November 20 - east side daily news


November 20 - east side daily news
could boost jobs
MENU TIPS GreenAeconomy
clean-energy economy will benefit the envi-
Browns Go Reeling Build A Better BLT
With Duck Bacon
With Loss To Steelers
See Page 6
See Page 7
ronment and the wallets of Ohioans, according to a new
report by NextGen Climate America. Nationwide, the
group says an economy built on clean energy would create more than one-million jobs by 2030 and double that
number by 2050. Daniel Lashof, NextGen’s chief operating officer, predicted the largest gains will be in construction and manufacturing, which is good for states such as
Ohio that already have a solid manufacturing base.
Bridging the racial divide examined
Shamari Brazile, who is
11 years old and a 6th grader, is
the daughter of Marlon and Sherri.
Sheridan who is very active enjoys
playing basketball and ice skating.
With a hearty appetite, she enjoys
mash potatoes, shrimp. and bacon.
In light of the intense racial climate generated by police shootings around the country, including
the death of 12-year-old Tamir Rice in Cleveland a year
ago, a community gathering tonight will focus on ways to
bridge the divide. The event in Akron is part of the Creating Social Change study series, which Jennifer Toles,
lead organizer with the Akron Organizing Collaborative,
says is opening a dialogue about how racial dynamics and
systems of oppression can hinder social change.
VOL. 36 No. 41
Tuesday, November 17, 2015 - Friday, November 20, 2015
Forum held seeking justice for Russell, Williams shooting
A public forum on the
“Cleveland Atrocity” was held
last Thursday at the Empowerment Church, 15837 Euclid Avenue.
The event, sponsored
by the Committee for Social
Justice included speakers, Don
Freeman, founding member of
the group, and Art McCoy, executive director of Black on Black
Crime, Inc.
While the city is awaiting the grand jury decision on
whether Cleveland Police officers will be charged for killing 12 year old Tamir Rice, the
forum was vigilant in seeking
justice for Timothy Russell and
Malissa Williams who were fatally shot 137 times by Cleveland Police officers on November 29, 2012.
According to Freeman,
there is an administrative hearing on-going on the status of the
13 officers who shot and killed
Williams and Russell.
“It would send an unprecedented message to the racist elements within police forces
across the country that the killing of unarmed African Americans by police without impunity
will no longer be tolerated.”
The group is seeking
an outcome by the administration in which all 13 officers are
“It will send a message
to the Cleveland Patrolmen’s
Association that if you kill an
unarmed citizen, you will be
fired,” Freeman said.
Freeman talked about
the ultra-imbalance in the criminal justice system, and the difficulty in even bringing an officer
to trial by jury which is the foundation of our judicial system.
The only officer of
the 13 officers involved in the
deaths of Williams and Russell
to be indicted was Cleveland Police Officer Michael Brelo.
Brelo was tried not by a
jury, but in a bench trial in which
Judge John P. O’Donnell found
Brelo innocent based on the preponderance of the evidence introduced at the trial by Cuyahoga
County Prosecutor Timothy McGinty on May 22.
In what protesters following Brelo’s acquittal said was
a huge miscarriage of justice, McGinty had withheld evidence which
implicated any Cleveland Police
officer. McGinty based his case
on a Bratenahl police cruiser dash
camera which was parked blocks
away but picked up the sound of
shots being fired. McGinty did not
introduce into evidence forensic
science that included crime scene
photographs and blood evidence.
Midway through the trial,
Michelle Russell, the sister of Russell, approached the prosecutor’s
legal team, and requested that they
introduce information from McGinty’s report to Ohio Attorney
General Mike DeWine.
In the report, Cleveland
Police officers made statements that
Brelo was not the officer on Russell’s car and “Trophy”photographs
taken at the scene by officers using
their I-phones which were sent to
family and friends show that Williams and Russell were killed outside the vehicle. This evidence
would negate the police officers
statements that Russell was using
his car as a weapon putting the officers lives in danger.
Evidence released showed
that Russell and Williams were unarmed despite numerous police reportings via police radio that Williams had a gun and was pointing it
at officers.
McCoy, a longtime Civil
Rights activist, spoke at the forum. He whole heartedly supports
the Committee for Social Justice
in their quest to have the officers
involved fired, but he is skeptical
justice will be served.
“At the very least,” McCoy said, “Brelo has to be fired.
Even Mayor Frank Jackson cannot
allow Brelo back on the streets of
The Committee for Social Justice has been circulating
the following petition:
We, the Committee for
Social Justice, demand that Mayor
Frank Jackson fire all 13 Cleveland
police officers who participated in
the brutal killings of MALISSA
Only the 167 gunshots
that killed the notorious, armed
Bonnie and Clyde, surpasses the
137 gunshots that killed the unarmed MALISSA WILLIAMS &
TIMOTHY RUSSELL. We perceive this as murder.
Therefore, we emphatically demand that Mayor Frank
Jackson fire the 13 Cleveland police officers responsible for this
Further, we are concerned that because of the immunization clauses in police contracts, that police don’t have to
answer to acts of random killings
in performing their duties. Please
note that random killings are not
duties that police are sworn to perform. The objective of this petition
is for all to know and learn that police should be held accountable for
their actions that are outside of the
job description and contractual obligations.
The Committee for Social
Justice will hold a rally at Heritage
Middle School, 14410 Terrace
Road, the place where Russell and
Williams were killed, on Sunday,
November 29 at 3:30 p.m. on the
third anniversary of Williams and
Russell’s deaths.
According to McCoy,
this case gave police everywhere
a green light to continue the epidemic of killing unarmed people.
The Cuyahoga County
Office of Emergency Management
(CCOEM) recently became the
first county Emergency Management Agency (EMA) in Ohio, and
the 26th local EMA in the nation,
to achieve accreditation by the
Emergency Management Accreditation Program (EMAP).
demonstrates that Cuyahoga County
continues to make public safety
a priority,” said George Taylor,
Cuyahoga County director of Pub-
lic Safety and Justice Services. “The
Office of Emergency Management
has devoted significant time and energy to ensuring that public safety
agencies throughout the county are
prepared for disaster or emergency.
We are proud to be the first countylevel emergency management agency in Ohio to be accredited.”
The two-year process required the Office of Emergency
Management to comply fully with
64 separate performance standards
that cover all aspects of emergency
management including planning,
training, communications, operations and administration.
Accreditation is valid for
five years. CCOEM must maintain
compliance with EMAP standards
and be reassessed in 2020 to maintain accredited status.
The Cuyahoga County Office of Emergency Management’s
mission is to protect lives, property,
the environment, and the economy.
The Larchmere Holiday Stroll, established in 1971, is
a holiday tradition of old-world
shopping pleasures: cider and
cookies, arts and antiques, classy
clothing and hair design, author
visits, and charity fundraising
amidst the holiday bustle.
Larchmere’s 10-block stretch of independent stores will be facilitated by a horse-drawn wagon
on Friday and Saturday, 12-4
p.m. and you can get your photo
taken with Frosty the Snowman
at Shaker Photo Studio.
Bring the whole family to enjoy the neighborhood
Fingerstyle guitar maestro
Brian Henke will play at Loganberry Books (13015 Larchmere)
on Friday and Saturday, 12-2 p.m.
On Saturday, 2-3 p.m.,
Luna chef Bridget Thiebault will
sign the new Cleveland Independents Cookbook, From Our Kitchens at Loganberry Books (special
deal all weekend).
Otis’ Old Curiosity Shop
will be in full swing, too, featuring
a mix of local art, fair trade crafts,
educational toys, tchotchkes, greeting cards, and vintage curios. It’s
an old-fashioned treasure trove,
with hundreds of gifts in all price
The annual Larchmere
Holiday Stroll will take place the
weekend following Thanksgiving,
Friday, November 27 thru Sunday,
November 29 and hours on Friday
and Saturday are 10 a.m.—5 p.m.;
hours on Sunday are more scattered, but most shops will be open
12—4 p.m.
Food and drink and festive holiday cheer will be offered
at every independent business up
and down the boulevard.
Cleveland’s arts, antiques
and design district, Larchmere
Boulevard is located one block
north of historic Shaker Square on
Cleveland’s east side. For information, call 216-229-8919 or visit
A public forum on the “Cleveland Atrocity” was held last Thursday at the Empowerment Church, 15837 Euclid
Avenue. The event, sponsored by the Committee for Social Justice, included speakers, Don Freeman, left, founding member
of the group, and Art McCoy, right, executive director of Black on Black Crime, Inc.
Tamir remembered on anniversary of his death
Throughout Cleveland
rallies and vigils will be held to
support the Rice family on the one
year anniversary of Tamir Rice,
who was 12 years old when he
was fatally shot by Cleveland Police Officer Timothy Loehman on
November 22, 2014 while he was
playing with a toy gun on the playground of the Cudell Recreation
Center, 1910 West Boulevard.
A Butterfly Project Commemoration project will be held
on Saturday, November 21 from
11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Cudell Recreation Center.
A Banner for Justice for
Tamir will be decorated and hung
as a memorial to the memory of
Tamir and to show support for from 10:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
A town hall meeting called
the Rice family at the Cleveland
Public Library, The MLK Branch, “Sound Off: A Town Hall and Panel
1962 Stokes Blvd., on Saturday - Standing In Need of Justice A Year
Later” will take place on Saturday
from 2:45 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the
Clark-Fulton Library, 3525 Fulton
Northeast Ohio gas prices the year, barring any unanticipated
Road, to discuss the tragic case and
are 15 cents lower, according to AAA outages or supply disruptions.
Eleven states are post- to empower the community to take
East Central’s Fuel Gauge report.
ing averages below $2 per gallon. action for justice.
The national average is $2.15.
Pump prices have fallen A bearish sentiment prevails with
A Vigil For Tamir will be
for ten consecutive days, reaching to- global petroleum prices, and tradheld
at 3:30 p.m. at the
day’s national average price of $2.16 ers are following the recent terrorist
the Cudell Recreper gallon. AAA believes that aver- attacks in France to determine what
age U.S. prices should continue to
The “#ShutItDownOhio”
decline and could drop below $2 per Global supply continues to outpace
gallon by Christmas for the first time demand, while a strengthening U.S.
march is scheduled for Monday at
dollar, which makes crude oil more 1:00 p.m. Participants will begin at
since 2009.
Drivers are benefitting expensive for buyers holding forthe ‘Free Stamp’ near City Hall and
from relative savings in the price of eign currencies, is expected to keep
travel to the Justice Center.
retail gasoline with today’s average
Similar events are planned
U.S. crude oil inventories
six cents less per gallon than one
for Sunday in Cincinnati, Boston,
week ago and 11 cents less than one continue to build, and according to
Brooklyn, NY, Indianapolis, Pittsmonth ago. The price of crude oil the U.S. Energy Information Adremains noticeably low compared to ministration, are within reach of hitburgh and Columbia, MD. Orgaprevious years, and as a result, retail ting record levels set this past April.
nizers say they stand with the Rice
averages are down 74 cents per gal- For the first time in more than two
months, the U.S. oil rig count in- family in demanding justice and an
lon year-over-year.
creased on Friday.
independent prosecutor.
Refinery production in the
While this measure is not
A grand jury is hearing
Midwest appears to be recovering,
the best indicator of production, it evidence on whether the officers inwhich should help improve prices in
reportedly reinforced the expectathe region. For example, the Exxontion that U.S. production rates will volved will face any charges. Samira
Mobil refinery in Joliet, Illinois, has
remain high and keep the mar- Rice, Tamir’s mother, is expected
reportedly concluded its scheduled
ket oversupplied in the near term. to appear before the grand jury next
maintenance and returned to produc- West Texas Intermediate opened
tion. This and other refinery restarts this week’s trading session posting
Activists have supported
in the Midwest have led to large gains, though prices have since dethe Rice family’s call for Cuyahoga
weekly and monthly price discounts clined.
in Ohio, Illinois, Indiana and MichiThis comes following a County Prosecutor Timothy Mcgan.
week of testing the $40 per barrel Ginty to be replaced by a special
Historically, gasoline de- threshold, and closing Friday’s forprosecutor.
mand tends to decline during the mal trading session on the NYMEX,
McGinty has disparaged the
month of November, and with the down $1.01, settling at $40.74 per
motives of the Rice family implying
autumn refinery maintenance season barrel, a closing price that reprethat Tamir’s mother was not seeking
nearing completion, pump prices are sents a loss of nearly 10 percent on
expected to move lower to close out the week.
justice but monetary gain. He released to the press, just days before
AAA Fuel Gauge Gasoline Price Survey the grand jury was convened, reports
which were subsequently discredited
Northeast Ohio Average for Self-Service Gasoline
and not based on Ohio law.
Criticism of the publicly
This Week
false reports calling the
Last Week
shooting “justified” may have done
11-18-14) $2.88
Last Year
(11-20-15) $2.16
as much damage as the fatal bullets
one activits said.
Gasoline prices continue to drop in area
County’s Office of Emergency Management achieves accreditation
Larchmere holiday stroll to be held
Page 2
Richard Bunner receives National Public Health award
Zanesville resident,
Richard T. Bunner was recently awarded the 2015 Jenny Pomeroy Public Health
Award by Prevent Blindness
at its National Meeting in
Bunner has been
involved with Prevent Blindness since the late 1970s
when he was employed by
the Ohio Department of
Health’s statewide vision and
hearing program. Bunner has
remained a strong advocate
for the organization and its
mission – to prevent blindness and preserve sight.
Bunner started his
Prevent Blindness experience at the Ohio Affiliate of
Prevent Blindness and has
been an active member of
the Prevent Blindness national board of directors, public
health committee, and government affairs committee,
which he founded in partnership with Ohio Congressman
Patrick J. Tiberi and chaired
until recently.
Among Bunner’s
most enduring achievement
for Prevent Blindness was his
staunch advocacy to get the
federal government, through
the U.S. Maternal and Child
Health Bureau, to pay attention to children’s vision. After
years of advancing this cause,
he helped lead the charge that
resulted in the development of
the National Center for Children’s Vision and Eye Health,
of which he currently serves
as an advisory member.
Congress lauded for its efforts
“It is good news
for our nation’s schools
that Congress is taking
the next step forward
toward a serious bipartisan plan to revamp the
outdated No Child Left
Behind law. America’s
students deserve a bill
that increases educational opportunity for
all and lives up to the
civil rights legacy of the
original Elementary and
Act. We are encouraged
that Congressional negotiators appear to be moving towards a framework
that accomplishes those
goals. We urge members
on both sides of the aisle
to continue working together to produce and
pass a good piece of legislation,” U.S. Secretary
of Education Arne Duncan said.
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Zanesville resident, Rick Bunner, received the Jenny
Pomeroy National Public Health Award from Prevent Blindness
President and CEO, Hugh Parry at a ceremony recently in Chicago.
County receives award
County Treasury Department’s Investment and
Cash Management Team
received the Investment
Policy Certificate of Excellence Award recently
presented by the Association of Public Treasurers
of the United States &
Canada (APTUSC). The
Policy Certification Committee awarded Cuyahoga
County for its success in
developing a comprehensive written investment
“I would like to
congratulate our Investment and Cash Management Team on being recognized on a national
level for their hard work
and dedication in revising
our investment policy,”
said County Executive Armond Budish. “Receiving
this award is a demonstration of this administrations dedication towards
fiscal responsibility and
sustainability, positioning
Cuyahoga for long-term
Investment policies may receive certification from the Investment
Policy Certification Committee if all 18 areas of the
APTUSC model policy are
addressed: Policy, Scope,
Prudence, Objective, Del-
Tuesday, November 17, 2015 - Friday, November 20, 2015
egation of Authority, Ethics and Conflicts of Interest, Authorized Financial
Dealers and Institutions,
Authorized and Suitable
Investments, Investment
Collateralization, Safekeeping and Custody, Diversification, Maximum
Maturities, Internal Control, Performance Standards, Reporting, Investment Policy Adoption,
and Glossary.
“The Investment
Policy Certificate Award
of Excellence Award is
a concrete illustration of
the dedication and professionalism exhibited by
the County Executive, the
investment advisory council, and our investment
team,” said Chris Murray,
Cuyahoga County treasurer. “This acknowledgement provides assurance
to county taxpayers that
protection of public funds
are of the upmost importance to this administration.”
Cuyahoga County’s investment policy
is reviewed every three
months by the Investment Advisory Committee
(IAC), which is comprised
of the County Treasurer,
County Executive, and a
member of County Council.
Keeping kids safe in the classroom
(NAPSI)—If any
of the estimated 55 million
American schoolchildren is
one you care about, you may
be glad to learn about plans
in place to keep them safe.
leaders face unprecedented
safety and security challenges, whether from unwelcome
intruders or natural disasters.
Such risks make it essential
for schools to stay current on
the latest advances in construction, technological tools
and safety protocols.
Many parents ask
about school security measures to make sure classrooms are safe.
“Parents who are
actively involved in their
student’s school security can
improve their child’s safety
and success on campus,” explained Patrick V. Fiel, Sr.,
head of PF Security Consulting LLC, who served as the
former Executive Director
of Security for Washington
D.C. Public Schools and has
extensive experience upgrading schools to meet today’s
security standards.
Following are three
practices every school should
and can do—regardless of
available budget:
1. Plan and Prepare. Even the highest security technology is ineffective
without proper training and
preparation. Actions should
be clearly defined, documented and practiced regularly. Staff and students
should know exactly what
to do and where to go in the
case of emergency.
For example, in case
of a lockdown:
Lock down campus
building and residence hall
Stay in the classroom or move to a safe area
Quickly glance outside the room to direct any
students or staff members in
the hall into your room immediately.
Lock your door.
Lower or close any
against a wall where an intruder cannot see them if
looking through a door sidelight.
Turn out lights and
computer monitors.
Keep students and
phones quiet.
Schools with open
campuses have other challenges. Although a campus-
wide lockdown may not
always be practical or even
possible, individual buildings and classrooms can be
2. Stay Focused on
Proven and Reliable Practices. “Untested technologies such as makeshift door
barrier tactics can block first
responders from entering the
classroom,” said Fiel. “Having easy access to enter and
exit the classroom will help
to safely and efficiently save
the lives of students and provide care to those who need
immediate attention.”
3. Develop a Lockdown Strategy. Allegion,
known for pioneering safety
and security solutions for
schools and universities, has
security consultants who
suggest having tools in place
to manage comings and goings at each doorway so it
can lock down on demand
immediately. Three proven
lockdown technologies are:
lockdown—uses keys and classroom security functions to
lock down a space. This is an
economical option but relies
on an individual having the
right key at the right place.
lockdown—enables classroom
lockdown by remote fob
within proximity of a door. It
can be a cost-effective alternative to a networked system.
Centralized lockdown—this networked system, when integrated with
access control software, can
enable immediate school or
campuswide lockdown.
In many cases, facilities may need modification to create more efficient
security systems. This may
involve installing new locks,
such as those created by Allegion, that offer a classroom
security function that enables
lockdown safely from within
the classroom; or even architectural modifications, such
as the addition of new vestibules.
For further information about how door
hardware and security technologies support lockdown
procedures, call (888) 7589823 or visit www.allegion.
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Tuesday, November 17, 2015- Friday, November 20, 2015
Page 3
Taylor urges Ohioans to prepare for open enrollment
Ohio Lieutenant
Governor Mary Taylor recently announced that the
Ohio Senior Health Insurance Information Program
(OSHIIP), a division of the
Ohio Department of Insurance, will visit Cuyahoga
County to hold a Medicare Check-Up Day event
on Tuesday, November 24
at Solon Senior Center;
35000 Portz Parkway; in
Solon at 10 a.m.
Counseling is by
appointment only. Call
440-349-6363. OSHIIP
will hold these events
across Ohio during Medicare’s annual open enroll-
ment period, which runs
October 15 to December 7.
“Our statewide efforts have begun and we
are excited to help Ohioans as they make important decisions about their
Medicare coverage,” said
Taylor, also director of the
Ohio Department of Insurance. “We are holding
Medicare Check-Up Day
events in every county to
make it easier for Ohioans
to access the information
they need to understand
their best coverage options
for 2016.”
OSHIIP is the
state’s official free educa-
The Internal Revenue Service reminds
taxpayers that November
can be a good time for a
tax status review. Taking
some time during the lull
before the year-end rush
can reduce stress and promote filing accuracy when
tax season begins in January.
“If you haven’t
yet organized your receipts and other documents for donations and
other tax write-offs you’ve
made during 2015, there’s
no time like the present to tackle that chore,”
said Jennifer Jenkins, IRS
spokesperson for Ohio.
“Not only does the IRS
require documentation for
tax deductions and credits
claimed, but having the
info organized and available reduces the chance
you’ll forget to claim
something that could
save you money on your
taxes.” The IRS website,, offers information about tax rules for
donations and other deductions and credits.
In most cases,
the IRS does not require
taxpayers to keep records
in any special manner. In
general, taxpayers should
keep all documents that
may have an impact their
federal tax return. Such
items may include bills,
receipts, invoices, mileage logs, canceled checks
or other proofs of pay-
ment, and any other records to support deductions or credits claimed on
a tax return.
Taxpayers whose
employers deduct taxes
from their pay can use the
“Withholding Calculator”
on to check if the
right amount of tax is being withheld. Life events
like marriage, divorce,
and birth or adoption of a
child may impact tax exemptions and/or filing status.
“If too much tax
is withheld, Uncle Sam’s
got your money until you
get your refund. If not
enough is withheld, you’ll
owe tax at the end of the
year and you may, in some
cases, owe a penalty,”
Jenkins said.
A near year-end
tax review can also help
where they stand with
their retirement savings
“If you’re still
working, review the 2015
Account (IRA) contribution and deduction limits
to make sure you’re not
missing out on your retirement savings opportunities. If you exceed the
2015 IRA contribution
limit, you’ll need to withdraw excess contributions
or pay a 6% tax each year
on the excess amounts left
in your account,” Jenkins
tional resource for Medicare information and enrollment assistance. Last
year, OSHIIP saved more
than 193,000 Ohioans a
Take time to prepare for tax season
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Low- and moderate-income workers who
set aside money for retirement may qualify for the
Saver’s Credit; details are
available at
Taxpayers age 70
½ or older must take a
2015 required minimum
distribution by December
31, 2015. (For those who
turned 70 ½ in 2015, the
deadline is April 1, 2016.)
IRA required minimum
distributions can be calculated using worksheets
on A 50% excise tax can be accessed
on any required minimum
distribution not taken on
Eligible employees should consider their
health flexible spending
arrangement (FSA) options for 2016.
“FSAs offer a way
to use tax-free dollars to
pay medical expenses not
covered by other health
plans. Participation is
normally decided weeks
before the new plan year
Employees who
contributed to FSA plans
in 2015 must choose to
participate again in 2016,”
Jenkins said. Self-employed individuals are not
The IRS suggests
that taxpayers take steps
to choose a tax return preparer. “Most taxpayers
get help from a tax preparer or use tax software
to do their taxes,” Jenkins
said. “Come filing season, many tax pros will be
knee-deep in tax returns
for clients. By shopping
around now, you’ll have
time to find and talk with
tax preparers and consider
your options. Your tax
pro may recommend some
savvy, last-minute, money-saving tax moves.”
The IRS encourages taxpayers to choose
their return preparer wisely, because taxpayers are
legally responsible for the
data on their returns. Taxpayers can search
for “Choosing a Tax Professional” for more information and selection tips.
record of $18 million – including $9.8 million during the annual open enrollment period.
During Medicare
open enrollment, Ohioans can choose to select
Original Medicare paired
with a stand-alone Part
D prescription drug plan
and possibly a Medicare
Supplement plan; or a
Medicare Advantage Plan,
which provides comprehensive health benefits including drug coverage; or
determine if their existing
coverage will meet their
health insurance needs for
the upcoming year.
also learn more about recent Medicare changes,
such as new deductibles,
co-payments, coinsurance
amounts and financial assistance programs which
include help with prescription costs and Part
B premium savings. The
non-profit Pro Seniors and
its fraud-fighting Ohio
Senior Medicare Patrol
(SMP) will be present at
the Check-Up Day events
to encourage people on
Medicare to protect their
Medicare card, and explain how to detect fraudulent behavior and report
issues to the SMP.
Ohioans should be
aware of predatory sales
practices during open enrollment. Insurance agents
are prohibited from using
high-pressure sales tactics,
conducting door-to-door
sales or presenting themselves as a Medicare representative. If you suspect
wrongdoing or have been
victimized, call the department’s Fraud and Enforcement hotline at 1-800686-1527 or the SMP at
to attend this Medicare
Check-Up Day event and
have enrollment questions
or need financial assistance, may contact OSHIIP at 1-800-686-1578,
Monday through Friday,
7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., or call
Medicare at 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227),
24 hours-a-day, seven
days-a-week. Information,
including specific plan details, is available at www.
To view a complete listing of Medicare
Check-Up Day events,
visit OSHIIP’s Medicare
Check-Up and Annual Enrollment Toolkit page at
toolkit includes a link to
a Medicare Plan Finder,
financial assistance information and more helpful
tips. You can also visit
and follow OSHIIP on
Facebook at
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Page 4
Tuesday, November 17, 2015 - Friday, November 20, 2015
Islam In The Community
Is ISIS Islamic or not? Should it matter?
Editor’s Note: Mohamed
Ghilan is a classically trained
student in Islamic law and
theology. He is currently a
neuroscience PhD candidate
at the University of Victoria,
Muslims around the
world have exerted countless
efforts and continue to vehemently assert that actions carried out by extremist groups
such as the Islamic State, also
known as the Islamic State in
Iraq and Sham (ISIS), have
nothing to do with Islam.
However, despite
an official letter signed by
some 126 Muslim scholars
and theologians condemning
ISIS on theological grounds,
a number of popularized articles insist on continuing to
provide explanations that revolve around religion-based
topics, including the rise of
Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia,
how the Saudis exported this
type of extremist ideology
and used petro dollars to fuel
the rise of Salafism, and how
ISIS’ theology is based on
apocalyptic notions present
in Islamic texts.
In contrast to academics offering intellectually
lazy, even if lengthy, analyses
that can serve more as examples of fundamental attribution error, Al Jazeera English
presenter, Mehdi Hasan articulates in his recent article for
the NewStatesman, that actual experts who have in fact
worked closely with violent
extremists assert, “religion
has a role but it is a role of
It’s not why they do
A Look At My World
In my new diet all I lost was interest
Dr. James L. Snyder
I lost quite a few
things in life, but weight has
not been one of them.
I see these commercials on TV where people lost
tons of weight and invite me
to join their program. Investigating some of the programs
I discovered all you really
lose is money every month.
If there is one thing I do not
want to lose it is money.
I never took losing
weight very serious. I figure
one man’s pound is another
man’s jiggle and we sure do
not have enough jiggle in this
I have bigger problems than losing weight,
which I would readily acknowledge is a big problem,
but I have been focused on
a bunch of other matters. If
I kick the can down the road
far enough, I never have to
deal with it. Right?
What if when we get
to heaven, I like to think of
this often, everybody is fat?
One of my favorite verses in
the Bible is, “…all the fat is
the Lord’s” (Leviticus 3:16).
I realize this may be a little
bit out of context, but some
of us have to get our consolation wherever we can find it.
Then it happened.
You know how something
happens that you did not plan
to happen, but it just happens?
It was after a wonderful supper and I had overindulged as usual, and happen to say out loud, “I sure
am stuffed.”
I did not make this
remark to start a conversation or to mean anything other than I was stuffed at that
time. However, the Gracious
Mistress of the Parsonage
saw it just a little bit differently.
I think this is why
men are so reluctant to talk
to their wives because everything they say can be taken
out of context and usually
is. I was just referring to the
fact that at that moment I was
feeling stuffed. Actually, I
meant it as a compliment to
her fine cuisine. After all, a
compliment is a compliment
and should be received as
“I think,” she said,
staring at me with one of her
stares, “that you really are
stuffed. Furthermore, I think
we ought to do something
about it.”
I hate it when my
wife says “furthermore” because I do not know exactly
what she’s talking about. All
I know is what is coming
next is going to get me into
trouble. Trouble is not my
middle name but it certainly
is my identification number.
Then, this is how women
think, when she said, “we
ought to do something about
it” the emphasis was on the
“we.” Whenever a wife says
“we,” she is really referring
to her husband.
That started quite a
conversation about dieting.
I say conversation, but actually, it was a very animated
monologue of which I was
the only audience at the time.
Don’t you love it
when people know how to fix
your problem? A recent study
shows that wives outlive husbands. And of course, the
reason is simply that many
husbands cannot change the
monologue into a dialogue.
“Mono,” means one and
“dia” means two. But I digress.
My good wife went
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on talking about a wonderful
diet she has had in mind for a
long time. In thinking about
that, I concluded she thought
I was overweight for a long
time. The one good thing is
that she has not mentioned it
before. But now she is mentioning it.
All of the pent-up
observations and suggestions
about my weight were now
coming out in one dynamic
monologue. I just could not
keep up. It is hard to keep up
when you only have two ears.
I could tell she had
been thinking about this for
a very long time because she
had great detail as to what my
new diet should be, even calculating how much weight I
would be losing if I kept on
this new diet.
So far, it was not too
bad. I would go on this new
diet, lose tons of weight, be
healthier, and live longer and
the both of us would be happy. What can go wrong with a
plan like that? I love it when
a plan comes together.
Then she began
outlining the details of this
new diet. I was going to eat
nothing but fruit and vegetables until I had achieved my
weight loss goal.
I had a few questions.
“Would you consider an Apple fritter to be a
“Is a carrot cake a
These two questions alone brought such a
stare from the other person
in the room that I melted in
complete defeat. Already I
was losing. It seems, and I’m
learning something new here,
one person’s definition of a
fruit and vegetable is not another person’s definition.
She began outlining
all of the rules and regulations of this new diet and she
did it with such glee, in fact,
I have never seen her smile
more, and it was going to be
hard not to do it.
After her plan was
firmly set on the table the
only thing that I lost was interest in the whole new diet
The Bible has some
good things to say about fruit.
“Even so every good tree
bringeth forth good fruit; but
a corrupt tree bringeth forth
evil fruit” (Matthew 7:17).
It is not so much the
fruit on the table as it is the
fruit in my life that delights
The Rev. James L.
Snyder is pastor of the Family
of God Fellowship, PO Box
831313, Ocala, FL 34483.
He lives with his wife, Martha, in Silver Springs Shores
. Call him at 352-687-4240
or e-mail jamessnyder2@att.
The website is
this [or] why young people
go there.”
Still, the allure behind the popularity of the
religion-focused discourse
in the West partly lies in its
ability to trivialize the role of
politics and Western foreign
policy vis-à-vis the Middle
East North Africa (MENA)
The focus on Islam
here places the blame for extremism on an internal factor
to the people of MENA rather than acknowledging it to
be primarily a last resort type
reaction to neocolonialist external forces that have been
ensuring the subjugation of
these populations for the past
When it comes to
MENA, Western foreign policy is more concerned with
securing economic and political interests than in facilitating the realization of the
right for self-determination.
For instance, Ryan C. Crocker, the former U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan, Iraq,
and Syria, previously noted
in a New York Times article
why the U.S. prefers to have
a murderous dictator such as
Bashar Al Assad to remain
in power in Syria by rhetorically asking, “…do we really
want the alternative – a major country at the heart of the
Arab world in the hands of Al
Little did Crocker
know, six months after he
asked this question, ISIS, a
group that has eclipsed Al
Qaeda in all measures, declared a pseudo-state they refer to as an Islamic caliphate
spanning a third of Iraq and
a third of Syria, an area approximately the size of Britain.
The majority of
over 1.6 billion Muslims with
their scholars and theologians have taken Islam as an a
priori guide for renouncing
terrorism, whereas the minority represented by ISIS militants and their sympathizers
utilized Islam as a post hoc
justification for extremist violence.
Furthermore, as previously noted by Middle East
scholar, H.A. Hellyer, ISIS
represents a severance from
the Islamic tradition having
rejected the interpretative
methodology used by Mus-
lim scholars for the past 14
centuries, and broke a connected chain of transmission
and understanding that goes
all the way back to the Prophet Muhammad.
From an Islamic
perspective, quoting passages from the Quran or isolated historical reports to make
an action legitimate is never
sufficient. One cannot simply skip over peer reviewed
scholarly authority, which
has been established for over
1400 years, pretend none of
it exists, and then claim their
actions are congruent with
Islamic teachings. But ISIS
militants do this all the time.
Accepting their claims not
only grants them a religious
credibility they crave but do
not deserve, but also harms
Muslim-led efforts to counter
A significant media
problem that inadvertently
plays into ISIS’ recruitment
strategies is the use of language. There is a difference
between referring to radicalization as a personal process
vs. a religious awakening. In
other words, radical Islam
gives the impression that total adherence to Islamic tenets will inevitably lead one
to becoming a terrorist. This
is why attributing the causal
source of extremism to Islam
is Islamophobic.
It gives credence to
the idea that perfectly pleasant and law-abiding Muslims
are walking ticking bombs,
who at any moment may
lash out and commit atrocities should they realize that
their religion really expects
them to do so. Moreover,
the perception of such media
platforms as Islamophobic
propaganda mouthpieces for
their enemies vindicates accusations from ISIS that they
are truly fighting a war in defense of Islam.
The media’s role
in promoting Islamophobia through the current religion-focused discussions of
extremism is further exacerbated by the constant use of
Arabic terms to refer to Islamic concepts. Foreign and
technical language gives the
impression of mystery and
creates fear as it compounds
uncertainties. Although referring to concepts that cannot
be translated into single Eng-
Awareness Week just ended
last week (November 15 to
November 21). As temperatures drop this winter, the
Cuyahoga County Office of
Emergency Management offers steps people can take
to stay safe during the cold
Snow and ice
storms, flooding from rapid thaws, extended power
outages caused by winter
storms, and illnesses caused
by hypothermia or influenza
are more likely to occur during the winter months.
Wear Layers! Wearing layers of clothing will
help prevent you from losing
your body heat.
Don’t forget Fido!
Bring pets indoors. If they
can’t come inside, make sure
they have enough shelter to
keep them warm and that
they can get to unfrozen water.
Remember the three
feet rule! If you are using a
space heater, place it on a
level, hard surface and keep
anything flammable at least
three feet away – things such
as paper, clothing, bedding,
curtains or rugs.
Protect your pipes!
Run water, even at a trickle,
to help prevent your pipes
from freezing. Open the
kitchen and bathroom cabinet doors to allow warmer
air to circulate around the
plumbing. Keep the garage
doors closed if there are water lines in the garage.
Set the Temperature! Keep the thermostat at
the same temperature day
and night. Your heating bill
may be a little higher, but you
could avoid a more costly repair job if your pipes freeze
and burst.
Use generators outside! Never operate a generator inside the home, including
in the basement or garage.
Connect the equipment you
want to power directly to the
outlets on the generator.
preparedness tips and information can be found at ReadyCuyahoga at http://ready.
County Office of Emergency
Management’s mission is to
protect lives, property, the
environment, and the economy. For information, contact us at 216-443-5700 or at
Residents to winterize
lish words, Jihad, caliphate,
and Sharia, do refer to specific actions that can in fact be
In their own perception of what they are doing,
ISIS militants believe they
are engaged in a justified military struggle against forces
of oppression (a jihad), and
want to build a state (caliphate) governed by a rule of
law that is above the whims
of anyone who ascends to
political leadership (Sharia).
Put this way, discussions in
the West will no longer be
about Islam, but about the
actual causal factors that
brought about ISIS, and will
propose solutions that actually have merit and a chance
at curbing or eliminating this
form of senseless violent extremism.
The religious rhetoric and theological justifications provided by ISIS
militants, and the subsequent
focus on Islam to understand
why this group behaves the
way that it does are all reductive efforts to treat a complex
problem in the most simplistic way.
The ability of ISIS
to quote verses from the
Quran, as well as bring up
isolated historical examples,
albeit most of which are actually unverified reports, is
not indicative of authenticity
to Islam or validity of interpretation. Ali ibn Abī Tālib,
the cousin of the Prophet
Muhammad, said if he lost a
camel he could find it in the
The appeal ISIS has
for its sympathizers and potential recruits lies not necessarily in having “Islamic” as
part of their name, but in its
presentation as a formidable
force against the tyranny and
corruption of local rulers, as
well as against powerful external enemies.
Al Qaeda also uses
religious rhetoric. But it does
not have the weapons, the
viral social media presence,
or the powerful projection
ISIS has managed to portray.
Researchers have concluded
that no single profile can be
made for who will be radicalized. But one thing is for
sure – when a large number
of people feel despair, they
will look for meaning in ugly
ISIS cannot be neutralized by more analyses of
the Islamic legal tradition
or what conservative school
of Islamic thought received
support from which country.
It also cannot be neutralized
by overhauling Islamic education to curb extremism, as
proposed by the grand imam
of the Islamic Al-Azhar University in Egypt. Those who
see the world as Islam Yaken saw it will not heed any
calls that will not bring about
And they certainly
will not accept any religious
authority that maintains the
status quo.
Empowering those
who feel violence is their
only way towards change is
the only effective strategy for
countering extremism today
and in the future.
In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful
For questions or more information on ISLAM contact:
(216) 721-1146
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Tuesday, November 17, 2015 - Friday, November 20, 2015
Legal Court Interpretation
Percent of impairment and how it is achieved
On January 14, 2008,
Moses Romero was injured
while working for River City
Drywall Supply, Inc. His workers’ compensation claim was
initially allowed for a sprain of
his left leg and knee. In 2010,
the Industrial Commission of
Ohio – which handles these
claims – found that Romero
had a 6 percent permanent partial disability and granted him
compensation accordingly.
In 2011, the commission allowed the additional
condition of medial meniscus
tear of the left knee and increased the award by 4 percent
for a total of 10 percent permanent partial disability.
Later that year, the
commission amended Romero’s claim to include the additional condition of substantial
aggravation of preexisting condition of his left knee. Romero
requested another increase in
his permanent-partial-disability
award based on the newly allowed condition.
At the commission’s
request, Dr. V.P. Mannava reviewed Romero’s medical file.
Based on his review, Dr. Mannava opined that Romero had a
whole-person impairment of 5
percent, which was less than his
current 10 percent impairment.
Dr. Matt Murdock performed an independent medical examination on
Romero and reached a different conclusion. Dr. Murdock
concluded that Romero had a
14 percent whole-person impairment based on the newly
allowed condition that, when
combined with his previous
award, resulted in a total of 24
percent impairment.
Following a hearing,
the commission approved an
increase of 4 percent for a total of 14 percent, based on the
medical reports of Dr. Mannava
and Dr. Murdock. The commission refused Romero’s appeal.
Romero then filed
a complaint with the court of
appeals alleging that the commission’s order awarding only
a 4 percent increase wasn’t supported by the evidence and that
he was entitled to a 14 percent
increase of permanent partial
disability. Romero argued that
the commission abused its discretion by relying on Dr. Mannava’s report.
A magistrate with the
court of appeals concluded that
the commission had not abused
its discretion when it relied on
the two doctors’ reports. The
magistrate determined that Dr.
Mannava had reviewed the file
and accepted the objective findings of the examining physicians.
The magistrate further determined that Dr. Mannava was not required to accept
the commission’s previous finding of 10 percent impairment
in reaching his opinion based
on the medical evidence. Ultimately, the magistrate concluded that it was within the commission’s discretion to fashion
an increase of 4 percent in the
The court of appeals
adopted the magistrate’s findings and denied the writ that
Romero had sought. After that,
Romero brought his appeal
before us – the Ohio Supreme
The issue before us
was whether Dr. Mannava’s
report constituted “some evidence” upon which the commission could rely in support of
its decision to increase Romero’s permanent-partial-disability award.
Previous workers’
compensation cases have established that a nonexamining physician who provides a
medical opinion is required to
review all the relevant medical evidence and accept the
objective findings of all the
examining physicians. Romero
maintained that the nonexamin-
ing physician must identify the
other physicians by name, but
there is no such requirement.
In bringing his appeal
before us, Romero raised the
same arguments as those that
were addressed and rejected
by the court of appeals. First,
Romero maintained that Dr.
Mannava failed to accept the
findings of the physicians who
had previously examined him,
and thus, Dr. Mannava’s report
couldn’t qualify as evidence to
support the commission’s decision.
But in his report, Dr.
Mannava expressly stated that
he had reviewed the file and accepted the objective findings.
His report set forth the findings
of examining physicians Dr.
Forte and Dr. Boyer and those
of Dr. Nobbs, a chiropractor.
Based on those findings, Dr.
Mannava opined that Romero
was not entitled to an additional percentage award. Because
it was within the commission’s
discretion to rely on Dr. Mannava’s report, Romero’s argument failed.
Next, Romero argued that Dr. Mannava ignored the commission’s prior
finding granting a 10 percent
award. According to Romero,
Dr. Mannava decided to reduce
the percentage the commission
had already granted for the allowed conditions in the claim.
But Romero cited no previous
decisions by Ohio courts that
require a physician to make
a finding at least as great as a
prior award.
Instead, Dr. Mannava
based his opinion on the medical evidence and opined that
Romero was entitled to only a 5
percent permanent-partial-disability award rather than the 10
percent he was then receiving.
It was within the commission’s
discretion to rely on Dr. Mannava’s report, and once again,
Romero’s argument failed.
Finally, Romero con-
Page 5
You And The Law
Consequences before forming a business
tended that Dr. Mannava’s
report failed to refer to the
evidence supporting the additional condition of substantial aggravation of Romero’s
preexisting problem with his
left knee. But Dr. Mannava’s
report clearly referred to the
newly recognized condition.
Dr. Mannava recognized the existence of this
condition, accepted the examiners’ findings, and based
his opinion on those findings.
His failure to comment on that
condition specifically did not
call into question the value of
his report as evidence. Thus,
Romero failed to establish
that the commission abused
its discretion when it relied
on the reports of Dr. Mannava
and Dr. Murdock to support its
The commission has
exclusive discretion to determine the weight and credibility of the evidence, as well as
all disputed facts. Our court
may not disturb a commission order that is supported by
“some evidence,” even if the
record includes other evidence
that is greater in quality or
quantity supporting a contrary
In this case, the commission relied on the reports
of Dr. Mannava, who opined
that Romero had only a 5
percent impairment, and Dr.
Murdock, who concluded that
there was a 14 percent impairment. The commission, acting
within its discretion, chose a
figure within the range suggested by both doctors.
Romero failed to
meet his burden – to show that
he has a clear right to the relief
that he requested and that the
commission has a clear duty to
provide such relief. Therefore,
by a seven-to-zero vote, we
affirmed the court of appeals
in denying Romero’s requested writ.
So, you have a new
business idea and you are excited to set up shop and make
it big. Before you start selling
your product and service, be
sure to stop and think about
the legal consequences of
your business formation. This
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successful business in Ohio.
Q: Should I incorporate?
A: Absolutely. Forming either a corporation or an
LLC allows you to protect
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your business. You will also
be able to limit your liability
for any outstanding business
debts and obligations. When
starting a business, be sure not
to put your personal assets at
risk. In the event you are ever
sued and you have not incorporated, your home, bank account, and all other assets can
potentially be exposed should
you receive a court judgment
against your business.
your business, you create a
wall between the business assets and your own personal assets. Another benefit of incorporating is that it makes your
business more credible to consumers. Just seeing “Inc.” or
“LLC” behind your business
name adds instant legitimacy.
Further, incorporating protects your brand and business
name. Finally, incorporation
gives your business flexibility
and tax benefits.
Q: I’m thinking
about going into business
with a friend. What should I
A: Depending on
the corporate formation you
choose, you could very well
be liable for your own debts
and actions in addition to
those of your business partner, over whom you have no
control. Think long and hard
before committing yourself
to such a situation. To help
alleviate personal risk in a
partnership setting, consider
tax-deductible donations to speaking with an attorney or
qualified charities and non- other professional with busiprofits are recommended,
consult sites such as GuideStar (http://www.guidestar.
The Cuyahoga County
org), CharityWatch (https://
of Consumer Affairs
and stores to
home) and Charity Navigaguard
against utiltor ( to evaluate your ity shutoff scams as these types
choices so you know your of calls may increase during the
contribution is being well upcoming holidays.
How it works:
Scammers posing as
Save time and cut
back on waste with online utility employees call businesses
bill pay and deposits. Auto- about an alleged missed elecmatic online bill pay means tric or gas payment. The caller
you won’t have to waste warns that if payment isn’t made
time writing checks or risk immediately, the utility will shut
late payment fees. Sched- off the business’s gas or electriculing bill payment through ity within the hour.
Bogus calls usually
your checking and savings
in the day, often just
accounts can save time and
or holiday.
money, while setting up
regular electronic deposits The threat of losing power – and
to savings and investment sales – is enough to scare some
accounts can also help you owners into sending a payment,
save money before you are even if they aren’t sure they
tempted to spend it.
How to protect your
Bottom line: Doing
a last-minute review of your
Don’t panic. Utilities
finances can potentially save
cold-calls about shut
money and help you save,
always send writspend and invest smarter in
ten disconnection notices if they
the coming year.
Sillin plan to sever your service.
Be skeptical of the
directs Visa’s financial eduCaller
Scammers may spoof
cation programs. To follow
their numbers.
Practical Money Skills on
Know that disconnecTwitter:
Weekly Wealth For Your Health
Your year-end financial checklist
It will begin soon
enough – all those “beat the
rush!” ads for holiday shopping, activities and events.
Right now, you have a great
opportunity to beat the rush
to organize your year-end finances and make some smart
moves for the New Year.
Consider the following tasks for your yearend financial to-do list.
Total up your yearto-date spending. Whether
you organize by computer
or on paper, make sure your
tracking system for spending, saving and investment
is up to date. This way, you
can make sure you are on
budget for the year and ready
with data for tax time. Once
you are finished, determine
your net worth – what you
own less what you owe – and
get an early idea of what you
need to change next year.
Check in with your
planner or tax professional.
Late December is a busy time
for financial professionals.
Take a minute to see if they
can review your numbers and
make suggestions on yearend financial activities and
new moves you should make
in 2016.
Make sure you’ve
reviewed all your credit reports for the year. You are
entitled to one free copy
( of each of your
three major credit reports
from TransUnion, Equifax
and Experian. It’s generally
wise to schedule delivery of
each at different points in the
year to catch errors or irregularities.
Check and rebalance your portfolio. With the
dramatic market swings this
past year, be sure to check
if your retirement and other
investments are still on track
with your investment goals.
Get qualified help if necessary to see if the assets you
own still fit your needs. And
if you need to do any tax selling by the end of the year,
now is the time to start thinking about it.
Check your insurance coverage. If you buy
your own home, auto, life or
other insurance policies, contact two or three agents representing highly rated (http:// insurers
to review the adequacy and
pricing of your coverage. If
you have made any structural
changes or improvements to
your home, make sure those
actions are reflected in your
homeowners insurance. Such
work may boost your home’s
replacement value. Also, if
you’ve had a major life or
financial event like a new
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baby or the purchase of a
new home it’s time to make
sure all your coverage is sufficient.
Update your W-2,
benefits and estate plan if
necessary. While you’re updating your insurance and
investment needs for big
life events related to family,
property or marital status,
see if your tax withholding
and employee health coverage and investments need
review. Get qualified help to
make this assessment if you
are not sure.
Empty out your
flexible spending accounts.
If you have a Flexible Spending Account for health care
or other qualifying expenses,
it’s time to submit outstanding claims from the doctor,
dentist or optometrist. Remember you can only transfer $500 in your remaining
balance over to the next year.
Make any appointments or
medical purchases you need
to now and get the paperwork in fast.
Do a last-minute tax
review. If you work alone or
with a tax professional, review your annual income, investment and spending data
to see if there’s anything you
can do in the final weeks of
the year to save on taxes. If
Woodland Automotive
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We Sell Used Tires
ness start-up expertise who
can walk you through this
complicated situation and
consider options such as
placing assets in trust or in
another’s name.
Q: A friend told me
I should set up an LLC. How
do I know if that’s the best
choice for me?
A: A limited liability company is the most
popular business entity. Like
a corporation, an LLC limits
your liability, but is treated,
for tax purposes, like a partnership. Consult with an attorney, however, before deciding whether an LLC is the
best option for you.
Q: What are the
differences between an SCorporation and a C-Corporation?
A: A C-Corporation
is legal entity separate and
distinct from its owners. The
corporation issues ownership interests (“shares”) to
“shareholders.” The shareholders elect the board of
directors. The directors,
who are entrusted with managing the corporation, elect
the officers. The officers operate the corporation under
the board’s direction. The
shareholders, the directors
and the officers are generally
not responsible for the debts
and obligations of the corporation. The corporation’s
profits are distributed to the
shareholders in the form of
A C-corporation is
taxed twice: first, at the corporate level, when income is
received, and second, when
income is re-distributed to
shareholders. Finally, a person who is merely a shareholder of the corporation will
almost always be absolved of
An S-Corporation
is similar to a C-Corporation,
but it is taxed as a “passthrough entity” meaning that
the owners pay taxes on all
business profits on their individual tax returns (i.e.,
the business income “passes
through” the business to the
owners’ personal tax returns
and business profits are not
“double taxed”). To become
an S-Corporation, a business
must have fewer than 100
shareholders, all shareholders
must be people (no estates,
trusts, etc.) who are not nonresident aliens, and the corporation can have only one class
of stock.
Q: How do I create a
legal business in Ohio?
A: Surprisingly, it
is very easy to set up a corporation, LLC, or other business formation. You simply
have to complete a small
amount of written paperwork
and pay a filing fee. You
can get the necessary papers
through the Ohio Secretary
of State website at www.sos.
You may also draft
an operating agreement or
other document depending on
the business form you choose.
For instance, to create a legally binding LLC, you merely
have to submit a two-page
online Articles of Organization and send the Secretary of
State a check for $99.
This is a very small
price to pay to avoid personal
liability for your business’
debts and actions. You may
wish to consult with an attorney to help you choose a
business entity and draft an
operating agreement.
This “Law You Can
Use” column was provided
by the Ohio State Bar Association. It was prepared by
Andrew L. Smith, a senior associate attorney in the Cincinnati office of Smith, Rolfes &
Skavdahl Company, LPA.
Articles appearing
in this column are intended to
provide broad, general information about the law.
Before applying this
information to a specific legal
problem, readers are urged to
seek advice from an attorney.
tions are typically not scheduled at night or on weekends.
Be wary if anyone
asks you to pay a bill using a
wire transfer, prepaid card or
gift card. Those are payment
methods scammers like because they’re hard to trace.
Warn employees, especially managers authorized
to pay bills, so they aren’t
tricked in your absence.
Contact your utility if
a call has you worried. Use the
number from your bill, not one
provided by a caller. Or check
out First Energy’s web page
about utility scams at https://
Report scams to your
local police and to the Department of Consumer Affairs at
216-443-7035 or
Get updates from
Consumer Affairs by following us on Facebook and Twitter @cuycoconsumers
Business alert against utility shut-off scam
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Zips score in double figures at Florida Atlantic
Florida Atlantic jumped out to an early lead and Akron
trailed the entire game as the Zips’ women’s basketball team dropped
a 91-77 decision in the regular season opener at the FAU arena last
Friday night. Four Zips players scored in double figures led by senior
Anita Brown (Warren, Ohio), who was Akron’s leading scorer with 27
points, seven rebounds and three assists. Junior Hannah Plybon (Orrville, Ohio) chipped in 21 points making three baskets from long
range, while sophomore’s Greta Burry (Lakewood, Ohio) and Alli Ball
(St. Louis, Mo.) each posted their first career double-doubles. Burry
went for career highs in points (14) and rebounds (12), while Ball tallied career-best marks in points (13), while pulling down a career-high
11 boards. Senior Megan Barilla (Fairview Park, Ohio) added five assists for the Zips.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015 - Friday, November 20, 2015 - Page 6
“Saturday Night Fights” an amateur boxing show
returns on Saturday, November 21 at 6:00 p.m. at The
Word Church, 18909 South Miles Road, Warrensville Hts.
For information, call Ed King at 440-439-5464.
The Browns have
started to look so bad that
even their rivals feel sorry
for them. During the 30-9
beating they absorbed at
the hands of the Steelers,
the Browns appeared so
inept that Pittsburgh-area
talking heads in the press
box, who are used to berating an opponent, just shook
their heads and sighed,
“That’s why they’re the
Browns.” Black-clad fans
in Heinz Field gave their
condolences and even
some supportive pats on
the back. The only good
thing now happening is
that the Browns have
some extra time during
their BYE Week to try to
regroup in order to regain
a semblance of a competitive team.
It was their second
straight loss by three TDs.
In fact, their last four losses have been by 18 to St.
Louis, 14 to Arizona, and
21 to Cincinnati and Pittsburgh. There are no “We
just got beat by one play”
or “They had one more
lucky bounce” excuses after such suffocating losses.
Ben Roethlisberger, with just one good leg,
came on in relief of starting QB Landry Jones and
torched the Browns for
379 yards – an NFL record
for a QB that didn’t start
the game. Two TD passes
went to Antonio Brown
and another to Martavis
Bryant. The Browns also
gave up about 140 yards
on pass interference penalties. Their run defense
actually did an OK job by
holding DeAngelo Williams to 59 yards. Yet,
when a basically nonexis-
in Cleveland, the Cavs cut
down on the turnovers and although Milwaukee produced
a strong 2nd half rally, they
were up to the challenge and
came away with the victory.
It was a “Hardwood Classic”
game, so it looked like the
Cavs went for a trip in Mr.
Peabody’s Wayback Machine
as the team wore throwback
jerseys from the 1970s. They
played Classic Rock and the
Scream Team cheer squad
and oncourt personalities
wore ‘70’s garb with some
sporting huge Afros.
James led the Cavs
with 33 points. Love had
22 points and 15 rebounds.
Mathew Dellavedova, starting in place of the injured Mo
Williams, had 13 assists. The
Cavs had a 2-to-1 edge in rebounds, pulling down 43 to
Milwaukee’s 22. Giannis An-
tetokounmpo led the Bucks
with 33 points.
Coach David Blatt said his
team was made up of “veteran players” who knew how
to respond when the Bucks
made their 2nd half run, saying, “I thought those guys
came with a real purpose tonight.” He also said that they
would know how to step up
if Timofey Mosgov, who
left the game with an injury,
would have to sit out any
time. Blatt noted the good
play of Anderson Verajao,
who came in to relieve Mosgov and went four of four
from the field.
Asked how he felt
about his significant contribution, Verajao told Minority Publishers Assn., “I feel
good. It was good to be able
to come in and help us win.”
Cavs stop losing streak against Bucks; 115-110
The Cavs lost their
last two games on the road 108-105 in double overtime
to Milwaukee and 104-99 to
Detroit. Fortunately, in a return game against the Bucks
at Quicken Loans Arena last
night, the Cavs looked much
better and came away with a
hard-fought, 115-100 win.
LeBron James took
the team to task after each of
the away losses, talking about
not playing with a “sustainable effort” and not showing enough “toughness.” In
the OT loss to the Bucks,
the Cavs had 20 turnovers,
including seven by James,
which kept Milwaukee in the
game. James finished with
37 points and 12 rebounds
in that contest while Kevin
Love added 24 points and 14
rebounds. Michael CarterWilliams and Jerryd Bayliss
each scored 17 points to lead
Milwaukee, which spread out
the scoring - having seven
players in double figures.
In the loss to the
Pistons, James again led
the Cavs, scoring 30 points.
However, the Pistons outrebounded the Cavs, 48-40
and outscored them in the
paint by the identical 48-40
margin. Andre Drummond
led the Pistons with 25 points
and 18 rebounds.
In the just-completed win over the Bucks
OSU beats Illini; 28-3
The Buckeyes scored
28 points for the second straight
week and it was more than enough
to secure a solid victory. J.T. Barrett threw for 150 yards and a TD
ran for 74 yards and a TD. Ezekiel
Elliot ran for 181 yards and two
TDs. Ohio State scored a TD in
each quarter and accumulated 440
yards of total offense in the 28-3
win over Illinois.
Wes Lunt threw for 241
yards for the bulk of the offensive
production for Illinois. RB Josh
Ferguson gained 49 yards rushing,
but the rest of the Illini ran backwards as they finished as a team
with just 20 yards on the ground as
the Buckeyes “D” did the job.
Ohio State did not look
overtly spectacular, but held control of the game throughout. For
the second straight week, it was a
“workmanlike” victory. Elliot had
several good runs and basically
wore down the Illini.
Afterward, OSU Coach
Urban Meyer spoke of Elliot’s fine
game, in which he became OSU’s
third all-time leading rusher behind Archie Griffin and Eddie
With the IlliBuck Trophy in hand for beating the Illini,
OSU now moves to the more difficult portion of their schedule,
which has been the focal point of
the season. They host Michigan
State this Saturday in Columbus
and then travel to Ann Arbor to
play the “Team from up North” on
Thanksgiving Weekend.
Anita Brown was selected as the Mid-American
Conference East Women’s Basketball Player of the Week, the
league announced on Tuesday. Brown directed Akron’s efforts in the Zips’ 91-77 setback at Florida Atlantic last Friday,
Nov. 13, registering a team-high 27 points. She connected on
nearly 48 percent (.476) of her shots from the field, while going 2-of-4 from beyond the arc. She also pulled down seven
rebounds, while dishing out three assists. The accolade is the
fourth in Brown’s Akron career and the first for a Zip this
Browns go reeling with loss to Steelers
Martavis Bryant, who teamed with Sammy Watkins on
Clemson’s fine 2013 receiving corps and has been stellar for the
Steelers, caught six passes for 178 yards, including a 32 YD TD, vs.
the Browns as they loss to the Steelers, 30-9. (ESDN Photo by Bill
Moore of Minority Publishers Assn.)
Brown named MAC player of the week
tent pass Defense gives up
roughly 520 yards between
completions & penalties,
why even bother to run?
Johnny Manziel had a decent game, throwing for
372 yards and a TD to TE
Gary Barnidge. He was
their extremely meager
running “attack” with 17
yards. The relatively nimble Manziel was sacked
six times for 45 yards in
losses. If the less-agile
Josh McCown, who was
out with injury, would’ve
played, the Steelers might
have set an NFL sack record.
Days later, the
Browns announced that
Manziel would be starting
QB for the rest of the year.
scrambled mightily for
what should have been a
TD (even the talking heads
admitted it), but the myopic officials placed the ball
about a foot away from the
goal line. Because of the
Browns ongoing bad luck,
one wag offered, “Watch.
It’ll soon be 3rd Down
from the 20.” Sure enough
- almost like clockwork two penalties, a sack, and
a short run later, he proved
to be a prognosticator as it
was 3rd Down from just
inside the 20. The Browns
never did score on that
possession as Manziel’s
4th Down pass was picked
Brown capped off his second TD of the day with a
somersault into the End
Zone, it was time for Brown
and Orange-adorned fans,
who had made the trek to
Pittsburgh, to just shake
their heads and start for
the exits. Jeremy, a life-
time Browns rooter living
in Youngstown, said, “The
penalties and mistakes are
terrible. It’s ten games into
the season. How can they
be playing this bad?” He
was patted on the shoulder
by a couple of Pittsburgh
fans, who didn’t even
know him, as they mumbled, “It’s OK man. They
can only get better.”
Regarding the last
four minutes of the 1st half,
when things turned ugly as
a Browns penalty on a FG
attempt gave Pittsburgh a
chance to score a TD and
a second Steelers TD came
minutes later, LB Paul
Kruger said, “Some plays
can turn a game around in
a second. We just need to
do a better job of making
impact plays ourselves to
turn things our way.”
Roethlisberger’s appearance,
Pittsburgh TE Heath Miller told Minority Publishers
Assn., “When Ben came in,
it gave us all a lift. We had
faith in Landry (Jones), but
Ben’s been around so long
and done so much, it just
made us all feel a lot better.”
There was one
telling incident, when the
Steelers Arthur Moats almost turned Manziel’s head
around ala “The Exorcist”
on a vicious facemask grab
and there was no heated
argument by the Browns.
Even the Pittsburgh crowd
gasped when it happened
because of its ferocity. A
couple of Cleveland fans
later brought this up while
discussing the game and
wondered why the Browns
didn’t show more fight.
That’s something the team
will have to be asking itself.
Boxing Nostalgia
‘Super Fights’ that turned into ‘Duds’
So many so called
“Super Fights” have turned
out to be “Super Duds” over
the years. True several have
provided us with heart stopping thrills. Still some have
left us cold and unfulfilled as
one party of the match didn’t
quite live up to their end of
the deal.
I have come up with
12 such contests that left me
most unsatisfied at their conclusion. I’m sure other fans
can think of many more that
had a similar effect on them.
1) Salvador Sanchez-Wilfredo Gomez Sanchez was a young, solid
champion but Gomez was,
the man that had destroyed
the invincible Carlos Zarate.
Well Salvador proved to the
world and Gomez that he was
an all-time great. Wilfredo
was down in the first and outclassed the rest of the way
until it was stopped in round
2) Donald CurryMilton McCrory. Curry had
been long considered a pound
for pound best. McCrory was
to be the second coming of
Tommy Hearns. McCrory
was flattened in two rounds.
3) Michael NunnSumbu Kalambay. Nunn was
the heir apparent to Sugar
Ray Leonard. Kalambay was
a solid champion with wins
over Mike McCallum and
Iran Barkley. One well timed
Nunn left hook ended what
looked to be a competitive
contest on paper in the first
4) Thomas HearnsRoberto Duran. All I can say
is Ouch! Duran had just gone
15 rounds with the great Hagler. No one before or after
ever did what Hearns did to
Duran that day.
5) Floyd Mayweather Jr.-Diego Corrales. No
6) Lennox LewisMike Tyson. A contest for
one round. Then Lennox
dominated and halted the
game but overmatched Tyson
in the eighth.
7) Bob Foster-Vicente Rondon. When will this
generation realize that Fos-
ter would have kayoed Roy
Jones Jr.?
8) George ForemanBoone Kirkman. Kirkman
was so overhyped. This was
almost laughable. Mercifully
stopped in round two.
9) George ForemanGerry Cooney. Swan song
payday for likeable but undeserving Cooney. Easy cash
for Foreman.
10) Mike TysonMichael Spinks. What were
people expecting? At that
stage of Tyson’s career, he
was an animal.
11) Jerry QuarryEarnie Shavers. Not quite
what we expected was it? The
bomber got bombed.
12) Eder Jofre-Vicente Saldivar. If they only
would have met years earlier
before Saldivar was a “shot”
fighter. It could have been a
classic. Instead Saldivar folded in the fourth word.
So there you have it.
Great fighters in great match
ups that just seemed to fizzle
when the first bell sounded.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015 - Friday, November 20, 2015
Page 7
On The Town
Jill Scott to headline at Conner Palace
Three-time Grammy Award-winning singersongwriter Jill Scott will perform at the Conner Palace
on Monday, December 14 at
8:00 p.m. Tickets are on sale
at and
by calling 2216-2241-6000.
Scott is the New
York Times best selling
poet, and she is a critically
acclaimed actress. Before
having the #1 album in the
country with her new album forming at The White House,
"The Light Of The Sun", per- being named People Magazine's
Top TV Breakout Star of 2010
and appearing on VH1 Divas
alongside Aretha Franklin, the
triple threat began her career
collaborating with musical
icons, The Roots, Will Smith,
and Common in the late 90s.
In 2000, she released
her much anticipated debut record, Who is JillScott? Words &
Sounds, Vol. 1, a double platinum album that earned Scott
several Grammy nominations,
including Best New Artist. Two
more critically acclaimed albums followed, Beautifully Hu-
man: Words & Sounds, Vol. 2
and The Real Thing: Words &
Sounds, Vol. 3 which garnered
two more Grammy Awards
and spawned multiple worldwide tours.
Scott is a true
multimedia brand across
books,clothing, TV and film.
Scott was cast as the lead character in the HBO/BBC mini
series filmed on location in Botswana, The No.1 Ladies Detective Agency, a Peabody Awardwinning show directed by the
late Oscar Award-winning di-
rector Anthony Minghella. She
starred alongside Tyler Perry &
Janet Jackson in the #1 national movie series Why Did I Get
Married? Scott penned The
Moments, The Minutes, The
Hours, a compilation of poems
that became a New York Times
bestseller. Scott developed an
intimates line for Ashley Stewart and founded Blues Babe, a
registered 501(c)3 foundation
that has raised over hundreds
of thousands dollars to support
minority students pursuing
college degrees.
two years later in 2011.
Walker is a gospel singer and pastor at a
megachurch in Brooklyn,
New York called the Love
Fellowship Tabernacle.
This spectacular,
creatively-themed presentation also includes an ultra- talented, all-star VIP
supporting vocal chorus
featuring Isaac Carree, Jessica Reedy & Zacardi Cortez.
If that weren’t
enough, also presented
is a new, state-of-the-art
production element along
with an incredible Chicago-based live band.
Ticket prices are
$51.75 - $59.75. Purchase
tickets by calling 216-2416000.
The Festival of
Praise Tour has become
the premier event for rining in the holiday spirit
in Cleveland with today's
best gospel artists singing
the Lord's praise and giving thanks.
Festival of Praise Tour to come to State Theatre
The Festival of
Praise Tour is bigger and
better than ever and coming to the State Theatre
on Friday, November 27
at 7:00 p.m.
This powerful
and exciting evening features Multiple Grammy,
Stellar, BET Award Winning Artists Fred Hammond, Donnie McClurkin, Kim Burrell plus
*Hezekiah Walker & *Israel Houghton.
For more than
25 years, music listeners
around the world have
known Hammond as a
talented songwriter, bassist and vocalist.
He is also known
throughout the music industry as a gifted musical
er and producer.
But, his work with Face to
Face Productions Cor poration, the company for which
he is both founder and CEO,
has earned him the title the
“Babyface” of gospel
McClurkin has won
three Grammy awards, ten
Stellar awards, two BET
awards, two Soul Train
awards, one Dove award
and one NAACP Image
award. He is one of the top
selling Gospel music artists, selling over 10 million
albums worldwide.
Burrell has shared
the stage with gospel art-
ists Shirley Caesar, Donnie
McClurkin, Karen ClarkSheard, Yolanda Adams,
Kirk Franklin, and Marvin Winans, among others, and has worked in the
secular side of things with
Missy Elliot, Chaka Khan,
Stevie Wonder, Whitney
Houston, and Harry Connick Jr., to name just a few.
She released her first new
studio album in 11 years,
No Ways Tired, in 2009
on Shanachie ReWhen
cords. Another new studio
reeffort, The Love Album,
appeared from Shanachie
93.1 WZAK Presents Turkey Jam with Maze
featuring Frankie Beverly
& Chaka Khan will be held
on Sunday, November 29 at
7:00 p.m.
Tickets are on sale
for $97.50, $67.50, $47.50 and
Tickets are available
at the Wolstein Center Box Office, online at and at Discount
Drug Mart.
Chaka Khan has
been recently nominated for
the 2016 class to Rock and
Roll Hall of Fame. Maze Featuring Frankie Beverly will
perform such hits as "Can't
Get Over You."
Build a better BLT with duck bacon
(NAPSI)—If traditional BLTs ever leave you feeling bored, consider this: Adding
duck bacon can liven up your
sandwich and excite your taste
buds. Duck bacon is a lean and
tasty alternative to standard pork
This versatile recipe
uses savory duck bacon for a new
take on an old classic that can be
whipped up for a quick meal and
easily multiplied to feed a crowd.
New American BLT
with Duck Bacon recipe by Chef
Matthew Nolot
Total Time: 25 minutes
Makes 1 large sandwich
4 slices heirloom tomato
3-4 rings red onion, thinly sliced
1 teaspoon olive oil
¼ teaspoon rice vinegar
¼ teaspoon fresh parsley,
3 slices Maple Leaf Farms Duck
1 tablespoon brown sugar
2 tablespoons bourbon
2 slices thick rustic bread, toasted
1 tablespoon mayonnaise
3-4 leaves Limestone Bibb lettuce
1 teaspoon unsalted butter
1 large egg
pinch sea salt
pinch black pepper
In a small mixing
bowl, gently toss the heirloom
tomato slices and red onion rings
with the olive oil, rice vinegar
and chopped parsley.
Season tomatoes generously with sea salt and black
pepper and set aside. In a skillet,
cook the duck bacon over medium heat, turning until crisp.
Transfer to a plate and
return skillet with any grease to
the stove. Add the brown sugar
and bourbon to the skillet and
cook over low heat until mixture
starts to thicken.
Add the cooked duck
bacon to the syrup and continue to
cook for 30 seconds until thoroughly coated. Place duck bacon on a
plate and set aside.
Spread the mayonnaise on one piece
of toast, then top with the duck bacon, tomato salad and Limestone
Bibb lettuce. In a small, nonstick
skillet, melt the butter and add the
egg. Fry the egg over medium-high
heat, turning once, until it starts to
crisp around the edges; the yolk
should still be runny. Slide the egg
on top of the lettuce; sprinkle egg
with sea salt and black pepper; close
the sandwich and eat immediately.
If you’ve been wondering: Why duck? You should know
this tasty protein is an excellent
complement to eggs, sandwiches,
mac and cheese, even baked goods
for a sweet and savory snack. It’s
easy to turn classic dishes to gourmet simply by including duck bacon. Plus, when you’re looking for
a healthier bacon, duck bacon can
fill the bill.Chef Matthew Nolot of
the farm-to-fork restaurant Tolon in
Ft. Wayne, Indiana, says the flavor
can be best described as “uniquely
familiar—from smoky and sweet
to salty and umami” and “wakes up
any recipe you’re bold enough to
put it in.”
Duck bacon from Maple
Leaf Farms is made from boneless
duck breast meat, thick sliced and
naturally applewood-smoked for
terrific flavor. It has 57 percent less
fat and 26 percent less sodium than
pork bacon. Plus, it doesn’t compromise on texture like other poultry
You may find duck bacon
in the meat case of gourmet grocery
stores and retailers and online at
For additional information, call (800) 348-2812.
TRIVIA - (Romance)
1. In the 1972 romance/biography "Lady
Sings the Blues," Diana Ross
portrayed the great jazz icon
Billie Holiday and actor
Billy Dee Williams was her
love interest, but who is the
comic/comedian legend who
was Holiday's friend "Piano
Man" in the film?
2. In what movie
did black, romantic leading
man Denzel Washington play
a Southern African- American rug cleaner who falls in
love with the daughter of a
motel managing East Indian
couple who were forced to
leave their home in Uganda
after tyrant Idi Amin rose to
3. Who is the deceased rapper that starred
opposite pop superstar Janet
Jackson in John Singleton's
"Poetic Justice" (1993) in
which Janet is a disillusioned
hairdresser who grieves over
the violent death of her boyfriend by writing poetry?
4. What film focused on the "May-December" romance that starred
Angela Bassett as a 40year-old, African-American
woman who takes a trip to
Jamaica and falls in love
with a black man who is 20
years younger than her?
5. Who is the actor
and actress that were featured in the film "Love and
Basketball" (2000) as childhood friends who grow up
together playing basketball,
but then must learn to balance their emotions when
romance blooms between
ANSWERS: 1. Richard
Pryor 2. 'Mississippi Masala'
3. Tupac Shakur 4.
'How Stella Got Her Groove
Back' 5. Omar Epps and
Sanaa Lathan
MOVIE MATCH-UP - (Romantic couples)
1. 'School Daze' (1988)
2. 'Do The Right Thing'
3. 'Malcolm X' (1992)
4. 'Crooklyn' (1994)
5. 'Girl 6' (1996)
a) Alfred Woodard and
Delroy Lindo
b) Laurence Fishburne and
c) Theresa Randle and Isaiah
d) Spike Lee and Rosie
e) Denzel Washington and
Angela Bassett
ANSWERS: 1, b; 2, d; 3,
e; 4, a; 5, c
Da 'Round Da Way Rewind Review
'American History X' illustrates the current turbulent time
Turkey Jam to be held
Chris' Cinema Trivia &
Movie Match Up
Johnny Hartman
Renewed interest in
singer Johnny Hartman has
been sparked by The Bridges of Madison County film
soundtrack which introduces
a new generation of fans to his
mellow style.
Born July 3, 1923, in
Chicago, Hartman sang with
his high school jazz orchestra
and studied music at Chicago
Musical College before World
War II intervened. In the late
1940 after his military discharge, Hartman worked with
Earl Hines, Dizzy Gillespie,
and Erroll Garner.
He was a favored soloist in clubs and on television
during the 1950s. Hartman's
forte was the romantic ballad.
He was inventive in his rich
baritone style, yet remained
true to lyrics.
Among several recordings, Hartman's most captivating (and enduring) albums
was a 1963 session (reissued
by MCA/Impulse in 1986)
with saxophonist John Coltrane, McCoy Tyner (piano),
Jimmy Garrison (bass) and
straightforward renderings of
"Lush Life," "My One And
Only Love," "You Are Too
Beautiful," and more.
Hartman is at his best
on this gorgeous album.
With the historic
evolution of American politics
during the 20th century, the
majority of race-based motionpictures have focused on the
Nation (1915) motion-picture various minorities and their
in the early years of Holly- individual fights for cultural
wood, it was instantly lauded equality.
for its pioneering, cinematic
But, in the amazstyle and became an immedi- ingly appalling and incredibly
ate, film ‘classic.’ With the sto- intense American History X
ryline centering around two, (1998), the focus is placed on
white families before, during ‘persecuted’ poor whites who
and after the Civil War, it has see themselves in need of rathe proud distinction of influ- cial pride by practicing bigoted
encing other, similar, ‘epics’ rhetoric and engaging in vioof the same genre (such as lent acts of white supremacy.
Gone With The Wind [1939],
The movie itself is
Alex Haley’s Roots mini-se- filmed in color but the flashries franchise and John Jakes’ backs are in metaphoric black
North and South mini-series and white. It jumps from prestrilogy).
ent to past in nonlinear, narraBut, what made Birth tive form. In Venice Beach (a
of a Nation as equally contro- section of Los Angeles in Caliversial as it was technologi- fornia), we see a black princically ground-breaking was its pal and a white teacher arguing
depiction of white actors in about 17-year old, Caucasian,
black-face make-up portray- high school student Danny
ing Negro slaves and servants. Vinyard (Edward Furlong).
What was even more sickening
Dr. Bob Sweeney is
and revolting was the conclu- African-American and Murray
sion of the film which showed is Jewish-American. Danny
the devastated South after Re- has written a paper on Hitler’s
construction being ‘rescued’ infamous, Mein Kampf as a
from terrorizing blacks by civil rights struggle. Sweeney
the Ku Klux Klan (riding on orders Danny to write a new
horseback in white masks and paper on how his older brother
sheets as knight-like saviors). Derek Vinyard’s (Edward Norincarceration has influ        ton)
enced his current perspective
 in contemporary Ameri
In the high school
Danny assists a
timid, white student who was
 being threatened by three,
 black hoods.
a flashback, we
 see DerekInleading
his D.O.C.
 gang of white skinheads defeat
 a group of black, basketball
players at the game. With him
Beauty of the Week: is  is Seth Ryan (Ethan Suplee) an
beautiful looking Karina
Jardine. Jardine, who is  obese imbecile; Stacey (Fairuza Balk) his blue-eyed, buzzworld-wide recognized
 cut brunette girlfriend; and,
was featured in the
Bronze Beauty Calender.  Cameron Alexander (Stacy
(ESDN Photo by Howard
the middle-aged, sinMoorehead)
 Keach)
who uses charIf you would
like to be a Beauty of The  ismatic Derek to attract other,
send photo, phone
white recruits.
number and information 
In the present, a
reformed Derek is released
NEWS or call (216) 7211674.
from prison after serving a
        3-year sentence and is reunited
with Danny, their studious,
blonde sister Davina (Jennifer Lien), baby sister Ally
(Tara Blanchard) and blonde,
emphysematous mother Doris
(Beverly D’Angelo).
In another flashback,
Derek (along with Danny, Seth
and Stacey), rally their neoNazi friends to raid a neighborhood grocery store managed by Hispanic owners and
employees, to wreck havoc.
In yet another flashback, Doris has invited Murray to have
dinner with her, Danny and
Davina. (Derek and Stacey are
there also).
When talk begins
about the Rodney King verdict
and subsequent riots by blacks,
it causes Derek to rave and insult Murray with anti-Semitic
remarks. The household erupts
with rage as Davina and Doris
curse Derek for his evil attitude and prejudiced persona.
After that, Danny
thinks about the past, when the
black, basketball player Derek
encountered (Nigel Miguel)
tries to steal his car in the evening. Armed with a gun, Derek shoots at the trespassers/
When he isolates the
leader, he kills him in front of
Danny (by stomping his head
into the street curb). Derek is
arrested. Back in the present,
while writing his paper, Danny deletes the fact that Derek
would have gotten life if he
had testified.
At Cameron’s ‘party’, a throng of neo-Nazi skinheads listen to thrash metal
music and slam-dance to celebrate in hate. Hitler images
are everywhere. Derek confronts Cameron and orders him
to leave Danny alone. When
Derek’s new attitude is discovered, Seth and Stacey turn on
him, as do the rest of Cameron’s minions.
Afterward, Derek
explains to Danny why he has
changed his social philosophy.
In flashback, we see Derek in
Chino prison. He reveals his
swastika, chest tattoo to befriend the white inmates.
But, in irony, it is
while doing laundry detail
that Derek gains real friendship with a short, funny, black
inmate named Lamont (Guy
Later, Derek grows
stale from the ‘hypocrisy’ of
the internal, interracial ‘politics’ of prison life. When he is
raped and beaten in the shower, Principal Sweeney visits his
former, honors English student
to console him.
In the present, Derek and Danny dismantle all
the racist propaganda in their
shared room. In the most telling flashback, we learn that
Derek’s racist beliefs originated with his deceased, fireman father Dennis Vinyard
(Willaim Russ) whose casual,
subtle, bigoted comments
planted the seeds of hate in his
Back in the present, Danny finishes his paper
for Sweeney. But, in the most
tragic of endings, Danny is
shot by the same, black, men’s
room bully he confronted before. All Derek can do is weep
for his slain, younger brother
since his reform came too late
to save him.
American History X’
protagonist/antagonist, Derek,
once believed that all the racism projected toward blacks
was largely imagined. However, even in the film itself,
Derek served three years for
‘voluntary manslaughter’ after
killing two, African-American
His black cellmate
Lamont got six years on a
trumped-up theft charge. If
Derek was black like Lamont,
he probably would have gotten life without parole (with or
without Danny’s testifying).
And if anyone still
doubts unequal practice in
the American justice system,
why in 2015 do we have a
‘Black Lives Matter’ movement because the police hired
to protect all people still receive no punishment at all for
‘accidently’ killing so many
black men, women and children?
Page 9
Tuesday, November 17, 2015 - Friday, November 20, 2015
Great Vacations Expo to be held and feature the latest in travel goods and needs
Travelers are
advised to mark their
calendars for the one-ofa-kind Great Vacations
Travel EXPO, presented
by AAA, which takes
place at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Downtown Columbus.
This one-stop
shop for everything
travel-related offers consumers exclusive access
to the world’s top travel
suppliers. Guests have
a unique opportunity to
talk one-on-one with top
tickets for the U.S.
shows before the general public beginning
Monday, November
16th at noon local
time through Thursday, November 19th
at 10 p.m. local time.
around Bieber’s new
with the smash successes of “Sorry”
and “What Do You
Mean?” which was
crowned Justin’s first
#1 on Billboard’s allformat airplay/sales/
streaming-based Hot
100 the week of its
release, selling over
335,000 units digitally in the U.S. that
week. “What Do You
Mean?” also went to
#1 in Justin’s native
Canada, and became
his first #1 UK national chart hit.
which hit #1 at iTunes
within five minutes
of its release, and
reached #1 at iTunes
in more than 90
countries, went on
to easily break the
Weekly Global Spotify streaming record
with over 41 million
100 million Global
streams in less than
one month out.
This week,
Bieber premiered the
tracks “The Feeling”
and “Love Yourself”;
the former features
indie breakout pop
singer Halsey and the
latter was co-written
with Ed Sheeran.
launch of the iTunes
pre-order last month,
PURPOSE skyrocketed to #1 on the
iTunes Top Album
chart in over 90 countries worldwide. At
the same time, preorders are flooding in
for PURPOSE signed
CDs, vinyl and other
limited edition items,
exclusively via Justin’s online store. Go
Octavious Webb shows off his trophy after his
win over Kato Montegomery in a 178 pounds bout at
Cleveland Masonic Auditorium during The Best In Boxing
Series. (ESDN Photo by Vince Robinson)
With backto-back worldwide
smash hit singles
and anticipation for
his new studio album PURPOSE hitting an all-time high,
global superstar Justin Bieber has announced his 50+ city
TOUR, including a
stop in Cleveland at
Quicken Loans Arena on Tuesday, April
The 58-date
tour, promoted by
AEG Live, will travel
through arenas across
North America; fans
will be able to see
Bieber’s dynamic live
show in U.S. cities
such as Denver, Las
Vegas, Dallas, Atlanta, Minneapolis,
Chicago, Boston and
Miami as well as all
throughout Eastern
and Western Canada.
Bieber will play twonight runs at Brooklyn’s Barclays Center,
Los Angeles’ STAPLES Center, Chicago’s Allstate Arena
and Toronto’s Air
Canada Centre. The
tour will conclude on
July 18, 2016 at New
York City’s famed
Madison Square Garden.
Tickets are on
sale at, at Quicken
Loans Arena Box Office, all northern Ohio
Discount Drug Marts
or by calling 888894-9424. American
Express® Card Members can purchase
Reception will be held at the
Shaker Historical Society
on November 20th from 6-8
p.m. With a meet the artist.
The reception is free, but
we do request that art lovers
make a reservation by calling 216.921.1201.
Bleck, an internationally respected artist is
best known for her distinctive works in scratchboard
and kaolin clay board.
Bleck has been
exhibited in over 50 exhibitions internationally and archived and displayed in the
collections of The Cleveland Museum of Art, The
Butler Institute of American
Art, The New Britain Museum of American Art, The
Library of Congress, Bonfoey Gallery in Cleveland
and many more.
Bleck has also
written for art magazines
and been featured in many
art and design magazines.
Bleck resides in Cleveland
with her husband George
‘Purpose World Tour’ comes to the ‘Q’
Kato Montgomery, left, battled with Octavious
Webb in a 178 pounds grueling bout in The Best In Boxing Series last Saturday at Cleveland Masonic Auditorium.
Webb was able to win the bout by a unamious decision.
(ESDN Photo by Vince Robinson)
‘Histories in Black’ on display
The Jack and
Linda Lissauer Gallery at
the Shaker Historical Society (SHS), 16740 South
Park Boulevard in Shaker
Heights recently announced
the installation of “Histories in Black and White” by
Cathie Bleck.
Her work will be
on display in the Lissauer
Art Gallery from November 20 through January 15,
2016. Visit the Shaker Historical Society to see these
works in person.
Gallery Opening
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Remember, First,
That What You Say
Will Be Used Against You!
Then Call Me For Discussion
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(216) 429-9493
(ESDN photo
Sales - Service
- Partsby Terry Gallagher)
Open Mon.- Sat. 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Washers - Dryers - Refrigerators
Ranges - Freezers
County Vouchers Accepted
3319 E. 93rd Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44104
(216) 441-1466
Show Room & Outlet Store
9520 Woodland Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44104
(216) 421-1570
Visit Our Website:
“We Deliver Anywhere In Cuyahoga County”
“MAKE US FEEL GOOD, Tell us You Saw Our
travel experts and take
home the best advice,
values and EXPO-only
deals on everything from
exotic cruises and European vacations to affordable, close-to-home
The Great Vacations Travel EXPO opens
Friday, January 22 and
runs through Sunday,
January 24, at the Greater Columbus Convention
Center in Downtown Columbus. Hours are Friday, noon to 7 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.;
and Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5
p.m. Tickets are $8 at the
door or at any AAA Ohio
Auto Club store. AAA
members who show their
AAA card receive 50%off admission. Children
ages 16 and under are
admitted at no charge.
Additional event details
and advance tickets are
available at
In addition to
offering exclusive information and discounts, the
AAA Travel Stage will
feature round-the-clock
activities, presentations
and entertainment, making the EXPO a destination in itself. Favorite
travel spots come alive
with engaging, helpful
and educational interactive experiences.
The show features different zones
destinations, so visitors
can quickly and easily
find the ideal getaway for
their interests, lifestyle
and budget. Guests will
also have exclusive access to EXPO-only deals.
Thus, travelers
are encouraged to bring
a calendar and a form of
payment and be ready to
book on the spot.
Special attractions include:
Vacation Mar-
ketplace: featuring hundreds of the world’s
top travel destinations;
Paradise Pavilion: with
information and deals on
warm, tropical vacations
and resorts throughout
the Caribbean and Mexico; Lake Erie Shores &
Islands: A special feature
area highlighting everything from Cedar Point,
to Put-in-Bay and quiet
beach escapes that are
close to home; AAA Explore Store: Packed with
free guidebooks, maps,
brochures and travel
gear; AAA Travel Stage:
Appearances, live entertainment, events and
workshops led by leading
travel experts and wellknown celebrities; and
The Great Outdoors, presented by Metro Parks: A
large, lush, living landscape where guests will
be inspired by outdoor