A Monthly Newsletter Linking the Ministries of Bethany Lutheran and


A Monthly Newsletter Linking the Ministries of Bethany Lutheran and
A Monthly Newsletter Linking the Ministries of
Address Service Requested
Bethany Lutheran and Lost Island Lutheran Churches
A Monthly Newsletter Linking the Ministries of Bethany Lutheran and Lost Island Lutheran
Churches to keep members and friends informed.
Bethany Lutheran Church: www.bethanylutheranemmetsburg.com
Lost Island Lutheran Church www.lostislandlutheranchurch.com
Facebook: Bethany/lostislandparish
Church office hours: Mon. - Fri. 9:00AM - 12:00 PM
Pastor F. Peter Morlock email: bethanypastor22@gmail.com 712-852-4450 or 712-298-4097
Office Secretary: Teresa Saxton 712-852-4450; email: offsecr@gmail.com
Financial Secretary: Carla Firkins email: luthsecr@gmail.com
Youth Director: Kristin Rienhardt email: Kristin.Rienhardt@blc.edu 712-790-6470
Bethany organist: Janis Campbell
Lost Island organist: Tim Nielsen
Lost Island Worship 8:45 AM; Sunday School 10:15 AM
Bethany Worship: Sunday 10:30 AM; Sunday School 9:30 AM
We are church together....This was the theme of the recent Western
Iowa Synod Assembly. We met together over a recent weekend to
explore this theme and conduct the business of the Synod.
Here are some highlights.
-The Assembly passed the proposed budget– The Assembly passed a
resolution calling on all synod congregations to explore ways that
they might connect with, and support seminary students. (Full text is available in the
church office.)-Bethany and Lost Island were both recognized for their growth in giving
and partnering with the Synod- We worshipped together daily and held one another in
Perhaps the most fun part of the assembly was the fact that we had representatives
from our full communion partners, and companion synods that demonstrated in a very
powerful way all the ways that we ARE already church together for the sake of the
world. We heard from the Bishop of the Oregon Synod, the Episcopal Bishop of Iowa,
Bishop Trimble of the Iowa Conference of the UMC, the Clerk of the Missouri Valley
Presbytery, and the President of the Iowa conference of the UCC. They all lifted up
many ways that we are cooperating in ministry for the sake of the world across our
common territory. It was quite something to witness the scope of our partnerships and
hear the impact that partnership is having in the many smaller communities we serve.
(Continued from page 1)
MAY 2016
Bethany Lutheran Church Treasurer’s Report
Attendance average: 75
I had the opportunity to have a conversation with the Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Chile and talk about ways that we at Bethany might partner with a
congregation of that body so that we might explore how we might be church together for the sake of the world.
I spoke with the Bishop of the Southern Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
in Tanzania and heard about some of the great things that Diocese is accomplishing
with our partnership and help. (55 new wells have been drilled this year, providing
safe accessible water to 10 thousand people. The Igumbila School is building a new
library and continuing to expand it's outreach.)
We heard stories from one another about how we are church together in our communities, and the many ways God is moving in our midst. It was a great weekend! We ARE church together! (And I am glad!)
Lost Island
Pastor Peter
Sunday School
Total Income
Personnel Expenses
Program Expenses
Office Expenses
IN OUR PRAYERS: We remember those in special need of God’s love and care
including: Nancy Zeigler, Bob & Janet Mortensen, Nina Jurries, Tate Schmeling
(grandson of Willard & Glenyce), Liz Campney (Teresa Jensen’s daughter), Lea Schipull
(sister-in-law to David & Elaine Sidles), Isaiah Frederick, Lucille Anderson, Norma
Larson, Lisa Mignolet (niece of Sharon Sobkoweak), Marleen Theesfeld (aunt of
Troy Leininger), Janis Campbell, Angelia Waters, Richard Omundson, Barbara
Berkland, Betty Edwards and those we name in our hearts.
*Our sympathy to the family of Lyle Edwards and to the family of Marge Trelstad
* Our missionary: Courtney Davis in Papua New Guinea
*Our companion synods: The Southern Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
Tanzania-Yakobi Parish, companion with Lost Island and the Evangelical Lutheran Church
in Chile.
Property Expenses
Western IA Synod
Damascus Road
NO ELCA Donations
Income Less Expenses
On line giving-With the summer months here, Bethany Lutheran would like to
encourage online monetary offerings. The local Emmetsburg Banks each provide a
FREE online bill pay service which can arrange recurring weekly or monthly payments. Informational posters will be available in the church for more information.
If you unable to find your way to Bethany Lutheran, feel free to contact Philip Bieber
(philipjbieber@gmail.com) or your local Emmetsburg Bank at your earliest convenience.
*June 30th Payroll has not been paid
If you have any questions concerning the finances of the church please feel free to call
me at home in the evenings. Thanks! Carla
Youth Ministry News
God’s work. Our hands.
Hello Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
As a social ministry organization of the ELCA, Lutheran Services in Iowa (LSI) is
so thankful for your partnership in ministry! We give special thanks for the
many congregations making LSI the focus of their “God’s work. Our hands.” projects.
Glimpse at the Mission Trip:
Past “God’s work. Our hands.” projects have included donations of tools for dads enrolled in
our early childhood programs, plus children’s books, towel bundles, school supplies and
backpacks. LSI has also been blessed to receive “noisy” offerings, special offerings and proceeds from yard work or luncheons. Some Sunday School classes and youth groups have also
encouraged youth at LSI’s Beloit and Bremwood Residential Treatment Centers through
quilts and letters.
We thank you for your witness of God’s love and your service! If you are interested in ministering to those served by LSI and would like to know more about current needs, please contact Deb Whitford, LSI director of philanthropy and church relations, at deborah.whitford@LSIowa.org.
LSI is proud to be an affiliated social ministry organization of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
in America (ELCA). Learn more at www.LSIowa.org and www.facebook.com/LSI.iowa
Finding Help and Hope
Bernie’s daughter-in-law walked into her house and set her new baby on the living room sofa. She told Bernie the baby was "a mistake" and that she couldn't parent him. She never
returned. At age 50, Bernie became a mom to her 2-month-old grandson, Bryce. Bernie's
son—the baby's biological father—had medical and mental health issues that left him unable
to care for the child.
When Bryce was young, he was diagnosed with ADHD, ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder),
fetal drug and alcohol syndrome, mental retardation, and partial bipolar disorder. As he grew
older, Bryce began to develop anger issues. Bernie knew he was struggling, so she reached
out to LSI.
Soon, Bryce began receiving regular home visits from a Behavioral Health Intervention Services worker, who coached Bryce on anger management. Bryce also began seeing an LSI
Today, Bryce is 15 years old. He attends special education classes, and is doing wonderfully.
When he is upset, he reaches out to his LSI therapist for help. Bryce still struggles with anger,
but Bernie and his LSI support team work together to meet Bryce where he is.
"I want to thank each and every one of our workers from LSI," Bernie says. "They are doing
marvelous work with him."
And thanks to LSI donors, Bryce receives the help, hope, and support he needs.
On June 19th, bright and early in the morning, the 11 youth and 3 adults hit the road to
Rapid City, SD. We had a few stops along the way for bathroom breaks and to eat
lunch. Little did we realize that we were soon to be entering mountain time (one hour earlier than back home). We were ahead of schedule! So we thought to ourselves, how can
we kill some time? Wall drug. After spending an hour and a half there we ventured on to
our destination. We were the first church group to arrive. On Monday morning we were
split between 3 sites. One group would soon spend the entire week at Black Hills Works
(home for those with disabilities) and another at Habitat for Humanity Restore. The third
group got to do a variety of things throughout the week. This group would spend their
mornings at the Salvation Army and Feeding South Dakota (place that feeds those that
need more food) and spend their afternoons at West Village (assisted living). Among the
variety of service sites we are involved in, the viewpoints, expectations, and attitude of the
youth changed by Thursday. It was awesome to see God move through them as they
served others and got to know many different people. Along with serving throughout the
day there were also evening activities planned. These activities created an atmosphere for
the youth to have fellowship, fun, and to see the beauty in creation. It was a great experience for them. Every evening we had a time of worship and a time to reflect on the day
with each other. This allowed us to be vulnerable with each other and to see how God was
moving throughout their day. The theme for the week was First Love. God loved us first so
that we can love others. This is just a glimpse of what happened as we were gone for that
week. We can't wait to tell you more about this amazing experience. Stay tuned for when
we get to share with you. God is good. All the time. All the time. God is good.
In Christ, Kristin
Noisy offering for June was $93.95 for The Mission Trip
Noisy offering for July 10th goes to Habitat for Humanity. At Habitat for Humanity,
we build. We build because we believe that everyone, everywhere, should have a healthy,
affordable place to call home. More than building homes, we build communities, we build
hope and we build the opportunity for families to help themselves.
Report from the Western Iowa Synodical Women’s Organization 29th Annual Convention
I attended the convention at St. Mark Lutheran Church in Sioux City on June 18 th. The theme for the
convention was “You are Called…”. There were 77 voting members and visitors present. The day began
with worship and communion led by Pastor Lorna Halaas, Assistant to the Bishop, WIA. Bishop Rodger
Prois greeted the women present and Churchwide Representative, Dinah Dutta, from Kansas brought
greetings from the Executive Board of the Women of the ELCA.
The business meeting involved electing a vice-president, secretary and 4 board members. There were
also six (6) ballots cast for voting members to attend the 10th Triennial Gathering in Minneapolis July
2017. During the 4th ballot, I was elected to represent the women at the gathering. We also received
reports from various committees. The convention offering totaled $4,083 with Bethany sending an
offering of $100. The in-kind offering totaled $917 with many, many donations of personal care/baby
care items for the Council on Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence.
There were four resolutions passed (reaffirmation of commitment to the Igumbilo Lutheran Girls Secondary School, human trafficking education, reaffirmation of commitment to support female seminarians with scholarships and prayer, affirmation of the women’s board responsibility to serve all women
within the Western Iowa Synod). Four $1,000 scholarships were presented to women seminarians.
During the day there were themed baskets for a silent auction. The funds from the silent auction were
given to the Seminary Scholarship Fund and the Tanzania Igumbilo Girls School Scholarship Fund. There
was $1,200 raised in the silent auction.
The day was filled with many opportunities to listen to God’s calling in our lives. Pastor Catherine
Malotky was the keynote speaker and Bible study leader. She gave an insightful talk on the Convention
scripture from Micah 6:8 “and what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and
to walk humbly with your God”.
Thank you to the Women of Bethany for electing me as a delegate to attend the convention. I look
forward to representing the Women of Western Iowa ELCA in July 2017 at the Triennial Gathering. I
ask for your prayers as I prepare for that call.
Kim Campbell
Please prayerfully consider including Courtney in your prayers and financial support.
An account is set up at Bethany church and funds given to that account will be sent
directly to Courtney’s ministry. Checks should be made to “Bethany Lutheran
Church” with a memo “For the ministry of Courtney Davis, Acct. #305075.”
Courtney’s blog at: cdchronicles.wordpress.com
email address: co.davis@sil.org.pg
Tim Nielsen
Marlys Jensen, Pat Henningsen, Shirley Knutson
July 3
July 10
July 17
July 24
July 31
Karyn Leininger
Troy Leininger
Alaire Nielsen
Charles Henningsen
Punky Kropf
July 3
July 17
Alan Oppedal
Steve Pitt
July 3
July 10
July 17
July 24
July 31
Kadin Norris
Kate Sorenson
Kadin Norris
Jonah Hackbart-Morlock
Kate Sorenson
Below is the web address for the gofundme account that has been set up for a mission trip to
Haiti that Amee, Madison and Kadin Norris of Lost Island will be taking this summer from
July 24 to July 31. They will be traveling to Haiti to assist a local charity, Love Takes Root.
We thank you in advance for your generous support of our Mission Trip to Haiti.
Amee, Madison and Kadin Norris
Lost Island Ice Cream Social and Progressive Organ Recital with Glenn
Henriksen will be Sunday, July 10 beginning at 1:30 PM at Ruthven
United Methodist, moving on to Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Zion
Lutheran and ending at Lost Island. The Ice Cream Social is from 4-7
PM at Lost Island. Serving “Maidrites”, pie & ice cream.
Free will offering at the ice cream social.
VBS Deep Sea Discovery will be at Lost Island-Tuesday, August 2—
Friday, August 5 supper @ 5:30pm. Sessions are 6pm-8:30pm
Please get your registrations in as soon as possible.
Registration forms are available at both churches-due no later than
July 17.
In memory of Ivanella Twaiten: Courtney's fund, Obed & Dawn Naig
In memory of Sheila Anderson: Radio broadcast, Fern Schmidt
In memory of Lyle Edwards: Radio broadcast, Fern Schmidt, Janis & Brian Campbell;
Courtney’s fund, Jane Heykes
In memory of Marge Trelstad: Courtney’s fund, Jane Heykes, Burdell & Barb Naugle;
Piano & organ fund, Janis & Brian Campbell; Sound system
Paul & Teresa Saxton
July 10
July 17
July 24
Lon & Linda Twait, Mike & Pam Hermansen-Co-Chairpersons
Phil Andreasen
Alice Christensen
Scott & Brenda Carrigan
Betty Edwards
Shirley Ezarski
Cory & Stacie Fjetland
Dawn Freeman
Gary Frink
Joyce & John Froisland
Greg & Rachel Haack
Verna Hanson
Darlene Johnson
Linda Laws
Dennis & Sherrie Mandsager
Janet & Bob Mortenson, Sr
Sheryl & Bob Mortenson, Jr
Cory & Tammy Mortenson
Beverly Norland
Joe & Terry Neary
July 3
July 31
Doug & Sherri Ort
Tonya Peterson
Deb & Dan Quamme
Jason & Laura Reinders
Paul & Teresa Saxton
Ted & Linda Strohman
Greg & Ann Sween
Roger Will
Steve & Amy Woodruff
Nancy & Bill Zeigler
Rachel Haack
*Bev Norland
Garwin Anderson, Lucille Anderson
*Bill & Jacki Ellingrod
Dianne & Randy Hough
*Pat Vician
Jim & Bonnie Anderson
*Doug & Sherri Ort Family
Angie Hetrick, Joyce Froisland
*Joe & Jennifer Boevers Family
July 3
July 10
July 17
July 24
July 31
Bill Ellingrod
Deb Quamme
Frank Veltri
Kim Campbell
Angie Hetrick
July 3
July 17
Bill & Jacki Ellingrod, Don Nauss
Frank & Marit Veltri, Angie Hetrick
Phil Andreasen, Mark Evans
ASSISTANT USHERS – side ushers during offering
July 3
Dale Evans, Don Nauss
July 10
Mark Evans, Zach Foxhoven
July 17
Phoenix Campbell, Brian Campbell
July 24
Kent Davidson, Josh Sidles
July 31
Mark Schroeder, Steve Woodford
WELCA-Women News
This article is in regards to the Ruth Cluster Fall Project. The Cluster is planning to send 100
Personal Care Kits to Lutheran World Relief. Each kit contains:
1 dark colored bath size towel, 1 study comb (remove packaging), 2 regular size bars
of soap (in original wrapping), 1 soft toothbrush (in original packaging)
1 metal nail clippers (remove packaging)
All items should be new and in good condition. Wrap all items in the towel and tie securely
with yarn. Do not enclose kit or any of its contents in plastic bags.
The Cluster Board would like women from each congregation to participate in one of
three (3) ways. (1) Pledge to do a certain # of completed kits
(2) Give a donation of money (make check payable to: Ruth Cluster
Fall Project and give your check to Janis)
(3) Give the items that I, Janis, am responsible for: soft toothbrushes
I need to know by July 15th what you as a woman of Bethany would like to do to help with
this project. Please call or e-mail me by or before July 15th.
Janis Campbell 852-4926
Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you very much.
Your sister in Christ, Janis
The Fall Cluster meeting will be held on Sept. 24th at Nazareth Lutheran in Armstrong.
Wilma Nielsen, Linda Umbrell
We need volunteers to mow! There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board for
volunteer weekly lawn mowing for the church. Thank you for your help.
Thank you to Dave Cole for weeding the corner flower bed and adding colorful
flowering plants.
We appreciate all volunteer help in all areas!
Thank you to funeral groups 4 & 2, Austin & Jordan Cole and all others that helped set-up,
furnish, serve and clean up for the funeral lunches for Lyle Edwards and Marge Trelstad.
July 2016
8:45 am Lost Island Wor ship, Communion
10:15 am Lost Island Sunday School
10:30 am Bethany Wor ship, Communion
8:45 am Lost Island Wor ship, Communion
10:15 am Lost Island Sunday School
10:30 am Bethany Wor ship, Communion
1-3 pm Nur sing home ser vices
8:45 am Lost Island Wor ship
10:15 am Lost Island Sunday School
10:30 am Bethany Wor ship
Independence Day
1:30 pm Car e
8:45 am Lost Island Wor ship
Center Communion
10:15 am Lost Island Sunday School
10:30 am Bethany Wor ship, Baptism
1:30 pm Pr ogr essive Or gan r ecital, Glenn H 2 pm Meeting in
overflow room
4-7 pm Ice Cr eam Social at Lost Island
7 pm Youth Boar d meets
6 pm Night quilting
No Bethany Council
*Articles for August
Newsletter due
11 am Memorial service at
Evergreen cemetery for
Elaine Thompson
9:30 am Mar y/Mar tha Cir cle,
at Bev Hayden’s
2 pm Ruth Cir cle at
Teresa Saxton’s
10:00 am Assemble
9:30 am Willow Ridge (Pastor )
9 am WIC clinic
8:45 am Lost Island Wor ship
10:15 am Lost Island Sunday School
10:30 am Bethany Wor ship
Vacation Bible School–Deep
Sea Discovery-August 2-August 5
at Lost Island-6-8:30
Register before July 17.