Christmas Party! - Multi-Lakes Conservation Association
Christmas Party! - Multi-Lakes Conservation Association
VOL. 62 December 2013 Saturday December 14th 7 to 10PM - $10 Number 12 Christmas Party! Bring the Kids & come celebrate the Christmas Season with Santa. December 8th Multi-Lakes will host an evening of entertainment featuring: Dean Martin, Patsy Cline, Willie Nelson, Karen Carpenter & Elvis 1 to 4 pm In the Meeting Room Hosted by the Multi-Lakes Family Events Committee ~ General Meeting~ December 18th~ ~ Work Bee ~ December 22nd~ PRESIDENT’S COLUMN Hello everyone, December already, Happy Holidays! Everyone has safely returned from their hunting trips. I haven’t been successful yet, but there are still some good deer hunting days left. Muzzle loader season too – maybe I’ll get one. The wild Game Dinner Committee would sure appreciate anY extra meat anyone could donate. They always provide us with a great meal and party. It is also voting time. Please exercise your right if you are a nonprobationary member. Ballots are available at the Bar thru the December meeting night. We are a 900 plus member club and for the past several years we have only had about 15-20% of eligible members vote. Your final representation begins at the ballot box. We have several positions open and lots of candidates to choose from. December also brings the renovation of the ceiling in the meeting room. We have put this huge project off as long as possible. The project is going to start on the 21st and finish in early January. Extra labor as always will be needed and if you can spare a few hours, please contact Jeff Parker, Barry, or myself. If you are reading this before December 8th, don’t forget the kids Christmas Party. Santa always arrives shortly after the “Country Breakfast” and is here until all the little ones wishes have been heard. Mrs. Claus will be here to help again this year, and rumor has it that they are bringing plenty of toys. ~ Charley MULTI-LAKER DEADLINE Deadline for articles in the January 2014 Multi-Laker Magazine is Wednesday, December 18th, 2013. NOTE: All copy must be electronically submitted and approved by the Editor. THE MULTI-LAKER (USPS) 350-060 Published Monthly by the Multi-Lakes Conservation Association Office Fax – (248) 363-8092 Club Manager – Barry Anderson Office Manager – Terry Martin CLUBHOUSE – (248) 363-9109 Skeet, Trap & Sporting Clays Building – (248) 363-8811 Indoor Range House – (248) 360-3965 Member Michigan United Conservation Clubs Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners Periodicals Postage Paid at Walled Lake, MI 48390 Subscription Rates: Members - $12.00 of the members Annual Dues is paid as a year’s subscription to The Multi-Laker Non-members - $15.00 per year payable in advance. 2013 OFFICERS PRESIDENT……………..……..CHARLEY STEVENS, (248) 542-4773 VICE-PRESIDENT………………….. SAM MULLINS, (248) 766-2238 TREASURER………………...….......KEITH ZERWAS, (248) 321-6779 RECORDING SECRETARY……...….JOHN LAFAVE, (248) 996-0030 MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY….........MARK GEIGER, (248) 681-6732 2013 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Peter Cesaro`13 .….…… …………………....…………...(248) 685-1922 Andrew Lynch `13…….………………….………………(248) 685-8310 Matt Philippart`13 - Chairman …………………...………(313) 443-4777 Rich Carlson `14……………………………….…....……(248) 210-3623 Jon Lash `14…………………...……………….....………(248) 363-7474 Marty Zaremba `14...……………………………..…...….(248) 476-3983 Harvey Cooper `15...…………………………………..….(248) 242-0632 Richard Johnson `15 – Vice Chairman…...……...........….(313) 278-7841 Glen Kruckenberg `15...………………….…….……...….(313) 407-6724 Sam Mullins – Past President …………….…...…….……(248) 766-2238 Hamilton Chevrolet, Inc. Warren, MI 48092 580014 Mile Rd. Phone: 586.264.1400 POSTMASTER: send address changes and notices of undelivered copies on form 3579 to: MULTI-LAKES CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION 3860 Newton Road Commerce Twp, MI 48382 2 The Multi-Laker is monthly publication of Multi-Lakes Conservation Association – Dave Leonard, Editor, December 2013 12/4 Chairman's Meeting 12/8 Country Breakfast Monday Sunday 1 12/11 Board of Directors Meeting 12/18 Membership Meeting 2 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 3 4 5 10am-12pm Sporting Clays League 8am-4pm Tactical 11am-4pm .22 Pistol Pin Shoot RG#1 Training RG#1 12-6pm Sporting 7-9pm Junior Rifle RG#1 Clays 12-6pm Skeet & Trap 12-3pm Open Shooting ODR 4:30-8pm Open Pistol RG#1 10am-4pm ICE-HIS ODR 5-10pm Skeet & Trap Winter League 6:30pm Bingo 10am-4pm Tactical Training RG#1 6-9pm Black Powder Pistol RG#1 6:30-9pm Junior Shotgun 7-9pm Archery Flint League RG#2 7:30pm CHAIRPERSONS MEETING 3-8:30pm Sporting Clays 3-9:30pm Skeet & Trap 5-7pm Junior Slingshot MTG RM 6-10pm Bullseye Pistol RG#1 7pm-12am Slingshot MTG RM 7-10pm Fly Tying Workshop CLAYS 8 9 10 15 16 17 22 23 24 9am-12pm Country Breakfast 9am-3pm Christmas Craft Show RG#2 10am-12pm Sporting Clays League 12-6pm Sporting Clays 12-6pm Skeet & Trap 12-3pm Open Shooting ODR 1-3pm Childrens Christmas Party MTG RM 4:30-8pm Open Pistol RG#1 6-9pm Safari Club International Novi Chapter Meeting 7-9pm Junior Rifle RG#1 10am-4pm Tactical Training ODR 5-10pm Skeet & Trap Winter League 6:30pm Bingo 7-9pm Junior Rifle RG#1 5-10pm Skeet & Trap 8am-12am Party RG#2 Winter League 11am-4pm .22 Pistol Pin Shoot RG#1 6:30pm Bingo 12-6pm Sporting Clays 12-6pm Skeet & Trap 12-3pm Open Shooting ODR 4:30-8pm Open Pistol RG#1 MEETING ROOM RENOVATIONS 8am WORKBEE ALL 12-6pm Sporting Clays 12-6pm Skeet & Trap 12-3pm Open Shooting ODR 4:30-8pm Open Pistol RG#1 MEETING ROOM MEETING ROOM RENOVATIONS RENOVATIONS 7-9pm Junior Rifle RG#1 29 30 31 12/22 Work Bee 11 9am-12pm Open Pistol RG#1 6:30-9pm Junior Shotgun 6:30-8:30pm Open Pistol RG#1 7-9pm Archery Flint League RG#2 7:30pm BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING 18 12 3-8:30pm Sporting Clays 3-9:30pm Skeet & Trap 5-7pm Junior Slingshot MTG RM 6-10pm Bullseye Pistol RG#1 7pm-12am Slingshot MTG RM 19 3-8:30pm Sporting Clays 3-9:30pm Skeet & Trap 5-7pm Junior Slingshot MTG RM 6-10pm Bullseye Pistol RG#1 7pm-12am Slingshot MTG RM 7-10pm Fly Tying Workshop CLAYS 7-9pm Archery Flint League RG#2 8:00pm MEMBERSHIP MEETING Multi-Laker Deadline 25 CLUB CLOSED Friday Saturday 6 7 5:30-8pm Fish Fry 8am-12am Party RG#2 9-11am Junior Pellet Rifle RG#1 9am-12pm Varmit Shoot ODR 9am-2pm Muzzleloader Woods Walk ODR 10am-4pm Sporting Clays 12-3pm Open Shooting ODR 12-3pm Bullseye Pistol RG#1 13 14 5:30-8pm Fish Fry 10am-4pm Sporting Clays 10am-4pm Skeet & Trap 10am-12pm New Members Meeting MTG RM 12-3pm Open Shooting ODR 12-3pm Bullseye Pistol RG#1 5pm-12am Entertainment Night MTG RM 6pm-12am Party S&T 20 21 5:30-8pm Fish Fry MEETING ROOM RENOVATIONS 8am-12am Party RG#2 10am-4pm Sporting Clays 10am-4pm Skeet & Trap 12-3pm Open Shooting ODR 12-3pm Bullseye Pistol RG#1 6pm-12am Party S&T 26 27 28 MEETING ROOM RENOVATIONS 3-8:30pm Sporting Clays 3-9:30pm Skeet & Trap 6-10pm Bullseye Pistol RG#1 MEETING ROOM RENOVATIONS MEETING ROOM RENOVATIONS 8am-12am Party RG#2 10am-4pm Sporting Clays 10am-4pm Skeet & Trap 12-3pm Open Shooting ODR 12-3pm Bullseye Pistol RG#1 6pm-12am Party S&T 1 2 3 4 MEETING ROOM RENOVATIONS MEETING ROOM MEETING ROOM 11am-4pm .22 Pistol Pin Shoot RG#1 RENOVATIONS RENOVATIONS 12-6pm Sporting 7-9pm Junior Rifle RG#1 8am-12am Party RG#2 Clays 12-6pm Skeet & Trap 12-3pm Open Shooting ODR 4:30-8pm Open Pistol RG#1 MEETING ROOM RENOVATIONS 6-9pm Black Powder Pistol RG#1 6:30-9pm Junior Shotgun 7:30pm CHAIRPERSONS MEETING 9-11:30pm Archery Indoor League RG#2 MEETING ROOM RENOVATIONS 3-8:30pm Sporting Clays 3-9:30pm Skeet & Trap 6-10pm Bullseye Pistol RG#1 7-9pm Junior Archery RG#2 7-10pm Fly Tying Workshop CLAYS MEETING ROOM RENOVATIONS MEETING ROOM RENOVATIONS 9-11am Junior Pellet Rifle RG#1 9am-2pm Muzzleloader Woods Walk ODR 10am-4pm Sporting Clays 12-3pm Open Shooting ODR 12-3pm Bullseye Pistol RG#1 6-9pm Combat Pistol RG#1 5 6 MEETING ROOM RENOVATIONS 10am-12pm Sporting Clays League 12-3pm Archery Open Shooting RG#2 12-6pm Sporting Clays 12-6pm Skeet & Trap 12-3pm Open Shooting ODR 4:30-8pm Open Pistol RG#1 MEETING ROOM RENOVATIONS 6-9pm Dog Training Class RG#2 7-9pm Junior Rifle RG#1 8 MEETING ROOM RENOVATIONS 9am-12pm Open Pistol RG#1 6:30-9pm Junior Shotgun 6:30-8:30pm Open Pistol RG#1 6:30-9pm Archery Indoor League RG#2 7-9pm Buck Scoring BAR 7:30pm BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING 9-11:30pm Archery Indoor League RG#2 9 MEETING ROOM RENOVATIONS 3-8:30pm Sporting Clays 3-9:30pm Skeet & Trap 6-10pm Bullseye Pistol RG#1 7-9pm Junior Archery RG#2 10 MEETING ROOM RENOVATIONS 6:30-9pm Archery Indoor League RG#2 11 10am-4pm Sporting Clays 10am-4pm Skeet & Trap 12-3pm Open Shooting ODR 12-3pm Bullseye Pistol RG#1 1-3:30pm Basic Junior Archery RG#2 6-9pm Combat Pistol RG#1 7 MEETING ROOM RENOVATIONS 10am-2pm Archery Indoor League RG#2 5-10pm Skeet & Trap Winter League January 2014 At club this size there are always schedule changes going on. This calendar is accurate as of the middle of the preceding month. Check this Range Closures list, and It is always a good idea to double check this information with the web site calendar, or by calling the clubhouse before you make a long drive or plan your day. DEC. 1ST DEC. 2ND DEC. 3RD DEC. 4TH DEC. 7TH DEC. 10TH DEC. 15TH DEC. 25TH DEC. 29TH IDR 1 IDR 1 ODR 1 IDR 1 SKEET&TRAP ODR 1 IDR 1 CLUB CLOSED IDR 1 11- 4PM 9- 4PM 10- 4PM 9- 4PM 9-2PM 10-4PM 11-4PM ALL DAY 11-4PM PIN SHOOT POLICE TRAINING POLICE TRAINING POLICE TRAINING MUZZLELOADERS POLICE TRAINING PIN SHOOT HOLIDAY PIN SHOOT 3 2014 Gun-A-Week Tickets On Sale Now!!! Junior Rifle Age 12 & older. $2.00 Mondays 7 to 9 pm (unless there is a holiday) New shooter orientation on the 2nd Monday of the month only (parent must attend) Pellet Rifle 1st & 3rd Saturdays 9 to 11 am Parent must stay as well. $2.00 Questions Wayne Hoyt 248-363-2294 Chet Dymon 248-363-7030 Non-members may participate in these junior activities. We are having trouble finding enough .22LR High Velocity – Can you please help us? 1 Ticket = 52 Chances Your ticket goes back in the barrel even if you win On sale for $25 each at the bar & office. That’s just 48 cents per draw! 2013 Flint League (no we are not actually shooting flint arrows) Every Wednesday from October 19th to December 18th (skipping Thanksgiving) At the Indoor Archery Range Ken Hamann (248)763-9982 4 BUCK NIGHT FEBRUARY MEETING NIGHT TO ALL THE LUCKY BUCK HUNTERS: BIG OR SMALL, COME AND GET YOUR ANTLERS SCORED FOR MEMBERS, YOUR SPOUSES, AND JUNIOR KIDS CAROL’S CORNER MEASURING DATES ARE JANUARY 8th, 16th, 21st, 23rd and 29th IN THE BAR 7 TO 9PM No measuring is done on meeting night AWARDS IN EACH CADIGORY FOR FIRST AND SECOND THE COST TO MEASURE IS A CAN FOR CAN-DO RULES: TAGED MI. DEER ONLY AND NO RANCH DEER FOR THE 2013 SEASON QUESTIONS CALL JON LASH 248-363-7474 Down to the nitty-gritty. Flint League is going good. Still haven’t seen any deer on vehicles, but I’ve seen turkey’s running for their lives. “choke-choke” Indoor Archery starts January 7th, 8th & 9th. Oh yesh, don’t forget the kids with Ron Opfer starts right after, Sign up sheet for the league will be posted in December. ~ Carol As promised MLCA "SPECIAL RAFFLES" ARE BACK! State license #C25960 Tickets on sale starting 8/25/13 LIMITED EDITION, NRA ENGRAVED, HENRY .30-30 LEVER ACTION RIFLE WITH OCTOGON BARREL, BRASS RECEIVER AND SIDE PLATES Only 200 tickets available. Cost $20.00 per ticket - odd's 1:200 Need not be present to win. Must be able to pass NICS check. Drawing 12/18/2013 during the December general meeting. Note: $500.00 of proceeds will be donated to "Can-Do" and the local food bank that we support. 5 ~ Officer’s Corners ~ ~ Vice President ~ This being my last article in the Multi-Laker as Vice President, I would like to say Thank You for the opportunity. I did enjoy it. Also congratulations to our newest officers and hoard members. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and I want to wish all the membership a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! See you at the club. ~ Sam Mullins ~ Membership Secretary ~ This is my last column for the Multi-Laker. After serving as Membership Secretary for 4 years it is time to let someone else take on the responsibility. I have to say that being an officer and the Membership Secretary, really let me use my work experience to help the club in down economic times. We were able to maintain the membership numbers, which is something to be proud of. A lot of clubs lost membership and struggle to survive. If we all work together we can help Multi-Lakes stay strong. This may require some changes in how we run things and how we interact with the community. We have a great club and should want to show it off and to encourage others to join. Thanks for the opportunity and learning experience. Remember everyone has the right to sponsor up to 6 new members a year! See you around the Club! Don’t forget to sponsor at least one new member! ~ Mark Geiger ~ Recording Secretary ~ ~ Treasurer ~ Well I hope everyone had a great hunting season. It has been a pleasure this year being the Treasure, and I’d like to thank everyone for the support they have given me. A special thanks to Terry Martin!! Wild Game Dinner is looking for some donations. If you have any please call Barry Anderson or myself so you can drop it off. The Wild Game Dinner will be Saturday, February 23rd. We are looking for some help with the dinner. It’s a good way to get your hours and have a great dinner. I would like to say good luck to everyone that is running for the board and officers positions. Also, I would like to wish everyone safe and happy holidays. I will see you all around the club, ~ John 6 I am hopeful that in the future I will be running for a position as an Officer or Board member. Good Luck to the new Officers and Board, thanks for running for office. See you around the MLCA!! ~ Keith Zerwas Chairmen’s Meeting Minutes – November, 2013 There was no Chairmen’s Meeting scheduled for November. ~ Spouses Night ~ 7 ~ Hunt Photos ~ Well, I encouraged everyone to send me hunt photos - even down to a single squirrel, and since no one else sent any this month, I guess I’ll have to fulfill my own request. This isn’t so much about getting a deer., as it is about the gun I used and A LOT of luck. With the gun, not the deer. I had bow hunted all week, and due to schedules, opening day of firearms season was going to be my only chance with a rifle. Coyotes in the area were making sure that deer were scarce, and I had only seen a few (out of bow range) all week. So, needless to say I was getting desperate. I took a big chance & decided to go with a .45 caliber flintlock longrifle - I had never shot a deer with anything but modern rifles in my life. As soon as I sat down in my blind, I went to prime the pan and realized there was no flint in the gun. Bad luck. No time to think about what happened, I just started the ½ mile trek out, picking up pieces of limestone on the way that looked promising to hold some bits of flint. With hammer in hand & just about to start, I spotted a rock that looked different from everything else in the area. I grabbed it, and on the first whack a nice sharp flake fell off. Dumb luck. I broke it in half with pliers to get it down to size, and then wrapped some duct tape around it to help it hold in the jaws of the lock. I gave it test, and got sparks. Good luck. I didn’t dare try again, because whatever this rock was, it was way softer than flint, and I only gave it a 50/50 chance to spark a second time. Back out to the blind. Sat down at just before 10AM. Just before 11:00, a doe wanders in and stops at about 20 yards - broadside. I had already decided that this being my last day, I was not going to pass up anything. The gun went off flawlessly. Fantastic - almost impossible - luck. ~ Dave Leonard #354 Letters to the Editor, and Hunt Photos should be e-mailed to Prints and hand written letters can be dropped in my box at the club. MEMBERS CHANGE OF ADDRESS FORM Please use this form to notify us at least 4 weeks before moving to your new address. 1. Present Address – attach address label or print your name and address exactly as shown on the label Club No.__________ Name_____________________________________________ CLUB BAR OPEN DAILY Old Address__________________________________________________________ City______________________________________ State______ Zip____________ 2. Fill In New Address: Club No.__________ Name_____________________________________________ New Address__________________________________________________________ City______________________________________ State______ Zip____________ 3. Mail To: Multi-Laker 8 Phone______________________ 3860 Newton Road Commerce Twp., MI 48382 E-Mail_______________________ N O O N Fly Tying Workshops Sporting Clays Winter League Trying to tie a new fly and have a question? Wondering how to proceed? Enjoy the company of other fly tiers? First and third Thursday evenings, 7 - 10 PM, October March, come to the old sporting clays building next to Indoor Pistol, for an opportunity to learn about and tie flies. You must bring your own equipment and materials. We will provide the expertise and encouragement. Expert tyers will be present to hone your fly tying skills. Bring your on-going projects, questions and enthusiasm. Any questions, contact Jim Weakland at 248-736-8861 or 3 Man Teams Starts December 1st or Charlie Stevens, 248-542-4773 (home), 248-225-7499 (cell), SLINGSHOT LEAGUE A new volunteer page is live on our website. Check it out regularly to see where help is needed --> and lend a hand! Thursday Nights 7:30 in the Meeting Room October - April 9 Indoor .22 LR Pistol Bowling Pin-Top Shoot PPH - CONCEALED PISTOL LICENSE CLASS March 22nd, 2014 Name: _________________________________ The 2013-2014 dates are: Dec 1, 15, 29 Jan 12, 26 Feb 9, 23 Mar 9, 23 Apr 6 Bill Stumpf 248-521-8153 (As shown on your driver’s license or MI State ID) Address_________________________________ City & Co._____________________________ MI Zip____________________________________ Phone # _______________________________ Email: _________________________________ Member $75.00 / Non-member $125.00 (Fee non refundable after (March 7, 2014) Make check payable to: Multi-Lakes C. A. or MLCA Mail to: Cal Kittinger – 24264 Tamarack Circle Southfield, MI 48075-6179 248-354-4449 – Email: Note: Not a class for beginners &/or first time handgun shooters; you must be familiar with your firearm before taking this class. We offer a 3-hour, 1st Step or Basic Pistol class starting at 6:30 p.m. 4th Tuesday of each month. $25 for members, $30 non-members. Open Pistol at Multi-Lakes Conservation Association Welcome to Multi-Lakes Open Pistol Range. The Open Pistol Committee invites you to try our facility and enjoy shooting your handguns. We have put together this information sheet to inform you about our range, hours of operation, and accessories available for purchase. HOURS OF OPERATION: All Sundays………………………...…………..……4:30 pm to 8:00 pm nd th 2 and 4 Wednesdays of each month……………9:00 am to noon, and 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm Note: Range closed for holidays and special events. All range closings will be posted in advance. FEES: Members……………………………………..……………$4.00 per hour* Non-Members……………………………………….….$10.00 per hour* Juniors (17 & under)………………………………..…..$3.00 per hour* *When range is at full capacity. For your convenience we have the following items available to purchase: Targets, Eye & Ear Protection, Shoot & Sees, and Leave gun(s) and 125 rounds of factory ammo in car. You will be told when to bring inside the building. Ear (muff type recommended) & eye protection. Assemble in range house #2 between 8:00-8:30 a.m. Class starts 8:30a.m. - Class ends approx. 7:30p.m. (or later, depending upon the time needed to answer questions during the legal portion of the class, or encountering unforeseen problems on the range.) Lunch at club house (not included in course fee). Special dietary requirements - BYO. We need your name as on drivers license or state I.D. Bring pencil, pens, note paper & highlighter(s). Member rate extends to spouse, parent, child & grandchild, but not in-laws. Meeting Night Raffle December 18th Top Prizes are scheduled to be: 1st – Freezer 2nd – Smokehouse 3rd – Knife Set License # C25960 Thank you for your support. We welcome any and all suggestions. Ammunition is once again for sale! For further information call the Open Pistol Chair: Pete Cesaro Jr. 248-760-7331 or John Miller 586-495-7452 10 Please call: Don Priebe (248) 363-0753 CRAFT SHOW SUNDAY DECEMBER 9, 2012 9 AM TO 3 PM First table is $20.00 and a donation for the raffle table Second table $10.00 Third table $5.00 Set up starts at 7:00 am We request that you do not start breaking down your table/tables before 2:30 pm. Thank You!!! TEXAS HOLD’EM At Northville Downs Need Volunteers for 3 shifts 11:30-4:30 4:30-9:30 9:30-Close December 18, 19 & 20 Call Glenn Kruckenberg 313-407-6724 Behind The Berm The Winter Woods Walk Shoots and League 205 Pack Avenue. Oscoda, MI 48750 (989) 739-9600 Shotgun start at 10am. (Come a bit early for coffee and a donut.) We will have a variety of great soups, chili, and often some other goodies when we take a lunch break - and there is a chance to win your shooting fee back on our novelty shoot. Two steaks to the top shooter of the day, and prizes for 2nd & 3rd place too! All that for just $8.00 folks. Traditional muzzleloaders using patch and round ball only. Traditional clothing is encouraged, but not required. Nov 2, 2013 Dec 7, 2013 Jan 4, 2014 Feb 1, 2014 Mar 1, 2014 April 5, 2014 Dave Mercieca 248-318-6053 Clint Double 248-363-2139 11 Member’s Son Wins National Walleye Tournament This past August I experienced the great joy of watching my son win the Cabalas Master Walleye championship and the National team tournament. Many of us have dreamed of fishing professionally and winning - and it sure was fun to live that dream through my son. To be honest it was no real surprise to me, and after you read this story you will understand why. This story was written the weekend after 9-11-2001 in our family tent. That is important because, although true, this is a bit more than a fish story. I hope you enjoy. ~Rich Carlson Rapscallion The rogue fish first made its existence known to the man by a light tap. Little did the fly fisherman know, much like the tapping of an armed thief in the night, this tap would signal an explosion, an hour-long explosion, binding one fish and one man …for life. 1973 Michigan… The gift finds its way to another first-born.Charles "Erich" Carlson is alive and ready to do battle. Born to fish, Erich's first word was "fish." How does a baby turn the word “momma" into fish? The word “daddy" to boat? There was no doubt Erich was a carrier, and by three the gene began to invade every part of his being, for on his first trip to a nearby weedy lake, Erich How does it happen that the existence of one force out-fished his dad. The gene had exploded! Call the precludes the existence of another? The forces of good Center for Disease Control. Erich was infected and would vs. evil, the Allies vs. the Axis, the will of nature vs. the will of man… the giant fish pre-ordained to do battle with forever refuse any treatment. The blue gills would suffer, that one fisherman worthy of a battle. Epic in nature, epic the bass succumb and the tackle stores would smile. The onslaught was carried to a new level every year. Erich was by design, the saga begins not in a river with a tap, but part fish, a legend among his family and friends, a warrior generations earlier… carrying the flag of man against the 1880… Olaf Carlson emigrates lurking monsters of deep. It was this to the U.S., not a tradesman or fine-tuned fisherman on a sunny laborer, but a fisherman, from a September day who would do battle family of fishermen, a Swedish with the monarch, a true king of family still fishing today. Olaf, tan kings: He shall be called Brutus! and tattooed ‘til the day of his death, 1997… Erich is bow hunting passes an innate gift to his first-born. near Manistee. His best friend Chad 1890 Columbia River… A long was in camp that weekend. Chad, just dark shadow slowly cruises up river, a little larger than Erich, was a big avoiding detection. Had the shadow boy; his radio call sign was Huge, both been a submarine and used its for his size and his big perpetual periscope to glass the riverbank, it smile. As Chad and Erich celebrated would have gazed upon a busy place. the splendor of that vibrant fall The peaceful Chinook Indians (who weekend, four miles north the Fishery would lend their namesake to the Division was busy raising thousands very aggressive salmon) still fished of Chinook. One of these fry was and trapped in the clear turbid water. larger and faster than the rest. Erich Silver tipped brown bears stalked the banks feeding on the and Brutus were finally close to one another. Yet they hoards of spawning fish. were worlds apart. It would be just a few short years before their worlds would collide. The long dark shadow, a rotund salmon, had spent the last several years cruising the ocean, eating. An outcast, 2001… Deep in the waters of Lake Michigan, the most of his siblings had made their spawning runs a year monster salmon gorges on alewife and shad. Inexplicably or two earlier. Brutus is drawn ever closer to shore. By mid August This lone monster mysteriously stayed longer and ate Brutus lurks off the northwestern port city of Manistee, and although he has quit eating and wants to start up river, more, growing ever larger. Tired now, dark and scarred, he senses something isn't right. He waits! the behemoth was on his final trip. After spawning, his spent hulk rested in a small pool where a young bear, with While the big ill-tempered fish bides his time, 250 roe on his lips and blood in his fur, ripped the remaining miles away Erich and Chad decide to put off their annual life from him. The carcass, left on a rock, soon became fishing trip. The river is too warm and the weather too food for eagle and snack for raccoon. Was he dead, gone dry. They wait. forever? Not hardly, for just downstream he had left his The Michigan weather changes quickly and the next mark, his milk, his legacy. week dawns cool and wet. Brutus instinctively heads up 12 river. Across the state Erich and Chad head for Manistee. river, letting nature's perpetual motion machine dance them in front of his quarry. Then it happened…. Tap. Camp was a happy place that warm September weekend. The door to the tent was more like a portal through which one entered a world of comfort, brotherhood and memories. Complete with bunks, carpet, wood-stove, and cook shack, the big white wall tent was special. Everyone present was tied together by his love of the outdoors; one either belonged there or did not. After dining on great food, retelling old jokes, and downing a few cold ones each tried to sleep, awash in his own thoughts. Visions were not only dancing in everyone's head but across the river surface as well. Sleep came quickly, for just outside, the river sang its ancient siren tune. In the early morning mist each would answer the call. Erich felt the fish bump the line, the expensive equipment transmitting the movement instantly to this fine-tuned fisherman. The rod tip swept back, shock waves engulfing Erich's senses as Brutus slammed first into one fly, then the other. The enraged monster accelerated to the surface like a demented depth charge intent on exploding above. The explosion sent splashes of doubt through Erich. Brutus easily cleared the surface, spraying the entire boat. Impacting the water, he sent a tidal wave in all directions. The imploding void sent a mushroom of water as high as the stunned fisherman. Again and again Brutus defied gravity, the line screaming from the reel as its handle whirled to oblivion. Brutus Erich sat straight up in his bunk. The moon was high, the night still, yet the hair was standing on the back rocketed upriver. The drag sang with no effect as Erich held on, rod tip bent double, bucking, barely able to cope of his neck. Was it the mystical Dog Men of Manistee*, with shock after shock. Erich quickly realized he was in those hideous part dog-part man creatures who terrorize the north woods, that had startled him? No. Relieved, he for the battle of his life. Chad, ever the ally, quickly started the motor and remembered that they would not be back for at least six years and a month. Staring out at the river, Erich sensed a lifted the anchor. He knew this battle was his too, the presence; the long dark shadow, seemingly undetected, enemy too immense for one man, however skilled, to slowly made its way past the sleepy campground. Erich's successfully engage alone. Only by chasing the behemoth hairs, lying flat now, shimmered with beads of up river were the anglers able to stay connected to the perspiration. The night lingered on in anticipation. monster. As line tension eased, the fish slowed, then stopped. The trickster now swam directly at the advancing Giant trees, colorless in the morning night, stood boat. Unable to keep the line tight, Erich could only pray guard as the fishermen expertly navigated the perilous winding river. Many shallows, snags and deadheads lay in as Brutus went by in a blur. As quickly as possible, Chad turned the boat. Chad had to get the boat downstream of wait for the unwary or unknowing. The fog-shrouded surface still hid from the morning light as the boats safely the fish if there was to be any chance of stopping him. Erich reeled frantically, trying to maintain his connection. joined the river's silence. Brutus turned… this fish would fight to the death. Erich's stated purpose that morning was to help Chad The second upstream run was just as harrowing. Line hook a salmon on a fly rod. Erich had enjoyed many a ripped from the reel at an alarming rate, spraying mist as it slugfest with these powerful fish and hoped his friend would hook up early. Their weapon of choice was a #10 left the rod tip. Brutus flashed by another boat. The fly rod rigged with twin flies on a lightweight tippet. While fishermen in that boat had thoughtfully pulled their anchor to keep from fouling the line and shouted honest about his desire for Chad to connect, Erich had positioned himself advantageously at the front of the boat. encouragement as they watched in awe. After the second Perhaps the nighttime intrusion was playing on his mind? run Brutus returned to the deep hole where he had first been hooked. There he sulked. Unable to move the fish, As luck would have it, Chad did connect with the first Erich applied even more pressure, the thread-thin fish, a feisty eleven-pound sprinter. Although spirited, the connection so taut it had become harmonic, resonating the large, long-handled net soon surrounded the out-gunned colliding wills of the fish and the fisherman. Twice more acrobat. Landing a river salmon on a fly rod requires a Brutus made gallant runs. Only luck kept the slippery team effort to position the boat, keep the fish away from quarry from breaking off to seek sanctuary in an the snag-infested bank, and finally net it. Chad intuitively underwater logjam. Finally, he began to tire, the force of watched Erich handle the boat, knowing that when Erich the two allies too much for the aging brute. Noticeably hooked up, it would be his turn. Chad knew Erich well weaker now, Brutus rolled on the surface. Chad was able and wanted nothing to do with the wrath that would to get the boat downstream of him, and as Erich pulled answer stupidity. the fish closer, the net slipped under the big king. Brutus was dead. Gone forever? Not hardly! When the sun climbed over the trees, Erich let the * boat slip back just ahead of a deep, dark hole that he knew A legend heard on the northwoods radio every October. would hold fish. Over and over he tossed his flies up 13 November Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – October 23rd, 2013 Chairman of the Board Matt Philippart called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. Matt led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Conservation Pledge. Officers present: Charley Stevens, Sam Mullins, Mark Geiger, John LaFave. Directors present: Matt Philippart, Harvey Cooper, Pete Cesaro Sr., Jon Lash, Rich Carlson.Absent: Keith Zerwas. Andy Lynch, Marty Zaremba, Glenn Kruckenberg and Rich Johnson. Interested Members: Jeff Parker, Richard A LaFave Sr., Dan Peltier, Skip Worden, Russ DeVriendt, Rod Taskey, Tony Katopodis, Al Wilkinson, Dan St. Aubin, Evan Lacy, Kevin Starrs Sr. and Dan Kendra. Jon Lash/ Sam Mullins: Motion to approve minutes: Motion Carried. PEOPLE TO SEE THE BOARD: John Miller: I would like to set up a place for our members to drop off their deer hides. It is going to help MUCC to fight against Anti-hunters. John LaFave/ Mark Geiger: Motion to allow John Miller to set up a drop off in the pole barn for Defend the Hunt. Motion Carried. PRESIDENT'S REPORT: None. OLD BUSINESS: Charley Stevens would like to revamp dates to get the meeting room ceiling down from December 21st until January 10th. Charley Stevens/ Pete Cesaro Sr.: Motion to extend if needed until January 10th for new ceiling. Motion Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Charley Stevens said years ago we talked about new trap field down at skeet and trap would like to get that done. Pete Cesaro Sr./ Charley Stevens: Motion to pursue on the new trap field. Motion Carried. Pete Cesaro Sr. handed out an orange card that had 50 percent off any shooting event. He has never seen this before. Harvey Cooper/ Pete Cesaro Sr.: Motion to receive and file, and do not except cards. Motion Carried. Sam Mullins said Less McCarty gave him a tent, and he would like to give it to the ice fishing for the kids. Pete Cesaro Sr. / Mark Geiger: Motion to adjourn at 9:10. Motion Carried. Respectfully Submitted by: John LaFave, Recording Secretary VICE PRESIDENT'S REPORT: Sam Mullins/ Charley Stevens: Motion to approve dates as presented. Motion Carried. RECORDING SECRETARY'S REPORT: Sam Mullins/ Pete Cesaro Sr.: Motion to receive and file letter from Guest Elementary. Motion Carried MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY'S REPORT: Mark Geiger reported as of this date we have 122 regular members, 352 working and 77 probationary, for a total of 551. Total of all membership categories is 916. New Members th meeting will be December 14 COMBAT SHOOTING - PPC IN A CRISIS CAN YOU DRAW FROM A HOLSTER AND STILL KEEP CONTROL? TREASURER'S REPORT: None. OPERATIONS MANAGER'S REPORT: Walled lake Central wants to know if we would like to advertise in their year book. Rich Carlson/ Harvey Cooper: Motion to spend up to $125 for advertising in Walled Lake Central year book. Motion Carried. We need to open a new checking account for Texas Hold’em. It is a new rule from the state. Charley Stevens/ Mark Geiger: Motion to open new checking account for Texas Hold’em. Motion Carried. Harvey Cooper/ Pete Cesaro Sr.: Motion to rescind motion from last month, which increased the cost for Country Breakfast by one dollar, and see if we need to increase in six months. For: Harvey Cooper, Rich Carlson, Mark Geiger and Jon Lash. Opposed: Charley Stevens, Pete Cesaro Sr., John LaFave, Sam Mullins and Matt Philippart. Motion Failed. Pete Cesaro Sr./ Sam Mullins: Motion to raise it a dollar now and look at it in six months. For: Jon Lash, Sam Mullins, Charley Stevens, Pete Cesaro Sr., and John LaFave. Opposed: Harvey Cooper, Rich Carlson, and Mark Geiger. Motion Carried. STANDING COMMITTEE REPORT: None. 14 CAN YOU RELOAD QUICKLY? COME TO PPC (COMBAT) SHOOTING AND SHARPEN YOUR SKILLS! st rd 1 , 3 & 5th TUESDAYS 6PM TO 9PM Or if you are just getting started try BASIC PISTOL th 4 Tuesday of each month You must register ahead of time, Call: Bill Brennecke 248-921-9035 or Cal Kittinger 248-354-4449 Fee: member $25 non-member $30 Recent Gun-A-Week Winners Savage Trophy w/scope .308 0282 Joe S Mossberg 535 Combo 12 ga. 0683 Dale W Stoeger 2000 12 ga. 0613 Scott B Springfield XD-9 sc 9mm 0606 Brian Y Mossberg Mariner 12 ga. 1311 Tariq A Oct-25 Nov-1 Nov-8 Nov-15 Nov-22 Marine City Westland Warren Macomb Twp. Wolverine Lake MI MI MI MI MI ~ MLCA Outdoor Range ~ Range Officer On Call List ~ M. Bartrun* (313) 478-3049 G. Biron (313) 532-8542 D. Campau (734) 261-9786 P. Cesaro (248) 685-1922 P. Cesaro Jr. (248) 363-1102 J. Cleveland (248) 473-0085 R. Davis (248) 685-1206 * Saturdays Only D. Durandetto M. Florkowski W. Hoyt T. Keller L. Kimble E. Lockhart D. Mercieca Effective January 11, 2012 NONMEMBER MEMBER JUNIOR ARCHERY $ 4.00 $ 7.00 $ 2.00 BULLS-EYE PISTOL $ 4.00 $ 10.00 COMBAT PISTOL $ 6.00 $ 6.00 HUNTERS ED. $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 JUNIOR RIFLE $ 2.00 *OPEN PISTOL $ 4.00 $ 10.00 $ 3.00 *OUTDOOR RANGE $ 4.00 $ 12.00 $ 4.00 SKEET & TRAP $ 5.00 $ 7.00 $ 4.00 SPORTING CLAYS $12.00 $ 18.00 $ 8.00 WOODSWALK $ 3.00 $ 4.00 Ear & eye protection, ammo & targets available *Per hour if busy. (248) 408-2913 (248) 318-6643 (248) 363-2294 (248) 996-0715 (248) 563-2493 (248) 345-4013 (248) 318-6053 J. Miller J. Parker S. Ross D. St. Aubin R. Taskey K. Troyer M. Wilkinson B.Yirovec (586) 495-7452 (248)330-0824 (248) 563-6745 (248) 698-1355 (248) 830-2456 (248) 684-2389 (248) 421-4611 (248) 682-3478 RANGE FEES Outdoor Range Schedule Open Shooting Hours: Saturdays & Sundays 12:00 noon - 3:00pm EXCEPT Holidays & Special Events All other dates check calendar for committee & times Cook your own T-bone steak Pull Tabs Progressive Jackpot Free Coffee - Great Food First Quickie Game 6:30 PM License # A00911 Choice of: 16 oz. Steak $10 20 oz. Steak $12 or Chicken Breast $8 With: Baked Potato Vegetable Tossed Salad and Garlic Bread ½ lb. Burgers to order……plus……Fries Served: 6 pm to 7:45 pm 15 These two pages include all of the candidates and their background information for the 2014 calendar year election at Multi-Lakes. All of the Officer positions are open and three 3 Board of Director seats are open. The Election Committee commends these members for their decision to run. We encourage you to read the applications and exercise your right to vote. We wish all of the best to all of the candidates, and thank them for taking the personal responsibility to get involved at MLCA. The voting process will begin in early November. The ballots will be available at the Clubhouse Bar. You will need a valid membership card and must be eligible on the most current voter MLCA membership list. Conditional, Probationary and Suspended members are not eligible to vote. Read the instructions on the ballot and cast your vote. When you are finished, seal your ballot in the envelope marked "For Ballot Only". Place your "For Ballot Only" envelope into the larger envelope provided. Sign your name and Club Number on the larger envelope and seal. Deposit the envelope into the ballot box next to the clubhouse bar. This is the election process at MLCA. The election polls will close at the December 2013, General Membership Meeting at 9:00 p.m. Name: Chris Peltier Club Number: 03-670 Running For: Vice President Address: 1146 Shoman St, Waterford, MI Occupation: Metro Aircraft Instruments Membership Years: 10 Club Committees: Bar, Bingo, Nominations, Work Bee, Poker Tournaments, Horseshoes, Fish Fry. “I want to be involved with the future of the Club’s direction.” Name: Peter Cesaro Sr. Club Number: 120 Running For: Membership Secretary Address: 861 Friar, Milford, MI Occupation: Ret. Designer Membership Years: 47 Club Committees: 2-year President, 3-year VP, Director, Started Haunted Forest+2yr, Started Open Pistol+3yr, Skeet & Trap 10 yrs, Sporting Clays 16 yrs, Wild Game Dinner, Strategic Planning, Outdoor Range, Jr. Shotgun, Hunter Ed, Grounds, G.O.D., Cowboy Action, Country Breakfast, Car Cruise. “I believe all of the past Membership Secretaries did a great job – Like my predecessor Mark Geiger, who did an outstanding job, I believe there is room for improvement.” Name: John LaFave Club Number: 434 Running For: Recording Secretary Address: 2335 Fir St., Wixom Occupation: Meat Manager Membership Years: 14 Name: Jim Ashcraft Club Number: 89-77 Running For: Vice President Address: 580 Alexander Dr. Walled Lake, MI Occupation: Sales Mgr. / Estimator Membership Years: 24 Club Committees: Good Old Days, Haunted Forest, Sporting Clays, Officer, Board of Directors, Member of Year, Hunter Safety/Education, Skeet & Trap, Jr. Shotgun, Friends NRA, Open Pistol, Outdoor Range, Fish Fry, Country Breakfast, Fence, Bingo, Kitchen, By-Laws & others. “To further advance the progress and longevity of the association thru goal setting, proper planning and utilization of member talent and resources. Ensure a transparent operation for membership knowledge of the business as it happens by maintaining open access to requested information.” Club Committees: Wild game, Nomination, Recording Secretary, Haunted forest, Election Committee, Membership Committee, Can-Do. “Continue to see the Club move forward.” 16 Name: Calvin C. Kittinger Club Number: 97-1367 Running For: BOD Address: 24264 Tamarack Circle, Southfield, MI Occupation: Retired Membership Years: 16 Club Committees: Nominating Committee, Membership Committee, S&T Chair, ATA Shoot Chair, Recording Secretary (twice), Multi-Lakes Editor (twice), Friends of NRA Dinner Chair, Women On Target Clinic Director & Grant Coordinator, FNRA State Fund Committee, Board of Directors (twice), Women's Event Chair & CPL Chair, 1997 New Member of the Year, 2009 Member of the Year. “I would like to be part of a positive and balanced leadership team that takes this club into the next decade and beyond. I think I have demonstrated my loyalty to this club over the last 16 years; as have many other club members.” Name: Charles V. Stevens Club Number: 84-1325 Running For: President Address: 500 S. Dorchester, Royal Oak, MI Occupation: Retired Engineer Membership Years: 30 Name: Jeff Parker Club Number: 82 Running For: BOD Address: 9270 Commerce Road #18 Occupation: Retired Membership Years: 3 Club Committees: Good Old Days, Family Events, Skeet & Trap, Big Bore, RO, Travel Shotgun League. Club Committees: Muzzleloaders, Fly Fishing, Cowboy Action, Skeet & Trap, Open Pistol, Range Officer. “To continue moving the Club in a positive direction. Continuing to build up the shooting sports” “Since I joined I have been interested in the workings of the Club. I feel I can be a positive contributing member of the board, and work for the members.” Name: John Miller Club Number: 346 Running For: BOD Address: 756 Manor, Milford, MI Occupation: Electrician (retired) Membership Years: 3 Name: Larry Hutton Club Number: 11-659 and (82-1060) Running For: BOD Address: 3060 Terry, Walled Lake, MI Occupation: Retired (Owneroperator/Road Construction) Membership Years: 14 (1982-1994 and 2011-present) Club Committees: Open Pistol chair, Pin Shoot chair, Range Officer, GOD, WOT, NPRC, MUCC Board of Directors District #7. Club Committees: Grounds Committee, Good Old Days, Sport Shoots, Sporting Clays, Skeet & Trap, Haunted Forest, Veterans Memorial, Cowboy Action, and former Range Officer trainee. “Serve the members, and to be involved in keeping the Club successful and enjoyable for all.” “To use management and leadership skills learned from US Navy, Firefighter (volunteer), and being self employed, to guide the Club forward to benefit all members” Name: William Brennecke Club Number: 39 Running For: BOD Address: 2227 Ellington, Wolverine Lake, MI Occupation: Millwright (retired) Membership Years: 29 Club Committees: Combat Pistol, WOT and CPL Instructor, GOD (shooting committees) “I have been involved in the shooting sports for many years, and thought it was time to get more involved in the Club.” Name: Marshall Maybrier Club Number: 98-762 Running For: BOD Address: 4560 Vandalia Occupation: Prop Maker Membership Years: 15 Club Committees: Pheasant Hunt, Haunted Forest, Country Breakfast, Good Old Days Bar, Work Bee. “To keep the Club heading in the right direction.” Name: Andrew J. Lynch Club Number: 183 Running For: BOD Address: 162 Somerset, Milford, MI. Occupation: Retired Membership Years: 14 Club Committees: Range Officer Training, Scheduling “To promote safe and effective use of MLCA ranges.” Name: Rodney Taskey Club Number: 473 Running For: BOD Address: 22038 Haynes Occupation: Retired Membership Years: 4 Club Committees: “I want to help support the Club.” 17 You can buy HATS, PATCHES & MORE… ANYTIME! Multi-Lakes Clubhouse 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. December 8 ~ January 12 ~ February 9 Menu includes: Custom omelets, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage links, biscuits & gravy, hash browns, cinnamon apples, waffles, pancakes with hot syrup, toast, coffee, milk, tomato & orange juices. Adults ........... ..... ..... $8.00 Seniors........... ........... $7.50 Children 5-12. ........... $5.00 Children under 5........ $2.00 FREE KEY Buy One Get One FREE! $2 OFF 20 lb. Propane Tank Fill One coupon per visit per day Melvin’s Hardware One coupon per visit per day Melvin’s Hardware Melvin’s Hardware 690 N. Pontiac Trail, Walled Lake 248-624-4583 Show Your MLCA Card for 10% Off Regular Retail Prices! 18 We have a full display table of items for sale at our monthly meeting, and some special events at the club. There is also a display case by the bar entrance. You can ask the bartender on duty, or anytime you see us around the clubhouse. We want you to be able to show everyone that you are a proud member of the Multi-Lakes Conservation Association. Thank you all for your continuing support. Doug Erstad and Bill & Daryl Ramsey Sporting Clays Thursdays 3:00 - Dusk Saturdays 10:00 – 3:00 Sundays Noon - Dusk (248) 363-8811 Multi-Lakes Skeet & Trap Open Shooting Thursday 3:00 to 9:30 Saturday 10:00 to 4:00 Note: Closed first Saturday of the month Sunday Noon to 6:00 Monday – Thursday Lunch Specials See Lynn at the Clubhouse Bar and Grill BUILDING RENTALS Catering Available ~ Multi-Laker Advertising ~ Call Barry Anderson (248) 363-9109 Fish Fry Schedule December 06 Vanstone (313) 790-9620 13 Kirby (313) 406-5421 22 McGinley (248) 931-2927 27 NO FISH FRY January 03 Mullins 10 DeVriendt 17 Funni 24 Vanstone 31 Kirby (248) 360-4251 (248) 624-5232 (248) 926-6395 (313) 790-9620 (313) 406-5421 HELP WANTED: BARTENDERS: Terri Barletta….…….…..(248)863-8582 BINGO: Chris Peltier.……........…( 248)701-0001 COUNTRY BREAKFAST: Russ Griggs…………….(248) 360-5977 FISH FRY: Fred Koby…......…….…(602) 206-6809 MORNING CREW: Barry Anderson……...…(248) 363-9109 SKEET & TRAP: Pete Cesaro Sr.……...… (248) 685-1922 19 General Membership Meeting Minutes – November 6th, 2013 President Charley Stevens called the meeting to order at 8:00 both, so come out and shoot. PM. Charley led the members in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Conservation Pledge. Charley then welcomed all the new Glenn Kruckenberg: Next Texas Hold’em will be December 18th, 19th and 20th. This is the last one for the year. members and acknowledged the past Presidents in attendance: Sam Mullins, Dave Fisher, Dan Peltier, Jim Kirn Richard LaFave Sr.: Can-Do has donated over 1,607 pounds #1367 Calvin Kittinger / #1359 Richard LaFave Sr.: Motion of food this year. to approve the membership meeting minutes. Motion Chris Peltier: I’m in need of some help at Bingo every Carried. Tuesday, and the fourth Tuesday of the month I need some help in the kitchen. #1325 Charley Stevens / # 725: Dan Peltier. Motion to receive and file the Treasurers Report as printed in The MultiRon Dubois: January 18th will be the Kids Ice Fishing event. Laker. Motion Carried. CHAPLAIN’S REPORT: None. Dan Peltier: The Men’s Euchre League will start on January 7th. If you would like to play please give me a call. PRESIDENT’S REPORT: OLD BUSINESS: None. Charley talked about Sporting Clays League starting st December 1 . The major Club project replacing the ceiling in the meeting room is in need help, contact Jeff Parker. John NEW BUSINESS: None. Miller for Defend the Hunt is in need of deer hides. There is a pallet and salt for them by the middle overhead door of the #137 Harvey Cooper/ # 644 Larry Cohorst Motion to pole barn. The winter shooting leagues are starting early adjourn the meeting at 9:15. Motion Carried. next month. The Haunted Forest was a success again this year. MEETING NIGHT RAFFLE: #1278 Fred Koby 3rd prize – Food Save #438 Ron Wik 2nd prize – TV RECORDING SECRETARY: No Report this month. Richard LaFave Sr. 1st prize – $300 Gift Card #1359 Congratulations Everyone!! MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY: Mark Geiger gave the recap of the members: We have 122 Respectfully Submitted by, regular members, 352 working members, 77 probationary John LaFave members, for a total of 551, and a total real membership of Recording Secretary 917. TREASUER’S REPORT: None. OPERATIONS MANAGER REPORT: Haunted Forest was a great year we would like to thank everyone that came out to help. EARLY DRAW: #128: James Dunkel’s name was drawn; James missed out on $310.00 plus $25 if he had his name tag on. Next month the amount will increase to $320, plus $25.00 if you have on your name tag. VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Sam Mullins announced there are 118 members present, 14 new members, 80 guests. Next month we will be raffling off the Henry rifle. To all chairmen there will be no Chairman’s st Meeting January 1 . CHAIRPERSONS TO SPEAK: Jon Lash: Big Buck Night is the February meeting night. The dates for measuring will be January 8th, 16th, 21st, 23rd and the 29th in the bar between 7 and 9PM. I would like to thank everyone that came out to the swap days. Kevin Simms: Skeet & Trap League starts December 3rd on Tuesday night’s. The cost is $125 for one event or $200 for 20 Men’s & Women’s Euchre Leagues Begin on January 6th Call Dan Peltier 249-666-9418 ~ More from Spouses Night ~ Fish Fry All You Can Eat Every Friday 5:30pm to 8:00pm Fried Fish Also includes: Baked Fish Roasted Chicken Salad, Coleslaw, Veggie, Baked Potatoes & Fries $9.00 Adults $6.50 Children 5-12 50¢ discount for Seniors over 62 Help Support Your Club! The Annual Ice Fishing Tournament is tentatively scheduled for: January 18th Look for more details next month. 21 Multi-Lakers & the NRA When you renew or join the National Rifle Association put our ID number 'C10513B' on your application, and MLCA will receive $10.00 This Space Intentionally Left Blank Applications & renewals at the bar. MCRGO Largest Statebased Firearms Advocate in America 22 D.N.R. OPERATIONS SERVICE CENTER 26000 W. Eight Mile Road, Southfield, MI 48034 Phone (248) 359-9040 REPORT ALL POACHING (RAP) 1-800-292-7800 Committee Chair Directory Activities Andy Willetts Adopt-a-Highway Mike Mehrman Archery Ken Hamann (Indoor) Adam Rott (3D) Tim Loynes (Outdoor) Ron Opfer (Junior) Bar Terri Barletta Bingo Chris Peltier Blood Drive Kirk Cooke Mike Wilczynski Building Maintenance Brian Moore By Laws Rich Johnson Car Cruise Skip Worden Chairperson’s Committee Charley Stevens Chaplain Skip Worden Computer Jon Podkul Conservation Education Rich Johnson Country Breakfast Russ Griggs Dan Vanstone Cowboy Action Shooting Carl Sundberg Jeff Parker Dave Behme Daily Raffle Jim Kirn Gary Gryglewski Dennis Cullen Deer Contest Charles McDonald Jon Lash Dock & Lakeside Ron Dubois Election Larry Willis Entertainment Larry Cohorst Equipment Maintenance Evan Lacy Greg Potter Bill McKeever Euchre Dan Peltier Family Events Larry Cohorst Finance Committee Don Navigato Mark Geiger Fly Fishing Jim Weakland Friday Fish Fry Fred Koby Golf League Barry Anderson Good Old Days Annie Barbara 248-760-1310 248-360-3733 248-360-0386 248-891-7640 248-773-9650 248-624-0161 248-863-8582 248-701-0001 248-636-0069 248-363-6197 248-505-3680 313-278-7841 248-685-0703 248-542-4773 248-685-0703 248-363-5828 313-278-7841 248-360-5977 313-790-9620 248-553-4410 248-330-0824 248-310-2182 248-363-9351 248-348-6053 734-422-3051 248-627-4244 248-363-7474 248-660-5229 248-755-6781 248-698-1575 248-363-4586 734-464-7802 248-363-0898 248-666-9418 248-698-1575 248-921-5257 248-681-6732 248-669-1473 602-206-6809 248-363-9109 734-674-0012 Grants Richard Johnson 313-278-7841 Grounds Al Wilkinson 248-363-2690 Scott Wilkinson Kevin Starrs Hats and Patches Doug Erstad 248-505-3474 Bill Ramsey 248-366-7044 Daryl Ramsey 248-366-7044 Haunted Forest 248-366-7940 John Brant 248-635-6465 Craig Moore Historian Jon Podkul 248-363-5828 Horseshoes Rob Joyner 248-363-0211 Horticulture Bob Bauman 248-505-1625 House Richard LaFave, Sr. 248-669-9540 Hunters Ed. & Basic Rifle Wayne Hoyt 248-363-2294 Chet Dymon 248-363-7030 Insurance Dave Mercier 248-360-0128 JOAD Ron Opfer 248-624-0161 Junior Conservation Club VACANCY Junior Rifle Wayne Hoyt 248-363-2294 Chet Dymon 248-363-7030 Junior Shotgun Mike Borst 248-960-9307 Frank Spelker 248-255-7293 Jon Penvose 248-625-6270 Kitchen Meeting Night Dale Lee 734-421-4639 Meeting Night Raffle Don Priebe 248-202-4730 Family Memorial & Flowers Richard LaFave, Sr. 248-669-9540 Glen Thompson 248-961-1480 Walt Lorang 248-698-1024 M.U.C.C. Delegate 248-363-5018 Mike Doyle Bob Kaminski 248-360-0276 Pete Cesaro Sr. 248-685-1922 Multi-Laker Editor Dave Leonard 248-762-3926 Muzzleloader League Eric Ridenour 248-807-4059 Jeff Parker 248-330-0824 Muzzleloader Rendezvous Clint Double 248-363-2139 248-318-6053 Dave Mercieca New Member Ian Grapp 248-624-5933 Tom "Jake" Jakubiec 248-624-0014 Nomination Eric Manning 248-705-1516 NRA Dinner Dr. David Sturtz 248-305-5512 Ed Curtis 248-761-3189 Operation Can-Do Richard LaFave, Sr. 248-669-9540 Outdoor Range Eric Manning 248-705-1516 Mike Wilkinson 248-421-4611 Painting Tom Jakubiec 248-624-0014 Parliamentarian Dave Fisher 248-668-0371 Personal Protection/CPL Classes Cal Kittinger 248-354-4449 Pheasant Hunt Marshall Maybrier 248-867-5069 Photography Richard Baldes 248-396-5990 Pistol, .22 Pin Shoot John Miller 248-685-3350 Bill Stumpf 248-521-8153 Pistol, Bullseye Jose Lopez 810-227-7461 Bob Carlson 810-227-2953 Pistol, Combat Bill Brennecke 248-624-6854 Jim Alcorn Pistol, Open Pete Cesaro, Jr. 248-760-7331 John Miller 586-495-7452 Political Action Committee Ed Sienkiewicz 248-624-4782 Pole Barn Jim Babel 248-363-9891 Popcorn Rudy Kirn 248-363-3027 Purchasing Richard LaFave, Sr. 248-669-9540 Range Officer Training & Scheduling Andy Lynch 248-685-8310 School Liaison Shooting Sports Tony Jankowski 248-624-1036 Scouting/Boy Patrick Regan 586-944-3119 Sergeant at Arms Larry Gray 248-360-4896 Mike Wilczynski 248-363-6197 Silent Auction Kitty Lewan 248-933-2476 Lucy Petrykoski 248-470-3775 Skeet & Trap Pete Cesaro Sr. 248-685-1922 Slingshot Jim Morphew 248-760-3306 Chip Delozier 313-378-4319 Sporting Clays Pete Cesaro, Sr. 248-685-1922 Pete Cesaro, Jr. 248-760-7331 Strategic Planning Pete Cesaro, Sr. 248-685-1922 Dave Bolla 248-318-1729 Sam Mullins 248-776-2238 Swap & Flee Mkt. Days Jon Lash 248-363-7474 Texas Hold'em Glen Kruckenberg 313-407-6724 Tree Chairman 248-476-3983 Marty Zaremba Veterans Memorial Fund Rich Carlson 248-210-3623 Wild Game Dinner John LaFave 248-996-0030 Women's Events Cal Kittinger 248-354-4449 Annie Barbara 734-674-0012 Work Bee Dave Chappel 248-363-1398 WWW.MULTILAKES.COM Members Interested In Committees Call President Charley Stevens @ 248-542-4773 23 Walled Lake, MI Anyone scheduling upcoming events please submit your dates to the Club Manager to be presented to the Chairperson’s Committee and Board of Directors for approval of all upcoming dates. Postage Paid Periodicals Schedule those dates now! I GIVE MY PLEDGE AS AN AMERICAN TO SAVE AND FAITHFULLY DEFEND FROM WASTE THE NATURAL RESOURCES OF MY COUNTRY – ITS AIR, SOIL AND MINERALS, ITS FORESTS, WATERS AND WILDLIFE 24 (USPS-350-060) 12 3860 Newton Road Commerce Twp., MI 48382 Conservation Pledge The Multi-Laker Please drive responsibly on and off club grounds!! ALL COMMITTEES: We need to know who is doing what!