Dr. Robert Andrews - Florida Christian School


Dr. Robert Andrews - Florida Christian School
Florida Christian School
Headmaster’s Pen
Dr. Andrews
Summer 2016
Throughout this past year, Franklin
Graham has traveled across the country
on the Decision America Tour. Everywhere
he has traveled, his message has been
that America is at a crossroads and the
church of Jesus Christ needs to take a
stand. In his message he says, “Our
country has changed. We have taken
God out of our schools, we’ve taken Him
out of government, and we’ve taken Him
out of everything. We as Christians have
to be bold. We have to take a stand for
godly values. The culture around us is
mocking, laughing, sneering at God. But
we should be bold and unafraid to speak
out for Almighty God and for His truth.
When I think of what my children and
grandchildren are facing today, I realize
that if we don’t get involved now, it may
be too late. I’m going to stand. I’m going
to declare the name of Almighty God,
and I’m going to lift up His standards and
His Son, Jesus Christ. And I’m going to
preach a Gospel message. I’m going to
give an invitation for people to put their
faith and trust in Almighty God and His
Son, Jesus Christ. I’m sure there are
going to be people who won’t like that.
But we’re going to do it, because this is
what God has called us to do, proclaim
the Gospel. There is no hope for America
outside of Jesus Christ.” I believe that
Franklin Graham is a hero of our faith in
a time that desperately needs heroes.
A hero is a person who takes a stand
and is someone who we look up to and
want to emulate, someone whose life
represents something we would like to
be. They can represent something good
which will add value and meaning to our
lives, or they can epitomize wrong values
and poor judgment. In today’s world,
heroes are sports stars, movie stars,
and musicians, probably not
unlike our childhood heroes
in the past. In the battle for
the minds and hearts of our
students, Satan often uses
the desire to have heroes
as a tool to keep our young
people from following Him.
From the desk of
Dr. Robert
One of the qualities of a true
hero is someone who will
not compromise their beliefs, no matter
what the cost or circumstances. This
criterion fits every category from the pro
athlete to the movie star. Unfortunately,
many of the high profile “stars” have their
price, and are more than willing to sell
out to whatever will benefit them, even
if it means choosing immoral or harmful
ways. The same is true in the spiritual
influence that impacts our students. Who
can they look to who will not compromise
their beliefs, who will stand true to God
in the worst of circumstances, no matter
what the cost?
Satan operates on the premise that
everyone has a price. That is, a price
at which they would compromise their
beliefs or their integrity. The Bible is full of
examples of individuals who had such a
price. Esau, David, Judas and Peter sold
out their beliefs for very little in return,
and paid the price. This generation of
young people today, perhaps more
than ever before, faces the pressure to
compromise their faith, to go along with
the crowd, to apply the truths of God’s
Word only when they are beneficial,
and to remain silent when those around
them are violating God’s truths. They
desperately need heroes.
In the Bible when Nebuchadnezzar
invaded Palestine and took the most
promising young male Hebrews back to
Babylon as hostages, four young men
distinguished themselves. They faced
the same temptations our kids
face today. They faced Satan’s
lie that there would be no harm
in being like the society around
them and participating in the
sinful activities of the world by
trying to convince them that
since everyone else was doing
it, it couldn’t be so bad. Daniel
and his friends developed moral
and spiritual convictions before the testing started.
(Continued on page 2)
4-5 &
8-12 &
FCS Bookstore Open
8:00am-12:00pm &
11-12 &
FCS Recycled Uniform Sale Open, C105
8:00am-12:00pm &
Open House K3-5th Grade
5th Grade Orientation - 5:30pm
OF 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR
Meet & Greet - Welcome
Refreshments for all Parents in both cafeterias
8:00-9:30am (Main Campus and West Campus)
New Parent Breakfast
For all Parents NEW to FCS
Main Campus Cafeteria
Middle School Open House (Grades 6-8)
7:00-9:00pm in the gym
High School Open House (Grades 9-12) 7:00-9:00pm in the gym
Accredited by: AdvancED, Florida Association of Christian Colleges and Schools, and Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools Commissions.
(Continued from page 1)
They knew, according to the scripture
they had been taught, that it was
forbidden to worship other gods and they
were willing to die for their convictions
regardless of the consequences. They
believed that God could rescue them
from the fiery furnace, but they also
considered the possibility that God
might not choose to do so. Theirs was
an example of true faith and surely is a
group of true heroes that can be looked
up to.
Here at FCS we have been given
the opportunity to help develop some
new heroes of the faith, and because
we have the opportunity to teach
Biblical truth and scriptural principles
to our students in their youth, they
have the opportunity to develop moral
and scriptural convictions before they
are fully tested. We also have the
opportunity to demonstrate integrity
and faithfulness in our own lives,
even when faced with the temptation
to compromise, which can serve as
an example to them. We can also be
assured that even though temptation
will come for us to compromise our
convictions, if we keep our faith in
Him, He will always be with us. God
is looking for heroes of the faith, like
Franklin Graham. Wouldn’t it be great
if He found him or her right here within
the student body of FCS?
Have a wonderful summer,
Dr. Robert Andrews
FCS 2016 ISSF Star Students
Congratulations to the FCS Star Students:
Alexandra Perez (12th grade)
Rebecca Menendez (8th grade)
Sofia Raurell (5th grade)
These students were honored by the Independent
Schools of South Florida (ISSF) at a luncheon held
at the Doubletree Hilton. The students were joined
by their families as well as Mrs. Kerry Wicks,
Middle School Principal, and Mrs. Maria Lehnhard,
Elementary Principal. FCS is proud of these
students for their academic and extracurricular
The Menendez Family
Sofia Raurell, Rebecca Menendez,
Alexandra Perez
The Raurell Family
The Perez Family
FCS gratefully acknowledges those who have financially contributed through the month of May to the ongoing
work at Florida Christian.
Sharing In Excellence Fund:
These funds are designed to promote continued school excellence. By giving to the Sharing In Excellence Fund you are promoting excellence in curriculum, classroom resources and technology, faculty enrichment and continuing education for staff, as well as opportunities for tuition assistance for qualifying families.
The following contributed to the Sharing in Excellence Fund:
Robert & Katie Andrews
Jim & Mary Arnold
Simon & Laura Bazyler
Derwin & Audrey Brigham
Chris & Leidy Brigman
Todd & JoAnn Breiner
Jennifer Bryan
Steve & Leigh Byers
Lino & Cary Calvo
Luis & Eva Camejo
Elio & Graciela Casanas
James Class
Steve & Melissa Class
Miguel & Barbara Cosculluela
Jorge & Tracy Cuesta
Jorge & Ana Del Valle
Ernesto & Iris Delgado
Marlo & Sandra Dieguez
Jason & Joan Doan
Edwin & Gloria Dossett
Elena Dossett
Robert & Patti Evelyn
Robert & Sheila Felder
Rigo & Nancy Figueredo
Ontoniel & Diana Frometa
Chris & Helen Garner
Eva-Marie Gonzalez
Joel & Ileana Gonzalez
Lamont & Latonya Green
Andrew & Amanda Guilfoyle
George & Mayra Gulla
Julia Heath
Alberto & Dasha Hernandez
Frank & Melanie Hopkins
Paul & Pam Howell
Frank & Aileen Irias
Todd & Alida Jolly
David & Beth King
Pete Kingman
James & Livia Koepp
Doug & Karen Kostowski
Robert & Clare Landau
Alejandro & Ana Ledon
Gary & Maria Lehnhard
Edwin & Rosa Lobaina
Hector & Lydia Lopez
Lazaro & Maria Martinez
Janet Mattern
Jorge & Karla Megias
Domingo & Iris Mendez
Jorge & Ivette Menendez
Fernando & Monica Mesa
Tim & Katie Miner
Sam & Kristy Miro
Luis & Marcia Montaner
David & Kellie Moore
Bill & Sherril Nealey
Joseph & Rebecka Padron
Peter & Lea Padron
Rebekah Perez
Hugues & Lisa Pericles
Perry & Anncey Pitelli
Joey & Lesli Pruna
Keith & Gladys Quinlan
Jorge & Tania Reynardus
Ed & Debbie Riggan
Iliana Rodriguez
Luis and Dinah Rodriguez
Juan & Esther Roque
Boris & Susan Rubio
Joey & Yami Saad
Nancy Safreed
Scott & Jeannine Stemmer
Waldo & Desi Tejedor
Danny & Gina Trapero
Zak & Amanda Vazquez
Bernalt & Kimberly Velasquez
Deborah Warner
Mary Whitfield
Bill & Kerry Wicks
Steve & Laura Willoughby
Stephen & Penny Wright
Martin Fund:
The Martin Fund was established in honor of Bill and Ann Martin who dedicated their lives and resources to developing FCS’s Bible
Department. By giving to the Martin Fund you will help provide funding for our Bible program, spiritual development and training for our
faculty, Spiritual Emphasis weeks and chapel speakers.
The following contributed to the Martin Fund:
Luis & Eva Camejo
Steve & Melissa Class
Thomas & Michelle Collazo
Miguel & Barbara Cosculluela
Jorge & Tracy Cuesta
Jorge & Ana DelValle
Edwin & Gloria Dossett
James & Natasha Erwin
Robert & Sheila Felder
Ron & Su Green
George & Mayra Gulla
Robert & Debbie Hale
Rick & Maria Harris
Todd & Alida Jolly
David & Beth King
Damian Lue
Lazaro & Maria Martinez
Jorge & Karla Megias
Domingo & Iris Mendez
Jorge & Ivette Menendez
Luis & Marcia Montaner
Jesus & Maby Perez
Hugues & Lisa Pericles
Jorge & Tania Reynardus
Joey & Yami Saad
Todd & Maria Seekins
Celeste Serralta
Chris & Christina Sierra
Danny & Gina Trapero
Juan & Daisy Valdes
Deborah Warner
To be a part of giving to FCS, please go to the FCS Homepage and click on the “Donate” box.
FCS gratefully acknowledges those who have financially contributed through the month of May to the ongoing
work at Florida Christian.
Campus Beautification Fund:
Current capital campaign to enhance the appearance of the school campus. By giving to the Campus Beautification Fund you will help
provide funding for landscaping, rest room renovation, common area beautification, and other projects.
The following contributed to the Campus Beautification Fund:
Robert & Katie Andrews
Derwin & Audrey Brigham
Luis & Eva Camejo
Miguel & Barbara Cosculluela
Jorge & Tracy Cuesta
Jorge & Ana DelValle
Marlo & Sandra Dieguez
Robert & Sheila Felder
Chris & Helen Garner
Lamont & Latonya Green
George & Mayra Gulla
Frank & Aileen Irias
Todd & Alida Jolly
Robert & Claire Landau
Gary & Maria Lehnhard
Jorge & Karla Megias
Domingo & Iris Mendez
Jorge & Ivette Menendez
Sam & Kristy Miro
Luis & Marcia Montaner
Joseph & Rebecka Padron
Hugues & Lisa Pericles
Jorge & Tania Reynardus
Ed & Debbie Riggan
Boris & Susan Rubio
Joey & Yami Saad
Danny & Gina Trapero
Bernalt & Kimberly Velasquez
Bill & Kerry Wicks
To be a part of giving to FCS, please go to the FCS Homepage and click on the “Donate” box.
• This summer, students entering 6th-12th grade are required to read one or more books. See below for details.
• Students will be tested the first week of school on each assigned novel.
• Students will also be REQUIRED to complete an assignment posted on the school website. This assignment
will be turned in for a grade when school begins.
• These novels can be purchased or ordered from any major bookstore in town or online.
• All books must be the full versions.
Incoming 6TH GRADE
Regular 6th Grade classes only: Honors 6th Grade only:
• Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell
• The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare
There is a Reading Packet to be completed and a test will be given on the assigned novel.
Incoming 7th GRADE
• Stealing Freedom by Elisa Carbone - Packet due first week of school. See website.
• Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan – No packet
There will be a test on both novels.
Incoming 8th GRADE
• Hatchet by Gary Paulsen - Packet due first week of school. See website.
• The Old Man and The Sea by Ernest Hemingway – No Packet
There will be a test on both novels.
Incoming 9th GRADE
• Heroes, Gods and Monsters of the Greek Myths
by Bernard Evslin
Incoming 10th GRADE
• Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Incoming 11th GRADE
Regular and Honors English:
• To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
AP English:
• The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Incoming 12th GRADE
• Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
Check the FCS Website for required assignments to be done after completing the summer reading.
Current Student Re-Enrollment On-Line
We are excited to announce that our re-registration process is now more convenient than ever and available
To re-enroll your student for the 2016-2017 school year, use our online re-enrollment process. In order to begin
the re-enrollment process you must access ParentsWeb through your existing RenWeb login at www.renweb.
com or go to www.floridachristian.org and follow the link to re-registration.
Families who have already taken advantage of the on-line re-enrollment process have expressed their enthusiasm
for the user-friendly, more convenient method of securing their students’ places for the upcoming school year.
New Student Inquiries - On-line Requests
Those who wish to receive more information about FCS before beginning the admissions process may use the
following link to request information:
Applications On-line
New students can access the on-line application at the FCS website under the Admissions tab.
K-3 - 1st Grade - Call or email to schedule an interview
2nd - 12th Grade - Call or email to schedule testing
Email: Rosa Lobaina, Admissions and Communications Director at: r.lobaina@floridachristian.org
Phone: 305-226-8152 x257
12th Grade
11th Grade
10th Grade
AP English
Kristine Bover
Marcos Buznego
Honors English
Grace Swindoll
Seiny Gonzalez
Gabriela Rodriguez
Audrey Castellanos
Taylor Andry
Madison Irvine
Angelo Ambut
Camila Perez
Pre AP English
Gabriel Carreira
AP Calculus
Alana Buznego
Honors Calculus
Lauren Fuster
College Algebra
Carlos Rodriguez Moronta
Honors Pre Calculus
Nicole Fontela
Honors Algebra II
James Cabauy
Algebra II
Kayla Cerda
Honors Geometry
Hannah Vivar
Gabriela Rodriguez
Algebra I
Janelle Forte
Jessica Maristany
Honors Economics
Victoria Cortizo
Giancarlo Jaramillo
AP Government
Amanda Rodriguez
Honors Government
Matthew Prieto
Taylor Andry
Naia Mion-Bet
AP US History
Nicole Fontela
Honors US History
Andy de Pablo
US History
Madeleine Byers
Mareena Rodriguez
Honors World
Daniel Miranda
World Geography
Clarissa Eraso
AP World History
Philip Moore &
Katrina Padron
Andres Ledon
Honors World History
Sergio Tejeda
World History
Kevin Gonzalez
AP Biology
Jessica Barcelo
AP Physics
Alana Buznego
Honors Physics
Honors Anatomy
Jeffery Caldwell
Kristine Bover
Madison Irvine
AP Chemistry
Ellianne Isidron
Honors Chemistry
Katrina Padron
Honors Marine
James Cabauy
Fernando Mihaic
Marine Science
9th Grade
Emily Sotolongo
Honors Environmental Science
Hansel Marrero
Angelina Quintana
12th Grade
11th Grade
10th Grade
Honors Biology
Hannah Vivar
Natalie Santovenia
AP Spanish
Alexis Castaneda
Spanish II
Gabriela Rodriguez
Spanish II
Alexia Mikhalides
Spanish I
Kevin Gonzalez
Spanish I
Isabella Pineiro
AP Art
Bryan West
Honors Art
Daniela Molinares
Zhao Ji Li
Marina VanderWal Art
Foundation Award
Alana Buznego
Band - John Philip
Sousa Award
David Ramos
Band - Louis Armstrong Award
David Ramos
Director’s Choice:
Women’s Honors
Kristine Bover
Laura Fernandez
Alexandra Perez
Director’s Choice:
Women’s Choir
Director’s Choice:
Mixed Choir
Kryssa Garcia
David Ramos
Consumer Science
Madison Irvine
Computers II
Sheridon Ouma
Computers I
Christopher Touma
Advanced Drama
Michael Parra
Michael Parra
Drama - International
Thespian Honors
Michael Parra
Louis Nicholas
Fernando Mihaic
Speech & Debate
Daniela Ramos
Instrumental Music
David Ramos
Team Sports
Seiny Gonzalez
Taylor San Miguel
Stephany Matat
Hansel Marrero
Personal Fitness
Rachel Cabauy
Andres Ledon
Gianna Ortiz
Sergio Tejeda
Weight Training
Michael Blanche
Lauren Fuster
Jacqueline Roque
Outstanding Christian Testimony
12th Grade - Matthew Prieto and Emily Vazquez
9th Grade
“Even small children are known by
their actions...” Proverbs 20:11
Valedictorian: Alexandra Perez
Salutatorian: Lauren Fuster
President’s Award for Outstanding Educational
Rebecca Abreu Sydni Liotta
Jessica Barcelo
Jessica Maristany
Kristine Bover
Lucie Mau
Alana Buznego
Matthew Moore
Alexis Castaneda
Luis Nicholas
Daniela Cerboncini
Alexandra Perez
Victoria Cortizo
Julio Perez-Mustelier
Christopher Dahlan
Gabriela Pineiro
Eric Echeverria
Matthew Prieto
Laura Fernandez
Paula Pulgar-Vidal
Lauren Fuster
David Ramos
Melanie Garcia
Amanda Rodriguez
Gabriela Garrido
Damaris Rodriguez
Carolina Goizueta
Jacqueline Roque
Maikol Gonzalez
Emily Sosa
Daniela Guevara
Grace Swindoll
Carlos Henao
Elliette Utset
Kenneth Hernandez
Stephanie Valdes
Cody Jimenez
Emily Vazquez
Arthur Lievano
Stephanie Watkins
Mr. & Miss FCS: Fernando Mihaic & Melanie Garcia
Nominees: Arthur Lievano, David Ramos
Nominees: Rebecca Abreu, Alexis Castaneda
Class Officers
Fernando Mihaic
Vice President
Belinda Blanco
Rebecca Abreu
Chase Beck
Emily Vazquez
Class Rpresentatives: Alexis Castaneda, Adriana Martinez
National Honor Society Officers:
Rebecca Abreu
Vice President
Alana Buznego
Alexandra Perez
Lauren Fuster
Principal’s Academic Athlete: Alexandra Perez
Outstanding Christian Athlete: Arthur Lievano
Senior Athletic Awards
Jessica Barcelo
Arthur Lievano
Daniela Cerboncini
Kevin Nieto
Gabriela Pineiro
Gabriel Perez-Ronchetta
Stephanie Watkins
Outstanding Academic Achievement:
(Cumulative 4.35 grade point average or better for 4 years)
Rebecca Abreu
Jessica Maristany
Jessica Barceloi
Alexandra Perez
Kristine Bover
Matthew Prieto
Alana Buznego
David Ramos
Alexis Castaneda
Amanda Rodriguez
Lauren Fuster
Jacqueline Roque
Carolina Goizueta
Stephanie Watkins
Sydni Liotta
Senior Bible Presentations:
Rebecca Abreu 1-12
Andres Alvarez 4K-12
Erika Arias 4K-12
Alexis Castaneda 4K-12
Robert Fabelo 5K-12
Melanie Garcia 5K-12
Gabriela Garrido 5K-12
Carolina Goizueta 4K-12
Daniela Guevara 3K-12
Brandon Hernandez 4K-12
Cody Jimenez 4K-12
Arthur Lievano 5K-12
Nicholas Lopez 3K-12
Sofia Lujan 3K-12
Andrea Maria 1-12
Jorge Ramos 1-12
Alejandro Rancel 4K-12
Katerina Rey 3K-12
Joshua Rivero 4K-12
Jacqueline Roque 4K-12
David Santamarina 4K-12
Erika Treto 3K-12
Stephanie Velasco 5K-12
Bryan West 3K-12
Yearbook Editors:
Jacqueline Roque, Editor-in-Chief
Lauren Fuster, Editor-in-Chief
Alana Buznego, Assistant to the Editors
Hall of Fame:
Rebecca Abreu
Jessica Barcelo
Kristine Bover
Alana Buznego
Alexis Castaneda
Daniela Cerboncini
Lauren Fuster
Arthur Lievano
Fernando Michaic
Alexandra Perez
David Ramos
Jacqueline Roque
Stephanie Watkins
Outstanding Academic Achievement
Naia Mion-Bet
Gabriela Rodriguez
Brittany Wellinghoff
Gabriel Carreira
Nicole Fontela
Philip Moore
Grace Harrington
Lillian Frometa
Megan Nunez
Brooke Alvarez
Camila Ramirez
Katrina Padron
Alexia Mikhalides
Angelo Ambut
Ian Mendez
Britney Rubio
Diego Coviella
Cristina Palma
Victoria Alonso
Nia Blanco
Nicole Hoffmeister
Kryssa Garcia
Shannon Rowsey
Emily Ramos
Ellianne Isidron
James Cabauy
Lauren Diaz
9th 8th
Hannah Vivar
Elizabeth Alonso
Audrey Castellanos
David Araya
Rachel Cabauy
Richard Burke
Sergio Tejeda
Carolina Ledon
Michael Ramos
Gianella Martinez-Gugliotta
Gianna Ortiz
Rebecca Menendez
Stephany Matat
Nicolina Pereira
Roland Travieso
Carlos Rios
Andres Ledon
Isabella Rodriguez
Robert Ricelli
Abigail Soriano
Christopher Touma
Eric Sosa
Justin Nunez
Katherine Yac
Kenneth Northerner
Sophia Donato
Joshua Bartley Janelle Forte
Chloe Chang
Carlos Cordoba
Nicholas Fernandez
Olivia Fernandez
Donald Harrington
Katrina Hernandez
Rocio Lopez
Nicole Molina
Elizabeth Pella
Yasmin Valiente
Isabella Vazquez
Isabella Villaverde
Christian Bosque
Sasha Cejas
Angelina Cueto
Matthew Diaz
Madison McDonald
Maximillian Melo
Carolina Morales
Jorge Pernas
Abigail Rashid
Raphael Ruiz
Briley Wellinghoff
President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence
8th Grade
Elizabeth AlonsoRebecca Menendez
Victoria AlonsoNicolina Pereira
Joshua AmedeeJason Pertierra
Adrian AnaSebastian Ponce
David ArayaStephen Prieto
Dena Barros
Carlos Rios
Richard Burke Isabella Rodriguez
Christian Davila
Emily Ruiz
Andrea Delgado
Brandon Sanchez
Madison Estape
Gianna Sanchez
Matthew Fernandez
Keilah Serralta
David Jimenez
Rommy Silva
Danny Lacayo
Abigail Soriano
Carolina Ledon
Eric Sosa
Dillon Lue
Max Weihl
Gianella Martinez-Gugliotta
Outstanding Christian Testimony
11th Grade:
10th Grade:
9th Grade:
8th Grade:
7th Grade:
6th Grade:
Andy de Pablo & Rebecca Jauregui
Kristen Prieto & Joshua Jimenez
Mia Melo & Andres Ledon
Richard Burke & Rebecca Menendez
Nicholas Fernandez & Katrina Hernandez
Maximillian Melo & Carolina Morales
8th Grade
Eric Estape
Marina VanderWal Foundation Artist Choice Award
Gianella Martinez-Gugliotta
7th Grade
Rocio Lopez
Daniella Marrero
Abigail Rashid
Christopher Rodriguez
Dillon Lue
Isabella Villaverde
Luna Dieguez
Carolina Morales
Band - Director’s Award
Andrea Delgado
Joseph Fernandez-Andes
Raphael Ruiz
Band - Most Improved
Daniel Gonzalez
Amanda Stocker
Laura Rodriguez
Keilah Serralta
Olivia Hernandez
Aliya Acosta
Nicholas Fernandez
Isabella Villaverde
Consumer Science
Dillon Lue
Isabella Vazquez
Victoria Alonso
Dena Barros
Kobe Carbo, Daniel Garcia,
Briley Wellinghoff
Annika Tracy, Yasmin Valiente Daniel Higuera
Language Arts
Helena Valdovinos
Language Arts Honors
Christian Bosque
Abigail Rashid
Language Arts Most Improved
Amanda Diaz
Jose Fernandez
English Honors
Gianella Martinez-Gugliotta
Rebecca Menendez
Olivia Fernandez
Katrina Hernandez
Renee Ruiz
Julie Cruz, Tommy Fernandez
English Most Improved
Emily Say
Cristina Oropesa
Sienna Ponce
Gianella Martinez-Gugliotta
Julie Cruz, Emily Manzano
Math Honors
Laura Rodriguez
Christian Bosque
Abigail Rashid
PreAlgebra Honors
Isabella Villaverde
Algebra I Honors
Rebecca Menendez
Renee Ruiz
Julie Cruz, Emily Manzano
Sarah Milton
Science Honors
Rebecca Menendez
Katrina Hernandez
Carolina Morales
Science Fair 1st Place
Julianne Manash
Emily Rodriguez
Abigail Rashid
Social Studies
6th Grade
Carmen Rangel
Social Studies Honors
Christian Bosque
Briley Wellinghoff
World Studies
Amanda Ramos, Alexa Vivar
World Studies Honors
Olivia Fernandez
Katrina Hernandez
Renee Ruiz
History Honors
Richard Burke
Rebecca Menendez
Physical Education - Boys
Matthew Borrego,
Eric Estape, Ashton Yuen
Nicholas Fernandez
Davin Hernandez
Christian Bosque
Jacob Brigman
Physical Education - Girls
Kaley Walkland
Daniella Marrero
Andrea Delgado
Outstanding Christian Testimony
Student who demonstrates the highest level of
Christian attitude and testimony.
5KA Lola Perez
5KB Robert Harris
5KC Jeremy Erwin
1A Valentina Miranda
1B John Brigman
2A Bianca Fluxa
2B Timothy Benitez
2C Danny de los Santos
3A Daniela Mendez
3B Elias Marcayda
3C Noah Markey
4A Sofia Netto
4B Emely Ravelo
4C Norge Pineda
5A Christopher Rivera
5B Samuel Lopez
5C Julian Alvarez
Principal’s Award
Outstanding Academic Achievement
Highest Overall Average
3A Genesis Bosque
5KA Emma Mestre
5KB Khloe Tuma
3B Sebastian Prado
3C Camila Flores
5KC Jeremy Erwin
1A Valentina Miranda
4A Carolina Tapanes
4B Gabriela Netto
1B Daniela Riesgo
2A Isaac Menendez
4C Norge Pineda
5A Maya Ortiz
2B Brianna Padin
5B Abby Nunez
2C Dylan Braswell
5C Perry Pitelli
President’s Award for Educational Excellence - 5th Grade
Zachary Bailey
Andres Balart
Wilkin Caseres
John Castellanos
Adrian Cordoba
Kevin Cruz
Ella Diaz
Bradley Garcia
Martin Gomez
Melanie Gonzalez
Matheus Guerra
Abrianna Hernandez
Keven Lacayo
Jessica Leake
Gabriela Membreno
Natalya Mesa
Abby Nunez
Maya Ortiz
Christopher Rivera
Ana Rosas
Matthew Sicle
Amanda Soriano
Charles Stemmer
Amanda Tejeda
Emily Torres
Sophia Viera
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not
for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from
the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.
Colossians 3:23-24
2015-2016 High School Band Awards
Band Officers
President: David Ramos
Vice President: Daniela Guevara
Secretary/Treasurer: Cassidy Dorway
Public Relations: Grace Harrington
Chaplain: Rebecca Jauregui
Librarian: Julian Millan
Librarian: Ellianne Isidron
Fruit of the Spirit Pens
Love: Michael Ramos
Joy: Andres Ledon
Peace: Melanie Garcia
Patience: Adam Octala
Kindness: Maikol Gonzalez
Goodness: Justin Nuñez
Gentleness: Robert Ricelli
Faithfulness: Natalia Rosas
Self-Control: Matthew Reisert
All-State BandUnsung Hero Award
David RamosAdam Octala
Patrick S. Gilmore AwardLouis Armstrong Jazz Award
Richard LealDavid Ramos
Esprit de Corps Award:John Philip Sousa Award:
Daniela GuevaraDavid Ramos
4th Quarter Positive Impact Students
“Well done, good and faithful servant! You were faithful over a few things; I will put you in charge
of many things.” Matthew 25:21
As we approach the end of another year I am delighted and amazed at the strong finish of our students.
These students are truly worthy of this award. They have demonstrated in their daily walk that they not
only hear the word of the living God but obey His word. It shows in their actions and interactions with
others. Well done students, I am very proud of your positive impact.
-Mrs. Kerry Wicks
Top Row: Victoria Alonso, Victoria Broche, Victoria Cabaleiro, Lucas Chantres,
John Christensen, Julie Cruz, Andres Fernandez
Middle Row: Angela Fuentes, Raquel Hernandez, Leonard Lam, Yuliany Lu,
Elizabeth Lyons, Michael McDonald, Nicole Molina
Bottom Row: Sienna Ponce, Emily Ruiz, Abigail Soriano, Nicole Suarez, Damian Vilarchao
7th Grade Positive Impact Students
Victoria Broche has worked very hard this year in Language Arts. Victoria is the first person to participate and be fully engaged in the lesson. - Mrs. Delgado
Victoria Cabaleiro is always prepared for class. She has her work done and brings all materials. She
studies well and is diligent in all respects. - Mrs. Koepp
Lucas Chantres is a diligent and hard-working student. He always turns his work in on time and puts
forth 110% effort. - Mrs. Quinlan
John Peter Christensen goes above and beyond on projects. He likes to work ahead and keeps up
on all of his assignments and grades. - Miss Dossett
Julie Cruz exemplifies the true meaning of the word diligence. She goes beyond what is expected of
her. Her projects are out of this world and her work ethic is inspiring. Julie is an excellent student who
glorifies the Lord with her actions. - Mrs. Delgado
Angela Fuentes has grown immensely this year in her attitude toward her school work, turning in her
assignments on time and always trying her best. - Mrs. Delgado
Raquel Hernandez is a hard worker who wants to do her best. She never stops trying to earn the
maximum grade. - Mrs. Pericles
Yuliany Lu consistently completes her assignments with excellence. When faced with unique challenges, she approaches them with diligence, grace and thoroughness. - Mrs. Prinz
Nicole Molina always does extra work study. She is a very diligent worker. Nicole will ask questions
consistently because she wants to always do her best. She puts forth 100% effort.
- Mr. Doan and Mrs. Quinlan
Sienna Ponce is a very diligent student in Bible. She often helps others in a cooperative learning
environment. - Mr. Kingman
Nicole Suarez has greatly improved in her writing skills after working so hard in every writing assignment. I am very proud of her efforts and pray that she and all the students will continue to persevere
at school and grow in God’s Word. - Mrs. Delgado
Damian Vilarchao is a hard-working young man who pursues excellence in all he does.
- Mrs. Wicks
8th Grade Positive Impact Students
Victoria Alonso always puts forth maximum effort in all she does. She constantly cheers on her
peers. - Mrs. Bryan
Andres Fernandez possesses and develops his inquisitiveness to know about Science and he
respects authority. He is an excellent reader, has determination to learn the lessons, and makes an
effort to turn in his work on time. - Mrs. DelValle
Leonard Lam is respectful toward others and has perfect scores in Physical Fitness class. He is a
team player and supports and uplifts his fellow teammates. - Mrs. Wicks
Elizabeth Lyons gives 110% of herself to choir. She works hard and doesn’t give up. She is a great
kid. - Mrs. Stemmer
Michael McDonald is a hard worker and diligent student. He is on task and always turns his assignments in on time. - Mrs. Wicks
Emily Ruiz shows care for her work. She is extremely responsible and reliable which the Bible encourages. Eccl 9:10 “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.” - Mr. Mesa
Abigail Soriano fully participates and is consistent in her effort. She is a leader not only by what she
says but by her actions as well. She works hard in all that she does which brings glory to
- Mrs. King
M.S., of
Janet Mattern, M.S.,
- Director
Guidance Counseling
Do The Right Thing Program
Florida Christian School congratulates sixth grader Valery Casamayor for being one of the ten Miami
Dade County winners for the month of April in the Do The Right Thing Program. An award ceremony
was held May 19th at the Miami Dade Police College Auditorium.
This program has been sponsored by the City of Miami Police Department for the last 25 years. Each
month, over 700 children from Miami-Dade County are nominated by their teachers, counselors, parents,
police officers, and the general public in order to recognize and reward students for their exemplary
behavior, accomplishments, good deeds and attitude. From those 700+ students, 10 students are
chosen as the winners for the month.
Submitted by Mrs. Koepp, 6th grade teacher:
Valery Casamayor is a young lady who is respectful and pensive, and mature beyond her years.
This is due to the challenging circumstances she has faced in her young life. Three years ago, her
younger sibling Nicole, began complaining of pain in her bones. A doctor’s visit revealed that Nicole
had Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Valery’s life went from one of bliss to that of terror: that her one
sibling would die of cancer. Afternoons were filled with doctor’s appointment for radiation and chemotherapy treatments. Valery’s family is Peruvian and her extended family lives in Peru; therefore, they
did not have a family network available to help out.
The outcome of Nicole’s treatment revealed that the treatments had proven to be successful and her
cancer was in remission. As life returned to close to normal, the leukemia came back after two years.
This time, a relapse meant a more aggressive treatment, and a search for a donor who would be a
match for a bone marrow transplant. The ideal is a very close match, but this is rarely seen. The miracle they had prayed for materialized when Valery turned out to be a 100% match! The procedure for
the transplant is extremely painful for the donor- the bone marrow is extracted from the front hip bone,
since this is the area where the body produces extra cells. After the extraction, Valery was unable to
stand for several days due to the pain, and was treated with morphine. Finally, after two months in
the hospital, Nicole was released. Valery had to stay with friends while Nicole recovered. This period
was extremely difficult for Valery emotionally, and she became very anxious. She donated her long,
beautiful hair as a sign of love and support for her sister. Valery also participated in walks and runs
for cancer research.
As of today, thanks to Valery’s bone marrow donation, Nicole has remained cancer free. Her willing
sacrifice, and love and dedication to her sister and family, make Valery a very worthy candidate for
“Do the Right Thing.”
Valery with her mother, Mrs.
Casamayor, and her sister,
Nicole, after the FCS chapel
service where Valery was
FCS’s Art Department with Mrs. Anncey Pitelli and Ms. Cristina Parodi presented the 19th Annual Art Gallery on Friday, May
6, 2016. This is a very well-attended event and this year’s turnout was outstanding. The theme of this year’s Gallery was
Psalm 36:5-7, “How precious is your love, O God!”. Students and their families came to enjoy and admire the artists’ work.
First through 12th grade students had works on display that evening. The Consumer Science students and Mrs. Patty Ruiz
presented a beautiful table filled with delicious hors d’oeuvres, some prepared by the students. A cooking demonstration
was also presented by the students. Musical entertainment was provided by the FCS Jazz Band.
Miami-born internationally acclaimed artist Alexander Mijares was also in attendance. He presented the Alexander Mijares
Art Award to 11th grader Daniela Molinares. Mijares also donated one of his works to be auctioned with some of the proceeds going towards the FCS Art Program and a portion going toward Misioneros del Camion (Missionaries of the Way), an
organization that cares for orphaned, abandoned and malnourished children and provides assistance to autistic children in
The Art Gallery was a testimony to the God-given talent of so many students at FCS. We look forward to next year’s Gallery!
Submitted by Nicole Hoffmeister (11th Grade)
The Yearbook staff made its yearly pilgrimage to New York. On Tuesday, March 15th, six students
and advisers Mrs. Daisy Valdes and Mrs. Aileen Irias headed to New York, the capital of Design and
Journalism. Specifically, the Yearbook staff went to Columbia University for three days of workshops
on topics that ranged from photography to writing to design. This was a time to gather and learn as
much as possible to prepare for the following year’s yearbook. “New York was an amazing experience. I made so many memories and created close relationships with friends. One of my favorite
parts of the trip was definitely seeing Les Miserables on Broadway; it is my favorite musical. I actually
cried the entire time because it has always been a dream of mine to see it on Broadway in New York
City. The classes we took at Columbia University were extremely interesting, and they gave me so
many new ideas for next year’s yearbook. I’ve never enjoyed a trip so much, and I will definitely be
going again next year,” Madeline Cisneros (11) said.
The New York trip offered countless benefits to the students that attended. Not just academically, but
also personally. Many students found that the New York trip was the perfect opportunity to grow closer
as a group. “I have gone to New York the last three years, and it gets better everytime. Not only have
I grown as a writer and editor because of the classes offered to us in Columbia University, but I’ve
also gotten closer to the other yearbook staff members because of this trip. It’s a fun time where we
learn and get to explore New York, and we even get to stay on Time Square. We’ve had many opportunities to see Broadway shows, which never disappoint, and this past year we even went to the
Fashion Institute Museum. I’ve gone to Florida Christian for fourteen years and some of my favorite
memories are from this trip,” Jacqueline Roque (12) said.
This was the trip of a lifetime for senior Joel Garcia. Garcia had never been to New York before, and
needless to say, he had not been in the United States for long. It had only been a little less than two
years that he had come from Cuba. He felt that God had given him such a blessing in attending FCS,
but now God had given him the opportunity to go on this trip. To Garcia, it was the simple things in life
that made the trip worthwhile like visiting Central Park on a cold, winter day. “What really impressed
me was seeing a city so big as New York for the first time. It was absolutely amazing looking at all
the buildings, especially Times Square. I got a great view of Times Square from my room so I spent a
good twenty minutes just looking out my window. When I saw it for the first time when I walked out of
the shuttle I just stood there in complete awe without saying a word. I used to live in Cuba and it was
such a different world. It was something new and captivating I had never seen before. Havana’s largest building has twenty floors and compared to the skyscrapers in New York it was a huge difference.
New York was a trip I will never forget,” Garcia said.
Finally, it was time to head home. The yearbook staff buzzed with excitement with new ideas.
But the staff also appreciated the time spent in New York, where relationships were made and
strengthened. “Our nightly devotions were a blessing, particularly the last night. We heard God’s
Word and each of us had an opportunity to talk. By the end of the night, we had cried together and
prayed together. This is what makes FCS a special place. There aren’t many schools that nourish
both the mind and the soul. All of us were spiritually renewed on the trip,” adviser Daisy Valdes said.
Columbia University
Central Park
Maria Lehnhard, Elementary Principal
Colonial Day with Mrs. Casañas - Grade 2
Teacher Appreciation
Mrs. Trapero’s 4K students presented her with a gift basket during Teacher Appreciation
Week to show their appreciation for all she has done this school year.
Maria Lehnhard, Elementary Principal
Patriotic Program
The 3rd and 4th grade classes along with Miss Warner presented the annual Patriotic Program. The
students displayed their recorder-playing talents, sang patriotic songs and even had a dance number.
How wonderful to be able to celebrate the founding of our nation!
Maria Lehnhard, Elementary Principal
3C Missions Party
Mrs. Cosculluela’s 3rd grade class enjoyed a day of fun and sun at C.B. Smith Park to celebrate their
contributions to the Elementary Missions Project for the building of a clinic in Haiti. Their class came
in 1st place!
Maria Lehnhard, Elementary Principal
4A Missions Party
Mrs. Green’s 4th grade class enjoyed a day of bowling and pizza at Bird Bowl to celebrate their contributions to the Elementary Missions Project for the building of a clinic in Haiti. Their class came in 2nd
Maria Lehnhard, Elementary Principal
Pilgrim’s Progress
Mrs. Safreed’s
3rd Graders
Florida Christian School
Since 1968
K3-12th Grade
Biblical Worldview Training
College Prep Curriculum
AP and Honors Programs
AP Capstone
Music and Fine Arts
Full Athletic Program
FCSmart Technology Initiative
Re-Enrollment for Existing Students for Fall 2016 is now taking place.
Re-enroll online today! www.floridachristian.org
NEW Student Applications Now Being Accepted at www.floridachristian.org
For Information, E-mail: Admissions@floridachristian.org
Dr. Robert Andrews, Headmaster
Jim Arnold, Senior High School Principal
Kerry Wicks, Middle School Principal
Maria Lehnhard, Elementary Principal
Sherril Nealey, Assistant Elementary Principal
Bill Wicks - President
Luis Rodriguez - Vice President
Ramon Fernandez-Andes - Treasurer
Frank Rivas - Secretary
Herb Evelyn
Joseph Padron
Frank Ramos
Emanuel Roque
David Swindoll
Manuel Bersach
Frank Rivas
Ernie Diaz
Ronell Rivera
Herb Evelyn
Luis Rodriguez
Bob Felder
Emanuel Roque
Ramon Fernandez-Andes Eric Schlottman
Gary Johnson
David Swindoll
Joseph Padron
Bill Wicks
Frank Ramos

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