see - Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia
see - Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia
100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:38 Página 2 INFORMATION ON LINE TOURIST RESERVATIONS Tel.: 902 443 442 // 0034 943 21 77 17 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:38 Página 1 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:38 Página 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Road map 4-5 Donostia-San Sebastián 6-11 The eastern coast 12-17 The western coast 18-23 Around the Txindoki 24-29 The heart of Gipuzkoa 30-35 The Deba River basin 36-41 17 beaches to ‘lose’ oneself 42-43 Renewed thermal tradition 44-45 Through Gipuzkoa towards St. Jacques 46-47 500th anniversary of the birth of Andrés de Urdaneta 48 The Arrikrutz caves: a hidden treasure comes to light 49 Eduardo Chillida, the artist who shaped Gipuzkoa 50-51 Gipuzkoa: by step and pedal strokes 52-53 What to eat 54-55 Where to sleep 56-63 PICTOGRAM INTERPRETATION Historical monuments Areas of historical-artistic interest Areas of natural beauty Areas of landscape beauty Museum / Exhibition / Interpretation Center Public Transportation City Center Entertainment • PUBLISHED BY: The Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa. Department for sports and External Action • PRODUCTION AND DESIGN: ACC Comunicación • TEXT COMPOSITION: Koro Rekarte Gontzal Largo ACC In conjunction with District tourist information Offices in Gipuzkoa • PHOTOGRAPHS: ACC Archives The archives of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa Angel Blanco Fermín Etxeberria Gema Arrugaeta Gonzalo Azumendi Iñigo Santiago Javier Carballo Javier Juanes Manuel Diaz de Rada Peio López Santi Yaniz Txema Fernández Zum • PRINTING: Grafo 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:38 Página 3 3 There are a thousand ways of enjoying Gipuzkoa Our magnificent gastronomy offer, the unrepeatable image of the San Sebastian’s La Concha Bay, the three temples marking out the Ignatius Land, the flavour of coastal villages, or our intense cultural activity are some of Gipuzkoa’s famous features; things about which one has in mind when visiting our territory. I would recommend all of them. No one will disappoint you. Nevertheless, you could be more surprised when you discover that Gipuzkoa offers all this and much more. Our territory is the smallest in Spain in extension, but we are big in intensity and variety. In a humanscale manageable space in which most times you can move by foot, riding or using the public transport, there are many different ‘Gipuzkoas’ to know. The coastal Gipuzkoa, with smell of beach and flavour of grilled fish, and the Green Gipuzkoa, with natural landscapes, rural environments, and old traditions. The festive Gipuzkoa, singing, enjoying, and living sport passionately, or the relaxing Gipuzkoa of the thermal facilities. The Gipuzkoa looking at itself in history –this year, with the commemorative events of the fifth centenary of Andres de Urdaneta in Ordizia-, and the one looking to the future from the most avant-garde creations. The Gipuzkoa of the farmhouses or the landscapes of that other Gipuzkoa, the industrial one, still to be revalued. The Gipuzkoa of the museums and the Gipuzkoa of the markets. The mountaineering or the surfing Gipuzkoa. The bustling historic quarters or the high technology. The Gipuzkoa of the great artists or the one of the small craftsmen. We can even find an underground Gipuzkoa, getting deeper into the Arrikrutz Caves, which have been recently opened in Oñati. Our territory has a thousand faces to know in many different ways. Therefore, the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa hope this guide is useful for discovering some o those ‘Gipuzkoas’. Enjoy them all a hundred per cent. Iñaki Galdos Irazabal Provincial Councillor for sports and External Action 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:38 Página 4 4 Road map GI-638 ituated on the on the Atlantic axis of the Gulf of Biscay, Gipuzkoa is the least extensive of historical territories belonging to the Basque Autonomous Community. Its 2.000 square kilometres are crisscrossed by the 6 main rivers (Bidasoa, Oiartzun, Urumea, Oria, Urola y Deba), which spring from the mountainous, flow through the valleys where industrialize areas have grown, and empty into the sea, where the most important coastal enclaves are located. Cliffs created by erosion, extensive beaches and fishing ports of renowned tradition alternate along Gipuzkoa’s 86 kilometres of coastline. In contrast to this blue Gipuzkoa, the colour green and its natural beauty define the inland. S a it z n 31 GI-6 aia a ib GI Río -37 GI-631 50 Deb 635 GI62 7 GI-2 la i Uro baia AP-1 Izazpe 972m. eba 627 iba ia Irimo 901m. Atxab 693m GI- Zumarraga Urretxu Itsaso 52 Arrolamendi 904m. Arrasate/ Mondragón 0 GI-354 Climate in Gipuzkoa: Oceanic humid. GI-31 Ezkio Legazpi Gabiria Ormaiztegi G Mutiloa Zerain iba zk o rr i m e d iz Santuario de Arantzazu Zegama er ra Aumategigaña (Saiturri) 1191m. n Arrikrutz LeintzGatzaga Idiazabal Segura ia 3 34 I-3 G Ai Or de 20 ia G I-3 59 1 rra 35 Rí o GI G I-3 59 2 -62 7 Sie 1 59 I-3 G 10 -33 GI Presa de Urkulu presa GI- 0 63 I-2 GI-35 11 Eskoriatza 30 Aretxabaleta 16º 20,4º 12,1º 9,3º GI-632 72 GI-35 -26 GI Oñati AIZKORRI G I-2 7 Aizkorri 1528 m. 63 ALAVA-ARABA San Adrian de s te nia o n t z a iak M A l nd me N-1 Rí oD GI GI-3731 -63 2 33 GI26 39 Azpeitia Río 2 rra Azkoitia Santuario de Loiola Antzuola I-3 55 ze 4 GI33 60 GI-3551 G di 0 GI-317 Bergara 0 62 I-2 G 21 Balneario d Zestoako b GI- 950 rr e I-3 SoraluzePlacencia de las Armas 632 GI-632 GI-2 E-7 0 a -1 AP 39 GI-2 Udalatx 1118m. A-8 Iz G m Irukurutzeta 896m. Klabelinaitz 605m. 26 Río Urola ibaia e GI-3 GI-32 10 a ibai A-8 E-70 Río Deb a d Elgoibar Eibar GI -37 30 Zestoa Ekain G I-2 63 4 GI- Weather Information: 1 ra 30 1 Aizarnazaba GI-63 GI-3293 er G I-3 Elgeta Average Temperatures (Igeldo observatory): Spring Summer Autumn Winter 92 32 GI- Mendaro Presa Aixola 183.323 pop.1 pop. 60.419 pop. 37.883 pop. 27.526 pop. 22.315 pop. 22.332 63 Praileaitz BIZKAIA Main cities and towns: Donostia-San Sebastián Irun Errenteria Eibar Arrasate Zarautz 63 769m. Population Facts 687.153 4 Arno 618 m. Kalamua Population Facts -63 -35 Si There is also an industrial as well as a rural Gipuzkoa. Small and medium-sized companies dominate the first, where iron works and metallurgy is the most important sector, followed by cement and paper mills. The rural area has hardly undergone any changes. Cultural traditions and Basque Folklore survive here, as does the Basque language, the native tongue of a high percentage of the population. The Services Sector is this small and diverse area’s main business. N GI 62 GI-35 Zumaia Deba Mutriku 9 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:38 Página 5 G I-3 36 1 5 Hondarribia Hendaya FRANCIA Jaizkibel 545m. 0 44 A-63 I-3 G Lezo Pasaia N-1 638 GI-2 Donibane San Martzial Irun Orio G Usurbil GI-3710 N-1 aia 31 GI-1 ia iba N-1 Leiz n ara Cave “Parador” Historical Inn Orexa Spa Baths Airport Natural Parks and natural scenery spots 71 Beasain Amezketa Abaltzisketa Zaldibia GI-21 33 Lazkao Ntra. Sra. de Larraitz Txindoki Olaberria Ataun Si er ra Intzartzu 789m. Intsusburu 943m. Protected Biotope Gaintza 33 GI- GI-37 15 GI-3670 Arama 2 Castle 60 I-3 Altzaga Ordizia 67 Church 130 Gaztelu GI-3502 G Otsabio 801m. Regional road Local road Berastegi Baliarrain Itsasondo I-3 Road of special interest Urepel 1049m. Lizartza Altzo 71 Motorway 33 -21 GI Orendain 1 13 N-1 I-2 G GI-120 ea Elduain GI-3071 GI-3072 Under construction Toll-way GI-2 i GI-40 Highway Belauntza GI-130 Alegia NAVARRA NAFARROA Icon meanings GI-3670 Legorreta 81 -35 GI A-1 5 30 1 GI-2 GI-3211 a bai oO Rí Ikaztegieta Ntra. Sra. de Loinaz rum 11 Ibarra Leaburu ria Urdelar 853m. Berrobi 34 Intxurre 737m. 816m. Río 20 633 5 34 Albiztur -26 10 LEITZARAN Tolosa GI GI-3420 A-1 GI- 2 -34 Adarra Irura Anoeta Hernialde Bidegoian aia Embalse de Añarbe Añarbeko urtegia GI-3481 30 36 GIGI36 30 n Ib GI-3 10 GI-2631 Villabona al Urnieta GI-3282 Zizurkil Alkiza rtzu Aduna Asteasu GI-2 Errezil 634 Oia Landarbaso -34 GI Larraul GI-3631 AIAKO HARRIA GI Andoain N. S. de Andatzarrate 37 GI-2132 Astigarraga oU de Zestona PAGOETA bainuetxea GI- Martutene Rí Andatza 562m. Oiartzun Río Hernani 21 37 GI-2 63 1 Lasarte-Oria Aia Beizama 1 GI- al Río Oria ib GI-3 1 Hipódromo hipodromoa Altxerri 40 GI-2132 62 63 3 N-634 I-3 G IÑURRITZA 31 GI-1 A-8 E-7 0 671 GI-3 Errenteria Zarautz 4 I-3 G 4 13 -2 GI idasoa Getaria Río B A-8 E-70 Antxo 51 Table of distances in kilometres from Donostia-San Sebastián 1340m. ARALAR Irumugarrieta 1393m. de Aral ar m endizer ra Aia Arantzazu Arrasate Astigarraga Azkoitia Azpeitia Beasain Bergara Deba Eibar Elgoibar Errezil Ezkio-Itxaso 30 84 76 6 57 52 41 70 52 71 65 43 50 Getaria Hondarribia Idiazabal Irun Larraul Legazpi Leintz-Gatzaga Lezo Loiola Mendaro Mutriku Oiartzun Oñati 31 21 50 18 27 62 80 8 54 60 57 11 74 1 San Pedro Ordizia Orio Pasaia Segura Tolosa Zarautz Zegama Zerain Zestoa Zumaia Zumarraga 42 20 5 51 26 26 69 54 44 35 56 N-12 DonostiaSan Sebastián 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:38 Página 6 Surrounding the Bay of La Concha, the combination of exceptional urban planning with nature, cultural activities with peaceful strolls, historical buildings with new uses for them, make Donostia-San Sebastián an unforgettable city. In addition, the capital of Gipuzkoa is the perfect starting point for those who want to get to know an area that has much to discover. Donostia-San Sebastián Tourist Office San Sebastián TurismoDonostia Turismoa, S.A. • Reina Regente 3 - 20003 Donostia 902 44 34 42/ 943 21 77 17 • Fax: 943 48 11 72 • • • Touristic Reservation Centre: Tel.: 902 44 34 42 / 943 21 77 17 • Tel.: he colour green of its three surrounding mountains -Igeldo, T Urgull and Ulia-, the colour blue of the Cantabrian Sea and the Urumea River, and the earthen tones of the limestone walls of its historical buildings all mix together to produce an almost perfect combination in DonostiaSan Sebastián. Donostia-San Sebastián, with its population of 180.000, is the capital city of Gipuzkoa. It is strategically located along the Cantabrian Sea, embracing the unmistakable Bay of La Concha. Here, the ocean, the mountains and the rivers come together in a city with a logically laid-out urban plan. The juxtaposition of its natural scenery with the architectural conservation of its buildings shows how the city does not hide the imprint of its historical past. The city has survived 12 fires since the thirteenth century, the most recent of which, in 1813, destroyed the city almost completely. From the town centre of DonostiaSan Sebastián, a walk along the bay of La Concha will take you to the beach of Ondarreta, on the far end of which is the work of the Donostia-born sculptor Eduardo Chillida El Peine del Viento, or "Wind Comb". From here one can ride the charming, old-fashioned funicular up Mount Igeldo for a panoramic view over the city. The palace of Miramar and its gardens are also in that same area, in the neighbourhood of El Antiguo. Thanks to its location between the two beaches, it is a privileged vantage point from which one can see more wonderful views of the city. This magnificent building, built in the English "Cottage" style, was inaugurated in 1893 and used as a summer residence by Queen María Cristina. What to see City Hall Located in between the Old Town, the Alderdi-Eder Gardens, the Boulevard and the Bay of La Concha, this splendid building was built in 1882 to house the Grand Casino and its dazzling halls. After gambling was outlawed during the forties, it became the City Hall. The original grand dance floor is now the assembly hall. Mount Igeldo Peine del Viento or "Wind Comb" The Amusement Park of Mount Igeldo preserves the old-time charm of its past. After a short ride up the from the area of Ondarreta aboard the funicular, which has been working since 1912, the youngest children can ride ponies while the older ones can ride the roller coaster, the Labyrinth or the Mysterious River. The tower houses an exhibition on the history of San Sebastian, and one can enjoy excellent views over the bay. One of Donostia-San Sebastián’s most magical spots is at the tip of the western coast. Three iron sculptures by Eduardo Chillida integrate themselves in the landscape grasping the rocks that are frequently beaten by the ocean waves. The surrounding area, designed by Luis Peña Ganchegui manages to unite the visitor with Chillida’s art and the sea. 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:38 Página 7 The María Cristina hotel and the Victoria Eugenia theatre, two beautiful early twentieth century buildings in the city centre along the Urumea River, reflect the city’s romantic style. On the other side of the river, on one of the ends of the seaside walkway of the Zurriola, is the Centro Kursaal. This avant-garde architectural group, composed of two translucent glass cubes designed by the renown architect Rafael Moneo, houses two auditoriums, various exhibition and convention spaces, as well as a restaurant, cafeteria, shops and parking facilities. The Old Town, known as "La Parte Vieja", at the foot of Mount Urgull, and flanked on either side by the port and by the outlet of the river into the sea, is a web of interconnected, narrow streets that preserve their original medieval street-plan. The majority The Miramar Palace The regent Queen María Cristina chose this privileged hill that divides the beaches of La Concha and Ondarreta, to build this palace where the royal court would spend its summers. The building was erected in British style, and today its gardens are open for people to stroll through, among the students of the UPV Summer Courses (University of the Basque Country) of the restaurants, bars, small shops and historical monuments are concentrated in this area. They are a year-round alternative for all tastes at any time of day. In this area, a visit to the San Telmo museum is worth a visit from the artistic point of view. It is housed in an old sixteenth century Dominican convent. The early sixteenth century gothic church of San Vicente has a renaissance altarpiece of great value. The patron Saint of the city is worshipped at the basilica of Santa María del Coro (XVIII c.) It has a beautiful plateresque style portico. From here you can complete your visit with a walk through the cultural circuit of Mount Urgull. One of the Old Town’s most characteristic spots is the "Plaza de la Constitución". For many years, the City Hall was its main building. The numbering along the Cathedral of El Buen Pastor Its 75 metre high tower is visible from most of Donostia-San Sebastián. El Buen Pastor, or "Good Shepherd", presides over the city centre in its neo-gothic style. It is part of a group of similar buildings such as the Koldo Mitxelena Cultural Centre and the Post Office. PARKS AND GARDENS There are green areas scattered all over Donostia-San Sebastián. Three easily accessible mountains define its outline. Igeldo, on the western edge, has an amusement park and numerous restaurants. Mount Urgull, overlooking the Old Town or "Parte Vieja", is a web of paths crossing forests and the ruins of the old fortified city embattlements. Mount Ulía is the third mountain, with views over the beach of Zurriola. A third natural hill would be the island of Santa Clara, in the bay of La Concha, accessible by boat. In addition, the city has three great man-made parks. Cristina-Enea Park is one of the most extensive green areas in the city. It is located alongside the future Centro Internacional de Cultura Contemporánea, or "International Centre for Contemporary Culture", housed in the Tabacalera building (originally the state-owned tobacco). Its owner, the Duke of Mandas, donated the park to the city in 1926. In addition to its great variety of flora, ducks, geese, swans and peacocks populate it. Aiete Park, five minutes from the city centre by bus, has 74.400 square meters of gardens designed by Ducasse, with small pathways, a pond, a dovecot and an artificial grotto. Miramar Park is less extensive, but this is compensated for by its spectacular views over the bay. 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:38 Página 8 D O N O S T I A 8 Did you know that? > … The whole city, except a few houses on 31 de agosto or "31st of August" street, was burned down of that same day of the year 1813 by the British and Portuguese troops, who had supposedly come to liberate the city from French occupation? > …Since the year 1887, San Sebastián has been the summer seat of the Royal Court, first in the Palace of Aiete and afterwards in the Miramar Royal Palace, which the Regent Queen María Cristina had built? > … Mata-Hari herself and all the highest European aristocracy strolled through the halls of the Gran Casino (currently City Hall) during the ‘Belle Epoque’? > … Donostia-born Eduardo Chillida and Orio-born Jorge Oteiza put an end to the estrangement that had divided them for years by melting into an embrace in 1997? Both sculptures, set on either end on the bay of La Concha, now materialize this embrace between the two artistic geniuses, who have since passed away. Celebration of the 31st of August - S A N S E B A S T I Á N balconies evokes the times past, when the square was used as a bullring and the balconies as boxes for the audience. Not far is the fishing port, with its fisherman’s houses and small restaurants. At the far end are the Naval museum and the Aquarium, which boasts a spectacular oceanarium. On the opposite end of the port, the Club Náutico, or "Nautical Club" is an emblematical modernist style building located just a few metres away from the unique City Hall building, which was a casino from 1887 to 1923, and whose main façade faces the gardens of Alderdi-Eder. The streets of the city centre, some of them for pedestrians only, bring together the most varied shops. The Koldo Mitxelena cultural centre is located in this area, behind the cathedral of El Buen Pastor or, "Good Shepherd". It works as a library for both books and media, as well as an exhibition and assembly hall. Other points of interest in the city Centre are the Avenida de la Libertad and the Plaza de Gipuzkoa, with its gardens and porticoed buildings, headed by the palace of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa. Not far from the city centre, beyond the Anoeta sports stadium, is the Technological Park of San Sebastián. This area has been set 1. The cubes designed by Rafael Moneo for the Kursaal Palace preside over the enlarged beach of La Zurriola, on the right-hand bank of the river. What to see "Paseo Nuevo" Plaza de Gipuzkoa Mount Urgull This seaside walkway that encircles Mount Urgull is the ideal point from which to see the sunset. In the area closest to the port, the monumental-scale reproduction of Jorge Oteiza’s Construcción vacía, or "Empty Construction", and the Aquarium are worthwhile sights. Surrounded by the seat of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and other porticoed buildings since 1885, this grand square hides a great many attractions. Its strategic position, overlooking the sea and the city, gave this peak its high military value. The ruins of its fortified walls and the Mota Castle are evidence of its importance. A colossal figure of the Sacred Heart crowns the summit. The pine forest, the Paseo de los Curas, or "priests’ footpath" or the romantic Cementerio de los Ingleses, or "Englishmen’s Cemetery" are the main reference points of the urban mountain. A small botanical garden, a duck pond, a meteorological and astronomical pavilion, a floral clock, and a tribute to the musician Usandizaga are all grouped within one charming area. 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:38 Página 9 D O N O S T I A - S A N aside by the city to promote advanced investigation. In it we find the Miramón Kutxaespacio de la Ciencia, surrounded by an extensive green area. Two more "city lungs" are Aiete Park and Cristina Enea, in the neighbourhood of Egia. The capital of Gipuzkoa is unique for its comprehensive and wideranging cultural, sporting and entertainment programme. Music lovers of all tastes meet in various indoor or outdoor venues to listen to classical and popular music, folklore, jazz concerts and festivals that go on throughout the year. Just to begin the list there is the Jazz Festival, the Quincena Musical, or "Musical Fortnight", the Semana Grande, or "Big Week", in August, 9 S E B A S T I Á N which includes an international fireworks competition, horseracing, rowing competitions in the bay of La Concha and many more festivities. Many events, such as the International Film Festival or the Tamborrada, the traditional "Drummer’s Parade", are held every year and the whole city participates enthusiastically. In addition, San Sebastián is the birthplace of Basque high cuisine. The most important culinary guides consistently award the highest rankings to its prestigious chefs and restaurants. This makes San Sebastián the city with the highest number of restaurant Michelin stars per square kilometre. MUSEUMS Donostia-San Sebastián has seven museums in which to see Art, Science, and Nature. The ocean is the point of union between the two complementary museums that are located nearby one another in the port area. At the Aquarium in addition to the two popular sharks, named Txuri and Kontxita, one can also see countless other marine species that swim in the oceanarium while walking through the acrylic tunnel, or in its multiple aquariums, including the touching-pool. A whale skeleton, captured off the Gipuzkoa coast in the nineteenth century will complete your immersion. You can then continue with the Naval museum. It is located within what was once the Lonja del Consulado. This museum invites you on a course that traces the relationship of Basques with the ocean, by means of miniature models of ships and boats, navigational instruments and all kinds of facts and information. The elements of nature, energy, the universe, technological development and scientific experiments are all present at the kutxaEspacio de la Ciencia, located atop Miramón. This museum encourages curiosity and interaction with its motto "Touching allowed". 2. The restored farmhouse and the splendid grounds of Zabalaga are home to the works that Eduardo Chillida wanted to share with us all in Chillida-Leku Plaza de la Constitución The Rezola museum of Cement is an atypical museum that traces the progress of construction based on cement. The Kursaal Palace Art lovers have two unavoidable appointments with Chillida-Leku and San Telmo. The Chillida-Leku museum is Eduardo Chillida’s legacy to all. Over 40 of Chillida’s large-scale sculptures, as well as other aspects of his work, are grouped together outdoors on the grounds of the old farmhouse named Zabalaga. The San Telmo museum, immersed into a deep restoration phase that will keep it closed for some time, intends to reinvent itself and offer a modern Basque society museum in its facilities. The museum venue, an old Dominican convent with an amazing cloister that survived to the 1813 fire that destroyed the city, is now suffering a deep architectural intervention. For centuries, Donostia-San Sebastián was a walled city. It was limited to what is now the Parte Vieja, or "Old Town" and it is still the heart of the city. An infinite number of bars and restaurants share the narrow streets between the Boulevard and Mount Urgull with the graceful plaza de la Constitución and the churches of San Vicente and Santa María. Architect Rafael Moneo described the translucent cubes that he designed to be built at the outlet of the Urumea River as "two beached rocks" Located just above Zurriola beach, the auditorium and the congress hall is host to a good deal of San Sebastián’s cultural events. Lastly, religious and holy art are on display at the Museo Diocesano de Arte Sacro. 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:38 Página 10 D O N O S T I A 10 - S A N S E B A S T I Á N Calendar Festivals, Events and Fairs January • Festivity of Saint Sebastian: Tamborrada or "Drummer’s Parade" (Night of the 19th and day of the 20th) • International City Cross of San Sebastián • Festivity of the Coppersmiths: (last Saturday) February • “6 horas de Euskadi” (ciclismo y atletismo) • Carnavales March • Sevatur: Tourism and get-away trade-fair • 15th International Piano Contest April • International New Music Festival • 7th Tango Festival • Gipuzkoa Championship of Tapas and Cocktails May • Underwater movie Series • Publicity and Advertising Film Festival • National Horse-jumping Competition June • Festivity of Saint John July • • • • • August • Quincena Musical: Classical Music Festival. • "La Clásica": International cycling competition. • Semana Grande: (Fireworks Competition, popular festivities, bullfights...) September • Rowing regattas: Bandera de la Concha: 1st and 2nd Sundays • Euskal Jaiak (Basque Festivities) : 1st week • San Sebastián International Film Festival October • Elektronikaldia: Electronic music festival. • Horror and Fantasy Film Festival • Surfilm Festibal: Surf Film Festival November • Behobia-Donostia: Popular 20 km race. • Donostia-San Sebastián Marathon • "The Best in Cuisine" Congress Decenber • Saint Thomas Fair (21st of December) • Athletics: Saint Sylvester Race. Horse Races Donosti Cup: Soccer Tournament Jazz Festival (2nd fortnight of July) Theatre Fair Summer Courses Active Tourism Health • La Perla Talaso-Sport (Thalassotherapy and sports club) - Pº de la Concha s/n - 20007 Donostia-San Sebastián - Tel: 943 45 88 56. Fax: 943 46 99 27 - •– - Open from 08:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Seven days a week including holidays. Sports • Patronato de Deportes (Sports Association) - Karmelo Balda Pelota Court - Pº de Anoeta,18 20014 Donostia-San Sebastian - Tel: 943 48 18 50 / 943 48 18 81 - Fax: 943 46 43 62 - - • SWIMMING Gipuzkoa Swimming Federation - Pº de Anoeta,5 - Tel: 943 46 95 36. Fax: 943 46 56 88 - • - Municipal Sports Center “Piscinas Paco Yoldi” Pº de Anoeta,16 Tel: 943 48 18 70 - Bidebieta Municipal Sports Centre. Serapio Múgica,1 Tel: 943 40 08 92 - Polideportivo Municipal Benta Berri Bertsolari Xalbador 2. Tel: 943 21 00 70 - Polideportivo Municipal de Altza Casares Pasalekua 153. Tel: 943 35 24 57 - Zuhaizti Municipal Sports Centre 1, Zuhaizti Square Tel.: 943 32 66 93 • SURF Pukas Surf Eskola (surfing school) - Zurriola, 24 20002 Donostia – San Sebastián - Tels: 943 32 00 68 / 943 42 72 28 - - • ROWING Gipuzkoa Rowing Federation - Pº de Anoeta, 5. 20014 Donostia - San Sebastián - Tel.: 943 45 11 38. Fax: 943 45 31 97 - • • SAILING Gipuzkoa Sailing Federation - Pº de Anoeta,5. 20014 Donostia - San Sebastián - Tel/Fax: 943 45 37 67 - • SCUBA Gipuzkoa Fedeartion of underwater activities - Pº de Anoeta,5. - Tel: 943 47 20 57. Fax: 943 46 70 17 - - • SKY SPORTS Gipuzkoa Sky Sports Federation. - Pº de Anoeta,5 20014 Donostia - San Sebastián - Tel:- Fax: 943 45 74 38 - • "PELOTA A MANO" BASQUE JAI ALAI (HAND) Municipal Jai Alai Court Atano III - Anoeta Sports area. - Tel: 943 48 18 90 - Festivals. • "PELOTA CESTA PUNTA" BASQUE JAI ALAI (BASKET) Frontón Carmelo Balda – - Anoeta Sports area. - Tel: 943 48 18 70 - Festivals. Check calendar. • TENNIS Real Club de Tenis de San Sebastián (Tennis Club) - Pº Eduardo Chillida, 9 20008 Donostia - San Sebastián - Tel.: 943 21 51 61. Fax: 943 21 87 60 - • • HORSE BACK RIDING Real Sdad. Hípica de San Sebastián - Camino de la hípica, 5 20014 Donostia - San Sebastián - Tel: 943 45 91 42. Fax: 943 46 36 23 • HORSE RACING Hipódromo de Donostia – San Sebastián (race track) - Offices and facilities: Camino, 2. Arrapide Pasealekua, 11 20160 Zubieta (Donostia - San Sebastián) - Tel.: 943 37 31 80. Fax.: 943 33 32 40 - - - Races during summer season starting in July. • GOLF Basque Golf Federation - Pza. de Euskadi, 1-4º. "La Equitativa" Building 20002 Donostia - San Sebastián - Tel.: 943 29 35 08. Fax: 943 29 71 92 - • Golf Basozábal, S.A (Golf course) - Goyaz-Txiki,41 Apdo. 1012 20080 Donostia - San Sebastián - Tel: 943 47 27 36 Fax: 943 46 79 84. - 4 km from San Sebastián city center. • ICE SKATING AND HOCKEY Palacio del Hielo TXURI-URDIN - Paseo de Anoeta, 24 . 20014 Donostia - San Sebastián - Tel: 943 46 44 04. Fax: 943 44 55 41 - • SOCCER Anoeta Stadium. - Pº de Anoeta,1 20014 Donostia – San Sebastián. - Tel.: 943 48 18 75. Fax: 943 46 37 77 - Capacity: 32.000 spectators Headquarters of the Real Sociedad de Fútbol Team. - Tel.: 943 46 28 33. Fax: 943 45 89 41 - - - Check calendar • HANDBALL Gipuzkoa Handball Federation. - Pº Anoeta, 5 - 20014 Donostia - San Sebastián - Tel.: 943 45 25 34 - Fax: 943 47 31 61 - - 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:38 Página 11 D O N O S T I A - S A N • BASKETBALL Gipuzkoa Basketball Federation. - Pº Anoeta, 5 - 20014 Donostia - San Sebastián - Tel.: 943 47 33 24 Fax: 943 47 31 99 - - • CYCLING Gipuzkoa Cycling Federation - Pº Anoeta, 14 - 20014 Donostia - San Sebastián - Tel: 943 46 05 40. Fax: 943 46 86 32 - - • ENTERTAINMENT Casino Kursaal - Mayor, 1 - Tel: 943 42 92 14 Fax: 943 43 02 34 - - - French Roulette, American Roulette, Blackjack, stud and draw poker, slot machines • AMUSEMENT PARKS Mount Igueldo - Pº del Faro 134 -Tel: 943 21 05 64 / 943 21 35 25 Museums San Telmo Museum - Pza. I. Zuloaga,1 ( Old Quarter) 20003 Donostia - San Sebastián - Tel.: 943 48 15 80 - Fax: 943 48 15 81 - - castellano/museos.htm - - Under restoration works Aquarium DonostiaSan Sebastián - Plaza Carlos Blasco de Imaz, 1. (Port) 20003 Donostia-San Sebastián - Tel.: 943 44 00 99. Fax: 943 43 35 54 - - -Opening hours: from 1st October to 18th March: from Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 19.00. Weekends and bank holidays from 10.00 to 20.00. From Easter to 30th June, and September from Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 20.00. Weekends and bank holidays from 10.00 to 21.00. Easter, July and August, everyday from 10.00 to 21.00. The ticket office closes 45 minutes before. Closed on 25th December and 1st January. kutxaEspacio Science Museum - Paseo Mikeletegi 43- 45. Miramón Park. Bus nº 28 - Tel.: 943 01 24 78 - Reservations: 943 01 29 17 - Fax: 943 30 82 40 - - - Opening hours: Opening hours: Tuesday to Friday: from 10.00 to 19.00 (July and August: 20.00). Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays: from 11.00 to 19.00 (July and August 20.00) . Closed: Mondays Naval Museum Untzi Museoa - Paseo del Muelle, 24 (Port) 20003 Donostia-San Sebastián - Tel.: 943 43 00 51. Fax: 943 43 11 15 - - - Opening hours: all year round:Tuesday to Saturday: 10.00-13.30 / 16.00-19.30 Sundays and bank holidays: 11.00-14.00 Closed: Mondays 11 S E B A S T I Á N An enjoyable getaway The route of the palate Diocesan Museum - Sagrada Familia 11, 20010 Donostia-San Sebastián - Tel: 943 47 23 62 - Fax: 943 21 17 62 - - - Guided visits by previous arrangement: 677 46 66 27 Rezola Cement Museum - Avda. Añorga, 36. 20018 Donostia - Tel: 943 36 41 92. Fax: 943 37 08 39 - - - Opening hours: from Tuesday to Sunday from 10.00 to 14.00. Saturdays from 10.00 to 14.00 and from 17.00 to 20.00. Closed on Mondays. July and August from Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 14.00 and from 17.00 to 19.00. Saturdays from 10.00 to 14.00. Bank holidays: consult. Chillida Leku Museum - Caserío Zabalaga. Bº Jauregi, 66 20120 Hernani - Tel.: 943 33 60 06. Fax: 943 33 59 59 - - - Opening hours: from 1st July to 31st August, from Monday to Saturday from 10.30 to 20.00. Sundays from 10.00 to 15:00. Rest of the year from 10.30 to 15.00. Closed on Tuesdays, 25tHDecember and 1st January. Environmental Resources Centre - Cristina Enea Park - Tel: 943 45 35 26 - - Schedule: from Monday to Saturday from 9.30 to 13.30 and from 15.00 to 20.00. Sundays and bank holidays from 10.00 to 13.30. Temporal Exhibitions Kubo - Kutxaespace of art - Kursaal - Avda. de la Zurriola - Tel: 943 01 24 00 - Fax: 943 01 24 02 - - Between the Urumea and Oria Rivers, the cider and, if your budget will allow it, baby eels, will provide a delicious framework for your route around Donostialdea, the greater San Sebastian area, which is all too often outshined by the capital. Starting from Donostia-San Sebastián on the GI-131 that leaves the neighbourhood of Loiola, we arrive at Astigarraga the cider capital of a region chock full of cider cellars. There we can visit the parish of La Asunción and the nearby Palace of Murguía. If we have enough time we can enjoy the beautiful views from the hermitage of Santiago, on the peak of Santiagomendi. Next comes Hernani one of the oldest and most historically significant towns in Gipuzkoa. In its splendid old town, we can visit the church of San Juan Bautista (St. John the Baptist) and the Convent of San Agustín. Chillida-Leku is located within its city limits. The GI-131 will take us to Urnieta , a small town surrounded by mountains, with an active Centre for Stage Arts named Sarobe. Next we come to Andoain , gateway to the beautiful natural setting of the valley of Leiztaran. Returning on the N1 we arrive at Lasarte-Oria where the Horse Racing Track of Donostia- San Sebastián is located, but which has its own charms, such as the church of San Pedro, built in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The bank of the Oria River, which follows the N-1 road, will take us to Usurbil with its numerous cider cellars, farmhouses, and the Palace of Atxega, an artistic and historic monument. The neighbourhood of Aginaga is famous for its prized baby eels. 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:38 Página 12 12 Historical town centres, natural landscapes, and lots of activity. With Mount Jaizkibel presiding over the northeastern end of Gipuzkoa, the area between the port of Pasaia and the Txingudi Bay is much more than a simple corridor connecting Donostia-San Sebastián with France. The eastern Coast How to get there? HONDARRIBIA-IRUN A-8 (toll road) or N-1 San Sebastián towards Irun. Way out the A-8 towards Oiartzun and Hondarribia. Company: Interbus (Tel.: 943 64 13 02) Destination: San Sebastián-Hondarribia-Irun. Departs: Plaza Gipuzkoa (San Sebastián) Company: AUIF (Tel: 943 63 31 45). Line: Hondarribia-Irun y Hondarribia C.C. Txingudi. Departs : Irun y Hondarribia. Company: Alsa-Burundesa: (Tel: 902 42 22 42). Destination : Irun. Departs : Estación de autobuses (Pamplona). Line : Pamplona-Irun. Company: La Baztanesa (Tel: 948 58 01 29). Destination : Irun. Departs : Plaza Pío XII (San Sebastián). Line : Pamplona-Irun. Company: La Estellesa (Tel: 902 10 10 44). Destination : Irun. Departs : Plaza Pío XII (San Sebastián). Line : Logroño-Irun. ondarribia is a popular tourist H destination, especially in summer, although it has a wide variety of hotels and gastronomy to attract visitors all year round. Founded in the 13th century (1203) and surrounded by walls, this fortified town served as a military frontier and took part in a number of important battles. It was also the scene of historical pacts and treaties. In its Historical Centre, interesting monumental sights include the Parish Church, the Castle of Charles V converted into a Parador (state-owned hotel), the Plaza de Armas and houses with carved eaves, coats of arms and wrought iron balconies jutting out over cobbled streets, with the historical portal of Santa María, one of the entrances to the walled enclosure, at the end. In the Marina area, characterised by the colourful fishermen’s houses, there is a variety of restaurants and typical bars serving pintxos (snacks) with tables spilling out onto the pavement. This picturesque town beautifully adorned with an abundance of flowers and gardens has a pleasant promenade which leads to the fishing port and borders the 700mlong beach and the yachting harbour. It also has a large fishing fleet and a complete array of hotels and rural houses. Interesting boat trips are organised along the banks of the river Bidasoa and there is an 18-hole golf course just 2 km from the town centre. due to its border position has always been the European connecItionrun, to Gipuzkoa and continues to be an important communication net to the various European states. With several military episodes in the past, important Irun landmarks are: Urdanibia Palace, Our Lady of Juncal What to see The Old Town Shrine of Guadalupe (Hondarribia) (Hondarribia) The exceptional Old Town of Hondarribia has been declared monument of artistic and historical interest for its houses, emblazoned with their coats of arms, small palaces and unique buildings. A walk down the Kale Nagusia, with its spectacular gables, will take you to the plaza de Armas, a square with plenty of history, dominated by the solid Castle of the Emperor Charles V, now a parador (hotel The image of the Virgin of Guadalupe, worshipped by the people of Hondarribia since as early as the sixteenth century, is preserved within a hermitage located on the way up Mount Jaizkibel from Hondarribia. The splendid panoramic views crown the visit. Company: Renfe suburban trains (Tel:902 24 02 02) Destination: San Sebastián-Irun. Departs: Norte Station (San Sebastián) Linea: Brinkola-Irun ••• Company: Eusko Tren (Tel: 902 54 32 10) Destination: San Sebastián–Irun Departs: Amara Station TOPO train: towards Irun. Tourist Offices • Bidasoa activa - Bidasoa Bizirik • C/ Javier Ugarte 6- 20280 Hondarribia • Tel.: 943 64 54 58 • Fax: 943 64 54 66 • • 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:38 Página 13 Church, City Hall, Saint Marcial Chapel and the Aiako Harria Natural Park. Other important areas are the entrance to the Aiako Harria. FICOBA, the International Basque Coast Trade Show, develops its activity in this city. asaia. Fishing and seafaring village, where whale-hunting, P trade and the shipyards are still present as it is shown by Ontziola, the Centre for Traditional Boat Research and Building, where the visitor will observe how the shipwrights build the replica of an old boat, using techniques transmitted from generation to generation. In 1843, the French writer Víctor Hugo visited Pasaia and told this trip in his book "The Alps and the Pyrenees". Some descriptions included in this work are used for the guided visits to the Pasaia Bay. Outstanding sea gastronomy and buildings with great architectural Marismas del Txingudi- Txingudiko Padurak (Irun-Hondarribia) The Bidasoa River lets out into the Txingudi Bay, surrounded by the towns of Irun, Hondarribia and Hendaia. Here we find a rich ecosystem. The Txingudi Ekoetxea centre for investigation, with its bird observatory, is the point of departure to explore the swamps and other habitats of Plaiaundi to which we can add the recently recovered Jaizubia marshes (padurak) in Hondarribia. and historical importance, like the hermitage of Santa Ana, the church of San Juan Bautista, the wayside Shrine of La Piedad, the Víctor Hugo house and the Graveyard of San Pedro, which preserves the gothic façades of the original parish church of 1457, declared Historic Monuments by the Ministry of Culture. The pilgrims of the Road to Santiago should go by these façades on their way to Donostia-San Sebastián. In Trintxerpe, we can stand out the first planetarium in Spain, opened in 1968. ezo. The visit to the gothic image of Lezo’s Saint Christ is essential. L It is one of the three Beardless Christs in Europe. We can also stand out the Church of San Juan Bautista and the Town Hall, in Renaissance style. Mount Jaizkibel extends from the Pasaia Port estuary to the 1. The elegant, walled town of Hondarribia looks out onto the Txingudi Bay, which it shares with Irun and Hendaia. Did you know that? > … The romantic poet Víctor Hugo spent the summer of 1843 in Pasai Donibane and left elated descriptions calling it a place where "life, the movement of the sun, the colour blue, the air and happiness, cannot be avoided"? These impressions are gathered in a virtual recreation located named “A Tourist Guide called Victor Hugo”, in the same house where Victor Hugo was lodged in Pasai Donibane. > … The future leader of the French revolution, Lafayette, embarked from the port of Pasaia on his way to join the cause for independence of the United States colonists. > … Juana "The Mad" and Philip "The Handsome" spent a night at the Egiluz house in Hondarribia on their way to Toledo, where they were to be proclaimed crown princes? > … Luis Mariano Eusebio González García was the full name of Luis Mariano, the permanently smiling "operetta prince", who always carried his native Irun in his heart? Church of Our Lady of Juncal Museo Oiasso (Irun) (Irun) The one hundred years it took to build this huge church in Irun is apparent in the combination architectural styles (late gothic, Basque gothic and Baroque). Guipuzkoa’s most ancient image of the Virgin Mary, a carved figure of the Virgin of Juncal, presides its altarpiece. Declared National Historic-Artistic Monument. The Oiasso Roman Museum is an archaeology centre gathering the Roman remains discovered in the surroundings of the city of Oiasso. Its main aim is to make the area’s archaeological heritage know. 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14 How to get there? OARSOALDEA: ERRENTERIA-LEZO-OIARTZUN-PASAIA SAN SEBASTIAN-PASAIA-ERRENTERIA -OIARTZUN A-8 (toll road) or N-1 San Sebastián towards Irun. Turn off the A-8 towards Oiartzun. Company: Herribus (Tel: 943 49 18 01) Destination: San Sebastián-Pasai Antxo-Errenteria-Oiartzun Departs Plaza Gipuzkoa (San Sebastián) H-2 Oiartzun via main road H-3 Oiartzun via motorway. ••• Company: Herribus (Tel: 943 49 18 01) Destination: San Sebastián-Pasai Antxo-ErrenteriaLezo-Pasai Donibane Departs: Plaza Gipuzkoa (San Sebastián) Bus H -1 ••• Company: Areizaga (Tel: 943 45 27 08) Destination: San Sebastián-Trintxerpe-Pasai San Pedro Departs: C/ Oquendo (San Sebastián). Bus A-2 ••• Company: Areizaga (Tel: 943 45 27 08) Destination: San Sebastián-Beraun (Errenteria) Departs: C/ Oquendo (San Sebastián). Bus A-3 Company: Eusko Tren (Tel: 902 54 32 10) 943 516 541(Eusko Tren Errenteria) Destination: San Sebastián-Pasaia-Errenteria-Oiartzun Departs: Amara Station TOPO (San Sebastián) Line: San Sebastián – Hendaia ••• Company: Eusko Tren company (Tel: 902 54 32 10) Destination: San Sebastián-Irun Departs: Amara Station TOPO train (San Sebastián): towards Irun. For Lezo, stop at Errenteria ••• Company: Renfe suburban trains (Tel: 902 24 02 02) Destination: Donostia-Lezo-Pasai Antxo-Irun Departs: Norte Station (San Sebastián) Line: Brinkola-Irun 14:38 Página 14 T H E E A S T E R N C O A S T Hondarribia’s Higer Cape, passing by Lezo. It is the highest mountain in the Cantabrian Coast and offers amazing views along its route. Starting from Pasai Donibane, we can admire the three Carlist turrets of the Lord John fort, before reaching the highest point. Mount Jaizkibel is part of the Coastal Road to Santiago. rrenteria. The Medieval quarter, declared Monumental Complex, E houses many interesting buildings: the parish church of Nuestra Señora de la Asunción, the Torrekua towerhouse –the oldest building in Errenteria, declared Listed Building of the province in 1964-, the Hermitage of La Magdalena, the Town Hall –dating from the beginning of the 17th century and declared Listed Building of the province -, the convent of the Augustinian Nuns and the manor houses of Iranzu and Iturriza. The Fandería Mill Museum is also located in Errenteria. The San Marcos Fort, the vantage point par excellence of Oarsoaldea, is located inside the Lau Haizeta Park. Taking advantage of this privileged location, the Regional Interpretation Centre has been installed here. The fort is a 1888 military fortification whose restoration works allows seeing its original look. At present, this is a perfect place for walking, riding or biking. There is also a convention centre and a restaurant. 1. The Pasai Donibane district is the most flirtatious of the four (San Pedro, Trintxerpe and Antxo are the others) which overlook the Bay of Pasaia. What to see Fort of San Marcos Green Train (Errenteria) (Oiartzun) A natural vantage point overlooking the Area of Oarsoaldea, the Fort of San Marcos is located on high ground from which one can see all the way to Donostia-San Sebastián. A funny and different way of knowing Oiartzun and its surroundings. With the help of a guide, we will go from the historic quarter to the mining area of Arditurri, passing by different interesting points, museums and natural settings. Oarsoaldea Tourist Offices Oarsoaldea Comarca (land) Tourist Office • • • • • Manuel Lekuona Library Donibane 11 beheko solairua -20180 Oiartzun Tel.: 943 49 45 21 • Fax: 943 49 46 14 ••• Errenteria Tourist Office • • • • • Public Library Madalen, 27 - 20100 Errenteria Tel.: 943 44 96 38 • Fax: 943 44 96 48 ••• Pasaia Tourist Office • • • • • Victor Hugo House. Donibane, 63 - 20110 Pasai Donibane Tel.: 943 34 15 56 • Fax: 943 34 17 77 The fort, built in 1888 atop a previously existing military base, has been transformed into a place of leisure. 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:38 Página 15 T H E iartzun. Beautiful locality sheltered by Aiako Harria, a granite O giant marking the beginning of the Cantabrian Pyrenees. Oiartzun offers a beautiful walk through the historic quarter, with the Church of San Esteban and the Town Hall. The outstanding Arditurri cycle lane can be covered on foot or cycling. Following the Oiartzun River course, it is marked out by restaurants and cider bars and goes by the two museums of the town –the Luberri Geological interpretation centre and the Herri Musikaren Txokoa-, ending at the Arditurri mines. E A S T E R N 15 C O A S T in the Basque Country devoted to flowers, plants and gardening, where more than 50 exhibitors gather and enjoy several music shows. Getting on the Green Train allows enjoying the beautiful landscapes of Oiartzun in a relaxing and pleasant way. Along the route, covering part of the Arditurri cycle lane, we can observe old tower-houses, mills and foundries, as well as different tree species and beautiful natural terraces. The route finishes at the entrance to the Arditurri mines, at the foot of Aiako Harria. Nature Spots Aiako Harria Natural Park The first weekend in June, this cycle lane houses Loriartzun, the first fair It was declared a Natural Park in 1.995 and has several points of interest. Its granite massif is unique in the Basque Country and its peaks offer impressive views over the Oiartzun Valley. The conservation of its oak, beech and mixed forests is outstanding. The quality of its habitats allows for significant animal life, such as the wild cat, boar, roebuck, vulture, falcon, salmon or the Pyrenees muskrat. • Information: Oarsoaldea Tourist Office Tel: 943 49 45 21 2. The Oieleku cromlechs, funerary stone circles, are one of the 57 megalithic monuments preserved in the municipality of Oiartzun. 3. The Church of Our Lady of La Asunción, a model of Basque Gothic, stands out in the collection of historic buildings of Errenteria's historic quarter. Lapirriturri and BarrengoloiaListorreta Information Offices Tel: 943 26 11 08/ 696 13 37 11 (open in summer) • Area: 6.913 Ha. Ontziola traditional shipyard. Lezo Historic Quarter (Pasaia) (Lezo) • Access: BilbaoBehobia toll-way, Oiartzun and Irun exit • Altitude: 821m. • Hiking: There are various itineraries with excellent sign systems that will lead us to the cliff’s three peaks. The Aritxulegi mountain pass is the most frequented route. The Aiztondo River is especially interesting, with its waterfall dropping over 100 metres. The Ontziola Centre for Traditional Ship building and Investigation, located in Pasai Donibane, recovers traditional craftsmen’s techniques used by the Basques to build their ships. Guarding the famous Basilica of El Santo Cristo, known due to the Byzantine beardless Christ, the streets of Lezo’s historic quarter show many 16th century buildings. • Bird-watching Here one has the opportunity to observe one of this region’s main colonies of Leonardo vultures in its own habitat. • Organized activities: - Guided routes: GIDAIDE: Tel.: 943 26 11 08 • Megalithic Monuments Dozens of megalithic monuments, as well as several important prehistoric cave sites, have been catalogued. 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:38 Página 16 16 T H E E A S T E R N C O A S T Calendar 1 Festivals, Events and Fairs February March - Talo Day. Exhibition and tasting of talo (kind of corn cake) from Lapurdi, Nafarroa and Gipuzkoa • Lezo: - Lesoinu. Conference on musical pedagogy • Pasaia: - Holy week Processions. Pasaia Donibane • Hondarribia: - Holy week Processions April • Errenteria: May • Irun: • Errenteria: June • Hondarribia: • Irun: • Pasaia: • Lezo: • Oiartzun: July • Hondarribia: - Festivity of the Kutxa • Irun: - Tennis: International Grand Prix Ciudad de Irun - Livestock, Agricultural and Crafts Fair • Errenteria: - Magdalene Festivities - Erromeri Eguna • Pasaia: - Rowing regattas. Festivities of El Carmen (Trintxerpe) - Festivities of Santiago in Pasai Donibane - San Fermín Festivities in Pasai Antxo August • Hondarribia: - Rowing regattas - Fishing Fair. Tuna, Crafts and Agriculture Day • Oiartzun: - Pilgrimage to Artikutza - Cattle, horse, sheep and chicken show - Xaniestebanes Festivities of the patron saint • Hondarribia: - "Alarde de Armas" procession. September 8th - Flower, livestock and agricultural Fair. "Baserritaren Eguna" • Lezo: - "Baserritar eguna". Cattle Show and competition - Santa Cruz Festivities • Errenteria: - Medieval Fair • Errenteria: - Rural Fair • Pasaia: - Short Video Festival “Bahía de Pasaia” - Comedy Theatre Festival • Irun: - Behobia-San Sebastián Race - Agricultural Fair September October November December • Errenteria: - San Marcos Pilgrimage to the San Marcos Fort - Sagardo eguna - Cycling: "Vuelta al Bidasoa." - Musikaste (classical music week dedicated to Basque composers) - Annual Basque Crafts Fair • Lezo: - Whitsun Festivities • Oiartzun: - Sagardo eguna • Pasaia Antxo: - Sagardo eguna - Medieval Market - "Alarde of San Marcial" procession. June 30th - San Pedro festivities in Pasai San Pedro. - Sagardo eguna - Loriartzun: "Fiesta de Flores y Plantas" "Concurso de instalaciones medioambientales" • Hondarribia: - Agricultural and Crafts Fair • Irun: - Agricultural and Crafts Fair • Errenteria: - Santo Tomas Fair: local products and animals • Lezo-Oiartzun: - Basque Book and Records Fair - Santo Tomas Fair: local products and animals Active Tourism Water activities Scuba Scubadu - Ramón Iribarren, 23. 20280 Hondarribia - Tel/ Fax: 943 64 23 53 - - Educative courses on the Ocean and guided tours. (marine topics.) Club Náutico de Hondarribia. - Pº Ramón Iribarren s/n. - 20280 Hondarribia. - Tel.: 943 642788. Fax: 943 642894 - Dinghy sailing courses. Escuela Medioambiental Itsasgela - Euskadi Etorbidea, s/n. - Ed. Ciriza. 20110 Pasaia. - Tel: 619 81 42 25. - - Trips along the coast with option of environmental activities, diving trips, cetacean watching. Jolaski, S.L - C/ Hendaya, 4. 20300 Irun Apdo. correos 339 - Tel: 943 616 447.Fax: 943 645 089 - - Boat rides on the Bidasoa River. 2 3 4 1. "Alarde of San Marcial" (Irun). 2. Festivity of the Kutxa (Hondarribia). 3. The regattas, the passion of Pasaia. 4. Loriartzun (Oiartzun) Pasajeros del Viento. - Pº Ulia, 117. 20013 Donostia - Tel: 667 45 05 27 / 943 29 27 55 - Cruiser sailing school. Outings and trips from Donostia-San Sebastián and Hondarribia. Air activities Golf Light Aircraft R.G.C. de San Sebastián - Chalet-Borda-Gain 13 - Jaizubia - Hondarribia - Tel: 943 61 68 45. Fax: 943 61 14 91 Sailboat Outings with skipper Parasailing and hang-gliding Escuela de Navegación de recreo Jaizkibel Itsasketa S.L. -Cº Astigarraga.Edif. Oficinas Mamut, 4- 13. 20180 Oiartzun - Tel./Fax: 943 49 47 39 - - Escuela de Vuelo de Bidasoa DeltaParapente - Bº de Ibarla. 20305 Irun - Tel.: 609 45 95 95. Fax: 943 62 77 88 - - Boat rides Hnos. Berrotarán - Regular boat-line Pasai DonibanePasai San Pedro / Tel.: 630 44 88 13 Canoeing Santiagotarrak - Pº Real Union, 6. 20304 Irun - Tel.: 943 63 20 56. Fax: 943 63 31 34 - - Pasaia Kayak Eskola - Euskadi Etorbidea. (Astilleros Lasa) - 20110 Trintxerpe - Pasaia - Tel.: 678 40 82 81 - Canoe rentals. Hondarribia Rowing Club - Arraun Elkartea. Tel: 943 64 01 61 - Hegan Sevicios Aéreos - Tel.: 943 64 42 36 - Departures from Hondarribia. Balloon rides. Soka - Gelasio Aramburu, 6-bajo 20110 Pasaia - Tel: 943 52 71 42 / 615 78 40 72 - Fax: 943 34 10 84 - / Balloon rides, balloon trips, aerial and balloon outin,gs. Land activities Bicycle rental Decatlon Irun: - Tel: 943 63 90 51. Club Mountain Bike Pasaia. - Borda Enea 4- bajo.. - 20110 Pasaia.- Trintxerpe - Tel: 670 63 55 52 - - Courses and guided visits. Horseback riding. Club Hípico Listorreta - Aldura, 55. 20100 Errenteria - Tel: 943 51 03 99. Fax: 943 51 59 10 Riding courses, horseback rides, ponies for children Strategy Games Paintball Donosti - Carretera de Jaizkibel.On the way up Mount Jaizkibel by way of Lezo km. 2 . Pasai Donibane - Tel.: 661 92 35 92 - - Jaizkiball - Carretera de Jaizkibel, km 5-6 20110 Pasai Donibane. PASAIA - Tel: 647 92 92 12 - - 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:38 Página 17 T H E Museums Planetarium and fishing Nautical School of Pasaia - Marinos, 2. 20110 Pasai San Pedro - Tel.: 943 39 93 40 - Guided tours. It happens to be the first Planetarium in Spain, from 1968, with a capacity for 40 people. Popular Music Center - Tornola, 6. Bº Ergoien. 20180 Oiartzun - Tel.: 943 49 35 78 - - Popular music exhibition and documentation center. Musical instruments collection, book library, record library, workshop and polyvalent room. Luberri. Interpretazio Geologikorako Zentroa. - Pagoaldea pol. 41-42. Bº Ergoien 20180 Oiartzun. Tel.: 943 26 05 93 - - This center offers you an instructive way to learn about the geological and paleontological richness of the valley of Oiartzun, Oarsoaldea Region and the Aiako Harria Natural Park. Fanderia Mill - Dolores Ibarruri s/n. Barrio Fandería. - 20100 Errenteria. Tel.: 943 44 96 06 - Free admission. The ancient village of Errenteriola, founded prior to 1467, is the location of the famous and historic Fanderia grain mill. It has been restored to original condition and can be seen in operation. Ontziola. Center for Research and Traditional Craft Building - Donibane 33. 20110 Pasai Donibane - Tel: 943 49 45 21. - Fax: 943 49 46 14 - - It is a traditional shipyard where the craft building art of the Basque Country becomes strong. The visitor, surrounded by the scent of the oak, hemp and tar, will be able to see working to the ship’s carpenters according to techniques transmitted by generations while they are building the copy of an old craft. Oiasso Roman Museum. IRUN - Esloleta, 1. 20302 Irun - - Schedule: October to May: 10 am – 2 pm / 4 pm – 7 pm. June to September: 10 am – 2 pm / 4 pm – 8 pm. Easter: 10 am – 2 pm / 4 pm – 8 pm. Closed on Monday. Guidad Visits: From Tuesday to Friday: 10 am, 12 am, 4 pm and 6 pm. Saturday: 11 am and 5 pm. The Oiasso Roman Museum of Irun is an archaeological centre gathering the Roman remains found around the town of Oiasso. The aim is to promote the archaeological heritage of this area and to become the reference for the knowledge and spreading of the Roman period in the Bay of Biscay. The Museum offers the opportunity to know Oiasso in a pleasant way, through different spaces focusing on the impact of the Roman world in the native society, the archaeological discovery of the port and the life in the town during the 1st and 2nd centuries of our age. The Museum is also a space for developing cultural activities on Ancient History and Archaeology. There are also dynamised guided visits to the Oiasso Museum and to the Roman necropolis of the Hermitage of Santa Elena, aimed at individuals and groups, with specific activities for students of Primary and Secondary Education, as well as Bachillerato (higher secondary education course). The duration of the visit is one hour and a half, and the combined visit to Oiasso and the Hermitage extends to two hours. Tel.: 943 63 93 53 E A S T E R N 17 C O A S T Santa Elena Hermitage Museum - Ermita Kalea s/n. 20304 Irun - Tel.: 943 63 93 53. - - - Please check for opening hours. Free admission. Closed: 29th June/ 8th to 14th September. This is the site of a Roman necropolis of incineration with the remains of a pagan temple from the 2nd – 3rd centuries..The museum contains display panels, audiovisual displays, catalogues and videos. An enjoyable getaway Route of the Bays Casa Víctor Hugo Etxea - Donibane, 63. 20110 Pasai Donibane. - Tel.: 943 34 15 56. - Fax: 943 34 17 77 - - Here there is he permanent Tourist Information Point, the MuseumHouse with exhibition hall, and the interactive audiovisual “A tourist guide called Victor Hug Shrine of Guadalupe Interpretation CentreTxingudi Ekoetxea - Camino Pierre Loti s/n. 20304 Irun - - - Please check for opening hours. - Free admission. Closed on Mondays Guided Tours Oarsoaldea Comarca: Errenteria, Lezo, Oiartzun and Pasaia. - Visits to the following natural areas: Aiako Harria Natural Park, San Marcos Fort, Arditurri Bidegorri (cycle lane; on foot and riding), Aizpitarte Prehistoric Caves … - Visits through the Pasaia Bay: Víctor Hugo Route, Lafayette Route… - Visits through the Historic Quarters of Errenteria, Lezo, Oiartzun and Pasaia. - Educational visits, marine workshops, and boat trips in Pasaia - Visits to museums: Luberri, Herri Musikaren Txokoa, Ontziola, Fandería Mill, Planetarium, Victor Hugo House. Información: Oficina Comarcal de Turismo de Oarsoaldea - Tel.: 943 49 45 21 - • Hondarribia Tours - Tel. 943 64 54 35/ - - • Jolaski - Tel./fax: 943 61 64 47 / 639 61 78 98 - • Ortzi - Tel.: 650 78 94 76 - • Guidatour - Tel.: 902 20 54 20 - - • Gidaide - Astigarraga Bidea, 2-2º Of. 5. (ed. Mamut). 20180 Oiartzun - Tel: 696 14 97 33 / 943 26 11 08 - • Guided visits through the Oarsoaldea Comarca, guided mountain routes, boat trips. • Trenberdea-Irun: The route, lasting 2 hours and a half, starts from the San Juan Harri Square and gets to the Hirugurutzeta Furnaces through the Ibarla Valley. Along the route, the Guide will lead us to several interesting points such as the Plaiaundi Ecology Park and the Aiako Harria Natural Park, contrasting these green areas with the town. - Schedule: all year. Thursday and Friday: from 10 am to 12.30 am / from 4 pm to 6.30 pm. Saturday and Sunday: from 11 am to 12.30 am / from 4 pm to 6 pm. Maximum people: 29 people. Note: By previous arrangement only. Tel: 943 26 11 08 / 696 14 97 33 • Trenberdea- Oiartzun: Route of 2 hours and a half starting from the San Esteban Square, in the Elizalde Quarter, to the Arditurri mining area, at the foot of the Aiako Harria Natural Park. Among other interesting points, visit to museums. Information: Tourism Offices. To the east of Donostia-San Sebastián, the cost of Guipuzcoa has no beaches, except that of Hondarribia. This stretch of the coast is presided over by Mount Jaizkibel, which dominates the Oarsoaldea and Bidasoa-Txingudi areas, alongside the sea between the two bays Pasaia and Txingudi. From the capital, we take the N1, crossing through part of Pasaia , whose four districts are distributed along the bay and the port, which is currently being regenerated. The road then takes us to Errenteria , where we can stroll down the ever-crowded Biteri Street and the neighbour streets, where we can find the commercial area or meander through the streets of the Old Town listed as a collection of historic buildings. If we have important megalithic monuments along the way. On the way back to, skirting round right-hand side of the bay of Pasaia, we arrive at Lezo , Lezo 4, a small town with monumental jewel: the Basilica of El Santo Cristo. Next comes the Pasai Donibane 5 district, the most charming of the four. After parking our car, we can stroll its only street, which runs parallel to the bay, walking under its buildings and among its old fishermen’s houses. time, we can visit the San Marcos Fort. stop to take in its wonderful views. Hondarribia has both a beach as well as sporting port, but one should not forget to take a stroll on the Paseo del Butrón through the Txingudi Bay, the lively neighbourhood of La Marina and the Old Town. We conclude our trip in Irun , the historical border city with a vigorous commercial and trading tradition. From Errenteria we approach Oiartzun , where we can admire the altarpiece of the Church of San Esteban. Oiartzun is set amid wonderful natural landscapes. From here, we access the Aiako Harria Natural Park Aiako Harria and several routes that go through On our way back we take the la GI-3440, the road that crosses Mount Jazikibel , with its cliffs, mountain paths, typical farmhouses and views over the ocean. On our way down towards, we come upon the Shrine of Guadalupe, , where we can 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:38 Página 18 Urban as well as natural beaches, surrounded by mountains or alongside towns such as Zarautz, Getaria or Zumaia, each with their own unique personalities. Your only dilemma will be choosing among so many attractions the emblematical western coast of Guipuzcoa has to offer. The western Coast How to get there? ORIO-ZARAUTZ DONOSTIA - ORIO - ZARAUTZ A-8 (E-70) motorway (toll road) or N-634 towards Bilbao. Company: Eusko Tren (Tel: 902 54 32 10) Destination: DONOSTIA-USURBIL-ORIOZARAUTZ-GETARIA-ZUMAIA. Departs: Plaza Pío XII (San Sebastián) ••• Company: Eusko Tren (Tel: 902 54 32 10) Destination: ORIO-AIA Departs: Plaza Pío XII (San Sebastián) Company: Eusko Tren (Tel: 902 54 32 10) Departs: Amara Station (San Sebastián) Linea: San Sebastián - Bilbao To arrive to Pagoeta Natural Park only by road he most emblematic building T in Orio is the 13th century Parish Church of San Nicolás de Bari, surrounded by houses which form alleyways, stairways and slopes. There is also a large beach at the mouth of the river Oria which is a popular spot in the summer and the site of a campsite. rom San Sebastián, the N-634 F leads to Zarautz, a traditional enclave and tourist destination since the 19th century. It was also an unavoidable point on the pilgrim’s route to Santiago de Compostela. Its famous beach – the longest in Gipuzkoa measuring 2,500 metros- faces the open sea and hosts international surfing competitions. It also has a beautiful promenade, a full range of hotels, a two campsites, an 9-hole golf course and a number of interesting buildings, such as the parish church of Santa María la Real, a unique fortress with the tower separated from the temple, the Franciscan Monastery and the convent of the Order of St. Clare (17th century), Narros palace and Luzea Tower. On the outskirts of the town stands the Chapel of Santa Bárbara, overhanging a cliff, which is a perfect lookout point. etaria is a fishing port situated G on a very fertile hillside, where vines are grown for making txakoli (Basque wine). It is a walled town whose medieval centre still preserves archways such as that of Catrapona, a passageway below the Church with a seaman’s chapel. The 15th century parish church of San Salvador, one of the oldest churches in Gipuzkoa, is a jewel of Gothic art. Getaria is also the birthplace of the navigator Juan Sebastián Elcano - who What to see Parish Church of San Salvador Iñurritza dunes and biotope (Getaria) (Zarautz) The silhouette of the fifteenth century Parish Church of San Salvador towers over the medieval Old Town of Getaria. This gothic church manages to elegantly fit in its irregular and sloping terrain. Pay special attention to the images of the Agonising Christ the Dolorosa Virgin. Gipuzkoa’s largest dune system is located between the eastern end of the beach of Zarautz and the outlet of the Iñurritza River into the sea. A walkway affords access to the biotope. The dune area, where the flora and fauna have adapted to the extreme living conditions, progressively turns into a marshland area, in the process of revitalization. Tourist Offices Zarautz • Nafarroa Kalea, 3 • 20800 Zarautz • Tel: 943 83 09 90-Fax: 943 83 56 28 • • ••• Orio (open in Easter, week-ends in Mai and summer) • Herriko enparantza, 1 • 20810 Orio • Tel: 943 83 09 04 • Fax: 943 13 02 60 • • 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:39 Página 19 1 2 1 sailed around the world in the Magallanes expedition and whose monument stands at the entrance to the town – and the fashion designer Cristóbal Balenciaga. mount San Antón, familiarly known as "the Mouse of Getaria", which juts into the sea, protects the fishing port where a large number of grill and fish restaurants display their barbecues on the streets. Several txakoli wine cellars can be visited, where you can taste the different brands with "Denominación de Origen" (Designation of Origin). he town of Zumaia, located at T the mouth of the river Urola, with its medieval street layout and contrasts with its interior, which contains one of the most beautiful single naves of Gothic architecture in the Basque Country. It also houses a remarkable altarpiece sculpted by Juan de Antxieta which has been declared a National Monument. Additional attractions include Itzurun beach, with its spectacular faults and cliffs, and Santiago beach, on the sandy area of the same name, which was an unavoidable place of rest on the Pilgrimage Road to Santiago which runs along the coast. There is also a modern yachting harbour. houses surrounding the Parish Church, is one of the most distinguished ports in Gipuzkoa. The soberness of the defensive and volumetric exterior of the parish church of San Pedro et amongst limestone mountains which an abundance of natural caves –more than fifty- the locality of Deba is famous for its archaeological explorations in which important prehistoric remains have been Old Town of Orio Zuloaga Museum 1. The tents make up the typical image of the Zarautz Beach, with a long tourist tradition. 2. The San Antón Mountain, better known as the Mouse of Getaria because of its distinctive shape, looks out onto the sea. Did you know that? > … The municipal charter that King Felipe III granted the town of Zarautz in 1237 established that its citizens must hand over to the crown a part of each whale they killed, specifically "a strip from the head to the tail, according to law."? > … Every four years, the people of Getaria re-enact the landing of the Getaria-born conquistador Juan Sebastián Elcano after his first global circumnavigation? S (Zumaia) The Old town of Orio, or "Goiko kale" is a labyrinth of cobblestone streets, at times graded with steps. The Parish Church of San Nicolás de Bari, which also had to adapt itself to the sloping terrain, imposes itself amidst them. The magnificence of its baroque main altarpiece emphasizes the image Saint Nicholas of Bari. 2 The former studio of the painter Ignacio Zuloaga used to be an inn for pilgrims on the Way of Saint James. Today it houses the art collection assembled by the artist, from oil paintings by Goya and El Greco to bronzes by Rodin, in addition to paintings by Zuloaga himself. > … The other Getaria-born universally known celebrity, the "architect of haute coutoure" Cristóbal Balenciaga, was the son of a ship captain, but that he followed the footsteps of his mother, a dressmaking teacher? > … the studios created by two artists who fell in love with Zumaia, the painter Ignacio Zuloaga and the sculptor Julio Beobide, are now small museums? 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 20 14:39 Página 20 T H E How to get there? GETARIA-ZUMAIA DONOSTIA-ORIO-ZARAUTZ- GETARIAZUMAIA A-8 (E-70) motorway (toll road) or N-634 towards Bilbao. Company: Eusko Tren (Tel: 902 54 32 10) Destination: San Sebastián-Usurbil-Orio-ZarautzGetaria-Zumaia Departs: Plaza Pío XII (San Sebastián) Company: Eusko Tren (Tel: 902 54 32 10) Destination: San Sebastián-Zumaia Departs: Amara Station (San Sebastián) Linea: San Sebastián – Bilbao. W E S T E R N C O A S T found. There are a number of caves like Ekain Cave, discovered in 1969, which contains important polychromatic paintings and is considered to be amongst the five best examples of cave art in the world. Praileaitz I has been recently discovered, finding Palaeolithic mobiliar art and paintings that could be the oldest among the dated ones in the province. Other attractions include various interesting buildings, such as the church of Santa María (a National Monument and jewel of Basque Gothic architecture from the 14th – 15th centuries) with its polychromatic doorway and Gothic cloister, Aguirre palace, the tower house and Sasiola Convent. Its long beach (700m) is and always has been a summer resort. A short distance from the centre is the lovely rural area of Itziar; it is worth visiting the Sanctuary, a place of worship of the Virgin Mary. Otside of the church stands Oteiza’s beautiful sculpture La Maternidad.120 Near Itziar is the region of Aitzuri, Sakoneta and Punta Mendata, a place of special natural and geological interest. fter crossing Deba through the GI-634 road, about 550 metres A from here, we cross the bridge over the river and, following the GI- 638, we get to Mutriku, the DEBA-MUTRIKU SAN SEBASTIÁN -DEBA-MUTRIKU A-8 (E-70) motorway (toll road) or N-634 towards Bilbao. A-8 motorway exists: no. 3 Itziar-MutrikuDeba (from Donostia-San Sebastián) and no. 14 Elgoibar-Deba (from Bilbao). Company: Pesa (Tel.: 902 10 12 10) Linea: SS-Itziar-Deba-Mutriku-OndarruaBerriatua-Lekeitio. Company: Eusko Tren (Tel.: 902 54 32 10) Linea: Mallabia-Ermua-Eibar-ElgoibarMendaro-Deba-Mutriku-Ondarroa Company : Turitrans (Alsa) Linea: Irun –Santander (Irun-DonostiaZarautz-Deba-Eibar-Bilbao-BarakaldoSanturce-Castro-Laredo-Solares-Santander) Company: Eusko Tren (Tel: 902 54 32 10) Destination: San Sebastián - Deba - Mendaro Departs: Amara Station (San Sebastián) Linea: San Sebastián – Bilbao. Tourist Offices Getaria 1. Mutriku combines the attractions of a fishing town with the beauty of its green landscape. What to see Rasa Mareal Lastur (Zumaia-Deba) (Deba) The spectacular cliffs of the seaboard between Zumaia and Deba, set in a secluded landscape, are of high geological interest. The ocean has eroded the cliffs but left a peculiar rocky platform that is visible at the low tide. Hidden within the city limits of Deba and very near the coast, there is a green valley that was formed by the Lastur channel, whose karstic terrain is full of deep abysses, caves and drains. The valley is also famous for its bullfights, where bulls belonging to one of the oldest native species in Europe are fought in the plaza of San Nicolás. (Opened on summer and Easter) • • • • Aldamar Park 2 • 20808 GETARIA Tel.: 943 14 09 57 ••• Zumaia • • • • Kantauri enparantza, 13 • 20750 ZUMAIA Tel.: 943 14 33 96 Fax: 943 86 15 13 ••• Deba • Ifar kalea, 4 • 20820 DEBA • Tel.: 943 19 24 52 Fax: 943 • • ••• Mutriku • • • • • Plaza Txurruka, s/n 20830 MUTRIKU Tel.-Fax: 943 60 33 78 www. 19 28 04 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:39 Página 21 T H E most westerly town of the historical territory of Gipuzkoa. Founded in the beginning of the 13th century , it preserves the remains of the former walls and the typical medieval street layout. Tower houses, ancestral homes and palaces of notable artistic interest are a reflection of the wealth provided by the sea and that make up a magnificent collection of historic buildings. Of particular interest are the neoclassical Our Lady of the Assumption church, catalogued as a National Monument, Galdona palace house and the house and Mmonument of Admiral Churruca, hero of the naval battle of Trafalgar and the Berriatua Tower, the biggest preserved in Gipuzkoa. W E S T E R N 21 C O A S T Its port, one of the oldest in the Bay of Biscay, was once the scene of whale-hunting, fishing and even privateers. Mutriku is famous for its fish preserves, particularly anchovies. From the port to Saturrarán beach, at low tide it is possible to walk along the area known as "Seven Beaches", one of the most attractive and truly wild parts of the Basque Coast. Other attractions include the rural neighbourhood of Astigarribia, with the oldest church in Gipuzkoa dating back to the 11th century, and the unique charming landscape of Olatz valley and near Mount Arno, included in the list Natura 2000 of the EU. Nature Spots Pagoeta Natural Park (Aia) Located above the coastal mountain chain of Guipuzcoa, Pagoeta Natural Park’s spectacular crests and limestone ridges are covered by mixed forests of heavy leaved tree species and conifers as well as pastures and thickets. The human imprint is also present in ironworks and mills of Agorregi. This reproduction of an eighteenth century hydraulic iron facility allows you to see a working foundry and four mills, in addition to its infrastructure of reservoirs, dams and canals. There is a didactic anthropological and ethnographic exhibition at the Iturrarán farmhouse –information centre. The arboretum, with an area of 8 hectares, the apiary, and the guided tours are added attractions that this park, with its relaxing and welcoming setting, has to offer. 2. Saturraran beach, with its spectacular rock formations, marks the border between Gipuzkoa and neighbouring Bizkaia at Mutriku. • Area: 1.200Ha. Church of Santa María (Deba) The Old Town of Mutriku The Church of Santa María monumental dimensions, almost more fitting of a cathedral, stand out amid the mountainous slope and the houses of the medieval Old Town. Built between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries, the poly-chromed portal and its cloister are two of its main points of interest. The Old Town of the fishing village of Mutriku is one of the best-preserved medieval quarters in the Basque Country. From the Txurruka Square, at the highest area, to the port after passing through the Beheko Square, there is a series of palaces and towerhouses. The Galdona and Arrietakua Houses, the Berriatua Tower or the Montalivet Palace stand out. July, August and September: Tuesday to Friday: from 10.00-14.00 and 16.30-18.30. Saturday, Sunday and bank holidays: 10.00-14.00. Guided Tours: Free admission Closed on Mondays. • Location: Between the Urola and Oria Rivers, within the Aia town limits, very close to the coast, a few kilometres from Orio and Zarautz. Its geographical centre is 678,5 m. high Mount Pagoe• Agorregi Foundry: ta. Opening hours: • Access: N-634 October-June: Road near Orio to Sundays and access from the holidays: 10:00 north. a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Gi-2634 from Tolo(By appointment sa to access from for groups on the south. weekdays) July and Septem• Information and ber: Fridays, Learning Centre: Saturdays, Iturrarán Farmhouse Sundays and 20809 Aia holidays: 10:00 Tel: 943 83 53 89 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. August: Tuesday through Sunday: Opening hours: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 Open all year p.m. Saturdays, Sundays and Guided tour: holidays: 10:00 11:30 a.m. a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Admission is free. 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:39 Página 22 22 T H E W E S T E R N C O A S T Calendar 1 Festivals, Events and Fairs • Deba: - Livestock and Agricultural Fair. "Urteberri" - Stone dragging • Mutriku: - Chamber Music Cycle (9, 16 y 23) • Getaria: - Txakoli Day March • Pagoeta (Aia): - Stone dragging - Txakoli Day • Mutriku: - Women’s Week (del 3 al 9) • Zarautz: - Beer Fair (Easter) April • Mutriku: - Book Week - Mackerel Day (5) • Zarautz: - Beer Fair (Easter) • Aia: - Pagoeta. Plant Fair May • Orio: • Mutriku: -Dance Festival / San Isidro Festivities in Olatz (17 y 18) • Zarautz: - Jet Ski Championship • Aia: - Livestock and agricultural fair and exhibition of local products • Deba: - Animal’s skin burning. St. Peter’s Eve • Mutriku: - Arnoko IV mendi lasterketa - Children’s Basque Festival • Orio: - San Pedro Festivities January February June July - Bordeaux Wine Fair - Basque products market • Deba: - Debarra Day (Day of the People from Deba) - Giants Parade • Getaria: - Basque Feast • Zarautz: - Zarautz International Triathlon (2. week of June) - Submarine Photography Competition. • Zumaia: - Crafts Fair • Zarautz: - Zarautz International Jazz seminar - Film score Course - "Kalerki" (Street theatre) - Cultural week of the accordion - Basque pelota tournaments (July-August) • Aia: • Mutriku: - Fiestas de Magdalenas (19- 27) October • Zarautz: • Mutriku: - Crafts Fair - Summer Musical series (Thursdays) - San Roke Festivities. Tamborrada (drum festival), bull running and novilladas (bullfighting with young bulls) - Itziar Festivities - Basque Pelota Tournament Villa de Deba. - Rowing regattas: Bandera de Zarautz - Basque pelota summer tournament - Summer Musical series - Crafts Fair - Book Fair - Euskal Jaiak - Euskal Astea-Basque Week - Txakoli Eguna - Txakoli Day - Surf world chanpionship - Lastur Festivitie - Euskal Jaiak - Natur Astea – Nature Week - Ciclo Debajazz November • Aia: • Deba: • Mutriku: - Stone dragging - Itziar Livestock Fair - Feria de Santo Tomás: fair of cattle August • Deba: • Zarautz: September • Zarautz: • Deba: December • Orio: • Mutriku: - Antzerkiaz Blai! Festival of de theatre amateur (from 9 to 18) • Zarautz: - Guitar Festival - Mixed Cross - Gaba Beltza-Frightening feast on All Saint’s Day - Kayaks in Orio. Water activities • Alquileres Náuticos Albamar - Zumaiako Kirol Portua. Tel.: 629 44 24 94/ 649 84 05 02 - - • Itsas Begi - 657 79 46 77 / Scuba • Buceo Euskadi. C/Puerto, s/n. - 20830 Mutriku. Tel. Movable: 617 33 30 03 - Tel.: 943 19 50 88 Fax: 943 60 34 74 - - - • K Sub. Txoritompe kalea 34-35. - 20808 Getaria. Tel./Fax: 943 14 01 85 Tel. Movable: 627 93 03 30 - • • Alitan. Aritzbatalde kalea, 2 bajo. - 20800 Zarautz. Tel./Fax: 943 13 26 47 - - • Mollarri Sub. 20800 Zarautz. - Tel.: 639 41 40 07 - • Itsas Jai. Sokagin Kalea, 7. - 20820 Deba. Tels.: 943 19 28 58 / 678 51 72 57 / 605 76 16 62 - • • Olarru-sub - Gernika ibilbidea, z/g - 20750 Zumaia. Tel.: 675 00 77 86 Kayak: • Mutrikuko Arraun Taldea - Tel.: 943 12 01 08 / 605 75 11 27. - (kayaks in summer) • Begi- Bistan - (see company details in Trekking and Nature). Sailboat outings with skipper: Surfing: • Escuela de Surf de Zarautz (surf school) - Mendilauta,13. Tel. /Fax: 943 01 95 07 - - • Zurrunbilo Debako Kirol Elkartea - C/ Nafarroa Plaza1-B. 20820 Deba - Tel.: 660 83 76 12 / 655 70 10 24 - Surf and Body Board course during the summer season. • Pukas Surf Eskola - Lizardi, 9. 20800 Zarautz. Fax: 943 13 41 49 / Tel.: 943 89 06 36 / 943 83 58 21 - - - - • Gaztetape surf elkartea - Playa de Gaztetape. 20808 Getaria - Tel.: 615 76 12 64 • MOOR - Bañeru Kalea, 1. bajo. Tel.: 943 00 53 69 - - 3 - Txistu Players Parade - Accordion Parade - "Ostegunero": Children’s events - “Ostiralean jai": Concerts in the village’s tavern - Open-air cinema - Ecological Agricultural Fair • Getaria: - 7th August, San Salvador Day, dramati sation of the landing of Elcano, the con queror. (every 4 years) • Mutriku: - Weekend cultural activities • Zumaia: - International Music Festival (01-10 August) - Euskal Jaiak • Orio: - "Ostegunero": Children’s events - “Ostiralean jai": Concerts in the village’s tavern - Orio- Open-air cinema - Rowing races: Orio’s Flag • Zumaia: - Octopus Day (third Saturday) • Mutriku: - Medieval Fair (6th) - El Calvario Festivities (13- 16) - San Jeronimo Festivities (30 y 31) • Orio: - Concentration of classic cars Active Tourism 2 Land activities Paintball: • Debaventura - Lastur-Deba - - Tel: 660 45 02 39 / 660 45 02 45 Quads: • EQA. Aita Lertxundi, 22. Orio - Tel.: 664 25 95 65/ 94 39 Trekking and Nature: • Begi- Bistan. - Tel.: 657 79 46 77 - / - (activities in Mutriku, Deba, Zumaia, Getaria and Orio) Golf: • Real Club de Golf de Zarauz - Apdo. 82. 20800 Zarautz - Tel.: 943 83 01 45 - Fax: 943 13 15 68 - • Jolas Golf Karakas. Escuela de Golf. - Artado Auzoa, 26. Zumaia - Tel./Fax: 943 86 04 03 - Tel. Movable: 650 25 54 49 Air activities Parasailing and hang-gliding: - Aerial and paragliding rides. - - Tel.: 604 40 16 00 Departures from Donosti and Zarautz 4 1. 2. 3. 4. Fresh fish, right to your table Music in Zarautz and Deba The raw material for txakoli Landing of Elkano at Getaria Guided Tours Orio • Canoe trips on the Oria River. • River and cider bars: Canoeing activities along the river and guided visits to cider bars. • Naturalist visit: The visit will be made on kayaks and the visitors will have the opportunity to know the Santio River marshes and they will be able to watch birds with binoculars. • Trekking: Orio – Donostia-San Sebastián • Cultural visit. • Boat trips: Orio – Donostia and Orio – Getaria. Aia • Guided tours and walks through the Pagoeta Natural Park. - Dates: third weekend of each month (normally on Saturdays) 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Admission is free. • Agorregi Foundry and Mills. (Pagoeta Natural Park) - Opening hours: June: Sundays and holidays: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (By appointment for groups on weekdays). July and September: Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays:10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. August: Tuesday through Sunday: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Guided tour begins at: 11.30 a.m. and lasts approximately 90 minutes. Admission is free. • Visit to the botanical garden and to the educational apiary 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:39 Página 23 T H E Zarautz • A route through Talaimendi offering amazing views over the coast and a visit to a wine cellar, where we will be able to know more about txakoli making process. • Archaeological Monument of Santa María la Real From July to September: From Tuesday to Saturday: 11 am – 2 pm / 4 pm – 6 pm. Sunday: 4 pm – 6 pm. Rest of the year: From Tuesday to Friday: at 12.30 am and at 4.30 pm. Saturday: 11 am – 2 pm / 4 pm – 6 pm. Sunday and bank holidays: 4 – 6 pm. • Guided tours: Monumental groups / New city extension / Vista Alegre Park Santa Barbara / Farmhouses and hermitages of Talaimendi / Sculptural heritage of Zarautz. - Dates: In July and August, from monday to saturday except holidays. Rest of the year: first and second Saturdays of each month (except holidays) - Duration: 90 min. (approximately) Getaria • Visit to the Historic Quarter and, after that, boat trip through the coast up to Zarautz. Zumaia 1. ZUMAIA CULTURAL. A dynamic visit including a boat trip on the River Urola, the museum of Julio Beobide and Ignacio Zuloaga, and a commented visit to the parish church of San Pedro and to the Cofradía of seamen of San Telmo. Summer schedule: 16:00-19:00. See dates. Deba • Cultural visit: The attention is focused on the Church of Santa María, a national monument. The cloister, the oldest in Gipuzkoa, the baroque sacristy, the polychrome façade, the remains of the gothic building, etc. deserve a visit. - Departure: from the Tourist Office. Duration: 45 minutes. Consult dates The tourist office organises visits for groups out of the regular timetable. Mutriku • Visit to the historic and monumental quarter: History of the town, visit to the Church of Our Lady of La Asunción, route through the historic and monumental quarter, analysis of the figures of Cosme de Churruca and Antonio de Gaztañeta, and visit to the Bentalekua Museum / Approx. duration: 1 hour and a half. Note: only for groups between 4 and 50 people. Price: free. • Visit to the Bentalekua Museum. Exhibition ‘Mutriku and the Sea’ Approx. duration: 30 min. Note: only for groups between 4 and 30 people. Price: free. • Visit to the Church of San Andrés de Astigarribia. The oldest church in Gipuzkoa is located in the Astigarribia Quarter, one of the most important places in the Northern Road to Santiago, we will visit its outside, where we will find the original 11th century church. - Approx. duration: 30 min. Note: only for groups with their own vehicle. Price: free. Zumaia- Deba- Mutriku • Trekking • Flysch Route: The amazing cliffs of the Gipuzkoa’s Western coast hide millions of years of geological history written in successive rocky layers – named as ‘flysch’-, which have been exposed by the continuous action of the sea. The villages of Mutriku, Deba, and Zumaia are the access door to this paradise that can be visited now thanks to a new boat trip or through different guided tours by foot. Two interpretation centres, Algorri in Zumaia and Nautilus in Mutriku, will allow us to complete this experience. Information: Tourism Offices Museums Ignacio Zuloaga Museum - Santiago-etxea. - 20750 Zumaia - Tel: 943 86 23 41 - - W E S T E R N - Opening hours: from Holy Week to September, from 16.00 to 20.00 (Wednesday to Sunday). Rest of the year: by prior arrangement and for groups with over 15 people. It was opened as a museum in 1912 and contains a selection of the most famous collections. Julio Beobide Workshop Museum - CasaKresala. Julio Beobide Ibiltokia s/n 20750 Zumaia. Tel: 645 70 62 12 - Visits by previous arrangement 23 C O A S T An enjoyable getaway Route of the thirteen beaches Photomuseum-Basque museum of photography - San Ignacio 11-3º. Apdo 251 20800 Zarautz. Tel: 943 13 09 06. Fax: 943 83 18 23 - - - Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday from 10.00 to 13.00 and from 16.00 to 20.00. Closed: Mondays. Santa María La Real Archaeological Site - Elizaurre, 1. 20800 Zarautz - Tel.: 943 835281. Fax: 943 005206 - • - Opening hours: From Tuesday to Saturday:11:00-14:00 / 15:30-18:30. Sunday: 15:30 – 18:30. Museum closed: 2nd fortnight in September.. Groups: by previous arrangement. In this archaeological-historic site, we will find two 15th century buildings, the bell-tower and the Parish of Santa Maria la Real. The first building houses the Zarautz Museum of Art and History. Bentalekua museum - Moila, 1. Kofradía Zaharra. 20830 Mutriku - Tel. / Fax: 943 60 33 78 - • - Opening hours: July and August: Consult schedule. Rest of the year: By previous arrangement. Is located in the Vieja Cofradía of Mutriku port. There, you can see a machine that, since the beginning of the last century, was used for the sale of the fish that entered port. It has a great ethnographic value, since it is the only original device preserved in our coasts. The museum houses the permanent exhibition ‘Mutriku and the Sea’. Algorri Nature Interpretation Centre - 21, Juan Belmonte St., 20750 Zumaia - Tel: 943 143100. Fax: 943 0349 - - Opening hours: December and January: closed. February, march and novenber: from Tuesday to Saturday, from 10:00 to 13:30. April-June, September and October: from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10:00 to 13:30. July and August: from Wednesday to Saturday from 10:00 to 13:30 and from 16:00 to 19:30, Sundays from 10:00 to 13:30. Is the perfect didactic medium for enjoying Zumaia’s natural setting. An attractive audiovisual set up allows for understanding the formation and importance of the amazing ‘flysch’ of the cliffs of this area of Gipuzkoa’s coast. NAUTILUS NEW - Geology Interpetation Centre of M u t r i k u . Jose Antonio Ezeiza, 3. 20830 MutrikuZarautz - Tel.: 943 835281. Fax: 943 005206 - / - - Opening hours: From Tuesday to Saturday:11:00-14:00 / 15:30-18:30. Sunday: 15:30 – 18:30. Museum closed: 2nd fortnight in September.. Groups: by previous arrangement. - This small centre shows an exhibition called ‘Narvaez Collection’, gathering marine fossils found in the town’s cliffs. This is the most important collection in the Basque Country and one of the best in Europe. Here one can also know more about our coast formation process, as well enjoy guided tours to the centre and to the cliffs. Pagoeta natural park With its kilometre long beaches, such as that of Zarautz and its small coves, such as those of the area of the Siete Playas (Seven Beaches) of Mutriku, the western coast of Guipuzcoa offers countless opportunities to look out onto the sea or make our way into the green inland valleys. We begin our coastal itinerary from Donostia-San Sebastián in Orio , where we find the beach of Antilla, alongside the camping site, as well as the smaller Oribazar beach, located within the Aia town limits, where the Oria River lets out into the ocean. The N-634 road, known as the "coastal road", takes us through the area’s main towns. We find our first crossroads between Orio and Zarautz. Here we can exchange the blue colours of the Cantabrian for the green hues of the Pagoeta Natural Park. If we decide to continue straight on we arrive at Zarautz , with its 2,5 kilometre beach, it is one Guipuzcoa’s main summer spots for both bathers and surfers. The walkway along its border seems to have no end. From Zarautz we can get a glimpse of Getaria , there are two small beaches, Malkorbe and Gaztetape, on either side of the Old Town, where we can take a break and try some delicious grilled fish. Our next stop will be Zumaia . At the point where Zumaia the Urola River lets out into the sea we find the spacious Santiago beach, alongside which the painter Ignacio Zuloaga worked. Zumaia’s other beach, Itzurun, framed by rocky cliffs, is even more spectacular. The N-634 road takes us from Zumaia to Deba. On our way, we find the shrine of Itziar , well worth a stop. If we have time, we can switch back to the coast to discover an out-of-the-way stretch with rocky cliffs and the "rasa mareal". Thereabouts we find the beach of Sakoneta. On our way towards Deba, we can stop at the Itziar View Vantage Point. The panoramic view is extremely beautiful since we can observe the whole coast from Bermeo to La Rhun. Going on toward Deba, we can stop at the Hilandera Vantage Point too, where we will enjoy the wonderful view and the story of the Hilandera (spinner). Once in Deba , we can take a stroll on its inviting beach before heading for Mutriku , the westernmost town of the coast of Guipuzcoa. In addition to the small beach located alongside its port, Mutriku has another beach, Ondarbeltz, an area of coves called Siete Playas (Seven Beaches) as well as the spacious Saturrarán Beach, near the town of Ondarroa. 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:39 Página 24 The course of the Oria River and the silhouette of Mount Txindoki are the backbones of the Tolosaldea and Goierri areas, which are marked by historical towns as well as rural villages. The eastern part of Gipuzkoa tastes of Idiazabal cheese and of the products of the weekly farmer’s markets of Ordizia and Tolosa. Around the Txindoki How to get there? DONOSTIA - ANDOAIN TOLOSA - BERASTEGI Take the N1 from San Sebastián towards Vitoria for Tolosa and Andoain Take the A15 from Andoain to Berastegi Company: Garayar (Tel.: 943 55 66 58) Destination: Donostia-Andoain. Departs from: C/ Oquendo. (San Sebastián) ••• Company: TSST (Tel.: 943 36 17 41) Destination: Donostia-Andoain-Tolosa Departs from: Plaza Pio XII (San Sebastián) ••• Company: Tolosaldea (Tel.: 943 65 06 21) Destination: Tolosa-Berastegi. Departs from: Tolosa (in front of San Francisco Church) olosa is situated 26 kilometres away from San Sebastián on the T N-1 road, at the meeting point of two main road towards Pamplona-Iruña and Madrid. It was the capital of Gipuzkoa between 1844 and 1854 and its historical centre is one of the largest in the province with an abundance of distinguished public buildings, such as the Baroque Palace of Idiaquez (17th century), the Town Hall, Aranburu Palace (17th century), the Basque Gothic Parish Church of Santa María (16th century) and the Santa Clara Convent. The El Tinglado Market (18th c.), over the Oria River and the Castile Gate, occupies the place of one of the original accesses to the walled-town and is another interesting place. Major attractions include the Shrove Tuesday Carnival and a Choir Competition celebrated every year. Tolosa is one of the few localities in Gipuzkoa that has a bullring. The town is really worth a visit on Saturday morning, when they hold a lively market. What to see Leitzaran protected Biotope Several activities will celebrate the 750th anniversary of Tolosa’s foundation. ndoain is a municipality with great historic-artistic values and, above all, naturalistic values. Its beautiful setting allows for the development of different routes on foot, by MBT or on horseback. Many of these routes get deep into the Leizarán Valley. The Leitzaran River begins to flow in Leitza (Navarre) and, after 42 kilometres; it runs into the Oria River, in Andoain. Throughout the centuries, its waters have made possible the working of many mineral-bearing sands, mills, and foundries. At present, the Leitzaran River is used for the operation of hydroelectric power stations that dot the valley. Due to the quality of its waters, this river is rich in fish species, which explain the fishing tradition in the three fishing preserves located in its territory. The Leizarán Valley, a protected biotope, is a very important green lung with a great beauty, where we can practice all the activities related to nature. A Santa María Parish Church (Tolosa) Company: Renfe Suburban train (Tel: 902 24 02 02) Destination: Donostia-Brinkola Departs: North Station Tourist Offices Tolosaldea Tour • Tel.: 943 69 74 13 943 67 62 13 • • • Fax: From Navarra to Andoain, the Leitzaran River crosses a narrow valley with cromlechs, dolmens and ruins of ancient foundries. The kingfisher, the Pyrenean newt or the European mink are among the inhabitants of this natural landscape. Trekkers and cyclists now use the route through the tunnels of the old Plazaola railway. The three naves of this Basque Gothic style church were built in the 17th Century. The Parish Church of Santa María is known for its great dimensions, its Baroque façade and its two small towers united by a slender balustrade. 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:39 Página 25 1 erastegi is the last village in Gipuzkoa along what was once B the main road to Navarre in the 18th century. It is situated on a plain in Leizarán Valley. The Royal Road determines the urban structure and various paths are scattered around the headwaters of the river Leitzaran. It main square or herriko enparantza was an space established in the 18th century with the Parish Church of San Martín and the Town Hall dating from the early 18th century with a polychromatic coat of arms presiding its facade. A number of interesting houses and towers are situated around it. The cruciform Parish Church of San Martín de Tours with transept contains an altarpiece made by one of the greatest Basque sculptors, Ambrosio de Bengoetxea. The Chapels of San Lorenzo de Larre, San Sebastián and San Antón occupy strategic positions overlooking the village and the Royal Road. arraitz is a quarter with dispersed farmhouses that belongs to the municipality of Abaltzisketa. Located at the foot of Mount Txindoki, it is the L main access to the Aralar Natural Park. This beautiful field, equipped as a picnic area and surrounded by restaurants, houses the Hermitage of Our Lady of Los Remedios de Larraitz, which has been traditionally attributed miraculous powers. he Igartza Monumental Site is Beasain’s historical enclave par excellence and a faithful testimony of the inhabitants’ model of settlement. The spatial relationships and functions of the buildings have been preserved since the 15th century: the ancestral home (formerly a tower house and now a palace), the mill, the ironworks, the bridge, Dolarea, the wooden dam, Belén Chapel, Errementari, etc. Fortunately the majority of these buildings and infrastructures have been preserved at Igartza and visitors are taken on a journey through time in which they learn about the evolution of Gipuzkoan society. rdizia. The historical and city centre of this town, with its medieval layout of narrow streets bubbling with commercial activity, has been declared a Monumental- 1. The reservoir of Lareo, which supplies the town of Ataun with water, is situated in the mountain range of Aralar, a panorama of beech trees that stretches up to the waters edge. Did you know that? > … Félix María de Samaniego, famous author of fables, was a judge and also the Mayor of Tolosa? > … Tolosa was the capital city of Gipuzkoa, up to a century and a half ago, when in 1854 the capital was definitely moved to San Sebastián? > … the region’s largest artistic work is 24 metres high? The double concrete sculpture, designed by Nestor Basterretxea, crowns the top of the Arriarán dam in Beasain. > … Although trains have no longer gone through Ormaiztegi for over a decade, the town has "pardoned" the iron viaduct that has crossed the town since 1864? It was built by Alexander Lavalley, a predecessor of Eiffel. T O Tolosa’s Palaces Confectionary Sweets Museum. “Gorrotxategi”. (Tolosa) Ordizia Farmer´s Market There are many palaces and ancient noble houses throughout Tolosa. Aranburu Palace, built in the 17th century, is an example of Basque Baroque style. Samaniego, the well-known fable writer, lived in the Idiáquez Palace, built in the same century. The Andia Tower, the Atodo Palace and the Iturriza Palace stand out among the many unique buildings in Tolosa. The Tolosa-born pastry chef José María Gorrotxategi has amassed a unique collection that traces the evolution of the techniques and tools of the trade that pastry chefs have used over the centuries to make chocolate, ice cream, pastries, candies and other sweets. Gorrotxategi. Every Wednesday the weekly market at Ordizia brings together buyers and sellers of agricultural and livestock products within its great columns. This weekly appointment has become a point of reference not only for the seasonal presentation of agricultural products but also for the setting of market prices. 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 26 How to get there? DONOSTIA - ORDIZIA - BEASAIN ORMAIZTEGI - ZERAIN - SEGURA ZEGAMA - IDIAZABAL Take the N1 from San Sebastián towards Vitoria Company: Pesa (Tel: 902 10 12 10) Destination: Donostia - Ordizia - Beasain - Ormaiztegi. Departs from: Plaza Pio XII ••• Company : Goierrialdea (Tel: 943 88 59 69) Destination : Beasain -Ordizia - Idiazabal -Zegama Segura- Zerain Departs from: Ordizia and Beasain 14:39 Página 26 A R O U N D T H E T X I N D O K I Historical Site. Its most emblematic buildings are the Parish Church, the Town Hall, the Palaces of Zabala, Abaria and Barrena, Muxika Tower House and the monument in honour of Urdaneta. However, this town’s great attraction is its local produce market which dates back to the 11th and 12th centuries and takes place every Wednesday. There is also a series of occasional markets held to celebrate particular products such as Idiazabal cheese or wine, or special events such as the Medieval Fair or Christmas, although perhaps the most important one is that held during Basque Festivities in September. These are important events as regards the supply and demand of local products, as the prices stipulated are those established for quotations and they serve as a reference for the entire Basque Country in that week. In 2005, Delikatuz, the Gastronomy Interpretation Centre for Gastronomy, Food and Nutrition is, at the same time, the Goierri Interpretation Centre. erain is a community that has always maintained close links with agriculture and the exploitation of natural resources such as iron, wood and coal etc. and Zerain Cultural Park is one of its projects. Based on the recovery and exploitation of this extensive heritage and the promotion of high-quality farming products, the town’s inhabitants work for the benefit of the natural and human landscape. Guided tours are organised of the Ethnographical Museum, a prison dating from 1711, to mining complex and Interpretation centre of Aizpea, the Larraondo hydraulic sawmill, etc. egura is a 13th century medieval town whose historical centre has Z S Company: RENFE – Suburban train (Tel: 902 24 02 02) Line: San Sebastián – Brinkola Departs from: Plaza Pio XII Tourist Offices Idiazabal • • • C/Mayor 37 Tel.: 943 188203 ••• Ordizia • • • • Casa Barrenetxe. C/ Santa María 24. Tel.: 943 88 22 90 ••• Ormaiztegi • • • • Museo Zumalakarregi. C/ Muxika Egurastokia 6. Caserio Iriarte Erdikoa. Tel.: 943 88 99 00 ••• Segura • • • • Casa Ardixarra. Kale Nagusia, 12. 20214 Segura. Tel.: 943 80 17 49/ 943 80 10 06 ••• Zegama • • • • Casa Andueza Tel.: 943 802 187 ••• 1. Tolosa, one of Guipuzkoa´s most historically important towns, emerges alongside the left bank of the Oria River. What to see Igartza Monumental Group Zumalakarregi Museum (Beasain) (Ormaiztegi) The Igartza Palace (originally dating from the 13th century with several reconstructions) is the centrepiece of a group of buildings that take you on a trip through time to the Middle Ages. A water powered mill, a foundry, a cellar for cider production and the ancient homes of artisans are all preserved in the town of Igartza. The Zumalakarregi Museum is located in the IriarteErdikoa farmhouse, where Tomás de Zumalacárregui spent his childhood. Taking the figure of the Carlist general as a point of departure, the museum is a window on the nineteenth century society of Gipuzkoa. Zerain Herriko plaza s/n Tel.: 943 80 15 05 • Fax.: 943 80 16 06 ••• * The location and schedule of the Goierri offices coincide with those of its respective museums. • • • • Goitur Society for the tourist promotion and invigoration of the Goierri. Information only by mail or telephone) • • • • • Industrialdea Pab. 18 - 20240 Ordizia Tel.: Tel.: 943 16 18 23 / 610 40 51 49 Fax.: 943 88 38 50 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:39 Página 27 A R O U N D been declared a Monumental Heritage Site. Its former medieval charm is preserved throughout the town which is home to some distinguished palaces: Guevara (15th century), Ardixarra (dating from the 16th century, now housing the Medieval Interpretation Centre) and Lardizabal (18th century) which is now the Town Hall. Other interesting buildings include Our Lady of the Assumption Church dating from the 16th century in a Basque Gothic style. egama, located to the south of Goierri at the headwaters of river Oria valley, this small town is characterised by its striking position at the foot of the limestone massif and Aizkorri Nature Reserve. Here begins the old roadway that joins Gipuzkoa to Alava via a natural pass called San Adrián’s Tunnel (Royal Road and Pilgrimage Route to Santiago de Compostela). Altzania is a megalithic site with interesting Z T H E prehistoric remains which is marked by Basque mythology. Interesting buildings include a number of chapels and country houses and the Church of San Martín (15th – 16th centuries) which preserves the mausoleum of the Carlist General Tomás Zumalakarregi and the oldest cross in Gipuzkoa. There are active tourism options. We can also stand out the Wood Interpretation Centre. diazabal. Pasturing has traditionally been one of the town’s main activities, hen0ce the elaboration of a type of cheese known as "Idiazabal cheese" with its own "designation of origin", which is one of the most representative products of the Basque country and has worldwide recognition. For all these reasons, a monument has been raised in honour of shepherds and the Cheese Interpretation and Tasting Centre, where one can see the cheese making process and visit the Chabola del Pastor (Shepherd’s Hut).” Aralar Natural Park Extending from East to West for nearly 20 Km., with an average altitude of 900/1000 metres, and its emblematical peak Mount Txindoki, this noteworthy calcareous massif is shared by Gipuzkoa and Navarra. The landscape of its higher areas is dominated by rocky places and meadows. Much of the park is covered by extensive forests of beech-wood trees, such as those Akaitz-Sastarri and Lizarrusti, as well as holm oaks, such as those of Itaundieta-Liezadi. The limy waters have originated a profusion of potholes, springs and subterranean water currents. This is a predominantly shepherding area (the "latxa" breed of sheep) that has been inhabited since immemorial times and has one of the highest numbers of prehistoric dolmen concentrations in the Basque Country. The park offers great opportunities for active tourism and trekking, etc. Goierri Interpretation Centre (Ordizia) Segura was founded in the thirteenth century by King Alfonso X of Castille. The town still maintains its medieval urban layout within its Old Town, which has been declared a monumental unit. The Guevara Palace, the Ardixarra wooden house (the Medieval Interpretation Centre is located here) and the Church of La Asunción, whose altarpiece has recently been designated Historic-Artistic Monument, stand out amid its streets. Nature Spots I 2. The emblematic mountain Txindoki in the background, with its 1,346 metres height, is visible from many vantage points throughout the Basque Country. The Old Town of Segura 27 T X I N D O K I • More information: Parketxe de Lizarrusti. Information Office of the Aralar Natural Park. Barrio de San Gregorio, elkargunea 12. 20211 Ataun Visit to know the reality of the Goierri region: history, nature, traditions, routes and all the information village by village. • Location: Mountain range located in southeastern Gipuzkoa bordering Navarra. It is one of Gipuzkoa’s most important mountai • Area: 10.956 Ha. Opened from Mon• Access: day to Sunday From the towns of from 9:00 to 13:00 Ataun, Zaldibia and from 15:00 to and Abaltzisketa 18:00 (Larraitz neighbourhood). 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:39 Página 28 28 A R O U N D T H E T X I N D O K I Calendar 1 Festivals, Events and Fairs January • Lazkao: • Ordizia: - “Astotxo eguna” - Exhibition Andrés de Urdaneta: a modern man (January-May) February • Tolosa: - Zuhaitz Eguna- Tree Day March • Tolosa: • Segura: • Ordizia: • Tolosa: • Idiazabal: • Segura: - Feria Ganadera. “Tolosa Goxua”: concurso y feria de repostería - Feria de flores y plantas de primavera - Day of the Shepherd "Artzain Eguna". Cheese Fair and opening of the Cheese eason - Flower and Plants Show - Traditional moving of sheep to new pastures - Holy Week Processions • Andoain: • Idiazabal: - Flower and Plants Show - Cheese Day – with various activities related to shepherding Sheep-shearing exhibition - Medieval Fair. Agricultural products and Crafts Fair - Two Star International Raid April May • Ordizia: • Zerain: June • Tolosa: • Andoain: • Segura: - Festivity of "San Juan" June 24th - Agricultural Fair, Town Patron-saint Festivities and "San Juan" Fair - Agricultural and Crafts Fair - Singles Dance Championship of the Basque Country July • Tolosa: • Ordizia: - Ecological Agriculture Fair - Cycling Race: "Clásica Villafranca-Ordizia" September • Tolosa: • Zerain: • Ordizia: - Beer Fair - Ecological Agriculture Fair of Guipuzkoa. Crafts workshops - Fiestas Vascas- Euskal Jaiak. Feria ganadera y Agrícola. Gipuzkoa Contest of Pyrenean livestock - Poultry Fair - The Green Chilli Fair - Agricultural and Livestock Fair • Segura: • Ibarra: • Asteasu: October • Andoain: • Tolosa: • Ormaiztegi: • Zizurkil: • Ordizia: November • Tolosa: • Ormaiztegi: • Tolosa: • Ordizia: • Segura: - Crafts Fair. Christmas Fair - Livestock and Agricultural Fair and Exhibition. Christmas Fair - "Obispillo de San Nicolas" (December 6th) • Zegama: December Active Tourism Water activities Canoeing • Kaxkardi. Apdo. 104 - Tolosa - Tel.: 652 75 23 35 - - Air activities Hot air Balloon • Aidean - Berria Kalea,28, 4º. - 20150 Amasa- Villabona - Tel.: 943 69 13 71 - Balloon rides. • Departures from Villabona: - Tel.: 607 591 371 (Urko) Land activities 3 4 - Crafts and Mushroom Fair - Livestock Fair - International Choir Competition - Livestock Fair - Agricultural and Crafts Special Market - Crafts Fair - Agricultural Fair. "Babarrunaren Eguna (Bean Day) - International Marionette Festival - Agricultural Fair. Week of the Rioja Alavesa - Baroque Music Festival - Agriculture, Crafts and Livestock Fair. Cheese Championship "Latxa" breed Sheep belonging to the general sheep flocks of Gipuzkoa and Alava. - Agricultural Fair. Crafts Fair • Ordizia: 2 Parasailing and hang-gliding: - Aerial and paragliding rides. - - Tel.: 604 40 16 00 Departures from Donosti and Zarautz Zumalakarregi Museum • Visit to the viaduct from the Zumalakarregi Museum. All the year. - Iriarte erdikoa etxea. - Muxika egurastokia, 6. 20216 Ormaiztegi - Tel.: 943 88 99 00. Fax: 943 88 01 38 - - - Opening hours: Tuesday to Friday: 10.00 to 13.00 / 15.00 to 19.00 Saturdays and Sundays: 11.00 to 14.00 / 16.00 to 19.00 Closed: Mondays and bank holidays Iriarte Erdikoa Country House, currently the Zumalakarregi Museum, is a typical 18th century Basque house where the famous Carlist General Tomás Zumalacárregui spent his childhood. His biography and that of his family take us closer to this convulsive, yet exciting period of time. As from the French Revolution, nothing was the same and the Basques confronted each other in defence of the Old Regime or Liberalism. One brother, Tomás, stuck by his parents’ traditions by defending the Carlist cause and became a legendary heroic figure after his death in 1835 at the height of his triumph. As well as permanent exhibition rooms, this museum contains an interesting workshop. Archives and a library are also available to specialists. • Route: Monuments, Museums, and Crafts Workshops. Dates and duration: All year-round. One hour long, by appointment. Segura Club Alpino de Tolosa. Gudari, 5 Tolosa . Tel.: 943 65 27 89 Information: Tourist Office. • Old Town. All year-round. - Ardixarra House • Church of La Asunción. See opening hours at the Medieval Interpretation Centre. Guided Tours Zerain Golf Idiazabal • Goiburu Golf. Bº San Esteban s/n. 20140 Andoain - Tel.-Fax: 943 30 84 45 - - • Golf Oianguren - Oianguren Public Leisure Park. Oianguren Parkea, s/n. - 20240 Ordizia - Tel.-Fax: 690 64 32 08 - • Idiazabal Cheese Museum, Chabola del Pastor (Shepherd’s Hut), and Aranburu Farmhouse • Opening hours: from Monday to Friday, 10:30-12:30; weekends and bank holidays, 11:00-14:00; and Christmas, Easter an from July to September, 10:30-13:30 and 15:3018:30. Ordizia • Old part. All year-round. • Centro Delikatuz.All year-round. 4. The Tolosa weekly market Museums Tolosa • Parque Natural de Aralar 3. "Bordon Dantza" of San Juan Ormaiztegi • Club Hípico Lazkaomendi - Bº Elbarrena, s/n. 20247 Zaldibia - Tel.: 943 88 05 76 - Tel. movable: 629 48 78 68 - Ataun: 2. The ‘obispillo de San Nicolás’ • Exhibition Andrés de Urdaneta. From January to May. Horseback Riding Trekking, mountain bike, roll-ski 1. The enthusiasm of the Fairs • Zerain Cultural Park: Larraondo sawmill and Aizpea mining complex. Dates: All year-round on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, at 12:00 noon. 2 hours long. • Zerain Ethnographic Museum and the 1.711 Jail. All year-round, Monday through Sunday. Schedule and duration: 15 minutes diaporama, 45 minutes museum visit. Zegama • Visit to San Adrián All the year. Information: Tourist Office. 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:39 Página 29 A R O U N D Forest interpretation center - Casa Andueza. 20215 Zegama - Tel./Fax: 943 802 187 - - - Visiting hours: Monday to Thursday 10´30-13´30 / 15´30-18´30 and Weekends 11-14 / 16-19. The museum was open to public in October 2003 in order to announce the richness of the existing forests in the Basque Country. More than 173 different forest species are ready for you to discover. Cake and Pastry Museum - Lechuga 3. 20400 Tolosa - Tel.: 943 67 07 27. Fax: 943 65 00 24 - - - Opening hours: Opened, by previous arrangement, from Monday to Friday from 9.30 to 13.30 and from 16.00 to 19.00 and on Saturdays from 9.30 to 13.30. Entrance fee: free Closed: Sundays and Mondays When the old 17th century "XAXU" cakemaking factory was knocked town in 1981, J. M. Gorrotxategi, well aware of the importance of ethnography to our historical heritage, decided to preserve the utensils contained in the factory and create the Cake and Pastry Museum. The collection gradually expanded to include a number of different working tools used in the wax and candle and cake-making industries prior to the invention of electricity and by 1991 the collection contained over 400 exhibits. It is currently divided into 11 museographic exhibition areas covering different themes. Larraul Ethnographic Museum - Plaza de Larraul. 20159 Larraul - Tel.: 943 69 30 42. Fax: 943 69 36 23 - - Opening hours: Monday to Friday (by prior arrangement) Visits: Saturdays from 16.00 to 19.00 / Sundays from 12.00 to 14.00 / 16.00 to 19.00 The majority of exhibits contained in the museum are concerned with rural living: forks and ploughs, carts and tools, the winnowing machine, the cider press, cooking-pots, kutxas (chests), the kneading trough... witnesses of a life dedicated to work to ensure that the family has food, clothing and roof over its head. The museum also contains a sewing machine, a telephone, argizaiolas (spiral candles), books, trunks, old photographs and scales which tell visitors something about religion, trade, sport, war, festivities and emigration. Cultural Park of Zerain - Zeraingo Turismo Bulegoa.Herriko plaza. 20214 Zerain - Tel.: 943 801505. Fax: 943 80 16 06 - - • Herri Museoa - Visiting hours: Monday to Friday, opens from 10.30 to 13.30 and from 15.30 to 18.30h. Weekends, opens T H E from 11.00 to 14.00h and from 16.00 to 19.00h The rural area of Zerain has an ethnographic museum, a diaporam that explains the history and development of Zerain, a XVIIth century prison, the hydraulic sawmill of Larraondo, which is still working. • Aizpea Interpretation Centre The area of Aizpea, strongly reforested, surprises the visitor with some big cylindrical calcining kilns. Following the route of the old mining train, one can discover the different rooms of the original mining complex. - Visiting hours: weekends and bank holidays, from 11:00 to 14:00 and from 16:00 to 19:00; the rest of days, with previous date. 29 T X I N D O K I An enjoyable getaway The Route of Zumalacárregui Middle-Age Interpretation Centre: - Casa Ardixarra, C/Mayor 12 - 20214 Segura. Tel: 943 801749 - - - Visiting hours: from 11:30 to 13:30 and from 15:30 to 17:30. Weekends and bank holidays, from 11:00 to 14:00 and from 16:00 to 19:00. The Interpretation Centre is located in Casa Ardixarra, one of the oldest houses in Gipuzkoa, where, apart from a diaporam about the history of Segura, one can listen about MiddleAge history, the Santiago way and urban, social and architectural sides of the Middle Age. Delikatuz: - C/ Santa María 24. 20240 Ordizia. - Tel: 943 88 22 90. - - - Visiting hours: Monday to Thursday from 10.00 to 13.00 and 16.00 to 19.00. Weekends from 11.00 to 14.00 and 16.00 to 19.00. Comarca Interpretation Centre: This Centre includes the following sections: Nature (spreading of the natural environment of the Goierri with its big natural spaces), Traditions and Folklore (traditional expressions of the Goierri villages, such as dance, craftsmanship, shows of faith, etc.), Art and History, routes through the Goierri (several thematic routes along the comarca will be proposed) and the section from village to village (route by diaporamas, images and text screens). Gastronomy Food and Nutrition Interpretation Centre: It has two different thematic areas (feeding in the world and gastronomy in the Basque Country throughout time) and multiple contents: what foods are, essential substances, from nature to dish, how they are cooked, good eating - good health, Basque products, fairs and markets, Basque cuisine, gastronomic societies and cider bars. the Baptist), in addition to the Zubi Zarra Bridge. The emblematical silhouette of Mount Txindoki (1.346 metres) is visible from a good many of the towns and counties of Tolosaldea and Goierri that are connected by the N-1 road. Another guiding path through this area is the memory of the Carlist general Tomás de Zumalacárregui, especially present in Ormaiztegi and Zegama. The first essential stop is Tolosa , whose intense cultural activity has its high point in autumn with the International Choir Competition. The Tinglado market and the Parish Church of Santa María are just a few of the attractions this town, set alongside the Oria River, has to offer. The next town, Alegia has an interesting Gothic Christ figure in the Church of San Juan Bautista (Saint John Centre for Interpretation and Tasting of Cheese - Kale Nagusia, 37 bajo. 20213 Idiazabal - Tel.: 943 18 82 03 - Opening hours: weekends and bank holidays 11-14 /16-19; summer, everyday. - This Centre analyses the grazing world from the past up to the present time. It talks about several European cheese and makes possible to see in situ, in one of the locality’s cheese factory, the Idiazabal cheese making process. We will also be able to taste cheese in the centre itself. Alegia The N-1 road takes us to two neighbouring towns that have been united on the map: Ordizia and Beasain. Ordizia is famous for its market, held weekly on Wednesdays. A visit to the Palace of Barrena, currently the Cultural Centre of Beasain, is also worthwhile. In Beasain the Igartza monumental group is outstanding. We can turn onto the GI-632 to reach Ormaiztegi , with its spectacular iron viaduct and the Zumalakarregi Museum. The GI- 3572 road leads us to Segura , whose Old Town preserves noble houses as well as remnants of the city wall. The Churrigueresque altarpiece of the Church of Nuestra Señora de la Asunción is surprising. The GI- 2637 takes us to Zegama , at the foot of the Aizkorri mountain range. The mausoleum with the remains of Tomás de Zumalacarregui, who died in Zegama, is in the Parish Church of San Martin. 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:39 Página 30 A saint, Ignatius of Loyola, a colonist, Miguel López de Legazpi, and a bard, José María Iparraguirre, all lived alongside the backbone of Gipuzkoa, the Urola River. Churches, monuments, open spaces and rural landscapes are the heartland of the region. The heart of Gipuzkoa How to get there? SAN SEBASTIAN - LEGAZPI ZUMARRAGA - URRETXU EZKIO-ITSASO Take road N1 San Sebastián – Vitoria, exit at Ormaiztegi, then take the GI- 632 road towards Zumarraga and the GI-2630 to Legazpi. Take the toll road A-8 motorway , exit Nº 12 Zumaia – Zestoa, then take the GI–631 towards Azpeitia – Azkoitia – Zumarraga. Company: Pesa (Tel: 902 10 12 10) Destination: Donostia - Ormaiztegi - Zumarraga. Departs from: Plaza Pio XII (San Sebastián) Avda de la Libertad he history of iron in Legazpi goes T back to the 11th century, with the wind foundries, “haizeolak”, that were located in the mountains. In the 13th century, the foundries went down to the Urola River’s banks in order to take advantage of the water’s power. In the 15th century, it is thought that there were more than 20 water foundries working that lived together with the agricultural and grazing activities. The Iron Valley emerges from the river’s power and from the landscape of summits, forests, and meadows that embrace it, foundries, dams, channels, mines, kilns, workshops… All this is a reflection of the coexistence of the urban and the rural. Different natural and cultural routes go through the valley and, among all them, the Basque Iron Museum is the starting point: The Route called “The foundries’ beat”: During a pleasant walk near the Urola River, the axis of this What to see Company: RENFE - Suburban train (Tel: 902 24 02 02) Destination: Donostia-Brinkola. Departs: North Station (San Sebastián) route, we will be able to get deeper into the magic world of foundries. We can also be immersed into the splendid landscape that still maintains its manor air with its tower-houses, where the owners of the foundries lived, topping beech woods, dams, and channels, among others. We will be able to immerse into that time visiting the live show of the artisan ironmongers in the Mirandaola Foundry, the only one preserved, working iron just as they would do in the 15th century. We can also visit the Telleriarte with the Grazing Ecology Museum that allows us to visualise the artisan production process of Idiazabal Cheese, and Brinkola with the Bread Corner, which offers the visitor the possibility to enjoy a permanent exhibition on the bread making. “A journey to the 50s: The Working Route”. The Working Route offers the possibility to travel in time in order to get deeper into the world of The Legazpi Tower-house Hermitage of La Antigua (Zumarraga) (Zumarraga) Tourist Offices LENBUR. Urola Garaia tourist Office • Mirandaolako Parkea • Telleriarte z/g - 20230 Legazpi • Tel.: 943 73 04 28 • Fax: 943 73 31 63 • • This medieval tower-house, also known as Jauregi Haundia, is a national historical and artistic monument. Miguel López de Legazpi, coloniser of the Philippine Islands, was born here. The Hermitage of Santa María La Antigua is considered the cathedral of Basque hermitages. In contrast to its austere and defensively built exterior, its interior is remarkable, with its extraordinary oak-wood coffered ceiling, a complex framework of beams, crossbeams, rails and props. This national historical and artistic monument, together with the Shrine of Loyola and that of Arantzatzu, is part of the Route of the Three Shrines, (More information in the "Calendar" section) 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:39 Página 31 the working families of the 50s, going through more than 15 places related to the industrialisation, such as the cooperative store, the community clinic, the boarding house, and the working areas, among others. In addition, we will be able to see in situ an excellent recreation of a working house, a classroom and a chapel, all them settled in the 50s, what will take us to the family, school and religious fields of that time thanks to advanced audiovisual systems. Legazpi, whose statue presides the main square. The Neoclassical Town Hall is situated in the town centre near one of the few tower houses in Gipuzkoa, Legazpi House. The Parish Church of Santa María de la Asunción preserves an interesting churrigueresque altarpiece. At the top of a hill, surrounded by nature, stands La Antigua Chapel, a small and plain building which is unique in style and a real jewel of 13th century Basque religious architecture. Its extraordinary rustic interior with a coffered oak ceiling replete with beams, crosspieces and parapets is a perfect harmony. rretxu, which is next to Zumarraga, is the town where Jose Maria Iparragirre was born, the bard who created the song "Gernikako arbola" and who is recalled by means of a monument. In the historical centre can be found among others Ancestral homes, the peculiar Mineral and Fossil Museum –it has over 5.000 pieces from the five continents– and Saint Martin de Tours´ parish church –it has elements from the Renaissance, as well as gothic and baroque elements– The Igartubeiti Farmhouse Aikur Bee Ecomusum (Ezkio-Itsaso) (Urretxu) Built in the XVI century, this farmhouse was enlarged and extended a century later. The wooden structure along with the wood-beam winepress of the primitive Igartubeiti house is still preserved today. It has been rehabilitated following its original plan in order to recreate the atmosphere of XVI century lifestyle. Thanks to the observatory and without any risk, the visitor will be able to know more about the amazing life of bees, their importance in the world of nature and the use that human beings make of them, as well as the type of beehives used throughout history. Since 1997, LENBUR Fundazioa has been developing an enormous work in heritage research. The results have taken them to develop an innovative project that positions Legazpi as the iron’s cultural and tourist reference in the Basque Country. umarraga is also the birthplace of the illustrious conqueror of Z the Philippines, Miguel López de (More information in the "Calendar" section) U Did you know that? > … Ignatius of Loyola lead a life as a courtier and soldier until, after being wounded in the Citadel of Pamplona, he decided to give everything up to spread the word of religion and to found the Society of Jesus? > … The boiler of the locomotive dubbed Aurrera 104, made in Great Britain for the railroad between Elgoibar and Donostia-San Sebastián, was used to distil water after its "retirement" and before it was recovered by the Basque Railroad Museum? > … José María Iparraguirre, the great Basque bard, author of the hymn ‘Gernikako arbola’, was born and lived in Urretxu, where a street, a square and a statue are dedicated to his memory? > … There was a time when the town of Legazpi had up to seven operating foundries, among which the Mirandaola Foundry is still working at present? > ... A replica of the Ekain cave is being built in Zestoa, offering visits from next year on. 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:39 Página 32 32 T H E How to get there? AZPEITIA - AZKOITIA Take the toll roadA-8 (E-70) motorway from San Sebastián towards Bilbao, exit 12, then take the GI-631 to Zestoa and Azpeitia and continue along the same road to Loiola and Azkoitia. Take the toll road A-8 (E-70) motorway towards Bilbao, exit 14 at Elgoibar to rich Mendaro. Take the N-1 towards Madrid as far as Tolosa, turn right onto the GI-2634 and go past Errezil to reach Azpeitia, Loiola and Azkoitia. Take the GI-631 to go to Zestoa. Company La Guipuzcoana (Tel.: 943 85 11 59). Line: San Sebastián – Azkoitia . Departs from: Plaza Pio XII (San Sebastián) Avda de la Libertad H E A R T O F G I P U Z K O A zkio-Itsaso is surrounded by E mountains. It was founded when two towns (Ezkio and Itsaso) became in one. Its magnificent views, hermitages and typical country houses shape an interesting rural and cultural atmosphere. The county council of Gipuzkoa rebuilt Igartubeiti, a typical Basque country house, according to the features from the XVIth and XVIIth centuries. Nowadays it enables to approach to the traditional way of living. zpeitia, at the foot of Mount Erlo A (1026m), is one of the largest municipalities in Gipuzkoa formed by various village settlements situated in the surrounding valleys. The Parish Church of San Sebastián is located in the historical centre with a main square and interesting houses such as the Mudejar style Antxieta House or Enparan Tower House. There is also a bullring and the Chapel of Our Lady of Olatz stands halfway along the path that leads to Loiola Sanctuary. zkoitia. At the foot of Izarraitz Massif, this locality is mentioned A for the first time in the 11th century with the name San Martín de Iraurgi. Some of its most interesting buildings include the Church of Santa María la Real, in Gothic style and preserving the last organ manufactured by the firm CavailléColl, the Santa Cruz Convent and the oldest tower houses in Gipuzkoa, such as Insausti House, the seat of the "Little Knights of Azkoitia" who were a group of noble Tourist Offices Zestoa Foru Plaza z/g - 20740 Zestoa Tel: 943 14 70 10 / Fax: 943 14 80 74 • • Only opened in summer • • ••• Iraurgi Lantzen District information office (information only bay mail or by telephone) • Palacio Insausti, Julio Urkijo, 25. Azkoitia • Tel: 943 85 11 00 / Fax: 943 85 16 81 • / ••• Loyola Visitor Centre – Tourist Office • Santuario de Loiola, Bº Loiola. 20730 Azpeitia • Tel: 943 15 18 78 / Fax: 943 81 64 74 • 1. The beautifully proportioned architecture of the 18th century Shrine of Loyola is the cornerstone the Society of Jesus. What to see Thermal Baths of Zestoa Basque Railroad Museum (Zestoa) (Azpeitia) The thermal Baths of Zestoa have been operating since 1804. A century later, a Spa-hotel was added. The interior of the building evokes the "belle époque" era with its grand salons but its modern facilities include the latest technology in hydrotherapy. Outdoors the surroundings are beautifully landscaped. (More information in the "Calendar" section) Old steam, diesel and electric powered locomotives, as well as a collection of clocks and other elements related to railway history, are exhibited in a stationhouse that belonged to the no-longer operative Urola Railroad. The museum invites you aboard for a ride on one of the old trains. (More information in the "Calendar" section) The Loyola Tower-house Saint Ignatius of Loyola was born in this house, also known as the "Casa Santa", in 1491. A visit here will give you an idea of what 15th century everyday-life was like. The tower-house is located within the Shrine of Loyola, built between the XVII and XVII centuries in honour of the founder of the Society of Jesus. Its basilica’s cupola is and impressive sight. 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:39 Página 33 T H E figures led by Count Peñaflorida that founded the "Royal Society of Friends of the Basque Country" (an academic society of agriculture, science, useful arts and commerce) in the 18th century. estoa the spa town par Z excellence, is located on the banks of the Urola River and 20 minutes from the Donostia - San Sebastián motorway. At present, it is the second hotel complex in Gipuzkoa in number of rooms, and a real lung for the city. The facilities of the Gran Hotel Balneario, built in 1895 in the same place where the springs were discovered (around 1774), was a reference for international tourism. The tourism success it achieved, H E A R T O F 33 G I P U Z K O A thanks to all the citizenship’s involvement, allows considering Zestoa the pioneer tourist town in the Basque Country. Nature Spots At present, the Spa facilities have been completely restored and are equipped with modern hydro-therapeuthic and spa techniques. The Izarraitz Massif This important equipment, together with the landscape, historic and archaeological richness of this locality, has allowed Zestoa to be positioned in the tourist scene again. he village localities of Beizama and Errezil –the last one with the T so-called Gipuzkoa’s Balcony, from which we can observe a big part of the territory– are examples of charming villages. The natural landscape of Izarraitz rises majestically over the towns of Zestoa, Azpeitia and Azkoitia with its limestone crest at an altitude of 900 – 1.000 metres. Mount Erlo (1.026) is its highest peak. The karstic terrain makes for an abundance of caves and hills. The "latxa" breed of sheep, as well as various types of cattle and horse livestock, make up the area’s domesticated fauna, but Izarraitz’s greatest treasure is the presence of various wild animal species not usually found in the Cantabrian region: the wild cat, the wild boar, the hare, the vulture,… 2. The Aizkorri Natural Park -in the image, as seen from the Berrendiola reservoir (Legazpi)- has the highest mountains in the Basque Autonomous Community. Beech trees, oaks and thorny thickets make up this easy to get to natural wilderness where one can go trekking and hiking. Jorge Oteiza Pelota Courts Basque Iron Museum The Mirandaola Foundry (Azkoitia) (Legazpi) (Legazpi) This group of Pelota courts designed by Jorge Oteiza is part of the future Basque Pelota Centre. It refers to the 6 Pelota courts of the 7 Basque territories, shaping a huge sculpture. Once inside, one can feel the spaces and play with them. The Basque Iron Museum is a place for knowing more about the social and landscape change/transformation caused by the iron activity throughout the times. It is also the starting point towards natural routes and cultural and leisure areas evidencing the raison d’être of the Iron Valley. It tackles iron from multiples points of view, taking into account: issues on technology, history, science, heritage, society, industry, landscape, etc. (More information in the "Calendar" section) The Foundry industry thrived for years in Legazpi. Today, the highpoint of the Metal Route is the Mirandaola foundry, together with the hermitage of the same name, where the miracle of the Holy Cross is evoked. The Mirandaola foundry and its hydraulic wheels are activated to illustrate how the XIV century metal craftsmen worked. (More information in the "Calendar" section) 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:39 Página 34 34 T H E H E A R T O F G I P U Z K O A Calendar 1 Festivals, Events and Fairs January • Zestoa: • Azpeitia: - Gipuzkoa Championship Cross Race. Festivities of Santa Inés (Iraeta Neighbourhood): Biathlon, Basque "Pelota", Rural Sports. - 19-20 Enero: San Sebastían Festivities in Azpeitia, tamborrada (drum festival) for children and adults. February • Urretxu: March • Azkoitia-Azpeitia: • Zestoa: - Livestock Fair. - Track and Field Athletics. March 29th. - Azpeitia half marathon, held in March-April. 25th March - Cross Race - "Herri Krossa." April • Azkoitia: - Holy Week Processions. May • Azkoitia: • Legazpi: - Spring Musical Congress. Saturdays during May. - Mirandaola Romeria Julio • Azpeitia: • Idiazabal: - Festivities of San Ignacio. County Livestock and Agricultural Fair “Baserritar Eguna.” - Traditionally Roasted Veal Tasting. August • Azkoitia: - Livestock Fair September • Legazpi: - "Gipuzkoako Artzain Eguna"- Day of the Shepherd. (Competition, show, auction, handicrafts and regional products market) - Livestock and Agricultural Fair. - La Antigua Musical Congress. - Professional "Pelota" Tournament. 2 3 3 • Urretxu: • Zumarraga: • Zestoa: October • Zumarraga: - Culinary Fair. "Buzkantza" Competition. • Oñati: - Livestock and Agricultural Fair. Plants, Flowers and Handicrafts Show and Market. • Ezkio-Itsaso: - Cider Week November • Azkoitia: - Traditional Agricultural Fair. San Andrés Fair December • Zestoa: - Agricultural Fair. • Azpeitia: - Theatre Convention of Euskadi. • Urretxu: - Agricultural and Livestock Fair, Rioja Alavesa wine competition and Handicrafts. • Zumarraga: - Agricultural and Horse Fair. Machinery, leatherworks and tool Show. Active Tourism Guided Tours Land activities Legazpi Experimental Archaeology • Tourist Office - Schedule: From June to September Working days: 10 am – 6 pm (Closed on Tuesday) Bank holidays: 10 am – 7 pm From October to May Working days: 10 am – 6 pm (Closed on Tuesday) Bank holidays: 10 am – 7 pm • Mirandaola Foundry - All Sundays from April to October, exhibition of the foundry in operation (12 am, 12.30 am, 1 pm and 1.30 pm). The first Sunday of each month from November to March (same schedule); rest of the days, guided visits to the foundry, but not in operation. (Previous arrangement: 943 73 04 28) • Basque Iron Museum - Schedule: From June to September Working days: 10 am – 6 pm (Closed on Tuesday) Bank holidays: 10 am – 7 pm From October to May Working days: 10 am – 6 pm • Sastarrain Activity Centre - PO Box 102 - Zestoa - Tel-Fax: 943 14 81 15 - - Archery, discover fire… Prehistoric encampment, visits to caves, canoeing, hiking, paragliding, horseback riding, trekking. Full room and board at the farm, specialised guides and monitors Paintball: •Legazpi Paintball ekking. Full room and board at the farm, specia -Urtatza- Egialde Auzoa, 18. Legazpi - Tel: 630 32 74 66 (Closed on Tuesday) Bank holidays: 10 am – 7 pm • Ekomuseo del Pastoreo y Rincón del Pan: (Shepherding and Bread Museum) - Sundays10:30 and 11:30 a.m. Weekdays by appointment. Duration: Between 30 and 45 minutes at each farmhouse. Tel: 943 73 04 28 4 1. Santa Cecilia Fair in Urretxu and Zumarraga. 2. Loiola: Festivity of Saint Ignatius. 3. Ezpatadantza (Basque dance) in La Antigua in Zumarraga 6:30 p.m. Duration: between 30 and 45 minutes. Tel: 943 730428. Information: Tourist Offices. Museums Urretxu Mineral and fossil Museum • Medieval Old Town of Urretxu with an audiovisual presentation about the bard Iparragirre. • Fossil and Mineral Museum. - By appointment. Duration: Between 60 an d90 minutes. Schedules: Mondays 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday through Friday: 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Saturdays 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Tel: 943 038088 - Jauregi 19. Casa de Cultura. 20700 Urretxu - Tel.: 943 03 80 88 - Fax: 943 03 80 89 - - - Opening hours: Monday: 17.30 to 20.30. Tuesday to Friday: 10.00 to 12.30 / 17.30 to 20.30. Saturday: 10.00 to 12.30. Closed: Saturday afternoons, Sundays and Monday mornings Zumarraga • Hermitage of La Antigua. - Tour of the "cathedral of the hermitages" (Part of the Route of the Three Shrines). Opening hours: May to October. Daily 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. November to April: Fridays 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., Saturdays and Sundays 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and 4:30 to The Mineral and Fossil Museum is housed in Urretxu’s House of Culture. Created in 1987, it contains an extensive collection of minerals, rocks and fossils from various geological phases from all five continents. The museum’s yearly calendar of events includes a 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:39 Página 35 T H E number of monographic exhibitions dedicated to rare minerals from specific regions, such as Bustarviejo and the Trojan Mines. The museum also organises various trips and excursions and holds an annual Mineral, Fossil, Precious Stone and Palaeontology Fair. Igartubeiti Country house museum - Ezkio-Itsaso - Tel.: 943 72 29 78. Fax: 943 88 01 38 - - - Opening hours: from Wednesday to Friday, and Sundays and bank holidays, from 10:00 to 14:00. Saturdays, from 10:00 to 14:00 and from 16:00 to 19:00. Closed on Monday and Tuesday. - Guided tours: from Wednesday to Sunday, from 11:00 to 12:30. Saturdays at 11:00, 12:30 and 17:30. This country house dating from the 16th-17th centuries is, in its original state, the best example of wood in its most varied forms of use. It re-creates the atmosphere in which our ancestors lived and worked both inside and outside the house, both visually and through the perception of smells such as wood and apples in the beam press, the only one still in operation in the Basque Country. The history of Igartubeiti Country House goes back to the 16th century. The majority of its internal wood structure has been preserved, with the "beam press" as an important element for making cider. This is first time that a complete 16th century press has been seen in operation. Basque Iron Museum - Parque Mirandaola. Legazpi - Bº Telleriarte,s/n - Tel.: 943 73 04 28 - Opening hours: De Junio a Septiembre: todos los días de 10:00 a 19:00. De Octubre a Mayo: de 10:00 a 18:00. Martes cerrado. - Guided tours for groups by previous arrangement. In the Basque Iron Museum, you can discover thousands of secrets about this metal in a pleasant and entertaining way. In addition, you will have the opportunity to know, by means of modern systems and audiovisuals, the technology that made the Basque Country famous all around the world due to iron, as well as to observe how the life was for the people who worked in the iron valley more than five hundred years ago, among many more things. Basque Railway Museum - Julián Elorza 8 - 20730 Azpeitia - Tel.: 943 15 06 77 - Fax: 943 15 07 46 - - - Opening hours: from June to September: every day from 10:00 to 19:00. From October to May, from 10:00 to 18:00. Tuesday, closed. - Vintage train ride: 13th April to 5nd November. Saturdays: 12.30 and 18.00. Sundays and bank holidays: 12.30 H E A R T O F - Tourist ride: Azpeitia-Lasao Saturdays and Sundays – lasts 45 minutes Closed: Mondays It is one of Europe’s finest railway museums, which in addition to steam engines, trams, trolleybuses, railcars and carriages of all kinds, also contains one of the best collections of rail clocks in the world. The Museum also conserves one of Spain’s last fully-functional mechanical workshops powered entirely by pulley and belt systems – a living, breathing machine tool museum. The main attraction, however, is that visitors can actually ride in the carriages pulled by locomotives and see for themselves how the old trams used to run. Loiola Sanctuary - Azpeitia - Tel.: 943 02 50 00 - Opening hours for visits: 10.00 to 13.00 / 15.00 to 19.00 This splendid monumental site was built between the 17th and 18th centuries, near the Loiolas’ Tower House, in honour of the most universal Basque, San Ignacio de Loiola, founder of the Company of Jesus. This is the birthplace of Ignacio de Loiola who was born into a noble and powerful family in 1491. After dedicating a large part of his life to warfare companies, he decided to abandon this pursuit and devote himself entirely to spiritual life. He eventually became the Patron Saint of Gipuzkoa. The Sanctuary built in the 17th century consists of a Baroque Basilica with a Baroque altarpiece, a circular layout, a majestic dome rising 65 metres high and a magnificent organ. It is the work of the Italian architect Carlo Fontana, a disciple of Bernini, who was helped by Basque assistants such as Zaldua, Lecuona and Ignacio de Ibero. The "Holy House" or Tower House shows us aspects of daily life in San Ignacio’s family. Just a few metres from here lies Errekarte Country House, the birthplace of the Beatified Francisco Gárate who was an extremely kind and humble man. Today it houses a small museum which displays a number of his family’s belongings. 35 G I P U Z K O A An enjoyable getaway The Urola River route ≠The Urola River, which springs from the Aizkorri mountain massif and lets out into the sea in the town of Zumaia, crosses through the territory of Gipuzkoa. It is the common thread that unites towns defined by such elements as water (Zestoa), stone (Azpeitia), wood (Hermitage of La Antigua in Zumarraga) or iron (Legazpi). Our first stop on the GI-631 road will be Zestoa , the town whose spa and thermal baths attracted the European high society during the "belle époque". In addition to its Hotel-spa, one must see the Lili Palace, a XV century historical and artistic monument. Upriver we find Azpeitia which, together with Azkoitia and the Shrine of Loyola located between them, can be considered the heart of Gipuzkoa. Azpeitia is full of attractions. The Church of San Sebastián of Soreasu and Antxieta House give way to the whistling noises and steamy vapours of the Basque Railroad Museum. The Shrine of Loyola built between the XVII and XVIII centuries to honour Saint Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus, is an indispensable stop. One can appreciate the harmoniously proportioned architecture as well as its magnificent cupola from the spacious esplanade that faces the monumental group of buildings. The Old town, with the Church of Santa María la Real, is neighbouring Azkoitia’s foremost sight. The GI- 631, which follows the course of the Urola River along this stretch, will take us to Zumarraga , where the statue of Miguel López de Legazpi greets us. We can also visit La Antigua, the "cathedral" of Basque hermitages. Shrine of Loyola A detour towards the rural area of Ezkio-Itsaso , will take us to Igartubeiti, a XVI century farmhouse. Back to Zumarraga, we will see how its urban plan and that of Urretxu have fused into one. Urretxu , the birthplace of the bard Iparraguirre, has another church dedicated to Saint Martin de Tours, with its remarkable wooden vaults. If we keep moving upriver we reach Legazpi , which, in addition to the Bikuña Palace, offers two attractive tour proposals: the beat of the Foundries and A day in the 50s, The Working Route 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:39 Página 36 The Deba River, on the western side of Gipuzkoa, takes us through a varied region of industrial areas and rural landscapes. Its course flows past important cultural centres– Bergara's Royal Seminary and the University of Oñatias well as contemporary jewels such as the Shrine of Arantzazu. The Deba River Basin How to get there? MENDARO - BERGARAARRASATE - OÑATI ARANTZAZU LEINTZ GATZAGA Take A-8 (toll road) or GI- 634 towards Bilbao. A-1 motorway (Eibar-Vitoria): turn off the A-8 at Eibar Salida 15a to reach Bergara, Arrasate, Leintz Gatzaga and Oñati. Only by car or private bus from Oñati to Arantzazu Sanctuary (GI- 3591 road) Company: Pesa (Tel: 902 10 12 10) Destination: San Sebastián-Elgoibar-Eibar. Departs from: Plaza Pio XII (San Sebastián) Ermua line (via motorway) ••• Company: Pesa (Tel: 902 10 12 10) Destination: San Sebastián-Bergara-ArrasateOñati. Departs from: Plaza Pio XII (San Sebastián) San Sebastián-Vitoria line for Bergara and Arrasate Bergara or Arrasate line for Oñati Company: Eusko Tren (Tel: 902 54 32 10) Destination: Towards Bilbao. It only goes as far as Eibar. There are no trains to Bergara, Arrasate, Leintz Gatzaga and Oñati. Departs from: Amara Station (Donostia). endaro is a little town whose greatness lies in the M surrounding mountains. The urban ibar, with an active trade and an intense cultural offer, is known E by its dedication to damask and the area, where the Chocolates of Mendaro – Saint Gerons firm is to be found, is at the end of the Kilimon valley, a narrow green space that is ideal for practising spelaeology and trekking art of gunsmith. The Gunsmith Museum, on the latest, has been recently opened, including one of the best collections in Europe. It offers a route designed for knowing more about the development of this art from the point of view of design, use, technology, and St. Andrew´s church, built in XVIth century and having an interesting Renaissance main altarpiece; the tower house of Unzueta, the palace of Isasi "Markeskoa" and the town hall are part of the heritage of Eibar. lgoibar and Eibar are characterised by their industrial that hide E several interesting issues. Elgoibar is an international referent in the field of tool machine, and that is reflected in a museum specialized in its history. The group formed by the town hall, St Bartholomew´s church and some porch houses is notable too, as well as the Dolmen Route over the nearby Karakate mountains (Soraluze). Many paths get us near a natural setting with megalithic monuments, like the Dolmen Route, through the Karakate Mountains, already in Soraluze. ergara is the aristocratic town, in Gipuzkoa for its monumental B ensemble of mansions and palaces dating from the 16th and 17th centuries. In the 18th century, Bergara became well known all over Europe for the great cultural and educational transformation brought What to see Gunsmith Museum houses Dolmen Route (Eibar) (Soraluze) Opened in January 2007, The Gunsmith Museum houses one of the best collections in Europe. It proposes a route through the gunsmith history from the 15th century to our days, paying a special attention to the importance it has in a locality with a long tradition in this sector, like Eibar. Mounts Karakate, Atxolin and Hirukurutzeta, in he villages of Elgoibar and Soraluze, shape a beautiful green crest called ‘The Dolemn Route’ by the eminent palaeontologist and ethnographist Jose Miguel de Barandiaran. This route includes important sites, standing out the high number of dolmens and tumulus. The PR-GI 109 route is recommended to enjoy this landscape. 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:39 Página 37 1 2 1 to fruition by the Count of Peñaflorida, who conceived and created an educational and cultural society called the "Royal Basque Patriotic Seminary" in 1776, thus promoting all aspects of education. The town’s historical and monumental heritage includes the Parish Churches of San Pedro de Ariznoa and Santa Marina de Oxirondo. The former preserves the Suffering Christ, a masterpiece by the Baroque sculptor Juan de Mesa (1622) and the latter contains an impressive altarpiece which dates back to the 18th century and has been declared a National Monument. an internationally centre thanks to the high degree of specialisation of existing companies. Two small localities of the Debagoiena Comarca (land) hide surprises for the visitor. Antzuola, with a magnificent baroque collection of building, celebrates the peculiar Alarde del Moro (Moorish Parade) every year. Elgeta still preserves a medieval quarter with an only street. ñati is the most monumental town in Gipuzkoa for the artistic O grandeur and architectural wealth fifties, is Arrasate-Mondragon, greatly stimulating social economy and converting this place into of its buildings. The town is a real jewel set at the foot of Mount Aloña (1,298 m) in the foothills of Aizkorri Massif. Its many buildings include the 16th century Parish Church of San Miguel with its Flamboyant Gothic cloister, Plateresque altarpiece and mausoleum by Machine-Tools Museum Old Town of Bergara ne of the most important industrial towns where the O cooperative movement arose in the (Elgoibar) This museum is located in Elgoibar, the heart of the machine-tool industry in Gipuzkoa. It is a tribute to the pioneers who made the development of this industry possible, and it illustrates its historical evolution. One can see a mechanized workshop in operation, a blacksmith’s shop, and an exhibit of medieval machinery in each of the museum’s three halls. 2 1. From the beautiful and expansive open ground of Urbia, which you can get to from the Shrine of Arantzazu, renowned you can reach the top of Aizkorri. 2. The façade of the unique Jauregi Palace (16th Century). Tourist Offices Bergara (open fron april to september) • Pl. San Martín Agirre s/n • Tel.: 943 77 91 28 / 61• ••• Leintz-Gatzaga • Plaza San Miguel 1-3. 20530 Leintz-Gatzaga • Tel.: 943 71 47 92 • ••• Oñati • C/ San Juan, 14. 20560 Oñati • Tel.: 943 78 34 53 Fax: 943 78 30 69 • • ••• Debegesa (District Information Office) - Información únicamente telefónica o vía e-mail • Tel.: 943 82 01 10 • • ••• Debagoiena (Information only by mail or by telephone) • Tel.: 943 79 64 63 • • ••• Oficina de Turismo de Eskoriatza • Palacio Ibarraundi • Tel.: 943 71 54 53 • ••• Arantzazu Tourist Information Point and Interpretation Centre (Opened at weekends, Easter and in summer) • Tel.: 943 71 89 11/ 943 79 64 63 • • Sancti Spiritus University (Oñati) The extraordinary group of mansions and palaces built in the 16th and 17th centuries reaches a highpoint of splendour at San Martín de Aguirre Square, bordered on all sides by the Town Hall, the Jauregi, Izagirre and Ondartza Palaces, and by the Bergara Royal Seminary, an important cultural and scientific centre. Balance and elegance are the features that distinguish this building, one of the most important Renaissance buildings in Gipuzkoa. Its rich stuccoed Mudejar ceilings, the cloister and a chapel with a plateresque altarpiece are outstanding. The University’s construction began in the year 1540, thanks to Oñati's bishop, Rodrigo Mercado de Zuazola. 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:39 38 Página 38 T H E Did you know that? > > …That the brothers Fausto Fermín and Juan José Elhuyar made an historical discovery at the Real Seminario Patriótico Bascongado of Bergara, one of XIII century Europe’s most outstanding learning and investigation centres, by isolating a chemical element for the first time? They named it wolfram tungsten. … In addition to the Seminary, Bergara also gave rise to another eminent cultural centre, the Real Sociedad Bascongada de Amigos del Pais (Royal Basque Society of Friends of the Country), under the auspices of the Count of Peñaflorida, the Marquis of Narros and a group known as the "caballeritos de Akoitia". > … The controversial adventurer Lope de Aguirre, who considered himself a "traitor", was born in Araotz, an enclave of Oñati. > … The intense controversy surrounding the work of Jorge Oteiza for the frieze of the Shrine of Aranzazu, including the unusual number of fourteen apostles, blocked the installation of the sculptures for fifteen years? D E B A R I V E R B A S I N Rodrigo Mercado de Zuazola, founder of the first university. The "Sancti Spiritu" University (1540) is one of the most important Renaissance buildings in the Basque Country with a very interesting doorway, chapel and cloister. It was the first university centre and as early as the 18th –19th centuries already had various faculties such as Philosophy, Theology, Economic Sciences and Medicine. Bidaurreta Monastery, founded in 1510 by Juan López de Lazarraga, the Catholic Kings’ accountant, is situated at the other side of the town. The Town Hall, ancestral homes and palaces such as the 15th century Lazarraga Palace are scattered around the town centre and its various quarters. These buildings compete with the natural beauty of the town’s surroundings which are an ideal place for walking and offer privileged panoramic views of Gipuzkoa. Just 9 kilometres away from Oñati, up a steep slope between gullies and crests, lies Arantzazu Sanctuary, the most important in Gipuzkoa accesible only by road. The Arrikrutz Caves are located on this way of Our Lady of Arantzazu Sanctuary A compendium of the best contemporary Basque art, this 1. The Camino Real (main road) stopped in the walled hamlet of Leintz Gatzaga, which has specialised in salt extraction since ancient times. What to see Shrine of Arrate Shrine of Arantzatzu (Eibar) (Oñati) The Shrine of Arrate, very dear to the people of Eibar, was first mentioned in documents dating from as early as the XIII century. In it, we can see the 4 oil paintings by Ignacio Zuloaga that the Eibarborn painter donated. The Shrine of the Virgen of Arantzatzu is located above a ravine, on the way up to Mount Aitzgorri. It is a magical space, equally appreciated by both the faithful as well as lovers of contemporary art. The building, designed by Sainz de Oiza y Laorga, has sculptures by Oteiza, doors by Chillida and a splendid altarpiece by Lucio Muñoz. Old Town of Arrasate King Philip V, Queen Isabel II and Queen María Cristina were guests at the Monterrón Palace, one of the marvellous buildings of ArrasateMondragón’s historic centre, where one can also enjoy the Church of San Juan, the baroque Town Hall or Okendo Mansion. 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:39 Página 39 T H E unique geographical area has been a place of attraction since the Virgin appeared on a hawthorn tree (Arantzan-zu) in 1468, which was believed to be a miracle and converted the site into a place of pilgrimage. This event also motivated the construction of a Sanctuary with Basilica, a House of Retreat and a Hospice. The entire complex is managed by the Franciscan Order, which has recently celebrated five centuries since its arrival, whose presence has contributed to culture, in the service of the Faith and men, complemented by a valuable library, archives, and a musical background. Although attempts were made in the twenties to improve the buildings, they underwent major D E B A R I V E R 39 B A S I N transformations halfway through the 20th century. The new Basilica, the work of vanguard architects, sculptors and painters, is a landmark in the renovation of contemporary sacred art. Build between 1950 and 1955, it was designed by the architects Sainz de Oiza and Luís de Laorga. Perhaps the most interesting aspects are its facade by Jorge Oteiza, its doors by Eduardo Chillida, its polychromatic carved wood altarpiece measuring 600 m2 by the sculptor Lucio Muñoz and the paintings in the crypt by Néstor Basterretxea. This powerful building creates a visual harmony with the natural surroundings. Natural Spaces Aizkorri Natural Park The highest peaks in the Autonomous Basque Community are located in the Aizkorri mountain range: Aitzuri (1.550 meters) and Mount Aizkorri (1.528). The Oria, Urola and Deba Rivers spring from this 18.000 hectare mountain range, located to the South of Gipuzkoa. Two types of landscapes coexist in this natural park to which you can access from Zegama, a village located in the Goierri region, as well as from Oñati, in Debagoiena. On the one hand, abrupt limestone peaks rise above the plains, in which sheep of the native "latxa" breed graze (it is difficult to express the beauty of Urbía's open pastures). On the other hand, there are rows of siliceous hillocks and hills covered by vegetation. In addition to great beech and oak forests, Aizkorri boasts an abundance of typical mountainous flora. The peregrine falcon, the griffon vulture, the alpine newt, the wild cat and the marten are to be counted among the mountain fauna. 2. The Sanctuary of Arantzazu joins spirituality and avant-garde shapes in a privileged setting. • Area: 18.000 hectares. The Urkulu Dam Salt Museum (Aretxabaleta) (Leintz Gatzaga) The dam that holds back the waters of the Urkulu River, set within the town limits of Aretxabaleta, forms a beautiful landscape that is surrounded by farmhouses and limestone cliffs. In addition to its fish-farming wealth, the Urkulu Dam is a great spot for bird-watching, especially to see the flight of the purple heron and other aquatic birds. • Height: Its mountain ranges rise above 1.000m. The highest peak is the Aitzuri (1.551m) • Getting there: Take N-1 MadridIrun. Turn onto the GI-2637 towards Zegama at Altsasua.From Oñati on up to the Shrine of of Arantzatzu, then continue your ascent to the open fields of Urbia. Salt production has been the main industrial activity in Leintz Gatzaga (Salinas de Léniz) from the Middle Ages. Now a museum illustrates the different systems that have been used over the centuries for the manufacture of "white gold". • Information: Zegama Tourist Office, Tel: 943 80 21 87 Oñati Tourist Office, Tel: 943 78 34 53 Mancomunidad de Alto Deba, Tel: 943 79 64 63 Goitur, Tel: 943 16 18 23 • Activities: Trekking through Urbía, hiking and rockclimbing to the peak of Aizkorri, biking, and visits to neighbouring villages that surround this beautiful natural space, are just some of the activities that are offered. You can also take a guided tour of the Aizkorri Natural Park to learn about its uniqueness, history, etc. 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:39 Página 40 40 T H E D E B A R I V E R B A S I N Calendar 1 Festivals, Events and Fairs February • Aretxabaleta / Eskoriatza: - Santa Agueda’s Day. • Eibar: - International Theatre Festival. April • Bergara: - Feria de Ramos (County Livestock and Agricultural Fair) May • Antzuola: • Oñati: - Livestock and Agricultural Fair. Scarecrow Competition. - Oñati Musical Congress (Sundays) - The procession of the Corpus Christi Festivity is accompanied by traditional dancing. June • Eskoriatza: • Bergara: - Food, Handicrafts, Agriculture and Poultry Fair. - Festival Mundumira. July • Elgeta: • Antzuola: - Local Livestock and Agricultural Fair. - Festivity of the "Alarde del Moro". 3rd Saturday of July. Septiembre • Bergara: • Aretxabaleta: - County Agricultural Fair. - Ecological Agriculture Fair. October • Eibar: • Oñati: • Bergara: • Aretxabaleta: • Arrasate-Mondragón: - Sagardo Eguna. Cider Tasting. - Livestock and Agricultural Fair - Livestock Fair (Elosu) - Folklore and Gastronomy Festival. - Maritxu Kajoi. November • Leintz Gatzaga: • Eibar: - Handicrafts Fair. "Sanmillixanak". - Livestock and Agricultural Fair 2 3 1. Corpus Christi, the most important holiday in Oñati. December • Mendaro: - Livestock, Handicrafts and Agriculture Fair • Arrasate-Mondragón: - Santamasak. • Elgoibar: - "Gabon Zahar" Fair. Active Tourism Entertainment Air activities Pelota: Paragliding: • Eibar • Mount Aloña, together with the Oñati Valley, are the best paragliding areas in Gipuzkoa. Information: Oñati Tourist Office. Tel.: 943 78 34 53 - • Frontón Astelena - Festivals: Sunday afternoons. - Season: Autumn- Winter- Spring Check calendar Land activities Hiking: • Great variety of officially approved mountain routes, for people of all ages. Mountain bike • Mountain bike: A passionate sport where mountain and bike go together. Mountain climbing: • Araotz One of the most important spots in the Basque Country for high level mountain climbing. "Bungee jumping" • Also in Araotz, a short way before the mountain climbing area. • Bergara Frontón Municipal - Check calendar Information - Tel: 943 76 05 09 / 943 77 91 67 Bulls • Bullring of Eibar. - Bullfights. - Check up on dates. Information: - Tel: 652 70 09 14. Museums Machine-Tool Museum - Edificio IMH – Bº San Roque, 1 20.870 Elgoibar - Tel: 943 74 41 32. Fax: 943 74 41 53 - • The regions of Debagoiena and Debabarrena have their own Path network with an offer of 21 and 14 routes, respectively. - Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 8.00 to 13.00 / 14.30 to 17.30 - Guided tours: available by prior arrangement. - Closed: Saturdays, Sundays, bank holidays, August and Christmas More information: - - - - Elgoibar, the "the machine tool capital", has created this museum in recognition of its industrial tradition which dates back to ancient times and the leading position it holds Hiking 2. Alarde del Moro in Antzuloa. 3. Sheepdog competition in Oñati. today in the machine-manufacturing world. The museum is housed in a new building, designed to imitate or reproduce an early 20th century industrial building. It contains a machining workshop, document archives, an exhibition room and a smithy. It also holds a collection of more than 50 machines, 25 of which can be seen in operation, just as they were used in the 19th century. Salt Museum - San Antonio Auzoa 20530 Leintz Gatzaga - Tel: 943 71 47 92. Fax: 943 71 46 21 - - Opening hours: Saturdays: in Spanish (13.00 and 18.30); in Basque (12.00 and 17.30). Sundays and bank holidays: in Spanish (13.00); in Basque (12.00) In August: every day in Spanish (13.00); in Basque (12.00) This Museum, which is an exhibition of common salt exploitation methods and in particular those used in the 19th century, is located 250 metres away from Leintz Gatzaga, at the foot of the former Dorleta Castle, today a Sanctuary, built to defend the population and its salt works. This renovated area shows the different methods employed from the Iron Age to 1972 and displays reproductions of various elements used in the elaboration of salt, such as dorlas (houses containing iron boilers), the hydraulic system and the scoop wheel. Ibarraundi Museoa - Palacio Ibarraundi. - 20540 Eskoriatza - Tel: 943 71 54 53. Fax: 943 71 40 42 - - Opening hours: From Tuesday to Friday: 9:00 14:00. Saturday; 17:00 - 20:00 Sunday and bank holidays: 12:00 14:00 and 17:00 - 20:00. Guided visits by previous arrangement. Consult special schedules for summer and long weekends. A museum about ethnography, that throughout its rooms offers a view about development from prehistory to digital age. It is a dynamic museum where the key to achieve knowledge is using every sense in workshops, games and activities. The contents of the museum are environment, hominization, prehistory, Roman Age, Middle Age, Modern Age and digital age. MUFOMI. Fossil and Mineral Museum. - Bº Artetxe s/n. 20870 Elgoibar. - Tel: 943 74 11 31 - Visiting hours: Monday to Friday from 18.30 to 20.00. Saturday, Sunday and holiday from 11.00 to 14.00 - Guided visits: by prior arrangement. The Museum has the biggest collection of fossils and minerals in the Basque Country, among which you can see Fluorites, Goethites, fossilised mammoth skulls or crocodile skeletons. 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:39 Página 41 T H E Gunsmith Museum - Bista Eder, 10 – 5º. 20600 Eibar - Tel. 943 708446. Fax. 943 708436 - - Recently opened, it is devoted to the preservation and fostering of the gunsmith memory and the industrial heritage of Eibar’s gunsmith activity. D E B A R I V E R 41 B A S I N An enjoyable getaway Route of the Monumental Towns Guided Tours Oñati • Sancti Spiritus University. Duration: 45 min. • Sancti Spiritus University + Church of San Miguel. Duration: 1 h. 20 min. • Sancti Spiritus University + Church of San Miguel + Palaces. Duration: 1 h.45 min. • Sancti Spiritus University + Church of San Miguel + Palaces + Bidaurreta Monastery. Duration: 2 h.15 min. • Short guided Tours: - Sancti Spiritus University. 20 min. - Sancti Spiritus University + Church of San Miguel. Duration: 40min. • Guided tours of specific places or buildings: all year round. • San Miguel Mill; guided visits by previous arrangement. In July and August; guided visits through nature. More information at the Oficina de Turismo; 943 78 34 53 • In July and August, there are guided visits through nature. More information: Oñati Tourist Office. - Tel.: 943 78 34 53 - - • Arrikrutz Caves. - Opening hours: march, april and october, from 10:00 to 14:00 and from 15:00 to 18:00. June September, Easter, long weekends and bank holidays, from 10:00 to 14:00 and from 15:00 to 19:00. November-February, from 10:00 to 14:00 and from 15:00 to 17:00. Closed on Mondays. - Duration: 1 hour - More information: 943 08 20 00 Shrine of Arantzazu Bergara • Guided visits to the MonumentalHistoric Area during the opening periods of the Tourist Office. Leintz-Gatzaga • Guided visits through the medieval area, by prior request. Sanctuary of Arantzazu. • Guided visits to the Sanctuary of Arantzazu: By previous arrangement and in certain schedules on weekends, long weekends, Easter and summer (June-October) More information: 943 71 89 11/943 79 64 63 Debagoiena • Visit programme ‘Ezagutu Debagoiena’ (Know Debagoiena). - Tel: 943 79 64 63 - - Information: Tourist Offices. The Deba river, the backbone of the western Gipuzkoa, flows through such monumental towns as Bergara and Oñati. From the town of Deba we travel upriver first on the N-634 road and then on the GI-627. Our first stop is the town of Mendaro , where we can stock up on chocolate. Next, we cross a highly industrialised area whose main towns are Elgoibar , where we can see the Machine-Tools Museum, and Eibar , with its monumental Church of San Andres. After Soraluze we arrive at the monumental town of Bergara , Bergara’s Historical Centre has many ancestral noble homes, towers and churches, such as the Church of San Pedro and the Church of Santa Marina de Oxirondo. The Real Seminario de Bergara (Bergara Royal Seminary) stands in its central square. Next, we take the GI2630 to Oñati , yet another monumental town, whose buildings illustrate a selection of architectural styles, starting with its Gothic Church of San Miguel, alongside the river, up to the Renaissance Sancti Spi- ritus University. The artistic avant-garde is a few kilometres away in the Shrine of Arantzazu , a required stop. On the way back we take the GI-632 to stroll through the Old Town of Arrasate . The relaxing landscapes of the Urkulu Dam are alongside the town of Aretxabaleta . We can observe the primitive funerary art of the cromlechs of the Apotzaga neighbourhood of the small town of Eskoriatza . Our last stop is in LeintzGatzaga , the salt capital. 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:39 Página 42 42 17 beaches to ‘lose’ oneself 1| r to find a cared, calm, accessible, and well-equipped coast, with spaces for enjoying not only the bath, but also sports, such as surf or diving. The Gipuzkoa beaches, always surrounded by green hills, invite us to enjoy the Cantabrian Sea. Saturraran Beach 4| Ondarbeltz (Mutriku) (Mutriku) The silhouette of its rocks makes the most wester n beach in Gipuzkoa unmistakable, with 300 metres that extend from Mutriku to Ondarroa (Bizkaia). Its good waves make of Saturraran a very popular beach among surfers. Ondarbeltz means ‘black sand’ in Basque and, in fact, the composition of its rocks makes the grains dark and thin. Although it belongs to Mutriku, it is near the Deba urban area. 7| Itzurun Beach (Zumaia) …O Pictograms Interpretation Lifeguards in season 2| Siete Playas (Mutriku) 5| Santiago Beach This stimulant and beautiful space, to which we can get through a promenade to the West of Zumaia, offers waters with a high percentage of iodine. Cliffs and the ‘flysch’ phenomenon (limestone and sandstone rock sheets in vertical formation, like a millefeuille) frame its impressive morphology. (Deba) 8| Changing rooms Santiago Beach (Zumaia) Good for surfing Good for diving Near restaurants Accessibility Blue flag Those keen on diving and nudism value this wild succession of rocky coves, with no services but strongly beautiful. More information in: 3| Mutriku Beach (Mutriku) Wide and urban, this beach this beach, which has the ISO 14001 certification, is located next to the Deba River mouth and surrounded by a maritime promenade. It is one of the busiest beaches in the area. 6| Located next to the marshes formed by the Urola River mouth and near the Zuloaga Museum, the biggest beach in Zumaia offers calm in a great sand area. Sakoneta Cove (Deba) 9| Gaztetape Beach (Getaria) This small urban (under restoration works) beach is located next to the Mutriku Port. This small cove is located between Deba and Zumaia. Like the close Mendata or Elorriaga beaches, it is ideal for nudists and for those who look for landscapes one hundred percent natural. On This little beach opened to the Cantabrian Sea hides to the West of Mount San Antón, the popular ‘Getaria Mouse’. 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:39 Página 43 43 10 | Malkorbe Beach The Ondarreta Beach loops up the Donostia-San Sebastián Bay protected by Santa Clara Island and Mount Igeldo. It is slightly apart from La Concha Beach by the Loro Peak, below the Miramar Palace. It is maybe the most beautiful and, in any case, the noblest of the beaches in Gipuzkoa. Its width allows it to exhibit its Donostia elegance more calmly than La Concha Beach. Oribazar Beach 12 | (Getaria) (Aia) This cute and quiet beach, with views to the close port and the ‘Getaria Mouse’, is mediumsized and has calm waters. This calm and small beach is located in the left bank of the Oria River mouth, facing Orio, an area appreciated by the fishing enthusiasts. 11 | 13 | Zarautz Beach La Zurriola, or Gros Beach, is the youngest beach in Donostia-San Sebastián. It is not only because the breakwater that enlarged it was built only a decade ago, but also due to its youthful and surfer atmosphere. The glasses of the Kursaal Conference Centre and Auditorium, designed by Rafael Moneo, act as an avant-garde setting. 17 | 15 | La Concha Beach Hondarribia Beach (Hondarribia) (Donostia-San Sebastián) Antilla Beach (Orio) (Zarautz) The biggest beach in Gipuzkoa extends alongside 2,500 metres. A lively very long maritime promenade appears over the colours of its peculiar tent cabins. Both bathers with their families and surfers go to the Zarautz Beach, which holds an international surf event in its waters. The dunes and the Iñurritza marsh, a site of ecological interest, are located at the East end of the beach. The main beach in Orio, together with its campsite, is usually very busy, but without failing to be comfortable. That is the reason why it has 3,500 square metres of sand from its recent improvements. 14 | A classic. Its 1,370 metres of length draw a gentle curve and relates harmoniously to the mountains and buildings of Donostia-San Sebastián. Queen María Cristina fell in love with La Concha and this beach still results essential in the summer of Gipuzkoa. This beach’s urban character is underlined by the fact that only an emblematic balustrade separates it from the city. 16 | Ondarreta Beach Next to the port, a breakwater separates the last beach in Gipuzkoa from the Bidasoa River mouth. The Hondarribia Beach offers a relaxing bath and a wide sandy area, since it is 800 metres long and has a recently re-urbanised setting. Before or after enjoying it, you can cross to the other side of the Txingudi Bay, to Hendaia. La Zurriola Beach (Donostia-San Sebastián) (Donostia-San Sebastián) 17 Hondarribia 16 1 2 3 Ondarroa 4 Mutriku Deba 5 8 6 Zumaia 14 15 9 10 7 Getaria 11 13 12 Orio Zarautz Donostia San Sebastián 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:39 Página 44 44 Renewed thermal tradition he beneficial powers that water has for our health have increased their value in our times, when the option of a healthy, relaxing, and pleasant tourism is appreciated again. With a long thermal tradition that is still present in the Cestona Spa, Gipuzkoa has updated itself in order to offer modern thalassotherapy facilities to ‘spoil’ our body. T Balea Hotel-Thalassotherapy Cestona Grand Hotel-Spa Located in a building facing the sea, the Balea Hotel has one of the biggest thalassotherapy centres in the Basque Country, with 1,250 square metres of thermal waters and an appropriate programme for fighting stress. Hotel Balea Hondartza Bidea, 1. 20810 Orio (Gipuzkoa) Tel: 943 89 44 40 Fax: 943 83 17 65 During the cosmopolitan ‘Belle Époque’ that at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century attracted the European aristocracy, Gipuzkoa succeeded in having opened up to eleven health resorts at the same time. La Perla del Océano (The ocean’s Pearl), in La Concha Beach of Donostia-San Sebastián, and the Cestona Spa were among them. The Cestona Spa is the only thermal establishment that has survived uninterruptedly since that ‘boom’ up to our times. The discovery of the beneficial powers of the Zestoa springs is traditionally attributed to the Marquis de San Millán’s dogs. Apparently, in 1760, they cured of scabies after bathing in some hot water natural pools next to the Urola River. Since then, these two springs of Zestoa have even their own name. The Nativity Spring or Kidney’s Spring flows at 27 degrees of temperature, while the water of the San Ignacio Spring, or the Liver’s Spring, keeps a regular temperature of 31 degrees. Twelve years after the waters were declared of public utility in 1792, the Cestona Spa opened. The Grand Hotel was inaugurated in 1893 due to the increasing influx of visitors. This is the flag building of the spa and the only hotel with that category located in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country. Since two centuries ago, Zestoa is the capital of water culture. The only spa in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country offers endless techniques: ‘hidrogym’ with pressurised water and air jets, thermal pool, air-water ‘multi-jets’ pool, microbubble seats and beds pool with underwater massages, footbaths; jet showers, circular showers, massage showers, and Scottish showers; massages; Turkish and steam baths; saunas, parafangos… Moreover, we cannot forget the hydropinic cure, with two thermal fountains with water to drink. The Cestona Spa, with the Tourist Quality ‘Q’, attends to 213 people in a beautiful place of the Urola River. People still drink the waters of the Zestoa springs, fasting and under medical prescription by the centre doctor. Nevertheless, the Cestona Spa has become a whole hydrotherapy complex, with different types of pools, baths, showers, and vapours to tone and relax the body. The thermal tradition in Gipuzkoa revives in other modern facilities devoted to thalassotherapy that have appeared in recent years. The Zelai and Kresala hotels, in Zumaia and Deba respectively, combine the accommodation with a wide offer of thalassotherapy. The offer of Guipuzcoan spaces where we can take care of our bodies with the aid of water is completed with the resorts located in Donostia-San Sebastián: the La Perla Thalasso Sport Centre and the wellness-spa Hydra. The latter was the last one to join the circuit and is located in the basement of the María Cristina Hotel. Cestona Grand Hotel-Spa Paseo de San Juan, 30 20740 Zestoa Tel.: 943 14 71 40 Fax: 943 14 70 64 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:39 Página 45 45 Zelai Thalassotherapy The water in the Itzurun beach, in Zumaia, is known due to its high concentration of iodine. That seawater, at 37 degrees of temperature, is the core of a facility offering programmes under the evocative names: ‘Beauty and Vitality Treat- ment, ‘Weight-Loss and Slimming Treatment’ or ‘Relax and Wellbeing Cure’. After having these stimulating treatments, the client can have a walk through the amazing Itzurun Beach, to which the hotel looms up. Kresala Hotel-Thalassotherapy La Perla María Cristina Thalasso Sport Centre Hydra Wellness-Spa The Kresala Hotel, opened in the front line of the Deba beach in the summer of 2004, has a Thalassotherapy Centre. Different facilities are spread on an area of a thousand square metres: hydrotherapy, leisure pool, hot springs, jacuzzi, massage and beauty cabins, mud-wrapping rooms… Kresala Hotel Markiegi kalea, 6 20820 Deba Tel.: 943 60 80 52 Fax: 943 19 24 00 Stainless steel pool at 34 degrees, with water beds, bubble seats, cascade and jets, Turkish bath, Scottish shower, Vichy shower, relax area… These are some of the temptations of this centre, which has been the last one in joining the offer of thalassotherapy in 2005. It Heir to the original La Perla Health Resort, this emblematic building looming up to La Concha Beach hides 4,500 square metres for our health and enjoyment. As well as its Thalasso Fitness Circuit, it offers made-to-measure programmes, a gym, a health and beauty centre where they apply techniques of thalassotherapy, massages and face and body treatments… occupies a thousand square metres in the cellars of the María Cristina, the five-star elegant hotel of Donostia-San Sebastián. La Perla Thalasso Sport Centre Zelai Thalassotherapy Hotel Larretxo, 16 20750 Zumaia Tel.: 943 86 51 00 Fax: 943 86 51 78 Paseo de La Concha, s/n 20007 Donostia-San Sebastián Tel.: 943 45 88 56 Fax: 943 46 99 27 María Cristina Hydra Wellness-Spa Oquendo, 1 20004 Donostia-San Sebastián Tel.: 943 422 237 Fax: 943 425 287 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:39 Página 46 46 Through Gipuzkoa towards St. Jacques he hermitage at the top of Santiagomendi (Astigarraga), the San Adrián Tunnel that passes through the Aizkorri Massif or the visit to the Guadalupe and Itziar Virgins are milestones of the Jacobean routes in Gipuzkoa. The pilgrims that arrived at our territory while they were going to St. Jacques of Compostelle chose between two ways: the coastal road and the inland road. These two roads are still two different ways of knowing Gipuzkoa. T FRANCIA N- Oiartzun Astigarraga Hernani The Inland Road 1 Donostia San Sebastián Irun Urnieta Andoain his route, also known as the Royal Road, was already one of the backbones of the territory before the pilgrimages to the Apostle’s tomb increased in the 11th century. This road was used since Roman times. It goes deeper into the Green Gipuzkoa, through the Oria River Valley, up to getting to the plain of ÁlavaAraba in the direction of the Castille plateau. The pilgrims that came from Europe and reached the Bidasoa mouth went on using this communication axis. Alfonso X the Wise founded along it fortified villages that increased the importance of this axis. T Billabona Alabaster Carving of the Apostle, that can be admired in the Diocesan Museum of Donostia-San Sebastián. Anoeta Tolosa Legorreta 1. Ordizia Beasain Segura Zegama N-1 San Adrián [ ] Tunnel Stage 1: Stage 2: Irun - Andoain Andoain - Beasain (30,9 km.) (36,6 km.) Through the Santiago Bridge, we can cross the Bidasoa River and get into Gipuzkoa through Irun, a village that preserves the Romanesque engraving of the black Juncal Virgin in the parish of Nuestra Señora del Juncal. From Andoain, the Inland Road follows the Oria River course, passing among highways and areas of farmhouses through Villabona, Anoeta and the small village of Hernialde until we get into Tolosa. After going past the Gurutze Quarter, the route uses several rural paths of Oiartzun until it reaches Astigarraga, famous due to its cider bars. There, we will climb up to the small, 13th century Santiagomendi Hermitage, one of the most outstanding Jacobean references of this territory. Tolosa was one of the villages founded by Alfonso X the Wise and, afterwards, it became the capital of Gipuzkoa. The OspitalZaharra (Old Hospital), which gave refuge to the pilgrims, the Idiakez Palace and the Parish Church of Santa María are some of the points we should stop in. The route borders the village of Her nani through the Urumea River banks, before going deep into Urnieta. An old railway line will guide us to Andoain. From here, the road goes into a more mountainous area, through the Santa Marina Quarter of Albiztur and the foot of Mount Murumendi, the geographic centre of Gipuzkoa. On descending towards Beasain, we will find the Igartza Monumental Site. ALAVAARABA 2. Stage 3: Beasain - Zalduondo, (Álava-Araba) (34,3 km.) From Beasain, the road climbs the Olaberria Height, from which we can observe all the Goierri, and it approaches the Hermitage of Kurutzeta, in Idiazabal. The following point will be Segura, where the Historic Quarter, declared monumental site, preserves its medieval structure. We will pass near the Santa Bárbara Hermita-ge before reaching, after several going-ups and downs, Zegama, whose pilgrim hospital was located in the present Las Nieves Hermitage. We will climb among forests, with the hermitages of Iruetxea and Sancti-Spiritus as reference, until we reach the hill that crowns the San Adrián Tunnel, a pass bored into the crag since time immemorial. Further away, Álava-Araba awaits. 3. 1. Parish Church of San Martín de Tours, in Andoain. 2. Santiago Matamoros, in the Segura Parish. 3. San Adrián Tunnel, meeting point between Álava-Araba and Gipuzkoa. 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:39 Página 47 47 IA Hondarribia The Coastal Road FRANCIA Mutriku Deba 8 A- Stage 1: he Coastal Road, following the Gipuzkoa seaboard before going deeper into the Biscayan Lea-Artibai comarca (land), seems to be one of the most primitive pilgrim roads to St. Jacques of Compostelle, previous to the Inland Road and to other well-known routes. It was the pilgrims’ favourite route in the 9th and 10th centuries, when there were no road improvements in the connection between Gipuzkoa and Castille. T 1. Nevertheless, some people complaint about ‘the blown fury of Ocean’s arms found everywhere’ (Hugo de Oporto, Portuguese bishop, in 1120). The thing is that the coastal paths should cross the difference of level in the coast and the cuts that meant and mean the mouths of the Gipuzkoa Rivers: Oiartzun, Urumea, Oria, Urola and Deba. Stage 3: (25 km) Stage 2: Following a path we will go through all the coastal Mount Jaizkibel getting down to Lezo, where we go past the Basilica of El Santo Cristo, famous due to its beardless Christ. The way continues towards Pasai Donibane, the most picturesque district of those facing the Bay of Pasaia, with the typical fishing houses of its Santiago Square. We will cross to Pasai San Pedro on boat, from where we can climb another mount, Ulia, that separates it from the capital. After greeting La Plata Lighthouse, the walker can enjoy a beautiful stroll with views across to the sea, until descending to Donostia-San Sebastián. Orio 70 E- IrunDonostia-San Sebastián From the Santiago Bridge, we will walk through the road up to Hondarribia, with a beautiful walled Old Quarter that is a National Historic-Artistic Monument. Charles V’s Castle (at present a Government owned hotel) dominates the Armas Square. The Guadalupe fort and sanctuary (15th century) are located in the ascent to Mount Jaizkibel. Getaria Zarautz BIZKAIA In the Church of Askizu, between Getaria and Zumaia, we will find interesting images of medieval origin. Zumaia Pasaia Donostia San Sebastián Donostia-San Sebastián – Zarautz (25 km.) On the other side of La Concha Bay, the route gets to the top of Mount Igeldo and to its extension, Mendizorrotz. Already in Orio, we will find the San Martín de Tours and the San Juan Hermitages, over the beach. After crossing the Oria River mouth and Mount Talaimendi, Zarautz awaits the walker. Besides its long beach, we must visit the Church of Santa María la Real, with its ‘Pilgrim’s Tomb’. The old road that linked Zarautz and Getaria is located through the Height of Meagas. The trees in the Vista Alegre Park and the Santa Bárbara Hermitage show us the way. On going down towards Zumaia, the pilgrims usually stopped in another church devoted to San Martín de Tours, the Church of Askizu. 2. Zarautz – Deba, (where a hostel for pilgrims is located) (22 km.) In Zumaia, the Coastal Road went deep into the inland, through the Urola River and a path among farmhouses, in order to reach another milestone for the pilgrim, the Church of Itziar, with its 13th century image of the Virgin. A path passing by the San Roque Hermitage guides us to Deba, with its parish church devoted to Santa María. 3. Etapa 4: Deba – MarkinaXemein, (Bizkaia) (29 km.) From Deba, the route starts crossing the only bridge over the estuary that will lead us to the Laranga Quarter, located already in the municipality of Mutriku. From here, the path will guide us through Mount Arno (included in the Natura 2000 Network of Areas of Special Interest) to the territory of Bizkaia. The end of this stage is located in the Collegiate Church of Zenarruza, 6 kilometres from Markina- Xemein. 1. The Santiagotxo Hermitage, located on the hills of Mount Jaizkibel. 2. In the Church of El Santo Cristo, in Lezo, they worship a wooden Christ. It has an unusual Gothic style, since its face has no beard. 3. Road in Zarautz. 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:39 Página 48 48 500th anniversary of the birth of the seafarer and astronomer Andrés de Urdaneta 1. A ndrés de Urdaneta was born in the bosom of a middle-class family of Ordizia, in the heart of Gipuzkoa. He had a careful training during his youth in the fields of astronomy, cosmography, and geography and, when he was only 17 years old, he joined an expedition to the Moluccas Isles under the orders of Juan Sebastian Elcano. Urdaneta stayed more than 120 years in these isles studying the people’s culture, the climate, the economy and the sea currents of this place. dition to conquer the Philippines, which was captained by Miguel Lopez de Legazpi. Urdaneta’s role was highly important in this expedition, since he was the only man capable of find the way back from the Asiatic isles to the American continent. The year 2008 celebrates the 500th anniversary of the birth of this distinguished persona, the seafarer who discovered the tornaviaje (return trip): the route to cross the Pacific Ocean from West to East. This exchange trading route between Asia and America was used during more than 300 years. More than four months were needed to cover the 8,000 miles of this route, separating the Philippines and the California Coast. Throughout 2008, Ordizia, his hometown, celebrates a series of events to commemorate his figure and to make his time and achievements known. 2. 1. Andrés de Urdaneta, universal men from Gipuzkoa. 2. Statue of Urdaneta in Ordizia, his hometown. 3. Pictorial representation of Urdaneta pointing at the route to the East. 4. Detail of a 1580 map, which includes the Philippines Archipelago, the starting point of the new route of the East. When he came back, Urdaneta settled in Spain for some time, until he travelled to Mexico and joined the Augustinian Order. Later on, King Philip II chose him to be the nautical expert for the expe- 3. • January - E x h i b i t i o n : “Andres de Urdaneta (15082008)” January-May Location: Barrena Cultura House - Conference: Overseas murmurs. The Basque people and emigration to America, an unknown story (Oscar Alvarez Gila) - Location: Barrena Cultura House • February - Conference: Urdaneta XVI. Mendeko euskal itsas zabalkundearean adibide (Xabier Alberdi) Location: Barrena Cultura House • March - Conference: Naval construction in Gipuzkoa: 16th centur (Lurdes Odriozola Oyarbide) Location: Barrena Cultura House - Presentation of the book “Andres de Urdaneta in his time” (Jose Ramón de Miguel Bosch) Location: Barrena Cultura House 2008 Calendar 4. • April - Conference: Nautical knowledge in Urdanet’s time (Jose Ramón de Miguel Bosch) Location: Barrena Cultura House - Presentation of the documentary film on Urdaneta • May - Conference: Urdaneta and the Basque pioneers in the Philippines: their contribution to the creation of the Philippine nation (Marciano de Borja Ramos) Location: Barrena Cultura House - Medieval Fair and Spice Fair - Exhibition: “From the forest to the sea” (Albaola) • June - Exhibition: “Andres de Urdaneta (1508-2008)” Location: Kutxa-Boulevard Hall San Sebastian • July - “Andrés de Urdaneta” Conferences - Summer Courses of the University of the Basque Country • August - Exhibition:“Andres de Urdaneta (1508-2008)” Location: Asia House Barcelona • September - Jornadas: “Andrés de Urdaneta” - Musical Fortnight of San Sebastian –Ordizia Location: Ordizia • October - Crafts Fair - Philately Exhibition • November - Barroko Aire Programme: Baroque Music Days Location:Ordizia - International Congress “Andrés de Urdaneta: a modern man” Location:Ordizia 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:39 Página 49 49 The Arrikrutz caves: a hidden treasure comes to light ne of the newest tourist resources in Gipuzkoa are the Arrikrutz caves. The always-stimulating town of Oñati shows the visitors a great 500 metre-long cavity, where one can admire the natural architecture of stalactites and stalagmites or evoke the cave lion that once roared in here. O The domains of the cave lion 1. The caves of Arrikrutz, open to the public in 2007, served as a refuge in prehistoric times to different animal species. At the foot of the Aizkorri Massif, in Oñati, we find the Gesaltza-Arrikrutz karst system, a place that was perforated by the water filtrations,as if it was a Gruyere cheese, throughout millions of years, until shaping a complex network of fourteen interconnected galleries on six superimposed floors. This is the biggest cavity in Gipuzkoa, a space with a high geological, archaeological, and palaeontological interest. For most of us, this underground treasure was unknown, until the 2007 summer, in which the Town Council of Oñati decided to open a part of it. The 53rd gallery, a half kilometre long and 45 metres drop, has been prepared so that anybody can enjoy it, with a footbridge and illumination regulated by an advanced computer system. Those attending the one-hour guided tour to the Arrikrutz Caves are surprised at the cavity magnitude; they get even more amazed when they know that this is just a small fraction of the wide Gesaltza-Arrikrutz karst system. Then, in an educational and enjoyable way, the guide make the visitor discover other aspects, such as the way in which water and hydrology sculpted the cave until shaping huge stalactites. The underground river features or the origins of the mineral universe are other issues that are visible in situ. It is highly striking to know the prehistoric animals that inhabited the cave. The caves have fast become an essential stop for those visiting Oñati, which already had its historic quarter, the Snactuary of Aranzazu, and the Aizkorri Natural Park among its focuses. The new resource has joined the initiative ‘El subsuelo sin fronteras’ (The subsoil without frontiers), twining different tourist caves in the Cantabrian Coast and the Atlantic Pyrenees: Pozalagua, in Biscay, Mendukilo, Ikaburu and Sorginen Leizea (Zugarramurdi) in Navarre, and Sara, in the French-Basque Country, besides Arrikrutz. These six resources promote the underground world richness and offer joint discounts and gifts. In an hour-long route the visitor obtains information on archaeology, potholing, palaeontology and stalactite formations. The skeleton of a cave lion was discovered in Arrikrutz in the 60s, the first time that the complete remains of a feline disappeared 10,000 years ago appeared in the Iberian Peninsula. A reproduction of the animal invites the visitors to the Oñati cave to imagine how that lion’s life would be at present in the depths of the Earth. The cave lion was not alone in Arrikrutz, which was the refuge for many animals, as it is shown by the presence of skulls and skeleton parts of panthers, as well as an impressive bear site, with bone remains of two hundred plantigrades. Arrikrutz caves Tel.: 943 08 20 00 Opening hours From Tuesday to Sunday: from March to May and October, from 10:00 to 14:00 and from 15:00 to 18:00. From June to September: from 10:00 to 14:00 and from 15:00 to 19:00 From November to February: from 10:00 to 14:00 and from 15:00 to 17:00. Prices: Adults, 8 euros. Retired people, children and groups, 6 euros. 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:39 Página 50 50 Eduardo Chillida, the artist who shaped Gipuzkoa entioning Eduardo Chillida's figure means evoking one of the most international and respectable contemporary artists, but also remembering a man who is closely tied to the land where he was born and where he died. His sculptures are, as his own person, indebted to the virtues of the environment. This is the reason of the close relationship between his work and the territory of Gipuzkoa. On the thirtieth anniversary of his most well known work, Donostia's Peine del Viento (Wind Comb), we take a look at the peculiar universe created by the author who dared to control iron, create air spaces and establish dialogues with stones. Chillida Leku, the museum devoted to him, will be the venue for the commemoration events of this anniversary. M Behind the sculptor's steps > Donostia-San Sebastián houses the highest number of works by Chillida in the historic territory of Gipuzkoa. One of the most recent is located at the portico of the El Buen Pastor Cathedral, Camino hacia la Paz (Road to Peace) > The granite Monument to Fleming erects in La Concha Promenade of Donostia-San Sebastián and, near this place, we can enjoy the Estela a Rafa Alberdi (Stela to Rafa Alberdi), made in iron, in a vantage point over the Pico del Loro. > One of the sculptor's first public commissions was the doors of the Basilica of Nuestra Señora de Arantzazu, created in 1954. > Chillida's works has constant tributes to the artists he admired most. This is the case of Lizardiaren Lehioa, located in Tolosa's Aramburu Palace, a tribute to the poet Xabier Lizardi. - Near the Basilica of San Ignacio de Loyola, in Azpeitia, there is a piece part from the series Enparantza, a tribute to this Gipuzkoan saint. Loyal to the philosophy he confessed during his lifetime, Eduardo Chillida was a tree with the roots in his birthplace and the branches opened to the rest of the world. His work, deeply rooted to his environment and linked to its circumstances, followed the same course and has finally designed a universal legacy. Gipuzkoa is the starting point for discovering the fruits of Eduardo Chillida's fifty years of creative activity. His sculptures are not only an indissoluble part of our living space, but also of our sentimental memory. That is why most of his works refer us to spots of the Gipuzkoan territory. The sculpture material evoke us the iron tradition; the lurras (clays) evoke the cult of nature, prevailing since megalithic times, and spaces like the Wind Comb inform on the artist's commitment to marry art and nature. In order to have a deep knowledge of his work, we need to travel through Gipuzkoa's historic territory, comparing valleys, discovering sculptures in their natural envi- ronment and, finally, visiting the museum that the sculptor dreamt to house his works. In 2007, Chillida Leku will remember the 30th anniversary of the Wind Comb. The entire programme, centred on the four seasons, will focus on this work, which is indissolubly tied to Donostia-San Sebastián and Gipuzkoa. Exhibitions, jazz and classical music concerts and several parallel activities will reveal the importance of this sculpture in the historical and social context it had to live. The work combing the wind The Wind Comb is probably Eduardo Chillida's most emblematic work, as well as one of the landscape icons of Donostia-San Sebastián. Beached in the western end of La Concha Bay and perpetually facing the sea fury, this site includes three sculptures showing rust due to the passing of time that perfectly illustrate the marriage between human spirit and natural beauty. It does not matter if a storm lashes the coast or if a gale-force wind comes here to soften: the work created by Chillida and the architect Luis Peña Ganchegui is visited everyday by local and foreign people. The Wind Comb is not only one of the city's romantic spots, but also an unavoidable appointment for those who want to get deeper into the Basque sculptor's particular universe. 2007 is the 30th anniversary of the creation -not without difficulties- of this emblematic work. A complete activity programme will remember different issues related to it. 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:39 Página 51 51 Chillida leku's legacy Journey to the centre of Eduardo Since August 2002, Eduardo Chillida's ashes rest under a magnolia in Zabalaga, the same place where the sculptor used to go to observe the dialogue between his work and the landscape. On 10th January, but 78 years before, the artist was born in Donostia-San Sebastián. He was the oldest of three brothers and his artistic passion was evident since he was very young. Four years after beginning his Architecture degree, in 1947, he abandoned the studies to cultivate his sculptural vocation under the protection of José Martínez Repullés, period in which he gave birth to his first works. Months afterwards, he moved to Paris and met other important artists who influenced his training. He exhibited some of his works there. After his French experience, Eduardo came back to the Basque Country with his wife, Pilar Belzunce, and settled in Hernani. There he started to work in iron, the key element in his work, with the help of the local blacksmith to get the raw material. In 1954, he created the four doors of the Basilica of Nuestra Señora de Arantzazu with the remains he found in Zumaia's port. During these years, his work began to be recognised abroad, being awarded the International Grand Prize for Sculpture in the Venice Biennale or the Kandinsky Prize. Later on, he intensified his collaborations with philosophers like Martin Heidegger or Jorge Guillén and began to work with alabaster. In 1977, the Wind Comb, one of his favourite creations, is installed in Donostia-San Sebastián. His works started to travel around the world, having public sculptures in 10 different countries. Since 2000, the terrains of the Zabalaga Farmhouse shelter Chillida Leku, the museum the artists himself conceived to hold his work. The sculptor died two years after its opening, on 19th August 2002. As if it were one more work, the museum exhibiting Eduardo Chillida's legacy was the fruit of a long, pondered and passionate process. The artist visited the green spots surrounding the Zabalaga Farmhouse, in the locality of Hernani, during almost twenty years, in order to plan the achievement of his dream. A perfect place for the marriage of his works and nature or, as he himself said, “A space where my sculptures can rest and where people can walk among them like if it was a forest.” In 2000, his desire came true, giving birth to one of the most beautiful and intimate museums in the Basque Country. An area that houses 391 sculptures and more than 300 paper works, among which we can find gravitations, prints and drawings. The terrains of this 16th century farmhouse, dotted with beech trees, magnolias and oak trees, shelter 40 sculptures of different sizes -there are even sculptures of 50 tons-, periods and materials steel, reinforced concrete and stone-. These make up a space that walks between fantasy and reality and that changes depending on the season of the year. The works exhibited in this space can be touched and are the invitation card to take part in the games of light and air proposed by the Donostian artist, who always ran away from straight shapes. The Zabalaga Farmhouse, restored according at the sculptor's will, houses reduced-format works, made in alabaster, terracotta, plaster, wood, steel and paper; as well as a hall for temporary exhibitions tackling the most intimate creative processes of Eduardo Chillida. Far from becoming a static space, Chillida Leku has been a source of multidisciplinary cultural activities from the beginning. In harmony with the philosophy of the artist who conceived it, the museum periodically houses classical music and jazz concerts, dance performances, plastic art workshops and educational programmes to bring Chillida's art, life and work near the visitors. 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:39 Página 52 52 Gipuzkoa: by step and pedal strokes n a map, Gipuzkoa is a vast green area. On the terrain, its domains have life, create relieves and are dotted with forests, valleys, gentle hills and powerful massifs. The best way of knowing Gipuzkoa's different face is to park our cars, choose our most comfortable shoes and oil our bike chain. This is the only way in which we can join the best-preserved treasure of the territory: its natural heritage. Discovering Gipuzkoa, on foot or on two wheels, not only helps to perpetuate the landscape we have inherited from our ancestors, but also to get in touch with our environment in a slow and respectful way. Here you have an invitation to begin a friendship with nature and to know its amazing merits. The effort will be worth it.. O Three greenways Two wheels and many lanes Future belongs to two wheels. Gipuzkoa is carrying out an ambitious project to equip the whole territory with a safe, comfortable and useful network of cycle lanes, intending to be both a tool for leisure and mobility. On one hand, Donostia-San Sebastián, the capital city, enjoys a wide network of bidegorris -that is how cycle lanes are called in Basque language since they are marked in red (gorri)interconnecting the different quarters of the city. On the other hand, the rest of localities in this historic territory are also joining this initiative, coinciding with the building of inter-urban lanes to structure all Gipuzkoa for both pedestrians and cyclists. We should also mention the cycle lanes -properly signposted and adaptedand the greenways that allow us to get in touch with nature without damaging the environment. With your own bike or hiring one, Gipuzkoa's landscapes want to be discovered with the whispering of wheels as faithful companion. Leitzaran Cycle Lane Ardituri Cycle Lane Urola River Cycle Lane This is one of the most suggestive routes in Gipuzkoa's geography, not only due to the landscapes it shows but also due to the history this thick blanket of oaks, beeches and pines hides. At the beginning of the 20th century, the train transporting to Andoain the iron mineral extracted in the Plazaola Mines crossed the valley of the Leitzaran River. Years afterwards, the mining activity stopped and it became a passenger train between Pamplona and San Sebastián until the middle of the century. Then, the Plazaola train fell into oblivion until its gently sloping route was recovered, its many tunnels were illuminated and it began to be frequented by walkers and cyclists. In all, almost 25 kilometres of the Gipuzkoan sector of this route and a fantastic catalogue of forests, stone bridges and rural spots with the sound of the Leitzaran River's perpetual whisper. The Arditurri Cycle Lane begins on the seashore and leads us to the characteristic rough relief of the Aiako Harria Natural Park. The route was originally covered by the train that transported the Arditurri Mines fluorspar to the Pasajes Port to provide a way out by sea for this good. In sum, twelve kilometres accompanied by the Oiartzun River that are characterised by big landscape contrasts: along the route, we find less rural and more populated pictures -such as Pasajes or Errenteria- and, next, we can get immersed into rural settings like Altzibar or Ergoien and the Arditurri Mines, which were already worked in Roman times. The Aiako Harria Massif, the huge granite crest acting as natural frontier between Gipuzkoa and Navarre, are the finishing touch of our route. Eleven bridges, almost twenty tunnels, a path flying over the road and the wide Urola River… This cycle lane recovers a section of the route that the passenger train linking Zumaia -a coastal locality- and Zumarraga -in Gipuzkoa's green heart- formerly covered. After the disappearance of the railway, thirteen kilometres between Azkoitia and Zumarraga were conditioned. This gave birth to an almost flat greenway of compacted ground with a great landscape beauty, squeezed among mountains and offering amazing views over the farmhouses on the banks of the Urola River. Some sections have been asphalted and the route has been recently signposted and linked to another cycle lane, which allows getting to the neighbouring Legazpi. The way is opened for both cyclists and pedestrians. 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:39 Página 53 53 Mountains and paths for all tastes Inter-city cycle lanes Greenways 1 Errotaburu - Añorga Txiki (Donostia) 1 Leitzaran 2 Hernani - Urnieta 2 Arditurri 3 Alegia - Ikaztegieta 3 Legazpi - Azkoitia (Urola) 4 Ormaiztegi - Salbatore 5 Loiola (Azpeitia) 6 Soraluze - Osintxu > Network under construction : 7 Arizmendi (Oiartzun) 8 Tolosa-Alegia 9 Idiazabal-Segura > Other ways: Irun, Errenteria, Lasarte-Oria, Andoain, Tolosa, Lazkao, Ormaiztegi, Zumaia, Bergara, Arrasate, Eskoriatza Long-distance routes GR 121 Tour through Gipuzkoa GR 120 Route of the Three Churches GR 34 Donostia - San Sebastián - Arantzazu GR 35 Transhumance Route GR 20 Tour through Aralar GR 21 Ignatius Route GR 9 Las Provincias Cattle Track Signposting for different routes in the Aralar Mountain Range. Gipuzkoa's rough and varied orography of this territory turns it into the perfect place for trekking. Coastal hills like Mendizorrotz or Jaizkibel, inland mountain ranges like Aralar or Aitzgorri, or mediumheight summits like Izarraitz or Irimo explain the palette of mountains dotting Gipuzkoa. We should add the many valleys -of varied shapes too- that provide the place with its own personality and offer a powerful stimulus to those who want to discover this territory backpacking. On one hand, we have the possibility to follow many trekking routes suitable for all levels. It is usual to succumb to one of the most practised sports at weekends: climbing mountains like Ernio located near Tolosa and crowned by an impressive cemetery-, Adarra -adjacent to the Leitzaran Valley and characterised by having several megalithic monuments-, Txindoki -with a harder route and a rocky crest- or Aizko- rri -one of Gipuzkoa's highest summits. We will only need one morning to climb some of these mountains and check at firsthand the landscape excellences of this Basque spot. On the other hand, a complex network of long-path routes crosses the territory of Gipuzkoa from North to South and from East to East. These are known as GR signposted with white and red marks-, which mark more ambitious and complex routes that will need several days to cover. Even so, they can be covered per section or in shorter excursions. Thus, we can stand out the GR121 that completely surrounds Gipuzkoa, along its frontiers with Navarre, Bizkaia, Álava and the Cantabrian Sea. The GR-20 does the same with the Aralar Mountain Range and the GR-120 offers an excellent panoramic view over the inland through three architectural and religious milestones like the Sanctuary of Loyola, the Hermitage of La Antigua in Zumarraga and the Sanctuary of Arantzazu. The GR-21 follows the steps of the patron saint of Gipuzkoa. It is the Ignatius Route, which evokes the arduous route covered by the saint Ignatius of Loyola after being wounded in Pamplona. We can also pilgrimage to Arantzazu, from the capital city of DonostiaSan Sebastián, crossing the whole territory (GR-34) or remember the transhumance route (GR35) used by the stockbreeders for getting to the grazing areas in cold and hot months. 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:39 Página 54 54 What to eat "Auteur Cuisine" Product-based Cuisine Una visita a Gipuzkoa probableA visit to Gipuzkoa would not be complete without a visit to one of its "temples of gastronomy" to let yourself be overwhelmed by the textures, flavours and colours offered by the best chefs. Alongside Gipuzkoa’s "auteur cuisine", there is also a countless variety of restaurants of various categories where one cay savour a wide range of entrees, all prepared with wise simplicity and The satisfaction of enjoying a highly creative meal is guaranteed, and prices are not outrageous, considering the level of haute cuisine. Thanks to a select group of chefs that persistently demand excellence in their work, Gipuzkoa, a relatively small region, has become the epicentre of the so-called "Auteur Cuisine". Gipuzkoa boasts the highest concentration of Michelin stars, currently 14. The original "New Basque Cuisine", has evolved into the sum of several generations of chefs, each with their own unique personality but united in their respect for the quality of natural ingredients and their dedication to research and innovation. In Gipuzkoa, high cuisine is known for being friendly and sociable. Even the most famous chefs frequently greet their dinner guests in person. They share their recipes and cooking advice on television shows and participates in gatherings and congresses, such as The Best in Gastronomy, or the Intxaurrondo Gastronomic Week. using fresh seasonal products of the land and the sea. Tasting the fresh grilled bluefish captured by the local ‘arrantzales’ (fishermen) in coastal towns such as Getaria or Pasai Donibane is a delicious experience. The unique sauce made with olive oil, vinegar, garlic and hot pepper plays up the flavour of the "txitxarro" (mackerel), red bream and hake. Tasty grilled steak, the beans of Tolosa the blood sausages of Beasain or the "mondejus" of Zaldibia, are other distinctive dishes you can enjoy in the restaurants of Gipuzkoa. Cider Cellars Gastronomic Societies From January to May, cider cellars offer a typical hard-to-resist Guipuzcoan cooking. Its origins can be traced to the traditional cider tasting performed each season at the farms where cider is produced in large casks or "kupelas". Although some cider cellars are more like restaurants, the defining characteristic of this experience is for guests to eat standing up, making it is easier to walk back and forth to the "kupelas" from which to serve yourself with a fine glass tumbler. According to connoisseurs, you should drink it all in one draught. To accompany this apple drink, the guests usually share a fixed menu: cod omelette with peppers, T-bone steak, cheese with quince marmalade and walnuts. The relaxed atmosphere and the combination of cider and this unique meal make the visit to the cider cellar a delightful experience. Some people say that the authentic traditional Guipuzcoan cuisine is to be found among the pots and pans of the numerous "gastronomic societies". These are traditional club organizations, in which the members have "cooking rights" and where food is worshipped daily as an essential part of social relationships. There is a variety of types of societies. Some focus on social gathering and cooking while others also organize sporting activities, cultural events and festivities. Some are traditional societies that allow only male members and where women are only admitted as guests and within certain schedules. However, many are mixed-sex societies, especially the more recent ones. To visit one of these societies, you will need to be accompanied by a member. 100% ingles 2008 OK.qxd 16/7/08 14:39 Página 55 55 'Pintxo' (Tapas) Tasting The so-called ‘txikiteo’ or tradition of drinking ‘txikitos’ (small glasses of wine) or ‘zuritos’ (beer) from bar to bar has been enhanced in Donostia-San Sebastian as well as rest of Gipuzkoa by the custom of "pintxo" tasting: Accompanying the drink with small and tempting tapas. The classic tapas have evolved into what is now known as "miniature cuisine" with sophisticated ‘auteur pintxos’. The top bars and restaurants create innovative combinations to win "pintxo" competitions and tempt and attract clients. Fairs and Markets Another way to approach the cuisine of Gipuzkoa is by visiting and buying food at the local markets and fairs. Markets are like shop-windows for typical farmhouse products. The foremost market is held in Ordizia, which turns into the ‘Wall Street’ of the local food products every Wednesday (it is best to arrive by early morning). The prices set for each product in Ordizia become the references for prices the rest of Gipuzkoa. The other weekly appointment is the Tolosa market on Saturdays. Denomination of Origin Idiazabal Cheese The shepherds of Gipuzkoa have produced this creamy cheese for centuries, using only traditional methods and milk from native "latxa" breed of sheep. Today the special traits of this cheese have been categorised so as to merit its own Denomination of Origin, "Idiazabal", which takes its name from the village in the of Goierri area of Gipuzkoa. This label brings together the producers from the whole region, and neighbouring areas. Whether smoked or natural, its defining flavour comes from the milk of the "latxa" breed of sheep. The project Artzai Tour allows us to visit the farmhouses where the best cheeses with Idiazabal Designation of Origin were made, by means of two routes through the territory of Gipuzkoa. (More information in or on the telephone: 943 18 71 29) Txakoli of Getaria (white wine) The typical white wine of the coast traces its roots back to the Middle Ages. Fresh, light, delicately bubbly, and slightly sharp, the "txakoli" is produced using two local grape varieties, Hondarribi Zuri (white) y Hondarribi Beltza (black). The Denomination of Origin "Txakoli de Getaria" guarantees the quality of this wine, ideal for drinking on its own or accompanied by mouth-watering fish dishes. There is a wide range of miniature entrees between the simplest and most elaborate tapas. Each bar has its own specialties and clients enjoy eating at the counter and satisfying their appetite in small doses from bar to bar. However, any of the town markets is perfect for buying cider, "txakoli" (white wine) of Getaria, Idiazabal cheese, beans from Tolosa, Ibarra peppers, vegetables, sausages, honey, or homemade sweets. Should your visit to Gipuzkoa coincide with any of the extraordinary fairs, do not let them go by (Euskal Jaiak of Ordizia in September, Santa Lucia in Zumarraga and Urretxu on December 13th, Saint Thomas on December 21st in DonostiaSan Sebastian). Quality Label The "Eusko Label" trademark distinguishes Basque food products of special quality. In Gipuzkoa we find the following products guaranteed by the "Eusko Label": Beans from the Basque Country (the beans from Tolosa are the most famous), Ibarra Peppers, Basque Beef, Basque Farm-raised Chicken, Basque Lamb, High Quality Tomato, Basque Honey, and High Quality Pasteurized Milk from the Basque Country. 56 W H E R E Hotel and Inns N.H. ARANZAZU Vitoria-Gasteiz, 1 943 21 90 77 943 21 90 50 PICTOGRAMS INTERPRETATION H **** 180 TO S L E E P EUROPA San Martín, 52. 943 47 08 80 943 47 17 30 H *** Number of rooms Centrally located Disabled access H * 46 68 PALACIO DE AIETE H Goiko Galtzara Berri, 27 **** 943 21 00 71 943 21 43 21 MONTE ULÍA Alcalde José Elosegi, 21 943 32 67 67 943 32 64 00 NIZA Zubieta, 56 943 42 66 63 943 44 12 51 H *** RECORD Calzada Vieja, 35 943 27 12 55 943 27 85 21 H * 12 75 Parking Mark of quality used by the Spanish Tourism Quality Institute (ICTE) > DonostiaSan Sebastián MARIA CRISTINA República Argentina, 4 943 43 76 00 943 43 76 76 H ***** 136 ABBA LONDRES Y DE INGLATERRA Zubieta, 2 943 44 07 70 943 44 04 91 41 SAN SEBASTIAN H Avda. Zumalacárregui, 20 **** 943 31 66 60 943 21 72 99 SILKEN AMARA PLAZA H Plaza Pío XII, 7 **** 943 46 46 00 943 47 25 48 H **** TRYP ORLY Pza. Zaragoza, 4 943 46 32 00 943 45 61 01 H **** H **** 201 VILLA SORO Avda. de Ategorrieta, 61 943 29 79 70 943 29 79 71 GUDAMENDI H Pº Gudamendi - Monte Igeldo **** 943 21 40 00 943 21 51 08 ANOETA Pº de Anoeta, 30 943 45 14 99 943 45 20 36 H *** 26 43 H **** 23 AVENIDA Pº de Igueldo, 55 943 21 20 22 943 21 28 87 H **** CODINA Avda. Zumalacárregui, 21 943 21 22 00 943 21 25 23 65 LEKU EDER Bº Igueldo, s/n 943 21 09 64 / 21 01 07 943 21 97 91 NICOL’S Pº de Gudamendi, 21 Bº Igeldo 943 21 57 99 943 21 17 24 H *** H ** H ** TERMINUS Avda. de Francia, 21 943 29 19 00 943 29 19 99 12 P ** ALDAMAR Aldamar, 2-1º 943 43 01 43 943 42 36 95 P ** 10 PARMA General Jauregui, 11 943 42 88 93 943 42 40 82 ARRIZUL C/ Peña y Goñi, 1. 943 32 28 04 943 32 67 01 ALAMEDA Boulevard, 16 – 2º 943 42 64 49 943 43 30 15 5 H ** H ** ALEMANA San Martín, 53 943 46 25 44 943 46 17 71 P ** 21 AMETZAGAÑA Camino de Uba, 61 943 45 63 99 / 45 90 92 943 47 27 78 P ** 34 18 H *** AIDA P Iztueta, 9-1º ** 943 32 78 00 943 32 67 07 9 27 47 42 125 H ** 42 25 MERCURE MONTE IGUELDO Paseo del Faro 134 943 21 02 11 943 21 50 28 LA GALERIA Infanta Cristina, 3-1 943 21 60 77/31 75 59 943 21 12 98 18 H **** ZARAGOZA PLAZA H Plaza Zaragoza, 3 * 943 45 21 03 943 44 65 02 19 30 163 64 HESPERIA DONOSTI NEW Avnd. Zarautz, 120 943 31 91 00 943 31 91 10 H ** 90 148 BARCELÓ COSTA VASCA Avda. Pío Baroja, 15 943 31 79 50 943 21 24 28 EZEIZA Avda. Satrústegui, 13 943 21 43 11 943 21 47 68 NEW H * ANOETA Avda. de Madrid, 13 – 1º 943 24 52 88/676 47 81 97 943 24 52 88 P ** 8 ARTEA San Bartolomé, 33 943 45 51 00 8 P ** W H E R E BAHIA San Martín, 54 bis 943 46 92 11 943 46 39 14 P ** P ** KURSAAL P Peña y Goñi, 2 - 1ºD ** 943 29 26 66 943 29 75 36 10 P ** LA CONCHA P San Martín, 51 ** 943 45 03 89 943 46 08 93 8 6 BELLAS ARTES Urbieta, 64-1ºD 943 47 49 05 943 46 31 11 P ** P ** 10 P ** P ** 9 CHOMIN P Avda. Infanta Beatriz, 16 ** 943 31 73 12 / 943 21 07 05 LOREA Alameda del Boulevard, 16 943 42 72 58 943 42 72 58 P ** URIZAR Ferrerías, 15 943 79 12 93 P ** 9 UXARTE Bº Udala 943 79 12 50 943 77 15 62 P ** > Astigarraga BEIZAMA Bº Ergobia, 12 943 55 00 42 / 33 29 77 > Azkoitia MAITE Avda. Madrid, 19-1ºB 943 47 07 15 943 45 48 26 P ** 16 REGIL Easo, 9-1º / 943 42 71 43 P ** P ** DONOSTIARRA P San Martín, 6-1º ** 943 42 61 67 943 43 00 71 16 GRAN BAHIA P Embeltran, 16-1º dcha. ** 943 42 02 16 943 42 82 76 URKIA Urbieta, 12 943 42 44 36 P ** 7 URUMEA Getaria, 14 943 42 46 05 943 42 46 05 NEW LARRAMENDI TORREA C/ San Juan, 6 / 943 85 76 66/ 65 H * 5 43 KANALA ITZIAR Itziar 943 19 90 35 943 19 93 64 H ** 12 P ** 9 ARRATE Ego Gain, 5 943 20 72 42 943 70 00 74 H *** 89 LOIOLA Loiolako Inazio, 47 / 943 15 16 16 / 18 H ** KRABELIN Bº Arrate, s/n 943 20 27 27 943 20 89 91 H ** 12 36 LARRAÑAGA Elosiaga, 392 943 81 11 80 943 15 15 17 H * TXARRIDUNA C/ Maala, 2 943 74 87 78 943 74 87 79 8 NEW GUREGAS H Carretera Nacional Km 1 ** 943 00 08 05 943 31 03 63 IGARTZA Oriamendi, 41 943 08 52 40 943 08 52 41 > Elgoibar H * H ** 22 > Errezil TRINTXERA Tolosa –Azpeitia, km 10 943 68 12 06 943 68 12 16 H ** 7 25 > Arrasate-Mondragón 6 ITXASOA P San Juan, 14 - 2ºE-F ** 943 42 01 32 / 43 00 86 943 42 01 32 H *** 10 10 P ** KRESALA Markiegi, 6 943 60 80 52 943 19 24 00 > Eibar > Beasain 6 > Deba ZUMARDI Marinel, 12 / 943 19 23 68 5 > Azpeitia 8 5 H ** ARRASATE Biteri Etorbidea, 1 943 79 73 22 943 79 14 16 7 7 BUENA VISTA Bº Igueldo, s/n 943 21 06 00 943 21 06 01 57 7 LA PERLA Loyola, 10 943 42 81 23 10 BIKAIN Triunfo, 8 - Entresuelo 943 45 43 33 943 46 80 74 S L E E P 12 3 BASIC CONFORT II Puerto 17- 2º 943 42 25 81 943 42 25 81 P ** 7 53 BASIC CONFORT San Lorenzo 12-2º 943 43 01 32/ 943 42 25 81 943 42 25 81 KAIA Puerto, 12 / : 943 43 13 42 TO MONDRAGON H Biteri Etorbidea, 16 *** 943 71 24 33 943 71 23 43 43 SALBATORE Bº Salbatore, s/n / 943 88 83 07/62 H * 14 > Bergara ORMAZABAL Barrenkalea, 11 943 76 36 50 14 H ** > Eskoriatza AZKOAGA ENEA NEW c/ Gastañadui, 4 943 71 45 66 943 71 45 69 14 H *** 58 W H E R E NEW MENDIGOIA H Torrebaso Pasealekua, 18 *** 943 71 57 00 943 71 54 10 85 JAUREGUI Zuloaga, 5 943 64 14 00 943 64 44 04 H *** 42 > Getaria SAIAZ –GETARIA San Roke kalea 25-27 943 14 01 43 H ** OBISPO Pza. del Obispo, 1 943 64 54 00 943 64 23 86 TO S L E E P ETH IRUN Komete Sarea, 5 (Zaisa 2) 943 63 41 00 943 62 19 98 H *** 50 H *** TRYP URDANIBIA Jaizubia Hiribidea s/n 943 63 04 40 943 63 04 10 H *** 115 16 > Lasarte-Oria TXARTEL Pº del Circuito, 1 943 36 23 40 943 36 48 04 H ** 58 IBILTZE Antxota, 3-4 943 36 56 44 943 36 67 46 H * 36 AZKUE Alto de Meagas, 2 943 83 05 54 943 13 05 00 H * 19 PAMPINOT Kale Nagusia, 5 943 64 06 00 943 64 51 28 H *** ATALAIA Aritz Ondo, 69 943 62 94 33 943 63 17 23 H ** P ** 16 IRIBAR Aldamar, 23 943 14 04 51 P ** KATRAPUNA C/ Katrapuna, 4 943 14 14 09 RIO BIDASOA H Nafarroa Behera, 1 *** 943 64 54 08 943 64 51 70 44 4 NEW P ** 8 SAN NIKOLAS Plaza Armas, 6 943 64 42 78 943 64 62 17 H ** 7 TXINTXUA H Zikuñaga, 76 * 943 33 36 80 943 33 18 35 20 ZINKOENEA Mayor, 57 - 1º 670 39 08 97 943 55 20 80 P ** PALACETE Pza. Guipúzcoa nº5 943 64 08 13 943 64 62 69 H * H * P ** 14 12 IBIS IRUN Letxunborro, 77 943 63 62 32 943 62 58 16 BIDASOA C/ Estación, 14 943 61 99 13 BOWLING Mourlane Michelena, 2-3º 943 61 14 52 H * P ** P ** H **** 24 PARADOR DE HONDARRIBIA H Plaza de Armas, 14 **** 943 64 55 00 943 64 21 53 • 36 P ** H * LOS FRONTERIZOS Estación, 7 943 61 92 05 P ** USATEGIETA H Maldaburu bidea, 15 **** 943 26 05 30 943 26 06 75 LINTZIRIN Ctra. N-1, Madrid-Irún PK. 469 943 49 20 00 943 49 25 04 H *** 132 P ** 27 18 > Oiartzun 13 14 JAIZKIBEL Baserritar Etorbidea, 1 943 64 60 40 943 64 08 42 > Leintz-Gatzaga GURE AMETZA Alto de Arlabán 943 71 49 52 16 EUROPA Avda. Iparralde, 59 943 62 21 44 943 63 24 24 > Idiazabal ALAI Alto de Etxegarate, s/n 943 18 70 58 / 76 55 943 18 71 17 H ** MAULEON Nafarroa, 16 943 73 08 70 / 943 73 09 48 943 73 18 45 19 16 7 > Hondarribia > Legazpi 6 9 ALVAREZ QUINTERO Bernat Etxepare, 2 943 64 22 99 AITANA Iparralde, 51 943 63 57 00 943 63 24 24 76 13 > Hernani H * 12 8 GUETARIANO Herrerieta kalea, 3 943 14 05 67 ZALDUA Pº Hipódromo, 8 943 36 66 20 943 36 12 67 GURUTZE BERRI Bizardia Plaza, 7 943 49 06 25 943 49 37 23 H * 36 > Itsasondo > Irun ALCÁZAR Avda. Iparralde, 11 943 62 09 00 943 62 27 97 48 H *** IZASKUN Nagusia, 10 943 88 00 12 24 P ** > Olaberria CASTILLO Ctra. N-1, km. 419 943 88 19 58 943 88 34 60 28 H *** W H E R E > Oñati SORALUZE Bº Uribarri 943 71 61 79 943 71 60 70 H ** H * H * 46 H * 12 NORTE Amezti kalea, 1 / 943 83 23 13 ROCA MOLLARRI Avda. Zumalakarregi, 11 943 89 07 67 943 89 49 10 > Urnieta LER ARGI Otzaran, 15 943 33 13 34 943 33 19 88 H ** 7 ETXE AUNDI Torre Auzo, 10 943 78 19 56 943 78 32 90 59 S L E E P GRAN HOTEL BALNEARIO H DE CESTONA *** Pº San Juan, 30 943 14 71 40 943 14 70 64 / H * 8 11 12 HOSPEDERÍA DE ARANZAZU Bº Aranzazu, s/n 943 78 13 13 943 78 13 14 ORIA II San Francisco, 20 943 65 46 88 943 65 36 12 TO GURIA NEW C/ Idiazabal 46-48 bajo 943 00 56 50/ 688 63 84 71 943 00 56 46 P ** H * 127 > Zumaia 12 EKIA Elizaurrea, 3 943 01 06 64 943 01 06 68 TALASOTERAPIA ZELAI H Larretxo, 16. Playa Itzurun * 943 86 51 00 943 86 51 78 / P ** 26 ZUMAIA Alai, 13 943 14 34 41 943 86 07 64 7 IPAR Amesti, Km. 1 943 83 23 13 P ** H * 26 > Zumarraga 7 10 ONGI ETORRI Kale Zaharra, 19 bajo 943 71 82 85 943 71 82 84 H * 18 SÍNDICA Bº Aránzazu, 11 943 78 13 03 H * H *** XALOA P Estropalari, 24 ** 943 13 18 83 943 89 04 17 • 10 H * ATXEGA JAUREGIA Aitzezarra, 1 Pq. I. Zumartegi 943 37 66 66 943 37 67 71 TXIKI POLIT P Musika Plaza, s/n. ** 943 83 53 57 943 83 37 31 • 20 > Zestoa 14 H * ITXUNE P Gabirialde, 14 ** 639 23 88 89 943 16 11 46 • 17 > Tolosa H * H ** 27 AROCENA H Pº San Juan, 16 *** 943 14 70 40 943 14 79 78 / 108 BALENTIÑA Urola, 8 943 72 50 41 P ** 11 UROLA NEW C/ Antonio Oraa 943 53 30 08 943 53 30 46 P ** 20 ZELAI Legazpi, 5 1º 670 26 49 22 943 72 92 37 P ** 7 12 Apartments > Zarautz A > Ormaiztegi 34 > Urretxu > Usurbil 50 ETXE-BERRI San Cristóbal-Etxeberri 943 72 12 11 943 72 44 94 LAGUNAK P San Francisco, 10 ** 943 83 37 01 943 13 46 56 7 NEW SANTAKUTZ GR./ Santa 943 72 59 59 943 75 98 84 > Orio ORIA Oria, 2 943 65 46 88 943 65 36 12 P ** 5 39 NEW AISIA BALEA Hondartza Bidea, 1 943 89 44 40 943 83 17 44 VILLA DE URNIETA Dendategi, 4 943 33 38 66 KARLOS ARGUIÑANO Mendilauta, 13 943 13 00 00 943 13 34 50 H **** H *** 75 ALAMEDA Seitximeneta, 4 943 83 01 43 943 13 24 74 40 Disabled access Parking Number of partments Laundry Restaurant GAZTAINUZKETA LEINTZ-GATZAGA Alto de Arlaban s/n 943 71 51 64 12 ZARAUZ Avda. Navarra, 26 943 83 02 00 943 83 01 93 Group A 7 ITXASPE DEBA. Barrio Itxaspe-Itziar / 943 19 93 77 JÁUREGUI HONDARRIBIA. Zuloaga, 5 943 64 14 00 943 64 44 04 11 A 3 A USASKU-BERRI USURBIL. Kale Zahar, 58 / 943 36 11 95 A 7 8 H ** TOMÁS ZUMAIA Pza. Eusebio Gurrutxaga, 12 943 86 19 16 / 615 72 13 33 H *** TALAI- MENDI ZARAUTZ. Talai Mendi, 708 943 13 40 00 943 13 49 68 direcció 16 2 NEW 60 W H E R E Accommodations rural environment PICTOGRAMS INTERPRETATION LANDARBIDE ZAHAR 2 Laurgain Auzoa, 26 / 943 83 10 95 Rural tourism housing C C Rural houses LEKU EDER Bº Urdaneta (Acceso por Zarautz PK.5,5) 943 13 23 73 943 83 49 08 Capacity Hire of a whole house Number of partments > Aretxabaleta 1 EKOIGOA Behekoetxezaharra Baserria / 943 14 83 86 MITARTE GARAI Areantza Elizaurrea (Vitoria-Bergara 627) 943 79 17 51 2 SARASOLA ZAHARRA Sarasola Zaharra Baserria 943 14 77 74 C C 1 16 12 4 Disabled access S L E E P > Aizarnazabal LANDARBIDE ZAHAR Laurgain, 26 / 943 83 10 95 • 16 TO C > ArrasateMondragón 12 C ZABALDO Zubialde, s/n 677 40 59 11 NEW 1 16 8 > Abaltzisketa NAERA HAUNDI Naera Haundi Baserria, s/n (Gi-3670 PK. 2,300) 943 65 40 33 1 14 2 4 > Aduna MAÑARINEGI Santio Erreka 943 13 50 65 / 650 82 51 90 / 626 49 49 47 4 C C > Alkiza C C 12 URRUZOLA Aldapa Bailara s/n (Gi-3630. P.K. 6,100) 943 69 27 71 OLASKOAGA GOIKOA Olaskoegia (Acceso por Orio)(Gi-3171) 943 58 08 14 / 607 23 38 24 AGERRESORO HAUNDI Andatza, 21 943 83 50 53 8 AGOTE TXIKI Bº Elkano. Acc.: Zarautz / 943 13 37 49 4 ALTZAGARATE Altzaga, s/n (GI-3871 PK. 4) 943 88 41 96 4 12 > Amezketa PAGOEDERRAGA Santio Erreka, s/n 943 13 10 96 / 686 45 00 04 12 HAUNDIKOA Larraitz bidea, s/n / 943 65 48 64 12 BEGOÑA Bº Urdaneta, 21 (A 5 km. de Zarautz-Ctra. Abedaño) 943 83 18 29 / 659 62 05 79 C 12 ERROTA Olazkoegia, s/n 943 83 54 65 C 14 C TOLARE C C Laurgain, 7 943 83 43 13/659 57 42 05 12 INDATE BERRI Urdaneta, 12 / 943 13 30 58 / 667 86 30 23 16 IZARRA Urdaneta, s/n 943 13 18 67 / 650 13 25 07 10 8 2 C C 12 SAGARMANETA Urdaneta 943 13 30 94 / 630 90 00 50 C TXANGILUENEA ETXEA C C Gozategi, 20 606 10 24 23 943 13 41 04 10 > Asteasu SASKARATE Upazan (Gi-2631 PK. 9-10) / 943 69 04 46 UGARTE Beballara (Gi-2631 PK. 3) 943 69 27 22 6 URKIDIZAR Goiballara, 116 943 69 30 83 / 12 ORORTEGI Arrutiegia 943 83 08 04 / 656 77 33 68 8 C > Altzaga 12 AZKUE Arrutiegia,1 (GI-3710, PK 9,000) 943 13 10 28 C 12 LETE Alkiza (Gi-3630 PK. 4,800) / 943 69 12 64 12 > Aia SEGORE ETXEBERRI Santa Marina Bailara 943 58 09 76/ 610 46 07 51 11 MAILAN Arratola, 18 943 89 03 45 943 89 03 45 10 ZABALE Bº Goiburu (Gi-3610 PK. 2) (NI-PK.443) 943 69 08 25 / 657 73 01 08 12 > Albiztur LOKATE Olaskoegia, 12 / 943 89 07 15 ARTEAGA C C Garagartza, 37 943 71 18 81 943 71 18 82 > Andoain 1 TXERTOTA Goiburu / 943 59 07 21 12 > Antzuola IBARRE Irimo Goena 943 76 63 10 12 > Astigarraga ARRASPIÑE Santio Zeharra 943 33 13 19 12 ARTOLA Santiagomendi 637 03 56 79 / 943 55 72 96 10 BUENABISTA Ermaña Berri,2 943 33 02 05 NEW C C 8 > Ataun ALDARRETA San Martin • Ota-mots 943 18 03 66 8 > Azkoitia LAJA Santa Cruz 943 85 30 75 • 6 943 85 25 14 W H E R E ZULUETA Bº Izarraitz, 77 943 85 35 49 943 85 35 49 TO GOIKOLA Lastur beia, 17 • Lastur (Gi-3292 PK.5) / 943 19 90 82 12 61 S L E E P > Gaztelu ZELAI EDER Pillotegi Bidea, 41 • Igueldo / 943 31 47 08 IRIARTE NEW Gaztelu, s/n 943 67 58 72 / 67 20 10 12 8 12 > Beasain PAGORRIAGA Aratz-Matxinbenta, s/n (GI-3720 KP 8,500) 943 58 20 71 / > Berastegi 11 > Elgeta EGUZKITZA ETXEA BºLarragibel s/n 943 78 90 84 TXERTURI GOIKOA Bº Itxaspe (A-8 salida nº13 N-634 PK.38) / 943 19 91 76 > Bergara C C 16 LAMAINO ETXEBERRI Bº San Martzial / 943 76 35 06 2 1 16 ZELAIETA BERRI Itxaspe, s/n 653 06 96 71 12 C ARRIOLA TXIKI Arriola 943 19 20 00 / 606 52 21 47 943 19 20 00 ARRUAN HAUNDI Lastur Beia • Lastur / 943 60 37 04 / 6 ELEIZONDO San Nicolás, s/n. Lastur-Itziar 943 19 90 33 11 ERROTA BERRI Itziar • Bª Itxaspe (N-634 PK.35,200) 943 19 94 23 6 IRIGOYEN C C Petritza Bidea, 4 D. Zubieta 943 36 67 99 8 2 16 MADDIOLA Padre Orkolaga, 161 652 70 31 28 10 C 12 12 GURE AMETSA Orrua, s/n. N-634 Pk: 26,5 943 14 00 77 > Errenteria 12 1 ITSAS LORE ETXEA C C Eitzaga, 14 943 14 06 19 / 665 73 89 44 / C 10 C XABIN ETXEA Bº San Prudentzio, s/n 943 14 00 67 943 14 05 44 C C 12 LETEA C Letea, s/n. Ctra. Tolosa-Azpeitia C GI-2634 PK: 13 943 81 28 87 / 695 77 90 92 11 AREANO Mendiola Elizatea,10 (GI-3345 PK. 2,200) / 943 71 44 70 • 1 12 > Ezkio-Itsaso MANDUBIKO BENTA Mandubia, s/n 943 88 26 73 4 > Hernani BELAZARTE Pagoaga Bailara, 10 943 33 15 69 C C 8 > Eskoriatza LASKIN-ENEA Uba (de), 50 943 45 72 87/659 47 16 46 943 46 32 96 C 1 12 10 C NEW AGOTE AUNDI Askizu, s/n / 943 14 04 55 C IZARRE Errezilgo s/n 943 81 35 24 / 629 34 95 26 943 15 18 98 KANPOEDER Aingeru zaindaria, 58 943 31 07 54 / 12 C 16 8 1 DONIBANE Itziar • Egia . (N-634 PK. 39,900) / 943 19 15 54 ELGETA San Roke, 26 943 789107 • 943 789106 ETXEBERRI Etxeberri, 1. (Gi-2634 PK.15) 943 81 29 92 / 649 00 12 54 943 83 51 13 8 12 C > Errezil ARISTONDO Pillotegi, 70 • Igeldo / 943 21 55 58 4 ABETA- ZAHARRA Mia, s/n 943 83 30 41 C 14 > DonostiaSan Sebastián ARRASKETA Lastur Beia, s/n • Lastur 943 60 40 71 C 8 AÑARRE ZARRA Zamalbide auzoa, 108 / 943 523751 • C 4 > Deba C 8 TXINDURRI-ITURRI Mardari, 12 (N-634 PK. 34) 943 19 93 89 / 699 68 44 90 / 6 A.BERRI Mía, 23 (Alto de Meagas) 943 13 39 60 12 12 C 10 BARRENENGUA Barrenegua, 22 / 943 76 82 21 SANTUARAN BEKOA Bº Mardari, s/n (N-634 PK. 36) 943 19 90 56 • 943 19 94 73 10 ABETA Bº Mia, s/n. Alto de Meagas 943 13 24 96 8 12 BAZTARRETXE Aiztunalde / 943 68 33 86 > Getaria SOSOLA Mandiola Balle, s/n 943 20 81 76 PERLAKUA SAKA Bº Arriola, s/n 943 19 11 37/615 73 94 32 8 ANDURI Ubera, 13. (GI- 2632 km, 29) 943 77 70 50 > Eibar OILUR LANDETXEA C C Endoia, 14. (GI 3210 km4) 943 148467 • 943 391709 / C C PAGOAGA Caserío Pagoaga, 1 943 33 20 73 C C 6 PARDIOLA Osiñaga Bailara, 29 943 33 36 79 / 656 73 41 39 943 33 60 41 12 C C 62 W H E R E > Hondarribia AROTZENEA Jaizubia, 13 / 943 64 23 19/679 49 25 43 / 10 ARROBI-GAIN Arkoll-Santiago s/n 943 64 21 31 C PELUAGA Arkale bidea, 31. (N-I Madrid-Irun) / 943 49 25 09 / ATXURI Garagarza 943 85 04 41 10 12 12 MENDIOLA Ventas. (PK.1 N-3452) 943 62 97 63 / 637 94 08 83 > Olaberria > Mutiloa 6 LIERNI GARAKOA Lierni, s/n 943 80 16 99 943 80 15 07 BORDA Errekalde (N-I PK. 1-2) / 943 16 06 81 1 > Lazkao LIZARGARATE Lazkaomendi, 8 (GI-3491, km 1.1) 943 88 19 74 / ARTZU Montaña, s/n. (Gi-3440 PK. 14) 943 64 05 30 12 11 HARITZPE Semisarga, s/n 943 64 11 28 / 635 72 71 18 C C 12 HIGERALDE Akartegi, 37 943 64 39 16 /679 84 77 27 943 64 39 16 C NEW C PASTAIN Telleriarte, 1 943 73 06 72 C C 12 TXENDUNEABEAZPI C C Semisarga, 47 636 78 65 14 4 12 AMALUR BºOrtzaika, s/n / 943 83 28 88 12 ERRETZABAL TXIKI NEW Ortzaika, s/n 679 62 72 63 AITZARRI Karrika. Errotaurre Etxadia, 11-B,11 655 73 89 10 943 49 17 10 C C NEW > Lezo C C 11 AROXKENE C Aroxkene, 7 (Ctra. Artikutza PK.3,5) C 943 49 46 92 / 12 ZURGIARRE-ETXEA Gaintxurizketa. (Gi-2638 PK. 4) 943 34 14 85 ARRI GAIN Sarobe Erreka, 13 • Iturriotz / 943 49 11 04 C NEW C C 9 > Tolosa NEW NAGUSI ETXEA Bedaio, 26 B / 943 65 20 03 C C 12 1 16 IRAGORRI Sorondo bidea, 2 943 49 26 38 2 15 12 ERRETEGI HAUNDI Iturriotz, 2 645 71 05 25 / 943 49 46 29 > Lizartza ONDARRE Caserío Ondarre 943 80 16 64 KORTETA San Esteban, 70 639 46 96 33 C 12 > Irun 1 IGELDO C/ Erdiko Borda, 68 645 72 25 37 / > Segura 12 JUANMARTINDEGI Sagasti Bailara, 15 943 52 65 41 12 C 12 6 ENDARA Sagasti Bailara, 13 (GI-2638 PK. 3,8) 609 17 94 70 ILLARRAZU Caserío Illarrazu, 130 943 58 05 78 C 2 ARKALE ZARRA Arkaleko bidea, 21. BºGurutze 943 49 00 65 6 ANTXOTEGI C Meaka, (Crta. Ibarla), 118. Ctra. Parque C de Peñas de Aia por Irun km. 13 943 62 21 39 / AIZPERRO Sección, 1. Km. 13 N-634 / 943 83 54 19 5 8 POSTIGU Semisarga / 943 64 32 70 > Orio > Mutriku 8 12 8 12 12 > Oiartzun ATERBE Caserío Zelaikoa / 943 71 50 37 C ARREGI Garagaltza, 19 / 943 78 08 24 C 12 > Leintz-Gatzaga C > Oñati C 12 10 MAIDANEA Arkoll-Santiago / 943 64 08 55 ORUE Ergoena, 28 943 80 19 00 MATZURI Bº Galdona, s/n / 943 60 30 01 10 > Legazpi C 10 8 C 8 C KOOSTEI Artzain Erreka, s/n 943 58 30 08 / 659 78 04 44 > Legorreta BARTZELONA Esnaola, 7 943 80 62 06 C 12 16 6 10 > Mendaro EIZAGUIRRE C C Olaberria (Dcha. Carretera 12) 646 15 63 98/629 26 42 84 PALACIO SAN NARCISO Izq. de Carrete,88 Bº Olabarrieta 943 63 53 79 / 629 49 03 15 943 63 53 79 ARTIZARRA Semisarga, 46 655 72 18 34 • 943 64 23 37 MONTAÑENEA Bº Akartegi, 28 943 64 38 12 S L E E P C 8 IKETXE Arkoll-Santiago / 943 64 43 91 TO > Urnieta ALTZIBAR BERRI Goiburu, 33 943 55 70 97/626 55 14 29 C C 2 12 C C W H E R E ENBUTEGI Enbutegi Goikoa, 2 / 943 55 37 97 / KOSTEGI 943 36 56 88 Oztaran, 30 D. AKULEBI Legarreta, s/n / 943 69 30 34 / 11 84 6 12 MONTEFRIO Goiburu, 46 (Gi-131 PK. 3) 943 55 71 58 URRESTI Bº Amasa 943 69 04 44 /653 72 23 63 10 > Usurbil 14 ARRATZAIN Arratzain bide, 21 943 36 66 63 12 BARAZAR Berridi, 10 • Zubieta / 943 36 33 58 C IBARROLA Kale-zahar (N-634. PK.2,200) 943 36 30 07 ILLUMBE Illumbe,41 666 88 49 01 14 1 > Zarautz 1 KAROBI Bº Zubieta, 21 / 943 36 06 35 12 AGERRE GOIKOA Agerre Goikoa Baserria (N-634-17,5). 943 83 32 48 16 BERAZADI-BERRI Talai mendi, s/n 943 83 34 94 6 OIHARTE Irukarate-Gain, s/n 680 17 12 91 / 14 16 9 16 1 LANDARTE C C Ctra. De Artadi, 1 / 943 86 53 58 / C C 12 SANTA KLARA Arritokieta. Santa Klara, 2 / 943 86 05 31 / 639 87 96 11 TOLARE BERRI Tolarre-Berri, 27 (Gi-631 PK. 2,900) 943 14 82 63 / 649 51 89 71 943 14 82 63 16 10 1 1 KARAKAS ZAR Artadi, s/n / 943 86 17 36 12 GAIKOETXE Bº Urteta, s/n 943 13 29 00 / 686 26 51 22 / 943 69 31 43 4 JESUSKOA Oikia s/n / 943 14 32 09 635 75 88 49 AGIÑA Aizarna s/n 943 14 79 09 ARANBURU C/ Aizarna, 4 / 943 14 80 05 ZIASORO Zizurkil, s/n • > Zumaia 12 ZABALEA San Esteban, s/n • (N-634 PK.4) 630 56 25 88 • 943 36 12 61 C NEKOLA Zizurkil, s/n • 943 69 20 51 10 1 C 8 > Zestoa NEW 4 GOIZALDI Bº Mendibailara, 59 943 69 27 82 / 943 36 37 73 12 1 16 ARRIETA HAUNDI Bº Arrietaldea, s/n / 943 80 18 90 TELLERINE Aizpea s/n 943 58 20 31 LAZKAOETXE Aiestaran Erreka, s/n / 943 88 00 44 10 > Zizurkil 12 10 1 16 > Zegama > Zerain 1 IRIZAR AZPIKOA NEW (Urreta) Irizar Azpikoa Baserria, 17 • 943 88 77 18 C / 1 11 > Zaldibia 1 ZELAIKOA Sansinenea, s/n (Gi-631 PK.1) / 943 14 74 92 • 679 25 71 96 16 ALUSTIZA Amasa / 943 69 03 61 12 63 S L E E P ITULAZABAL Artze, 2 (buzón 321) 943 13 30 53 / 619 97 17 12 > Villabona 1 14 TO 1 Campsite PICTOGRAMS INTERPRETATION PLAYA DE ORIO 1ª ORIO. N. 634, Km. 13 943 83 48 01 • 943 13 34 33 / TALAI-MENDI 2ª ZARAUTZ. N-634, km. 17,5 943 83 00 42 GALDONA MUTRIKU Ctra. Deba-Gernika, Km. 57,8 943 60 35 09 3ª Capacity 712 Swimmingpool Supermarket Pets alowed Restaurant Laundry IGUELDO 1ª DONOSTIA-SAN SEBASTIÁN Pº Padre Orkolaga, 69. Bº Igeldo 943 21 45 02 • 943 28 04 11 756 GRAN CAMPING ZARAUZ 2ª ZARAUTZ Monte Talai-Mendi 943 83 12 38 • 943 13 24 86 900 360 ZINGIRA 2ª AIA. Olaskoegia, s/n (N-634 km 13) 943 13 20 79 500 240 840 ITXASPE 2ª DEBA- Autop.A8, Sal.13 - Itziar N-634 Bilbao- S.S., Km. 38,5. 943 19 93 77 943 19 93 77 AITZETA MUTRIKU Ctra. Deba-Gernika, Km. 3,5 943 60 33 56 JAIZKIBEL 3ª HONDARRIBIA Ctra. Guadalupe, Km. 22 943 64 16 79 • 943 64 26 53 3ª 360 SANTA ELENA MUTRIKU Ctra. Deba-Gernika, Km. 5 943 60 39 82 3ª 120 280 OLIDEN 2ª OIARTZUN Ctra. Gral. Madrid-Irun N-1, Km. 470 943 49 07 28 250 FARO DE HIGUER 3ª HONDARRIBIA, Paseo de Faro, 58 943 64 10 08 943 64 01 50 416 SATURRARAN MUTRIKU Saturraran 943 60 38 47 100 3ª