Survey of Consumer Finances, 1967
Survey of Consumer Finances, 1967
ICPSR Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research Survey of Consumer Finances, 1967 Economic Behavior Program Survey Research Center University of Michigan ICPSR 7447 This document was previously available in paper format only. It was converted to Portable Document Format (PDF), with no editing, on the date below as part of ICPSR’s electronic document conversion project, supported in part by the National Science Foundation (SBR-9617813). The document may not be completely searchable. No additional updating of this collection has been performed. August 1999 ICPSR Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research Survey of Consumer Finances, 1967 Economic Behavior Program Survey Research Center University of Michigan ICPSR7447 SURVEYOF CONSUMER FINANCES, 1967 (ICPSR 7447) Principal -. Investigator Economic Behavior Program Survey Research Center University of Michigan Second Inter-University ICPSR Edition, Consortium for Political 1977 and Social P. 0. Box 1248 Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 Research ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF ASSISTANCE All manuscripts Consortium collector should the to follow indicating that made available fact as well The ICPSR Council some adaptation items individual data acknowledge of the data. facilities theses utilizing urges of this to be filled through the as identify all the original users statement in appropriately of the with 1CPS.R data the paren- or deleted by user. The data (and tabulations) utilized in this (publication) were made available (in part) by the Inter-university The data Consortium for Political and Social Research. for the Survey of Consumer Finances, 1967, were originally collected by the Economic Behavior Program, Institute for Social Research, The University of Michigan under grants from especially the Ford Foundation and several foundations, the National Science Foundation, and from various industrial organizations with Ford Motor Company and General Motors Neither contributing the major portion of the funding. the original collectors of the data nor the Consortium bear any responsibility for the analyses or interpretations presented here. In order about funding the use of archival information the to provide about ICPSR data completed indicate facilities the cover is or thesis letter research expected essential information the exchange activities, to send two copies abstract which with and to facilitate resources, ICPSR participants' manuscript in agencies data to the Consortium. were used. each user of each Please of of TABLE OF CONTENTS Study Description . . . i ............. ............. ii Codebook Information ............. ii Abbreviations . ............. iv Missing Data . ............. iv List . ............. 1 Data Format . . ............. 159 Questionnaire . ............. 177 Processing Variable Appendix Information I: . . Duncan Socio-Economic Index . . . . . . 197 STUDY DESCRIPTION A Survey of Consumer Finances was conducted annually from 1946 through The major focus of these surveys 1971 by the Economic Behavior Program. is toward the collection of statistics on the distribution of consumer debt, and major transactions. Interviewing was done in income, assets, January-March of each year with questions covering ownership of assets and purpose and amount of debt, including installment financial balances; source, and source of current income, and previous debt; and amount, earners, year’s income. Also explored are attitudes toward the respondent's personal toward general economic conditions and prices, and financial situation, Information was sought about current expectations for the coming year. and planned expenditures for housing, automobiles, and major durables. Personal characteristics reported include age and education of head, household composition, and occupation. During the mid-1960's, it became evident that the increase in car ownership was having a marked influence on the lives of American families. In order to examine these effects the data collected since 1966 were organized so that they could be analyzed on either a family or car unit Data on a family-unit basis have a logical record for each family, bnsis. with car information only for the first (usually the newest) car owned; data on a car-unit basis have a logical record for every car owned by the family. By using a global filter, data on a car-unit basis can also be analyzed on a family unit basis. The 1967 dataset is based on car-unit, and the frequencies included in the codebook have been filtered to a familyunit basis. The sample for this survey was made up of family units representing the total population number of units interviewed in 1967 was 3,165, The family-units are weighted to 3726 This For a discussion of the Surveys of Consumer any publications of the Maccoby, Janet Austrain Maynes, Charles Lininger, and Lawrence R. Klein. appear the data, see Federal Reserve Board, Reports on Finances, Federal Reserve Bulletin, 1947-1959, and principal investigators: George Katona, Eleanor Fisher, John Lansing, James Morgan, E. Scott Peter de Janosi, Harold Guthrie, Eva Mueller, General reports of the data from in the following publications: Economic Behavior Surveys of Ann Arbor, Mandell, L., G. Surveys of Economics1973. a national cross-section of of the United States. The yielding 4,185 car-units. study has 668 variables. the Surveys of Consumer Finances Program staff, Consumer Finances, annual volumes 1960 through 1970, Michigan: Institute for Social Research Katona, J. Morgan, and J. Schmiedeskamp, Consumers, 1971-1972: Contributions to Behavioral Ann Arbor, Michigan: Institute for %&al Research, PROCESSING INFORMATION This Class II respondent number of removed, Moreover, study has been checked and for-mated to ICPSR standards for a The data have been sorted into ascending order by dataset. identification number, and were checked for the appropriate cards per case. All amps, dashes, and embedded blanks have been and the data have been transformed into a logical record format. alphabetic characters were removed from all variables. Some consistency checks were done, consistency among interrelated variables. the data, but these occur very rarely. undefined codes. but no attempt was made to force Wild code checks were left in They are noted in the codebook as The original study codebook was edited and revised standard format. Study processing was done by Elizabeth Dotson, Norma Wilson, and Walter Gruhn. to the ICPSR Weems, Barbara CODEBOOKINFORMATION The codebook is divided into two parts, descriptions of the variables and of the data format. The original questionnaire is also included. The variable description section is intended to present seven basic pieces of information about each variable in the dataset. The seven are (1) the variable number, (2) the question number, if any, from which this (3) a description or explanation of the variable, variable was derived, which was asked, (4) or, in many cases, the exact wording of the question the code values associated with this variable, (5) the interpretation of each code value, (6) the frequencies of actual responses which fall into each code category, and (7) which code value(s), if any, are treated as "missing data." The use of this information can be illustrated by the following example WHICH DOES NOT REFER TO A VARIABLE IN THIS DATASET: 96 Q.33. DO PUBLIC OFFICIALS TREAT YOU FAIRLY. PEOPLE SOMETIMES TELL US THAT PUBLIC OFFICIALS IN THIS COUNTRY DON'T ALWAYS TREAT THEM AS FAIRLY AS THEY OUGHT TO. HOWABOUT YOU? WOULDYOU SAY THAT IN GENERAL, PUBLIC OFFICIALS TREAT YOU VERY FAIRLY, FAIRLY ENOUGH, NOT VERY FAIRLY, OR NOT FAIRLY AT ALL? 442 1147 336 105 1. 2. 3. 4. VERY FAIRLY FAIRLY ENOUGH NOT VERY FAIRLY NOT FAIRLY AT ALL 134 9. NOT ASCERTAINED ii (1) reference This variable is number 96 in the dataset; it in most statistical programs as "V96". (2) This questionnaire. variable is derived from question users number would 33 on the often original (3) The actual wording of the question which each respondent was asked or the full description of the variable is shown just across from "PEOPLE SOMETIMES TELL US. . .u If the variable has the variable number: been recoded from its original form, or if it represents a "derived" index that fact will be reported here. of several questions, (4) This variable has data some respondents with code 9. values which range between 1 and 4, plus (5) Codes 1 through 4 correspond to the choices offered the respondent, from VERY FAIRLY (1) through NOT FAIRLY AT ALL (4). Some statistical programs will include these labels as part of their output. (6) The number of respondents choosing each answer ranged from a low of 105 for code "4" (NOT FAIRLY AT ALL) to a high of 1,147 for code "2" with which each response was given is (FAIRLY ENOUGH). The frequency The sum of all these frequencies is indicated in the left-most column. the total number of cases or respondents included in the study (in this example, it is 2,164). (7) Code value "9" (NOT ASCERTAINED) is separated from the other code values by a blank line to indicate its status as the "missing data code." Such codes cannot be used in the same fashion as the others for The missing data category is customarily used to most analytic purposes. indicate the responses of individuals who refused to answer the question, or those for whom the interviewer neglected to note the response given. In some cases, questions are asked only of a limited group of respondents (for example, respondents who had no children would not be asked the year is deemed In such cases, the question of birth of their oldest child). Most statistical "inappropriate," and the missing data value is recorded. programs contain an option to treat missing data codes as special categories. In some cases, a variable may have more than one missing data code. NOTE that this example does not describe This information about "V96" is included only use of the following codebook. variable 96 in this dataset. to illustrate the format and The data format section lists the variables by name and number and supplies for each the starting tape location of the variable in the OSIRIS dataset, the width of the variable, the number of responses, and the To access this information, the user need only missing data code, if any. locate the variable number in the left margin of the codebook and then The information refer to the corresponding number in the OSIRIS dictionary. about the card-image format includes the card and column location, the width of the variable, and the number of decimal places. The data format section contains an introduction which explains how to use the information in that section. iii ABBREVIATIONS Below is a list of abbreviations which may appear in this codebook: DU = Dwelling Unit FU = Family su = Spending CFU = Car Family PSU = Primary csu = Car Spending NR = Non-Respondent A&R = Additions R = Respondent XxXx = used in the code section to indicate that the actual number of units is recorded; e.g., years or dollars. The number of X's indicates the number of characters in the variable. Unit Unit Unit Sampling Unit Unit and Repairs NA = Not Ascertained DK = Don't Inap. = Inappropriate Know MISSING DATA The principal investigator supplied these data to ICPSR in a logical record format with an OSIRIS dictionary. In most instances, the investigator did not include zero codes as missing data values in the dictionary. Users can therefore decide for themselves for each variable with a zero code whether or not to include it in the analysis. the investiMoreover, gators did not always include all second missing data code possibilities in their original OSIRIS dictionary. iv ~ VARIABLELIST 3 VARIABLE DESCRIPTIONS Description Variable Interview 1 2 3 * in upper left hand corner of face sheet) Weights 3544 1. 618 2. If head is less than 60 years old and FU is a primary FU. If head of primary is aged 60 or older or FU is a secondary, all secondary FUs are weighted 2. STANDARD PSU CODE 32 24 42 50 7 12 19 16 22 - Number (4 digits: 22 28 34 10 14 7 11 5 17 21 16 24 28 5 5 10 13 34 34 39 30 18 7 4 18 33 1 7 27 42 3 12 26 1. 2. 3. 4. 11. 12. 13. 14. 101. 102. 103. 104. 111. 112. 121. 122. 123. 124. 131. 132. 133. 134. 141. 142. 143. 144. 201. 202. 211. 212. 221. 222. 231. 233. 234. 241. 242. 243. 244. 271. 272. 273. Los Angeles City Los Angeles City Los Angeles suburbs Los Angeles suburbs San Francisco & Oakland Cities San Francisco & Oakland Cities San Francisco suburbs San Francisco suburbs Chicago City, north Chicago City, north Chicago suburbs Chicago suburbs Chicago City, south Chicago City, south Cleveland City Cleveland City Cleveland suburbs Cleveland suburbs Detroit City Detroit City Detroit suburbs Detroit suburbs St. Louis City St. Louis City St. Louis suburbs St. Louis suburbs New York City (Bronx & Queens) New York City (Bronx & Queens) New York City (Brooklyn) New York City (Brooklyn) New York City (Manhattan) New York City (Manhattan) New York (Richmond) New York suburbs (in New York State) New York suburbs (in New York State) Jersey City and Newark, N.J. Jersey City and Newark, N.J. New York suburbs (in New Jersey) New York suburbs (in New Jersey) Boston City Boston City Boston suburbs * Not weighted and not filtered 4 Variable 3 Description (can't) 23 274. 25 281. 13 282. 23 283. 15 284. 5 291. 6 292. 16 293. 18 294. 12 301. 7 302. 9 303. 12 304. 8 311. 4 312. 15 313. 12 314. 49 365. 48 375. 32 385. 36 395. 35 405. 42 415. 35 425. 37 435. 36 445. 38 455. 31465. 42 475. 59 487. 23 488. 51 497. 41507. 36 517. 59 527. 61537. 33 547. 32 557. 62 567. 48 577. 40 587. 55 597. 39 607. 40 617. 53 627. 52 637. 50 647. 52 657. 28667. 56 677. 40 687. 40 697. 30 705. 38 715. Boston suburbs Philadelphia City Philadelphia City Philadelphia suburbs Philadelphia suburbs Pittsburgh City Pittsburgh City Pittsburgh suburbs Pittsburgh suburbs Baltimore City Baltimore City Baltimore suburbs Baltimore suburbs Washington City Washington City Washington suburbs Washington suburbs Harris, Tex. Atlanta, Ga. Jefferson, Ky. Dade, Fla. Tulsa, Okla. Richmond, Va. Pulaski, Ark. Taylor, Tex. Montgomery, Ala. Richland, S. Car. Orange, Fla. Fayette, Ky. Sarasota, Fla. Sarasota, Fla. Pitt, N. Car. Pulaski, Va. Mississippi, Ark. Erath, Tex. Clark, Ark. East Carroll, La. Rankin, Miss. Muhlenberg, KY. Hickman, Tenn. Watauga, N. Car. Currituck, N. Car. Franklin, Neb. Stoddard, MO. Crawford, Iowa Marshall, Ind. St. Joseph, Mich. Adair, MO. Logan, Ill. Knox, Ohio Hancock, Ohio Sheboygan, Wise. Minnehaha, S.D. Butler, Ohio 5 Variable 3 Description (can't) 57 42 37 56 41 67 23 21 32 49 42 22 51 40 37 38 54 2 32 58 35 51 28 42 30 31 32 45 4 725. 735. 745. 755. 765. 775. 805. 806. 815. 825. 835. 845. 855. 867. 877. 887. 897. 898. 907. 917. 927. 937. 945. 955. 965. 975. 985. 995. Black Hawk, Iowa Genesee, Mich. Toledo, Ohio Montgomery, Ohio Marion, Ind. Hennepin, Minn. San Diego, Calif. San Bernardino, Calif. King, Wash. Salt Lake, Utah Maricopa, Ariz. Santa Clara, Calif. Lane, Oreg. Whatcom, Wash. Tulare, Calif. Logan, Colo. Plumas, Calif. Plumas, Calif. Susquehanna, Pa. York, Maine Ulster, N.Y. Lycoming, Pa. No definition given for Luzerne, Pa. Mercer, N.J. Fairfield, Conn. Worcester, Mass. Onondaga, N.Y. Identification of Geographic Self-Representing 202 292 479 244 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 947-948 Region PSU's West North Central Northeast South Non-Self-Representing 429 467 450 368 411 384 945 but South South North Central North Central West Northeast for for for for 12 largest 12 largest 12 largest All PSU's PSU's for for for for for for Other Other Other Other Other Other PSU's PSU's PSU's PSU's PSU's PSU's PSLJ's PSU's PSU's is New London, Corm. 6 Variable 5 Description This digit in combination with the region identification code (Var 4) uniquely identifies a PSU in all cases except Chicago and New York. 20, 21, Those for New York are: 10, 11. Codes for the Chicago PSU are: San Diego and San Bernardino though selected as one PSU, have 22, 23. They are coded 805 and 806. separate interviewing staffs. 583 432 353 429 316 271 281 393 340 328 6 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Urbanization Code Self-Representing PSU's 1. 2. 3. 4. Cities Cities 253 224 262 313 Central Central Suburbs Suburbs Non-Self-Representing 7-a. 7 SMSA's or consolidated areas) PSU's Standard Metropolitan or twin cities totally by 1960 Census. NON-SMSA PSU's 5-6. 1256 21 1372 25 (12 largest Statistical - SMSA's), Areas (Including a city 50,000 or more population 5. 6. 7. 8. Identification Number arbitrarily assigned serially from a particular PSU (not by date of interview). to D.U.'s 7 Variable Description 8 This code can be used to identify the county in the PSU where the It is used in combination with Var. 4 & 5. interview was taken. COUNTY PSU PSU COI)E Alabama Hontgomery Montgomery 4&- 1 ,irizona Maricopa Maricopa 83- 1 i\rk. Clark Mississippi Pulaski Clark Mississippi Pulaski 53514i- i 1 1 Calif. Alameda Contra Costa Los Angeles Orange Plumas Riverside San Bernardino San Diego San Francisco San Mateo Santa Clara Sierra Tulare San Francisco San Francisco Los Angeles Los Angeles Plumas San Bernardino San Bernardino San Diego San Francisco San Francisco Santa Clara Plumas Tulare OlOlooOO89- 848987- 2 L 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 Cola. Logan Logan f33- 1 Conn. Fairfield New London Fairfield New London 97 9i- 1 1 District !.Jashington 3139@- 1 STATE Dist. of Cal. Florida of Columbia Dade Manatee Orange Sarasota Seminole Dade Sarasota Orange Sarasota Orange Georgia Clayton Fulton Gwinnett Ill. Cook Logan Madison gogo=‘- OlOl- COLXY co,: 46@46- 1 2 1 1 2 Atlanta Atlanta Atlanta 373737- 2 I 5 Chicago Logan St. Louis 60- y14- i 4 8 Variable Description 8 (can't) PSU CODE -- CO;...Y COLE STATE COUNTY PSU Indiana Lake Mar ion Marshall Porter Chicago Marion Marshall Chicago 63lo- 3 1 1 4 Iowa Black Hawk Crawford Black Hawk Crawford 7262- 1 1 Kentucky Fayette Jefferson Muhlenberg Fayette Jefferson Muhlenberg 47- 1 3856- 1 1 Louis. East East 54- 1 Mine York York 91- 1 Ud. Baltimore Baltimore City Montgomery Anne Arundel Baltimore Baltimore Washington Baltimore Middlesex Norfolk Suffolk Worcester Boston Boston Boston Worcester 27272'98- a-1 1 Uich. Genesee Macomb St. Joseph I:'ayne Cenesee Detroit St. Joseph Detroit 73136413- 1 3 1 1 Minn. Hennepin Ramsey Washington Hennepin Hennepin Hennepin 777777- 1 2 5 Miss. Rankin Rankin 55- 1 Missouri Adair St. Louis St. Louis Stoddard Adair St. Louis St. Louis Stoddard 65141461- 1 2 1 1 Franklin 60- 1 uass. Neb. Carroll Franklin City Carroll 1076- 303031SO- 2 1 3 3 Description Variable 9 (can't) 8 ST;\TE COL?<TY psv N. J. Bergen Camden Essex Hudson Fiercer Passaic Morris New Jersey Philadelphia New Jersey New Jersey Mercer Neu Jersey New Jersey Bronx Kings Madison Nassau New York Onondaga Osvego Queens Richmond Suffolk Ulster Westchester New York New York Onondaga New York New York Onondaga Onondaga New York New York New York Ulster New York Currituck Pitt Hatauga Currituck Pitt Natauga Butler Cuyahoga Greene Hancock Knox Lucas Montgomery Lake Butler Cleveland Montgomery Hancock Knox Toledo Montgomery Cleveland Okla. Osage Tulsa Oregon Penna. N. Y. N. Car. Ohio PSU CODE -2&28- 24249624242021- gg2322- 999920- 23239223- 59- 03:::: CCP' 3 4 2 1 1 5 6 1 1 3 2 i 1 2 2 1 3 1 4 49, 58- 1 1 1 71- 1 747512- 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 Tulsa Tulsa 4040- 2 1 Lane Lane 85- 1 Allegheny Luzerne Lycoming Montgomery Philadelphia Susquehanna Uestmoreland Pittsburgh Luzerne Lycoming Phiiadelphia Philadelphia Susquehanna Pittsburgh 29- 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 12- 75fJ867- 95932828- 90, 29- 10 Variable 8 Description (can't) COUNT-i CODE STATE COUNTY -PSU PSU CODE S. Car. Lexington Richland Richland Richland 4545- 2 1 S. Dal<. Minnehaha Minnehaha ‘O- 1 Tenn. Hickman Hickman 57- Texas Erath Harris Jones Taylor Erath Harris Taylor Taylor 5236- Utah Salt Virginia Henrico Pulaski Richmond Fairfax I.Jash . !!isc. Salt Lake City King ilhatcom Snohomish Sheboygan . h 4343Lake 82- Richmond Pulaski Richmond Washington 41- King Whatcom King 8l868l- 1 1 2 Sheboygan 69- 1 504131- 3 1 1 L, - - Variable Description 9 "Secondary used only 51 1492 698 739 350 180 72 32 69 43 10 11 12 Size This is an identification code and can be with the PSU code in Var. 4-6. (1960 Census classifications) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Central cities Central cities Suburban areas Suburban areas Adjacent areas outlying areas of place 477 770 1. 2. 648 797 3. 4. 182 849 3 5. 6. 8. Distance 107 173 253 212 154 138 341 287 248 1813 Selection". in conjunction 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. "Belt" 477 621 528 612 702 786 11 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. of of of of 12 largest SMSA's other SMSA's 12 largest SMSA's other SMSA's (1960 Census classifications) Central cities of the 12 largest SMSA's Cities 50,000 and over, exclusive of the central cities of the 12 largest SMSA's Urban places lO,OOO-49,999 Urban places 2,500-9,999; urbanized areas not included in above codes Rural, in an SMSA PSU Rural, not in an SMSA PSU undefined code from the Center of the Central City this should properly be read 0.0 through O.E@9 0.0-0.9 (Note: 1.0-1.9 2.0-3.9 4.0-5.9 6.0-7.9 8.0-9.9 10.0-14.9 15.0-24.9 25 miles or more All addresses in non-SMSA PSU's and all addresses in Centr;il Cities of the 12 largest SMSA's ... 12 Description Variable Census Tract Identification Code. This code, when used in conjunction with PSU code (Var. 4-6) enables identification of the census tract (See Sampling Appendix C. If D.U. area. for every D.U. in a tracted is not in a tracted area coded 000. Closest geographic unit identifiable by PSU code (Var. 4-6) and the "Secondary Selection" code Var. 10. 13 14 Q.l Interviewer's 15 4.2 Interviewer's interviewer 99. 16 4.3 for Security Number (9 digits) Interview Number (number assigned the interviews he/she takes.) serially by the NA. Date of Interview 633 626 579 395 377 361 258 272 190 35 17 4.4 Length 18 9.5 Circled 19 Social 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. of Interview. Number (from 1298 1. 1 2427 3. 5. First listing 3230 75 94 327 January 10 or before January 11-17 January 18-24 January 25-31 February l-7 February 8-14 February 15-21 February 22-28 March l-7 March 8 or later Actual number of minutes 4.5 face in sheet) coded. Random half indicator special procedure Yes. Number is circled: applied to this D.U. If head of primary is a screen-out interview was taken and a card No secondary interviews taken in this D.U. Undefined code Interviews with No, number is not circled. F.U.'s taken as usual. digit of household composition box on face sheet. 0. Primary F.U. with 1. Primary F.U. with 2. Secondary F.U. 3. Primary F.U. with from no Secondary no Secondary Secondary 2 digit S.U.'s S.U.'s S.U.'s (l/2 of sample) aged 60 or older only was coded in Deck 99. primary and secondary number in green and no Secondary and other F.U.'s in D.U. above the F.U.'s in D.1 in D.U. 13 Description Variable Household Composition. Two digit code for household composition. The respondent being interviewed is a member of a: 20 3230 57 12 5 1 277 39 5 3 3 56 4 32 2 21 Q.8 Sex of Head of Family 3040 686 22 9.9 01. Primary F.U. with no Secondary S.U.'s and no Secondary F.U.'s in D.U. 12. Primary F.U. with no Secondary S.U.'s and 1 other F.U. in D.U. 13. Primary F.U. with no Secondary S.U.'s and 2 other F.U.'s in D.U. 14. Primary F.U. with no Secondary S.U.'s and 3 other F.U.'s in D.U. 15. Primary F.U. with no Secondary S.U.'s and 4 or more other F.U.'s in D.U. 31. Primary F.U. with 1 Secondary S.U. and no other F.U. in D.U. 32. Primary F.U. with 2 Secondary S.U.'s and no other F.U. in D.U. 33. Primary F.U. with 3 or more S.U.'s and no other F.U.'s in D.U. 34. Primary F.U. with 1 Secondary S.U. and 1 other F.U. in D.U. 35. Primary F.U. with more than 1 Secondary S.U and one or more F.U.'s in D.U. (or F.U. with one Secondary S.U. and 2 or more other F.U.'s in D.U.) 21. Secondary F.U. (one S.U.) -- a roomer. 22. Secondary F.U. (one S.U.) -- a servant. 23. Secondary F.U. (one S.U.) -- other. of more than one S.U. 24. Secondary F.U. consisting 1. 2. Male Female Age of Head of Family up to 97. 98. 23 Q. 9 Unit Age of Wife Unit age in years Actual age in years. 98 years and older of Head (actual up to 97. 98. 99. 00. (actual age in years coded) Actual age in years. 98 years or older N.A. Head of FL! is not married coded) 14 Description Variable 24 Q.11 Is R the Head of the Family 3503 194 12 13 4 25 4.8 as respondent. Male Female Both - (two or more respondents) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. or who are married. One Two Three Four Five Six Number of adults 2834 591 285 14 2 28 1. 2. 3. Number of Adults in this Family Unit Adults are persons 18 years and older 809 2397 397 95 23 5 27 Yes, R is the Head of Family Unit. No, R is the wife of the Head. Both Head and Wife present and acting R is someone else in the Family Unit. Other Sex of Respondent 2813 901 12 26 1. 2. 3. 4. 8. Unit? aged 65 or older No adults in this One Two Three Four or more F.U. in this FU aged 65 or older Number of children (Under 18) in This FU. This all in FL regardless of whether Head is parent only to children under 18 years. 548 508 328 164 86 46 20 13 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 or more 2013 0. No children Var. 29-31. under 18. NA whether was coded as including This question or not. any children; refers coded 0 in - 15 Variable 29 Description If there is just one child, How old are they? the youngest in Var. 29 and the oldest in Var. child under 18. 322 176 133 128 127 257 354 215 2014 30 How old 367 321 282 105 126 133 183 189 2020 L 31 -. are they? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 0. years 2.99 years 3.99 years 4.99 years 5.99 years 8.99 years 13.99 years 18 years in Var. 28. Age of oldest 0 up to 5.99 years 6 up to 9.99 years 10 up to 12.99 years 13 14 15 16 17 Inap. coded 0 in Var. child under 18. 28. Sex, Age of children in this FU 15, 16 or 17 years sisters of head are coded here) 3225 195 22 220 42 20 2 32 4.17 Less than two 2 years up to 3 years up to 4 years up to 5 years up to 6 years up to 9 years up to 14 years up to Inap. coded 0 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 0. it has been coded as 30. Age of youngest 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. Any changes 46 1. 225 19 245 3123 53 7 3 5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Has Has Has Has Has Has Has old. (Brothers no boys or girls 15, 16 or 17 years old. no boys and 1 girl 15, 16 or 17 years old. no boys and 2 or mpre girls 15, 16 or 17 years 1 boy and no girls 15, 16 or 17 years old. 1 boy and 1 girl 15, 16 or 17 years old. 2 or more boys and no girls 15, 16 or 17 years 2 or more boys and one girl 15, 16 or 17 years in the number of people in your family living ami old. old. old. here? blot Increase of 2 or sore; 2 or mre joined pu; 3 joined and 1 left, etc. 1 joined N; 2 joined and 1 left, etc, Net Increase of 1: 1 left and 1 joined; 2 left and 2 joined, etcNo change: 1 left FU; 2 left but 1 joined, etc. Net decrease of 1: or joined PU NO NET CHANGE: none left 2 left FU; 3 left and 1 joined, Net decrease of 2 or more: Undefined code Change, NA which way or how many. NA, Dli. etc. 16 Variable 33 Description Do you have any unmarried live here with you? Q.19 285 85 16 7 3326 7 34 9.24 21 Q.22 37 Q.K-1 Q.K2 25 who do not Yes, one; 0 coded in Var. 34, 35. Yes, two; 0 coded in Var. 35. Yes, three Yes, four or more No; 0 coded in Var. 34, 35. NA, DK; 0 coded in Var 34, 35. Son under 18 Son 18-20 Son 21-25 Daughter under Daughter 18-20 Daughter 21-25 Daughter, NA, Has such child Inap. coded 5, 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. a. 9. 0. In school, age coded. 61 169 3 101 16 31 2 7 3336 36 under Is it a son or daughter? How old? 3 youngest children in ascending age coded. If equal age, the son was coded first. Three responses coded; frequencies given for first only. -56 125 82 49 48 30 1 2 3333 35 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 9. children 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 0. Marital 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2 9. DK age but NA, DK whether son or daughter. 9 in Var.33; no second, third mention. 3 youngest children working or what? If equal age, the son was coded first. Working School Working and going to school Military Service, Peace Corps Other "Living with divorced mate!' cy. NA Inap, coded 5, 9 in Var. 33, no second, Status 2673 282 502 154 113 18 in ascending third of Head Married Single Widowed (widower); coded 0 in Var 37, 39. Divorced; coded 0 in var 37, 39. Separated (includes husband away in service); coded 0 in Var 37, 39. NA; Coded 0 in Var. 37, 39. Actual number of years How long have you been married? coded. xx. Number of years coded. Not married:coded 2-5, 9 in Var. 36. 00. DK, NA how long. Married, 99. mention. 17 Description Variable 38 Q.K3-7 Education 278 806 692 632 398 437 317 146 20 39 O.K3-7 Education 107 406 513 751 287 266 129 27 172 1068 40 Q.KB 42 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 9. 0. Q.KJ.0 Head less Q.Kll 2668 1058 1. 5. Will family 337 129 120 1928 151 1059 2 1. 2. 3. 5. 9. 0. 8. Unit O-5 grades 6-8 grades 9-11 grades; some high school plus non-college 12 grades; completed high school (12 years) Completed high school plus other non-college College, no degree (include junior colleges) College, Bachelor's degree College, advanced or professional degree NA, DK of wife of %aily dependent on R for more than half their one two three four five six NA, DK None than 60, more than age 60 Head is less than 60 years old. Head is age 60 or more;coded 0 in Var. move next schooling training Unit O-5 grades 6-8 grades 9-11 grades; some high school plus non-college 12 grades; completed high school (12 years) Completed high school plus other non-college College, no degree (include junior colleges) College, Bachelor's degree College, advanced or professional degree NA, DK Inap, coded 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 in Var.36, no wife Number of people 136 39 20 5 4 2 31 3489 41 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. of Head of Family year? Yes Probably, maybe Depends No D.K. Head is age 60 or more Undefined code 42. schooling training of head. support. 18 Variable 43 Description Q.L3 Race 3264 367 59 9 7 20 44 Q.L4 Q.L5 Q.L6 Q.L? Mexican, Cuban, Polynesian, other S. American etc.) I 2 3 4 5 6 7 or more undefined code NA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. during Head only Wife only Head and Head and Wife and Head and Somebody NA Type of structure 79 2648 152 200 100 127 192 128 63 37 47 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Who was present 1268 104 1121 475 60 666 6 26 46 White Negro Puerto Rican, Oriental Other (Indian, NA Number of Calls 946 1218 637 364 210 114 120 4 113 45 1. 2. 3. 4. 7. 9. the interview? wife only somebody else (not wife) somebody else (not husband) wife and somebody else else; R is someone other than in which Trailer Detached 2-family 2-family Detached Row house Apartment Apartment Apartment Other family wife or head lives single family house house, 2 units side by side house, 2 units one above the other 3-4 family house. (3 or more units in an attached row) house (5 or more units, 3 stories or less) house (5 or more units, 4 stories or more) in a partly commercial structure Looked at 3 structures on each side of DU but not Neighborhood. more than 100 yards or so in both directionsThe highest density type of residential housing mentioned was coded. 382 54 2165 175 185 100 131 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. Vacant land only, Trailer Detached single family house house, 2 units side by side 2 - family 2 - family house, 2 units one above the other Detached 3-4 family house Row house (3 or more units in an attached row) - 19 Description Variable (can't) 47 162 118 52 89 57 56 48 49 Q.Lg Q.L9 1437 1810 427 1. 2. 3. 52 0. the questionm understanding or less) or more) and answer readily, and ansvering (Not R was alert and quick to answer. R could understand and mover questions satisfactorily R vas slow to understand and had difficulty answering questions, WA 0. 1. 4. 5. 7. No discrepancies, Housing; Addition Debt; Income Housing; Additions All Sections. income, has or no interviewer answer and Repairs; Cars; Durables and Repairs; Debt; Income Who is Head? 3681 52 more units, 3 stories more units, 4 stories commercial structure. structure. industrual questions (house value, If Respondent's answers to factual seem badly out of line with interviewer's observations; it been noted below. 45 51 Apartment house (5 or Apartment house (5 or Apartment in a partly or Wholly commercial Other 1u Did the respondent understand or did he have some difficulty counting language difficulty) 3708 6 9 2 1 50 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 99. 1. 5. Wife is Head (possibly-temporarily; husband is in military service, jail; Head could be back at time possible re-interview.) Head is husband or single man or voman Coder Number Date of Interview 548 600 622 421 383 353 258 283 253 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. N.A. 9 or before lo-16 17-23 24-30 31-Feb. 6 7-13 14-20 21-27 28 & later of e.) 20 Variable 53 Description Q.9 Age of FU Head 247 661 708 730 596 784 54 55 Q.A-1 Q.A2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Under 25 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65 and older. We are interested in how people are getting along financially these days. Would you say that you and your family are better off or worse off financially than you were a year ago? 1273 1679 721 41 12 1. 3. 5. 8. 9. Why is that? (first mention) for making FU better Reasons 2 1 590 1. 2. 10. 133 11. 375 12. 79 13. 2 5 48 14. 15. 16. 2 74 18. 19. 169 20. 9 21. 65 27. Better now. Same. Worse now. Uncertain, DK. NA. off undefined code undefined code raise in wages or salary on present Better pay: job, promotions, higher connnissions, change to higher paying job (include Armed Forces induction or discharge). Higher income from self-employment or property: higher business profits or farm income, higher dividends, royalties or rents, more income from professional practice or trade. Head (or wife) More work, hence more income: started working (again), more members of family working, higher income, N.A. why. (from Increased contributions from outside FU: private individuals, government pension, relief or welfare), gifts. decrease in cost of living; Lower prices: Lower taxes. fewer people to be supported Decreased expenses: less, NA whether 14 or 16. by FU; spending High interest rates, tight credit. more savings, business Better asset position: or farm worth more, has more business, farm, or personal assets. or debt payments low or lower; Debt, interest have paid, is paying bills. Change in family composition means higher income or better off (except 16) (got married, etc.) greater Other reasons for making FU better off: security (job more permanent, psychological security), greater opportunities, higher standard of living, have more things, future outlook improved, got insurance. .- c Variable 55 56 57 21 Description Reasons (can't) Q.A2 Q.A3 45 50. 54 51. 206 52. 11 312 53. 54. 31 55. 120 58. 25 59. 57 34 60. 61. 24 67. 57 1193 99. 00. Why is 1331 1699 290 392 14 58 Q.Bl9 1. 2. 5. 8. 9. 1. 2. 3. FU worse off more people to be supported by Increased expenses; FU, spending more, N.A. whether 54, 55, or 58 savings used up wholly Worse asset position: or par-tt, leas business, farm or Personal assets. Debt: interest, debt, or debt payments high or higher. Change in family composition means lower income or worse off (except 58) (divorced, death, etc.). Other reasons for making FU worse off; less security (job less permanent, psychological insecurity), fewer opportunities (dark future outlook), lower standard of living. NA (use only in Var. 55). No change, no pro-con reason given, no second mention. (second mention; ahead - do you think better off financially, the same as now? Better Same Worse Uncertain, N.A. Do you expect to year-around use If R has already yet, it is still a house as a gift here. 137 14 116 making decrease in wages or salary on Lower pay: change to lower paying job (inpresent job, induction or discharge). clude Armed Forces, Lower income from self-employment or property: lower business profits or farm income, lower dividends, royalties or rents, leas income from professional practice or trade. head unemployed, Less work, hence leas income: laid off, sick, retired, on strike, unsteady work, less overtime, fewer members of FU working, lower income N.A. why. Decreased contributions from outside PU. increase in cost of living; prices Higher prices: rise faster than income. High, higher taxes. that? :Jow looking people will just about for see Var. 55 for codes, defs.) a year from now you or worse off, or D.K. buy or build a house for your own during the next twelve months? bought a house but has not moved in "no" to this question. If R will buy for someone, it has been coded "yes"‘ Yes (0 coded in Var. 59). Probably (but might not). (0 coded in Var. 59). Pro-con, might, may, depends; don't know. (0 coded in Var. 59). 22 Variable 58 59 60 61 Description (can't) 4.20 Q.B21 Q.B32 3451 5. 8 9. (If will not after that? Q.B34 not); (include here but there is no real buy or build) How about if R would chance), during the year Yes Probably, but might not. Pro-con, might, may, depends; don't know. No, (probably not); (include here if R would like to buy, but there is no real chance). 0 coded in Var. N.A. 0 coded in Var. 60. Inap., coded 1, 2, or 3 in Var. 58. 75 26 205 3142 1. 2. 3. 5. 24 254 9. 0. About how much do you think 2 12 20 27 40 39 129 194 84 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 3179 0. the house and lot will 1. 3. 5. 9. $1 - 2,499 $2,500 - 4,999 $5,000 - 7,499 $7,500 - 9,999 $10,000 - 12,499 $12,500 - 14,999 $15,000 - 19,999 $20,000 and over D.K., N.A. planned purchase price but plans buy in next 12 months or the year after. Inap., does not plan to buy or N.A. whether buy; coded 5 or 9 in Var. 58-59. Yes Possibly, it depends No; Code 0 in Var. 62. D.K, N.A. whether plans months. Code 0 in Var. A 6 R during 62. About how much do you think you will spend you plan to do during the next 12 months? for next 60. cost? - to will Do you expect to make any large expenditures for work on this house or lot during the next 12 months--things like upkeep, additions or improve-enta* or painting and farm buildings) decorating? (Farmers - exclude 842 279 2599 6 62 No, (probably like to buy, N.A. 12 everything Amount in dollars XxXxX. Amount N.A., but coded 1 or 3 in Var. 61. 99999. Does not plan to make A 6. R, coded 5 or 9 in Var. 61 0 0000. and Repairs: Addit-'nns built in rurniture, built in appliances, curtains and drapes costing more than $300, Venetian blinds, &corm windows, rugs costing more than $300, furnaces, garbage disposals; but not durables electric & gas appliances, movable movable furniture, such as: heaters. 23 Variable 63 64 Description Q.C45, Q.C47 46 Do you expect to buy a car during the next 12 months living here or so? Does anyone else in the family If family expect to buy a car during the next 12 months? probexpects to buy 2 or more cars, the one with the higher If R mentions that son or daughter ability has been coded. will buy a car; this has been coded only if he/she lives with family. 463 58 257 1. 2. 3. 2909 5. 5 8. 34 9. (If yes, probably or maybe) car or a used car? 405 302 1 77 2941 65 66 Q.C48 Q.C49 Will buy; yes. Code 0 in Var. 68. Probably will buy. Code 0 in Var. 68. Undecided; depends, might, possibly. Code 0 in Var. 68. Will not buy; probably will not. Code 0 in Var's 64, 65, 66, 67. Plans to buy, degree of certainty D.K., N.A. Code 0 in Var. 68. D.K., N.A. whether will buy. Code 0 in Var's 64, 65, 66, 67. 1. 2. 3. 9. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 127 2943 9. 0. you might First quarter of Second quarter of Third quarter of Fourth quarter of N.A. which quarter N.A. which quarter (or very beginning Time of purchase Inap. coded 5 or How much do you think mxxx. 99999. 00000. it be a brand new New Used Both (two cars to be bought). D.K., N.A., uncertain, if new or used. coded 5 or 9 in Var. 63. Inap., When do you think 82 160 171 185 18 40 Will buy this car? 1967; this winter. 1967; next spring. 1967; next summer. 1967; next fall, next winter; in a year. but probably first half of 1967. but probably second half of 1967 of 1968). D.K., N.A. 9 in Var. 63. you will pay for it? Amount in Dollars Expected price D.K., N.A. coded 5 or 9 in Var 63, Inap., plan to buy. does not Variable 67 24 Description Q.CSO (If owns car(s) now) At that time will you trade-in or sell (any of) your present car(s)? It has been edited to "NO" if Fu has one or more cars but person buying has no car. 498 164 23 31 3010 68 69 Q.CSl Q.Dl3 Q.Dl4 Yes No D.K. N.A. coded 5 or 9 in Var. Inap., no car now. 63; FU has (If does not plan to buy) How long do you think If R would like to it will be before you buy a car? buy a car sometime but there is no real chance; it has been coded as 5. 256 1. 628 326 382 736 59 12 542 785 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. a. 9. 0. Less than 2 years; not long; during 1968. 2 years, less than 3; a few; several years; during 1969. 3 years, less than 4; during 1970. 4 years or more; many years, a long time; 1971 or later. Will (probably) never buy a car. When old car falters. When necessary (for other reasons, or N.A. why) D.K., N.A. coded 1, 2, 3 or 8 in Var. 63. Inap., About the big things people buy for their homes - such as furniture, house furnishings, refrigerator, stove, Generally speaking, television, and things like that. do you think now is a good or a bad time for people to buy major household items? We do NOT want a personal Rather, it frame of reference here - "Bad time forme". has been coded for whether good or bad time for people afford it", If R says "Bad because I can't in general. N.A. the scale. 1611 520 877 643 75 70 1. 5. 8. 9. 0. 1. 3. 5. 8. 9. Good Pro-con Bad D.K. Uncertain; N.A. Code 0 in Var. 70, 71. Why do you say so? First response. Reasons why now is a good time Prices; Credit code undefined 1 10. are low, lower; prices are reasonable, 260 11. Prices not too high. stable, sales, discounts; discount 217 12. Good buys available, market (oversupply of goods). houses, buyer's 25 Variable 70 Description (can't) 457 13. 35 14. 2 15. 3 226 20. 33 22. 1 1 23. 25. 25 31. 43 13 32. 33. 17 34. 95 654 41. 42. 1 33 44. 47. 21. going to come down; Prices are going up, aren't future uncertainty about prices. Lower down payment; credit, financing easy to get; interest rates low. Tax cuts; low taxes. Employment; Times undefined code People can afford to buy now, purchasing high employment; prosperity; available; have money to spend; times are good. Buying makes for good times, prosperity, employment. International situation. Undefined code power people high Supply and Quality no shortages now (forseen; there Supply adequate; many goods on market (no may-be shortages later; references to price, deals). Quality is good, better, may get worse. New models have improvements, new features, are attractive. Good selection; variety. Other good Seasonal references only. R only says that if you need it and/or have the money, this is as good a time as any; if people need things they will buy them regardless of the times. Foreign competition. Other good reasons (miscellaneous). Reasons why now is a bad time 537 7 38 51. 52. 53. 178 54. 39 55. 81 61. 60 62. Prices; Credit Prices are (too) high, higher. Seller's market; few sales, discounts. will come down, are falling, Prices will fall later, will not rise; future uncertainty about priers. Larger down payment; credit, financing hard to get; interest rates high, going up; tight money. Taxes high, going higher. Employment; Times People can't afford to buy now; low levels of employment times are bad; don't have money to spend. People should save money to hedge against uncertainty of times; bad times ahead; employment too uncertain. 26 Variable JO Description (can't) 2 47 2 71. 72. 73. 33 23 81. i 28 3 195 335 71 Q.Dl4 72 Q.Dl5 73 WRY for Q.Dl8 82. 83. 87. 98. 99. 00. Q.DlJ Other Bad R mentions only seasonal factors. References to international situation. Foreign competition. Other reasons why now is a bad time to buy. Undefined code. N.A., D.K. (use only in Var. JO) Inap., coded 9 in Var. 69; coded 8 in Var. 69 and no reason given; no second mention. do you say so? Multiple codes and definitions. response. See Var. JO Do you expect to buy any large items such as furniture, a refrigerator, stove, washing machine, television set, air conditioner, household appliances and so on during the next 12 months? buy either this or that, the For Var. 73-82 if R says he'll item with the higher probability was coded; if both are equally the first one mentioned was coded. probable, 503 1. 385 2. 161 2654 3. 5. 7 a. 16 9. Yes, Definitely (plan to buy at least one item). Yes, probably (will buy at least one item). Yes, undecided, might buy. No, does not (probably) plan to buy any durables Code 0 in Var. 73-82. in next twelve months. Yes, mentions plans to buy, degree of certainty D.K., N.A. D.K., N.A. whether expects to buy any durables. Code 0 in Var. 73-82. Total Amount Respondent Expects to Spend on Durables in Next PDP should be N.A. if no dollar amount Twelve Months. is mentioned for any item codable 1, 2, 3. or 8 on a scale like Total cost of house furnishings have been included. 72. xXxXx. 99999. 00000. 74 Suoply and Quality Supply inadequate; poor selection. Quality is poor; quality may be better later. Poor designs; unattractive styling; new features or improvements will come later. Amount in Uollars Amount N.A., coded 1, 2, 3, 8 in Var. coded 5 or 9 in Var. 72. Inap., Would you say you definitely during the next 12 months you undecided? 77 95 65 1. 2. 3. 72. will buy a Television or that you probably will, Television Set Definitely will buy. Probably will buy a TV set. Undecided about buying a TV set. or are var. 27 Varialbe 74 Description (can't) 3489 75 Q.Dlg About set)? 1. $1 - 99 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. a4 a. $100 $150 $200 $250 $300 $400 $500 N.A., Inap. Q.Dl8 9. 0. 1. 68 2. 42 2 3. 9. 3543 0. About 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 48 6. 27 13 19 3543 7. a. 9. 0. spend on (the television 72 or 0 in Var. 74. will buy a Refrigerator or that you probably will, or Refrigerator Definitely will buy. kobably will buy a refrigerator. Undecided about buying a refrigerator. Mentions planned purchase of refrigerator-degree of certainty N.A. Inap. coded 5 or 9 in Var. 72; does not (probably Code 0 in Var. 77. not) plan to buy a refrigerator. how much do you think 10 5 7 27 27 you will - 149 - 199 - 249 - 299 - 399 - 499 and over D.K. amount coded 5 or 9 in Var. Would you say you definitely during the next 12 months, are you undecided? 71 77 how much do you think a 3488 Q.Dl7 Inap., coded 5 or 9 in Var. 72; does not (probably not) plan to buy a TV set. Coded 0 in Var. 75. 24 9 20 9 34 37 13 76 0. $1-99 $100 $150 $200 $250 $300 $400 $500 ?;.A., Inap. you will - 149 - 199 - 249 - 299 - 399 - 499 and over D.K. amount coded 5 or 9 in Var. spend on (the 72 or 0 in Var. refrigerator)? 76. 28 Variable 78 79 Description 4.17 Q.Dlg Would you say you definitely during the next 12 months, are you undecided? 74 1. 64 20 1 2. 3. 9. 3567 0. 7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. a. 9. 0. 26 11 5 7 3567 80 Q.D1? 3277 Q.Dl8 1. 2. 3. 9. 0. 28 31 30 65 29 159 47 3276 spend on (the washing $200 - 249 $250 - 299 $300 - 399 $500 and over N.A., Inap. D.K., amount coded 5 or 9 in Var. 72 or 0 in Var. 78. Furniture will buy or that you probably will, or Furniture Definitely will buy. Probably will buy furniture. Undecided about buying furniture. Mentions planned purchase of furniture--degree of certainty N.A. Inap. coded 5 or 9 in Var. 72; does not (probably not) plan to buy furniture. Coded 0 in Var. 81. About how much do you think items)? 27 34 you will ::,o - -99 149 $150 - 199 Would you say you definitely during the next 12 months, are you undecided? 222 167 58 2 al Washing Machine Definitely will Probably will buy a washing machine. Undecided about buying a washing machine. Mentions planned purchase of washing machine-degree of certainty N.A. coded 5 or 9 in Var. 72, does not (proInap., Code 0 in bably not) plan to buy a washing machine. Var. 79. About how much do you think machine)? 16 38 49 will buy a Washing Machine or that you probably will, or you will spend on (furniture 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. a. 9. 0. ;:o, yg149 $150 - 199 $200 - 249 $250 - 299 $300 - 399 $400 - 499 $500 and over N.A., Inap. D.K. amount coded 5 or 9 in Var.72 or 0 in Var.80. - all 29 Variable a2 a3 - a4 Description Q.Dl5 What other durables does R expect to buy in next 12 months (other than TV, refrigerator, washing machine and furniture)? 36 33 132 78 1. 12 5. 43 31 3 3 3355 6. 7. a. 9. 0. 2. 3. 4. PAR (Planned Additions a7 78 131 1. 2. 3. $1 - 49 269 197 230 2627 107 4. 5. 6. 0. 9. $200 $500 Planned 1. 2. 57 46 3. 4. 78 98 5. 6. 172 67 99 2942 7. a. 9. 0. Planned 48 I.45 170 157 92 170 46 117 104 2677 and Repairs) $50 - 99 $100 - 199 - 499 - 999 $1000 and over No planned A & R Amount NA. expenditure 91 76 a5 Radio or record player (hi-fi, stereo equipment) Deep freeze Stove, range, oven Clothes dryer Dishwasher Air conditioner, humidifier, detiidifler Other Three or more codable items (use only in Var. 82 - 1st digit) Plans to buy other durables, N.A. vhat. Inap. coded 5 or 9 in Var. 72; does not (probably not) plan to buy other durables; no second mention. on car - bracket $1000 - 1499 - 1999 $1500 $2000 $2500 $3000 $4000 - 2499 - 2999 - 3999 and over Amount N.A. No car purchase durable purchases 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. $1 - 99 $100 - 199 a. $1000 and over Amount N.A. No PDP 9. 0. $200 - 299 $300 - 399 $400 - 499 $500 - 749 $750 - 999 planned - bracket Bracket 30 Variable Description 86 Financial position 709 1. a30 3. 994 4. Better off now, will be better off year Better-same; same-better. Same, same year hence. Same-worse; worse-same; worse-worse. Better-worse; worse-same; D.K., N.A. 484 5. 262 447 6. 9. Durable a7 2728 0, 158 a40 1. 2. a. 1. 718 2! 1724 367 1126 Yl Q.G23 QG24 planned and repairs 2795 213 0. 1. 2. 428 3. 76 5 4. 5. planned Will not make A & R of $100 or more, Possibly make A 6 R of $100 or more. Will make A 6 R of $100 or more. intentions - includes A 6 R, over $100. No purchases intended, Might make purchase&) Will (or probably will) Will (or probably will) Will (or probably will) Will (or probably will) Bow much does your to month? family 281 280 1. 2. 3052 61 33 A lot A little bit Stays pretty a. D.K. 52 9. N.A. Rave fhere of earners 509 3178 1 1. 2. 9. 38 3. hence. Will not buy durable(s) costing $100 or more. Might buy durable(s) costing $100 or more, Will or probably will buy durable(s) costing $100 or more. Intentions Index a car, durable(s), a9 90 purchases Additions aa and expectations income much the been any changes in your family? to buy a house, - none make make make make definite. one purchase. two purchases. three purchases, four purchases. go up and down from month same in the Yes No W.A., D.K. Code 0 in Var. Undefined code. last yesr 92-95. in the number 31 Variable Description 92 Q.G25 93 Q.G25 What changes? (If NA how many started or stopped, 1 person assumed). 267 1. Net increase of 1: 1 started working; 2 started working and one stopped, etc. 2 or more started working 2. Net increase of 2 or more: 19 3 started working and 1 stopped, etc. 3. Net decrease of 1: 1 stopped working; 2 stopped work ing 178 and 1 started, etc. 13 4. Net decrease of 2 or more: 2 stopped working; 3 stopped and 1 started, etc. 5. Changes, but NO NET CHANGES 1 started working 19 and 1 stopped; 2 started working and 2 stopped, etc. 9. Change, N.A., D.K. which way, 12 3218 0, or stopped working, NC CHANGE: none started What changes? First Started Working 1. Head 1.3 2. Wife 137 3. Others 159 response. in FU Stopped Working 21 1. Head JO 5. Wife 60 6. Others in FU 29 7. Decrease in earners of someone who would have been head if in DU due to death, divorce, hospitalizaservice. tion, 16 9. Changes, but NA who; change but NA whether started or stopped working. 3221 0. No change. 94 Q.G25 What changes? Second response. Started Working 1. Head 1 2. Wife 6 3. Others 7 in FU Stopped 1Jcrking 1 4. Head 9 5. Wife 9 6. Cthers in FU 1 7. Decrease in earners of someone who would have been head if in DU due to death, divorce, hospitalization, service. mention. 3692 0. i+o change, no second, third 32 Variable 95 Description Q.G25 What Changes? Third mention. Started Working 1 1. Head 3725 0. NO CHANGE, no second, 96 Q.G= Q.G25 response 93 for codes What Changes? Multiple See Var. 98 Q. GE response 93 for codes What Changes? Multiple See Var. Total 99 response 93 for codes Family xxxxxxx. 9999999. 100 101 Q.G26 Q.G27 mention, What Changes? Multiple See Var. 97 third Income Amount in dollars, Amount N.A. Was your family's total Income higher in 1966 than it was If higher the year before that, (1965) or lower, or what? (lower) was it a lot higher (lower) or just a little higher (lower)? 539 1270 1289 1. 2. 3. 301 299 4. 5. 11 17 8. 9. Higher, a lot Higher, a little (or N.A. how much) Same; code 0 in Var. 101-104. Lower, a little (or N.A. how much) Lower, a lot D.K,; code 0 in Var. 101-104. Code 0 In Var. 101-104. N.A. What are the main reasons Reasons why FU income 954 492 why it higher in was higher 1966 (lower)? 1st response. 1. Better pay rate for Head: raise in wages or salary on present job, promotion,higher commissions, change to higher paying job (include Armed Forces induction or discharge) 2. Higher earned income for Head: worked morehours; more business or farm income; more from professional practice or trade; higher earned income, N.A. why. 33 Variable 101 Description (can't) 193 38 129 27 13 1880 102 Q.G27 103 What are the main reasons Multiple response. Reasons why N 58 354 68 26 15 56 16 3133 why it See Var. income lower was higher 101 for in 1966 Q.G29 (lower)? codes and definitions. First response. decrease in wages 1. Lower pay rate for Head: or salary on present job, changed to lower-paying job (include Armed Forces induction or discharge) worked less 2. Lower earned income for Head: hours; less business or farm income; less from professional practice or trade; lower earned income, N.A. why. 3. Other members in FU worked fewer hours or earned less: (wife, children, etc.) (lower rent, dividends, 4. Less income from property interest) from outside FU 5. Decreased contributions 7. Other expenses, higher cost of 9. N.A., D.K.; higher living, more debts., etc. coded 3, 8 or 9 in Var. 100; no reasons 0. Inap., given for income lower; no second mention. Reasons why I'D income lower in 1966. See Var. 103 for Multiple response. and definitions. 104 105 3. Other members in F'U started working more or earning more (wife, children, etc.> 4. Higher income from property (rent, interest, dividends) 5. Increased contributions from outside FU (from private individuals, government, pension, relief or welfare) 7. Other 9. N.A., D.K. coded 3, 8 or 9 in Var. 100; no reasons 0. Inap., given for income higher; no second mention. codes Thinking back to what your family income was about four years ago, say, for 1962; are you making much more now, a little more, the same, or less? 1119 1220 699 593 9 86 1. 2. 3. 5. 8. 9. Much more A little more The same Less D.K. N.A. 34 Variable 106 Description Q.G30 Will your family income for this year (1967) be If higher higher or lower than last year (1966)? Do you think it will be a lot higher (lower), (lower) or just a little higher (lower)? 378 1160 1709 168 168 129 14 107 108 109 Q.G31 Q.G31 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8. 9. Higher in 1967, Higher in 1967, Same; code 0 in Lower in 1967, Lower in 1967, D.K. N.A. a lot a little or N.A. Var. 107-110 a little a lot What are the main reasons why it First response. than in 1966? 938 1. 339 2. 129 3. 22 4. 65 5. 28 39 2166 7. 9. 0. Reasons why FU income will First response. 202 be higher (lower) Better pay rate for HEAD: raise in wages or salary on present job, promotion, higher change to higher paying job commissions, (include Armed Forces induction and discharge). Higher earned income for HEAD: work more or farm income; more hours; more business from professional practice or trade. Other members in FU start working more or earning more (wife, children, etc.) Higher income from property (rent, interest, dividends). Increased contributions from outside FU (from private individuals, government, pension, relief or welfare) Other. N.A., D.K. coded 3, 8 or 9 in Var. 106; no reasons Inap., given for income higher in 1967; no second mentions. What are the main reasons why it than in 1966? Multiple response. See Variable definitions. 26 will how much will be higher 107 for be lower (lower) CC in 1967 1. Lower pay rate for HEAD: decrease or salary on present job, change to job (include Armed Forces induction 2. Lower earned income for HRAD: work less business or farm income; less fessional practice or trade. in wages lower-paying or discharge) less hours, from pro- c 35 Variable 109 Description (can't) 52 3. 8 4. 24 36 17 3361 5. 7. 9. 0. 110 111 Reasons Why F'Ll Will Be Lower In 1967 See Var. 109 for codes, Multiple response. definitions and frequencies of first response. Q.C33 Thinking ahead about four pears, would your family income will be much higher, than it is now? the same, or smaller 626 1257 922 305 603 13 112 Q.I-1 1. 2. 3. 5. 8. 9. you say that a little higher, Much higher A little higher The same Smaller D.K. N.A. Talking about prices in general, I mean the prices of they will go up in the things you buy - do you think the next year or so, or go down, or stay where they are now? 3066 492 90 64 14 -- Other members in FU work fewer hours or earn less: (wife, children, etc.) Less income from property (lower rent, dividends, interest) Decreased contributions from outside FU Other NA, higher expenses, high cost of living, more debts Inap., coded 3, 8 or 9 in Var. 106; no reasons given for income lower in 1967; no second mention. 1. 3. 5. 8. 9. Will Stay Will D.K., N.A. 0 in go up the same; code 0 in Var. 113. go down; code 0 in Var. 113. uncertain, depends; code 0 in Var. 113-114. R speaks only of .hopes or wishes; code Var. 113-114. etc. Variable 113 114 36 Description Q.12 Q.13 (If will go up) How large a price increase do you exOf course nobody can know for sure, but would pect? you say that a year from now prices will be about 1 or 5X, or closer to 10% higher than now, or 2% higher, or what? If range given, the midpoint was coded. 1347 497 781 95 158 9 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Gives percentage 2% or less 3 or 4% 5% 6 to 9% 10 to 19% 20% or more 3 6 188 642 7. 8. 9. 0. Does not give percentage data A little A lot D.K., N.A.; "some" Inap., coded 3, 5, 8 or 9 in Var. Would prices YOU 616 102 2473 120 122 218 75 115 Q.14 data (Priority) 112. say that these (risinglfallinglunchanged) would be good, or bad, or what? 1. 3. 5. 6. Good (good for us; good for average person). Makes no difference. Bad (bad for ua; bad for average person). Pro-con - good for some people and bad for others; depends whether producer or consumer. 7. Depends, other. 9. DK, NA. 0. Inap., coded 8 or 9 in Var. 112. Now, turning to business conditions throughout the nation as a whole - do you think that during the next 12 months we'll have good times financially, or bad times, or what? If only a regional answer is given, it has been coded. 1904 417 180 176 428 568 53 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8. 9. Good times Good, with qualifications Pro-con Bad, with qualifications Bad times Uncertain; DK., depends NA., coded 0 in Var. 116-117. 37 Variable 116 Description Q.15 Why do you think that? First response. Factors Making For Good Times Next Year 76 513 5 6 3 11 38 54 18 7 78 179 276 11 7 23 37 60 7 8 1 32 5 10 - Government, defense 10. Elections, politicians 11. International situation, prospects, tensions, uncertainty, military, defense (spending or production) (continuing or getting worse) 12. Better international prospects; fewer international tensions; more normal times, peaceful atmosphere; less defense production, spending; less uncertainty. 13. Poverty program, aid to Appalachia, Great Society programs (will continue or increase) 15. Government programs (other than defense) will decrease. 16. Taxes; tax changes. government spending (general) 18. Government budgets; 19. Government; government (will take) (is taking) measures to improve business conditions (other rate; than 13 through 16); change in discount government economists, not codable above. 17. (Other) references to government, monetary authorities, etc. 14. Space programs, foreign aid, other government programs(wil1 continue or increase). Employment and purchasing power 21. Consumer demand is (will be) high 22. Purchasing power (is) will be high; people have money to spend, wages are high; any kind of income high or higher. 23. Employment has risen, is rising; more overtime; plenty of jobs or work around, unemployment has declined. 24. Population increase. 27. (Other) references to employment and purchasing power, not codable above. Prices prices 31. Stable prices; 32. Higher prices; inflation; 33. Easier money: credit terest rates. 34. Tight money; interest hard to get. be 35. Price changes will 36. Foreign competition. 38. Stock market. 39. Profits high, rising. 37. (3ther) references to won't rise; lower prices. prices will rise. easy to get; lower in- rates high, balanced prices, higher; credit by wage changes. not codable above. Variable 116 38 Description (can't) 1 311 111 11 11 32 27 9 87 Miscellaneous 41. Labor-management relations good; disputes have been (will be) settled. 42. Times are (business is) good now, things won't change too much in next year. 43. R sees signs of improvement (already); R has heard or read that business is improving, i.e., the current trend will continue. optimism (on part of consumers 44. Confidence, in general) we are due for good times. 45. Bad times can't last; 46. Improvements in specific industries (or small business) 48. Prospects good (favorable changes) in R's line of work (except farming) or in R's locality. 49. Farm situation good. 47. Other good factors or favorable references (include R has heard or read that business reason) (hasn't will improve - no specific happened yet). 20 129 50. 51. 21 52. 6 54. 3 55. 60 27 56. 58. 2 59. 15 57. 26 48 1 5 12 10 Factors Making For Bad Times Next Year; Government, defense Elections, politicians International situation, prospects, tensions, uncertainty, military, defense (spending or production) (continuing, increasing, worsening) Better international prospects, fewer tensions; atmosphere, disarmament; more usual times , peaceful less defense spending, production; less uncertainty. Government programs (other than defense) will continue or increase. Government programs (other than defense) will be cut; government spending reduced. Taxes ; tax increases. Government spending (general), budget, deficits; fiscal irresponsibility. Government is not taking steps to improve business conditions; government economists, monetary authorities, etc. (Other) references to government, not codable above. Employment and purchasing power 61. Lack of purchasing power; people don't have the money to spend; people are saving their money; consumer demand low. 62. Drop in employment; high unemployment; increase in unemployment, layoffs; less overtime; people are working short hours. 63. Automation. 64. Demand is saturated; people have what they need, don't have to buy, stores are overstocked, inventories are high. 65. High debts: debt and interest payments. 67. (Other) references to employment and purchasing power, not codable above. - 39 Variable 116 Description (can't) 177 1 58 14 7 7 2 1 21 34 32 15 11 15 4 16 42 7 20 133 11 6 37 177 144 284 117 118 Q.15 Q.16 Prices 71. Prices are high, are rising; inflation 72. Prices are falling, will fall, are too low, deflation. is hard to get, interest 73. Tight money; credit rates too high, rising. 74. Wages lag behind prices; don't rise enough. 78. Profits low, falling; businesses failing. decline in price of stocks. 79. Stock market; 77. (other) price references, not codable above. Miscellaneous unrest. 80. Race relations, last - we are due for a fall. 81. Good times can't 82. R sees signs of downward trend in business already; production is falling, business is bad. in specific industries (or small businesses)83. Decline 84. Problems in R's line of work (except farming) or in R's locality. wage or other demands by unions; 85. Excessive high wages. labor unrest. 86. Strikes, Farm situation is bad. 88. Uncertainty; lack of confidence. 89. Other unfavorable or bad factors (include R 87. has heard or read that business will decline) (hasn't happened yet). 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 97. 98. 99. 00. Depends Depends on labor-management relations. Depends on government policy. Depends on international situation. Depends on prices. Depends on taxes, changes in taxes. Depends - other D.K.; depends - N.A. on what (use only in Var. N.A. (use only in Var. 116) Inap., coded 8 in Var. 115 and no reason given; coded 9 in Var. 115; no second mention. Why do you think that? See Var. 116 for Multiple response. and frequencies of first response. Would better 1268 1414 866 145 33 say that business conditions or worse than they were a year YOU 1. 3. 5. 8. 9. Better now About the same Worse now D.K., depends N.A. codes and definitions, are at present ago? 116) 40 Variable 119 Description Q.17 the last few months, have YoJJ heard Of anY favorable or unfavorable changes in business conditions? (If Yes) What did you hear? First response. During Favorable 18 1 1 5 1 7 6 3 21 13 42 2 changes Government; defense 11. Defense production, military spending (continuing or increasing) (international situation getting worse) 12. Less defense production, less military spending (relaxation of international tensions) 13. Poverty program aid to Appalachia, Great Society programs. 14. Other government programs continuing or increasing. 15. Cut in space program, foreign aid, government programs other than defense; government spending reduced. to improve business conditions; 19. Government Steps balance of payments; government economists, monetary authorities, etc. 17. (Other) references to government, not codable above, 18. Government spending (general); budget, deficits; fiscal responsibility. Employment and purchasing power 21. Consumer demand is (will be) high (other than autos). 22. Purchasing power (is) will be high; people save money to spend; wages are high; any kind of income high or higher. 23. Employment has risen, is rising; more overtime; Plenty of jobs or work around; unemployment has declined. 27. (Other) references to employment and purchasing power, not codable above. 7 31. 4 126 32. 33. 10 34. 7 1 32 8 4 35. 36. 38. 39. 37. Prices Lower prices; prices aren't rising; will remain stable, less inflation. Higher prices; inflation; prices rising, is easy to get; interest Easier money; credit rates declined. hard to get; interest rates Tight money; credit increased. Wage increases Foreign competition Stock market Profits high, higher. (Other) references to prices, not codabale above. c 41 Variable 119 Description (can't) Miscellaneous 41. Labor-management relations good; disputes have been (will be) settled. 42. References to improvement in specific industries (include small businesses) 43. Prospects good (favorable changes) in R's line of work (except farming) or in R's locality. 44. References to favorable events or conditions relative to one or two friends but which are not necessarily characteristic of the community. 45. R has read or heard that businss is (or will be) improving - nothing specific. 46. Times are good; there is prosperity. 48. Farm situation good. 47. Other good factors of favorable references. Unfavorable changes 3 65 59 4 66 24 5 22 -_ 7 51. 2 54. 2 55. 45 6 56. 58. 19 57. 1 38 60. 61. 48 62. 3 8 63. 64. 4 3 65. 66. 29 4 69. 67. Govt., defense (any ref. to defense, coded 51 or 52L Defense production, military spending; uncertainty about international situation, Vietnam. Space program, foreign aid, other government programs continuing or increasing. Cut in space program, foreign aid, government programs other than defense; government spending reduced. Taxes. Government spending (general); budget, deficits; fiscal irresponsibility. (Other) references to government, not codable above. Employment and purchasing power , .Undefined code. Lack of purchasing power; people don't have the money to spend; people are saving their doney , consumer demand low. Drop in employment; high unemployment, increase in unemployment; layoffs; less overtime; people are working short hours. Automation. Demand is saturated; people have what they need, are overstocked, invendon't have to buy; stores tories are high. High debts; debt and interest payments. Shutdown of plants and factories (except military facilities). Low demand for houses. (Other) references to employment and purchasing power, not codable above. 42 Variable 119 Description (can't) 71. 73. 5 2 4 19 74. 75. 76. 78. 54 2 79. 77. 52 activity has 80. Recession has set in; business turned down. 81. Recession is coming (Is threatening); N.A. whether 80 or 81. 82. Good times can't last. 83. References to decline in specific industries; small business declining 84. Problems in R's line of work (except farming), or in R's locality. 85. References to unfavorable events or conditions which have affected friends or relatives but which are not necessarily characteristic of the community. 86. Strikes, union demands, labor unrest. 88. Farm situation is bad. 87. Other unfavorable or bad changes; uncertainty 99. N.A. what heard; N.A whether heard (use only in Var. 119). 00. Has heard of no changes; no second mention. 90. Undefined code. 97. Undefined code. 5 5 320 53 5 14 7 20 57 2135 2 1 120 Q.17 Prices Prices are high, too high, won't fall; inflation. is hard to get; interest rates Tight money; credit are too high. rising, Wages high; increasing. Wages lag behind prices. Foreign competition. Profits low, falling; businesses losing money, failing, going bankrupt. Stock market; decline in stock prices. Other price references, not codable above. 46 131 During the last few months, have you heard of any favorable or unfavorable changes in business conditions? (If Yes) What did you hear? Multiple responses. See Var. 119 for codes, and definitions. ._- 43 Variable 121 Description q.19 And how about a year from now, do you expect in the country as a whole business conditions be better or worse than they are at present, just about the same? 794 2202 429 231 70 122 Q. 110 1. 3. 5. 8. 9. Better About Worse D.K., N.A. a year from now the same a year from now depends (absolute answers "good", that will or "bad") Looking ahead, which would you say is more likelythat in the country as a whole we'll have continuous good times during the next 5 years or so, or that we will have periods of widespread unemploy(If don't know or ment or depression, or what? depends) On what does it depend in your opinion? If R gives both regional and national frame of If R just the national has priority. reference, gives regional, it has been coded. 1101 1. 320 2. 330 3. 365 4. 470 5. 422 6. 109 7. 21 8. 335 0. 253 9. (Continuous) good times; boom; prosperity; no recession. qualified (not bad); no unGood times, no depression. employment, some recession; some unemployPro-con; ment, periods of unemployment. qualified (not good); recession; Bad times, bad at some times but not most of the time; periods of widespread unemployment; some depression; unemployment. Bad times, depression; widespread unemployment. Depends (not codable on scale) Depends on cold war, defense program, aid to allies, international situation. Depends on government policy (no reference to war or defense); politics; policies of administration. Depends on labor-management relations; strikes. Depends on other; depends on business conditions, employment, D.K., can't tell. N.A. , (R speaks only of hopes and wishes) (R gives only comparative or relative answer: "Better," "Same," "worse"). 44 Variable 123 124 125 Description Q.112 Q. 113 Q.114 Row about a recession and unemployment like we had in 1958 and winter 1960-61; do you think this will happen again? 1021 166 604 50 1301 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 69 6. 8 7. 459 8. 48 9. Yes Yes, qualified; probably Possibly, might No, qualified; Code 0 in Var. 124, 125. "not likely to happen: it No (If R says has been coded only if no qualification. If R says "Can't happen," it has been coded here even if qualified). Code 0 in Var. 124, 125. Depends on international situation; code 0 in Var. 124, 125. Depends on government; code 0 in Var. 124, 125. D.K., depends (other than 6 or 7); code 0 in Var. 124, 125. N.A.; coded 0 in Var. 124, 125. (If will, probably, think so? 200 369 1. 2. 111 3. 35 158 169 20 4. 5. 6. 7. 385 8. 188 2091 9. 0. or might happen) Government economic policies; taxes; elections. End of war, peace, less spending for defense (will cause unemployment, etc.) All other references to cold war, Vietnam, defense, international situation. Tight money, high interest rates Inflation; high prices; wage demands Unemployment; employment; automation. Consumer purchasing power (incomes) not large enough. Periodicity - every 2, 3, or 4 years we have recession; has happened before, prorecessions inevitable. sperity can't last, Other D.K., N.A., Inap., coded 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 in Var. 123. (If will, probably, or might happen) will (might) it come, in your opinion? 86 97 1. 2. 174 405 205 3. 4. 5. Why do you About when It has already started; signs are here. Soon; this year; early in 1967, before the end of the year. a year or so, by mid-1968. Not soon; within Within the next few (two or three) years. it will come but not in the next Yes, few years. Variable 125 45 Description (can't) 35 439 59 1946 126 Q.115 128 Q.116 Q.117 Any time. D.K., depends on other than end of war. N.A. Inap., coded 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 in Var. 123. And how about people out of work during the coming twelve months - do you think that there will be more unemployment than now, about the same, or less? 677 2152 718 147 32 127 7. 8. 9. 0. 1. 3. 5. 8. 9. More About Less D.K., N-A.; Why do you think has been coded. 139 1. 49 198 2. 3. 332 4. 88 5. 69 30 6. 7. 82 a. 122 2617 9. 0. the same; Code 0 in Var. depends; Code 0 in Var. Code 0 in Var. 127. so? If local reference 127. 127. was given, it Major frame of reference Government policy, action, programs; taxes; elections. End of war, peace, less defense spending. Other mention of international situation; defense, military, draft. Trends or prospects in individual industries; new industries; new plants. union demands, wage rates, Prices, profits, tight money. strikes Automation Consumer purchasing power (income); consumer demand. Stage of business cycle; recession; trends on prospects of economy generally; periodicity; inevitability; has happened before. Other frames of references. (includes there is plenty of work; not D.K., N.A.; enough jobs, etc.); Inap., coded 3. 8 or 9 in Var. How do you think the way things are going in the world today - I mean Vietnam, the cold war, our relations with Russia and China - are affecting business conditions here at home? Do you think they make for good or bad economic conditions at If R says "Noeffect" but also home, or what? "Better times." it has been coded "Better times." 1617 255 1. 2. Good times; better Good times, better with qualifications, times later. times; good effect. times, good effect, good times now, bad . 12i. Variable 128 129 46 Description (can't) Q.117 291 3. 86 4. 908 11 275 66 163 5. 7. 8. 9. 0. Pro-con; some respects (, regions) better, others worse. Bad times, worse times, bad effect, with qualifications. Bad times, worse times; bad effect. Depends Uncertain, D.K. N.A.; code 0 in Var. 129. Has no effect on business; no connection. Code 0 in Var. 129. Why do you think 1 6 756 2. 11. 21. 447 22. 596 28 23. 24. 94 39 25. 27. 18 51. 7 61. 192 37 76 62. 63. 70. 104 44 71. 72. 78 73. 68 74. 241 75. 187 77. so? Favorable Effects Undefined code Relaxation of tension has favorable effect. Increased business, profits in defense defense spending (specific). industries, More money in circulation; more spending, production, profits (general); more government greater deficit. More jobs, employment. Unemployment reduced by draft, military eervice. lbre busineo6. Other favorable effects not codable above. Unfavorable Effects If R speaks only of uncertainty or worries without business implications, e.g. fear of war or draft, it has been coded N.A. Relaxation of tension has unfavorable effect. Loss of confidence in government (with implications for business). Inflation, higher prices. High interest rates, tight money. War has to be paid for - not codable in 71-73. Higher taxes; taxes not able to be reduced. Causes deficit; mortgages the future, has to be paid for someday. Lower standard of living; diverts resources from other uses, wastes resources. Disrupts productions; hrs profits; material shortages; restrictions on building or production. Makes people feel insecure, uncertain _ (with implications for business). Other unfavorable effects not codable above. spending, 47 Variable 129 130 Description (can't) 153 141 411 98. 99. 00. 1 1 65. 91. Total Family 722 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. g. 559 764 657 1019 5 131 Income, 1966 Less than $3000 $3000 - 4999 $5000 - 7499 $7500 - 9999 $10,000 and over N.A. Income Change Combination 1031 823 934 272 108 397 133 28 132 D.K. N.A. Inap., coded 9 or 0 in Var. 128; coded 8 in Var. 128 and no reasons given. Undefined code Undefined code 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. Higher in both 1966 and 1967 Higher in one, same in other Same in both Lower in one, same in other Lower in both loA6 and 1967 Mixed: Higher in one, lower in other D.K. one or both N.A. one or both Four year past 373 1. 1088 2. 532 3. 361 297 4. 5. Current income much higher than four years ago; expect income four years hence to be much higher than current (large-large) Current income much higher, expect small increase; current income a little higher, expect large increase; current income a little higher, expect small increase (large-small, small-large, small-small). Current income higher, expect same; current income same, expect higher (large-same, small-same, same-large, same-small). Current income same, expect same. Current income same, expect decrease; current income smaller, expect same; current income smaller, expect decrease (samedecrease, decrease-same, decrease-decrease). Current income larger, expect decrease; current income smaller, expect increase (large-decrease, small-decrease, decreaselarge, decrease-small). D.K., N.A. 383 6. 692 9. and (expected) future income change. 48 Variable Description One Year Past And (Expected) 133 137 Q.Bl Q.B2 Change. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Large-large (increases). Large-small; small-large; small-Small (increases). Large-same; small-same: same-large; same-small. Same-same. Same-decrease; decrease-same; decrease-decrease. Mixed: large-decrease; small-decrease; decrease-large; decrease-small. 162 9. D.K., 1488 1. 714 474 541 3. 4. 5. 399 110 6. 9. One Year 135 Income 126 907 819 935 380 397 N.A. One Year Past And Four Year Past 134 136 Future 1155 1. 719 685 281 3. 4. 5. 207 6. 679 9. Income Change. Increase-increase (any combinations of large and small). Increase-same; same-increase. Same-same. Decrease-same; same-decrease; decreasedecrease. Mixed: increase-decrease; decrease-decrease. D.K., N.A. Future And Four Year Future Income Increase-increase (any combinations of small and large). Incruec-B; me-incrust. Same-same. Decrease-same; same-decrease; decreasedecrease. Mixed: increase-decrease; decreaseincrease. D.K., N.A. What year did 415 500 454 734 248 295 358 688 34 1942 or earlier; (mod 0 lm lax. 1943-1952; (lhdd 0 in Var. 143). 1953-1957; (Coded 0 in Var. 143). 1958-1962 ; (Coded 0 in Var. 143). 1963 ; (Codad 0 in Var. 143). 1964 ; (coded 0 in Var. 143). 1965 ; (Coded 0 in Var..143). 1966 1967 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. you move into Row long have you lived If R says "All my life", ege on face sheet. 1873 612 288 383 95 135 101 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Expectations. this house (apartment)? In (county name)? it has been coded 25 years and over; 1942 or earlier. 15-24 years; 1943-1952. 10-14 years; 1953-1957. 5-9 years; 1958-1962. 4 years; 1963 3 years; 1964 2 years: 1965 143). from 49 Variable 137 Description (can't) 210 29 138 Q.B3 8. 9. 1 year; 1966 O-3 months; 1967 DO you (FU) own this home or pay rent or what? ckms: (*If nrinlary PIT shares ownership w?iA anothw VU whether living in the same DU or not), total house value coded to primary FU, and house value on secondary's card zeroed out). 2269 1. 7 2. 11 3. 59 4. Rents: 1217 34 33 96 owns home (containing one or two DU's), owns farm alone; code 0 in Var. 139-141. Owns apartment building(three or more DU's or building with both commercial and living quarters in which R lives (If apartment building has 10 or more DU's be sure that R is coded as owning an unincorporated business); code 0 in Var. 139-141. apartJoint owner; owner of a cooperative ment; joint farm owner or cooperative code 0 in Var. 139-141. farmer; Owns trailer; coded 0 in Var. 139-141, 145-155,607. (**Secondaries: a. if a roomer, boarder, or otherwise sublets Part of DU "5" coded in Var. 138 and amount of rent paid in Var. 140 coded b. if shares rent with a primary FU, "6" coded in Var. 138 and Var. 140 zeroed out (total rant coded to primary) C. if Pays a single sum for room and board half of the total coded as rent in Var. 140) 5. Pays rent, excluding Farmers (see code 7) (unless they rent a house in town where they live); code 0 in Var. 139, 142, 143, 145-156, 607. 6. Shares rent of DU (both primaries and secondaries): code 0 in Var. 139, 142, 143, 145-156, 607. 7. Tenant farmer: Sharecropper; farmer who rents farm for cash d/or crops (If farmer owns home (in town) ti tents farm, coded "1" in Var. 138. If farmer rents home in town and owns farm, coded "5" in Var. 138). Coded 0 in Var. 139, 142, 143, 145-156, 607. 8. Neither owns nor rents (includes secondaries who pay no cash but who supplv food and/or pay utility bills); code b'in Var. 140-156, 607. 50 Variable 13Y 140 Description Q.B4 Q.B5 (If neither) How is Coded 8 in Var. 138 3 22 23 1. 2. 3. 37 4. 2 2 4 3633 3. Servant; housekeeper Farm laborer Other person for whom housing is part of compensation (janitors, gardeners, nurses, Persons for whom housing is a gift, paid for by someone outside of PU, owned by relative, pays no rent or only taxes Sold own home, but still living there Living in house which will inherit; estate Other in Var. 138. Xnap., Coded l-7, 6. 8. 0. (If rents) Furnished or Unfurnished? Coded 3-7 in Var. 138. 277 912 69 L46d 142 Q.B7 1. 5. 9. 0. Furnished (includiag Unf urniohed N.A., D.K. Inap., (Coded l-4) oooo. Q.B8 aaai--furaaH) 8 in Var. ?reoent Value or co8t of buse (The loat 2 dl&tr are ignored. Eg. If house value given is $12580, 0125 has been coded). xm. 143 in process Code amounts in Dollars Rent N.A. (For tenant farmers and sharecroppers only. Coded l-4 6 (if secondary), 8 xup., j.n Var. 138. WJO. Q.B6 etc.) (If rents) About how much rent do you pay a month? Coded 5 or 7 in Var. 138; Coded 6 in Var. 138 if R is a Primary FU. If R pays room and board , it has been If secondary PU shares rent, all rent coded l/2 for rent. If R is a tenant farmer or has been attributed to primary. sharecropper and pays rent in both cash and crops, or crops only, it has been coded N.A. -SIX. 9999. 141 that? amount Inap., 138 - coded in HUNDREDSOF DOLLARS coded 5-8 in Var. 138. (If moved in during 1966 or 1967) Was it a brand house or one that had been lived in before? 29 99 23 3575 1. 2. 9. 0. Brand new (house or trailer) Lived in before D.K., N.A. Inap., coded 5-8 in Var. 138; 8 or 9 in Var. 136. new coded other than Variable 51 Description 3-Digit 144 HP Code amount NA. xxx. 9999. 4 Digit 145 EQ XxXx. oooo. 146 Q.BlO 1. 2. 5. 0. First Monthly xxx. 000. 149 house value - mortgage) Code amount in bundredo of dollars. codd 5, 0 in Var. 146 or 4-8, hap., in Var. 138. property? Do you also First mortgage only; code 0 in Var. 149-150. Two mortgages. No mortgage; code 0 in Var. 147-155. Inap.,coded __-~- 4-8 -inV_a_r. 138. Code amount in hundreds of dollars. Inap., coded 5, 0 in Var. 146 or 4-8, in Var. 138. Mortgage Payment Code amount in dollars. Inap., coded 5, 0 in Var. in Var. 138. 146 or 4-8, Second Mortgage XxXx. 0000. 150 on house: Mortgage XxXx. 0000. 148 equity Do you have a Mortgage on this have a second mortgage? 1139 82 1058 1447 147 (net in dollars. Monthly XXX. 000. Code amount in hundreds of dollars. Inap., coded 1, 5. 0, in Var. 146 or 4-8, in Var. 138. Mortgages Payment Code amount in dollars. Inap., coded 1, 5, 0 in Var. in Var. 138. 146, or 4-8, 52 Variable 151 Description Q. B14 How many years will is all paid off? 00. xx. 99. 152 Q. B15 Mortgage 583 621 18 2504 153 Q. B16 Mortgage 686 516 1 19 2504 154 Q. B17 1. 5. 9. 0. 1. 5. 8. 9. 0. Mortgage 20 1173 1 28 2504 1. 5. 8. 9. 0. it be before the mortgage(s) House already paid for; house was a gift; does not own house, Inap. Coded number of years. NA, DK. payments Yes. No. NA. Inap.. payments Yes. No. DK. NA. Inap., payments Yes. No. DK. NA. Inap., include fire insurance? coded 5, 0 in Var. include property coded 5, 0 in Var. include utility coded 5, 0 in Var. 146. taxes? 146. payments? 146. 53 Variable 155 Description Q.Bl8 Interest rate on Mortgage (per year basis) (If R has two mortgages, the interest for that R will have the longest before it is (see Q.B14), has been coded. If Q.Bl4 is the interest rate on the 1st mortgage has 999. xxx. N.A., D.K. Code 2-digit percentage to nearest l/10 percent (Note: rounded to nearest round number). Inap. 9.9% or higher . - 000. 099. - Assignment 156 84 34 8 2197 1403 1. or Mortgage House Value was assigned Mortgage was assigned, M. amount or M. payments Both House Value and Mortgage were assigned. No assignments of House Value or Mortgage Inap., Coded 5-8, in Var. 138. 2. 3. 5. 0. wlturrr on Mdltlow & Repairs Code amount in Dollars Amount N.A., but some expenditure w apediture on additions. trp.. W. 99999. mooo. Monthly payments xxu. 9999. -0000. on Additions 3726 930 124 23 Q.Cl 1. 2. Code amount in Dollars Amount N.A., but some payment no payments made Inap., 3. 0. Car No. Car No. Car No. Missing Altogether, living here 499 1152 1647 324 75 16 1 2 10 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. * Not Filtered in 1966 on additions. C Repairs *Car Identification Number If R owns l/2 car with someone outside FU was coded as owning a car. 159 160 ..- in House Value 157 158 the one paid off NA, DK, been coded. made FU, this 1 (First car): No car in FU 2; code 9 in Var. 191. 3; code 9 in Var. 191. Data how many people who can drive? are there No one in the FU can drive One driver in FU Two drivers in FU Three drivers in FLJ Four drivers in FU Five drivers in FU Six drivers in FU Eight drivers in E'U N.A., D.K. drivers ._ in your family I 54 Variable 161 162 Description Q.C2 Q.C4 here own a Do you, or anyone else in the family Altogether, how many cars do you and your car? family living here own? If R owns l/2 of car with someone outside FU, this FU was coded as owning a car. 812 0. 1984 802 104 18 1 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Q.C5 Kl own8 five c8rs. N own6 mix car8.. How long have you had more than one car in the family? Nmber of years FU has owned two or more cars has been coded. 2891 124 104 90 56 74 53 133 132 69 163 No one in FU owns a car; code 0 in Var. 162-190 N owns one car; code 0 in Var. 162. FU owns two cars. FU owns three cars. FU owrra four cam. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. and less than 1 year IMP., 1 year (1.0-1.9) 2 years (2.0-2.9) 3 years (3.0-3.9) 4 years (4.0-4.9) 5 years (5.0-5.9) 6 years (6.0-6.9) 7 - 10 years (7.0-10.9) Eleven or more years D.K., N.A. If What year model is it? e.g., either 1962 or 1963, been coded. 39. 40. 41. 42. xx. 99. 00. 1939 or earlier 1940 1941 1942 (includes 1946-1967 (last D.K., N.A. no cars Inap., adjacent year is given, the earlier year has 1945) two digits owned by FU of year model coded) 55 Variable 164 Description Q.C6 What make of car is Make of car owned 18 36 116 64 2 55 46 45 689 58. 28. 36. 51. 56. 62. 61. 18. 11. (Buick) (Buick) Buick Cadillac (Chevrolet) (Chevrolet) (Chevrolet) (Chevrolet) Chevrolet 64 7 25 37 6 77 4 125 88 55 25 325 53. 35. 64. 23. 25. 34. 38. 66. 17. 29. 57. 12. Chrysler DeSoto Oxhe) (Dodge) (Dodge) Dodge Edsel (Ford) (Ford) (Ford) (Ford) Ford 6 5 12 50 75 37. 54. 52. 24. 33. 27 29 137 3 29 3 38 96 30 170 40 70 2 17 6 92 11 27. 71. 32. 39. 67. 68. 19. 13. 26. 31. 65. 15. 22. 16. 14. 21. 10. it? Electra, Riviera only Special (1961-1967 models) All other (or NA which of above) Camaro Chevelle Chevy II Corvair All other or NA which of above (acapt Grecnbrier-code 10, and Corvette-code (except Imperial - code 54) bronct Dart Lancer All other or NA which of above Fairlane Falcon Mustang Thunderbird All other (incl. Galsxie) or NA &comline-code which of above acapt Hudson & Nash (except Jet - Code 10) Imperial Linccln (Continental) (Mercury) Comet All other or NA which of above Mercury (Oldsmobile) F85 (Oldsmobile) Toronado, 98 series Oldsmobile All other or NA which of above Packard (Plymouth) Belvedere (Plymouth) Barracuda (Plymouth) Valiant All other or N.A. which of above Plymouth (Pontiac) Tempest All other or N.A. which of above Pontiac (Rambler) American All other or NA which of above Rambler Renault (Studebaker) Lark All other or NA which of above Studebaker Volkswagen _ Other low priced dcmestic cars - Henry J., Hudson Jet, Willys, Crosley, Allstate, Econoline, Greenbriar, Travelall 10 5 56 Variable 164 165 Description (con'tj Q.C7 29 20. 2 30. 23 59. 3 50 812 00. Is it a sedan a convertible, 2426 335 145 3 5 812 166 Q.CS Q.C9 1. 2. 3. 7. 9. 0. (2-door or O-door), or what? 1. 3. 5. 9. 0. Who usually 1626 639 315 185 41 80 28 812 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8. 9. 0. a station Sedan (2-door or 4-door), Station Wagon Sports Car, Convertible Other D.K., N.A. No one in FU owns a car, Is it a compact, or what? 548 121 2211 34 812 167 Other low priced foreign made cars English Ford, Saab, Auntin, Fiat, Volvo, Hillman, Opel, Simca, Vauxhall, Taunus, DKW, Isetta, BMW, Morris, Nash Metropolitan, Toyopet, Peugot, Skoda, Anglia, Prinz, Datsun, Toyota. Other medium priced domestic cars (Kaiser, Checker) Foreign made rdl~ or high priced or sports cars (Porsche, Riley, Mercedes, Jaguar, M.G., Austin-Healy, Bentley, Alfa, Sunbeam, '&i-h, Borgward, Citroen, Rover, Rolls. Other domestic high priced or sports cars (Corvette) No one in FD owns a car, coded in Var. 161. regular-size, this car? hardtop coded 0 in Var. something Compact Undefined code Ecpular-sira D.K., N.A. Inap., coded 0 in Var. drives coupe, wagon, in-between, 161. (Relation Head Wife Head and wife equally Son or daughter Other person(s) Combination of the above N.A. Inap., coded 0 in Var. 161 to Head) 161. : 57 Variable ._ 168 169 Description Q. Cl0 Q. Cl1 Did you buy this 1484 1. 1430 2. 812 0. FE: 00. Borrowed 170 Q.Cl2 Q.C23 171 did you buy it? If adjacent year is either 1962 or 1963, the earlier year 1939 or earlier; code? 0 ir Var. 171, 173, 181-190. 1940-1965; last 2 digits oi year coded. Year of purchase NA; coded 0 in Var. 171, 173, 181-190. No one in FU owns car, coded 0 in Var. 161. Or Owes (If bought in 1965 or earlier) Do you (R and FU) owe money on that car now? (If bought in 1966 or 1967) Did you borrow or finance part of the total price? 617 1. 419 1878 2. 5. 812 0. Installment or other borrowing on car purchased in 1966 or 1967. Owes money on car purchased before 1966. Owes no money on car purchased before 1966; no installment or other borrowing on 1966-67 coded 0 in Var. 171-180. purchase; no one in FU owns car; coded 0 in Inap., Var. 161, and in Var. 171-180. Amount Borrowed If Bought In 1966 or 1967 Only 0.C24 How much did x)(XxX. 99999. 00000. -. New; if gift coded OOOG in Var. 181, 184, 186-187. Used; if gift coded 0000 in Var. 181, 184, 186-187. no one in FU owns car, coded 0 in Inap., Var. 161. In what year given, e.g., was coded. 39. car new or used? you borrow, not including financing charges? Code amount in dollars. NA, DK. Inap., no borrowing; coded 0, 2, 5 in Var. 170. 58 Variable Description 172 Monthly Q.Cl3 Q.C25 Payment (If bought in 1965 or earlier) (If bought in 1966 or 1967) how often were they made? XXXX. 9999. 0000. Original 173 Q.C26 Remaining Q.Cl5, C29 of How many payments did you Length of months coded (from incurrence until termination). all non-installment debt. No repayment schedule; Revolving fund. Length of debt DK, NA. Inap., car not purchased in 1966 or 1967 (coded other than 66 or 67 in Var.169); car not financed when bought in 1966 or 1967 (coded 5 in Var. 170; coded 0 in Var. 161(no car in F'D). Length Of Debt (If bought In 1965 or earlier; if bought in 1966 or 1967) lkw mny payments do you have left to make? xx. 97. 98. 99. 00. 175 by time 170, Of Debt (If bought in 1966 or 1967 only) agree to make all together? 97. 98. 99. 00. Q.Cl4, C28 Code amount in dollars per month. Payment amount not ascertained. Non-installment debt only; debt repaid interview; Inap., coded 5 or 0 in Var. coded 0 in Var. 161. Length xx. 174 How much are your payments? How much were your payments and Length of months coded (until loan will be repaid). No repayment schedule; all non-installment debt. Revolving fund. Length of debt DK, NA. Loan repaid by time of interview; no auto loan, coded 5 or 0 in Var. 170; coded 0 in Var. 161. (If bought in 1965 or earlier) (If bought in 1966 or 1967) same as the others? 857 98 45 2126 1. 5. 9. 0. Will the final payment Yes, same; coded 0 in Var. 176. No, different. DK, NA; coded 0 in Var. 176. car not financed; (no payments; Inap., own car); coded 0 in Var. 176. be the don't 59 Variable Description 176 If If If Q.Cl6, c30 Final Payment Different (coded 5 in Var. Bought In 1965 Or Earlier (Q.Cl6) Bought In 1966 Or 1967 (Q.C30) Then how much will If If Q.Cl7, c31 Q.ClS, C32 In 1965 Or Earlier (Q.Cl7) In 1966 Or 1967 (Q.C31) car 1. 5. 9. 0. Bought Bought Was your 481 481 64 2700 179 1. 5. 9. 0. Total If If payments nmci. alooo. 99999. automobile the same - coded insurance? Yes, include insurance. No, do not include insurance. DK, NA. (no payments; don't own car). InaP., In 1965 Or Earlier (Q.Cl8) In 1966 Or 1967 (Q.C32) financing arranged by the car dealer? Yes. No. DK, NA. Inap. Remaining Bought Bought include Debt In 1965 Or Earlier, Qs. C12-Cl6. In 1966 Or 1967, Qs. C24-C30. gum of RID Box and Editors installment debt) 180 be? Bought Bought Do your If If payment 9999. 0999. 203 757 66 2700 178 final Final payment coded in dollars. Inap. (no payments, final payment 1, 9, or 0 in Var. 175). Amount of final payment NA,DK. More than $999. XxXx. 0000. 177 the 175) "RNID" Figure (remaining Code amount left to pay in dollars. Loan repaid by time of interview; no auto coded 0 or 5 in Var. 170; coded 0 in Var. DK, NA amount of total remaining debt. loan, 161. Remaining Installment If If Bought Bought In 1965 Or Earlier In 1966 Or 1967 XxXx. Code amount of installment debt left to pay in dollars. Non-installment debt only; loan repaid by time of interview; no auto loan, coded 5 or 0 in Var. coded 0 in Var. 161. 0000. Debt non- (RID) There can be no NA amounts for RID on CS~S. If car bought during 1966 or 1967 (coded 66 or 67 in Var. 169). 1 70; 60 Variable Description 181 Total Q.Cl9 Price What was the total price, of the (coded 66 or 67 in Var. 169) xXxX. 0000. 182 Q.C20 Q.C21 Code amount in dollars. No trade-in or sale. Inap., coded other 67 in Var. 169; coded 0 in Var. 161. How much did you pay in cash? (coded 66 or 67 in Var. 169; gifts Year Model Q.C33 or sell than 66 or In Cash XxXxX. -xXxX. 99999. 0 0000. 185 66 or 67 How much did you get from trade-in or sale of your old car? (coded 66 or 67 in Var. 169; transaction made in 1966 or 1967) Paid Q.C22 than Or Sale XxXx. 0000. 184 only) Did you trade-in that one? in 1966(67)? Yes, traded in or sold a car. No; coded 0 in Var. 183, 185-190. DK, NA; coded 0 in Var. 183, 185-190. this transaction not made in 1966 or 1967; Inap., coded 0 in Var. 161. 1. 5. 9. 0. Trade-In 183 Code amount In dollars. Car was a gift. coded other Inap.; in Var. 169; coded 0 in Var. 161. (If bought in 1966-67 a car when you bought 602 533 1 2590 car you bought What year 39. 40. 41. 42. xx. 99. 00. coded 0000). Code amount in dollars. Negative amount. Cash NA. coded other No cash paid; car was gift. IMP., 66 or 67 in Var. 169; coded 0 in Var. 161. Of Car Traded In Or Sold model was the car you tradedin (sold)? 1939 or earlier. 1940. 19111. 1942 (includes 1945). 1946-1967 last two digits of model year NA, DK. Inap., coded 0, 5 or 9 in Var. 182 coded. than 61 Variable 186 Description Q.C34 What make was it? Make of car traded 4 4 2.6 15 5 7 14 118 58. 28. 36. 51. 62. 61. 18. 11. (Buick) (Buick) Buick Cadillac (Chevrolet) (Chevrolet) (Chevrolet) Chevrolet 14 1 53. 50. 5 6 5 2 9 30 20 6 3 87 35. 64. 23. 25. 34. 66. 17. 29. 57. 12. Chrysler Corvette cars DeSoto (Dodge) (Dodge) (Dodge) Dodge (Ford) (Ford) (Ford) (Ford) Ford 2 3 4 6 10 7 4 33 3 2 37. 54. 52. 24. 33. 27. 71. 32. 67. b8. 19. 13. 26. 31. 65. 15. 22. 16. 21. 20. b 15 3 35 4 30 3 3 18 10 in or sold Electra, Rivera only Special (1961-1967 models) All other or N.A. which of above Chevelle Chevy II Corvair All other or N.A. which of above (except Corvette - code 50 and Greenbriar code 10) (except Imperial - code 54) and other domestic high priced or sports Coronet Dart Lancer All other or N.A. which of above Fairlane Falcon Mustang Thunderbird All other (includes Galaxie) and N.A. which of above - except Econoline code 10 Hudson & Nash (Except Jet - code 10) Imperial Lincoln (Continental) (Mercury) cornet All others Mercury (Oldsmobile) FS5 (Oldsmobile) Toronado, 98 series All other or N.A which of above Oldsmobile Belvedere (Plymouth) Barracuda (Plymouth) Valiant (Plymouth) All other or N.A. which of above Plymouth (Pontiac) Tempest All other or N.A. which of above Pontiac (Rambler) American All other or N.A. which of above Rambler Renault (Studebaker) Lark Volkswagen Other low priced foreign made cars - English Ford, Saab, Austin, Fiat, Volvo, Hillman, Opel, Simca, Vauxhall, Taunus, DKW, Isetta, BMW, Morris, Nash. Metropolitan, Toyopet, Peugot, Skoda, Anglia, Prinz, Datsun, Toyota. Variable 186 187 62 Description (can't) Q.C35 2 59. 17 3125 99. 00. What year did you buy the car you traded-in (sold)? If adjacent year is given, e.g., either 1962 or 1963, the earlier year was coded. 39. xx. 99. 00. 188 Q.C36 Q.C37 Q.C38 1. 2. 0. new or used (car 1. 2. 3. 9. 0. traded-in or sold) New Used Inap., transaction not made in 1966 or 1967; coded 5, 9, or 0 in Var. 182; coded 0 in Var. 161. Was it a sedan (2-door or 4-doer), (car traded-in vertible, or what? 488 61 29 23 3125 190 Year bought car traded-in or sold 1939 or earlier 1940-1967 Code last two digits of year. Year of Purchase N.A. Transaction not made in 1966 or 1967; Inap., coded 5, 9, or 0 in Var. 182; coded 0 in Var. 161. Did you buy it 270 331 3125 189 Foreign made medium or high priced or sports cars (Porsche, Riley, Mercedes, Jaguar, M.G., Austin-Healy, Bentley, Alfa, Sunbeam, Triumph, Borgward, Citroen, Rover, Rolls). D.K., N.A. make coded 34-65 or 99 in Var. 169; coded Inap., 5, 9 or 0 in Var. 182. station wagon, or sold) con- Sedan, coupe hardtop Station wagon Sports car, convertible D.K., N.A. Inap., transaction not made in 1966 or 1967; coded 5, 9, or 0 in Var. 182; coded 0 in Var. 161. When you traded it in (sold it), was it in good shape, or was there something seriously did it need some repair, wrong with it? 278 179 1. 3. Condition of trade-in (car traded-in or sold) In good shape; nothing wrong; like new needed work; nothing Needed some repair; seriously wrong; fair shape; old; a little rusted; just a few things. 63 Variable 190 Description (can't) 26 3125 191 Q.C39 9. 0. N.A. no car traded Inap., (0 in Var. 161) 3284 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 8. 0. Plisplaced 3653 0. Vehicle 20 15 1 37 149 3577 194 1. 2. 3. 4. Q.C52 Vehicles FU has no vehicle; no errors trucks all in proper places out (and/or) of C5 - Cl1 was Not own&d by FU Truck - moved to C52 - C56 Both of the above Other types of misplaced vehicle present problems in car section Yes, assignments in car section No, no assignments Do you or anyone else kind of truck or pick 624 3100 2 - ears Car Assignments 1. 5. 1. 5. 9. have Sold one car Gave away one car Scrapped one car Disposed of one car by method other than 1-3, above. sold, gave away or scrapped Disposed of two cars: Disposed of three or more cars: sold, gave away, or traded in on a truck scrapped, Did not dispose of car in 1966 edited Whether 193 FU owns no car During 1966 did you sell, give away or scrap a car that we haven't talked about? Cars mentioned earlier as trade-ins or sales in connection with a purchase been excluded. 224 56 86 12 57 7 192 in; Yes No N.A.; Inap. in the up? family here own any 64 Variable 195 Description Q.C52 Do you or any kind l/2 of a FU, this 514 76 anyone else of truck or truck, pick FU was coded In the family here own If Fu owns pick up? up with someone outside as owning a truck, pick 1. FU owns one;L-_.-Y--. --2. FIJ owns t3#2; -- _--_-- up. - --- 24 3 2 1 2 3104 196 Q.C54 3. FU3iiiiEfhree; .- Four Five Six FU owns eight or more trucks pick ups 0. FU doesn't own a truck What year model (is If adjacent year is or 1963, the earlier 39. 40. 41. 42. xx. 66. 67. 99 00 198 Q.C54 Q.C55 -- 4. 5. 6. 8. Code up to six pick up first: 197 ..~ ---- it/are given, year and/or they)? e.g., either coded. 1962 mentions - code the newest truck, Then the second newest, etc. 1939 or earlier 1940 1941 1945 (includea 1945) code last two digits of year 1966 1967 D.K., N.A. FU doesn't own a truck, no second, Inap., third, fourth, fifth, sixth mention. What year model (is it/are they)? If adjacent year is given, e.g., either 1962 or 1963, the earlier year haa been coded. IClltlPle reeponee; see Var. 196 for codes and definitions. Do you people ever use (it/any of them) for personal transportation...? 417 194 11 3104 1. Yes, use at least one vehicle for personal 5. No, do not use any for personal use; coded 0 in Var. 199. 9. NA.DK; coded 0 in Var. 199. 0. FU doesn't own a truck; coded 0 in Var. 199. use 65 Variable 199 200 Description Q.C56 Do you use (it/them) for personal transportation If two or more trucks occasionally, or rarely? the one that is used most often was coded. 290 76 50 1. 2. 3. Use at least one frequently Use occasionally Rarely 6 3304 9. 0. NA, DK coded 5 or 9 in Var. 198; coded 0 in Inap., own a truck Var. 195 - FU doesn't Age of Newest Truck 00. 01. 201 202 Value Owns no truck Last two digits 99. NA Value Value model Owns no car Amount in dollars Owns less than two cars Amount in dollars of Car 13 Value Owns less than three Amount in dollars cars of Car t4 Value Value Owns less than four Amount in dollars cars of Car lt5 0000. XxXx. 207 of year of Car 112 0000. XxXx. 206 Owned of Car Wl 0000. XxXx. 205 Owns no truck or 0 years old; i.e., 1967 model (estimated from Var. 201: 27 1967 models) 66 model Btc. 00. xx. 0000. XxXx. 204 Owned Year Model of Newest Truck 0000. XxXx. 203 frequently mentioned, Owns less than five Amount in dollars cars of Car #6 0000. XxXx. Owns less than six Amount in dollars cars (example: 66 = 1966) 66 Variable 208 Description Total Value ooooo. xXxXx. 209 210 Car Stock Owns no cars Amount in dollars Year Model 00. xx. of the of Newest Car Owned Owns no cars Last digits of year model (ex.: 66 for 1966) 1966 PASSENGERCAR OWNERLIST PRICE CLASS CODE TABLE PRICE CLASS CODE TO ASSIGN MAKE BUICK Special CADILLAC CHEVROLET Corvair Chevy I Corvette Chevelle CHRYSLER DESOTO DODGE Dart EDSEL FORD Thunderbird Fait-lane Falcon Mustang IMPERIAL LINCOLN MERCURY Meteor Comet OLDSMOBILE F 85 PLYMOUTH Valiant PONTIAC Tempest RAMBLER American STUDEBAKER 1966 --4 2 5 2 1 1 5 1 4 1965 1964 1963---- 1962 1961 1960 1959 -1955 4 2 5 2 1 1 5 1 4 4 2 5 2 1 1 5 1 4 4 2 5 2 1 1 5 4 2 5 2 1 1 5 4 2 5 2 1 5 4 5 2 1 5 3 5 2 2 4 4 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 4 4 3 1 4 4 3 1 2 5 1 1 1 5 5 3 2 5 1 1 1 5 5 3 2 5 1 1 2 5 1 1 2 5 1 1 2 5 1 2 5 5 5 3 1 4 2 2 1 4 2 2 1 2 1 4 2 2 1 4 2 2 1 2 1 4 2 2 1 4 2 2 1 2 5 5 3 2 1 4 2 2 1 4 1 2 1 2 5 5 3' 2 1 4 2 2 1 4 1 2 1 2 5 5 3 2 1 4 2 2 1 4 1 2 1 2 4 4 3 2 2 2 5 5 3 4 2 4 2 2 1 5 5 3 1 4 2 1 4 2 1 2 67 Variable Description Region 211 212 213 Q.Dl - NADA New England (Me.. Mass., N.H., R.I., Vt.) Eastern (Conn., Del., D.C., Md., N-J., N.y., Penn., Va., W.Va.) Central (Ill., Ind., Kty., Mich., Ho., Ohio, Wis.) South Eastern (Ala., Fla., Ca., Miss., N.C., Tenn.) S.C., Southwestern (Ark., La.,Ok*. ru.) Midwest (Iowa, Kas., Minn., Nab., N.Dak., S. Dak.) Pacific Southwest (Arizona, Calif:, Hawaii, Nev., Utah) Pacific Northwest (Alaska, Idaho, Wash., Ore.) Mountain Staten (Cola., Mont., N.Mex., WY.) Undefined code 119 624 1. 2. 828 3. 391 4. 255 165 5. 6. 332 7. 128 32 812 8. 9. 0. Total Value 707 552 480 431 333 155 95 60 101 812 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. of Car Stock Total Goods Purchases Code amount in Dollars Did not buy any durables; amount XxXxX. 99999. 00000. 215 208) Total Price (cost) not counting financing charges, on all furniture, refrigerators, washing machines, stoves, television stats, household appliances, air conditioners, and so on. If item mms received as a gift, it was coded 0000; but if it was bought m &z given as a gift, the dollar amount was coded. XxXxX. 99999. Q.D4 In Var. $1 - 499. $500 - 999. $1000 - 1499. $1500 - 1999. $2000 - 2499. $2500 - 2999. $3000 - 3499. $3500 - 3999. $4000 and over. Undefined code. 1966 Durable 214 (Field from Trade-Ins 00000. or Sales on All Durables total expenditure 214-225. Durables Code amount in Dollars Total amount for trade-ins or sales No trade-ins or sales; Inap. (coded Total Net Outlay on All Total net outlay equals of trade-in or sale. XXXXX. 99999. code 0 in Var. less NA 0 in Var. total 213.) amount Code amount in Dollars amount of total exTotal net outlay is NA; either penditures or amount of trade-in or both are NA; co&ii 99999 in Var. 214. Amount of trade-in equals total expenditure; Inap., (coded 0 in Var. 213.) 68 Variable 216 217 Description Q.D6 Taking All Durables together, or pay cash or what? 1023 567 201 1. 2. 3. 1 8. 1934 0. 221 (exclude Machine 1. 0. Cook Stove 1. 2. 3492 0. Furniture combined) 658 1. 3068 0. deep-freeze, ice of box) Bought refrigerator in 1966 Bought two or more refrigerators in 1966. Did not buy refrigerator in 1966; no mention of refrigerator purchase 1. 2. 0. 232 2 or stero- Bought TV in 1966 Bought two or more TVs in 1966 Did not buy TV in 1966; no mention TV purchase 1. 2. 0. Washing 296 3430 220 All items bought for cash All items bought on credit Some items bought for cash, all other items on credit. One or more items financed by means other than cash or credit (received in barter deal or as repayment of a loan) Did not buy any durables (coded 0 in Var. 213) Refrigerator 320 1 3405 219 you buy on credit Description of 1966 Durables Purchases Television (including radio-TV combination TV combination) 610 9 3107 218 did (include washer-dryer combination) Bought washing machine in 1966 Did not buy *rashing machine in 1966; mention of washing machine purchase. no or Range Bought cook Bought two in 1966 Did not buy no mention (include stove or range in 1966 or more cook stoves or ranges cook stove or range in 1966; of cook stove or range purchases. piano, organ)(all furniture Bought furniture in 1966 Did not buy furniture in 1966; of furniture purchase purchases no mention 69 Variable Description Clothes 222 126 3600 45 3681 Air 224 225 Q.D20 Q.D21 1. 0. 1. 2. 3607 0. combinations) Bought clothes dryer in 1966 -Did not buy clothes dryer in 1966; of clothes dryer purchase Bought dishwasher in 1966 Did not buy dishwasher in 1966; mention of dishwasher purchase Bought air Bought two 1966 Did not buy mention of Other Purchases 44 154 1. 2. 65 16 77 3. 4. 5. 15 3355 6. 0. Black no mention no 1. 5. 9. conditioner or more air in 1966 conditioners air conditioner air conditioner (up to 2 categories in in 1966; purchase of "other no purchases" coded) Sewing machine Radio or record player (hi-fi sound equipment, tape recorder) Deep freeze Humidifier and dehumidifier (electrical) Other electrical (e.g. vacuum cleaner, mixer, iron, electric blanket, TV converter) toaster, Other non-electrical (e.g., ice box) No "other" durables purchased in 1966; no second "other" durable purchases and white television bought before 1966. Has Does not have; coded 0 in Var. 227-228. NA, DK ; coded 0 in Var. 227-228. Age of black 01. xx. 99. 00. - washer-dryer Conditioner 116 3 2931 683 112 227 1. 0. (exclude Dishwasher 223 226 Dryer and white television. One year Code age in years NA, DK Inap., does not have Var. 226.) (coded 5 or 9 in 70 Variable 228 Description Q.D22 How many times 848 337 108 36 20 7 2 7 26 2335 229 4.020 Color 328 3289 109 230 Q.D21 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. 231 Q.D22 232 Q.D20 Refrigerator 2949 610 167 233 Q.D21 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. 1. 5. 9. bought before television? color One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight NA, DK None, Inap. bought year? 226) 1966. Age rounded television (coded before to nearest (coded odd 5 or 9 in repaired last 5 or 9 in Var. year. 229) 1966. Has Does not have; code 0 in Var. 233-234. NA, DK; code 0 in Var. 233-234. Age of refrigerator? nearest odd number. 01. xx. 99. 00. last 5 or 9 in Var. One year Code age in years NA, DK Inap., does not have Var. 229) How many times 95 50 20 2 4 2 3 5 8 3537 TV repaired Has Does not have; code 0 in Var. 230-231. NA, DK; code 0 in Var. 230-231. Age of color number. 01. xx. 99. 00. and white One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Right or more NA, DK None, Inap., (coded television 1. 5. 9. black Age has been rounded One year Code age in years NA, DK Inap., does not have (coded to 5 or 9 in Var. 232) Variable 234 Description Q.D22 How many times 170 14 4 1 1 1 27 3508 235 Q.D20 Washing 2335 1242 149 236 Q.D21 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 9. 0. One Two Three Four Five Six NA, DK None, Inap. machine 1. 5. 9. Q.D22 238 Q.D20 Has stove 2808 728 190 239 Q.D21 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. 1. 5. 9. last year? 5 or 9 in Var. before 232) 1966. machine washing machine One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight or more NA, DK None, Inap. (coded bought before (coded repaired 5 or 9 in last 5 or 9 in Var. year. 235) 1966. Has Does not have; code 0 in Var. 239-240. NA, DK; code 0 in Var. 239-240. Age of stove number. 01. xx. 99. 00. (coded One year Code age in years NA, DK Inap., does not have Var. 235.) How many times 407 107 45 18 6 5 1 6 29 3102 bought repaired Has Does not have; coded 0 in Var. 236-237. NA, DK; coded 0 in Var. 236-237. Age of washing 01. xx. 99. 00. 237 refrigerator Age rounded to nearest One year Code age in years NA, DK does not have Inap., in Var. 238) (coded odd 5 or 9 72 Variable 240 Description Q.D22 How many times 227 44 6 2 3 2 3 52 3387 241 Q.D20 598 3004 124 242 Q.D21 Q.D22 Three Four Five Seven Eight or more NA, DK None, Inap. (coded conditioner 1. 5. 9. 244 Q.D23 bought year. 1. 2. 3. 10 9. air like have conditioner One Two Three Five Seven NA, DK None, Inap. Things would few years. 1866 1843 7 before 238) 1966. Age has been rounded NA, DK does not Inap., Var. 241) How many times 1. 2. 3. 5. 7. 9. 0. 5 or 9 in Var. Has Does not have; coded 0 in Var. 242-243. NA, DK; coded 0 in Var. 242-243. Age of air conditioner. nearest odd number. 41 4 1 1 1 13 3665 last TWO 99. 00. 243 repaired One 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. 0. Has air stove (coded (coded 5 or 9 in repaired last 5 or 9 in Var. to buy or replace to during year? 241.) next Things would like to buy or replace Has most things; coded 0 In Var. 245-256. Things would like to buy or replace and has most things NA, DK; coded 0 in Var. 245-246. 73 Variable 245 246 247 -- Description Q.D24 Q.D24 Q.D25 Number of Furniture 2 items.) poses have (Note: items mentioned in Q.D24 coded. is one item, but 2 TV's, for example, are Items used only for business or farm purbeen excluded. 948 502 242 73 12 4 1 74 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. One 16 1854 9. 0. TWO Three Four Five Six Seven or more. Everything; wants higher standard of living; mentioned only vague reference to standard of living. NA, DK. (coded 2 or 9 in Var. 244) None, no mentions (code What things do you have in mind? Frequencies mentions) Three responses. response only. 76 174 61 770 1. 2. 3. 4. 599 5. 75 6. 28 7. 64 8. 15 1864 9. 0. What about 156 73 42 1. 2. 3. 87 4. 449 5. 58 6. 4 277 2580 7. 9. 0. up to three listed for 1st New home. Additions or repairs to present home. Car. Appliances (washer, dryer, stove, dishwasher, television, etc.) Furniture (other than appliances) - includes pianos and organs. Furnishings for the house (drapes, rugs, china, decorative items). Hobby and recreation items (exclude TVs, Ri-Fi's, pianos, organs). Other things (better clothing, food, eye glasses, hearing aids, "many things" but no specific item). NA, DK. No mentions (coded 2 or 9 in Var. 244), third mention. no second, sport and hobby items? Boating equipment. including trailers, "campers." Camping equipment, gardening, Active hobbies other than sports: woodworking equipment, etc. carpentry, collecting, Inactive hobbies other than sports: photographic equipment, musical instruments, etc. skiing, bicycling hunting, fishing, Outdoor sports: equipment, etc. basketball, pool, ping pong Indoor sports: equipment, etc. vacationing. Travel, NA, DK. No sport or hobby items wanted. Variable 248 Description Q.DZb Did you or anyone else in the family of five days or more during the last 1602 2123 1 249 Q.D27 1. Yes 5. No; coded 0 in Var. 9. m; coded 0 in Var. take a vacation 12 months? 249. 249. Roughly how much did you spend altogether, transportation and other things that cost you were home? including more than my. Amount spent coded in dollars 03000. Did not take a vacation trip; took a trip spent nothing; NA whether took a vacation coded 5, or 9 in Var. 248. n9999. Amount spent more than $9999 99999. Amount spent NA 250 Vacation 276 313 260 193 93 168 39 125 40 2219 251 Total 186 386 303 202 148 294 123 15U 1934 252 Total (field 239 38 9 1 1 1 3437 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. Expenditure of all Durables $1-99 $100-199 $200-299 $300-399 $400-499 $750-999 Do trade-ins trip; (field $1-49 $100-199 $200-2YY $300-399 $400-499 $500-749 $750-999 $1000 and over. did not purchase Inap.; Amount From Trade-In in Var. 214) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 0. in Var. Sl-Y9 $100-199 $200-299 $300-399 $400-499 $500-749 $750-999 $1000 and over N.A. amount took no vacation Inap.; or 9 in Var. 248. 5. Price 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 0. (field trip or sales. but trip; 249) spent in Var. nothing; 213) any durables. or Sales if on all Durables coded Variable Description 253 75 Total 189 396 308 195 158 292 109 143 1936 254 Q.G9 Net Outlay 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 0. on all Durables (field Q.Gl5 Earned Income: Head Wage, salary, professional, trade and "Other Earned Income: Wife Wage, salary, professional, trade Earned Income: ELI professional Wage, salary, income (Subtotal A) trade Mixed-Labor, XXXU. 00000. -XXX. 258 Capital Income: Income: Mixed-Labor-Capital Income: Total Capital Income: this source. self-employmenrm from this source from this source from this source FU (Subtotal XXXXS. Code amount in Dollars 00000. Zero such income; no income -xXxX. Negative amount to $-9999. 260 self-employmentmome. Wife XiXXX. Code amount in Dollars UOOOO. Zero such income; no income -XXXX. Negative amount to S-9999. 259 from source. Head Code amount in Dollars Zero such income; no income Negative amount to $-9999. Mixed-Labor-Capital from this and "other XXXXX. Code axwnt in Dollars 00000. Zero such income; no income 257 self-employmenP and "Other XXXXX. Code amount in Dollars 00000. Zero such income; no income 256 215) $1-99 $100-199 $200-299 $300-399 $400-499 $500-749 $750-999 $1000 and over. Zero net outlay. XXXXX. Code amount in Dollars 00000. Zero such income; no income 255 in Var. B) from this source from this source Head ‘- XXXXX. Code amount in Dollars 00000. Zero such income; no income -XiXi. Negative amount to $-9999. iincome. 76 Variable 261 Description Total Capital Income: Wife xXxX)(. Code amount in Dollars 00000. Zero such income; no income -XXXX. Negative amount to $-999. 262 Total Capital Income: from FU (Subtotal this source this source C) xFXXX. Code amount in Dollar6 00000. Zero income -XXXX. Negative amount up to $-999 263 Total Income Tax: FU (Subtotal D) Iixxxji. Code amount in Dollars OOOUO. Zero Income Tax 264 Total Transfer Payments: Head XRXX. Code amount in Dollars ooOO0. Zero disposable income -a. lkg8tlve amount up to $-9999 265 Total Transfer Payments: Wife m3[1;. Code amount in Dollars 00000.-tao such income; no incorns -m. Hegative amount to $-4999 266 Total Transfer mix. 267 Total Payments: Code amount Income: from FU (Subtotal in Dollars FLI (Subtotal A 6 B & C 6 E) XXXXXX. Code amount in Dollars 000000. Zero income -XXXXX. Negative amount up to $-99,999 268 Total 788 103 109 168 180 415 664 535 764 Wages: 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. E) FU Zero, no income from this $1-499; negative income $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 $3000-4999 $5000-7499 $7500-9999 $10,000 and over source 77 Variable 269 Description Total 3566 62 28 19 12 11 8 4 16 - 270 Total 3579 69 36 22 6 3 6 3 2 271 Total 3545 15 12 25 35 33 35 11 15 272 Total 3461 26 10 21 23 35 66 21 63 273 Total Professional, 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Non-farmers Zero, no income from this $1-499; negative income $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 $3000-4999 $5000-7499 $7500-9999 $10,000 and over 3028 0. 468 1. 77 2. 65 3. 48 4. Business FU source source Income: Zero, no income from this $1-499; negative income $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 $3000-4999 $5000-7499 $7500-9999 $10,000 and over Dividends: source FU Unincorporated 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. ;. 6. 7. 8. Self-Employed: Income: Zero, no income from this $1-499; negative income $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 $3000-4999 $5000-7499 $7500-9999 $10,000 and over Farm Income: 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Other Zero, no income from this $1-499; negative income $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 $3000-4999 $5000-7499 $7500-9999 $10,000 and over Roomers, 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Trade, source FU Zero, no income $1-499; negative $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 from this income source FU FU 78 Variable 273 Description (can't) 19 Y 3 9 274 Total 2734 520 197 156 53 27 14 9 16 275 Total 2903 100 244 352 109 17 1 276 Total 3261 71 108 121 95 58 9 3 277 Total 3264 129 110 142 41 30 7 1 2 5. 6. 7. 8. $3000-4999 $5000-7499 $7500-9999 $10,000 and over Rent, 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Security: Retirement Zero, no income $1-499; negative $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 $3000-4999 $5000-7499 $7500-9999 Transfer 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. FU Payments: source FU Zero, no income from this income $1-499; negative $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 $3000-4999 $10,000 and over "Other" 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Trusts: Zero, no income from this income $1-499; negative $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 $3000-4999 $5000-7499 $7500-9999 $10,000 and over Social 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8. Interest, Pay: source FU from this income source FU Zero, no income from this income $1-499; negative $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 $3000-4999 $5000-7499 $7500-YY99 $10,000 and over source 79 Variable 278 Description Gross 350 153 140 208 232 445 755 586 857 279 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. source Income - 2nd Return Income source - 3rd Return Zero, no income $1-499; negative $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 $3000-4999 $5000-7499 from this income source Income - 4th Return Zero, no income $1-499; negative $500-9Y9 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 $3000-4999 $5000-7499 $7500-9999 Gross Taxable 3723 1 2 Return Zero, no income from this $1-499, negative income $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 $3000-4Y99 $5000-7499 $7500-9999 $10,000 and over Gross Taxable 3710 1 3 3 4 2 2 1 282 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Income - 1st Zero, no income from this $1-499; negative income $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 $3000-4999 $5000-7499 $7500-9999 $10,000 and over Gross Taxable 3634 6 19 24 16 24 3 261 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Gross Taxable 3324 21 85 78 87 86 35 9 1 280 Taxable Income from this income source - 5th Return 0. Zero, no income 1. $1-499; negative 7. $7500-9999 from this income source 80 Variable description Number of Head's 8 423 1066 656 827 372 182 102 51 39 3QQ9 582 73 16 4 2 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 662 lw %6 129 23 1 1 Q.G5 Earners 0. None 1. One 2.m 3. Three 4. Four 5. Five 6. Six Whether 78 271 1 8 5 3363 Earners None One Two Three Four Five Number of Major 285 287 None One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine or more Number of Ninor 284 286 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Tax Exemptions 1. 2. 3. 8. 9. 0. own a business Corporation Unincorporated Both kinds NA, DK whether incorporated NA, DK Does not own a business Any Income Assignments 3283 182 25 22 180 24 7 3 0. None 1. Head 2. Wife 3. Head and Wife 4. Others 5. Head and Others 6. Wife and Others 7. Head, Wife, and Others 81 Variable 288 Description Earned Income: Head L 93 94 172 153 462 823 471 344 129 985 289 Earned 228 147 195 194 259 130 15 2 1 2555 290 118 167 184 413 670 539 564 223 746 Mixed 90 49 61 62 64 Income: Income: amount negative amount negative amount negative amount FU 1. Less than $500 (including where possible). 2. $500-999 3. $1000-1999 4. $2000-2999 5. $3000-4999 6. $5000-7499 7. $7500-9999 8. $10,000-14,999 9. $15,000 and over 0. No such income Labor-Capital negative Wife 1. Less than $500 (including where possible). 2. $500-999 3. $1000-1999 4. $2000-2999 5. $3000-4999 6. $5000-7499 7. $7500-9999 8. $lO,OOO-14,999 9. $15,000 and over 0. No such income Earned 102 291 1. Less than $500 (including where possible). 2. $500-999 3. $1000-1999 4. $2000-2999 5. $3000-4999 6. $5000-7499 7. $7500-9999 8. $lO,OOO-14,999 9. $15,000 and over 0. No such income Income: Head 1. Less than $500 (including where possible). 2. $500-999 3. $looo-1999 4. $2ooo-2999 5. $3ooo-4999 82 Variable 291 Description (can't) 101 35 38 40 3186 292 Mixed 5 3 3 5 4 4 3702 293 Mixed 95 52 61 59 72 108 35 38 41 3165 294 Total 745 218 199 82 61 18 10 14 11 2368 295 Total 30 10 10 5 3 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. $5000-7499 $7500-9999 $lO,OOO-14,999 $15,000 and over No such income Labor-Capital Income: Wife 1. Less than $500 (including possible). 2. $500-999 3. $1000-1999 4. $2000-2999 5. $3000-4999 6. $5000-7499 0. No such income Labor-Capital Income: Income: Income: negative amount where negative amount where negative amount where Head 1. Less than $500 (including possible). 2. $500-999 3. $1000-1999 4. $2000-2999 5. $3000-4999 6. $5000-7499 7. $7500-9999 8. $lO,OOO-14,999 9. $15,000 and over 0. No such income Capital amount where FU 1. Less than $500 (including possible). 2. $500-999 3. $1000-1999 4. $2000-2999 5. $3000-4999 6. $5000-7499 7. $7500-9999 8. $lO,OOO-14,999 9. $15,000 and over 0. No such income Capital negative Wife 1. Less than $500 (including possible). 2. $500-999 3. $1000-1999 4. $2000-2999 5. $3000-4999 r 83 Variable 295 Description (con' t) 4 1 3663 296 Total 750 225 201 84 63 26 11 11 13 2342 297 Total 998 895 729 154 62 28 7 8 13 832 298 Total 179 270 454 199 121 30 8 1 1 2463 6. $5000-7499 8. $lO,OOO-14,999 0. No such income Capital Income: PU 1. Less than $500 (including possible) 2. $500-999 3. $1000-1999 4. $2000-2999 5. $3000-4999 6. $5000-7499 7. $7500-9999 8. $lO,OOO-14,999 9. $15,000 and over 0. No such income Income Tax: amount where negative amount where negative amount where PD 1. Less than $500 (including possible). 2. $500-999 3. $1000-1999 4. $2000-2999 5. $3000-4999 6. $5000-7499 7. $7500-9999 8. $lO,OOO-14,999 9. $15,000 and over 0. No such income Transfer negative Payments: Head 1. Less than $500 (including possible) 2. $500-999 3. $1000-1999 4. $2000-2999 5. $3000-4999 6. $5000-7499 7. $7500-9999 8. $lO,OOO-14,999 9. $15,000 and over 0. No such income 84 Variable 299 Description Total 51 111 35 9 1 3519 300 Total 191 283 471 253 143 45 8 1 1 2330 301 Transfer Wife Payments: 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. negative amount where negative amount where pll 1. Less than $500 (including possible). 2. $500-999 3. $1000-1999 4. $2000-2999 5. $3000-4999 6. $5000-7499 7. $7500-9999 8. $lO,OOO-14,999 9. $15,000 and over 0. No such income PD Less than $1000, $1000-1999 $2000-2999 $3000-3999 $4050-4999 $5000-5999 $6000-7499 $7500-9999 $lO,OOO-14,999 $15,00 and over Gross Taxable 173 141 247 228 531 883 519 418 200 38b Payments: 1. Less than $500 (including possible). 2. $500-999 3. $1000-1999 4. $2000-2999 6. $5000-7499 0. No such income Tot0lLncOme: 115 320 291 283 276 282 479 662 694 324 302 Transfer Income: including negative amounts. Head Less than $500 (including $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 $3000-4999 $5000-7499 $7500-9999 $10,000-14,9Y9 $15,000 and over No such income neg. amount where possible). c 85 Variable 303 .- Description Total 45 134 369 357 648 Y49 571 423 210 20 304 155 207 202 263 140 16 3 1 2488 248 233 208 270 142 16 3 1 2328 306 Income: 111 83 80 92 50 18 8 1 3066 Income: negative amount where negative amount where negative amount where negative amount where Wife Wife 1. Less than $500 (including possible). 2. $500-999 3. $1000-1999 4. $2000-2999 5. $3000-4999 6. $5000-7499 7. $7500-9999 8. $10,000-14.999 9. $15,000 and over 0. No SUC!I income Earned 217 Income: 1. Less than $500 (including possible) 2. $500-999 3. $1000-1999 4. $2000-2999 5. $3000-4999 6. $5000-7499 7. $7500-9999 8. $lO,OOO-14,999 9. $15,000 and over 0. No such income Total 277 Head 1. Less than $500 (including possible). 2. $500-999 3. $1000-1999 4. $2000-2999 5. $3000-4999 6. $5000-7499 7. $7500-9999 8. $lO,OOO-14,999 9. $15,000 and over 0. No such income Gross Taxable 251 305 Income: Others 1. Less than $500 (including possible). 2. $500-999 3. $1000-1999 4. $2000-2999 5. $3000-4999 6. $5000-7499 7. $7500-9999 8. $10,000-14,999 9. $15,000 and over 0. No sucll ixomr Variable 307 Description 86 Mixed Labor-Capital 10 Capital 14 5 2 3705 309 117 84 85 95 53 19 a 1 3033 310 54 33 31 5 3569 Total 241 161 109 108 101 57 19 Income: amount where negative amount where negative amount where negative amount where negative amount Others 1. Less than $500 (including possible). 2. $500-999 3. $1000-1999 4. $2000-2999 5. $3000-4999 6. $5000-7499 7. $7500-9999 a. $io,ooc-14,999 9. $15,000 and over 0. No such income Payments: Others 1. Less than $500 (including possible). 2. $500-999 3. $1000-1999 4. $2000-2999 5. $3000-4999 0. No such income Income: negative Others 1. Less than $500 (including possible). 2. $500-999 5. $3000-4999 0. No such income Transfer 34 311 Income: Gross Taxable 231 Others 1. Less than $500 (including possible). 2. $500-999 3. $1000-1999 4. $2000-2999 5. $3000-4999 6. $5000-7499 7. $7500-9999 0. No such income 4 4 5 2 2 1 3698 308 Income: Others 1. Less than $500 (including possible) 2. $500-999 3. $lOOO-1999 4. $2000-2999 5. $3000-4999 6. $5000-7499 7. $7500-9999 where 87 Variable 311 Description (can't) 9 1 2920 312 Gross Taxable 154 140 203 225 446 707 606 644 312 289 313 315 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Proportion 6 22 30 177 705 2758 25 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 0. 9. Proportion 329 248 248 434 92 28 2347 Income: FU 1. Less than $500 (including possible). 2. $500-999 3. $1000-1999 4. $2000-2999 5. $3000-4999 6. $5000-7499 7. $7500-9999 8. $10,000-14,999 9. $15,000 and over 0. No such income Disposable 116 334 316 304 339 325 540 723 527 202 314 8. $lO,OOO-14,999 9. $15,000 and over 0. No such income 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 0. Income: total income zero received 1 - 9 percent 10 - 19 percent 20 - 29 percent 30 - 49 percent 50 - 74 percent 75 percent and over NO income received/earned N.A. of total amount where FU Under $1000, including $1000-1999 $2000-2999 $3000-3999 $4000-4999 $5000-5999 $6000-7499 $7500-9999 $lO,OOO-14,999 $15,000 and over of negative income received 1 - 9 percent 10 - 19 percent 20 - 29 percent 30 - 49 percent 50 - 74 percent 75 percent and over No income received/earned and negative by Head by head by Wife by wife income 88 Variable 316 Description Proportion 313 126 102 122 91 30 2942 317 Proportion 272 187 213 385 74 23 2572 319 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 0. Disposable total income received 1 - Y percent 10 - 19 percent 20 - 29 percent 30 - 49 percent 50 - 74 percent 75 percent and over No income received/earned Proportion 60 64 73 242 661 1635 991 318 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 0. of of 1 10 20 30 50 75 No total income earned by Others by others by Head - 9 percent - 19 percent - 29 percent - 49 percent - 74 percent percent and over income received/earned by Head of by Wife total income earned 1 - 9 percent 10 - 19 percent 20 - 29 percent 30 - 49 percent 50 - 74 percent 75 percent and over No income received/earned income: by wife FU I. xXxXx)(. Amount in dollars 000000. Zero income -XXXXX. Negative amount up to $-99,999 320 Total 374 373 371 374 371 373 373 372 373 372 Income Deciles: 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Lowest decile Second decile Third decile Fourth decile Fifth decile Sixth decile Seventh decile Eighth decile Ninth decile Highest decile FU r 89 Variable 321 Description Total 747 745 744 745 373 372 322 "Quintiles": Lowest Second Third Fourth Ninth Highest 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. FU quintile quintile quintile quintile quintile decile Income: Deciles: FU Lowest decile Second decile Third decile Fourth decile Fifth decile Sixth decile Seventh decile Eighth decile Ninth decile Highest decile Disposable 747 744 746 744 745 324 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Disposable 373 374 372 372 372 374 372 372 373 372 323 Income 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. Income: Lowest Second Third Fourth Fifth Quintiles: FU quintile quintile quintile quintile quintile Monthly Payment on A and R Installment (incurred in all years) (actual dollar 9999. Y.A., D.K.) Debt amount coded; 325 Remaining Installment A and R (actual dollar Debt incurred in 1966 on All amount coded) 326 Remaining Installment A and R (actual dollar Debt incurred Not in 1966 on amount coded) 327 Monthly Payment on All Car Installment Debt in all years) (actual dollar amount coded) 328 Remaining Installment Cars (actual dollar 329 Remaining All Cars Note: Debt incurred amount coded) (incurred in 1966 on All Installment Debt incurred Not in 1966 on (actual dollar amount coded) 99999 or 9999 in Var 324-345 debt". means "Has no such 90 Variable Description 333 Monthly years) payment on All Durables Debt (incurred in all (actual dollar amount coded; 9999., K.A., D.K.) 331 Remaining Durables 332 Remaining Installment All Durables (actual 333 Monthly (actual 334 Installment Remaining "other" (actual dollar amount coded) 335 Installment Debt Remaining "other" 1966 (actual dollar amount coded) 336 lbnttily pepent on All Medical and Dental Installment Debt (incurred in all years) (actual dollar amount coded; 9999., N.A., D.K.) 337 Remaining in 1966 338 Remaining Medical and Dental Installment in 1966 (actual dollar amount coded) 339 Monthly Payment on All Other Committments - not debt like alimony, church dues, union dues (not compound of debt payments - new this year) will be "000" in most cases. (actual dollar amount coded; 9999.. N.A., D.K.) 340 Total Remaining Installment Debt - Trend (medfcal and dental debt excluded) (actual dollar amount coded) Installment Debt incurred in 1966 on All (actual dollar amount coded) Debt incurred dollar amount Not in 1966 on coded) Installment payment on All "other" dollar amount coded; 9999., N.A., Debt D.K.) Debt incurred in 1966 incurred Medical and Dental Installment (actual dollar amount coded) Not in Debt incurred incurred 341 Total dental 342 Remaining Non-Installment Debt on A & R (all A & R) (actual dollar amount coded) 343 Remaining Xon-Installment Debt on Cars cars) (actual dollar amount coded) 344 Remaining Non-Installment Debt on Durables all durables) (actual dollar amount coded) Not Remaining Installment Debt - Panel (medical and debt included) (actual dollar amount coded) (all years, years, (all all all years, c 91 Variable 345 Description Remaining (actual 346 Remaining Non-Installment Debt on Medical years) (actual dollar amount coded) 347 Assignment 67 76 3583 348 55 3638 349 Installment of Installment Debt incurred Debt incurred (all in 1966 $300 under incurred Not in 1966 Ratio of annual installment debt payments year's disposable income - Trend (excluding dental) Actual percent coded - rounded to nearest 100% or more; negative Monthly payments N.A. None. years) and Dental 1. Assignment (or sum of such assignments) or over. 3. Assignment (or sum of such assignments) $300. 5. No assignment made for installment debt not in 1966. 0999. 9999. 0000. 350 for (all 1. Assignment (or sum of suchassignments) or over. 3. Assignment (or sum of such assignments) $300. 5. No assignment made for installment debt in 1966. Assignment 33 - Non-Installment Debt on "Other" dollar amount coded) or zero $300 under incurred to previous medical and whole disposable percent income. Ratio of annual installment debt payments to previous and dental year's disposable income - Trend (I'iedical debt excluded) (Not Comparable To Years Before Project 741) 1935 276 453 424 261 269 32 27 49 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. No installment debt. Under 5% 5-9% lo-14% 15-19% 20-392 40-59% 60% and over (includes ative income). 9. Has debt, amount N.A. those with zero or neg- 92 Variable 351 Description Patio of annual installment debt payments year's disposable income - Panel (Medical debt included) Actual percent coded - rounded to nearest 0999. 100% or more; negative 9999. Monthly payments N.A. 0000. None. 352 whole disposable percent income. Ratio of annual installment debt payments to previous and dental year's disposable income - Panel (Medical debt included) (Not Comparable To Years Before Project 741) 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. No installment debt Under 5% 5-9x lo-14% 15-19% 20-39% 40-59% 60% and over (includes ative incomes) 9. Has debt, amount N.A. 1892 273 456 422 263 298 36 31 55 353 or zero to previous and dental those with zero or neg- Debt-debt payment ratio (Total remaining installment medical debt/total monthly payments) - Trend (excluding and dental debt) Approximate number of months left on remaining installment debt. 00. 01. 02. No installment One month Two months debt . . 97. 98. 99. 99 or more months 999. Amount of monthly 354 payment N.A. Debt-debt payment ratio (Total remaining installment debt/total monthly payments) Panel (including medical and dental debt). Approximate number of months left on remaining installment debt. 00. No installment 01. One month 02. Two months 97. debt 93 Variable 354 Description (can't) 98. 99. 99 or more months 999. Amount of monthly 355 Bracket on remaining installment on additions and repairs (field 26 22 46 29 25 5 4 2 3567 356 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 0. debt incurred in Var. 325) in 1966 installment debt on additions not in 1966 (field in Var. 326) $1-99 $100-199 $200-499 $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 Has no such debt Bracket on remaining installment on all cars (field in Var. 328) 14 25 50 94 184 121 48 3 3187 N.A. $1-99 $100-199 $200-499 $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 $3000-4999 $5000 and over Has no such debt Bracket on remaining and repairs incurred 13 18 25 16 10 7 3637 357 payment $1-99 $100-199 $200-499 $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 $3000-4999 $5000 and over Has no such debt debt incurred in 1966 94 Variable 358 Description Bracket on remaining installment debt 196d on all cars (field in Var. 3.29) incurred not debt incurred in 1966 debt 332) incurred not installment debt incurred Bracket on remaining "other" Installment not in 1966 (field in Var. 335) debt incurred 27 39 118 168 157 35 8 3174 359 $1-99 $100-199 $200-499 $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 Has no such debt 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 0. 102 74 97 42 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. in $1-99 $100-199 $200-499 $500-999 $1000-1999 Has no such debt Bracket on remaining "other" in 1966 (field in Var. 334) 133 11.7. 179 92 45 15 12 4 3134 362 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 0. Bracket on remaining installment 1966 on durables (field in Var. 70 46 62 11 6 3531 361 $1-99 $100-199 $200-499 $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 $3000-4999 Has no such debt. Bracket on remaining installment on durables (field in Var. 331) 162 171 212 81 23 4 3073 360 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 0. in $1-99 $100-199 $200-499 $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 $3000-4999 $5000 and over Has no such debt $1-99 $100-199 $200-499 $soo-999 30 7 6 6 5. 6. 7. 8. $1000-1999 3362 $2000-2999 $3ooo-4ggg $5000 and over 0. Has no such ; * 95 Variable 363 Description Bracket on remaining medical in 1966 (field in Var. 337) 57 40 37 11 2 1 8 3577 364 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 0. $1-99 $100-199 $200-499 $500-999 $1000-1999 Has no such debt 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 0. 9. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 0. 9. non-installment in all years) debt on additions (field in Var. 342) $1-99 $100-199 $200-499 $500-999 $1000-1999 Has no such debt Undefined code Bracket on remaining in all years) (field 5 11 14 15 7 8 3663 3 367 incurred $1-99 $100-199 $200-499 $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 $5000 and over Has no such debt Bracket on remaining and repairs (incurred 1 3 4 2 2 3713 1 366 debt Bracket on remaining medical and dental installment debt incurred not in 1966 (field in Var. 338) 38 21 17 6 3 3641 365 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 0. and dental non-installment in Var. 343) debt on cars (incurred $1-99 $100-199 $200-499 $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 Has no such debt Undefined code Bracket on remaining non-installment debt on durables (incurred in all years) (field in Var. 344) 11 7 9 2 3695 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 0. 9. $1-99 $100-199 $200-499 $500-999 Has no such debt Undefined code 96 Variable 368 Description Bracket on remaining non-installment debt (incurred in all years) (field 38 23 66 45 36 13 11 11 3466 17 369 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 0. non-installment in all years) debt (field remaining (excluding installment debt incurred medical and dental debt) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 0. - $1-99 $100-199 $200-499 $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 $3000-4999 $5000 and over Has no such debt Bracket on total remaining installment 1966 - Panel (medical and dental debt 188 174 301 258 266 141 85 22 2291 on medical in Var. 346) $1-99 $100-199 $200-499 $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 Has no such debt Bracket on total in 1966 - Trend 181 165 300 242 262 141 84 20 2331 371 $1-99 $100-199 $200-499 $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 $3000-4999 $5000 and over Has no such debt Undefined code Bracket on remaining and dental (incurred 40 27 38 19 3 3 3596 370 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 0. 9. debt on other in Var. 345) $1-99 $100-194 $200-499 $500-9YY $looo-l99r $2000-2999 $3000-4999 $5000 and over Has no sucn debt debt incurred included) in 97 Variable 372 3escription Bracket on total remaining installment debt incurred and dental debt excluded) not in 1966 - Trend (Medical 136 lid 223 220 198 51 26 6 2746 373 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 0. $1-99 $100-199 $200-499 $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 $3000-4999 $5000 and over Has no such debt Bracket on remaining installment years on additions and repairs 35 34 65 46 36 12 4 2 3492 375 $1~Y9 $100-199 $200-499 $500-999 $lOc)O-1999 $2000-2999 $3000-4999 $5000 and over Has no such debt Bracket on total remaining installment debt incurred debt included) not in 1966 - Panel (medical and dental 149 130 227 229 200 52 27 6 2706 374 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 0. incurred in Var. in all 575) debt incurred in all $l-Y9 $100-199 $200-499 $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 $3000-4999 $5000 and over Has no such debt Bracket on remaining installment on all cars (field in Var. 576) 37 55 157 235 319 160 66 4 2693 debt (field $1-99 $100-199 $200-499 $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 $3000-4Y99 $5000 and over Has no such debt years 98 Variable 371, Description Bracket on remaining installment years on durables (field in Var. 204 187 265 95 34 4 2937 377 Bracket incurred 66 54 56 18 5 2 1 3524 37Y 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 0. Bracket incurred 36 37 69 48 36 12 5 2 3480 1 380 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 0. 9. incurred in all installment 578) debt incurred $1-99 $100-199 $200-499 $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 Has no such debt Bracket on remaining in all years (field 135 119 217 141 73 23 21 11 2986 378 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 0. debt 577) "other" in Var. $1-99 $108-199 $200-499 $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 $3000-4999 $5000 and over Has no such debt on remaining medical in all years (field and dental installment in Var. 579) $1-99 $100-199 $200-499 $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 $5000 and over Has no such debt on remaining total debt on additions in all years (field in Var. 580) and repairs $1-99 $100-199 $200-499 $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 $3000-4999 $5000 and over Has no such debt Undefined code Bracket on remaining total debt all years (field in Var. 581) 39 61 debt 1. $1-99 2. $100-199 166 244 3. 4. on all $200-499 $500-999 cars incurred in 326 $1000-1999 5. 99 Variable 380 Description (can't) 166 66 5 2650 3 381 6. 7. 8. 0. 9. $2000-2999 $3000-4999 $5000 and over Has no such debt Undefined code Bracket on remaining years (field in all 214 193 271 99 34 4 2909 2 382 Bracket incurred 100 76 Y5 37 8 5 1 3404 384 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 0. 9. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 0. on durables incurred in $1-99 $100-199 $200-499 $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 Has no such debt Undefined code Bracket on remaining years (field in Var. 136 124 247 184 108 35 32 24 2819 17 383 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 0. 9. total debt Var. 582) total 583) "other" debt incurred in all $1-99 $100-199 $200-499 $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 $3000-4999 $5000 and over Has no such debt Undefined code on remaining total medical and dental in all years (field in Var. 584) debt $1-99 $100-199 $200-499 $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 $5000 and over Has no such debt Bracket on total remaining installment debt incurred in all years - Trend (excluding medical and dental debt) 167 164 297 3jO 427 213 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. $1-99 $100-199 $200-499 $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-29Y9 100 Variable 384 Description (can't) 130 38 1940 385 Bracket on total remaining installment debt incurred medical and dental in all years - Panel (including debt) (field in Var. 341) 167 184 298 360 429 216 136 40 1896 386 $1-99 $100-199 $200-499 $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 $3000-4999 $5000 and over Has no such debt 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 0. 9. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 0. 9. debt incurred debt excluded) in all (field years in Var. debt incurred debt included) in all (field years in Var. $1-99 $100-199 $200-499 $500-999 $lOOO-1999 $2000-2999 $3000-4999 $5000 and over Has no such debt Undefined code Bracket on total remaining Panel (medical and dental 586) 163 175 324 386 456 234 159 58 1749 22 388 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 0. Bracket on total remaining Trend (medical and dental 585) 166 159 307 368 455 228 150 55 1816 22 387 7. $3000-4999 8. $5000 and over 0. Has no such debt $1-99 $lOO-19Y $200-499 $500-999 $1000-1999 $2000-2999 $3000-4999 $5000 and over Has no such debt Undefined code Bracket - debt-debt payment (see Var. 353 for description, ratio - Trend frequencies, and codes). Variable 389 39u 101 Description payment Bracket - debt-debt (see Var. 354 for description, Q.E7 Do you make (any other) regular payments, loan or finance company, that we have not about? 267 3434 25 391 Q.E8 1814 1208 15 Q.E9 other deductions . . . . . . Purchase 393 394 1. Yes 5. No 0. Inap. from your pay such as.... of stocks? (coded 1, 5, or retirement (coded or 9 in Var. 391) benefits? 1, 5, or 9 in Var. 391) 1. Yes 5. No 0. Inap. (coded 1, 5, or 9 in Var. 391) 1, 5, or 9 in Var. 391) . . . . . . . Insurance? 1394 421 1911 - who deducts (or her) pay...? . . . . . . Savings? 511 1304 1911 395 1. Yes 5. No 0. Inap. . . . . . ..Pensions 905 YlO 1911 say, to a yet talked Social Security and/or Taxes only deducted l.Yes("No Deductions" checked in E9). ("Taxes" includes state, city taxes, i.e., all taxes are included here.) (Coded 0 in Var. 392-397) Security and/or Taxes deducted 2. Yes - Social plus other deductions, too. Pay taxes directly/not currently employed. 5. No (Coded 0 in Var. 392-397) 9. NA; (Coded 0 in Var. 392-397) Are there 141 1674 1911 and codes). 1. Yes 5. No 9. NA Do you (or your wife) work for an employer income taxes and social security from your from your pay? Are there other deductions 689 392 ratio - Panel frequencies, 1. Yes 5. No 0. Inap. (coded Variable 102 Description . . . Repayment 396 107 1708 1911 . ..Anything 397 53 276 28 1452 6 1911 398 Q.ElO 163 11 Q.Ell 118 4 3563 Q.Ell 24 6 4 6 14 8 3563 Q.El2 or 9 in Var. 391) else? 1. Yes 5. 114 coded 0 in Var. 9. rS coded 0 lo Var. 6 payments for? arrangements to pay for debt(s) of any kind (it- .(s .l in Qs W-5 is the same as Item(s) mentioned in j or BlO-B13 (housing), or B25-26 (A 6 R), or C12-Cl5 or Cz-C or D6-D8 (durables). (cars), 5. Does not mention arrangements to pay for debts (no item entered In Q.E2-5 is the same as one mentioned in Q.Ell). 9.NA or 9 in Var. 398) 0. Inap. (coded 5, of payments in LlO) 1. For living expenses (utilities, taxes, current medical bills, credit card payments) 3. For investment or uving purposes (bond-a-month, accumulating a fund for some purpose, pay off house) expenses 4. Tuition or other educational 5. More than one of above 6. Insurance car, durables, etc. 7. Other, includes 9.NA or 9 in Var. 398) 0. Inap. (coded 5, Whether 2147 1573 the Dc 399-400. 399-400. l.khntions atmad (Purpose 25 401 1, 5, 1. Yes, something other than union dues and/or charity. 2. Yes, union dues, charity, or both. 3. Yes, something other than union dues (includes uniforms, etc.) 5. No 9.NA or 9 in Var. 391) 0. Inap. (coded 1, 5, What are 41 400 (coded Sometimes people make arrangements to have payments made for them or perhaps by someone else. relatives, by their bank, or by their you (TU) have any kind of arrangement like that? 3552 399 1. Yes 5. No 0. Inap. of debts? Has Monthly Payments monthly payments. 1. R has mentioned 5. R does not have any monthly payments. Var. 402-406) 9. NA (coded 0 in Var. 402-406) (coded 0 in 103 Variable 402 403 Description Q.El3 Q.El4 Suppose you'd like to make some more large purchases; would it be easy or a hardship for you to take care of larger payments than you make now? 347 173 54 1. 2. 3. 180 4. 1275 2 118 1577 5. 8. 9. 0. Were any of the regular payments we talked for business purposes or investments? 230 1906 12 1578 404 Q.El6 Q.El7 1. 5. 9. 0. Yes No NA Inap. (coded 5, or 9 in Var. about SO far 401) In making payments on your debts in 1966, did you make the payments in the way they were scheduled, did you get behind, or did you make payments that were larger or more frequent than scheduled? 1535 300 72 214 8 19 1578 405 Yes, would be easy Yes, easy with qualifications; not bad depends; good depending on what was Pro-con; purchased or the financing costs; if "I got a good buy." No, would be difficult with qualifications, or a hardship with qualifications. No, would be difficult; very difficult. DK NA or 9 in Var. 401) Inap. (coded 5, 1. 2. 3. 4. 8. 9. 0. As scheduled; (coded 0 in Var. 405-406) Faster than scheduled or larger Both "faster and larger" and "got behind" Cot behind DK; (coded 0 in Var. 405-406) NA; (coded 0 in Var. 405-406) or 9 in Var. 401) (coded Inap. (coded 5, 0 in Var. 405-406) mat were the main reasons why...? First response. Reason must be consistent with Var. 404 above. If 3 coded in Var. 404, reason faster and larger first was coded, then reason got behind. . 57 107 36 1. Had more (less) money due to better (worse) job (NA how better, worse or better, worse in terms of money); pay raise (decrease) 2. Worked more hours (less); business was better (worse) (businessmen and farmers only). 3. Change in financial situation other than job, more (less) interest, dividends, rent, more (less) people working in FIJ. Variable 104 Description (can't) 175 4. 7 5. 93 6. 74 1 36 3140 7. 8. 9. 0. Vague references to "needed money," "big " "had extra money." expenses, " "emergencies, Change in family situation, number of people to support. References to attitudes toward debt, "don't like to be in debt," don't care if I fall behind a little". Other. DK. HA. coded 5, Inap., or 9 in Var. 601; coded 1, 8, 9, or 0 in Var. 606; no second mention). 406 Q.El7 What were the main reasons why...? Multiple See Var. 605 for codes and definitions. 407 Q.El8 Suppose you'd like to make some large purchases; would be likely to finance them on the installment plan? 408 Q.El9 320 109 1. 2. 64 3. 87 963 10 27 2146 6. 5. 8. 9. 0. Q.E20 24 6 it 8 8 1. 2. 3. 4. 6 5. 16 6. 112 189 7. 8. 10 3347 9. 0. Payments; to Yes, one debt mentioned. Yes, two or more debts mentioned No; (coded 0 in Var. 409-611) NA; (coded 0 in Var. 609-611) 1. 2. 5. 9. What is you Yes; very likely Yes with qualifications; if I got a good buy, probably. Pro-con; depends; yes or no depending on what was purchased or the financing costs; might, maybe. No with qualifications, probably not. No; no under any circumstances; definitely not DK NA Inap. (coded 1 in Var. 401) Do YOU owe money on which you don't make (regular) like a loan on a life insurance policy, or a debt some person or bank? 326 53 3345 2 409 raaponee. for? (First three mentions coded) House A&R Car Regular appliances: stove, washer, dryer, refrigerator; furniture. TV, radio, Hi-Fi, dish"Luxury" appliances: washer, air conditioner,... Other physical goods: hobby items (cameras, sporting goods, lawnmowers, boats, trailers) Medical, dental, hospital expenses Other; loan to pay for several items (consolidation) DK, NA, purpose NA or 9 in Var. 408; no second, Inap. (coded 5, third mention) c 105 Variable 410 Description Q.E21 Row much do you still XxXx. 9999. 0000. 411 Q.E22 412 413 Q.E24 Q.E25 Code dollar sum of all in Tens of Dollars. 99,990 or more $0-6, DK, NA, or Inap. in Var. 608) Do you pay interest 144 141 93 3348 1. 5. 9. 0. owe? on it items (coded in Q. E21 5, or 9 too? Yes, pays interest on one or more such loans. No; does not pay interest on one or more loans. NA or 9 in Var. 608) Inap. (coded 5, In 1966 did you finish making payments on a loan or All furniture coded as one item something you had bought? in Var. 412-417; if R mentioned 2 cars, for example, 3 was coded twice in Var. 416-41Jand 2 was coded in Var. 412. 785 1. 158 2. 38 14 2725 6 3. 6. 5. 9. Yes, on one item. (coded 0 in Var. 615-417, 620-622) Yes, on two items. (coded 0 in Var. 416-417, 621-422) Yes, on three items. (coded 0 in Var. 417, 422) Yes, on four or more items. No; (coded 0 in Var. 613-422) NA; (coded 0 in Var. 613-422) What was that? (6 mentions); multiple gee Var. 616-617 for frequencies. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. response. House A&R Car Regular appliances: stove, washer, dryer, refrigerator; furniture. TV, radio, Hi-Fi, dishwasher. appliances: "Luxury" air conditioner,... Other physical goods: hobby Items (cameras, sporting goods, lawnmowers, boats, trailers) Medical, dental, hospital expenses loan to pay for several items (con"Other"; services such as vacation or solidation); travel expenses. DK, NA, purpose not ascertainable or 9 in Var. 412); no second, Inap. (coded 5, third, fourth mentions. 106 Variable 414 Description Q.E25 What was that? code definitions). 49 55 219 415 Q.E25 Q.E25 417 Q.E25 Q.E26 2. 3. 4. 419 Q.E26 Yes No DK NA Inap. third Did you start First mention; 1. 5. 8. 9. 0. mention; Yes No DK NA Inap. to Var. to Var. 0. 413 for 8. 9. 0. (refer to Var. 613 for 7. 8. 0. (coded fourth (coded 0. 413 for 3515 7. 8. 9. making payments on (item) multiple response. making 413 for 2731 7. 8. 9. (refer 11 1 3673 5. 6. 7. 2 6 3?12 Did you start (4 mentions); 309 665 1 10 2741 mention; Fourth to Var. (refer 10 40 2 4. 5. 6. 7 6 2 4. 5. 6. 1. 5. 8. 9. 0. Second mention; Third (refer 31 200 3 6. 5. 6. 56 29 30 What was that? code definitions). 4 1 1 418 1. 2. 3. What was that? code definitions). 3 8 15 mention; 175 139 124 What was that? code definitions). 2 12 30 416 1. 2. 3. First in 1966? 412); 5, or 9 in Var. mentions. payments on (item) 5 or 9 in Var. in 412) 1966? no second, r 107 Variable 420 Description Q.E26 -- Did you start making Second response; 72 125 7 3522 421 Q.E26 Q.E26 Q.Hl (coded 1. 5. 9. 0. Yes No NA InaP. (coded Did you start making Fourth response; 1 5 7 3714 423 Yes No NA Inap. Did you start making Third response; 13 35 .2 3676 422 1. 5. 9. 0. payments 1. Yes s.No 0. Inap. Do you (Head) to buy things (coded on (item) 5 or 9 in Var. payments 412), on (item) 5 or 9 in Var. payments in 19662 in 19667 412), on (item) 5 or 9 in Var. no second mention in 412), no third mention 19667 no fourth mention think it is a good idea or a bad idea on the installment plan? -- 424 Q.H2 1260 514 383 1. 2. 3. 251 1248 35 35 4. 5. 8. 9. Why do you think response. 1419 701 1416 120 70 425 Q.H2 Good idea Good with qualifications, not bad Pro-con; depends; good for me, not good for for others others; bad for me, all right Bad with qualifications, not good Bad idea No OPibm, don't know; coded 0 in Var. 424-427. 1u; coded 0 in Var. 424-427. 1. 2. 3. 9. 0. 38 11. 996 12. 115 35 13. 14. (2 responses) First digit of first Favorable factors Depends or qualifications Unfavorable factors Don't know, not ascertained Inapplicable Why do you think Favorable so? so. First response. factors: Helps you save, can keep your savings in the bank. Only way you can buy things, can have things wouldn't otherwise have Helps establish credit You get better service, they'll make good if you still owe on it 108 Variable 425 Description (con' t) 49 15. 67 16. 110 9 17. 18. Makes you budget your money, helps you meet your responsibility and obligations Can use article (merchandise) while paying, before paid up Keeps business good, stimulates sales Other Depends or qualifications: 170 21. 44 108 22. 23. 160 24. 71 10 25. 26. 10 127 27. 28. 1 29. Unfavorable 426 Q.li2 188 31. 603 468 32. 33. 91 34. 40 35. 19 7 36. 37. 7 113 70 98. 99. 00. Q.H2 factors: Don't believe in having debts; it is "wrong" or immoral; Bible says debt is bad Costs are too high, you pay (too much) interest Likely to buy too much and have trouble, "overbuy, n "get into it over your head" Jobs and wages or future too uncertain; might get sick Takes too long to pay off debt, article is outdated or worn out before debt Is paid off Other Bad for economy, bad for business, bad for causes inflation country, DK NA Inap. (coded 8 or 9 in Var. 423; no second mention) Why do you think response. 337 232 372 8 2777 427 Whether you have enough money to pay cash; you need to; yau couldn't get It any other vay. How secure your job Is, whether income is steady Whether you can handle the carrying charges, payments; whether you can plan or budget carefully If you don't buy too much, buy one thing at a time; if you don't go into debt too far; used in moderation; outlay is relatively small compared to income Good for young people starting out All right if store carries it but not finance company; if you borrow from bank or credit union Whether rate of interest is too high All right for necessities, not for luxuries; if you need it; in case of emergency Other 1. 2. 3. 9. 0. so? (2 responses) First digit of second Favorable factors Depends or qualifications Unfavorable factors Don't know, not ascertained Inapplicable Why do you think so? (2 responses) Combined First Second response - frequencies and code definitions same as for Var. 425. and the 109 Variable 428 Description Q.H3 People have many different reasons for borrowing money which they pay back over a period of time...Would you say it is all right for someone like yourself to borrow money...? . . . to cover 2997 694 9 26 429 . . . to 343 3367 2 14 430 . . . to 141 3568 1 16 431 . . . to 1494 2161 29 42 -. 432 . . . to 2869 796 20 41 433 . . . to 2431 1253 7 35 434 . . . to 1943 1747 8 28 1. 5. 8. 9. expenses Yes No DK NA cover 1. 5. 8. 9. the expenses the purchase living expenses when income educational expenses? the purchase of a car? the purchase of furniture? Yes No DK NA finance 1. 2. 8. 9. coat Yes No DK NA finance 1. 5. 8. 9. of a fur Yes No DK NA finance 1. 5. 8. 9. trip? or jewelry? Yes NO DK NA cover 1. 5. 8. 9. of a vacation Yes No DK NA finance 1. 5. 8. 9. due to illness? Yes No DK NA is cut? 110 Variable Description . 435 1609 2048 23 46 436 437 Q.H4 Q.H4 Q.H4 1. 5. 8. 9. which have piled up? Yes No DK NA Speaking of buying a car on time, Mr. X has just done so although he has enough money in the bank to pay cash. Why do you think he bought the car on time? First response. 1270 1. 197 2. 349 3. 8 4. 269 5. 288 621 6. 7. 37 482 205 8. 9. 0. Wanted to keep his bank account for emergencies, for a rainy day, for reserves; hated to part with his money; to avoid drawing money out of the bank. He fears not to be able to replace his savings; hard to replace money once it has been taken out of the bank. Wanted cash for something else (other than car and emergencies). Believes in paying for large purchases while he uses them. To get better service on his car; to get a better to get (better) insurance. price on car purchases; To establish credit. To get interest on his money; to deduct the interest from his income tax; to invest his money and make more money than he will have to pay out in interest. Other explanation given. NA, DK. Only derogatory statements (will be coded in Var. 439445) made; no reason for action given (beyond statement that he made an error+ or bad judgement); no second mention. Speaking of buying a car on time, Mr. X has just done so although he has enough money in the bank to pay cash. Why do you think he bought the car on time? Second response. See Var. 436 for definitions. 236 59 58 438 pay bills 1. 2. 3. 3 37 77 4. 5. 6. 159 7 8 7. 8. 9. 3082 0. Speaking of buying a car on time, Mr. X has just done so although he has enough money in the bank to pay cash. Why do you think he bought the car on time? Multiple rerponae. See Var. 436 for codes and definitions. 111 Variable 439 Description What kind of man is he? (three responses First digit of first response coded. Q.H4 Favorable characteristics; Inap; NA (see Var. 440, codes 01-09). characteristics (see Var. 440, codes 10, 2 1. Favorable 12). characteristics; NA (see Var. 440, 690 2. Unfavorable codes 21-29). characteristics; (see Var. 440, 36 3. Unfavorable codes 30-31). or unfavorable. 306 4. Other, NA whether favorable 614 9. NA., whether favorable or unfavorable, DK vhat kind W he IS, undeflnod codes. (three responses coded) What kind of man is he? First response. 2078 440 Q.E4 . 0. Favorable characteristics: 783 208 01. 02. 528 03. 33 384 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 12. 23 55 30 2 Unfavorable 451 15 21. 22. 106 23. 21 31 2 23 24. 25. 26. 27. 23 18 16 20 28. 29. 30. 31. Other, - coded) Intelligent, smart, a thinking man. Plans ahead, looks out for the future, prepared for unexpected events. sensible, shrewd, reliable, pracGood businessman, tical, good judgement. Informed, knows what he is doing. conservative, lives within his means. Cautious, Patient, can wait if he has to. Experienced in handling money. Other favorable; hard-working, honest, fine. NA. Confident. Undefined code. characterisitcs: Stupid, unwise, foolish, crazy. Doesn't plan ahead, spur of the moment, not prepared for unexpected events. Bad businessman, not sensible, not reliable, not practical, irrational, does not have good judgement. Uninformed, doesn't know what he's doing. Extravagant, does not live within his means. Impatient, can't wait. Inexperienced in handling money, not good with money. Other unfavorable, includes dishonest. NA. Insecure, indecisive. Tight, miser, cheap, stingy. NA whether 246 41. 6 17 13 42. 43. 44. favorable or unfavorable: Average, ordinary; a little above average wage earner; family man, working man. Exceptional, different, unusual. Like me. Unlike me. of 112 Variable 440 441 Description (can't) Q.H4 24 34 612 45. 00. 99. 2 97. 90. What kind 3144 442 Q.H4 Q.H4 00. What kind 3673 443 Other (includes gambler). Inap.; no second, third mention. NA whether favorable or unfavorable; kind of man he is. Undefined code. Undefined code. 00. of man is he? Inap.; of man is Inap.; DK what Second response no second mention he? Third no third response mention digit of Second response. What kind of man is he? First (Refer to Var. 439 for code definitions). 3545 0. Favorable characteristics; Inap.; NA 444 Q.H4 What kind of man is he? Multiple response. (Frequencies listed for First response only - see Var. 440). 445 Q.H4 What kind of man is he? First digit of third (Refer to Var. 439 for code definitions). 3703 0. Favorable characteristics; Inap.; response. NA 113 Variable 446 Description Q.H6 Since you (Head) were 18, how much of the time have you been making installment payments on something or all the time, most of the time, only for a perother; ever? iod of time, or hardly 234 860 1218 985 408 21 447 448 Q.H7 Q.HB 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 9. All the time, or almost all Most of the time. Only for a period of time. Hardly ever. Never. DK, NA. the time. Suppose you needed a thousand dollars for a car which about how you-would repay in twelve monthly payments, charges would much do you think the interest or carrying mentioned more than one source and be? If respondent the lowest mentioned different rates for the sources, from the car dealer Thus "10 percent rate was coded. and 7 per cent from the bank" was coded "3. 6.6-9.5%" 47 1070 536 495 1. 2. 3. 4. 174 5. 210 6. 253 7. 886 53 2 8. 9. 0. (code 0 in Var.448). Under 4% or $39 or less per year; 4 - 6.5% or $40-65 per year; (code 0 in Var. 448). (code 0 in Var. 448) 6.6 - 9.5% or $66 - 95 per year; 9.6 - 12.5% or $96 - 125 per year; (code 0 in Var. 448). 12.7 - 15.5% or $127 - 155 per year; (code 0 in Var. 448). 15.6 - 20.5% or $156 - 205 per year; (code 0 in Var. 448). 20.6% or over or $206 or over per year; (code 0 in Var. 448). DK. NA. Undefined code. Can you give me a rough estimate of what you think the charges might be? (If both dollar figure and percent given, percent coded). 16 1. Under 4% or $39 or less per year. 124 2. 4 - 6.5% or $40 - 65 per year. 72 3. 6.6 - 9.5% or $66 - 95 per year. 102 4. 9.6 - 12.5% or $96 - 125 per year. 17 5. 12.6 - 15.5% or $126 - I55 per year. 47 6. 15.6 - 20.5% or $156 - 205 per year. 52 7. 20.6% or over or $206 or over per year. 458 8. DK; (coded 0 in Var. 449). 51 9. NA; (coded 0 in Var. 449). (coded l-7 in Var. 447). 2787 0. Inap. Variable 449 450 114 Description Q.H7 Q.H9 1602 1. 91 1368 2. 3. 113 9 4. 5. 2 6. 14 7. 509 0. Q.HlO Q.Hll Percent given exactly or range less than 3% (e.g. S-6%). Percent given range 3-10X (e.g. 5-10X). Dollar amount given or dollar range $10 or less (e.g. $40-50). Dollar range given $11-100. Vague statement high: "a lot," "too much"; R gives percentage range greater than 10% or dollar range greater than $100 and indicates this is high. "not too much," "it's Vague statement low: range> pretty cheap"; R gives percentage 10% or dollar range > $100 and indicates this is low. R gives percentage range greater than 10% or dollar range greater than $100, NA whether R thinks it high or low; R gives some fraction of the total amount borrowed that is interest rate, NA whether R thinks it high or low. Inap. (coded 8 or 9 in Var. 448). 1. 5. 8. 9. Difference . No difference; (coded 0 in Var. DK; (coded 0 in Var. 451). NA; (coded 0 in Var. 451). Where would 2557 53 326 19 56 35 22 91 23 544 452 on $1000 Do you think there is a difference in the interest or carrying charges depending on where you borrow the money? 3182 150 387 7 451 rate Interest 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. they be the . 451). lowest? Banks or savings and loan associations. Loan or finance companies. Credit unions. From the dealer. From friends, relatives, or other individuals. Other (includes government loans). Insurance. DK NA Inap. (coded 5, 8. or 9 in Var. 450). Do you happen to know whether there have been any recent changes in the interest rate charged on installment buyWhat kind of change? ing? 51 1061 1. 2. 155 84 3. 4. 5 52 2303 15 2: 8. 9. Knows, large sizable increases, vent up a lot. Knows, small increases; went up or went up a little; or went up, NA how much. Knows, no changes, stayed the same. Knows, went down, decreases; or went down, NA how much. Knows, large sizable decreases, went down a lot. Knows changes, but KA, DK whether increases or decreases. DK if there was any change. NA if there was any change. - 115 Variable 453 Description Q.Hl3 Do you and your 1237 2474 4 11 454 Q.Hl4 Q.Hl5 Q.Hl6 Q.Hl7 0 in Var. 0 in Var. 0 in Var. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 or more. DK NA Inap. (coded none. 1. 5. 9. family Yes No; (coded NA; (coded credit cards? 454). 454). 454). (R and FU) use? 5, 8, or 9 in Var. have any other 0 in Var. 0 in Var. 453); charge F'U uses accounts or 456). 456). How many of them do you (R AND ??U) use? 559 456 271 140 97 68 85 17 20 2013 457 1. 2. 3. 4 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. Do you and your credit cards? 1830 1892 4 456 Yes No; (coded DK; (coded NA; (coded have any gasoline How many of them do you 529 310 161 51 32 15 12 5 2 2609 455 1. 5. 8. 9. family 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 or more. DK NA Inap. (coded 5, or 9 in Var. Do you (R and FLI) have any revolving that is, accounts with stores where thing over several months? 1141 2567 5 13 1. 5. 8. 9. Yes No DK NA 455). credit accounts you can pay for -some- c 116 Variable 458 Description Q.Hl8 Do you happen to know anyone who has had anything possessed because he got behind in the payments? 810 2911 5 459 Q.Hl9 Q.H20 462 Q.H21 Q.Fl 1. 5. 9. 1. 5. 8. 9. earnings attached who has gone through bankruptcy? Yes No DK NA How do you think people get into such situations repossessions, garnishment or bankruptcy? 310 1. 2765 2. 306 3. 139 4. 9 7. 119 78 8. 9. Are you 511 83 228 70 16 2711 106 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. or Yes No NA Do you know anyone 1129 2583 1 13 461 Yes No NA Do you know anyone who has had his garnisheed to pay off a debt? 821 2893 12 460 1. 5. 9. re- like Emergencies, accidents, things beyond their control (no mention of lack of planning or moral fault). Lack of planning or foresight, try to buy more than they can afford (explanation, not judgement, but their fault). Irresponsible dishonest, unreliable (moral judgement), (judgement of the person more than explanation of his actions). Irresponsible sellers or lenders, tricked by finance companies or the system, they lent him too much. Other; includes co-signed for someone who didn't pay debt, DK, NA. (Head) working now, unemployed or laid off or what? Retired; (coded 0 in Var. 463-476). Permanently disabled; (coded 0 in Var. 463-476). Housewife; (coded 0 in Var. 463-476). Student; (coded 0 in Var. 463-476). Handles own investments only. Working now. Unemployed, sick, or laid off. Retired and working now; retired and unemployed, sick or laid off. - 117 Variable Description 3 Digit ID No. (See Memo A for 463 First Var. 464 975 211 26 779 263 237 413 465 - Q.F4 complete code) digit of 2 digit S.C.F. 465 for code definitions). 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 100 331 391 Industry code; (refer to 7. 8. 9. What kind of business is that in (S.C.F. Industry code)? 200 9 11. 12. 1 1 26 18. 19. 21. 508 31. 249 32. 22 263 39. 41. 237 51. 293 61. 86 62. 34 100 69. 71. Agriculture: Farming (CBC-A). Agricultural services Forestry and Fishing: such as cotton ginning, logging, commercial fishing (CBC-017,018). Undefined code. Undefined code. Mining and Extracting: Mining, including oil well; quarrying (CBC-126-156). Manufacturing, durables: Lumber and wood promachinery, transportation ducts, metal products, equipment (CBC-M, 206-296). Food and kindred Manufacturing, non-durables: products, textiles and apparel, paper and rubber products (CBC-B, 306-459, except 396 & 398; code those 85). Manufacturing, N.A. whether durables or non-durabhes. Construction: Building contractors --general, painting, carpentry, plumbing, etc. --highway and bridge contractors (CBC-C). Transportation, Communications, and Utilities: Taxicabs, trucking, expressing, warehousing, air and water transport, petroleum carrier, food lockers. gas or electricity, pipelines, water service, teleradio point-to-point communication phone, telegraph, services --i.e., to designated persons (CBC-L, 507-579). Retail Trade: Retail stores selling commodities, eating and drinking places, gasoline service stationa, fuel and ice retailing (CBC-F, D, 637-696). Grain elevator, livestock dealer, Wholesale Trade: distributor of construction equiprent, food broker, businesses selling office equipment, etc., junk dealer (CBC-606-629). to other businesses, Trade, NA whether retail or wholesale. Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate: bank, finance company, insurance company, manager of own real estate company, stock brocker (CBC-706-736). 118 Variable 465 Description (can't) Services Auto repair and service, watch, 47 81. Repair Services: typewriter repair, appliance repairs, upholstery and furniture repair, blacksmith (used if clearly only repair work done, otherwise coded 61). 23 82. Business Services: Advertising, accounting service, employment agencies, placement and counseling agencies, commercial photography, blueprints, parking lot, commercial laundry (CBC-806 6 807). Shoe repair, laundry and clean102 83. Personal Services: ing, clothing repairs, photo studios, travel agencies, hotels, barber and beauty shops, funeral parlors (CBC-K, 826-839). 21 84. Amusement, Recreation and Related Services: Theaters and motion pictures, bands and orchestras, dance halls, skating rinks, bowling alleys, boat and bicycle rentals, radio and television broadcasting (do not include manufacturing plants, coded 31; or radio point-to-point conrmunication services, coded 51) ((X-846-849) News35 85. Printing, Publishing and Allied Industries: papers, periodicals, books, commercial printing (CBC396 6 398). 103 86. Professional and Related Services: Non-profit membership organizations (church, etc.) medical and other health services (privately run), legal services (do not include persons employed by non-legal firms), educational services (private only), museums, art galleries (CBC-869-898; H,E, & 867 when privately or if NA whether privately run, coded run, otherwise, 91). 199 91. Government Medical, Health and Educational Services: hospitals, visiting nurses, public social work, all public education (primary, secondary, and college); l ervices (WC-867, H 6 IA whether public or private If NA E except when privately run, then coded 86. whether privately run coded 91). 191 92. Covewent: Fderal, l tate and local government ewloyees, including all ranks. (Govermnent hospitals and schools are coded 91) (Cm-J go& 936) (Include Armed Forces personnel). 1 99. Undefined code. Not in labor force, retired (vhen 975 00. DK; WA; Inap.: coding Q.F2 or F24); Permanently disabled; housewife, handles own investments only; student (if doesn't work except summer vacations; (Armed Forces Personnel coded 92). 466 Q.F5 ho you 1054 1766 12 894 1. 5. 9. 0. (Head) supervise other people? others Yes, supervises NO, does not supervise anyone. NA whether supervises others. coded l-4, 9 in Var. 462. Inap., -- Variable 467 119 Description Q.F6 Do you what? 401 2319 92 20 894 468 Q.F7 Q.FB someone else or yourself, or 1. Self-employed; farmer; works for privately held corporation of which he is an owner; (coded 0 in Var. 468). 2. Works for someone else. 3. Both self-employed and works for someone else. 9. NA, DK. in Var 462. .O. Inap., coded 1-4, Do you belong 790 1586 1 42 1307 469 (Head) work for 1. 5. 8. 9. 0. to a labor union? Yes, belongs to a union. No, does not belong to a union. DK. NA. Inap., coded 1 in Var. 467; l-4, in Var. 462. Now about the work that you do now (your main job)-how long have you been doing this kind of work (how many years)? 01. One year or less 02. 1.1 - 2.0 years. 03. 2.1 - 3.0 years. . (a day to 12 months). . 99. NA, DK. 00. Inap., coded l-4, 470 Q.F9 in Var. How many weeks of vacation did you (Head) actually in lY66? Actual number of vacation weeks coded. 00. 01. 02. 03. None, Inap, coded l-4, One week. Two weeks. Three veeks etc. 98. DK how many weeks taken. 99. NA whether took vacation. 471 Q.FlO 462. in Var. How many weeks were you (Head) unemployed coded Actual number of unemployed e 00. 01. 02. 98. 99. None ; Inap, coded l-4, in Var. One weeK. TWO weeks. etc. DK, how many weeks unemployed. NA, whether unemployed. take 462. last 462. year? 120 Variable 472 Description Q.Fll How many weeks were you (Head) ill or not any other reason last year? Actual number of weeks coded; except: 98. 99. 00. 473 Q.Fl2 Q.Fl3 97. 98. 99. 475 476 Q.Fl4 Q.Fl5 393 2425 1. 5. 10 898 9. 0. you worked (Head) 462) usually work when per week coded; except: also have a second job in 1966? Yes, had a second job No, did not have a second job; (coded 0000 in Var. 476) NA; (coded 0000 in Var. 476) Inap., coded 1-4, in Var. 462; (coded 3000 in Var. 476) About how many hours all together did you (Head) work in 1966 on an extra job? Actual number of hours worked in 1966 coded; except: XxXx. 9999. Q.Fl7 F18, F19, F20 did in Var. work on in Var. 462 None: Inap., coded 1-4, 40 hours etc. 97 or more DK how many hours worked NA whether worked, NA number of hours worked Did you (Head) 0000. 477 DK, how many weeks vorked NA whether worked None, inap., (coded l-4, How many hours a week you were working? Actual number of hours 00. 40. for DK, how many weeks not worked for other reasons NA, whether didn't work for other reasons in Var. 462) None, inap., (coded l-4, Then, how many weeks did you (Head) actually your job in 1966? Actual number of weeks coded; except: 98. 99. 00. 474 working None, coded 5, 8, or 0 in Var. 9 in Var. 462 Number of hours worked DK, NA 475, coded l-4, What kind of work did you (Head) do when you worked? Tell me a little more about what you did? What kind of business was that in? Did you work for someone else' yourself or what? 699 110 1. 5. Head worked previously Head never worked; (coded 0 in Var. 478-482) 121 Variable 477 Description (can't) 2911 0. 6 9. Student, unemployed, sick, Head is working now. laid off, handles own investments only; (coded 0 in Var. 478-482) NA whether worked previously 478 3 Digit ID No. (See Memo A for 479 First Digit of 2 Digit S.C.F. Industry Code No code explanation given; see Var. 480. 109 9 480 Q.F4 1. 2. What kind complete 65 49 code) 32 101 71 4. 5. of business is that in 7. 8. 9. (S.C.F. Industry code)? 105 11. Agriculture: Farming (CBC-A) 4 12. Forestry and Fishing: Agricultural services such as cotton ginning, logging, commercial fishing (CBC-017, 018). 9 21. Mining and Extracting: Mining, including oil well; quarrying (~~~-126-156). 91 31. Manufacturing, durables: Lumber and wood products, metal products, machinery, transportation equipment (CBC-M, 206-296). Food and kindred 77 32. Manufacturing, non-durables: products, textiles and apparel, paper and rubber products (CBC-B, 306-459, Except 396 5 398; code those 85). 6 39. Manufacturing, NA vhether durables or non-durables. 63 41. Construction: Building contractors--general, painting, carpentry, plumbing, etc. -- highway and bridge contractors (CBC-C). 2 42. Undefined code. 2 50. Undefined code. 47 51. Transportation, Communications, and Utilities: Taxicabs, trucking, expressing, warehousing, air and water transport, petroleum carrier, food lockers, gas or electricity, pipelines, water service, teleradio point-to-point communication phone, telegraph, services -- i.e., to designated persons (CBC-L, 507-579). Trade: Retail stores selling commodities, 64 61. Retail eating and drinking places, gasoline service stations, fuel and ice retailing (CBC-F, D, 637696). Grain elevator, livestock dealer, Trade: 14 62. Wholesale distributor of construction equipment, food broker, businesses selling office equipment, etc., to other junk dealer (CBC-606-629). businesses, 2 69. Trade, NA whether Retail or Wholesale. Bank, finance 32 71. Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate: company,manager of own real company, insurance real estate company, stock brocker (CBCestate, 700-736). 122 Variable 480 Description (con’ t) Services Auto repair and service, watch, 9 81. Repair Services: typewriter repair, appliance repairs, upholstery and furniture repair, blacksmith (used if clearly only repair work done, otherwise coded 61) (CBC-808 6 809). 2 82. Business Services: Advertising, accounting service, employment agencies, placement and counseling commercial photography, blueprints, parkagencies, ing lot, commercial laundry (CBC-806 h 807). Shoe repair, laundry and clean59 83. Personal Services: ing, clothing repairs, piwto studios, travel agencies, hotels, barber and beauty shops, funeral parlors (CBC-K, 826-839). 5 84. Amusement, Recreation and Related Services: Theaters and motion pictures, bands and orchestras, dance halls, skating rinks, bowling alleys, boat and bicycle rentals, radio and television broadcasting (do not include coded 31; or radio point-to-point manufacturing plants, coded 51) (CBC-846-849). communication services, 2 85. Printing, Publishing and Allied Industries: Newspapers, periodicals, books, commercial printing (CBC396 h 398). 24 86. Professional and Related Services: Non-profit membership organizations (church, etc.) medical and other health services (privately run), legal services (do not include persons employed by non-legal firms), educational services (private only), museums, art galleries (CBC-869-898; H,E, h 867 when privately or if NA whether privately run, coded run, otherwise, 91). 46 91. Government Medical, Health and Educational Services: Hospitals, visiting nurses, public social work, all public ducation (primary, secondary, and college); N4 vhetherpublic or private services (~~~-867. H 6 E except uhen privately run, then coded 86. If NA whether privately run coded 91). 25 92. Gcwerment: Fcderai, state and local government employees, including all ranks. (Goverlrent hospitals and schools are coded 91) (CBC-J 906-936) (Include Armed Forces personnel). 3036 00. BK; NA; IMP.: Not in labor force, retired (when coding Q- F2 or F24); Permanently disabled; housewife, handles own investments only; student (if doesn't work except summer vacations; (Armed Forces Personnel coded 92). - Variable 481 Description Q.F2U Did you (Head) work for someone else, yourself, or Whatever the Head said was used. Artisans and what? professionals can be self-employed. 127 530 44 2 3023 482 Q-F21 Did you supervise 248 438 19 3021 483 Q.F23 1. 5. 9. 0. Did your 1190 1483 2 1051 1. 5. 9. 0. other people? Yes, supervises others. No, did not supervise anyone. NA whether supervised anyone. Inap. wife do any work for complete 2565 25 1 254 Q.F4 0. 1. 2. 3. What kind 24 11. 1 12. 1 26. 98 31. 136 32. 1 33. 1966? code) First Digit of 2 Digit S.C.F. No code explanation given for 461 money during Yes, wife worked. No, wife didn't work; (coded 0 in Var. 484-489). NA, DK; (coded 0 in Var. 484-489). Inap., no wife; (coded 0 in Var. 484-489). 3 Digit ID No. (See Memo A for 484 486 1. Self-employed; farmer; worked for privately held corporation of which he was an owner. 2. Worked for someone else. 3. Both self-employed and worked for someone else. 9. NA, DK. 0. Inap. 11 24 255 63 of business 248 280 4. 5. 6. 7. iS Industry Code Var. 485; (see Var. that 486). 8. 9. in (S.C.F. Industry code)'! Agriculture: Farming (CBC-A). Agricultural services Forestry and Fishing: such as cotton ginning, logging, commercial fishing (CBC-017, 018). Undefined code. Manufacturing, durables: Lumber and wood products, metal products, machinery, transportation equipment (CBC-11, 206-296). Food and kindred Xanufacturing, non-durables: products, textiles and apparel, paper and rubber products (CBC-8, 306-459, except 396 & 396; thosecoded 85). Undefined code. 124 Variable 486 Description (can't) 19 11 39. 41. 24 51. 229 61. 21 62. 5 63 69. 71. Manufacturing, NA whether durables or non-durables. Construction: Building contractors -- general, painting, carpentry, plumbing, etc. -- highway and bridge contractors (CBC-C). Transportation, Communications, and Utilities: Taxicabs, trucking, expressing, warehousing, air and water transport, petroleum carrier, food lockers, gas or electricity, pipelines, water service, telephone, telegraph, radio point-to-point communications services -- i.e., to designated persons (CBC-L, 507-579). Retail Trade: Retail stores selling commodities, eating and drinking places, gasoline service stations, fuel and ice retailing (CBC-F, D, 637-696). Wholesale Trade: Grain elevator, livestock dealer, distributor of construction equipment, food broker, businesses selling office equipment, etc., to other businesses, junk dealer (CBC-606-629). Trade, NA whether Retail or Wholesale Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate: Bank, finance company, insurance company, manager of own real estate company, stock broker (CBC-706-736). Services 6 81. 15 82. 123 83. 8 84. Repair Services: Auto repair and service, watch, typewriter repair, appliance repairs, upholstery and furniture repair, blacksmith (Use if clearly only repair work done, otherwise coded 61) (CBC808 h 809). Business Services: Advertising, accounting service, employment agencies, placement and counseling agencies, commercial photography, blueprints, parking lot, commercial laundry (CBC-806 & 807). Personal Services: Shoe repair, laundry and cleaning, clothing repairs, photo studios, travel agencies, hotels, barber and beauty shops, funeral parlors (CBC-K, 826-839). Amusement, Recreation and Related Services: Theaters and motion pictures, bands and orchestras, dance halls, skating rinks, bowling alleys, boat and bicycle rentals, radio and television broadcasting (do not include manufacturing plants, coded 31; or radio point-to-point cormnunications services, coded 51) (CBC-846-849). 125 Variable 4d6 Description (can't) 13 85. 83 86. 241 91. 39 Y2. 2565 00. 4 487 488 Q.F27 Q.F28 Printing, Publishing and Allied Industries: Newspapers, periodicals, books, commercial printing (CBC-396 & 398). Non-profit Professional and Related Services: membership organizations (church, etc.) medical and other health services (privately run), legal services (do not include persons employed by non-legal firms), educational services (private only), museums, art galleries (CBC869-898; H, E, & 867 when privately run, otherrun, coded 91>, wise, or if NA whether privately Government Medical, Health and Educational Servisiting nurses, public social vices: Hospitals, education (primary, secondary, work, all public and college); NA whether public or private services (CBC-867, H & E except when privately run., then coded 86. If NA whether privately run cod&l 91). Federal, state and local government Government: (Government how@including all ranks. employees, tals and schools are coded 91) (CBC-J 906-936) (Include Armed Forces personnel). Not in labor force, retired (whmn DK; NA; Inap.: coding Q. F2 or F24); Permanently disabled; howife, handles own investments only; student (if doesn't work except summer vacations; (Armed Forces Personnel coded 92). Was she working for someone else, nerself, or what? Artisans and professionals can be self-employed. 70 1. 1100 17 3 2536 2. 3. 9. 0. Self-employed, farmer, worked for privately held corporation of which she was an owner. Worked for someone else. Both self-employed and worked for someone else. NA, DK. coded 5, 9, or 0 in Var. 483. IMP., About how many hours working? a week did no wife, she work when she was 00. None, Inap. Var. 483. coded 5, 9, or 0 in 40. 97. 98. 99. 40 hours. 97 or more. DK how many hours a week worked. DK, NA whether worked, NA how many hours worked. a we& 126 Variable 489 Description Q.F29 How many weeks did 00. she actually None, Inap., in Var. 483. work no wife, coded in 1966? 5, 9, or 0 . . 25. 25 weeks. . ;2. 52 weeks. DK how many weeks. NA. 98. 99. For Heads of Families Duncan Socio Economic 490 Index Score For Heads of Families 491 2 Digit Occupation Code For Heads of Families Duncan Socio Economic 492 Score Decile 493 Type of Worker 494 White 495 Modified 496 For Retired Heads of Families - Their Occupation Duncan Socio Bconomic tiex Score 497 For Retired Occupation: 4Y8 Occupation of Wives who Worked in 1966: Socio Economic Index Score 499 Occupation Occupation 500 Q. Jl Collar/Blue White for Index Heads of Families Collar Collar/Blue Latest Heads of Families - Their Latest SCF 2 Digit Occupation Code of Wives who Worked in 1966: Code Do you (R and FU) carry 2955 766 5 Collar any life 1. Yes 5. No; (coded 0 in Var. 9. NA; (coded 0 in Var. Duncan 2 Digit Insurance? 501-503). 501-503). 127 Variable 501 Description Q.J2 Which of the groups on the card shows the of life insurance you (R and FU) have? 65 197 742 635 1133 148 8 27 771 502 4.53 4.54 -_ Q.J5 Q.J6 (coded 5, 1. 5. 8. 9. 0. About 1643 475 305 41 16 6 3 48 1189 1. 5. 9. or 9 in Var. from your Yes. No. DK. NA. Inap. (coded Yes. No; (coded NA; (coded out 5, 0 in Var. 0 in Var. a. b. c. d. e. f. DK. NA. Inap. 500). company on any 500). any new or additional or 9 in Var. any checking how much do you usually 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. a. 9. 0. insurance Yes. Yes, with qualifications. may, may not. Pro-con, No, with qualifications. No. DK. NA. or 9 in Var. Inap. (coded 5, Do you (R and FU)have 2537 1179 10 505 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. a. 9. 0. amount (Less than $500). ($500-999). ($1000-4999). ($5000-9999). ($10,000-49,999). ($50,000 or more). Did you (R and FU) take insurance in 1966? 511 2381 3 60 771 504 a. b. c. d. e. f. DK NA Inap. Can you get a loan of these policies? 1810 38 13 17 681 317 79 771 503 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 0. total 500). accounts? 505). 505). have in them? (less than $500). ($500-999). ($1000-4999). (S5000-9999). ($10,000-49,999). ($50,000 or more). (coded 5, or 9 in Var. 504). life Variable 506 128 Description 4.57 What about savings accounts? Do you (R and FU) have any savings accounts in banks, savings and loan or credit unions? associations, 2303 1411 12 507 4.58 1. 5. 9. About these 671 347 621 325 237 21 6 75 1423 508 Q.59 Q.JlO 625 1132 24 16 1902 510 Q.Jll 1. 2. 3. 9. 0. it 507-509). 507-509). a. (less than $500). b. ($500-999). c. ($1000-4999). d. ($5000-9999). e. ($10,000-49,999). f. ($50,000 or more). DK. NA. (coded 5, or 9 in Var. Inap. How important savings? Is 0 in Var. 0 in Var. how much do you (R and FIJ) have altogether savings accounts? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 0. 968 856 425 47 1430 509 Yes. No; (coded NA; (coded is it Very important. Important. Not very important; (coded NA; (coded 0 in Var. 509). Inap. (coded 0 in Var.501) more important 1. 5. 8. 9. 0. to you to be adding than usual right in 506). to your 0 in Var. (coded 509). r) in uar. nov? Yes, more important. No, it's always important. DK. NA. Inap. (coded 5, or 9 in Var. 3, 9, or 0 in Var. 508). 506; coded Do you (R and FU) own any common or What about stock? preferred stock in a corporation, including companies you have worked for, or own stock through an investment club, or own shares of a mutual fund? 899 2811 16 1. 5. 9. Yes. No; (coded NA; (coded 0 in Var. 0 in Var. 511). 511). 599) Variable 511 129 Description Q.Jl2 About 170 111 235 118 15s 56 16 38 2827 512 4.513 Q.Jl4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 0. a. b. c. d. e. f. DK. NA. Inap these stocks worth? (less than $500). ($500-999). ($1000-4999). ($5000-9999). ($10,000-49,999). ($50,000 or over). (coded 5, 8, or 9 in Var. Do you (R and FU) have any government corporate or municipal bonds? 945 2759 1 21 513 how much are 1. 5. 8. 9. Yes. No; (coded DK; (coded NA; (coded 0 in Var. 0 in Var. 0 in Var. 510). savings bonds, 513). 513). 513). How much do you have altogether? 409 145 220 76 46 7 8 34 2781 1 2. it: 3. c. 4. d. 5. e. 6. f. 8. DR. 9. NA. 0. Inap. (less than $500). ($500-999). ($1000-4999). ($5000-9999). ($10,000-49,999). ($50,000 or more). (coded 5, 8, or 9 in Var. 512). 514 Head Gross Taxable Income: income, and capital Earned income, mixed labor-capital income (Actual dollar amount coded; negative amount coded up to $-9999). 515 Total Income: Gross taxable (Actual dollar to $-9999). Head income and transfer income amount coded; negative amount coded up 516 Wife Gross Taxable Income: Earned income, mixed labor-capital income, and capital income (Actual dollar amount coded; negative amount coded up to $-9999). 517 Total Income: taxable (Actual dollar to $-9999). Gross Wife income and transfer income amount coded; negative amount coded up Variable 513 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 130 Description Others Earned Income: trade and "other salary, professional, Wage, ment" income (Actual dollar amount coded; negative amount to $-9999). Mixed Labor-Capital Income: (Actual dollar amount coded; to $-9999). coded up Others negative amount coded up negative amount coded up Others Income: amount coded; negative amount coded up negative amount coded up Others Capital Income: (Actual dollar amount coded; to $-9999). Gross Taxable (Actual dollar to $-9999). self-employ- Others Transfer Payments: (Actual dollar amount coded; to $-9999). Total Income: (Actual dollar to $-9999). Others amount coded; negative amount coded up Gross Taxable (Actual dollar to $-9999). Income: amount FU coded; negative amount coded up Disposable Income: FU Total family income less family income taxes (Actual dollar munt coded; negative amount to $-99,999). coded up 526 Proportion of Total Income Received by Head (Actual percentage number coded; 00. No income received/ earned by head). 527 Proportion of Total Income Received by Wife (Actual percentage number coded; 00. No income earned by wife). received/ Proportion of Total Income Received by Others (Actual percentage number coded; 00. No income earned by others). received/ Proportion of Total Income Earned by Head (Actual percentage number coded; 00. No income earned by head). received/ 528 529 r 131 Variable 530 531 Description Proportion of Total Income Earned by Wife (Actual percentage number coded; 00. No income earned by wife). Net Outlay 172 135 80 58 146 139 167 126 113 2590 532 533 1. 2. 4. 5. 0. Under $250 including $250-499. $500-749. $750-999. $1000-1499. $1500-1999. $2000-2499. $2500-2999. $3000 and over. Inap. Car Purchase Car Car Car Car Car 1. 2. 4. 5. 0. Car Car Car Car Car Age of car 911 449 416 342 282 246 230 213 203 96 94 69 67 28 26 14 18 15 00. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. (per bought new bought used bought new bought used not bought 1966 Credit-Purchase 281 173 290 313 2669 534 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. 1966-67 454 603 23 56 2590 - received/ (per zero 1st in in in in in net outlay. car basis) 1966. 1966. 1967. 1967. 1966 or 1967. 1st bought nu on bought new in bought used on bought used in not bought in and negative car basis) credit in 1966. 1966 no credit. credit in 1966. 1966, no credit. 1966. (1967 Model Year) Less than one year old One year old (1966). Two years old (1965). (1967 model); own no car- 132 Variable 534 Description (can't) 3 18. 1 19. 3 25. 535 G.M. Type of Car, 123 23 368 1032 629 158 321 260 812 536 1011 619 158 321 203 812 538 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 0. 1. 173 12 2. 3. 2 4. 812 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 0. Revised Rules Newest year-model car owned Second-newest year-model car Third-newest year-model car Fourth-newest year-model car No car owned by FU. FU FU FU FU FU FU wagon). wagon). - of Cars Owned by FU G.M. Ownership 1013 214 401 971 315 812 Rules Foreign economy. Foreign luxury or sports. Domestic compact (except station Domestic low-priced regular. Domestic medium-priced regular. Domestic high-priced regular. Domestic station-wagon. Domestic intermediate. No car owned by FU. Age Ranking 2727 Standard Foreign economy Foreign luxury or sports. Domestic compact (except station Domestic low-priced regular. Domestic medium-priced regular. Domestic high-priced regular. Domestic station wagon. Domestic Intermediate. No car owned by FU. G.M. Type of Car, 123 23 456 537 Eighteen years old. Nineteen years old. 20 or more years old. (or only owned. owned. owned. car). Code owns owrs owns owns owns owns one car two or two or one car two or no car. bought new. more cars, all bought new. more cars, new and used. bought used. more cars, all bought used. 133 Variable 539 Description Age of oldest Car, 1967 minus year Actual age of car coded, except: 18 25. 99. 540 541 Market 0. 69 1. 325 2. 272 3. 130 4. 262 5. Whether 1116 2610 542 c. 25 or more years. At least one car owned by PU, age of oldest is NA. Activity 2668 Trade-in Inactive, no trade-ins, sales, disposals or purchases. Decremented car stocks (Number of purchases less than number of T-I's, sales h disposals). Replaced stock (Purchases equal T'I's & sales & disposals) bought new. Replaced stock (purchases equal T'I's, sales & disposals) bought used. Incremented car stock (Purchases exceed T-I's, sales & disposals), single owner. Incremented car stock (Purchases exceed T'I's sales h disposals), multiple owner. Owns. Does not Pattern 2593 0. 229 1. 219 2. 112 3. 41 4. 135 397 5. 6. car 1966 owns car bought 1. 0. model new since 1964 own. (per car basis 66-67 purchases) Owns no car; did not purchases in 66 or 67, NA whether trade-in was new or used. New-New Car bought new traded in or sold in connection with new car purchases in 1966 or 1967. Used-Used Car bought used traded or sold in connection with used car purchase in 1966 or 1967. New-Used Car bought used traded in or sold in connection with new car purchase in 1966 or 1967. Used-New Car bought new traded in or sold in connection with a used car purchase in 1966 or 1967. Bought new in 66 or 67; no TI. Bought used in 66 or 67; no TI. 134 Variable 543 Description Type of Car FOMOCOcode 146 128 137 184 1011 1308 812 544 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 0. Age of Car Traded-In (1966 minus Actual age of car coded, except: 3 25. 99. 00. 545 Length Actual 2 Total 1013 971 202 264 340 10 46 26 22 2 4 5 3 4 2 812 547 year model of car) 20 or more years old. Car traded or sold in connection with 66-67 purchase, but age NA. 1966 or 1967 model traded in or sold; ovna no car or car owned nou not purchased in 1966-67. of Time Trade-In or Sale car was owned length of time coded, except: 25. 99. 00. 546 Foreign (all Foreign cars regardless of model). Domestic sports car or convertible. Station wagon, model year 64-67. Station wagon, model year 63 or earlier. Sedan, coupe, hardtop, model year 64-67. Sedan, coupe, hardtop, model year, 63 or earlier. No car owned by FU. 20 or more years. Car traded or sold in connection with 65-66 purchases, but length of time TI owned is NA. Car traded in was bought in 1966 or 1967; ems no car no car traded or sold; owns car now not purchased in 1965-66. Number of Cars Owned in the 11. 12. 21. 22. 23. 31. 32. 33. 34. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 50. 00. Owns one II ,I II two It II 1, 11 ,I three II 11 ,I ,I ,I I, Unit car, 1, bought new. bought used. car;, both bought new. 11 both bought used. , ,I one bought new, one bought used. car:, all bought new. II all bought used. 11 ' , one bought new, two bought used. I. two bought new, one bought used. Four cars, all'new. Four cars, all used. One new, three used. Two new, two used. Three new, one used. Undefined code. No car owned in family unit. Year Model of Newest Car bought (NA's assigned) Actual year/model coded, except: 00. Family No car used. owned by FU; all New, owned by FU cars owned were bought - c 135 Variable - 548 Description Whether at least year by FU 456 3270 549 550 551 at least year 644 3082 1. 0. G.U. Net 412 145 124 176 145 134 2590 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 0. Net Outlay 0000. XxXx. -XXX. 552 553 in calendar Purchased new car. Did not purchase new car. 1. 0. Whether calendar one new car purchase one used car purchased by FU in Purchased used car. Did not purchase used car. outlay on 1966 Auto Purchases Under $850 (including zero $850 - 1349. $1350 - 1849. $1850 - 2349. $2350 - 2849. $2850 or over. Car not bought in 1966-67. (Total Price and negative). - Trade-in) Inap. in dollars. Negative net outlay. Amt. Financing Arrangement 278 223 1. 2. 540 3. 76 4. 17 2 2590 5. 9. 0. Cash only. Cash plus trade-in or sale, no borrowing (includes trade-in only). Installment or other borrowing, plus either trade-in or sale, cash or both. Installment or other borrowing, no trade-in, sale, or cash. Gift. NA. Inap., car not bought in 1966 or 1967, FU owns no car. Installment Debt Incurred (Orig. Length Payments) to previous NOTE: May not be comparable cases. 00000. .mxxx. 99999. Did not borrow, no purchase, installment debt only. Amount in Dollars. NA amount. of Debt X MntuY studies does not in all own, non- 136 Variable 554 Description Price of 1966 Auto Purchase 569 93 137 146 98 93 2590 555 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. Under $250. $250 -499. $500 - 999. $1000 - 1499. $1500 - 1999. $2000 - 2499. $2500 - 2999. $3000 and over. NA amount. Inap. 1. Under $250. 2. $250 - 499. 3. $500 - 999. 4. $1000 - 1499. 5. $1500 - 1999. 6. $2000 - 2499. 7. $2500 - 2999. 8. $3000 and over. 9. NA amount. 0. Inap. Whether Owns 1 or more trucks 624 3102 558 $1850 (including gifts). - 2349. - 2849. - 3349. - 3849. or over. Amount borrowed or financed 40 55 93 107 101 102 69 41 8 3110 557 Under $1850 $2350 $2850 $3350 $3850 Inap. Installment Debt Incurred 20 39 72 61 81 92 75 96 49 3141 556 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 0. 1. 0. Yes, owns at least 1 truck. No. Car-Truck Ownership 2352 562 62 750 1. 2. 3. 0. Owns Owns Owns oVn6 car(s) only. car(s) and truck(s). truck(s) only. no car6 or truck6. 137 Variable 559 Description Total 1632 1028 231 61 11 7 3 3 750 560 Vehicle 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 0. Special 388 459 1765 156 146 812 Ownership & Trucks) &ns 1 car or truck. owns 2 vehicles. Owns 3 vehicles. etc. Owns 9 or more vehicles. Owns neither cars or trucks. Car Class 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 0. (Cars (Price-Product Groups) Low price. Intermediate. Regular. High. Foreign. Owns no car. Each class contains the following car Definitional Note: See Var. 164 for identregardless of year model. types, ification. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 561 Trade-In 288 131 89 50 19 15 1 1 8 3124 562 14, 15, 11, 55, 50, 22, Total 253 132 99 95 95 148 16, 24, 12, 99. 51, 21, 17, 18, 19, 23, 29, 56, 60, 61, 65, 68, 10. 26, 27, 28, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67, 25, 37. 13, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 53, 30, 35, 38, 39, 52, 54, 57, 20, 59. (Field 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. Price 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. in Var. 58, 71. 183) Under $500. $500 - 999. $1000 - 1499. $1500 - 1999. $2000 - 2499. $2500 - 2999. $3000 - 3499. $3500 - 3999. $4000 and over. Car was a gift; owned by FU. (Field in Var. Under $500. $500 - 999. $1000 - 1499. $1500 - 1999. $2000 - 2499. $2500 - 2999. car not 181) bought 65-66; no car 138 Variable 562 Description (can't) 135 81 81 2607 563 7. 8. 9. 0. Total Remaining 112 115 228 171 145 101 47 42 2765 564 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 0. Remaining 120 116 236 172 147 105 50 43 3 2734 565 566 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. Monthly 38 208 345 374 1 26 2734 Paid 242 138 94 41 76 56 $3000 - 3499. $3500 - 3999. $4000 and over. Car was a gift; owned by FU. Installment Debt (Field bought in Var. (Field no loan; in Var. time; in Var. 172) debt only; $1 - 24. $25 - 49. $50 - 74. $75 - 99. $150 and over. NA, DK. Non-installment inap. in Var. 65-66; no car 179) time; Under $250. $250 - 499. $500 - 999. $1000 - 1499. $1500 - 1999. $2000 - 2499. $2500 - 2999. $3000 and over. NA, DK. Repaid by interview in Cash (Field 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (Field Under $250. $250 - 499. $500 - 999. $1000 - 1499. $1500 - 1999. $2000 - 2499. $2500 - 2999. $3000 and over. Repaid by interview payment 1. 2. 3. 4. 7. 9. 0. Debt car not inap. 180) no loan; repaid inap. by interview; 184) Under $250 (inc luding $250 - 499. $500 - 749. $750 - 999. $1000 - 1499. $1500 - 1999. negative amounts 1. 139 Variable 566 Description (con' t) 52 87 2940 567 568 569 7. 8. 0. $2000 - 2499. $2500 and over. No cash paid; car was a gift; Special New Car Price 3279 0. 47 66 56 54 72 59 17 53 2s 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Special 3081 0. 44 63 145 131 96 73 48 26 19 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 9999. Owns no car; did new car. $1 - 99. $100 - 199. $200 - 499. $500 - 999. $1000 - 1499. $1500 - 1999. $2000 - 2499. $2500 - 2999. $3000 and over. not buy 66-67; No installment debt. Amount of monthly payment Total Monthly in all years) Actual dollar 0000. 9999. only; bought no Bracket Total Monthly payments on installment medical all years) - Trend (excluding Actual dollar amount coded. 0000. 570 Bracket $0 - 1999; bought used car car 66-67; owns no car. $2000 - 2499. $2500 - 2799. $2800 - 2999. $3000 - 3199. $3200 - 3499. $3500 - 3799. $3800 - 3999. $4000 - 4999. $5000 and over. Used Car Price inap. bought debt (incurred and dental) NA. payments on installment debt (incurred - Panel (including medical and dental) amount coded. No installment debt. Amount of monthly payment NA. in 140 Variable 571 Description Total remaining installment debt incurred Trend (excluding medical and dental) Actual dollar amount coded. 0000. 572 574 No installment Total Panel Actual No installment No installment 1966 - not in 1966 - not in 1966 - debt. remaining installment debt incurred (including medical and dental) dollar amount coded. 0000. in debt. Total remaining installment debt incurred Trend (excluding medical and dental) Actual dollar amount coded. 0000. 1966 - debt. Total remaining installment debt incurred Panel (including medical and dental) Actual dollar amount coded. 0000. 573 No installment in debt. - 575 Remaining installment additions and repairs Actual dollar amount 0000. 576 Remaining installment on all cars Actual dollar amount 0000. 577 No installment incurred No installment No installment all years in all years in all years on debt. debt incurred coded. debt. debt. Remaining "other" installment years Actual dollar amount coded. 0000. in coded. Remaining installment debt incurred durables Actual dollar amount coded. 0000. 578 No installment debt debt. debt incurred in all on 141 Variable 579 Description Remaining medical and dental in all years Actual dollar amount coded. 0000. 580 in all years incurred in years No installment NA amount. No installment NA amount. incurred No installment Nh amount. in all years debt. debt incurred in debt. years - Trend years - Panel debt. Total remaining debt incurred in all (medical and dental debt included) Actual dollar amount coded. 00000. 99999. all debt. Total remaining debt incurred in all (medical and dental debt excluded) Actual dollar amount coded. 0 0000. 99999. 586 No installment NA amount. incurred incurred Remaining total medical and dental all years Actual dollar amount coded. 00000. 99999. 585 No installment NA amount. and repairs debt. debt Remaining total "other" Actual dollar amount coded. 00000. 99999. 584 cars Remaining total debt on durables Actual dollar amount coded. 00000. 99999. 583 No installment NA amount. incurred debt. Remaining total debt on all Actual dollar amount coded. 00000. 99999. 582 No installment NA amount. debt debt. Remaining total debt on additions in all years Actual dollar amount coded. 00000. 99999. 581 No installment installment debt. 142 Variable 587 Description State 68 36 42 132 361 38 59 12 149 48 lC? 108 110 136 33 -9 ;4 ?6 1e1 67 32 107 588 589 where 0. 01. 03. 04. 05. 06. ?7. 09. 10. 11. 14 . 15. 16. 18. 10. 20. 21. 32. 23. 24. 25. 26. 0. 3264 1. Non-white Mexicans, Orientals, White. 39 130 297 146 267 35 51 208 38 30 48 145 49 95 72 40 28. 31. 33. 34. 36. 37. 38. 39. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 47. 48. 50. Nebraska New Jersey New York North Carolina Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Virginia Washington Wisconsin 0. 1. Negro. Non-Negro. (includes Negroes, Puerto Ricans, Cubans and other South Americans, Indians, Polynesians, and NA's. Race Whether Child 0. 1. Whether 631 3095 592 Undefined code Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut District of Columbia Florida Georgia Illinois Indiana Iowa Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri 462 3404 322 591 was taken Race 368 3358 590 interview Whether 2840 886 under 4 in F'U No child under 4. Has child under 4. child 0. 1. 2 in FU No child under 2. Has child under 2. child o. 1. under under 6 in FU NO child under 6. Has child under 6. 143 Variable 593 Description Whether 3511 215 594 598 adults 0. 1. 599 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 25 not other No adults Has adults than Head and Wife NA's) in FU other than Head and Wife. other than Hsad and Wife. in FU One person. Two persons. Three persons. Nine or more persons. owns business 3242 0. 484 1. or self-employed of Interview 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. farmer Does not own business or self-employed (includes NA's). Owns business or self-em-loyed farmer. O-34 minutes. 35-44. 45-54. 55-64 (1 hr.). 65-84 ( 1 l/4 hrs.). 85-99 (1 l/2 hrs.). loo-114 (1 3/4 hrs.). 115 or more (2 or more i-x-s.). "Undefined code". Age of Head 248 663 712 727 601 473 332 at horn?. /. 8. 9. Whether 36 157 490 831 1210 532 192 199 88 14-17. 14-17. under Number of people Length at home No child under 25 not at home (includes Has child under 25 not at home. 0. 1. 685 1145 580 561 365 194 103 54 39 597 14-17 No child Has child child Whether 3012 714 596 0. 1. Whether 3333 393 595 child Under 25. 25-34. 35-44. 45-54. 55-64. 65-74. 75 and over. farmer 144 Variable 600 Description Age of Wife 1056 291 619 532 371 210 86 1056 601 Marital 2663 387 676 602 status 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 0. Rent paid 66 242 350 294 134 86 62 21 2471 604 Under 25. 25-34. 35-44. 45-54. 55-64. 65-74. 75 and over. Head of FU is not married. and SW Married. Single man. Single woman. Years Married 117 61 96 88 354 675 1276 1059 603 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 0. 1 year. 2 years. 3 years. 4 years. 5-9 years. lo-19 years. 20 years and over. Not married. per month $1-24. $25-49. $50-74. $75-99. $100-124. $125-149. $150 and over. NA. does not Inap., rent. House value 72 132 187 211 373 226 496 235 411 1383 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. $1-2499. $2500-4999. $5000-7499. $7500-9999. $10,000-12,499. $12,500-14,999. $15,000-19,999. $20,000-24,999. $25,000 and over. does not own house. Inap., -- 145 Variable 605 Description Total 79 339 609 624 369 214 211 14 1267 606 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 0. Net Equity xxx. 0000. - 608 $1-24. $25-49. $50-74. $75-99. $100-124. $125-149. $150 and over. NA. no mortgage. Inap., Under $500, includes $500-999. $1000-4999. $5000-9999. $10,000-14,999. $15,000-19,999. $20,000-24,999. $25,000 and over. does not own hap., First 18 109 271 332 228 122 131 2515 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 0. equity. house. kount coded In hundreds IMP., coded 4-8. 138. mortgage payment $1-24. $25-49. $50-74. $75-99. $100-124. $125-149. $150 and over. Inap., no first mortgage See Var. of dollars. in Var. $1-2499. $2500-4999. $5000-7499. $7500-9999. $10,000-12,499. $12,500-14,999. $15,000 and over. no first mortgage. hap., Mcrtgage 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 0. negative On House (house value-mortgage) Amount owed on first 150 208 186 213 155 103 175 2506 609 payment House Equity 38 37 446 604 486 285 125 229 1475 607 mortgage payment. 145. 146 Variable 610 Description Amount owed on second mortgage 46 16 6 1 3657 611 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 0. 614 Total 615 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 0. Years before Interest 10 5 202 214 'v! iii mortgage wrtgagc 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 9. 0. debt $1-2499. $2500-4999. $5000-7499. $7500-9999. $10,000-12,499. $12,500-14,999. $15,000 and over. IMP., no wrtgage mortgage is paid l-5 years. 6-10. 11-15. 16-20. 21-30. 31 years and over. NA. no mortgage. hap., on mortgage 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 5 on second mortgage. Amount in dollars. No mortgage debt. 144 204 186 211 191 101 183 2506 216 261 186 206 26c! 4 86 2507 payment $1-24. $25-49. $50-74. $75-99. $100-124. $150 and over. no payment Inap.. Amount of total xXxXx. oonoo . 613 $1-2499. $2500-4999. $5000-7499. $12,500-14,999. hap., no second mortgapc. Second r.ortgage 18 21 14 6 2 2 3663 612 1. 2. 3. 6. 0. Under 3.0 per 3.0-3.9x. 4.0-4.92. 5.0-5.4%. 5.5-5.9%. 6.0-6.4%. cent. debt. 147 Variable 615 Description (can't) 99 19 93 2512 616 619 on additions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. 0. 161 1. Whether on additions and repairs. on A & R $1-9. $10-19. $20-29. $30-39. $40-49. $50-59. $60-79. $80 and over. NA. Inap., does not addition 3565 and repairs $1-49. $50-99. $100-199. $200-499. $500-999. $1000 and over. NA. Inap., no expenditure payment Whether 1381 2345 620 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 9. 0. Monthly 11 39 39 16 18 12 10 11 5 3565 618 6.5-7.4%. 7.5% and over. NA. Inap., no mortgage. Expenditures 230 174 263 380 216 218 29 2216 617 7. 8. 9. 0. and repair Does not repairs. Has debt have monthly payment on A & R. debt now have debt for for and repairs. additions additions and owns home or trailer 0. 1. Whether Does not own home or trailer. Owns home or trailer. self-employed 3325 0. 401 1. only Not self-employed or both for someone else (includes Self-employed only. self-employed NA's). and works 148 Variable 621 622 Description Years in present 359 333 279 205 142 407 587 475 42 897 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. 623 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 0. during 1966 One week. 2 weeks. 3. 4. 5-7. 8-12. 13 weeks and over. NA. None, IMP. Number of weeks Head unemployed 31 37 28 46 56 51 165 2 30 3280 624 One year. 2-3 years. 4-5. 6-7. 8-9. 10-14. 15-24. 25 years or over. NA. None, Inap. Weeks of vacation 427 678 419 210 87 33 31 21 1820 job 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I. 8. ?. 0. One week. 2 weeks. 3. 4. 5-7. 3-11. 12 weeks or more. DK. NA. None, Inap. Number of weeks Head ill 187 134 67 72 54 48 115 1 23 3025 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. in 1966 One week. 2 weeks. 3. 4. 5-7. 8-11. 12 weeks or more. DK. NA. None, Inap. in 1966 149 Variable 625 Description Weeks Head worked 34 81 188 443 690 876 474 3 22 915 626 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 0. Hours wife 155 173 654 107 40 17 10 34 2536 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. a. 9. 0. 630). per week in 1966 1-19 hours. 20-34. 35-40. 41-48. 49-59. 60 hours and over. DK. NA. None, Inap. Hours Head worked 114 77 61 31 21 37 16 39 3330 628 Less than 14 weeks. 14-26. 27-39. 40-47. 48-49. 50-51. 52. DK. NA. None, Inap. (coded 0 in Var. Hours Head worked 59 98 1255 565 431 348 16 45 909 627 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. in 1966 on second job in 1966 1-199 hours. 200-399. 400-599. 600-799. 800-999. 1000-1499. 1500 hours and over. NA. None, Inap. worked per week in 1966 1-19 hours. 20-34. 35-40. 41-48. 49-59. 60 hours and over. DK. NA. or wife IMP. 9 no wife didn't work. 150 Variable 629 Description Weeks wife 210 173 156 152 139 217 104 7 32 2536 630 915 2811 631 632 633 Head worked 0. 1. Whether 908 2818 in 1966 Less than 14 weeks. 14-26 weeks. 27-39, 40-47. 48-49. 50-51. 52. DK. NA. None, Inap. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. Whether worked Did not work (coded Worked in 1966. Head in labor 0. 1. in 1966 force 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 736 0. in January, 625). February 1967 Not in labor force. In labor force - working now; unemployed, sick, or laid off; retired and working now; retired and sick or laid off (coded 6, 7, or 8 in unemployed; Var. 462). Occupation B - Unemployed when working 375 232 206 335 514 577 382 139 230 0 in Var. classified according to job Professional, technical and kindred workers. Managers, officials (non-self-employed). Self-employed businessmen and artisans. Clerical and sales workers. Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred vorkers. Operatives and kindred workers. Laborers and service workers. Farmers and farm managers. Miscellaneous groups, including students of all ages, housewives and rentiers under age 55. Retired; ~UseVives (if 55 or over); handle own investments only if over 55. Life Cycle (Unemployed people and housewives 55 years or over are unemployed people and housewives under considered retired; 55 are considered to be in the labor force). Under Age 45 228 188 735 343 1. 2. 3. 4. .. Unmarried, no children. 2 or more adults, Married, Married, 2 or more adults, Married, 2 or more adults, over. no children. youngest child youngest child under 6 or 6. 151 Variable 633 Description (can't) Age 45 or over 447 594 5. 6. 364 7. 279 360 8. 9. Married, 2 Married, 2 labor force. Married, 2 retired. Unmarried, Unmarried, or more adults, or more adults, has children. no children, head in or more adults, no children, head Unmarried, has children. no children, no children, head in labor head retired. force. Any age 634 - 635 188 0. Life Cycle, 358 186 503 1. 2. 3. 575 4. 448 953 703 5. 6. 7, 0. 1. 0. 1. Whether 1490 2236 638 45, not married (with or without children). 45, 2 or more adults, married, no children. 45, 2 or more adults, married less than 10 has children. 45, 2 or more adults, married 10 years or has children. over, 2 or more adults, married, has children. over, 2 or more adults, married, no children. over, not married, (with or without children). (brackets coded 80-89 on Not a farmer or farm manager. Is farmer or farm manager. Whether Blue Collar Worker (self-employed artisans & craftsmsn; other craftsmen, foremen & kindred workers; operatives; government protective service workers) service workers; laborers, 2196 1530 637 Under Under Under years, Under more, 45 or 45 or 45 or assigned) Whether farmer or farm manager the SCF occupation code) 3585 141 636 GM (NA's collar worker. owns home or trailer 0. 1. Whether 2472 1254 Others. Is a blue Others. Owns home or trailer renter 0. 1. and is not and not Others. Renters and is not a farmer who are not a farmer farmers. a farmer. Variable 639 152 Description Hourly 2562 158 265 298 160 120 59 60 20 24 640 earnings 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Hourly 641 Hourly 1150 146 165 260 269 332 402 474 313 215 642 Hourly 643 Total 17 98 262 327 231 128 148 2515 not ascertained) of Head (bracket) work per hour. from MTR 608 (or hours not ascertained). of wife Dollars and cents earned per hour. Fifty cents an hour. $9.99 an hour or more. Wife did not work or hours not ascertained. Mortgage 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 0. (or hours of Head Head did not $0.50-0.99. $1.00-1.49. $1.50-1.99. $2.00-2.49. $2.50-2.99. $3.00-3.49. $3.50-4.49. $4.50-5.99. $6.00-9.99. earnings xxx. 050. 999. 000. from MTR 608 Dollars and cents earned Fifty cents an hour, $9.99 an hour or more. Head did not work. earnings 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. (bracket) Wife did not work $0.50-0.99. $1.00-1.49. $1.50-1.99. $2.00-2.49. $2.50-2.99. $3.00-3.49. $3.50-4.49. $4.50-5.99. $6.00-9.99. earnings xxx. 050. 999. 000. of Wife Payment (1st. mortgage $1 - 24. $25 - 49. $50 - 74. $75 - 99. $100 - 124. $125 - 149. $150 and over. No mortgage or do not & 2nd. mortgage) own a house. 153 Variable 644 Description Region 848 1058 187 952 613 68 Interview 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 0. Region was taken Deep South) Northeast. North Central. Deep South. Other South. West. Undefined code. # 2 1 3 Northeast North Central Deep South Connecticut Maine N. Hampshire New Jersey New York Pennsylvania Rhode Island Vermont Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Michigan Minnesota Missouri Nebraska North Dakota Ohio South Dakota Wisconsin Alabama Georgia Louisiana Mississippi S. Carolina 5 4 Other South Arkansas Delaware Florida Kentucky Maryland N. Carolina Oklahoma Tennessee Texas Virginia Wash. D. C. W. Virginia 645 (Include Region 864 1110 1139 613 where 1. 2. 3. 4. West Arizona California Colorado Idaho Montana New Mexico Nevada Oregon Utah Washington Wyoming Interview Northeast. North Central. South. West. was taken 154 Variable 646 647 648 649 Description Housing Status 2295 1194 145 1. 2. 3. 82 10 4. 5. 1964 House Purchasers 28 98 22 1. 2. 3. 2099 1250 93 4. 5. 6. 136 8. Housing 459 1836 772 422 145 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 92 6. (non-farm) Bought new house or trailer in 1966 (or 1967). Bought used house or trailer in 1966 (or 1967). Bought house or trailer in 1966 (or 1967), NA new or used. Other owners. Renter (primary and secondary SU's - non-farm). Neither owns nor rents (primary and secondary SU'S - non-farm). Farmers. Status and Duration Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary; owner). Unrelated owner; bought 1964-1967. owner; bought before 1964. renter; moved in 1964-1967 renter; moved in before 1964. neither own nor rents (includes trailer secondaries. Total Net Outlay on All Cars Bought in 1966 (Price - Trade In, NA amounts are assigned) 0000. -XXX. 650 owners). Primary owner (excludes trailer Primary renter. neither owns nor rents (includes trailer Primary, owners). Unrelated secondary, renter. Unrelated secondary, neither owns nor rents. Total No net outlay; car a gift; value of trade in equal to price; no car bought in 1966. Negative net outlay (trade in exceeds price). Net Outlay 152 1. 117 78 57 127 137 154 107 129 2668 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. on all Cars Bought in 1966 (Field in Var. 649) Under $250 including zero and negative net outlay, (car was gift or received as payment in kind; tradein or sale equals or exceeds price of car). $250-499. $500-749. $750-999. $1000-1499. $1500-1999. $2000-2499. $2500-2999. $3000 or over. Inap., did not buy a car in 1966. 155 Variable 651 Description Net Outlay on Cars and Durables Actual dollar amount coded. 99999. 0 0000. -xXxX. 652 653 - NA. on Cars and Durables Field in Var. 651) $100-199. $200-299. $300-499. $500-999. $1000-1999. $2000-2999. $3000-4999. $5000 and over. No expenditure; $100 net outlay. negative 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. net in 1966 (Net Outlay outlay; None. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Number of "major" appliances (Includes - TV, refrigerators, 2659 907 141 19 655 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 0. in 1966 less than Number of appliances purchased in 1966 washers, dryers, ranges, (Includes - TV, refrigerators, air conditioners, deep freezers, sewing machines, dishwashers, record players, tape recorders, humidifiers, radios, 217-225 except furniture dehumidifiers - Var. Var. 221). 2275 997 327 96 24 5 1 1 654 Net outlay on durables No expenditures. Negative net outlay. Major Expenditure of $100 or more; 303 252 311 420 319 268 173 29 1651 Bought 0. 1. 2. 3. None. One. Two. Three. Number of new cars 3270 440 15 1 0. 1. 2. 3. purchased washers, None. One. Two. Three. purchased in 1966 in 1966 only) 156 Variable 656 Description Number of used cars 3082 578 62 3 1 657 0. 1. 2. 3. 6. 660 purchased in 1966 None. One. Two. Three. Six. Additions and Repairs Total Net Outlay on Cars, Durables, (NA Amounts assigned: durables = $50, additions and repairs = $200) 00000. -XXX. 659 in 1966 None. One. Two. Three. Six. Number of cars (New and Used) 2668 939 109 9 1 658 0. 1. 2. 3. 6. purchased Total (Field No net outlay Negative net on cars, durables, or A 6 R. outlay (trade in exceeds price). Net Outlay on Cars, in Var. 658) 710 1. 465 314 204 239 192 181 127 291 1003 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. Durables, Additions Under $250 including zero and negative net outlay, (a gift or received as payment in kind; trade-in or sale equals or exceeds price of car). $250-499. $500-749. $750-999. $1000-1499. $1500-1999. $2000-2499. $2500-2999. $3000 or over. did not make expenditure in 1966. Inap., Additions Major Expenditure on Cars, Durables, (Field in Var. 658) (Net Outlay of $100 dollars all purchases) 287 262 365 518 431 308 228 63 1264 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 0. and Repairs $100-199. $200-299. $300-499. $500-999. $1000-1999. $2000-2999. $3000-4999. $5000 and over. No expenditure; $100 net outlay. negative net outlay, and Repairs or more on less than c 157 Yariable 661 Description Index of Major Expenditures in 1966 (Net outlay of $100 or more on cars, and repairs or bought a house) 1343 878 237 17 1251 662 1. 2. 3. 4. 0. 663 664 1966 television washing machine, Owned none prior to 1966. Dollar value of stock. Total Vdue of Appliances Owned before 1966 (Field in Var. 662) (Includes TV, refrigerator, washing machine, stove, air conditioner only) 298 130 142 185 324 99c 1326 273 58 -- or additions Made one type of major expenditure in 1966. Made two types of major expenditures in 1966. (I ,I Made three " " " " 11 (1 " four " " " " No major expenditure; no expenditure. Total Value of Appliances Bought Before (Includes (and owned at interview date) [color or black and white], refrigerator, stove, air conditioner only) 0000. XxXx. durables, 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. Owned none prior $1-99. $100-199. $200-299. $300-399. $400-499. $500-749. $750-999. $1000 and over. to 1966. Average Age of Durables Owned TV, refrigerator, washing 1966 purchws conditioner only. Harmonic kan is uoed. Includes AVERAGE AGE = n = number of durables m machine, stove, air counted with AGE=O. = number of durables - AVERAGE MULTIPLIED BY 10 000. Gwns no durable6 xxx. Average Age of Durables owned before bought 1966 in 1966 ( 1 = 1 for age these) 158 Variable 665 Description Average 182 364 691 489 411 365 344 218 662 666 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Owned (See Var. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 664) Owns none. 1.0 - 1.9. 2.0 - 2.9. 3.0 - 3.9. 4.0 - 4.9. 5.0 - 5.9. 6.0 - 6.9. 7.0 - 7.9. 8.0 or more. Number of Durables With 2 or More Repairs not included) (Includes TV, refrigerator, air conditioner only) machine, stove, 2818 810 73 22 3 667 Age of Durables (1966 purchases washing None. One. Two. Three. Four. Number of Durables Owned with Less Than 2 Repairs (Includes all 1966 purchases of durables listed in Var. 666 as well as all such durables owned prior to 1966 with less than 2 repairs) 219 290 322 840 1374 542 118 17 4 668 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. None. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Total Number of Durables (Includes TV, refrigerator, conditioner only) 182 275 215 548 1585 702 187 24 8 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. None. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Owned (includes 1966 purchases) washing machine, stove, air DATAFORMAT r 160 DATA FORMAT INFORMATION The following pages contain information on the format, location and other The format information is characteristics of the variables in this study. Listed below are the meanings intended for both OSIRIS and non-OSIRIS users. of the terms found in the data format heading. COLUMNS = The columns occupied by the variable on this of the card image version of the data. particular card The name is used VARIABLE NAME = A name for the variable up to 24 characters. on moat printed output of OSIRIS to label the variables, making it easier to check which variables have been referenced. VAR I This number Identifies the specific var= The variable number. iables. The first variable is usually denoted Vl, the second Variables are referenced by this number when V2, and so forth. they are to be used in an OSIRIS program. WIDTH = The width TLOC = The starting byte location of the field containing the variable In a logical record format. Variable with TLOC 251 begins at the two hundred fifty first byte. NORESP Some variables represent more than ' = The number of responses. one distinct value -- for example, a variable which represents "Of the following mags+nea, which five are you the question, .. most likely to read?". MDCODEl MDCODEZ = Missing data codes. Two types of missing data codes may be These indicate which of the code values in used in the data. the data do not represent true data values. These are labeled "1" and "2" in the format information. For the first, any value in the data exactly equal to the missing data code value is considered missing. The second misaing data value, howwer, denotes the beginning of a range of values. If MB2 is positive, then any data value equal to or greater than MD2 is treated as missing data. If MD2 is negative, then an value equal to or leas than MD2 is treated as missing data. of the In general, calcula:iona. case sbnuld field containing the variable. missing data should not be included In statistical If a case has mi.aaLng data on a variable, the be omitted from calculations involving that variable. 171 l roro)ECK= COLUHNS I2 36 7m- .-. 7 10 11 12 13 14 I4 17 18 - 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 - 19 20 23 32 34 35 38 39 40 42 43 45 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 s417 u41 64 - 56 57 60 63 64 65 47 - 66 67 40 0 70 - 68 69 70 71 12 73 74 75 76 78 79 00 71 72 73 74 75 77 70 79 80 :: 34 11 40 41 43 44 46 48 49 so 51 s2 53 s4 55 - 1 VARIABLE NAHE IS THE CONSTANT: '01' IHTERUIEU NUHBER NEIGH1 9t80 PSU CODE l:lO-12 REGIOW-9 DGT-PSU 1110 PSU SUB-ID. ltll URBANIZATION lrl2 IDENTIFICATION 1:13-14 COUNTY CODE 1815 SECONDARY SEL l:lb BELT 1:17 SIZE OF PLACE 1:18 DIST FROR CENTER 1:19 CENSUS TRACT 1:20-22 VAR I : 3 : 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 INT'S SOC.SEC.1:23-31 14 INT’S INT.NO. 1:32-33 DATE OF IN1 lr34 LENGTH OF INT.lrJS-37 SAMPLE RANDOM HALF 1:3G H H CORP 1 DGT 1139 H H CORP 2 DOTS 1:39-40 SEX OF HEAD 1:41 A6E OF HEAD 1842-43 AGE OF UIFE l:44-45 IS R THE HEAD lr46 SEX OF R 1:47 NO OF ADULTS IN FU 1348 ADULTS 65 OR OLDER I:49 NO OF CHILDREN 1:50 A6E YOUNGEST CHILD 1:Sl AGE OLDEST CHILD 1152 CHILDREN AGE 15-17 1:53 CHANGES IN NO IN FU lr54 CHILDREN NOT IN DU 1:55 SON-DAUGHTER 1:56-58 IN SCHOOL UKING 1:59-61 MARITAL STATUS 1:62 YEARS MARRIED 1:63-64 EDUC. OF HEAD lrbS EDUC OF UIFE 1:66 NO R'S BEPENDENTS lrb7 HEAD LESS THAN 60 1:bS YILL FU WOVE 1:69 RACE 1:70 NUMBER OF CALLS 1:71 PRESENT DURING INT 1:72 TYPE OF STRUCTURE 1:73 NEIGHBORHOOD 1:74-75 DID R UNDERSTAND 1:76 DISCREPANCIES 1:77 YHO IS HEAD 1:7E 15 lb 17 18 GIDTH 4 1 3 1 5 1 1 1 9 2 I 10 11 12 14 15 lb 17 18 3 9 2 19 22 1 33 34 37 38 39 41 42 44 3 19 20 2 21 1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 2 2 1 1 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 40 49 50 6 1 1 1 1 1 I 36 TLOC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 2 1 1 1 31 46 47 40 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 59 62 63 65 66 67 60 69 70 71 72 73 74 76 77 78 NORESP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 I 1 1‘ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ADCODEI RDCODE2 0000008 0000099 0000999 0000099 0000000 0000099 0000009 0000009 0000000 0000000 0000007 0000009 0000000 0000000 0000009 0000000 0000009 0000000 0000009 0000009 0000008 0000099 0000009 0000008 0000009 0000008 0000009 0000099 0000009 r 162 *rro*BECK= COLtINNS 12 36 78 99 10 10 11 11 12 - 13 14 17 10 18 - 19 ii - 20 21 - 21 - 22 f : - 27 t(28 2T29 10 - 30 Jl35 - 36 t : - 37 II - 38 19 - 40 01 - 44 (s45 4b - 50 II - 51 52 - 52 s3 - 53 I4 - 54 55 - 55 I4 - 56 57 - 57 SB56 59 - 60 41 - 61 6262 13 - 63 44 - 64 AS - 65 b466 47 - 67 4B - 60 19 - 69 70 - 70 71 - 71 72 - 72 73 - 73 74 - 76 77n DO- 00 2 V4R I WAR1IIBl.E RARE IS THE CONSTANT: '02' 1 INTERVIEU NURBER CODER NUMBER lr79-80 51 DITE OF INT 2tlO 52 AGE HEAD BKT 2:11 53 BETTER MORSE NOU 2:12 54 55 YHY l/Y NOU 2:13-14 56 WY B/Y NW 2:13-16 B/U A YEAR FRON IOU 2117 57 EXPT BUY HOUSE SOON 2:lB 58 59 EXPT BUY HOUSE LATERZtl9 PLAN COST HOUSE 2r20 60 61 EXPECT A MD R 2121 PLAN COST h/R 2122-25 62 63 EXPT BUY CAR 12 110. 2r26 64 EXPT BUY N/U CllR 2:27 65 12 HO. CAR TIKING 2r2B PLhN COST CM 2829-32 66 67 PLAN TX/SALE 2:33 EXPT BUY CAR 12+ 2134 68 69 NOU G/B BUY DUR 2r35 70 UHY B/B BUY DUR 2:36-37 YWY B/B BUY BUR 2136-39 71 EXPT BUY LARGE OUR 2:40 72 73 PLAN COST DUR 2:41-44 74 EXPT BUY TV 2145 75 PLAN COST TV 2:46 EXPT BUY REFRIG 2:47 76 77 PLAN COST REFRIG 2:4B EXPT BUY UhSRER 2r49 78 PL4N COST MASHER 2rSO 79 EXPT BUY FURN 2151 80 PL4N COST FURN 2:52 Bl BUY OTHER DUR 2:53-54 82 PLIN COST 4/R PKT 2:55 83 PLAN COST C4R BKT 2:Sb 84 PLAN COST DUR BKT 2:57 85 B/U NOWYR FROK NOU 2158 Bb 87 PL4N DUR COST $100 2:59 PLAN A/R COST 9100 2160 BB INTENTIONS INDEX 2:bl BP NO INC VARY 2:62 90 91 CHGE FU EARNERS 2:63 INC,DEC EARNERS 2:64 92 UHO CHGE EARN 2:bS 93 UHO CHGE EARN 2:bb 94 UHO CHGE EARN 2:67 95 UHO CHGE E4RN 2:65-67 96 rW CMIE WtY 2115-67 97 ME KIHK UIDTH 4 2 1 1 : 2 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 2 2 1 5 1 1 1 1 1' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 TLOC NORESP 1 79 Bl 82 83 84 86 90 91 92 93 94 95 100 101 102 103 108 109 110 111 113 117 1lB 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 149 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 'l1 1 1 2 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 RDCODEl HDCODEZ 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000009 0000000 0000000 0000009 0000000 0000009 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000009 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000I00 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000009 0000008 00000?9 0000099 0000008 0000009 0000009 0099999 OOOOM9 00000oT 0099999 0000008 0000009 0000000 000009B OOODO9B 0099999 ooooow 0000009 0000009 0000009 0000009 0000001 0000009 0000008 0000003 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 .. 163 rerer)ECK= COLUNNS 12 36 79 10 - lb 17 - 17 1B - 18 1920 21 - 21 22 - 23 24 - 24 25 - 25 26 - 26 27 - 28 29 - 29 so31 I2 - 32 13 - 33 14 - 34 35 - 35 36 - 36 37 - 38 39 - 42 43 - 43 44 - 45 46 - 49 50 - 50 51 - 51 52 - 52 53 - 53 54 - 54 55 - 55 56 - 56 s7 - 57 se - 59 60 - 60 &1 - 61 12 - 62 43 - 63 14 - 64 15 - 65 16 - 66 47 - 67 b0 - 60 b9 - 69 70 - 73 74 - 74 75 - 70 79 - 79 00 - a0 3 VARIABLE MllE IS THE CONSTANT: '03' INTERVIEU NUNBER UHO CHGE EARN 2:65-67 TOTAL FU INCOME 3:10-15 INC CHG FROM 1965 3:lb UHY 66 INC UP 3rl7 UHY 66 INC UP 3:17-18 UHY 66 INC DN 3119 UHY 66 INC DN 3:19-20 INC MORE THAN 1962 3121 EXPT 1967 IMC CHGE 3:22 UNY 67 INC UP 3:23 UHY 67 INC UP 3:23-24 UHY 67 INC DN 3:25 UHY 67 INC bll 3,2S-26 EXPT 1970 INC CHGE 3:27 PRICE CHGE NEXT YR 3:28 SIZE OF PRICE CNBE 3:29 PRICE CHGE GOOD/BAD 3:30 G/B TIHES IN 1967 3:31 UHY 6/B IN 1967 3132 UHY G/B IN 1967 3:32-35 NOU B/U THAN YR hG0 3:36 BUSINESS CHGES 3:37-38 BUSINESS CHGES 3:37-40 B/U A YR FROK NOU 3:41 B/U DURING NEXT 5YR 3:42 UILL BE RECESSION 3:43 UWY RECESSION 3:44 UHEN RECESSION 3r45 UNEKP NEXT YR 3:46 UHY UNEflP 3:47 ULD EVENTS RFF BUS 3:48 UHY AFF BUS 3:49-50 CODED Y 5-DI6IT BKT 3:51 Y CHGE COMB lr53 PAST-FUT Y CH6 4YR 3:54 PAST-FUT YCHGE 1 YR 3:55 Y CHGE l-4 YRS PAST 3:56 Y CHGE l-4 YRS FM 3:57 YR HOVED IN HSE 4:10 YRS LIVED IN COUNTY 4:11 HOUSING STATUS 4:12 NOT OUN OR RENT 4:13 MONTHLY RENT 4:14-16 RENT FURN OR UNFURN 4:17 HSE VAL 0100) 4:18-21 NEU-USED HSE 4:22 ME BLANK YAR N IIBTW TLOC 1 96 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 1?4 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 4 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 4 1 1 152 155 lb2 163 lb4 166 167 169 170 171 172 174 175 177 178 179 180 181 182 184 188 189 191 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 219 220 224 laafw 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IUCODEl KDCOlE2 0000000 9999999 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000009 0000008 0000009 0000009‘ 0000009 0000009 0000008 0000008 0000009 0000009 0000009 0000009 0000008 0000008 0000009 000000P 0000008 0000098 0000098 0000008 0000090 0000099 0000008 0000009 0000008 0000008 ooooooe ooooooe 0000091 0000008 0000009 0000009 0000009 0000009 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 wooooo 0009999 000000P 0000009 164 rrre.DECK= COLUNNS 12 36 710 11 14 15 - 15 14 - 19 ff 27 JO32 - 22 26 29 31 32 :: - 34 33 ii n44 4849 so Sl 12 54 56 57 58 b9 hob2 13 &B72 74 74 77 - 37 38 43 47 48 49 50 51 53 55 56 57 58 59 61 62 67 71 73 75 76 80 4 VARIABLE R4RE IS THE CONST4NT: '04' INTERVIEU WUWBER RENT-RORT PHTS 4123-25 NBE EOUITY 4:26-29 NO OF llORT6ABES 4:30 1ST AT646E(Sl00)4:31-34 NO PHTS 1ST HORT 4135-37 2ND HTG46EOl00)4:38-41 NO PHTS PND RORT 4142-44 YRS BEF RORT PD 4:45-46 RORT INC FIRE INS 4:47 INC PROPERTY TbXES 4:4B INC UTILITY PflTS 4149 ItORT INTEREST 4150-51 HOUSING 4S6IBNRENT 4152 4 4ND R (1966) 4153~56 NO PWTS 4 6ND R 4:57-59 CAR ID NO 5:10 NO DRIVERS 5:11 10 CllRS OUWED5:12 IRS MILT CAR OUWER 5113 YR MODEL OF C4R 5114-15 MAKE OF CAR Srlb-17 BODY STYLE 5:lB SIZE OF CAR 5119 PRINC DRIVER 5:20 BOUGHT NEU OR USED 5121 YEAR BOUGHT CAR 5122-23 OUE MONEY ON CRR 5:24 MOUNT BORROUED 5:25-28 MONTHLY PAYMENT 5:29-31 ORIG LENGTH DEBT S:32-33 REH LENGTH DEBT 5:34-35 IS FINAL PKT SAKE 5:36 DIFFERENT PhT 5:37-39 VAR 8 UIDTH TLOC NORESP 1 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 lb2 163 lb4 165 166 167 160 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 4 4 4 1 4 3 4 3 2 1 1 1 225 229 233 234 238 241 245 240 250 251 252 253 256 257 262 266 267 268 269 270 272 274 275 276 277 278 280 281 286 290 292 294 295 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 !i 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 5 4 2 2 1 4 RDCODEl 0009999 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 OOi~0060 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 KDCOMP 0000099 bOObOO 0000008 0000000 0000999 0099999 0009999 0000009 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000009 0000099 0000009 bOOOO09 0000009 0000099 0099999 0009999 0000099 ooooow OObOO09 0009999 - 165 5 r,rc*DECK= COLUMNS 12 36 77 88 913 14 - 17 18 - 21 22 - 22 - 26 :: - 31 a2 - 33 a4 - 35 16 - 37 aa - 38 a9 - 39 10 = 40 41 - 41 42 - 42 43 - 43 44 - 44 45 - 45 46 - 47 48 - 59 60 - 60 61 - 61 12 44 bb 70 74 70 63 65 69 73 77 80 - VARIABLE MAKE IS THE CONSTANT: 'OS' INTERVIEU NUKBER PKTS INC CAR INS S:40 FINANCE THRU DEALER 5:41 REH TOT C4R DEBT 5:42-45 RID-CAR 5146-49 TOTAL PRICE S:!iO-53 TI-SALE OF CAR 5:54 MT TI/SALE CAR 5155-W PAID IN CASH 5:59-62 YR RODEL OF TI 5:63-64 RAKE OF TX 5:65-66 YR BOUGHT TI 5167-68 BUY TI NEU OR USED 5:69 BODY STYLE TI 5:70 CONDITION OF TI 5:71 CAR DISPOSAL 5172 MISPLACED VEHICLES 5173 CAR ASSIGNRENTS 5:74 DOES FU OUN TRUCK 5175 NO OF TRUCKS OUNED b:10 YR NDD FIRST TR 6111-12 YR KODEL TRUCK b:ll-22 PERSONAL TRUCK USE br23 FREO PERSONAL USE 6:24 YR ROD NEUST TRK 6:25-26 AGE NEUEST TRUCK 6:27-28 VALUE OF CAR 1 6:30-33 VALUE OF CAR 2 6:35-38 VALUE OF CAR 3 6:40-43 YE #hRK VAR I UIDTH TLOC NORESP 1 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 1BB 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 4 1 1 5 4 4 1 4 5 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 4 4 4 1 299 300 301 306 310 314 315 319 324 326 328 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 340 352 353 354 356 358 362 366 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NDCODEl 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 bOOOOO0 ObOOOOO ObbOOOO 0000000 OOOObOO 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000009 0000000 OOOOObO 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 ObOOOOO bOOOOO0 0000000 HDCODE? 000000P 0000009 0099999 0000009 0099999 0000099 0000099 0000099 0000009 0000009 bOOO099 0000099 0000009 00000050000099 166 .r,rtDECK= COLUHNS 12 36 710 11 14 15 - 18 It23 24 - 25 26 - 26 27 - 27 tR28 29 - 33 a4 - 30 at - 43 4444 4s45 Ob46 47 - 47 48 - 48 49 - 49 so50 Sl - 51 S2 - 52 13 - 54 SS55 56 - 57 18 - 58 a9 - 59 6061 62 - 62 63 - 63 64 - 65 66 - 66 67 - 67 6) - 69 70 - 70 71 - 71 72 - 73 74 - 74 n75 76 - 77 7m - 78 79 - 79 10 - 80 6 VARIABLE MAKE VAR B IS THE CONSTANT: ‘06’ 1 INTERVIEU RUHBER VALUE OF CAR 4 614%48 205 VALUE OF C4R 5 b:SO-53 206 VALUE OF CAR 6 b:!iS-58 207 TOT VAL CAR STK 6:59-63 208 YR HDD NEUST C4R 6164-65 209 CAR PRICE CLASS b:bb 210 RE6ION-9 DGT-NADA b:bB 211 TOT VAL CAR STK BKT 6169 212 TP DURABLES 7:10-13 213 TOT TI-SALE DUR 7:14-17 214 NET OUTLAY DUR 7118-21 215 FINANCE DURABLES 7122 216 BOT TV IN 66 7:23 217 BOT REFRIG IN 66 7124 218 BOT UASHER IN 66 7125 219 BOT BTOVE IN 66 7126 220 SOT FURN IN 66 7:27 221 BOT DRYER IN 66 7128 222 BOT DISHUSR IN 66 7129 223 BOT LIRCOND IN 66 7130 224 BOT OTHER DUR 7131-32 225 B/U TV BOT BEF 66 7133 226 AGE b/U TV 7:34-35 22? B/U TV REPAIRED 7:36 228 COL TV BOT BEF 66 7:37 229 AGE COLOR TV 7138-39 230 COLOR TV REPAIRED 7140 231 REFRIG BOT BEF 66 7:41 232 AGE REFRIG 7142-43 233 REFRIG REPAIRED 7144 234 UASHER BOT BEF 66 7:45 235 AGE UASHER 7146-47 236 UASHER REPAIRED 7148 237 STOVE BOT BEF 66 7:49 236 AGE STOVE 7:50-51 239 STOVE REPAIRED 7:52 240 AIRCOND BOT BEF 66 7:53 241 AGE AIRCOND 7:54-55 242 AIRCOND REPAIRED 7:56 243 THINGS BUY-REPLACE 7:57 244 110 THINGS BUY-REP 7:58 245 UIDTH 4 4 4 4 5 2 1 1 1 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 TLOC NORESP 37: 374 378 382 387 389 390 391 392 397 402 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 418 419 421 422 423 425 426 427 429 430 431 433 434 43s 437 438 439 44l 442 443 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 HDCODEt ffDCODE2 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0099999 0000000 0099999 OObOOOO 0099999 0000000 0000009 0000000 0000000 0000009 0000000 0000000 0000009 0000000 OObOOOO 0000009 OOOOObO 0000000 0000009 0000000 0000000 OOOOOb9 OOOOObO 0000000 0000009 0000000 0000099 0000009 0000099 0000009 0000099 0000009 0000099 0000009 0000099 0000009 0000099 0000009 0000009 -- O.c+,)ECK= COLUMNS l2 34 7? 10 - 10 ll11 12 16 17 - 17 18 - 16 t9 19 20 - 20 21 - 25 26 - 30 3135 36 - 40 4145 46 - 50 I1 - 55 #60 11 - 65 bb - 70 71 - 75 II - 80 UMIABLE NAHE IS THE CONSTANT: '07' INTERVIEU NUKBER YHAT BUY-REP 7:59-61 SPORT HOBBY ITEHS 7:b2 TAKE VACATION 7rb3 COST UF VACATION 7:64-67 COST VACATION BKT 7168 TP DURABLES BKT 7:b9 TOT TI-SALE DUR BKT 7:70 NET OUTLAY DUR BKT 7:71 EARNED INC HEAD B:lO-14 EARNED INC UIFE GrlS-19 EARNED INC FU D:20-24 NLC INC HEAD 8:25-29 KLC INC UIFE 8:30-34 KLC INC FU 8:35-39 CAP INC HEAD 8:40-44 CAP INC UIFE 8:45-49 CAP INC fU 8:50-54 INCONE TAX FU 8:55-59 TRANS INC HEAD 8rbO-64 TRANS INC UIFE 8:65-69 ,**+#DECK= 8 COLUKNS l2 36 711 12 - 17 18 18 19 - 19 20 - 20 21 - 21 22 - 22 23 - 23 24 - 24 25 - 25 26 - 26 27 - 27 28 - 28 29 - 29 30 - 30 a1 - 31 32 - 32 13 - 33 34 - 34 I5 - 35 36 - 36 37 - 37 7 VARIABLE WAKE IS THE CONSTANT: '08' INTERVIEU NUABER TRANS INC FU 8:70-74 107 Y FU 8:75-80 UAGES FU BKT 9:lO SELF EKP INC fU BKT 9:ll ROOK ETC INC FU BKT 9:12 FARM INC fU BKT 9:13 BUS INC FU BKT 9:14 DIVIDENDS FU BKT 9:15 RENT,INT INC FU BKT 9:lb SOC SEC INC FU BKT 9t17 OTH RET INC FU BKT 9:lB TOT TRANS Y FU BKT 9:19 6s TXBL INC 1 BKT 9:20 6s TXBL INC 2 BKT 9:21 6s TXBL INC 3 BKT 9:22 6s TXBL INC 4 BKT 9:23 GS TXBL INC 5 BKT 9:24 NO HEADS TAX EXEKPS 9:?5 NO KINOR EARNERS 9:26 NO AAJOR EARNERS 9:2? UHETHER OUNS BUS 9:2B IllCOKE ABEIGRKENTS 9:29 VAR t UIDTH TLOC NORESP 1 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 4 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 444 447 448 449 454 455 456 457 450 463 468 473 478 483 408 493 490 503 508 513 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 VAR II UIDTH TLOC NORESP 1 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 270 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 20? 4 5 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 518 523 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 S48 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KDCODEI 0000000 0000009 0000009 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 tlDCOBE1 0000009 KDCODE? 0000009 0099999 0000009 IlDCODE? r 160 DECK 8. CON'T 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4% 49 SO 51 12 13 54 I5 Sb17 19 60 11 A2 43 14 A5 bbb7 b8 19 70 17 7% 79 uo- - 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 60 69 76 77 78 79 n .+me#CK= COLUMNS l2 36 710 ll15 lb20 21 - 24 25 - 29 30 - 34 15 - 38 39 - 43 44 - 40 49 - 52 53 - 57 58 - 62 63 - 66 b? - 71 72 - 76 77 - 60 EARNED IHC HEAB BKT 9:30 EARNED INC UIfE BKT 9:31 EARNED INC FU BKT 9:32 NLC XNC HEAD BKT 9133 ilLC INC UIFE BKT 9:34 KLC INC FU BKT 9:35 CAP INC HEAD BKT 9136 CAP INC UIFE BKT 9:37 CAP INC FU BKT 9:38 INCOME TAX FU BKT 9r39 TRANS INC HEAD BKT 9:40 TRANS INC UIFE BKT 9141 TRANS INC FU BKT 9:42 TOT Y FU BKT 9t43 0s TXBL MC N BKT 9144 TOTAL IttC MEAD 6KT 9:45 0s TXBL INC U BKT 9:4b TOTAL Y UIFE BKT 9:47 EARNED INC OTH BKT 9148 KLC INC OTHERS BKT 9r49 CAP INC OTHERS BKT 9~50 0S TXBL INC OTH BKT 9x51 TRANS INC OTH BKT 9152 TOTAL Y OTH BKT 9:53 6s TXBL INC FU BKT 9154 DISPOS Y FU 0KT 9155 PROP INC REC BY HEAD9156 PROP INC REC BY YJFEP:S7 PROP INC REC BY OTH 9158 PROP INC ERN BY HEAD9:59 PCT Y EARNED U BKT 9x60 DISPOS Y FU 9:67-72 TOT INC DECILES fU 9:73 TOT INC PUINTb FU 9:74 DlEP IUC D&Cuff FU 9175 DISP IltC mm5 IY 9171 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 577 578 579 580 581 588 589 590 $71 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UAR 0 UIDTH TLOC IIORESP 1 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 4 4 5 5 4 5 5 4 5 5 4 5 5 4 5 5 4 59: 59b 101 406 610 615 620 (24 (29 634 b30 b43 640 652 657 662 200 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 291 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 30& 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 310 319 320 321 :: 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 Sbl 562 563 564‘ 565 5bb 567 568 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 0000009 9999999 T VARIABLE WANE IS THE CONSTANT: '09' INTERVIEU NURBER 00 PAY A/R 10110-12 RID bb A/R 10:13-lb RID NOT 66 A/R 10:17-20 If0 PAY CAR 10121-23 RID 66 CAR 10:24-27 RID NOT 66 CAR 10:28-31 00 PAY DUR 10:32-34 RID 66 DUR 10:35-38 RID NOT 66 DUR 10:39-42 DO PAY OTHER 10:43-45 RID bb OTHER 10:46-49 RID NOT 66 OTH 10:50-53 110 PAY WEDICAL 10:54-56 RID 66 NEDICAL 10:57-60 RID NOT 66 HEI1 lOzbl-64 HO PAY(NOT DEBT)lO:b5-b? 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IlDCODEl 0009999 0099999 0099999 0009999 0099999 0099999 0009999 0099999 0099999 0009999 0099999 0099999 0009999 0099999 0099909 0009999 lIDCODE 169 r*OrcBECK= COLUMNS l2 36 711 12 - lb 1721 22 - 26 27 - 31 32 - 36 3741 42 - 42 43 - 43 44 - 47 48 - 48 I- :; 54 57 60 61 62 63 64 15 66 67 60 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 - 52 53 56 59 60 61 62 63 14 65 66 67 6% 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 ;; 79 80 - 77 78 79 00 10 VAR G VARIABLE NAME IS THE CONSTANT: '10' INTERVIEU NUHBER 1 TOT RID-TREND lO:b%-71 340 TOT RID-PANEL 10:72-75 341 RNID A AND R ll:lO-13 342 RNID CARS 11:14-17 343 RNID DURABLES ll:l%-21 344 RNID OTHER 11:22-25 345 RNID MEDICAL 11:26-29 346 INST DEBT ASSGN 66 11:30 347 DEBT ASGN NOT 66 11:31 348 AIDP/RATIO-TRll:32-34 349 AIDP RATIO-TR BKT 11:35 350 AIDP RATIO-PAN 11:5b-38 351 AIDP RATIO-PAN BKT llr39 352 D/D-PAY RAT-TR 11840-41 353 D/D-PAY RAT-PAN 11:42-43 354 RID bb A/R BKT llr44 355 RID NOT 66 A/R BKT 11145 356 RID bb CAR BKT lls4b 357 RID NOT 66 CAR BKT If:47 358 RID bb DUR BKT llr40 359 RID NOT bb PUR BKT 11:49 360 RID 66 OTHER BKT 11:50 361 RID NOT 66 OTH BKT 11:51 362 RID 66 HEU BKT lt:52 363 RID NOT 66 HED BKT 11:53 364 RNID A AND R BKT 11:s) 365 RNID CARS BKT 11:55 366 RNID DURABLES BKT 11:5b 367 RNID OTHER BKT 11:57 368 RNID MEDICAL BKT 11:58 369 RID 66 TR BKT 11:59 370 RID bb-PAN BKT 1l:bO 371 RID NOT bb-TR BKT 11:bl 372 RID NOT bb-PAN BKT 11:62 373 RID ALL YR A/R BKT 11:63 374 RID ALL YR CAR BKT 11:64 375 UIDTH TLOC NORESP 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 4 1 4 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 bbb 671 676 681 686 691 696 701 702 703 707 700 712 713 716 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 720 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 730 739 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KDCODEt 0099999 0099999 0099999 0099999 0099099 0099999 0099990 0009999 0000009 0009999 0000009 0000999 0000999 0000009 0000009 0000009 0000009 HDCODE? 170 W***DECK= COLURNS I2 3b I'07 9loII12 13 14 15 14 17 I# lT- - f: 22 tl 24 2524 27 - z a0 31 32 a3 a4 astb 17 a9 40 41 44 49 50 51 ss56 17 S859 A3 64 65 bb - - - 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 lb 17 10 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 40 43 48 49 50 54 55 56 57 58 62 63 64 65 bb 11 VARIABLE NAME VAR II IS THE CONSTANT: '11' 1 INTERVIEU NUMBER RID ALL YR DUR BKT llrb5 376 RID ALL YR OTH BK lltbb 377 RID ALL YR WED BK 11:67 370 379 TOT DEBT A/R BKT 1 tb8 TOT DEBT CARS BKT ll:b9 380 TOT DEBT DUR BKT 1 1:70 301 TOT DEBT OTHER BKT 11171 302 TOT DEBT ItED BKT 1 I:72 303 RID ALL YR-TR BKT 11273 384 RID ALL YR-PAN BK 11~74 305 TOT DEBT-TR BKT 1 175 386 TOT DEBT-PAN DKT 1:76 307 TOT DEBT-PAN BKT 1:76 380 TOT DEBT-PAN BKT 11r7b 389 PAYMENT TO LOAN CO 12:lO 390 DEDUCTION FROR PAY 12:ll 391 DEDUCT FOR STOCKS 12112 392 DEDUCT FOR PENSION 12r13 393 DEDUCT FOR SAVING 12:14 394 DEDUCT FOR INSUR 12:15 395 DEDUCT FOR DEBT 12:lb 396 DEDUCT FOR OTHER 12:t7 397 PAIltENTS BY OTHERS 12:lE 390 DEBT PAY BY OTHERS 12:19 399 PURPOSE PAY BY OTH 12:20 400 UHETHER HAS NO PAY 12:21 401 LARGER PAY EASY 12:22 402 PAYMENTS FOR BUS 12:23 403 PAY AS SCHEDULED 12825 404 UHY NOT SCHEDULED 12:26 405 UHY NOT SCHEDUL 12:26-27 406 UOULD FINAN PUR 12:28 407 OUE BUT NO REG PAY 12129 40% PURP OF NID 12:30-32 409 410 AHT NID OUED 12:33-36 INTER ON NID 12:37 411 PAID OFF IN 1966 12:30 412 UHAT PAID OFF 12:39-42 413 FINISHED PAY 66 1 12:39 414 FINISHED PAY 66 2 12140 415 FINISHED PAY’bb(3) 12:41 416 FINISHED PAY’bb(4) 12:42 417 START PAY 1966 12:43-46 41% START PAY ‘66(l) 12:43 419 START PAY ‘bb(2) 12:44 420 START PAY ‘bb(3) 12:45 421 0TART PAY '4bt4) 12141 422 UIDTH TLOC NORESP 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 74% 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 750 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 772 773 774 777 782 703 784 788 709 790 791 792 796 797 790 799 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 HDCODEl KDCODE? 0000009 0000009 0000009 0000009 0000009 0000009 0000009 0000009 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000009 0000000 0000000 0000009 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000009 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000009 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 euuoooo 0000009 0000009 0000009 0000008 0000009 0000008 0000008 0000008 0000008 0000009 0000009 0000009 0000009 0000009 0000009 0000009 0000008 0000000 0000008 0000008 0000000 171 DECK 11, CON'T 6/B WY IUSTALUEWT 13:lO b7 - 67 UHY DEBT GD/BDtlI 13:ll 6% - 6% UHY 6/B INSTAL l3:11-12 69 - 70 UHY DEBT GD/BD 02 l3:13 71 - 71 UHY G/B INSTAL 13:ll-14 I2 - 75 BORROU FOR ILLNESS 13:15 71 - 76 BORROU fOR UACATIN 13:16 77 - 77 BORROU FOR fURS 13:17 78 - 78 BORROU FOR LIVING 13:lE 79 - 79 BORROU FOR EDUC 13:19 00 - 00 rrrr:DECK+ COLUNNS l2 Ib I7 u8 c9 10 - IO IfII 12 - 13 14 - 14 15 lb 171e 1920 21 - 21 22 - 27 28 - 20 2929 a0 - 30 ai - 31 12 - 32 a3 - 33 a4 - 34 B535 a4 - 3e 37 - 37 -a0 - 36 B9 - 39 40 - 40 41 - 41 42 - 42 43 - 43 44 - 44 45 - 45 46 - 48 49 - 49 5051 52 - 52 53 - 53 54 - 54 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 1 1 2 1 2 1 I 1 I 1 000 801 002 804 805 809 810 811 012 013 I I I 1 2 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000008 0000009 0000098 0000009 0000098 0000008 0000008 0000000 0000008 0000008 12 VARIABLE WAltE IS THE CONSTANT: '12' INTERUIEU NUMBER BORROU FOR CAR 13r20 BORROU FOR FURN 13:2l BORROU FOR BILLS l3:22 UHY FINANCE CAR l3r23 UHY FINANCE CAR 13~24 UHY FINANCE CAR 13:23-24 KIND OF RAN 13:25 KIND OF HAN 13:25-26 KIND OF HAN 13:27-20 KIND OF HAN 13:29-30 KIND OF NAN l3:27 KIND OF RAN 13:25-30 KIND OF NAN l3:29 DEBT EXPERIENCE 13:31 IN7 ON 81000 13:33 ESTIMATE INT $1000 13:34 ACCURACY OF IN1 13:35 DIFF IN IN1 RATE 13:36 UHERE IN1 LOUEST 13:37 INTEREST CHANGES 13:30 GAS CREDIT CARDS 13:39 NO GAS CARDS USE l3:40 OTH CHARG,CREDIT l3:41 NO OTHER CHARG USE 13:42 REVOLVING ACCOUNTS l3:43 REPOSSESSED 13:44 ATTACHED,GARNISHED 13:45 BANKRUPTCY l3:46 UHY REPOSSESS,GARN 13:47 HEAD ENPLOY STATUS 14:lO HEAD OCC NO 311 14:11-13 HEAD SCF INDUSTRY 14:14 HEAD SCF IND.SD 14:14-I5 HEAD SUPERVISE OTH l4:lb HEAD SELC ENP 14:!7 #LAD BELOU UNION 14:lE VAR 1 UIDTH TLOC NORESP 1 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 -455 456 457 450 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 4b8 4 I 1 1 1 I I I 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 I 1 I I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 I 2 1 1 1 1 814 815 816 817 818 819 821 022 824 826 028 029 035 836 037 838 039 840 041 842 843 844 845 046 047 048 849 850 851 85? 053 856 057 059 010 0bl 1 1 I I I I 2 1 I 1 I 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 HDCODEI HDCODE? 0000000 0000000 0000008 0000000 0000006 0000009 0000009 0000000 0000009 0000009 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000009 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000090 0000@9? 0000008 0000008 0000008 0000008 0000000 0000008 0000008 0000000 OOOOOO9 0000000 0000006 0000008 0000009 0000009 0000008 0000008 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 000009~ 0000300 0000009 000000P 172 DECK 12, CON’T 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 b%72 73 76 77 79 w- 56 58 60 62 64 66 67 71 72 75 76 78 79 a0 - IIAIll JODrN 14119-20 VACATXbN:H 14:?!-22 UNEHP:HEAD 14:23-24 ILL: HEAD 14:25-26 UORKEDtHEAD 14:27-20 HRS UK UORKED:H 14:29-30 SECOND JOBsHEAD l4:31 HRS 2ND JOB:H 14:32-35 HEAD RETIRED 14:36 OCC NO BEf RET 14:37-39 SCF IND BEF RET 14:40 SCF IND BEF RET 14:40-I! SELF EUP BEF RET 14:42 WPE8UIlc DEF UET 14843 449 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 402 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 I 842 064 016 86% 870 072 874 875 879 880 083 884 886 007 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000099 000009B 0000098 0000098 OOOOOVB 0000090 0000009 0009999 0000009 0000000 0000000 0000000 eGM000 0000009 0000009 13 -..MECK= cams l37all12 14 15 17 l921 23 25 27 28 29 It33 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 . 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 57 63 19 75 -IRS UKS UKS UKS UKS wtaat 2 6 7 10 11 13 14 lb 18 20 22 24 26 27 28 30 32 34 36 37 30 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 56 62 6% 74 80 lllt IS THE COUSTANT: '13' INTERVIEU UUWBER UIFE UORK 14144 UIFE OCC NO 3D 14:45-47 UIFE SCF IND ID 14:48 UIFE SCF IND 2D l4:48-49 UIfE SELF EDP 14:50 HRS UK UORKED:U 14:51-52 UKS UORKEDtUIFE 14:53-54 DUNCAN SES HEAD 14:55-56 SCF OCC 2D H 14:57-58 '50 DEC DUNCAN H 14:59 CENS OCC 2D H 14:bO-61 UHITE,BLUE COLLAR 14:62 fIOD UHI BLU COLLAR 14:63 DUNC SES RET H 14:64-65 SCF OCC 2D R H 14rbb-67 DUNC SES-U 14:60-69 SCF OCC 2D U 14:70-71 HAVE LIFE INS 15:lO AMT. LIFE INS 15:ll LOAN FROK LIFE INS 15:12 NEU LIFE INS IN 66 l5:13 HAVE CKING ACCT 15:14 ART CKING ACCT 15:15 HAVE SAVING 15:lb AHT SAVING l5:17 IfIf’ ADD TO SAVING 15:lE HORE IMP SAVE l5:19 HAVE STOCK 15:20 ART STOCK 15:21 HAVE BONDS 15:22 AKT BONDS l5:23 GS TXBL 1NC:H lb:lO-14 TOT INC HEAD lb:15-I9 GS TXBL 1NC:U 16:20-24 TOT INC UIfE 16:25-29 EARNED INC OTH lb:30-34 WI 1 483 484 485 486 487 488 409 490 491 492 493 494 495 49b 497 498 499 500 so1 502 503 so4 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 51% 11Dlll 4 1 3 1 2 : 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 I I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 6 b 6 6 6 TLI I 888 889 092 093 895 896 898 900 902 904 906 908 909 910 912 914 911 910 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 920 929 930 931 932 930 944 950 956 NORESP 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I)CODEl 0000000 IIDCbDE2 0000009 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000009 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000009 0000000 0000009 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000009 0000000 0000000 0999999 0999999 0999999 0999999 0999999 0000009 0000098 0000090 0000008 0000008 0000008 0000008 0000008 0000009 0000008 0000008 0000008 000000e - 173 rrtr*DECK= -. -- COLlMNS I2 36 7I2 13 - 1% 1924 25 - 30 It - 36 17 - 42 43 - 49 50 - 52 s3 - 55 56 - 58 59 - 61 b2 - 64 A5 - 65 bb - 66 A7 - 67 4% - 69 to - 70 71 - 71 72 - 72 73 - 73 74 - 75 76 - 76 77 - ?? 78 - 70 79 - 79 80 - 00 *****BECK= COLUMNS l2 36 78 9IO II12 13 t4 15 15 lb - lb 17 - 17 16 - 21 22 - 22 23 - 27 28 - 28 29 - 29 30 - 30 31 - 31 32 - 32 33 - 33 I4 UIDTH TLOC 4 b 6 6 6 6 6 7 3 3 3 3 3 I I 1 2 I 1 I 1 2 I 1 1 1 1 962 96% 974 980 986 992 998 1005 1000 1011 1014 1017 102u 1021 1022 1023 1025 1026 1027 1020 1029 1031 1032 1033 1034 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 1 1 I I I 1 I VAR 0 UIDTH TLOC NORESP I 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 550 559 4 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 4 I 5 1 1 I I 1 1 1 IO35 1037 1039 1041 IO43 1044 1045 1046 1050 IO51 1056 1057 1058 1059 IObC 1011 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 I I 1 1 I I VAR Y VARIABLE NARE IS THE CONSTANT: '14' 1 INTERUIEU NUMBER 519 HLC INC OTH lb:35-39 520 CAP INC OTH 16:40-44 6s TXBL INC OTH 16:45-49 521 522 TRANS INC OTH 16:50-54 TOT INC OTHERS 16:55-59 523 524 GS TXBL INC FU lb:bO-64 525 DISP INC FU lbrb5-70 526 PROP INC REC:H lb:71-72 527 PROP INC REC U 16:73-74 PROPINC REC OTH lb:75-76 520 529 PROP INC EARN H lbr77-78 PROP INC EARN U 16:79-80 530 NET OUTLAY bKT t7:1? 531 CAR PUR 1966-67 17113 532 66 CREDIT CAR PUR 17:14 533 534 AEE Of CAR 17:15-lb Gti TYPE CAR:STAND l7:17 535 60 TYPE CAR:REVISE l7:18 536 A6E RANKING CARS 17:19 537 530 80 OUNERSHIP 17:20 539 AGE OLDEST CAR 17:21-22 MARKET ACTIVITY 66 17:23 540 541 LT IiOD NEU OUNR 17:24 TI PATTERN 17:25 542 543 FOHOCO CODE l7:26 ARE BLIRK NORESP IIDCOBEI HDCODE2 0999999 0999999 0999999 0999999 0999999 0999999 9999999 0000999 0000999 0000999 0000999 0000999 0000000 0000000 0000099 0000009 0000000 15 VARIABLE NAWE IS THE CONSTANT: '15' INTERVIEU NUWBER AGE OF TRADE-IN 17:27-20 IRS TI OUNED 17129-30 TOT CARS OUNED 17:31-32 YR WOD NUST NEU 17:33-34 BOT NEU CAR ‘66 17:35 BOT USED CAR ‘66 l7:36 Gtl N/O '66 CAR PUR l7:37 N/O FIRST CAR 17:30-41 FINANCING ARRANG 17:42 INSTAL DEBT CAR 17:43-46 PRICE CAR PUR ‘66 17:4? ID1 CAR BKT 17:48 ANT BORROUED BKT l7:49 UHTR OUNS TRUCK l7:50 CAR-TRUCK OUNER 17:51 TOT VENICLES OYNED 17152 lIDCODE 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 HDCODE? 0000009 0099999 0000000 000000" 174 DECK 34 35 36 37 3s 39 40 41 42 43 47 St D6 41 b6 71 76- 15, 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 46 50 55 60 IS 70 75 80 8888-E COLURNS 12 36 711 12 16 17 - 21 22 - 26 27 - 31 32 - 36 37 - 41 42 - 46 47 - 51 52 - 56 S? - 58 II9 - 59 &O - 60 hl - 61 42 - 62 43 - 63 44 - 64 45 - 65 66 - 66 67 - 67 68 - 68 49 - 69 70 - 70 71 - 71 72 - 72 73 - 73 74 - 74 75 - 75 76 - 7b 77 - 77 78 - 90 CON'T BPECIAL CAR CLASS l?:S4 TRADE-IN CAR BKT 17:55 TOT PRICE CAR BKT 17:56 REM DEBT CAR BKT 17:57 RID CAR BKT 17rSB RONTHLY PAYHENT 17:59 PAID IN CASH BKT 17160 NEY CAR PRICE BKT 17r61 USED CAR PRICE BKT 17r62 PAY INS1 D-TR lB:lO-12 PAY INS1 D-PAN lB:13-15 RID 1966-TR lB:16-19 RID 1966-PAN lB:20-23 TOT RID NOT66 TRlB:24-27 TOT RID NOT66 PAlB:2B-31 RID A/R ALL IRS lBr32-35 RID tM8 YL vul~rY+9 S60 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 876 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 5 5 5 5 : 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1049 1070 1071 1075 1079 1084 1089 1094 1099 (I@4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000009 0000009 16 VARIABLE WARE IS THE CONSTANT: '16' INTERUIEY NUNBER RID DUR ALL YRSlB:40-43 RID OTH ALL YRSlB:44-47 RID NED ALL YRS lB:4B-51 RTD A/R ALL YRSlB:52-55 RTD CARS lB:56-59 RTD DURABLES lBr60-63 RTD OTHER 18864-67 RTD HEDICAL lB:6B-71 RTD-TREND 18472-75 RTD-PANEL lB:76-79 STATE 19:10-11 RACE-UHITE=l 19:12 RACE-NON-NEGRO=1 19:13 CHILD UNDER TUO 19114 CHILD UNDER FOUR 19:15 CHILD UNDER SIX 19:16 CHILD 14-17 19:17 CHILD UNDER 25 NAH 19:lB OTHER ADULTS IN FU 19:lP NURBER PEOPLE FU 19:20 SELF-EKP-BUS,FARRR 19:21 LENGTH INTV BKT 19:22 AGE HEAD BK 19:23 A6E UIFE BKT 19:24 MARITAL STAT, SEX 19:25 NUWBER IRS NARRIED 19:26 MONTHLY RENT 19:27 HOUSE VALUE 19:2B kONTH KORT OR REHT 19:29 HOUSE EOUITY 19:30 ARE PLWK UAR II UIDTH TLOC NORESP 1 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 se5 586 587 5BB 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 s99 600 601 602 603 604 605 6C6 4 5 s 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1109 1114 1119 1124 1129 1134 1139 1144 1149 1154 1159 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 116B 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BDCODEl tiDCODE2 0099999 0099999 0099999 0099995, 0099999 0099999 0099999 0099999 0099999 0099999 0000009 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 - 0000000 000000~ 0000000 175 c****DECK= COLUMNS 12 36 710 ll11 12 - 12 13 - 13 14 14 15 - 19 20 - 20 21 - 21 22 - 22 23 - 23 24 - 24 25 - 25 26 - 26 - 27 fi - 28 29 - 29 30 - 30 31 - 31 32 - 32 33 - 33 34 - 34 35 - 35 36 - 36 37 - 37 38 - 38 39 - 39 40 - 40 41 - 41 42 - 42 43 - 43 44 - 44 45 - 45 46 - 46 47 - 49 50 - 50 51 - 53 54 - 54 55 - 55 56 - 56 57 - 57 58 - 58 59 - 59 60 - 64 65 - 65 66 - 70 71 - 71 72 - 72 73 - ?3 74 - 74 75 - 75 76 - 76 77 - 80 17 VARIABLE MAKE UAR II UIDTH TLOC NORESF HDCODEl flDCODE2 IS THE CONSTANT: '17' INTERUIEU NUKBER HSE EOUIY 4:26-29 ANT FIRST MORTGAGE 19:31 FIRST RORT PAYRENT 19:32 ART SECOND AORT 19:33 SECOND NORT PAYKT 19:34 tlTBAGEOl00) 19:35-39 TOT WORTGAGEDEBT 19:40 YRS TILL RORT PD 19:41 INTEREST ON NORT 19:42 ADDNS AND REPAIRS 19:43 NONTHLY PAIR1 A*R 19144 UHETHER A/R DEBT 19:45 HONEOUNER,TRAILER 19:46 SELF-EWPLOYD ONLY 19:47 YRS PRESENT JOB 19548 UEEKS VACATION 66 19:49 HEAD-UKS UNEMP 66 19:50 HEAD-UKS ILL 66 19:51 HEAD-UKS UORKED 66 19852 HEAD-HRS UORKED/UK 19153 HEAD-HRS 2ND JOB 19154 UIFE-HRS UORKED/UK 19:55 UIFE-UKS UORKED 19:56 IF H UORKED '66 19:57 HEAD-IN LF 1067 19:SB OCCUPATION-B 19:59 LIFE CYCLE 19:60 LIFE CYCLE, GM 19:61 FARRER,FARH AANAGR 19:62 BLUE-COLLAR URKR 19:63 NONFARR HOKEOYNER 19r64 NONFARK RENTER 19:65 UIFE-HOURLY EARNS 19:6b HEAD-HOURLY EARN 19:67-9 HEAD-HOURLY EARN 19:70 UIFE-HOURLY EARN 19:71-3 TOT IllBE PAY PKT 19:74 REGIONtDEEP SOUTH) 19:75 REGION 19:76 HOUSING STATUS 19:77 HOUSE PURCHASERS 19:7B HOUS.STAT,DURATION 19:79 N.O.CARS 66 23:10-13 N.O. CARS 66-BKT 23:14 N.O. CAR-DUR 66 23:15-18 N.O.CAR-DUR $100+23:19 NUN APPLIANCES 66 23:20 NIJA HAJOR APPL 66 23:21 NUR NEU CARS 66 23:22 NUti USED CARS 66 23:23 MUM N/U CARS 66 23:?4 ARE BLANK 1 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 4 4 1 I 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 llB0 1184 1185 1186 1187 1lBB 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 119B 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 12OB 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 12lB 1219 1220 1223 1224 1227 122B 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1238 1239 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000009 0000009 0000009 0000009 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000009 0000009 OOOOOOB OOOOOOB OOOOOOB 000000B 0000009 0000008 000000B 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0099999 0000000 0099999 176 ,trsrbECK= COLUWNS 12 S6 711 12 12 13 - 13 14 - 14 15 - 19 20 - 20 21 - 24 25 - 25 26 - 26 27 - 27 28 - 28 D9DO 16 UAR I VARIABLE NAME IS THE CONSTANT: '16' INTERUIEU NUNBER 1 TOTNO.CAR-DURA/R23:25-29 656 TOTNO CAR,DUR,A/R 23:SO 659 CAR,DUR,A*R~100+23:31 660 INDX PURCH $lOO+ 23:32 661 TOTUALAPPL.!VOCK23:33-36 662 TOTUAL STOCK APPL 23:37 663 AU6 ABE DUR 23rSB-40 664 AU6 ABE DUR-BKT 23:41 665 NW! DUR 2tREPAIRS 23:42 666 NUR DUR O-2 REPAIR 23:43 667 TOTNUR DUR INCL 66 23844 668 YEDLDlfll UIDTH TLOC NORESP 4 5 1 1 1 5 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1250 1255 1256 1257 1258 1263 1264 1268 1269 1270 1271 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 RDCODEl 0099999 0000000 0099999 0009999 MDCODE? c QUESTIONNAIRE - / - ,., _, ._ ,.. ,_-_ _ _ . -,. ., QUESTIONNAIRE 1967 StiRVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES I ,961S”II\‘IY OFC”NS”HERSEmI.AL.NC.. 1 gj 19f.7 The unlYor.lty of “ldti6.” I 1967 SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES u: 81. B2. “or I’d ,fk. to t.,k tb,, (hou..l.p.rtmsnt)l HOW ,ona h.r. r‘th you I1v.d lloosIm you .bwt here QUESTIONNAIRE th,nS. in _ (C”“Nn her. WAW: .t h-. “h.0 did ,ou -0”. into (YLW CowlI? afcOtu.) ..s. WS) 110. Do you hnve . martS.Se 0 c; all. IIJ. Do ,ou (rMLY ONIT) mn thl. (hmc. .p.rbent). P., 0 O!dFtS CR IS WYINc T,,lS I-J PAYS KENT ON THIS (InME/APAWWZ~).(CO P ,tEIT,Wi OWtS m rmt. TO 9. Ha Is have . second martSag.? q m YES l1r.t ‘RI 9. BI) 112. About now? 013. Ilou much .re f.14. HOW rnrny ye.=. ~111 it be bclorc i. .11 off? the q ortg.gc B5) (I”-ME/APAKI9Zlrr). I BA. 619) m uh.t? (~/APARllG~).(CO WE,W ‘f,,IS property, (CO TO 9. YES Do you .L.o 0 on this NO -- th.t? how much i. your your pre.ent monthly Itort*.*. Sceond H0rt..*c- - $- $- $- $- nortg.S. psymcnt., (ye.r.) (I? -1 B5. About 86. Do you rant 0 how .ueh r.nt it furn1.h.d 3 nRnISllD B7. do ,ou Could how. bring p., 9 . =oath? or unfurnlrh.dT UN?lWISWD man wh.t you t.,, w (f.m) 1.1 If you .old tk. pr.r.nt I . . ..I. &out . tod.yl it mYaD DtnIm 1. “.I it b.for.2 I-J gj= 89. . brmd NV hour. f-J alumlm Ilou much did or h.d th. hew. (I.=) it 119) mlu. of Lhl. what rould it (JUUI (II I” m 9. b..n IO Q. 310) liwd f.15. 770 the q f1r. 516. Do thay HI. Do they (the q ortS.8. of the utilitlr. tao, BIB. t.kc Wmt intercrt (00 ON TO 9. p.,msnt. toot t.kc e.r. of the property r.t. 119. p.yment.) .I. you (yrars) of t...., 0 YES c c] YES q N0 0 YES 0 COYCI .ny p.yins h’0 on thr (percent) BEWW) [ASK EmYoNE) 119. Do you .rp.ct to buy or build the next twlvs month.1 NO . how. for ,our the yew .fter (percenl) ovn ymr-.round u.. dud”& la LIVED IN PKM aoat? UP m, ‘N Q. 119) 620. Ra, .bout ur yJg cm DM IO &&y&s19 2421. About tort? during th.t? 8 I CTWIIOQ. 310) ha, much do you think th. hour. .nd th. lot 9 CNIW IO 9. 622) will QUESTIONNAIRE B23. b&at YBXI done? -.lnythlng cl+?? (ENTER WORK DONE) 124. How much did 825. Did you borrow or f,“a”ce any or 117 I(I7 II --. cost7 -,YES t co TO pox A (IF m Tu 129. “27 AND IUS --wo t!ORTckCE OP. IF Jg TO 126) Ho” much @CC your payment.7 B.30. How uny p.ymont, do you h.“. 1ect1 t 3740 I (i!i;*E C9. Who uwully drlvaa WxATIlm IO 7u.m) ClO. Dld you byr ADD ~:‘cun ?Arn cm Cll. C.r nn II In what,@.. this did thi. e.r, e.r new or wed, ,,mH ,ou buy it7 79-w-w 19~w..w t t IT BOVGM IN 1965 OR IAKLIEK. ASt P’S CIZ-Cl8 ~USCD 0 NE!, g”SED FOR EACH CAR. ,-,,,EY !-JCSF! (YW) ‘9I 1967 SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES QUESTIONNAIRE c, LIST CAllS ~OWH’T IN 1966 DK 1967 (9. NW about LIST ALL CARS W”OHT IN 196s OK f.AKLW gloN (Q. Cll), MD ASK ClZ-Cl.9 KFi WCR CAR. the c.r. LIST YUR AND MKE Cll). the total price of this c.r C20. When you bought trade-in or rcll C21. this e.r I c.rl dld C23. Did you borrw ot the tot.1 price, CU. ClS. HOW many pqmenta left to make1 “I,, ,me in p.rt of q (GoIv (IF IKIRRONED) C24. How such did you borrow. not including fllumin,, charge,? 9. CI7) Q. Cl7) DIFFERENf DIWUEM P I I II S 1 flm S (CO TO mx C) ON0 (CO TO c.ox C) YES ON0 P v inL 6 il’TTT1 (CO TO BOX C) YES ~ and 5-- Per Per__ C26. flow many p.yment, did you .Srce to take altoSether t- C28. OYES ON0 OYES lx- 0” I-JYES0” I C12:ClS ON0 $ 5 ASK WKSTV"S C25. ACM much were your pay~nt‘ ha often were they nadc? WI+ hII P 0’“”ON0 I !lm 9 51’“” be the UK. -CARI 1 aNO do you have the final pa~cnt es the otber~l (!KTCWICNEK: finance IOK UC” YES n you pay do.,, yc.r TF JOY (IF TUDE-IN OR SALE) that dtd you Set for ths trade-l” or .,lc? C22. Now aueh did thla CAKI l- CNtt cAlI+ AND ASK CL%c,2 1966 or already LIST YEAX *ND PUKE - I - in ILDE CARD 1 10 nmmrmna. C19. What “.8 CAR* you bouuht ON0 + KdCK CM LISTED AKD TKKN ?uI( Ra, @any p.ymnt. do you have left to make? II 9. I 3 C31) DIPFFALWI q :2P,0 9. C31) DIFFCKENT q 33 I 1 1 1 I im -JTCS 0”“ IYES JYU ti nOX C ON0 I UKIEWXWEK: ASK QOESTIONS C19-C32 -Jurs .-- FCR EACH CAR LISTED. on0 4 !-JNo 2 YCS ON0 4 l TKEN TVR)) TO WXY FACE) _ _,. _._-...., _~.__-_,, ._..._.__.._._. ., ..__.,___ ,_ _ _ __ SURVEY 1967 ~1s~ ALL ~~43 BO”CKT IN ,966 OR ,967 ,sx a,-c,s MOUT na TRADE-IN. you ab.,“t the =a=(#) you tmdcd-ln OF V,Tl, h “‘RAW-I” (ns,ld) when y”” CONSUMER OR SALE (“YES” bo”Sht FINANCES to YY.An C33. “hat AND n4xE or CAR gg!.E. cm. IO”= - YE*= model “am tha car cu. Nh.t make YII, UT 135. k%.t ye.= @)? did YOU traded-ln ‘9- (sold)? ‘9- ‘t (YUN (2 WORD NISVER) you buy the _PO_‘.Y”” traded-in C36. Did you by c37. ~8, it . ,ad.n (l-door convertible, or what? -JNY.N new a= used? o= 4-d”“=). .t.tlon WW C]USED “.So”, I 1 ~“ring 1966 did you m,,, 9ivc ,uay, (ASK Q’S WO--2.4 Pm &&Cl SUCU C’CV 0 I C40. Nlut 0 YES m ww m or .er.p 9. . e.r th.t mk. model “al . .__-1 c41. “h,t w.. C42. Did you ml1 or what? C41. ID,,” ,%I+. hy it, le=.p ,,yES ON0 5.1. you sot (ENfiX Lt. rid C45) Doea anyone else twelve month.7 in the famtly (I? m, PKOMBLY, on-n, Q. C45 g C47. Will it bm . brand WY e.r or . “led car? (II TN0 CAK P,lKCWSZS PUNNED, USE MARGIN FOR SECOND) CU. Men C49. Rou much do you think we h.ven’t talked 19, 19, 027 IN Q!S C40-c44) durIn9 ths next twelve month, or 807 IivlnS here crprct to buy . E.= d”rlnS c46) 0 Nmdo you thtnk 0 IJscD ye.usQht the n,xt 0 UNCERUIN buy thi, c.rl you will p.y for it? (II OUNS cm(S) noN) )t that tim 1.111 ye” trade in or ml1 (any of) your premnt ear(l)? (Co m (II p c52. ilou Ion9 do you think It will ba before C46) 9. C52) you by, (co m bean t.lkiaS about a=,. NW I’d llkm to l k you about trucks. or myone l I#* in tha Ially here ow, .a) kind of . t=“ck o= pick up7 0 YES tm mYul Km many do you oval CH. Nhat ye.* C55. Da you ?aopl* .v.= Y.. (it/my (rhoppiq. fl=hlnS m h”ntlnS, for burfncr, “I famln,,l (1, It/am W you 9. Dl) m 03. modal , a=, C52) 9. Ns’va l boutl W=‘) c51. m Q. C45 m, it. a=7 DETAILS (TURN IO 9. v=cek C46. C50. it? dld you buy && other Iq,mm c.r $ ~45) it? to buy. CM* , yur DQ You expect AND HA)(E) (ASK E”ERYOST) ‘39. I%. c20) CAR+ LIST QUESTIONNAIRE they)? 0 0 of the.) lo= pnm,.l and thn Ilka). 01‘ (ir 0 0 t=.n=port,tion. Mare they) only (YYJI) C56. Do YQ” “I. or ratclyl (it/them) IJ p=wmYLT for permu 0 ocl%8mlL4LLT t=cq”ently. 0 RARELY ocer,fon,,,,, 0 mJRN to 9. O.K. 01) 1967 SURVRY OF CONSUMER FINANCES (IKTERVIC~: 7SCOUUCE “WI5 TO AELP D: Dl. Row .bout furniture. homehold 0 WTN YNIS (ASK EWXYON,!) SCCTIO”) OYUl‘JI -.__ “l”U”U.5 DlJ. l.rgs thln6, for the hms _- did you buy mythinS . rafrl~er.tcr. ,tcva. unvl,,w ancblne. talevlslan .ppllmcsm, and .o on? ,-,,I0 YES -- (TUSN 10 9. QUESTIONNAIRE ln 1966 much .I act. .Lr eondltioner. About the bl6 thInA people buy for their hasem -- such . . fumlture, how, f”::r;i”“‘. refrlAtrW,r, Itwe. telcvislon, and thln6, like th.t. CclM~lly D 8, do YOU think nw is l twd or 8 hod tlmm fm people to buy mnlor houmhold item7 D13) t D2. N%.tdid you burl -- .nythlnS (Ekrl UCHInn)- ala*7 03. Now meh countln~ dld it co.t. cot finW2ln6 CharSOlf D4. U,, there. trade-In, or did you sell your old on.. or what? + -. D5. How much dld D6. Did you buy It on credit. p.y cash. or what1 ) !I 6 “?I 4 t (COD; (CO TO Q. D6) ~0. Am much did you pay down In emah Do you mtill ham l ylhlw left to pay? 0 CREDIT 4 3” mm yD 0”’ corn p” OXD Pa=_, q ALL SAM (ASK 9. Dll) 4ALLsAm I-JILL ASK 9. Dll) %& (CO 10 Q. D121 (00 2’9 9. Dll q- SAK Q. Dll) ODE,. ON MLANCI (GO TO Q. DI2) (ASK _[a, (PAYHcms ALL SAIU) Bow ““y mm* P.ym.nt. do ,ou hSva left to uksl D12 (DEPCNDS, ufNtol. a D.K. TO 9. D9. DIO, Dll) D12. Hov.uch do you have _ ,ctt to p.y, I 9 I (INIERVIEVPR: 8EPEAT Q’S D3 -012 0. DIJ) lW 9. D121 (Go lUQ. About how meh think ,ou vi11 CO IL? Wf2WIEUEA: Dl9. to I I Dli (00 TO 0. DI2) DC YOU hav. that IOU bouShi m 19661 DEFINITELY 0 DEFINIILLT DEFINITZLY PnOM8LY rJ PKOMSLY IJ PROMBLY 0 UNDECIDED ,, “NDECIDKD IJ UNDECIDED S LEPUT m=mUUKh 0 0 0 do you rpmd Q’S DlI-D18 (ASK WEXYONC) “a .ro alro intsrwtad *. 0-a Dll. D Yould you my you dcflnitely will buy . . . oca7fron Inn). . durln6 the next 12 qonthm, o= that you probably ~111. or .r. you undac1dedl Dl0. D20. MX nAYliE) Dl7. ? clmm II a INut do you .xpcet buy? -- s s PC=DlO. Arm the p.)rent. alI th. mme mount, or doe, what you ,.y dapend on how much you oyc. or what? ns Dl6. -JasR ONLT0(COCASKTO ONLY BOX D) (00 m80x D) or atEDIT D7. (II ym 1” IarAor $ S lCM CACU 1Ym1 “EKY~ONZD) thinSa for your haa wblch you (PU) bought balm. ASK Q’m m0, 21, 22 IoR UC *tPAMTK m . ,@Qmx~n ITM, M9l DON’T M9E 9 FDK YACH I EN w!nnONED, 021. About D22. NW many tlmw v., lt repaired I..t year? ha old 1) lt? (YCAFS) - --mm- - ---- - $ ENTUlNm PDP I I I I I 1967 SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES QUESTIONNAIRE c: “TllER.- P*YwNTS AND DE9T __ El. We’ve t.,ked about hou.fng, c.,.. .nd howehold .nyrh,n, cls. co” vhlch you ..LL rrgu,.r p.)rnuntll 0 f-J YES. wes eppllncrs. NO ADDfTloNAL Dt9T Do 10” 0~. far (co to 9. ES.) I-J 5. Ha a.“, do THINGS “OOLD IJKE TO BW OR REPfACE iJ IIAn non n!HINCS we “Am (co TO 9.025) 1 D24. b’hat things D25. hlmt do you hsvc in mind, S--r(Yk. ,nl”.) (“k. .Gl”.) L-Per9-c r.(Wk. .mo.) .bout rport .nd hobby irons1 9-er [Wkzzl 9 -per(“ii. C6. Hmr .bout II. Do ,ou n.kc (my th.t we not 0 tr.vr, ns cxpen,e, ,a.) or m+d,en, c.pc”#cl? other) rs9ul.r payment.. ,et t.,kcd .bo”l? (mmR DETAILS AND use 0, “ONFl I” q.gz-es.) I.,. 0 (I? 1SSs. LHTP% X1( q. S2.-Lg.) LO . lo‘” or flnlnC@ caa~m”y, NO (GO TO a. l!(I) 026. Did you or anyone elms in the fually dur;ng the 1s.t 12 month,? 0 yes 0 Ml -- (TmN take . v.eation trip of flvc To 9. LI) I 027. lbughly hov much did you spend altogether. including other thing, that CO,L more th.,n if you were hrme, transportation 6 [13 ns. I DED”cTED 0 10, PAT tm9 DIRE’XLT/R~ cLnlP.mTLT EWIJJTRD (nmn TO q. LlO) days or mote and 1967 SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES QUESTIONNAIRE (ASK c19. OnLY II P” jjg& Suppore finance b9xrfKLY PA-S m you’d like to make tent the,, on the In~t.llment 1arSe purchases. plan? would I (m (ASK EVERYONE) e19. Da you WI any money a, vhlch you don’t make (regular) on . life Inaur.“ce policy. or . debt to 101 panon 0 - II DOES NOT HAM Aln “ONnil., PAwwm (TORN To 9. 119) LlJ. Cl4. Suppo,c you’d or I hardahfp lttn to make some more large purchaser: for ,ou to take c.rc of larger p.yncntr Were any of the rega1.r purpose. or *n”e.tnmt,, w.9 7 l!,g. p,tymfnt, 0 we talked NO - .boot so far for 124. J- 122. Da you pay interest an it too7 0 ns 0 YE9 n 1ES Cl no 0 lfo 0 NO Do you have .n, other loans like that? TES (ENIER DETAILS As IN 9. EZO-L22) II NORE lllM THREE “Sr. KARCIW 0 NO (CCWINIJE n MI you m n9 WIllI q. E24) MNTIaD) EZO-I!22 POR 8AcR WM makin 9 $- 0 In 1966 did a Ion (00 TO q. 124) Har much do you ,ti11 ovct Which onaal In l klhg p,yrat, on your debta tn 1966, did you n ,ke the P.yment, in the way they rere ocheduled. did you get behind, or dld ,oo make p.wnt. that w.r. larger or more frequent th.n rchcduled? like for? (IN,lMWN8Rr E16, at or bank? 121. (00 r0 9. El6) to ~19) NIlat 123. buslne.. TO 9. 120. voold lt ba ..a, than you q .ke now? la it “0 -- you be likely payments c) on l loan no -- or lathing mPn To 9. you had bougt? PI) I 125. Vhat I).. L?k8 that? 126. DLd 70” ItWt dCh8 p.ya,,t, (Inn) tn 19661 0 ng 0 0 YE9 0 NO no 0 ‘RI 0 NO cl n9 0 “0 0 n.9 0 no 0” QUESTIONNAIRE I9G7 SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES PI. Next we “ould like to t*lk “i~h yn” about your “ark and the employment oC other, in the famlly. NN about ye”’ ,“a’“ont Jubl Are you (IIFAD, “orkinS no”, ““cmploycd or IaLd off, rcrlrcd. or “hat, 0 RETIRED 0 PERn4NENTL.Y DISABLED 0 llO”SL?d*FE 0 STVDENT ,I”RN FL). Then, ho” msoy “eek, )I). He, many hovr, . “eek F14. Did you (HUD) .lao TO q. FL6) T Y15. Y16. About Job7 Y5. . kind of buaInr.r ,I DO you (WAD) aupcrvilc Do you (HMD) work for SO~ONI? Elsl2 y6 that othrr pcoplc? else. IJYES @NO or yourself, 8mN SOEI’VNE Else AND saw to n labor unlonl Y9. (*SK q. Y&F13 FOR IIFAD’* MIN JOD) the uork Chrt you do ~q. (your Nuv,obout doinS thi. kind oC “ark (hw nony years), 19. How many vcckm of wxstion ‘10. Hw many “ceka “crc ‘11. Ho” mny “Cm vecka dld nYES ma,” flN0 Job) you OIUD) actual,, yoo (HMD) unemployed la#t you (I’MAD) 111 Or not “orkin --- did me l take my 120. D,d you (HF%D) “ark SOMrn “.s far “ark Did you ,upcrvi.o other In 19661 rc.roo Iart in 1966 on .” entta HMD IS.. . DISABLED you worked? that s(neo”c “h.t you did. In? e1.c. yourself, or “hat? ,QQSOMEONE EWE q SEW 0 WI” SELF EL%. Long have you bee,, other you (HUD) do “hen more *bout of b”,lne.a year1 for you (IIYAD) little I ho” did TO 9. 122) MEN TVRN TO 9. F22) What Y21. Do you bclonS k‘nd you “F~C “ortinS? ONLY (CO TO Q. PII) 7 F7. Tel, 1966! c of “ark “FAD-, fJ @SELF “hen PEpawlENTIzI HOuSEwIFE 119. or what, “otk Job in Job In 19667 a11 together I Ln? emconc 0 l,he.c kind Y16. Vhat on the SEE 9. FL, PACE 17 AND CHECK MIX.) REYIRED (IF usually “crk NO (TORN TO 9. F22) (NRN I ~17. .ctually (“FAD) . accond ho” -zany hours CltTERVlENER: fJ ONEnQLnYeD. SICK, OR ,*I0 OFF TrnOWRILY I Y4. h.“c yo” ,, TOYACE 19. c,.F?Z) n you (aFAD) did YES 1 (NRN did year? . people? 0 YES 0 NO 1967 SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES QUESTIONNAIRE 0: Cl. 0 MLE F” WAD IUS YIYE [] Ml.9 N IlYAD )u9 SO WY9 (NRHrOq.01) 1 0 In th‘. .“rWy .CC”I.tI Y9MW! HUD (NIPITOq.Cl) Of P‘CtWc 1. the income of (INTERVIEYER: 0 Y23. D‘d your 124. ? ,,h.t “if. do .ny rork for YES mm., d”r‘n9 1966? C2. of rort did .he do? Tell “C . littla more .hmat rh.t .h. did. Y27. k,.. 0 F28. About 129. “ov kind of b”.ln... .ho “Wk,“9 soPcoNe for L. th.t .mco”. EWE I-J ha, wany +. uny all th. th. ca”“tty. ffn.nCl.1 .‘tu.tiOn. f.mllle. UC lnt.rvlnr. UC .rC tryi” to 8.t .n One th‘nS Y. need 10 km” SEE 9. Y2, PACE 1, AM) CHSCI onr) YAYMR 0 wm ~mm e d‘d cs. cl.., veek .h. in, harmlf. 0 SELF .ctu.lly did .h. “orb. 01 rh.n your .oil tot.1 receipt. bank p.,mcnt. "h.t YOW tot.1 "-2t‘C m9. (co Th.t .ha Y.. from fWd”g .nd comxxf‘ty OP.t.t‘n8 cs) .Xp."..., left YO" . “et Lrtc0mc fra "Ot f.,‘m‘nS 9 (A) 1 (9) cO""ti"8 A - 9 - 9 Of? WERTDNC) Did you or myon. 01.. ‘n the f.aIly 11Vin9 her. 1966, or . f‘Nncl.1 1ntcre.t In .ny bwtnc.. 0 m 1” 1966, .r.dlt ..~M?.! “bat7 SO7H SONELWE E-8 rork “cr. Incl”di”6 lo.n.7 Nhat 11”‘n8 (ASK Nb.t P.OP*t'~ 13 NO WJYN TO 9. Cl) kind Ob. Y26. Of INCOW l 11 over I c3. YZS. CoII.uIOI. NO ( 00 mm . burl”... cnt.rprl.c, .t .n, cl.,. TO 9. C9) 88LY 66. Uh.t kind of bw‘nc.. c7. I. it . eorpor.t‘on 1nterc.t In both I. It, "OrkLn8? In 1960 0 P G9. 09. “ar that 010. or .n un1neorpor.t.d ktnd.? coRPoRATwli ( aa Q Ho” mch Y.. your (f.dly’.) Incow from the b”.‘n... .mount you took out plus 1” addition to thi., bow..., or coml..‘on.l 0 Dw’TrwW .h.ra of th. tot.1 In 1966 -. th.t i., th. my profit (you) left in, dtd you (HUD) 0 g wnl r.ceLv. from V.6.. Y.. deducted for YES or do you h.“. to 9. 09) oNINconmPAnD much did you (HUD) t., before l Iyth‘n8 bu.‘“... h.v. no man ld t.... my 9 ..l.r,., Ln ,966, or other thIn8.t Lneoc.. from $ overtlm., To q. 012) 1 CIl. How much Y.. th.t? 9 .n in ‘1 I I QUESTIONNAIRE c17. (INTERWEYER: SEE FACE SHEFS FOR ANTONE (0YNE.t THAN NMD AND VTfi, 14 AND OLDER AND CHECK 80X, @NO ONE 14 OR OLDER EXCEPT HUD L anythill,: CISC 9 (IF res TO 9. Cl8) (SFWIFY) --.- Did (ENTION FEEHBER) have sny income during 19667 ~1Ml.E F” HUD NAS NO “IYE (TIJIW TO 9. Cl7) (,YYMLE (NRN YU REtAD TO 9. 617) 0 YES t Ii.. it from “.8l.. pen.‘on, interest, ; businca., or “hat? (ASK SOURCES a.. .h) c19. 620. HO,, mch C21. Do.. he (she) keep h‘s (her) ffnsncca sepsrstc? I* 022. YES TO 9. 621) -- @NO CNO ON0 (GO TO 9oxc (CO TO BOX E , (CO TO UJXE ) i, YES CNECK BOX) f44l.E F” NMD !lhS WIFE FAMILY “8eWECG 14 AND OLDER t LIST on,!% PJ nWQERS 14 AND OLDER BY REUTION TO HUD Atla AGE Cl0. (INTERWDWI: ,,OT,lER I 1’ d. cu. (CO TO 9. C23) I II h. (AND/OR WIFE) -- I ACED I , pns t t SOURCEESOURCESOURCESOURCESOURCE I I I VS. it? q N0 (CO TO P.ox I) @ ns p t t Do... he (she) r?TES T t I 014. Did your “‘I. any i”eome during I 19661 crpen.e.l 0 YE9 ON0 (TORN TO 9. 023.. “S. it ‘“CO.” other ‘ncoma? fIOn V.8.S. . bUSi”@... 01 "hat? (INTERWkV;VtB: ASI SO”RCE8 . . ..h XOV mwh do.. cl* yaw f-J Lm f.mlly LIITLC L Ha much VI. tt befor. deduction. a-24. +? income 80 UI r-JsrbT9 BIT and 1 dog frown month to month? @D.!L PSEITV M7cll INS SAla Ifwe then fsaily? bca my ch.“8.. in 0~0 tha 1s.t ,r.r in th. number Of l smer. Ln yo”r (WRN 10 q. 026) v (SWRCE) t t 9 I 14 OR OVYA, THEN co TO q. c23. A", ASO,%) YE9 (SOORCE) 016. YOR c4.01 Yu ffuw,en Cl7) I c15. I I ASI q. C18-c22 BDXE CZJ * -9 1 Nh.t .h.n8..? I 1 --. ,., 1967 SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES 1 C26. W.. your fanlly’m (1965). or lover. “ICHER total income ot what, IN 1966 hlglwr nUJ,CR Ln 1966 than IN l9b6 OSM 4 627. Wh.t c2.s. .re War lt the nuin . lot CC.,O,W why it hlShor (lover) 030. q Km Will your (1966)) family A LITTLE lncomc NICIIER IN 1967 MI. What ire UC ,u.t w.. the yew before th.t (CO TO 9. 629) hfSher Hl. Do you (HEAD) think 11 1, . Sood ides LhlnS, on the installant plan7 for K)RS . little hlSher R3. people hwe mny of over . petiod dlffcrcnt rc.mnr for barrarInS me, which (SRar CMM CAM 2 TO RSSPcmMT.) time. “ou,., is ,ll (lower), thla ,-,lavtT, f the n\aln yror (1967) IN 1967 reamon. .) SAKE ,-,KNE why it 0 Lass be blSher @.wc or larer than last 9e.t o* wf lt will be . lot ~111 be htShar fJA LIRLE hISher (Iarm). ida for pCoPlS to bw (lower) th.n in 1966, or ,wt . lltrle hiSher you say It to cover expenses r,Shf for #ome~ne llkc yourself due to illness the cxpcntr. nO”V... 0 ns 0 NO u Km 0 NO 0 TES 0 NO cl KEs 0 NO 0 KES 0 NO to Hnmee d) to coyc~ c) to finmce educatIona f) to fLn.ncc the purchase of . t.t 0 YES 0 NO 8) to the purchase of futnltute t] YES 0 NO 0 YES 0 NO the puteh.rc l,v,nS finmcc to p.9 b,,,, Spe.kinS expenses “hlch of a fur trip to borrow P.Y back c) l nouSh of . vaeatlm they to cover Go TO 9. C33) HI. Do YOU think (lowr)? . bad b) h) 032. ot (lower), nA LI’TTLI! q A lm ~WCH “aa it QUESTIONNAIRE c0.t when Income expense* have plied UP of byin# . e.r m time. Ht. money in the bank to p.3 cask. Ot JWelV 1s Cut x h,, ,u,t done ,o althouSh he he8 ,,I,, do ,OY rhlnk he bouSht the ear i 1967 SI’RVEY OF CONSUMER QUESTIONNAIRE FINANCES I H16. “L-N many of them de you (R AND F”, we? (NUNBER USCO) Hll. (IF f0 DON’T q. “7) DO you (n MD N) with ,totm rher~ have any rcvolvln6 credit you c.n p.y for mnethln~ f3 H1.3. Cl YES Do y.,,, happen to know myone behind In the payments? H19. I “11. I DO ,.,” kw., . debt7 0 Vhere vculd they be the acc~u”tl 0 HZO. 0 vbo h., had h‘s because he mot NO l ar”in,,s 0 YES Do ,ou know lnymc 0 MOWS WEllE NA9-C BEEN OIANNGES .,,yo,,e repossessed .ttached ot gam‘rheed to Pay off NO lweqr7 Do you happen to knov whether there rate charged on inatallnent buying? 0 that Is, maths7 NO who ha, had mythln6 J-J YES “10. ateo”ntl -ovet several KNDV rccmt hove been my KNlws TIIERE HAS BlEN NO OlNlCE (CO TO 9. 1113) 0 D.R. changea Ln the (CO IV, 9. Nl3) who ha. gme thtowh 0 Yl?S bankruptcy7 NO interert NZL. . RW de ,ou think or b.nkt”ptc,l people ,,ct ‘“to such .‘tu.tiOn. llkc r~~O.~~~~‘~“.~arnl~hm~“t. QUESTIONNAIRE 1!7G7SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES “(a I’d like to ,,k ,ou .e (uaet‘w.‘n~ .bout price, in ,e”er.l, do ,ou think the, will 80 ,m in where they an now7 11. 0 u WILL WI up of . .or. 6a”*ral f men” tha prices of the thin6s the_ne,.t ,e.t or a”. ot lodovn_, Dur‘ns eh.“6e. II. n.t”r.. ,ou bu, or ata, of a”, favorable or mf.vorable -(II 0 STAY TIIE SAM! the lest fev lonth,. have ,ou heard in bus‘nesa cond‘tio”a7 18. TRS, Yhst did ,ou hear? WILL co DWN I 19. 12. Hw lar6r . price incream do ,ou .xpeet7 sure, but would ,ou I., thmt . ,e.r from p.r te”t hI6hcr. or S pewent. ,vr e,a..r or what7 13 110. I I 13. Would ,a” .., that or bad. or what7 the** Aad how about . ,c.r b,ulneao eondlt‘m~ about the a-1 Of eoun. “obod, CM knor for “(Y prices ~111 be about 1 or 2 to 10 percent h‘,her thin “m,, ~t1~‘n6/f.ll‘n6lunch~n6~d) pr‘c.. vould “w, turning ta buslnema cmdltlons in thm comtq that durln(r the next twsln montha we’ll hmve a or e time.. or what7 15. .I . wkola finme‘all,, t‘ws WOD rrms cl 0 BAD. YIM QUALIPICATIWS WI, do ,ou think cM)D, VInl QlJAL1ncATxws 0 BAD mslr 0 ASOUT TtlP, SAHE Lookla6 ahead, which would ,a” I., im more likely vhola we’ll have eont‘nuous 6ood timer durlnR th. that we vi11 hare periods of v‘dmpread u”e~lo,me”t 0 “OWE A TEAR FllOH NW -- that in the eomtr, .I . next five ,eat. or so. or ot deprcrr‘o”. or what? be ‘ood, do ,ou On what doe8it depend in ,aur opinion? think 212. 0 “0~. do ,ou expect that in the country .I . vholc be better or ~otse than the, .re ,t present, or Jurt BERCR A TEAR FRW NW Ill. 14. fra will 0 en*cw 0 wcuRTA2n that? (I? Ra about . r~e,s,‘m do ,ou think thir will m. Eis RAP+ El0 115. olncll I 113. Ub, do ,ou think 114. About will rhm And ha hut peopla out of work that th.” will bm e reqlomnt 0 116. md meq.lo)ld”t happen l 6al”l commnlr 10) VI had in 1951 and in winter 1960-61: so? Wrht) dutle: ~AC.OVClTlEWQ. mRN Why do you think l‘b.~ it con, 1” ,out. opinion? the eomln, tu@lva mmtthe -than “CM. about the m, oru7 a LESS do ,ou think 19G7 SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES QUESTIONNAIRE J: ASSETB We’ve talked about the p.ylacnta you .IC wk‘ng, the .wunta you have to pay, Income. YE would llkc to have .n idea of how you .‘lht handle rmergcnc‘rs. Jl. DO you (RAND FU) c.rry any life ON0 @YES 020 and your ‘n~“rancc7 TO 9. J5) 1 (SHOW 11.9. Do you think or what7 they mnkr for gwd or bad cconorlc ccndltion# at hone. YeLLm CWD 3 TO RESPONDENT) Which of the ~t‘oup’ on the card you (If Am PV) have? s 52. El* LESS nl4N $500 119. Yhr da vou think ,07 J5. J3. Cm you uct 34. DLd you (RAND Do you (RAND F”) . loan hsvc ,-,NO lp (SHW 36. I”, YE‘IIW u q CARD .hart the total amount of life inrur.ncc colapany on any of thwc pollc‘ra? OR qb $500 -999 from your take out any new or add‘tlonal .ny chrcklng TO 9. (TURN insurance life tnruroncc in 1966? accountal J7) 3 TO RESPUNDENT, how much do you qb usually me have in qd them7 0” OR 5 ?f 19G7 SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES QUESTIONNAIRE K: INFCNk4TION ABOVl FAWILT (ASK EVLRTWE) Kl. NW 1 have jwt Art you (HUD) a In r..rr‘d, mw. quee‘on,. ~‘ry,e.uldcwcd, I*RRIPiD ,,SIwOU divorced. @ or .cp.r.tcd? VIDWCD @ DIMRCED (GO TO 9. (II Mmm AND LIVID X2. llov low hw. g SEPAMTED R3, you been “tried7 nARS TOCI3HER) .llPP, -- J,,. “hat about stock7 Do you (R &ND FU) own .ny oration, ‘ncludln~ cm,~,n‘a, you hnvc worked ma-nt club. ot 0~” .h~rcm of a mutun, fund7 @NO (mu chm 512. About or preferred ot oyn mtock cfor, stock through in . corp.n ‘west- .te tho.e (CO TO 9. J13) stock, @ NO OR $ worth7 APPLICASLS:) (COLLEGE. SECRETARUL, B”SlNESS, TRADE SCHOOL. KUWINC. ETC) 3 m w.smt4Dwr) how mob II IEll @b Cl. Jl3. Do you (II AND N) P “or 0. qd @NO ‘3W i?a ~ewmnent l avirym .n, TM (SNW IGLL(w 514. hws •~ (TUPJI TO 9. bondn, u* ewpot.t. 7 or unlcQ.1 bonds? Kl) 3 W RESPR(DBNT) m,ch do you hwa @b l 0~ OR 8 lto8othwf qd o* [I* X8. Ata char* paopl* vho do not 1‘~ than m;.lulf of chair rupport? om K9. I-J m ,,amnyf (nm here with Pw TO 9. InO) I but .r. dependent on you for nor. 19G7 SllRVl?Y OF CONSUMER FINANCES QUESTIONNAIRE (INTERVILYER: arkrd you a number of .,~,<~?110.1 about the future, 10 “c m.y “8°C talk “‘th you apnln to SC= I\UY tb‘nga “orked o”t. Do you think you m,Sht IDOVI’ 11~8,,I,, the next 12 months? n YES n PROMSLY p WPl:LDS ‘3 V.K. l--J NO (CO TO 9. to Kl3) i ~12. If you do move, “her,. Ju you think you “,I, K14. Kl5. Tlwnk you vrry wch for sex of Head of F.rn‘lF L2. sex of Rcapondent: your “e can In ~WILE ,-,NFCRO y FEn4LE nmw @OTHER (Spcc‘fy) Race: ,,4. Number of call,: L5. Who “e?r prwent Lb. TYPE 0, STKUCTVRE IN WNICH FAMLY dur‘q L7. ,,EIC,,~~WD: Look yards or so in both LIVES: LB. V‘d the rerpondent underrt.nd ,ome d‘ff‘culty und.=,t~ndlnS OP.WAS ALERT [TIAPARTHENT HousE (5 0K w.F vNITS. 3 STORIES OR LESS) ~APARTNENT “OVSE (5 OR M)RE “NITS, 4 STORIES OR tmw ~APARTHMT IN A PARTLY COWERCIAL STR”cT”RE pomn (Specify) at 3 structure” on side d‘rcct‘on~ and check . . any VACANT LAND ONLY TMlLER DETACHED SlNCLE FAMILY HOUSE 2-FAHILY “OWE. 2 UNITS SIDE SY SIDE i Z-FAMILY IIOVSE. 2 “NITS ONE ABO”E THEOIIIER DETACVEV 3-4 FAMILY HWSE El RW HOUSE (3 OR MRE “NITS IN AN ATTACHED ROW) COWLETE. CPEWLLE interv‘c”: TBAILEll DETACllED SINGLE FAHILY HOUSE IIOUSE, 2 UNITS SIDE SY SIDE B .2-FA”ILY 02-FMLY HO”%, 2 UNITS ONE ASOW TVE OTHER DETACHED 3-4 FAMILY MOUSE El ROW HOUSE (3 OR HDRE UNITS IN AN ATTACHED ROW, help. (INTERVIEWER: CHECK I’0 HAKE SURF Q’s 2. 3. 4 ON PACE 1 ARI REtEt,BER TO PINISI, T,,“HBNAlL SKETCII AND POLLW-VP SHEET.) @WIRE llnit: L3. (STATE1 Thrrc a== all the quc,tlona 1 hnvr. When “e .=e finl.hcd “lth th‘e .urveF ‘end you aome of OUT fin<lLnSn 01 our wuy of thankinS Fou, ‘1 Fou “‘11 tend this card. (IRNV RFPORI WI&h-ST CAIW rO K) I have no mo=c qur~tton”. Ll. bc IIvInS7 (CITY) BY OBSERVATION ONLY, AND QUICK TO ANSWER !-,I, of VV but not ma=C than boxer 0, WPly. belo”. 100 ~APAKTHRIT HOVSS (5 ok Hew UNITS, 3 STORlES OR LESS) ~APARTIENT HOUSE (5 OR H0F.E UNITS, 4 STORIES OR tmic) [IAPAKTHMT IN A PARTLY COIQDRCIAL sI*CI”RE ,-J,NOLLY CO,WXCIAL OK INDUSTRIAL STRVCTVKE @OTHER (Spcc‘f,‘) the que.t‘on. and l W”cr‘nS7 .nd I ! .n,“er rrsd‘ly. or did he hwe (NOT COUNTING IANCVACE DIFFICVLTY) COVLll UNDERSTAND AND ANSWER qUESTIONS SATISFAcTORILY OR WAS SLOJ TO UNVERSTANV AWO WD DIYFILWLTY ANSWERINC qUESTIONS cot‘mNTs: L9. of ue~pondmt’~ l n#“ers to factual quwtlons (house value, incomr. badly nut of line “‘th your obfe=v.t‘on.. note belo”. (“SE NEXT PACE FOR TIIVI(IIMIL SKETCII) etc.) eccm APPENDIXI .-- 199 CENSUS BOOK CODE ISR IDI DUNCAN SOCIO-ECONOMIC OCCUPATION INDEX PROFESSIONAL, TECHNICAL, AND KINDRED WORKERS 000 010 012 013 014 015 020 021 022 023 030-060 -- 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 012 070 071 072 073 074 075 013 014 015 016 017 018 080 081 082 083 084 085 090 091 092-093 020 121 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 101 102 029 030 103 104 105 111 120 130-145 150 151 152 153 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 Accountants & auditors Actors & actresses Airplane pilots & navigators Architects Artists h art teachers Athletes Authors Chemists Chiropractors Clergymen College presidents, prof's, instructors (n.e.c.>* Dancers & dancing teachers Dentists Designers Dietitians h nutritionists Draftsmen Editors & reporters Engineers, technical Aeronautical Chemical Civil Electrical Industrial Mechnical Metallurgical, met'ts. Mining Not elsewhere classified (Inc. kind not reported) Entertainers (n.e.c.1 Farm & home management advisors Foresters & conservationists Funeral directors 6 embalmers Lawyers h judges Librarians Musicians & music teachers Natural scientists (n.e.c.1 Nurses, professional professional Nurses, student Optometrists Osteopaths *Not elsewhere classified 78 60 79 90 67 52 76 79 75 52 a4 ---USE ONLY WITH E 1-Y 45 96 73 39 67 82 87 90 a4 a4 86 a2 a2 a5 a7 31 a3 48 59 93 60 52 80 46 51---USE 79 96 ONLY WITH H INDUSTRY 200 CBC / IDI/ OCCUPATION SES PROFESSIONAL, TECHNICAL, AND KINDRED WORKERS- cont. I 154 041 160 161 162 163 042 043 044 011 164 165 170 171 045 046 047 048 172-175 180 181 182-184 la5 190-191 192 193 194 195 049 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 N=200 N(self N(ten, owner) share) N(NA type) 222 Personnel 6 labor-relations workers Pharmacists Photographers Physicians and surgeons Public relations men 6 publicity writers Radio operators Recreation & group workers Religious workers Social 6 welfare workers, except group Social scientists Sports instructors & officials Surveyors Teachers (n.e.c.) * Technicians, med. h dent. Technicians, testing Technicians, (n.e.c.)* Therapists h healers (n.e.c.) Veterinarians Professional, technical, h kindred workers (n.e.c.)* a2 50 92 82*** 69 67 56 64 al 64 48 72 48 62 62 58 78 65 FARMERS b FARM MANAGERS (not laborers & foremen) 019 059 191 060 Farmers (farm owners) Farmers (tennants 6 sharecroppers) Farmers (NA which type) Farm managers MANAGERS, OFFIC., EXCEPT FARM 061 Buyers & dept. 251 062 Buyers & shippers, 252 253 254 063 064 065 Conductors, railroad Credit men Floor-men & floor mgrs., 260 066 Inspectors, public admin. (incl. not rep.) Federal public admin h postal service State public admin. 6 J) 067 260(926) 068 *Not elsewhere 14 ---USE 14 ---USE ONLY WITH A INDUSTRY ONLY WITH A INDUSTRY 14---USE 36 ---USE ONLY WITH A INDUSTRY ONLY WITH A INDUSTRY & PROPB., 250 260(906 a4 heads, store farm prod. classified store 72--- USE ONLY WITH F, G, 606609, 617-629, 637-658, 666-696 INDUSTRY 33---USE 0NL.Y WITH 609 OR 616 INDUSTRY 58 74 50---USE ONLY WITH D, F, G, 637-696 INDUSTRY 63 72---USE 936 54 ---USE 936 ONLY WITH J OR 906INDUSTRIES ONLY WITH J OR 906INDUSTRIES r CBC c 201 ID// OCCUPATION MANAGERS, OFFIC., 6 PROPR., EXCEPT FARM - cont. 260(936) 069 Local 262 265 070 071 270 072 public admin. 6 J) 073 270(926) 074 Mgrs. 6 super's, buildings Officers , pilots, pursers, & ship (other than engineers, navy or coastguard) Officials and administrators 6 pub. admin. (n.e.c.>* Federal pub. admin. 6 postal service (incl. not reported) State pub. admin. 270(936) 075 Local 275 076 280 285 077 078 Officials - lodge, society, union, etc. Postmasters Purchasing agents 6 buyers (n.e.c.>* 270(906 pub. admin. 56---USE ONLY WITH J OR 906936 INDUSTRIES $2 54 jC---USE 936 $4---USE 936 j6---USE 936 54---USE 936 58---USE SO---USE ONLY WITH 906 INDUST. 77 MANAGERS, OFFICIALS, 6 PROPR., (n.e.c.>* SALARIED ONLY R-SALARIED=290 ~____ If NA industry - see "ALL OTHER INDUSTRY" below. For Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, 6 Mining - see "All Other Industries" below. R(C) R(206-459,B,M) R(507-526,L) R(536-579) 080 081 082 083 R(606-629) 084 Construction Manufacturing Transportation Communications, utilities 6 sanitary services Wholesale trade Retail trade (if see "other Retail R(637 6 F) 086 R(639 6 G) R(646 6 647) 087 088 R(648 & 649) 089 R(656) 090 R(657) R(658) R(D) R(666 6 676) 091 079 092 093 50 79 71 76 JO NA kind Trade") Food 6 dairy products stores and milk retg. Gen. Mchdse. - 5 6 10 store Apparel 6 access. stores 6 shoe stores 50 Furniture, home fum, 6 equipmeat stores Motor vehicles 6 access., retail Gasoline service stations Drugstores Eating and drink places Hardware, farm implements, 6 building material, retail 68 *Not elsewhere classified ONLY WITH J OR 906INDUSTRIES ONLY WITH J OR 906INDUSTRIES ONLY WITH J OR 906INDUSTRIES ONLY WITH J OR 906INDUSTRIES ONLY WITH 888 INDUSTRIES 68 69 65 31 59 39 64 202 g#- SES OCCIJPATION MANAGERS, OFFICIALS, 6 PROPR., (n.e.c.)* SALARIED ONLY - cont. R(678-696) I94 R(7066716) R(7266736) R(806h807) R(a0a) R(809) R(826-839) R(999&017-156) 846-898, A, H, El 195 196 197 )9a )99 .oo .Ol R-SELF-WLOYE =291 R(C)SE R(206-459, B, M) SE (507-526, L) SE R(536-579)SE .03 .04 Other retail trade (incl. not rep.) Banking 6 other finance Insurance and other real estate Business services Auto repair 6 garages Misc. repair services Personal services not rep.) All other ind. (incl. Incl. Agric. (for farm mgr. see code 222) Forestry, Fisheries, 6 Mining MANAGERS, OFFICIALS, 6 PROPR. (n.e.c.)* Self-employed only (If NA ind. see"Al1 other indust.' below) For Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, 6 Mining, see "All other ind." below Construction Manufacturing .05 Transportation .06 R(606-629)SE .07 Communications 6 utilities, sanitary services Wholesale trade R-SELF--LOPK Retail "other R(637hF)SE .09 R(6396G)SE R(6466647)SE R(6486649)SE .lO ll .12 R(656)SE R(657)SE R(D)SE R(6666676)SE .13 .14 .15 .16 R(678-6966 658)SE R(7066716)SE R(7266736)SE R(8066807)SE R(808)SE R(809) R(826-839)SE R(9996017-156, 846-898, A, H, E) SE .17 .18 .19 .20 .21 .22 .23 .24 trade retail elsewhere a5 84 80 47 53 50 62--Note: R occupation code must not be used for J, K, 906-936 Industries 51 61 43 (If NA kind trade") 6 classified 44 59 see Pood 6 dairy products stores & milk ret'g. Gen. lkhdse. - 5 6 10 store Apparel 6 access. stores Furn., home furn., 6 equipment stores Motor vehicles 6 act. Gasoline serv. stations Eating 6 drink places Hardware, farm impl., 6 building mat., retail Other retail trade (inc. not rep.)-Banking and other finance Insurance 6 other real estate Business services Auto repair serv. 6 gar. Misc. repair services Personal services All other ind. (incl. not rep.) Incl. Agric. (for farmer see code N), Forestry, Fisheries, 6 Mining *Not 59 33 47 65 59 70 33 37 61 49 a5 76 67 36 34 41 49--Note: Occupation not be used with 906-936 Indust. code mu*+ J, K, 203 - IDt OCCUPATION 301 302 303 125 126 127 304 128 Agents (n.e.c.) Attendants 6 assis., Library Att's., Physicians 6 dentists office Baggagemen, transportation 305 310 312 313 314 315 129 130 131 132 133 134 320 321 085 323 324 325 333 340 341 z 343 345 350 351 352 353 354 135 136 137 102 108 153 507 138 139 501 140 141 142 143 Bank tellers Bookkeepers Cashiers Collectors, bill 6 acct. Dispatchers 6 starters, vehicle Express messenger 6 railway mail clerks File clerks Insur. adjusters, exsminers, h investigators Mail carriers Messenger 6 office boys Office machine operators Payroll 6 timekeepers Postal clerks Receptionists Secretaries Shipping and rec. clerks Stenographers Stock clerks 6 storekeepers Telegraph messengers Telegraph operators Telephone operators Ticket, station 6 exp. agt. 360 Y 506 144 Typists Clerical 173 SES 6 kind. workers (n.e.c.) 1 68 44 38 25--USE ONLY WITH L, 507526 INDUSTRIES 52--USE ONLY WITH 706 INDUSTRIES 51 44 39 40 67--USE ONLY WITH L OR 906 INDUSTRIES 44 *** 62 *** 53--USE ONLY WITH 28 45 44 44--USE ONLY WITH 44 *** 61*** 22 61*** 44""" 22--USE ONLY WITH 47 45 60--USE ONLY WITH INDUSTRIES 61*** 44 SALES WORKERS 380 381 382 383 385 145 146 147 148 149 390 393 S s=394 150 151 S(206-459, B,M) s(606-629) S(637-696, D,F,G) S(9996 all not above) 395 66 40 35 08 66*** 154 Ad. agents 6 salesmen Auctioneers Demonstrators Hucksters & peddlers Ins. agents 6 brokers 6 underwriters Newsboys Real estate agents 6 brokers Salesmen 6 sales clerks (n.e.c.) (If ind. NA see "Other Ind. ") Manufacturing 155 156 Wholesale trade Retail trade 61 39 157 Other ind. 152 Stock 6 bond salesmen *Not (incl. elsewhere not classified rep.) 27 62 65 50 73 906 INDUSTRIES 906 INDUSTRIES 539 INDUSTRIES L, 507-526 204 CBC I D/l OCCUPATION SES CRAFTSMEN, FOREMEN, 6 KINDRED WORKERS 401 402 403 404 405 1 58 1 59 1 60 1 61 1 62 410 1 63 1 64 1 65 1 66 1 67 1 68 1 69 1 70 1 71 1 72 430(C) 1 74 30(237-249) 430(256-259. Ml 430(267-276) 430(286-296, 206-236) 430(346-367,B) 1 76 1 77 Bakers Blacksmiths Boilermakers Bookbinders Brickmasons, stonemasons, 6 tile-setters Cabinetmakers Carpenters Cement 6 concrete finishers Compositors 6 typesetters Cranemen, derrickmen, & hoistmen Decorators 6 window dressers Electricians Electrotypers 6 stereotypers Engravers, ext. photoengravers Excavating, grading, f road machinery ooerators Foremen (n.e:c.>* (If ind. NA see "Other Ind.") Construction Manufacturing (If mfg. but NA kind see "Other non-dur. goods" below) Metal industries Machinery, incl. elec. 1 78 1 79 Transportation Other durable 1 80 Textiles, apparel 430(386-459, 306-329) 1 81 430(L) 430(507-526) 430(536-579) 1 82 1 83 1 a4 430(999&017156, 606-936, A,D,E,F,G,H, 1 a5 Other non-dur. goods (incl. not spec. mfg.) Railroads 6 railway exp services Transportation, ext. rr Telecommunications 6 utilities 6 sanitary services Other ind.(incl. not rep) :13 414 415 420 421 423 424 425 430 equip. goods textile products 6 22 16 33 39 27 66 41 23 19 19 52 21 40 44 55 47 24 40 54 60 39 53 36 45 56 44--430 OCCUPATION CODE MUST NOT BE USED WITH K INDUSTRY J> 431 432 434 435 1 86 1 a7 1 88 1 89 444 1 90 Forgemen 6 hsmmermen Furriers Glaziers Heat treaters, annealers, 6 temperers Inspectors, sealers, 6 graders, log 6 lumber *Not elsewhere classified 23 39 26 22 23 205 CBC ID!/ CRAFTSMEN, FOREMEN, 6 KINDRED WORKERS- cont. . 450 -- ;ES OCCUPATION 450 (C) 450 (L) 450(507-579) 192 193 194 450(999&all not above, except J, K,906-936) 451 195 196 452 453 197 198 454 460 461 465 199 200 201 202 470 203 471 472 473 474 475 480 204 205 206 207 208 209 490 491 492 493 494 210 211 212 213 214 495 501 502 503 504 505 510 512 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 513 514 515 223 224 225 520 521 226 227 Inspectors (n.e.c.)*(If NA ind. see "Other Ind. below) Construction Railroads & railway exp. serv. Transport., ext. rr comm. 6 other pub. utilities Other non-mfg. ind. (incl. not rep.) Jewelers, watchmakers, 6 silversmiths Job-setters, metal Linemen 6 servicemen, telephone, 6 power Locomotive engineers Locomotive firemen Loom fixers Machinists goldsmiths, telegraph, Mechanics 6 repairmen Airconditioning, heating & refrigeration Airplane Automobile Office machine Radio 6 television Railroad 6 car shop Not elsewhere classified (incl. NA type) Millers, grain, flour, feed, etc. Millwrights Molders, metal Motion picture projectionists Opticians 6 lens grinders 6 polishers Painters, const. 6 maint. Paperhangers Pattern 6 model makers, ext. paper Photoengravers 6 lithog's Piano 6 organ tuners 6 repairs Plasterers Plumbers 6 pipefitters Pressmen 6 plate printers, printing Rollers 6 roll hands, metal Roofers 6 slaters Shoemakers 6 repaiers, ext. factory Stationary engineers Stone-cutters 6 carvers *Not elsewhere classified 16 11 15 la--450 OCCUPATION CODE MUST NOT BE USED WITH J, K, 906-936 INDUSTRIES 16 !a 19 it3 i5 to )3 !7*** ia 19 36 36 !3 !7 19 31 12 13 39 16 LO 84 54 38 25 34 09 22 15 L2--DO NOT USE WITH B, M, 206-459 INDUSTRIES 47 25 206 CBC ID// OCCUPATION CRAFTSMEN, FOREMEN, 6 KINDRED WORKERS- cont. 523 524 525 228 229 230 530 535 545 231 232 233 555 428 555 555 429 244 601 602 603 604 605 610 612 613 614 615 620 621 630 631 632 236 237 240 241 242 243 245 246 247 248 249 451 250 634 635 251 252 640 641 642 253 254 256 643 500 645 650 651 258 259 652 653 260 261 654 262 670 671 672 673 263 299 264 300 238 239 257 Structural metal workers Tailors 6 tailoresses coppersmiths, 6 Tinsmiths, sheet metal workers Tool 6 die makers 6 setters Upholsterers Craftsmen 6 kin. workers, n.e.c.* Members of the armed forces: Enlisted men Officers NA whether enlisted or officer OPERATIVES 6 KINDRED WORKERS Apprentices (If trade NA see trade) Auto mechanics Bricklayers 6 masons Carpenters Electricians Machinists 6 toolmakers Mechanics, ext. auto Plumbers 6 pipefitters Building trade (n.e.c.>* Metalworking trades (n.e.c.>* Printing trades Other specified trades Trade not specified Asbestos 6 insulation workers Assemblers Attendants, auto serv. 6 parking Blasters 6 powdermen 6 lock Boatmen, canalmen, keepers Brakemen, railroad Bus-drivers Chainmen, rodmen, sxemen, survey Checkers, examiners, 6 inspectors, manuals Conductors, bus 6 street rw Deliverymen 6 routemen Dressmakers 6 seamstresses, ext. factory Dyers Filers, grinders 6 polishers, metal Fruit, nut 6 veget. graders 6 packers, ext. factory Furnacemen, smeltermen, pourer2 Graders, sorters, manuf. Heaters, metal Knitters, loopers, toppers, textile 34 - 23 33 50 22 32 ---USE ONLY WITH J INDUSTRY ---USE ---USE ONLY WITH J INDUSTRY ONLY WITH 3 INDUSTRY 25 32 31 37 41 34 33 29 33 40 31 39 32 17*** 19 11 24 42 24 25 17***USE ONLY WITH B, M OR 2--, 3-- OR 4--1NDUST. 30 ---USE ONLY WITH 507 INDUST. 32 23-DO NOT USE WITH B,M,206-459 IND. 12 22 lo--DO NOT USE WITH B, M, 206459 INDUSTRIES ia 17***lJSE ONLY WITH B,M,Z--,3--,4---d 29 Zl***USE ONLY WITH 346-356 IND. 207 CBC ID# OCCUPATION OPERATIVE 6 KINDRED WORKERS-cont. -- 674 675 265 266 680 685 267 268 685(136) 685(146) 685(1566126) 690 269 270 271 272 691 692 693 694 695 701 703 704 705 273 274 235 275 276 277 278 255 279 Laundry 6 dry cleaning oper. Meatcutters, ext. slaughter 6 packing house Milliners Mine operators 6 laborers (n.e.c.)* (If NA which below) Coal mining Crude petrol 6 nat. gas Mining 6 quarrying, ext. fuel Motormen, mine, factory, logging camp, etc. Motormen, street, subway, etc. Oilers 6 greasers, ext. auto Packers & wrappers n.e.c.* Painters, ext. const. & maint. Photographic process workers Power-station operators Sailors 6 deck hands Sawyers Sewers 6 stitchers, manuf. 710 712 713 714 T 720 721 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 Spinners, textile Stationary firemen Switchmen, railroad Taxi drivers 6 chauffers Truck 6 tractor drivers Weavers. textile Welders 6 flame cutters -W w=775 W(C) L5--DO NOT USE WITH K IND. 29--DO NOT USE WITH 306 IW$6 LO--USE ONLY WITH 126-156 TND. DZ--USE 38--USE 12--USE 03--USE ThTD. IHD. TND.. IND. ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY WITH WITH WITH WITH 126-156 126-156 126-156 126-156 34--USE ONLY WITH 507 INDUBT. 15 la 18 42 50 16 05 17***USE ONLY WITH B, M, Z?--, 3 -- OR 4--1NDUST. 05 17 44 10 15 06 24 OPERATIVES 6 KINDRED WORKERS n.e.c.* 363 Non-Manufacturing Construction (For other nonsee after mfg. industrmfg. ind. ies below) Manufacturing (If NA what kind of mfg. see under "Manufacturing") Durable goods Lumber 6 wood products, ext. furniture W(206) W(207) 290 W(208) W(209) W(216-236) 291 292 293 W(216) W(217) 294 295 W(218) 296 Sawmills, planing mills, 6 millwork Misc. wood products Furniture 6 fixtures (If Stone, clay 6 glass prod. NA which below) Glass 6 glass products Cement, concrete, 6 gypsum prod. 6 plaster Structural clay products *Not elsewhere classified 18 --DO NOT USE W OCCUPATION CODE WITH 206 INDUSTRY 07 09 09 17 23 10 10 208 CBC ID# OCCUPATION OPERATIVES 6 KINDRED WORKERS n.e.c.* W(219) W(236) 297 298 W(237) 301 W(238) 302 W(239) W(246) 303 304 W(247) 305 w(24a) W(249) W(2566257,M) 306 307 308 W(256) W(257) W(M) W(259) W(267-276) W(267) W(268) W(269) W(276) W(286-289) 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 W(286) w(287) W(289) 319 320 321 W(296) 322 W(306) W(307) w(308) 324 325 326 W(309) W(316) W(317) w(318) W(319) 327 328 329 330 331 W(326) W(329) 332 333 Pottery 6 related Misc. nonmetallic products products mineral & stone Metal Industries Blast furnaces, steel works 6 rolling mills Other primary iron 6 steel indust ries Primary nonferrous ind. Cutlery, hand tools, 6 other hardware Fabricated structural met. products Misc. Fab. metal prods. Not spec. metal industries Machinery, ext. elec. (If NA which below) Agricultural machinery Office 6 store machines 6 devices Misc. machinery Elec. math., 6 equip. 6 supp. Trans. equip. (If NA which below) Motor veh. 6 equip. Aircraft 6 parts Ship 6 boat bldg. 6 repairing Railroad 6 misc. trans. equipment Professional 6 photographic equip 6 watches (If NA which below) Prof. equip. 6 supplies Photo equip. 6 supplies Watches, clocks, 6 clockwork operated devices Misc. mfd. ind. Non-durable goods Food 6 kindred products (If NA which see Not Spec. Food Ind. below) Meat products Dairy products Canning & preserving fruits, veg. 6 sea foods Grain mill products Bakery products Confectionary 6 related products Beverage industries Misc. food prep. 6 kindred products Not spec. food ind. Tobacco mfg. *Not elsewhere classified 21 15 17 12 15 16 16 15 14 22 21 31 22 26 23 21 34 16 23 29 23 40 28 16 16 22 09 14 15 12 19 11 19 02 209 1 CBC --ID!/ OCCUPATION W(346-356) 334 W(346) W(347) 335 336 w(34a) W(349) W(356) W(3676B) 337 338 339 340 W(B) W(367) W(386-389) 341 342 343 W(386) W(387) W(389) W(3966398) 344 345 346 347 w(406-409) 348 W(406) W(407) W(408) W(409) W(4166419) 349 350 351 352 353 W(416) W(419) W(4266429 W(436-438 354 355 356 357 W(436) 358 W(437) w(438) W(459) 359 360 361 Textile mill prod. (If NA which below) Knitting mills Dyeing 6 finishing textiles, ext. knit goods Carpets, rugs, floor cov. 6 fab. mills Yarn, thread, prod. Misc. tex. mill Apparel 6 other fabricated textile prod. (If NA which below) Apparel 6 access. Misc. fab. tex. prod. Paper 6 allied products (If NA which below) Pulp, paper, 6 paperboard mills Paperboard containers, boxes Misc. paper 6 pulp prod. Printing, publishing, 6 allied ind. Chemical 6 allied prod. (If NA which below) Synthetic fibres Drugs 6 medicines varnishes, 6 related prod. Paints, Misc. them. L allied prod. Petroleum 6 coal prod. (If NA which below) Petroleum refining Misc. pet. 6 coal prod. Rubber prod. 6 misc. plastic prod. Leather 6 leather proc. (If NA which below) tanned, curried 6 Leather: finished Footwear ext. rubber Leather prod. ext. footwear Not spec. mfg. ind. (Incl. MFG. but NA kind) Other 21 38 L4 32 LO 21 22 L7 19 19 17 19 31 20 09 26 15 23 51 56 14 22 16 10 09 14 16 non-manufacturing W(L) 364 W(507-526) W(536-579) 365 366 W(606-696,D, F,G) W(806-809) W(826-839,K) W(906-936,J) 367 Construction - see before mfg. industries (If NA what kind see Not. Spec. Ind. below) Railroads 6 railway express services Transportation, ext. rail Communications 6 utilities and sanitary services Wholesale 6 retail trade 368 369 370 Business 6 repair services Personal services Public administration *Not 36 elsewhere classified 15 23 21 17 19 11 17 210 CBC ID// OCCUPATION OPERATIVES 6 KINDRED WORKERS n.e.c.* - cont. W(999-nonmanuf.) W(999&017018,706-736 846-898, A, E,H) 362 801 802 175 372 802,0+0) 802(~1) 803 374 373 375 803 (LO) 803(~1) P 376 505 377 pm) PW) 379 378 371 810 812 380 381 813 814 815 820 821 823 382 383 384 386 385 287 824 825 830 831 832 387 388 389 390 393 834 835 394 502 840 841 842 843 850 851 852 396 400 401 288 391 392 395 Not spec. non-mfg. All other non-mfg. ind. (Incl. but NA kind) ind. incl. kind PRIVATE HOUSEHOLDWORKERS Baby sitters, priv. households Housekeepers, priv. h.h. (If NA which below) Living out Living in Laundress, priv. h.h. (If NA which below) Living out Living in Priv. h.h. workers n.e.c.* (If NA which below) Living out Living in SERVICE WORKERS, EXCEPT PRIVATE HOUSEHOLD Attendants, institutions, hosp. Attendants, Prof. 6 per. serv. n.e.c.* Att's. rec. 6 amusement Barbers Bartenders Bootblacks Boarding 6 lodg. housekeepers Chambermaids h maids, ext. private household Charwomen 6 cleaners Cooks, ext. priv. h.h. Counter 6 fountain workers Elevator operators Housekeepers 6 stewards, ext. private households Janitors 6 sextons Kitchen workers n.e.c.* ext. private households Midwives Porters Practical nurses cosmetologists Hairdressers, Firemen, fire protection Guards, watchmen, doorkeepers Marshalls 6 constables *Not elsewhere classified la 20--DO NOT USE W OCCUPATION CODE WITH 126-156 INDUST. 07--USE 19--USE ONLY WITH K INDUST. ONLY WITH K INDUST. 21--USE ONLY WITH K INDUST. lo--USE ONLY WITH K INDUST. 12--USE ONLY WITH K INDUST. 12--USE ----USE 07--USE ONLY WITH K INDUST. ONLY WITH K INDUST. ONLY WITH K INDUST. 06--USE 12--USE ONLY WITH K INDUST. ONLY WITH K INDUST. 13 26 19 17 19 08 30--USE ONLY WITH 826 INDUST. 11--DO NOT USE WITH K INDUST. 10 15--DO NOT USE WITH K IND. 17*** 10 31--DO NOT USE WITH K IND. 09 ll***DO NOT USE WITH K IND. 37--USE ONLY WITH 867 INDUST. 04 22 17 37 la 21--USE ONLY WITH J, 926 OR 936 INDUST. 211 -- SES CBC IDb 853 397 853 (All others) 853 (906936,J) 854 399 SERV. EXC. PRIV. hh. Policemen 6 detectives which below) Private 398 Government 402 Sheriffs 860 405 a74 a75 890 403 404 406 Watchmen (crossing( 6 bridge tenters Ushers, recreation 6 amusement Waiters 6 waitresses Service workers except private household (n.e.c*) 901 U V 905 407 408 409 410 OCCUPATION cont. (If NA 39 36 40 6 bailiffs FARMLABORERS 6 FOREMEN Farm Foremen Farm laborers, wage workers unpaid family workers Farm lab., Farm service lab., self-emp. 34--USE ONLY WITH J, 926, 936 INDUSTRY 17 25 16 11--DO NOT USE WITH K INDUST. 20--USE ONLY WITH AN INDUST. 06--USE ONLY WITH AN nlm5T. 17-USEONLYWITHAN INDUST. 22--USE OI??Y WITH AK ImUST. LABORERS, EXCEPT FARM h MINE - Carpenters 6 mining Fishermen helpers, ext. logging 960 323 962 411 963 412 964 413 965 414 Garage laborers, car washers and greasers Gardeners, ext. farm and groundskeepers Longshoremen 6 stevedores 970 415 Lumbermen, 971 416 Teamsters 972 417 Truck 973 503 Warehousemen X(C) X(985) 491 6 oystermen raftsmen, drivers' woodchoppers helper n.e.c.* LABORERS, n.e.c.* Non-Manufacturing Construction (for other non-mfg. ind. see after mfg. Industries below) Manufacturing (If NA what kind see not spec. ind. under Manufactur3 below) Durable goods Lumber 6 wood prod. *Not elsewhere classified exe furn. 07--DO NOT USE WITH 206 INDUSTRY lo--DO NOT USE WITH INDUSTRY 08--DO NOT USE WITH INDUSTRY ll--DO NOT USE WITH INDUSTRY ll--DO NOT USE WITH INDUSTRY 04--DO NOT USE WITH INDUSTRY 08--DO NOT USE WITH INDUSTRY 09--DO NOT USE WITH INDUSTRY O&-DO NOT USE WITH INDUSTRY 07 126-136, 126-X36 126-136 126-156 126-136 126-156 126-336 126-156 126-136 212 CBC OCCUPATION X(206) LAB., cont. Logging X(207) 419 X(208) X(209) x(216-236) 420 421 422 X(216) x(217) 423 424 X(218) X(219) X(236) 425 426 427 X(237) 430 X(238) X(239) X(246) 431 432 433 X(247) X(248) X(249) X(256&257 ,M) 434 435 436 437 X(256) X(257) X(K) X(259) 438 439 440 441 X(267-276) 442 X(267) 443 X(268) X(269) X(276) 444 445 446 X(286-289) 447 X(286) X(287) x(289) 448 449 504 X(296) 450 Sawmills, planing mills, and millwork Misc. wood products Furniture 6 fixtures Stone, clay & glass prod, (If NA which below) Glass & glass products Cement, concrete, gypsum, products Structural clay products Pottery & related prod. Misc. nonmetallic mineral products SES Do not use X Occup. code with 206 Indust. 03 02 05 07 plaster 14 05 and stone 05 07 05 METAL INDUSTRIES Blast furnaces, steel works, rolling mills Other primary iron & steel ind. Primary nonferrous ind. Cutlery, hand tools & other hardware Fabricated structural metal products Misc. fab. met. prod. Not spec. metal ind. Machinery, ext. elec. (If NA which below) Agric. math., tractors Office & store machines and devices Miscellaneous machinery Electrical machinery, equipment and supplies Transportation equipment (If NA which below) Motor vehicles & motor vehicle equipment Aircraft and parts Ship d boat bldg. rpr. Railroad & misc. transportation equipment Professional & photographic equipment & watches (If NA which below) Profess. equip. & supp. Photo. equip. & supp. Watches, clocks, & clock-work operated devices Misc. Mfg. industries Non-durable goods Food & kind. prod. (If NA which see Not. spec. Food Ind. below) 09 04 06 07 07 1Q 09 11 14 17 10 14 11 13 15 02 08 11 10 16 11 12 _ 213 CBC ..- ID// X(306) X(307) X(208) 452 453 454 X(309) X(316) X(317) X(318) X(319) X(326) X(329) X(346-356) 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 X(346) X(347) 463 464 x(348) X(349) X(356) x(367&B) X(B) x(367) x(386-389) 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 X(386) X(387) x(389) x(396&398) X(406-409) 472 473 474 475 476 x(406) X(407) x(408) X(409) x(416&419) 477 478 479 480 481 X(416) X(419) x(426&429) X(436-438 j 482 483 484 485 x(436) X(437) X(438) X(459) 486 487 488 489 X(L) X(507-526) X(536-579) 492 493 49L x(600-696) 495 OCCUPATION LAB., cont. Meat products Dairy products Canning 6 preser7. fruits vegetables L sea foods Grain-mill products Bakery products & related products Confect., Beverage industries Misc. food prep. & kind. prod. Not spec. food ind. Tobacco Manufacturers Textile mill products (If NA which below) Knitting mills Dyeing & finishing textiles except knit goods covering Carpets, rugs, floor Yarn, thread, & fabric mills products Misc. textile-mill Apparel & other fab. textile prod. Apparel & accessories MISC. fab. textile products Paper & allied prod. (If NA which below) Pulp, paper, and paperbd. mills and boxes Paperbd. containers Misc. paper & pulp products Printing, publishing, allied industry Chemicals & allied products (If NA which below) Synthetic fibers Drugs & medicines varnishes and related product Paints, h allied products Misc. chemicals Petroleum & coal products (If NA which below) Petroleum refining Misc. petroleum and coal products Rubber products Leather & leather products (If NA which below) curried and finished Leather; tanned, except rubber Footwear, Leather products, except footwear Not specified manufacturing industries (Incl. manuf. but NA kind) Railroads & railway express service except railroads Transportation, Telezommunicatious and utilities and sanitary service Wholesale & retail trade SES 08 13 C6 06 10 10 16 05 14 00 03 04 09 14 01 06 09 11 06 07 06 10 08 23 08 04 22 08 08 22 26 03 12 06 02 10 12 08 03 09 06 12 214 CBC ID/! x(806-809) X(K, 826-839) 496 497 4 98 490 X(993-non manuf.) X(939&017-018, 706-499,736A) 499 SES OCCUPATION LAB., cont. Business h repair services Personal services P~?~lic Administration Non-manufacturin: \'incl. non-manuf. HA 'xix‘) All other industries (incl. not reported) 09 09 97 07 ~. 06--Do not use X occupation code with 126-156 industries. NOT IN LABOR FORCE 990 990 990 991x** 903 905 298 234 992x** 993 993*** 993*** 994*** 995 418 901 902 904 900 999 Housewife Student Student with job** Discharged from service, not yet employed.** Unemployed** Retired** Permanently disabled** Handles own investments, Inap.** Occupation not reported not retired, 18 ONLY** *Not elsewhere classified **These codes are to be usd at the study, i.e. the study rules will to code such cases in these codes a prior occupation. ***These numbers have been assigned 19 discretion of the direct you whether or whether to code on the ORD c 215 CENSUS CLASS LETTER NUMERICAL EQUIV. N 200 196 P 804 659 Q 411 876 R R-SE 290 291 636 S 394 638 T 715 868 IJ 902 916 V 903 K 816 W 775 L 506 X 985 M 258 Y 370 2 342 CENSUS CLASS LETTER NUXRICAL A 016 B 359 EQUIV.