News Clipping February 1961
News Clipping February 1961
* * * L ~./ 1_",* * *-< ' " us, Troor:fPlanes , . Pu, -""" "\II' Crew rt WAS . UP} - U:S.' troop a nes were readied yesterday and an aircraf .cat p s believed sailing toward the troubled Laos-VitW:Nani area to be ready for whatever develops in the, far, Pacific crisi's.· " ' HugeC130 transports were under crew alerts or have already moved at Air Force Base in South, Carolina and Sewart AFB in Tennessee. Both are near; waratroop bases. .t. '. '! •• ~ . Shaw Brig. G~tl. Frederick' J. Sutterlein, Sewart' commander, told / newsmen some aircraft have left Sew art. Sutterlein'did .not sP.· they went but p ,<,~~p,ld be nearby ''iKy., a paratr d Sutterlein planes had left.. <t $, ..." 'Staying 'Ready The deputy c6mmander of the Tactical Air Command, Lt: Ge-n. Jacob Smart, said repositioning of the troop carriers is ,"just' our way of staying ready for any-eventuality." He added that transpcrt, units are moving only at and Sewart. Travis AFB in Oa1ifornia, another of 'l;'AC:s ni-ne bases, reported a,' "normal. 24hour alert" but apparently there was. no immediate plane movement. The ai ton of IKong unoffjCl to wate transp r~f! evere and the M .'",.1ing a Marine la >1letlmof 1,000 me;n, also. were reported within epsy, sailing distance. : - Sttciw' , .0 Official Laos Tie - ..• '-~ .' ' There ',~as no' Qfficia~ linking of the Tactical Air Command" movements with 'the Laotian situation and a spokesman at ';