Stop will be held on 19 August. This event is
made up of a series of stalls all supplying the students
with different information on different aspects of
personal welfare health and wellbeing. Notes have
been given out, could they please all be returned
signed by parents.
Police talks were held two weeks ago and they
addressed issues such as sexting, cyber bulling and
internet safety. It was a great success and all
students‘ behaviour was to be commended as they all
displayed the school‘s PBL expectations.
The Year 9 Leadership Team and Singleton Council
have been in discussion over their ideas of looking
after the environment locally. A decision on their
future project will be soon. Watch this space.
Daniel Mead, Year Advisor
Year 10 Report
Year 10 has settled back into the term
after completing their work experience
and Round Tables at the end of Term 2.
There have been many positive reports coming back
to the school in regards to work experience and it has
allowed our cohort a different perspective into the
world of life outside of school.
Year 10 is currently fundraising to assist in covering
the costs of their end of year excursion to the Gold
Coast, Queensland. Students are selling Krispy
Kreme Doughnuts and it is proving to be a successful
campaign for some of our eager students. Just a
reminder to those students who still wish to attend the
excursion that deposits can be made at the front
office once elective fees have been paid.
Once again we remind students that yearly
examinations are coming closer and that students
should be busy completing assessment tasks and
preparing themselves for these examinations.
Continue the hard work Year 10.
Rebecca Luscombe and Daniel Higgins, Year
Year 11 Report
There is typically a lot going on for Year
11 in Term 3 of each year. End of term
exams and the election of school
captains for 2014/2015 are two items on a
busy agenda.
This year is no exception with a number of students
presently considering their options relating to
nominating. To any student the responsibility that
goes with this role can be a little daunting. Public
speaking and a high profile do not fit well with many
students. This year I believe we will have an exciting
field of candidates, both boys and girls. Nominations
will close on 15 August. At this time captain
nomination packs are being distributed.
Year 11 will be preparing for yearly exams which
commence in Week 8 of this term. This being Week 5
there is not all that much time to pass before exams
start and in the meantime a number of assessment
tasks will be due for submission.
The Leadership Team from Year 11 is working on
fundraising initiatives for ―Tommy‘s Day‖ on 29 August
and the team is highly motivated and eager as they
prepare for their ideas to be acted on in the coming
weeks. ―Tommy‘s Day‖ is on 29 August and if it is as
successful as it was in 2013 we can look forward to
raising a considerable amount of money for
―Children‘s Cancer Research‖.
Bob Collins and Leanne Ellis, Year Advisors
Year 10 students with the nomination packs for school captain 2015
—————————————————————The Trials are over. Congratulations to
Year 12 for making every effort to be
ready for each of your exams. You all
conducted yourselves with maturity and
we hope that the efforts made will
increase in preparation for your final
Higher School Certificate commencing on Monday 13
October next term.
A final team building and stress relief excursion will
occur on Friday 5 September. We will be heading
down to the lake area for some fun sporting activities,
trampolining and ice-skating. I have been sent risk
assessments from both places as many schools are
using these venues for sport. This will be an out of
uniform day as most students no longer have a sports
uniform. There was a suggestion from one of the
companies to bring helmets. I think it would be
awesome and a hoot, a day to remember, if everyone
turned up with helmets, another photo opportunity.
The penultimate day of the Year 12 2014 schooling
career will be a rehearsal for the final formal
presentation assembly the next day on Friday 19
September. Parents and families will be invited to
attend in the Multi Purpose Centre.
The date of the Year 12 Formal is Wednesday 12
November, meeting at the Civic Centre at 5:30pm. A
photographer will be there for students to take the
opportunity for family and friend photographs.
At this point I would ask guardians and parents of our
Year 12 students to remind them not to do anything
foolish, or jeopardise in any way receiving their Higher
School Certificates. Help them to stay focused, relieve
their stress, maintain their vision and encourage them
to be the best that we know they are.
Some useful links
Important HSC dates and HSC information can be
found at
Judy Schmitt and Annie Phillips, Year Advisors
SRC Report
Week 4 already and we are wondering where the time
has gone. As usual, for those students on the student
council, it has been business as usual ever since we
returned from the holidays.
Tommy’s Day 2014
Preparations for ―Tommy‘s Day‖ are well underway
with a number of students and staff volunteering to
shave their heads on the day. Thanks to
Mr Henderson for agreeing to go bald for Children‘s
Cancer Research on ―Tommy‘s Day‖. Mrs Parish is
shaving her head on the day but her fundraising will
be in support of the Moore family.
A large number of students are presently selling raffle
tickets for our giant raffle where we have a Hot Air
Balloon Flight for two with a champagne breakfast as
well as a wheelbarrow full of prizes donated by local
business. The talent quest on ―Tommy‘s Day‖ last
year was a huge success and it is hoped that in 2014
we will be able to repeat this success. Great prizes
are available to be won and all we need is the support
of students to enter the competition.
In Week 2 of this term the proposal of supporting
Mark Hughes ―Beanie Day‖ appeal for children with
brain cancer, was discussed and it was decided that,
as we have a young man in Year 7, Jacob is
undergoing chemotherapy for cancer, we should
focus our campaign on helping him. It had been
decided many months ago that the SRC wished to
assist Jacob by providing him with something of a
personal nature to demonstrate our support for him as
he underwent treatment. It just so happened that we
were given a green light to go forward with our idea at
the same time the idea of ―Beanie Day― was suggested.
The aim was to raise enough money to purchase
Jacob a laptop computer. He has a keen interest in
technology and to have his own computer available to
use at home would be something everyone thought
was an excellent idea.
Gonski Breakfast
Federal member, Joel Fitzgibbon, came to our school
on Tuesday 28 July and Amy B and Tim D were able
to represent the student body and speak to
Beanie Day was Friday 31 July and with the
combined support of staff and students we were able
to raise enough money in one day to purchase the
computer for Jacob. Mr Norris will sit down with Jacob
and his parents and will then purchase the computer.
The student council would like to thank everyone for
their fantastic support.
Mr Fitzgibbon about their HSC Trial Exams and other
issues at a morning tea in the staff common room.
Beanie Day
Bob Collins, SRC
Takahata Visit 2014
Our annual visit from Takahata was a huge success
for our school community.
Twelve students and two teachers from Takahata
arrived into Singleton on Tuesday 29 July. This year
marked the 18th year of the sister school visits and
reinforced the strong relationship we have developed.
During their stay the Takahata delegation participated
in a range of activities, including lamington making,
pen making and a visit to the KaWul Centre. It is
without a doubt that the highlight of the six day stay is
the bond that develops with the local host families.
This annual visit from Takahata would not be possible
without your generous and kind hearted hospitality.
We hope that you enjoyed this experience and would
like to sincerely say Thank You!
The Takahata group spent seven days in Australia
and they chose to spend the majority of their time
here with us in Singleton. This is a reflection of how
highly Takahata regard the friendship fostered
between our two towns. If you ever find yourself in
Takahata and mention you are from Singleton, the red
carpet will be laid out in front of you and you will be
treated like an old friend.
Dayna Cowmeadow and Ren Barnett
Singleton High’s Surprise Visitor...
Year 7 was treated to a very special guest last week
in music. Sarah De Bono from the first season of The
Voice dropped in to say hello. Sarah and Zac gave
stirring renditions of ―Price Tag‖, by Jesse J, ―Roar‖,
by Katy Perry and ―Stay with Me‖, by Sam Smith.
Sarah was also kind enough to give the two classes a
professional master class on singing warm ups,
scales and advice on how to look after your voice.
The students had a
teachers...thanks Sarah.
Matt Edwards, CAPA Faculty
Max Potential Leadership
Support Unit News
Max Potential Leadership 2014
Year five of the Max Potential Youth Leadership
programme came to a climax on Wednesday 6
August at the Singleton Diggers Club York St with the
Showcase Expo. This was a collective display of the
Community Service Project that each of the 16 young
adults from the Hunter Valley region executed in the
22 weeks of this excellent leadership programme.
Happy 18th Kiara
June 12 marked a very special occasion.
Kiara F celebrated her 18th birthday. The
classroom was filled with everything from
cupcakes to helium balloons, with good
company, great food, heartfelt gifts and
tasty birthday cake. Thanks to all who made this day
one to remember. What a beautiful day shared with
Kiara‘s family, friends, canteen staff, year advisors,
Year 11 peers, support staff and school staff . What a
wonderful celebration of a beautiful and much loved
member of our school. Many happy returns Kiara.
Megan Parish, Support
Eleven young people made up of Year 11 students
from Singleton and Muswellbrook High School,
St Catherine's College plus five trainees from
Singleton Diggers have spent the last 22 weeks
working with their community coach to develop their
leadership skills and maximise their potential in their
personal life. They have set themselves some really
good stretch goals and worked away over the
duration of the programme to achieve them all.
The Showcase Expo was both a fun celebration of the
work they all have been doing in the local community
and a presentation of accreditation certificates to both
coaches and young adults.
All attendees were very impressed and proud of the
young people's efforts. This programme continues to
demonstrate the great future of the youth in the
Hunter region in so many different areas of life that
they feel passionate and motivated to promote.
For more information, contact:
0416 158 024 or Gerard McMillan at the Singleton
Diggers Club on 02 6572 2622.
English Faculty
The English faculty warmly welcomes Mrs Marian
Henderson to our staff this term. Mrs Henderson is an
experienced English teacher who has previously been
a permanent member of the English faculty. It is
wonderful to have her back with us again. Mrs
Henderson replaces Mrs Ballard who is travelling and
working in England for the rest of the year. We also
extend an official warm welcome to Mr Rob Prudence
who is working with us. Mr Prudence is a valuable
member of our relief staff and we are fortunate to
have him working with us in English this year.
Congratulations to our Year 12 classes who have
been very busy with their trial HSC exams. Now is the
time to maintain that momentum and remain focused.
Regular revision of your content and practice of past
exam questions will prepare you for the challenges
ahead. Attend all classes and work closely with your
teachers to ensure you can approach your exams
with confidence. We are proud of you and encourage
you to seize the day!!
Home Economics Faculty
Edible garden
The edible garden out door learning centre is fast
becoming an interactive hot spot. Students are always
picking herbs to use for cooking in the hospitality and
food technology subjects. The support students learn
about how the plants grow, and how they can be used
in their cooking. The construction class built and
maintains the fences and gates and
Year 7
technology mandatory computing students are in the
process creating a page on the school website for
each plant to inform other students about what is
available in the garden.
The students have then linked these pages from the
school website to the garden by tagging each plant
with a quick reader code. A quick reader code or QR
Code is like a bar code, which is scanned by a smart
phone (the phone must first have a QR reader
application downloaded), this then links directly to the
information on the school website about that particular
plant. Scan the QR Codes below to see more…
Year 11 students have also been busy completing
their preliminary course study. The exit exams will be
held at the end of this term. Students should discuss
how best to prepare for these exams with their
teachers. We wish Year 11 and Year 12 the best of
luck over the next few weeks.
Junior classes have also been busy reading a wide
selection of novels in their fiction study units. Thank
you to all parents and caregivers for your support in
ensuring your child comes prepared to class with their
If you have any seed or seedlings of any fruits,
vegetables or herbs please feel free to donate them to
the edible garden as we are always looking for more
educational aids to enhance every students learning.
Daniel Mead, Home Economics
As the time approaches for students to make subject
selections for 2015, Year 10 students must consider
which English course to choose. English is the only
compulsory HSC subject but unlike the junior school
there are different course options. English Advanced
and English Standard are 2 unit courses that allow
students to attain an ATAR. English Studies is also a
2 unit course but it does not satisfy the requirements
for an ATAR. Extension 1 English is available as an
additional unit of study for Advanced English students
only. Year 10 students must read their subject
selection booklets carefully to gain a clear
understanding of the different courses available. Year
10 should discuss these choices with their teachers or
see me for further information. Please contact us if
you wish to discuss these options further. We are very
happy to help you and your child make the choice that
is best for them.
Enjoy Term 3.
Mrs Nerida McNamara, Head Teacher English (Rel)
Sydney Produce Tour
Singleton High School was lucky enough to be asked
to be a part of the Hunter Culinary Association and as
such have been able to participate in many great
events. On 14 July, the hospitality teachers joined
chefs and apprentices from the local Hunter region for
an industry visit to Sydney. First stop on the early
morning start was T&F All States which is a well run
and organised fruit and vegetable processing
company, where we got a behind the scenes look at
the processes and tight HACCP control. The next
stop was to the chilly site of Andrews Meats. The
temperature of this business was cold to say the least
and again we got a great look behind the scenes of a
well organised and highly efficient meat distribution
site. This was very beneficial to all of us working and
teaching young apprentices.
The highlight and conclusion to the day was lunch at
Colin Fassnidge‘s 4Fourteen restaurant in Surry Hills.
Thanks to the wonderful chefs and staff we were
treated to a fabulous two course meal. Having the
restaurant almost entirely to ourselves the group took
the opportunity to test out the dessert, wine and
coffee menu. In all it was a fantastic dining
Congratulations to the event organisers and
participating industries for enabling us to have such
an educational, interesting and well organised day.
Tracey Holloway, Head Teacher Home Economics
Capa Faculty
It is with much pride and CONGRATULATIONS that
we announce that this year‘s Star Struck dance group
has won the award for best dancers.
The girls showed much dedication and worked very
hard during rehearsals and are most deserving of this
award. The girls were chosen to perform in two pieces
as well as the finale in this
year‘s show.
Performing firstly in the
opening of the show, this
was really quite spectacular
to watch particularly
highlighting their talents and
such wonderful costumes. It
is a pleasure to work with
such a fantastic group of
students with such dedication
and enthusiasm.
I look forward to coordinating Star Struck for 2015. I
would finally like to say that we have secured a grant
for $1500 to take our dancers to watch the State
Dance Festival later this term.
Well Done Girls!
Jo Radcliffe, Star Struck Coordinator
Careers News
It is such a busy time of year career
wise, with so many opportunities and
information flooding in. I have listed
below all the updated information that
we have in relation to University and
TAFE courses available.
Actors College of Theatre and Television
Open Day 27 September at 41 Holt St Surry Hills.
Hunter Design School
Open Day 30 August at 67 Parrey St Newcastle.
APM College of Business and Communication
Open Day Thursday 25 September 10.00am to
4.00pm at North Sydney
University of Wollongong
Early Admission Program now open
Open Day National Art School Sydney 30 August
Billy Blue College of Design
Open Day Saturday 20 September Ultimo Campus
Sydney Conservatorium of Music
30 August - 10am to 3pm
CATC Design School
Open Day 20 September Ultimo Campus
University of Sydney
Early Admissions applications now being taken online
William Blue College of Hospitality Management
Open Day Tuesday 23 September at North Sydney
———————————————————————Introduction to Horse Breeding course
University of Technology Sydney
Open Day 30 August - 9.00am to 4.00pm
Kuring-Gai Campus Open Day 6 September
University NSW Sydney
Open Day 6 September - 9.00am to 4.00pm
Kensington Campus
University of Newcastle
Open Day 23 August -10.00am to 4.00pm
University of Canberra
Early entry scheme now open
Open Day 30 August - 9.00am to 4.00pm
Southern Cross University
STAR early entry scheme entries close 10 September
University of New England Visit
Stephanie Low from UNE will be at Singleton High
School 21 August at 10.20am to explain about the
early entry scheme to UNE. To be held in library.
Please visit the careers office for further information
on all Universities. We usually have all the current
student information packs or can show you where to
access them.
Coal and Allied close 18 August
Jobs in the Hunter close 31 August
Bengalla Mine close 20 August
University Admissions Centre
Applications are now open for all admissions to NSW
Universities. 2014/2015 UAC guides are now
available from the careers office if you are in Year 12.
Hunter TAFE still has funded training places available
in the training program below. This program is funded
by State Training Services for eligible job
seekers. School students who are disengaged from
school and where the school agrees to sign the
participant out are eligible to participate in this
program. This program provides work placement with
Please see attached flyer for further details or
phone. Mia Collins 6540 3200
Careers Showcase
Please find attached flyer about a Career Showcase
for students, parents and Careers Advisors interested
in learning about Business and Creative Industries
pathway options for Years 10, 11 and 12 students to
be held at Hunter TAFE on Wednesday 27 August
Register attendance via email
For further information please call Leanne Cherry on
4923 7755
or email Leanne.cherry1@tafe.nsw.edu.au
ADFA Open Day Saturday 30 August
Air Force Camp for Girls 26-29 August
Do you want to be a teacher??
Visit www teach.nsw.edu.au to learn all about the
scholarships available to help you with your learning.
Do you want to work with Horses???
School based traineeships are available in Animal
and Equine studies through TAFE. They are funded
by Youth Express and Start in October 2014 for
current Year 10 students.
Stud tour at Vinery Stud will be on Sunday 7
September at 10am for students and parents.
Applications close on 19 September with an interview
to follow in Week 2 of Term 4.
Contact Stuart Murphy on 6540 3200 or email
How about Nursing?
Nursing and Allied Health Undergraduate Scholarship
Support Scheme.
Applications close on 15 September. These are up to
$5000 per year full time to a maximum value of
$30 000 for more info visit
Aboriginal Education
It‘s been a busy term so far at our Aboriginal Cultural
Centre. We held our Term 3 AECG meeting last
month, formed a junior AECG, had two Year 11
Aboriginal students complete the Max Potential
program as well as all the usual hustle and bustle.
What a great way to end a term last term with our
NAIDOC celebrations. Celebrations started with Tayla
P giving ―Welcome to Country‖, then a performance
from Banda-ra Aboriginal dance group lead by Adam
Our KaWul Centre is a very busy place these days
with Norta Norta tutoring, Yinpi School to Work
Program and KaWul Next Step Program all powering
along. We have the Homework Centre running
Tuesday & Thursday again this term and getting a
very good roll up of students. Any student who is
needing assistance with assignments, homework etc
can attend. The Homework Centre runs from 3.30pm
to 5pm on those two days.
Awards where handed out from every year adviser to
one boy and one girl for their academic success
throughout the year. Our special guest this year was
Corporal Rhys Vinson from the Air Force. Rhys was a
past student of Singleton High School and he spoke
about what NAIDOC meant to him and about his time
in the Air Force. The assembly was followed by a
feast in the common room prepared by our hospitality
students. The morning was well supported by
teachers, students and the wider community both the
Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal community.
Coal & Allied apprenticeship intake is still open for
applications. Applicants have to turn 17 in the first
year of their apprenticeship (2015) so any student
who turns 17 next year is eligible to apply. Anyone
needing assistance with resumes or the application
process please do not hesitate to come and see Jo at
the KaWul Centre.
In conjunction with Ungooroo Aboriginal Corporation,
we have a series of PACE Programs running over the
next couple of months. These programs will cover
topics such as road safety, technology and social
media and financial information for school leavers.
Most will be held at the KaWul Centre during school
Deirdre Heitmeyer will be filling in for Sharon
throughout the term. Sharon is having some time off
to do some prac teaching for University.
The Aboriginal Faculty is looking forward to another
busy term.
Jo , Tracey, Alix, Rebecca , Chris, Deirdre & Luke.
———————————————————————Takahata Visit
On Friday 1 August, Singleton High School‘s KaWul
Centre played host to our guests from Takahata.
The students from our sister school showed off their
artistic skills by getting creative with paints and
creating their own boomerangs. The students also
were treated to some Indigenous Australian music
and cultural lessons.
One Japanese student broke the record for shortest
time to learn the didgeridoo, only taking him a matter
of minutes.
The students from both schools got along incredibly
well, sharing laughs, good times and a blending of
It was a privilege to be a part of this experience.
Blake G, AECG Junior President
This term we will be celebrating the opening of our
outdoor classroom that has been built at the end of
our KaWul building. The outdoor classroom is called
WIYA which means in Wonnarua ― Speak Say Tell
Ask Sing‖ this is very appropriate for what it will be
used for. We would like to give a big thank you to Mr
Toby Karakasch and his boys group for completing
this task. The opening will be on Monday 18 August.
Photos to come.
It is great to see so much support for Aboriginal
activities and education.
Sharon Bailey, KaWul
Library News
Behind the Scenes
Our new AECG Leaders for 2014 – 2015 are Travis B
(Secretary), Marley W (Assistant Secretary), Tammie
N ( Vice President ) and Blake G ( President ).
Anyone who has a Singleton Town Library card can
now access several thousand newspapers world wide
through the Press Reader Subscription of the town
All you need is to click on the link
above and enter your library card
number. Students and teachers will be
able to access an archive of current
and old newspapers, print, share or
listen to articles for no cost.
Martin Gray, Head Teacher Librarian
Secrets from the Hospitality Kitchen
Roast Beetroot Dip
1 Bunch Beetroot and 1 Head garlic
Olive oil cooking spray
1 cup low fat yoghurt
2 tablespoons dill, finely chopped
Extra dill and grissini to serve
Step 1. Preheat oven to 200 deg and line a
baking tray. Trim beetroot, leaving 1cm stalks
attached. Cut 5mm off the top of the head of
the garlic.
Step 2. Place beetroot and garlic onto tray,
spray with oil and roast for 45 to 50 minutes or
until tender. Set aside to cool.
Step 3. Gently peel and discard skin from
beetroot, squeeze garlic flesh from the head.
Step 4. Roughly chop and place with garlic
into food processor. Process until smooth. Stir
in yoghurt, dill salt and pepper. Cover and
refrigerate three hours. Garnish and serve with
grissini bread.
Jackson K pictured with Sydney Swans star Adam
Goodes, with whom he did Year 10 work placement
Our subject selection nights recently were well
attended by students and their families.
Sports News
Rugby League
On 16 June the under 16s
competed in the quarterfinals
of the Knights Knock Out
competition at Charlestown.
They won that game
convincingly, progressing
through to the semifinals.
The semi final was a grueling seesawing match with
Singleton High School winning and progressing
through to the grand final to be held at Hunter Sports
Stadium. Two busloads of supporters and parents
travelled to Newcastle to watch the boys play in the
grand final, all students should be proud of the way
they carried themselves demonstrating school pride,
respect and responsibility. Unfortunately, it was not to
be the under 16s day coming 2nd, but they should be
extremely proud of what they achieved and their
courageous efforts through out the competition. Well
done boys.
On the same day the under 14‘s were lucky enough to
receive a wild card entry for the quarter finals of the
Knights Knock Out competition at Charlestown as
they only just missed out on progressing straight
through. They won their quarter final convincingly, but
unfortunately lost their semi final.
On 20 August there will be a round robin Oz Tag
morning at Singleton for selected students. This event
will be run in conjunction with Singleton High School
Aboriginal Education, the PCYC and the NRL. Some
of the students will then participate in a healthy eating
and cooking workshops.
Coming up in September will be the under 13s 7-aside competition. Watch this space for details.
Coaches Daniel Higgins and Daniel Mead
———————————————————————State Athletics
A huge congratulations to the following students who
qualified for the State Combined High Schools
Athletics Carnival to be held in Home Bush on
4,5 and 6 September.
Krystal S - hurdles and 4x100m relay
Chantelle S - hurdles and 4x100m relay
Deanna M - 200m and 4x 100m relay
Georgina H - 4x100m relay
Nick W - hurdles
Sam B - 1500m
James B - 1500m
AWD athlete qualifiers
Darcy G - shotput, discus, javelin
Sam O - shotput, javelin
Samantha Y and Ella SB - shotput
Liam McKechnie, PDHPE
Touch Football
Year 9/10 CHS Touch Football Gala Day was held at
Wallsend Touch Football fields on 20 June.
Mr McKechnie and Mrs Johnson accompanied 55
talented students to put their touch football skills to
work. All teams demonstrated excellent
sportsmanship, partaking in 4-5 games, but being
knocked out in the semi finals.
A massive thank you to all the students, referees and
coaches who helped make the day a success. A
special thank you to the parents who travelled there
and cheered on Singleton High School.
Jocelyn Johnson, PDHPE
Students excelling with community sports help
Singleton High School has received some very
positive feedback from our local primary schools in
regard to some of our students that have been
helping with the primary school and zone athletic
carnivals. They aided with the running and
organisation of these huge days and they are to be
congratulated on their efforts. The students involved
were: Mitchell R, Lachlan F, Torin A, Josh A, Lachlan
J, Khenan D, Lachlan B and Lachlan W.
World Vision Sponsored
Here‘s an update on our two
children sponsored by the kind donations collected by
Ms Hartnett and her students.
This is Shankar Dholi
from Nepal and he is in
Grade 1 at school.
Well done boys for a great job and representing your
school with pride.
His favourite game to
play is soccer and he
wa l k s
sc h o o l
Nikki Scott, PDHPE
Horse Sports
The last two weeks of Term 3 saw our team travel to
Dungog and then, a week later, to Cessnock to
compete in the inter-school competitions.
At Dungog our team performed well with the best
results being achieved by Taylor G who was reserve
champion high point score girls 15 years and Aidan S
who was reserve champion high point score boys 12
years. All other team members achieved a number of
placing throughout the day.
The Cessnock competition proved to be very
successful for the team as they were crowned
champion high school. This was achieved by all the
team with the best performance of the day coming
from Sarah G, Taylor G and Aidan S who all achieved
champion high point score awards for the day, while
Maddie S, Ethan S and Renae A all received reserve
champion awards. Lillian M and Aiden H both
achieved the sportsmanship awards.
This was a great effort by all team members over the
two competitions. Other team members included
Gabby and Demi J, Josie B, Elise K and Ashley L.
Hannah C, who is another of our regular team
members, chose to compete in Sydney at the State
Inter Schools One Day Event competition during this
same time. This competition involves three phases,
dressage, cross country and show jumping. After all
the stages Hannah was the winner. She was placed
first in the dressage and then had clear rounds in the
show jumping and cross country stages. This is a
great effort as Hannah is riding Basil who has only
been competing in ODE‘s since last year.
A big thank you to all parents who assisted on these
days during my absence and to the students who
continue to do our school proud.
Bruce Withers, Manager
This is Laxmi Kumari
Chaudhary and she is
in Grade 8 and her
favourite sport to play
is badminton.
The subject that she
needs to work harder
at is science.
Can you help with any of the following
props for
“Little Shop of Horrors”
Dentist or barber style
Reclining chair
Cash register
Old fake flowers
Please deliver any items to the school or
contact Mrs J Johns in CAPA to arrange
Singleton High School Canteen
Roster for
Contact Tracy Johnson on 02 6572 2373
K Hitchcock
J Croucutt
M Chown, T Duff
C Constable, A Johnstone
P Hannan
S Cameron
K Hitchcock, J Marcheff
( 2pm)
E O‘Connell
A Watts
T Duff
K Fry
P Hannan, V Waugh
A Cooper
R Hafner
H Forbes, S Cochrane
K Hitchcock
J Croucutt
M Chown, T Duff
C Constable, A Johnstone
P Hannan
Canteen News
A big thank you to Donna for all her hard work and
dedication to the success of the canteen. We wish her
well for her future endeavours. She will be sorely
We are calling out for anyone who might be available
to help in our canteen. Any time is great and you don't
have to work a full day. Please call Tracy on
6572 2373 if you can help out.
Normal Opening Hours:
Monday – 8.30am to 10.30am and 4.00pm to 5.00pm
Girls’ Items:
Skirt – Checked grey 8 - 20
Skirt – Checked grey 22 - 26
Blouse – Blue or White
Polo shirt – Blue or White
Pants – Navy Hipster
Pants - 3/4
Boys’ Items:
Polo Shirt – Blue or White
Shorts – Grey Longer length
Shorts – Grey Longer leg (old style)
Shorts – Grey Short leg (elastic waist)
Polo Shirt
Shorts – Navy
Jumpers – Girls’ and Boys’:
Polar Fleece jumper
Woollen Jumper 12 - 14
Woollen Jumper 16 - 22
Woollen Jumper 24 – 28
Track suit jacket
Track suit pants
Other items Girls’ and Boys’:
Aprons white or navy
School Tie
Safety Glasses
Socks (football)
$ 8.00
$ 5.00
$ 8.00
Second Hand Clothing Available
On the eastern side of the school between
MPC and staff common room.
Outside the school grounds and enter through
main office gates and sign the visitor‘s book at
Cash or cheque, EFTPOS
and credit card facilities.
The uniform shop would thank
everyone that has donated second
hand clothes, all second hand clothing
sold is donated to the school.
Hot Food
Nuggets (5)
Sausage Roll
Meat Pie
Cheese and Bacon Pie
Chicken Burger
Beef Burger
Sweet Chilli Wrap
Pizza Roundas
Salad Roll
Salad Roll
Salad Tub
(No Meat)
(With Meat)
(with egg)
$ 4.50
$ 5.00
$ 5.00
Zooper Dooper
TNT Sour Pops
Lemonade Twist
Icy Poles
Paddle Pops
Frozen Yogurts
Paddle Pop Shakes
Mini drumstick
Coffee (all)
$ 3.00
Chicken and Lettuce
Ham, Cheese and Tomato
Egg and Lettuce
Beef and Pickles
Brekkie Ideas (before 9.30am)
Hash Browns
Brekky Wrap
Warm Bacon & Cheese Roll
$ 1.00
$ 2.00
$ 2.00
Assorted slices
Muffins / Finger bun
$ 2.00
$ 2.00
Healthy Hamburgers
(orders only)
$ 4.00
Daily Specials
Large Flavour Milks 600ml
Small Flavour Milks 375ml
Plain Milk
Large Juice
Small Juice
Aroona 350ml Flavour Drinks
Sports Water
600ml Bottled Water
1L water
Cans of Drinks
Dare Ice Coffee
Mineral Water
Iced Tea
Spag Bol
Egg n Bacon Roll
Hot Dogs
Ham/Cheese Toastie $
Chick n Gravy roll
Large Packet Pretzels
Red Rock Deli Chips
Red Rock Deli Chips
Smiths Chips
Jumpy Chips
Ice Blocks
Long Black
White Coffee
Hot Chocolate

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