North Bay/Golden Gate Newspaper
North Bay/Golden Gate Newspaper
The Bingo Bugle Is Online! Bennett Valley Community Bingo Napa Bingo Emporium Check out our Bingo Bugle Website Bay Area bingo games listed. Details page 12. Earn Tickets For The Hot August Drawing Big Screen TV Giveaway Aug. 30th. Page 2. Bingo 4 Days A Week! The Best Bingo Deals! See ad page 8 for details. St. Timothy’s Bingo Friends Of The Fairfield Senior Center Bingo Jan Gomez’s Easy Rice Wins! Labor Day Marathon – Sept. 6th! Ad page 5. September 2015 Vol. 35 No. 9 Advertisers ACF Bingo 1 All Souls 4 Am. Legion Post 105 9 Army Street 10-11 Astrology 4 Bennett Valley 2 Bingo Bugle Bake-Off 6 Bingo Bugle Cruise Boyd Casino 18 7 Boys & Girls Club South S.F. 3 Coffee Break 17 Columnists 16 Colusa Casino 12 Eagle Breeze Bingo 14 Event Flash Verifiers 14 of First Samoan Bingo 8 Friends of the Fairfield Seniors Center 6 Graton Casino 9 Napa Bingo Emporium 8 Napa Senior Center 14 Petaluma Music Bingo 4 Roseland Lion’s Club 6 San Bruno Seniors 5 St. Paul’s 19 18 Stations Casino 13 West Bay Bingo 3 Vanden Viking Bingo 2 Veteran’s Memorial 20 Golden Gate/ North Bay Super Sept. Specials at the Boys & Girls Clubs The North San Mateo county Boys and Girls Clubs are offering several super specials throughout the month of September: Sept. 6th Birthday bash – free $20 buy-in, Sept 7th Labor Day – Free dinner, Sept. 13th Buy 1 Strip & Get 1 Free, Sept. 14th Donut Monday, Sept 20th Buy 1 Strip & Get 1 Free, Sept. 21st 2nd Chance Triple Star, Sept 27th But 1 Strip & Get 1 Free, Sept 28th EOM Special - $5 Buy-in Packs. See Clubs page 5 Horayma Gray was a big winner at Army Street bingo. See ad page 10-11 for game details. Schedule Change at Army Street Important schedule change! 28/25 Gme Program! Now open Thurs. to Sun. Evening Sessions: $35 buynight! All Regular Games in, 2nd Turbo $60, Afternoon Pay $500! Visit www. Sessions: $30 Buy-in, 2nd See Army Street page 5 West Bay Bingo Grand Opening Sept. 1st Are you ready for a brand new Bingo game? Join West Bay Bingo on September 1st for their grand opening. Buyin is only $35 and includes 5 free super slammin specials. With your buy-in you will receive: free dinner, intermission drawings, a and a dauber. They will have 10 regular games all paying See West Bay page 5 ½ Million Power Bingo! Make plans today to attend Boyd Gaming’s next $500,000 Power Bingo on Monday, November 30th and Tuesday, December 1st. 5 Southpoint Enter The Bingo Bugle Bake Off! See ad page 6 for entree details. NORTH AMERICA’S CASINO & GAMING NEWSPAPER 15 St. Kevin’s St. Timothy’s Seniors Helping Seniors - Power Packs $20! See Ad Page 6. Choose your favorite bingo hall in which to play this half million-dollar game, reserve your seat at the Gold Coast, See Boyd page 5 $500,000 Super Gala! Julie Vasquez won $250 at Vanden Vikings Bingo. See ad page 2 for September Specials. See ad page 2. ACF Bingo MIN. BUY-IN: 2 PACKS OF 16 GAMES FOR $25. ADD’L PACKS $5 WE PLAY TURBO MACHINES. 22 PACK MACHINE: $45 South Point Hotel & Casino is having another $500,000 Super Gala Bingo on Monday, November 2nd & Tuesday, November 3rd. South Point Hotel & Casino is located on the south end of the Las Vegas Strip. The rooms are beautiful. The buy-in for the Super Gala event is only $295 and includes one 9-on See Southpoint page 5 EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT DOORS O PEN 5:30 PM • GAMES AT 7:15PM TOTAL NIGHTLY PAYOUT: OVER $13,000! WE PLAY 3 $1,199 FLASHBOARD GAME NIGHTLY! WEEKLY DOOR P N FREE 6 PACK T RIZES & URBO MAC HINE ON THE 4 TH 3 3 WEEK FOR THA T MONTH’S BIR T H D AYS. ASK FOR OUR SPECIAL PACK OF 66 PACK MACHINE PLUS A 4-5-6 OR 6-4-5 FOR $100! FR EE HOT DIN NER & COF FEE! 10 REG. GAMES PAY $500 EACH! 6 REG. GAMES PAY $400 EACH! PLUS 3 SPECIAL GAMES PAY $500 EACH! 825 B ROTHERHOOD WAY, SAN FR ANCISCO • 415-584-7991 2 Golden Gate/North Bay Bingo Bugle – September 2015 Golden Gate/North Bay Bingo Bugle – September 2015 The Boys and Girls Clubs of North San Mateo County SUNDAYS & MONDAYS Friedman Event Center 2015 DOORS OPEN 4:30PM • GAMES 6:30PM • BUY-IN $20 4676 Mayette Ave. SEPTEMBER SPECIALS Santa Rosa, Ca Thank You for your Support! Closed September 13th and 27th SEPT. 6TH BIRTHDAY BASH! FREE $20 BUY-IN SEPT. 7TH LABOR DAY - FREE DINNER SEPT. 13TH BUY 1 STRIP & GET 1 FREE SEPT. 14TH DONUT MONDAY SEPT. 20TH BUY 1 STRIP & GET 1 FREE SEPT. 21ST 2ND CHANCE TRIPLE STAR SEPT. 27TH BUY 1 STRIP & GET 1 FREE SEPT. 28TH EOM SPECIAL - $5 BUY-IN PACKS ATM Open Every Sunday 201 WEST O RANGE AVENUE S OUTH SAN FRANCISCO Snack bar, Pull-tabs, Flash Doors Open 4 pm Games Start 6:45 pm Design By Maryangel DeDora Sheila Gutierrez, Sheila Suarez mother daughter and Jesus Dias, winners at St. Paul’s Friday night Bingo. See ad page 19. WEST BAY BINGO MONDAY & TUESDAY DOORS O PEN 4 PM • GAMES 7PM 1290 FILLMORE STREET, SAN FRANCISCO 94115 ALL GAMES PAY $500 EACH VACA VALLEY BINGO HALL - THURSDAYS 6:30PM SEPTEMBER SPECIALS Sept. 3rd Sept. 10th Sept. 17th Sept. 24th TWO CHANCE DIAMONDS $2,300 Welcome Back NFL Drawing Welcome Back NFL Drawing Welcome Back NFL Drawing PLINKO $1,500 EOM/Royal Court & Friend Welcome Back NFL Special Ticket Drawing the first 3 weeks of Sept. for a 32” LED HDTV with built in DVD. (total of 3 TV) with the EOM being a large screen TV. Everyone will get 1 ticket. All VIP card holders get two tickets. Non winning tickets will carryover each week to the end of the month. For all Thursdays in Sept., everyone that comes with NFL team memorabilia, wearing or carrying, will get $3 off buy-in. Can not be combined with any other discounts. CLEAN RESTROOMS • SMOKING ROOM • VIDEO-VERIFIED GAMES • FRIENDLY VOLUNTEERS HTTP://VANDENVIKINGBINGO.GOOGLEPAGES.COM THURSDAYS EXCLUSIVELY AT $35 B UY-IN VACAVALLEY BINGO HALL Vanden Vikings Winners Club (see hall for more details) 190 BELLA VISTA ROAD, VACAVILLE, CA 95687 (707) 449-4646 INTERMISSION D RAWINGS AND MUCH , MUCH MORE ! ALWAYS KNOW WHATS GOING ON AT WEST BAY B INGO. R ECIEVE A FREE G IFT WHEN YOU JOIN OUR EMAIL LIST. S IMPLY EMAIL YOUR NAME , HOME ADDRESS , PH# AND EMAIL ADDRESS TO: WESTBAYBINGO22@YAHOO.COM WHEN YOU COME TO BINGO LET US KNOW. I F YOUR ON THE LIST YOU GET YOUR GIFT... IT ’ S THAT EASY! FREE D INNER 415.779.6209 FREE PARKING 3 4 Golden Gate/North Bay Bingo Bugle – September 2015 Golden Gate/North Bay Bingo Bugle – September 2015 your body – how the world views your exquisite presence. This could mean a new diet plan, a fashion makeover or just a distinct change of attitude that ushers in a new you to family and friends. Dazzle ‘em! Lucky Days: 15-21 Lucky Numbers: 18-49 ALL SOULS BINGO EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT DOORS OPEN 4:30PM • GAMES 6:30PM GRAND REOPENING 8/28 ALL NEW REMODELED BATHROOMS! PLAYING LOTS OF STRIPS!! Horoscopes for September 2015 FREE COFFEE & DONUT 315 WALNUT AVE., SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO • (650)871-8944 Etha n •Ro x • Vacation is just about over and school is on the horizon. I’m heading into 8th grade this year so I’m king of the class. My little brother “Ribby” is coming to my school so I will have to show him the ropes. Missy and Roxy have had a great summer. Many trips to the lake, and hanging out with us at home this summer. They will probably look forward to us going back to school so they can just sleep all day. That’s all for now. -Ethan PETALUMA MUSIC BINGO SATURDAY NIGHT FREE PLAYER APPRECIATION DINNER SEPT. 5TH DOORS OPEN AT 5:00PM GAMES START AT 6:15PM GIVEAWAYS NIGHTLY! 3 DOOR PRIZES + $100 CASH DRAWING!! Birthdays Get A FREE $25 Buy-in & Extra Game Bundle Within 7 Days of Your Birthday (ID Required) $1,000 Flash Every Night! September Min. Payouts! $250 $200* Super Specials Specials $100* Regulars *more players means higher payouts! Check out our flexible buy-in options: $25 - ‘All You Can Play’ Reg. Packs & 3 Early Bird Packs $15 - 1 Regular Pack & 1 Early Bird Pack Discounted Extra Game Bundles or buy your Extras “A La Carte” Get as many or as few as you want! CASA GRANDE HIGH - 333 CASA GRANDE ROAD, PETALUMA ALL PROCEEDS SUPPORT CASA GRANDE & PETALUMA HIGH SCHOOL MUSIC PROGRAMS ARIES: Mar. 21-Apr. 20: Success is guaranteed when you allow for suggestions and feedback from those closest to you. With your chart’s ruler dancing with Venus now, the heart can lead the way to some real breakthroughs that involve your creative projects. Enjoy the fruits of cooperation. Lucky Days: 15-19 Lucky Numbers: 33-60 TAURUS: Apr. 21-May 21: Do you feel the pressure lifting? That’s Saturn preparing to slip out of your opposing sign. The forecast: Full speed ahead, later in the month, on the financial goals you set for yourself in March. Keep this aphorism in mind: Contentment is when your earning power equals your yearning power. Lucky Days: 7-22 Lucky Numbers: 33-50 GEMINI: May 22-June 21: Your mind goes into hyper drive when your ruler slips into Libra mid-month. Use the first weeks to compile a list of key people you wish to forge alliances with and then, on the New Moon of the 13th set your plans in motion. Call, email, visit – but don’t miss this opportunity to up your luck via your social connections. Lucky Days: 9-17 Lucky Numbers: 19-54 CANCER: June 22-July 22: This is an excellent month to take a short journey to free your mind from troubles or pressures. Crabs need to work against their tendency to hang out at home too much. Exploring the unfamiliar, even if it’s just a nearby city, will do much to revitalize your soul and prepare you for the energetic autumn that’s just around the corner. Lucky Days: 3-27 Lucky Numbers: 11-65 LEO: July 23-Aug. 23: Christmas in September? You can count on it with the New Moon acting like a money magnet come mid-September. The catch? Clear up past debts or verbal obligations you’ve neglected; remember people never forget a promise. End of the month finds you planning a series of parties on the home front, lavish your guests with your solar brilliance. Lucky Days: 14-28 Lucky Numbers: 20-45 VIRGO: Aug. 24-Sept. 23: The New Moon in your sign mid-month prompts you to dump the fuddy-duddy and set your sights on beautifying LIBRA: Sept. 24-Oct. 23: Secrets, we all have them, but do they empower us or weigh us down? The New Moon on the 13th offers you the opportunity to solve the riddle that author Frank Warren offers: “There are two kinds of secrets. The ones we keep from others and the ones we keep from ourselves.” Don’t let what you hide from yourself complicate your life. Break free. Lucky Days: 4-15 Lucky Numbers: 4-49 SCORPIO: Oct. 24-Nov. 22: With Venus in your house of revelation and publicity, you’re ready to shed your shyness and declare to others what you love and value most in life. People need a strong dose of positivity right now, and you’ve got the perfect insights and methods to help others fulfill their wishes too. Lucky Days: 7-27 Lucky Numbers 2-54 SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 23-Dec. 21: Here comes Saturn for a long ride through your house of self-expression and personal power? Translated: Although your usual exuberance and optimism might feel disciplined or limited, that’s just the cosmos telling you it’s time to mature and perfect your personal visons. Don’t fight the teacher! Lucky Days: 19-24 Lucky Numbers: 18-59 CAPRICORN: Dec. 22-Jan. 20: You’ve been craving momentum and traction for your bigger schemes and plans and September is the month that delivers. You’ll feel as though you’ve just filled your car with rocket fuel. A secret for you from the free-spirited Henry Thoreau: “Chop your own wood and it warms you twice.” Lucky Days: 19-25 Lucky Numbers: 8-55 Clubs from the Front page The Boys and Girls Clubs play bingo every Sunday and Monday at 201 West Orange Avenue South San Francisco. Doors open at 4:30 PM, games begin at 6:30 and buy-in is $20. For more information see their ad on page 3. Army Street from the Front page turbo’s, $50. All Regular games pays $500, (2) Double Action pays $500, Specials: (1) 4-5-6, (1) Grand Slam, (2) Seven Lines pays $500. $1,000.00 Drawing will be held on day Evenings: Thursday, 9/3, Friday, 9/11 & Saturday, 9/26. Afternoon: Saturday, 9/19. (2) - $500 prizes will be given out. Drawing will be from the previous week’s control card stubs. Yes, if you are lucky, you could win two times! Just as long as your control card stubs are from different sessions. EXCITING HALFTIME PRIZES! $50 Cash winner, 2 – Match Packs, 2 – prizes, value to $25, 1 – Wheel of Fortune spinner! On the wheel, you could win $250.00, $100, $50, free bingo/special, Mystery Prize. If the wheel lands on double on your first spin, the next spin, everything is DOUBLED! LOSER’S WEEK will be from Thursday 9/24 to Sunday, 9/27. (2) Lucky players will win a month’s bingo for that session. Control cards are drawn from the “Loser’s Box”, during halftime. The control cards are accumulated from prior losing weeks! Fthe month of Sept.: if your birthday falls on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. We will honor your choice (1 time only, buy-in), Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday. For the weekends, your choice of either the afternoon or evening session! Valid picture ID required! When your birthday falls on the correct day of week and you come-in, you’ll also, receive a set of Specials good for a future session for that day! See ad on pages 10-11. West Bay from the Front page $500. Also, Monday night September 7th West Bay Bingo will have a Labor Day Marathon – doors open at 4PM games start at 7PM, Buy-in is $60 and includes 10 free Monday madness specials, 30 game program, 10 regular Boyd from the Front page Suncoast or Sam’s Town bingo halls. See their ad for complete details and they have special room offers for you. games and 10 specials, free dinner, 5 intermission drawings, 1 flat screen TV, 4 free buy-in certificates and dauber. West Bay Bingo is located at 1290 Fillmore Street San Francisco. They can be reached at 206-309-2057. See ad page 3. always sells out, so sign up early. To make your reservation, call 866-7967111 or 702-796-7111 Ext. 77136. See their ad for more information. See ad page 18. DOORS OPEN AT 5PM • EARLY STRIP/DAB AT 6PM BINGO STARTS AT 7PM We are noW aCCeptinG Credit CardS SEPTEMBER SPECIAL EOM DRAWING FOR ASSORTED GIFT CARDS BINGO MARATHON SUN., SEPT. 6TH Pre-sales available on Aug. 28th & Sept. 4th See our Facebook page for more details or call 650-464-0119 SNACK BAR FEATURING: HOT DOGS, PIZZA, NACHOS, CHIPS, POPCORN, CHILI & CANDY! 1600 dolan aVe., San mateo • hWy 101 - 3rd aVe. eXit eaSt 650-464-0119 • liGhted parKinG lot & SeCurity Guard on duty ST. KEVIN’S BINGO EVERY WEDNESDAY Ellsworth off Cortland S.F. Doors Open 6pm 1st Early Bird 7:30pm PROGRESSIVE CASH DOOR PRIZE GAME EVERY WEEK AQUARIUS: Jan. 21-Feb. 19: You’re contemplating life’s “big questions” now and it’s wise to find something to assist you with your inquiries: A new philosophy, spiritual practice or study that allows your analytical mind to relax and settle into nature’s rhythm and secrets. That’s where you’ll discover what you’re seeking in your heart of hearts. Lucky Days: 13-26 Lucky Numbers: 23-38 PISCES: Feb. 20-Mar. 20: The wily philosopher Nietzshe is speaking to you. Pay attention: “When marrying, ask yourself this question: Do you believe that you will be able to converse well with this person into your old age? Everything else in marriage is transitory.” You should apply this question to everyone in your close circle as your preparing to do some intense housecleaning in October. Lucky Days: 14-20 Lucky Numbers: 3-66 EVERY FRIDAY You can also go to PowerBingo for more information. Make your reservation today! Southpoint from the Front page pack for both days, food coupon and a dauber. There are also electronic specials offered. For a complete listing of all the games, visit their website This event St. Timothy’s MARK YOUR OWN 7 NUMBERS $250 STARTS WITH 25 NUMBERS ADD ONE NUMBER EACH WEEK UNTIL SOMEONE WINS 2 Early Bird Paper Games - $1 (4 Cards on Each) 1 Late Bird Paper Game - $1 (4 Cards on Each) $100 GUARANTEED - $5 Each Good Neighbor WEEKLY DOOR PRIZES - FREE CARDS & LOTTERY TICKETS DEADLINE FOR OCT. IS SEPT. 10TH GOLDEN GATE /NORTH BAY EDITION 11612 Castilian Court, Dublin, CA 94568 Phone (925) 829-2009 Email: Editor and Publisher: Bil-Mar Inc. The Bingo Bugle is published monthly in metro-markets throughout the United States. All contents copyright 2015 by Bingo Bugle, Inc. All rights reserved. Bingo Bugle is an international trademark of Bingo Bugle, Inc. Reproduction or use in whole or part of the contents, without the written permission of the publishers and copyright owners is prohibited. ••• FREE GAME Pays $50 ••• Cards $1 Each - 5 Card Min. Per Person Includes: Games 1 - 2 - 4 - 5 - 7 - 8 - 10 - 11 $100 to the Winner - $5 Good Neighbors Bonus Games 3, 6, 9 & 12 Pay Winner $150 $5 Good, Good Neighbors X, T, or L and Coverall $240 to the Winner $5 Good Neighbors • $150 Socko Max 5 6 Golden Gate/North Bay Bingo Bugle – September 2015 FAIRFIELD • FRIDAY NIGHT FRIENDS OF THE SENIOR CENTER SENIORS HELPING SENIORS Golden Gate/North Bay Bingo Bugle – September 2015 Roseland Lions & Lioness BINGO FUNDRAISER First Thursday of Every Month 20 Game Program All Players Over 18 Years Welcome! Min. Buy-In $10 Includes 4 Specials 2nd Week of the Month FREE Dinner for All Players Doors Open 6pm • Games at 6:30pm - 7pm Snacks and Beverages Will be Available for Purchase Ten Regular Games Pay up to $75 each! Grand Finale Blackout Game Pays up to $250 (sold seperately) EOM (5) $50 CASH DRAWINGS! The Week of Your Birthday FREE $10 Gift Certificate Tickets $15 Get 2 Game Packs 12-On 10 Games Boys & Girls Club of Greater Santa Rosa Gym 1011 Hahman Drive, Santa Rosa 95405 (Close to Montgomery Village Shopping Center) For Info Contact: or Power Packs $20 1200 Civic Center Drive • Fairfield • 428-7421 Doors Open 5:30pm • Early Birds 7pm Lion Alfred Jones (707) 623-7802 • Email: Lion Bonnie Baclawski (707) 823-9231 • Email: Snack Bar Chair: Lion Pat Sterck (707) 527-5229 or (415) 215-5599 cell E-mail: Thank you for supporting the Santa Rosa Roseland Lions & Lioness Lions Club. Proceeds to benefit Roseland Library & Community Center. Submit your favorite recipe each month. If your recipe is printed in the Bugle you will receive $20. Consideration will be particularly given to items Bingo Players can prepare with ease and with non-complicated ingredients or preparation. Casserole dishes, cookies, cakes, entrees, appetizers or items that can quickly be prepared should prove of interest to other Bingo players. Salads or non-baked items will also be considered. Winning entries will be printed as submitted. EASY R ICE 1 pkg. 2 cans (4.5 oz.) 1 can (2 oz.) ⅓ cup Spanish Rice Shrimp Mushrooms, sliced Chablis (optional) Prepare packaged rice according to instructions. In a 2 1/1 quart casserole dish combine cooked rice, shrimp, mushrooms and wine. Bake in 350 degree oven for 30 minutes. Delicious! Jan Gomez of Santa Rosa wins $20 for her Easy Rice! Send your recipe entry to: Bingo Bugle Newspaper 11612 Castilian Ct., Dublin, CA 94568 or email: Name_______________________________________ Address_____________________________________ City ________________________________________ Telephone____________________________________ Email ______________________________________ Favorite Bingo Hall ___________________________ Please print clearly. All entries become property of the Bingo Bugle Newspaper Understanding the caller A couple of months ago I went to a Bingo parlor in one of the newer hotels on the outskirts of Las Vegas. Friends had insisted that I go there. It was interesting, because I had one of the best and one of the worst Bingo experiences of my life there. I am not bringing this up to cast shame on the hall, but to show how playing in the same place can lead to very different degrees of fun. First, I need to point out that this hall was beautiful. It had some incredible electronic equipment. I felt a little sorry for the caller. The Bingo balls were in an elaborate set-up where they came up through the chute automatically, were automatically turned around to the camera and displayed. Without the caller doing anything, the number was then put on the tote board. The caller DID call the numbers. At least the caller was doing something. This begs the question: Can Bingo become too automated? Are you playing at a hall where it’s lost the “human touch?” Except for the fact that I was uneasy with the role the “caller” was playing, I had a great time and found everyone so friendly I wanted to go back. I did go back. This time I did NOT go home smiling. The problem was that the caller on the second day MUMBLED. Callers who cannot be understood have been a problem since the beginning of Bingo, but why at THIS place? Everything else there was nearly perfect. The hall was totally NON-smoking. The employees were wonderful. I was saddened by the bad experience I had the second time. Actually, I wished I had not gone back so my only memories of the place would be good ones. The hall had something else going for it. It was paper-ONLY. I know Bingo management benefits when they use the electronic machines, since people would buy 3,000 cards if they could. There is a limit to how many paper cards you can keep track of. I was amazed that the manager of the hall didn’t realize what a mush-mouth her caller was. The problem was made worse by the fact that I don’t think a single player complained. I didn’t say anything because jobs are scarce and I didn’t want to get the young person fired. But, I violated a rule I have presented here for years: Complain if something is wrong. I guess I have a soft spot in my heart for the hard-working callers and runners. I just wish I could have understood that person better. Darn. I welcome your comments to Tell me about your bad Bingo experiences. Next time around, an interesting idea. 7 Robert and Garo, happy and relaxing after volunteering to sell flash at AFC Bingo on Thursday evening, Brotherhood Way in S.F. See ad page 1. 8 Golden Gate/North Bay Bingo Bugle – September 2015 Golden Gate/North Bay Bingo Bugle – September 2015 AMERICAN MERICAN LEGION EGION POST OST 105 NAPA BINGO EMPORIUM 651 el Camino real, redWood City TUESDAY UESDAY & THURSDAY HURSDAY EVERY FRIDAY THROUGH MONDAY 3-ON STRIPS PAY $300 5-ON STRIPS PAY $500 601 SILVERADO TRAIL • 707-252-5420 ALL SESSIONS INCLUDE: A PROGRESSIVE JACKPOT DRAWING, DRAWINGS FOR CASH & FREE PLAY, A COMEBACK DRAWING FOR $100 CASH (SELECTED FROM PREVIOUS WEEKS TICKETS), & HOT BALL GAMES WIN UP TO $250 CASH! FLASH GAMES PAY UP TO $1,199!! SENIOR 50+ STRIPS GAMES PLAYED AS SOON AS THEY ARE SOLD Pat Santos is a regular player supporting Vanden Vikings Bingo on Thursday nights. See ad page 2. FLASHBOARDS PAY $500, $750, $1,000, & $1,199 M O N DAY S - F R I DAY S I N S E P T E M BE R ALL GAMES PAY $250* * EXCEPT SATURDAY QUICKIES PAY $100 EACH & THE MONDAY POWER-BURST IS GUARANTEED AT $300 $40 BUY-IN* INCLUDES: TURBO BINGO MACHINE, SPECIALS & ALL YOU CAN PLAY UP TO 5 SIX-ON PAPER PACKS! * LAST SATURDAY OF THE MONTH IS ONLY $35 Earn, Dine & Play Offer OPEN SNACK BAR FREE DONUTS, COFFEE & TEA WE PLAY POWER BALL Earn 100 points each day and receive $5 dining credit and $5 Free Slot Play. You keep the points! Redeem offers at the Rewards Center. MONDAY - NAPA YOUTH SPORT LEAGUE DOORS OPEN 3PM - GAMES 6:45PM Senior Slot Tournament FRIDAY - NAPA VALLEY SOCCER CLUB DOORS OPEN 3PM - GAMES 6:45PM SATURDAY - NAPA BAND BOOSTERS DOORS OPEN 4PM - GAMES 6:15PM SUNDAY - VINTAGE HIGH SCHOOL MUSIC DOORS OPEN 2PM - GAMES 5:15PM ATM M ACHINE FREE COFFEE & POPCORN 2 PK MIN. ONLY $20 ADD’L PKS $5 EACH! 15 GAMES PAY $250 doorS open 4pm • reGular GameS 7pm FIND US ON FACEBOOK AT NAPA BINGO EMPORIUM santa rosa st 1 samoan congregational church M O N DAY S I N S E P T E M BE R 10A M -2 P M Get ONE FREE ENTRY! Earn 100 points for an additional entry. 15 GAME PROGRAM ample liGhted parKinG • handiCap aCCeSS CALLING ALL BINGO PLAYERS SEND US YOUR SELFIES! We play eVery monday & thursday doors open 5pm • early Birds 6:45pm regular games 7pm WE PLAY FLASHBOARDS & PULL TABS Buy-in: $25 all you can play, up to 5 packs, plus (1) 3-on speed X, (3) Bonanzas & (3) douBle actions 1255 Fulton rd. santa rosa 95401 enter parking lot From greenVale ct. 707-536-9081 or 707-490-9270 Pick up your My Generation sticker for your Rewards Card at the Rewards Center today. Ronnie and Helena at Broadway Bingo in Salinas, celebrating Ronnie’s Birthday. THE BINGO BUGLE WANTS YOU! The photos must be taken at a bingo hall and can be a selfie or a photo snapped by someone else! Inordertopublishyourphotointhepaper,wewillneed your name, the name of the bingo hall the photo was taken in & a short description of the scene. Photosmustbeinfocus,inahorizontalformatandgoodqualitytobe published. Not all photos will be published in the Bingo Bugle. Some photos may be held for a future print date. CALIFORNIA’S FINEST CASINO. FROM BAY TO PLAY IN 43 MINUTES. ROHNERT PARK @ 101 EXIT 484 288 Golf Course Drive West Rohnert Park, CA P 707.588.7100 EXCLUDES LIVE POKER. POINT MULTIPLIER POINTS NOT VALID FOR FREE ENTRY. MUST BE 50 OR OLDER TO PARTICIPATE. MUST HAVE A GRATON REWARDS CARD AND VALID ID. MANAGEMENT RESERVES ALL RIGHTS. PLAY WITHIN YOUR LIMITS. IF YOU THINK YOU HAVE A GAMBLING PROBLEM, CALL 1-800-GAMBLER FOR HELP. ROHNERT PARK, CA. © 2015 GRATON RESORT & CASINO JOB #: GRT-116584 JOB TITLE: My Generation PUBLICATION: Bingo Bugle 9 Golden Gate/North Bay Bingo Bugle – September 2015 MONDAY First Samoan Congregational Church, Santa Rosa 1255 Fulton Rd. 95401 Enter parking lot from Greenvale Ct. (See ad page 8) 707-536-9081 or 707-490-9270 Napa Senior Center 1500 Jefferson St., Napa 12:30, 1:30 & 2:30pm 707-253-8860 (See ad page 14) Golden Gate/North Bay Bingo Bugle – September 2015 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY American Legion Post 105 651 El Camino Real, Redwood City Opens 4pm - Games 7pm (See ad page 9) West Bay Bingo 1290 Fillmore Street, S.F. D.O. 4pm • Games 7pm (See ad page 3) (415) 779-6209 St. Kevin’s Church Ellsworth, off Cortland, San Francisco D.O. 6pm, E.B.7:30pm (See ad page 5) Veterans Memorial Senior Center 1455 Madison Ave., Redwood D.O. 4pm, Games 6:45pm (See ad page 20) Napa Youth Sports League Napa Bingo Emporium THURSDAY American Legion Post 105 651 El Camino Real, Redwood City Opens 4pm - Games 7pm (See ad page 9) Armenian Cultural Foundation (ACF) Brotherhood Way Armenian Ctr. 825 Brotherhood Way, San Francisco (See ad page 1) 584-7991 Army Street Samoan Community Development 1740 Cesar Chavez, San Francisco Doors 4pm • Games 6:45pm (See ad page 10-11) 415-920-1730 601 Silverado Trail Doors 3pm • Games 6:45pm (See ad page 8) 707-252-5420 South San Francisco Boys & Girls Club First Samoan Congregational Church, Santa Rosa 201 West Orange, S.S.F. 6:30pm (See ad page 3) 1255 Fulton Rd. 95401 Enter parking lot from Greenvale Ct. (See ad page 8) 707-536-9081 or 707-490-9270 Roseland Lion & Lioness Every 1st Thursday 1011 Hahman Dr. Santa Rosa Doors 6pm, Game 6:30pm (See ad page 6) 707-537-9136 San Bruno Senior Center 1555 Crystal Springs Rd. San Bruno • 6:45pm (See ad page 15) 650-616-7150 FRIDAY Grand Reopening Aug. 28th All Souls Bingo 315 Walnut Ave., SFF Doors Open 4:30pm • Games 6:30pm (See ad page 4) 650-871-8944 Army Street Nihonmachi Street Fair 1740 Cesar Chavez, San Francisco Doors 4pm • Games 6:45pm (See ad page 10-11) 415-920-1730 Friends of Fairfield Senior Center 1200 Civic Center Dr., Fairfield 7pm (See ad page 6) 428-7421 Napa United Soccer Napa Bingo Emporium 601 Silverado Trail Doors 3pm • Games 6:45pm (See ad page 8) 707-252-5420 St. Timothy’s Parish 1600 Dolan, San Mateo D.O. 5pm • Early Strip/Dab 6pm Games 7pm (See ad page 5) (650)464-0119 SATURDAY SUNDAY Army Street - Afternoon Army Street - Afternoon Army Street - Evening Army Street - Evening Petaluma Music Bingo Bennett Valley Community Bingo Napa Band Boosters Napa Bingo Emporium Eagle Breeze Bingo Accion Latina 1740 Cesar Chavez, San Francisco Games 12:30pm (See ad page 10-11) 415-920-1730 Japanese Community Cultural Center of Northern California (JCCCNC) 1740 Cesar Chavez, San Francisco (See ad page 10-11) Games 6:45pm 415-920-1730 333 Casa Grande Road, Petaluma Doors Open 5pm • Games 6:15pm (See ad page 4) 707-778-4868 BAY BRIDGE 101 Game 1740 ARMY ST. TAKE 19 POLK ST. BUS BUY-INS important sChedule Change! noW open thursdaY to sundaY night! all regular games paY $500! Visit BuY-in: eVenings: $35/$60 (28 games) or aFternoons: $30/$50 (25 games), plaY up to 6 paCks oF paper. reg. games Will paY $500. all speCials Will paY $500, (2) douBle aCtion (2 min) Will paY $500 WWW.armYstreetBingo.Com $1,000 DRAWING the 2 - $500 draWing Will Be held on the FolloWing daYs: eVenings: thursdaY, 9/3, FridaY, 9/11 & saturdaY, 9/26. aFternoons: saturdaY, 9/19. tWo $500 Will Be giVen out. Friedman Event Center 4676 Mayette Ave. D.O. 4pm • Games 6:45pm (See ad page 2) 201 West Orange, S.S.F. 6:45pm (See ad page 3) St. Paul’s Catholic Church 1660 Church St. at 29th, San Francisco 7pm (See ad page 19) 648-7538 Veterans Memorial Senior Center 1455 Madison Ave., Redwood D.O. 9am • Special Flash 11:30am Games 12:30pm (See ad pg 20) Vintage High School Napa Bingo Emporium 601 Silverado Trail Doors 2pm • Games 5:15pm (See ad page 8) 707-252-5420 E V E N I N G S ESSI O N S - 28 G AM ES A F TE R N O O N SESSI O N S - 25 G AM ES SCHEDULE CHANGE J.C.Y.C. (Japanese Community Youth Council) 1740 Cesar Chavez, SF (See ad page 10-11) Games 6:45pm 415-920-1730 South San Francisco Boys & Girls Club Vaca Valley Bingo 190 Bella Vista Rd. (Davis at I-80) in Vacaville (See ad page 2) 6:30pm • 707-449-4646 THURSDAYS - SUNDAYS EVENING SESSIONS: 6:45PM WEEKEND MATINEES 12:30PM Morrisana West 1740 Cesar Chavez, San Francisco Games 12:30pm (See ad page 10-11) 415-920-1730 77 Marina Center, Suisun 12:30pm (See ad page 14) 707-428-4113 601 Silverado Trail Doors 4pm • Games 6:45pm (See ad page 8 707-252-5420 Vanden Vikings Bingo I - 280 10 LIGHTNING & FLASHBOARD PLAYED NIGHTLY EXCITING HALFTIME PRIZES HALFTIME PRIZES LOSER’S WEEK FOR THE MONTH OF SEPT. during halFtime, You Could Win Free Bingo, prizes With Value up to $25, $50 Cash or a spin on the Wheel oF Fortune. on the Wheel , You Can Win night oF Bingo, speCials, mYsterY prize, $250, $100, $50! on the First spin, iF You stop on the douBle, Your neXt spin, Will Be douBled! From Thursday, 9/24, to Sunday, 9/27. (2) Lucky Players will win Bingo for a month for that session at halftime. The “Lucky Players” control cards are drawn from the “Loser’s Box” during halftime. The control cards are accumulated from prior “losing weeks” for the drawing! If your birthday falls on a Mon., Tues. or Wed. We will honor your choice (1 time only, buyin) Thurs., Fri., Sat. or Sun. For the weekends, your choice of either the afternoon or evening session! Valid picture ID required! When your birthday falls on the correct day of the week and you come-in, you’ll also, receive a set of Specials good for a future session for that day! FREE COFFEE • FREE LIGHTED SECURE PARKING • 8 COLOR TV MONITORS • INSTANT COMPUTER VERIFICATION • SECURITY OFFICERS • POLICE PERMITS: #143301, 139214 , 078629 86774, 17743, 143805, & 078645 11 12 Golden Gate/North Bay Bingo Bugle – September 2015 IN THEATERS: HHH LEARNING TO DRIVE: When soon-to-be-divorced Wendy Shields signs up for driving lessons, her instructor is Darwan, a Sikh immigrant to America. Though their cultural perspectives are poles apart, the two begin to develop a bond that transcends their differences. Starring Patricia Clarkson, Ben Kingsley and Jake Weber. HHHH NO ESCAPE: When American Jack Dwyer and his family relocate to Southeast Asia, they quickly learn that their timing couldn’t have been worse. Soon after arriving, they find themselves trapped in a violent coup that could wind up costing them their lives. Starring Owen Wilson, Lake Bell, Pierce Brosnan and Sterling Jerins. HHH A WALK IN THE WOODS: Returning to America after living abroad many years, aging travel writer Bill Bryson decides to focus on his native land by hiking the length of the Appalachian Trail with his long-estranged pal Stephen Katz—a tottering, wisecracking ex-alcoholic. Starring Robert Redford, Nick Golden Gate/North Bay Bingo Bugle – September 2015 LAS VEGAS Nolte, Emma Thompson and Mary Steenburgen. HHH1/2 BLACK MASS: This fact-based drama recounts the story of notorious Boston gangster “Whitey” Bulger, who turned FBI informant to get rid of his mob rivals. Later facing imminent indictment, he eluded authorities for more than 15 years, until his arrest in 2011. Starring Johnny Depp, Joel Edgerton, Benedict Cumberbatch, Dakota Johnson and Kevin Bacon. HHHH EVEREST: When his off-thegrid best buddy Ben Baker inherits his estranged father’s fortune, womanizing local weatherman Steve Dallas joins forces with him to battle the legal challenge brought by Ben’s formidable sister. Starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Keira Knightley, Josh Brolin, Jason Clarke and Robin Wright. HHH1/2 PAWN SACRIFICE: American chess legend Bobby Fischer (Tobey Maguire) and Soviet Grandmaster Boris Spassky (Liev Schreiber) enthrall the world with their intense battle of wills and strategy during the 1972 World Chess Championship. COLIN'S CORNER Missy with the pin-down. The infamous neck hold! BONUS DRAWINGS THERE’S A WINNER IN EVERY GAME IN EVERY ROOM DURING LINKED SESSIONS! WIN FREE SLOT PLAY, CASH & MORE! 50,000 250,000 THE BINGO BUGLE IS ONLINE! $ FIND YOUR FAVORITE GAMES AND NEW HALLS TO VISIT AT: $ EACH DAY! THE BINGO BUGLE WANTS YOU! OCTOBER 17 & 18 For more information on advertising with the Bingo Bugle, please email us at: $199 BUY-IN / $20 EXTRA 6-ON PACKS BOULDER STATION, SANTA FE STATION AND TEXAS STATION RED ROCK, GREEN VALLEY RANCH, SUNSET STATION AND PALACE STATION TODAY SundayS Mondays tuesdayS Wednesdays saturdayS SUNDAY PLAY BACK SAVE YOUR RECEIPT SENIOR DAY BINGO BINGO ALL FOR 1 & ONE’S 4 ALL 12 Regular Games Payy Rancho Cordova/North Sac/Roseville Wheatland/Linda/Marysville/Yuba City Melinda (916) 759-9914 • Elk Grove/Sacramento Woodland/Yuba City Melinda (916) 759-9914 • San Fran/Emeryville/Richmond Vallejo/Fairfield/Vacaville 1,199! $ 3x Times Points Bring back your receipt from yesterday and get 1/2 off of your Machine or Paper Buy-In! Buy-In 11 • Extras 6 Machine $60 or Buy-In $5 • Machine $30 High Roller $78 $ $ Club Points & Coupons 12 Regular Games Payy 12 Regular Games Payy 1,000! 12 Regular Games Payy 1,000! $ 9/14 - 10 Packs with 4/6 receipt 9/21 - 15 Packs with 4/13 receipt 9/28 - 20 Packs with any Monday receipt Buy-In $10 • Extras $6 Machine $59 Plus $250!* 9/2 - B Row • 9/9 - I Row • 9/16 - N Row 9/23 - G Row • 9/30 - O Row Save your receipt from today & receive 1/2 off of tomorrows Buy-In *Must be present for discount Buy-In $11 • Extras $6 Club Points & Weekly Mailer ONLY Club Points & Coupons Players will receive a Free Square to be played on 9/27/15 for $2,000 1st Machine $49 (Save $11) High Roller $121 (Save $40) Buy-In $5 • Extras $5 Machine $51 Club Points & Coupons Club Points & Coupons Flo (707) 642-9829 or (707) 326-6762 San Bruno/South San Fran Daly City/Colma/San Fran Mila (650) 878-1791 San Mateo/Union City Hayward/Alameda Al & Melda (510) 506-0181 Tracy/Lathrop/Stockton Melinda (916) 759-9914 Santa Clara/San Jose Pleasanton/Pleasant Hill Corinne (408) 734-5689 or (408) 203-3270 - Cell Redding/Anderson & Cottonwood/ Red Bluff/Los Molinos/Chico/Gridley Ann (530) 873-4327 or (530) 518-3269 This scheduling and contact information is provided as a courtesy, not as an endorsement or recommendation. The bus companies and their coordinators are independent contrators, not employees or agents of, or in any way affiliated, with Colusa Casino Resort. Saturday, September 5th LABOR DAY TRIPLE PLAY 12 Regular $ Games Pay 1,400! Save your receipt for tomorrows session & save 1/2 off of your Machine or Paper Buy-In *Must be present today for discount tomorrow Receive a Free Square for 9/27/15 for $2,000 Buy-In $14 • Extras $7 • Machine $66 Club Points ONLY, No Coupons Sunday, September 6th LABOR DAY TRIPLE PLAY 12 Regular $ Games Pay 1,600! Save your receipt for tomorrows session & save 1/2 off of your Machine or Paper Buy-In *Must be present today for discount tomorrow Buy-In $16 • Extras $8 • Machine $71 or Buy-In $8 • Machine $35 • High Roller $91 Club Points ONLY, No Coupons Monday, September 21st BIRTHDAY/SAVE RECEIPT 12 Regular $ Games Pay 1,199! September birthdays are eligible for goodies! Bring in your 9/14/15 receipt & receive 15 Free Packs for your machine. (Must purchase a machine to receive free packs) Buy-In $11 • Extras $6 • Machine $60 Club Points & Coupons Monday, September 7th Sunday, September 20th LABOR DAY TRIPLE PLAY MATINEE/SAVE RECEIPT MON 12 Regular $ Games Pay FIRST BALL/PLAY BACK 1,800! Bring yesterdays receipt & save 1/2 off buy-in All Buy-In Machines get 5 FREE Packs! Buy-In $18 • Extras $8 • Machine $73 or Buy-In $9 • Machine $36 • High Roller $92 Club Points ONLY, No Coupons Saturday, September 26th CRY BABY BINGO 12 Regular $ Games Pay 1,199! Single winner activates Cry Baby Monitor Ball. For every single winner on a regular game, the next number called wins $250! Receive a Free Square for 9/27/15 Buy-In $13 • Extras $6 • Machine $62 Club Points & Coupons *Use of free electronic packs each day requires the purchase of an electronic device each day. Only two free packs can be used each day. See Bingo Room for complete details. Management reserves all rights. Must be 21 years of age or older. Like us on | ©2015 Station Casinos LLC, Las Vegas, NV AND RECEIVE TW FREE ELECTRONIC PACKS! $ *Purchase the Bonus for $3, Bingo on designated row and win an extra $ 250 when single regular game winner Buy-In $10 • Extras $6 Machine $59 0 BUY-IN FO BOTH EVEN R TS SEPTEMBER 15O 1,199! $ Save your receipt and bring it in 50+ 1/2 Pack of Regular Games the following Monday to receive 65+ Adds 1 Free Special Game Free Packs for your machine 75+ Adds $5 Discount (Must Have ID) 9/7 - 5 Packs with Machine Purchase CALL 866.961.3361 TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT TODAY! VISIT STATIONCASINOSBINGO.COM FOR MORE DETAILS PURCHASE BY 12 Regular Games Payy 1,000! $ AND SAVE! 25 $ OCTOBER 19 & 20 $99 BUY-IN / $10 EXTRA 6-ON PACKS REGISTER EVERY SESSION IN SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER: Buy B 10 Packs P k GET 5 PACKS FREE! Excluding 9/28/15 EACH DAY! 1,199! 1,500! 2,000! B & O Pays $ I & G Pays $ N Pays $ Bring yesterdays receipt & save 1/2 off buy-in Buy-In $17 • Extras $7 • Machine $69 or Buy-In $8 • Machine $34 • High Roller $86 Club Points ONLY, No Coupons Sunday, September 27th MARATHON MADNESS 20 Regular $ Games Pay Extras ONLY $5!$ 1,199! 75,000 $ PALACE BIG GAME SEPTEMBER 7 & 8 99 Entry Fee Includes $ One 6-On Pack For The Big Game (Extra 6-On Pack, $20 Each) 2 Free Buffets • 2 Free Daubers RESERVE YOUR SEAT TODAY! CALL: 1.866-961-3361 Free Square Game Pays 2,000! Pre-Sales - Reserve your seat for ONLY $25 Buy-In $25 • Machine $71 Club Points ONLY, No Coupons MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY: Windows Open at 3pm • Quickies Start at 6pm SATURDAY & SUNDAY: Windows Open at 9am • Quickies Start at Noon Bingo Jackpot & Prize Info: 800-655-UWIN • 530-458-8844 • Must be 21 or older. Maximum of 20 extra 6-on packs. Complete details available in the Bingo Room. Management reserves all rights. © 2015 Palace Station Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas, NV a Station Casinos company. 13 14 Golden Gate/North Bay Bingo Bugle – September 2015 Bugle Cruise News EAGLE BREEZE n The Carnival Breeze enhances travelers’ ability to get around BINGO OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 18 REGULAR GAMES Smaller Crowds, Better Chances DOUBLE ACTION, LIGHTNING, TIC TAC & WILD STAR WEEKLY DOOR PRIZES • EZ DAB & BINGO BABS MONTH OF SEPTEMBER Sept. 6th Free Regular Half Pack Sept. 13th Free Dauber (with $10 buy-in) Sept. 20th FREE Hamburger & Fries Sept. 27th FREE EOM Game EOM Drawings EOM Egg Hunt Drawings Golden Gate/North Bay Bingo Bugle – September 2015 (with $10 buy-in) (with $10 buy-in) EACH SUNDAY OF YOUR BIRTHDAY MONTH GET 1 FREE REG. ½ PACK (with min. $10 buy-in) 77 MARINA CENTER, SUISUN • 707-428-4113 SUN. AFTERNOONS • DOORS OPEN 10AM • GAMES 12:30PM If it’s Monday Afternoon, It’s Time to Get to... MPS6CESS Foundation Bingo 2 Sessions 12:30pm & 1:30pm We Play 7 Games Each Session PLUS Criss Cross 2 Packs $10 FREE COFFEE Napa Senior Center • 1500 Jefferson St., Napa • 255-1800 Vacation travel can be a challenge for people with limited mobility who rely on walkers, wheelchairs, mobility scooters and other support devices to get around. Choosing travel routes, hotels, restaurants and attractions for even the briefest of getaways can require considerable research to establish that mobility needs will be met. “Traveling with a disability can be challenging and stressful,” writes Barbara and Jim Twardowski, contributing writers for Cruise Critic ( “When you choose a cruise for your vacation, though, you can take some of the unwanted surprises out of the equation. Once onboard, you know your cabin can be reached via elevator and you can dine in your choice of accessible restaurants each night. You also have plenty of entertainment options that can accommodate your needs. Plus, like any other traveler, you can benefit from unpacking suitcases once and sleeping in the same bed each night while visiting multiple destinations. These conveniences makes cruising a popular way to vacation for travelers with disabilities and other health concerns.” This is what makes a vacation like the World Championship Bingo Tournament & Gaming Cruise the perfect choice for travelers who enjoy adventure and fun without those frustrating mobility roadblocks. The host ship for the 27th Annual Bingo Tournament Cruise, Carnival Breeze, is dedicated to offering the finest cruising experience to its guests with special requirements. Carnival ships have quality service and a variety of accessible features to make every voyage a relaxing and enjoyable experience. Carnival has made substantial modifications to enhance travelers’ ability to move about their ships, such as accessible elevators at each elevator bank with controls within reach of guests who use wheelchairs and scooters; accessible routes throughout most areas of the ship and signs posted to assist in locating these pathways; accessible seating within the ship’s restaurants and lounges; accessible public restrooms; and, of course, accessible staterooms. This year, Nancy Jackson will be enjoying her fifth Bingo Bugle Tournament Cruise. The 74-year-old retiree from Wyandotte, Michigan, relies on a mobility scooter to get around, and knows firsthand how well Carnival cruise ships meet her needs. “There’s practically no place on the ship I can’t get to,” Nancy says. “I see the stage shows, go to the lounges, get to the main dining room, spend time at the casino—which I do a lot, and can get to the main room for the Bingo Tournament. “It is really satisfying to be on a cruise vacation because the ship has everything you need—really, it has more than you need,” Nancy says. “There’s no extra vacation planning involved. Once you get on the ship, you’re set. And on top of that, the Bingo Tournament is run really well by a great bunch of people. I wear my tournament T-shirts to Bingo all the time and recommend it to everybody.” If you long to experience deluxe Caribbean cruise travel and exciting tournament Bingo, but concerns about limited mobility have held you back, delay no longer. Phone the Bingo Bugle Cruise Hotline at 888-3522464 and speak with a travel expert about your mobility limitations. Odds are you’ll find that as a participant in the World Championship Bingo Tournament & Gaming Cruise, you’ll feel no limitations at all! The 27th Annual World Championship Bingo Tournament & Gaming Cruise sets sail from Florida in two months (November 7th) and will visit the beautiful Caribbean ports of St. Maarten, Antigua, St. Thomas, and Nassau, The Bahamas. Between ports, participants will compete for $80,000 in cash and prizes in 60 exciting Bingo games, culminating in the top winner being crowned Bingo Grand Champion and winning $5,000 and a free cruise for two aboard the 2016 Bingo Tournament Cruise. Video Poker n Be wary when playing by Henry Tamburin Lately, it seems that some casinos are changing their policy toward video poker players, and this often is not good news for them. I’ll give you a few examples so you will be aware of these revised casino policies. A Mississippi casino recently posted the following banner on their web site: “9/6 VIDEO POKER MACHINES…36 NOW AVAILABLE.” I got excited and paid the casino a visit to see for myself. Sure enough, I found 36 slant-top video poker machines that had 9/6 Jacks or Better games on them. However, as I glanced over the entire pay table, I noticed something that made me sick to my stomach; namely, they had shorted the max-coin royal flush payout from 4,000 coins to only 2,500 coins at all denominations (25 cents, 50 cents, and dollar). This reduction in the payoff for the royal flush decreases the Expected Value from 99.54% to 98.39%. Now, you might think a reduction in ER of 1.15% is not a big deal, but for serious players, trust me, it is. I had a short meeting with the casino’s slot manager to voice my displeasure over their shorted royal flush payout. Casino management revisited this issue and subsequently changed the payout to 4,000 coins on their quarter denomination 9/6 Jacks or Better machines (at 50 cents and dollar denomination, the payout is still 2,500 coins). The point is this: you need to be diligent and check the entire video poker pay table to be sure none of the payouts have been shorted. Many casinos have changed how they determine a player’s monthly mailer (specifically, the amount of bounce back cash, free play, and other comps in the mailers). The amount of perks that players got in their monthly mailers used to be based on either BINGO • BINGO • BINGO N 33 Was that really a winner? How do you know? Ensure Honesty & Integrity with the Event Flash Verifier B 17 Logan •R ox • High School here I come. I wish I could take the dogs with me on the first day but I think that might be a bit weird. Well they can send me off to school with their coin in over a period of time or their daily average coin in. Nowadays, casinos are basing a player’s mailer on theoretical (or “theo”), meaning how much average profit the casino expects to earn from a player based on the specific machine they play. So video poker players that play, say 9/6 Jacks or Better, will get much less bounce back free play and comps in their mailers compared to a player who plays a video poker game with a worse pay schedule. The following policy change blows my mind. Some casinos factor in a player’s win/loss history in their equation that determines how much a player will get in their mailers. Get lucky and hit a royal flush (or a jackpot on a slot machine) and the amount of bounce back and comps in your mailers will dramatically decrease. Some casinos decrease the rewards a player receives for playing a full pay video poker machine. Instead of having to wager, say 1,000 coins, to get a point on their slot card, signage on the machine will state that you need to wager 4,000 coins for a point (thus it takes more coin in to get a point). Several casinos have even gone so far as to post signage on their full pay video poker machines that state when you play this machine you will get zero points and you won’t be eligible for any promotions. (No, I’m not kidding…absolutely no incentives for a player.) Many casinos actively promote bonus point promotions to video poker and slot players. Unfortunately, when some video poker players took the casino up on their offer while playing full-play video poker games, their mailers were discontinued. So what should a smart video poker do if their favorite casino changes their policy toward video poker players for the worse? You have two choices: voice your displeasure with management, making sure they know you will be playing there a lot less, or find another casino that will offer you a better deal for your play. Henry Tamburin is a blackjack and video poker expert. He is the host of the website and the editor of the Blackjack Insider newsletter (for a free three-month subscription, visit freetrial). For a free copy of his Casino Gambling Catalog, which contains books, strategy cards, and software for casino players, call toll free 1-888353-3234, or visit the web store at a big hug. It’s been a great summer and I’m sad it’s almost over. I wanted to spend more time with Missy and Roxy but it’s just not in the cards. I have a soccer tournament over the next few weeks and I plan to bring them to watch. Should be fun. Tune in next month. - Logan SAN BRUNO SENIOR CENTER 1555 CRYSTAL SPRINGS RD., SAN BRUNO 650-616-7150 THURSDAYS DOORS OPEN 5PM • 6:30 EARLY BIRD GAMES $5 FOR A PACK OF 4 GAMES SEPTEMBER SPECIALS SEPT. 3RD SEPT. 10TH SEPT. 17 TH SEPT. 20TH ARRIVE BY 6PM - GET ONE FREE EARLY BIRD PAPER FREE GAME FOR THE 1ST 100 PLAYERS $100 PAYOUT! THIS GAME WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE FOR SALE ALL SEPT. BIRTHDAYS RECEIVE PRIZE, PLUS FREE TURKEY CHILI FOR 1ST 100 PLAYERS END OF MONTH TREASURE CHEST WITH SEPTEMBER BUY-IN TICKETS 15 16 Golden Gate/North Bay Bingo Bugle – September 2015 Golden Gate/North Bay Bingo Bugle – September 2015 COFFEE BREAK COLU M N ISTS Seat ownership ■ Unfair and needs to be stopped Dear Aunt Bingo, Why is it that some players insist upon sitting in the same spot every time and don’t mind making a public scene if they find someone else is sitting in “their” special seat? With a public game like Bingo, it seems the rule of the house should be that whoever arrives first gets to sit wherever he/she wants to, and all those who follow take whatever seats remain. This notion of “reserved” seats is unfair and the idea of seat ownership needs to be stopped. Bingo is supposed to be fun. Battles over seats make the games stressful for everyone. —Staci, via email Dear Staci, It’s pretty safe to assume that the majority of folks who insist on sitting in the same chair each and every time are doing so because they think it will bring them luck. I have no problem with this—except when a player feels it is his or her right to badger another player sitting in “their” seat. If it is that important to them, they should make a point of arriving at the hall early and securing that magic seat. If they fail to do so, they can then politely ask if that player would mind moving. If the person declines, that should be the end of it. If the requestor then gets aggressive, I would hope the person seated would call a worker or the manager and report the harassment. At certain halls there are places I prefer to sit and play, not out of superstition, but because I may like how the sound system sounds there or because there is a good view of the monitor or caller. But if I arrive and there is someone already there, I simply move on. I would never be so bold as to ask them to pack up their stuff and move elsewhere. To me that’s a little crazy. —Aunt Bingo Dear Aunt Bingo, I’m new to the Bingo scene and am curious about what you think the best way is for me to choose what Bingo center to play in. I used the Internet, but it didn’t have much information. I thought about calling each hall to learn more about them, but being new to the game, I am not sure what to ask or how helpful that would be. What do you suggest for my research? —C.C., Illinois, via email Dear CC, In my opinion, there is only one sure way to determine which Bingo hall best suits you. And it will require some legwork. The environment is a huge part of a player’s enjoyment of Bingo—lighting, chairs and tables, air quality, location, and so on. You can’t get a feel for this over the phone. You really need to go to each hall, play a couple of Bingo sessions, and see what you think. Equally important are your fellow players. Are they quiet and serious? Chatty and social? Are there 50 people playing? 150? 500? Only by mixing in with different groups of players will you find the one that you find the most fun to be around. Next there are the numbers of games/ sessions, entrance fees, and payouts. How much do you want to spend? How much do you want to win? How many games are you up for? These are important considerations. Luckily, the Bingo Bugle has most of this information in the ads the halls run in each issue. Finally, there is word of mouth. Hopefully you know a few people who are Bingo regulars. They are a great source for learning about the various games in town and the pluses and minuses of playing at each venue. Good luck with your search! —Aunt Bingo Dear Randi Fae, This type of dream tells me you are in a delicate emotional situation where if you express your opinions at all, it is likely to cause serious family or relationship troubles that will drown you in misery. In situations like this, it is best to keep your opinions to yourself and let the drama play itself out. Your dream is a warning so please listen to it. —Dream Lady Send your dreams to Dream Lady at P.O. Box 414, Entiat, WA 98822. Enclose an SASE if you want a personal reply before publication. Not all dreams are published. Dear Dream Lady, I am having a recurring dream. I am not a photographer, but I dreamed that not only I, but also I as a second and third person run around taking pictures of each other. This is a very confusing and I wake up disoriented. Stacy K., Las Vegas, Nevada Share your views! Write to Aunt Bingo c/o the Bingo Bugle, P.O. Box 527, Vashon, Washington 98070, or email her at Be sure to include your name and address (you can request that your name not be published), as typically she will not include anonymous letters in her columns. Online Bingo Emotional situation ■ Stuck in a downpour Dear Dream Lady, I am having a recurring dream. I am not a photographer, but I dreamed that not only I, but also I as a second and third person run around taking pictures of each other. This is a very confusing and I wake up disoriented. Stacy K., Las Vegas, Nevada Dear Stacy, Sadly, your dream does not have a good interpretation. Since you are taking photos of yourself, it tells me you are selfabsorbed and everything is about you. Ironically, the idea that you are taking photos of yourself (times three) tells me you don’t trust yourself to make good decisions Are you involved in a change of job, home or a relationship? Your dream says you are. If so, you might consider counseling to learn how to trust yourself more, but if you don’t care that you are narcissistic (some people are fine with that), then accept the dream and move on as best you can. —Dream Lady Dear Dream Lady, I live in the south where we have extremely heavy rainstorms, but lately I have been having dreams where I am stuck in a downpour that soaks me to the skin in seconds and I simply cannot get dry. What is so weird is that I dream I am being rained on in my house, at the stores or when I visit my friends or parents. What is going on? Randi Fae, LaMarque, Texas intermission so you can get a snack. I did so and had some cherries off our neighbor’s tree, which our thoughtful neighbor had picked for us. Delicious. The next game was my favorite of the whole session, it was a double Bingo with a wild number—that number to be the first ball out. In this case it was a 3 and I was pleased as I could see many 3’s on my cards. In four numbers I was on and was really excited. I won. I yelled with excitement and wondered how I would get paid. The answer came up quickly on my screen. I could elect to have payment by check or take a credit against my next session. Of course I took the credit. I am hooked. I love Bingo.Emotional situation ■ Stuck in a downpour Ordinarily I would not praise any Bingo activity that kept you out of the Bingo Hall where there is fun, excitement and many people to relate to. However, this site I ran across was so much fun I just have to share. There is a small charge to sign on and a regular charge for cards, but the fun begins there. You can buy many cards or just one for that matter. You can rent a machine that will keep track of all your cards be it four or forty. The play is fast, but not too fast—at least I was able to keep up easily. I had paid for sixteen cards and rented a machine to keep track of them. I have no idea why I came up with that number—maybe I thought it was lucky. I paid for all this on my credit card—which always makes me feel like I am getting it free. That, I think, is the biggest danger of credit cards. The first game was a chair, facing either way and I was on once, but no win. When you win, there is a series of computer commands you have to punch in, but it is pretty easy. You have to be on your toes to get your win before the next game is called. The second game was a little box anywhere. That one is pretty hard to keep track of and I was glad to have a machine doing the work. Again I was on, but didn’t win. The third game was a hard way. I was on many times, especially if I could have used the free space, that I was sure I would win but no—again, close but no kewpie. It is a little strange to be sitting alone in your living room or office and have no noise of the Bingo hall around you and still be playing desperately to win. I wanted to ask my neighbor how he was doing or somehow make human contact, but there was no one to ask. Kate was away for the week and I was at home alone, hence my time on the computer. The next game was Simple Simon— which is a regular Bingo anywhere and one outside line, top, bottom or either side. That one went really fast and I didn’t even get on before someone won. Again, no noise from the winner—which made it all a little spooky. This site even makes time for a brief Dear Stacy, Sadly, your dream does not have a good interpretation. Since you are taking photos of yourself, it tells me you are selfabsorbed and everything is about you. Ironically, the idea that you are taking photos of yourself (times three) tells me you don’t trust yourself to make good decisions Are you involved in a change of job, home or a relationship? Your dream says you are. If so, you might consider counseling to learn how to trust yourself more, but if you don’t care that you are narcissistic (some people are fine with that), then accept the dream and move on as best you can. —Dream Lady Dear Dream Lady, I live in the south where we have extremely heavy rainstorms, but lately I have been having dreams where I am stuck in a downpour that soaks me to the skin in seconds and I simply cannot get dry. What is so weird is that I dream I am being rained on in my house, at the stores or when I visit my friends or parents. What is going on? Randi Fae, LaMarque, Texas B INGO B UGLE C ROSSWOR D ACROSS 1 Works by future doctors 7 One of two N.T. books 10 Mellowed, perhaps 14 24/7 Rollerball maker 15 Address for a PFC 16 Traffic controller 17 African adventure 18 Buttinskies 20 1954 Luis Buñuel film 22 Eur.’s ocean 23 Diva quality 24 Smallish cells 25 “__ Love”: Natalie Cole hit 26 Lamarr of Hollywood 28 Harrison colleague 30 Sluglike “Star Wars” alien 31 Map corner item, maybe 33 Cross-referencing words 35 1974 Lina Wertmƒller film 38 Rat Pack leader 40 Pizza order 44 Start for sphere 45 Moved, as a trireme 48 Aussie flock 49 Benchmark: Abbr. 50 “For shame!” 51 Portuguese royal 53 PGA money winner, e.g. 54 1963 Peter Brook film 58 Unwanted import from the East? 59 Words that may precede weeping? 61 Word with blue or bean 62 Neurologist’s test, briefly 63 Temper 64 Covers the gray, say 65 Tokyo, long ago 66 They raise dough DOWN 1 Festoons with certain tissue, for short 2 Give courage to 3 Swathes 4 Attempt 5 Spine-tingling 6 Baby carriers Dear Randi Fae, This type of dream tells me you are in a delicate emotional situation where if you express your opinions at all, it is likely to cause serious family or relationship troubles that will drown you in misery. In situations like this, it is best to keep your opinions to yourself and let the drama play itself out. Your dream is a warning so please listen to it. —Dream Lady Send your dreams to Dream Lady at P.O. Box 414, Entiat, WA 98822. Enclose an SASE if you want a personal reply before publication. Not all dreams are published. CROSSWORD SOLUTION 7 Hunter’s garb, for short 8 Clearing 9 A.L. Rookie of the Year after Tommie Agee 10 Rights protection gp. 11 Has a date 12 On the way 13 With 44-Down, setting for 20-, 35- and 54-Across 19 TV’s Oz and Gupta 21 Barstool topper 22 Yellowfin tuna 27 Like no-nonsense questions 29 “When You Wish Upon __” 30 Big name in games 32 Bygone Delta rival 34 “Illmatic” rapper 36 Cajun crawfish dish 37 Went on and on 38 In a manner of speaking 39 Ready to go forward 41 Blocks 42 Attack with profanity 43 That, in Tabasco 44 See 13-Down 46 Before, to a bard 47 Offset, as costs 50 It may be gross 52 “The L Word” producer Chaiken 55 Woody Allen’s “Radio __” 56 Science fiction prize 57 Collector’s suffix 60 D.C. United’s org. © Tribune Media Services 17 18 Golden Gate/North Bay Bingo Bugle – September 2015 Golden Gate/North Bay Bingo Bugle – September 2015 St. Paul’s Bingo EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT PULL TABS AT $1,199 STRIP BINGO AT $300 - $500 18 GAME PROGRAM 10 GAMES PAY $400 EACH 8 GAMES PAY $500 EACH! FREE U PICK EM IS UP TO $4,600 WHEN THIS IS WON WE WILL BEGIN AT $500 AND CAP IT AT $1,000 WITH A $50 WEEK CONSOLATION PRIZE. DOOR PRIZES & RAFFLES The Bingo Bugle World Championship 27THAL ANNU JOIN US ABOARD THE BREEZE AND PLAY FOR 100,000 IN CASH & PRIZES BINGO $ TOURNAMENT & GAMING CRUISE Sail From Miami to the Exotic Eastern Caribbean aboard Carnival Breeze! NOVEMBER 7, 2015 • 8 DAY CRUISE St. Maarten • Antigua • St. Thomas, USVI • Nassau, The Bahamas With more than $100,000 in combined cash and prizes to be given away, you won’t want to miss a moment of this amazing travel and gaming experience! Twenty-seven years of experience guarantees that the Bingo Bugle knows just how to bring you the best of Bingo. Our courteous, friendly and experienced staff members offer early bird Bingo and special games in addition to the World Championship Tournament games. $8,000 Full Kitchen and Snack Bar with Great Food Hot Dogs, Hamburgers & Fabulous Desserts EVERY FRIDAY - DOORS OPEN 5PM - GAMES START 6:45PM “J” Street car direct to 29th & Church Streets Take 280 to San Jose Ave. off ramp • 101(Ceasar Chavez/Army St.) West Fri. only St. Paul’s Parish Hall - 1660 Church St. at 29th S.F. • 415.648.7538 • Permit #52896 Don’t Miss The Fun! Call toll-free to reserve your place today! Total Payout Every Friday Night 3 PAPER PACKS - $30, 4 PACKS - $35, 5 PACKS - $40 6 PACKS - $45, 7 PACKS - $50 Bask in the Caribbean sun as you experience eight exotic, carefree days of luxurious ocean adventure during the 2015 Bingo Bugle World Championship Bingo Tournament & Gaming Cruise. Compete for fantastic cash prizes, tour incredible ports of call and enjoy luxurious, pampered living aboard the exquisite Carnival Breeze. (888) 352-2464 EVERY WEEK - ALL PLAYERS RECEIVE A FREE GAME PLAYED ON THE LAST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH!! Join us on Facebook at 19 20 Golden Gate/North Bay Bingo Bugle – September 2015 VETERAN’S MEMORIAL SENIOR CENTER WE PLAY POWER BALL ON WED. & SUNDAYS WE PLAY DOUBLE ACTION FREE Hot Dog SUNDAYS! FLASH BOARDS PAY • Free Coffee, Donuts & Tea • Refreshments • Wheel Chair Access • Lighted Parking $250, $500, $750, $1,000, $1,199 SUNDAY D.O. AT 9AM • OPPORTUNITY DRAWING 1ST SPECIAL FLASH 11:30 - NOON • REG. GAMES 12:30PM EVERY Wednesday Night FREE Birthday Pack DOORS OPEN 4PM • REG. GAMES 6:45PM PLAY OUR $750 REDWOOD SLAM - SUNDAYS BUY-IN 1-6 PACKS FOR $20 FREE HOT DOG & MUFFIN ATM MACHINE AVAILABLE FOR ALL PLAYERS SUN. & WED. END OF THE MONTH DRAWING FOR MATCH PACK INTERMISSION SPIN THE WHEEL FOR CASH & PRIZES!! FREE MATCH FOR THE MONTH DRAWING LAST SUNDAY OF THE MONTH 2 PACK MIN. BUY-IN $20 EACH ADD’L PACK $5 EACH A LL R EGULAR G AMES PAY $250 eVery sunday and Wednesday CLEAN AIR BINGO WITH BREAKS 1455 MADISON AVE., REDWOOD CITY • 650-780-7381 WED. D.O. 4PM - GAMES 6:45PM