FEB. 13, 2013 - TMS Community
FEB. 13, 2013 - TMS Community
FEBRUARY 13, 2013 HEADLINES DATES TO REMEMBER Your Link to the Office of the Head of School February 11-14 Bring an Adult Friend to TMS Montessori Fairs Heritage Day Assembly We are thankful to TMS parents for taking the time to share your family’s experiences with others in terms of how the TMS program encourages your child to be highly engaged in learning through academics, arts and athletics while continuing to practise becoming a great citizen who makes many positive differences in the world while demonstrating grace and courtesy. You are always welcome to bring interested relatives, friends or colleagues to TMS to show them what this looks like. Furthermore, if you would like to arrange for your friend to visit with any of the Academic Heads or someone in Admissions, please call in advance so a brief visit can be scheduled by contacting the Admissions Office at 905 889 6882 ext.254 or admissions@tmsschool.ca. Finally, when you bring a friend, please help us keep our security practices strong by signing your friend in at the Main Office at the campus you are visiting to ensure they receive a Visitor tag. One to One Laptop Input Invitation Reminder TMS is launching a review of our laptop program at the College beginning today to assist our teachers at the Elgin Mills Campus to reflect on and continue to develop expertise and implementation strategies with this technology to enhance learning in TMS’ unique version of the IB program. The review will also provide an opportunity to channel the excellent energy and ideas that permeate both campuses to ensure that TMS has a road map to allow us to be outstanding, unparalleled and wise in this area. Overall, we intend to continue to employ technology as a valuable tool for learning in a manner that supports our Mission, Promise and commitment to offering a seamless educational program of flagship Montessori and welcoming IB. As part of review process, parents of students from both campuses are invited to meet with the Educational Collaborators team leader and Director of Technology at the Harker School in San Jose for one of two feedback sessions in the Library at the Elgin Mills Campus on Thursday February 14. The first feedback session will take place from 8:15 – 9:15 am and the second will take place from 2:30 – 3:30 pm. Please join us if you are interested in sharing your observations and ideas about laptops and technology as a tool for learning. Quebec Carnival Overnight Field Trip Grade 10 February 14 Valentine’s Day Celebrations & College Spirit Day February 15 PD Day No Classes February 18 Family Day School is Closed February 21 TMS Family Bingo Bayview Campus 4:00 – 5:30 pm February 22 College Valentine’s Dance Elgin Mills Campus 8:00 -11:00 pm February 25-March 1 Montessori Education Week February 25 Bayview Campus Student Assembly 2:30 pm February 27 Montessori Fair Lower Elementary Grade 3 & Some Grade 1 & 2 Students Bayview Campus Lower Elementary Classrooms 3:30 - 4:30 pm February 27 Student Led Conferences Elgin Mills Campus 3:30 – 8:00 pm February 28 College Career Day Elgin Mills Campus 9:00 am - noon EMF Update We are currently completing a detailed review of the third party expert EMF report from Intrinsik Environmental Sciences (Intrinsik) and will be sharing the full report and our plans to go beyond to ensure our students continue to remain safe at the School with all TMS families by e-mail at the end of day on Tuesday, February 19th. For parents with questions we are holding a Coffee with the Head and members of the Intrinsik team on Friday, February 22 at 9:00 am at the Bayview Campus. RSVP to the Bayview Main Office at 905-889-6882 or via e-mail at rsvp@tmsschool.ca . In the meantime, below is the executive summary of the Intrinsik report: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Toronto Montessori Schools (TMS School) commissioned Intrinsik Environmental Sciences (Intrinsik) to: 1. measure extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic fields (EMF) at the Bayview and Elgin Mills TMS School campuses; 2. put these levels in context of known levels from homes, offices and schools; and 3. provide a discussion of the state of knowledge on EMF and human health from government and medical agencies with an emphasis on children. On Sunday, January 17, 2013, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m, Intrinsik measured EMF levels at the Bayview and Elgin Mills TMS School campuses following national and international protocols. More than 300 magnetic field area measurements were recorded at more than 140 unique locations throughout the Bayview campus; over 100 magnetic field area measurements were recorded at more than 75 unique locations at the Elgin Mills Campus. The average values at both campuses were very similar. These average values are in line with previous studies conducted in Canada and in the United States. Measurements of EMF were also taken from a number of common classroom elements (e.g., aquariums/terrariums, computers, stereos, microwaves, refrigerators, stovetops and wireless routers). These magnetic field levels are well within the range of what has been previously reported. Concerns about the ever-present nature of ELF EMF and possible health concerns have been raised by some in the global community. The science around EMF and possible health concerns has been extensively researched over the last 30 years. Government and medical agencies including Health Canada, the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Commission on Non‐Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the US National Institute of Health (NIH) and National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) have all thoroughly reviewed the available information. While individual opinions on the issue vary, the weight of the evidence does not support a causal link between ELF EMF and children’s health concerns. As recently as November 2012, the official position of Health Canada on the matter is: “Health Canada does not consider that any precautionary measures are needed regarding daily exposures to EMFs at ELFs. There is no conclusive evidence of any harm caused by exposures at levels found in Canadian homes and schools, including those located just outside the boundaries of power line corridors”. It is Intrinsik’s professional opinion that ELF EMF levels within both the Bayview and Elgin Mills TMS School campuses are typical of those found in homes and other schools, and based on the current scientific and medical weight of evidence, do not pose health concern to children or adults spending time in these facilities. Important Notice from the Business Office Child Care Tax Receipts 2012 and Payment of Overdue Tuition Fees and Extended Care Charges The statement of account forms as of January 16, 2013, which show the outstanding balance of account for Tuition Fee and Extended Care charges, if any, were mailed to families on January 17, 2013. Please note that Post Dated Cheques or Pre-Authorized Debit Schedule for Tuition Fees not yet due for payment, are not reflected in the statement of account forms. We are in the process of issuing Child Care Tax Receipts for the year 2012. They will be sent by February 28, 2013. These Child Care Receipts will include a portion of Tuition Fees, depending on the grade of your child, plus 100 % of the actual charges invoiced and received by TMS for the Extended Care Program for 2012. Please arrange to pay any overdue tuition fees not covered by Post Dated Cheques or Pre-Authorized Debit and all outstanding Extended Care charges by January 31, 2013. We will be withholding the Child Care Tax Receipts for the year 2012 if any overdue tuition fees and/or outstanding Extended Care charges remain unpaid (not covered by Post Dated Cheques or PreAuthorized Debit). Please contact Nitida Mehta at 905-889-6882, Ext. 231 or E-mail: nmehta@tmsschool.ca if you require additional information. ACADEMICS TMS Heritage Day TMS Heritage Day Assembly Students Learn About Magnets & the Earth’s Magnetic Field Doug Hrvoic gave a fascinating presentation on magnets and the earth’s magnetic field. He taught us that magnets have a north pole and a south pole and that the earth is a giant magnet! Victoria Hrvoic, Grade 2 Student Lower Elementary Students Learn How to Make Lasagna Parent Mrs. Cora Melatti treated Class 315 to a lesson on how to make lasagna. Her expertise was clearly evident in the preparation of the meal which the children enjoyed along with the garlic bread and Caesar salad. Grazie Mrs. Melatti! Shakespeare in the Courtyard – Grade 7 English Grade 7 English College students at the Elgin Mills Campus, engaging in dramatic readings of Shakespeare. We look back on those last, lovely days of autumn and forward to spring, as the Elgin Mills Campus Courtyard is our classroom of choice. Ms. Neff, College Teacher The Chinese Zodiac A rat is as quiet as a church An ox is as strong as a wrestler A tiger is as emotional as a baby A rabbit is as quick as a cheetah A dragon is as smart as a calculator A snake is as welcoming as a host A horse is as nice as a flower A sheep is as noisy as a ringing bell A monkey is as sporty as an athlete A rooster is as talkative as an advertiser A dog is as funny as a clown A pig is as sleepy as a sloth Each one is special. Which one are you? Jasmine Lo grade five Valentine’s Day Celebrations for Toddler, Children’s House & Elementary Students On Thursday February 14th, we would like to celebrate Valentine’s Day with the children. To avoid any hurt feelings, we invite the children to bring a Valentine card for each of their classmates from Monday February 11th to Thursday February 14th. NO TREATS PLEASE!! Remember, not all children are allowed to consume the treats some parents so generously enclose in the Valentine cards. Chocolates and candy pose a danger for many children in our school who have life-threatening allergies. The children may wear festive colours: red, pink and white in celebration of Valentine’s Day or wear their school uniform. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in making this a positive and enjoyable experience for every child. Meg Kahnert Carolyn Reid Donna Boreham Elementary Montessori Fairs On February 7, all grade 2 students and some grade 1 and 3 students presented Montessori work in Lower Elementary classrooms. More photos of the entire trip will be provided in next week’s HeadLines! ARTS Mirror Image We are looking forward to the TMS musical performance Mirror Image. Working together, students in the Upper Elementary, IB Middle Years (grades 7-10) and IB Diploma (grades 11 and 12) programs from both campuses, will present a spirited musical performance in the evening of Thursday March 7th at the YCDSB Centre for the Arts at 525 New Westminster Drive in Thornhill. Information about securing seats for these events will be shared closer to the date. Rehearsals at Bayview are Well Underway! The Great Wall of China In celebration of Chinese New Year, the Children’s House Extended Care students built a model of the Great Wall of China and adorned it with many Chinese decorations. After the Winter Break, they continued to learn about “Children around the World”. We have talked about the Chinese New Year as it is the most important holiday in many Asian countries such as: China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and South Korea. Usually these countries have 3 public holidays. The Chinese New Year is the longest holiday in China. Many schools, businesses and factories will be closed for 15 days. Chinese New Year begins on the first day of the lunar calendar, so it is also called Lunar New Year. The Chinese New Year is considered the beginning of spring and it is called the Spring Festival. We hope you enjoy the Spring Festival with your families and friends. We also wish you Great Happiness and Prosperity in the Year of the Snake! Kung Hei Fat Choy! Children’s House Extended Care Program CITIZENSHIP Spirit Week Elgin Mills Campus February 4th – 8th More photos to come! The College Valentine’s Dance has been rescheduled to Feb 22nd With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, the Students for Social Justice will be selling candy grams at the Elgin Mills Campus. The candy grams include an assortment of candy and cookies with each bag having a personalized note from a friend or an admirer. This has been a successful initiative over the last couple of years and we hope to continue that same success by selling approximately 350 candy grams this year! The proceeds from the sale will be going to the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Candy grams were sold from February 4th to the 13th. Each candy gram costs $2 or 3 for $5 and they will be delivered on February 14th. Everyone was encouraged to buy a candy gram because it’s a great way to show someone you care. Rucha Desai, Students for Social Justice ATHLETICS Bayview Campus Athletics U10 Basketball Tournament Team 2 On February 1st we went to the Hangar to play in a basketball tournament. We played three games and won the first game but then lost the next two games. We tried our hardest and had lots of fun. We worked together as a team and scored lots of baskets. Ms. Soo See and Ms. Brunette helped us and did lots of drills with us for the past two months. During the tournament, we helped each other out when we made a mistake and we cheered each other on. It was a great experience. It was a great feeling to know we had each other there. We made new friends and learned lots of new skills. We are glad that we had Ms. Brunette and Ms. Soo See there to guide us. It was an honour to be on the basketball team. Jacqueline Zenobio, Grade 3 Student Recess Skating Schedule 12:15-1:00 pm Similar to last year’s schedule, we have assigned each class 1 full week (Monday-Friday). For recess skating you need: Skates, skate guards, and a CSA Hockey Helmet with a face mask. Week Class February 11 - 15 Class 315 February 18 - 22 Classes 118 and 321 February 25 - March 1 Classes 318 and 320 March 4 - 8 MAKE UP DATES – TBA College Athletics Good luck to our Winter Athletic teams who have games in the upcoming weeks! Here is a glance at our Titan Schedule: * For full team names please visit www.ssaf.ca Day Mon. Date Feb11 Cycle U20 Boys Basketball Day 4 Morning Practice GYM 7:10 - 8:00 Tues. Feb12 Wed. Feb13 Thurs. Feb14 Tues. Feb19 Wed. Feb20 Thurs. Feb21 Fri. Feb22 U14 Boys Basketball U20 Girls Volleyball U14 Girls Volleyball Morning Practice GYM 7:10 - 8:00 Morning Practice GYM 7:10 8:00 Morning Practice GYM 7:10 - 8:00 HOME Triple Header vs. LR (3:00), Royal (3:45), PACE (4:30) Morning Practice GYM 7:10 8:00 Morning Practice GYM 7:10 8:00 Morning Practice GYM 7:10 - 8:00 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 1 Morning Practice GYM 7:10 - 8:00 Morning Practice GYM 7:10 - 8:00 Morning Practice GYM 7:10 - 8:00 1st Round Play-Offs Morning Practice GYM 7:10 - 8:00 HOME GAME vs. UMS @ 3:30pm HOME Game 3:45 TMS vs. PCA Morning Practice GYM 7:10 - 8:00 Quarter Finals 4pm TBD HOME Game 3:45 TMS vs. ARS Day 2 Day 3 Titan Team Focus of the Week: U14 Girls Volleyball The U14 Girls Volleyball team consisting of grade 7 and 8 girls had a great start to their season. Sitting in third place at the current moment the girls have fought hard to win 3 of their 5 games thus far. The spirited cheers from the College Pep Rally on Tuesday, February 5th pumped the girls up as they served, bumped and volleyed their way to win crucial matches against our rivals RHMS and TWS. We could not be more impressed with the dedication, team spirit and leadership the girls have shown so far this season. We are looking forward to our next games, see you on the court! Coach Jepson, Coach Wong and Coach Maskery Ice Hockey Curling Morning Practice @ NTR 7:00 - 8:00 3 on 3 Ice Hockey Tournament @ NTR 8:30-3:30 Afterschool Practice RHCC 4:00 – 5:00 U20 Intramural Championships! The Basketball Tournament held in the gym on Thursday, February 7th was a success! It was great to see all the participants come out and play basketball and really bond with their teammates. All of the teams played amazingly well but of course there can only be one winner and that was Amish Taploo’s team who found victory in the final play-off tournament. Arman Olfat’s team came in second and tied for third was Chris Ayala’s team and Alan Sikoev’s team. Congratulations to the other teams that didn't make it into the playoffs - they played great and had lots of fun. It was awesome to see everyone come out to play and we hope to see many of the students come back for the next season of intramurals. We will be starting the player draft soon and students are encouraged to not delay and to sign up and attend! Christopher Ayala You’re invited! TMS Family Bingo st Thursday February 21 4:15 pm-5:30 pm Location: Important Times: TMS Gym (Bayview Campus) Doors open at 4:00 pm. Our first game starts at 4:15 pm. Food will be served once games begin. Cost: $10.00 per seat (adult or child) Who can play? The TMS Community (students and their families). Students in grades 4 and up are welcome to play on their own. Students in grade 3 and below require a parent’s assistance. Bingo Player Package includes: One Bingo Card, Two Pizza Slices, Unlimited Popcorn, and One Refreshment. What do I do now? It’s simple! Pick up, complete and hand in a registration form at the Main Office at either the Bayview or Elgin Mills Campus with your full payment. For more information contact us at: advancement@tmsschool.ca or 905-889-6882 ext. 248 Career Day 2013 We Still Need Volunteers! The grade 10 Career Studies class is hosting the 4th Annual TMS Career Day on Thursday, February 28th from 9 am to 12 pm. TMS is looking for volunteers to come in and speak to students about their professions. If you are interested in taking part in the event, or require further information, please contact the Career Studies teacher, Ms. Mary-Jo O'Brien at mobrien@tmsschool.ca Save the date! The TMS Annual Parent Luncheon Bonjour Paris will be held on Wednesday, May 8th 2013 New Volunteers are always welcome! For more information, please e-mail advancement@tmsschool.ca or call (905) 889 6882 ext. 248. BAYVIEW CAMPUS ELGIN MILLS CAMPUS HEAD OF SCHOOL: Dr. Glenn Zederayko TMS BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Michael N. Durisin (Chairman), Elaine Flett (Secretary), Latif Fazel (Treasurer), Phil Campione, Greg Kanargelidis, Deborah McMillan, Kevin Talbot, To Anh Tran and Alison Williams. EDITOR: Ann Bianco – Harvey Send Your Comments, Questions & Address Updates to: editor@tmsschool.ca EDITORIAL REVIEW COMMITTEE A. Bianco-Harvey, D. Boreham, S. Ferrie, M. Kahnert, S. Lombardo, S. Merekar, J. Parody, C. Reid, E. ten Hagen, S. Thomas, R. Tripathi, A. Versolatto and TMS student N. Voycheva HeadLines is a weekly communication created and distributed electronically to members of the TMS Community during the academic year. © TMS 2013
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