27 - The Unger Memorial Library
27 - The Unger Memorial Library
--""""'·~.--.·')Ct.P".r he Petersburg !. 1~'- ·"·jr:JJ'fS:r.~Mrv "Ge m Of The Pla ins" ~COOP~ SchOOl ·y~·~ "Sf~~f'\oMo;d~"J ' Morning All S\":_4~1111' uw GO! ror lhl' '1'1'111 11~ , ••f tlli' l %;.60 •rhool nlu· rnin~ . l••tni Murtda,· 1'hc !ug h •rhno l ~turtrnl~ •nil rP~n stt.•r u.t \'Rllt lU!'i hnwl'i uduv i l·'n da\ 1 thr n st t1! 1h~ \ studen t ~ Y.i Lhfltl £1)t)ffiS :o>rhool lll •·ntM> , ~h»uH Each yeur ut t hJs li me. we (Jatqer., all the info rmati o n alailable 011 th e Buffaloes opponent ~ . get out pencil, paper. and stallsti s fo rms ~le them all on our deHk .. .'.: Then wo th row the who le mess out the door nnd prP(U ct the outcome of the Buff guii\P6 Gm ss Bl\ S Ufl' .vc~ur to brillM wife to lhe bQ(IStt"~r s!ie wlll eni<>Y 11 to<>! FIH?Ni nil ' Sl Thole have boon n few of thr Bu(f$ . on the lnJureU list. Kenneth Sen tN is out rl!ubut•lY rnr lht~ borflugh 'i'i.l~() fl ~ and MiL\ fi'ud srar~ Ho bertsoa wdh pulled musde» uud l'l t\\ dd Cvh~ C..'Ql e wJt ll 11 Nh1Uiilt h bug. und Scurb u mu~h ~1 U ~t'\ ~i 'J for n cnuPhl u'l iiCIIon soon buc !1ubortso•1 be held nut weeks w1 Lh Alnn belnj; sh1fiect lu to · sln t tcmvoruri ly. t.J•t{il 1 rwtw>d fullbuck lhl' language Class For Latins To · Be Continued E<~ng li.s h 1'ht• i nr,g.ttU~ t· <'hls,:. an:i T~H·s;Jav H J'.l:;. at· tln:. htvh '~ith .J un J~~~!JLt..;. t\'ttcfwr. Thl' hht a.s the :;H'StslOii Wlil bP htlld Montl.t\' Srplemb rr fi. · ' Th(~.ro \'1; no ctuugP f1H t'w r lu~~(·!'-. ,vit\J · tlw PTA tH)tJ til\' ~r·htnll hlfl1ishiJ'ij! uli m.tLNtGis . . 1\ m La lHI .t\rm•rican is untteJ ifi ntl•·HJ ,,r 11lt ThiR t"' tiH su·ond \'I'IU k).r thL· P"tt ·tTl with 15th(' l\"(•raJ.fr) t h~· .at utt• udttnc-e lilst v•~fH . cL~~;.:f"" Birthday Calendar Committee Named H · ~ ht rlhdns ng<un. n:~lf·tubH All htnhthw tt!fd lJ~)ttng:-\ tUtlt;( tl!f· eon:m.ltt't' Att\'U!W !lit• m .\l t .l .,.tJr~t rnt fW U~ \lr. !llld!Nh, wr.-· da .., !.PI c~H:ttnttit>•~ \'t• tWI RQbetaou. xu est .or Kcwwt II "'1llerMn· 'ff!rw WatktHs : guesl uf WiflSVlll WntKin• &i b ScnrbQ!Iluglt, s~•,;t of PNP Wlli!On fiod Coach O<Jn Aupl~. JUU\ ot Buzz Orogoryl W•••''" Pete"bur~ Cl11b ht•ld t.,I11:H Thr lll n~lf\f first tnf•Pllng ol th~· ):t•\lf \lnndU\ flit{ht ill thf• S('f'JO{ i~HJt'h(T)IJ:II . C. !-". l ,n\'t'i, pr·•:.;Ltt~:u 'Jf '.tH' dul> npi•tlt';l PH• Jltl't !1 r;lo'. •,tdtl~ t'\lrlt~lljl; tih' ·"J111JJ) t" lJW 11'1'1 t~ l:lto: \vHii Ii ·P-N'!i:tl \\l'-l ~ nw ln the lnUH;, !H~~.._,,3, . l .yd Uwf) ltifi hlf/lhl !lH'flli!U 0\'>'f ('I Snpt. P t"{t' WJh.:.,un, v.;h• ir.U•t od tiH' lll-'\\ •'ltU·'!l!~'::i, \\1 t"s HI 1ntnrdUC'P"d l'rat•\· U trlH'., vxp!:tl tll!H~ llust t\1· "'. tid l ~ \IU~~ aa tlsS\>;:;tillll ; ~·'l'<dt i:•1 t H fhH<JU LJil ' J! .lt!1.1J1 "-t'!.hi ;>ll U(id a.l::>tJ ·~ , .~:;;;l~~a:lt tw~Kntt ad COUciL.. \\_lh,nu Hwti PJltndUfttd l;nndl Onn Appl1:, thnL h1 1 WI.-1U]tt bt· ~·\f!!;t•-t:}EW: ~lu· Un) )U.tJ,h f'~'/)H!•l ' bihlH'Ihutl 1-Ith .H_\0 .v uht a bon tt~ <Ln oL:.: 1 ~ail: 11 Cl •;n·ll, ·,rtJ, ,n tf· .t tntr- .ltWPii t' "~d! t·hl· \\ l;dr·ll'-'1 h.il>tb.lll b•lunt:1 . ·f Ia~ '11·\'f' · l'W-~~dbnll .Hi !tH·l-H 1 ~~~, a.;,ltb r~ ·«, l!l gouJ of 175 mo•mbers was ~et w11h all_ membern ur~Pd t o !H•ek tuid1t.ifnta1 rtlt'mhl'!b. Tlw e!J)> had I :Ill rnt•mbers la.,t 'rnr. A d1:-:;d1 ss;·.,n wn:4- als-1 iu.•ld nn !lf,Jif'f'b tor th.f• .Y••u.r. tm\ IU anl<)r \\a:-; tU.kPn . Tht: ~WH..IP .u;<.,l • t1•d ill purdH~Slllt! o. tutntdn): fntU l.t•;t \ t•ttr . 'I'h!l !h<JI tu.; il ~>:rctH atd to tltt• P!I,\':o:<t eU•JraUc !t I'F}o~nm .tl th~ · ~chn.;l, Tht• l r :~rum '·"·it i · lh<~l~ tu1nr•tf ,,\'f~I L ('•!at t l"Jb \\h t·l dwl 1 w l ._ ~h1.• ub::-:i•ncc ,f Ut>llli Coucfi A~ Nt)ltl.K, ~d"· had tukrn S·:··.urb!;nnugh to Luhhor:k V_lr lrt•atm'(•rtt t,f t1. nt~c-k atJtHY, Mwir'h(ll ttJ)d lhP grtnJP that tlw HPffui>.ws ... •uld trH'"''' ~~ 'Vnn~loke ! rid.ll' W>nl~ht) tor M;n n :.W0 1 'iiN~f.(' :->tuzU.ug at H 1 .m. 1t rtln1 Wht-'ll!hd lht.'ll ·.J- ,.,.t~d •~t Uh· tat~ t1n.Hil.plolls1ut1 ¥. \Ill•~ b·~~w.:•t•ft Pet~-r-iitiUtt-: r.tref Gt'l" h~• ~ t•s! p(;tlr•li I!' l thh•~{ ~ !li. EHjJ . . \.. J)hi" ~rod ri'HlK:hn ;r·~ •~~rn· ,, n t·d I(J uq )tf,;xJ :natt·1·, l:cttii•· • ,o t"·• n M,ul ~hr! 11) t i l ' 11 •i ftil--'ml•fh n1 th \tur.' MrUanif.:IJ Ma~~. 1\lHte.~ ;'MiflHrtl' Flnt~ Olln·, P lti" K irK. PPggx H.tt·har!l'ifHl \ 'l \'J;t11 Curt! '-1 , $ue Hnb,•r ....ln, U~e wt.,(ikly nh' .t1 r~ J)t) tc~th.v-.Kvet;)JL Bllltt.' f--1 ~n ·m PNetsbutS Li ons Club Wfd· nesd.._v. The gu~ •lo were K<•n .htfHl SmHh and 1'-:'i~->lt H .Si·!l~ h:lfi:_I!JJlt. -The - birlfidil..'' P~"'Jl'(:t P1'A tiilt.'ridar it f 1 f'lHrsO\>rt.f and IIi~ ll"tlno~" lu.. turc 11 lllt thd~V .R.· HH· ' 3iH\l\'N~U1~H1 d~t<'~ o t O ~fi111UIJ <i hH, the r, nmi!\tfli 1100 onto The l'elfreburg Chf11Jl¥.r · of Blsle W!'d thers and Jo Dort•ll tht !Wn.bow tor Girls preplit ed urn tO CltMRP Of !111• l>tllll/l[Lft•• Md served the meah ft(•t O{ grklde ~ tudents . \\llhlt !It• wt\b a "'J~cinl u1gJng Plltents to tunr·.\·t•H·~an· l\HIJP{) f'uste r stated that ull ~~~lster $t'Pt nnhN ll. ~·outn .~te~.J ft•l\ U fht' s.t.ould c !!\liH t u.;,v At lions Cl u b at t•f t hr ,!ft.\ of llw d a~l';'l tl:5- , . lhf': f•ilin'o\ Wt1f(' t'Hf'S dH. th rough !'b .. Will ·fi•J\I.'Wd :~~;:tv ar~ht~" 1 C::t~d·•n~s ~ Athletic Booster Club Holds first Meeting .Of Year ~bnda,, rtf ~c hoo l Guests Prese nt f'oUr l;tH.'N-tS ••nct ut dw eamtw:o.. thr~~~ Ill thP rt~d brick bhj}!hnM and ftJtt.dt•6 ~P\'Il'll u.nd " t~ ht ln tbe Jr hi t>uuldlng. r• ~.t dl ni ~IJl Don't fqrget tbe athletic bQosl or clu.b m~eti ug BV l:~RY M ~ nd !lj' night !It the schoo l lu nehroom .... .briug JUHr ch!X'k for $6.00 next Mo ndus ni~ht , do n't Wlllt until &)me<>ne """' .vou to join, f.'()mc Qn not! hl'lP 'back the Buff,. liar' wJth lh~ f. J lh~~u rnork tn pnncqml Sdllth !n~ ll1• fo r o.dtth P. wlll ugttJ n bP snon· stri Ct ly on om own ..... und u~ 'HO ,ed b~· th,~ Pf>tt •n-dnHg 1-,TA ~lhe tlu~i--> t' A •,\'til hP llt.,ltl usu al we will do it oRaln ss th:ll child Gmd·.. ~ tlrw 11nd t'~o wdl br th E> vnmar.)· hllllch n~ to recei \'C tht,' seQ res Vi ti u hot lin ~ t elephone system that rea<::b es throug hout the state. Th e t>huto abQv e. was maJe We llill be c a lll 11~ In all the T hurSdl\Y 111Qrnlng • "· U1e PetersbUr g sc cres to them. Pe l~"'bu rg PubiJ ~ School PS h. I•Jillftth hou~w-d lll un nw sta~bn KSEL's 'f'ro· st1ow has anocm ~ce(l t.hac tho sl atlo n has go ne to extensive means th is ye111. ~tl F!l~ lt"SsJgnntt~nt~. of radi o ss Any but!dllltt Better gel in ull your ·" wi mmi ng Udw een m-.~w nud Sundu..Y Augu<;t 29. ' v, !HtHtllll~· 1\<)t l"'tln pn•-rt'~ t ~ ~ ··n'C} H u~t~·:1rlt-d sl·hnul lJ, 1 rt• br!ntt' fO{ Lh(l :;Nl SO!} SU!ldlly l\VP!Il 1\g: . ss 'Off:-. u,:1u~rl tht~ OIJI"tllllf o l Pnw.:lPttL gmd". SPeclal nour t\ to all ,Y.iJt!ths .•. Th<' swllnmi n~-: pool wlll close McAlister . nt F'tu:;;tpr h.1~ unnqunn•d thtll ttw qtud ('nb fJO!ll<'' Wt !J b1• I' htCt•d <JO Lht' duon nf thfl'ir hnnw ruon~s In thr fll··t thr-•l'".h !'i~illh HOVEL___; Bill ll br M.t IJdi-l\' th f., , !P. -il,i•"- ~~ tht4 liiFtl!So:Ol'J;~ \\ 1\ '..!~., ~'\ ~~ m,-,;·twr h tt. A ll s~il-;;& unQ" hl.\ 1r Hu.;th~r~ !-leC.mn~ 11 t!t·tl!-i ~~ ,t;.J...;;t t1P~ (i,lH~ " U> 1 !~ ,•mtr(l'r• 1! th• ,id\'t.."rti s llf!IO. .Th~ l'>d "''tl'u fPaturPs a '·Ch·~~ ,} p'h otu HiCh <11 tf• rt•nt Yl'!ll. lht• tun ''Sl of ~U"i).ln MH'g_huro It» ~rv·a ltl<l(lc'i) lllulti'nlum ~ •wk ~ ~ fs ir wCI\fJlN •tid J l) ,,. gr.th• l!i.'rtnltl~d th; ·wl U1 i5 Busses wtll millie th eir regular rounds M<>ndal and tht · cafe(er Ja staft will sene lnn<'h. All tear hluK JH1t;t\Jnni> hn ve been fille<l, •~tensi ve wpairti C<- 1 mDl~ ted ft.ltd tt &ttllfmil dMnl ng tbrougho ut all lh~ bulldJ ~ · Clnlshed. Bon Boo5ter Ice Cre am ·Pa rty On Top Thu rsday Th• Bnn<l bqU!t wtll B0osters m'w thtJ .)'l'ttr wtth an <·H•nm p!Hll, ThursdaY, 2, :ll 7.30 ~ . m. tn school cu.fe t••rl~. P l an~ itt· S~pte111ber lh>' be <ll~~usMed !llld msde wJ!l fut Oil!' ne~· .)'NU. {\IDtt~, brt ntt your fnmil'' and <t frl''!'lii't nf ire cn·nm :H r.i.k t• . Mrs , Bec to n Bre ak s Hi p Wed nesd a y Mr"-. muuu~r N•lh a U.>Ctun, 66. )f Mnr k BPctr• r. trt~ke hlP Slv l ubb'! k Wedn<'Sd:iJ , Augu.~l 'A.iJ.S trnn~fi•JNJ to a hn_bfHLid tr<-';n tb.t: ~·r,·.;.hVJlii ~ht·l" ~U!• !i 1•r t;.).'Jf. .!\ich b Lt:~ \!.n r.~ttt . bt•qj mukitt$!. ' ' . TIK' Frld!IY, \uJtualZ1, FrJd11.y, Aucusl Z7, 19611 Peters~urg Pfl!lt Clipping Reveals Contents Of first Paper Published In Petersburg AMMO Edot or Mrs. 0 . S. Btlt tow .•-..... .-..... , ... ,.. L ok eo-v t~w Canespondent-. Can you llffOrd lil gw• wheat? Can yuu a lford lo f erl!Uze wheat ? II you un ~ wer yes to the fitsL qut~stlun, ~oll huvt~ to !-Ia.); ~es tO th e SCCO ilrl QU~SliO!l. Let · .~ look al the CCtl!lWirtics Mrs , D. 0 . Joho•on .............. ,., Along 400 Co rresponden t M11. Russeotl L. Grtmfls .... .•.... , Of)erotot , Boo kkeeper PHONE 667-4031 Published ooch Friday ot Petersburg, T-.os 79250 . Se<ond Closs l'o$1og<o Pa id o! Petersbu rg, T txos SUBSCRIPTION R.ATES: SJ .OO pet r ••r '" Hole ond Aloinillg Counhth . SS.OO Per y.,a, Else."t'here. UJHi hunttn~ sea.~ on ju;;;t good (&mt~ to ff'Rlind ~~~' aruund thr co rn t\t nou Wollld huntcr.;i to bl' St 1lt E br forc ' be a .vou SH OO f. Our f.n~ lh~'-~ uu. ... t few ·' .~ .. rs .wd ('\ ('n munthq a numbrr uf f11rm .mifllll l!') nrourtt.J l •t~tc.•r-.burg hll\' l' bf•t•n U'UUndt'd llnd kil,ed b.l t;llreh•-ss hunlt.•rs . 'n (• rt-Kiit.t' tha 1 lht•rt h not much KUme in r. ht~ arNt ror huntc" tv 'h(Jot at but then• arr• alll • ,ys rnbbtts and birds ~nd l ust Kr ross the fenre ro~ a herd of <'<1\I S or ( '.) -::. ·' a '"" •add!• ho"'e~. fiJ't> If! Ill hurf\ 14rtrl 'l u.tN n.•tdiGt' thrrt• JUt' dOmf•sUf ~nimds '<lthin. ,H lUr llnr of firr, lnrestiRal<• tu SC<• il an\ ~ere "'Oun(l~d . In ~urb t~:n t' \ t-nt UHU a st.ri\' bulll•t from )oUr ttun \toourHJs an animal bP a lru(• sportsman about fl ..... ' not, t hto n\\n~r "lO thl" antrn• l may be pro ~ ll'rb treaw_o:: _..)~ boLh will fel'l b~r~ ., ~~l~(·ratt.• frif'Uds llnuld oot Ire! lYl. D~u ScoQ(I, mld..ollk e 1£> wrJl<> :rvu n I llllrt of • sten~r p~oodttnllo uau~r lf A l<>r f<>u to uul In \he you u• 0111 would. 'ttli~ would help 1.Un contact wtlh !lien< h<lre. Wt h•v"' ov <1 lntu a. \.a t KO two · Stott!' ~ock hun:qr whlt:h was bull iP the 18Sll's. ·~· nl!ur('ll we w<>uld nrc<l thl• t'.rfra mom tor ou r PNPCSbur_g Jn~nds wtu•n th•~it oomtlll'l \•tstt us. II ¥ are 1!'116 than on~ha 1f 11lfl<l !torn a IniMfxl W Inn!! ta~• ONS :n lhtl'80'' <lun n~ \IJP dllY • tun~ Md 11\tJ ~,;nol at m ~:ht. 'T'"'"'*hl lbr abo\• tenttu •• , mtAhl hvl l) ~nllor• •'Ut (rtend'' \his ··al. 't\t• ft.rt ("(lj;!)f\(lg :ht! mb'\\UJI hNt... Tt\t- mt~sHnll.r bctts ~tiP t,'ltl \'4('itl.ltJn ctla r~v' ~ furwrnJ ttrnl ~~ · u.r,-:. in If "'"' h.tlv,.• w hu\·e u we rnnv J)ut 'wt a uur hr~al h t\.;:n OOurR. Sundus Uu.• s f'rnr.t"' ~tatt~d ul 9 u'c;lock •lnd t•nd••<l Solution May ·a e Found RED FRUIT ·!~=:;*fruit •u~tt:ulon l3 ftth,J.low J~ ~ltlll$0\lt."t l 'zttnCAL 1 ProtecUve J• J• t.Uul"ilml 1; t pt'ftll ll'~~Ot:tn elty Zt.PrtJMn\ t~ n &it~uHJ 1f ,..miJn :ll!!lielo<IP 14 ll 31N•tatittf' Elsewhere In This Issue tiU"rmmt 2 3.1415 !S fh.waiian food 11 Her i Sr~i U~nr To 'h• t'nt\61> crfmn ot S Pri>perly !IWithl.n • lntor:rnaUonJI Duntnutl""' o! hlnltllf~ Alfred 1 C'h«.t"Jll 10 \JlJOn t Metal ::Sc-hOOl ot 8 t-ar . -~ ltl 10 Sm:all !.IlanA U Ua l t l:xclamttlon 11 Nrt•ttve w(l.rd.n At na lime lt ~mhal lor 11' Sill\ . -~--'-----~ - -~ --·- MasoniC • S E xaminatlon et Monday, Sept. 6 for tunch at 3:30 o'clock. some kept ringing the dinn~r one ""'II' 1 WE.EKL Y CROSSWORD PUZZLE l IIOill:W!'ITAL fUti thot thb 2:1 Wo 29 Blo.t.th U 'Him 41 Nltt)l befOf• 31 'rhey ~:row on 43 Pndoft a &holdl d J"r-a.t.e.rniq 45 Pl•n••'-'rfaC'• J• Drt.u edte •sne c•rrJed 30 Chrt•11an Mlldl)' U GrOw cld 39 1'Mt tru\t &2: trnplor ~• Corded t•brlc~& tHhtr 6"1 CrH.k lett~ 3~ r.,;..;,;Fir-.r-...-. .made- the - T iiCIAIIllliDl t ;( u~e d Urrd. perl•l d••J on 800·14. Ideal for l"railf~ r ur fm p) t'm("nt L . \ . .JohmuHI 661~3481. f.' or Saltt: A ll stZ.t'S I' or Sill!•, Uttnt or Tnule. : 41t ft. 2 bf'druom valier hoU$6, Georee Gatt'Wilod ti econdllaOn t~d 800~6·\ \lollnt; sale. John P e tf.'lt~bura. Fhlhrr 6" Flow line pipe !It Like l'It-w.-anlnDon60Tffi'u·-•ad tam~.us lloUl G6"i~~3f> l . 6 0 ~~tJ A en~i nt• .s !tnd for H c. J ~· or hi~ ; all lO 'rft 1U~2 \Far d truck , f~d . readJ SU>t' l $371), e_o, 1J . 667 ·32~0. For ~K i f• pickup , h Ale.u J9'1: 1fj Llh1 j@ lj, lii$tlOtlt.t~ VNnf•r ... ~hi(t.,"S ..r\UtO ch~· rolel J ts P V8. l ' he' ro lt<t ~ tun . 4 8Pllt'_11. !H'7 -2 '1 11 . c harecd :t9t I w-Jfl l)(• lP~ ll (!; nc p ftuiu l ~s&on., . al NCht o lbi .'ll J'ear. I· or more Jnrorrn iun ca ll mt• Cu ria rnillt 667·,,71 0. Forst Pru.J2f.r Ftt.:;hhdrec rno de $258.88 "lth trod bur~ lmn iNurn r. fo ot · 1 • 01 ~r ~t Per>rs · ···-·' UTOOJ!.,.o tO f'up li btiCI T \ ' '•· 41 Choifll.l' !ir!~ 1Tal>l•1•"41 lllf'Pb:ng re .o; ult WUb to tl l ~I..'USS- ~HU * dt~m:•J'1ln:ttions of rH'W mcuns an extru S6.26 ln ~12.50 per ncrP for an inves tnlPnl (Jf $4.00 to $5 . 00 . A bnl)ded ~·rut:ing somce und mt•thlJd o f pradirN.;, '~lt'Ju tf\ t qtud{es, 'irri~ntwH , i nsect an d dJS•'""' wo rk . .~mou~ ot hei utti vi Li rH t·tmr~rriuK PJRnrh1 1l wu:!l thu of n bu ~ for rnrnwr~ and bualtH~,-;~ml'r'l. tq U1 f Rn :;h~ Add tlw tw rJ·niLro~rn an rl. laud hixperwwut Otution lll'll phMi {ilOru S • ttnd J'OU hRVP un "rlay ' lOUr! n~ ltlP ~t.uLJol) Uutl lnv estn>l nl of $9 .00 to $11.00 ,JlJ~~~~~ ng ~w.tll gnun 1 est!l\s. pe r ac re. This ~i\'CS you n Dr. Kf'OI!t'!h l'orh•c A~ow nn · return or alJcut $14.00 to tni s L and Smtdl Oraln!<. H rt-~f'ti +'r $3 1.00 p er a.crP . from thP Gn•u.l Plai ll!-l "Htsearch on tor> o r ex trn J·iC'ld , yvu C'Pntt>r at But:.tditnd, wu.."> can ccwn t on extra Krfi.zin)(. Prt'~(mt !or the h ulJ· ('U U1tUtltt1 t' Bu t k eep in mind that if you mf'('ting. He prf·6Pnted c1.n do graxe . add an extra 20 to 30 pounds N l)er acre to insure that ndeQuale nitrogen Is lett lor the graln crop. !ilJ iphut has been glvlng some lncrcn.sos on wtunt. An upPli o,.li on. or 20 poun~s s wH h ~o pounds P005 can moan protH from ln<n !lOili! . o.xim an <I mlerol1\tt-rlent POO"Phoru s avullo>bl ll ty. Jt ~hou lq nlJ>O a.ld In l nor onolng tho qunlt>,y of t.b e wh ut ror lntcreRUn~ tnlk tell!n~ or"'""'' of th e nf:lw v~tneuc~ wf1t>ul 8 1111d lwbtrtls ~' lhc SlMion. Dr. Porter was ruuonolbl• [or llrly wo rk ond the rleHIOI)l.nts: of the Tt\SOORt:t. wtt.AnL varlc!Ji at Bullhlo••l. Melhl>euo preaant w~re Clarilni'B Wd-bt, Chairman. ll. M. Hughes, Rob or! Klnkllld, Mlleh BhU rbet, C. B. Witten nod Ro.y Mc(:ltunl<. Jr.. Assoclald Q<:Onl.ll A gricultu r a l Agen t. or A U ~UR l Pndav, edilu~ . n n1ttn New~ r un~ P d 26 . !910, tts natn€'<1 WalWJti S. over the t(JU ntrv from Sdvcrton Lo Crosbyton and !he arb ~Aer(' trum l'rosbJr~rnm.J, Aboroath.l' und ~stat'-1uJ o . T hf's.f' urP the PelNI" ton , hll rK '"'' A. G. ~kAdums L.um t\£•r C'o. . R.. V. Y(nwg, m~rn~<·r; T. Sla~nN C<! .. ~nodr. Vduu• 1\nd nottons: l!:d \1 . S: Su n, hardware, ful'" mturP. unclcrt u.ker AOO d s , plows, rlry v bur• h nDit men t. ISBELL SHOP • PI'! one 667 -5531 Pete r&burg, Texas MI\T BOA~hs GL M.'\TS L 880 CK ORI!.I. I NO l'lor hol~ a, CUIPOOia , e.U• Pll mplnl. ca ll o•ll•ct p~ol 6 11 1· 1 73ll.. MO LDJNG WI\LT£1i . FOOT£ 2001 1\•e. tf, .PhOne !!111·6766 windmill•; .1. L. Jay and Son, dry guods lnd groceries: Stalcup & Son, dry goods, hots, sho"", notions: Hale ·co. R~ul E:Blale, 'Pord and Son: Dh•cksrnJth .. and Machine Shop, .} . 11. McOanl<JI, prr,pnetor : Orug• , Le e and Randolph: Lan dl-l- nd I no.:.urnnc e, &}wurti, 1. aHd C:>~ll!~r. ?t>tets· bur~ C• n, ('harl"" Schu l~ r, grore neH wi:lt frr•.h rreat ever\' SaJur<hll. M. I· . Mit key. F'. Hi"'l'\'f'h }Lir Ut•r St!utl' Cnr... tt•r 's St"d1 <1 ~·. Het"·~. C()n· r~c tloner,. Or. II. A. Gilliam. Brndf<Jrd tH•l).r t wa r min~ Or P of the most blOMtfiJ)hlt•< ~' IHfi;;.S fi 'C' Pidly COll\t' off the lh•..' Htb ry of Pemw J) (•F'o r'·' , who went Lr, K ort 1fl iih n v duntn•r ~o work ill an tnPh antutP. /\ ~ B1 U,v Ora ham su..)':-. 1 n t ht~ fo rward: '• P tl~IOY l)eF'ort' has {'\'t>rJ'tllin~ health , '>'i1utll , h"'lWlV, PYI~r\ttUng !')h f• r\l~l'db; rnr1ney cnn buy , a ~'~farm, and happy hJtut', and Wt l{l' and lfl\' i nr. tHm•ut :; .. but ~he 111u::;t ur tHlthLflt Lhl n.: LhN P I t' lo any tlboul I!~ P•mw f)eFo re ls 1hu1 tUH" c: &-rt:-~. l.tw\ ng an cl t~ ari ng , When lhe-y rume d.eepl,v from th<' hr.urt. alwa.ys mc(t.n G ~vlng 4·HCouncil Reports Given At Meeting, Mem~ro or Hale COulll)' 4-H Colll\ttl mt1 Sltur~ay m1>rr'ling •• SWPS hU•ldlng tor reporJS o( vorlou~ pr!'.lld<nts ind actlv!t!~s. Six 4·H Cluh president• g a v e repor'u ~~:nd 13 acl tvlty ~ria: \.\tre given Repon in).! on ... u acd\'h1es Maf\nn ;\ leek. ··•·H Roundup ·;. Dtbble Terrell on Coun1y <;uunc1l ~ny ~ Kuty W{'re SpruieH 011 Ot$triCt Lrad~11h1p C•mp. Allct BaumgardnP.r on ()'"p: Karen McClendon on St'mor Csmp, Elaine P1nk· ('rtOM on Elt<tnt Camp~ l.>tbb!e TerrtU lJO Oha.tr!Cl Cotton Con· Jum01 fhe flr.:~t erhtortni page of llu s nfl W'Spapp; tJFF'S.{'J\tPd th P fn ct unl stn rv of Emmr• nlJnut. to rP i inrtUihh the r.t11m house lt>s t. Charles Church, National th~ "al~ of the Nrws b\' Charley .v.ul· kiiHL u plfl U rur iJU.ll' lv r~> maJ n a · • whitP count.v " . and this c lippin g : ''Huuuh~ for Cornm1Utc: Suu'' Kimball, Orf!$'\ R e~·ue Hovlt Curta, Leadr.rsh1p l:lb, f-t l"lt-1 '1abry, ..-.mencan. lnottnwco of C'oop~r•· tton, and 4 • H F • • r: El· TahokH. lb bond!~ cur ried und tt<•"- we ''.I ll hen'· a Re ho fJ I !HJiJdln~ . L_>nn (;n. N~ws ." " W~lo. P rt~tdCf'll"' · rtpotllng \\~tre 1 r om Abc rna t hv E.dmon~tm. Cro~b·,•IZ1n. to Emma New Book At The Petersburg Library und d tl nl: ::> UnPtllHUr. about 1t. •· l)(w Dl' F':clfP, Wt 11Hr.nown Holly wood u(.'t or who lti Pt">nn.,r '!' !UUJror, -..a~'N , • 'ShP wPnt awav trom us rrmybt• a ""''" c::h ild. non!Jdenl, " little cv!"ky , nhoul tn·r ab1l1tv tJ..l ul\'ii"Vf;. fl:(J thP rl~M lhlng.· And •he ram•~ hnml' • thill m;&rYt~l mls that lo·nd.v, dwb tw,, anct hoptnf!, thiq~: nPatu re, ~troping · nn Mull b~1n~." Thi s nilW b¥lk , Wit h Alt M:'l'' hurnan l1ove, by Pennj Del7'nrl", nas iuut recently be~n udd~d tu lbc Petetsburg Pub!Jc. t.ibuuy n..o; u mcmori al. We ih1 rik j' OU w1ll enJ!IY r tl'adl n« ll. a 1n~ PIOktrt()f'. /llatiQnAI ~ • H Plalnvltw, Pttersburp_ Prame~ vlt'"' ancf Co1tun Cente-r A humomus t~ ri d rdueauonal pro~; rem on ''1 elephone: Man· 1lf'f .... t\;t' ;:1YC!Il by Mr A 11 d J H Au u m~ardn('{ . [Jhe l ~labry prc•l<l«l • I t h < meNi:1g. and Wayne Ottld;..• Jl\'e the msptnlional Larr~ Hoa~t M t1 ll'(l .f H pl~gt' and mottQ, Eli lnt P1nkerton . '>t>('fl"tary calk-d rqll and rNd the m1nuws rt• tlovle Curl1s. lrt'll!I-Uf l"r' PQrtid the Council haJ S3t3 s• In the blink R«:rWlon .,., lt<l by Dav1d 1 ru e and Debbie 1 errell . It~ fn: ..hmtntA were St-n f'd by Ed· monwu Club . Mr s. Ev Ply n Phillips hu returned· 10 m r home In San 1\ng•lO atter vlsH.Ing \n the L. s. Claltor home. Clyde Mafhn have teturnrd froat wood!Md .Parl<, Colom<lQ wtuote lho1 vi~ll"<1 thnlr oon, Mr. Mrl Mta. Cen Mlltlln ri.lld fRmll,.. lle,v Mr. nud vl&ttoo In t.tnd Thoy MrH. ~lr i"'rce Jlcuaew tourrd Coton1do Surtnare. H•l)n rt bt:mutifuJ CWJJ$ uU tho wru·. We are now direct factory distributors of the ..famous STAR TIRES. We will make non the spot" adjustments backed by Star's Famous Double Guarantee "CUSTOMER SATISFACTION". GUARANTEED Special Introductory Price on the Triple S!ar 200 Super Premium Tire will be SO% off list pnce sTAR list 29~1ool r.. :fuwam. ~-:fordlltl ...,.4-4-.,...,_++-+-1 · mf't Th ur~tla.v tu tlw F.Kh•nslor1 ServJ ce Co nft?rf' ll CP Room 1n Pinlrn1ew. 'T'Iw PllTDI HH' nf lh.t• and old vnn • u ,~~~ . f··rtHt.t.a.Uon , TUBLESS NYLON WHITE WALL Ab fll malhy, Newton TY Se rt't ce "1At 1ll1 hm• tun..""' n ~ r arre can lti\' ~ you Small Wrtllrh SubAc'(Jmof ttw Htt l i· Co un tv PnJKru/11 Pla n mn~ commltlf';.,. 'ftip trlllt t)e An R·ptHW \'dit!nn. th~ PPlt"' r~ bur~ N PWS. aPJ){'fired un butt(. 7.75 X 14 TRIPLE STAR Ca ll co llet! J88·U~8 . AU Work Ca5h "'*""to- -fl'llft!D..!hl<t "'"""'""' Grain Meeting Held At Plamview E. B. Stu•nkle doesn't hoard or even ougar , but he has kep t (prnbol!ll• "Hh hi s wtie's helP l th e flr~t • •~ ue of the flr~t papnt publlRh~d In Pe\em· ~old Al5o 12" & 14 '' Pipe ~'t-- !OM\Illl!! Mle 61 Syml><!l ·lw N;11!1<tff\JC yjpl(!:; , an extra 5 to 10 bushel:-;, Thi s • 'tuntl -up Ktlot l. lpoinv( co n · t'o l ored 'f\' S.alea •ad Se ·Joe dt•n$or , rul~HJ ~ri~ies ~htn It lso prompt a nd e rtl ee t •er· "' ~.u o . Pct('f'HbtlrfJlmll l toH! nt. \ viet' uti' •U m.ake·s mod el ·' ''" t1; p fi rst publlslted i n Pete IS· bur~ 11u s donated by Mr~. A. 1.. 1\'ylle. WJ? nflfH <'C.tatf' ~1rh . Wsllt"* lt>tling us enjoy alltl <hare wlth vou thia bH of new~ . N 0 T t t' ~HII>flvl<!n ,.,-., <ts,mllol ~H ran r•1U comin;; .l•)nr. Plfln ~ fw th,, t.'oml ng vcrtr inc ludctl work t"•Jilr·t·rrJI'd \\ ilh a.ppHcnt.ion . tun" bu t 'hey have no F!Jbte bor·kgwund at all. We are made b~ll but the e\~ORells\ k<'[>l (Q retlllze how vncy important WIll Olll happen. preaching and then Iller ~ were 1t i a th~t our child ren are In On~ of the lhree trussions tn about thirty to rurtr ot the Sunda,y Schoo l every Sunday . rur aren and and r ~he suu• r• v ~sl·on of tht a ml•~lon!Ul' ha6 altar PtllYlllG dutlng irwltallon. and Bible School avery su mm er We oo;n't understand tb e lunto get lhl s nvst · irnportont An Elxam!na.tlon for Pro· oan!l> meelin& las\ weel<. !I Is gunge bill we oan CPttlllnly backkro uhd. flciency In Mason!Q rttual has ~hi!l.)' mil s uP In lbl' reserva· 'rhen there Is w~lher $~r· been se.t for Monday, Septemb er !llon all .ol wlttoh lA dirt 10ad reel tbe oresence ot C\ld ln vtce arter .suppeJ. ThAse 6 at 8:00 n~m. at Plu i nvi ew etoec.H ae-.eo- mHes:~ l made the survtoes. Anoth er .servlc~ starts a(ter · •er•lces consist of Pru.ying, Lodge 709, Pluin•lew . 'l'he the tnp Snturdny and MOnda,y ver.rone eatB lunch. Jrwtdentul· testifying a nd pr~nching. The examtn ution will b co ndu c t ed alone and Belt.Y aud the kids lust Aervicc of the camp by Bob a. Andi s , a Pampa ~·ent •1th mu sunday. The ly, some of th• wnmen cook met-t.i ng lusted until 3 n'clock rfl!l che~ and a member of the ,d P""l>lc all tnmp at th church nnd Pvf>r-.)·onc brings pans nnd cuus lhrou~h the line lvr Tut18day mornln~. Thes e Texas Ma soolc arnnd Lodge during curnp me1•ting. l would like tn explwn a mutton ( roasted 1U1d stev.ed) POOP!~ duu•t let time brother Commi ttee on Work. them When they ~~re wo rshipMasons l n thi s ur en wh o typtcaJ dll,) at camp rn~eling. iUld bread (fried ) nnd coffee. !n tht• a!tornoon service the lng God. Qualil.y in the ilxilminotio n Th~.> ~to rt eacb mo n•l ng about P<Jl>Ple rnllY u k the evange iiHt We miss ou t P~tersbu r~ .; II be granted certi fiCilte;; 6 IJ 'rluck lt\'ith mens prn.v(!r ntN·turn . Then after bl<•nkfnst, Qlle.ll<>u• fo t hlm to expfrun. friends tJu t arc rkmlg lin e of profici ency t n the Ma$oni c The lnttUJ.:eH.st stwn kN n \lli othtHvti.."\j\, Wnuld I<)Ve to hear rltufd Ill lhc Annual Com.. Jl.b(Hil 9 <,·('l~)f'k tlH'' J(t'tlW·r rur fnm ult ou r trknd !'i un,\' time. munJcation or ttHJ Mu s cnic !Utolh1 1f $l 1 r~ICt> . '11Jf>:;• StU${ ~otcod English Al h•\ rf'IW11h'rl uf lhr question:< lor u~. S1ncoret.r, Ornnct l.,o dge of Teua 10 be u. whllt'. th,~n rnay a '1\ftllt•, th(.. n h•.-... Lif.~ .a wtnln, then lht• cvtmGcJU:it pn•o.th(•$ f\bt'.HH lk>ldiuc yt111 ncre rmm nn i nvPstawnl 0f $5.00 or $6.00. An npplJ CI~liun ol 40 pnun df» urnm CJmum ptK,:;piHLtt• is vour PNNGbllf~. l<>O ad•qualt' L'(JltduCting n runt•rol. Wt• profit in mtnrt • 1f ht•'nb t:onct~rning: Hma.JI grntn~ • to \H•rK 1111 plans fo r the ExttJil ·wn Plttn o J W.;rk aud dl stuss i!Pt! VItifls for tht· best cuU !or on'1 of ou r PfitHJJ'" of l{ ~ep affo rd t o gfO• whea t t;,hould f~rl1 !ttf' f lr both at High Plain~ Hesonr('h F'oundntit"•n and lhe SOuth~ western Great Plain s PtPld Station ~ :;a.y thul you can expt·1d from 6 to 15 bu ~ hrols per acr(\ e.xlra frorn lhe- no rtn:t,l l.l.P i,Ucutiun of 80 to l OU po und ~ N. Wi t h llw ~u pvort rricc of $1.2 ~ . tt1tf> ex tr a. YIC"ld o f 6 to 15 bushels means ·no extra $7.50 to St8.75 PN P205 rln·.-rm:o. of tudtt~' arf? mt)U' PQ~<'rful thun ('\('r , ~'\'' " thP ""~lllillll .2'2 rlr lt• huiiN c' lln tm , ~·l ..t l ong""·"' nnd do a:,rt•l•Ld&mUKP lu dul!lP!-,(IC' an,malw . In Uu• t'"cnt .ro u "{h(' d< po~.tubl Ul\L·ti f,om fertilizing whoat. ExPeriment Rtali<,n rr;;ul ts • I \-\' it.h new~puner P ub!.;~ • ., Mr. ond Mrs . Rv ut'll Gnmes, Russell L, Grimos '"""'"'"'" "··" bout the This· article NOTES Ul6~ Who put the WATER in the MELON? When there's plenty of rainfall ... nature . puts the water in th e melon. Bot when the dry _yeM• come, the lightho,He Electric Co· oper11tive shMes this horor . . . wilh Wilier for irrig~ti o n pumped with electric powe r. Over the sldtQ lh~ "ops mdy VI!Jty . , . but the ubiqu•lous wate rmelon is likely to be fo und moll l!ny· whe re, hunlinq wa ter. In " re a\ ~nrved ~Y fo e ml)mber · e>wnod Ligh the>ule. Elad ric Cooperative, when Mlure le il1 to deliver the r11in , electricity take1 over, pump· ing the· w&ter for irrigl!lion. lender , lu1cy watermelon. whUc _flo! tbo tnl:llt imp9rlct11t, The We will still trade for your old tires 'off this ial price. must. be the mo1f delklous coo· lribulioo made by the lighthouse Electric Cooperative, . Helpi~9 Tex<lts Grow. - -~ Lindo Will iams Showe r Honoree 1'tte bome o! Mts. Warne Thon>e wall the scene or a seated Un.erie s how er hQOOring LIMit WllUams, bride- elect ot Sldne.y Alford, 1-'rldny. Au~u~l 20. Gm$a~es of white and l ellow were presented tp t..tndu, Her mother. Mrs . Delb~rt Wll llllllls and Mrs. John \ llord. mctorr of the groo11t't.O·be. Out>~ I~ ~ere regl stored by Mrs. 1 e Mayo, Mrs. True daisies Rosser and Mrs. Harold Newton l)resl'Jlted thv guesh to lh~ ~~~~r·~~:~rsJ,,~~~~g;m '";,~~a ar~~ se rving table and Mrs. OellC Matth ews :senh!d guest$. Whlte and ~ellow, chosen C<.llors Of th e btldr·elert WNe earned out 111 lht• deco rati ons . The centell)lece on thr serViilj! table was ul whtte and .vello \\ dtUs(es. Appm.unateb thirty gu •sto regrstered. Mrs . . Ello Hnghl, grn.ndmnth~r or the ~room-t o-be and Mrs. ll'lll1u m~. th e \ F:rx MtHnd- tnothPr (If th P bnde-o lcct wt•nl pre$en;.:L~·------ Aftend Funeral for Grandfather Monday Mr. anrl At~t>ndrd Mr s. Keith RI.JgMs ~->ct vlCt)s fo r funertJ. his J1r1111dfatMr. A. J. Fli:>g er s. in '!:.•telllne . T~••s M<•ndav. Hube-rt Gtpson lJ ( Aml~n llo conducted the Ctnal Tites f nr th~ 7~·ye~r olrt 11one• r ol the pa.nffind!e commuruty. Ht• y.ra,s a r Nlted ~I!ICPmttan und a montber or th~ F~~tell!ne Chu rch or C'hnsl. Burial was · tn the Newlin C•meteey. Plans Mapped .For Field Day At Foundation I'50Wn'AI'~~~ ................ Mll$, D, 0 JOHNSON Mr. and Mr$ , J. C . Chitwood and fam ily o( H~ckvlll~ are vucattonlng in fur w~st Te,ao und Mexlco. Mr. (U)d Mrs. Pr~d Brudshnw an d family an• vi $Lli ng her fumlly ln t,os An ~teln~ . Cl)!if. A prowler en t ered the atli~ of th E. H. Nance h onH· sunw· Urne ove r th(• wt•ek('n0 in au unsuccessful effo rt to gllin lhc \,!.1\ .. p1 lrnm \,In be i'll.LJnnce to th f house. TH c:vrH.. 1.Jde-J .11 ~~ !I fre-e barbe; - cclltng Of a !\lOrn whNe 8 root l Ur ~ttd n r tlltll•if add ~e.:.s bv e-vH1entl_v camP lhrou {th tile Or. OPvcr 5 Wi!lhJm Prr,h1cnt she el~lck wns th e onl\· vi sible of OK'ah.·mr:l $'.1tr t1• \·t·t~~!" dtuna&e l)ut th ~ spent match rour~ o r i;h; r~·<ti:';Hl ~1 pint< ::.t1cks on Lhf• fl oor of t h e :UU C: w;l! tr.dc .lc S;np Nn. l Brtrrv is mlltr P\'i d t•nctl of v. hut coul d L O\'tl, A:!FJI1Qml\{, <t~()'Y.il1p the havl' haJJtl€ned. rt! o,~:Hl ~;l I'>(' ~· 1\ he 1n d~·\ e :1•:l· This area was well rePtt'm1·n p:-. ··:.~m t:J.·rt·l t•Ut b~t >enred nt 11 talent find held PH• F·uo•1daL· on: Stop ~ d : Ius! wl'ck a~ the l. ubbvck L!>:\'d L" n 1!. f ord A .. ~u... >J!l" Plan., ror the 9:\h Annua l F 1tld 'Oa} ol !h~ High Plain'- Re· ~eat ch Foundudtm at th•lh\ay, .ate under full ·~_!_em, '1J1~ _nc· ti\·1U&~ .uc ~<H fur ThU r<tiday. Sepc. 9 Fu~lJ :our5o arc "'( ll{"{!uf. ~ fl) n at! at 1: 00 p,m. and \\fll (;-.inhnue thrm.:ghmH the- afwr· ntl:m ~·.!fil'!\{·0'1 <..t 'illtl\·'n~ t('~ea•C'l 011 th<' o:k·p rOw ntl'fp!anltd (Y" 11"m p.o!\t!l"t('d h:T :h; r our-rl<l l•tUI Sl(~p "'J n J, .hm YaiH,l nt }Va ter En.amcu. and -;t•Hr (h d''ne nn 1\d\t.•• tht re· f u!l:.er \>a· 4 ~ ill ~ a d.~u· ~top ""ith J >Jck Pttrk !- and Or -' rtf)u, (h•hlk~ ~h~.. ~~t! tht llt:=tl ble StQp \: r. ''~~d L'UnluA ml·'ho({,;, at the rc- 'a .m At H.J 1 ht~V n"\ 19\H rjt~d Du,y drt:•-' ,,~tt rci flilt'> IJ Odin ~ total 8~1~t!dnn.._(' Ail of \JH'r fi,OfiO Fxtwrra tmnc; fu1 Hu.s ~·"n .ue fur :Jf} even I:Vt.'!Mt.:r 1H~ ttO.:J.an:cc .A, II f}('Ople· who ;vt in.t ~rJ\u! tutf' aw 'oll"d l•l :t.ih' td ftre:.trd tf! L'oUnLr) Ch1b. WinnPr.s were Gui tari sts. Lee J. WJd Rlt.v f!)'N "'lt ·.... i th Mlkf• wood~ on dnuns. Miss Boubam Ni!'lltun was runnef"'Ut,l , ~hP l~nd~·rNI tw-o ]!,cttl numbNS . .\11 sH Lnu~ l•'a.i lh, pi~mL~t. wn s nlso u contt•s tont. Jn the Funn llurcau Qll<'<'!l cnn tf' .... t th~1t foll n wrrl Mlss ·r-heman \\as a gal n n1nnt>r· ULJ In Uwl 12venL Mr. and Mr~ . Junrm .Joi liN !lnd ra.mJly hnvr mov ed from l!cckvtllc lo Idalou. Pnmeln and, Mtchale NancP or P'iltW II a rP visiUng their gmndpurpnt s, Mr. and Mr s. Rainbow Girls Hold Regular Initiation Meeting The. Ralnbo~· Petu sb11rg l\~8emblY for Clrls No. 295 met Ill the Mn s<)nlc llalt Augttgt ro~nlu ln!Untlonnl lnt>tttiTW with /\rtn F\rlltnglrn, Wo •thy 1\d\'tM r, pr~sldtn~. 23 lor th ei r !" Inns wer• made rnr """'lllR Lions Club W<•dnestlll>, 25' 'l'hbsr u.ttendinr. Fulling iJn . Vi~kl A ll ~" s t \\' t'l(l .J\nn Young, Jan .Justict• . Ca r on~ Bruley, Jerry Ann Grimes , Linda Scurburou~ll . Guo· Mlllt•r, .roan n SLnplett>rl, Cl11i~tl Y u llil~ u.nd Mars Mn ~ ,\1l ller. Advi so r.Y bMnd members attending wcr ~ ~lunlf• Sifl1~. Cla r enc~ Tho r JX', Lt7 Holt nnd Ora 1\utg. thr C'cmmuaity Ct•ntr-r. E. H. NllttC~ o( H(•,l<vlllt•. Mr. pnrt M.-. D. 0. Johnson ~ht>ir dnu~hl~r SSSSSSSSSSSS$SS$$S FARM DISCOUNT · · STORE In fl yd '' 1 :-;o l~l f'l l\ll ;\i), Rnllt h. ~ 'Q 9.50 10.50 13.50 9.80 YP ft. ";\S f\('o:t \'P H.f\lll:h. 20 Fe h-1 !-;,1. 2 YP s $..;~. 1-"'! LUMBER 2~ 4 __./ oud 111'" Jo:;x:tcnor I'<R l'hrtt SIDING As!IP... los , LimitN:i CQiots, Prr SQ ... - U4 OP EN ALL Do\Y So\1'. I..n('.RtAd nr1•t to Air r ort on th (• CQUUln tPd wi th thea new LJ \ / wtll Rolle· buner II. pt, oulk l'llf:!ldll.l' , A~I31 Roast beef • ~ravy Mr. nnd M r ~ . Ort>n llu!Lnn hav e rr:~tu rncd fro m CfJ rPUS Chrlsli where~ thPY vtsH1~d T lw .1 ;.\ '>'t' Pt""t•~t f'.. will sp nso r an Anmuu Fall Bndgf' To urn.\ 'lH'llt Ul I p.m . ~tt t:H~ • [~:nd".lltte~~~~% ~~munltY_C.::.~t• r. t:::rr A ~~',~{ · In Au:->l! n t 'tl' Wl·t'k. 1"1w topic of th (' shc n t'Ollf!-ie abtC)ut new bnukwa- rt"" gul~tlio ns Lh.at \1:1 H IW tntt· ef fret n.-~ ~t V! 'M . For rsc Young ami Mr s. T horpe , lhi rd. ~lmmy Bchlnd every po· l s~d one or Creen bC>tUlS Ldtu(}l· 1.: ll1!1JJJto salad 1., pt. ITJlk The 1>hoto bel ow $hQWS some of t h e .qry l.lma fertlll:t.cr and ammonia spread e rs that a re a lso ava ll a bl e ror use Baked ham Cabbaae & Plne•Pr)iP sfl.hd b""'"' chh1 !Ht lenuct• l'Q I~ ~ b•Qns Peantrt !>otter CMkles Potoloe eh.ipl!o \';PI- ndlk paiut a part 1n the famous t·odeo whic.b Is the only or.e ot Its ldwJ lll rho Ei\TtJ RlNG •11 l>·pe• of drl fcrUiiter. rn oxt! d nod bl~ntied to l' OIIr PPtl'r$burg . \\ P. Wt>t~d .u 7. T. F. 8. r. F. 9. T. ~ : 1 3. T. F.. "1 4, T. F. CJ 5. T.F ... [] 0 '·.' [ I f [J .[] nt•f'os and sp~clllc~ t lons hPrP I n ----~ or abo h'" P d rom piNt> stock inStl t.i cl d es . 17ontrnl t h t•m l t' al R -a11d CiJHCih d·~ tcllillnlS . ----~ IH lo\)tc yo u 10 .rome In aud 'isH ~ l t.h us ..... let us ()U plan )our wht•at fe rtll l••tro n program ... inc lndlu g osslotanr r In l«kt n~r sool sam•Jit''. tnst "Y nu th Wf'l3k lu Hagood ' s keeps you co mfortoble ... walktng . slond •ng or~! \t. •fU 10. T r .. ,J [J -. J 11. T. F. 12. T. r. 13. 1. F. 14. T. F. 15. 1. F.. 0 LJ 0 u 0 CYANAMID F.ARM SUPPL'l famll lt1!1f'l \~lliU 1. a b c d 2. a. b. c d. 0 0 with eorh purch rH e o f TOTAL SCORE D \(:ll•• Thii·\1(1:;1 form ~~ printRi (ar vour C'tl t lVt• ttlt•nCf~ in rnarkint~, your a n"<\.. rrli., ll)lillliiK your I"((rt' anrt C"t.nnpntJI'\Itl tt "'dlh th u..,t· q( )!OUr urr/, ron>Cf --- __.__.;.-~---- ,.,.U'!'flr• FREE D. SPECIAL ------ - ---0 --·- ----( ) help OOd .)'()Uf (riclld~ . '"/'hP !\~1-l•lllHIIJtJt;.Ct~ .';J:t::iL ~ tl(oJU~ ·~t) hy ens ....... ~\\ ... iH \.Ull<IJI 'f~ llion \lflf h Ow N.l t1omtl Hotf+ ~t~ t' t nlfll'j l t1nd ""il}(li\!;Oted h>· R}h'll Dil ! ·omtJ,iU,\' • " W h•re You r tha ine u Is Ap p recia ted & Ser vice I$· Our Motto " PHONE 667 -5281 PETERSBURG, TEXAS ..... .... . . Qen~ral ~ •lit! 6. T F. li st one kPy word fo1 <·a<..h dnvi·1g hazard you sec and to Jl numbnr l,elwecn brnr. kets below. f'!iday , Seplembt'r 3 Slu~dd••d ore 336 youngsters, ranging &N J2.~0, a:ofll!rt.l admiulon in age fr-om 4 to lB. from 32 l• $1.~0 and military poroono.l swtes now makingth~irbornea.t and chlltireru' Uckoto .,.. 75 80Yii Randl and each will ha.ve cents. MIIC Cad ••, son of Mr. tu1d Mr s. M. M. Cll(le IH '"sttiog • at horne bt't ween ~'>mesters • from Ab\ lano. Al exun~ Ghtllll m - Bell Jnvunt,>tl th' \ijl<llhOnr whJ!c tr,yltt~ ta build ''" etecLrk orf,tan• [j Hazards Alertn ess ~ill~· but\~'t i7 P~. mllk S'llred r.om"ll'"" V•s• 1!~111 Attqrnc.Y c~1nfer ence AusUn. ~CP"t 1. T. F. 2. I. F. C. PERCEPTION l'eaab eol>l>ler • The older boys Will compor.o cook1f1i as a vocation will bttr~ t<> a successful ro<!Ato. The Ranch l&locatod36mUe• beque beef (rQm the • ranch• • own herd .and sorve tt we-stefilo'- north""" or Am.o.rillo on Randl style on a giant bun along w\th Road 1061, ond 22 mll01north of on Highway 385. 1ced tet for $l100 l ncludlna tax. 1'tekoto !or tho Boyt Randl A record -.nend.ance 1S e.xpoctod lor tho tWO performatlC<Ia rodeo nuy bo purcba hd at lho 'NI!Ich W1ll take placo at ~:JO a.nnt or in adva.n~ from &be p.m., both afternoontt ir. tbe Boys Ra~eh ott!co, Box 1890, ranch's rodc<J arerLa. Ther• AoUirlllo. Reurvod bo• Mlt.J bv ar ea farm ers. Svd~tt p1'! l.atcHS S.lindwi eb~ ~mtal .t.:_ a. b. c d .. 2. a. b. c. d .. 3. a. b. c. d .. 1: F'roll j t'llll CUrnl>r!!.lld • blm.r nation. tor honor• on profoool on&l rodeo ttoclr. and othoro will rldt ~~~l R~'t");a~o11:~~~=: cal vu or work in the beb.lncloo 'The boy• wbo are otudytng tbe·.s~ne• ac ti vtt111 OIIIC4t1 Ht')' Rules of the Road: citr 1t• T {11 IJe/ or F [false! $C!'JI!f Tllutttda)·, . eptl.'mber 2 u~l'cssful mother-in-Jaw. boot B. KN OWLEDGE Defensive Drivi ng Techniques circle correct /etl et l he many anh yd rou s n mm o nta tr11uspp r t tankS the c ompa ny provides loca l far mers. Woonesda_> . ~t'PL' mbt't I Spaghetti " m~u.s :snHt'P Texas !lUI barboque undwlches w\U ba a !eoiJJre •""' l.l'tcrion wbe n the 2llt annual S t a r l away frnm newly pnil\ted nrt'a and paint tu· wn rds it It's best to f111 i<h rolling vcrtlcatl)'. overlap· prnt,: prC\JVll' strokes. to avo1d tap mark s Jnd misses 15thnl Mubr'l 11ttended tilt' \\'1\j'lle ~It er l(flod lo..!ll first up emi Uwn down w;alf• week wtth l,..ow vl>luma malath!oo at 6 l2 ounc u ha s..... been rotUnr m1 w t~vlls. 11 pop~ . uJ:~t1ons J re high 12 ounees •ttO bc.• Jng used J OFFICIAL TEST FORM Joh nny Lewis Oefq and ,Joe Va ughn , ma nage r of Petcrs bur~ ·~ America n Cya na mid pl a nt s ta nd besi de Rotts • bt.tter hOine i~ c~p 1·nc k For Two-Day Run Sept. 5-6 THE NATIONAL DRIVE R S TEST · A. JUDGMENT Elt,tllsh peas - n oll pamt on watt. With man !hQre 's n very sur· • Butteroo corn 1'1 pt. ' 'Ilk returned VIsiting aU last · their grandmothe r. e-utton spruyt"d and hc)ps l<,;oping down • lur e popu~ Hoo bulld•IIP In an or e• bY spr~ytog at • unlior m llma. It also helps prevent ~ heavy mtgruiltul of weevils t.U)on the Boys Ranch Rodeo Gets Set of the / pr t~ gram .. li ght stroke . ri ght to left , Mr. und Mrs. Gen e C"llfns and children vlsi ltd \n f,bllen~ last weekend wtth hi s molh er, · Mrs. Jim Collins . P ellb.Y and with br..1wnir~ Clul> spcual L~X(; l'SS thf' · \\'NHH"5>dU:t Bri ct ~P t~e f,~;~' f,~Jt r~~tha:~, n~~i ~~~ DupliZc;fe wi~~ers Of J. l;.trit! at.~ n•Jit~l!.utht l hlSc:\it~ down on tht,H r t:n.st o! i'ett tng sNves as. 11 pamt cont:mwr whPrl you usc :i roller It has a slnplllg IJolloll \. Vl p roller in to pa111 l. rntl ~nti l vt·llll c<w · ('fNI :Jnd th('n rai~c to t\ \\' tl~ WUliH'rS t' lt( llOymg· .111 lns~'cUUde ,,pp. liC.ttof to .svr.- y thf'ir cotff.: >J vo T' JP DJI Tues day, B\ U Bnan~tdr. u,nri Tomm\· Kel ly Rtt ende:l u lJwtking Khrrt 1/ In Mottuy Jnd Olc):eu s Coun .. ttes beh)w iht1 <'aptttt'k f .Jflllflfli I!.Uided tliKPthiH. <IOd ;Jre Jt;~v.:t Fll·IT 1111 E -:O Hun,H: ~. HOUJ (' c •IH~ t l / Johnny Lewis Cabba&e & llP~l< •lllw Peanut buuer be Snlu td l\) , Augu:; t 28 ~Jti\lXH~l~~~r.v. Mre. Rtchard Slovnll an rt V.:s. r.t!<lnil· Win n , finn, \1r s. Jim F'ulllngin1 and Mr R. F'iurlk StanLOn, secc•nd und \1r ~. CYAN AMID FARM SUPPLY Prurw cake p>~rt cOO\t'tJl IIIUJ\1 4~ ap .. plied If rwne"' oo rh t hllh plaiM CXP~N t ka p the boll• w.et?vtls otr the co1prock ~ lt altan Kid GhJVe:-. . Any onP .... anUn~ ghves ma\ r:ont ncl artv Ja yf:e t"" ~.:::.:___ _ _ ami Sl octric . Hale County. ~IIIII~ Cr.t!amed PQiatn•$ .MUStard rr ee-ns ~..•ss<•rr t tJl {tt\ ln~:o;. ~a-.son St..•PH• mbe r 23 . 'J h(~ adnus.sHJO · s $2.50 vet J> • rson . The .Jo.ycee·eH ,· <; .art' b~lhng Llnd~u·' Tlwatre. Th e Annual Toachior~ Tea The Association of • 1'\in• salad on ldttuc e two m1l~s upon f d l d!;t p;luse spr,ty They utr al Lr•1Lrr' s Hickory Inn arJd then all,nt! ed the Announcing ilt!ndll.l', ~ ..vsoil! O to ket.>JJ Joycee -e ttes Atlend Show At lubbock Piti6lJurg Plrutf' garu,• ln lhP Ast ro-Dome tn ll ousl<Jn. / fl Yfll -- a.rternon u .luncn room. Menu ;Jr~ ITHg"r ..Ltillg- W(•S{ L obbock, Tua• . grandd llUght er thts week. rr0111 W(i('•oll.S ~ble the cupnwk. U$ll,\ f·~nltHho l ng ts t 5"Y lh.l! an 111 - ~tl';t!i.On control to prevrnt )•• rgl? buildu p~ "'"d west• 1•ard rnlg rallon of the Wl'(•vlts th e t;pnt or thtt rntl r~ f\C'ld It ker-p a popu lation (rr~m }lUtl dlll i \IJ) )nd J)o;)$,<~lblt• hurtlnw; 01f:!'lt crop alid tv lw ep .t'lnl n \' l('w Uwy, P03 ·6111 family In Anthony , N. M. nnd mlgr,'lUng l ll'<' C'~" IH'J tr1 C'hurc lt: nationrtl ~-H conrc,.ncr Larry Krmh; o!lfell'. Ln tr.l' Gallimore; Stlnta Fe aw"rd. Ali ce Bum~~rdn e r : entomoto~y. Lnutse Pi nkerton nnd ll oalth ) . 8.95 4.95 . 14.95 1't'll'Y havl! bi?cn d own .1 d.;t nl.lt1nli ln f£>St.-ttion and h:tv'· prN'Pn led Ua!' weevil from li"P tn their field shouldspr4y. Jlal e CQulltY .J-11 l)i stricl record bOnks 1n ~.tutr•wide canp• t ltton tht s year' are •••!ne , Bill Wi eRe , fi eld crot> s , STEEL '/' Rebar Pe r 100 Ft . 1\-fl-10 Remesh Pee IUJII •. . : thl•i r lfeld.s a:s .soon .u w~evlls or sign~ of weevils J.ppear. ~~~~~ K~~~:~: g~;~!~. b~~r~w~ . s<;~~l ~~;~t;~~~~·tll~~~~~~~~HI ?:!~ 61/2t & 2x6 Econy. wo r~ OT$irict 4-HRecorc:rBook W inn e r s TUlLER MATERIALS u~Ht Z1.mc h~r the taH tlfapnuse pro· grotm 1'hoy ml'irk tt1n ~xacl smt In th Hold where the weE•vlls are round by .. white fl•g F-a rm ers- fi nding Ut(l ' whit-e The USDA ha• emplOyed su r- 1'03·811 $ yp COlU1ty as they l· arn,or~ In c;rosby ~u\.rJty the cap roc k IUtve Sprayed. le~ 111$. to check for the dcte rm ln~ tho spray woevtls to ln.s t year a t ft 05 t., a~c:ordtng to J oe Wilson, F loyd Count)' agent. " A t11't gOt rio ouarlrcod" ~ vi?y Bo llweev ll.s hAve been fnl.ltld within two rrtlles o! Floy dada . Th y huvo started thei r wosl • war~ mtcra t ton aol(f 111 pre~ent they a r e nearly as rn r W(•st PLYWOOD Tht! 1'uosday nl~hl winn ers of Duplicate Brfd~ e were Mr. and Ml'. Wn!Ler Scht·er. Mr. and Mrs. l~llbur L~"<>n, Mr. and M "· Jo~ Mn,\ t) nnd Mr. and Mrn • •J. B. &ntbomu~h. The J)upU Cate 13rl dge co up!,·s meet cnch '1\lcFodns 11i ght ot vwitNI Lou!tli ana t hi s wee k where Rev. Pogu@ ! s co nducU na a revt val. T hey wJU r>lurn home Tuesday. l'lr, Prr Ft. D u p I i c-;iewT;,;; r s go t 8.;;/fweevils Continue Westwa;(:f"'·"" rt1day, Auclll!lt n , 196~ Mr. ~ nd Mrs . Ru ssell Poeue and tam!ly nre lr\ Co vln~ton, The Pet-butJ Post • • • • 'I ~ • STADIUM • CUSHION Jarmon sho es .,.· -· Tbe J'etel'!lbllrc Post \ M:r. and Mrs. H. G. Timms were. dinner ~u~st I n the home \l! Mr. and Mrs . t. C. McLain Monday n!gM. Other guest were Mr. and Mrs . W. A. Carn&s and eh!l<lren or Slaton: Mr. and Mrs. O<lrdon Timms an<l chll<lren of Anto n , ani! a pleee. r.tr. and Mr s. Lawson Childress and ramlly oC Las Vegas, Nevada, Mrs. M. E. Smith and <laugh· ters of Abernathy vl slled her ll)(lther, Mrs. W. A. Mahagun Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Pred vlslted tn Guymon , Oklahoma l"rlday through Mondi..l· wllh (bc t r oon, Mr. and Mr ~. L. (', weak. Mrs. N. Matthew s accofll)ani · ed by Mrs. Annie Gary o l Harmony are Yls!Ung their daughters, Mr s. Lee Cowart or P.uo.bl o, Colorado -and Mr.J. E. L. 'T\Jrner o f Colorado Sprtngs. Mrs. 0, s. Bris tow and ~Ir s. R. L. Ynrbroogh or Kr ess visited Mrs . J,ou Smith ol Tatum, Mr. and MI S. Alb rt And erson and Mrs. Vern Speck of Hnswell lnst Tue sday. Mr . and Mr s. Blll Al exander or Carl• bad. N. M. and Mr s. NllJlcY Willlum• of Pial nvl ew visited ttl the home or Mr. and Mrs. Wl\,l"ne Castl ebe rry tust week. Vi•llurs tn the home o f M'"l"rQd. c. S. Smtth, nnd fam ily last Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rogers week were Mrs . R<>y CasUe· and Mr . and M"· BOb Ollv~. berry of Sunny Medo, Calif.: Steve and Larry o.nd Kerwrn Mrs. W. 'f, Se~>ell nod child ren Brl sl<l w visltod tn thr 0. s . or Lincoln, Calif.; Mr. and MT'. Brl ~to w hOme Prid8.)' n!glll. !..<luls Wadel! of Plw nvl ew Mr. and Mr s. R. C. Reed.v nnd Mr ~. \\'lila Thorn of and Dicky were dinner guest LubbOck. In l.he homo of their own . Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie SPenc~ and Mr s. Blll RQ~dy of i\ber- of Pl'J)'dada l' tSlled ht•r sister, 1\!lth.v. Mr. lllld Mt ~. A. B. Colwell Boyd. Lynn Harri son or Plain- Tllesd ·. view ~tslled In the homt> Of Mr. and Mr~. H ~tbt>rt Wutsnn hi~ graruJparent:!. Mr, and v!s!led their daughte r, Mr. w1d Mrs. $ . M. Harrl~on Satu rdl\,l". Mrs . Larry Monk and farnll.r. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron D uBos~ L.loyd Clr>ld~toll and Mr s. &ssl$ted th•Jr daughter, Mr. J. D. Adams went io rtos ~· etl !lllrl Mrs . Jimmy Blvthc ttl Sunday w i'R ttl' hls sl ,;ter mo vi n t: IQ Con yon 'T\J t•Sd1i,\'. Mr. lllld Mn, . Goor~e Harkn•&' Mrs. E. t,, McGauQh has ht..Jiflf). returned w her hom~ after 'a 1 W. M. Guanoll and Mr. and twa Wfek~ Mla,y uL fiowth Mr s. J . M. Pollock "sll•d In Bend nea1 .lli.nHal Wella. tho 1'-> m<' ol' Mr s. Norman Mr. and Mr s. H . 0. 'tlrnm$ M atth•·w~ Sunday ancrooon. t\!tutned !lOme Tullsdi\Y attN l3et h Ann, small dauRhlor or 1111endin11 Kraduati ng e >ert'J ses Mr. and Mr s. J~ rry Mull had the al the North Dakota Unlverslcy misfortune to fall f rom a tree In ·ornn4 F ork s Saturday, Ins\ wee!< and InJured h.or bead. t.u.,st !4, Y!hen their !IQ n·l n· Mr. Md Mr s. Bill\• Plor110 n 0 and chUdroo a.re vacati.o nlna Jn South 'Texas ·tbls week . &c\enoe Taaollln(. Mrs. CIUlles Mrs. W. R. Collman Q( l!:unlc~ o.n4 cl>lldren O.IIMded o.\110, On N. M. visited h~r broth<>r am their r~iurn tr\ 1> lh!U' too red laroll y , Mr. Mrs. u. N. Th f Bl$ck Ifllls or Soutb M""dow& last and wef/J<end, DAIIOIO. CMciY f'r eeman hu returned loll#. Chester fl'aley or J:.oob- 1<:> her home in Arll n(ton Bttet bQCJi .v lslled htr parenu. Mr. • two 1\'0ekij vlsJt . wH h heo and /lim. w. w. Ada ms last ~rrondparents, Mr. and Mrs Weyne Castleberry . Mr. and Mrs. Jlm Bl ythe o! Canyon attended ohuroh at tl•e Methodlat C hurch SQ nday. VIsitors In th e home ot Mr. and Mr s. BUrlyn Amonett thi s week w re Mr. and Mr s. Wayne JOhnson of Comanche and Tolbert Keo of Sacrem en to , Cnlllornla. Mr. nnd M! JS. Burlyn Amo rwtt Ol en!lh . :{voone , c ar l and Johnny att en ded ~.hll rc h se r_vlc es at the Pial nvlew C hurc h of Christ Sunda..v at wh iCh her brother, K ~nne th Sinclair of Mitchell , sou th Dakota, pr euch· ed. They were d.irmN guest in th e home of her parents , Mr . IUld Mzs, Hurry Si nr.l.al r. Mr. M d Mr s . Joe Dal• ·B ecton Blld Mvnty or MellO , Ar!Mnn nro visiting hur parent s, Mr . nnd Mr s. 1.-cnen Nei s. rtnd othPr reluti ve.s Lhn~ wPok. Mr. tllld Mrs. Alnn , I.eslle Halo Center; n Mahagan 1U1d Hoger of Mr. and Mrs . Lewls Mallagan and Key F'rMo es or Clay tonvi lie were dinner ' ' u •s. t ln. th e htJmi" o f th ei r parents, Mr. and Mts. E'. o. Mahf4l an sunda.v. Mr. and Mr s. J. C. Belt vtslt~ d Mr . and Mrs. !.,ester Brown und Mr. u.nd MfS, 1'rtiVi $ Hun>~ell In ACkerl ey Sunday aft ernoon and attended chu rch al thP Methodist Chur ch ther e Sunda,y nJght. Ross Jt.~rmgo.n vactttloned at Ruldo,sn , N. M. lust we~k . ~lr. ll!ld Mr~. \'proon Smith and Ca rl a to11r••<l Mr th•·m M ~l vl Arlzone end M tor over In Utah ~5 Kaynell, Mr. and Mrs. f1.1iynllod Holly or Welch aoo Mr. ahd Mr$. Dic k Sell or ldlllou vlslted ln the home of Mr. and Mr §. J. Belt Prldey !light. Mme s. Clnyion Eng er. liarbert Watson, J. C. Bell nod B. M. Jackson attended the W.S.C'.S. Wo rk shop a~ t:re Mettrod.ist Church Oakwoo d I n LubW ck 'T\Jesdoy. Mr s. Lu I• Thomas has reLltmed to her horn~ in Stamfo rd nflcr vi $1 11 ng severrl l wee ks l 0 the home O! hN dou~)ll er Mr. and Mr s. Joe Ollbreo\h. Howard Kr rkputri ol< or Ok[a· hoq1u CiL atlPnd••d Rravrslde servi,ceti fo r Jame~ Alan H o r kn~s~ nt Stri p Cemet~rv Tlwrsda,y. Alter midweek services 111 the Methodist Chu rch Wednes· day niAhl th!• co ngregati on enjoyed a I'QCI a! hou r in Pollow shlp II B.ll. Th o Lakevt ew Churoh will hol d th ei r annual yearly picnic in MllCk enzle Stale Park Sun· day. Jl;veryone t n the . com· mu nlty IS I ovlted to come and hrlng a basket lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wr en at•d child ren o.f Lu bboc k vis it· ed Id s parent&. Mt. and Mr s. II'. H. Wr~n last week ~nd. K ennel~ Senter returned homt· Sund u~ from Methodist !los· Dllnl of Lu bhock wher e he had su rgt• r,v on hi ~ knee which was lr\hm •d 1n lootbnll pructlce lnst week. c. Frtclay, Aucust 27, 1911~ PTA Executive Honors Mrs. Don Peggram Mrs. Don E'eagrlllll was the hoooreo !or a Pin k 'and Blue shower Friday, August 20 In th e horne of Mrs. HMry Patter· son. Mrs. Peuram was pr~ scnted a co rsage oC while chr Syllnlhemums. ~ The table we.• lllid with a cutwo rk cloth. The· whlle ce nt erpiece was " mi nlalu re paper acco rdtall cradle. C ry ~lol appointments were used ror serving pink pu ..ch and blu <• and pink frosted oAloki fs nnd melc> n bnUs . Hos tes s~$ (or the occ asion Mr s . P atterson, Mrs. were w. T. Loon. Mrs. Horace Byerley, Mrs. Jtm Mills, Mrs. D ennl~ Zach ary, MIG. Jerr.v Wi enke. ws. J. D, King, Mrs. Wll.)' llC Drtvl s , Mrlt. B~ddy Smith and Mrs. T otnm)' HtWeth. The hostes<~ gin was a hl ~h chair . Thl rt,v-tw o guests re gistered. u.s. SAVINGS BONDS a-;;;;(:K10_.,e':"'''" - Pill- SCarbOrough , BOn ot Mr. and Mzs. Dub ScarbOrough, recel ved · his BS degree ln l"!nanc e !rom Texas Tecb In their gr!>du aHng exercises Saturda,y, A ~ust 21. Pat Is a memoer ol the A1pba Tau Omega F'raternHy. · ccrPtnOtl)'. Mrs, Undorwood · ls an aunt <•f lhe brld•. Mr. ond"Mr•. Swain -B~~~ers !llld famlly of PetetsbUtll and 99-t OF THE COOK IJIG AT THE. WORLD'S fAIR Mr. •nd Mra: l'ulrnrr Biggers and fwn Uy or Pur;.., l'na and Mr. and Mrs, .<!ul"'" Rook,; and ru.udly of Lonw Br t~c h , Cali fornia vncal!on~d lr. Goloradv pa rt of last '""~~. :l!l:-· Apnl You r local rqpreaenlnh vet are Mrb. R, 1'. Cole, 66 7·2291, ru1d Mrs. lllll lko re n; 667 3361. P l easP contnct one uf them to PU'J'Ch~~t:! I:H)il SOJI ti rk.i•t& dUrt ng the m~m b rship driv11. i{ t .......... IS PROVIDED BY GAS Pluur latml Gu CarapaaJ firt$ Pre-Lobor Dsv 1J Now thru S9ptember 4th •• . get the :lnd til'S for The Hlahwe.y Patrol In- · v..,uaated 26 ruro.l. traltlo c;ldonts In Hale Ct>unty during tbe mont h of Jul,Y, ~ co rding to Sergeant D. s; Lawson, Patrol Supervisor · ~~~~~~~ ..,_. o! t his area. ~MASTERPIECE lOOS.£ lUf NOH ~00~ $Moiler ~\ ~.)~.~ $\2,390.00. The rural tr u!fic accid ent summtuy ln R•le County lor lhe. flrst seven nX~n ths nl 1965 show s a total or 141 Qrashe s res ult.lng In su per$Ons kill.l d, 82 PMSO nS Inj ured, and an eM! rn~ted protarLy dnmo~e of $80,300 .00. Pen pj,.l b.~o "Skrip' ' Co1trid ges ''!=;cnool da..vs " arc 9e School Tool Box 15"/t 'CIGARffiES These wrecks account.!'d Jor t en persons injur ed and nn estimated vroperty damage of $1.00 P!Pfl SOOLUSHEETS5 an• our resptJI'I-'"' to the spPcifi<' bankmg reqwnmwn ts of this cnmrnun!l ,v ..• Q$ ·yDu havr .~hown them to us. Todnv our bcmh offers you the best , thP most ~nt~l'nien t , Tht- most eronamtcnl banhmg services; bMI'd (Jn long years of expen· IHIC4' and Msociatian as banker, /n l'nd tmd neighbor. Com• ,.._ !'t ow MANY WAYS we con s.rv• YOU! expected · lhM the Program which was last year will be th rough . this year. Birthday calendars thnl eo interesting and helpful !Ill or us will help finance s project. l ar meeting nights are Tuesde.,y each nt 7:30 p.m . This year first meeting will be o n 21 which will be an OPtll house meelltlg so Ural Plli!I)IS may meet and talk with lb• tea chers of their children . P.,ent·Teac her Orgat~lzn· Ilona have no co nn ection with lbe pol!cy or th e sc hool sys t em 1el th ey ru e. 11 very h elpful arm an d a medium th rough will Ch gcod relationships are advanr:'ed lUl d the commu nity le benefit ed. U Ia hoped th at Parents as well as Teachers wl II attend lbe meetings and avlli l them~elves o! op!)orlunllles w make our schools as effccti ve as orrt ce prlc~s . ar e as follo ws: Patron, 13 ticket s , with li sti ng In pro~ram $25; Co uple 12, ticket s for . $ 18; Ann ual, 6 ti ck et s rnr $10; Stltdont, li tic kets Cor $5. Me mbers have p rlv l l ~ge of rr~o rv ing lh•' se liLs ahead of the g neral sal e .1nd are ·a.Jso offered reduced mtes for the workshop. T he Lubooc k 1'heotre Centre Is a non·Pro fJl org• mzuhon ~nu n communi ty service. Pla,ys sc hedule.l tor the 1965-66 ~Pason include the ·nu~ lc al opene r. '' Bn' By.e ;Ji rdlP", 9eptomber tG, folloW· ed by "Shot In t he Datk" . October 28. ' ' Look Honll'ward Angel", PPcrmber 9, 'JTen-housc of th~ August Moon", i-1 Ubruury 3, '· 'l1te Crucible" . March 17, and a tat~ RN adway be ~nnoqnced , comertv to wt clealre. 300VASHEETS 39t ,VI'Cl.r5 ror Extending ll s · • Community" coverage to Inc lud e not only Lubboo.k bu t th e South Plat os oQmmunity, LubbOck Tbeano Centre announces lis Bnnunl member ship drive. which wll1 be In ettect from · Monday , August 30 to F'r I day Septemb Ot 10. The purp ose of the 1965-66 drivels to as sure the continued existence of a vital. form of art fo r Lubbock and South Plains co mmunity and to ui d lu the o( the pr~seot expun alon theat er facl lltles, housed nt 2508 Avenue P, l .ubbo~k. With lhe SlOlRil t hi s \' PHI <>f ' ' Bye Bye Blrdlc , llello LI'C" th e divl >~lon chill r m~n . capLruns an,l workers are headed by co·chair:nen, Mrs. J. 1\. Harris. Jr ., and Mrs. Robert MoOre. The rn~mnorshipo, which provide a substantial saq ng of uv t o 40!1> ov~r th e box a. Pot S<:orboroug ~ Receives Degree DPS Investigates llral Accidents In Hale County Q · Thl' many helpful ba.ttkmg ~cn·icl's wt! hm.•e estabn<hed and perfected OL'er tlw The ~arent·Teach e; Organiza· tlon unaer •.he elPerJenced and. capabl e leader$hlp or Mrs. ·J. L. Porter, Jr. has been busy lhrougb the su mmer with Pions for the new school year. The elecutlve committee held· a meetlnr; on Mood BY. Augu st 23 ct:implete plana the which sho uld be mo st ve to both parents ers in their relaU onthey work with our or ;:~v~d ~~•.c:;~~~' !e:~~~f WE'VE LEARNED ALOT FROM YOU! Co11111ttee Plan Years Adivities lubbock Theatre Center Announces Annual Membership Drive Mr. and Mts. Keuneth Undel' wood !lltd Rev. and Mrs. G. Vetoer attended tha wedUJng or Ml~s Rlck3 Jollnson tQ RJ)n C arnes ! n Elbert, -rexss Saturday. August 21. Mi ss .Jotrru;on is the daugttter o! Mr. and Mr s. Wilburn Johnso n Sh e ls the gra~ddnughtcr o r !lev< !IDd Mrs, \'('mer ~nd Rt:•v. Vf'TIHH p~rformcd -tht' with SI.OO pur.chose of school supplies ~...:rY•,.. ."' "~" ' N[W fOr The Natural Harr·Do look! II 89t . @. ,,..~ 0~7: . o. lmn~t .lt ore agaln . MiUly of th e ~ cbools In thi s o.ren wUl br ilarlipg their c U\s ~ils before Day . Mnny dn,ver,... L abor bave become nccllSl<>med lo ls oorlog school zones and igns during the ~umm er onths with the thought, '1\'l\.Y bOther. school ' s out wey." But now th e ilme is riiP ldly a.uproachlng to start - AYlng close u.lter.tlon . to gns warniog or schoo l zone<; hd.. scnool buses . Many parents will ntt ompt make Lhe Labor Da.Y week· ~heir final vaoall on o uting. Sergeant stated, ' 'Don't this rtnal outing be rata!. " n!P.I! ll.Yes wcro lost over the Labor DaY In 1964. BIGGERS SERVICE S Mo in at Ave . F PETERSBURG, TEXAS P,lol 667. 4611 F'n day , 1\ugusl 21. 1 ~6~ '!'he Petersburc Po. l Buffs To Meet Springlake In Pre-Season Scrimmage · · ri:!Otball. P etersburg Bl!f!alo Style, W\ll sturl tonight (F rl<la.v J. Although lt will ont· be a srrinuna~e wtth Sprtnglake --- -- Mr. and Mrs. Uon Hr~l and arc Chtldren vacatlonlng R.uldosa, Na" Mo'!IM. tn Wesley Hi ld re th Honored On Bir thday Weslc.l Hil~reth ~aA hotlorl'<l on hls lOth b"thday Wedm•&d"''· Allsust 25. \ 1\' ~sii:.Y . Mack H~ll and Jrrn Pa.l.ll 'Y oung '''ere taKen b Plalnvl~~ b.\' Mr&. 'J'omm1 Hildreth whor~ they enio>rd m\f\lature goiC and chtlll do~'· After rcturmng hOmO theY were served bi rt hdttl cake und then p]a,~<~d (oclbull. Sunday Visitors ..... Pet ersourg 1uns •ill turnou~ fu U str<'n@th to l'tcw th" Buffaloe$ as they mo\'t thll votverineH <Ll B p.m. at Snnng· lake. The Eurrato rosm packed wtth ,;c~phonmes is rated ''' u .vou ng, ln~xponenced, r>OIH' t· housP, depelldl nR '" ~>htch 'llorts"rller .vnu hnW~n '" b roL""' ng. TM ro&Let ~ontain< IIIII(' thrt•t' tU nlOTS ~!ld "iXtt'Pn ~.lPht1morcs. ' Al thou~h tht BuJfs ur<l not iHCk~d w w1n !'.t>JUOfS, thP fltkUt('t , th['\' }1l,l\'tl a thrt•t• V'~at rt'ctHd (•f-tii..,trict rharnpion· sJups <Hid a Stattl Chal'J1(,l~un~ s.hlp l.tPh.tnd ltH'm and lt>t•; , (':us ram 1m~ bt.:: plans t tl kt'l'P the r~l('tH rls bt~aking lrudltiun ~rnn~L Thr BJff:; "''H ni1\ bt~llli'kln~ JHlwPr Y.tth a11 l\ ragt• wt~Jilht n•port~d at 165 a pt1 unds ltd thtP(t by Rob~rt~on at ISO pouhd~. thnt. S<'e a lot ol boll ru nni<IM this year. I u past .1•ars rhP stock1· fullback ha~ a!""'' mona~od to ~rind out net>derl '"'daR•' ><ltt•n c•nlled upon. Other r tnrntn~·"' nlor- l~llftroen Htclude Da n\l Scarborourli KliUrd , !GO Alan UtHh•r woc>d hnlfback, 180: J~m· Jl.rri>, tack Je, 170 Dulld St•.-uh~n~ . lqll end, 150 Rulli an~ ltl"' vl.nn ~uts. The tttiPP• of Pt•terst!urg f anR r<'~t 11ith thP The !luffs hov e lost hnlfbaok K ennPth Sent er to lhe l nj ury llst. Senter underwent l eg elude •·n d", M," S<:a rborou~h, 180, Jrra t Thnrpr , 115: und out 9( th ~ llnrup for six week$. The managers lor team "'llln~nPs$ l>t the~~ un\IN· rnted ~i1teon men. Th~.- tw t:l(·~ guest of ~t•fl. "'Nt<'r, ThOill]lS<'ll 165. Not~s ' 1 Th&nk card;;. lt:p PORK wlnle ho•· & BEANS frl~nds To our .sa~ 1isltt< we ~•nl tc You " for ynur vlslls, !lower~ , nd lhe many olttN til kens or YOur lhqughtfulnM~ SMWll us while' 1·u out many l>elovrd \\Ill [Ill • ' \30 \\,l\ Ot)C'rHll' Ut lht• i1UtHtN• t; ... -· • -. - RITE SHORTENIN J.Pound Can -- RcdJit>N· fot fn""" Mel:f"h:tndl"'c loP be •H.-n •"'l .Y SAUJrthn Aucusi "2.8 :u 6.ao P.ll . 1'\othi,.& U1 hU) . hu.. PriJ.esza 1t1 \l etrhilndiAfl ~nd , i'nti' .II~ In \l;erdiW!'Idbl" :.kd. Prittf l ,\tfMt:tandj•U' ·t th. t·n~e u a f!i~nds , 'tl;p~h W ta1ie thts meun.S of f.'J.IHI~~}~ing our to v~u Irom til~ \ 40 8 300$100 Cans •no in lte spital anr:! nQw at home. We lo•c our !ri~nds and wt sh tile b~st M ov<!r,ythllllf !or you. Awaln, Tbtlllk~. Georse & V Pinta KJ r~ w(l a] Sl:ltlllll.l l wa.nt tv ~:<IH()!fli> rn) thanks and tl.DtHl'clali o-n t•\ P\'l"'r:V•.lOf' for lh~· JHvi!Js curd!"', fi{>~E>rs, ., Ol\lc.e, Hoyle 1'hf> _lumur!'. , nuh thret' ul buck f,lot. numtwr arr tlXlh't d ln ~r.lb Ihllfhr.1. rk Juhl"K l\'tll !lt~ fllkd thr1r ~tmn~ nf not\1 r~. T!wr 1up by Sum C;tnal<·~. 150 snrt ,\11k~ Chuck ,>\ Umun, ;.,'lwrrl, t ?O· ltt dmrtfSf)ll. I ;lO. OM~ BtHl'll. .JirJ \\l~atlwr.-.;, Qtuirtt'lb(h•k. 150 und Jtm lhtlt, 130 Y.ill 110 outd ~llll11~ 1 , MnE.lrt , Hthb~H·k. rM!WlE 1 h' th<' fullhU('k ttt~tl"i. 1411. Th(l Hufts w1U 0\Pl.•t Sl1ttun, 1 \\'hdl tht"\ lack in U.-.'< fHHiNH'/ nt SlailJn, Fndns . St lHo::•mber lh~ so;>~h'""'"'' nwmbt'IS <If lite J In th <' frrst oflictal ganr•· tNtm WI JTl,Jkt' i rt numbt.'r nf tlw st>tt!'>iln, B. Kltk. 'Stille Lindsey, Bale CenlN , ~u.,st u( CMtlotte Ktrk. gill& . a.ml Ottahz!'<l. be SW''e 150; _,J1fn l'ark5, Qtl.Uit'rbnch.. ~Uattl ~PL\tf' \\htit' ,1(11• S'~Pl'T, i 45: ,J e~;si~:• C;muh~s . hall'hncl-. . 1_90 'Atll bt' tt•n tN . K'l'Cf.\' 150 .tumor Lo~ ) nl'\ hnlJb.l.t'k C1rl 1C't', 150 and Davtd Smt->, A. Thank You tne .,;11 \\!'''<' , 1'80; I oO. D.n 11d C\1le . I 'ill uttd R~; Mtller. 150. • Rrll Stanton, lS~ and M!k~ Guests at the !•'ttst BaPtist Church Sunday rr<>tnl ng were Den ills R.wnb<> and ~1r. tutd .\1rs. Carl Ru n;bo und r.amli)' or lla.rt, ,., stt<Hfi crf Mr. und Mr!-1. BNrh Ramb l, Mr.s . .lnf'l Elder, Rr.\ d~~,wn. Tenn .• ~uN;;t of Mrs. Otto Crucr . !(e rwin Brlhtow. truost <>f Mrs. 0. s. Bristnw. Mlin· ~ rGuirP, AnltlJtlln, lackk~ . Hil l Di~h"' R.QPd.\' , ,\ l" r ts . 13ft. ~urgerv la ~ l week and will be -iPPH'Ci.ati0n <)~ J>th of ''"' heart~. In ltre l<>n~ dlm·~s •nd death nu r lru$band, luther and t) ( ~ tattdr •tit~•. yott d rn~>nSituteti vqur ltiYf.'l 11nd cnncern 1n drt>d~ and HVnl(HtihPbC UlldN!:ila.rHbhft . lola,> tk>d biM~ earn and r·\ e-r_, unt (or t•\ ~~r.rU1i ~~~ that th~ phon(· t•aU:-~, th~· whiJ ~'tl l \\1 U1 Jt-. 111 th t-hOii!>ltal tl<l (ttlthf411Y, tilt' f:vH.t ~hAl ·~ d~ tir. Hl,et!:'t.t t.t· u·tr hume.s, Uft- riO'Af:r.S. ·u:i:ld mnny WL"- done. tlll c~;;. o1n~r lhln~· !hot v.t• 1llt!hhbll "'' nm knQI" abou\. MJ)' 0011 hP~nk ,,t t1 the tu.•atts t-urn ;::.f ~()IJ nfld s.t~rr1v "hl prr, 1 ''Wf'-ll dur..~ tb>JtJ. K."'~Jd ;\tid l•llfltul <,,·rn>~>l ," for truly lbls 1g lh~ gwat<'~l <if o.ll Mr. ~nd Mr.,. A. J. ll<>ll \!r. and Mrs. Hugh f'M!mck 'II. and \1"'. Btl! \'i(k"r< Mt. ~1-rd Mr~ • .\hi ~ Grat11Ht1 rti'.~i'"" @t('S{'O \Wl t:n,tlWd~ for ~ht' 0\tu,pa.thy llf t'td "' 10-l'ound Bag 98(' ~siAl"'~, .. 79' FRYERS t•t,.nde<l _.,., 4<> our tim< "'' t'Ot .... at thfi lutu\ nr ocr lc>•e.J one, F'Or tho no"'"''· f.:>M, 75( BACON ,....irm' Qf b •.:rn t•f.irtt. Mrs. Juin' Pvu1oc'k r~'¥1-.Uili:. GLADIOLA~J s:. 39c · .CORN MEAL+ lb ffidS and aNa t~l ltindvPry Jroirfu!. n~u. ~ &.re C;Jd hlCJIS .YOU. WH IH $ WAN The funlll) 'at .l•mn Al ·n Hllfkll~~~ BISCUITS Conl!lalu Is tiona to ~r. "nd lolt$. J,,)"ll(l Ylllbii'IUJh ~n IM ~lrth Ill A <lauclllllf, L.tHilyn, Monday, 1\uiJ)lll ~:a a1 ~:i!(l D.ll\. Tile lltoW addl.Uon w4\ll botn ._. ~ne Pltinviln• ~o~pltal &nd w!llllletl '''~ l)(llltldl !l1ld t'n l,llmqea. TOMATOES KL~ 15t CARROTS ~~7 2.. 19c PEACHES \l . . BL 12 for POT.i>iif... ..., 6~ 99c o t ttlt &- o•• NGE JUICE 3 99' \M '· ·-.. ~.- ... "'
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