Winter - Bethany Life


Winter - Bethany Life
Communities living to glorify God
Volume 5, Issue 1
A Publication of Bethany Life Communities
Winter, 2008
Unique, fragile and life meaning.
Have you noticed that once again it is winter in Iowa? We all know how difficult our
weather can sometimes be. The cold, the ice, the ‚wind chill‛ factor, the shoveling and
the car problems. Life can be harsh and at time downright depressing. It is times like
this that one might go so far as to even question the meaningfulness of life itself. How
does one say ‚yes‛ to life in spite of the struggles and at times suffering?
There is a word that is thrown around, yet given only passing recognition of its
strength...OPTIMISM. There are many famous people, such as Christopher Reeve and
others who have demonstrated unbelievable optimism through the most challenging
tragedies. Yet there are ordinary people all around us who inspire us although they
struggle with life. If you make a short visit to Bethany Manor you will witness this inspiration in great abundance.
Although the ‚blizzard‛ of life can visit any of us at any time, we need to keep our eye
on the ‚snowflake‛ that is a part of the storm. That ‚snowflake‛ is the unique, sometimes fragile, yet beautiful sense of meaning and purpose in our lives that we have
come to rely upon. It may be true that the old have fewer opportunities in the future,
but they have more...they have realities of the past—the potentialities they have actualized, the meanings they have fulfilled, the values they have realized; and nothing or
nobody can ever remove this. This ‚meaning‛ is represented by that huge and wonderful snowflake that drifts slowly from the sky and shows all of us that there is beauty
within the storm and that with faith we will discover this beauty within ourselves even
in the most difficult times.
The ‚snowflakes‛ that live within Bethany Life Communities are precious and we are
honored to have them in our midst. Our residents give us meaning in our lives and we
pray that we do the same for them. Thank God for all of them.
by Larry Elphic
Page 2
From the President
Snowflakes remind me of the people we serve. They are all
uniquely beautiful and very fragile at the same time. The snowflakes outside create winter beauty while the people we serve
collectively create the beauty of character and wisdom from the
many storms in life they have weathered.
We, as an organization, have weathered storms in the past and
will continue to do so in the future. The challenges we face become opportunities to improve the programs and services we
provide. As we look into the future, we are committed to
achieving our vision of becoming a ‚regionally recognized resource for comprehensive and innovative ageing services‛. It
will take all of us, including our team members, families, volunteers, churches, pastors, donors and many friends to achieve
this vision. With the shared commitment from all us our elders
will thrive.
Betsy Warburton
BLC Board Members
Mary Ness, Chair
Jerry Sloan
We ask, on behalf of those we serve, that you remain a vital
part of this ministry by donating your time, talents and treasures. We challenge those who have donated financially to consider increasing the amount you share. For those of you who
have not, we ask you to consider a donation this year. If all of
the 5000 individuals who receive this newsletter gave just
$25.00, we would receive $125,000. What a difference that
would make. We have many needs to meet in 2008. Your gifts
will help us meet the continual need for renovation in Bethany
Manor, to strengthen our Chaplaincy services, showing our staff
how much we appreciate their kindness, plus much more.
Dr. Dianne Draper
Bob Higgins
Joel Danielson
Pr. Rachael Hanson
Kent Gummert
Pat Fawcett
Susan Amensen
The 20% Iowa Tax Credit
If you donate $500 or more to
the BLC Chaplaincy Endowment
Fund in 2008 you will not only
receive your federal and state
charitable tax
can also receive a 20% tax
CREDIT on your Iowa taxes. Do
the math...a $100,000 gift
would give you a tax CREDIT of
$20,000. Let our Foundation
show you how to receive this
unbelievable tax break.
This newsletter’s appeal is designated to our Employee Appreciation Fund. Show our staff you care and give your $25.00
challenge to those who really deserve a pat on the back.
All of your gifts make the lives of those we serve better. Join
us in helping our elders thrive. You’ll be glad you did! God
bless you.
‚Snowflakes are one of nature’s most fragile things, but
just look at what they do when they stick together.‛
Bethany Life Communities’ mission is:
“Helping elders thrive in their life journey, living in a Christian environment of hope and compassion .”
Volume 5, Issue 1
Page 3
Luella Twedt: ‚I Can Do That!‛ A Snowflake in our Midst
by Janet Dunn, Foundation Coordinator
The first thing you notice when you meet Luella Twedt is her warm,
big smile. Next, you may find yourself laughing along with her
about one of her observations, such as, ‚I’m one of the youngest
chicks around here with spiked hair, and the funny thing is, it actually looks good on me!‛ Curious about how she is able to face
every challenge with the great attitude she is well-known for, I ask
her questions about her life.
Luella & Janet
Luella knows she was blessed to even have made it home from the hospital after she was born
in 1941 with cerebral palsy, weighing 2 lbs., 4 oz. Her mother told her that the doctor had
given her up, but a nurse breathed into her mouth, revived her and she was placed into an incubator. Four months later she was able to go home to begin a life on a dairy farm in the quiet,
open country near Rice, Minnesota, with her beloved parents, two brothers and a sister, twenty
head of cattle, chickens and some pigs. To her, the world was full of opportunity--things she
could do, and places to go--even though that meant crawling everywhere she went until she
was nine years old; that’s when she started using crutches.
At age six, it was time for Luella to start elementary school. For her, that would mean leaving
her farm home, and going to live with another family in Minneapolis in order to attend a school
for the handicapped there. ‚I can do that!‛ a six-year-old Luella said.
Luella would be allowed to go to regular high school, she was told, if she could get on a bus by
herself. ‚I can do that!‛ she said. She took the bus and loved high school. A girlfriend carried
her books to class. ‚I can always give it the old ‘college try’. If I fail, so what? That’s me!‛ said
Luella, with a hearty laugh.
After Luella finished high school, her mother had a stroke and wanted to be cared for at home.
‚We can do that!‛ Luella said, along with her father, brother, and sister. Her brother got married
and took over the farm management and farmhouse. Father built a new house on the acreage
that had running water and an indoor toilet! Luella would bathe her daily, change her bed and
helped her father cook. Both parents passed away in 1973 and her younger brother in 1976.
But they all got to see their ‚I can do that!‛ sister be happily married to Otis Twedt in 1969. It
was a day that none of them had ever thought they would see, but Luella had always believed
Luella first saw Otis ‘across a crowded room’ at a camp for the handicapped. He was fourteen
years older, and with another girl, a quiet type. Luella asked around to see who he was and
learned he was from Iowa. She sought help from her friends to meet him and they put her at his
table for lunch. They hit it off famously, had common interests and liked all the same things.
They made each other laugh and spilled their food. Before the weekend was over, Otis said to
Luella, ‚You will write to me, won’t you?‛ ‚No, I won’t! Not unless you write to me first!‛ said
Luella. A flurry of letters followed, then came the wedding at the little country church Luella
grew up in, where she had taught Sunday school and sung in choir Luella’s eyes glistened
gratefully as she recalled how the church ladies had prepared all the
Continued on page 4
food for her wedding.
Chaplain Sandra Anenson
with Orpha & Elsie
Page 4
Dear Friends,
Unique and special—that certainly describes the snowflakes that fall from the sky. It also describes each and
every person. Psalm 139 tells us that we are fearfully and
wonderfully made by God. It takes grace to acknowledge
and accept not only our own giftedness, but to validate
and affirm that in each other.
Chaplaincy Endowment Lead
Donor Recognition Tree
Giving Levels
Gold Leaf:
Silver Leaf:
$1000 to $2499
Bronze Leaf:
It is a privilege to be a part of the lives of our residents
and tenants. They are incredible people with unique
gifts. As they share experiences of their life journey,
God’s faithfulness is so evident. It is clear that He has
called them and blessed them. Their special giftedness
has been a blessing to so many.
We pray that God would give us hearts to appreciate and
celebrate the uniqueness of each other.
Chaplain Sandy Anenson
Luella Continued ‚My growing up in that church and my faith have had a tremendous impact on my
‚Are you sure you want to go with me?‛ Otis had asked her before they wed. ‚Oh, sure! It’ll be an
adventure! We’ll like all the same things, music, theatre, travel--together!‛ After a wonderful honeymoon in the Black Hills, they settled down in Roland. Otis worked for the Department of Transportation for 33 years as a draftsman in bridge design. Otis also has a ‘can do’ spirit. That may be why
he was attracted to Luella in the first place! At the camp pool, neither knew how to swim but Luella
said, ‚I can do that!‛ and got in the pool. After awhile, although he hadn’t planned to, Otis took off
the crutches that polio had made necessary, and followed her in. They had a great time on inner
Luella and Otis had new cars that were fitted with hand controls. For years they could be seen riding about Roland in their golf cart along with the kids in town, back in the days when worries were
fewer and kids could do such things. They both used tricycles to get around and strapped their
crutches on for the ride--more handy ones called Canadian sticks that were about half the size and
had leather straps. Now and then, Luella would hit a pothole and tip her tricycle. Off she would
fall. She had no worries. She knew there would always be someone nearby who would help her, so
she believed, ‚I can do that!‛
Luella came to Bethany Manor almost a year ago after she fell at home and could not move her leg.
She needed a place to recuperate. She chose Bethany Manor because she had heard a lot of good
things and it was close to her family and friends. ‚I love it here because I have people around me
and I enjoy people. Sure, it is a different environment but it is fun because I’m out with people. I
decided that I want to stay here. Otis visits me and says some day he’ll come live with me here
but he is not ready yet,‛ said Luella. A ‚snowflake‛ in our midst...Luella.
Volume 5, Issue 1
Page 5
From the Foundation
I want to thank all of you who supported the Bethany Life Foundation over
the years and particularly in 2007. Our Foundation raised over $280,000
in 2007. The outcome of your gifts has allowed our organization to significantly strengthen the viability of our chaplaincy program. We now have the
funds to purchase a new wheelchair accessible van. We have the financial
strength to continue to serve those individuals who depend on Medicaid
funding to help pay for their care; and the Foundation has been able to
commit $50,000 to the renovation of a portion of Bethany Manor to create
a first class skilled care wing in 2008. Also, Charlotte’s Garden became a
reality as we created a beautiful courtyard and garden for our memory care
residents. Your gifts really do make a difference.
I also want to thank three Foundation Board Members who recently finished their terms. They are Carolyn Ahlstrom, Arch Oldehoeft and Bill
Marion. These three individuals were all strong leaders and an inspiration
to our work within the Foundation. If there were ever three of those big,
fluffy ‚snowflakes‛ that landed on Bethany Life...they came with the names
of Carolyn, Arch and Bill. They truly brought meaning to our work. Thanks!
Chaplaincy Endowment Fund
Many of you now know about the
Chaplaincy Endowment Fund and
our goal of raising $1.2 million to
fully endow the spiritual services
that we provide. We are very
happy to announce that we have
received immediate and promised gifts of
over $340,000; including over $85,000
that we received in 2007 alone.
We know that you know how important this
is. We pray that you will take serious consideration in including the Chaplaincy Endowment Fund in your estate planning.
There are many charitable gifting tools that
can make your gift not only a legacy to
pass along to your family, but can also provide significant tax advantages and can
also provide needed income beyond what
you may be receiving today in your investment portfolio. to your financial advisor or
your trust officer or call the Bethany Life
Foundation and give us a opportunity to
show you how you can bring meaning to
your life and assure that the comfort provided by our Chaplain will be there forever.
Thrivent Financial Contributes to the Success of the
Bethany Life Afflordables
Thrift Store
Larry Elphic
Board of Directors
Pr. Glen Kappelmann
Al Hermanson
Senator Rich Olive
John Hinz
Chuck Sondrol
Frances Enger
Esther Frandson
Mary Ness
Pictured above is a group of volunteers who volunteer at
Affordables with Thrivent Financial for Lutherans representatives Phyllis Coburn and Sterling Dahl and Bethany Life
staff. Thrivent Financial provided a significant Care in Regions donation of $7450 in support of our efforts at Affordables. This is the third year in a row that Thrivent
Financial has given direct financial support to Affordables. Phyllis Coburn commented that Thrivent is very impressed by the commitment of the volunteer base and is
very happy to help those who are willing to help others.
Thank you Thrivent Financial for Lutherans!
You can join the fun at Affordables by contacting Denice
Reseitter at 515-733-4325. It will make you feel good.
Page 6
Presenting the Bethany Life Foundation’s
2007 Contributions
‚We don’t give because we’re rich;
we’re rich because we give.‛
Humanitarian Level
Benefactor Level
Margaret Booth Estate
Jim & Dorothy Christy
Earl Howard
Northeastern Iowa Synod-ELCA
Robert & Gretchen Ravenscroft
Charles & Jean Sondrol
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Clark & Marian Twedt
Bethany Life Volunteers-Affordables
Bethany Life Volunteers
Iowa Department of Public Health
Jeanette Larson
Marion K. Thompson
Jay & Betsy Warburton
‚It is more blessed to give than to
receive.‛ Acts 20:35
Leadership Level
Bergen Lutheran—WELCA
Bethesda Lutheran—Ames
Bethesda Lutheran—Jewell
Kenwood Christian
Raymond & Lois Danielson
Lawrence & Janice Dickes
Rozella Du Bois Estate
Esther B. Hanson Estate
Verdelle & Harold Hoth
Immanuel Lutheran—Story City
KASI Radio
Norsemen Insurance Services, LTD
Mary Jane Pearson
William & Susan Sandve
Norman & Dianne Tempel
Trinity Lutheran—Ellsworth
Walter ‚Bob‛ Twetten
Esther Frandsen
Larry & Kathaleen Elphic
Roy & Patricia Hougen
Gilbert Lutheran—Gilbert
Phyllis Hermanson
Herman Houghland
Iowa Hospice
Beth Isvik
Thora Kinseth
Frederick & Delores Larson
NuCara Pharmacy
Sigler Companies
Bruce & Ann Thompson
Jerry & Barbara Twedt
Gene & Betty Upstill
Roger & Lois Oakland
Sam’s Club
Soderstrum Funeral Homes
Clarion & Doradene Thompson
Harris ‚Pete‛ & Viola Twedt , Jr.
Mikie Walker
Page 7
Stewardship Level
Robert & Carolyn Ahlstrom
Pr. Stephen & Ch. Sandra Anenson
Mark Berogan
Compass Business Solutions
Donald & Dianne Draper
Wendell & Lois Frette
Mike & Rhonda Herschberger
Erben & Margaret Hunziker
Jon & Bonnie Hunziker
Pr. Glenn & Mary Kappelmann
Ilene Lage
Robert J. Moratz DPM, PC
Connie Newlin
Margie & Arthur Oldehoeft
Paul & Marsha Readhead
Jeffrey & Danna Russel
Mary Ann Sandvold
Cynthia Severson
Vivian Severson
St Andrew’s Lutheran—Ames
Robert & Karen Stangeland
Jeanette Tjelmeland
Cathy J. Todd
William & Beverly Marion
Nikkel & Associates, Inc.
RehabCare Group East, Inc.
Jerry & Barbara Sloan
David & Donna Teigland
John ‚Doc‛ Twetten
David & Glenda Webber
Friend of Bethany Level
Harry & Kathryn Amenson
Ev Anderson
Gary & Dee Anderson
Julia Anderson
Mark & Sara Bathie
William Bathie
Fred & Barbara Brown
Judith Christensen
Erwin & Ora Burginger
Margaret Fossel
Gary & Olivia Griggs
C.W. & Pauline Henry
Joan Hinton
Eunice Hospers
IMT Insurance Company
Karel S. Johnson
Dennis & Janice Freeman
Laota Houck
Pr. Rolfe & Margaret Johnstad
Caleb & Lois Knutson
Howard & Barb Larson
Kenneth & Ruth Larson
Jacqueline R. Maakestad
Warren B. Kuhn
Marilyn Lekwa
Medline Foundation
Suzanne K. Nelson
Oakland Corporation
Pella Corporation
Stephanie & Edward Perko
Pr. Tom & Sharon Prochnow
Dean Sampson
Pr. Tom & Sandy Hunt
Helen Ingvoldstad
Arthur Ketelson
David & Camille Kundert
Marilyn L. Michaelson
J. Eugene & Ruth Olson
Salem Lutheran Church—Racliffe
Ernest Sansgaard
Mildred Hill
Allen & Wanda Holm Thomas & Bonnie Holm
David & Mary Johnson
Gerald & Eileen Klonglan
Wayne & Mary Jo Larson
Joyce Lien
Steve & Lana McCoy
Randall Story State Bank
Carrol Sanderson
Robert & Maripat Higgins
Theo & Christine Leveren
Nancy Masteller
Harold & Margo McNabb
Scott & Carrie Russel
Ideacom Mid America
Davis & Julie Gilbertson
Craig & Cheri Schendel-Hennager
Duane & Deloris Hovick
Aaron & Kathleen Keller
James & Barbara Kruse
Fieldberg Lutheran—Huxley
Rodney & Sue Hansen
Merlyn & Carol Hegland
Arthur & Marjorie Ihlene Holland
Steve & Jamey Cox
Elim Lutheran-Randall Arlen & Eloise Erickson
Perry & Mary Frey
James & Rita Heslop
ISU Campus Organizations
Laura Christa & Laurence Jackson
Mark & Holly Grubb
Alan & Karen Hermanson
Glenn & Dr. Arnhild Hillesland
Brekken, Wynia, & Hyland, P.C.
Fjeldberg Lutheran WELCA
Ruth Harmeling
Dr. Louis & Pat Banitt
Ronald & Dr. Michelle Cook
Glen Egland
Margaret Mae Gross
Pr. Rachael Hanson & Dennis McFall
Inez Holt
Combustion Control Co.
Kathy Filipiak
Charlene Fox
Bethlehem Lutheran
Gary & Jean Carpenter
Ken & Janet Dunn
Arthur & Geraldine Andersen
Architects Rudi/Lee/Dreyer
Bethel Lutheran—Story City
William & Frances Dodds
Clayton & Alice Fardal
Anderson-Erickson Dairy
Robert D. Anderson
Dr. & Mrs. David Christenson
William Craig, III
F & M Bank
Jean Bruner
Sherilyn Anderson
Luke Brothers
Tom & Judy McDonald
Richard & Katherine Munsen
Palestine Lutheran—Huxley
Pete Tekippe Photography
Jerry & Ann Pearson
Peterson’s Paint & Floors, Inc.
Pr. Conrad & Mary Rolland
Salem Lutheran Church—Roland
Eunice Sansgaard
Mary Naig
Nathan & Tracy Runkel
Alan & Paula Sampson
Catherine Scott
Service Unlimited
Volume 5, Issue 1
Page 8
Friend of Bethany Level — cont.
Laverne & Mary Severseike
Milton & Gloria Severson
Richard & Shirley Snyder
Steve Snyders
St. Paul’s WMF
Shirley Stakey
W. Robert & Peg Stephenson
Phyllis Soderstrum
B. Stauffer & J. Molde-Stauffer
Rose Marie Stoner
Robert & Pat Swanson
Connie Sweeney
Dorothy Timmons
William & Helen Tjernagel
Trinity Women of ELCA—Ellsworth
Loren & Solvay Twedt
Wilson Auto Group
Larry & Ileen Wolters
St. Paul’s Lutheran—Williams
W. Bradley & Carolyn Stensland
Story City Building Products
Story Construction Co.
Mark & Michele Thomas
Kathleen M. & Walt Trahanovsky
True Value Hardware
Robert & Barbara Twedt
Judith M. Twetten
Lois Underwood
Leon & Cheryl Skeie
Jim & Gail Stecker
Carolyn Terrill
Jerald & Sandy Twetten
Dale & Mary Ullestad-Heneke
Robert Shepherd
Gary & Janet Thompson
Rozella Tressler
Alexander H. & Elaine L. Twedt
Thomas & Kathryn Twetten
Trent & Shellee VanHove
Amy Welch
Jim & Amy Twetten
Scott & Pamela White
Robert & Burnett Young
Staff Appreciation Fund : Show our Snow Angels You Care!
Our Annual $25 Appeal Designation...use our gift card on page 10.
Have you ever known a person who has dedicated their life to the service of others?
Have you taken the time to say thanks and give this person a small gift to show your
appreciation? Bethany Life has almost 250 people who have decided to work in supporting our mission of ‚helping elders thrive in their life journey, living in a Christian environment of hope and compassion‛. Many have been serving at BLC for over 10 years!
The Bethany Life Foundation is asking that you give a $25 gift designated to our Employee Appreciation Fund. This money will go directly
to showing our staff how much we appreciate them.
The Bethany Life staff are angels.
Use the gift form on page 10 to send your gift to the
Foundation. Thanks for thanking our staff for caring for
the seniors of our communities...what would we do
without them?
Judy Dubberke (pictured) has worked at Bethany Manor for over 21 years as a CNA.
Judy currently works in the North Memory Care Unit. ‚I love working with my residents.‛ When she said, ‚my‛ residents, I knew that she was a staff who sees the
seniors we serve as family. Judy lives in Garden City with her husband Keith. She
has two grown daughters Amy and Lori. Amy also works at Bethany Manor. Judy is
one our ‚snow angels‛ who comes to work everyday with a positive and upbeat
attitude. She gives her best everyday and we love her for it. Thanks Judy!
Volume 5, Issue 1
Are yo
u re
Page 9
ve the
We think
’t you?
If you are considering joining a retirement need to consider Bethany Life Communities’ Twinhomes at Timberland Village. The
homes are absolutely beautiful. You
will live a carefree lifestyle in a safe
and friendly community.
Great Value
Bethany Life’s unique buy-in financing
is a great value and will protect your
estate from the significant fluctuations
in the housing market. This is not a
time to hope your home will not depreciate. The return on your investment is known up front. Over time,
your cost of Bethany Life Twinhome
living will be much lower than less desirable rental units.
We have four homes now available.
We expect them to all be occupied by
spring. Make a good decision...put
down your down payment today and
move in when the weather warms up.
Joining the Bethany Life family is affordable and reassuring to you and
your family.
To learn more about this wonderful opportunity and tour a Twinhome, contact Betsy Warburton or Larry Elphic at
1600 Square Ft.
2-full baths
2-car garage
Tiled flooring
Lots of storage
Great Neighbors!
Visit our website at to learn
more about the details of Twinhome living at Timberland Village...floor plans, costs, etc.
Please send your support today. Through your tax-deductible
• Bethany Manor
• Timberland Village
donation to the Bethany Life Foundation you are helping to
212 Lafayette Avenue
725 Timberland Drive
ensure quality Christian care. Thank you.
Story City, Iowa 50248
Story City, Iowa 50248
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• Cedar Place
• Bethany Life Foundation
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Questions or comments about the newsletter or the information contained within are
welcome and can be addressed to the Bethany Life Foundation Board / Communications Committee. Design/editing: Larry Elphic, Janet Dunn.
Enclosed is my (our) gift of ________$25/other________
(Please make checks payable to: Bethany Life Foundation)
Name ____________________________________________
Please use these funds to support the:
Employee Appreciation Gift
The $25 Appeal
Thrivent Financial matching program:
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to the extent allowed by law.
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