CSBC Financial Report – June 2010


CSBC Financial Report – June 2010
Volume 1 - Number 13
June 30, 2010
CSBC Financial Report – June 2010
Monthly Budget
Budget Offering
Budget Offering
Difference Each
Dec. 2009
Jan. 2010
Feb. 2010
Mar. 2010
Apr. 2010
May 2010
Jun 2010
6 month analysis
Total Undesignated receipts are $26,668.00 below budget requests
Total Undesignated expenses are $17,285.12 over undesignated receipts
Total Deficit as of June 30, 2010 is -$37,625.15
** See Pastor’s article in Newsletter
Dear Church Family,
You are the best CHURCH FAMILY anywhere! We had such a beautiful team leading our VBS this year, and so MANY
others who helped, prayed or were involved in some way. THANK YOU for responding so generously to the GIVING TREEthis saved us many $$ in purchasing food items for VBS. THANK you for bringing us yummy treats that kept us going all
week. THANK YOU for praying for us each day. A huge THANK YOU goes to our team members for their flexibility,
commitment of an entire week of evenings, and countless hours of preparation. If you helped, and your name is not listed,
please know that we are grateful for EVERY contribution to this exciting outreach ministry. Many seeds were planted in the
hearts of children for the kingdom of God through your embrace and example of love. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!
Margaret and Vanessa
Allan Addis, Brenda Mangan, Julian Davis, Ann Yelton: Set design and construction
Tracy Tichenor, Stacy Whittle, Mary Wright, Victoria Holbrooks, Anji Wright: Registration/ Records
Ken Reid: Worship Rally Leader
Jeremy Tichenor: Sound/Video Technician
Betsy Reid, Laura Addis: Music Julie Addis, Vanessa Conway: Preschool Music
Nickie King, Jessica Freeman, Danielle Poore, Leigh Ann Thomas, Chad Thomas, Susan Thrift: Snacks and Family
Night Supper
Lillian McKinney, Anita Waldron, Jessica Freeman, Alicia Keys: Volunteer Supper and Break Room
Steve Syck, Chad Mason, Leon Mason, Seth Leap, Quinn Mahon, Jack Waldron: Recreation
Sharon and Randy McManamay, Jean and Mike Bonham: Missions
Margaret Butts, Richard Adams, Kitty Freeman, Katherine Beddingfield, Christi Mason, Betty Stephens, Dave
Thackman: Crafts
Gena Sykes, Ray Conway, Kim Singleton: Photography and Video/Slide Show
Jenna Singleton: Nursery
Lindsay Singleton, Lanette Brant, Helen McCall: 3 and 4 year olds teachers
Jan Leap, Sam Leap, Tyler Jordan: Kindergarten teachers
Jensa Heller, Hannah King, Cassidy Syck: 1st Grade teachers
Niki Cook, Anji Wright, Erin Pearson: 2nd Grade teachers
Misty Stephens, John Stephens, Lauren Beddingfield, Ron Mattox, Elizabeth Thomas:
3rd & 4th Grade teachers
Amanda Bannister, Patrick Bannister, Paula Kirkland, Corbin Welsh, Storm Stewart: 5th and 6th Grade teachers
Curtis Blanchett, Garry Freeman, Jamia Oakley, Chad Mason: Bus drivers and assistants
Garry Freeman, Mike Thrift, Luke Estes: Security
Doyle Stancil: Custodian and Encourager
Donna Thompson, Missy Gibson, Kathy Alexander, Tracy Haney, Levi Oakley, Debbie Syck, Diane Jackson, Brianna
Darduke, Patsy Perry: Assistants/Substitutes
Debbie Rukat, Donna Thompson, Diana Kreuzberger, Denise Pearson, Rita Harper, Joyce Moore, Joan Willkie, Beth
Perry, Joan Schmidt, Connie Springs, Jean Thomas, Joni Townsend, Jo Keah Teague, Elaine Hiler, Jamia Oakley,
Peggy McCall, Jeanette Burrell, Suzanne Merrill, Lillian McKinney, Gladys Thrift, Dianne Hindman, Ruby Isbell, Mary
Martin, Nancy Woody, Margene Gravley, Janet Davis, Linda Quarles, Joyce Morgan, Betty Jo Moore, Lani Burrell:
Snacks and treats for the Volunteer Break Room (these are the names we were able to collect)
Jeanette Stroud: Prayer Coordinator
We are very pleased and excited to have Christian singer and recording artist Layton
Howerton in a worship concert here on Sunday, July 25, at 6:30 PM. Layton has been here
several times, and has always presented the gospel in story and song in a powerful way. His
recording, A Storyteller’s Journal, is still one of my favorite CD’s. Please invite your friends and
family and come experience God in a unique worship experience!
I would like to give you an update on Lunch 4 Life because you all have been so wonderful to contribute to and
support this ministry. It is definitely going strong. An average of 225 plates have been served each Saturday and
we now have eleven churches involved. We are in the process of applying to be a non-profit organization so that
we can qualify for grants and federal money that is distributed to help groups such as L4L. After looking back at
our original purpose for this minstry, which is "To show our love and the love of Christ to those who may
be looking for encouragement, whether it is a physical, financial, emotional, or spiritual need," we
have decided to focus on trying to get people to eat at the Salvation Army facility instead of taking their plates
home. Our goal is to love on these people, show them that we care about them and then share Jesus with them.
Because of the way we began the ministry, serving out of a parking lot, many people are used to picking up their
plates and taking them home. That doesn't give us much of an opportunity to love on them. We are now offering
door prizes near the end of the serving time to encourage them to stay and eat. They have to be present to win.
We have also started having a devotion and prayer shortly after 12:00 and we are trying to have some type of
Christian entertainment. Each church has been encouraged to have several people in the dining area to talk with
those who are dining in. One other major change has been the discontinuation of delivery of meals for the
summer. The time it took in planning and delivering of meals had reached a point that we were not able to handle
it anymore. We are encouraging those who were being delivered meals to try and come eat with us. We are very
aware that some of those people are unable to leave their homes, so we will be re-evaluating the deliveries after
the summer. We truly need someone to be in charge of just deliveries. Please pray that someone will step
forward to lead the delivery ministry.
All churches will be serving together this coming Saturday, July 3. We will contribute a monetary donation to help
with the cost of the meal. If you would be willing to help serve or greet and talk with people, please contact me.
Our church will be serving the meal on Saturday, July 10. The menu will be ham, macaroni and cheese, tomato,
cucumber and onion salad, rolls and dessert. We will need monetary donations, food donations, help with
preparing the meal and help with serving. Below is a list of items we will need. A sign-up sheet will be placed on
the Welcome Desk and will also be passed around during Sunday School to sign up to help serve and prepare the
meal. You can also call me to sign up.
Items needed: tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, elbow noodles, large packages of sharp (grated) cheese, brownies,
lemon bars or any dessert bars in individual baggies.
Thank you all for your continued support in this ministry.
In His love,
Kim Singleton
Diane Jackson
Amanda Bannister
Donna Thompson
Mary Wright
Gladys Thrift
Paula Kirkland
Greg Tichenor
Ginny Baltzer
Betsy Reid
Jamia Oakley
Jayne Watson
Gordon Corbett
John and Anita Waldron
Jerry and Donna Lee
Tim and Suzanne Merrell
Joyce Owens
Randy and Sharon
Ray and Alicia Keys
Lindsay Singleton
Steve Singleton
Money donated: $427.00
Cans donated: 760
THANKS TO Steve Stancil and Gordon Corbett for getting all those
cans to the FOOD BANK!
We would like to thank College Street Baptist Church for the special celebration honoring Tuesday Morning
Prayer Breakfast. It has been a labor of love for the past twenty-five years. We want to thank everyone who has
allowed us the privilege to serve our Lord in this way. Parents are to be commended for bringing their children to
us so early in the morning. Here is a quick reminder of the schedule for the prayer breakfast. If it is Tuesday and
school goes at regular time, we have prayer breakfast. If there is a delay for any reason, we do not.
Thanks again.
Buddy Byars
Roy and Mildred Dodd
To Pastor Ken & My Church Family,
“During a time like this, we realize how much our friends and relatives really mean to us…..Your expression
of sympathy will always be remembered.”
Thank you all for the flower, food, visits, cards and most of all thank you for the prayers. You all mean so
very much to me. Please keep me and my family in your prayers for days to come!
Thank you so very much.
Kay Roach-Owens
The Billy Owens Family
Printed below is a thank you note received from
Grand Lake Community Church where the CSBC
Mission Group traveled and ministered to families in
the Cameron, LA area on June 12th—19th.
Our Vision Statement
We are a loving and compassionate family of God who
prayerfully commit to go and bring people to Jesus Christ,
teach people to be like Christ, show God’s love by helping
people and enjoy God in worship.
E-Mail Address................................collegestreet@bellsouth.net
Website Address......................www.collegestreetbaptist.org
U.S. Postage
Walhalla, SC
Permit No. 25
Non-Profit Org.
Ken Reid.................................…..Pastor.................................(864) 888-0013
E-Mail: csbcpastor@bellsouth.net
(Cell) 710-4899
Ray Conway.................Minister of Music & Worship.............(864) 638-8033
E-Mail: csbcmusic@bellsouth.net
(Cell) 710-6730
Amanda Bannister……….…...Minister of Students....…………(864) 638-9557
E-Mail: csbcstudents@bellsouth.net
(Cell) 710-0678
Ruth C. Smith....….........…....Ministry Assistant.....................(864) 944-0939
E-Mail: collegestreet@bellsouth.net
(Cell) 723-4680
Linda Waters...………. Outreach Ministry Assistant….....…….(864) 647-2450
E-Mail: csbcoutreach@bellsouth.net
Gordon & Jolene Corbett...…………..Custodians....................(864) 638-7952
Gordon Corbett….………………………………………………………………………… (Cell) 710-4969
Jolene Corbett…………………………………………………………………………… ...Cell) 723-3139
Office..............................…...FAX 638-2980...........................(864) 638-2986
FLC/Sunday School Office...……………………………………….. (864) 718-5760
From Ken…
Ken’s Korner
- Ken Reid, Pastor
On the front page of this newsletter is a six
month simplified review of our financial situation at
CSBC. After a meeting with our deacon chairman and our financial team we felt it important that
we communicate our growing debt to the church family and ask you to pray with us about it.
For a long time we have gone to the pulpit and encouraged extra giving to both our
building fund and to our food pantry ministry (along with other requests). All are what we call
unfunded, designated financial needs. That means they are not budgeted, yet we have accomplished a great many things from designated extra gifts that you faithfully give. There are no
regrets and we need to continue.
In the meantime our economy has turned worse for many of our members. Numerous
individuals have lost jobs or had their hours seriously curtailed. Financial hardships have been
evident in the community and giving has not kept up with budgeted requests through our
approved budget.
Let me make several observations about our financial concerns. First, we have for months
operated on a shoestring when it comes to all budget items. Nobody has overspent extravagantly. Second, we have had several unexpected repair costs in both the buildings and the
vehicles that we use. Third, we have put a freeze on all possible spending just to cover our bases
but realize that some things can’t be cut.
However, our food bank is $1200 in the red and the building renovations have been put on
hold. Our financial deficit has increased to nearly $38,000 since December 31, 2009. Additionally
we have held our Cooperative Program giving to the state convention and our Beaverdam Baptist
Association giving for three months. That amounts to $20,461.07 that has not been sent to these
ministries. Currently we have less than one weeks budget in the bank.
On Sunday, July 18th I will dedicate the morning message to God’s call on our lives to be
faithful in our giving. We average 250 in attendance in worship each week. Someone suggested
that if each person could give $20 a month more, $5 per week, that our budget would be met and
things would slowly get better. Everyone will not be able to do this, therefore others may need to
step up to meet this challenge.
We are not a church of millionaires. We are a church of ordinary people who serve an
extraordinary God. He expects us to do our best. As many have said in the past, “it’s not equal
gifts, its equal sacrifice!” In addition to emphasizing our stewardship, we are asking you to
consider a catch up offering that will be ingathered during the service on July 18th. All we ask you
to do is pray and do your best.
Thanks for prayerfully reading, studying, and preparing for what God wants us to do at
PS: Sunday, July 4th is a Patriotic Service and emphasis. July 11th will be a special service of
baptism with several folks being baptized. We will also participate in a time of observing the Lord’s
Supper. Let’s prepare ourselves personally to worship the Savior first and foremost. Then on July
18th, in the evening service we will discuss our financial concerns during our Quarterly Church
Conference. See you in church, worshiping an awesome God!
Student Stuff
- Amanda Bannister, Minister of Students
Please be looking in the newsletter for
upcoming information about Wacky Wednesdays
for the children. The dates are as follows:
June 30th—Wacky Wednesday!!! 12 noon Service Project in the afternoon and Movie and
Popcorn in the gym in the evening.
July 14th—Wacky Wednesday!!! 12 noon
Service Project in the afternoon and Pizza and
Swimming @ a pool in the evening
July 28th—Wacky Wednesday!!! 12 noon Service Project in the afternoon and Burgers and
Swimming @ Local Camp Ground in the evening
Hope to see you there...Amanda
is this Sunday!!!
Tell your friends!
A note to parents:
Please remind your
to walk down the aisle
when leaving church
for Children’s Church.
We don’t want
anyone getting
Phat Friday is this Friday!!!
Please make sure you bring a bag lunch. We will provide the drinks. Come be a part
of giving back to your community. Then stick around for the fun. We will be swimming at High Falls Park, so bring your swim suit and towel. We will meet at the
church at 9 am and will return by 4 pm. Hope to see you there!!!
Summersalt starts this Monday!!! We have two spots available for guys. If you
would like to go or you know someone who would like to go, please call me. Make sure
you pick up a packing list and consent form on Sunday if you don’t get it on
Wednesday. We will be leaving on Monday at 10. We will be stopping for lunch on
the way there. Parents, please call me if you have any questions.