Shutterbug Times - Olympia Camera Club


Shutterbug Times - Olympia Camera Club
Page - 1- Issue 7, July, 2015 - Shutterbug Times Volume 80
Shutterbug Times
July 2015
Find us on Facebook:
Executive Committee
Rosalind Philips
Vice President
Bruce Livingston
Linda Pardee
John Damitio
Past President
Colleen Easley
Newsletter Editor
Teri Dean
In this issue:
 Board Minutes ps2-4
 Digital Image Mtg p4
 Nisqually Flyway p. 4
 Lakefair Fireworks p.5
 July Field Trip p. 8
 Planning Picninc p. 8
 Th County Fair ps10-13
 Tim Grey Article p14
 Upcoming Mtgs p15
 Committee Contacts p16
Volume 80, Issue 6
President’s Corner
I am so excited to serve as President of the Olympia
Camera Club. Our club has really grown under the
leadership of Colleen Easley and I look forward to
continuing that growth. Thank you Colleen for a job
well done! Congratulations to our 2015-2016 officers:
Colleen Easley, immediate past president; Bruce
Livingston, vice president; John Damitio, treasurer;
and Linda Pardee, secretary. Many thanks to Judy
Mason for serving as secretary for the past year.
My primary goal as president for the next year is to increase membership participation in
both activities and on OCC committees. Like many community clubs, we have a small
dedicated core of members on our committees; we need to expand that core. There will be
opportunities to sign-up for committees at all of our meetings starting with the August
25th planning meeting. There will more information about the planning meeting in the
newsletter. In addition, some of you may get a call from me asking you to serve.
Remember, our club is only as good as we are.
June was a big month for community activities. Linda Foss, our new Community Liaison,
jumped right in to organize the STARS portrait party and the Air Show photo shoots.
Both these activities were very successful. Look for the summaries later in the
We are officially on our summer schedule. Both Fundamentals Group and Advanced
Group are on hiatus for the summer. Scott Wood does plan to do some spontaneous photo
walks around town. Our July general meeting is the Thurston County Fair and the August
general meeting will be held at Priest Point Park’s Rose Garden.
You can stay involved with club activities by participating in the July and August field
trips. See Frank’s article later in the newsletter for details. You can submit photos for the
competition at the Thurston County Fair. You can also start your own fieldtrip by posting
OlympiaCameraClub). Post something like, “I’m going to Nisqually tomorrow morning.
If you would like to join me, meet me in the parking lot at 8 am” or “It looks like there
will be northern lights in our area tonight, please message your phone number if you
would like to join me.” Summer is a marvelous time for taking photographs. I like to
give myself an assignment to take a look at my images from last summer and pick two or
three to retake. I am always fascinated to see how my perspective has changed.
May the force, the photographic force, be with you.
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Olympia Camera Club Board Minutes
July 7, 2015 @ 6:30 p.m.
Casa Mia Restaurant, Olympia
Members Present
Frank & Terri Townsend, Gene and Linda Pardee,
Dale and Colleen Easley, Bruce Livingston,
Rosalind Philips, John Damitio
Meeting Called to order at 6:31 by President
Rosalind Philips
Meeting started out with Rosalind Philips thanking
outgoing President Colleen Easley for all of the great
works she has done for the Club over the past year.
A Motion to accept Minutes as printed in the
newsletter by Colleen Easley and seconded by Dale
Easley. Passed.
Treasurer’s Report
Starting Balance
Income—2015 Dues
Total Deposits
+ $ 15.00
Technology: Adobe PS CC
Planning Picnic
Total Expenses
Ending Balance (5/31/15)
$ 2,296.92
---------------------------------Savings Starting Balance
Divident Interest
Ending Balance
Continue using Facebook Page to get others
interested in joining club.
Appointed Colleen Easley as Membership Chair
Possibly do a New Survey, idea discussed and
tabled for a bit.
Community Liaison
Linda Foss talked about being through for the year
and how challenging it has been taking over
previously set projects.
Air show, very good pictures turned in. Gene, Linda
Pardee and Jodi Cox still owe photos. Stars program
went very well on Club’s part; staff at Senior Center
not organized as promised. Linda Foss will make it
very clear for future events not only what we will do,
but what we expect the venue employees will do.
Linda will send thank you letters to all of the
volunteers from the club who participated in the
senior photos. She also commented on what a great
job John Gerecht and Gene Pardee did on the photos.
There was discussion on putting a presentation
together to show at a General Meeting to encourage
people to get involved in volunteer projects. Colleen
will put some of the pictures from events on our
Flickr page and link to our webpage.
Capital Land Trust already has a photographer for
their next event, so we won’t be needed.
Love Our Local Event was discussed.
information at this time.
Rosalind asked Linda Foss to write down procedures
for doing outside photo events for future reference.
John reported 101 paid members with 27 new
members. Deposit of $35.00 not yet made. Newest
Member Matthew Ackerman
Linda Foss shared things she has been going through
as the Club’s new Historian. She will start sharing
tidbits from old newsletters in our newsletter.
Presidents Report
Rosalind Philips said she had established several
goals for the year:
 A set of rules for setting Budget for the year.
 Getting more members to step up to the plate and
get involved in activities, participate more.
 Restructure of the Fundamentals group, getting a
new leader for the group.
General Meetings
Rosalind suggested every other month be a member
sharing night. Club members could bring a six
minute slide or video presentation; it could be a
themed presentation or just favorite photos. The
other months would be an outside speaker. Frank
recommended that we do one early in the year to see
how many are interested in doing it and go from
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there. We need to get back to member sharing of
photos both digital and print. Plan member sharing
for October, have a speaker for November,
December will be the Holiday Party.
Advanced Group
Scott Wood was not present. His group will have
walking events during the summer until September.
Fundamental Group
Restructuring the group and finding a new leader
was discussed. Rosalind to form a committee to do
this including Bruce Livingston, Gene Pardee,
Frank Townsend, Wes Kirkpatrick, and possibly
getting a new member of the Club.
Format of the Group: Get back to really starting at
the basics of camera use and develop a routine class
format, getting your card in or out of camera etc.
Basic free software to get started with doing
something with your images.
Gene Pardee has the printer to load the new printer
Deadline is Sunday afternoon, Colleen and Bruce
will alternate months proof reading the Minutes for
the newsletter.
Colleen will continue being the Webmaster and
managing the Club’s Facebook and Flickr Groups.
Field Trips
Frank would really like to find someone else to take
over the Field Trips.
7/19/2015: Lakefair Fireworks, meet at Marathon
Park by 5:00pm to get a good parking spot, good
idea to carpool.
8/8/2015 Morton Logging Jubilee, Morton,
WA. This will be an all day event, meals will be
available for purchase. There will be many events
to photograph.
Scavenger Hunt/Dinner
6/23/2015: 49 people RSVP’d, 52 people
attended. Despite the glitch from the kitchen a good
time was had by all. Linda Foss will chair again
next year. She will request the other room and
discuss options for better service from the kitchen;
maybe several set items to arrange ahead of time so
there will be no food shortages.
Rosalind has asked Colleen to take over as
Membership Coordinator from Jodi and Colleen
Frank Townsend will continue to be our NWCCC
Rep. The conference will be 11/14/2015 in Seattle
and will be $60.00 which includes lunch.
Communication from them is very scattered and
needs to improve.
NWCCC Traveling Prints
Dale Easley, there is no new info at this time.
Next meeting in Centralia on Saturday November 7,
Nothing to report
Thurston County Fair
Frank has two judges confirmed so far. Volunteer
help is still needed on Saturday and to fill a few
spots during fair shifts.
Old Business
Fall Arts Walk fell through. Rosalind is checking on
The Department of Corrections in Tumwater to
exhibit club member’s photos.
John Gerecht’s Group was tabled until he can be
present at a board meeting. If we are going to put
this group under the Camera Club, John should be a
board member,
Chairs of Committees were reminded to update
documents in DropBox and on the website.
New Business
Annual Planning Picnic - Linda Pardee will set up
VolunteerSpot for people to RSVP and indicate what
food they are bringing. She will also handle the setup and make sure we have all the products we
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need. Colleen will teach Linda Pardee how to use
the VolunteerSpot Program for Club Events.
Nisqually Flyway Newsletter
By Colleen Easley
Meeting adjourned at 8:40
Respectfully Submitted:
Linda Pardee
Secretary Olympia Camera Club
Digital Imaging Workshop
Facilitator: John Gerecht
Monday, July 13, 2015
7:00 p.m.
Westside Haagen Food’s Cafeteria
1313 Cooper Point RD SW, Olympia
Pre-Meeting Social:
5:15 p.m. at the Westside Red Robin
Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy a meal, or
just come and chat. It doesn’t have to be about
photography and is a nice time to chat and get to
know people. Any topic is more than welcome and
it’s just a nice social time.
This month we are including a copy of the Nisqually
Wildlife Refuge’s newsletter, The Flyway.
This is a quarterly newsletter available free via email
to anyone who wants to sign up for it. I find it full of
valuable information about the wildlife at Nisqually
and it also includes a calendar of events that you
might find interesting. If you’d like to subscribe,
email to and ask to be put on the
email list for The Flyway.
Sell your Stuff with OCC Classified Ads
By Colleen Easley
If you’re like most photographers, you probably have
extra photography gear laying around that you no
longer use. Maybe you’d like to sell it, but don’t want
to deal with some of the “strange” users on
Craigslist. Did you know that the Olympia Camera
Club website has a section for classified ads and that
placing an ad is FREE? Head over to the website at and click on the menu
Meeting Topic:
item for Classified Ads. If you’re a member of the
Question & Answer Time—open forum.
If you’ve got any questions about photography, club, you can post ads. If you are not a member, you
digital cameras, or digital processing. This is a great won’t be able to post ads, but you can read the ads. I
feel much safer offering up my stuff for sale to
time to have your questions answered.
members of my OCC community than to strangers on
Craigslist, and I also feel better about buying items
If you’ve never entered the Thurston County Fair
from my fellow club members. To save you time,
and would like some information, I’ll try to
we’ve set the ads to run for one year. You can always
remember to bring the rules with me. The fair
guidelines and entry forms are in this newsletter
and on the OCC website under competitions:
Digital Imaging Workshops are always the 2nd
Monday of the month.
Contact John Gerecht for questions at
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by Frank Townsend
Lakefair traditionally closes the week with an outstanding pyro technical display over Capitol Lake on the
final day of the event. This year's fireworks will be displayed on Sunday, July 19. If you missed
opportunities during the Independence Day celebration or you just used those events as practice, this is
probably your last chance to shoot fireworks until New Year's Eve. I will be at Marathon Park on the shore
of Capitol Lake by 5 PM on Sunday in preparation for the night's shooting. Marathon Park is the small
grassy area where the brick restrooms are; the closest park to Court House hill. I'll be there by 5, and I
recommend you do too as there is a very limited amount of parking and a very large number of people
looking for parking places. There is parking on Deschutes Parkway along the lake and just past the park
toward the Court House you can park on the other side of the road. There is also a brick utility building just
across from the park where people have parked in the past. CAUTION, do NOT park too close to the
railroad tracks; you may be ticketed or towed.
A tripod is a must, I have a couple extras we can try if you don't have one, and a remote shutter release if you
have one. Bring chairs or blankets to sit on. I suggest you plan on an evening picnic as you will be there for
quite a while before it is dark and I strongly suggest water. Check these links
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Thurston County Fair
by Frank Townsend
Elsewhere in the newsletter you will see the signup sheets showing the times you volunteered
to work during the Fair. Please make note of your time and try to keep your schedule.
For those who have already signed up I am ever grateful, for those who are still thinking about
it, note the blank spots and contact me if you decide to participate.
Thank you all for your participation.
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Olympia Camera Club Volunteers Photographed a Stars Family Portrait Party
By Linda Foss
Saturday June 20, 2015, eleven club members of the Olympia Camera Club met at the Lacey Senior
Community Center to photograph STARS participants and their families. The portrait photographers were
Gene Pardee and John Gerecht. Michael Ireland photographed the party that Stars families, entertainers and
staff attended. Prior to the event, Bruce Livingston, Gene and John visited the facility to evaluate the
lighting and set up. Other volunteers assisting with the set up on Saturday were Linda Pardee, Frank
Townsend, Donna Lecher, Ed Tromble, Mike Stout and Bruce Livingston. Teri Dean organized the process
of tracking the photographs taken that day. She greeted each participant with a smile that put them at ease.
Colleen Easley’s leadership and coordination made the project possible.
A thank you card was received from Paul Taylor, the program manager. “I want to express by extreme
appreciation for your club’s assistance with the STARS Family Portrait Party. The talented photographers
who gave their time and talents are very much appreciated. You helped the Stars Families feel special and
cared about.” Paul
I also want to thank all of the volunteers for taking a Saturday to support this worthwhile event. The
portraits were unbelievable. The joy captured by Gene, John and Michael was evident in the photographs.
This was a day where once again a picture was worth a thousand words.
Olympic Air Show
By Linda Foss
Seven club members were on the ground volunteering to take pictures of the air show, June 27-28, 2015.
OCC has a long history of volunteering for this event. Thank you Mike Newman, Bruce Livingston, Gene,
Pardee, Linda Pardee, Colleen Easley, Dale Easley and Jodi Cox for covering the airshow.
Annual Banquet
By Rosalind Philips
Our scavenger hunt and banquet on June 23, 2015 was a resounding success with 51 people in attendance.
Seventeen members participated in the awesome slide shows. Kudos to Linda Foss for making all the
arrangements. Make a commitment to yourself to participate in next year’s slide show. It was great fun
seeing how differently members interpreted the scavenger hunt list and what images were chosen as the best
of the year.
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by Frank Townsend
Every year on the second weekend of August, the town of Morton, Washington opens its doors and
welcomes all to come and experience their past and present community history. The Loggers' Jubilee has
become "the Granddaddy of all Logging Shows" and a celebration for people of all ages. From the Main
Street Parades to the Lawnmower Races, the world famous Logging shows to the Jubilee Queen Coronation,
Morton's Loggers' Jubilee celebration is not to be missed.
This is a 3 day event but we will only be present on Saturday August 8. This will still give us time to watch
the bed races on Main Street and the Logging Show in the arena. We will leave from near the 5 Guys
Burgers in Cooper Point Market Place (near Cooper Pt and Black Lake Blvd) at 8 AM; carpooling to
Morton. Once there we can partake of the Lions Club breakfast for $5 or visit the ongoing flea
market. At 11 AM we can watch the bed race on Main Street and the Jubilee Grand Parade following the
race. The doors to the Arena open at 12:30 and the Logging Show will begin at 2:00. Admission to the
Logging Show is $7 for adults, $5 for seniors. I suspect we will be ready to head home after that.
There should be plenty to eat and drink there, but bring your own if so inclined. I doubt there will much use
for tripods but you may want to have one handy.
The OCC Annual Planning Picnic will be held at 6:00 pm on August 25, 2015, at the
Priest Point Park Rose Garden Picnic Shelter. This is a marvelous opportunity to help
shape the direction of your club. Linda Pardee will be coordinating the potluck. She
will be using the marvelous VolunteerSpot software to assist with food sign-up. Look
for more details in the August newsletter.
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by Frank Townsend
Just a few months ago it seemed the Northwest Council of Camera Clubs would become history. There was
no President, Vice President or Treasurer and soon thereafter the Secretary resigned. There were only a few
directors and hardly any clubs were attending board meetings. But now all that is changed. On Saturday,
July 10 nearly 20 people came to Sequim from as far away as Bellingham, Seattle, Tacoma and even
Olympia to continue the Council. There are all new officers and some new directors, but the big news is
there will be a NWCCC Conference and it promises to be the biggest and best in many years.
The Conference will be held at the One Life Community Church in Seattle on Saturday, November 14. It
will present a major speaker, a number of classes on such topics as Lightroom, Bird Photography, Macro
Photography, etc., and an opportunity for portfolio reviews. The price for all this will only be $60 which
includes lunch (but not the portfolio reviews).
There will be a lot more information in future newsletters and club announcements, but think about
attending. The one downside worth mentioning is that this is only a week after the November meeting of the
Nature Photographers of the Pacific Northwest (NPPNW), but as that event will be in Centralia you won't be
all worn out from traveling. (Besides what else are you going to do in November?)
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2015 Thurston County Fair
Open Class Photography Staffing Schedule
7/25/2015 9:00 AM to 4:00
Receive Prints
Teri Dean (11 - 2)
Bruce Livingston (9 - 12)
Teresa Gypin (1 -5)
Steve Curry (9 - 3)
Meredith Rafferty (9 - 12)
Tom Blankenship
Rosalind Philips
Mary Bowman
Terri Townsend
Frank Townsend
Carole Hammond (afternoon)
David Parker (afternoon)
Vicki Kammerer
Jodi Cox (data entry)
7/26/2015 9:30:00 AM to
3:00 PM
7/27/2015 10:00 AM to
3:00 PM
Teri Dean (9:30 - 12:30)
Bruce Livingston
Judy Mason
Dale Easley
Scott Wood
Colleen Easley
Linda Pardee
John Whitehead
Chris Enrico
Teresa Gypin (1 or 2 PM)
John Whitehead
Nandita Adhia
Pam Hoaglund
Larry Mallo
Terri Townsend
Donna Lecher
Frank Townsend
Charis Wilson
Wes Kirkpatrick
Vicki Kammerer
Terri Townsend
Frank Townsend
Allynn Balch
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2015 Thurston County Fair
Open Class Photography
Fair Booth Staffing Schedule
July 29,
10:00am - 1:00pm
1:00pm - 4:00pm
4:00pm - 7:00pm
7:00pm - 10:00pm
John Whitehead
Al Burford
Carole Hammond
David Parker
Vicki Kamerer
John Whitehead
David Frinell
Karen Burkhardt
Sally Parker
Teri Dean
Jodi Cox
July 30,
Friday, July
31, 2015
John Gerecht
Tom Blankenship
John Gerecht
Bruce Livingston
Larry Mallo
Nandita Adhia Mallo
August 1,
Larry Mallo
Nandita Adhia Mallo
Tom Blankenship
Dale & Colleen Easley
August 2,
Mike Newman
Ed Tromble
John Damitio
August 3,
3:00 to 7:00 pm
Frank & Terri Townsend
Frank & Terri Townsend
7:00 - 10:00 shift
counts "People's
Choice" ballots and
hangs the ribbon.
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Ask Tim Grey
I saw your (very nice) photo of a crop duster, and wonder how you go about making sure the propeller is
actually shown to be moving rather than being "frozen" by a fast shutter speed. Do you just stop the lens
down to the smallest aperture?
Tim's Answer:
Photographing propeller-driven aircraft is a perfect example of a rare case when I will actually use shutter
priority (or time value) exposure mode. I determine an appropriate shutter speed for the subject, and set that
as a fixed exposure setting in shutter priority mode, ensuring a degree of blur for the propeller in each photo.
In the case of the photo you are referring to, the crop duster is powered by a turboprop engine that turns the
propeller at a relative fast rate. Therefore, a shutter speed of no faster than about 1/250th of a second or so
will ensure a small amount of motion blur for the propeller, while still providing a shutter speed that is fast
enough to help achieve a photo where the airplane actually appears sharp.
For those who didn't see the photo referenced in the question, by the way, you can view it on my 500px page
When you are using shutter priority mode (as opposed to aperture priority mode) there is an increased risk of
"running out" of appropriate exposure settings. In other words, there is a risk that the shutter speed you have
set will require an aperture that goes beyond what your lens can actually achieve. On a bright sunny day that
might mean even with the lens fully stopped down the exposure is too bright, or that even with the aperture
fully open the exposure is too dark.
Because of this issue, when I set the camera to shutter priority mode I will hold the shutter release button
halfway down to enable the meter on the camera, and then point the lens at various areas within the scene
before me, being sure to check the brightest and darkest areas to confirm that an appropriate aperture is
If the subject will remain under relatively fixed lighting conditions, I might also use the manual exposure
mode with specific exposure settings that work for the subject. However, when photographing aircraft it is
very likely that the lighting conditions will change on the subject. For example, in some cases the aircraft
may be lit from the front, while in other cases it may be backlit. In these types of situations I find that shutter
priority mode helps ensure more consistent results, though it may also be necessary to apply some degree of
exposure compensation.
Again, the key to photographing propeller-driven aircraft is to use the fastest shutter speed you can
(generally speaking) that will still ensure at least some degree of motion blur for the propeller. The specific
shutter speed will vary based on the rate at which the propeller is spinning, but in most cases shutter speeds
in a range from about 1/125th of a second to about 1/350th of a second will produce excellent results.
Tim Grey's articles are reprinted with permission. You can subscribe to the free Ask Tim Grey
eNewsletter at
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July 2015
Olympia Camera Club Monthly Meetings
The Fundamentals of Photography Group
Monthly on the Second Tuesday of the Month
Contact, Rosalind Philips, Fundamentals Chair
The Advanced Photographers Group (APG)
Monthly on the Third Tuesday of the Month
Contact, Scott Wood, APG Chair
Koffee Klatch Meet up, Every Other Wednesday Morning
from 9:00 am to 11:00 am
Panera’s Bakery, 2525 Capitol Mall Drive SW, Westside of Olympia
Open discussions about photography and other topics of interest.
Contact, Linda Foss, Klatch Chair
General Meeting
Monthly on the Fourth Tuesday of the Month
Contact, Rosalind Philips, President
Monthly Business Meeting, First Tuesday of the Month
August 4th, 2015, from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Meeting at Casa Mia (Downtown Olympia)
Open to all. Join us before the meeting for dinner at 5:30 pm if you would like.
Contact, Rosalind Philips, President
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Olympia Camera Club
PO Box 13333
Olympia, WA 98508-3333
Memberships with
Committee Chairs
Community Liaison
Linda Foss
Advanced Photography Group
Scott Wood
Fundamentals of Photography
Rosalind Philips
Equipment Custodian
Gene Pardee
Newsletter Editor
Teri Dean
NWCCC Liaison
Frank Townsend
NWCCC Traveling Prints
Dale Easley
PSA Representative
Frank Townsend
Scavenger Hunt
Rosalind Philips
Field Trip Coordinator
Frank Townsend
Thurston County Fair
Terri Townsend
Colleen Easley
Colleen Easley