Electronic job application


Electronic job application
How to apply for a job
In dieser Ser
ie sind erschie
Application b g letter
> Electronic y telephone
Applicationjodb application
Job interviewuments
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Be concise!
About six sentences are enough. But the email does
in no way replace the application letter that needs
to be annexed. Make sure the email does not have
the same content as the application letter. Write your
address, telephone number and email address as
contact information below the text (see picture above
or on the reverse):
BBL, Vertrieb Bundespublikationen, CH-3003 Bern
Bestellnummer: 716.208.d
>Sender: Do not send your job application email
from a company or other personal computer. Choose
an email address that can easily be attributed.
For example: hans.mueller@bluewin.ch instead of
coolio73@bluewin.ch or superboy24@bluewin.ch
> Application letter
> Unambiguous and easily recognisable names
> PDF format (Acrobat)
> Attachments also have to be concise
>Remember: the addressee hast o print out the
documents. You are well advised to limit yourself
to 8–10 pages
> File size at the most 1 MB
>The attachments to the job application email
should in total not exceed 1 MB
Try out in
>First sent the
email to yourself
to double-check
on its quality. In
this way, you will discover
any possible mistakes such as unintended line breaks
or other imperfections which you will have to amend
before definitely sending the email.
>Follow-up: Should you not receive an answer within
ten days, make a follow-up call.
Electronic job
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When do plication
electronic sense?
Mainly hand in an online application, if…
>Online application via email, e.g. speculative
application or application answering a job
> the employer explicitly wishes so.
> you apply for a job in the IT sector.
> very good IT skills are asked for.
>Submission of application data on a specially
created site for applicants on the company
home page.
Job platform:
>Submission of application data and personal
search profile at a job platform. When a job
advertisement coincides with your search profile
you are notified and can react to the job advertisement.
Should you feel uncertain
>Call the company whether you should apply
>Should you not be able to find out what is
required always prefer the written to the
electronic option.
The job application by Internet barely differs in
content from a ”normal” application by mail.
Use application forms:
Clear subject:
The subject line must instantly make clear which
job offer you are applying for. A good example:
”Job application by Fritz Müller as sales asssis-tant”.
Should the job offer include a application form on
the homepage of the company, you should use it
and write no separate email application.
Muster E-Mail
Only contact personalised email addresses:
Email you applications only to personalised email
addresses and not to the like of info@musterfirma.ch.
Should you need to find the address of the relevant
person, you can find out by telephone or at the
company’s homepage.
No standard emails:
Every job application is distinct. Therefore do not
send any standard emails, but react to the specific
requirements of the company.