Dr. Robert Andrews - Florida Christian School


Dr. Robert Andrews - Florida Christian School
Florida Christian School
FALL 2014
The Disney animated movie “Hercules”
brought the Greco-Roman character
Hercules into the theaters and family
rooms of a generation of children. The
theme song for the movie Hercules
had an unusual title. The song title was
“The Gospel Truth.” People use the
word “gospel” a lot, especially to say,
like in this Disney tune, “that’s the gospel truth”. Usually when this phrase is
used, it is to emphasize that something
is really true. As a Christian we understand how powerful the “gospel” truth
is. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the
one sure thing that anyone anywhere
can place full confidence and faith in,
and unlike the mythical character Hercules, Jesus Christ can deliver on His
promise to save mankind.
Generally speaking, most Christians
believe that the gospel of Jesus Christ
is the “Good News”. They believe, that
because of the gospel, their sin cannot
condemn them to everlasting punishment and separation from God because Jesus has given His life for them
on the cross, paid the penalty for sin,
and provided a way for salvation. More
importantly, the Bible says the gospel
is “really” true. In the New Testament
the apostle Paul character- From the desk of his religious attempts to satisfy
izes the gospel as explosive
God are merely a substitute for
and powerful, like dynatrue faith. He pointed out that
mite. Here are his words in
salvation is not achieved by
Romans 1:16-17, “I am not
anything we might do, no matashamed of the gospel, beter how good it might be. For
cause it is the power of God
this reason the gospel is not
for the salvation of everyabout us doing good things.
one who believes: first for
It is not about being baptized,
the Jew then for the Gentile.
giving money to the church, or
For in the gospel the righteousness of even going to church. It is about God’s
God is revealed, a righteousness that grace to us, by providing something
is by faith from the first to last, just as we don’t deserve and could never earn
it is written: “The just will live by faith.” on our own. It is a free gift, offered to
According to Paul in this verse, the us by God if we simply believe by faith
gospel is based on the power of God, in Jesus Christ. Ephesians 2:8-9, “For
and nothing else will provide salvation. by grace are you saved through faith,
There are no loopholes for salvation, and not of yourselves, it is the gift of
God is the only source.
God, not of works, lest anyone should
Paul says in another verse that there
are no excuses If you are reading this article today and
for not believing have never received God’s free gift of
in the gospel. salvation through Jesus Christ, it is not
1:18- too late for you to accept this “Good
20, “The wrath of News”. Maybe you have always recogGod is revealed nized that God is at work in this world.
heaven Maybe you know that Jesus died on the
against all the cross and was buried, and rose again.
godlessness and Maybe you are a very good person. But
of don’t miss the truth of the Gospel, bemen who sup- cause it is the power of God unto salpress the truth by vation. The Good News of the Gospel
their wickedness, is that salvation is a gift from God that
since what may you don’t deserve, but you can receive
be known about this gift by simply placing your faith in
God is plain to Jesus Christ. That means realizing that
them, because you can do nothing but trust in Jesus
God has made it to forgive your sins and to give you
plain to them. For since the creation of eternal life. Stop making excuses, stop
the world God’s invisible qualities-His looking for loopholes, and stop trying to
eternal power and divine nature- have use an alternative plan. God’s plan is
been clearly seen, being understood powerful and it works.
from what has been made, so that men It is “THE GOSPEL TRUTH.”
are without excuse.”
Dr. Robert
Paul also makes it clear that there are
no alternatives to God’s plan. Man has
always been a very religious being, but
Accredited by: AdvancED, Florida Association of Christian Colleges and Schools, and Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools Commissions.
Mrs. Kingman will always be remembered as an intergral part of Florida Christian School. She was
a loving wife to Pete and a devoted mother to Stephen and John, as well as a beloved teacher and
mentor for hundreds of students over a teaching career which included teaching at Florida Christian
beginning in 1990. Her 24 year career at FCS included teaching elementary music and middle school
English, and serving as Choir Director and Yearbook Advisor. Mrs. Kingman faithfully played the piano
for nearly all of FCS’s programs.
Her legacy includes the tremendous impact she had on the lives of her students both academically and
spiritually. Se will be missed, but she will never be forgotten by her students, whose lives were forever
blessed by her commitment to them and to her Savior, Jesus Christ.
I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the LORD.
Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.
Psalm 116: 13, 15
We want to gratefully acknowledge those who have financially contributed during the months of June, July, August & September to the ongoing work at Florida Christian. These contributions were made to our Sharing in Excellence Annual Fund:
Boris & Susan Rubio
Hector & Lydia Lopez
Alfonso & Jackie Alvarez
James & Jessica Fox
Al & Patti Ruiz
Chris & Helen Garner
Lazaro & Maria Martinez
Robert & Katie Andrews
Joey & Yami Saad
Joel & Ileana Gonzalez
Janet Mattern
Jim & Mary Arnold
Jorge & Karla Megias
Nancy Safreed
Griselda Bain
Andrew & Amanda Guilfoyle
Domingo & Iris Mendez
Danny & Gina Trapero
Angel & Olga Barrios
George & Mayra Gulla
Juan & Daisy Valdes
Jorge & Ivette Menendez
Simon & Laura Bazyler
Robert & Debbie Hale
Frank & Wendy Vann
John & Susan Hanna
Fernando & Monica Mesa
Derwin & Audrey Brigham
Bernalt & Kimberly Velasquez
Alberto & Dasha Hernandez
Tim & Katie Miner
Lino & Cary Calvo
Luis & Marcia Montaner
Deborah Warner
Luis & Eva Camejo
Gus & Gloria Herrera
Bill & Sherril Nealey
The Estate of Penny Welhalf
Marty & Rebeca Capogreco
Frank & Melanie Hopkins
Mary Whitfield
Paul & Pam Howell
Joseph & Rebecca Padron
Elio & Graciela Casanas
Bill & Kerry Wicks
Paul & Sandy Jeannin
Peter & Lea Padron
Steve & Melissa Class
Hugues & Lisa Pericles
Steve & Laura Willoughby
Miguel & Barbara Cosculluela
Todd & Alida Jolly
Michael & Alicia Pertierra
Scott Wilson
Carlos & Maria Cuervo
Bryan & Jan King
David & Beth King
Perry & Anncey Pitelli
Stephen & Penny Wright
Jorge & Tracy Cuesta
Irasema Zuniga
Pete & Barbara Kingman
Dan & Kelly Pruessner
Jorge & Ana Del Valle
Ernesto & Iris Delgado
James & Livia Koepp
Keith & Gladys Quinlan
Jorge & Tania Reynardus
Jason & Joan Doan
Doug & Karen Kostowski
Iliana Rodriguez
Edwin & Gloria Dossett
Robert & Clare Landau
Alejandro & Ana Ledon
Nordia Roman
Robert & Patti Evelyn
Juan & Esther Roque
Gary & Maria Lehnhard
Robert & Sheila Felder
Media Center Building:
Larry & Monica Arroyo
Steve & Leigh Byers
Luis & Eva Camejo
Marty & Rebeca Capogreco
Steve & Melissa Class
Miguel & Barbara Cosculluela
Jorge & Tracy Cuesta
Jorge & Ana Del Valle
Alex & Madeline Diaz
Bob & Sheila Felder
Ontoniel & Diana Frometa
Armando & Ana Gomez
Joel & Ileana Gonzalez
George & Mayra Gulla
Robert & Debbie Hale
Pete & Barbara Kingman
Jorge & Karla Megias
Domingo & Iris Mendez
Jorge & Ivette Menendez
Sam & Kristy Miro
Luis & Marcia Montaner
Peter & Lea Padron
Hugues & Lisa Pericles
Michael & Alicia Pertierra
Jorge & Tania Reynardus
Ed & Debbie Riggan
Joey & Yami Saad
Nancy Safreed
Scott & Jeannine Stemmer
Danny & Gina Trapero
Frank & Wendy Vann
Deborah Warner
Bill & Kerry Wicks
Maria Gori
Ron & Su Green
George & Mayra Gulla
Robert & Debbie Hale
Rick & Maria Harris
Todd & Alida Jolly
David & Beth King
Lazaro & Maria Martinez
Jorge & Karla Megias
Domingo & Iris Mendez
Jorge & Ivette Menendez
Luis & Marcia Montaner
Peter & Lea Padron
Jesus & Maby Perez
Hugues & Lisa Pericles
Michael & Alicia Pertierra
Jorge & Tania Reynardus
Joey & Yami Saad
Celeste Serralta
Chris & Christina Sierra
Danny & Gina Trapero
Juan & Daisy Valdes
Frank & Wendy Vann
Deborah Warner
Martin Fund:
Luis & Eva Camejo
Marty & Rebeca Capogreco
Steve & Melissa Class
Thomas & Michelle Collazo
Miguel & Barbara Cosculluela
Jorge & Tracy Cuesta
Jorge & Ana DelValle
Edwin & Gloria Dossett
James & Natasha Erwin
Robert & Sheila Felder
Cafeteria Expansion Fund: Bob & Sheila Felder, Gary & Joyce Johnson, Lazaro & Maria Martinez, Scott & Rebecca Prinz, Bill & Kerry Wicks
Endowment Fund: Steve & Melissa Class
Equip-A-Classroom Fund: Steve & Melissa Class
Financial Aid Fund: Steve & Melissa Class, Anthony & Gladys Perez, Luis & Dinah Rodriguez, Waldo & Desiree Tejedor
Raul Rodriguez Fund: Chris & Leidy Brigman
Danny Angel Fund: Danny & Gina Trapero
Art Fund: Perry & Anncey Pitelli
Discovery Program: Gladys Perez, Kelli Walker
Library Fund: Marlo & Sandra Dieguez
Security Fund: Robert & Patti Evelyn
Technology Fund: Marlo & Sandra Dieguez
FCS gratefully acknowledges
The Joe and Helga Fernandez Family Fund
at The Miami Foundation
for their generous grant of $500 for use by the
FCS Choir Program.
We are pleased to welcome new faculty and staff to FCS for the 2014 - 15 school year. Please make them feel at home as
the year progresses and as you get to know each of them.
Jason Doan is FCS’s new head
varsity basketball coach. He is an
FCS graduate and is teaching 7th
grade math and physical education.
After graduating from Florida Christian
School, he earned a Bachelor’s degree
from Florida International University.
Mr. Doan is married to Joan, and their
3-year-old son Joseph is following in
his father’s footsteps as he begins his
first year as an FCS Patriot in 3K.
Eva-Marie Gonzalez is teaching
Geometry in our high school this year.
Although she is new to FCS as a
teacher, she knows FCS very well since
she attended and graduated from FCS.
Ms. Gonzalez earned a Bachelor’s
degree from
Florida International
She has two children,
Ricky and Madison, both of whom are
FCS Patriots in our pre-school. Ms.
Gonzalez’s mother, Mrs. Ileana SilvaGonzalez, teaches math to our middle
school students.
Scott Wilson joined FCS as our
new drama teacher. Mr. Wilson has
extensive experience as an actor,
writer, director and drama educator.
Most recently, Mr. Wilson taught at
the New World School of the Arts. He
has a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts
from Ottterbein College and a Master’s
degree in Fine Arts from Ohio State
Mr. Wilson said he is
“absolutely thrilled and truly blessed to
begin my ministry with the students at
Cristina Parodi, has returned to FCS after a year away
during which time her son, Giovanni, was born. Mrs. Parodi
also has two daughters, Veronica (5th Grade) and Ariana
(1st Grade). Mrs. Parodi
holds a Bachelor’s
degree from Florida
International University.
She once again joined
the Art Department and
is teaching art to our
We are blessed to have
Mrs. Parodi back at
Alberto “Tito” Hernandez, an FCS graduate, joined the
FCS faculty last year and worked alongside Mr. Valdes,
the FCS chaplain. Mr. Valdes is now pastoring a church
and Mr. Hernandez is our
new Middle School and
High School Chaplain.
He plans and conducts
chapel services for our
middle and high school
students and prepares
the Spritual Emphasis
Week activities which take
place twice each school
year. Mr. Hernandez also
teaches Bible, Speech &
Debate and Vocal Music
Janet Mattern, M.S., M.F.T.
This project is a combined effort of the parents, staff, and supporters of Florida Christian School to enhance
our campus and beautify the buildings and grounds of our school through planning, working, and donating to
provide our students with an optimal environment for learning and developing while attending FCS.
Phase 1: Summer of 2014
Complete new look painting of all buildings on campus. Complete renovation of the restrooms in the Gym and
Costner buildings. Complete resurfacing of the football, baseball, and softball fields. Resurfacing of the outside
hallways of the West Campus. Initiating of a new landscaping look campus wide.
Phase 2: School year 2014-15
Continue the campus landscaping project. Add new
outdoor seating in common areas. Replace campus
benches, trash containers, and signage.
Phase 3: Summer of 2015
Continue the renovation of all campus restrooms in all
buildings. Resurfacing of the main campus hallways.
Complete the landscaping project campus wide. Provide additional covered walkways on campus.
How will this project be accomplished?
• The primary funding is through the Improvement Fee which each family at FCS pays
annually, but this will only provide for the initial
• The 2014-15 PTCF fund raising projects will go
to this project
How can each family help with this project?
• Donation of funds to complete all of the projects and to purchase specific items (See list of items below)
• Donation of specific items needed (i.e. plants and landscaping items)
• Donation of labor (painting, landscaping, etc.)
• Participate in Saturday work day (TBA)
Please click on the link below in order to indicate how you will help in this effort. The link will take you to a form
you can complete online and submit to FCS. Thank you for your support!!
Sample list of items for project with estimated cost:
$10 ea Foliage – Dwarf clusia plants
$15 ea Foliage – Podocarpus plants
$75 ea Tree – Rubellini palm
$500 ea Tree – Royal palm
$100 ea Tree – Crape Myrtle
$400 ea Benches
$250 ea Campus Signs
$500 ea Trash Receptacles
$1,900 ea Picnic tables with umbrella
Principal’s List (All A’s)
Kindergarten Five: LukasAcosta, Madison Aguila, Isabella Araya, Danella Areas, Rafael Arias, Isabella Ariola, Thomas Ariola, Luna
Asencion, Nelly Baltodano, Cristina Barcelo, Samuel Bosque, John Brigman, Kayla Broche, Derek Casal, Dillon Farina, Emily Flores,
Alexander Haza, Gabriel Hernandez, James Logue, Leila Menendez, Valentina Miranda, Selah Miro, Roberto Morales, Juan Naranjo,
Jesus Perez, Madison Pijuan, Abraham Quant, Nick Ramirez-Rodriguez, Ajala Rice-Reynolds, Daniela Riesgo, Evan Saavedra,
Jordyn Salvador, Ryan Silva, Camila Trejos, Ryan Valiente, Cynthia Vazquez, Sophia Vazquez
First Grade: Sofia Albelo, Jacob Alvarez, Abigail Ardois, AnjuliBalart, Timothy Benitez, Javier Bichara, Daniela Canosa, Danny De
Los Santos, Hailey Dieguez, Sophia Di Tommaso, Lucas Feinbloom, Austin Fernandez, Bianca Fluxa, Charles Gonzalez, Valentino
Heredia, BrandonLuis, Allison Mantecon, Isaac Menendez, Osmanny Montano, Diego Pacheco, Brianna Padin, Joseph Padron,
MatthewPerez, Olivia Serralta, Lucas Suarez, Leonardo Trejos
Second Grade: Joshua Acuna, Isabella Aguilera, Kiara Bango, Joshua Barba, Manuel Barcelo, Arianna Barrios, Sean Benedit,
GenesisBosque, Andres Brito, Nicholas Bustos, Alyssa Ceballos, Sofia Cecchi, Malia Chang, SkyeDickinson, Sebastian Estrada,
Diego Farina, Camila Flores, Carlos Gonzalez, Catherine Gonzalez, Joaquin Gonzalez, Kaleb Jolly, Rebecca Kemerer, Noah
Markey, Daniela Mendez, Brianna Moreno, Alyssa Noguera, Jair Obando, Andrew Pena, Daniel Perez, Ella Pino, Sebastian Prado,
Jason Rodriguez, Richard Rollheiser, Brian Sanchez, Michael Say, Samuel Stemmer, Alejandro Suarez, Isaac Treto, Edward Vaz
Third Grade: Joshua Aguirre, Christina Almuina, Isabella Bonilla, Matthew Capo, Thomas Caskey, Alejandro Cejas, Aiden Cuervo,
Jacob Diaz, Emma Dieguez, Angelo DiTommaso, Damian Farina, Gianna Feinbloom, Taylor Gackle, Ethan Gonzalez, Sofia
Hernandez, Jeremy Jaramillo, Justin Montoya, Valeria Moriano, Gabriela Netto, Sofia Netto, Samuel Oliva, Katherine Padron,
Annelise Pereira, Aaron Perez, Ashley Perez, Cristina Pernas, Emely Ravelo, Aiden Richardson, Ricardo Rios, Katia Rivera,
Katherine Rodriguez, Gabriela Ruiz, Amy Suarez, Carolina Tapanes, Gabriela Tapanes, Matthew Valero, Nicole Vaz, Alejandro Vega
Fourth Grade: Sofia Acuna, Meagan Alvarez, Zachary Bailey, Andres Balart, Miguel Bichara, Juliette Bryant, Jake Camejo, John
Castellanos, Maya Castellanos, Nicholas Chong, Adrian Cordoba, Adel Garcia, Evan Garcia, Aarik Gomez, Martin Gomez, Melanie
Gonzalez, PatrickHerrera, Keven Lacayo, Ethan Machin, Gabriela Membreno, Natalya Mesa, Madison Noguera, Maya Ortiz, Sofia
Raurell, Christopher Rivera, Lucas Ruiz, Matthew Say, Matthew Sicle, Amanda Soriano, Charles Stemmer, Amanda Tejeda, Emily
Torres, Sophia Valdes, Sophia Viera
Fifth Grade: Aliya Acosta, ChristianBosque, Rachel Burke, Sasha Cejas, Angelina Cueto, Diego de la Maza, Miranda De La Noval,
Nicole De Leon, Amanda Diaz, Joie-Lucia Diaz, Matthew Diaz, Luna Dieguez, Michael English, Matthew Jalil, Mikaela King, Joel
Lago, Daniel Lopez, JasonLosada, Chloe Markey, Madison McDonald, Linney Mirabal, Carolina Morales, Jorge Pernas, Christian
Ramos, Abigail Rashid, Raphael Ruiz, BrileyWellinghoff
Sixth Grade: Andrew Acosta, Lauren Alonso, Raziel Aparicio-Gomez, Sofia Araya, John Betancourt, Victoria Bonilla, Alexa Brown,
Asia Castellanos, Chloe Chang, Carlos Cordoba, James Dahlan, Joseph Delgado, Arman Diaz, Megan Diaz, Domenick Espinosa,
Cristina Fanfani, Nicholas Fernandez, Olivia Fernandez, Tommy Fernandez, Joseph Fernandez-Andes, Daniel Garcia, Donald
Harrington, Daniella Harris, Katrina Hernandez, Raquel Hernandez, Elizabeth Herrera, Bryan Leal, Rocio Lopez, Daniella Marrero,
MatthewMegias, Sophia Milton, Nicole Molina, Elizabeth Pella, Adrian Perez, Isaac Philip, Priscilla Pruna, Nicole Ramirez, Amanda
Ramos, Manuel Riesgo Jardines, Sofia Rivero, DanielRodriguez, Emily Rodriguez, Thomas Rowsey, Amanda Stoker, Amanda
Tesserot, Matthew Touma, Annika Tracy, Emma Valenti, Yasmin Valiente, IsabellaVazquez, DamianVilarchao, Lyla Walsh
Seventh Grade: Joshua Amedee, David Araya, Rebecca Atencio, Dena Barros, Richard Burke, Madison Estape, Laura Gonzalez,
CarolinaLedon, Dillon Lue, Gianella Martinez-Gugliotta, Rebecca Menendez, Nicolina Pereira, Jason Pertierra, Priscilla Pozo, Carlos
Rios, Isabella Rodriguez, Renee Ruiz, Brandon Sanchez, Abigail Soriano, Eric Sosa
Eighth Grade: Michelle Agudo, Joshua Bartley, Elizabeth Binef, Audrey Castellanos, Sophia Donato, Janelle Forte, Annelee
Kiliddjian, AndresLedon, Stephany Matat, Mia Melo, Kenneth Northerner, Justin Nunez, Gianna Ortiz, Camila Perez, Michael
Ramos, Robert Ricelli, Alanna Rodriguez, Megan Rodriguez, Samuel Rodriguez, Natalie Santovenia, Brittany Scoggins, Santiago
Stapel, Sergio Tejeda, Christopher Touma, Hannah Vivar
Ninth Grade: Gabriel Carreira, Lillian Frometa, Nicole Garcia, Joshua Jimenez, Timothy King, Jose Pereira, Karina Tohme
Tenth Grade: Marcos Buznego, Manuel-Alejandro Chong, Nicole Fontela, Grace Harrington, Madison Irvine, Megan Nunez, Sofia
Sablon, Brittany Wellinghoff
Eleventh Grade: Taylor Andry, Jessica Barcelo, Kristine Bover, Alana Buznego, Lauren Fuster, Carolina Goizueta, Maikol Gonzalez,
Sydni Liotta, Jessica Maristany, Alexandra Perez, Julio Perez-Mustelier, MatthewPrieto, David Ramos, Amanda Rodriguez,
Jacqueline Roque, Emily Sosa, Stephanie Valdes, Stephanie Watkins
Twelfth Grade: AlexanderAlfonso, Josiah Bazyler, Ashley Castillo, Frank Chacon, Sabrina Donato, KrystenGarcia, Katelyn Godoy,
Genesis Koussiafes, EmilyLago, Michelle Lopez, Casey Lue, Vanessa Marquez, Jacob Miguel, Melanie Ouma, Rafael Paz, Rachel
Rosal, Mark Simonitis
If your child made one of the Honor Rolls, you may pick up a “My Child Made the Honor Roll” bumper sticker
in the school office. The bumper stickers are free of charge.
Honor Roll (A&B Honor Roll - At least 3.5 GPA)
Kindergarten Five: Christopher Bustos, Henry Pena
First Grade: Dylan Casal, Gino Chacon, Eden Del Rey, Gabriel Garcia, Ethan Lorenzo, Joseph Minsal, Aden Nicholas, Alejandro
Nunez, Ariana Parodi, Dominick Rubio, Markus Ruiz, Michael Valdes, Nicholas Velazco
Second Grade: Vanessa Alvarez, Madelyn Colon, Brandon Cruz, Carolina Flores, Ajay Jimenez, Elias Marcayda, Samuel Miro,
Havana Nunez, Nicolas Oropesa, Oscar Quinones, Jayden Ramos, Alexander Rojo, Alejandro Ruiz, JosephSaad
Third Grade: Roberto Alvarez, Adrian Amador, Justin Brigman, Zoe Carbo, Woo Tae Choi, Charlie Cisneros, Santiago Garcia,
Camila Hernandez, Andrew Machin, Samuel Martinez, Romel Vivar
Fourth Grade: Julian Acuna, Ayleen Amador, Austin Bailey, Jose Cabrera, Kevin Cruz, Nicole Denis, Ella Diaz, Jonathan Estrada,
Bradley Garcia, Matheus Guerra, Abrianna Hernandez, KirstenHernandez, Soyun Jeon, Jessica Leake, Jade Medina, Perry Pitelli,
Frances Pozo, Isabelle Prado, Ana Rosas, Bianca Santalla, Karson Smith, Mya Torres, Tyler Tracy
Fifth Grade: George Alexander, Samuel Alvarez, ChristopherBayo, Jacob Brigman, Valery Casamayor, Sofia de la Torre, Jose
Fernandez, Lizette Frometa, Ethan Jimenez, Cecilia Marcayda, Sarah Milton, Chloe Montenegro, Michael Morales, Stephen Pella,
Lucas Perez, Nicolas Riveron, Christopher Rodriguez, EmmeeRodriguez, William Swindoll, Javier Taylor, Anthony Vazquez
Honor Roll (3.7 average - a minimum of four A’s, no grade lower than C)
Sixth Grade: Sebastian Acosta, Jonathan Aguirre, Victoria Broche, Victoria Cabrera, Kobe Carbo, BrandonCarrillo, Jordan
Chang, Emma Cisneros, Gabrielle Delatour, Davin Hernandez, NicholasIrias, Caden Irvine, AmayaJimenez, James Lopez,
Alejandro Perez, Gianna Pitelli, Priscilla Raventos, Devin Salazar, Orestes Soler, Nicole Suarez, Alexa Vivar
Seventh Grade: Elizabeth Alonso, Victoria Alonso, Matthew Borrego, Jonathan Carnero, ChristianDavila, Nicholas Del Prado,
Andrea Delgado, Eric Estape, Matthew Fernandez, Alexander Gonzalez, Evelyn Gonzalez, Rachel Hernandez, Orlando Hernandez
Bosch, David Jimenez, Elizabeth Lyons, Joseph Oceguera, Sebastian Ponce, Daniella Rubio, Sofia Rueda, Emily Ruiz, Keilah
Serralta, Fernando Serrano, Rommy Silva, Gabriella Valencia, Kaley Walkland, Katherine Yac
Eighth Grade: Gabriella Acuna, Gabriel Alberro, Isabella Alicea, Christopher Borgo, Victoria Borque, Lauren Cerda, Priscilla Del
Prado, Jenna English, Matthew Fagin, Joseph Fernandez, Vanessa Figueredo, Joshua Gonzalez, Nicole Gonzalez, Alex Herrera,
Paul Howell, Ethan Isidron, Gabriella Jim, Charisma Jolly, Adrian Lengua, LeAnn Lominac, Sofia Lopez, Jonathan Lorenzo, Patrizia
Mariano, Adriana Marrero, AnabelleMendoza, Melanie Montesino, Hunter Norris, Jacqueline Padron, Michael Padron, Eduardo
Palenzuela, Sandra Pedre, Christian Pereira, Kyra Ramirez, Julian Rashid, Matthew Reisert, Hannah Reynardus, Kayla Rivera,
Alyssa Roblejo, Brianna Ruano, Valerie Saad, Hannah Serralta, Isaac Sullivan, Jonathan Touma
Ninth Grade: Emily Acosta, Brooke Alvarez, Angelo Ambut, Alyssa Arranaga, Emily Beltran, Alexia Borges, James Cabauy, Jesse
Carbo, Javier A. Fernandez, Kryssa Garcia, Sebastian Lopez, Luis Machado, Sally Mina-Vargas, Adam Octala, Marissa Orsini,
Katrina Padron, Cristina Palma, Kristen Prieto, Ryan Rivas, Gabriela Rodriguez, Britney Rubio, Taylor San Miguel, Zachary Sanchez,
Emily Sotolongo, Kevin Vittoria
Tenth Grade: Lauren Alonso, Victoria Alonso, MichaelBlanche, Doris Cabo, Jeffrey Caldwell, Rebekah Carp, Kayla Cerda, Diego
Coviella, Andy de Pablo, Lauren Diaz, Cassidy Dorway, Alexander Fernandez, Danielle Garcia, Elyzabeth Hernandez, Nicole
Hoffmeister, Allyson Huici, Ellianne Isidron, Kayla Jolly, Mario Laborde, Mayte Lezcano, Alexander Lorenzo, Melania Maccari, Hansel
Marrero, Ian Mendez, NaiaMion-Bet, Daniela Molinares, Lisbeth Montaner, Ana Oceguera, Sheridon Ouma, Abi Perez Sotolongo,
Jack Pertierra, Giancarlo Ponce, Emily Prieto, Camila Ramirez, Gabriela Rodriguez, Shannon Rowsey, Carina Ruiz-Revuelta, Joel
Sosa, Cynthia Valladares, Emily Wahlenberg
Eleventh Grade: Rebecca Abreu, Noe Barahona, Belinda Blanco, Alexis Castaneda, Daniela Cerboncini, Cassandra Concilio,
Victoria Cortizo, Christopher Dahlan, Eric Echeverria, Melanie Garcia, Gabriela Garrido, Daniela Guevara, Carlos Henao, Kenneth
Hernandez, CodyJimenez, Arthur Lievano, Sofia Lujan, Adriana Martinez, Jessica Matat, Lucie Mau, Fernando Mihaic, Michael
Parra, Lauren Penland, Daniel Pineda, Gabriela Pineiro, Paula Pulgar-Vidal, Daniela Ramos, Richard Rivas, DamarisRodriguez,
Jose Sanz, Grace Swindoll, Ericka Treto, Elliette Utset, Emily Vazquez, Faith Vazquez, Bryan West, MichaelWright
Twelfth Grade: Emily Abella, Cynthia Acosta, Lorin Acosta, Brian Bolanos, Melissa Cabanas, John Cabauy II, Victoria Camargo,
Mary-Angie Canales, Alyssa Chang, Adrian Coviella, Gianne De Santino, AndrewEchezabal, Brianna Ernst, NicholasEsparragoza,
Mario Fernandez, Natalie Fernandez, Cassandra Fernandez-Dieguez, Jenir Galvez, Christian Herschman, Nicole Jimenez, Amanda
Lorenzo, Jenna Maggi, Jonathan Martinez, Anthony Mellado, Ashley Morales, Melanie Morales, Rebecca Moura, Kevin Naranjo,
MatthewPadilla Brizuela, Kaylee Padron, Cameron Pereira, Roxanne Ponce, Eduardo Ramos, Oscar Ramos, Catherine Ravelo,
Katheryn Reeder, Kristine Reynardus, Emily Roberts, Jocelyn Rocha, Kaitlyn Rodriguez, Megan Rodriguez, Casey Ruiz, Samantha
Sardinas, Gabriela Sarmiento, Natalie Silva, Brittany Suarez, Elizabeth Suarez, Nicholas Tejedor
If your child made one of the Honor Rolls, you may pick up a “My Child Made the Honor Roll” bumper sticker
in the school office. The bumper stickers are free of charge.
Middle M.S.,
Scripture teaches that we demonstrate our love for Jesus by obeying Him in all things:
“If you love Me, keep My commandments” (John 14:15).
True obedience is a matter of the heart. Loving and honoring others above self, brings joy and makes
obedience a blessing and not a burden. I am pleased and honored by the students who have been
selected for making a positive impact here at FCS. It is obvious that these students have an obedient
heart and spirit.
6th Grade
7th Grade
Sophia Milton- Sophia is a conscientious and
mature young lady. She is always attentive in
class and has a willing and obedient heart. She is
a joy to have in class.
Rebecca and Rommy are fantastic kids by nature,
habit, and honestly Godly children. Both take care
of themselves but serve others in the process. It is
beautiful to watch.
Daniel Garcia- Daniel is an engaging and outgoing
young man. He is forever happy, sporting a
contagious smile all day long. He is polite and
follows protocol consistently. Danny is an asset to
6th grade.
Rebecca Atencio gets things the first time and
quickly helps others. She sets a high standard
of excellence that lifts everyone around her up
Rommy Silva takes the time to ensure that not
Victoria Cabrera- Victoria has a sweet and gentle only his area is well kept but that the classroom is
spirit. She is quiet and kind, helpful and loyal. Her presentable for everyone.
generous ways are evident to all who have the
pleasure to know her. We are all happy to have Carlos Rios sets a high standard of excellence
Victoria in our classes.
and is able to answer critical thinking questions
with answers far beyond his years and peers.
Raquel Hernandez- Raquel is loving and tender.
She goes out of her way to greet others, comfort
them and show how much she cares. She is
attentive to all people and circumstances around
her. She is careful every day to acknowledge how
important others are to her.
7th Grade (Above):
Rebecca Atencio, Rommy Silva, Carlos Rios
6th Grade (Left): Sophia Milton, Daniel Garcia,
Victoria Cabrera, Raquel Hernandez
Middle M.S.,
Scripture teaches that we demonstrate our love for Jesus by obeying Him in all things:
“If you love Me, keep My commandments” (John 14:15).
8th Grade
Matthew Reisert - Matthew has shown an obedient heart in PE class. He is very conscientious in
following what the coaches have asked him to do.
He has a great attitude in following directions and in
what is excepted of him.
Mia Melo and Patty Mariano
In the lives of Mia and Patty, it is evident that they
have a desire to please and obey the Lord. We
see it in the way that they love others and through
the joy in which they do it. Their obedience towards
the Lord is also reflected in the way that they honor
their teachers and parents.
Daniel Garcia - Daniel has a gentle and calm spirit.
With such a spirit, God can work and not only transform his life, but also those with whom he comes in
L to R: Mia Melo, Matthew Reisert,
Daniel Garcia, Patty Mariano
Janet Mattern, M.S., M.F.T.
Mrs. Koepp’s 6th grade students made their
own Sumarian artifacts after studying Sumarian
history and culture. Their pieces included
tablets, head wear, and necklaces.
This year, Patriot Nation was privileged to have Pastor Ben
Courson speak at our Spiritual Emphasis week during the
first few days of September. Pastor Ben shared inspiring and
encouraging messages that challenged both students and
teachers alike.
Hailing all the way
from Medford Oregon,
Ben is son to Pastor
Jon Courson, one of
the spiritual leaders
who arose out of the
“Jesus Movement” of
the 60s and 70s. Ben
is an incredible writer
and speaker, and he
currently assists his
father in pastoring at
Applegate Christian
In a time and culture that
seems to grow darker by
the moment, Ben is a bright
beacon of hope for so many
young Christians today. He is
a true example of a life that
seeks to please God in all
things, and he inspires an entire generation to pursue godliness and purity.
Throughout the week, Ben encouraged students to “attempt
big things for God, and expect big things from God” while
also challenging them to step out in faith from their comfort zones and self-imposed limits. His message was one of
hope and courage for those who felt unqualified, unsure and
intimidated of being an asset for the kingdom of God. Ben’s
words also challenged students and faculty members to pursue a life of godliness with utmost resolve and determination
all for the glory of God.
The week ended with a moment that has long been fundamental to the ministry of Florida Christian School: several
students making first-time decisions for Christ. Please continue to pray for all of those who trusted Christ, and continue
to pray that the student body would be a bright and shining
light for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Written by Mr. Alberto “Tito” Hernandez, FCS Chaplain
The National Junior Honor Society welcomed its new inductees on September 18, 2014. The event began with a welcome
breakfast and concluded with a chapel service honoring each inductee and returning member. Students are inducted into
the NJHS each year upon recommendation from Mrs. Wicks - Middle School Principal, Mrs. Gladys Quinlan - NJHS Sponsor and faculty members. The students must maintain a 3.75 GPA in their core classes and qualify with an 80% or higher
SAT score. Students are held to a high level of excellence in academics, leadership, behavior, service and character.
Joshua Amedee (7)
Rebecca Atencio (7)
Dena Barros (7)
Richard Burke (7)
Christian Davila (7)
Madison Estape (7)
Laura Gonzalez (7)
Rachel Hernandez (7)
Charisma Jolly (8)
Dillon Lue (7)
Gianella MartinezGugliotta (7)
Mia Melo (8)
Rebecca Menendez (7)
Jason Pertierra (7)
Sebastian Ponce (7)
Priscilla Pozo (7)
Matthew Reisert (8)
Carlos Rios (7)
Isabella Rodriguez (7)
Samuel Rodriguez (8)
Valerie Saad (8)
Brandon Sanchez (7)
Keilah Serralta (7)
Rommy Silva (7)
Abigail Soriano (7)
Eric Sosa (7)
Lucas Villanueva (7)
Maxwell Weihl (7)
Katherine Yac (7)
President - Hannah Reynardus
Vice President - Robert Ricelli
Secretary - Sergio Tejeda
Treasurer - Joseph Fernandez
Chaplain - Andres Ledon
8th Grade Representative - Hannah Vivar
7th Grade Representatives - Rebecca Atencio
Rebecca Menendez
Sofia Abreu (8)
Joshua Bartley (8)
Elizabeth Binef (8)
Audrey Castellanos (8)
Sophia Donato (8)
Joseph Fernandez (8)
Janelle Forte (8)
Nicole Gonzalez (8)
Annelee Kiliddjian (8)
Andres Ledon (8)
Adrian Lengua (8)
Jonathan Lorenzo (8)
Stephany Matat (8)
Hunter Norris (8)
Kenneth Northerner (8)
Gianna Ortiz (8)
Jacqueline Padron (8)
Michael Padron (8)
Eduardo Palenzuela (8)
Camila Perez (8)
Michael Ramos (8)
Hannah Reynardus (8)
Robert Ricelli (8)
Kayla Rivera (8)
Natalie Santovenia (8)
Santiago Stapel (8)
Sergio Tejeda (8)
Christopher Touma (8)
Hannah Vivar (8)
Daniella Weihl (8)
Special moments from the National Junior Honor Society Breakfast and Induction Ceremony
2013 - 2014 CLASS OFFICERS
President - Emily Roberts
Vice President - Katelyn Godoy
Secretary - Kristine Reynardus
Treasurer - Michelle Lopez
Chaplain - Josiah Bazyler
Class Representatives - Ralph Paz, Bea Perez-Arche
President - Isabella Alicea
Vice President - Kayla Rivera
Secretary - Jonathan Lorenzo
Treasurer - Gianna Ortiz
Chaplain - Mia Melo
Class Representative - Hannah Serralta
President - Alexis Castaneda
Vice President - Daniela Cerboncini
Secretary - Sydni Liotta
Treasurer - Gabriel Perez
Chaplain - Fernando Mihaic
Class Representatives - Chris Dahlan, Arthur Lievano
President - Brandon Sanchez
Vice President - Lucas Villanueva
Secretary - Eric Estape
Treasurer - Carlos Rios
Chaplain - Dena Barros
Class Representative - David Jimenez
President - Ian Mendez
Vice President - Brittany Wellinghoff
Secretary - Tiffani Gonzalez
Treasurer - Diego Coviella
Chaplain - Rebekah Carp
Class Representatives - Michael Blanche, Nicole Fontela
President - Nicholas Fernandez
Vice President - Andrew Acosta
Secretary - Cristina Fanfani
Treasurer - Caden Irvine
Chaplain - James Dahlan
President - Kryssa Garcia
Vice President - Eve Del Rey
Secretary - Jayde Leake
Treasurer - Isabella Corrales
Chaplain - Mareena Rodriguez
Class Representatives - Emanuel Arias, Jose Pereira
FCS is proud to announce that Senior Mark Simonitis has
been selected as a National Merit Scholarship Semifinalist.
Initially, there are approximately 1.5 million entrants. Of these
entrants, 50,000 students qualify for recognition. Only onethird of the 50,000 students (16,000) progress to the SemiFinalist stage, as Mark has done.
Mark has also been selected as a National Hispanic Scholar
by the College Board. This program identifies approximately
5,000 academically outstanding Hispanic/Latino students
from over 250,000 students from the United States, Puerto
Rico, Guam, the Mariana Islands and the Marshall Islands.
FCS congratulates Mark Simonitis on his achievements and
we wish him God’s blessings as he graduates and moves on
to his future endeavors.
First Day of School
Austin Fernandez is ready to begin the school
year in Mrs. Ledon’s 1st grade class.
First Day of School
Justin Fernandez in Ms. Rodriguez’s 4K class
begins the year with a big smile!
Tuning up
Musicians rehearse before performing during
Spirit Week’s Future Day.
Imparting Knowledge
8th graders Alex Herrera, Andres Jimenez,
Juliet Gonzalez and Lauren Silva on their way
to class after lunch.
Mr. Pericles teaching students in his Honors
Biology class.
Noah’s Ark
Mrs. Trapero’s 4KA
class enjoys their
Noah’s Ark snacks
made from animal
crackers, pretzel
sticks and graham
College Guidance Office
Griselda Bain, College Guidance Counselor,
has moved to a new office located in the
Media Center Building. Ms. Bain is available
to assist our high school students through the
college admissions process.
Middle school band students learn a new
piece under the direction of Mr. Miner.
Afterschool Fun
Go Patriots!
Students enjoy their time in extended care on
the west campus on Disney Day.
Our Patriot Ladies Volleyball team
Featured FCS
Faculty Member
FCS graduate,
Mrs. Monica Arroyo,
is our Media
Specialist. This is
Mrs. Arroyo’s 15th
year working at
FCS. Her daughter,
Becky, and her son,
Larry, are also FCS
6th graders Elizabeth Herrera, Priscilla Pruna
and Amanda Stoker work on their quilling
projects. Spiraled paper is used to create
Hat Day
Patriotic Senior
Hat Day
Emily Abella did a fantastic job painting herself for Red, White and Blue Day during Spirit
The girls from Mrs. Padon’s 5KB class enjoy
wearing their hats on Hat Day.
The boys from Mrs. Padon’s 5KB class enjoy
wearing their hats on Hat Day.
Perfecting Their Swings
We Will Always Remember
The middle school boys golf team practices
their swings.
The students of 3K celebrate American Heritage Day on Sept. 11th.
The Artist
Hernandez, 6th
grade, holds
his autumn tree
made using the
quilling process
in art class.
Junior Class Pride
Art History
Using an Instagram theme, Mrs. Koepp shares
famous works of art with the 6th grade.
A group of Juniors enjoy Red/White/Blue Class Shirt Day during Homecoming Spirit
Safe in the Water
Roxanne Ponce, Victoria Camargo, Natalie
Fernandez and Jenir Galvez enjoy a swim
at the lake during the senior retreat at Camp
Sparta in Lake Placid, Florida.
Calorie Test
Patriot Pride
Cheerleaders Kaylee Padron, Kryssa Garcia,
Damaris Rodriguez and Jenna Maggi
Students in Mr. Willoughby’s Environmental
Science class use heated sodium chloride to
test the caloric content of different foods.
Janet Mattern, M.S., M.F.T. - Director of Guidance Counseling
“Relieving Stress”
A chiropractor once said to me, “If you can keep stress
out of your neck, you will keep stress out of your entire
Easier said than done! Stress happens to
most people at one point or another in the course of
their day. The pressure of everyday life, work, family,
school or all of the above creates enormous pressure
and stress. Unfortunately, stress can become an obstacle for getting through the day, leading to reduced
productivity at work, poor performance in school or irritability around friends and family. What’s worse is that
ongoing stress can lead to other health problems that
may include hypertension, obesity, and insomnia.
Let’s face it, no matter what we do to live a less stressful life, stress is always going to be a part of our lives.
So what can we do about it to stay healthy and live a
happier, less stressful lifestyle? In most cases we already know that we will be facing a very stressful day
before we even get out of bed. Having a plan of attack before your feet hit the floor can be half the battle.
These few steps built into your plan for the day will give
you an advantage for whatever comes your way. Here
are a few suggestions to help you relieve stress and
get on with the more important things in life. (1)
1. Pray
Before your feet hit the floor, before you even get out
of bed, PRAY! Pray that whatever comes your way
throughout the day, God will go before you and prepare
the way. “His word is a lamp unto our feet and a light
unto our path” (Psalm 119:105). Pray that God will give
you whatever you need for whatever comes your way.
We don’t know what the day will bring. We need to be
ready for whatever we are challenged with. Remember, you are not alone, God is with you.
2. Budget your time
For many people, feeling like they are overbooked or
running out of time to complete their tasks can be a
major cause of stress. Be proactive in avoiding these
situations by keeping a detailed organizer with you at
all times. Make a priority list according to the importance and urgency of the task at hand, what can wait
and what cannot wait. Keep appointments, meetings
and other activities clearly marked so you have plenty
of time to be prepared and avoid feeling overwhelmed
as things pile up. You only have so many hours in a
day and can only do so much in a day. Regarding what
does not get done today, there is always tomorrow.
Move whatever it is to the next day’s list. (1)
3. Stay positive
It’s easy to let stress lead you down a road of negativity, and discourage you. However, dwelling on those
negative feelings only increases your stress, so focus
on staying positive. Set realistic goals for yourself to
start managing the things that are causing stress in
your life, and allow yourself to feel good when you
achieve them.(1)
4. Stop and Pray
No, that is not a type-o! We need to stop and pray
morning, noon and night, as Daniel did: “Three times
a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving
thanks to his God, just as he had done before.” (Daniel
6:10). When things start to get really stressful or overwhelming, sometimes it is helpful to simply stop all that
you are doing and shut out the world for a while, even if
it’s just for 10 minutes. Breathe, close your eyes and allow yourself a few minutes to calm your mind and relax
your body. You will feel your stress start to melt away
quickly with this technique. Spend the 10 minutes, or
whatever amount of time you need, with God, remembering your morning prayer as you sit in a quiet place
or wherever you are, and think only on God. Thank Him
for what He has helped you accomplish so far in your
busy day.
Janet Mattern, M.S., M.F.T. - Director of Guidance Counseling
“Relieving Stress” (continued from previous page)
5. Get plenty of sleep
This is often a difficult technique for people in these situations because they may find that their stress is keeping them up at night. Skipping out on the needed time
for rest is an unhealthy habit leading to added fatigue
and potentially even more stress. That’s why it is so
important to get at least 7 or 8 hours of sleep per night.
The solid rest will help you feel ready to face the next
day and tackle whatever you need to accomplish. (1)
6. Exercise
People dealing with stress may feel worn out as it is,
but it’s important to make that extra effort to get some
exercise if possible. The physical activity can work up
healthy endorphins which will naturally relieve some of
the stress you feel. Exercising regularly can help you
get a better night’s sleep as well. Exercise does not always require going to a gym. There are many exercise
routines you can perform just about anywhere, even at
work. SparkPeople.com is a great web-site to use to
get an exercise of the day and a new recipe. (1)
7. Eat healthy
If you have a poor diet, you may be lacking the energy
and vitality you need to tackle the issues that are causing you stress. The healthier you are, the better you’ll
be able to deal with these problems as they arise. Also
think about ways to eat healthier aside from healthy
foods to add to your diet. (1)
8. Make time for you
Making time for you is not a luxury, it is a necessity!
If you do not make time to relax and rejuvenate and
to take care of your needs, you will not be able to be
there for others who need you. Grownups need grownup time. Moms and dads work hard taking care of their
families. You need time to spend with each other and
with your friends doing things that are fun and relaxing. You may have a hobby you have wanted to get involved with. You may have a book you have wanted to
read. Pencil yourself into your own agenda and make it
a point to spend that time allotted for you!
9. Maintain strong relationships
Many stress-relief techniques are achieved on your
own, but that doesn’t mean you can’t look outside for
help as well. We all need a good support system to
lean on. Reach out to supportive friends and family
members when you’re feeling stressed, even if it just
means giving them a quick call on your lunch break
or sending a text message to a loved one. Connecting
with these truly important people in your life can be a
great source of relief. (1)
10. Just say “No”
When someone’s work-life balance gets out of whack,
it often leads to a great deal of stress or even guilt.
There may be times when you have to say no to something in order to make sure you maintain a healthy balance in your life. Although work, volunteering and other
important projects shouldn’t be ignored, it is important,
as stated above in step # 8, to be sure to keep some
time set aside for the things you truly love, whether it’s
playing with your children, taking the dog for a walk,
sewing or spending time involved with a hobby.
If you find that these techniques do not help to relieve
your stress, seek professional help to discuss other
possible treatments to help you feel better. In some
cases, medication may be prescribed to help deal with
certain types of stress associated with depression,
anxiety and other conditions. (1)
1. Henshaw,Ashley. Jan. 30, 2012. 9 Stress Relieving Techniques for Daily Comfort, retrieved from www.
on September 15th 2014.
Go Patriots!
FCS Cheerleaders promote school spirit!
SENIORS have arrived!
Drum Line
The FCS Senior drum line added spirit to the
pep rally.
Display their school pride!
Show their class spirit!
Led by Mrs. Collazo, the juniors are united in
their Patriot Pride.
Cynthia Acosta
Senior Princess
Melissa Cabanas
Senior Princess
Krysten Garcia
Senior Princess
Josiah Bazyler
Senior Prince
Frank Chacon
Senior Prince
William DeLeon
Senior Prince
Michelle Lopez
Senior Princess
Alfonso Trujillo
Senior Prince
FCS Homecoming King and Queen
Josiah Bazyler &
Michelle Lopez
Kryssa Garcia & Jose Pereira
9th Grade Princess & Prince
Tianyuzi He & Michael Blanche
10th Grade Princess & Prince
Sydni Liotta & Yunpeng Zhu
11th Grade Princess & Prince
The following students won the FCS Spelling Bee and qualifed to compete in the FACCS Regional
Spelling Bee to be held October 31st. Congratulations to all of these students!
1st Grade: Sophia DiTommaso (Alternate), Jacob Alvarez, Valentino Heredia,
Charles Gonzalez, Allison Mantecon
2nd Grade: Sammy Stemmer, Brian Sanchez, Brianna Moreno, Rebecca Kemerer
3rd Grade: Alejandro Cejas, Nicole Vaz,
Sofia Netto, Thomas Caskey, Katherine Rodriguez (Alternate)
4th Grade: Keven Lacayo, Maya Ortiz,
Sophia Viera, Charlie Stemmer,
Patrick Herrera (Alternate)
5th Grade: Christian Bosque, Abigail Rashid, Samantha Kemerer, Briley Wellinghoff, Carolina Morales (Alternate)
The following students won the FCS Spelling Bee and qualifed to compete in the FACCS Regional
Spelling Bee to be held October 31st. Congratulations to all of these students!
6th Grade: Matthew Megias, Yasmin Valiente, Amanda Stoker, Emily Rodriguez,
Alexa Brown (Alternate)
7th Grade: Priscilla Pozo, Rebecca Menendez, Isabella Rodriguez, Andrea Delgado,
Gianella Martinez-Gugliotta (Alternate)
8th Grade: Christopher Touma, Samuel Rodriguez, Jonathan Touma, Santiago Stapel (Alternate), Michael Padron
9th Grade:
Javier A. Fernandez
Students in Mr. Mesa’s Bible classes join in praise, prayer and worship.
“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it
will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my
name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18: 19-20
Mr. Willoughby and his Marine Biology Honors class traveled to EPCOT
to experience a dive in The Seas aquarium.
Mrs. Del Valle’s 6th graders designed and built their own robots.
They enjoyed demonstrating their robots for one another.
On Oct. 10th, the 8th grade students enjoyed a trip to the Holy Land in Orlando, Florida.
Victor Cabrera, father of 6th grader Victoria Cabrera in Mrs. Koepp’s 1st period class,
shared artifacts from the Holy Land and discussed the Passover.
Students hold photo of the city of Jerusalem
Students in Mrs. Hopkins’ Honors Chemistry class perform various experiments
such as determining Significant Figures when measuring length, volume, and
mass with common laboratory instruments.
On Monday, August 18th, the senior class of 2015 continued the tradition of bringing breakfast on the
first day of school. Everybody brought something to eat and everyone enjoyed spending time with
friends, catching up with one another before the school day began. The seniors proudly wore their
crowns as they began what promises to be a memorable year for them and for their families. May God
bless the Class of 2015!
By: Mark Simonitis
With 101 out of 114 students attending the retreat, the Class of 2015 had one of the highest attendance rates for the
Senior Retreat in the school’s history. After a long bus ride up to Camp Sparta and only a few hours of sleep, the seniors
were ready to make this retreat count. They listened to sermons, worshipped the Lord in song, and bonded over pranks,
card games, shaving cream, and the legendary Blob. With memories of the icy lake water from the Junior Retreat fresh
in their minds, the seniors embraced the warm September temperature. Still, the weather had other plans. With storm
clouds on the horizon and lightning flashing in the distance, the students were forced out of the lake two hours early.
Killing time in the Rec Room, the seniors were forced to confront an awful reality: the class bonfire would be cancelled.
Needless to say, the seniors’ attitudes were downright depressing as the final sermon wound down. Now would be the
time that everyone would set down the path to the fire pit. All of a sudden, Adrian Coviella took the stage and beseeched
the class to remember last year’s cathartic bonfire, the event that drew the class together. He called upon the class to journey to the Rec Room, to relive that experience one last time. Once everyone arrived, the lights were turned off and the
students used their cell phones to light up the room. What happened next is difficult to put into words. Football players
expressed their love for the team, newcomers thanked their welcoming class, and seniors found an audience willing to
listen to help them through their problems. The class laughed together, listened together, and grew closer together. As the
night came to a close, the Class of 2015 vowed to keep this connection going throughout the year and to show the underclassmen what a body of united Patriots could do.
The National Honor Society held a blood drive in September at FCS. The students who organized
the drive were pleased with the excellent participation by students, teachers and parents.
The High School Drama students presented their first production under the direction of Mr. Scott
Wilson on October 17th in the Alumni Gymnasium. “A Little Box of Oblivion”, written by Stephen Bean,
is a one-act play featuring five characters trying to solve the mystery of what is in a box which has been
left on a park bench. The students did a wonderful job performing this intriguing and humorous play.
L to R: Kayla Jolly (Asst. Stage Manager), Gianni De Santino, Seiny Gonzalez,
Louis K. Nicholas III, Mr. Scott Wilson (Director), Beatrice Perez-Arche, Michael Parra,
Gaby Sarmiento (Asst. Director/Stage Manager), Taylor San Miguel (Light Board Operator).
Not pictured: Amanda Lorenzo (Sound Board Operator), Front of House Crew: Mia Ibarra,
Ana Oceguera, Junaurie Ortiz, Giancarlo Ponce, Jorge Ruiz and Daniela Vazquez
Poster displayed in main campus
office prepared by Alyssa Chang
DRAMA (continued)
“A Little Box of Oblivion”
The students in Mrs. Green’s 4A class and Mrs. Menendez’s 4C class were asked to create their own
insects and include three body parts, six legs, antennas and a mouth. The students were very creative!
“God made the wild animals according to
their kinds, the livestock according to their
kinds, and all the creatures that move
along the ground according to their kinds.
And God saw that it was good.”
Genesis 1:24
Maria Lehnhard, Elementary Principal
On Thursday, August 14th, our Open House was held and our Preschool and Elementary students took a peek
at their new classes and teachers. There was excitement and much expectancy as they visited their new school,
teachers and friends. We pray for our new students, that they may find FCS to be their second home.
Our school remains commited to staying up to date with technological advances to better assist our students,
families, and teachers. RenWeb was implemented last year and has proven to be a big success. There are
many benefits we are enjoying such as allowing for parents to see the teachers’ lesson objectives, the homework
and their children’s grades.
September 11th is a special day in our country and we commemorate this day with special chapels and
assemblies. We are careful to relate the terrorist attack events that took place in 2001at the World Trade Center
and other sites, but always thanking God for His protection and sovereignty. Our school has named this day
“American Christian Heritage Day”. The west campus students sing patriotic songs and talk about the Christian
roots of America. We aim to instill and preserve the spirit of patriotism that Americans felt on 9/11/2001. America
was founded under God and His principles and we at FCS will continue to carry on the Christian principles that
made America great.
Maria Lehnhard, Elementary Principal
The Preschool and Kindergarten classes studied Community Helpers in September. Different community helpers visited
our students and shared about their duties. Dr. Kiara Carcasses Trujillo, an FCS Class of 1996 graduate, shared the benefits of good dental health. Mrs. Olga Montano, an FCS grandparent and owner of Party Cake Bakery, demonstrated her
cake decorating abilities to the kinder students. We thank Dr. Trujillo and Mrs. Montano for sharing their expertise with us!
Maria Lehnhard, Elementary Principal
On Sept. 18, 2014, the firefighters from Miami-Dade County Station 3 visited FCS’ West Campus. The 3K-5K
students were treated to a fire hose demonstration and were able to sit inside the firetruck. We are grateful to
Station 3 for taking the time to share with our students.
Maria Lehnhard, Elementary Principal
Maria Lehnhard, Elementary Principal
HISPANIC HERITAGE DAY- Mrs. Perez’s 2nd Grade Class
Mrs. Arroyo, our media specialist,
congratulates the following students
who accumulated more than 25
Accelerated Reader points:
Patrick Herrera - 4th Grade
Matthew Sicle - 4th Grade
Angelo DiTommaso - 3rd Grade
During the month of September,
students read and were quizzed on
1,507 books, which is 4,907,483 words!
Patrick Herrera, Matthew Sicle, Angelo DiTommaso
Our elementary students focus on a particular character trait each month.
The trait for September was Obedience.
“You shall therefore obey the voice of the Lord your God,
keeping His commandments and His statutes.”
- Deuteronomy 27:10
The students from Mrs. Wright’s 5th grade class, pictured below, were recognized
for their abililty to demonstrate obedience.
L to R:
Jacob Brigman
Cecilia Marcayda
Michael English
Mrs. Wright
Rachel Burke
Abigail Rashid
Mr. George Gulla, Dean of Students and Director of Security, was the special speaker at the wellattended PTCF event held October 17th. Mr. Gulla’s presentation entitled, “Security and Social
Media” alerted parents to some of the risks involved in students using social media and presented
helpful information equipping parents with tools to protect their children.
Thanksgiving Dinner 5:00 - 8:00 pm
Rides 5:00- 10:00 pm
Merchandise Vendors 5:00 - 10:00 pm
2ND PRIZE - iPAD with Retinal Display
Contact the Main Campus or West Campus office for tickets
4200 SW 89 Avenue, Miami, FL 33165
Dr. Robert Andrews, Headmaster
Jim Arnold, Senior High School Principal
Kerry Wicks, Middle School Principal
Maria Lehnhard, Elementary Principal
Sherril Nealey, Assistant Elementary Principal
Ernie Diaz
Herb Evelyn
Bob Felder
Ramon Fernandez-Andes, Treasurer
Frank Rivas, Secretary
Luis Rodriguez, Vice President
Emanuel Roque
David Swindoll
Bill Wicks, President
Manuel Bersach
Ernie Diaz
Herb Evelyn
Bob Felder
Ray Fernandez-Andes
Gary Johnson
Bryan King
Joseph Padron
Frank Ramos
Frank Rivas
Ronell Rivera
Luis Rodriguez
Emanuel Roque
Eric Schlottman
David Swindoll
Bill Wicks
Since 1968
K3-12th Grade
Biblical Worldview Training
College Prep Curriculum
AP and Honors Programs
Music and Fine Arts
Full Athletic Program
FCSmart Technology Initiative
Open House for New Families: November 15, 2014, 9:00 a.m.
Re-Enrollment for Existing Students for Fall 2015: January 5, 2015
www.floridachristian.org (305) 226-8152

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