

May 2011 Volume 11 Issue 5
Club House (707) 938-9874
President’s Message This months news starts on a sad
note. Many of you may already know that we lost one of
our long time Board Members and friends. It is with a
heavy heart that I inform you of the passing of Ray Morris.
Ray passed away on April 21st. Ray served on the board
for several decades. He always held the best deciding vote
because he never owned a gun. Being a non-shooter he
was never swayed in making a decision. He always wanted
what was best for the club. Ray was well known and well
liked. He was always seen running the office & selling tick- Ray „Sliprock‟ Morris 6/30/37 - 4/21/11
ets during club shoots, meat shoots and other events. Many
of us also remember him as ―Sliprock‖ Charlie Marino nick named Ray ―Sliprock‖ because every time they would take him fishing, they never caught anything. ―Sliprock‖
was the name of a character from the 2nd generation Flintstone‘s cartoon that always
had an aura of bad luck around him. His actual name was ―Schleprock‖ but was mistakenly remembered as ―Sliprock‖ so the name stuck. Ray was a car buff too. He was
into early Model A‘s. He has a ‗29 Roadster, and not too long ago had a really neat,
all original ‗29 ―AA‖ dump truck. Ray ―Sliprock‖ Morris you will be fondly remembered,
and greatly missed…….
Now onto other things, I have a lot of people to thank for helping out during our Round Robin Shoot a couple of weeks ago. The event was a
great success, thanks to Jim Elam, John Scullatti and Jerry Cossey doing a great job for us in the office, these guys really know how to keep
things running smoothly. Meanwhile Cindy and Rich Camozzi combined
to keep things in the kitchen manageable, their combined efforts along
with others resulted in a very tasty lunch on Sunday. Thanks everybody,
John Ginocchio
Now it‘s my turn to thank someone, and that
would be Dennis Rinehart. He has been putST
ting his NRA Shotgun Instructor skills to use
down with me on Trap #7. Sundays gets very
busy with eager shooters both young and old.
It is never to early to cover safety, nor is it ever
to late to learn. We take things pretty seriously
when it comes to safety, however it does not
mean that we cannot have some fun doing it!
We have a lot of young people, both male and
female that want to get into our sport. We do
our best to make it interesting and fun. Thanks to those who donated stock
pads for our ever expanding ‘beginner‘ guns. Short and sweet this
Have fun, and be safe!
May/June Schedule
Trap & Sporting Clays
Round Robin Petaluma @ Ukiah
NBL @ Coon Creek
May Board Meeting
Sporting Clays (9 a.m. till lunch)
Trap & Sporting Clays
Trap & Sporting Clays
Sporting Clays (9 a.m. till lunch)
Trap & Sporting Clays
Round Robin @ Lake County
Trap & Sporting Clays
****** JUNE *******
NRA Women On Target
Round Robin @ Ukiah
Valley of the Moon Trap Club
P.O Box 534,
Vineburg, CA 95487-0534
Volume 11 Issue 5
Sporting Clays: Will be open from 9 a.m. till Lunch on the First and Third Thursdays of each month.
Congratulations, this month go out to our NBL shooters. Bringing home the ‗goodies‘ from Angels Camp, D-16yd winner Phil Bosso, 410 winner Todd Simpson, and High Lady winner, Lisa Simpson. Well done Folks!
Valley of the Moon Young Guns
Well,,, I‟m not really sure what to say. No immediate prizes to claim at either the VOM Round Robin or the NBL at Angels
Camp. There are, however, a few notables. Lil‟ Blake Shoaf made his first appearance in competition at the Round Robin. He is our
Sub-Jr representative for VOM. He had an equipment malfunction and thanks to the safe handling of his firearm, no harm and no
fouls to mention. He took it all in stride and finished the event in good spirits. The young Springer managed a 93/100 in A-class to
start off the season with. He‟s in with the big dogs now, so we‟ll just have to see where it leads to. Steven Alkire along with the rest
of the gang finished the Round Robin event in good form.
Regarding the
NBL at Angels
Camp, with the ex“Taking A Break At Angels Camp”
ception of Annie
(l-r) Flurry Springer, Ricky „Doubles‟ Singleton, AnnieLaurie Alkire,
Alkire having been
Nelson Feudner, & Steven Alkire
only off of the mark
by one target in Ladies Class, the scores
where down, but we
did however have
some fun, in doubles
in particular. Nelson
Feudner had some
success chasing them
2 at a time with his
Wingmaster. I can‟t
speak for anyone
else, but I‟d have to
be standing barefoot
in fire before I would
even consider moving
half that fast. You
would have had to
have been there for
this one, but as soon
as Ricky Singleton
shot his last pair, his
face lit up like a 4year old opening a
Lionel at Christmas, and he shouted “ I wanna do that again!” Like I said, you had to be there. It made it worth the trip to Angels
Camp. On an ironic note, he is now known as “Doubles-Singleton”. As always, give them all a pat on the back when you see 'em, and
thank you all for your continued support.
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Valley of the Moon Trap Club—P.O Box 534—Vineburg, CA 95487-0534
Volume 11 Issue 5
* May Lunch Menu *
Tri-Tip, Baked Beans, Salad, Garlic Bread $8.00
Mothers Day-Hot Q-Dawgz Guy
BBQ Chicken, Baked Beans, Salad, Garlic Bread
Meatball Sandwich & Chips
Hamburger, Fries, Chili
June Lunch Menu *
BBQ Chicken, Ranch Beans, Salad, Garlic Bread
Memorial Shoot Menu T.B.A.
BBQ Ribs, Potato Salad, Chili, Garlic Bread =
Hot Q-Dawgz Guy (Pete & Lori's 22nd Anniversary)
Upcoming Events
Are being served on Sundays for a nominal
price of $7.00 (except for certain events) Hours
of serving are from 12.01 p.m. to 2.30 p.m. Lori
puts a lot of time and effort into these lunches
and you sure can tell! Please see the insert for
Components Sales
The component room hours are from 12.01 p.m. to
1 p.m. on Sundays and Wednesdays.
Powder Per 8# Keg:
700x $130.00
Int.Clays $121.00
Clays $122.00
Titewad $118.00
Primers per 1000:
Cheddite $28.00
Nobel $25.00
Wads Per Bag (500):
Windjammer $7.50
Clay Buster $9.50
Northwest Shot: $28.00 (7 1/2 & 8)
Shells per Flat (10 boxes)
Fiocchi 12 ga. $60.00
Remington STS & Nitro 27 $79.00 .
(prices include sales tax where applicable, and are subject to changer without notice)
NRA — “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right
of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” Second Amendment, U.S.
Constitution. Since we are again submitting grant request forms to the NRA to fund
needed improvements to our facilities, we must remind you that we are required to be a
100% NRA membership club to qualify for these grants. So if your NRA dues need renewing, let us know in the office and you can renew or join through the club at a savings of
$10.00 Of course if you are not yet an NRA member or your membership has expired, ‘no worries’ come by the club office and we
will provide you with the necessary forms and even send it in for you! Payment can be made with cash or check.
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Volume 11 Issue 5
Dave’s Notes From The Rifle/Pistol Range
The range is back in business. The rain and lakes have subsided and we are open for shooting. It is good to
check on-line or your email to see if there are any late changes to the schedule. Always check before coming
out to shoot, thanks, Dave Lenci.
The Range will also be closed on May 11th for R/P Range/Parks Use
PLEASE Remember to bring the exact amount for your days shooting at the range. It gets tough to give change for a
$100 bill when your paying a $5.00 fee to shoot!! Help out our Range Officers you never know when you might need
some help. We are also looking for some additional volunteers to help at the Range, a few hours a month is all we ask,
please contact :Dave Lenci on (707) 255-1992. The range is open Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays with exceptions for Law Enforcement Agencies/Organizations use:
Rifle shooters 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Pistol shooters from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.…
 Continuing from September 1st the range is open to MEMBERS ($5.00,) THEIR CHILDREN UNDER 17 & 2
(TWO) Invited Guests ($10.00)
 The range will be open ONLY when an authorized Range Officer is present. Members MUST pay the fee and
sign in with the range safety officer.
 Remember, you must have your club membership card available if you want to shoot. No exceptions!!
 ALL SHOOTERS MUST wear eye and ear protection.
 No one may be at the shooting bench or with firearms in hand while targets are being changed.
New Shooters
Are requested to join Charlie Marino on Sundays from 9 a.m. at Trap #6, or #7. (You‘ll find him)
They will be instructed on firearm safety, the basics of trap shooting, club regulations and safe trap machine loading.
This needs to be done on four separate occasions in order to be considered for membership A membership application
will then be held on a waiting list for board review.
Shooters must sign in and purchase tokens at the Clubhouse prior to checking in with Charlie.
Notes From Your Board
At the March meeting the board voted to put a temporary hold on new memberships. Any qualified applicants are now
being put on a waiting list until such time that we have openings. These openings will come about through current members deciding to leave, or not renew their membership. Due to the ever increasing numbers on the waiting list.
ALL current members need to renew their membership on July 1st 2011. If we have not received your renewal
for 2011-12 by AUGUST 15TH, 2011 your membership will be suspended. These non renewed (suspended) members will then have to add their names to the waiting list, pending openings. The office will be issued a list of ‗Members
in good standing.‘ Should your name not be on that list when you come out to shoot you will have to pay the non member price for tokens. Use of the pistol and rifle range will not be permitted.
Thank You - Jon Ray, Chairman Of The Board
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Valley of the Moon Trap Club—P.O Box 534—Vineburg, CA 95487-0534
Volume 11 Issue 5
Workers’ Schedules
I would like to thank the following people who made our
recent Round Robin the success that it was. Special
thanks to Jim Elam and John Scullatti . They did a splendid job in the Office Jim holding the fort through Sunday
when Jerry Cossey took over for John.
Bruce Stevens
James Kiser
Jesse Bennett
Our now super stand in Mr Hot Q-Dawgz had some great
sausage and sides on Saturday, while the kitchen was
organized for Sunday with Rich Camozzi mixing up a tasty
With the help of some new speakers and a rewiring of
our p.a. system Mark Singleton was able to boom Marv's
announcing and the playing of the Star Spangled Banner
out across the grounds to start the shooting on Saturday.
The whole event (weekend) went without a hitch, and I
am hearing good reports back from everybody, so thank
you all again for doing a great job, and if by chance I forgot to mention you it was not on purpose, so Thank You
as well!
Phone: (415) 381-8345
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Sandee McCready
5th Gregory De Surville
Michael Carpenter
Magnus Carlsson
John Quigley
Richard Ostaggi
Michael Carpenter
Ron Morgan
Ladd Miyasaki
Robert Butler
Kristen Melson
Cody Harris
Melinda Harris
Jim Vannuchi
Garth Garner
Luca Citti
Chris Peck
Terry Cammack
North Bay League
Robert Oller
Lou Morton
Kurt Jones
Chris Komar
Dave Lucas
Mark Davies
Ralph Brautigam
Left Blank
Valley of the Moon Trap Club—P.O Box 534—Vineburg, CA 95487-0534
Volume 11 Issue 5
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Valley of the Moon Trap Club—P.O Box 534—Vineburg, CA 95487-0534
Volume 11 Issue 5
Women's Shotgun Clinics For Sonoma County @ Valley Of The Moon
Trap Club
2011 Clinic Dates
The National Rifle association Members’ Council of Sonoma County is offering
shooting clinics designed for women who have never shot or women who have
not shot in a long time who would like a refresher course.
Date: June 4th and August 6th
Time: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. (time is approximate)
Cost only $40. Price includes classroom instruction, range fees, firearms, eye
protection, hearing protection, targets, ammunition and refreshments.
Participants must be at least 18 years of age (unless accompanied by parent or
Registration is required: Register early as space is limited.
Call or email for more information on these and other clinics, and to register:
Brenda Schmale, Women on Target Clinic Director, Sonoma County.
Phone: 707.829.3968
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Valley of the Moon Trap Club—P.O Box 534—Vineburg, CA 95487-0534
Volume 11 Issue 5
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Valley of the Moon Trap Club—P.O Box 534—Vineburg, CA 95487-0534
Volume 11 Issue 5
Trap Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday : Trap #2 is open for practice
using tokens and voice calls. Tokens are available at the Office on Sundays and
Wednesday and Sunday: Open to the Public 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Fees: Members $3.00, Non-Members $6.00, Juniors (17 and under) $2.00
Sporting Clays Sundays Only: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Fees: Members $5.00,
Non-members $8.00, Juniors (17 & under) $3.00
Pistol / Rifle Open for members, their children under 17 & TWO Invited Guests Only:.
Range Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday with exceptions for Law Enforcement organization use. Hours: Rifle 9 12 p.m. Pistol 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. Members, $5.00,
Guest $10.00
Wednesday Start around 10 a.m. and continue to 2 p.m. or so. Open to the public for trap
Shoots shooters only.
Key Contacts: President − John Ginocchio (707) 931-0470 (9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Only – Please)
Office Manager—Ted Bell 938-9874 after 10 a.m. Wed & Sunday
Newsletter −Mark Singleton (707) 953-3136 e-mail:
Membership − Charlie Marino (707) 933-9536 (5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Only − Please)
Sunday Work Coordinator − Cindy Schmidt (415) 381-8345,
Sunday Lunch Coordinators– Lori (707) 696 8634 or Pete (707) 217 3267
Rifle/Pistol Range Master − Dave Lenci (707) 255-1992
Components Sales - Marv Schmidt (415) 381-8345,
Accounting & Advertising − Janet Keiser (707) 996-4331
Hunter Safety − Sam Grow, NRA Certified Instructor (707) 648-0410
Caretaker − Tom Koehn (707) 933-0306
Club House Phone -- (707) 938-9874 e-mail
Club Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (9 p.m. during special events). As always, weather permitting.
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Valley of the Moon Trap Club—P.O Box 534—Vineburg, CA 95487-0534