Quality never changed
Quality never changed
ПК 10- 623 _02 Quality never changed STEEL CONSTRUCTIONS AND SEATING BENCHES LIMITED. i It is really difficult to own a distinguished company in these days when technologic developments are permanently changing our lives. It is more difficult to be a company which is confident to its experiences as well as open to innovations, and leading the market while synthesizing all these things in its body. Since its foundation, Spor Sanayi has achieved a lot of projects, and managed all the arrangements that it has undertaken. Thus, our carefulness has made our company's position and its trademark firm and respected. So, it has become the most important responsibilty for us to sustain the confidence of those firms that we make businnes to our trademark and to keep it respected. Our job is to put new projects out for different purposes in different places racing against time. Here, we consider that the project being designed must fit to customer's purpose and be in a most useful and rightest way. So, we are trying to find practical and true solutions that answers requirements of customers by new designs in our Research-Development unit. And if nessesary, we cooperate other specialist firms, and make use of their technologic facilities. It is the main goal of Spor Sanayi with its quailified staff and its experiences of years to realize the targets above. After all these tiring endeavours are finished, what really makes us happy is the pleasure of our customers and the feel of success. Ya§ar Meral Snor Sanayi STEEL CONSTRUCTIONS AND SEATING BENCHES LIMITED. Portable Trib Portable tribunes that can be formed through original designs, fitting to the contents of a meeting and the place where it would be held can be developed as presentable or fixed. In the existing place, maximum number of quests can be entertained through various projects. ' Portable Tribu We are producing systems suitable for your activities that will be made in open or closed places, with different material options. Because this system is in the form of "lego", it can be easily designed according to requirements. If nessesary, fixed assembling system can be applied, also. For its assembly and disassembly process takes too short time, it is very practical. ^ 1,11 .fts ' The tribunes in mony international organisotions are being realized by our firm throuqh this system succesfully. "iS3 •'..-«fell,. !: .^ . * Telescobic Trib It is a tribune form that we build to economize from place in multifunctional halls. When the telescobic tribune is folded, it covers 120 cm. in lenght maximum, and transforms into a decorative wall. It is possible to mount on the system any kind of sitting group. Because remotely commanded, it is highly practical. If '*=» -*-• Щ a modern system. ••.:. : Telescobic Trib The tribunes of Bagcilar Olympic Sport Hall built in the frame of preparations for Olympic Games also have been projected by the telescobic tribune system. •Ниц •ЯВЯМВМНВММВИ 4 Preparation projects for the Olympic games. ISTANBUL ISTANBUL Olympic Stadium 80000 seats Mobil TribunE It does not matter where your activity occurs; the mobile tribune provides to you an elegant place that you could easily entertain your quests. Its accesories are very rich, and every possibilites to obtain the comfort are considered. It is a protocol tribune that contains a (W.C.). When it is transported to the organisation place, it will be ready within 20 minutes. Sit or Sanayl IU The comforts that you are looking for everywhere. Protocol Tribu The protocol tribunes that produced especially for the opening caremonies participated by important persons, have been projected completely decorative. It can be enriched for your various arrangements with different projects and accesories. II Ж'-'; •' »> "^'дЛГ ;:: '™* - т. Special to distinguished quests. -—ii, . Catering Tents If nessesary to form a closed place for an open field activity we provide this service in catering tents. I -nil Covered giant places in open fields. References The stadium seats Istanbul Olympic Stadium Besjktas, Indnu Stadium Galatasaray AM Sami Yen Stadium Izmit Ismet pa§a Stadium 80.000 35.000 25.000 15.000 seats seats seats seats Movable and protocol tribunes Euro 2001 basketbal champions Mydenose Show/land Grandstands of Istanbul University (Avcilar) Deniz Kuv. Kom. Handing over ceremony for Naval Forces Championship of Alanya Beach Voley Outdoor establishment for Tarsus Munisipality Theatre of Levent Kirca Oya Basar Sport establishments of Korfez Municipality Grandstands of tennis courts of Akdeniz University Grandstands for Izmit Municipality Grandstands of Rumelihisari Grandstands of football field of Side Municipality Hilsayd Beach Club (Fethiye) Anfi-theatre of Kemer Country Opening of Yasar Holding Opining of Pinarsu Nazilli Bozdaga Grandstands of IGDAS (Alibeykoy establishments) Protocol grandstands of Yakuplu Municipality Protocol grandstands of Bozcaada Grandstands of Mercedes Benz Theatres for Sihirli Can Schools Seminer saloons for Betex factory Sport establishments of Baymdir holding Establishment of Galatasaray in Florya Opening of Sevket Demirel Hospital 4000 1300 14000 500 5000 4000 1500 1500 1500 2000 1550 530 500 500 1000 800 250 256 84 90 264 150 150 500 1104 seats seats seats seats seats seats seats seats seats seats seats seats seats seats seats seats seats seats seats seats seats seats seats seats seats Telescopic tribunes i Bagalar Olimpik Sport saloon Euro2001 Hentball champions Samsun Seating System of NTV Seating System of BJK sport saloon Sport Saloon of Peruwelz in Belgium Seating system of Peruwelz in Belgium i Catering tents Opening of Sabah Samandira 25. Anniversory of Etiler Samdan 1300 1300 164 1000 240 194 seats seats seats seats seats seats We've proved our quality Quality Aporval Certificate given To our projects by Y.T.U., one of the most respected Universities of Turkey YILDIZ TEKNlK UNIVERSITES! IN§AAT MUHENDiSLIGi BOLUMU SPOR SANAYI §JRKETiNiN YAPACAGI TRIBUN iN§AATINAAIT TEKNlK RAPOR I. tNCELEMELER SPOR SANAYI §li. laraiindan verilen dosyadaki statik vc mukavemet hesaplar, imalat projeleri ve detaylar incelenmi^lir. Bu incelemelere gore: 1. Almanya'da Diinya Plaj Voleyholu 19111 hazirlanacak 4050 kijilik tribtin, moduler cclik kales sislcmlcrin birbirine eklenmesi ile olu.slurulacaktir. Bu tribunler, iistii acik olarak biri x dogrultusunda ve diger ikisi у dogrultusunda olmak iizere 3 unite (jeklinde planlanmislir. 2. Modiilen kafes sistcmler onccdcn yerde imal edilecek, Ekte verilen sistem §emasmdan da goriilecegi gibi, dii§ey pandiil ayaklar (izerinde birbirine eklenecektir. Bu eklemede kayma usulii ile birbirine kolayca girebilen basit elemanlar kullanilmts.tir. Birle^imde bulon vc pcrcin ilc baglanti elemaiilan kullanilmadigindan, montaj sirasmda hiz kazamlacakti. Aynca demontable olarak dufuniilen bu tribiuilcrin sokiimii sirasmda da kolaylik saglanancagi gibi /ayiat da olmayacaktir. Kafcs sistem modiilii 390 cm acikliginda ve 94 cm yiiksekliginde yanm u'9gen §eklindedir. Ust ve alt bashk cubuklaii 40x40x3 boyutlu kutu kesit, diyagonal cubuklan ise 035 ve 021,3 cm capli 2 cm el kalmlikli dairesel tiip kesit sekiindedir. Ek 1 de goruldiigu gibi bir kales sislem modulii 6 sira oturma yeri (3,9 m agiklik) iki modtilden olusan kales sistem 11 sira oturma yeri (7,80 m ac,iklik) ve 4 modiilden olu§an kafes sistem ise 21 sira oturma yeri (15,6 m aciklik) temin etmektedir. Kafcs sistem modulleri dik dogrultuda 1 .RO m ara ile te.^kil edilmektedir. Kafes sistemler birbirinne iicgen elemanlarla baglanarak dik dogrultudaki rijitlik saglanmaktadir. En son gozde ise zit bir iicgen eleman ilavesiyle sistem kilitlennmi^ olmaktadir. 3. Moduler kafes sisteminin statik hcsabmda hareketli yiik 500 kg/m2 ve sistem oz agirligi 38 kg/m2 almmi^tir. Hareketli ytik katsayisi 1.5 ve sabit ylik katsayist 1.33'tiir Ayrica 11-100x1.5=150 kg/m2 degerinde riizgar yiiku ve 800x0.03=24 kg/m2'lik yatay yiik dikkate ahnmi^tir. Kafes, kiri^, cubuk kuvvetlcri CREMONA epiirii ile elde edilmi§tir. Mukavemet hesaplannda Tajima Giicu Yonetimi kullamlmistir. Ust ve alt ba§lrk fubuklarmda akma sunn 2750 kg/cm2 (E28) ve diyagonal cubuklaraida ise 2350 kg/cm (Б24) olan malzemc kullamlmaktadir. IT. HRSAP KONTROLU Moduler Kales sislem, diigiirn noklalannda etkiyen P=800x 1,8x0,78=1124 kg hk (ilk ve son dugumde P/2=562 kg) dusey yiik i^in SAP 90 programi ile tai'afimizdan goztilmiistiir. Bulunan sonuclar kesin olup, lirmamn yaptigi (REMONAepurundeki dcgcrlcrlc hemen hemen aym sonuglar elde edilmistir. Omekse ust baslikta en biiyiik ?ubuk kuvveti SAP 90 ilc 8859 kg bulunurken, CREMONA'da aym cubuktaki kuvvet 9115 kg.dir. Alt basliktaki en biiyiik cubuk kuvveti SAP 90 ile + 11585 kg ve CREMONA ile + 11880 kg olmaktadir. Firmanin statik hesaplaimda kafes sistcmc ait sehim degerleri hesaplanmamijlir. Tarafinnzca yapilan dcplasman hesaplannda, kafes sislemde en biiyiik sehim degeri 1,4 mm olarak bulunmugtur. Kafes sistem modiilunce oturdugu pandiil ayaklar W=Fx 1,8=270 kg hk riizgar yiikii ve H=170 kg degerinde yatay kuvvet icjn hesaplanmijtir. Hesaplarda, bu sislcmlerde olu§acak gerilmenin 2350 kg/cm2 akma gerilmesinden ktiQiik kaldigi gorulmiisfflr. ill. SON UC Firma tarafmdan yapilmi^ statik, mukavemet hesaplan ve projclcr yukanda a^iklanan esaslar dahilinde tarafimizca incelenmi.stir. Bazi hesaplar yapilarak, projenin dogrulugu kontrol edilmistir. Adi gecen projede gerek hesaplar ve gerekse delaylar bakiinindsm bir hata bulunmadigi tesbit edilinigtir. Projenin bu haliylc tiygulanmasmin miimkiin ve emniyet simrlari icersinde bulundugu goriig ve kanaatindeyiz. Prof.Dr.Ercument KOKSAL Ekler: 1. Kates sistem modulii ilc dcgi§ik versiyonda tribiin olu^turulmasi 2. Moduler kafes sistem ve detaylan 3. SAP 90 ile alman kafes sisteminin statik hesaplanna ait sonuclar Sana] STEEL CONSTRUCTIONS AND SEATING BENCHES LIMITED. Factory: Turgut Reis Mh. Demokrasi Cd. No.229 ТЕМ Van Yolu 81458 Sultanbeyli - Istanbul, Turkey Phone:++90 216 398 16 49 ++90 216 398 16 50 Fax: ++90 216 398 1648 sporsanayi@sporsanayi.com www.sporsanayi.com