FCS Declaration - Florida Christian School


FCS Declaration - Florida Christian School
Florida Christian School
WINTER 2015-2016
Headmaster’s Pen
Dr. Robert Andrews
Winter 2016
One of the most important choices
our students make is who their friends
are, or will be. Psychologists say that
behavior is almost contagious among
teenagers, so who they associate with
is of vital importance. Good behavior
by peers can be spread through
friends, but bad behavior can also be
modeled by friends and associates.
You probably remember who your
friends were when you were in high
school or college, and what influence
they had on your life, good or bad,
and can agree that friends do have
a distinct impact on the lives of our
In secular society today the
importance of friendship generally
has a different value than the Biblical
view of having friends. Generally
speaking society’s emphasis in
friendships is centered on the premise
that the value is making sure that
one’s personal needs are being met.
The Biblical concept however, is that
right friendships are based on a
common devotion to God and
a mutual concern for each other.
Right friendships and relationships
in the Bible are important if we are
to have a purposeful life. One of
the great values of being at Florida
Christian School is that many of the
friendships our children have here do
fulfill a Biblical model for friendships,
but even within the Christian school
environment, Christian parents must
guide their children toward those
friendships which will complement
their spiritual needs.
The type of friendships that our
students need in order to have a
purposeful life in the Lord are clearly
discussed in Scripture.
destroy us. A wound from a
From the desk of
Jesus told his disciples in
friend may initially hurt more
John 13:14-16, “I am your
than from our enemies, but if
example, be like me.” In
they are our true friend they
Philippians 3:15-17 Paul
are designed to help us or
tells the church, “that they
keep us safe.”
could follow his example
and live the way he had
As important as our children’s
lived.” In I Thessalonians
friendship relationships with
1:6-7 Paul says, “You
each other are, their most
became imitators of us
important relationship is with
and of the Lord; in spite of severe God through Jesus Christ. In Romans
suffering, you welcomed the message 5 the Bible tells us that there is nothing
with the joy given by the Holy Spirit, more disastrous than being an
and so you became a model to all enemy of God. It says a relationship
believers…” If our children’s friends with Jesus is the only way we can
model a life based on Christ likeness, have reconciliation with an awesome
it will have an effect on their lives.
God, and claim the position that He
has chosen us to be His friend. John
In much the same way, true friends 15:15 says “Henceforth I call you not
should be mentors that faithfully servants; for the servant knows not
give good advice. Proverbs 15:22- what his lord does: but I have called
23 says “Our plans succeed with a you friends; for all things that I have
multitude of counselors and a person heard of my Father I have made
finds joy in giving an apt reply. How known unto you.” Jesus’ death on the
good is a timely word?” If the friends cross, His burial and resurrection paid
our children choose are godly, we can the price for us to be friends with God.
expect them to offer sound advice We are blessed to have our friends to
and Christian counsel when making share our journey with each day. We
decisions. True friends will also tell are blessed even more to be able to
their friends when they are wrong. say with the old hymn writer, “What a
Ecclesiastes 7:5 tells us, “It’s better to friend we have in Jesus, all our sins
have a friend that will tell you that you and griefs to bear, what a privilege to
are doing wrong or going the wrong carry, everything to God in prayer….
way than to have friends that allow Do your friends despise, forsake
you to destroy yourself.”
you? Take it to the Lord in prayer! In
His arms He’ll take and shield you;
A true friend is also dependable and you will find a solace there.”
always supportive by telling the truth.
Proverbs 17:17 says, “A friend loves There is no better time than now for
at all times, and a brother is born for parents to help their children make
adversity.” The friends described in good decisions about friends. More
this verse are not fair weather friends, importantly, it is also a wonderful
but remain friends in the difficult times. time to talk about their relationship
A true friend may be more reliable with Jesus Christ, the most important
than a brother and sister. In Proverbs relationship they can have.
27:9-10 it says, “The wounds of our
friends are for our good, the wounds
of our enemies are intended to
Dr. Robert
Accredited by: AdvancED, Florida Association of Christian Colleges and Schools, and Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools Commissions.
Current Student Re-Enrollment
for 2016-2017
Is Now Open
Click here to sign on to your parent portal
to begin the re-enrollment process.
If you do not have a login, click here and
create a ParentsWeb login.
The district code is FCS-FL.
Use the same email account you have provided to FCS.
New Student Applications
Available Online
Click Here for more information and to
begin the application process.
For more information regarding Admissions,
Email: admissions@floridachristian.org
or call the Admissions Dept. at
305-226-8152 x257
FCS gratefully acknowledges those who have financially contributed through the month of January to the
ongoing work at Florida Christian.
Sharing In Excellence Fund:
These funds are designed to promote continued school excellence. By giving to the Sharing In Excellence Fund, you are promoting excellence in curriculum, clasroom resources and technology, faculty enrichment and continuing education for staff, as
well as opportunities for tuition assistance for qualifying families.
The following contributed to the Sharing In Excellence Fund:
Robert & Katie Andrews
Jim & Mary Arnold
Simon & Laura Bazyler
Derwin & Audrey Brigham
Chris & Leidy Brigman
Todd & JoAnn Breiner
Jennifer Bryan
Steve & Leigh Byers
Lino & Cary Calvo
Luis & Eva Camejo
Elio & Graciela Casanas
James Class
Steve & Melissa Class
Miguel & Barbara Cosculluela
Jorge & Tracy Cuesta
Jorge & Ana Del Valle
Ernesto & Iris Delgado
Marlo & Sandra Dieguez
Jason & Joan Doan
Edwin & Gloria Dossett
Elena Dossett
Robert & Patti Evelyn
Robert & Sheila Felder
Rigo & Nancy Figueredo
Otoniel & Diana Frometa
Chris & Helen Garner
Eva-Marie Gonzalez
Joel & Ileana Gonzalez
Lamont & Latonya Green
Andrew & Amanda Guilfoyle
George & Mayra Gulla
Julia Heath
Alberto & Dasha Hernandez
Frank & Melanie Hopkins
Paul & Pam Howell
Frank & Aileen Irias
Paul & Sandy Jeannin
Todd & Alida Jolly
David & Beth King
Pete Kingman
James & Livia Koepp
Doug & Karen Kostowski
Robert & Clare Landau
Alejandro & Ana Ledon
Gary & Maria Lehnhard
Edwin & Rosa Lobaina
Hector & Lydia Lopez
Lazaro & Maria Martinez
Janet Mattern
Jorge & Karla Megias
Domingo & Iris Mendez
Jorge & Ivette Menendez
Fernando & Monica Mesa
Samuel & Kristine Miro
Luis & Marcia Montaner
David & Kellie Moore
Bill & Sherril Nealey
Joseph & Rebecka Padron
Peter & Lea Padron
Rebekah Perez
Hugues & Lisa Pericles
Joey & Lesli Pruna
Perry & Anncy Pitelli
Keith & Gladys Quinlan
Jorge & Tania Reynardus
Ed & Debbie Riggan
Iliana Rodriguez
Luis & Dinah Rodriguez
Juan & Esther Roque
Boris & Susan Rubio
Joey & Yami Saad
Nancy Safreed
Scott & Jeannine Stemmer
Waldo & Desi Tejedor
Danny & Gina Trapero
Zak & Amanda Vazquez
Bernalt & Kimberly
Deborah Warner
Mary Whitfield
Bill & Kerry Wicks
Steve & Laura Willoughby
Stephen & Penny Wright
Martin Fund:
The Martin Fund was established in honor of Bill and Ann Martin who dedicated their lives and resources to developing FCS’s
Bible Department. By giving to the Martin Fund, you help provide funding for the Bible program, spiritual development and training for our faculty, spiritual emphasis and chapel speakers.
The following contributed to the Martin Fund:
Luis & Eva Camejo
Steve & Melissa Class
Thomas & Michelle Collazo
Jorge & Tracy Cuesta
Jorge & Ana Del Valle
Edwin & Gloria Dossett
James & Natasha Erwin
Bob & Sheila Felder
Ron & Su Ann Green
George & Mayra Gulla
Frank & Aileen Irias
Todd & Alida Jolly
David & Beth King
Lazaro & Maria Martinez
Jorge & Karla Megias
Domingo & Iris Mendez
Jorge & Ivette Menendez
Jesus & Maby Perez
Hugues & Lisa Pericles
Jorge & Tania Reynardus
Joey & Yami Saad
Todd & Maria Seekins
Eduardo & Celeste Serralta
Danny & Gina Trapero
Juan & Daisy Valdes
Deborah Warner
To be a part of giving to FCS, please go the FCS Homepage and click on the “Donate” box.
FCS gratefully acknowledges those who have financially contributed during the months of October through
January to the ongoing work at Florida Christian.
Campus Beautification Fund:
Current captial campaign to enhance the appearance of the school campus. By giving to the Campus Beautification Fund, you
will help provide funding for landscaping, rest room renovation, common area beautification, and other projects.
The following contributed to the Campus Beautification Fund:
Robert & Katie Andrews
Derwin & Audrey Brigham
Luis & Eva Camejo
Miguel & Barbara Cosculluela
Jorge & Tracy Cuesta
Jorge & Ana DelValle
Marlo & Sandra Dieguez
Robert & Sheila Felder
Chris & Helen Garner
Lamont & Latonya Green
George & Mayra Gulla
Frank & Aileen Irias
Todd & Alida Jolly
Robert & Claire Landau
Gary & Maria Lehnhard
Jorge & Karla Megias
Domingo & Iris Mendez
Jorge & Ivette Menendez
Sam & Kristy Miro
Luis & Marcia Montaner
Joseph & Rebecka Padron
Hugues & Lisa Pericles
Jorge & Tania Reynardus
Ed & Debbie Riggan
Boris & Susan Rubio
Joey & Yami Saad
Danny & Gina Trapero
Bernalt & Kimberly Velasquez
Bill & Kerry Wicks
To be a part of giving to FCS, please go the FCS Homepage and click on the “Donate” box.
Principal’s List (All A’s)
Kindergarten Five: Ava Alonso, Emily Asencion, Katia Bango, Amanda Benedit, Nicholas Bonilla, Veronica Borque, Abigail Camacho,
Valentina Cecchi, Nathalie Chacon, Matthew Cordoba, Lyla Cruz, Victoria Cruz, Jacob Cuenca, Levi Diaz, Dylan Dieguez, Andrea
Echevarria, Jeremy Erwin, Nathaniel Escoto, Isabella Estrada, Sofia Estrada, Grace Fagundo, Justin Fernandez, Gabriella Flores,
Ariana Fluxa, Daniel Garcia, Diego Garcia, Mia Gonzalez, Robert Harris, Eric Hospedales, Gianna Jivanjee, Seth Lopez, Eva MarquesVerdecia, Emma Mestre, Melanie Montano, Jonathan Padron, Lola Perez, Ricardo Perez, Eddy Pino, Andrew Quant, Abigail Quinones,
Katia Raventos, Gabriel Reina, Valentina Restrepo, Sophia Riggan, Samuel Rodriguez, Julian Romero, Graciela Ruiz, Brielle Sanchez,
Jake Say, Marcos Seijas, Alyssa Serrano, Leah Siddiqkara, Khloe Tuma, Sophia Villaverde
First Grade: Lukas Acosta, Isabella Araya, Danella Areas, Rafael Arias, Isabella Ariola, Thomas Ariola, Luna Asencion, Nelly
Baltodano, Cristina Barcelo, Anderson Breiner, Kayla Broche, Caleb Fagundo, Gabriel Hernandez, Jaylee Jo, James Logue, Leila
Menendez, Valentina Miranda, Selah Miro, Robert Morales, Madison Pijuan, Abraham Quant, Daniela Riesgo Jardines, Olivia Salvador,
Camila Trejos, Cynthia Vazquez, Sophia Vazquez
Second Grade: Evelyn Abramo, Sofia Albelo, Abigail Ardois, Anjuli Balart, Timothy Benitez, Dylan Braswell, Daniela Canosa, Danny De
Los Santos, Hailey Dieguez, Sophia DiTommaso, Austin Fernandez, Bianca Fluxa, Charles Gonzalez, Ethan Lorenzo, Brandon Luis,
Allison Mantecon, Isaac Menendez, Joseph Minsal, Osmanny Montano, Brianna Padin, Joseph Padron, Ariana Parodi, Matthew Perez,
Ajala Rice-Reynolds, Markus Ruiz, Olivia Serralta, Lucas Suarez, Leonardo Trejos, Kaylen Valdes, Michael Valdes
Third Grade: Joshua Barba, Manuel Barcelo, Arianna Barrios, Sean Benedit, Genesis Bosque, Andres Brito, Alyssa Ceballos, Malia
Chang, Skye Dickinson, Camila Flores, Carolina Flores, Carlos Gonzalez, Kaleb Jolly, Rebecca Kemerer, Brandon Knowles, Noah
Markey, Daniela Mendez, Samuel Miro, Brianna Moreno, Jair Obando, Andrew Pena, Daniel Perez, Sebastian Prado, Oscar Quinones,
Jayden Ramos, Jason Rodriguez, Alexander Rojo, Richard Rollheiser, Brian Sanchez, Samuel Stemmer, Alejandro Suarez, Angelina
Fourth Grade: Joshua Aguirre, Christina Almuina, Roberto Alvarez, Isabella Bonilla, Abigail Breiner, Matthew Capo, Zoe Carbo,
Thomas Caskey, Alejandro Cejas, Aiden Cuervo, Angelo DiTommaso, Taylor Gackle, Ethan Gonzalez, Camila Hernandez, Sofia
Hernandez, Devin Lopez, Angelina Manzano, Valeria Moriano, Gabriela Netto, Sofia Netto, Samuel Oliva, Angelica Otero, Katherine
Padron, Annelise Pereira, Aaron Perez, Ashley Perez, Cristina Pernas, Norge Pineda, Aiden Richardson, Ricardo Rios, Katherine
Rodriguez, Jeandro Roman, Gabriela Ruiz, Amy Suarez, Carolina Tapanes, Gabriela Tapanes, Matthew Valero, Alejandro Vega
Fifth Grade: Zachary Bailey, Wilkin Caseres, John Castellanos, Adrian Cordoba, Kevin Cruz, Jonathan Estrada, Martin Gomez,
Melanie Gonzalez, Abby Hernandez, Kirsten Hernandez, Keven Lacayo, Jessica Leake, David Lobaina, Ethan Machin, Gabriela
Membreno, Abby Nunez, Maya Ortiz, Sofia Raurell, Christopher Rivera, Lucas Ruiz, Matthew Say, Charlie Stemmer, Amanda Tejeda,
Emily Torres, Sophia Viera
Sixth Grade: Aliya Acosta, Samuel Alvarez, Christian Bosque, Jacob Brigman, Rachel Burke, Valery Casamayor, Sasha Cejas,
Angelina Cueto, Miranda De La Noval, Nicole De Leon, Andrea Delgado, Erick Delgado, Amanda Diaz, Matthew Diaz, Luna Dieguez,
Giannina Difranco, Michael English, Jose Fernandez, Daniel Higuera, Samantha Kemerer, Mikaela King, Joel Lago, Olivia Lobaina,
Daniel Lopez, Jason Losada, Cecilia Marcayda, Chloe Markey, Madison McDonald, Sarah Milton, Carolina Morales, Jorge Pernas,
Carmen Rangel, Abigail Rashid, Carolyna Rodriguez, Christopher Rodriguez, Gabriela Rodriguez, Laura Rodriguez, Raphael Ruiz
Angelica Santana, Helena Valdovinos, Briley Wellinghoff, Preston Yeun
Seventh Grade: Chloe Chang, Carlos Cordoba, Julie Cruz, Joseph Delgado, Megan Diaz, Domenick Espinosa, Nicholas Fernandez,
Olivia Fernandez, Joseph Fernandez-Andes, Donald Harrington, Daniella Harris, Katrina Hernandez, Raquel Hernandez, Elizabeth
Herrera, Rocio Lopez, Emily Manzano, Daniella Marrero, Nicole Molina, Nicole Ramirez, Manuel Riesgo Jardines, Emily Rodriguez,
Yasmin Valiente, Isabella Vazquez, Isabella Villaverde
Eighth Grade: Elizabeth Alonso, David Araya, Richard Burke, Carolina Ledon, Gianella Martinez-Gugliotta, Rebecca Menendez,
Nicolina Pereira, Jason Pertierra, Carlos Rios, Isabella Rodriguez, Renee Ruiz, Katherine Yac
Ninth Grade: Joshua Bartley, Rachel Cabauy, Audrey Castellanos, Janelle Forte, Kevin Gonzalez, Andres Ledon, Stephany Matat,
Kenneth Northerner, Justin Nunez, Gianna Ortiz, Camila Perez, Michael Ramos, Hannah Reynardus, Robert Ricelli, Sergio Tejeda,
Christopher Touma, Roland Travieso, Hannah Vivar
Tenth Grade: Angelo Ambut, James Cabauy, Kryssa Garcia, Philip Moore, Katrina Padron, Gabriela Rodriguez, Britney Rubio, Emily
Sotolongo, Karina Tohme, Daniel Villamil
Eleventh Grade: Michael Blanche, Diego Coviella, Andy de Pablo, Nicole Fontela, Grace Harrington, Madison Irvine, Ian Mendez,
Alexia Mikhalides, Naia Mion-Bet, Megan Nunez, Camila Ramirez, Gabriela Rodriguez, Shannon Rowsey, Brittany Wellinghoff
Twelfth Grade: Jessica Barcelo, Kristine Bover, Alana Buznego, Lauren Fuster, Joel Garcia, Maikol Gonzalez, Paul Gonzalez, Cody
Jimenez, Lauren Penland, Alexandra Perez, Gabriela Pineiro, Daniela Ramos, David Ramos, Damaris Rodriguez, Stephanie Watkins
If your child made one of the Honor Rolls, you may pick up a “My Child Made the Honor Roll” bumper sticker
in the school office. The bumper stickers are free of charge.
Honor Roll (A&B Honor Roll - At least 3.5 GPA)
Kindergarten Five: Emily Caseres, Rosalia Soza
First Grade: Madison Aguila, Samuel Bosque, Derek Casal, Emily Flores, Alexander Haza, Isabella Kawa, Juan Naranjo, Henry Pena,
Nick Rodriguez, Evan Saavedra, Nicholas Santos, Ryan Silva, Isaiah Sullivan
Second Grade: Victoria Awan, Rylee Carbo, Dylan Casal, Gino Chacon, Eden Del Rey, Camila Echevarria, Carolina Echevarria, Mia
Echevarria, Gabriel Garcia, Brianna Gonzalez, Sebastian Liles, Nathan Lopez, Aden Nicholas, Alejandro Nunez, Madeline Rodriguez,
Dominick Rubio, Renzo Ynastrilla
Third Grade: Isabella Aguilera, Kiara Bango, Sofia Cecchi, Brandon Cruz, Sebastian Estrada, Glacey Lugo, Diego Mainade, Elias
Marcayda, Adam Martinez, Havana Nunez, Nicolas Oropesa, Eyerusalem Philip, Tizita Philip, Ella Pino, Alejandro Ruiz, Stephanye
Salazar, Michael Say, Isaac Treto
Fourth Grade: Justin Brigman, Jacob Diaz, Emma Dieguez, Christopher Ferrandiz, Courtney Green, Ariadne Herrera, Aniyah Herring,
Jeremy Jaramillo, Andrew Machin, Justin Montoya, Emely Ravelo, Adrian Reina, Joel Reyes, Katia Rivera, Samantha Zelenka
Fifth Grade: Sofia Acuna, Ayleen Amador, Andres Balart, Juliette Bryant, Jake Camejo, Nicole Denis, Adel Garcia, Bradley Garcia,
Evan Garcia, Matheus Guerra, Daniel Hernandez, Natalya Mesa, Ashlyn Nunez, Perry Pitelli, Isabelle Prado, Dawson Ramos, Nicolas
Restrepo, Matthew Sicle, Julio Silva, Karson Smith, Amanda Soriano, Tyler Tracy, Sophia Valdes
Honor Roll (3.7 average - a minimum of four A’s, no grade lower than C)
Sixth Grade: Adrian Alvarez, Ashton Beck, Dustin Cromer, Sofia de la Torre, Joie-Lucia Diaz, Anthony Fernandez, Paige Fernandez,
Lizette Frometa, Brian Javech, Ethan Jimenez, Erick Juvier, Kristina Megias, John Mendia, Linney Mirabal, Chloe Montenegro, Julian
Montoya, Michael Morales, Veronica Parodi, Mike Patino, Stephen Pella, Lucas Perez, Nicolas Riveron, Mariana Rodriguez, Leandro
Roman, Priscilla Sanchez, William Swindoll, Marcus Valdes, Bryan Varela Figueroa
Seventh Grade: Sebastian Acosta, Jonathan Aguirre, Lauren Alonso, Raziel Aparicio-Gomez, Sofia Araya, Alexa Brown, Victoria
Cabaleiro, Victoria Cabrera, Asia Castellanos, Lucas Chantres, James Dahlan, Cristina Fanfani, Tommy Fernandez, Daniel Garcia,
Caden Irvine, Yesenia Lobaina, Matthew Megias, Francis-Danielle Mereles, Cristina Oropesa, Elizabeth Pella, Alejandro Perez, Isaac
Philip, Gianna Pitelli, Sienna Ponce, Priscilla Pruna, Amanda Ramos, Andres Rancel, Daniel Rodriguez, Thomas Rowsey, Devin Salazar,
Orestes Soler, Amanda Stoker, Amanda Tesserot, Matthew Touma, Annika Tracy, Emma Valenti, Damian Vilarchao, Alexa Vivar
Eighth Grade: Victoria Alonso, Joshua Amedee, Dena Barros, Matthew Borrego, Eric Estape, Madison Estape, Evelyn Gonzalez, Laura
Gonzalez, Orlando Hernandez Bosch, Dillon Lue, Michael McDonald, Joseph Oceguera, Sebastian Ponce, Priscilla Pozo, Emily Ruiz,
Manuel Sarmiento, Rommy Silva, Abigail Soriano, Eric Sosa, Gabriella Valencia, Lucas Villanueva, Kaley Walkland, Maxwell Weihl,
Ashton Yuen
Ninth Grade: Gabriel Alberro, Nicole Criado, Sophia Donato, Matthew Fagin, Joshua Gonzalez, Cleyton Howell, Ethan Isidron, Charisma
Jolly, Sofia Lopez, Mia Melo, Hunter Norris, Jacqueline Padron, Isabella Pineiro, Julian Rashid, Kayla Rivera, Megan Rodriguez, Samuel
Rodriguez, Natalie Santovenia, Brittany Scoggins, Jonathan Touma
Tenth Grade: Amanda Alburquerque, Brooke Alvarez, Megan Armero, Alyssa Arranaga, Emily Beltran, Nathan Blanco, Nia Blanco, Ty
Botana, Eli Carbo, Gabriel Carreira, Jazmin Cedeno, Elisa Couvertier, Arielle Dorsey, Clarissa Eraso, Nadia Esparragoza, Javier Abraham
Fernandez, Javier Roberto Fernandez, Lillian Frometa, Nicole Garcia, Gaby Garrote, Kassandra Gomez, Joshua Jimenez, Timothy King,
Jayde Leake, Luis Machado, Sally Mina-Vargas, Daniel Miranda, Adam Octala, Cristina Palma, Jose Pereira, Justin Perez, Kristen Prieto,
Nicholas Pro, Emily Ramos, Mareena Rodriguez, Taylor San Miguel, Zachary Sanchez, Jessica Torrente, Kevin Vittoria
Eleventh Grade: Lauren Alonso, Victoria Alonso, Marcos Buznego, Madeleine Byers, Jeffrey Caldwell, Andre Carrillo, Kayla Cerda,
Manuel-Alejandro Chong, Lauren Diaz, Cassidy Dorway, Alexander Fernandez, Elyzabeth Hernandez, Michael Herrera, Nicole Hoffmeister,
Allyson Huici, Ellianne Isidron, Alexander Lorenzo, Emily Mendez, Gina Mobassaleh, Lisbeth Montaner, Marc Montero, Ana Oceguera,
Sheridon Ouma, Tyler Palmer, Abi Perez Sotolongo, Jack Pertierra, Giancarlo Ponce, Emily Prieto, Victoria Quevedo, Natalia Rosas,
Nicky Ruiz, Sofia Sablon, Joel Sosa, Zimeng Su, Cynthia Valladares, Denisse Velez, Bella Victores
Twelfth Grade: Rebecca Abreu, Sabrina Acosta, Taylor Andry, Erika Arias, Chase Beck, Belinda Blanco, Osmand Bobadilla, Alexis
Castaneda, Daniela Cerboncini, Alexander Cerda, Cassandra Concilio, Victoria Cortizo, Christopher Dahlan, Eric Echeverria, Samantha
Elias, Jesica Fernandez, Roland Fongon, Gabriela Garrido, Carolina Goizueta, Daniela Guevara, Kenneth Hernandez, Michael Jaramillo,
Arthur Lievano, Sydni Liotta, Jessica Maristany, Adriana Martinez, Jessica Matat, Lucie Mau, Fernando Mihaic, Matthew Moore, Julio
Perez-Mustelier, Gabriel Perez-Ronchetta, Matthew Prieto, Jorge Ramos, Amanda Rodriguez, Carlos Rodriguez Moronta, Luis Rodriguez
Moronta, Jacqueline Roque, David Santamarina, Emily Sosa, Grace Swindoll, Ericka Treto, Emily Vazquez, Faith Vazquez, Bryan West
If your child made one of the Honor Rolls, you may pick up a “My Child Made the Honor Roll” bumper sticker
in the school office. The bumper stickers are free of charge.
Did you know stacking and unstacking plastic cups is an energizing, brain-activating and world-record-setting
activity? On Thursday, November 12, 2015, thousands of participants took part in what Guinness World Records
terms the “World’s Largest Sport Stacking Event”. During the course of the day, sport stackers from all over the
world stacked various pyramids in prescribed patterns at lightning speed for at least 30 minutes. Sights were set
on 600,000 stackers participating as this sport continues to gain popularity.
Florida Christian students participated in this record-breaking event, led by Coach Julie Currie. Last year’s
record was 592,192 participants. This year’s goal of 600,000 participants was reached and surpassed with
618,394 stackers in 31 countries participating and FCS was a part of this! Thanks to Coach Currie for bringing
this sport to FCS several years ago and for making it a part of our physical education curriculum! Go Patriots!
The Thanksgiving Extravaganza included a fair complete with rides, food, vendors and a delicious traditional Thanksgiving dinner. Despite a rainy forecast, God blessed us with good weather. This event
could not have been the success that it was without the many parent, teacher and student volunteers
who helped throughout the day and into the evening. A special thank you to Natascha Pichs and the
PTCF Parents for organizing this event!
Thank you to all of the students, families,
faculty and staff, led by Miss Warner, who
worked to make this year’s Operation
Christmas Child campaign such a success!
FCS donated 1,400 boxes filled with toys,
treats, clothes and books for children around
the world. A small shoebox can teach a
child about the love of God, lead him or her
to faith in Christ, inspire pastors, and plant
new churches. What goes into the box is
fun, but what comes out is eternal.
Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one
of the least of these,
brothers and sisters of
mine, you did for me.
Matthew 25:40
Collecting shoeboxes from the west campus
Miss Mary loading shoeboxes
Miss Warner, Nadia Esparragoza and Liv Lehmann delivering shoeboxes to the warehouse
Jeannine Stemmer, Choral Director
The annual Christmas Choral program was presented on December 10th led by Director Mrs. Jeannine
Stemmer and Assistant Director Mrs. Amanda Vazquez. The student choirs performed Christmas songs, some
emotionally moving and some comedic, but all done with excellence!
Jeannine Stemmer, Choral Director
Jeannine Stemmer, Choral Director
Jeannine Stemmer, Choral Director
The Grand Finale
Congratulations to the FCS Patriots who were inducted into the Science National Honor Society (SNHS)
on December 9, 2015. These students had to meet specific criteria which includes enrollment/completion
of at least two Honors courses in the Sciences, minimum grade point averages in science courses and
in courses overall, attendance at SNHS meetings, and maintaining behavior that is acceptable to the
guidelines of FCS. In order for students to continue as members of the SNHS, they must maintain
these high standards through graduation.
FCS is proud to recognize these students and their faculty sponsor, Mrs. Pericles. Go Patriots!
Science National Honor Society 2015-2016
Top Row: Cody Jimenez, Grace Harrington, Marcos Buznego, Lauren Diaz, Naia Mion-Bet,
Ian Mendez, Diego Coviella, Mrs. Lisa Pericles – SNHS Advisor
Middle row: Jeffrey Caldwell, Jack Pertierra, Nicole Fontela, Brittany Wellinghoff, Emily Sosa,
Gabriela Garrido, Alexis Castaneda, Gabriela Pineiro, Amanda Rodriguez, Rebecca Abreu
Front Row: Ana Oceguera, Kayla Jolly, Lauren Fuster, Alana Buznego, Lauren Penland,
Daniela Guevara, Sydni Liotta
Not Pictured: Kristine Bover, Carolina Goizueta, David Ramos
Lady Patriots
Congratulations to the Girls Varsity Basketball team! They had a great season,
winning the District Championship and the Regional Quarter Final game.
Back Row: Audrey Castellanos, Kaitlyn Nunez, Isabella Lopez, Brittany Beckelheimer,
Madison Irvine, Morgan Bert
Front Row: Head Coach Amanda Guilfoyle, Rubi Rico, Sophia Milton, Megan Nunez,
Emily Skjodal, Brooke Alvarez, Asst.Coach Rebekah Wright
Team Verse:
Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering
produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.
Romans 5:3-4
On Friday, October 23rd, the FACCS Regional Spelling Bee was hosted by Florida Christian School.
Congratulations to the following students who placed in the Regional Spelling Bee and were eligible
to compete at the State Spelling Bee held on November 20th in Orlando, Florida:
Place in Regional Competition
James Logue
1st Place
Cristina Barcelo
4th Place
Tommy Caskey
1st Place
Sofia Netto
2nd Place
Keven Lacayo
3rd Place
Briley Wellinghoff
2nd Place
Olivia Fernandez
2nd Place
Alexa Brown
4th Place
Christopher Touma
2nd Place
Stephany Matat
4th Place
Javier A. Fernandez
1st Place
Spelling Bee Regional Winners - High School
Christopher Touma, Stephany Matat, Javier A. Fernandez
Spelling Bee Regional Winners - Middle School
L to R: Briley Wellinghoff, Olivia Fernandez, Alexa Brown
Spelling Bee Regional Winners - Elementary
L to R:
Tommy Caskey
Sofia Netto
Keven Lacayo
L to R:
James Logue
Cristina Barcelo
Congratulations to Christopher Touma, 9th
grade, who won 1st Place at the FACCS State
Spelling Bee competition.
Congratulations to Stephany Matat, 9th
grade, who won 2nd Place at the FACCS
State Spelling Bee competition.
(L to R):
Stephany Matat
Tommy Caskey
Christopher Touma
James Logue
Congratulations to Tommy Caskey, 4th grade,
who won 3rd Place at the FACCS State
Spelling Bee competition.
Congratulations to James Logue, 1st grade,
who won 3rd Place at the FACCS State
Spelling Bee competition.
Mrs. Jennifer Bryan
The FCS Drama Department is in full swing this February! We are currently in rehearsal for our upcoming production of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe which will take place on March 10 and
11th at 7 pm. Come out and support your Drama Department and enjoy a great play for all ages.
Our Middle School Thespians just returned from the Florida State Junior Thespian competition where
they received amazing ratings.
Superior - Large Group Musical - 7th grade Drama Students: Andrew Acosta, Lauren Alonso,
Victoria Broche, Kobe Carbo, Emma Cisneros, Gabrielle Delatour, Daniel Garcia, Daniella Harris,
Amaya Jimenez, Elizabeth Pella, Priscilla Pruna, Nicole Ramirez, Eric Stemen, Annika Tracy,
Yasmin Valiente, Alexa Vivar, Lyla Walsh
Superior - Ensemble Scene - Daniel Garcia, Annika Tracy and Kobe Karbo
Superior - Duet Scene - Yasmin Valiente and Andrew Acosta
Superior - Monologue - Yasmin Valiente
Superior - Pantomime - Dena Barros, Victoria Alonso, Elizabeth Alonso, Eric Stemen, Lyla Walsh,
Lauren Alonso, Andrew Acosta, Kayley Walkland
Superior - Duet Scene - Dena Barros and Victoria Alonso
Congratulations, Patriots, on your outstanding preformances!
7th grade students wait their turn to present their award-winning performance
Mrs. Jennifer Bryan
March 9:
March 10:
March 11:
March 11:
Elementary Matinee
Evening Performance 7:00pm
Middle/High School Matinee
Evening Performance 7:00pm
Illustration designed by Kristine Reynardus, FCS Class of 2015
Congratulations to the FCS Brain Bowl Teams for their spectacular performances at the Florida Association of Christian Colleges and Schools Brain Bowl Competition held the last week of January in
Daytona Beach, Florida.
FCS Middle School “A” team placed 1st and “B” team placed 4th in the twelve-team competition.
Rebecca Menendez, 8th grade, placed 3rd in the middle school division for the over-all high scorer.
FCS’ three high school teams advanced to the finalists’ round and placed 4th, 6th and 10th in the
overall competition which included 29 teams.
Mike Ramos, 9th grade, placed 6th in the high school division for the over-all high scorer.
We congratulate all the students who participated in the Brain Bowl Competition on a job well done!
L to R: Mrs. Pericles, Matthew Fernandez, Yesenia Lobaina, Lucas Villanueva, Katrina Hernandez, Joshua Amedee, Olivia Fernandez, Jason Pertierra, Donald Harrington, Carlos Rios,
Rebecca Menendez, Daniel Rodriguez, Rocio Lopez, Nicholas Fernandez, Mrs. Prinz
Rebecca Menendez
Placed 3rd - Overall High Scorer
Middle School Division
Michael Ramos
Placed 6th - Overall High Scorer
High School Division
BRAIN BOWL (Continued)
Top Row: Marcos Buznego, David Santamarina, Fernando Mihaic
2nd from top: Chase Beck, Cody Jimenez, Diego Coviella, Jack Pertierra, Jose Calero, Michael
Blanche, Alexander Fernandez, Alexander Lorenzo
3rd from top: Grace Swindoll, Lauren Penland, Cassandra Concilio, Rebecca Abreu, Daniella
Guevara, Alana Buznego, Grace Harrington, Seiny Gonzalez, Kayla Jolly, Rachel Cabauy
Front Row: Michael Ramos, Hansel Marrero, James Cabauy, Giancarlo Ponce
Marine Science classes participated in the fascinating activity of dissecting a shark. Students learn to
recognize and identify the different organs and parts of the shark while gaining an understanding of how these
parts function together. God’s creation is amazing!
FCS Patriots and FCS Government and Economics teacher, Mr. Chris Rivera, participated in the “Close Up”
trip to Washington, D.C. in January. Close Up’s High School Program is designed to give students an inside look
at their democracy in action. Using the nation’s capital as a living classroom, participants get a “close up” view
of government - interacting with the people, processes, and places that make this federal city so unique. Our
students had the opportunity to meet with FCS Alumnus, Jonathan Arias, Class of 2006, who is a Legislative
Coorespondent in D.C. Visiting the many memorials was a moving experience for the students. Daniela Guevara,
12th grader, said one of the best
parts about this trip was meeting
students from all over the USA.
What a blessing to have been able
to visit our nation’s capital!
FCS Participants (L to R): Rebecca Abreu, Daniela Guevara, Elizabeth
Rodriguez, Alana Buznego, Jazmin Cedeno, Ethan Llanes, Daniel
Silveira, Juan Montano, Grace Swindoll, Jessica Matat, Michael
Fernandez, Elizabeth Torres, Mr. Rivera, and Jonathan Arias,
FCS Alumnus Class of 2006, Legislative Coorespondent. The two
gentlemen in the back, left, are Senate Office Staffers.
The offices of Senator Bill Nelson
Janet Mattern, M.S., M.F.T.I. - Director of Guidance Counseling
“Do The Right Thing”
Florida Christian School, through the Guidance
and Counseling Department, has proudly
partnered with Do The Right Thing, a program
sponsored by the City of Miami Police Department
under the direction of Executive Director, Jodi
Portante Atkins, a graduate of Florida Christian
School. Each month, over 700 children from
Miami-Dade County are nominated by their
teachers, counselors, parents, police officers,
and the general public in order to recognize and
reward students for their exemplary behavior,
accomplishments, good deeds and attitude.
These are students who make a difference in their
schools and communities.
small pizza from Papa Johns, a sponsor of the
program, and a Do The Right Thing bumper
sticker. At the next level, each nominee has the
opportunity to become a Top 10 finalist and a
Special Recognition winner.
All Special Recognition winners and Top 10
finalists receive plaques and other prizes at a
monthly awards ceremony at police headquarters.
They will also be featured on the DTRT website at
Each month ten finalists are named and an overall
monthly Special Recognition winner in the
middle or high school category receives a trip to
Washington, D.C. with other DTRT winners.
Each nominee receives a Do the Right Thing We are very proud to feature our 6th grade
t-shirt, a certificate and a letter of congratulations students in this program.
from the City of Miami police department, a free
January 2016 Sixth Grade Nominees
L to R: Veronica Parodi, Carmen Rangel, Briley Wellinghoff, Laura Rodriguez, Jacob Brigman, Mariana Rodriguez, Abigail Rashid, Helena Valdovinos, Sarah Milton
Janet Mattern, M.S., M.F.T.I. - Director of Guidance Counseling
“Do The Right Thing”
January 2016 Sixth Grade Nominees
Jacob Brigman is a mature, respectful, hard-working young man. He is honorable and polite. He
is a great role model for his peers in that he is always doing the right thing. Jacob is in the Honors
program in 6th grade and has been on the Principal’s Honor roll the entire year. This is quite an accomplishment when you consider the many things Jacob has to juggle. He is on a baseball team, the
Phenoms, which was ranked first in the nation last year. Jacob practices every day for several hours.
Jacob is a serious, mature helper to his teachers and his friends. Jacob also finds time to fundraise
for hemophilia at school and at the Jungle Island Walk for Hemophilia. Jacob is an exceptional young
man in every way, and truly deserving of this honor, since he is always doing the right thing.
Sarah Milton personifies leadership, respect, and excellence. She is very bright and shows an extraordinary dedication in all of her school work. Sarah is exceptionally responsible and volunteers to
help out with any task in the classroom. She is trustworthy and fully devoted to succeeding academically in all of her subjects. She blends a well-organized, task-oriented style as she also leads and
encourages her classmates to try their best. Sarah clearly demonstrates a godly attitude through her
demeanor and her love for the Lord with a courteous and well-mannered regard toward those around
Veronica Parodi is an excellent student who strives to do her best each and every day. She is very
respectful, seeks approval of those in authority over her, and displays an immense amount of kindness towards everyone around her. Her ability to succeed in embedded in her godly character and
humble attitude.
Jacob Brigman
Sarah Milton
Veronica Parodi
Janet Mattern, M.S., M.F.T.I. - Director of Guidance Counseling
“Do The Right Thing”
January 2016 Sixth Grade Nominees
Carmen Rangel has a kind and cheerful spirit which is reflected through her actions. She treats everyone with kindness and utmost respect. Her love for The Lord shines through her godly character
and exemplary disposition. Her dedication and determination to succeed in the classroom is a strong
combination which allows Carmen to shine as an excellent student.
Abigail Rashid is a stellar student whose love for reading and writing is recognized through her
superior writing skills and overall excellent work ethic. The outstanding dedication to all of her school
work is displayed in every assignment, as she consistently goes above and beyond what is required.
Abigail’s demeanor and integrity are defined by every honest word, every right decision, and her
ever-present perseverance for achieving her very best. She is an exemplary student whose love for
The Lord is displayed through her obedience and the humble ways in which she helps, cares for, and
encourages others in and outside of the classroom.
Laura Rodriguez is a friendly, young lady who sparkles in the classroom through her respectful attitude and kind smile. Laura is intelligent, caring, and extremely responsible. She is a stellar scholar
who demonstrates the ability to work independently with great creativity and enthusiasm. Laura is a
joy to teach and a privilege to have as a student.
Carmen Rangel
Abigail Rashid
Laura Rodriguez
Janet Mattern, M.S., M.F.T.I. - Director of Guidance Counseling
“Do The Right Thing”
January 2016 Sixth Grade Nominees
Mariana Rodriguez is an outstanding student whose quiet personality doesn’t stop her from shining in the classroom. She is extremely dedicated and responsible toward her school work. Mariana
is very smart and works hard to achieve excellence as she challenges herself to try her very best.
She displays character traits of obedience, kindness, and determination. Her academic success is
achieved through her faithfulness and commitment in all of her subjects.
Helena Valdovinos is a highly motivated student. She gets along well with others and is very respectful to everyone. She is an exemplary young lady who excels in all academic areas. She serves
God every day by helping others in need. She pleases The Lord with her words, actions, kindness
and by putting others first. She is an intelligent, dedicated, responsible and exceptional student who
glorifies Christ with her actions.
Briley Wellinghoff is a bright, sensitive young lady. Her composure and demeanor belie her tender
age. Briley is in the Honors program in 6th grade and is on the Principal’s Honor Roll. Her work is
always timely and conscientiously executed. She is organized and sweet and is always sporting a
smile. It is delightful to witness Briley’s finesse in all she does. Briley volunteers on a regular basis in
the nursery at her church, and participates in Feed My Starving Children by soliciting donations and
helping pack food. Briley’s spirit of volunteerism, love and concern for others, and service to her community make her a formidable candidate for Do the Right Thing.
Mariana Rodriguez
Helena Valdovinos
Briley Wellinghoff
Middle M.S.,
Students making a positive impact for the second quarter exhibitied the spirit of kindness to others.
“Kindness is a behavior marked by ethical characteristics, a pleasant disposition, and concern for
others. It is known as a virtue, and recognized as a value in many cultures and religions.” (Wikipedia)
Kindness is a Fruit of the Spirit. It is the “grace which pervades the whole nature mellowing all which
would be harsh and austere, a tender heart and a nurturing spirit.” (Beth Moore) These selected
students think of others before themselves and make our school a better place to be because of their
kind words and actions towards others.
Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourself with compansion,
kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. - Colossians 3:12
8th Grade (Top Row): Carlos Rios, Christian Davila, Michael Moreno, Jake Garcia,
Nicholas Del Prado, Cristina Northerner, Elizabeth Lyons, David Araya
7th Grade (Middle Row): Savannah Ponce, Victoria Bonilla, Andres Rancel, Victoria Cabaleiro, Brandon Carillo, Amanda Ramos, Megan Diaz, Nick Irias, Alejandro Perez
7th Grade (Bottom Row): Sienna Ponce, Sofia Araya, Daniella Marrero, Yasmin Valiente,
Gianna Pitelli, Gabrielle Delatour, Julie Cruz, Carlos Cordova, James Dahlan
May the Lord now show you kindness and faithfulness, and I, too, will show you the same favor
because you have done this. - II Samuel 2:6
Mrs. Wicks, Middle School Principal
Excitement was in the air on January 14th at FCS. It was Patriot Spirit Day in the Middle School.
Students had a chance to show their school spirit and support for the Middle School basketball teams
as they competed against Cushman.
Students dressed in red, white and blue in a variety of creative ways. We had great participation in
the 6th, 7th and 8th grades. Patriot spirit was on the move. A pep rally was held in the gym with over
250 faculty and students cheering for their basketball and soccer teams. The cheerleaders did a wonderful job of leading cheers as the members of the basketball and soccer teams were introduced and
honored. It was a close battle, but 8th grade won the spirit stick and 7th grade won the trophy for the
best overall spirit. It is always rewarding to see our students so excited and filled with Patriot school
spirit. Go Patriots!
Mrs. Del Valle’s 6th Grade
Mrs. Delgado’s 6th Grade
Mrs. Koepp’s 6th Grade
Mrs. Calvo’s 6th Grade
Mrs. Wicks, Middle School Principal
7th Grade 1st Period Classes
Mr. Doan’s 7th Grade
Mrs. Pericles’ 7th Grade
Mrs. Prinz’s 7th Grade
Mrs. Hopkin’s 7th Grade
Mrs. Wicks, Middle School Principal
8th Grade 1st Period Classes
Mrs. Quinlan’s 8th Grade
Mr. Mesa’s 8th Grade
Mrs. Gonzalez’s 8th Grade
Mrs. Wicks, Middle School Principal
Best Dressed Students
6th Graders
Rachel Burke, Sasha Cejas, Mikaela King, Olivia Lobaina, Angelica Santana, Briley Wellinghoff
All of 6B: Adrian Alvarez, Dustin Cromer, Sofia de la Torre, Amanda Diaz, Michael English,
Paige Fernandez, Preston Howell, Samantha Kemerer, Daniel Lopez, Cecilia Marcayda,
Sarah Milton, Linney Mirabal, Michael Morales, Mike Patino, Carmen Rangel, Christopher Rodriguez,
Gabriela Rodriguez, Javier Sanchez, William Swindoll, Bryan Varela Figueroa
7th Graders
Megan Diaz, Carlos Cordoba, Caden Irvine, Emily Rodriguez, Raquel Hernandez, Emily Manzano,
Orestes Soler, Victoria Bonilla, Amanda Ramos, Savannah Ponce, Juliet Cruz, Manny Capo,
Angelica Fuentes, Isaac Philip, Alexa Brown, Elizabeth Herrera
8th Graders
Renee Ruiz, Michael McDonald, Maxwell Weihl, Evelyn Gonzalez, Dillon Lue, Carlos Rios,
Ricky Burke, Sebastian Ponce
Left: Olivia Lobaina, 6th Grader, wearing the cheerleading uniform shirt worn by her mother, Rosa
Gonzalez Lobaina, when she was a middle school cheerleader at FCS. Rosa Lobaina is the FCS
Admissions and Communications Director and an FCS Class of 1994 graduate.
Right: Rosa Lobaina pictured (bottom left) with the FCS Middle School Cheerleaders in 1990.
Mrs. Wicks, Middle School Principal
Mrs. Delgado’s 6th grade class (6B) supporting the Middle School
Boys BasketballTeam
Top Row: Adrian Alvarez, Dustin Cromer, Bryan Varela, Michael Morales, Christopher Rodriguez, William Swindoll, Daniel Lopez, Preston Howell, Michael English, Mike Patino
Front Row: Samantha Kemerer, Gabriela Rodriguez, Sarah Milton, Linney Mirabal, Javier Sanchez, Amanda Diaz, Carmen Rangel, Sofia de la Torre, Paige Fernandez
Maria Lehnhard, Elementary Principal
The annual Preschool / Kindergarten Christmas program was presented on December 17th. The teachers,
music directors and the children worked hard to prepare for this program and even Frosty made his annual
appearance. Everyone enjoyed this special performance honoring Jesus’ birth.
Maria Lehnhard, Elementary Principal
100th Day of School
FCS Pre-K and Elementary students celebrated the 100th day of school on Friday, January 29, 2016. Students
made posters with 100 items, such as stickers and pompoms, crafts with 100 items such as beaded necklaces
and other special activities. Mrs. Lopez’s class dressed as 100-year-old people!
Maria Lehnhard, Elementary Principal
100th Day of School
Mrs. Safreed’s third grade class presented their Penguin Projects on the 100th Day of School. There are
typically 17 different species of penguin recognized as living in the world today. The students each researched
one species and prepared their projects to share with the class. The students brought their stuffed toy
penguins and took them to all of their classes, and even to lunch!
Maria Lehnhard, Elementary Principal
Book Character Parade
The 2nd grade classes celebrated the 100th Day of School by participating in a Book Character Parade.
Students dressed in costumes depicting characters from books they have read and enjoyed. They marched in
parade formation throughtout the school, including the main campus office. What a fun way to celebrate!
Maria Lehnhard, Elementary Principal
100 Blessings
Mrs. Green’s 4th grade class celebrated the 100th Day of School by posting 100 Blessings on their classroom
door. The students discussed what a blessing is and then wrote each one on paper hearts.
“All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God.” -Deuteronomy 28:2
Mrs. Menendez’s 4th grade students constructed dioramas after reading “Song of the Brook” written
by Matilda Nordtvedt. This story follows Hilda and her family as they move from Minnesota to Washington State. As they learn to adjust to their new surroundings, new home, and new ways of life, Hilda
learns to make the best of every situation in which God has placed her.
L to R:
Joshua Aguirre
Adrian Amador
Charlie Cisneros
Abi Jo Breiner
Jacob Diaz
Justin Brigman
Courtney Green
L to R:
Angelica Otero
Sam Olivia
Devin Lopez
Annelise Pereira
Angelina Manzano
Jeremy Jaramillo
Sebastian Llosa
L to R:
Romel Vivar
Aaron Perez
Matthew Valero
Norge Pineda
Katherine Rodriguez
Katia Rivera
Samantha Zelenka
Music for the Soul
Mr. Miner directs the 5th grade band at the
Christmas Program.
Counting to 100
Mrs. Ledon’s 1st grade students string 100 cereal
pieces as part of the activities on the 100th Day of
Happy Birthday!
Mrs. Cosculluela’s room parents shared this
picture of the surprise they planned for her.
Go Patriots!
The Elementary Cheerleaders prepare to cheer at
a Patriots basketball game!
Kneeling (L to R): Samantha Zelenka, Maria
Zelenka, Isabella Bonilla, Abigail Jo Breiner,
Emma Dieguez, Jade Medina
Young Patriots celebrate Hispanic Heritage
Standing (L to R): Skye Dickinson, Valerie Araujo,
Katherine Padron, Ella Diaz, Katia Rivera, Zoe
Carbo, Carolina Morales, Bella Garcia
Artsy Girl
Stephanie Valdes
displays her
artwork which
was submitted to
the Beaux Arts
Competition held
at the University of
God’s Creation
Students work together to dissect a starfish in
Marine Science class.
Making a Joyful Noise
One of the high school bands playing in a
chapel service.
Friends for Life
Beautiful Campus
These young Patriots share a hug before
beginning their lunch.
FCS is blessed with beautiful campuses and
Florida Christian School
Since 1968
K3-12th Grade
Biblical Worldview Training
College Prep Curriculum
AP and Honors Programs
AP Capstone
Music and Fine Arts
Full Athletic Program
FCSmart Technology Initiative
Re-Enrollment for Existing Students for Fall 2016 is now taking place.
Re-enroll online today! www.floridachristian.org
NEW Student Applications Now Being Accepted at www.floridachristian.org
For Information, E-mail: Admissions@floridachristian.org
Dr. Robert Andrews, Headmaster
Jim Arnold, Senior High School Principal
Kerry Wicks, Middle School Principal
Maria Lehnhard, Elementary Principal
Sherril Nealey, Assistant Elementary Principal
Bill Wicks - President
Luis Rodriguez - Vice President
Ramon Fernandez-Andes - Treasurer
Frank Rivas - Secretary
Herb Evelyn
Joseph Padron
Frank Ramos
Emanuel Roque
David Swindoll
Manuel Bersach
Frank Rivas
Ernie Diaz
Ronell Rivera
Herb Evelyn
Luis Rodriguez
Bob Felder
Emanuel Roque
Ramon Fernandez-Andes Eric Schlottman
Gary Johnson
David Swindoll
Joseph Padron
Bill Wicks
Frank Ramos

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