5° Primer periodo 1-12_OK - Colegios Arquidiocesanos
5° Primer periodo 1-12_OK - Colegios Arquidiocesanos
ϭ $548,',Ð&(6,6'(&$/, $548,',Ð&(6,6'(&$/, )81'$&,21(6('8&$7,9$6$548,2&(6$1$6 )81'$&,21(6('8&$7,9$6$548,2&(6$1$6 ',6(f2&855,&8/$5&2/(*,26$548,',2&(6$126 ',6(f2&855,&8/$5&2/(*,26$548,',2&(6$126 (1*/,6+&225',1$7,21 (1*/,6+&225',1$7,21 /(6621*8,'( 6&+22/<($5BBBBBBBBBBB SUBJECT: ENGLISH PERIOD: FIRST GRADE: 5Th (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL Ϯ School: Teacher: Grade: Time: ENGLISH Hours: REFERENTES LEGALES: El Ministerio de Educación Nacional, particularmente en la Ley General de Educación, que establece como uno de sus fines “El estudio y la comprensión crítica de la cultura nacional y de la diversidad étnica y cultural del país, como fundamento de la unidad nacional y de su identidad”. En la misma ley se fijan como objetivos de la Educación Básica y Media “La adquisición de elementos de conversación y de lectura al menos en una lengua extranjera” y “La comprensión y capacidad de expresarse en una lengua extranjera”. PURPOSES AFFECTIVE: That we… have fun with the activities related to personal information and daily routines. COGNITIVE: That we…Identify the vocabulary and expressions related to personal information and daily routines. EXPRESSIVE: That we…Express the vocabulary and expressions related to personal information and daily routines, in an oral and written way. • • • • EVALUACIÓN: INDICADORES DE DESEMPEÑO Escribe sobre sí mismo y sobre las características más relevantes de algunos países. Escucha e identifica los números ordinales y cardinales, la hora, las fechas y los nombres de las clases de un horario escolar. Puede hablar sobre rutinas diarias y preguntar acerca de ellas. Puede expresar sus preferencias con oraciones simples y cortas. ENSEÑANZAS (COMPETENCIAS Y HABILIDADES) Competencia Lingüística Competencia Pragmática Habilidades: Habilidades: Relacionar Describir Interpretar Escribir Competencia Sociolingüística Habilidades: Preguntar y responder significativamente EJES TEMÁTICOS • FAMOUS COUNTRIES. • NUMBERS FROM ONE HUNDRED TO ONE MILLION. • TIME EXPRESSIONS AND DAILY ROUTINES. • PREFERENCES DIDÁCTICAS 1. Anti constructivista: Los estudiantes participan dando ejemplos de hechos que ejemplifican la temática propuesta. 2. Interrogativa: Los estudiantes potencian sus capacidades de comprehender las preguntas y de expresar respuestas cada vez con mayor profundidad y sentido. 3. Expresiva: Los estudiantes tienen la oportunidad de desplegar su creatividad expresándose a través de diferentes lenguajes y disfrutando plenamente del aprendizaje. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϯ DIAGNOSTIC TEST “TOM´S DAILY ROUTINE” I wake up at 6:00 a.m. I take a shower at 6:15 am. Then I have breakfast at 6:30 a.m. At 6:45 a.m. I brush my teeth. I comb my hair at 6:50 a.m. I go to school at 7:00 a.m. ϭ 1. Guess what the text is about, by reading the title and looking at the illustrations. Share your thoughts with the rest of the class. 2. Identify the unknown words; try to infer what they mean from context. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 3. Answer the following questions: 4. The title “Tom´s daily routine” means the same as: a. Activities Tom does every day. b. Activities Tom does every year. c. Activities Tom does every month. 5. What does Tom do at 6:15 am? a. Wakes up. b. Brushes his teeth. c. Takes a shower. 6. At what time does Tom go to school? a. At 6:00 am. b. At 6:15 am. c. At 7:00 am. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϰ Activity 1 Topic:TIME EXPRESSIONS AND DAILY ROUTINES Time: Week: _____ From ______________ to ______________ 20__ Hours: 3 WARM UP! HEY, HAVE FUN WITH THE STORY!!! (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϱ EXPRESSIVE PURPOSE That I can express my daily routine, in an oral and written way. EVALUACIÓN: INDICADOR O INDICADORES DE DESEMPEÑO: • Puede hablar sobre rutinas diarias y preguntar acerca de ellas. 35(6(176,03/(7(16( According to the English grammar, the present simple tense, that is a verbal tense, expresses actions which happen all the time or repeatedly. For example: your daily routine. • Complete the mentefacto proposicional • rd Complete the following chart. 3 persons are: he, she and it. Add “s” in the 3rd Person. Add “es” in the 3rd person. Drop “y” and add “ies” in the 3rd person. Add “es” in the 3rd person when the verb ends in: o, s, ch, sh, x or z. Drop “y” only when it is preceded by a consonant, and then add “ies”. when the verb doesn´t end in: o, s, ch, sh, x or z nor in the letter “y” preceded by a consonant, just add “s” Personal pronouns RUN WATCH STUDY GO COPY PLAY I YOU HE SHE IT WE YOU THEY run run study play goes watches runs run run run copies studies study (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR plays ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϲ “Lisa’s routine on weekends” 1. Complete the text using the words from the box. 'KyϮ,s/EEZ'dZ^^d<^,KtZKD td,ds'dhW,sZ<&^dZh^,Dzdd, (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϳ • • • • • • • • • Arrange Lisa’s routine on weekends in the correct order, using the connectors of sequence: First, later, then, after, next and finally : I go to bed at 8:00 pm. I brush my teeth and comb my hair at 10:00 a.m. My sister and I watch T.V. We have dinner at 8:00 p.m. On weekends I wake up at 8:00 a.m. I get dressed and I have breakfast with my sister and mother. My sister and I go to the park. At 8:30 am I take a shower. a. Rewrite First, _________________________________________________________ Next, _________________________________________________________ Then, _________________________________________________________ After, _________________________________________________________ Later, _________________________________________________________ After that, _____________________________________________________ Next, _________________________________________________________ Finally, ________________________________________________________ • Based on Lisa’s routine, write down your own daily routine and share it with your classmates. Dz/>zZKhd/E &ŝƌƐƚ͕ͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺĂƚͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ EĞdžƚ͕ͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺĂƚͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ >ĂƚĞƌ͕ͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺĂƚͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ dŚĞŶ͕ͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺĂƚͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ ĨƚĞƌƚŚĂƚ͕ͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺĂƚͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ ͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺĂƚͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ ͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺĂƚͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ &ŝŶĂůůLJ͕ͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺĂƚͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϴ Activity 2 Topic:COUNTRIES AND LANGUAGES Time: Week: _____ From ________________ to _______________ 20___ Hours: 3 WARM UP! WHAT BEAUTIFUL COUNTRIES!!! Color the following flags and complete the chart with your teacher. COUNTRY NATIONALITY (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR LANGUAGE ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϵ EXPRESSIVE PURPOSE That I can express where people are from, their nationalities and languages, in a written and oral way. EVALUACIÓN: INDICADOR O INDICADORES DE DESEMPEÑO: Escribe sobre sí mismo y sobre las características más relevantes de algunos países. &28175,(6$1'/$1*8$*(6 &28175,(6$1'/$1*8$*(6 • What is the main language of these countries: What language is spoken in Brazil? ___________________________________________________________ What language is spoken in Colombia? ___________________________________________________________ What language is spoken in United States? ___________________________________________________________ What language is spoken in France? ___________________________________________________________ What language is spoken in Italy? ___________________________________________________________ • Complete the flowing chart: AFIRMATIVE FORM INTERROGATIVE FORM I am Am YOU I? I am not YOU? YOU HE HE? HE SHE is Is SHE? SHE is not IT IT? IT WE YOU are WE? WE Are THEY (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR NEGATIVE FORM YOU? YOU are not THEY? THEY ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϬ Now, you are going to use your notebook, choose any answer on the board and write its question. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϭ Ask your parthners: 1. Where is your mother from? _________________________________________________________ 2. Where is your father from? _________________________________________________________ 3. Where is your grandpa from? _________________________________________________________ 4. Where is your grandma from? _________________________________________________________ 5. Where are your english teacher from? _________________________________________________________ Practice in pairs the following dialogue: A: Hi! B: Hello! A: Where are you from? B: I am from______________ and you? A: I am from_______________. What is your nationality? B: I am ___________________. What’s yours? A: I am___________________. What language do you speak? B: I speak_________________. What about you? A: I speak_________________! B: Nice! A: Thanks! (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϮ Activity 3 Topic: MY FAVORITE COUNTRY. Time: Week: _____ From ______________ to ________________ 20__ Hours: 3 WARM UP! HOW INTERESTING COUNTRIES ARE!!! • Do you know where these countries are? ϭ͘ Z/>Ϯ͘Z'Ed/Eϯ͘hE/d</E'KDϰ͘Eϱ͘hE/d^dd^ ϲ͘:WEϳ͘,/Eϴ͘K>KD/ϵ͘Dy/KϭϬ͘h^dZ>/ ϭϭ͘Et>EϭϮ͘Zh^^/ϭϰ͘/d>zϭϱ͘&ZEϭϲ͘^W/E ϭϳ͘WKZdh'>ϭϴ͘/E/ϭϵ͘'ZϮϬ͘:D/͘ • Write the numbers to label the countries (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϯ EXPRESSIVE PURPOSE That I can ask and answer about different aspects of the country he/ she likes, in a written and oral way. EVALUACIÓN: INDICADOR O INDICADORES DE DESEMPEÑO: • Escribe sobre sí mismo y sobre las características más relevantes de algunos países. -2851$/,6748(67,216 -2851$/,6748(67,216 According to the English grammar, journalist questions inquire about specific information such as: time, places, people, things, quantity, etc. • Complete the mentefacto proposicional • Analyze with your teacher the following image and discuss in class the use of WHEN. t,E (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϰ • How much do you know about Italy? • What can you infer about the title of this text and its image? • Carolina´s favorite country is Italy; she has researched many interesting things about it and has written a short report. • Read Carolina´s report, deduce the meaning of the unknown words. ITALY IS A WONDERFUL COUNTRY!! I love Italy because of its culture, food, tourist places and language. People from Italy speak Italian! The territory of Italy covers some 301,338 km2 and it has 60.6 million inhabitants. Its capital is Roma. There are 2,761,477 million of people living there. Some of its most important cities are Naples, Bologna, Genoa, Milan, Palermo, Florence and Venice. The highest mountain in Italy is the Mont Blanc and the most important river is The Po. It has also five largest lakes; they are Garda, Maggiore, Como and Trasimeno. Italy has a strong economy; its currency is the Euro. One of the most famous tenors from Italy is Luciano Pavarotti. Someday, I will travel there! (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϱ • Read again the text above and answer the following questions: a. How many people live in Italy? _______________________________________ b. How big is the country? _____________________________________________ c. What are some important cities? ______________________________________ d. What are some important rivers, lake and mountains? _____________________ ________________________________________________________________ e. Who is a famous person from there? ___________________________________ f. His/her nationality is________________________________________________ g. He/she speaks____________________________________________________ h. Its Capital city is___________________________________________________ i. How many people live in the Capital city? ______________________________ j. The currency is____________________________________________________ k. She likes Italy because _____________________________________________ • Find out information about your favorite country and write down your own report. MY FAVORITE COUNTRY IS_________________________________ I love ________ because of its_______________ and________________. People from ________ speak _______________________. The territory of ______ covers some__________km2 and has__________ millions of people. Its capital is _____________________________. Some of its most important cities are: _______________, _____________, ______________________ and ____________________. _________________ has mountains, river and lakes. Its most important mountains are _______________ and ______________. Some of its rivers are ______________and _______________. Some of its lakes are ___________, _____________ and _____________. I will visit ______________ someday! (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϲ Activity 4 Topic:WH QUESTIONS (WHERE-WHAT-WHEN-HOW) Time: Week: _____ From ________________ to _____________ 20___ Hours: 3 WARM UP! I WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT YOU!!! Brain is watching some Alice pictures. Label them with the words in the box and then answer the questions below. WZdDEdWZEd^^,KK>KdKZDKZE/E',WWz/K>K'z 1. Where does Alice live? She lives in an____________________. 2. Who does she live with? She lives with her_________________. 3. Where does she study? She studies in a ___________________. 4. When does she go to school? She goes to school in the________. 5. What subject does she like the most? She likes______________. 6. Why does she study? Because she wants to be a_____________. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϳ EXPRESSIVE PURPOSE That I can ask and answer significantly specific information in a written and oral way. EVALUACIÓN: INDICADOR O INDICADORES DE DESEMPEÑO: • • Puede hablar sobre rutinas diarias y preguntar acerca de ellas. List the journalist questions that you can identify from the box: ,Et,E,/t,zt,ZtZt,K ,KKW,KtKtt,d,d,KZ^tsz 1. ___________________________ 2. ___________________________ 3. ___________________________ 4. ___________________________ 5. ___________________________ 6. ___________________________ • Relate each word with a Journalist question RAZON PLACE TIME/DATE WAY THING WHAT PERSON (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϴ • Mariam and Paul are in a job interview. Read the answer and write the correct question for each one. /ĂŵĂƐĞĐƌĞƚĂƌLJ DLJŶĂŵĞŝƐWĂƵů͘ /ůŝŬĞƚŽŐŽ ƐǁŝŵŵŝŶŐ͘ /ůŝǀĞǁŝƚŚŵLJ ŚƵƐďĂŶĚ͘ /ĂŵϯϮLJĞĂƌƐŽůĚ /ƚ͛ƐϯϭϮϰϰϲϰϵϲϯ /ůŝǀĞŽŶůŵ ƐƚƌĞĞƚϯϬϮ͘ /ĂŵĨƌŽŵ:ĂƉĂŶ a. What do you do? b. How old are you? c. What is your name? d. Where are you from? e. Where do you live? f. What do you do in your free time? g. What‘s your cell phone number? h. Who do you live with? (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϵ • Interview a partner, add more questions and share the information with the rest of the class. 48(67,211$,5( What is your name? _____________________ _____________________________________ How old are you? _______________________ _____________________________________ Where are you from? ____________________ _____________________________________ What do you do? ________________________ _____________________________________ Where do you live? ______________________ _____________________________________ Who do you live with? ____________________ _____________________________________ What do you do in your free time? ___________ _____________________________________ • Based on the information you got, write about your classmate’s profile. __________________________‘profile Her/his name is____________________. She/he is a _____________________. She/he is from_____________________. She/he is _______ years old. She /he lives in _____________________________________________. She/he lives with her/his______________________________________. In her/his free time, She/he ___________________________________. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϮϬ Activity 5 Topic:A DAY IN THE LIFE OF (TEACHER, PARENTS, RELATIVES…) Time: Week: _____ From _________________ to ______________ 20___ Hours: 3 WARM UP! WHAT DO ALL THESE PEOPLE DO? Label the images with the words from the box ϭ͘ ŽĐƚŽƌ Ϯ͘ EƵƌƐĞ ϯ͘ ŚĞĨ ϰ͘ &ŝƌĞŵĂŶ ϱ͘ WŝůŽƚ ϲ͘ dĞĂĐŚĞƌ ϳ͘ ^ĐŝĞŶƚŝƐƚ ϴ͘ ǁĂŝƚĞƌ ϵ͘ ^ĞĐƌĞƚĂƌLJ ϭϬ͘ WŽůŝĐĞŽĨĨŝĐĞƌ (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL Ϯϭ EXPRESSIVE PURPOSE That I can express some activities that people do daily in their jobs in a written and oral way. EVALUACIÓN: INDICADOR O INDICADORES DE DESEMPEÑO: • Puede hablar sobre rutinas diarias y preguntar acerca de ellas. )5(48(1&<$'9(5%6 Frequency adverbs indicate how often you do an activity. For example: always, often, never, etc; according to the English grammar. • Complete the mentefacto proposicional • Look at the picture and complete the chart. FREQUENCY ADVERB PERCENTAGE ALWAYS 100% USUALLY OFTEN SOMETIMES SELDOM NEVER (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR 0% ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϮϮ • Review the frequency verbs percentage chart and the rules for the 3rd persons in the cognitive stage of the activity one and complete the following text. A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A SECRETARY Megan __________ in an office. She is a secretary. (work) She ____________ ____________ work at 8:00 AM. (100%) (start) In the morning, She __________ __________ the phone, _______ some (70%) (answer) (type) letters and__________ some papers. (read) At noon, she has lunch. She____________ (50%) ____________ a sandwich. (eat) In the afternoon, she____________ ______________ documents and (100%) (file) ___________ some photocopies. (make) She_________ ___________ a break! But, she ___________ _______ ( 20%) ( take) (100%) (leave) early!!! (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL Ϯϯ • Read the texts and complete the gaps. Robert usually works in a hospital. He makes people feel better. Ann cuts people’s hair. She always talks to her customers. Andres always works with a team to build a house. He is a ____________ She is a___________ He is an____________ Pablo is always ready to help people. He usually drives a car. Camilo spends most of the time on a plane. He always travels from one place to another. He is a ____________ He is a ____________ Monica works in an office. She often answers s the phone and always types letters. She is a ____________ • Choose the occupation you like the most and then write a daily routine. • Remember to use the frequency adverbs • You can find out more occupations if you like. EĂŵĞ͗ZŽďĞƌƚŽ KĐĐƵƉĂƚŝŽŶ͗ŚĞĨ͘ WůĂĐĞ͗ZĞƐƚĂƵƌĂŶƚ͘ EĂŵĞ͗ůĂƵĚŝĂ KĐĐƵƉĂƚŝŽŶ͗,ĂŝƌĚƌĞƐƐĞƌ͘ WůĂĐĞ͗ĞĂƵƚLJƉĂƌůŽƌ͘ (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR EĂŵĞ͗WĂďůŽ KĐĐƵƉĂƚŝŽŶ͗ůĞĐƚƌŝĐŝĂŶ WůĂĐĞ͗&ĂĐƚŽƌLJ͘ ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL Ϯϰ Activity 6 Topic: LIKES AND DISLIKES. Time: Week: _____ From______________ to _____________ 20___ Hours: 3 WARM UP! WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO IN YOUR FREE TIME?!!! • All these people have something in common: they often go shopping. But, they are different preferences. • Match each statement with the images. ϭ͘ /ůŽǀĞŐŽŝŶŐƐŚŽƉƉŝŶŐǁŝƚŚŵLJĨƌŝĞŶĚƐ Ϯ͘/ŚĂƚĞŐŽŝŶŐƐŚŽƉƉŝŶŐǁŝƚŚŵLJƐŝƐƚĞƌ͘ ϯ͘/ĚŽŶDzƚůŝŬĞŐŽŝŶŐƐŚŽƉƉŝŶŐǁŝƚŚŵLJĨƌŝĞŶĚƐ ϰ͘/ůŝŬĞŐŽŝŶŐƐŚŽƉƉŝŶŐƚŽďŝŐƐƵƉĞƌŵĂƌŬĞƚƐ • Complete the following chart using the words in bold from the statements above. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL Ϯϱ EXPRESSIVE PURPOSE That I can express their preferences in a written and oral way. EVALUACIÓN: INDICADOR O INDICADORES DE DESEMPEÑO: • • Puede expresar sus preferencias con oraciones simples y cortas. Complete the following chart. VERBS GERUNDS WATCH WATCHING COOK PLAY LISTEN WALK GO CLEAN DANCE DANCING RUN RUNNING TALK READ Now, with your teacher you are going to write five sentences, expressing preferences: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL Ϯϲ • Analyze Andrew’s preferences taking into account the symbols of the picture. • Read the statements and choose true or false. ANDREW’S PREFERENCES TRUE FALSE 1. He loves reading books. 2. He likes watching T.V. 3. He doesn´t like cooking 4. He hates playing video games. 5. He loves listening to music. 6. He hates walking. 7. He loves going to the cinema. 8. He doesn´t like cleaning his house. 9. He loves dancing. 10. He hates running. 11. He loves talking on the phone 12. He likes going to the gym (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL Ϯϳ • Read Andrew’s preference chart again and correct the false statements. 1. He hates cooking. 2. He loves playing video games. 3. _______________________ 4. _______________________ 5. _______________________ 6. _______________________ 7. _______________________ 8. _______________________ • Write and talk about your preferences. /ŶŵLJĨƌĞĞƚŝŵĞ͕/ůŽǀĞͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ ͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ /ůŝŬĞͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ ͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ /ĚŽŶDzƚůŝŬĞͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ ͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ /ŚĂƚĞͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ ͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ͘ (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL Ϯϴ Activity 7 Topic: PRICES AND SUPERMARKET (NUMBERS). Time: Week: _____ From_______________ to _________________ 20__ Hours: 3 WARM UP! I CAN COUNT FROM 1 TO 1, 0000,000!!! • Practice the pronunciation of the cardinal numbers 0 1 2 3 4 5 Zero/oh One Two Three Four Five 6 7 8 9 10 11 Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven 12 13 14 15 16 17 Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen 18 19 20 21 22 30 Eighteen Nineteen Twenty Twenty - Twenty - Thirty one two 40 50 60 70 80 90 Forty Fifty Sixty Seventy Eighty Ninety 100 1,000 1,000,000 One One One hundred Thousand Million. • Can you write the name of these numbers? BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL Ϯϵ EXPRESSIVE PURPOSE That I can ask and answer significantly about quantities in a written and oral way. EVALUACIÓN: INDICADOR O INDICADORES DE DESEMPEÑO: • Escucha e identifica los números ordinales y cardinales, la hora, las fechas y los nombres de las clases de un horario escolar. &$5',1$/180%(56 Cardinal numbers, that are kind of symbols, represent amount, such as 1, 2, 3, etc. • Complete the mentefacto proposicional • Can you follow these sequences? One, three, five, seven, _____________, _______________, ______________ Two, four, six, eight, ______________, ________________, _______________ Nine, ten, eleven, ________________, ________________, _______________ Ten, twenty, thirty, _______________, _________________, _______________ Five, ten, fifteen, ________________, _________________, ________________ One hundred, two hundred, ____________________, _____________________ (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϯϬ • Do you know how many personal care products are there? There are ___________________ personal care products. • Let’s count. 1. How many bottles of shampoo are there? There are ___________________ bottles of shampoo. 2. How many sponges are there? There is ___________________ sponge. 3. How many soup bars are there? There are ___________________ soup bars. 4. How many toothbrushes are there? There is ___________________ toothbrush. 5. How many toilet paper rolls are there? There are ___________________ toilet paper rolls. 6. How many toothpaste tubes are there? There are ___________________ toothpaste tubes. 7. How many hair brushes are there? There is ___________________ hair brush. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϯϭ • What can you infer about the image and the title of this text? • Do you think this supermarket could be expensive or cheap? Why? • Read the conversation and answer true or false. ^,KWW/E'/Ed,^hWZDZ<d ^,/Z͗'ŽŽĚŵŽƌŶŝŶŐ͊ DZ^͘'>KZ/͗'ŽŽĚŵŽƌŶŝŶŐ͘/ŶĞĞĚƐŽŵĞƐŚĂŵƉŽŽ͕ ƉůĞĂƐĞ͘ ^,/Z͗,ŽǁŵĂŶLJďŽƚƚůĞƐŽĨƐŚĂŵƉŽŽĚŽLJŽƵ ŶĞĞĚ͍ DZ^͘'>KZ/͗/ŶĞĞĚϮďŽƚƚůĞƐŽĨƐŚĂŵƉŽŽĂŶĚ /ŶĞĞĚƐŽŵĞƚŽŝůĞƚƉĂƉĞƌ͕ƚŽŽ͘ ^,/Z͗,ŽǁŵĂŶLJƚŽŝůĞƚƉĂƉĞƌƌŽůůƐĚŽLJŽƵŶĞĞĚ͍ DZ^͘'>KZ/͗/ŶĞĞĚϯƚŽŝůĞƚƉĂƉĞƌƌŽůůƐ͘ ^,/Z͗ŶLJƚŚŝŶŐĞůƐĞ͍ EKd/͗ DZ^͘'>KZ/͗EŽ͕ƚŚĂŶŬƐ͘,ŽǁŵƵĐŚŝƐŝƚ͍ hƐĞ,KtDEzǁŚĞŶLJŽƵ ǁĂŶƚƚŽŬŶŽǁĂďŽƵƚĂƐƉĞĐŝĨŝĐ ŶƵŵďĞƌŽĨŽďũĞĐƚƐĂŶĚ,Kt Dh,ƚŽŬŶŽǁĂďŽƵƚƉƌŝĐĞƐ͘ ^,/Z͗/ƚ͛ƐϮϱ͕ϬϬϬWĞƐŽƐ͘ DZ^͘'>KZ/͗,ĞƌĞLJŽƵĂƌĞ͘dŚĂŶŬƐ ^,/Z͗,ĂǀĞĂŶŝĐĞĚĂLJ͊ TRUE FALSE Mrs. Gloria goes to the supermarket in the afternoon. Mrs. Gloria needs 2 bottles of shampoo. Mrs. Gloria needs 4 toilet papers rolls. Mrs. Gloria needs 5 sponges. The check is 28,000 pesos. • Practice the conversation above using other products and prices. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϯϮ Activity 8 Topic: THE TIME. Time: Week: _____ From ________________ to ________________ 20___ Hours: 3 WARM UP! HOW MANY INSTRUMENTS DO YOU KNOW TO MEASURE TIME? • Label these time instruments with the words from the box. CLOCK WATCH HOURGLASS STOPWATCH (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϯϯ EXPRESSIVE PURPOSE That I can ask and answer significantly about the time in a written and oral way. EVALUACIÓN: INDICADOR O INDICADORES DE DESEMPEÑO: • Escucha e identifica los números ordinales y cardinales, la hora, las fechas y los nombres de las clases de un horario escolar. $7 According to the English grammar, at, that is a preposition of time, indicates the exact time you do an activity. For example: I have lunch at 1 o´clock. • Complete the mentefacto proposicional • Analyze with your teacher the following picture. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϯϰ (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϯϱ • Observe the images, read the title and infer what the text is about. • Express your ideas to the rest of the class. • Read the text and identify the unknown words. (Try to deduce their meanings if they seem difficult to understand, use your dictionary). WHAT A BUSY MORNING! Mrs. Taylor is a Magazine editor. She wakes up at quarter to seven, but she gets up at 7:00 o´clock. She goes to the bathroom and takes a shower. Then, she gets dressed and brushes her hair. At haft past seven she cooks breakfast. She has breakfast with her husband and kids. She brushes her teeth and leaves home at ten to eight. She lives in New York City. It is a big city. She takes the subway at eight o´clock and gets to her office at eight thirty. She is always on time for work • Look at the clock and write what activities Mrs. Taylor does at that time. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ • Ask and answer to your partner what time you do your daily activities. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϯϲ Activity 9 Topic: SPECIAL DATES IN MY COUNTRY - ORDINAL NUMBERS. Time: Week: _____ From _________________ to ______________ 20___ Hours: 3 WARM UP! LET’S REVIEW DAYS AND MONTHS! • Look at the picture and practice the pronunciation with your teacher. • Can you answer the following questions: a. What is the FIRST day of the week? It’s Sunday. b. What is the SECOND day of the week? __________________________ c. What is the THIRD month of the year? ___________________________ d. What is the FIFTH month of the year? ___________________________ e. What is the SIXTH day of the week? _____________________________ f. What is the SEVENTH day of the week? __________________________ g. What is the EIGHTH month of the year? ___________________________ h. What is the NINTH month of the year? ____________________________ i. What is the TENTH month of the year? ____________________________ (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϯϳ EXPRESSIVE PURPOSE That I can ask and answer significantly about some special dates in Colombia in a written and oral way. EVALUACIÓN: INDICADOR O INDICADORES DE DESEMPEÑO: • Escucha e identifica los números ordinales y cardinales, la hora, las fechas y los nombres de las clases de un horario escolar. 25',1$/180%(56 Ordinal numbers indicate the order or position in a sequence, such as first, second, third, etc. • Complete the mentefacto proposicional • Practice the pronunciation of the ordinal numbers 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Eleventh Twelfth 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th Thirteenth Fourteenth Fifteenth Sixteenth Seventeenth Eighteenth 19th 20th 21st 22nd 30th 40th Nineteenth Twentieth Twenty - Twenty - Thirtieth Fortieth 50th 60th first 70th second 80th 90th 100th Fiftieth Sixtieth Seventieth Eightieth Ninetieth One 1,000th 1,000,000th One One Thousand Millionth. hundredth (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϯϴ • How much do you know about the special dates in Colombia? • When are these celebrations? Discovery of America’s day is ON October twelfth The father’s day is ON_________________________________________ Colombia independence’s day is ON ______________________________ Love and friendship’s day is ON__________________________________ Teachers’ day is ON ___________________________________________ Spanish Language’s day is ON___________________________________ Mother‘s day is ON_____________________________________________ Christmas’ day is ON____________________________________________ Boyacá battle’s day is ON________________________________________ Secretaries’ day is ON___________________________________________ Three magic kings’ day is ON______________________________________ Virgin Mary’s day is ON___________________________________________ (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϯϵ • Observe the images, read the title and infer what the text is about. • Express your ideas to the rest of the class. • Read the text and identify the unknown words. (Try to deduce their meanings if they seem difficult to understand, use your dictionary). • Read the text again and answer the questions below. HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY! People in Colombia celebrate the Friendship day the second Saturday of September every year. That day, people give and receive presents and they play “Secret Friend” at school or work. To do it, people put their names in a bag and then they take out a different name to give him/her a present. At the end of the game, they try to identify who his /her secret friend was. 1. When do Colombian people celebrate the Friendship day? ___________________________________________________ 2. What do people give to their friends? ____________________________________________________ 3. What is the name of the game people play that day? ____________________________________________________ 4. What happens at the end of the game? ______________________________________________________ • Find out about more special dates and festivals in Colombia. • Ask and answer to your partners when they are, the classmate who answers correctly the most numbers of questions will win the game! (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϰϬ Activity 10 Topic: SPECIAL DATES AROUND THE WORLD Time: Week: _____ From_________________ to ________________ 20___ Hours: 3 WARM UP! HOW DO PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD CELEBRATE SPECIAL DAYS? • Read these three people’s opinions about their favorite special dates and then try to guess what celebration they are talking about. • The images above can help you. DLJĨĂǀŽƌŝƚĞƐƉĞĐŝĂůĚĂƚĞ ŝƐͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ͕ ďĞĐĂƵƐĞĂůůŵLJĨĂŵŝůLJŐĞƚƐ ƚŽŐĞƚŚĞƌĂŶĚǁĞƚŚĂŶŬƐ'ŽĚ ĨŽƌƚŚĞďůĞƐƐŝŶŐƐǁĞŚĂǀĞ ƌĞĐĞŝǀĞĚŝŶƚŚĞLJĞĂƌ͘ dŚĂƚĚĂLJ͕/ĐŽŽŬĂĚĞůŝĐŝŽƵƐ ƚƵƌŬĞLJ͘ ǀĞƌLJďŽĚLJŝŶŵLJĨĂŵŝůLJůŽǀĞ ŝƚ͊ /ůŽǀĞͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ͕ ďĞĐĂƵƐĞƚŚĂƚĚĂLJƉĞŽƉůĞŐŝǀĞ ĐĂƌĚƐĂŶĚƉƌĞƐĞŶƚƚŽƚŚĞŽŶĞƐ ƚŚĞLJůŽǀĞ͘ /ĂůǁĂLJƐƌĞĐĞŝǀĞĐŚŽĐŽůĂƚĞĂŶĚ ĨůŽǁĞƌƐ͘/ůŽǀĞŝƚ͊ /ĂůƌĞĂĚLJŚĂǀĞƚŚĞƉĞƌĨĞĐƚŐŝĨƚĨŽƌ ŵLJďŽLJĨƌŝĞŶĚĨŽƌƚŚĞŶĞdžƚLJĞĂƌ͊ /ƚ͚ƐƵŶďĞůŝĞǀĂďůĞ͊ (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR /ĐĂŶDzƚǁĂŝƚƵŶƚŝůƚŚĞĞŶĚŽĨ ƚŚĞLJĞĂƌ͊ ͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺĞǀĞŝƐĂŶŝŐŚƚ ǁŚĞŶ/ŚĂǀĞĨƵŶǁŝƚŚŵLJ ĨƌŝĞŶĚƐ͘ tĞƵƐƵĂůůLJŚĂǀĞĂƉĂƌƚLJĂƚ ƐŽŵĞŽŶĞDzƐŚŽƵƐĞ͘ tĞĚĂŶĐĞĂůůŶŝŐŚƚĂŶĚƚŚĞŶ ŐŽŽƵƚĨŽƌďƌĞĂŬĨĂƐƚŝŶƚŚĞ ŵŽƌŶŝŶŐ͊ ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϰϭ EXPRESSIVE PURPOSE That I can ask and answer significantly about some special dates around the world in a written and oral way. EVALUACIÓN: INDICADOR O INDICADORES DE DESEMPEÑO: • Escucha e identifica los números ordinales y cardinales, la hora, las fechas y los nombres de las clases de un horario escolar. 21 According to the English grammar, on, that is a preposition of time, indicates days of the week and dates. For example: My birthday is on January 1st. • Complete the mentefacto proposicional • Analyze with your teacher the following picture. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϰϮ • Analyze the following chart and fill in the blanks. USE IN for years, months and the words: morning, afternoon and evening. ON for the days of the week and dates. AT for a specific time on the clock and the words: night, midnight and noon. 1. People have breakfast ___________ the morning and dinner ______ night. 2. I celebrate my birthday ___________ June 29th. 3. ___________ Monday_________8:00 A.M. is the English class at school. 4. Every year ___________May 1st people celebrate Labor Day. 5. _______the morning I go to school and _____ the afternoon I go home. 6. The sun rises _____6:00______ the morning and sets_______6:30_________ the evening. • How much do you know about festivals around the world? • Analyze the following chart. • What can you infer about these short texts? • Read these interesting celebrations and express your ideas to the rest of the class. 63(&,$/'$7(6$5281'7+(:25/' (9(17 '$< +2:3(23/(&(/(%5$7( ,7" For Christians, this religious ($67(5 A Sunday in March or April holiday. It is also a day when many buy chocolate eggs and candies bunnies and have Easter eggs hunts outdoors. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϰϯ When secretaries come to work, 6(&5(7$5,(6 '$< April their bosses give them cards and flowers. This is a day when people think ($57+'$< about protecting the earth. People April 22 give speeches about ways to help take care of the environment. 027+(56'$< )$7+(56'$< /$%25'$< 2nd Sunday in People honor their mothers by giving cards and gift and having a May family gathering. 3rd Sunday in People honor their fathers by June giving them cards and present. 1st Monday in People honor workers and have picnics with friends and family. September During this religious festival, +$18..$+ Usually in Jewish families light candles and December give gifts to friends and family members. For Christmas, this is a religious holiday. It is also a day when &+5,670$6 December 25 th friends and family members exchange gifts around a Christmas tree. • Ask and answer to your partners about when the celebrations above are and what people do. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϰϰ Activity 11 Topic: SCHOOL SCHEDULE Time: Week: _____ From _________________ to _________________ 20___ Hours: 3 WARM UP! MY SCHOOL SUBJECTS! • Discover the name of each subject and number the images. $57$1''(6,*1 %,2/2*< &+(0,675< &,7,=(16+,3 '(6,*1$1' 7(+12/2*< (1*/,6+ *(2*5$3+< +,6725< ,&7 ,QIRUPDWLRQDQG FRPPXQLFDWLRQ WHFKQRORJ\ 0$7+6 086,& 3+<6,& 3( 3K\VLFDO(GXFDWLRQ 5( 5HOLJLRXV (GXFDWLRQ 6&,(1&( (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϰϱ EXPRESSIVE PURPOSE That I can ask and answer significantly about my school schedule in a written and oral way. EVALUACIÓN: INDICADOR O INDICADORES DE DESEMPEÑO: • Escucha e identifica los números ordinales y cardinales, la hora, las fechas y los nombres de las clases de un horario escolar. 6&+22/6&+('8/( The school schedule, that is an organized list of subjects, shows the times and dates when the classes will be taught. • Complete the mentefacto proposicional • Analyze with your teacher their following conversation. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϰϲ (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϰϳ • Look at the chart and answer the questions below. 6+$52166&+('8/( 7,0( 021'$< 78(6'$< ²$0 6&,(1&( /,7(5$785( *(2*5$3+< 0$7+6 0$7+ $0 0$7+ 0$7+ (1*/,6+ +,6725< /,7(5$785( *(20(75< *(2*5$3+< 086,& +,6725< 6&,(1&( /81&+ 30 ²30 )5,'$< %5($. ²$0 ²0 :('1(6'$< 7+856'$< *(20(75< *<0 $576 *<0 (1*/,6+ • What time does Shannon have Math on Thursday? _________________________________________________________________ • What time does Shannon have Music on Mondays? _________________________________________________________________ • What time does Shannon have Science on Wednesday? _________________________________________________________________ • Based on your own School schedule ask and answer to your partner about the times and the days you have the different classes (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϰϴ Activity 12 • &$1<28" <(6 12 ([SUHVVOLNHVDQGGLVOLNHV" $VNDQGDQVZHUDERXWSHUVRQDOLQIRUPDWLRQ" 7DONDERXWGDLO\URXWLQHV" $VNDQGDQVZHUDERXWFRXQWULHVDQGQDWLRQDOLWLHV" $VNDQGDQVZHUDERXWSULFHVTXDQWLWLHVWLPHDQGGDWHV" Answer the following questions and discuss the answer with your teacher and the rest of the class. ϭ͘ ŚŽŽƐĞƚŚĞĐŽƌƌĞĐƚ ĨŽƌŵ͗ Ă͘ ^ŚĞĚĂŶĐŝĞƐ͘ ď͘ ^ŚĞĚĂŶĐĞƐ͘ Đ͘ ^ŚĞĚĂŶĐĞ͘ Ϯ͘ tŚĞƌĞĂƌĞLJŽƵĨƌŽŵ͍ Ă͘ /ĂŵĨƌŽŵŽůŽŵďŝĂ͘ ď͘ /ƐƉĞĂŬ^ƉĂŶŝƐŚ͘ Đ͘ ^ŚĞŝƐĨƌŽŵŽůŽŵďŝĂ͘ ϯ͘ ,ŽǁŽůĚĂƌĞLJŽƵ͍ Ă͘ /ĂŵĨŝŶĞ͕ƚŚĂŶŬƐ͘ ď͘ /ĂŵϵLJĞĂƌƐŽůĚ͘ Đ͘ ,ĞŝƐϭϭLJĞĂƌƐŽůĚ͘ ϰ͘ tŚĂƚŝƐƚŚĞŵŝƐƐŝŶŐ ǁŽƌĚ͍ &ŝƌƐƚ͕/ďƌƵƐŚŵLJƚĞĞƚŚ͕ ƚŚĞŶ͕/ƌĞĂĚĂŬ ĂŶĚͺͺͺͺͺ͕/ŐŽƚŽ ďĞĚ͘ Ă͘ >ĂƚĞƌ͘ ď͘ EĞdžƚ͘ Đ͘ &ŝŶĂůůLJ͘ ϱ͘ ŚŽŽƐĞƚŚĞĐŽƌƌĞĐƚ ĨŽƌŵ͗ Ă͘ /ůŽǀĞƌĞĂĚŝŶŐŬƐ͘ ď͘ /ůŽǀĞƌĞĂĚŬƐ͘ Đ͘ /ƌĞĂĚƚŽůŽǀĞŬƐ͘ ϲ͘ŝŐŚƚŚƵŶĚƌĞĚĂŶĚĨŽƌƚLJʹ ƚǁŽ͗ Ă͘ϴϮϰ͘ ď͘ϴϰϮ͘ Đ͘ϵϰϮ͘ ϳ͘ϵ͗ϭϱ͗ Ă͘/ƚŝƐŶŝŶĞŽDzĐůŽĐŬ͘ ď͘/ƚŝƐĂŚĂůĨƉĂƐƚŶŝŶĞ͘ Đ͘/ƚŝƐĂƋƵĂƌƚĞƌĂĨƚĞƌŶŝŶĞ͘ ϴ͘sŝƌŐŝŶDĂƌLJ͛ƐĚĂLJŝƐͺͺͺͺͺ DĂLJϭϯƚŚ͘ Ă͘ /Ŷ ď͘ KŶ Đ͘ ͘ƚ (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϰϵ • Observe the images, read the title and infer what the story is about. • Express your ideas to the rest of the class. • Read the text and identify the unknown words. (Try to deduce their meanings if they seem difficult to understand, use your dictionary). DINNER IN NEW YORK The Blue Room is a famous restaurant in New York. The food is excellent, and the waiters are polite and friendly. Hector and Isabel Rivera are having dinner at the Blue Room. The Riveras are having dinner at the Blue Room. The Riveras are from Venezuela. They are tourist in the United States. They speak Spanish, but they speak English well, too. Mrs. Rivera is ordering soup, fish and rice. She likes fish, and it is very good at the Blue Room. Mr. Rivera doesn’t like fish. He prefers meat. He is ordering soup, steak, and potatoes. He also wants coffee with dinner. Mrs. Rivera drinks coffee after dinner. She likes water with dinner. The Riveras are having a good time. They like American food and they like the blue Room restaurant. The waitress is nice, and they like her, too. 1. Is the Blue Room famous? a) Yes, they are. b) No, it isn´t. c) Yes, it is. 2. Is the food bad? a) Yes, it is. b) No, it isn´t. c) Yes, they are 3. What about the waiters and waitresses? a) They are rude and angry. b) They are impolite and bitter c) They are polite and friendly. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϱϬ 4. Where are the Riveras from? a) They are from Colombia. b) They are from Bolivia. c) They are from Venezuela. 5. What are they doing in the United States? a) They are working in the United States. b) They are trying to get a job in the United States. c) They are taking a tour in the United States. 6. How many languages do the Riveras speak? a) They speak four languages. b) They speak one language. c) They speak two languages. 7. What languages do the Riveras speak? a) They speak French and Italian. b) They speak Spanish and English. c) They speak Spanish and German. 8. What is Mrs. Rivera ordering? a) She is ordering soup, steak, and potatoes. b) She is ordering soup, fish and rice. c) She is ordering soup, pasta and potatoes. 9. What is Mr. Rivera ordering? a) He is ordering soup, steak, and potatoes. b) He is ordering soup, fish and rice. c) He is ordering soup, pasta and potatoes. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϱϭ 10. Does Mr. Rivera like fish? a) Yes, he does. b) No, he doesn´t. c) It doesn´t say. 11. Where is the Blue Room restaurant? a) It is in Santiago de Chile. b) It is in Lima. c) It is in New York. 12. Do Mr. and Mrs. Rivera drink coffee with dinner? a) Yes, they do. b) No, they don´t. c) It doesn´t say. 13. Are the Mr. and Mrs. Rivera having a good time? a) Yes, they are. b) No, they aren´t. c) It doesn´t say. 14. Do they like the waitress? a) Yes, they do. b) No, they don´t. c) It doesn´t say. 15. What does Mrs. Rivera like to drink with dinner? a) She likes to drink wine. b) She likes to drink juice. c) She likes to drink water. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϱϮ $548,',Ð&(6,6'(&$/, $548,',Ð&(6,6'(&$/, )81'$&,21(6('8&$7,9$6$548,2&(6$1$6 )81'$&,21(6('8&$7,9$6$548,2&(6$1$6 ',6(f2&855,&8/$5&2/(*,26$548,',2&(6$126 ',6(f2&855,&8/$5&2/(*,26$548,',2&(6$126 (1*/,6+&225',1$7,21 (1*/,6+&225',1$7,21 /(6621*8,'( 6&+22/<($5BBBBBBBBBBB SUBJECT: ENGLISH PERIOD: SECOND GRADE: 5Th (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϱϯ School: Teacher: Grade: Time: ENGLISH Hours: REFERENTES LEGALES: El Ministerio de Educación Nacional, particularmente en la Ley General de Educación, que establece como uno de sus fines “El estudio y la comprensión crítica de la cultura nacional y de la diversidad étnica y cultural del país, como fundamento de la unidad nacional y de su identidad”. En la misma ley se fijan como objetivos de la Educación Básica y Media “La adquisición de elementos de conversación y de lectura al menos en una lengua extranjera” y “La comprensión y capacidad de expresarse en una lengua extranjera”. PURPOSES AFFECTIVE: That we….value the importance of learning about vocabulary related to comparisons and time expressions in simple past tense. COGNITIVE: That we…recognize the vocabulary and expressions related to comparisons and time expressions in the past tense. EXPRESSIVE: That we…Express the vocabulary related to comparisons and time expressions in the past tense, in an oral and written way. EVALUACIÓN: INDICADORES DE DESEMPEÑO • • Escribe cortos textos, haciendo comparaciones entre objetos, lugares y personas. Interpreta los gráficos y textos simples, utilizando los comparativos. • • Identifica expresiones de tiempo en el pasado. Se expresa en forma oral a través de diálogos y presentaciones. ENSEÑANZAS (COMPETENCIAS Y HABILIDADES) Competencia Lingüística Competencia Pragmática Habilidades: Habilidades: Reconocer Describir Clasificar información Organizar Interpretar gráficos Competencia Sociolingüística Habilidades: Participación oral EJES TEMÁTICOS • • • COMPARATIVES SUPERLATIVES TIME EXPRESSIONS IN THE PAST TENSE DIDÁCTICAS 1. Anti constructivista: Los estudiantes participan dando ejemplos de hechos que ejemplifican la temática propuesta. 2. Interrogativa: Los estudiantes potencian sus capacidades de comprehender las preguntas y de expresar respuestas cada vez con mayor profundidad y sentido. 3. Expresiva: Los estudiantes tienen la oportunidad de desplegar su creatividad expresándose a través de diferentes lenguajes y disfrutando plenamente del aprendizaje. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϱϰ Activity 13 Topic: COMPARATIVES. SHOPPING LIST. DESCRIBE USING SOME EXPRESSIONS: IT’S SMALLER/BIGGER THAN… IT’S MORE MODERN /EXPENSIVE THAN…WHICH ONE IS MORE MODERN/ EXPENSIVE? LET’S BUY…DON’T FORGET…WHAT DO WE NEED? WE DON’T NEED… Time: Week: _____ From _______________ to _____________ 20____ Hours: 3 WARM UP! LET’S BUY FURNITURE! • • Do you know the names of this furniture? Circle the correct form. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϱϱ EXPRESSIVE PURPOSE That I can describe objects by using comparatives, in a written and oral way. EVALUACIÓN: INDICADOR O INDICADORES DE DESEMPEÑO: • Interpreta los gráficos presentados, utilizando los comparativos. $'-(&7,9( ĚũĞĐƚŝǀĞƐŝŶĚŝĐĂƚĞƋƵĂůŝƚŝĞƐŽĨƚŚĞŶŽƵŶ͘dŚĞƌĞĂƌĞƐŚŽƌƚ ĂĚũĞĐƚŝǀĞƐ͕ƚŚĞLJŚĂǀĞŽŶĞŽƌƚǁŽƐLJůůĂďůĞƐĂŶĚůŽŶŐĂĚũĞĐƚŝǀĞ͕ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞLJ ŚĂǀĞ ƚŚƌĞĞ Žƌ ŵŽƌĞ ƐLJůůĂďůĞƐ͘ • Classify the adjectives from the box in the corresponding column. Tall - interesting – short - beautiful - nice - popular - close- boring high - difficult – big - crowded - small - dangerous - easy - exciting cold- expensive – new- modern - hot - wonderful - old - importantquiet SHORT ADJETIVES (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR LONG ADJECTIVES ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϱϲ • Analyze the following chart with your teacher. 0$.,1*&203$5,6216 0$.,1*&203$5,6216 &203$5$7,9(6 &203$5$7,9(6 • $GGHUWRVKRUWDGMHFWLYHV $GG´PRUHµEHIRUHORQJDGMHFWLYH 3HWHU$QGUHZ &LQG\.DWK\ 3HWHULVWDOO$QGUHZLVWDOOHUWKDQ &LQG\LVEHDXWLIXO.DWK\LVPRUH 3HWHU EHDXWLIXOWKDQ&LQG\ Now complete the following charts using the adjectives below. ER THAN R THAN DOUBLE CONSONANT IER THAN AT THE END THAN Taller than Closer than Noisier than Bigger than MORE…THAN More interesting than 7DOOVKRUWQLFHFORVHKLJKELJ VPDOOHDV\FROGQHZKRWROG TXLHW ,PSRUWDQWLQWHUHVWLQJGDQJHURXV GLIILFXOWFURZGHGH[FLWLQJPRGHUQ EHDXWLIXOSRSXODUERULQJH[SHQVLYH ZRQGHUIXO (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϱϳ • Observe the pictures and answer the questions. • Which table is newer A or B? ______________________________________ • Which sofa is more modern A or B? The sofa A is more modern than the sofa B. • Which picture is more expensive A or B? _______________________________ • Which bed is bigger A or B? _________________________________________ • Which lamp is more beautiful A or B? _________________________________ • Which wardrobe is nicer A or B? ______________________________________ • Bring magazines to class and practice with your partner questions and answer using comparatives. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϱϴ Activity 14 Topic: ORAL DESCRIPTIONS ABOUT THE SHOPPING LIST. SMALLER, MORE EXPENSIVE, CHEAPER… Time: Week: _____ From ____________ to _______________ 20___ Hours: 3 WARM UP! LET’S PLAY IN THE UTILITY ROOM! • Practice the pronunciation of these words and number the pictures. ϭ͘ Ϯ͘ ϯ͘ ϰ͘ ϱ͘ ϲ͘ ϳ͘ ϴ͘ ƌŽŽŵ ƵƐƚƉĂŶ DŽƉ ƵĐŬĞƚ /ƌŽŶ tĂƐŚŝŶŐŵĂĐŚŝŶĞ ǀĂĐƵƵŵĐůĞĂŶĞƌ ůŽƚŚĞƐŚĂŶŐĞƌ (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϱϵ EXPRESSIVE PURPOSE That I can make oral descriptions about different articles in a shop, using comparatives and superlatives. EVALUACIÓN: INDICADOR O INDICADORES DE DESEMPEÑO: • • Escribe cortos textos, haciendo comparaciones entre objetos, lugares y personas. Analyze the following chart with your teacher. 0$.,1*&203$5,6216 0$.,1*&203$5,6216 683(5/$7,9(6 683(5/$7,9(6 $GGHVWWRVKRUWDGMHWLYHV $GG´WKHPRVWµWRORQJDGMHFWLYHV 3HWHU$QGUHZ6HEDVWLDQ &LG\.DWK\%HWW\ 6HEDVWLDQLVWKHWDOOHVWLQWKHFODVV %HWW\LVWKHPRVWEHDXWLIXOJLUOLQ WKHFODVV • Write into the chart the superlative forms only. SUPERLATIVES 7DOOWKHVKRUWHVW²QLFHUWKDQ FORVHUWKHKLJKHVWELJWKH VPDOOHVWHDVLHUWKDQ²WKHFROGHVW QHZHUWKDQKRWROGHUWKDQ WKHPRVW,PSRUWDQWPRUH LQWHUHVWLQJWKDQPRUHGDQJHURXV WKDQ²WKHPRVWGLIILFXOWPRUH FURZGHGWKDQ²H[FLWLQJPRGHUQ² 7KHPRVWEHDXWLIXOSRSXODUERULQJ H[SHQVLYHZRQGHUIXO (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϲϬ • Observe the pictures and answer the questions. • Which broom is the shortest? ______________________________________ • Which vacuum cleaner is the most modern? __________________________ • Which washing machine is the smallest? ______________________________ • Andrea and her mom are in the shopping mall buying some • Household goods. • Read the conversation and infer the unknown words. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϲϭ ANDREA: Ok, what do we need mom? ANDREA’S MOM: Let me check the shopping list. Oh, yes! We need a vacuum cleaner. They are over there! ANDREA: Look, mom. There are different kinds of vacuum cleaners. What do you think it’s the most modern? ANDREA´S MOM: I think the blue one, but it is the most expensive, too! Let’s look another one cheaper. ANDREA: Look, mom. I think this red vacuum cleaner is nice. It is the smallest one! ANDREA´S MOM: And it is cheaper than the blue one. We will take it! ANDREA: Mom, don’t forget the broom! ANDREA´S MOM: Andrea, we don’t need a broom! We need a mop. ANDREA: Oh, yes! What mop will we take? ANDREA´S MOM: The most expensive one, I think it is of the highest quality! TRUE FALSE Andrea and her mom need a washing machine They‘ll take the cheapest mop. Andrea thinks the blue vacuum cleaner is the most modern. Andrea’s mom will take the red vacuum cleaner • Work in pairs. • Rewrite the conversation above using others household goods. • Practice your conversation and share it with the rest of the class. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϲϮ Activity 15 Topic: READING RELATED TO COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES. ASK AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS ACCORDING TO THE TEXT. Time: Week: _____ From ________________ to _____________ 20___ Hours: 3 WARM UP! WHAT COLOR DO YOU LIKE THE MOST? • Review colors with your teacher. • What meaning do colors have for you? • Read the text below. COLORS AND PHYSIOLOGY WƐLJĐŚŽůŽŐŝƐƚƐƐĂLJƚŚĂƚĂƉĞƌƐŽŶ͚ƐĨĂǀŽƌŝƚĞĐŽůŽƌĐĂŶƚĞůůƵƐƐŽŵĞƚŚŝŶŐĂďŽƵƚ ƚŚĂƚƉĞƌƐŽŶDzƐƉĞƌƐŽŶĂůŝƚLJ͘WĞŽƉůĞǁŚŽůŝŬĞƐ͙ ZĞĚĂƌĞǀĞƌLJĂĐƚŝǀĞ͘ zĞůůŽǁĂƌĞƋƵŝĞƚ͘ ůƵĞĂƌĞĐĂůŵ͘ ƌŽǁŶĂƌĞǀĞƌLJŝŶƚĞƌĞƐƚŝŶŐŝŶƚŚĞŚŽŵĞĂŶĚĨĂŵŝůLJ͘ 'ƌĞĞŶůŝŬĞƚŽŵĂŬĞŐŽŽĚŝŵƉƌĞƐƐŝŽŶƐŽŶŽƚŚĞƌƐ͘ WƵƌƉůĞůŝŬĞƚŽďĞĚŝĨĨĞƌĞŶƚĨƌŽŵŽƚŚĞƌƐ͘ 'ƌĂLJĂƌĞƐŚLJ ůĂĐŬĂƌĞƐĞƌŝŽƵƐ͘ • Ask six classmates about their favorite colors. Write their names under their favorite colors in the chart below. 5(' • • <(//2: %/8( %52:1 *5((1 3853/( *5$< %/$&. Do you agree or disagree with psychologists say about colors? Share your opinions with the rest of the class. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϲϯ EXPRESSIVE PURPOSE That I can interpret simple texts using comparatives and superlatives. EVALUACIÓN: INDICADOR O INDICADORES DE DESEMPEÑO: • Interpreta los gráficos y textos simples, utilizando los comparativos. 5($',1*675$7(*,(6 Reading strategies, that are logical steps to understand a text, help to improve the reading skills. • Complete the mentefacto proposicional • Follow these reading tips. 9 Analyze titles, subtitles and images. 9 Read carefully. 9 Underline the unknown words and try to deduce their meaning, in case you can´t, use your dictionary. 9 Try to identify the main and the secondary ideas. 9 Answer the questions. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϲϰ • Discuss the meanings of these words with your teacher. 16XJJHVWLRQ0HDOWLPHV'DUN+XQJU\ %ULJKW$WPRVSKHUH'UDPDWLFUHOD[LQJ • Observe the image, read the title and infer what it is about. • Express your ideas to the rest of the class. • Read the text and identify the unknown words. (Try to deduce their meanings if they seem difficult to understand, use your dictionary). PERFECT COLORS, PERFECT HARMONY The color you paint the rooms in your house can make you comfortable. Follow the suggestions below to create the perfect atmosphere to eat, work and relax in your own home. The bedroom: The perfect color for your bedroom is blue. It is very relaxing color, and can make you feel happier and more positive about life when you wake up in the morning. The living room: the perfect color for an elegant living room is green, with some white. Don´t use dramatic colors like red, purple and black because they don’t help to relax. The dining room: Red and orange are two colors which can make you feel hungrier at mealtimes. They also encourage more interesting conversation. But be careful! Only use these colors in small areas, a lot red or orange can make you feel aggressive. The study: Yellow is a beautiful color which makes you feel happier and helps you to think, so it is good color for this room. It is also makes dark spaces a little brighter. • Read the text above and answer the following questions: (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϲϱ The word harmony that appears in the title can be replaced with: a. War b. Peace. c. Love. According to the text the perfect color for your bedroom is blue because: a. It can make you feel hungrier and aggressive. b. It can make you feel happier and more positive. c. It can make you feel darker and relaxed. What colors should be used in the dining room? a. Blue and white. b. Red and purple. c. Red and orange. What color makes you feel happier? a. Yellow. b. Blue c. Orange. What color makes you feel relaxed? a. Yellow. b. Blue c. Orange. The text talks about… a. The way you can use colors to make your house more comfortable. b. The way artists can paint their houses. c. The way you can use quality products to paint your house. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϲϲ Activity 16 Topic: ORAL PRESENTATIONS IN GROUPS ABOUT HOW TO GO TO A SHOP AND BUY ARTICLES OR FOOD. Time: Week: _____ From ____________ to ________________ 20__ Hours: 3 WARM UP! LET’S GO TO THE SUPERMARKET! • Number each image using the words from the box and practice their pronunciation with your teacher. 0LON%UHDG2UDQJHMXLFH&RIIHH&KLFNHQ6DOW%ODFNSHSSHU 2LO&DUURWV2QLRQV0XVKURRPV*DUOLF*UHHQSDSHUV 7RPDWRHV5LFH3RWDWRHV%HDQV6XJDU&RIIHH (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϲϳ EXPRESSIVE PURPOSE That I can make simple oral presentations about buying articles or food in a shop. EVALUACIÓN: INDICADOR O INDICADORES DE DESEMPEÑO: • Se expresa en forma oral a través de diálogos y presentaciones. 52/(3/$<,1* Role playing, that is a short dramatization of events or stories, helps to improve the speaking skills. • Complete the mentefacto proposicional • Follow these tips for a good role playing. 9 Choose a topic or a situation. 9 Choose context and characters. 9 Use some questions and write a conversation. 9 Practice the conversation until you get fluent. 9 Now lights, camera and action! (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϲϴ • Andrea and Juliana are making a grocery list. • Read their conversation. I AM MAKING A GROCERY LIST. ANDREA: What are you doing? JULIANA: I am making a grocery list. We need some things from the supermarket. ANDREA: What do we need? JULIANA: We need carrots, tomatoes, mushrooms, and green peppers. ANDREA: Don´t forget the onions, and garlic. JULIANA: Oh, yes, you’re right. And we need also some salt, oil and chicken! What else do we need? ANDREA: I think coffee, orange juice, milk and bread for breakfast tomorrow... Let’s go shopping together. I will help with the bags. AT THE GROCERY STORE… ANDREA: How much is the chicken? CASHIER: It’s on sale. It’s $1.09 a pound. JULIANA: Good! What about tomatoes? CASHIER: They are not on sale, but tomatoes sauce is four cans for 99 cents. JULIANA: No, I want fresh tomatoes. ANDREA: What about green peppers? CLERK: Yes, green peppers are five for a dollar. ANDREA: How much is all? CLERK: It is $12 dollars. JULIANA: Here you are. Thanks. CLERK: You’re welcome! Have a nice day! (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϲϵ • Read the conversation above again. Put a check after each item needed and an X after those that are not needed. WZKhd :ƵůŝĂŶĂĂŶĚŶĚƌĞĂŶĞĞĚƐŽŵĞ dŚĞLJĚŽŶDzƚŶĞĞĚĂŶLJ͙ ϭ͘ ĐŚŝĐŬĞŶ Ϯ͘ ZŝĐĞ ϯ͘ ^ŽƵƉ ϰ͘ DŝůŬ ϱ͘ ůĂĐŬƉĞƉƉĞƌ͘ ϲ͘ 'ƌĞĞŶƉĞƉƉĞƌ ϳ͘ KŶŝŽŶƐ ϴ͘ WŽƚĂƚŽĞƐ ϵ͘ ĂƌƌŽƚƐ ϭϬ͘ ^Ăůƚ ϭϭ͘ ĞĂŶƐ ϭϮ͘ ŽĨĨĞĞ ϭϯ͘ KƌĂŶŐĞũƵŝĐĞ ϭϰ͘ ƌĞĂĚ ϭϱ͘ DŝůŬ ϭϲ͘ ^ƵŐĂƌ • Work in groups of four or five. • Rewrite the conversation of the modelation stage, change some details, and prepare a roll play for the rest of the class. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϳϬ Activity 17 Topic: LOCATIONS AND PLACES: ON AN ISLAND, IN THE OCEAN, ON THE MOON, IN THE FOREST, AT THE BEACH, ETC.TIME EXPRESSIONS IN PAST TENSE: YESTERDAY, LAST MONDAY, THE DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY ETC. PICTURES AND DRAWINGS. Time: Week: _____ From _________________ to ________________ 20___ Hours: 3 WARM UP! WHERE WERE YOU! • Match the images with the corresponding conversation. ϭ Ϯ ϯ ͗tŚĞƌĞǁĞƌĞLJŽƵ͍ ͗tŚĞƌĞǁĂƐƐŚĞ͍ ͗tŚĞƌĞǁĂƐŚĞ͍ ͗/ǁĂƐŽŶĂŶŝƐůĂŶĚ͘ ͗^ŚĞǁĂƐŽŶƚŚĞŵŽŽŶ͘ ͗,ĞǁĂƐŽŶĂŚŝůů͘ ϰ ϱ ϲ ͗tŚĞƌĞǁĞƌĞLJŽƵ͍ ͗tŚĞƌĞǁĞƌĞƚŚĞLJ͍ ͗tŚĞƌĞǁĞƌĞLJŽƵ͍ ͗tĞǁĞƌĞŝŶƚŚĞĚĞƐĞƌƚ͘ ͗dŚĞLJǁĞƌĞŝŶƚŚĞĨŽƌĞƐƚ͘ ͗/ǁĂƐŝŶƚŚĞũƵŶŐůĞ͘ ϳ ϴ ϵ ͗tŚĞƌĞǁĂƐƐŚĞ͍ ͗tŚĞƌĞǁĂƐŚĞ͍ ͗tŚĞƌĞǁĞƌĞLJŽƵ͍ ͗^ŚĞǁĂƐŝŶƚŚĞŽĐĞĂŶ͘ ͗,ĞǁĂƐĂƚƚŚĞďĞĂĐŚ͘ ͗tĞǁĞƌĞĂƚƐĐŚŽŽů͘ (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϳϭ EXPRESSIVE PURPOSE That I can express past tense remarks, use correctly prepositions of places: in on at and identify some places. EVALUACIÓN: INDICADOR O INDICADORES DE DESEMPEÑO: • Identifica expresiones de tiempo en el pasado. 35(326,7,2162)3/$&(,121$7 • Analyze the following chat with your teacher. IN ON AT PLACES Countries, states, cities and Transports (not car) Specific buildings Rooms A surface addresses Closed spaces Streets Transports with the word: Floors of a building town CAR only. • Write into the each column the words you use with the corresponding preposition. School France train California IN (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR home table beach bedroom roof ON AT ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϳϮ • Analyze the following chart with your teacher. 3$677,0(5(0$5.6 <(67(5'$< /$67 $*2 <HVWHUGD\PRUQLQJ /DVWQLJKW 7KUHHGD\VDJR <HVWHUGD\DIWHUQRRQ /DVWZHHN 7ZRZHHNVDJR <HVWHUGD\HYHQLQJ /DVWPRQWK $\HDUDJR • Where were all these people? ϭ͘ tŚĞƌĞǁĞƌĞƚŚĞLJĂŶŚŽƵƌĂŐŽ͍ Ϯ͘tŚĞƌĞǁĞƌĞƚŚĞLJůĂƐƚ^ĂƚƵƌĚĂLJ͍ ϯ͘tŚĞƌĞǁĂƐŚĞLJĞƐƚĞƌĚĂLJŝŶƚŚĞŵŽƌŶŝŶŐ͍ ϰ͘tŚĞƌĞǁĂƐƐŚĞLJĞƐƚĞƌĚĂLJŝŶƚŚĞĂĨƚĞƌŶŽŽŶ͍ (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϳϯ ϱ͘tŚĞƌĞǁĂƐŚĞLJĞƐƚĞƌĚĂLJŝŶƚŚĞŵŽƌŶŝŶŐ͍ ϲ͘tŚĞƌĞǁĂƐŚĞůĂƐƚDŽŶĚĂLJ͍ ϳ͘tŚĞƌĞǁĂƐŚĞƚŚƌĞĞŚŽƵƌƐĂŐŽ͍ ϴ͘tŚĞƌĞǁĞƌĞƚŚĞLJLJĞƐƚĞƌĚĂLJ͍ ϵ͘tŚĞƌĞǁĂƐƐŚĞůĂƐƚǁĞĞŬ͍ ϭϬ͘tŚĞƌĞǁĞƌĞƚŚĞLJůĂƐƚdƵĞƐĚĂLJ͍ • Ask and answer to your partners where you and they were. • Use the prepositions of place and the past time remarks. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϳϰ Activity 18 Topic: CONVERSATIONS IN PAST TENSE USING THE EXPRESSIONS AND PLACE. Time: Week: _____ From ______________ to ________________ 20___ Hours: 3 WARM UP! THESE ARE MY FRIENDS’ LATEST VACATION PICTURES! • Observe the images and write statements about where these people were and what they were doing. • Share your ideas with your partners. Playing volleyball Camping Walking Jumping Swimming Listening to music 1. Last Saturday Gina was at home. She was listening to music. 2. ________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________ 6. ________________________________________________ (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϳϱ EXPRESSIVE PURPOSE That I can make conversation using the past progressive, the corresponding time remarks and some locations. EVALUACIÓN: INDICADOR O INDICADORES DE DESEMPEÑO: • Se expresa en forma oral a través de diálogos y presentaciones. 3$67352*5(66,9( According to the English grammar, the past progressive, that is a verbal tense, indicates an activity in progress in the past. • Complete the mentefacto proposicional • Look at the following picture and discuss with the rest of the class what these people were doing when Anna called them. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϳϲ • Discuss with your classmates and teacher about what these people were doing yesterday in the afternoon when it started to rain. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϳϳ • Read the text and discuss with your partners about what was happening at the party and what people were doing. • Figure out the point number 2. • Talk to your partners about the activity you were doing yesterday in the morning, last Saturday, last weekend, three hours ago, etc and find out about hers/his. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϳϴ • • Activity 19 &$1<28" <(6 12 0DNHGHVFULSWLRQVXVLQJFRPSDUDWLYHVDQGVXSHUODWLYHV" 8VHH[SUHVVLRQVUHODWHGWRVKRSSLQJ" ,QWHUSUHWWH[WVUHODWHGWRFRPSDUDWLYHVDQGVXSHUODWLYHV" 0DNHVKRUWFRQYHUVDWLRQVXVLQJH[SUHVVLRQVLQWKHSDVWWHQVH" 8VHSURSHUO\WKHSUHSRVLWLRQVRISODFHLQRQDQGDW" Answer the following questions and discuss the answer with your teacher and the rest of the class. ŝƌĐůĞƚŚĞĐŽƌƌĞĐƚ ƐƚĂƚĞŵĞŶƚƐ͘ Ă͘DĂƌŝĂŝƐďĞĂƚŝĨƵůĞƌ ƚŚĂŶŶĚƌĞĂ͘ ŝƌĐůĞƚŚĞƐƚĂƚĞŵĞŶƚƐ ƌĞůĂƚĞĚƚŽĞdžƉƌĞƐƐŝŽŶƐ ŝŶĂƐŚŽƉƉŝŶŐ͘ ď͘ŽŶDzƚĨŽƌŐĞƚƚŚĞ ƚŽŵĂƚŽĞƐ͘ Đ͘dŚŝƐǁĂƚĐŚŝƐƚŚĞ ĞdžƉĞŶƐŝǀĞƐƚŽŶĞ͘ Đ͘/ĂŵĨƌŽŵŽůŽŵďŝĂ͘ Ğ͘^ĞďĂƐƚŝĂŶŝƐƚŚĞŵŽƐƚ ƐŚŽƌƚŝŶƚŚĞĐůĂƐƐ͘ Ĩ͘dŚŝƐǀĂĐƵƵŵĐůĞĂŶĞƌŝƐ ƚŚĞŶĞǁĞƐƚŝŶƚŚĞƐŚŽƉ͘ tŚĞƌĞǁĞƌĞLJŽƵ LJĞƐƚĞƌĚĂLJ͍ Ă͘DLJŶĂŵĞŝƐŶĚƌĞƐ ď͘ĂƌůŽƐŝƐƚĂůůĞƌƚŚĂŶ DĂƌŝŽ͘ Ě͘dŚĞďůƵĞƚĂďůĞŝƐ ƐŵĂůůĞƌƚŚĂŶƚŚĞƌĞĚ ŽŶĞ͘ ŚŽŽƐĞƚŚĞĐŽƌƌĞĐƚ ĂŶƐǁĞƌƐ͘ Ă͘/ǁĂƐŝŶƚŚĞďĞĂĐŚ ď͘/ǁĂƐĂƚƚŚĞďĞĂĐŚ͘ Đ͘/ǁĂƐƐƚƵĚLJŝŶŐ͘ Ě͘/ƐƉĞĂŬ^ƉĂŶŝƐŚ͘ Ğ͘dŚĞŐƌĞĞŶƉĂƉĞƌƐĂƌĞ ŽŶƐĂůĞ͊ Ĩ͘,ŽǁŵƵĐŚŝƐŝƚ͍ tŚĂƚǁĂƐƐŚĞĚŽŝŶŐĂƚ ϲ͗ϬϬWDLJĞƐƚĞƌĚĂLJ͍ Ă͘^ŚĞǁĂƐĂƚƚŚĞƐĐŚŽŽů͘ ď͘^ŚĞǁĂƐƉůĂLJŝŶŐ ƚĞŶŶŝƐ͘ Ő͘,ŽǁŵĂŶLJĚŽLJŽƵ ŶĞĞĚ͍ Đ͘^ŚĞǁĂƐŝŶƚŚĞĨŽƌĞƐƚ͘ Ś͘tŚĞƌĞǁĞƌĞLJŽƵ (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϳϵ • Observe the images, read the title and infer what the story is about. • Express your ideas to the rest of the class. • Read the text and identify the unknown words. (Try to deduce their meanings if they seem difficult to understand, use your dictionary). K^DKWK>/dE/d/^ New York, Tokyo, Paris and other cosmopolitan cities are exciting places to live. People from many countries live in these cities. There are many interesting things to see and to do. You can go to different kind of museums, plays, films and restaurants. You can also go shopping to buy things from all over the world. Of course, there are serious problems in big cities, too. The cost of living is high, and there are too many people in some neighborhoods. Too many people in small space make it hard to keep the cities safe and clean. Every year many newcomers move to the cities to find jobs, to study at good schools, or to receive good medical care. However, sometimes these people can´t find work or a decent place to live. Cosmopolitan cities have their advantages and disadvantages. Some people enjoy living in them, others don´t. Before people move to a big city, they should think about the problems of living there. 1. Are the cosmopolitan cities exciting places to live? a) Yes, they are b) No, they aren´t c) It doesn´t say. 2. Are there interesting things to do in a big city? a) Yes, there are. b) No, there aren´t. c) It doesn´t say. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϴϬ 3. What are some interesting things to see and to do? a) There aren´t things to see or do. b) You can go to different kind of museums, plays, films and restaurants. c) You can go to a farm and see animals. 4. What are two serious problems in big cities? a) There are so many cars in them. b) The cost of the living and there are too many people in some neighborhoods. c) There are so trees in the parks. 5. What are the names of the big cities the text mentioned? a) b) c) Bogotá, Santiago de Chile, Paris. New York, Rome and Milan. New York, Tokyo and Paris. 6. What makes it hard to keep cities safe and clean? a. Too much television in houses. b. Too many children in the school. c. Too many people living in small places. 7. Why do many newcomers move to cities every year? a) Because they want to take tour in those cities. b) Because they want to go shopping very often. c) Because they want to find a jobs, study at good schools or receive good medical care. 8. Can these people always find work and a decent place to live? a) Yes, they can. b) No, they can´t c) It doesn´t say. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϴϭ 9. Does everybody enjoy living in big cities? a) Yes, everybody does. b) No, everybody doesn´t. c) It doesn´t say. 10. What should do people do before they move to a big city? a) They should buy a house first. b) They should get a new job first. c) They should think about the problems of living there. 11. Do people from many countries live in these cities? a) Yes, they do. b) No, they don´t. c) It doesn´t say. 12. Are there serious problems in the big cities? a) Yes, there are. b) No, there aren´t. c) It doesn´t say. 13. Can you buy things from all over the world in a big city? a) Yes, I can. b) No, I can´t. c) It doesn´t say. 14. Do the cosmopolitan cities have advantage and disadvantage? a) Yes, they do. b) No, they don´t. c) It doesn´t say (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϴϮ Activity 20: Topic: DESCRIBE AN INTERESTING LOCATION. PRACTICE WITH YOUR PARTNER. Time: Week: _____ From _______________ to _____________ 20__ Hours: 3 WARM UP! WHERE ARE YOU! • Read the following short descriptions, try to guess where these people are, write the names of the places and then match them with the images. a. I hear people buying food and household goods. Where am I? b. Many teenagers wearing uniforms are coming out from this place. Where am I? c. I see many people in a line. They are going to see the latest film by Walt Disney. They are in a ____________________________ d .I smell delicious food in this_________________ . I see a man cooking in the kitchen. e. I can hear kids playing around ball, in this ____________________ there are many trees and flowers. f. Airplanes are flying in and out. People are walking with bags and luggage. I am in an: ________________________________ (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϴϯ EXPRESSIVE PURPOSE That I can make descriptions about places by using the prepositions in an oral and written way. EVALUACIÓN: INDICADOR O INDICADORES DE DESEMPEÑO: • Escribe cortos textos, haciendo comparaciones entre objetos, lugares y personas. 35(326,7,2162)3/$&( Prepositions of place show where something or somebody is located. Example: Between, next to, across from, etc. • Analyze the following picture with your teacher. • Now look at the map and complete the statements. a. The police station is _______________the bank and the store. b. The drug store is ______________________the police station. c. The school is___________________________ the restaurant. d. The train station ___________________________the school. e. The drugstore is _______the movie theater and the post office. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϴϰ • Analyze the following chart with your teacher. EXPRESSING EXISTENCE AFFIRMATIVE FORM INTERROGATIVE FORM NEGATIVE FORM SHORT FORMS SINGULAR Is there a park near There is not a park There ‘s There is a park near here? near here. There isn´t here. There aren´t PLURAL Are there any parks There are not any There are some here? parks near here. parks near here. • Read the following postcard and fill in the blanks based on the picture. Dear mom and Dad, I am really glad to be studying here. Paradise City is a small and nice town. There is a beautiful old church ________the park________ the National Museum. There is a beautiful tree in the middle of the park. There is a school and a university too. The university is ___________________ the post office. At the end of Oak Road there is a movie theater. There is a library _____________ the park. Right now I am going to the university because I have an English test. I hope to see you soon. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϴϱ • Look at this street map and describe what you observe by expressing existence and using the prepositions of place. There is a movie theater next to the Laundromat. _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ • Draw a picture of your neighborhood and write the places it has and where they are located. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϴϲ Activity 21: Topic : PRACTICE CONVERSATIONS WITH DESCRIPTIONS AND PLACES GIVEN. Time: Week: _____ From _____________ to ________________ 20___ Hours: 3 WARM UP! LET´S MAKE ORAL DESCRIPTIONS! • Read the description below and discuss with your partners what image is being described in the text. A B ĞĂƌŵŽŵĂŶĚĂĚ͕ ŶĚƌĞĂĂŶĚ/ĂƌĞĨŝŶĂůůLJŝŶŽƵƌŶĞǁĂƉĂƌƚŵĞŶƚ͘/ůŽǀĞƚŚŝƐŶĞŝŐŚďŽƌŚŽŽĚ͘ dŚĞďƵƐƐƚŽƉŝƐƌŝŐŚƚŶĞdžƚƚŽŽƵƌďƵŝůĚŝŶŐ͘dŚĞƌĞŝƐĂƉĂƌŬĂĐƌŽƐƐĨƌŽŵŽƵƌďƵŝůĚŝŶŐ͘tĞĐĂŶ ǁĂůŬĂĐƌŽƐƐƚŚĞƐƚƌĞĞƚĂŶĚĞŶũŽLJƚŚĞƚƌĞĞƐĂŶĚĨůŽǁĞƌƐ͘ dŚĞƌĞŝƐĂƐƵƉĞƌŵĂƌŬĞƚ͕ĂĚƌƵŐƐƚŽƌĞ͕ĂƉŽƐƚŽĨĨŝĐĞ͕ĂďĂŶŬ͕ĂŵŽǀŝĞƚŚĞĂƚĞƌ͕ĂƉŽůŝĐĞƐƚĂƚŝŽŶ ŶĞĂƌŽƵƌĂƉĂƌƚŵĞŶƚďƵŝůĚŝŶŐ͘dŚĞĚƌƵŐƐƚŽƌĞŝƐŝŶďĞƚǁĞĞŶƚŚĞƉŽƐƚŽĨĨŝĐĞĂŶĚƚŚĞƉŽůŝĐĞ ƐƚĂƚŝŽŶ͘dŚĞƌĞŝƐĂůŝďƌĂƌLJĂŶĚĂŚŽƐƉŝƚĂůŝŶŽƵƌŶĞŝŐŚďŽƌŚŽŽĚ͕ƚŽŽ͘ >ŽǀĞ͕ ĂƌŽůŝŶĞ͘ (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϴϳ EXPRESSIVE PURPOSE That I can make descriptions about places in an oral and written way by using the prepositions, expressions of existence and places of the city. EVALUACIÓN: INDICADOR O INDICADORES DE DESEMPEÑO: • Se expresa en forma oral a través de diálogos y presentaciones. '(6&5,37,21 A description pictures in words what someone or something is like. . • Follow these tips for making a good description. 9 Observe attentively. 9 Use adjectives, comparatives, and superlatives. 9 Use the expressions such as: there is and there are. 9 Use the prepositions of place. • Observe attentively these pictures and try to name their details. For example: there is a tree next to the restaurant, there are cars, and also high buildings! (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϴϴ A B C D E F G (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR H ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϴϵ I • J Choose the picture you like the most and write its description. For example: /ƚŝƐĂǀĞƌLJďĞĂƵƚŝĨƵůƉůĂĐĞ͘ dŚĞƌĞŝƐĂŵŽƚŽƌĐLJĐůĞŝŶĨƌŽŶƚŽĨŽŶĞŽĨƚŚĞ ďƵŝůĚŝŶŐƐ͘ dŚĞƌĞĂƌĞĨůŽǁĞƌƐŶĞdžƚƚŽŽŶĞŽĨƚŚĞďƵŝůĚŝŶŐ͘ dŚĞƌĞŝƐŶDzƚĂƉĂƌŬ͘ dŚĞƌĞŝƐĂŚŽƚĞů͘ dŚĞƌĞĂƌĞŶDzƚĂŶLJƉĞŽƉůĞ͘ • Now work in group of four people and ask and answer questions for trying to deduce what picture she or he has described. For example: A: Is there any restaurant? B: No, there isn´t A: is it the picture Z? B: No, it isn´t A: Is it the picture X? B: No, it isn´t. A: Is there any park? B: Yes, there is. A: Are there any cars? B: Yes, there are. A: Are there any people? B: No, there aren´t. A: Where is it? B: It is next to a building. A: It is a beautiful place? B: Yes, it is. A: Is it the picture Y? B: Yes, it is! (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϵϬ Activity 22: Topic : WRITTEN PAPER. PRESENTATION IN FRONT OF THE CLASS (READING). Time: Week: _____ From ______________ to ______________ 20___ Hours: 3 WARM UP! WHAT INTERESTING CITIES! • Do you recognize these cities? • Use the words from the box below and write down their name! CALI NEW YORK BUENOS AIRES ROME SAO PAULO SYDNEY (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR PARIS LONDON MEXICO D.F ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϵϭ EXPRESSIVE PURPOSE That I can write and read simple descriptions by using, expressions of existence, prepositions of place, adjectives, comparatives and superlatives. EVALUACIÓN: INDICADOR O INDICADORES DE DESEMPEÑO: • Escribe cortos textos, haciendo comparaciones entre objetos, lugares y personas. :5,7,1*675$7(*,(6 Writing strategies, that are logical steps to redact a text, help to improve the writing skills. . . • Follow these tips for writing a good text. 9 Choose a topic. 9 Generate ideas about the topic. 9 Write a sentence for each idea you have had. 9 Organize the sentences 9 Write short paragraphs. 9 Remember to use punctuation marks and good spelling. 9 Choose a title for your text and use images. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϵϮ • The first step to write text is to choose a topic. Let’s talk about Tokyo and write our ideas. Use your English dictionary. Japanese Modern Japan Rice Hotels TOKYO Technology Buildings Interesting Capital • Beautiful Let’s write statements about the ideas we have written. 1. I love Tokyo because of it technology. 2. Tokyo is one the most interesting cities around the world. 3. People from Tokyo speak Japanese. 4. Their favorite food is rice. 5. It has beautiful buildings and hotels. 6. My favorite city is Tokyo 7. It is modern. 8. It is the capital of Japan. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϵϯ • Let’s read carefully each statement above and organize our ideas: My favorite city is Tokyo. It is the capital of Japan. Tokyo is one of the most interesting cities around the world. I love Tokyo because of its technology. It is modern. There are beautiful buildings and hotels. People from Tokyo speak Japanese and their favorite food is rice͘ • Now let´s think of a title and paste an image according to the text. TOKYO IS A NICE CITY My favorite city is Tokyo. It is the capital of Japan. Tokyo is one of the most interesting cities around the world. I love Tokyo because of its technology. It is modern. It has beautiful buildings and hotels. People from Tokyo speak Japanese and their favorite food is rice͘ • Now write your own text by following the steps you have learned. • Ask to your teacher about the pronunciation of the words and practice them. • Read out your text in front of the class. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϵϰ Activity 23: Topic : PROJECT: COMPARING PLACES BOOK. PICTURES ABOUT THE PLACES AND SHORT DESCRIPTIONS USING COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES. Time: Week: _____ From ______________ to _____________ 20___ Hours: 3 WARM UP! HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW ABOUT GEOGRAPHY! • Label the picture with the word from the list. Then compare with a partner. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϵϱ EXPRESSIVE PURPOSE That I can write and read simple descriptions by using, expressions of existence, prepositions of place, adjectives, comparatives and superlatives. EVALUACIÓN: INDICADOR O INDICADORES DE DESEMPEÑO: Escribe cortos textos, haciendo comparaciones entre objetos, lugares y personas. HAVE YOU EVER HAD .AN ALBUM? . Surely yes! Well, for today we will make our own album! So, get ready your colors, papers and glue, and be prepared for having fun. You can work with cardboard to make the covers of the book. Our album will be about natural landscapes, so make drawings related to it; you can also use pictures, but remember it is your creativity and style. Your book will have 6 pages in blank which must be decorated, too. Design nice borders for them. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϵϲ • PAGE 1: PRESENTATION. d/d>K&zKhZ>hD zKhZED WZ^EddKd,Z͗ͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ d,EDK&zKhZ^,KK> d • PAGES 2 and 3: DEFINITIONS. • In pages 2 and 3, you will find out the definitions of the landscapes you will talk about or compare. >E^W&/E/d/KE^ tĂƚĞƌĨĂůů͗/ƚŝƐĂƐƚƌĞĂŵŽĨǁĂƚĞƌĚƌŽƉƉŝŶŐĨƌŽŵĂ ŚŝŐŚĞƌƉŽŝŶƚ͘ ZŝǀĞƌ͗ĂŶĂƚƵƌĂůǁŝĚĞĨůŽǁŽĨǁĂƚĞƌĂĐƌŽƐƐƚŚĞůĂŶĚ ŝŶƚŽƚŚĞƐĞĂ͕ĂůĂŬĞŽƌĂŶŽƚŚĞƌƌŝǀĞƌ͘ • PAGES 4 and 5. COMPARISONS. • In pages 4 and 5, make questions and give answers using comparatives and superlatives. Write the correct answers in a box below in page 5. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϵϳ 1. Which river is longer? a. The Nile River is longer than the Amazon River. b. The Amazon River is longer than The Nile River. 2. Which is the tallest waterfall in the world? a. The Angel Fall is the tallest. ď͘ The Niagara fall is the tallest͘ ANSWERS. 1. a. The Nile River is longer than the Amazon River. 2. b. The Angel falls is the tallest. • PAGE 6. MY FAVORITE LANDSCAPE IN THE WORD! • Review the steps for a good writing in the activity 22. ANTARTICA! ŶƚĂƌƚŝĐĂŝƐƚŚĞĐŽůĚĞƐƚƉůĂĐĞŝŶƚŚĞǁŽƌůĚ͘ /ůŽǀĞŶƚĂƌĐƚŝĐĂďĞĐĂƵƐĞŽĨŝƚƐƉĞŶŐƵŝŶƐ͘ ŶƚĂƌĐƚŝĐĂŝƐďŝŐŐĞƌƚŚĂŶƵƐƚƌĂůŝĂ͘/ŶƐƵŵŵĞƌ͕ƚŚĞƌĞĂƌĞŶDzƚĂŶLJŶŝŐŚƚƐŝŶŶƚĂƌĐƚŝĐĂ͕ ƚŚĞƐƵŶƐŚŝŶĞƐĨŽƌϮϰŚŽƵƌƐ͊ŶĚŝŶǁŝŶƚĞƌ͕ƚŚĞƌĞĂƌĞŶDzƚĂŶLJĚĂLJƐ͕ŝƚŝƐĐŽŵƉůĞƚĞůLJ ĚĂƌŬĨŽƌĂďŽƵƚƚŚƌĞĞŵŽŶƚŚƐ͘ dŚĞƌĞĂƌĞĂŶŝŵĂůƐŝŶŶƚĂƌĐƚŝĐĂƐƵĐŚĂƐ͗ǁŚĂůĞƐ͕ŽŶĞŽĨƚŚĞďŝŐŐĞƐƚĂŶŝŵĂůŝŶƚŚĞ ǁŽƌůĚ͕ƐĞĂůƐĂŶĚŽĨĐŽƵƌƐĞƉĞŶŐƵŝŶƐ͕ŽŶĞŽĨƚŚĞŶŝĐĞƐƚĂŶŝŵĂůƐŝŶƚŚĞǁŽƌůĚ͊ dŚĂƚ͛ƐǁŚLJŵLJĨĂǀŽƌŝƚĞůĂŶĚƐĐĂƉĞŝƐŶƚĂƌĐƚŝĐĂ͘ • Follow the steps above and make your own album. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϵϴ Activity 24 • &$1<28" <(6 12 8VHSURSHUO\WKHSUHSRVLWLRQVRISODFH" :ULWHGHVFULSWLRQVDERXWSODFHV" 5HDGRXWGHVFULSWLRQVDERXWSODFHV" ([SUHVVH[LVWHQFHLQ(QJOLVKXVLQJWKHUHLVDQGWKHUHDUH" 0DNLQJFRPSDULVRQVXVLQJWKHFRPSDUDWLYHVDQGVXSHUODWLYHV" Answer the following questions and discuss the answer with your teacher and the rest of the class. Observe the images and answer true or false: a. The tree is far from the houses. True False b. The tree is across from the house. Circle the correct statements: Choose a, b, or c. The place where people go to eat is: a. Is there any parks here? a. An airport. b. A school. c. A restaurant. b. Camila is the nicest girl in the class. The place where people go to see movies is: c. Australia is the most biggest island. True False d. The blue washing machine is more expensive than the red one. a. A restaurant. b. A park c. A Movie theater. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϵϵ • Observe the images, read the title and infer what the story is about. • Express your ideas to the rest of the class. • Read the text and identify the unknown words. (Try to deduce their meanings if they seem difficult to understand, use your dictionary). A TRIP TO SEATTLE. Estelle was very excited about her trip. Her mother and her father took her to the airport. She was going to Seattle to visit her friends Lee and Lisa Fong and their children. She was bringing them presents. She had sweaters for Lisa and Lee: a green one for her and a brown one for him; and four games, one for each of the children. The presents were in a seat next to the window. Finally, she saw the flag over the Seattle airport. She also saw some people on the top of the airport building. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϬϬ 1. Where was Estelle going? a) She was going to California. b) She was going to Los Angeles. c) She was going to Seattle. 2. How did she feel? a) She felt sad. b) She felt bitter. c) She felt excited. 3. Who took her to the airport? a) Her mother took her to the airport. b) Her father took her to the airport. c) Her parents took her to the airport. 4. Who did Estelle see on the top of the airport building? a) She saw some people. b) She saw some animals. c) She saw some flags and also some people. 5. What was Estelle bringing her friends? a) She was bringing them food. b) She was bringing them blessings. c) She was bringing them presents. 6. Which sweater is for Lee? a) The brown one. b) The red one. c) The green one. 7. Which one is for Lisa? a) The brown one. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϬϭ b) The red one. c) The green one. 8. Where were the presents? a) The presents were on the floor behind Estelle. b) The presents were in a package under the seat in front of Estelle. c) The presents were next to Estelle. 9. Where was Estelle sitting? a) She was sitting on the floor. b) She was sitting on a log. c) She was sitting in a seat. 10. Who did Estelle see on the top of the airport building? a) She saw some animals. b) She saw some plants. c) She saw some people. 11. What did she see over the Seattle airport? a) She saw a bird. b) She saw a car. c) She saw a flag. 12. Do you like to fly? a) Yes, she does. b) No, he doesn´t. c) Yes, I do. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϬϮ $548,',Ð&(6,6'(&$/, $548,',Ð&(6,6'(&$/, )81'$&,21(6('8&$7,9$6$548,2&(6$1$6 )81'$&,21(6('8&$7,9$6$548,2&(6$1$6 ',6(f2&855,&8/$5&2/(*,26$548,',2&(6$126 ',6(f2&855,&8/$5&2/(*,26$548,',2&(6$126 (1*/,6+&225',1$7,21 (1*/,6+&225',1$7,21 /(6621*8,'( 6&+22/<($5BBBBBBBBBBB SUBJECT: ENGLISH PERIOD: THIRD GRADE: 5Th (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϬϯ School: Teacher: Grade: Time: ENGLISH Hours: REFERENTES LEGALES: El Ministerio de Educación Nacional, particularmente en la Ley General de Educación, que establece como uno de sus fines “El estudio y la comprensión crítica de la cultura nacional y de la diversidad étnica y cultural del país, como fundamento de la unidad nacional y de su identidad”. En la misma ley se fijan como objetivos de la Educación Básica y Media “La adquisición de elementos de conversación y de lectura al menos en una lengua extranjera” y “La comprensión y capacidad de expresarse en una lengua extranjera”. PURPOSES AFFECTIVE: That we….show interest in studying the simple past tense. COGNITIVE: That we…Identify the grammar structure of the simple past tense. EXPRESSIVE: That we…Express their ideas using the grammar structure of the simple past tense, in an oral and written way. ENSEÑANZAS (COMPETENCIAS Y HABILIDADES) Competencia Lingüística Competencia Pragmática Habilidades: Habilidades: Reconocer Describir Clasificar información Organizar Interpretar gráficos Competencia Sociolingüística Habilidades: Participación oral EVALUACIÓN: INDICADORES DE DESEMPEÑO • • • • Escribe descripciones cortas basadas en una secuencia de eventos en pasado. Escucha e identifica las acciones y las asocia con su ilustración y con el momento en que sucedieron. Organiza diálogos, con base en un modelo dado. Nombra e identifica vocabulario para expresar sentimientos y evaluar una situación pasada. EJES TEMÁTICOS • SIMPLE PAST TENSE DIDÁCTICAS 1. Anti constructivista: Los estudiantes participan dando ejemplos de hechos que ejemplifican la temática propuesta. 2. Interrogativa: Los estudiantes potencian sus capacidades de comprehender las preguntas y de expresar respuestas cada vez con mayor profundidad y sentido. 3. Expresiva: Los estudiantes tienen la oportunidad de desplegar su creatividad expresándose a través de diferentes lenguajes y disfrutando plenamente del aprendizaje. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϬϰ Activity 25: Topic: DESCRIBE ABOUT CHILDHOOD (BABY).BRING PICTURES. Time: Week: _____ From _____________ to______________ 20__ Hours: 3 WARM UP! WHAT WONDERFUL TIMES! Mario’s thinking about her mother told him he did when he was a baby. • • Analyze Mario´s thoughts with your teacher and label the images. When I was a baby… My mother carried me on her back, I slept a lot, I cried so much, I drank my bottle, I dropped my food, I crawled around the house, I pulled my mom´s hair, I played with my rattle and I wore funny clothes! • The verbs in bold indicate Mario did all those things in the past. ZZzͲ ZKWͲ ZzͲ Z/E<Ͳ Zt>Ͳ W>zͲ tZͲ ^>WͲ (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR Wh>>Ͳ ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϬϱ EXPRESSIVE PURPOSE That I can write and read simple descriptions about their childhood by using the simple past tense. EVALUACIÓN: INDICADOR O INDICADORES DE DESEMPEÑO: • Escribe descripciones cortas basadas en una secuencia de eventos en pasado. 7+(6,03/(3$677(16( According to the English grammar, The simple past, that is a verbal tense, talks about events that happened in the past. . . • Analyze the following chart and complete it with your teacher’s help. THE PAST TENSE IS THE SAME FOR EACH PERSON PERSONAL CARRY DROP CRY DRINK CRAWL PLAY WEAR SLEEP PULL CARRIED DROPPED CRIED DRANK CRAWLED PLAYED WORE SLEPT PULLED PRONOUN I YOU HE SHE IT WE YOU THEY (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϬϲ Andrea is watching some pictures when she was a little girl, read what she is saying about it and complete the text with the verbs from box. dW>ztKZ:hDWZKWW^h< When I was a child… I __________________ my thumb, I_________________ pig tails, ^h< tZ I________________ funny fancy dresses, I___________________ with my toys. tZ W>z I_______________ in my bed and I often _________________ my food because :hDW ZKW I ________________ with my fingers! My mom was always surprised! d (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϬϳ • Esteban is talking on the phone to a friend of him. He is making comments about his baby´s life was. Complete the blanks using the verbs in past you have learnt. When I was a baby… I__________________ a lot and I ________________ my thumb. I also _________________ my mom’s hair. I ____________________with my rattle and I____________ all around the house. • Write a short text about the things you did when you were a baby or a little child, use pictures related to it and ask to your teacher for more vocabulary and expressions. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϬϴ Activity 26 Topic: ACTIONS IN THE PAST: REGULAR VERBS.TRAVELED, COOKED, DISCOVERED, RESCUED, PLAYED, LISTENED, ETC. Time: Week: _____ From _________________ to _____________ 20___ Hours: 3 WARM UP! WE WENT TO CAMPING TRIP! • Practice the pronunciation of the following phrases with your teacher and match them with the corresponding images. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϬϵ EXPRESSIVE PURPOSE That I can write and read short texts by using the regular simple past tense. EVALUACIÓN: INDICADOR O INDICADORES DE DESEMPEÑO: • Escucha e identifica las acciones y las asocia con su ilustración y con el momento en que sucedieron. 7+(5(*8/$59(5%6 . • The past tense of the regular verbs ends in: ED Classify into the corresponding column the regulars and irregulars vebs from the box: Built Bought Went Had Discovered Climbed loved Rode Rescued Helped Saw Did Stayed Ate Jumped Played Walked Spoke Swam Listened Took Cooked Traveled Wore REGULAR VERBS (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR IRREGULAR VERBS ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϭϬ Analyze the following chart with your teacher: FORMING THE SIMPLE PAST TENSE tŝƚŚŵŽƐƚǀĞƌďƐ͕ƚŚĞƐŝŵƉůĞƉĂƐƚŝƐĐƌĞĂƚĞĚƐŝŵƉůLJďLJĂĚĚŝŶŐͲ͘,ŽǁĞǀĞƌ͕ǁŝƚŚƐŽŵĞǀĞƌďƐ͕LJŽƵ ŶĞĞĚƚŽĂĚĚͲŽƌĐŚĂŶŐĞƚŚĞĞŶĚŝŶŐĂůŝƚƚůĞ͘,ĞƌĞĂƌĞƚŚĞƌƵůĞƐ͗ VERB ENDING IN... HOW TO MAKE THE EXAMPLES SIMPLE PAST? e Add -D live - lived date- dated Consonant +y Change y to i, then add - try - tried ED cry- cried One vowel + one Double the consonant, then tap - tapped consonant add -ED commit - committed (but NOT w or y) Anything else including w Add -ED boil - boiled fill- filled hand- handed show- showed • Read the following text and based on the chart above, write the correct past form of the each regular verb in parenthesis. • Observe the images, read the title and infer what the story is about. • Express your ideas to the rest of the class. • Read the text and identify the unknown words. (Try to deduce their meanings if they seem difficult to understand, use your dictionary). (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϭϭ WE HEARD A STRANGE NOISY Last weekend was my school camping trip. We___________ (travel) by bus and____________ (arrive) at the campsite at noon. I ______________ (help) my teacher to put up the tent and to get the sleeping bags ready. Then, I ____________ (play) with my friends. We_____________ (climb) up a tall tree and______________ (cook) on the camp stove. With my boots on, I _____________(walk) up a hill. We heard a strange noise next to a small tree. It was a baby bird. We _____________ (rescue) it and_______________ (help) it to go back to its nest. I________________ (love) that camping trip. It was so much fun! • Read the text again and number the pictures. • Write your own camping story using drawings, the regular past tense and the vocabulary you have learnt (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϭϮ Activity 27 Topic: ACTIONS IN THE PAST: IRREGULAR VERBS.SAW/ATE/TOOK…WENT, DID, SAW, HAD, ATE, SWAM, TOOK, BOUGHT, ETC Time: Week: _____ From _______________ to ______________ 20___ Hours: 3 WARM UP! WHAT WONDERFUL VACATIONS! • Practice the pronunciation of the following verbs and complete the blanks according to the image. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϭϯ EXPRESSIVE PURPOSE That I can write and read short texts by using the irregular simple past tense. EVALUACIÓN: INDICADOR O INDICADORES DE DESEMPEÑO: • Escucha e identifica las acciones y las asocia con su ilustración y con el momento en que sucedieron. 7+(,55(*8/$59(5%6 . The past tense of the irregular verbs ends in a variety of ways. • Write into the chart the regular verbs you find in the box. Built Bought Went Had Discovered Climbed loved Rode Rescued Helped Saw Did Ate Stayed Jumped Played Walked Spoke Swam Listened Took Cooked Traveled Wore IRREGULAR VERBS (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϭϰ • Read the following text and write the correct past form of the each irregular verb in parenthesis. • Observe the images, read the title and infer what the story is about. • Express your ideas to the rest of the class. • Read the text and identify the unknown words. (Try to deduce their meanings if they seem difficult to understand, use your dictionary). I WENT TO A FANTASTIC PLACE! My name is Gloria. I __________ (go) to a fantastic place in the mountain last vacation. My school teacher, my friend and I __________ ( buy) the tickets and took a bus. In the morning, we put up our camping tents. We ______________ (swim) in the river. Then, we ___________ (eat) a delicious lunch. In the afternoon, we__________ (wear) our hiking boots and ____________ (go) up the mountain, there, we_________(see) horses and we_____________(ride) them, too. I______________ (take) awesome pictures. We really_________ (have) a great time! (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϭϱ • Look and order the picture in the order mentioned in Gloria´s story. • Based on the following choices, write about what you did in your last vacations. • Bring pictures to the class and share the information with your classmates. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϭϲ Activity 28 Topic : IRREGULAR VERBS. DID..?.WH QUESTIONS.WHERE DID YOU/SHE/THEY GO? I/WE/SHE/THEY WENT TO… WHAT DID YOU/SHE/THEY DO? Time: Week: _____ From _____________ to ________________ 20___ Hours: 3 WARM UP! LET’S PLAY TO BE DETECTIVE! • Ben is trying to find something. Label each image with the words from the box, then answer the questions below and try to resolve the case! ,Kh^ZKKDtd,sE/E'^>W^ 1. What did he lose? A ______________________. 2. Where did he lose it? In his__________________. 3. When did he lose it? In the ________________________. 4. Why did he take it off? Because he wanted to__________. 5. How was he? He was_______________________________. 6. We have resolved this case!!! It is in the ______________________________! (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϭϳ EXPRESSIVE PURPOSE That I can ask and answer significantly by using the simple past tense. EVALUACIÓN: INDICADOR O INDICADORES DE DESEMPEÑO: • Organiza diálogos, con base en un modelo dado. WE USE THE SIMPLE PAST TENSE TO EXPRESS ACTIONS THAT ENDED IN THE PAST. FOR EXAMPLE WHEN YOU WERE A BABY OR WHEN YOUR PARENTS WERE CHILDREN • Unscramble the statements and answer them according to the picture. 1.they/play/voleyball/did? ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ϭ Ϯ 2.his/Carlos/call/friend/did? ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ϯ 3.my/give/book/did/you/I? ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ϰ ϱ ϲ 4.he/did/get up? ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 5.Janet/the/did/cat/like? ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 6. movies/to/go/did/Kate/the? ____________________________________ ____________________________________ (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϭϴ • Observe the images, read the title and infer what the story is about. • Express your ideas to the rest of the class. • Read the text and identify the unknown words. (Try to deduce their meanings if they seem difficult to understand, use your dictionary). • Complete the following paragraph using the verbs from the box. Found thought left got said had saw went took lost WHAT DID YOU DO? Mrs. Ramirez _____________ (have) a terrible day on Monday. You see, her entire life in her appointment book and she ______________ (lose) it! She_________( go) to Chicago for a business meeting. At the meeting, she looked in her briefcase for her appointment book, but it wasn´t there. She______________(think)maybe she put it in her handbag, but it wasn´t there either. After her meeting she_________ (have) dinner and _________(see) a movie. Then, she returned to the hotel. At the hotel she________ (get) a surprise. There was a message from the airline. They ______________(say) they_____________(find) her appointment book. She______________(leave) it on the plane. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϭϵ • Read the text above again and answer the following questions: ϭ͘tŚĂƚĚŝĚDƌƐ͘ZĂŵŝƌĞnj ůŽƐĞ͍ ϯ͘tŚĂƚĚŝĚƐŚĞĚŽĂĨƚĞƌ ƚŚĞŵĞĞƚŝŶŐ͍ ϱ͘,ŽǁǁĂƐŚĞƌ DŽŶĚĂLJ͍ Ă͘ŚĂŶĚďĂŐ͘ Ă͘^ŚĞǁĞŶƚƚŽŚĞƌ ĂƉĂƌƚŵĞŶƚ͘ Ă͘/ƚǁĂƐŶŝĐĞ͘ ď͘ŶĂƉƉŽŝŶƚŵĞŶƚŬ͘ ď͘/ƚǁĂƐŐŽŽĚ͘ Đ͘ďƌŝĞĨĐĂƐĞ͘ ď͘ƐŚĞƚĂůŬĞĚƚŽŚĞƌ ĚĂƵŐŚƚĞƌ͘ Đ͘/ƚǁĂƐƚĞƌƌŝďůĞ͘ Ϯ͘tŚĂƚĚŝĚƐŚĞŐŽƚŽ ŚŝĐĂŐŽĨŽƌ͍ Đ͘^ŚĞŚĂĚĚŝŶŶĞƌĂŶĚƐĂǁ ĂŵŽǀŝĞ͘ ϲ͘tŚĞƌĞĚŝĚƐŚĞůĞĂǀĞ ŚĞƌĂƉƉŽŝŶƚŵĞŶƚŬ͍ Ă͘^ŚĞǁĞŶƚĨŽƌŚĂǀŝŶŐĨƵŶ͘ ϰ͘tŚĞƌĞĚŝĚƐŚĞƐƚĂLJ͍ Ă͘^ŚĞůĞĨƚŝƚŝŶŚĞƌŚŽƵƐĞ͘ ď͘^ŚĞǁĞŶƚĨŽƌĨĂŵŝůLJ ƉĂƌƚLJ͘ Ă͘^ŚĞƐƚĂLJĞĚŝŶĂŚŽƵƐĞ͘ ď͘^ŚĞůĞĨƚŝƚŝŶŚĞƌďĂŐ͘ ď͘^ŚĞƐƚĂLJĞĚŝŶĂŶ ĂƉĂƌƚŵĞŶƚ͘ Đ͘^ŚĞůĞĨƚŝƚŽŶƚŚĞƉůĂŶĞ͘ Đ͘^ŚĞǁĞŶƚĨŽƌĂďƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ ŵĞĞƚŝŶŐ͘ Đ͘^ŚĞƐƚĂLJĞĚĂƚĂŚŽƚĞů͘ • Look Mrs. Ramirez‘s appointment book and then, ask and answer the questions about it. Example: Where did she go on Saturday afternoon? What did she do on Monday evening? (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϮϬ Activity 29 Topic : TELLING SHORT SENTENCES ABOUT THINGS THAT HAPPENED IN THE PAST USING SIMPLE IMAGES. Time: Week: _____ From ________________ to ______________ 20___ Hours: 3 WARM UP! HOW WAS YOUR WEEKEND? • Match the descriptions with the pictures. 1. He had dinner with a friend. 6. She visited her parents. 2. She got ice cream. 7. They studied at the library. 3. They went to the ballet. 8. She worked all day. 4. She did her homework. 9. He relaxed at home. 5. He lost his wallet. 10. They watched TV. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϮϭ EXPRESSIVE PURPOSE That I can interpret, describe images and organize statements correctly by using the simple past tense. EVALUACIÓN: INDICADOR O INDICADORES DE DESEMPEÑO: • Organiza diálogos, con base en un modelo dado. 7+(3$671(*$7,9( To form the past negative, use didn´t and the simple form of the verb. (The simple form of played is play; the simple form of went is go.) Didn´t is the contracction of did not. Example: I You She He We You didn´t play soccer didn´t go home didn´t see a play didn´t speak English They Complete each statement using the negative form of the verb. Example: Kate and Dick visited Italy, but Stanley didn´t visit Italy. 1. Kate watched a program on Italy, but Stanley____________________ ________________________________________________________ 2. Noriko went to San Francisco, but Ben and Paulo_________________ ________________________________________________________ 3. Sandra took a vacation in Europe, but Ben and Rut_______________ ________________________________________________________ 4. Ben and Rut ate in a Chinese restaurant, but Paul and Susan_______ _________________________________________________________ 5. Ben took a business trip, but Ruth______________________________ _________________________________________________________ 6. Ben saw Cristina Rivera, but Noriko_____________________________ __________________________________________________________ (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϮϮ • Observe the images, read the title and infer what the story is about. • Express your ideas to the rest of the class. • Read the text and identify the unknown words. (Try to deduce their meanings if they seem difficult to understand, use your dictionary). AN INTERESTING PROGRAM Noriko Kitano was at home on Friday night. After dinner, she watched and interesting television program. The program was about the history of California. It was a long program. It started at nine o´clock and ended at ten thirty. Her father loves California, so Noriko called her father on Saturday morning and explained the program to him. Mr. Kitano was very interested in it. The television station repeated the program on Sunday afternoon. Noriko visited her father on Sunday, and they watched the program together. Mr. Kitano liked it very much. • Match the two parts of the sentences. a. at nine o´clock and ended at ten 1. Noriko watched thirty. 2. The program was 3. The program started b. in the history of California. 4. Noriko explained the program c. an interesting program on Friday night. 5. Mr. Kitano is interested 6. The television station repeated d. very much. 7. Noriko and her father watched e. the program on Sunday afternoon. 8. Mr. Kitano liked the program f. about the history of California. g. the program together on Sunday. h. to her father on Saturday. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϮϯ Interpret the images and describe the actions by using the past tense and a past time expression. Analyze the example: Kate Ross and her husband Dick visited Italy last year. Tell something about each picture. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϮϰ Activity 30 • &$1<28" <(6 12 0DNHGHVFULSWLRQDERXW\RXUFKLOGKRRG" ([SUHVVDFWLRQVLQWKHSDVWXVLQJUHJXODUDQGLUUHJXODUYHUEV" 0DNHTXHVWLRQVLQWKHVLPSOHSDVWWHQVH" ([SUHVVVKRUWVHQWHQFHVDERXWWKLQJVWKDWKDYHKDSSHQHG" ([SUHVVQHJDWLYHVHQWHQFHVLQWKHSDVW" Answer the following questions and discuss the answer with your teacher and the rest of the class. 1.Choose the best option: 3. Where did he go last vacation? 5. Choose the best option: a. I played. a. He went to Italy. b. I plaied. b. He goes to Italy. a. Did you played tennis yesterday? c. I playd. c. He goed to Italy. b. Do you play tennis yesterday? c. Did you play tennis yesterday? 2. What did she do yesterday? 4. When did you do your homework? a. She watches TV. a. I did it yesterday. a. I eat cereal. b. She watched TV. b. I do yesterday. b. I ate cereal. c. She watch TV. c. I will do yesterday. c. I did ate cereal. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR 6. What did you eat at breakfast? ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϮϱ • Observe the images, read the title and infer what the story is about. • Express your ideas to the rest of the class. • Read the text and identify the unknown words. (Try to deduce their meanings if they seem difficult to understand, use your dictionary). AN E – MAIL TO MY PARENTS. Dear mom and dad: I enjoyed your e- mail, and I am glad you are well. I am fine, and school is going pretty well. My roommate, Ramon, and I had a great weekend. On Sunday, we studied all day. But on Saturday, we got up early and had a big breakfast. Then we took the bus downtown and went to art museum. The museum opened at nine o´clock and we stayed all morning. We saw beautiful paintings. We had a guide, and he explained everything to us. I liked all the art, but Ramon didn´t like the modern art very much. I bought copies of two paintings. I am going to put them on the wall of my bedroom. At one o´clock, we were hungry so we had lunch in the museum cafeteria. after lunch, we took a walk in the park near the museum. We went home at five o´clock. we were very tired, but we had a good time. Next week, we are going to visit the science museum. it is very interesting too. Write soon, Love, Michael. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϮϲ 1. Where did Ramon and Michael go on Saturday? a) They went to the swimming pool. b) They went to the Park. c) They went to the art museum. 2. Where are they going next week? a) They are going to the beach. b) They are going to visit the science museum. c) They are going to play basketball. 3. How is school going according to Michael? a) School is going very bad. b) School is going fine. c) School is going pretty good. 4. Did Ramon and Michael have a good weekend? a) Yes, they did. b) No, they didn´t. c) It doesn´t say. 5. What did they do on Sunday? a) They went to the cinema. b) They went to the zoo. c) They studied all day. 6. How did Ramon and Michael get to the art museum? a) They got there by train. b) They got there on foot. c) They got there by bus. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϮϳ 7. Did they get up early on Saturday? a) Yes, they did. b) No, they didn´t. c) It doesn´t say. 8. What time did the art museum open? a) It opened at three o´clock. b) It opened at nine o´clock. c) It opened at six o´clock. 9. What did they see at the art museum? a) They saw beautiful animals. b) They saw beautiful plants. c) They saw beautiful paintings. 10. Did Ramon like the art museum? a) Yes, he did. b) No, he didn´t. c) It doesn´t say. 11. What did he Michael buy in the art museum? a) He bought copies of paintings. b) He bought some plants. c) He bought some animals. 12. What did they do after they went to the art museum? a) They took a trip to a north city. b) They took a taxi to home. c) They took a walk in the park near the museum. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϮϴ Activity 31 Topic : CONVERSATIONS ABOUT PAST TENSE. GIVE AN EXAMPLE FROM BOOK OR WORKSHEET. Time: Week: _____ From ____________ to ________________ 20___ Hours: 3 WARM UP! WHAT A NICE TELEVISION PROGRAM! Analyze following conversation with your teacher and practiced it. WHAT A NICE TELEVISION PROGRAM! STANLEY: Did you watch television last night? KATE: Yes, I watched a program on Italy. STANLEY: Was it good? KATE: Yes, it was. They talked about Italian art. STANLEY: Did they discuss Michelangelo? KATE: No. They discussed Leonardo da Vinci. STANLEY: Didn´t you visit Italy last year? KATE: Yes. I visited Rome and Florence. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϮϵ EXPRESSIVE PURPOSE That I can organize simple dialogues and participate orally by using the simple past tense. EVALUACIÓN: INDICADOR O INDICADORES DE DESEMPEÑO: • Organiza diálogos, con base en un modelo dado. &219(56$7,21 A conversation is the interaction between two or more people to express ideas, feeling or giving some information. • Follow these steps to make a good dialogue. 9 Choose a topic or situation. 9 Choose the context and character. 9 Use some cue questions. 9 Write the conversation. 9 Be aware coherence cohesion, and accuracy. 9 Practice the conversation. 9 Be aware fluency. 9 Performance the conversation for the rest of the class without notes. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϯϬ • Discuss the following conversation with your teacher and classmates. :EEz͗tĞůů͕ǁŚĂƚĚŝĚLJŽƵƚŚŝŶŬŽĨƚŚĞŵŽǀŝĞ͍ ^,ZZz͗KŚ͕ŝƚǁĂƐǁŽŶĚĞƌĨƵů͊/ůŽǀĞĚŝƚ͊ :EEz͗DĞƚŽŽ͘/ƚDzĚůŝŬĞƚŽƐĞĞŝƚĂŐĂŝŶ͘ ^,ZZz͗zĞĂŚ͕ŝƚŝƐĂĐůĂƐƐŝĐ͘^Ž͕ĚŽLJŽƵǁĂŶƚƚŽŐĞƚƐŽŵĞ ŝĐĞĐƌĞĂŵ͍ :EEz͗^ƵƌĞ͘ ^,ZZz͗^Ž͕ĂƌĞLJŽƵƐƚŝůůǁŽƌŬŝŶŐĂƚƚŚĞ^ƚŽƉĂŶĚ^ŚŽƉ͍ :EEz͗:ƵƐƚŽŶDŽŶĚĂLJƐĂŶĚtĞĚŶĞƐĚĂLJƐ͘ŽLJŽƵŬŶŽǁ ǁŚŽǁŽƌŬƐƚŚĞƌĞŶŽǁ͍'ĂƌLJ^ĞůďLJ͘ ^,ZZz͗EŽŬŝĚĚŝŶŐ͊/ƐĂǁŚŝŵůĂƐƚǁĞĞŬĂƚĂƉĂƌƚLJ͘,Ğ͛ƐĂ ƉƌĞƚƚLJŶŝĐĞŐƵLJ͘ :EEz͗zĞĂŚ͕ŚĞŝƐ͘ :EEz͗,ŽǁǁĂƐLJŽƵƌǁĞĞŬĞŶĚ͍ 'Zz͗/ƚǁĂƐƉƌĞƚƚLJďŽƌŝŶŐ͕ĂĐƚƵĂůůLJ͘/ǀŝƐŝƚĞĚŵLJ ƉĂƌĞŶƚƐŽŶ^ĂƚƵƌĚĂLJĂŶĚ/ƐƚƵĚŝĞĚĂůůĚĂLJLJĞƐƚĞƌĚĂLJ͘ >ĂƐƚŶŝŐŚƚ͕/ǁĂƐƚŝƌĞĚƐŽ/ǁĞŶƚƚŽďĞĚĞĂƌůLJ͘,ŽǁĂďŽƵƚ LJŽƵ͍tŚĂƚĚŝĚLJŽƵĚŽ͍ :EEz͗^ŚĞƌƌLJĂŶĚ/ǁĞŶƚŽƵƚ^ĂƚƵƌĚĂLJŶŝŐŚƚ͘ 'Zz͗tŚĂƚĚŝĚLJŽƵĚŽ͍ :EEz͗KŚ͕ǁĞǁĞŶƚƚŽƚŚĞŵŽǀŝĞƐ͘ 'Zz͗tŚĂƚĚŝĚLJŽƵƐĞĞ͍ :EEz͗tĞƐĂǁ'ŽŶĞǁŝƚŚƚŚĞtŝŶĚ͘ 'Zz͗KŚ͕/ƐĂǁƚŚĂƚůĂƐƚLJĞĂƌ͘/ĚŝĚŶ͛ƚůŝŬĞŝƚŵƵĐŚ͕ ƚŚŽƵŐŚ͘ :EEz͗ZĞĂůůLJ͍tŚLJŶŽƚ͍ 'Zz͗/ŐƵĞƐƐ/ũƵƐƚĚŽŶDzƚůŝŬĞƌŽŵĂŶƚŝĐŵŽǀŝĞƐ͘ (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϯϭ • Read the conversation again and answer true, false or it doesn´t say. STATEMENTS TRUE FALSE IT DOESN´T SAY 1. Jenny and Sherry went out Saturday night 2. They had a pizza before the movie 3. They thought the movie was great. 4. They got ice cream after the movie. 5. Jenny worked on Sunday. 7.Sherry knows Gary 8. Gary studied on Sunday. 9.Both Jenny and Gary liked Gone with the Wind • Match each verb with the past form 1. Ask a. Got 2. Have b. Asked 3. Study c. Did 4. Go d. Studied 5. Do e. Saw 6. See f. Had 7. Love g. Went 8. Get h. Loved • Choose a topic and follow the steps from the cognitive stage. • Write a conversation by using the simple past tense. • Then practice the conversation and performance it in front of the class. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϯϮ Activity 32 Topic : READING TIME. A STORY IN PAST TENSE. ASK AND ANSWER QUESTIONS. COMPREHENSION. Time: Week: _____ From _______________ to _____________ 20___ Hours: 3 WARM UP! HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW ABOUT ROME? Rome is the capital of: a) Spain b) Italy c) Brazil What is the favorite food in Rome? a) Tamales b) Tortillas c) Pasta One of the most famous attractions from Rome is: a) The Eiffel tower b) The Coliseum c) The Notre Dame Cathedral Rome is located in: a) The South of Italy b) Approximately in the middle of Italy b) The North of Italy (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϯϯ EXPRESSIVE PURPOSE That I can interpret simple texts using comparatives and superlatives. EVALUACIÓN: INDICADOR O INDICADORES DE DESEMPEÑO: • Interpreta los gráficos y textos simples, utilizando los comparativos. 5($',1*675$7(*,(6 • Follow these following steps to interpret a text. 9 Analyze subtitles and images to get an idea about the organization and structure of the information. 9 Read the text carefully. 9 Find the meaning of unknown words 9 Identify unknown words. 9 Use the context and situation to help you find the meaning of unknown words 9 If you can´t infer the meaning of the unknown words, use the dictionary. 9 Identify the main ideas of each paragraph (reading for gist). 9 Identify the main characters, setting, dates, events, and grammar. 9 Answer the questions based on the text 9 Express your own opinions about the text. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϯϰ • Observe the images, read the title and infer what the story is about. • Express your ideas to the rest of the class. • Read the text and identify the unknown words. (Try to deduce their meanings if they seem difficult to understand, use your dictionary). A HOLIDAY IN ROME I went to Rome last august with my girlfriend. We flew to Rome with British airways. We stayed for a week in a small hotel near the Colosseum. The hotel was nice and quite cheap. During the day we walked around the city. We saw all the famous places like the Colosseum and St peter´s, and we threw a coin in the Trevi Fountain. We took a lot of Photos. At night we went to restaurants and had fantastic pasta and red wine. Our favorite restaurant was the Pizza Navona. We bought a painting of Trastevere (the old town) and my girlfriend bought some very expensive shoes. We had a great time. Rome is full of history and has a special atmosphere, and Italian food is wonderful. We only had two problems: It was very hot, and it was very difficult to cross the road. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϯϱ Based on the reading above, answer the following questions: 1. Where did he c) He stayed in 4. How did he get go? there? a) He went to a) He got there Rome. by train. a) He did cycling. b) He went to b) He got there b) He swam in a Madrid. by plane. c) He went to c) he got there an apartment. 7. What did he do? pool. Paris. by ship. 2. When did he go 5. How long did he c) He walked around the city. there? stay? a) He went there a) He stayed last February. there for a a) Yes, he did. b) He went there week. b) No, he didn´t. last August. b) He stayed c) It doesn´t say. c) He went there anything? 9. Did he have a there for a last May. 3. Who did he go 8. Did he buy good time? month. a) Yes, he did. c) He stayed with? there for a b) No, he didn´t. a) He went there year. c) It doesn´t say. with his cousin b) He went there with his stay? problems? a) He stayed in a a) Yes, he did. girlfriend. c) He went there 10. Did he have any 6. Where did he b) No, he didn´t. hotel. c) it doesn´t say. b) He stayed in a with his house. brother. • Read about a city you are interested in and discuss with the rest of the class what you found out about it. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϯϲ Activity 33 Topic: SHORT ROLE-PLAY ACTIVITY BASED IN THE TOPIC. Time: Week: _____ From ______________ to _____________ 20___ Hours: 3 WARM UP! DO LIKE SPORTS? • Circle the correct name of each sport according to the picture. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϯϳ EXPRESSIVE PURPOSE That I can make a simple role playing about my favorite sport using the simple past. EVALUACIÓN: INDICADOR O INDICADORES DE DESEMPEÑO: • Se expresa en forma oral a través de diálogos y presentaciones. 52/(3/$<,1* • Follow these tips for a good role playing. 9 Choose a topic or a situation. 9 Choose context and characters. 9 Use some questions and write a conversation. 9 Practice the conversation until you get fluent. 9 Performances the role playing for the rest of the class without notes. 9 Now lights, camera and action! (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϯϴ • Observe the images, read the title and infer what the story is about. • Express your ideas to the rest of the class. • Read the text and identify the unknown words. (Try to deduce their meanings if they seem difficult to understand, use your dictionary). WHERE DID YOU LEARN TO SKATE? Ted: Oh, I’m really sorry. Are you OK? Ana: I´m fine. But I am not very good at this. Ted: Neither am I …Say are you from South America? Ana: Yes, I am originally. I was born in Argentina. Ted: Did you grow up there? Ana: Yes, I did, but my family moved here ten years ago, when I was in junior high school. Ted: And where did you learn to skate? Ana: Here in the park. This is only my third time. Ted: Well, it is my fist time. can you give me some lessons? Ana: Sure, just follow me. Ted: by the way, my name is Ted. Ana: I am Ana. Nice to meet you. Ted: Nice to meet you, too. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϯϵ • Read the conversation again and answer true, false or it doesn´t say. STATEMENTS TRUE FALSE IT DOESN´T SAY 1. Ana is not very good at tennis. 2. Ted is very good at skating. 3. Ana is from Argentina. 4. Anna learnt to skate in the park where she is talking to Ted. 5. Ted is from Rio de Janeiro. 6. Ana will give Ted some skating lessons. Now work with a partner and prepare a role playing about your favorite sports by using the simple past tense and answering these clue questions: a) What is your favorite sport? b) When did you learn it? c) Where did you learn it? d) Who taught you to play it? e) Why did you decide to learn it? f) How did you like the first time you practiced it? (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϰϬ Activity 34 Topic : DESCRIBE. ORAL PRESENTATION, SHORT SENTENCES IN CLASS.PAST TENSE.VACATIONS. Time: Week: _____ From ______________ to _______________ 20___ Hours: 3 WARM UP! WHAT DID YOU DO LAST VACATION? I… Match the activity in the past with the corresponding image. ZĞĂĚĂŬWĂŝŶƚĞĚĂƉŝĐƚƵƌĞ,ŝŬĞĚWůĂLJĞĚĂďŽŶŐŽ<ŶŝƚƚĞĚĂďůŽƵƐĞ ^ĂŶŐďĞĂƵƚŝĨƵůƐŽŶŐƐŽŽŬĞĚĚĞůŝĐŝŽƵƐƐŽŶŐƐZŽǁĞĚŝŶƚŚĞƌŝǀĞƌtĞŶƚĐĂŵƉŝŶŐ tĞŶƚĨŝƐŚŝŶŐtƌŽƚĞŶŝĐĞůĞƚƚĞƌƐĐƚĞĚĂŐŽŽĚƌŽůĞƉůĂLJŝŶŐ^ǁĂŵ ŝĚŐLJŵŶĂƐƚŝĐƐŝĚďŝƌĚǁĂƚĐŚŝŶŐ (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϰϭ EXPRESSIVE PURPOSE That I can make simple oral presentations about what I did on my last vacation using the simple past. EVALUACIÓN: INDICADOR O INDICADORES DE DESEMPEÑO: • Nombra e identifica vocabulario para expresar sentimientos y evaluar una situación pasada. 25$/35(6(17$7,21 • Follow these tips for a good oral presentation. 9 Choose a topic 9 Write away about the things you want to talk about, following the writing strategies you have learnt from the activity 22. 9 Now underline the most important aspects. 9 Rewrite your composition and check your spelling and punctuation. 9 Ask to your teacher if you have some doubts. 9 Now, read the text carefully and try to keep in mind only the main ideas. 9 Practice your pronunciation. 9 Make some cards and write statements which help you to remember what you are going to say. 9 Use visual aids. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϰϮ • Carol sent her grandmother an e -mail from San Francisco. • Complete the sentences by using the simple past tense of each verb. Dear grandma Lulu, Greeting from San Francisco! Yoko and I____________________ a car last Wednesday 1. (rent) morning in Oregon. We _____________________ in San Francisco Wednesday night. 2. (arrive) We love it here. It’s a very modern and open city. Thursday we ______________________ Fisherman´s Wharf and Chinatown. Friday we 3.(visit) ____________________ around Berkeley with Yoko´s friends. Yoko´s 4. (walk) uncle_________________ us to his home in Oakland, but we_______________ to drive 5. (invite) 6.(want, no) anymore, so we____________________ him. We _________________ our bags this 7. (visit, not) 8. (Pack) morning and we are on way home. All my books are at school, so I can´t study, but travelling is an education, isn´t it? I hope you have a nice thanksgiving. Love, Carol. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϰϯ • Read the text again and answer the following questions: 1. Where did Carol go? c) She thinks the city is nice and a) She went to Paris. big. b) She went to China. c) She went to San Francisco. 7. Why did she visit Yoko´s 2. How did she get there? uncle? a) She got there by bus. a) Because she wanted to go to b) She got there by car. dance. c) She got there by plane. b) Because she didn’t drive 3. When did she leave? anymore. a) She left on Tuesday morning. c) Because she didn´t know the b) She left on Saturday morning. address. c) She left on Wednesday 8. When did she pack her bags? morning. a) She packed her bags this 4. When did she arrive? morning. a) She arrived on Tuesday night. b) She packed her bags this b) She arrived on Saturday night. afternoon c) She arrived on Wednesday c) She packed her bags this night. evening. 5. Who did she go with? 9. Why couldn’t she study? a) She went with Andrea. a) Because she forgot her b) She went with Yoko. glasses. c) She went with Paula. b) Because she left her books at 6. How did she like the city? school. a) She thinks the city is modern c) Because she couldn´t find a and open. library. b) She thinks the city is old and interesting. • Planning an oral presentation about the activities you did on your last vacations and share it with the rest of the class. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϰϰ Activity 35 Topic : PROJECT: WHAT DID YOU DO LAST VACATIONS?. EXPERIENCES. WRITTEN WAY. Time: Week: _____ From _______________ to _____________ 20___ Hours: 3 WARM UP! WHAT A NICE POSTCARD! • Choose the city you like the most and make your own postcard about it. Materials: 1. A piece of cardboard 2. Scissors. 3. Glue. 4. Colors or markers. 5. Images of any city you prefer. 6. Some stamps from the city you chose. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϰϱ EXPRESSIVE PURPOSE That I can write postcards about what they did on my last vacation using the simple past. EVALUACIÓN: INDICADOR O INDICADORES DE DESEMPEÑO: • Escribe descripciones cortas basadas en una secuencia de eventos en pasado. 3267&$5' • Follow these tips to write a good postcard Write the recipient's name and address on the lines on the right hand side of the postcard. Don't forget to include the country - you might not have to do this at home, but you do if you're abroad. The left hand side of the postcard is for your message. Start by writing "Dear ... (the name of the person you're writing to)." Leave a line and state where you are and what it's like, for example: "I'm in Paris, it's great." Write a sentence about what you're doing right now, for example: "I'm writing this postcard to you while I'm waiting for the double-decker tour bus." Write a sentence about your accommodation, like : "The hotel is lovely, it has a big fountain outside and there's a beautiful view from our window." Then include a description of something you did on one of the days that you enjoyed, such as : "Yesterday we went on a boat trip across the river, I loved finding out about all the different sights in the city." Write a comment about something particularly good, bad or funny about the holiday, like: "I tried frog's legs but they were horrible, they tasted like cardboard!" (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϰϲ Finish off by writing : "Wish you were here," or "See you on Friday," or any other ending you want to write and then sign off with: "Love (your name) xxx" Dear... We're in Paris, it's great. The hotel is lovely, it has a big fountain outside and there's a beautiful view from our window. Yesterday we went on a boat trip across the river. I loved finding out about all the different sights in the city. I tried frogs' legs but they were horrible, they tasted like cardboard! I wish you were here. Love (your name) xxx or sincerely (your name) Stick a stamp onto the top right corner of the postcard and send it. You could receive a postcard from that person next time they go on holiday! • Read attentively the following postcards (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϰϳ • Based on the postcards you have read above answer the following questions. 1. Where did Margaret go? 5. What of these things didn’t a) She went to Paris. Luis do? b) She went to Aruba. a) He exercised. c) She went to Easter Island. b) He did yoga. 2. What did she study there? c) He ate meat. a) She studied English. b) She studied Biology. 6. Where did Kevin go? c) She studied the stone statues a) He went to Alaska. and the cave paintings b) He went to Spain. 3. Where did she stay? c) He went to Brazil. a) She stayed with families that 7. What place did he visit in that live on the island. state? b) She stayed at a hotel. a) He visited the Roman c) She stayed in a house. Coliseum. 4. Where did Luis spend his b) He visited the statue of the whole vacations? liberty. a) He spent his vacations at c) He visited the Arctic National home. wild life refuge. b) He spent his vacations in a 8. What did he do? Spa. a) He did yoga. c) He spent his vacation abroad. b) He rested all day long. c) He camped outside for ten days. • Make a postcard and write about the activities you did on your last vacations or find out about a place where you would like to be and pretend you have spent there your last vacations. Write about it. • Show your postcard to your classmates and share your information with them. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϰϴ Activity 36 &$1<28" <(6 12 0DNHGHVFULSWLRQVDERXW\RXUFKLOGKRRG" $VNDQGDQVZHUTXHVWLRQVE\XVLQJWKHSDVWWHQVH" 0DNHFRQYHUVDWLRQVE\XVLQJWKHSDVWWHQVH" $FWUROHSOD\VE\XVLQJWKHSDVWWHQVH" 0DNHRUDOSUHVHQWDWLRQDQGZULWHSRVWFDUGV DERXWZKDW\RXGLGODVWYDFDWLRQ" • Answer the following questions and discuss the answer with your teacher and the rest of the class. 1.Choose the best option: 3. Choose the correct form. 5. Choose the correct statement: When I was a baby: a. I cried. a. What she did on her last vacation. a) I read a lot of books. b) I talked to my classmates. c) I crawled around the house. b. I cryed. b) What does she do on her last vacation? c. I cryied. 4. Choose the irregular verb. 2. Where did he go on his last vacation? a) He did Yoga. b) He went to Aruba. 6. Choose the correct statement: a. She didn´t play a. Stayed b. Played c. Swam b. She don´t play. c. She not play. c) He relaxed a lot. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR c) What did she do on her last vacation? ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϰϵ • Observe the images, read the title and infer what the story is about. • Express your ideas to the rest of the class. • Read the text and identify the unknown words. (Try to deduce their meanings if they seem difficult to understand, use your dictionary). THE DISCOVERY OF THE PENICILLIN In 1928, Dr. Alexander Fleming, a British doctor and scientist, was studying bacteria in London. One day he was working in his office. He was looking at the bacteria in some bottles. By accident, he noticed something very interesting: A mold was growing in the bottles and the bacteria was dying. One of Dr. Fleming’s patients was a little girl. She had the same bacteria in her body, and she was very sick. He thought about the mold and the bacteria in the bottles in his office. Was the mold killing the bacteria? Dr. Fleming prepared some medicine with the mold and gave it to the little girl. It made her well. He named the new medicine penicillin. Doctors now use penicillin to treat many different diseases. Dr. Fleming discovery is helping millions of people in the world. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϱϬ 1. Who was Dr. Alexander Fleming? a) He was a doctor and scientist. b) He was a carpenter and a zookeeper. c) He was a lawyer and a doctor. 2. Where was he studying bacteria? a) He was studying bacteria in Lima. b) He was studying bacteria in Buenos Aires. c) He was studying bacteria in London. 3. Where were the bacteria that Doctor Fleming was looking at? a) They were in some cans. b) They were in some bags. c) They were in some bottles. 4. What happened with the bacteria as the mold was growing? a) The bacteria were growing too. b) The bacteria were dying. c) The bacteria stayed the same. 5. What did he discovered? a) He discovered the Uranium. b) He discovered Petroleum. c) He discovered Penicillin. 6. Did the little girl survive with Dr. Alexander Fleming medication? a) Yes, it did. b) Yes, she did. c) Yes, he did. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϱϭ 7. Who was the little girl? a) The little girl was Doctor Fleming’s daughter. b) The little girl was Doctor Fleming’s niece. c) The little girl was Doctor Fleming’s patient. 8. Did the girl have the same bacteria of the bottle in her body? a) Yes, she did. b) No, he didn´t. c) It doesn´t say. 9. How was the little girl? a) She was fine. b) She was pretty good. c) She was sick. 10. When did Doctor´s Flaming studying the bacteria? a) He was studying the bacteria in 1563. b) He was studying the bacteria in 1896. c) He was studying the bacteria in 1928. 11. What is the penicillin used for nowadays? a) It is used to eat as a candy. b) It is used to design explosives. c) It is used to treat many diseases. 12. Who is helping Doctor Fleming’s discovery? a) It is helping many people in the United States. b) It is helping many people in the world. c) It is helping many people in the Roma. (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL ϭϱϮ CYBERGRAFIA / BIBLIOGRAFIA HTTP: http://www.englishexercises.org www.eslkidslab.com http://www.imagenesydibujosparaimprimir.com http://busyteacher.org/classroom_activities WWW.eslprintables.com http://www.englishforeveryone.org/ http://www.better-english.com/ http://www.slideshare.net/ http://www.englishclub.com/ TEXTO: CLAPPING TIME_5°_EDITORIAL GREENWICH_NORMA (TXLSR%DVH$FDGpPLFR3HGDJyJLFR ÈUHDGH,QJOpV&ROHJLRV$UTXLGLRFHVDQRV&DOL