Guinness World Record


Guinness World Record
Guinness World Record
Partner Host Toolkit
Open a Book. Spread the Word.
Make an Impact.
aking place on October 19, 2015, Read Across the Globe is an attempt
to break a Guinness World Record to raise awareness about literacy. By
working across time zones and continents, Points of Light, The Barbara
Bush Houston Literacy Foundation, Deloitte and hundreds of partners hope
to read to the most children ever in a 24-hour period.
You are invited to join us as a “Guinness World Record Partner” as we
highlight the importance of literacy in today’s world. As a Guinness World
Record Partner, you’ll help us attempt to break the current Guinness World
Record for reading to the most children in a 24-hour period.
Our official book selection for Read Across the Globe is Farmer Will Allen
and the Growing Table by Jacqueline Briggs Martin, the story of how a former
basketball star transformed an empty lot into a way to feed his community.
This guide details the requirements for Guinness World Record Partners,
including instructions on how to submit evidence to support your
If you have any questions about Read Across the Globe or becoming a
Guinness World Record Partner, please contact Della at
You can also find more information on the event at
Have fun!
© Points of Light 2015
Guinness World Record (GWR) Toolkit Contents
OPEN A BOOK: Everything you need to know to host a successful reading event.
•How To Host a Guinness World Record Reading Project......................................................................................................................................4
•Guinness World Record Rules and Regulations........................................................................................................................................................5
•Read Across the Globe FAQ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 15
SPREAD THE WORD: Share your commitment to literacy and invite your friends to join in!
•Promotional Graphics, Logos.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
•Sample Social Media Messages...................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
•Purchase a Book!.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
ADDITIONAL TOOLS AND RESOURCES: Equip your group with knowledge about literacy and continue to
serve your community.
•Call to Action: Literacy Solutions Infographic for Parents and Volunteers................................................................................................. 18
•Call to Action: Kids Word Find Activity...................................................................................................................................................................... 18
•Call to Action: Kids Coloring Page................................................................................................................................................................................ 18
•25 Ways to Impact Literacy in Your Community and Global Literacy Resource...................................................................................... 18
•Tips on Securing Resources..............................................................................................................................................................................Click Link
•Steward Statement Form.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 19
•Witness Statement Form................................................................................................................................................................................................. 20
© Points of Light 2015
Open A Book
How to Host a Guinness World Record Reading Project
What Guinness World Record are we attempting to break?
The record for the greatest number of children reading with an adult in the same 24-hour period at multiple venues.
What is our goal?
This record is measured in the number of children who participate according to the criteria outlined below. Our goal is to
read to over 238,000 children.
What book are we reading?
All participating partners will read Farmer Will Allen and the Growing Table by Jacqueline Briggs Martin, illustrated by
Eric-Shabazz Larkin.
To make an impact on literacy - by coming together through the power of
volunteerism, we will shed a light on the issue of illiteracy in our world today and take
steps to close the literacy gap with knowledge and action. Guinness World Record
Partners are joining together to break the Guinness Book of World Records—the most
children read-to in a 24 hour period! Breaking this record will shine a bright light on
literacy, galvanize support and inspire people to make a sustaining impact.
•The Book: Farmer Will Allen and The Growing Table by Jaqueline Briggs Martin
•Copies of infographics and other handouts to pass out to the volunteers and
students with whom you work on the day of the event.
•Copies of the Steward and Witness statements.
•Volunteer sign-in sheet and name tags.
•A smartphone or camera to document your with a photo of each group and a
1-minute of video of each group.
•Internet access to upload your final numbers, pictures and stories!
© Points of Light 2015
Rules and Requirements
1. At least 25 total children should be present to qualify as a Read Across the Globe event.
2. There must be at least one adult reading aloud for every 35 children in a reading group or classroom.
3. All participants will read Farmer Will Allen and the Growing Table. If you sign up to become a Guinness World Record
partner before Sept. 24, Points of Light will provide the book to you. For organizations signing up after Sept. 24, you can
order the book through First Book. See page 18 for more information or contact
4. The reading must be done in-person, in a single location, (i.e., cannot read over digital video chat or phone) and should last
for 30 continuous minutes.
a. If you finish reading the book before 30 minutes is up, begin to read the book again.
b. On the second reading, children can be asked to identify colors, foods, vegetables, and/or animals. For older
students, ask them to tap into their prior knowledge about foods, gardens and community service.
5. The events must take place within a single 24-hour time period starting from the very first reading session at 9 a.m. EST,
Oct. 19, 2015, and ending at 9 a.m. EST on Oct. 20, 2015.
6. A loud start and finish signal recognized by all participants must be used (e.g., school bell, bullhorn).
7. All children must be engaged and be able to hear the voice of the adult chosen to read. The reader should read at pace at
which they can be clearly understood by all participants.
8. One Steward for every reading group and a signed Steward statement is required.
9. Two Witnesses for every event/site and signed Witness statements are required.
10. Photographic and video evidence must be submitted for each group of participating children showing a full headcount of
11. All evidence must be uploaded to the Read Across the Globe website All GWR Campus Champions will receive an email on Oct. 14 with login information, video and instructions. Visit and click on the SHARE icon to log-in and upload your evidence. All Guinness World
Record Partners will receive an email by Oct. 14 with access to the evidence collection tool, instructional video and guide.
© Points of Light 2015
Project Instructions
1. Set Your Goals
How many children will you read to? Where will you be reading?
Decide how many children you want to read to, and where. Keep in mind that the number of kids and the location of
your reading event may affect the number of volunteers you’ll need, as well as specific logistics for setting up the event.
Be sure to ask about the privacy and photo policies for the group and event location as well — many schools and other
organizations require background checks and have restrictions around photographing children.
How many volunteers will you need?
As a Guinness World Record Partner, you will need to recruit Readers, Photographers/Videographers, Stewards and
Witnesses for each campus or site where you are hosting a reading event.
You are required to have one Volunteer Reader for every 25-35 students.
How many sites will you have?
Appoint a leader for each site. You will need to assign one Campus Champion or project manager for each site. Campus
Champions are required to attend a training webinar hosted by Points of Light.
The Campus Champion will serve as the event lead – one for each site if you’re holding multiple reading sessions in
different locations (e.g., if you are working with more than one school, with multiple sites where children will be read-to
simultaneously). The Campus Champion will manage your volunteers and upload evidence.
To see sample descriptions for volunteer roles, turn to page 10.
2. Identify Community Partners and Promote Your Event
Depending on the scale of the reading project you’re planning, identifying partners in your community may be a great way
to ensure you have the resources you need to be successful. Local schools, community centers or even bookstores and local
businesses can supply, space, volunteers or groups of children to engage in reading.
Reach out to partners and community leaders and organize a meeting to discuss your needs and plan the event. The
promotional materials provided on page 16 are a great way to help start a conversation or recruit more partners.
Preparing a press release and a social media plan in advance, and reaching out to local news outlets, will help generate
excitement and attention for the event you’re planning. See pages 16-17 for sample messages and graphics.
Review the timeline on page 12 with your team to be sure all milestones are being met during the months and weeks before
your Read Across the Globe event.
© Points of Light 2015
3. Recruit Volunteers
Whether you’re planning to read in a school, a community center, church or your own home, you’ll need volunteers to help
make the event a success. Parents or teachers are both a great fit for volunteering, but if you need to recruit additional
volunteers from your community, a solid place to start is All for Good ( – a volunteer project search site
that is free for users.
Posting on social media is another great way to drum up interest and potential volunteers. You can also reach out to friends,
family, and co-workers to ask them to participate.
Once you’ve recruited volunteers, make sure they have a clear understanding of their roles and tasks by organizing a
meeting or, at least, sending them a description of the event and their responsibilities. You can use the volunteer role
descriptions on page 10-11 as a guide.
4. One Week Before Your Event
•Check in with each of your Campus Champions and remind them to check in with their volunteers to be sure they have
the books and other materials ready to go, and that everyone is prepared to arrive on site at the designated time.
•Verify that your Campus Champion received log-in information and instructions on how to upload evidence after your
•Be sure that your volunteer photographer/videographer tests their equipment.
•The volunteers should gather before the start of event for a 30-minute orientation.
•Be sure each Campus Champion and all volunteers have reviewed the timeline and has a checklist for the day of the
event. See pages 12-13 for these printable resources.
•Don’t forget to share the news about what you’re planning! See page 16-17 for social media messaging and graphics.
5. The Day of Your Event
•The Project Leader will be responsible for confirming the number of children read-to and the number of volunteer
participants. They should also make sure that Steward and Witness statements, pictures, and video acquired by the
volunteers are uploaded to the Read Across the Globe website within 48 hours of the event.
•The Campus Champion should serve as the host for each site, welcoming volunteers, conducting a brief orientation, and
thanking any community partners.
© Points of Light 2015
•The Campus Champion will conduct a brief volunteer orientation which should include:
šš Sign-in and distribute nametags
šš Conduct introductions
šš Check in with Volunteer Photographer/Videographer and confirm equipment to be used.
šš Pass out materials: Each volunteer reader will need a copy of Farmer Will Allen and the Growing Table and copies of Kids Literacy Activity Sheets.
šš Review how volunteers will conduct reading and class-time with children:
üü Introduction to children, “Welcome to Read Across the Globe!”
üü Once the timekeeper calls for reading to begin, read for 30 minutes and engage children in fun dialog about the
book during and/or after reading
üü Do not stop reading until “time” is called by the timekeeper. If you have already finished the book and the bell
has not rung to signal the end of the reading time, READ THE BOOK AGAIN!
üü Hand out the Literacy Solutions for Adults and Kids Activity sheets and share with parents and children.
üü Remind everyone that they can help too – call the kids to action!
üü Remind children to keep on reading, asking questions and to talk about books with their friends!
üü Kids can do the activity sheets or save it for later.
•Gather volunteers together once reading is complete:
šš Collect Steward Statements from each reading group or classroom. Confirm numbers of children read-to and
volunteers who participated.
šš Collect Witness Statements from your assigned Witnesses.
šš Make sure a photograph was captured of all students in the class as well as a 1-minute video for EACH reading
šš Confirm your plan to PDF and upload files (Steward and Witness Statements), photographs and video to the Read Across the Globe website within 48 hours of your reading event.
šš Encourage volunteers to share pictures, videos, and reflections from the event on social media, using the official hashtags. (See suggested social media messaging on page 17.) Note that this depends on the pictures and privacy policy for the group of children you are working with.
šš Conduct a reflection with volunteers:
§§ What was meaningful about this experience?
§§ Will you volunteer again? What did you learn?
Thank your volunteers and remind them how they can stay involved!
© Points of Light 2015
6. Leadership Team Reflection and Debrief
Bring your team together after the Read Across the Globe event to thank everyone for their efforts. Share your success
and ask them to reflect on their experiences and to brainstorm ways to continue to work together to close the literacy
gap in your community. Celebrate your accomplishment and your service!
7. Share your results
Within 48 hours of your event, make sure to report your numbers and upload pictures, videos and stories onto the Read
Across the Globe website: You’ll receive an email reminder as well.
8. Send a thank you email to all of your volunteers and invite them to stay involved
9. Once Points of Light collects and submits the Guinness World Record
evidence, we will announce the results. Send another email to your volunteers at this time with the news and a reminder to continue to volunteer.
© Points of Light 2015
Volunteer Role Descriptions
Use these role descriptions when recruiting volunteers. For example, when writing a volunteer opportunity description to
post on You can also use this to reinforce their tasks on the day of the event.
Not sure how to write a good volunteer opportunity description? Check out these guidelines, or attend our webinar on
promoting and recruiting for your Reading Project! Check for a webinar
schedule, or look out for an email.
Campus Champion (Project Leader):
•Help recruit volunteers such as Volunteer Readers, Stewards, Witnesses, Timekeeper, Photographers and
other optional roles such as Greeters or Floaters.
•Collect the correct number of copies of Farmer Will Allen and The Growing Table books needed and
distribute them before the day of the event.
•Provide copies of Literacy Solutions for Adults and Kids Activity sheets handouts to each of the groups being
•Orient the volunteers upon arrival, lead a reflection and thank them at the end.
•Conduct a final count of the numbers of children read-to and volunteers who served using the Steward
and Witness forms; create PDFs and submit them on the Read Across the Globe site so we can report to
Guinness Wolrd Records. There will be a link to a form on the Read Across the Globe site to make it easy to
share information.
•Collect pictures of each reading group and 1 minute of video for each reading group and upload them along
with your observations about the event to the Read Across the Globe. We love hearing your stories!
šš Must own a digital camera or smartphone capable of taking videos and uploading them to a predetermined site
for evidence collection.
šš Must arrive approximately an hour and a half before the event for check-in.
Readers: (ONE Reader per group of 35 children or less)
• Responsible for reading Farmer Will Allen and The Growing Table to a specific classroom or group of children
for a period of 30 minutes.
• Responsible for reporting final number of children read-to to Campus Champion.
• Must arrive approximately an hour before the event for check-in.
© Points of Light 2015
Stewards: (ONE Steward needed per group of 50 children or less.)
•Supervise smaller groups of participants and remove anyone not fully participating from the total.
•Each Steward must observe 1-2 reading rooms (no more than 50 children total) while the event is taking
•Each Steward must confirm numbers in their group, and sign the provided Steward Statement and give to
Campus Champion. Please see page 19 for a printable copy of the Steward statement.
•Must arrive approximately an hour before the event for check-in.
Witnesses (TWO required at each site):
•Witnesses will provide statements that all Guinness World Records rules are adhered to, and will collect and
collate statements and other evidence from Stewards.
•Please see page 20 for a printable copy of the Witness statement.
•Must arrive approximately an hour before the event for check-in.
Timekeepers (ONE required per site)
•The timekeeper will sound bell or announce on loudspeaker to announce the start of the 30 minutes of
•A Witness can also serve as a Timekeeper.
•Must arrive approximately an hour before the event for check-in.
Photographers and Videographers:
•Each reading group should have at least one photograph and 1 minute of video to capture the headcount of
all participants.
•Stewards can also serve as photographers/videographers if this works for your site.
•Must arrive approximately an hour before the event for check-in.
© Points of Light 2015
• Provide names and contact information of your Campus Champions.
• Attend Points of Light’s training webinar with your Campus Champions.
• Provide date, time and address of event to your community, schools, volunteers, and
anyone who is involved with the project.
• Set date for a volunteer literacy orientation if you choose to hold one.
• Confirm numbers of recruited volunteers and set goal to recruit
more if needed.
• Email or call all volunteers to remind them of the date and
time of your event, and confirm attendance.
• Get nametags, pens, and other supplies.
• Print Literacy Solutions infographics for distribution.
• Print volunteer sign-in forms.
• Print Steward Statements for each group being read-to.
• Print two Witness Statements for each site.
• Have copies of book secured – printed or digital – one copy for each class/group being read-to.
• Assign volunteers to roles for the day of the event.
• Conduct a walk-through of the reading site.
• Plan a reflection activity (see page 13 for suggestions.)
© Points of Light 2015
Day of Event Checklist:
All volunteers have been called or emailed to
confirm their participation
Press release sent
One Steward statement for each group of 50 or fewer participants
(likely one per reading group, depending on the size), confirming
number of qualified and disqualified participants
Name tags for volunteers and pens
Photographic evidence of each reading group of 50 at the location.
Each group must be photographed with all children/students visible
(can be classroom from back, e.g. backs of heads).
sheet for volunteers in clearly marked
registration areas
Video evidence of each reading group at the location (can be short
clips of each read). Each group must be videoed for 1 minute
Copies of Farmer Will Allen and the Growing
Submit evidence to the Read Across the Globe site by Oct. 23, 2015
Infographics printed out to pass out (give
stacks to volunteers to pass out to children
and parents)
üü Numbers of children read-to, volunteer readers, and total
number of volunteers engaged, witness and steward statements,
and photographic evidence must be submitted/uploaded to the
Read Across the Globe website within 48 hours of the event.
Reflection activity planned to close event
after volunteers have finished reading
Two detailed Witness statements confirming
all details of the event, including: confirmation
guidelines have been followed, local start and
end time, and the exact final total number of
participants. Witness statement must include
the number of readers at each location to
ensure that the proper ratio of 1:35 is clearly
üü Submit evidence at
© Points of Light 2015
Suggested Reflection Questions
Conversations among the people participating in a Reading Project helps create a stronger sense of accomplishment and
establish a deeper connection to the community. It also gives everyone some structured time to think about what occurred
during the project, and can deepen everyone’s understanding of the literacy issues that Read Across the Globe addresses.
Here are some sample reflection questions to help facilitate a discussion:
•How did this project address the issue of literacy? What did you notice happening around you during the project? What
were the results/outcome of the project?
•What did you think about the Reading Project? What effect do you think this activity had on the children you read to?
How has it affected you?
•Now what? What more can be done to improve literacy in your community? How will you apply what you have learned
here in the future?
Reporting Guidelines:
1. Attendance must be confirmed by pre-approved counting methods such as clickers (for sites less than 1,000).
2.In the case of a school, the school’s official attendance records may suffice so long as the attendance is verified by
3.For any site with more than 5,000 participants, an independent auditing firm will need to certify that all Guinness’ rules were adhered to. If you intend to read to more than 5,000 children in one site, please contact Della at for help planning and making arrangements for certification.
4.To submit evidence after your reading event, go to and use
the code you were given to access the Guinness World Record Partner section of the site. Here, you will find a form
to help walk you through submitting your evidence. More detailed instructions on using the evidence collection form
will be emailed to you at a later date.
© Points of Light 2015
What is Read Across the Globe?
Points of Light, Deloitte, the Barbara Bush Houston Literacy Foundation, and Volunteer Houston – along with other sponsors,
nonprofits and affiliates across the U.S. and in 30 countries – will join forces across the globe on October 19, 2015 to shine a light
on literacy! By working across time zones and with hundreds of partners, we hope to read to the most children ever in a 24-hour
period. Join us in a campaign to emphasize the power of volunteers to impact literacy in your community.
What is Points of Light?
Points of Light – the world’s largest organization dedicated to volunteer service – mobilizes millions of people to take action that is
changing the world. Through affiliates in 250 cities and partnership with thousands of nonprofits and corporations, Points of Light
engages 4 million volunteers in 30 million hours of service each year. We bring the power of people to bear where it’s needed most.
Learn more at
What is the Conference on Volunteering and Service, and what does it have to do with Read Across the Globe?
Points of Light’s Conference on Volunteering and Service is the largest convening of volunteer, national service and civic leaders
in the world. Each year, thousands of people who really care about the future of volunteer service convene in one place - to learn
from, share with and get inspired by one another - to work together to increase the number of volunteers in the world and the
impact of the work they do.
As a key part of conference every year, Points of Light organizes large scale service project to support the local community. In
celebration of 25 years as an organization, this years’ service project will be a part of Read Across the Globe in an effort to make an
impact on literacy that will resonate around the world. Learn more at
What Support and Resources are Available to Organizations Hosting Reading Events?
In addition this toolkit, more materials can be found on the Read Across the Globe event page. Watch for additional information on
upcoming webinars to answer questions host locations have. You can also email Della Jones with any specific questions at
Additionally, organizations can post their events on to help recruit local volunteers for their event(s).
What are Jumpstart and Read for the Record®?
Jumpstart’s Read for the Record® is a global campaign which generates public support for high quality early learning by mobilizing
millions of children and adults to take part in the world’s largest shared reading experience.
This year, Jumpstart will celebrate the 10th anniversary of Read for the Record® on October 22, 2015. To continue your week of
reading, head to
As a part of Read Across the Globe and in order to shed a light on literacy, Points of Light, along with several domestic and
international partners, will attempt to break the Guinness Book of World Records for the most children read to in a 24-hour period. Our goal is to read to 300,000 children on October 19th. If you are interested in joining us to break the record, please call or email
Della Jones Fried at 404-556-0277 or
© Points of Light 2015
Spread The Word
Here are logos you can use when communicating about Read Across the Globe
Click here to download the logos and graphics.
Please include the Read Across the Globe logo when creating emails, images, or other messaging.
} Read Across the Globe Sharing Graphic - Large (1200 x 628)
} Read Across the Globe Sharing Graphic - Small (250 x 250)
© Points of Light 2015
Sample Social Media Messages
[Organization] just pledged to be a part of Read Across the Globe as a Guinness World Record Partner! Join us on
October 19 to shine a light on literacy! [LINK to]
Want to join the fight against illiteracy? Join [Organization] on October 19 to raise awareness through the biggest
reading event in history by breaking a Guinness World Record! [LINK to]
Did you know: Children who are not reading proficiently by third grade are FOUR TIMES more likely to drop out of
school? Help us in the fight against literacy on October 19 with Read Across the Globe—find a volunteer opportunity at
[LINK to your volunteer opportunity postings].
#ReadAcrosstheGlobe is Oct 19. Pledge to volunteer to read today: [LINK]
Lift up literacy with us on Oct 19 for #ReadAcrosstheGlobe, a groundbreaking reading event. Pledge here: [LINK]
Help us take down illiteracy on Oct. 19! #ReadAcrosstheGlobe [LINK]
© Points of Light 2015
Make An Impact:
Read Across the Globe is about more than just a one day reading event--it’s about creating awareness and making a
lasting impact on literacy rates in your local community, and around the world.
Purchase Farmer Will Allen and The Growing Table and other great books from First Book!
A nonprofit social enterprise, First Book provides access to affordable new books and educational resources for schools,
programs, and volunteers serving children in need around the globe. If 70% or more of the kids you serve are from lowincome backgrounds, you are eligible to join the First Book Network! Once you’ve joined you can purchase books yearround from the First Book Marketplace, including the exclusive paperback edition of Farmer Will Allen and the Growing
Table. While you’re there, be sure to check out the other terrific titles about people who’ve changed the world in the
Making A Difference section!
Follow these links to register:
•In the US
•In Canada
•All Other Countries
•Call to Action: Literacy Solutions Infographic for Parents and Volunteers
•Call to Action: Kids Word Find Activity
•Call to Action: Kids Coloring Page
•25 Ways to Impact Literacy in Your Community and Global Literacy Resource
•Tips on Securing Resources
•Steward Statement
•Witness Statement
© Points of Light 2015
Guinness World Record Steward Statement 1) Declaration: I, ___________________________ have acted as a steward of the Guinness World Records attempt for the record: Record Title: Application Reference Number: Reading to most children during 24 hour period 150130162205mcrw
2) My current job title/ profession is: Job Title: Company: 3) My contact details are: Name: ____________________________________________ State/Region: _______________________________ Address 1: _________________________________________ Country: _____________________________________ Address 2: _________________________________________ Email: ________________________________________ City/ Town: _________________________________________ Telephone: ___________________________________ 4) Where did the record attempt take place? City: _______________________________________________ Country: ______________________________________ State/Province/Region: _________________________ 5) When were you present for the record attempt? 8) How many of these participated fully, as per guidelines of the record? 6) What was your role as a steward? 9) How many participants did you have to disqualify, and why were they disqualified? 7) How many participants did you observe? Number of children read to: Number of volunteers: I am willing to be contacted by Guinness World Records to discuss any details regarding this record claim. Print or Sign: __________________________________________ Date: _________________________________________ Guinness World Record Witness Statement 1) Declaration:
I, ___________________________ declare that I am not associated with, or related to, the record organizers or participants, nor have anything to gain from the final outcome of the attempt. Therefore I have acted as a witness of the Guinness World Records attempt for the record: Record Title: Application Reference Number: Reading to most children during 24 hour period 150130162205mcrw
2) My contact details are:
First Name: ________________________________________ Country: ______________________________________ Last Name: ________________________________________ Nationality: __________________________________ Address 1: _________________________________________ Email: ________________________________________ Address 2: _________________________________________ Telephone: ___________________________________ City/Town: ________________________________________ Organization: ________________________________ State/Province: ___________________________________ Postcode: __________________________________________ 3) What did you see/ measure/
evaluate as a witness? 5) Final Measurement:
6) Where did the record attempt take place?
Venue: _______________________________________________
City/Town: __________________________________________
Country: _____________________________________________
7) When were you present at the record
attempt? (Include dates and times) 4) My field of expertise is:
8) This witness statement was completed by:
I am willing to be contacted by Guinness World
Records to discuss any details regarding this
record claim.
Print name OR sign: _________________________________
Date: ____________________________(dd/mm/yyyy)