Letter of Permission by Government of India


Letter of Permission by Government of India
By Speed PostlFaxlE-mail
Condit iona l Permission
F. No. R-1201l1041200S-EP (1M-I)
Government of India
~, 'IPr" "'t~'" fll~HlI, ~, ~ l!1i "'$1""~""'*~th .;,,,.,~ (3fT'J")
Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopat hy, Unani , Siddh a a nd Homoeopathy (AYUSH)
B-Block, GPO Complex,
INA, New Delhi - 23
T he Principal,
Parul In stitute of Ay un'ed,
P.O.-Limda, Tnl.-Waghodin,
Dist. Vadodara-391760, State- Gujarat
Fax 110.: 02668-260201
E-mail: avurveda@parul.Qc.i"
Website: www.prul.ac.i ..
Inward No.: 2-0 (; b
:1-4 / or; /20JS
Grant of conditional permission to the Parul Institute of Ayurved, Tq. Waghodia, Distt.
Vadodara, Gujarat with 100 seats in UG (BA MS) cou rse and 05 PO courses namely (i)
Kaumarbhritya, (ii) Shalya Tantra-Kshar Karma evam Anushashtra Kanna (iii) Prasuti
Tantra cvum Stri Roga, (iv) Kayachikitsa and (v) Dravyaguna with 6 seats in each subject for
the academic session 20 15-1 6 under Section 13A of the IMCC Act, 1970 fo r the academic
session 2015 -1 6 - reg.
I am directed to refer to the then Department's order No.R. 120 11 /04/20 14·EP (1M -I ) dated
28. 11.2014 and No. R. 13011 /0912013 -EP (1M-I) dated 22.10.2014 related to adm ission matter for
the year 2014-15 intimatin g certain shortcomings for rectification for consideration of the case for
the academic sess ion 2015- 16.
The CCitA had carried out an inspection of the institution on 16-17.02.2015 to reassess the
available facilities ofteaching and practical training as well as to verify the compliance submitted by
the college and forwarded its recommendations and report to this Ministry.
The recommendations and visitation report of the CClM have been carefu lly ex.amined in
terms of the "' nd ian Medicine Central Council (Minimum Standard Requirements of Ayurveda
Colleges and attached Hospitals) Regulations, 2012 read with amendment Regulations of 2013 ,
provisions under the LMCC Act, 1970, relevant regulations made thereunder and as per approval of
the Hon'ble MaS (lC) for the UGIPG course(s) for grant of conditional permission fo r the academic
session 2015-16 vide Ministry lener No.R. 1101 110112015-EP (1M-I) dated 05.05.20 15 (available at
Ministry's website <indianmedicine.nic.in» and it is found that the College is· fulfilling the notified
and approved norms as follows:Con/d .... l l-
:: 2::
F. No. R·1201ll0412005·EP (1M-I)
(i) Teachers:
a. For VG course: 90% eligible teachers, minimum 12 Higher Faculty (ProfessorfReader) in II
departments, at least 1 teacher in each of 14 Departments and 09 Part time teachers;
b. For PO course(s): In addition. to the ua course, 1 Hi gher Faculty + I Lecturer in the
concemed PO department, fulfillment of teacher-student ratio (1:3 for Professor, 1:2 for
Reader and I: I for Lecturer);
(ii) Beds in hospital:
a. Minimum 60 beds in hospital of Colleges for ua course upto 60 intake capacity;
b. Minimum 100 bedded hospital for PG Colleges of Ayurveda + 1:4 student-bed ratio for each
PO clinical seat over the total requirement of beds for intake capacity orUG students;
(iii) Minimum 120 patients per day in OPO during the year 20 14 upto 60 intake capacity;
(iv) 50% bed occupancy for PG College in IPD during the year 20 14;
(v) Equipment and instruments: Minimum 90% of required equipment as specified under the
schedu le VII of MSR; and
(vi)Fulfilment of provisions including staff requirement under relevant PO Education Regulations.
It has, therefore, been decided by the Central Government to grant conditional permission to
the Parul Institu te of Ayurved, Tq. Waghodia , Distt. Vadodara, Gujarat for conducting the
BAMS course with 100 UG seats aDd OS PG co urses na mely (i) Kaumarbhritya, (ii) Shalya
Tantra-Kshar Karma evam Anushashtra Karma (iii) Prasuti Tantra eyum Std Roga, (iv)
Kayachikitsa and (v) Dravyaguna with 6 seats in each subj ect for the academic session 2015- 16
under section I3A of the IMCC Act, 1970 subject to the condition that the COllege shall fulfil the
following requirements by 31 11 December. 2015 which will be verified for granting permission from
the academic session 2016-17 (a copy of Assessment Sheet ofCC IM is also enclosed):
(i) All the Minimum Standard Requirements of infrastructure and teaching & training facili ties
as specified in Regu lation 3 of the "Indian Medicine Central Counci l (Minimum Standard
Requirements of Ayurveda Colleges and attached Hospitals) Regulations, 20 12" read with
amendment Regulations of 201 3 by 31$1 December 2015, to get permission for a period not
exceeding five years. Failing which as per Sub-Regulation (4) of Regulation of 3 of namely
the "Indian Medicine Central Council (Minimum Standard Req uirements of Ayurveda
Colleges and attached Hospitals) Regulations, 2012" read with amendment Regulations of
2013 "All the existing colleges, which are not able to achieve full compliance of the
requirement as speci fiea in these regulations by the 31 $1 December, 2015, shall be denied
perm ission from academ ic year 20 16-1 7 onwards and action as envisaged under section 21 of
the Act shall be in itiated against all such colleges apart from rejection of their applications
under sections I3A or 13C, wh ich have been under consideration by way of conditional
permission or denials".
COn/d.... 3/-
F. No. R·1201ll04n005·EP OM-I}
All the requirement under the provision of the IMCC Act, 1970 and relevant Regulations
made thereunder shou ld be fulfilled in tala.
The fulfillment of the conditions attached to the pennission given above may be made within
the time period speci fied and compliance report should be submitted to the Ministry of A YUSH
endorsing a copy to the CelM also. The CelM will verify by means of an inspection that the
conditions have been fulfilled and submit a report in this matter to the Ministry of A YUSH for
considering the permission matter from the session 20 16~ 17.
This issues with the approval of competent authority.
Encl.: As above
Yours faithfully,
J «~:]Q"..JJO
(Jasmine J~mes) ,
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Ph. No. 011 -24651975
Copy to:
L The Secretary. CelM, 61-65 Institutional Area, Opp. ' 0' Block, Janakpuri, Delhi-liD 058
for information with request to conduct a suo moto inspection of the college after 3 1
December, 2015 to verify the compliance submitted by the college in terms of the provisions
under the IMCC Act, relevant regulations and nonns of the CelM and shall submit the
recommendations and inspection report to the Ministry of A YUSH by the end of March,
2016 positive ly, so that the matter with regard to grant of permission from the academic
sess ion 2016-17 may be considered well before the start of next academic session.
II .
The Health Secretary, Govt. of Gujarat. Department of Health and Family Welfare, Block
No.7, Floor No.7, Sachivalaya, Gandhi Nagar-38201 0, Gujarat for information.
iii. The Registrar, Gujarat Ayurved University. Dhawantari Mandir. Jamnagar-36 1008. Gujarat
for information.
(Jasmine James)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Ph. No. 011-24651975
~1F.No. R .
~/F . No. R .
~/F.No. R.
~fF.No . R.
~/F.No .R.
~/F . No. R.
fcfts<llfG /S PEED POST
Letter of Permiss ion
No. R.J30 Jl/S9/2014-EP 1M- I
It 1« ('Hi '{Cfi F{
Gove rnm en t of In dia
~. l() " l (HU't'RlCfifil~ ctU , ~, ~ &Q ci«'l<JO:q'j~tft (~I151I<"14
Ministry of Ay unl c d ~" Yoga & N~, t ur o p at h y, Unani, Siddh a a nd Homoeopat hy (AYUS I-I)
"<I\"' <OIT'f<, olT.tlT..m.ilil"cM{1.~.11"1'.l!. , "1$f?;~i\1-1 10 023
' B' Black, GPO Camplex. INA, New Delhi-I 10 023
f?; .. jili/D atcd : 1£ 10.201 5
T he Managing Trustee,
Paml Arogya Seva Mandai's Parullnstitllte of Ayurved,
P.O. Limda, Tal. Waghadia-39 I 760,
Dist. Vadodara. Gujarat
Fax:- 02668-26020 I
E-mail: avurvedafalparul.ac.i n
Inward No. : ~4-:f
L611 0 1ZpJ5
S ub:- Applications dated 25.06.2014 of the Managing Tru stee, Parul Arogya Seva Mandai ' s
Parul Institute of Ayurved, P.O. Limda. Tal. Waghodia, Disc Vadodara, Gujarat, to
increase admission capacity from 50 to 100 seats in UG Course and to start new ' Post
Graduate Courses in 05 subjects namely (i) Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, (ii ) Kriya
Sharir (ii i) Rog N idan avum Vikriti Vigyan, (iv) Ayurveda Samhita & Siddhanta and (v)
Rachana Sharir with 06 seats in eac h subj ect under Sect ion 13A of the IMCC Act, 1970 Leller of Permission· regardin g.
In continuation to the Ministry 's letter of even No. dated 02.02.20 15 whert::in a Lette r of
Intent was issued to the college with respect to the proposal submitted to the Central Government
as cited above, I am directed to say that after carefu l consideration of the recommendations of the
Ce lM in terms of the provis ions under the IMCC Act, 1970, relevant regulations made thereunder
and as per appraval af the Han ' ble MaS (I e), Mini stry a f A YUS H far the UGIPG caurse(s) far
grant of conditional permission for the academic sess ion 2015·16 vide Ministry's letter
No.R. 1I 0 11 /0 1120 IS-EP (lM-I ) dated 05.05.20 15 (avai lab le an Mini stry's webs ite
<indianmedicine.nic. in»; permiss ion of t he Cen t ra l Gove rnm ent is her eby g ra nted to th e
Ma nagin g Trustee, Pa rul Ar ogya Seva Ma ndaI's Pa rul Institute of Ay urved, P.O. Li md a,
Ta l. Waghod ia, Dist. Vadodara, G ujarat, to start new Post Grad uate Courses in 05 subjects
namely (i) Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, (ii ) Kriya Sharir (iii) Rog Nidan avum Vikriti
Vigyan, (iv) Ayurveda Samhita & Siddhanta and (v) Rachana Shari r with 06 seats in each subj ect
Under Section 13A of the IMCC Act, 1970, from the academic session 2015·1 6. Therefore, the
COllege may ta ke adm issions for 30 sea ts in OS new PC co urses as mentio ned a bove fo r the
academic session 20 I s· 16 along with the permitled UG/ PO seats for the academic session 20 15·
16 vide letter Na. R. 120 11/04/200S-EP (1M-I ) dated 14.08.20 15.
J o ~ ~ ColI/(f.. .2/-
~/F . No. R . ~
o. ~I3011 /59/2014'EP
~/ F.N o. R .
~1F.No .R.
~/ F . No . R.
~1F . No .R .
1M- I
This pennission to open new Post Graduate Courses in 05 subjects (i) Rasashastra &
Bhaishajya Ka ipana, (ii) Kriya Sharif, (iii) Reg Nidan avum Vikriti Vigyan, (iv) Ayurveda
Samhita & Siddhanta and (v) Rachana Sharir with 06 seats in each subject for the first admitted
batch of 20 15-1 6 session, wi ll be valid till such time as the first batch of students admitted against
these courses appear for the first final examination of the said courses and at that time, the College
authorities may take up the matter for recognition of the qual ifications under Section 14(2 ) of the
IMCC Act. 1970.
The college admi ni strat ion will ensure that sufficient quali fied teachers, as prescribed in
the relevant CeIM Regu lat ions, are in position before the adm ission of the students in the abovement ioned courses is made, under intimation to the Central Government and CCIM.
Funher, to obtai n the permission for academi c sess ion 2016-17 onwards to take
admissions in the above said courses, the college shall fulfil all the requi rements of the [MCC Act.
1970 and relevant Regulations made thereunder by 3151 December, 2015 along with the fulfilment
of the conditions intimated by Ministry 's vide letter No.R. 120 11 /04/200S -EP (1 M- I) dated
14.08.20IS will be veri fied by the CCIM.
Please acknowledge the receipt of this letter.
This issues with the approval of competent authority.
Yours faithfu ll y,
J ~~J~
(o1~", ~/J asmme James) 3fiR ~/Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Phone: 011-24651975
Copy to:
The Secretary, CCIM, 61-65, Institutional Area, Opp. 'D' Block, Janakpuri,
New De lhi - 11 0058, forward ing herewith the two original Perfonnance Bank Guarantees of
total amounting Rs.3.00 Crores (i. Rs. 50.00 lakhs bearing No. No.06761GPER014415 dated
09.1O.20 IS, val id for a period of five years i.e. from 09. 10.20 IS to 08. 10.2020 for increased
VG seats fro m SO to 100 and ii. Rs. 2.S0 Crore bearing No. 0676 1GPERO l 4SIS dated
09.1O.20 IS, valid for a period of three years i.e. from 09.10.20 IS to 08. 10.2018 for opening
05 new PG courses) for the record and keeping in safe custody. The conditions comp li ed by
the college by 3 1.1 2.20 15 as stipulated vide Minist ry's leller no. R. 12011 /04/2005-EP (1M-I)
dated 14.08.20 15 wi ll be verified by the CelM for forwarding the recommendations and
report for consideration of pennission from the academic session 2016-17 onwards.
The Hea lth Secretary, GOVl. of Gujarat, Department of Health ·and Fam ily Welfare, Block
No.7, Floor No. 7. Sachivalaya, Gandhi Nagar-382010, Gujarat.
The Registrar, Gujarat Ayurved University, Dhawantari Mand ir, Jamnagar-36 1008, Gujarat.
iv. For addi ng in F.No.R. 12011 /04/200S -EP (1 M-I ).
(o1~", ~/J asmine James)
3I'"CR~/U nd c r Secrelary to the Govt. of India
Phone: 011 -24651975
- PAS~
Inward 03 \ I 'r
Date p?~\\o\.QOI\
Form -4
(See sub c1asue \(c), 2(a) and 3(a) of regulation 6)
No Objection Certificate from the State Government
No.A YD/\ 020111\8411CHH,
Healtb & Family Welfare Department,
Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar.
109/2011 .
The Principal,
Parol Institute of Ayurved,
~t. Limda,
~a. Vaghodiya,
Dis!. Vadodara.
T ZO l1
No Objection Certificate
Director,I.S.M. & H's letter NO.YNV-2/\S9/uG/838/2011 1
G, Dated: 22.06.2011.
The desired "No Objection Certificate" of following facts is being issued I.
Number of Ayurved institutions already
in the State
Number of Seats available or Nu mber of
Ayurved Practitioners being produced
annuall y
registered with the Sate CouncillBoard
of Indian System of Medicine
Number of Ayurved Practitioners in
State Government Services
Number of Vacant Government posts of
Ayurved Doctors in the Stale,
particularly in RurallDitlicull Areas
Number of Ayurved doctors regislered
with State Employment Exchanges
Ayurved doctors population ralio in the
D:\SapkaI\C hh Br\Form 4.doc
• J.
17953 upto 16.05.2011
1:357 1
How the establishment of the medicinal Due to very less inta'<e capacity i.e.
tate is facing
colleges starting B.A.M.S. Course would on 49 resolve the problem of deficiencies of
qualified medical personnel in the State
and improve the availability of sucb
cer...a;;-,T. .- r '
medical manpower in the State.
! .~~.
The restrictions imposed by the State
Government. If any on students who are
not domiciled in the State [rom
obtaining admissions in the State be
s ecified.
Full Justification for opening of the
At present, there are
' ~=~ ~­
proposed Medical Colleges starting New Ayurved Colleges in the ta:e -.- "
having onl y 495 intake cap2.-Cl~...
There is a growing demand 0':Ayurved and therefore, srocknE
with even 80% of marks in HSC
Science are not getting admissions
in Ayurveda, we feel that
permitting this College with 100
admission capacity will ease the
problem and Ayurved doctors o ulation ratio to be achieved.
The Parulinstitute of Ayurved, Limda,
The permission is given of· 100
numbers of seats in the year 2011Ta. Waghodia, Dis!. Vadodara has
applied for increase 50 seats in B.A.M.S. 12 but the college start with only 50
seats. After the careful consideration
of the
proposal, the
Government of Gujarat has decided
to issue "No Objection Certificate"
to the applicant for the increase
intake capacity of V.G. Seats from
50 seats to 100 seats admission
capacity for running B.A.M.S.
~~~~~_~_~~. :.~ ~of~~~
. ":"~ed:
It is certified that -
The Applicant owns of manages a 100 bedded hospital which was
established in the year 2006·07.
D:\SlIpkal\C hh Br\ Form 4.doc
· 2·
It is desirable 10 increase intake capacity from 50 to 100 in Ayurved
College in th e public interesllo run B.A.M.S. course of Ayurved College
with 100 adm ission capacity for B.A.M.S. Course Ayurved College at
Parullnsti tute ofLimda, Ta - Vaghodiya, Dis!. Vadodara.
It is also certified that adequate clinical material as per nanns of the Central
Council of Indian Medicine is avai lab le with the existing Medical College. It is
further certified that in case the applicant fai ls to create infrastructure for the
Ayurved College as per Central Council of Indian Medicine norms and fres h
admiss ion are stopped by the Centra l Government shall take over the responsibili ty
of the students already admitted in the College with the permission of the Central
This No Objection Cenificate is issued subject to followi ng conditions ;The College has run U.G. Course with intake capacity of one hundred
seats on self finance basis and college will not ask for Grant in Aid in
fUnlre. A Undertaking for this condition must be obtain by Director.
I.S.M. & H., Gandhinagar from Parul Institute of Ayurved, Limda, Ta.
Waghodia, Disl. Vadodara.
The College should follow admission rules and regulations as well as
fee structures as decided by Government of Gujarat from time to time.
The College has to observe the rules and regulalions prescribed by the
affiliating University and Cenrral Council of ind ian Medicine, New
Delhi from time Lo lime.
The College have to increase bed occupancy at fPD and o. of patients
at OPD Level to fulfil l the norms which is essentiall y required for 100
intake capacity of seats.
College has to recruit more teachi ng and other staff which is also
required fo r 100 intake capacity of seats.
The college requires to full fill the norms minimum standards
prescribed by C.C.I.M., New Delhi from rime to time.
(DeVi ~)~
Deputy Secreta ry to Government,
Health & Family \Velfare Department
Copy to :
( I)
Director, Indian System of Medicine & Homoeopathy, Gandhinagar.
Registrar, Gujaral Ayurved Un iversity, Jamanagar.
Select File.
D: \SlIpkll l\C hh Br\ Form 4.doc