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Issue 94
June 2014
Haute-Vienne (87), Charente (16), South Deux-Sevres (79) & South Vienne (86)
etcetera magazine
follow us…
Open Gardens project which takes place
the weekend of 28th and 29th June. A
number of gardens are open to the public
across the Creuse, Haute-Vienne, Corrèze
We have a bumper edition this month full and Vienne and for just 5€ visitors can visit
of goodies for you to read with an early one or all of the gardens - the money raised
goes to a very worthy charity. Find out
evening glass of wine in the garden…
more on page 32.
Isabelle explains French pensions on page
8, Lindsey clears up the issues surrounding And then on page 33, the little creatures
requiring we all love to hate! Yes… moles! Clive
qualifications on page 9 and Gayle explains how these cute looking creatures,
interviews the very talented Show Jumper, who destroy our gardens, operate.
Hello all and welcome my face and no sound to be heard except
for birdsong. Perfect! I know the weather
to the June edition.
Last month was a busy doesn’t allow that every day but it allows
one with visitors from it enough for me to appreciate it.
the UK, our son
preparing for the
Brevet that takes place this month and our
daughter away on a school trip for a week…
to the UK of all places! It was a great
opportunity actually as she had only been
four times in the 10 years we’ve lived in
France. Shopping in York was a slightly
different experience for her compared to
Magnac Laval! I love that everything is
available and accessible in the area of the
UK that we came from (Essex), but I don’t
miss those busy roads, constant noise and
hurrying everywhere. No thank you, rural
France has it’s downsides like anywhere
and I do without a doubt miss seeing some
of my family and friends on a regular basis,
but I’d still rather be here. I wouldn’t want
to give up sitting outside at 7am in the
morning to have breakfast with the sun on
32000 sq ft
of bargains!
There’s more but as I’m out of space I
For those looking for a bit of artistic culture thank you all and wish you a very happy
there is a hidden gem in Lessac, just a few June. Take care,
minutes from Confolens, Domaine de
Boisbuchet. Home to a variety of
impressive projects culminating in
workshops and exhibitions by a host of
Father’s Day
international architects and artists. Check
Don’t forget Father’s Day which
it out on page 26 and visit their website, in
is celebrated on the same date
both in France & the UK:
English, for more details.
Sunday 15 June
Garden lovers will not want to miss the
Grace Barton on page 22.
Toys • Furniture • Clothing • Groceries
… plus everything you need for
your DIY project & more …
Cement • Plaster • Sand & Gravel
Timbers • Worktops • Paints
Finished off with your favourite beer!
See ad page 27
See advert
- page 42
05 55 68 15 77
7 La Gervaudie
87190, Magnac Laval
etcetera magazine
Copy date 20th of each month (except December which is 16th)
• Commercial Adverts: Please ask for our Media Pack or view at www.etceteraonline.org
• Non-profit making / church notices: Free of charge (space allowing)
• Other notices: Please ask
• Classifieds Adverts: 0.20€/word Min 4€ + photo 2€ (pre paid & per month)
• Private houses for sale / rent: 20€ first month, €10 subsequent months (pre paid/per month)
Subscribe to receive a copy by post
28€ p.a. (France) 18€ p.a. (UK) Card payment by telephone or cheque payable to ‘etcetera’.
Useful Numbers
15 SAMU (Medical)
17 Gendarmes (Police)
18 Pompiers (Fire)
119 Child abuse
115 Homeless
113 Drugs and alcohol
112 European emergency not always English
1616 Emergency- Sea & Lake
3131 Last incoming call, key ‘5’ to connect
France Telecom
English speaking helpline 0033 (0)9 69 36 39 00
Website in English: www.francetelecom.com
Report a fault, online, in English www.1013.fr (click UK flag)
Orange English speaking line 09 69 36 39 00
0810 333087
EDF breakdown 24 hours
05 62 16 49 08
EDF Helpline in English
0033 562164908 (From UK)
05 62 16 49 32
E-mail: simpleenergywithedf@edf.fr
CPAM - 08 11 36 36 46 English Helpline
Veolia Water Emergency No: 24h/24 et 7j/7
05 61 80 09 02 (press 1 for urgent problems or
2 for a technician)
S.E.P Du Confolens (Water)
05 87 23 10 08 Emergency 24/7
Aéroport Int’l Limoges 05 55 43 30 30
SNCF (train times, buying tickets etc) 36 35
Alcoholics anonymous
For contact details of meetings in your area
including those conducted in English, visit
05 55 05 55 55 Limoges (CHU)
05 55 43 50 00 St Junien
05 55 47 20 20 Bellac
05 49 44 44 44 Poitiers
05 45 24 40 40 Angouleme
Counselling In France
Counsellors, psychotherapists, NLP, CBT etc
offering therapy in English to expatriates all
over France on www.counsellinginfrance.com
SSAFA France 05 53 01 64 54
email france@ssafa.org.uk
No Panic France Helpline: 02 51 28 80 25.
Open Mon, Wed & Fri 8pm - 11pm
Outside these times call No Panic UK helpline:
0044 1 952 590 545 11h - 23h (French time) 7/7
www.nopanic.org.uk /nopanicfrance@orange.fr
English-speaking Crisis Line
SOS- HELP 01 46 21 46 46 3pm-11pm 7/7
British Consulate in Paris 01 44 51 31 00
British Consulate in Bordeaux 05 57 22 21 10
Credit Agricole English Speaking Helplines
Charente 05 45 20 49 60
Charente Maritime/Deux Sevres 05 45 20 01 31
Anglofile - Radio for British in Charente www.rcf.fr Tues 20h (repeated Sun 11h30).
Angouleme 96.8, Chalais 96.9, Confolens 95.4,
Ruffec 95.4, Char. Limousine 104.1, Cognac 89.9
The Advice Service (service may be charged for)
Financial, employment, health, bereavement etc.
Tel: Karen O'Callaghan 09 72 29 49 31
Notice: All material and advertisements in etcetera publications and on its website is the intellectual property of etcetera and may not be reproduced
without permission. The editor takes due care for the correctness of the material but disclaims responsibility for inaccuracies beyond her control.
Statut 5814Z Edition de Revues et Periodiques Siret: 513 683 425 00013 Directeur et rédacteur en chef - L Wallace Registered, La Gervaudie, 87190, Magnac Laval
Impression: gds imprimeurs, Limoges. etcetera est disponible gratuitement, tirage 10,000 exemplaires Assurances AXA,
Fast help with French
Ware’s Language Notes
Richard Ware
In October 2006 Richard Ware commenced a series of self learning language notes, the
purpose of these was to introduce us to the French language and promote formal lessons.
Services Linguistiques et Pratiques
French Lessons
Translation Interpretation
Help with formalities etc
Tel 05 55 00 31 15
Email: richard@frangle.fr
No. Siret 453 669 624 000 26
Where do you want the conversation to go today?
There are few things that make you feel more pleased with yourself than managing
to communicate with someone who doesn’t speak your language, and French being
so difficult for English speakers to learn, it can take a lot of effort and determination
to get there. One step forward is to find useful things to say which are free-standing
and versatile. And to decide to say them to everyone.
The classic is to talk about the weather. French people talk about it just as much as we do, perhaps because it is so unpredictable
these days, or simply because talking constantly about François Hollande gets a bit boring. My postman and I (and most of
my neighbours as well!) have had many an exchange about the weather. Il fait beau aujourd’hui – or mauvais, froid, frais – It’s
fine, horrid, cold or cool today is a great starter. Or as the French would say, Il ne fait pas chaud – it’s cold. In fact it can be all
you say to begin with. The person you are talking to will come back with something equally banal, such as C’est la saison (It’s
the season) or On annonce de la pluie (They say it is going to rain); Il va faire très chaud demain (It’s going to be very hot
Perhaps the starting point is Nous partons en Angleterre la semaine prochaine – We are off to England next week. What do
you think will come back at you? Vous prenez l’avion? (Are you taking the plane?) Vous y allez en voiture? (Going to drive?)
Qu’est ce que vous allez faire là-bas? (What are you going to do over there?) Part of the game of speaking foreign is to try to
think about what the other person is going to say before he says it. That way you can have your next party piece ready.
You might tell the postman that your grand-children, my son, my daughter is/are coming next week. Mes petits enfants arrive(nt)
la semaine prochaine. Whether one person is coming or the whole family the arrive(nt) bit sounds the same (areeve). If your
husband or wife is the one who does the French talking, you’ll probably recognise the phrase (mon mari/ma femme arrive).
You’ll have to think back to the last time they came to guess whether the reponse will be some quiet Ça sera bien (that will be
nice) or Veillez à ce qu’ils n’entrent pas dans mon jardin (Take care they don’t come in my garden).
A fourth topic of conversation that is very popular and full of potential is food. You could be very adventurous and take your
neighbour a piece of cake you’ve made – Voici un morceau de gâteau que je viens de faire (Here’s a piece of cake I just made).
Or something from the garden – Voici des cerises de mon cerisier (Here are some cherries from my cherry tree) The first time
I did that the neighbour reciprocated with a plate of clafouti!
As I mentioned above, one key to success is to have already thought about what might be said to you in return, which makes
it easier to understand, but another is to have something ready made to follow up with. I know this doesn't sound much like
the sort of spontaneous conversation you have in English, where you can say the first thing that comes into your head, but it
is a start. From the third thing you say onwards you are maybe on your own!
So for the weather conversation you might go on to say what you are going to do that day - Nous allons passer la journée à
la plage (We are going to spend the day on the beach), or that your tomatoes will be ruined (nos tomates seront pourries), or
simply Il faut en profiter (One must take advantage of it). You can combine the two positive ideas - Je vais en profiter pour
passer la journée à la plage.
Off to the UK? You can expand on that by saying who you are going to visit. Nous allons voir nos petits enfants (we are going
to see our grandchildren). Nous allons rendre visite à mon oncle, qui est très riche, et qui risque de bientôt mourir (We are
going to visit my uncle who is very rich and is likely to die soon). Nous allons nous régaler chez Tesco (We are going to treat
ourselves at Tesco's). Of course they will ask you what Tesco's is. In fact it can be worth sprinkling what you say with unfamiliar
names so you can predict what they come back with.
For the visiting family you can go on to say something banal about them - Ils habitent à Birmingham (They live in Birmingham),
Ils viennent tous les étés (They come every summer), Ils retardent trop leurs adieux (They outstay their welcome). Depuis
notre arrivée en France nous les voyons beaucoup plus souvent (Since we arrived in France we see them much more often).
In the case of the cake you can add C'est une de mes spécialités (It's one of my specialities). Ce n'est pas que les français
qui savent faire de la pâtisserie (it's not just French people who can make pastries). But you need to be able to reel off what
there is in it, as you are bound to be asked for the recipe!
The core message of all this is that it needn't take much to start a little conversation going, and you will soon discover how
very enthusiastic most of our neighbours out here are to communicate with us.
Richard offers French lessons at his home base on Mondays and travels out to informal groups or individual
learners on most other days of the week. If you can form a group around your table to share the hourly
rate, lessons do not have to be expensive.
For more details contact Richard on: 05 55 00 31 15 or visit his website www.frangle.fr
These language notes are well read, very successful, highly popular and imitated…
Richard brings the French language to life in easy to understand steps.
Back articles are available for download for personal use from his website www.frangle.fr
Church & Other Notices
English speaking church
in the Poitou-Charentes
Come and join us for one
of our weekly Sunday services across
The Poitou-Charentes.
For more information about us, please visit:
www.church-in-france.com / 05 49 97 04 21
See page 6 for details of Summer Fayre!
Not-for-profit meditation & reading group for
Christians, Buddhists, other faiths & atheists in
NW Charente (16).
lucy.harrisunun@btinternet.com /
THE FILLING STATION ~ Poitou-Charentes
An informal way of expressing the Christian faith
Mike& Eva Willis 05 49 87 89 16
Eglise Protestant Unie de France
The 'Paroisse Protestante de la Basse Marche'
hold the following Sunday worships;
Temple Thiat; 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Sun 11h (Fr.)
3rd Sun 15h (Eng.)
Temple Villefavard; 1st , 3rd Sun 10h45 (Fr.)
2nd, 4th Sun 10h30, catechism for children (Fr.),
Culte commun 5th Sun (joint worship in Fr.)
held alternately at Thiat and Villefavard
For further info:Zoë Horlock 05 55 68 59 95
or Rev'd Stephen Sawyer 05 49 84 33 86
Jacques Chezeaud - Catholic Deacon
Church service each Sunday 10am including
gospel read in English & children's activities.
The parishes of St Pierre aux Fontaines,
St.Mathieu & St Sauver, Rochechouart (87)
offer a warm welcome to all who attend their
church services. Paris Le Lean, an English
speaker, is available to help regarding,
christenings, confirmation, marriages & funerals.
leleanp@yahoo.com / 05 55 78 77 36
Having lived in Scotland for 34 years, Jacques
has returned to the Limousin and has the
specific responsibility of assisting and
supporting the English speaking community.
Jacques welcomes your contact:
Jacques.chezeaud@gmail.com 06 78 71 69 56
Place de l'Eglise, 87150 CUSSAC
Open Tues & Fri 14h-17h30
Clothes for all the family, bedding, curtains
etc. Prices from 2-10€. An English speaker is
usually there on Fridays. All welcome.
Christians together in the Limousin?
Come and meet our friendly Christian Home
Group which meets in the Rochechouart area
every Wednesday. Tel : 05 55 48 98 04
The English speaking Church
of the Valley of the Loire
La Chapelle Notre Dame 86200 Ranton
Services 3rd Sun of month 11h30.
Communion service followed by
refreshments and bring & share lunch in
hall next to the church. www.escoval.org
France 05 53 57 83 30 / UK 01892 520882
Monthly Worship in English
If your journey of life has brought you here to
France, why neglect your journey of faith? We
welcome everyone from whatever Christian
tradition (or none) on the 3rd SUNDAY of the
month, 3pm, at the temple in Thiat (NE HauteVienne). We are part of the Parish of the
Basse-Marche of the Eglise Protestante Unie
de France. The temple is on the main road
close to the Mairie. After worship, there is
tea/coffee and cake - and a chance to chat.
For info,: Rev Derek Lawson 05 55 68 53 03
or Rev Stephen Sawyer 05 49 84 33 86
Eglise Protestante Evangélique
5 rue Nouvelle, 86500 Montmorillon
Sunday Worship 10.30am
Bible Study (English) Thursday 7pm
Tel: 05 49 48 73 31
Bible Study (French) Thursday 8.30pm
Tel: 05 49 91 06 33
Christian Fellowship and Bible Study
Every Wednesday evening 19h30 - 21h30
Le Lindois area 16310 ~ Tel: 0545 66 13 81
Madeleine is still missing.
The picture on the right shows what Madeleine
may look like today. Please do not forget her.
0044 845 838 4699 www.findmadeleine.com
www.orphanagefund.org.uk | info@orphanagefund.co.uk
We welcome donations of items that can be sold at
vide greniers to raise money.
Collection points:
Petticoat Lane British Shop, Chabanais or
contact griffeepeter@hotmail.com / 05 49 97 11 76
Cards are re-cycled, re-designed and sold.
Mission of The Royal British Legion
To safeguard the welfare, interests and memory of
those who are serving or have served in the Armed
Forces and their dependants.
Fundraising Through its annual Poppy Appeal raises
funds to provide financial, emotional & social support.
Social Meetings and active social events are held
throughout the year.
Membership of the Legion Membership is open to
men and women over 17 who accept the objects of
the Legion and commit themselves to take an active
part in promoting them. It is not necessary to have
served in the Armed Forces.
Details of Membership and membership forms can be
obtained via www.rblpoitou-charentes.fr
Deposit unwanted bras & help support
ABC! For info contact Sue Stagg below.
Le Vide Grenier, 10 rue de Piégut,
'Slimmercise' Slimming Clubs
Lynne Stephens - 05 45 84 21 94
Email: slimmercise@gmail.com
Tracey Brown - 05 45 31 6728
Email: tracemalc@hotmail.com
Sue Stagg - 05 53 56 36 02
Email: sue.stagg@yahoo.co.uk
Jours Fériés - 2014
1 January
20 April
21 April
1 May
8 May
29 May
8 June
9 June
14 July
15 August
1 November
11 November
25 December
New Year
Easter Sunday
Easter Monday
Labour Day
Victory in Europe
Pentecost Sunday
Pentecost Monday
Bastille Day
All Saints
Armistice 1918
Used postage stamps - In aid of the Royal
National Institute for the Blind in the UK.
Unwanted spectacles in support of Vision Aid,
a charity serving African countries.
Christie’s ~ Gençay
T-Anne and Andrew
Our main reason for existing is to be there to
offer support to those affected by cancer.
We help by providing access to information about
cancer & treatment, by attending Hospital /Doctors
appts when possible, home visits or a supporting tel
call. We help you ask the questions you need answers
to. We try our very best to support you in the way that
is best for you. We organise social meetings for
relaxation and fun, bring and share lunches & take
time to catch up with each other. For further information:
CSF Charente Plus
Joan Hogan - President
06 45 35 32 30 (24h answer service)
Email: csf.charenteplus@gmail.com
CSF Deux Sevres
June Searchfield President 05 49 64 59 96
CSF Haute-Vienne (& Creuse)
Sue Ware - President
06 04 43 39 87 (24hr answering service)
email: csfhv@frangle.fr
Clubs, Meetings & Associations
Get slim and get fit. Lose those excess pounds
in a way that suits you. A Slimming Club offering
individual support within a group. Classes at
Sauzé Vaussais (79), Exideuil (16) & Alloue (16).
Zumba Fitness or Zumba Gold with each class.
Zumba Gold Every Monday Sauzé Vaussais (79)
10h45, every Monday Confolens (16) 15h15.
Visit website to find a class near you or contact:
Lynne Stephens 05 45 84 21 94
email slimmercise@gmail.com
1st Monday of month (unless notified).
Jane Hoskyns, Secretary 05 55 60 68 13/06
70 69 84 48 / e: davidjane.hoskyns@orange.fr
Every 3rd Saturday of month from 20h at Grand
Café des Sports, 26 Place de l'Hôtel de Ville.
All musicians and singers wishing to join in an
evening of free fun and entertainment are most
welcome, as are those who simply enjoy
listening to live music. PA system and drum kit
available, so just bring along your own
instrument to have a good time.
"Oh My Cod" fish & chips will be in the square
or Philippe the bar owner will provide a
charcuterie. All food can be eaten in the café.
Bev or Dave Calladine :
gemsandcrystalsmail@gmail.com or
Mervyn or Rosie Wood: mervynjw@aol.com
Do you play a musical instrument and would like
to meet with like minded musicians? Whatever
your instrument, come and join in. Whether you
learn from music or by ear. We speak both French
and English and are currently working on
International dance music.
Sunday's 2:30-5pm, Bussiere Galant Gare 87230.
The more the merrier. For future dates please
email: patriciawoodward@hotmail.co.uk
Gardening Assoc. in Civray area. All welcome experienced or novices. Tea & coffee available.
Meetings last Mon in month at La Chevrerie
Salon de Thé at Arbres et Abeilles Nursery,
Chez Perochon, 86250 Genouille.
For directions or info tel: 05 49 87 52 37
Learn the French culture Mon 8-9.30pm & Tues 2.30-4pm
Salle de Associations at Saint Coutant (DeuxSevres). Annual fee 16€. For info:
Maureen Dalby 05 49 29 94 50 or in French
Brigitte Minault 05 49 29 48 98
If you or someone you know has a drinking
problem, there are now a number of Englishspeaking meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous in
the South West of France.
Alcoholics Anonymous is a Fellowship of men
and women who share experience, strength and
hope with each other that they may solve their
common problem and help others to recover from
alcoholism. The only requirement for membership
is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or
fees for A.A. membership and A.A. is not allied
with any sect, denomination, politics, organization
or institution. Our primary purpose is to stay sober
and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.
Tel: Ewen 05 53 05 76 62,
Roger 05 55 76 22 65 or Nancy 02 54 24 09 74
E-mail: Publicinfo.swfrance@aa-europe.net
or visit www.aafrancesud-ouest.com
for details of English-speaking meetings.
A voluntary group who meet in a private house,
alternate Weds, 14h-17h. We hold various events
eg; card sale, beauty demonstration, games
afternoons etc, but there is no cost involved,
other than buying what's on offer if you wish.
For details & directions: Vivien 05 49 37 51 98
Language Classes and Events
Mon am: Beginners & Intermediate
Weds am: Advanced/Conversation
Thur: Conversation, Café des Megissiers, St Junien
Games Night - Rochechouart: 1st Thurs
Monthly lunches & social/cultural events
www.learningtogether.me or
Contact Sue Ratcliffe 05 45 31 50 86
email: sratcliffe46@gmail.com
JEMS Adult Beginners Tap Class
In association with Castaways Drama Group
L’Ancienne Marie, 14, Place Emile Parrain,
23300, La Souterraine
Contact: Jan Pitwell 09 66 96 44 85
Association offering social integration & practical
support. 1st Thurs of month at 'Terres Rouges
Lycee', Civray, 8pm
05 49 87 21 28/www.entente-internationale.com
We are a traditional French music and dance
association based at the Salle des Fetes, 87230
Flavignac. We hold workshops every 2 weeks,
teaching traditional French folk dances to music
played by the Cadances Folk musicians.
www.cadansesfolk.org Tel: 05 55 78 54 20
Les Dames de F.E.R.
(Femmes Entrepreneurs Rurales)
Business network for women to exchange ideas
and to network. Based north Charente but have
local groups for socialising and networking.
Email: lesdamesdefer@gmail.com
We organise events, trips, social evenings etc
throughout the year for any nationality that has
decided to make France their home. We hold at
least one event per month, the aim to bring all the
community together, help newcomers settle in,
meet new friends and have good fun along the
way. For more info on what's planned for this
year, membership forms etc. Please contact us:
05 49 87 69 75 / 05 49 97 13 78
A warm welcome for all, confirmed golfer or
email: romagneinternational@gmail.com
beginner. Friendly society competitions twice a
THE ANGLO FRENCH RAILWAY MODELERS week. League teams and French golfing
Set up to cater for all English-speaking model federation competitions. Teaching pro. Practice
railway enthusiasts living in France. The group facilities. Extremely advantageous introductory
is open to all nationalities and further details can membership. Don't hesitate. Come along and
be had at this link http://afrm24.freeforums.net chat to us. We shall be delighted to meet you.
The aim of the group is to promote and 15€ reduction on your first green fee.
encourage the hobby of railway modeling in
John Slade (Chairman): 05 45 71 50 44
France among expat English-speakers of all
nationalities and French nationals.
Non-profit-making committee - organises events
throughout the year in St Mathieu. The committee
La Charrue on the D939 near Vieux Mareuil. also organises events in conjunction with Culture
Outdoor from May & short Mat Bowls in winter. en Tête. Monthly 'Salon Franco-Britannique' for
Martyn Hayhow (President)
discussions / exchanges of ideas on various
T: 05 45 96 82 54 / E: ann.hayhow@sfr.fr
subjects such as cooking, gardening and local
Sue Carr (Secretary) T: 05 53 56 72 94
history. For info please call:
Sue 05 55 00 72 59 or Vanessa 05 55 00 83 54
If you own an MG, or are passionate about ST PARDOUX 87
preserving the marque, then why not contact 4 options for adults learning French.
Charente MG Owners.
10 week courses 5€/week (not for profit organisation)
Graham Brunt Tel: 05 45 22 99 07
- French for absolute beginners and anyone who
Email: the.brunts@wanadoo.fr
doesn’t understand the basics
- Basic everyday conversation and language
Each Weds 14h30-17h, Pensol Salle Polyvalente.
All equipment provided and carpets (33` long x
6` wide) are laid in readiness and removed
afterwards. The balls are slightly smaller and
lighter than Lawn or Short mat bowls. Our
members are full of fun and will help you learn
the game in no time at all. We take a short break
at each meeting for refreshments. Fancy a
game? Come and have a free trial.
BRAVO! English/French drama group based in
(Pensol is located between Marval & Dournazac)
Montmorillon are looking for new members.
Tel: Hilary on 09 72 23 13 20 or just turn up.
Enthusiasm more important than experience.
CALLING ALL WOMEN (CONFOLENS AREA) Ingrid 06 65 08 88 07 / ruthyz@orange.fr
We are a group of like-minded women who got
together to form a group based loosely on the
We meet at the smaller Salle de Fêtes in Liglet,
principles of the NWR organisation in the UK.
every Monday, 1pm-3pm. Donation of
Our members come from a wide area around
5€/person. All mediums used (watercolour, oil,
Confolens. We meet in each other's houses on
acrylic, pastel) All levels welcome.
alternate Wednesday afternoons to discuss
Call Jo Holmans 05 49 84 11 84
issues that we consider interesting enough to
research, as well as occasional visits to gardens MURDER MYSTERY GROUP (PENSOL)
We are looking for new members. Pensol, dept
and places of interest, walks & meals.
87 is just near the Dordogne border. If you are
To join us please contact:
from 16, 24, or 87 and would like to know more,
Sheila 05 45 84 18 70
please email Roger at r.h.brayshaw@gmx.com
- Developing conversation and language
- Intermediate French speaking
Paul 05 87 59 50 63/paulovens@outlook.com
Lawn/Short-mat,Crown-green&Flat-green Bowling
If you have never played before or don't have
your own bowls, don't worry. The club has a
supply of bowls for your use and most of our
now-competitive bowlers had never played
before joining. New session times as follows:
Mon am - outside (synthetic lawn)
Weds eve - in gym - short-mat bowling (4 mats)
Thurs am - in gym - short-mat bowling
Fri am - outside (synthetic lawn)
6km Dordogne/Charente borders. Gym next to
school near town centre. Roger Hammond:
05 55 50 40 89 / cussac-bowls-club@live.co.uk
What's On
2 June & 7 July
Chef Boutonne
5 June & 3 July
11 June & 9 July
12 June & 10 July
Theil Rabier
9 June & 14 July
www.tophatquizzes.com 05 45 71 70 91
3 June: Quiz Night Salle de la gare, L'Isle Jourdain
7 June: Garden Club Availles-Limouzine
13 June: Fish & Chip Night Rest. Le Barrage, Le Vigeant
14 June: Spring Walk
19 June: Club Midi
21 June: Fête de la Musique
Language & patchwork w/shops - contact for details
www.livingin86.com / Isabelle 05 49 84 17 73
LA BRETAGNE, ST JUNIEN (87200) - Vide Grenier
15 June, 8h-18h. Info/inscription: 05 55 02 64 30
EXOUDUN (79800) - Expo of Lacemaking
14 June, 10h-18h, free entry
Exhibition trade stands & refreshments available
GORRE (87310) - Ball trap compak sport charity
fundraising event in aid of guide dogs for the blind
13 July, 10h until late, Les chatonettes
Hog roast set meal 10€ pp (bookings only for dinner)
To book please tel: 06 38 55 49 88 before 10 July
Beer tent, music, paint ball, vide grenier, plants,
books, cake, art & craft stalls & much more. To
book a stall please contact 05 55 48 18 74
BRUX (86510) - Concert: The Phoenix Chorale
1 June, 18h, Brux church
Further info: 05 49 29 97 81 or 05 45 89 14 84
LUCHÉ SUR BRIOUX (79170) - Summer Fair
28 June, 10h-17h at The Market, see page 16
BUSSIERE BADIL (24360) - Foire des Potiers
29 May - 1 June, 10h-19h, La Grande Hall.
VIDEIX (87600) - CSF Haute-Vienne
Fundraising Lunch
15 June, 12 noon, at the lake at La Chassagne
Menu: kir, duo of pate, bbq pork & pommes
boulanger, selection of cheeses and salad,
strawberry tartlet, wine & coffee included. 18€ pp.
For info & reservations: 05 55 00 31 15
AIGRE (16140) - Marché Anglais
7 June, all morning, town centre
3 June, 20h, St.Herie, Matha
10 June, 20h, L’Eglise, Fontenet
9 June, 18h: The Cultural Centre, Place du Gare
Rochechouart in honour of the Town Twinning
groups of Rochehouart and Oettingen
22 June: 11h30, Summer Fête on banks of river
Glane, Site Corot, St Junien
14 July: 10h, St Junien, to commemorate 70th
Anniversary of the liberation of St Junien.
For info: Tel: 05 55 03 69 70 or 06 32 66 80 35
/ Email: pmthemaskells35@gmail.com or visit
14 June, 10h30 - 15h30, La Serpouillere
Traditional ‘English’ garden fete. Games, stalls,
sideshows, live music, lunches & bar.
The Chaplaincy of Christ the Good Shepherd
- Summer Market
15 June, 11h-17h, Salle des Fêtes (on D19)
More than 30 stands. Free entry. Organised by
Aidez Assoc. to raise funds for local charities.
LAC DE MONDON, CROMAC (87160) - Chez Toi
7 June: Charity Fundraiser. Books, plants, craft
stalls & more + bar/restaurant open. From 11h.
Pool open from 14h. See ad page 24
Authentic Indian Cuisine in the evening.
For details on donating books or having a stand
tel: Deborah or Allan 05 55 60 20 86
14 June: Anton’s 60’s / 70’s Music Revival
28 June: Farfelus Folk Music
LAC DE MONDON, CROMAC (87160) - Music
22 June, from 12h, at the lake (J22 off A20)
A massive acoustic music event! You are
welcome to bring a picnic and afterwards join in
with the singing, playing, or even just listening
while the bands play French traditional folk music,
Jazz, Cajun, Blues, Irish, English traditional folk
music & more! All musicians and singers welcome
to join in and help make this a day to remember!
Lakeside bar & restaurant ‘Chez Toi’ will be open.
DEPTS 19, 23, 86 & 87 - Open Gardens 2014
28-29 June, 10h-19h
30 gardens open to the public to raise money for
“A Chacun son Everest”. See page 32
LA TRIMOUILLE (86290) - Conference /
Presentation on the theme ‘Une réduction du
minerai de cuivre ou les premiers métallurgistes’.
12 July, 15h, Moulin de la Font à la Trimouille
Free entry but reservation recommended.
06 81 16 96 95 / moulindelafont@gmail.com
/ www.lemoulindelafont.com
LES GRANDS-CHÉZEAUX (87160) - Violin &
Piano Romantic Concert
8 June, 17h30 for 18h start, at the church
Greek pianist Elli Tsampa & French violinist Anaïs
Ponty will take us on a romantic and colourful
classical journey, with works by Wieniawski,
Grieg, Chopin, Tchaikovsky & Brahms.
Seats limited. Tickets: 10€. Under 18: free
Early bookings by phone (05 55 76 70 15) or by
e-mail (cazalibus@orange.fr)
MARCILLAC LANVILLE (16140 ) - Celebration
& Thanksgiving : 10th Anniversary of the Chaplaincy
of Christ the Good Shepherd Poitou Charentes
6 July, 10h30, L’Abbatiale St Maur
The Chaplain and Wardens extend an invitation
to ALL, to the service followed by a ‘bring and
share’ lunch in the nearby Salles des Fêtes.
Further details on www.church-in-france.com
SAINT MATHIEU (87440) - Fête du Lac
19 July, 14h-midnight, Lake at St. Mathieu
Family fun day with introduction to canoeing,
fishing competition for children, pony rides,
traditional games, fairground rides, lots of stalls,
sandwiches, bar, vide grenier, evening meal,
crêpes, ice-cream, rock band, limousine dancing
and fireworks. Some spaces left for vide grenier
and gift stalls. Comité des Fêtes. Please contact
Sue 05 55 00 72 59 or Vanessa 05 55 48 83 54.
GENOUILLE (86250) - Fête
8 June. Brocante, sauerkraut, fireworks,
accordian band.
CHATAIN (86250) - Fête d’Antan
9 June. Vide grenier, brocante, music,entertainment
CHATAIN (86250) - Fête des Voisins et Feu de
Products as usual to whet appetites plus gifts BELLAC (87300) - Vide Garage & Vintage Car Auction la St Jean. 21 June. Boules 14h
15 June, Parc Charles Silvestre
CHARROUX (86250) - Balade Rétro mobile
CONFOLENS (16500) - Marché Franglais
Vide Garage: 9h-18h / Auction: 15h
14 June. 100km circuit. 20€ per car.
21 June, am, market hall. British & French products
Snacks & Bar available, free entry for visitors
05 49 87 60 12 / charroux@wanadoo.fr /
MAISONNAIS-SUR-TARDOIRE (87440) - Fête de Auction for classic & collectable vehicles only
la Musique
Tariffs: Parts sale: 2€/ml - Auction: 30€/vehicle (4
21 June, from 18h. A 3 hour concert with over a wheels) / 10€/vehicle (2 wheels)
CHARROUX (86250) - Fête des Enfants
dozen acts! Bar and food available.
Info/reservations: 05 55 71 10 43 / 06 25 03 64 46 14 June. Plus Moules Frites in the evening
APE : 05 49 97 00 37
JOUSSE (86350) - Fête de la St Jean
21 June. Events will take place across the country.
Check with your local Tourist Office or Mairie for details ORADOUR-SUR-VAYRES (87150) - Garden 21 & 22 June Info Mairie : 05 49 87 81 03
Party Fundraiser - Guide Dogs for the Blind School
CHASSENON (16150) - Grand Concert
SURIN (86250) - Model aeroplane competition
29 June, 13h-17h, 17 avenue du 8 Mai 1945
14 June, 19h30 til late. Entry 10€, under 12 free See page 23
7 & 8 June, 10h-18h, At the site of the
The Binuchards - rock festif - music from the
aéromodélisme de Surin. Free entry
Deux Sèvres and local group Troisième Division LE DORAT (87210) - Marché des Producteurs
26 June, 10 & 24 July, 7 & 21 August, from 17h, LE DORAT (87210) - Horse Racing
from Saillat (87). Food & drink on sale.
15 June, 14 July & 15 August
Place de la Collégiale.
Organised by the Comité des Fêtes
To celebrate the 10th anniversary there will be a www.hippodromedorat.com
LA TRIMOUILLE (86290) - Journées du free tombola plus free face painting for children
LES HEROLLES (86290) - Market
Patrimoine de Pays & des Moulins
at each market except 26 June
29th of month (am), unless Sun: moved to Mon.
13, 14 & 15 June, 10h-18h, Moulin de la Font à
ECHALLAT (16170) - 8th Festival of Arts
La Trimouille
ANGOULEME (16000) Organic farmers market
Theme: ‘Sons, lumières & couleurs’. Guided visits, 1, 2 & 3 August. See page 17 for details
Every Weds 16h-19h30
Workshops and exhibits of a large range of arts. 1st & 3rd Weds - Champniers
exhibition of paintings & sculptures. Free entry
14 June: Concert with André Gaborit. Free entry CAUNAY (79190) - Mad Hatter’s Kitchen Events 2nd Weds - Ma Campagne
but reservation recommended.
21 June: Mad Hatter’s Ball
4th Weds - Puymoyen
4 July: Music in the Garden. See page 24
06 81 16 96 95 / moulindelafont@gmail.com
LE DORAT (87210) - Cinema
/ www.lemoulindelafont.com
MONTBRON (16220) - Summer Music
12 July, 18h30, Church of St Maurice, Free entry
BUSSAC (24350) - Music Festival
First summer musical evening featuring sacred BELLAC (87300) - Theatre du Cloitre
8 June, 13h-17h, Borderage
and secular choral music, medieval and modern For events/shows visit www.theatre-du-cloitre.fr
In aid of Phoenix & Twilight. See page 23
With ‘Voces Concordiae’ Anglo-French choir of LIMOGES - Flea Market
LADIGNAC LE LONG (87500) - Fête Nationale
Every 2nd Sunday of the month.
13 July, featuring Scottish band ‘The Flavours’. Montbron. Visit: www.vocesconcordiae.com
Professional, Language & Financial Services
Group or Private lessons
Home lessons available
Emmanuelle Curtis Villessot 'Manou'
06 63 54 33 28 / 05 55 68 04 41
Siret:491 864 229 000 19E
Emmanuelle Curtis Villesot
French lessons for all abilities, individual or
group sessions, at my home or yours (within
a reasonable distance). Whether you have
just arrived in France or you have been living
in France for a while and wish to participate
more in the conversations around the table!!
I am a French female teacher with experience
of working in English and French
environments. Relaxed and focused sessions
tailored to the needs of the individual.
I specialise in helping beginners to
communicate confidently & fluently in French
Made-to-measure French lessons with an
English speaking, qualified language teacher
Language School
Secretarial and Administration Services
Certified Legal Interpreting & Translating
Based near Magnac-Laval - 87190
Tel: 07 81 90 61 04 / 05 19 23 00 00
Email: martininledognon@gmail.com
15 Place d’Armes 86150 L’Isle Jourdain
Tél. 05 49 84 17 73
Email: isabelle@continental-horizons.com
Siret: 798 931 861 00016
siret 483 146 353 00014
Beginner’s French
If you are reading this, you are probably
looking for the right French teacher for you.
To be effective, language teaching needs to
be engaging, fun, stimulating and relevant.
Above all, you need to learn with somebody
who inspires confidence and creates a
relaxed and supportive environment. Using
a multi-media approach with video, audio,
personalised handouts, puzzles and games,
all my courses are made-to-measure. I get
you speaking the language from day one.
Continental Horizons
We invite you to come and see Isabelle VOISIN
SEAGRAVE who can help you understand all
aspects of living in France. Thanks to her rich
experience in legal, tax, insurance and banking
sectors in France and in the UK, and liaising with
banks, insurance companies, lawyers, notaires
and administration agencies, Isabelle will be able
to explain your personal circumstances, and deal
with any queries in all areas of your life here; e.g.
personal, social, business, health etc. Thanks to
our business expanding, we now hold regular
Sandrine TUYERAS
Insurance Agent
In Champagnac la Rivière (87150)
All Insurances
Finance & Investment
Every Monday & Tuesday
With Sandrine Durand
Email : H987041@agents.allianz.fr
Siret: 488 296 450 00015
French Lessons at Dino’s: Champagnac la Rivière
We have 3 different levels : Conversation,
Intermediate and Beginner. The lessons take
place every Mon & Tues. If you would like
more information, we can meet and have a
cup of coffee at Dino’s. Furthermore, if you
need common administrative help, you can
ask me. Please, contact me as above.
All Translations/Interpreting into
French and English, (incl. CERTIFIED)
Legal (& other) Advice, Disputes,
Red Tape, Health, Paperwork
… and much more
Professional, Friendly, Discrete
Rita 05 49 07 27 14 / 06 86 98 85 44
Translation-Advice-Support Services
30 years of translating/interpreting in France,
in all sectors, including legal, health and
more, while establishing close working
relations with lawyers, hospital specialists,
notaires, bailiffs, etc. and working with and
for the public at large has given me a rich and
practical knowledge base. These invaluable
assets that I share with my clients, combined
with a real empathy towards people can make
things far less costly and so much easier..
4 Place de l’Hôtel de Ville
5 rue Lamartine
87300 BELLAC
Tél. 05 55 68 11 80
Fax. 05 55 68 73 91
N°ORIAS 14001253
Allianz - Mois Du Sourire
Until 21st July 2014, Allianz extends special offers for any new subscription on car insurance, house
insurance, medical insurance and legal assistance insurance contracts. With this special operation
called “Mois du Sourire”, you can benefit from 2 free months on the premium of your new contract,
and automatically participate in a lottery to win many prizes (home cinema, television, iPad,
smartphone…). So, please do not hesitate to contact us or to visit the office for a free quotation.
Insurance … Useful Vocabulary
05 55 78 16 21 / 06 83 07 66 98
Agent d'assurance
- insurance agent
- policy holder
Catastrophes naturelles
- natural disasters
Dégat des eaux
- water damage
- fire
Responsabilité civile propriétaire
- civil liability insurance
Assurance automobile
- vehicle insurance
Déclaration de vol
- police form following a theft
Assurance multirisques habitation / assurance
multirisques vie privée / la multirisque
- building and contents insurance
Valeur vénale
- current market value
- excess
Assurance dommages-ouvrage
- insurance needed when building
Au tiers
- third party only
Au tiers illimité or tiers complet
- third party fire and theft
Tous risques
- comprehensive cover
- no claims bonus
Attestation d’assurance
- proof of insurance
Constat amiable d'accident
- motor accident report sheet
- cancellation letter
Assurance scolaire
- school insurance
Assurance décès
- life insurance
Professional, Language & Financial Services
Need help with…
translation, learning French
(English and/or Spanish),
insurance, formalities, property, etc?
I can help you!
Call me for an informal chat …
Laetitia 06 09 66 44 55
Email: laetitia.roux@ehl.ch
Karen O’Callaghan
09 72 29 49 31
siret 795 250 505 00018
Based 87300 Blanzac
Siret 802 052 423 00018
The Advice Service
Do you have problems here or in the U.K.? I
am a fully trained counsellor who has worked
for many years within the Citizens Advice
Bureau & Age Concern. I am qualified to a very
high standard to assist in all social situations,
debt, mortgage, rent, employment, health,
separation, divorce, bereavement, wills, benefit
entitlement, pensions etc. I have represented
many clients in court/tribunal in the U.K and
have knowledge, experience of French legal
system/tribunal. For confidential, reliable advice
please give me a call. I am sure to find a solution
to problems large or small.
(Conseiller Testamentaire)
05 55 75 08 82
14 Les Petites Doumingeas
87500 Ladignac Le Long
siret 43296410400025
Tom Coker - Will Advisor
As an English solicitor I had many years
experience of advising private clients on their
wills and related matters. Having lived in
France for over 10 years I also have an
understanding of the French approach to the
same issues. My role is to help English
nationals resident in France in the making of
their wills. Where there are estates in both
England and France I will liaise between the
professionals. I hope to make practical and
pragmatic suggestions as to how to deal with
problems. I can also assist with such matters
as Lasting Powers of Attorney, Living Wills
and their French equivalents.
If you work or have worked in France, you are entitled to a French pension. This is actually one of the things
you pay contributions for! A lot of you confuse contributions and income tax. Although they both hurt, they
are not the same. Contributions are what you pay towards health, unemployment, pensions, etc and you
pay that to either RSI, MSA, URSSAF, etc and it is a % of your turnover (auto-entrepreneurs) or a big amount
each year (micro, SARL, etc.). So how does it work and more importantly how much could you get? This
article will only give you a broad view of it so for more in depth details, contact me!
The system itself is a shambles! Because it is the workers who pay for the pensioners! That was OK in the
1960’s as they were 4 workers for 1 pensioner but now the ratio is 2 for 1 and forecasted to be 1.2 for 1 by
2030. This is why successive French governments are doing reforms all the time (average one per year).
It is basically so they can give us less and less!!
The main principle in France is that provided you have worked for 42 years, you can retire from 62 year old
(no difference between men and women). But in order to have worked 1 year, you need to accumulate 4
quarters (4x3 months) so the French government does not count how many years but how many quarters.
As an auto-entrepreneur, you need to earn a minimum amount per year to at least register one quarter!
There are 2 pensions: The basic old age pension and the complementary pension. Both are government
pensions and are an obligation to contribute towards!
a) Basic Pension: It depends on what job you do so you could contribute to either R.S.I., M.S.A., CNAVPL, etc (each type of job has its own pension scheme) but how much you will get is calculated the same
way and based on 3 criteria:
-The average of your best 25 years of salary
-A % between 0 and 50 depending on how long you have worked during your life (at 67 years old, it is
automatically 50%). Note that the years you have worked outside of France count as long as you can prove
them (salary slip for example).
-The number of quarters you have worked in this particular job type divided by the reference of number of
quarters (42 years so 168 quarters). E.g.: You could have worked as an artisan 10 years and as a gardener
5 years so 10 years with RSI and 5 years with MSA so you would get 2 different basics pensions (one from
RSI and one from MSA).
This is the formula: (average wage X 50 %*) X (Nbre of quarter’s worked/ 168 semester)
*if you have worked 42 years during your life.
E.g.: My best 25 years average wage was 15000€ and I worked in France and the UK (need to be able to
prove it) for a total of 42 years (so I am entitled to 50%) and I have worked as an artisan (RSI) for 28 years
(112 quarters) so my basic pension from RSI will be (15000x50%) x (112/168) = 4999€ per year! This
amount is to be added to other basic pensions (maybe also from UK) and the complementary pension. In
any case, the maximum pension you can get from your basic pension is 50% of your average earning.
b) Complementary pension: This one is a bit easier to understand. When you pay your contributions,
you buy some points. The more you earn, the more you contribute and the more points you have.
The value of the point for RSI is 1.1777€ for 2014 so when you retire you multiply the number of points you
accumulated by the value of the point. The value of the point changes each year and is reduced if you have
not worked enough years. Note that the value of the point when you buy it is 17.309€! Yes, it is not a joke,
it is worth 10 times less when you get it back!
Obviously, different jobs, different complementary pensions and different value of points!! Would be too
easy otherwise!
You must have gathered by now that the best way to get a good pension is to do it yourself!! So what type
of pension schemes are available for you in France:
a) Assurance vie: Yes, I know, I keep going on about this wonderful saving account but this is because
it’s brilliant! Not just because I get a commission for it!
This is the most popular one for pensions because it is flexible (You can stop and start your regular payment
into it, the money stays available, etc.) and offers tax advantages once you retire. Basically, you save
regularly when you work and when you want to retire, you can either take it out as a lump sum or as regular
revenue or both! And if you had the policy for more than 8 years, this revenue will be tax free up to a certain
limit per year.
b) PERP: This is only good in order to reduce your income tax during your working life as the government
gives you a rebate depending on what tax scale you pay. If you are taxed at 5.5% and you put 1000€ per
year into a PERP, your tax is reduce by 5.5% of 1000 so 55€! So only good if you are taxed at 30% or
40%. It is not flexible as it is transformed automatically as an annuity when you retire and you can’t get to
it before you retire.
c) Contrat MADELIN: Same as PERP but for self-employed and even less flexible.
The pension system in France can be quite complicated to understand and you deserve a medal if you
have understood it all from my explanation above!! The problem is that it’s never the same whether you are
a farmer, an artisan, a commerçant or an employee. If you really want to get depressed and know roughly
how much you will get, you can contact me as we have a software which can calculate it for you. But because
the government is changing the rules all the time, and never in our favour, you are better off getting prepared
yourself by opening a saving account. So don’t hesitate to contact me to see which saving scheme would
be more appropriate for you.
Isabelle Want
Mob : 06 17 30 39 11
Email : isabelle.want@bh-assurances.fr
Professional & Financial Services
Insurance, Banking & Investment
Car – House – Health – Retirement…
réinventons / notre métier
9 Avenue Denfert Rochereau B.P. 10 - 87300 BELLAC
N° Orias 14-000-482
TEL : 05 55 68 04 90
FAX : 05 55 68 01 15
Email : agence.voisinne@axa.fr
Insurer to etcetera
(English spoken)
AFFIXE offers practical help in dealing with
administration, tax offices, health services,
insurance, notaries, accountants, utilities,
craftspeople and more
TRANSLATION from or into French
TELEPHONE CALLS on your behalf
RESEARCH on legal requirements etc
For details, prices, references contact
Alison McDonagh
Tel 05 49 87 17 60
AXA - ‘Summer holidays : Burglars paradise’
Summer holidays are synonymous with long absences and empty houses. Two out of three
burglaries happen between the months of June and August, with an increase of 11,2% since 2010
(one theft every 3 minutes!). To allow peace of mind during your holiday, we have solutions for you.
Indeed, we work with PROTECTION 24, an enterprise specialising in electronic surveillance.
Furthermore, whilst renovating at your home, in case of accident, we have also interesting and
affordable insurance solutions. Please ask for further information. We are of course also available
for all your other needs. We look forward to seeing you soon.
Email alison@affixe.com
Online www.affixe.com
15 Rue des Vieux Chênes, 86350 St Martin L’Ars
SIRET number: 489 085 522 00030
Small Business Issues with CAST
Compulsory Qualifications
In order to practice certain professional activities, it is necessary to be qualified. For these activities you
are required to provide, at the inscription of your business set-up, an attestation of professional qualification.
This obligation applies just as much to auto-entrepreneurs, as to all other business structures.
The attestation must mention either the title of the diploma or qualification, in certain cases the equivalent
in professional experience acquired allowing the person to be recognised as qualified, or an engagement
to recruit a qualified employee to undertake the qualified work.
The creation of the auto-entrepreneur scheme provided an opportunity to inscribe online with few formalities. Especially at its very start, you could sign
up for any activity that you wished and there were no objections or controls, no verifications of compulsory qualifications.
After about a year, the Chambre de Métiers persuaded the authorities that it was not tolerable that people were able to set up within the artisanal
activities frame without any verification of qualifications. From that point all auto-entrepreneur requests were filtered and those belonging to the Chambre
de Métiers were redirected to their nearest Chambre.
The controlled artisanal activities concerned are :
• Repairs to vehicles and bodywork
• Building - structural work, secondary work and finishing
• Chimney sweeping
• Beautician
• Dental Prostheses Technician
• Baker, pastry chef, butcher, charcutier, fish monger, ice cream maker
• Blacksmith
• Hairdresser
• Plumbing, heating, electricity, air-conditioning, water, gas or electricity installation
After a certain amount of time this was tightened with forced registrations with the Chambre de Métiers for those trades that are not subject to
qualifications, such as cleaning. The Chambre de Métiers had tightened up on their domain, protecting their trades and the clients by putting in place
these controls. If you had subscribed online before the filters were put in place, you are required to now inscribe with the Chambre de Métiers so that
your status can be validated.
However, qualifications are required not only within the domain of the trade or artisanal activities. There are obviously recognised bodies that control
and represent certain professions, such as lawyers, doctors and chartered accountants. You would never imagine somebody to set-up online as an
auto-entrepreneur to be a doctor, but this is theoretically possible, as the filters on the system have only been put in place to cover the artisanal activities
and no others. So if the activity is a commercial or professional one, you will not be stopped from inscribing to do it or asked to produce your qualifications
or necessary aptitudes, even though you are legally required!
The activities are numerous that require some kind of qualification. I will give you a few examples:
• Bed & Breakfast with meals - You are required to have a food hygiene qualification, an alcohol licence and to have undertaken the ‘permis
d’exploitation’ course
• Estate Agent - Official estate agency qualification
• Agent commercial en immobilier - A signed mandat with two estate agents
• Transport - Whether this be a man with a van or a large haulage company a qualification as a transport manager or equivalent experience and
an attestation of capacité professionnelle to validate its authencity in France
• Dog kennels or cattery - Qualification in animal husbandry in the animal domain and an attestation of capacité professionnelle to validate its
authenticity in France
• Taxi driver - This types of obligation depends on the clientele or types of services offered,i.e. traditional taxi services or shuttle services but all
require validation by the Prefecture
If you have UK experience or qualifications, you may find that this needs to be validated by the Prefecture or by an organization, who provide an
attestation de capacité professionnelle.
The important point is that this information is not thrown at you. You need to find this out, by speaking to an expert or the Chambre de
Commerce or Chambre de Métiers. The fact that you are ignorant does not excuse your legal obligation and responsibilities.
Professional & Financial Services
The last three months have not made a
great deal of difference to the value of
euro. It is half a cent above its average
daily price against the US dollar and half a cent below its three-month average against sterling.
Over the last month the story is very similar; the euro has conceded three quarters of a cent
to the pound and is stronger by half a cent against the dollar.
The situation today is almost exactly as it was at the turn of the year. The European Central
Bank's tussle with persistently low inflation could see it embark on a money-printing programme
similar to those carried out by Britain, America and Japan. The US Federal Reserve is winding
down its own presses but not as quickly as investors would prefer. And the Bank of England
is being deliberately vague about its plans to increase sterling interest rates.
So investors are left to scrutinise the economic data as they appear, reading into them whatever
they think they can about the future. In April they failed to come down strongly in favour of any
of the major currencies. Sterling came out on top because the UK data were stronger than
the rest of the field. The Australian and New Zealand dollars were at the rear of the field
because of nervousness about "risky" investments. The US dollar struggled, especially after
news that its economy hardly grew at all in the first quarter of the year. And the euro soldiered
on, aided and abetted by the president of the ECB.
ECB President Mario Draghi would like his currency to settle down, even to weaken, to help
him return Euroland inflation - currently 0.7% - to its 2% target. He says he has a money-printing
strategy on the stocks, ready to launch if inflation remains low. But the market's assumption
is that the ECB will do its utmost to avoid going down that path. Investors are therefore relaxed
about the euro's monetary outlook and are not inclined to punish it for something that has not
yet happened and might never. They rattle the euro's cage from time to time, just to show they
are taking an interest, but they have no inclination to give it a hard time. Unless and until the
ECB does act to dampen the currency and lift inflation - and it is not inconceivable that the
move could come in early May - the euro is unlikely to suffer to much damage.
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The French government has changed its plans on capping reimbursements of prescription glasses, thanks to an outcry from
opticians. As of next year, the cap for State reimbursements will be 450€, not 350€ as planned. The idea of reducing the
cap to 200€ by 2018 has also been scrapped.
Wouldn’t it be great if there were free open air music events all over the country? The variety of events would
cater for all tastes: classical; jazz; pop; blues; choral; teens with drums; reborn rockers; pianists; quartets; solos
and brass bands. The musicians perform for free and nobody pays to get in. And on that day the artists could
do their thing without paying any performing rights fees. Anyone can take part in an event somewhere,
professional or amateur. And the government will even support your event by publicising it on a national website and providing posters.
What a wonderful concept for a day of celebration of music.
Fortunately, this isn’t just the pipe dream of some music enthusiasts; it’s “La Fête de la Musique”.
It all started in Paris, and was formalised into a national event in 1982 by the then Ministère de Culture, Jack Lang. The idea: To make music
available to all with a special day of all genres of music. And what better day for this mostly outdoor event than the longest day, or summer
solstice. The 21st June.
So each year, while the druids congregate at Stonehenge, musicians and singers all over France perform their hearts out for everyone who
comes along to support them. But it doesn’t end there: Within three years “La Fête de la Musique” had become a pan-European celebration
and continued to grow globally. Today it occurs in over 100 countries on 5 continents.
And it’s not just in Paris and the big cities. For example, the Haute-Vienne village of Maisonnais-sur-Tardoire, known for its honey festival,
has expanded their local music fête into a three hour concert of over a dozen acts of mixed music in the recently refurbished village bourg. The
gates open at 18h ready for a feast of musical variety, with the obligatory bar, food and even ice creams for a warm summer evening. Elsewhere
in the surrounding regions there will be performances in Angouleme, Limoges, Poitiers, Bordeaux and many more towns and villages. France
has a veritable plethora of events and the theme that permeates all of them: Enthusiasm and support.
So come along to a “Fête de la Musique”, sing along, feast and be merry, but most of all enjoy this amazing unique celebration of music.
Rhythm of Life
Hi and welcome back to ‘The Rhythm Of Life’. On June 21 there are two very special events in
France. First being ‘Fête de la Musique’ day, where the nation spills into the streets or local venue
(traditionally venues not normally used for music also hold events e.g. Museum) and enjoys live
music, whether they are playing or just listening and soaking in the atmosphere. It’s the one day
per year where everyone celebrates music. The second event …. its my birthday!, of equal
importance and excitement (well maybe not!?).
So in honour of that day, June’s article is about a man who has contributed an extraordinary
amount to the world of music, both as part of a group and as a solo artist. Sir Paul McCartney
(also born in June!) and his album ‘Band On The Run’. Yes, I could have gone for the cliché and
chosen ‘Dancing In The Street’ by Bowie and Jagger but I couldn't do it, the video with the two megastars ‘dancing’ down a back
street alley still gives me nightmares!
Early in April 1970 Ringo Starr arrived at the front door of Paul’s house with a mission from the other Beatles, in his hand he carried a letter
from John Lennon and George Harrison informing McCartney that they had officially requested EMI to postpone the release date of his
forthcoming solo release in order not to clash with the release of the long anticipated new Beatles album ‘Let It Be’. The recording of Let It
Be had been a difficult process with McCartney feeling separated from the group and relations being stretched to breaking point (quite literally).
McCartney felt this latest ‘request’ from the band was too much, and so a week later, Paul McCartney left the Beatles, and called an end to
the biggest group in the world and one of the greatest partnerships to ever make music.
Now, this is the Beatles, you don't just quit and then carry on with your life the next day, maybe pop to Carrefour and do a little shopping?!
McCartney fell to the edge of complete breakdown. Sleepless nights (‘how do you sleep ?’ written by Lennon about McCartney had a new
irony), panic attacks about not being able to record music anymore, and spending his days drinking and sedating himself with drugs. Then
McCartney started to work again (with a simple tape machine), using the recording process as therapy, and getting his ideas on tape. He
worked on old material and new, even resurrecting songs from the Quarrymen days.
Although containing such great material as ‘Maybe I'm Amazed’ (written for his new wife, Linda) his first album, ‘McCartney’, came under fire
from all directions, including his ex-band mates; Ringo, quoted as saying ‘I feel like he’s just wasted his time’ and Lennon who simply stated
‘rubbish!’. No doubt McCartney was crushed.
1970 fell into 1971 and Linda, wanting to help her husband dry out and keep productive convinced Paul to leave the battles with the Beatles
behind and retreat to their remote farm in Scotland (this area of Scotland was to be later immortalised by McCartney’s song ‘Mull of Kintrye’).
While hidden away in tranquillity, with the encouragement of his wife, he began to write and record again and what came out was the album
RAM, but McCartney also had the idea of maybe starting a new band for his next project. The band would become Wings. The group, with
Linda on keyboards, had a subtle start with the first two albums pleasantly received but nothing earth shattering, it wasn't until their third,
‘Band On The Run’ that McCartney really stepped from the Beatles shadow and made his individual impact on music. Wanting to record
somewhere different than Scotland but still keen to work privately, Paul and Linda chose an EMI studio in Nigeria. However, problems started
early on, his band quit in the week leading up to departing, then when the three remaining members (Paul, Linda and Denny Laine on bass)
arrived for recording, the studio consisted of a broken mixing desk, a cardboard box of assorted microphones and a few amplifiers.
Understandably, the McCartney’s were concerned. But wanting to overcome adversity and succeed Paul decided to do all guitar and drum
work himself and make the album. The result is one of the best selling albums of all time and one of McCartney’s best loved works. The album
covers everything from bubble gum pop, 70s rock, orchestral grandiose, haunting ballads and Reggae (the title track alone covers most of
these genres!) and can be considered a masterpiece alongside his ‘Fab Five’ work and closed part one of his career, starting the next with
series of world tours.
Paul McCartney continues to influence generations of musicians, including myself (I have met him a couple of times and he is truly inspirational),
and (with maybe the exception of ‘The Frog Song’ ?) has contributed something truly significant to every decade of music since the 1960s.
An unbelievable career and of such importance to not only a certain genre but music itself.
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"You've probably been doing too much for
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church, but how did you arrive at it?"
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Short Story
X - Word / Sudoku
The Mountain by Gill Gofannon
It was a last ditch attempt, a long shot, but the only trick left in the bag. It could work, nothing else had. I’d spent
hours preparing my report for the super. With my request for just one working day to travel to Wales and back.
This morning his reply came back, ‘granted.’ I’d leave tomorrow morning for the Welsh border country.
It would have helped me if I’d known exactly where I was going;
all I had to go on was the picture I’d seen on the wall of the plush offices of the smoothest international financial
fraudster Scotland Yard had encountered for years. It was a picture of a mountain, higher than those around it,
tree covered so far up and then the colours of the bracken and heather blended into each other creating the most
amazing carpet of gold and murky greens and all shades of brown. It was the colour of the mountain which made
it so outstanding; that and its ancient demeanour, overlooking the uninhabited valley below with wisdom and
disdain At first I couldn’t place it, and then in a flash of déjà vu I remembered a holiday in Wales as a boy and knew
I’d seen this mountain before.
My task tomorrow was two fold, firstly to find the mountain and then find the fugitive. I was convinced that he’d
headed home to lay low, and that home was beneath that imposing mountain. Why else would he have that photo
on his office wall in whatever country I had visited him? He and I went back a long way, he’d travelled the world
with his fraudulent companies and made a fortune. I had just one day to try to prove my instincts were right.
The M4 was quiet early in the morning and I drove into Wales as dawn was breaking. I decided to head north
along the border and as the road turned and twisted between the hills I wondered if I could ever find the mountain
which was imprinted on my brain, let alone find my quarry. I tried to remember place names from my childhood
holiday, but all the signposts were now in Welsh first and English underneath so I had to slow down to read them
in the language I could understand. Nothing triggered a memory so far. The traffic began to build up around the
towns as morning ‘rush hour’ approached and I began to realize this was looking for a needle in a haystack. There
were so many mountains and so little time. I headed west on the A40 along the valley with hills and mountains
on either side. Then a faint memory from thirty years ago told me I was at least on the right road. The road forked;
do I go north towards Talgarth or west to Brecon? Fate had always played a big part in my life so I flicked a coin
to decide. North towards Talgarth.
As I rounded the next bend I knew fate had set me on the right road. It looked so familiar I knew I’d been here as
a boy and so I knew the mountain I was searching for was not far away. Driving off the main road onto an even
narrower B road I could feel I was close. Then, as I turned the next bend, there it was, looming large in front of
me. It was even more imposing and awesome in real life, no picture could do it justice, I stopped the car and for
a moment was so overcome by it’s majesty I almost forgot that my real job was to seek a fugitive, not a mountain.
I’d expected to find a village or town nestled in the valley, but there was nothing, all I could see were a few single
cottages dotted over the side of the mountain. No other sign of habitation at all. Could my quarry be here? I didn’t
think so. He was sophisticated, cosmopolitan and glamorous; an international financial genius, albeit on the wrong
side of the law. This was primitive existence with only basic water and no electricity or gas. My instincts were wrong
this time; he couldn’t possibly be around here. I had the rest of the day to myself but instead of driving on into
Talgarth my curiosity took me trekking across the mountain to the nearest cottage. As I approached I was still
undecided if it was inhabited, slates had slipped from the roof, the garden was completely overgrown and the gate
hung on one hinge, but there was a sort of ‘path’ through the two feet high weeds to the front door, so someone
had been here very recently. Now the legendry Welsh rain had set in for the day and was sweeping across the
mountain side relentlessly. I needed to shelter whether the cottage was occupied or not.
The door creaked open easily and my eyes had to adjust to the dimness inside. Just one room with a bed in one
corner, an old wooden table in the middle and a chair at the side of the hearth.
‘Hullo, hullo, anyone at home?’ I said softly not expecting an answer.
‘Are you the doctor?’ came a voice from the side of the hearth.
‘No, sorry, I’m not’
‘Who are you then?’
‘Just a stranger around here, looking for old haunts. Can I be of any help?’
A groan from the corner of the room made me turn to look and then I realized that the bed was occupied by a frail,
white haired old man whose face was racked with pain.
‘We’re waiting for the doctor, I just hope he’s got the message and will bring some morphine with him’ said the
voice from the chair.
Then it hit me, I knew that voice and as my eyes became used to the darkness inside the cottage, I knew the face
too My eyes widened, what bizarre circumstances to come face to face with the man I’d been hunting for years.
‘I found my father like this a week ago, he’s obviously been ill for months and is probably dying from self neglect
as well as the cancer. I can’t cure the cancer, but I can take care of him and make his last weeks or months
comfortable. He’ll never go into hospital, he wants to die here, and the least I can do is grant him his last wishes,
he’s done so much for me now it’s my turn to do something for him.’
Did he recognize me? Did he know who I was? Was he playing some clever game?
A moan from the bed stopped my mental speculation.
‘It’s alright Dad, I’m here now, I’m staying with you. The doctor’ll be here soon, try and sleep.’
He stood up from leaning over his father’s bed and turned to me,
‘Can you phone this number and check they got my message, I phoned the doctor three hours ago and my father
needs morphine, as you can see.’
Not a flicker of recognition crossed his face, either he was the best actor I’d ever seen or genuinely did not recognize
me. I hoped the latter.
‘I’ll try my mobile a bit further down the valley, if I can’t get a signal where’s the nearest public box?’
‘You won’t find a box this side of Talgarth and that’s where the doctor is, so it’s just as easy to call in to him direct.’
‘O.K. That’s what I’ll do if I can’t get a signal. Good luck.’
As I crossed the room to shake his hand, I thought I saw the faintest glimmer of recognition, but I couldn’t be sure.
So, with a firm handshake, I left him sat at his father’s bedside, on the side of his beloved mountain, slowly spooning
warm milk into paper thin lips.
I knew we would meet again soon.
3. Thoroughbred (7)
4. Riding boot (5)
5. Walk (3)
6. Mane (8)
8. Stirrup (6)
10. Paddock (6)
12. Saddle (5)
1. Horse riding (10)
2. Stallion (6)
6. Riding crop (8)
7. Reins (5)
8. Stables (6)
9. Bit (4)
11. Horse (6)
To be completed in French
(Solutions page 58)
etcetera kids
Books 4 Kids
If you would like to recommend a
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The Boy Who Biked the
World: On the Road to
By Alastair Humphreys
What happens if you get a
Tom really wants to be an
explorer. His favourite book
is an atlas and he follows
adventurers not footballers.
His schooldays are spent daydreaming
about travelling from Tibet to Timbuktu. A
private wish blurted out loud started his
freewheeling adventure: I'm going to cycle
round the world. His classmates laughed.
No one believed him, least of all his
teacher. The mountains will be too high!
The desert is too hot! Everyone shouted
their reasons why his dream was
impossible. But it was a funny thing, the
more that people told him he couldn’t do
it, the more Tom found himself wanting to
prove them wrong.
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1. How many strikes make a perfect
game of ten-pin bowling?
What do you call an underground train full 2. Who was Queen Victoria married
of professors?
3. Most of the food provided by a
cauliflower comes from its what?
What is the easiest way to double your
4. King William beat King Herald at the
Battle of what?
Why do chemists prefer nitrates?
5. In 2001, what did Wimbledon
donate to be used as nests for
harvest mice?
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Did you hear about the actor who broke
through the floorboards?
6. Jersey and Guernsey are part of
which islands?
I took the shell off my racing snail to try 7. The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans are
and speed it up.
linked by which canal?
Why did the Roman chicken cross the road?
How do you make one vanish?
Why did the horse eat with its mouth open?
What happened when the dog went to the
flea circus?
Doctor, Doctor, will this ointment clear up
my spots?
You will need:
Paper Scissors
Pencil Plastic straw
8. Which part of a ship does the captain
1. Take a pencil to use as
work on?
a guide for width and
length of your straw.
9. In the world of computers, what does
out the shape and
CPS stand for?
decorate the paper
10. On an LCD watch, how many bars of 3. Apply glue along one of
the longer edges.
light form the number 8?
4. Roll the paper around
11. Manx cats have no what?
the pencil starting from
the opposite side.
12. A buccaneer is another name for a
5. Close and seal top of
the rocket with
7. Panama
1. 12
pencil and
8. Bridge
2. Prince Albert
insert your straw
9. Character per second
3. Flower
10. 7
- you are now ready
4. Hastings
11. Tail
5. Tennis balls
for blast off!
6. Channel
12. Pirate
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Nicholas Seagrave - Possibly your new year's resolutions have been replaced with a sense
of guilt as your ideas have lost their momentum. You feel as though things are out of control,
too stressful or anxiety provoking. Talking to your friends has not helped. You feel
disconnected from your surroundings or panic more than before for the smallest comments.
Do you recognise yourself or someone close? I propose my services. You do not need to
be referred by your GP. My qualifications are French recognised and registered which means
if you have a French top-up health insurance you could claim back.
Santé et Beauté
Tue-Fri 9h - 12h / 14h - 18h
Sat 9h - 14h
Tel: 05 55 00 92 97
3 Rue Principale, 87440 St Mathieu
Santé et Beauté
An established Beauty & Holistic Salon in the
centre of St Mathieu. Winston is a UK trained
and qualified Sports Therapist & Reflexologist.
He offers a wide range of treatments including,
Full Body, Sports, Back, Neck & Shoulders,
Indian Head & Reflexology.
Beauty treatments include Facials, Waxing,
Manicure and Pedicure, Eyelash & Eyebrow
Tinting and Ear Piercing (lobes).
Gel Varnish for Manicure & Pedicures. A new
hybrid varnish lasting up to 4 weeks on hands,
& 10 weeks on feet. Also available: Gift
Vouchers in any denomination and a great
range of beauty products for sale.
Tel: 05 45 89 60 69
Email: lorraineblack@orange.fr
Siret : 393 373 535 00011
• Full Body, Back, Neck & Shoulders,
Indian Head & Facials
• Waxing & Tinting
• Manicure & Beauté des Pieds
• Gift Vouchers available plus a range of
beauty products at reasonable prices
Siret 493 871 826
Beauty and Holistic Treatments
Fully qualified therapist offers full
allergy testing, advice & treatment.
Helping people with all types of allergies
by desensitisation.
I also offer treatment for horses with
sweet itch - 100% successful in trials
and is very easy to administer.
Lorraine Black
Any inappropriate and uncomfortable reaction
to a stimulus, whether the stimulus is food or
drink, a chemical or something environmental
such as pollen may be termed as an ‘allergy’.
It is commonly believed that allergic reactions
such as eczema, asthma, hay fever, migraine,
digestive problems etc. have to be borne for
life with little or no relief. I conduct a simple,
thoroughly reliable food and environmental
sensitivity test and following the test, safe and
inexpensive remedies are prescribed, taken
only for a short period of time. I am fully trained
and registered with the British Institute for
Allergy and Environmental Therapy.
I wonder if it's changed yet? In 2011, a study by the World Health Organisation
revealed that over 1 in 5 people living in France had experienced an 'extended
period of depression' in their lifetime. In terms of the ratio, France was ranked the
worst. Researchers took into account both clinical depression, a biological
condition that leads to low self-esteem and a loss of interest in otherwise enjoyable
activities, and types of mild depression, which can be situational or can be caused by
environmental influences. The latter was likely the cause of the high rate in France
Crafts, Books & Gifts
The Market
Café ~ Bar & Craft Boutique
15 Route de Brioux, 79170 Luché sur Brioux
(between Chef Boutonne and Brioux sur Boutonne)
OPEN: Tuesday to Friday, 10am - 5pm
Saturday 28th June ~ Summer Fair
Stallholders, Activities & Delicious Snacks
Gifts, Cards, Jewellery, Ceramics,
UK Clothes & Groceries
French Classes & Workshops
Breakfasts, Lunch & Afternoon Tea
For details visit: www.15luche.com
E: info@15luche.com T: 06 98 05 48 79
The Market
The ‘New Look’ Market and Language Centre at
Luché sur Brioux offers the combined experience
of shopping, incorporating the products of over 12
local artisans and businesses, and refreshments
- bacon butties, sandwiches, toasties, full
breakfast and afternoon tea with homemade
cakes and scones. The Language Centre
continues to run French & English language
courses throughout the week, including
conversation groups with native speakers at only
5€ per person with Cream Tea. The website
contains full details of all activities.
La Pimparola Bijoux
et Cadeaux
Contact Helen
05 55 60 20 88
or email info@lapimparola.com
Siret : 79797238700014
La Pimparola Bijoux et Cadeaux is a
Company based in the Limousin offering a wide
range of gifts and jewellery. We have a
selection of jewellery and handwoven beaded
items. We will be adding our handmade bags
to the range shortly as well as our bridal
selection. Prices range from as little as €1,50
right through to £50. We also carry out bespoke
items to order. We make the majority of our
stock in our little studio where you can visit us.
In the summer we will be offering a range of
crafting classes. Why not check out our website
Come and join my weekly courses in
watercolour and ceramic painting.
Friendly relaxed atmosphere.
Taster and individual courses by
Tel Diana on 05 55 78 21 98
e: diana.dabinett@club-internet.fr
6 rue du General de Gaulle, 87150 Oradour Sur Vayres
Siret 498 681 741 00019
Crafts, Books & Gifts
Pottery Studio & Café
Mid March - November
Tuesday - Saturday
10h - 16h30
Sunday 10h - 16h
Tel: 05 45 30 69 56
Email: enquiries@manotceramics.com
s Weddings
s Portraits
s Landscapes
s Photo Restoration
s Your own photo on canvas
Keith Carman
St. Maurice des Lions 16500
Tel 0545 71 38 44
Siret 798 135 885
Charente Photography
Need a gift idea? A portrait might solve that problem. It could be of you. It could be of you
and your family all in one place for the first time in years… don't miss the opportunity for
something completely unique. And take advantage of our 25% discount offer valid until
the end of June! Please visit the website to see what else we do or contact us for further
details. www.charente-photography. You can also find us, to like us on Facebook.
Siret No: 518 877 685 900 019
Manot Ceramics
Manot Pottery & Ceramics Café is a family run
pottery and ceramic painting studio serving
Manot and the surrounding areas. Outside
catering also undertaken, see the website for
more details. The studio is on the corner of the
Rue de Chantrezac and Ambernac roads in
Manot, near Confolens, 16500. We also offer a
mobile service for groups, parties and schools.
Even if you do not wish to paint, call in for a
coffee or English pot of tea.'
A man enters a store and
"15 litres of wine please."
"Did you bring a container for
this? "
"You're speaking to it."
ECHALLAT (16170) 1st, 2nd & 3rd August 2014
An opportunity to learn new skills or even improve existing ones by participating in one of
the 12 different workshops which are available on each of the 3 days at the above festival.
You can actively participate in any of the workshops from 10am daily for a minimum of 6
hours under the supervision and aided by professional artists in the individual skills.
Mosaic work • Water-colour flower painting • Enamelling
Bronze casting • Engraving • Pottery • Soft Stone Sculpture • Clay modelling
Vietnemese lacquer work • Porcelain/Paper modelling
Papier-mâché mobiles • Workshop for the handicapped
A 3-day workshop, incl. lunch, costs: 120€ Adults (220€ / couple) 100€ Teens (up to 16yrs)
Or you can just visit (entrance free) to see the workshops in action and enjoy the other
artistic exhibitions which will be available, as well as many other activities.
For enquiries or reservations in respect of the workshops please contact us:
Tel: 06 06 43 23 62
Email: echallarts@gmail.com
Local Authors Book Corner
’Ssh by John Eliot ~ A review by Kate Rose
Poet and novelist John Eliot was born in Leicester, England, he taught in the south West of England before moving to France with his
wife. He now writes full time. He is the founder of the literary festival in St Clémentin, Deux-Sevres, France. ’Ssh is his new anthology
of poems with stunning line drawings by Anne Lamali’.
It is a deeply personal collection spanning some 37 years. Some poems are painfully moving with unbearable sadness. For example,
in the terrifying reality of ‘The Widow’ Eliot builds an atmosphere of fear and tragedy. He manages to conspire with the reader, making
us feel part of the listening alongside the sleepless villagers; ‘And as we turn in our beds’ we too are listening to the widow as she
paces the boards of her house after her husband’s tragic death. Eliot creates a silent vacuum as we wait for the inevitable outcome.
This contrasts with the tenderness in his poem ’Christmas,’ the narrator turns to the warmth of his wife as he wakes up on a cold morning; here Eliot
makes use of alliteration and assonance to soften the bedroom scene from the cold outside, and celebrates the ‘gift’ of love, with reference to both human
and divine love.
It is the sudden laughter in ‘After the Funeral’ that creates the scene of mourners in their stiff clothes, uncertain how to behave, and in that moment, the
tension eases as friends and relatives relax and this causes Eliot to observe how quickly we forget.
His descriptions of South West France, the contrast of bitter winters and hot summers are beautifully described in two poems. In ‘Sunday’ via the ‘log
eyed companion’ as the snow is kept at bay, in ‘Poem One’ the ‘silence of the vine grow’ portrays a hot afternoon with nothing much to do other than
sleep in the sun.
These are poems to read again and again full of characters, images, sounds, colours. They are musical, they touch your soul. If there is one poetry
anthology to buy this year, this is it!
’Ssh by John Eliot was published on May 1st. RRP £4.99 / 5.95€ plus postage. Available from johneliot1953@gmail.com or www.mosaiquepress.com.
Kate Rose is the co-founder of Verteuil Verse. For more information about events in the Poitou-Charente contact her at verteuilverse@gmail.com or via
Adventures with Monty and Very Poor French: The Early Years
By Keith Carman
Keith Carman has been a photographer for most of his working life but started writing about ten years ago, mostly short stories for his
nephews and niece. He has completed a full length fantasy, “Devil Cat and The Legend of the Zephyrs” and a shorter book, the first in
a series about moving to France.
“Adventures With Monty and Very Poor French; The Early Years” is a light hearted look at how quickly things can get out of hand if you
have little grasp of the language, a hopeless ability to get into trouble and then acquire a dog with a wicked sense of humour.
Each short chapter covers another incident, another opportunity for chaos, beginning with the a snake in the grass and ending with an
invitation to the neighbours for pancakes in the garden while frogs serenade from the newly dug pond.
The stories of what happens when a clever dog and his calamitous master, manage in almost any situation, to get in each other's way, will make make
you smile at least, and definitely ring a few bells.
“Adventures With Monty” is available to download from Amazon as an e-book only, at a cost of £1.85. There is also a Facebook page, enter the title and
you'll be right there! If you visit please leave a “like” and feel free to comment.
Crafts, Books & Gifts
• Goldsmithing & Silversmithing
• Designing & Making
• Repairs, Antique Restoration
• Bronze & Silver Casting
• Sculpture.
Tel: Brendan Jowett 06 04 45 86 64
Email: brjsilver@yahoo.co.uk
Based Oradour-sur-Vayres Siret 7536929380016
The wonderful weather has minds turning
towards spring and summer, its time to bare
your arms and decorate yourself with bangles
and ankle bracelets. See what is in stock, or
send Brendan a picture of something you like
and he will make it for you. As well as repairs,
and antique restoration, Brendan is able to use
your own gold and gemstones if you would like
something new made from old pieces. Brendan
also does bronze casting for local artists, as well
as his own work. See his website for more
information, and like his facebook page,
BRJSilver, for up to date news and tips.
17 Rue Principale, 87440, St Mathieu
Offering a stunning range of distinctively
French shabby chic furniture, household
items & gifts
Wed to Fri 10:00 - 12:00, 14:00 - 17:00
Sat 10:00 - 12:00
( 06 06 81 60 33
Siret 532 528 775 00010
coeur et étoile
It must be the time of year for brightening
things up indoors, as many of our new
furniture items are selling before we have a
chance to put them onto our website, and our
funky household items are proving extremely
popular. Many of our items are one-offs, and
once they’re gone, they’re gone, so be sure
to visit us regularly and grab the new stuff!
We have new stock again this month, which
includes lovely new wooden gifts by JuSu, a
range of stunning summer hats, new scarves
and unique jewellery by Trés Jolie, as well
as some more French style furniture pieces.
We’re also Open on
Delicious Home-Baked Cakes
Teas, Cappuccinos, Lattes,
Cadbury’s Hot Chocolate …
Fresh, Home-Made Summer Drinks
Great Ideas, Petite Prices!
Excellent Quality, Choice & Value
New & Used ~ Ordering Service
GENÇAY (86) - behind the Mairie www.chezchristies.com
Siret 47876969800018
Come and be tempted by an array of Gems
here at Christie’s: - the oodles of new Gifts
gracing our displays (charming yet practical and light on the purse); the stunning variety of
beautiful Cards; the daily offerings of delicious
Home-Baked Cakes; and now the range of
freshly-made Summer Drinks augmenting an
already impressive choice of Teas, Coffees and
soft drinks. Not forgetting, of course: Free WiFi,
masses of Books, DVDs … the list goes on …
There’s always a genuine warm welcome too
- even on French Fête Days, when we’re open
as usual! See you soon, Andrew & T-Anne
Oil painting and drawing classes for all levels
held weekly at Montalembert (79) and Luché sur Brioux (79)
For sales of original oil paintings, and commissions for house and
people portraits please visit www.jeandavidfineart.com/contemporaryart
or call Jean directly on 06 52 93 33 60
Siret: 800 413 098 00016
All facilities, comfortable workstations
Jean David - Widely travelled and exhibited artist and oil painter, Jean is an accomplished
and commissioned portrait and landscape painter. His unique style of realism and abstraction
is reinforced with a harmonious and vibrant use of colour. He has been exhibited by the
Royal Institute of Painters in the UK and his work features in private collections around the
world. An experienced teacher, Jean holds classes for all levels of experience; beginners
are welcome. Jean also undertakes commissions for house and people portraits. Life
drawing/painting classes will be commence late May at Montalembert. For details on classes,
commissions and examples of Jean’s work, visit his website.
that … Frenchman, George Melies (1861-1938) considered 'the father of modern
cinema' started out professionally as a stage magician. Having seen the Lumiere
brothers' short documentary-style features, he invented his own movie camera & began
to make films, which for the first time incorporated actors, costumes, studio sets &
ingenious camera trick techniques. His credits include such major works as: Voyage to
the Moon (1902) … 20.000 Leagues under the Sea ( 1907) … Conquest of the Pole (1912)
… remarkable films that survive today on their own terms.
Reg Clarke
Crafts, Books & Gifts
Our Reg
Encadrement d’Art
Picture framers to
La Galerie de Gabriel
1 Rue du 19 Mars 1962
Oradour sur Vayres
Siret: 493 623 00016
Nick Wiggins - 05 87 41 65 78
email: nicktesswigg@yahoo.co.uk
OUR REG pays tribute to Cupid's own 'Ville d'amour' .
May you be for ever blessed for the moment
of happiness you gave to a grateful heart.
Isn't such a moment sufficient for the whole of one's life?”
White Nights ~ Dostoyevsky
When I first visited the City of Light, I was accompanied by a pretty dark haired girl quietly
confident in her femininity & whom Parisians referred to as 'jolie fille' … she was later to
become my wife & has been ever since.
The expression 'City of Light' is said to have originated with the slogan 'Paris - ville lumière',
devised to promote the 1900 World Fair of International Arts & Technology & in particular,
Le Palais de L'électricité.
Paris is a 'walking city' designed & ornamented by artists, as such it's a work of art in itself
& as with all great works of art, it draws forth intense emotions ... not least those associated
Picture Framing
· We have an exciting new selection of mouldings with romance. We ought to thank Baron Haussman who, in the 19th century, replaced the
and mount boards in varying colours and textures. capital's faubourgs with néo-classical tree-lined lanes & boulevards.
· Friendly advice on how to show your art at its best. Like flâneurs we strolled hand in hand in places we'd only seen via the prism of film &
· Minor repairs and glass replacement done while photography. On one of those golden days which April often borrows from June we
discovered the bright Jardins de Luxembourg with its monochrome flower beds, cashmere
you wait.
lawns & allées of trees. Relaxing by the haughty statue of Marie de Medici, we quaffed
· Stretcher bars built for rolled oils.
· All work carried out to a professional standard at oysters & Montrachet whilst watching youngsters launch white-sailed boats on the lake.
very reasonable rates.
Here 'neath the horse-chestnut trees, happiness is a tradition. It's where Rousseau strode
· Our philosophy is to treat every piece individually declaiming bucolic verses & where loving couples, intent on each others charms, are
and with respect, from a small repair to large oblivious to passers-by. This jardin of sweet leisure was, & still is, an oasis of joy.
· Oradour-sur-Vayres is located 10 minutes from Paris is a place to openly display one's
affection ... whether intimately seated on a
Rochechouart on the D901 route to Chalus.
single garden seat ... staking a classic
cinematic pose by the Seine (see picture) ...
or recreating Doisneau's famous photo 'Le
Baiser de l'hôtel de Ville'. To share the spell
with someone one loves is to lay claim to
Proustian glamour ... & to claim one has done
71 Grande rue, Sauzé Vaussais
Tel: 06 75 89 95 55
Email: denise.eyre@wanadoo.fr
~ New Selection of Gifts in Stock
~ Card Making Materials
~ Handmade Cards
~ Card Workshops
Tues-Sat 10h - 17h30
10h - 12h
The Craft Cabin
Card Workshops: Forthcoming dates are
detailed on my website, or please call or
email for information. As places are limited
booking is essential.
The Lemon Tree Breakfast Club: Every
Sunday 10h-12h you can get an all inclusive
full English breakfast, 7,50€ for adults & 5€ for
under 12’s. For info contact Debbie or David:
05 49 07 78 22.
See you soon, Denise
Father’s Day
Don’t forget Father’s Day
which is celebrated on the
same date both in France
& the UK:
Sunday 15 June
We'd dine in the belle-époque splendour of
what became our favourite restaurant, Le
Bouillon Chartier in Montmartre ... where
patrons licked their lips like a Walt Disney wolf
in anticipation of the house specialities, not
least the Grand Marnier soufflé.
Around Montmartre the witty satire of the chansonniers was as sharp & entertaining as in
the days of Racine & Molière ... one could also sense the presence of La Môme Piaf, who's
café songs stoked the hearts of many … all the while, the stunning spectacle that is the
Sacre-Cœur posed it's whiteness against the night, forming a perfect backdrop.
My critics say I major on romance. I offer no excuse. Why? Well, not only does it relieve
loneliness, it can also bring ecstasy ... but most of all, in the union of love one sees the
prefiguring vision of heaven that saints & poets have imagined. Immortalised in movies &
books & songs, there's arguably no finer setting for this than Paris …I know! However, to
play the Parisian game one must lose oneself in its labyrinths & yield to the emotive
experience, but emotions are hard to regulate … they can be unsettling or fulfilling … yet
wouldn't life be rather bleak if ruled by cold reason alone!
We gloried in the sun-dapple on fashionable St Germain's velvet lawns … the poetic beauty
of a spring day in the Ile de la Cite … the Bohémienne influence of the Latin Quartier … &
inevitably, the book stalls on the Rive Gauche. We were at that joyous age, yet to climb that
hill whose reverse slope hides for ever those fair valleys of younger days.
A question for readers: Why have so many writers gravitated to Paris, e.g. Miller ~ Stein ~
Fitzgerald ~ Becket ~ Joyce ~ Flanner ~ Baldwin ~ Toklas ~ Wharton ~ that secular saint,
Orwell, & the quintessential ex-pat of them all, Hemingway?
A poignant anecdote: Whilst sipping aperitifs by the Canal Saint-Martin, a man, full of years,
joined us & spoke of one of the greatest moments in his life: “As a liberating soldier entering
Paris in August 1944 I could hardly believe the city was still safe & its people still alive …
then a girl came along, threw her arms around my neck & kissed me … it's the only time I
ever had a kiss that tasted of tears.”
Time can cheat the mind & images become distorted, but in my memory's anthology of all
the delights I've ever known, little compares with those few days years ago that my jolie fille
& I spent together in Cupid's own 'ville d'amour.'
Reg Clarke ~ Moustiers
Willett’s World … around France (3)
Simon Willett of C’est Cheese
A chance meeting of a fellow camping carist in the town of Salin de Giraud pointed us toward the vast beach of Piemanson. Driving past
the salt works whose trade name La Baleine is well known, we saw mountains of salt in all stages of refinement. The crude dirty stuff collected
at the end of the summer after evaporation of the salty lagoons destined perhaps for winter use on the roads. Under the road a conveyor belt several
hundred metres long transported the crude salt to the refinery. The true fleur du sel that gathers on the surface of the receding water is collected carefully
by the sauniers and will be destined for the table.
We passed black bulls and white horses and pink flamingos all a common sight in this area of the Camargue. The bulls, small with fearsome horns, the
breed Tau, grazed tranquilly in their manades. They are still bred for the bullring or running festivals and for their meat.
Piemanson is the last plage sauvage in France. A dyke only separates the beach and the wetlands of the National park of the Camargue. 25 kms of beach
with no amenities and 11kms from the nearest shop. At this season it was sparsely populated but apparently during the summer very much busier. The
sun shone for us, even the sea was inviting, My short swim in the Mediterranean was the first since 1966!
Our journey to Arles for supplies took us past hectares of rice almost ready for harvesting.
Sadly the shopping always seems to get done at a supermarket so one is obliged to struggle with commercial areas. The villages are sparse, many of
them without shops of any kind.
Just out of the traffic of the city a fascinating looking building appeared on the horizon. On a hill we discovered the Abbaye of Montmajour. A magnificent
building, more like a palace than a humble place of dwelling for monks avowed to poverty and prayer. No doubt when it was begun in the 10th century
when the rock on which it sits was an island in the marshes outside Arles it was more modest. Over the centuries as its influence extended from the Isère
to the Mediterranean with 56 priories under its jurisdiction, and as a fortress in the hundred years war it had to grow.
We moved on and found a commune camp site in an old quarry at Fontvieille.
Some time ago I acquired a selection of French books, technical, religious and fiction. Amongst them a well read 'lettres de mon moulin' by Alphonse
Daudet. It had a stamp from a lycée library inside and was evidently a text well studied. Just above the quarry was the very windmill that reputedly inspired
M. Daudet. The lettres is a collection of short tales give an intimate portrait of Provençal life in the 1860s. He wrote the lettres as occasional articles to
present a bucolic portrait of the area for his readers in the city (Paris). The garrigue in which he stayed with the odour of pines and the singing of the cigales,
cicadas is a pleasant place to walk.
Cycling too. The Baux de Provence was reached along a winding road that rises over about six kilometres 200 metres above the valley. The views when
we eventually reached the high point of the road were breathtaking. The hillside honeycombed with old chalk quarries is topped with a ruined castle. Some
of the quarry workings have been converted into a site for larger than life son et lumière projections of famous art works. A quarry is still worked and a
charming old village nestles below.
The following day we directed our route directly towards the Limousin apart from a deviation to visit the Pont du Gard, the three layered Roman viaduct
that dominates the valley of the Gardon. From there the N106 the road that joins Alès - the 'capital' of the Cevennes - to Mendes in the Lozère, gave us
fantastic views of the Cevennes as we rose and descended along the valley of the rivers Gardon and Lot. Apart from meetings with articulated lorries on
hairpin bends the drive was uneventful. Anyone who is worried about deforestation would be reassured here, it is not happening.
We joined the A75 - a dual carriageway that connects Beziers in the Hérault with Clermont-Ferrand - near Gévaudan but saw no sign of the beast of,
though if we had visited the wolf park we may have learnt about the mythical beast.
The bridges and viaducts that pepper the A75 can only leave one with admiration for the skill and ingenuity of civil engineers and architects and the courage
of the workers who constructed them. Also impressive is the economy of materials compared with, for example, the pont de Gard. A glimpse of the viaduct
of Garabit where Gustave Eiffel experimented before embarking on the Eiffel tower left one again in awe. For the short hour or two we drove on the dual
carriageway every bridge was different. One construction I have not seen before, a sort of suspension bridge in reverse. A tension cable underneath had
the task of supporting the carriageway by upward pressure rather than it being suspended. It is a technique I have only seen before to give a 'leg-up' to
tired barn beams.
The French term for such constructions, 'ouvrages d'art' is not a misnomer. The countryside we saw over the fortnight made us realise how much that is
different can be found in la belle France.
Tickle’s Reflections
A friend living in France long not seen, recently e-mailed, asking “what’s to become of UK expats?”. Well, we’ve heard from Nigel Lawson
– a ‘big beast’ (and one time EU enthusiast) has spoken the unspeakable! Bang on cue, Norman Lamont, Michael Gove and Philip
Hammond (even Michael Portillo) chimed in. Mutinous rebels… how dare they! Had No 10 consented, hoping to placate Euro-sceptics and
send a signal to Brussels?… I think not. These cracks in the political foundations illustrate serious disquiet and frustration, with potential to fracture the
delicate consensus: Is it one of those “when the going gets tough the tough get going” moments? We hope! The ‘quiet man’ approach towards the EU
makes way for those with the intestinal fortitude to confront the pompous conceit of a patronising, dismissive, and deaf to argument Brussels ‘elite’. These
high and mighty individuals, bloodied by their astonishingly ruthless Cyprus ‘corrective measure’, grow increasingly intoxicated by the success of their
dishonesty. They exhibit a sense of regal untouchability - and an unshakeable belief in their own infallibility. Now this: “Hopes that the creation of the euro
would force rational economic behaviour… were in vain.” Then: “The economic situation is worsening from month to month… democratic structures ever
more in doubt” Finally: ”the single currency must be broken up to allow bailed-out countries, including Greece, Portugal, Spain and Cyprus, to recover”.
Whose words? That was Oscar Lafontaine (Germany’s finance minister who helped launch the Euro who once called for “the end of the nation state”)
performing a stunning U-turn recently. As if this isn’t unsettling enough along comes Gordon Brown… not on Europe but there is a link.
History will not judge him kindly: Stubbornly unreceptive to new ideas and with blinkers hard-wired he obstinately rolled out his Socialist vision of a big state.
Recklessly spending public funds, incurring debt which may take decades to repay, he spread the narcotic of benefits/welfare addiction far and wide –
aided enthusiastically by Balls and Milliband. The result? General taxation goes up only to be partially returned (to some) via labyrinthine benefit/credits
schemes superintended by an army of administrator-bureaucrats. Who wins? Big state, of course, then the reckoning comes and the political class glides
effortlessly beyond the reach of ensuing hardship. Is Mr Hollande of similar mindset? With his popularity slumped to 25%, France declared in recession,
(63% of GDP generated by the state) his budget minister gone (charged with hiding huge sums in Switzerland), a success story it isn’t! The same
wrong-headed ideological straight-jacket that cloaks Mr Brown is evidenced elsewhere in the EU… with consequences: The ‘brain drain’ from southern
EU states (40-60% youth unemployment), suggests repercussions as yet uncalculated because they are the very people needed to lift their countries up
and forwards. The alarm bells ring and ring but heads turn away. France wobbles, its government procrastinates, (a report recommending they take a
shredder to 400,000 “bizarre and useless” ball and chain ‘regulatory-norms’ is being studied) Germany rumbles with exasperation, Brussels prevaricates,
(salivating at the prospect of an extra annual 30+ Billion Euros, the projected tax-take from the Financial Transaction Tax) Cyprus howls with pain… t would
be comical if it wasn’t tragic. The biggest loser? Yup UK. It gets worse, a recent Ashcroft poll points up Labour winning in 2015. Could this be music to
Brussels ears nourishing yet more imperious jaw-jaw? The ramifications do not bode well - except for those cloistered in public-funded jobs that retreat
cash-rich. Meanwhile Martine Aubry (author of the working time directive) apparently awaits Mr Hollande’s call....
Life etcetera
From a corporate career to the idyllic family lifestyle in France, Cathy shares her experience 9 years on…
My husband and I
both had corporate
jobs in London - life
was good and fast
paced when we were
just a couple, but
when two kids came
along we suddenly
noticed that the pace
never slowed and
there was no chance
to stop and enjoy
what was going on at
home. We were
always working but
had no time or money at the end of the week.
Having the opportunity to leave my job with a lump
sum and my husband being freelance, our thoughts
turned to moving from the bright lights and finding
somewhere a little more relaxed. We had, like many
others of course, always loved France, and so off
we set with an 18 month old and a 4 month old in
tow for a month of house hunting between breast
feeds - just to check out the possibilities. Needless
to say the very first house we saw offered
immediate possibilities - a garden big enough for a
football pitch and a veg patch, a swimming pool, a
house with five bedrooms with full height ceilings
and space to expand, and all situated in a small
village with schools, shops and a couple of
restaurants. Coming from South London where we
had a tiny garden just big enough to swing the cat
in and constant traffic outside the bedroom
windows, it was idyllic. Of course, we couldn't buy
the first house we saw, so off we went and yet 30
viewings later with agents from all over the
Charente Maritime and with various stories to tell of
being taken to totally inappropriate properties, we
came back to that first house we saw. We made an
offer, it was accepted and three months later we
were packing up and shipping out!
In the nine years since then, it's fair to say that things
have changed. We realised that the garden big
enough for a football pitch actually took a lot of
maintenance and we are not the most green
fingered of couples. The house was still beautiful,
but cold in winter as it was expensive to use the fuel
central heating all the time and so we relied on one
log burner in the living room and then ran up to the
electric blankets on the bed. The village remained
the same, but as the children grew up we decided
that we all needed a bit more going on for them and
us. And so we sold up and bought a townhouse in
St Jean D'Angely, where we live today. The house
needed a full renovation and to the joy and relief of
our neighbours we have nearly finished it! This is a
lovely place to live, architecturally beautiful and with
restaurants, bars, shops and commerces in the
centre of town. The kids get a lot of independence
here - they can walk up into town to meet their
friends and walk round the market together,
stopping for a coke at the cafe and getting the
baguette on the way home. The schools and
college are good and they have completely
integrated into life here.
Some of the great things we love to do around here
is rock pooling at Fouras beach, sliding down the
Dune de Pila at Arcachon, surf boarding at
Biscarosse, visiting the Aquarium at La Rochelle
and accrobranching at St Georges de Didonne.
The fact that you can be at the coast and on the
beach in under an hour is a joy. We are also near
to Cognac, Saintes Bordeaux, Angouleme and the
Isle de Ré - there are loads of great places to visit
in this area. Easy access to airports and a
motorway that can take you to the UK in under 12
hours. Hop on the train and be in Paris drinking a
café in under three hours.
When we first arrived in France I relied on
remembering my 'O' level french, which I had
studied many many years before. I still remember
sitting in the french class at school thinking 'what's
the point?' - I would never need to know the
conjugasions of the verb pouvoir - how wrong I
was! It quickly became clear that french lessons
were needed and me and my husband duly signed
up for classes run by a charming french lady who
is still a friend. But I have to say, you only really start
learning when you mix with the locals and by
integrating into the community. Having french
friends round for aperos and dinner is still the best
way to get a grip of the language. It also helps to
have kids, because you get to know their friends that brings you into contact with their parents, and
then their teachers, doctors, dentists and so on.
Although the downside of having kids is that they
constantly correct you as you struggle to remember
those blasted conjugasions. Little by little your
confidence and experience grows and now although we are by no means fluent - we can
understand and converse on most subjects. The
most important thing we've learnt is that you must
have a go. Write it down beforehand if you are
nervous of forgetting what you want to say, but do
attempt to speak the language. You will get a much
better reaction if you try. If you don't integrate then
you're are missing out on so much and although
there are a few exceptions along the way, I can
honestly say that the French people have always
been kind and generous to us throughout this
The upsides of living in France are the less frenetic
pace of life, time to spend with the kids and the
opportunities for them to grow and develop in a
community which is still relatively safe and relaxed.
I love the way everyone greets each other with
'Bonjour' when entering a shop or on the street and
the way kids and even teenagers still have respect
for the adults in their family and community. The
downsides are probably the constant paperwork
required for absolutely everything and the difficulty
of setting up a business here or even getting
employment. Employers are often narrow minded
when it comes to employing anyone who doesn't
have the specific skills for the job, which is pretty
frustrating when you have 20 years experience
working for a FTSE company at Company Board
level and can't even get a cleaning job.
We initially lived from the freelance work of my
husband, but when the publishing industry like
many other businesses was hit by the crisis, it
became more difficult to get work and so two years
ago we decided to join Leggett Immobilier as estate
agents in and around St Jean D'Angely in the
Charente Maritime and now have the pleasant job
of working with other people to find their perfect
property in France. Leggett were voted Best Real
Estate Agency France at this years European
Property Awards and we enjoy being part of their
team. I just love beautiful french houses and it has
been a pleasure to get access to some of the
departments most stunning Chateaux and equally
to the local farmers' barn which is in need of total
renovation but could be a real gem. We work with
a wide range of clients from the UK, France,
Belgium, Holland, America, Australia, Taiwan,
South Africa and the Middle East - all looking for
their slice of the French dream. As we've done it
ourselves, we feel that we can really help others. I
never realised just how hard the job would be - it is
often physically and mentally exhausting! But when
you reach the signing date and your client has got
the house they always wanted, all memories of the
long hours, working at midnight, the viewings in
wind and rain, the frantic calls to sort out last minute
hitches and the reams of paperwork you have to
get through, all fade away.
As well as being an estate agent, I also decided with
some like-minded mums to create a free, fun,
inspirational magazine-style page on facebook
called MUMS SPACE FRANCE, for mums of all
ages. The idea is to offer a facebook page where
you can ‘flick’ through and dip in to read our articles
over a glass of wine (ooops cup of tea!). We run
regular daily articles on Food, Books, Travel, Health,
Restaurants, Gardening, Fashion, Beauty and
Crafts….. all with kids and being a mum in France
in mind. We also have a qualified health expert on
board to give a weekly 'clinic' on anything from
coping with a cold to sun protection and breast
checks, plus she can give immediate advice on any
health worries.
This magazine page is linked to a
closed group also called MUMS
SPACE FRANCE which you have to
join and which offers mums advice and
support on a wide range of issues which come with
living in France with a family. We discuss everything
from what you are cooking that night to teenage skin
problems. It has also become clear that there are a
lot of other mums out there doing interesting things
and with a lot to offer, so with this in mind we have
regular articles written by mums about what they do
and how they came to live in France, in order to
inspire others who are planning to make the move.
I very much believe that you have to make the most
out of the place where you live and that France is a
great place to be.
Cathy Temple
If you are interested in buying or selling a property around
the St Jean D'Angely area please contact me on
cathyt@leggett.fr or view my portfolio www.frenchestate
agents.com/poitou-charentes-property (click my name)
Who’s Who with Gayle
This month I interviewed Grace Barton, who is a British Iei How do you choose
Show Jumper living in the Haute-Vienne. Grace has a your horses? How many
successful career which has continued here in France. horses do you have?
Iei How long have you lived in France and what brought you here? We have around 40 horses at
the farm, some are owners’
I moved to France in October 2003, my parents previously had a
horses, the rest belong to my
holiday home near lake St Pardoux. My Dad saw the farm just outside
parents and I. I spend time
Bellac and thought it was a great investment/renovation project! Initially
producing the horses and I try
we thought It would be fun to try a season or two competing in France.
to keep them as long as they
Two years passed and my parents asked if I was coming home and I
make progress. When they
declined. I said that they could sell the property but that I wanted to
find their limit I think its time
stay in France. They decided to sell their house in the UK and move
to sell them on to someone at
to France.
that level. Now that we are
Iei How long have you ridden horses?
breeding a lot of horses I
I have ridden since before I can remember, my family always had have found I need to sell
horses so I was brought up with them.
some that are younger to give
Iei When did you make the move from horse rider to show jumper? myself more time. I am really
enjoying watching horses for
I have been competing for many years now, showjumping has always the stud go out and compete with other people!
been my thing! I think I really started to take things seriously when I
took over the ride on my sisters horses at the age of 12, I had to work We have our own stallion and he is an amazing horse, he has it all,
really hard to make it work and I think that's when I knew I liked the the breeding, the looks, the jump and the MOST amazing
After moving to France, competing was still very important to me but I
also found great pleasure in breeding with my former competition horses.
Now I spread my time between my family, competing, breeding and
selling horses.
Iei How did you start competing?
I started in the UK in a local riding club where we do a bit of everything
then I went on to
compete in unaffiliated
shows. I was quite
successful and moved
on to the affiliated circuit.
qualifying competitions
throughout the year
heading to different
finals at different venues
i.e Horse of the Year
Show, Hickstead and
Olympia .
These events are some of riders goals, along with producing horses
for themselves or other owners, or to sell.
Iei You had a bad accident recently, can you tell me about it?
I was competing at the Haras National at Pompadour, when I had a
freak accident with a 4 year old horse. I got hit in the face which
knocked me out, I then fell off head first at high speed. I don’t really
remember much but there were pompiers, ambulances and doctors
(apparently). I was taken to CHU Limoges where I had a CT scan
which showed I had a base skull fracture. I had 7 stitches in my
forehead and had a 10cm tear inside my bottom lip, this was more
painful than the fractured skull! Two days later I was home with the
most uncomfortable solid neck brace that I was told to keep on day
and night for 7 weeks.
I have just seen the neurologist and I have a soft collar for the next 6
weeks then I will be back in the saddle.
Iei As a horse rider you must have had injuries before, has it ever
put you off?
NO, I have always just wanted to get back on, and am very frustrated
when I can't. It’s not only my job but my passion!!
Iei You have a daughter now, has your career had to adapt to fit
to your new family commitments?
Nothing has really changed since Antonia was born. She follows us
to all the shows, she was at her first show at 4 weeks old and the lorry
Iei With a successful career, can you tell me of your is her second home. She loves the horses, the friends and the
achievements? Is there one that stands out from the rest?
community at the shows. I am sure things will change when she goes
There are a few special ones. At 15 I won the Foxhunter Final at the to school but my parents are both retired and they help out a lot so
Horse of the Year Show, it was always my dream to compete there, I'm sure I will be able to count on them!
and to win was unforgettable. The pony I rode was bred by my mum Iei How is life in France for you? When you're not competing,
and I still have her, she is 25 and has had some wonderful foals!
what do you do?
I also won the Young Riders Final at the Horse of the Year Show 3 Life in France is good. The farm is perfect for breeding and I have
times with my fantastic mare Valhalla who, at 26, is still with us and recently signed a contract with Euro-Star, an equestrian clothing
has also produced some great foals.
company. This is an amazing opportunity for me to use some fantastic
I won the Ladies Challenge at the World Cup Show in Bordeaux in equipment which will make my life easier.
2010 with my great horse Simon Bontje.
My husband and I are really trying to make a go of our business so
I have competed in two European Championships, and many other we work most of the time, although I'm not
Nations Cups both as a Junior and Young Rider, I also qualified and sure you could call playing with horses
work! Animals are everyday and horses
competed at the World Cup show in Olympia.
I have had many national and international victories since moving to are quite demanding so we need to be
Iei Your profession can take you all over the world, how do the If we get time out we like to go out for
lunch or a spa, or if the weather’s rubbish
horses travel?
just a duvet day.
We mainly stick to shows in France now as there are so many to choose
from. But we love to travel to Barcelona every December for two shows Iei What advice would you give anyone
and for the last 2 years we have made the long journey to Ajaccio who is interested in pursuing a career
in show jumping?
(Corsica) for their lovely show!
We have a big lorry that carries 7 horses and has a large living area Never give up, never get too big for your
with all mod-cons, it’s a home away from home, sometimes we spend boots, remember you can always learn
something new. Work hard, love your
more time in the lorry than in our house.
horse and enjoy yourself.
Leisure, Entertainment & Eating Out
Luxury Afternoon Tea
Selection of Teas s Coffee
Cakes s Sandwiches
Freshly made scones with jam & clotted cream
Tues, Thurs, Fri & Sat 12h - 17h
7 Place de Marché, 16500 Confolens
(behind Saint Maxime church)
Les Jouberties, 87200 Saint Junien
Tel: 05 55 02 96 96
Email: info@golfdesaintjunien.com
Website: www.golfdesaintjunien.com
Wednesday to Saturday
Golf de Saint Junien boasts an 18 hole golf
course, driving range, 3 star hotel and bistro
restaurant open lunchtime & evening, bar service
all day & meeting facilities for corporate events,
clubs & organisations. For somewhere private &
exclusive to host an event, call for a free quote.
We offer menus & drinks packages to suit all
budgets! Enjoy a delicious meal or refreshing drink
Oon the terrace overlooking the picturesque golf
green. Open to the public 7/7. Weekly lunchtime
menu 15€ (3 courses, glass of wine & café).
Deal of the month: Looking for a romantic break
in the country? Book 2 nights at the hotel & receive
the 3rd for FREE! See website for details. Follow
us on FB: www.facebook.com/golfdesaintjunien
The Chip Shop
Karaoke ‘N’ Chips: The Chip Shop will be having
Karaoke for Fête de la Musique Saturday 21st
June on the terrace (this will be entirely weather
dependant!) So come along for a sing song with
your fish supper! Booking is essential!
Summer Hours: Weds-Sat 12-2pm & 6-9pm.
Find us on Facebook and Trip Advisor
Located route to St. Germain leaving Confolens
Tel: 05 45 71 46 90 / Sharonmoore15@aol.com
25 bis, route d'Angoulême
16150 Chabanais
05 45 31 83 95
Would you like to offer your guests a
unique and hassle free bike hire service
and get paid for it?
You now can with BikeHireDirect!
Summer hours (from 2 April) :
Sun/Mon/Tues: 11h-14h
Weds/Thur/Fri/Sat: 11h-20h30
21h with reservation
Café Clémence - Chris and Jane look forward
to seeing you at Café Clémence. We offer a 4
course lunch and 1/4L wine for 12.50€ Mon to
Fri. Sat lunch 12.50€ exclusive of wine. Weds.
Thurs, Fri & Sat nights plus Sun lunch we offer
an ever-changing 4 course menu for 23,25€,
price reduced for 2 or 3 courses. Also available,
Menu d'étape - buffet, plat du jour, dessert 15€
and plats at 8.75€, steak frites 12.50€.
Quiz night: Thursday 19th June.
Since 2006 Bike Hire Direct has offered
great value bike hire with FREE delivery
and collection direct to customers holiday
accommodation across Charente,
Charente Maritime, Dordogne & Vienne...
this unique service is now available
in the Haute-Vienne!
It's free to register so for further info
please visit www.bikehiredirect.com,
tel: 05 87 77 95 25 or
email: hautevienne@bikehiredirect.com
Sunday 29th June ~ 1pm - 5pm • 17 Avenue du 8 Mai 1945, 87150 Oradour-sur-Vayres
Many readers will be familiar with Christine and her Guide Dog Étoile from reading the articles and from coming along and supporting
the previous Fundraisers. But there are many new arrivals here in this beautiful part of France every year who might like to hear her story.
One day in March 2007 Christine said to me, “I can't see properly out of my right eye.” (She had already lost most of the sight in her left
eye many years before). I immediately phoned our Doctor and within half an hour had picked up a letter from her and were on our way
to CHU Limoges Emergency Department. Christine was admitted right away and they worked hard to try to save her sight and they
did manage to save some. The effort to save her sight went on over the years with further episodes of deterioration and treatment and
operations. Through all this Christine has remained strong and carried on. She learned to use a white stick but really did not like it so I
asked the CHU Doctor what he thought of a Guide Dog. He was all for it and wrote his recommendation. The Guide Dog School in Landouge, Limoges had
never before given a Guide Dog to an English person but they did not hesitate and they continue to help and support Christine. She received Étoile in February
2011 and it has been the best thing that could have happened. She has confidence and freedom that would not have been possible without her dog and as
a result and with the help of lots of friends and generous donations from so many people we started the Fundraisers which have proven to be very popular
and have raised many thousands of Euros for the School. This year will be out fourth and hopefully will be a great success. We have all our original volunteers
and several new ones, and donations for the Vide Grenier and Tombola rolling in.
So please come along and support the Charity, meet Etoile and other Guide Dogs, Sit down and have a tea or coffee and fresh home made cake and buy
lots of goodies to take home, have a good afternoon and make all our hard work worth all the effort.
Roger Thomas, Telephone 05 55 78 83 05
Leisure & Entertainment & Eating Out
05 45 65 23 67 / roslyn1.james@gmail.com
Friendly lakeside bar • Open 7 days a week.
Siren 498 551 498
7th June Evening - Authentic Indian Cuisine
14th June Anton's 60's / 70's Music Revival
28th June Farfelus Folk Music
Le Soleil Couchant
For reservations please ring 05 45 65 23 67: Mid week 3 course plat just 11€: We still show all the
latest sporting events - we have sky and all BT channels! Live music or karaoke every weekend:
See all forthcoming events on our Soleil Couchant Facebook page or visit www:lesoleilcouchant:eu:
Thurs 5 June: Quiz Evening
Sat 7 June: Billy Whizz Band
Fri 13 June: Karaoke
Sat 14 June: Dave Purples Hot Wires Fri 20 June: The Makenzies Sat 21 june: Martin Lavash
Thurs 26 June: Jazz and Blues Club Sat 28 June: Steve Sommers Sat 5 July: Les Chauves
Open every day except Wednesday
- reservations recommended
Saturday & Sunday lunchtimes by reservation only
5 rue de St Martin, Jouac 87890
Tel: 05 55 47 30 43
email: jouac.bar@gmail.com
Les Papillons
Siret no. 510 986 490 00017
Les Papillons
A reminder of what goes on at Les Papillons…
Chatty Crafters Group: Tues Mornings the
group meet to create some lovely items,
mostly for various charities. We look forward
to welcoming anyone interested in any craft.
Quizzes are still held twice a month and very
well supported but there are times when we
would welcome some new challengers!
For the summer season I am not including a
menu du jour, but a larger selection of
sandwiches and salads, you can find more info
on our facebook page ‘Les Papillons’.
Bar, Hotel & Restaurant
Thursday to Saturday 11h to 23h
Sunday & Monday 11h-21h
Tuesday & Wednesday Closed
Sunday - Good Old Fashioned Roast Lunch
& Pudding served 13h30 to 15h. Just €10.
Please book.
Swap your old DVD's or borrow new ones
Friday 20th June ~ LIVE MUSIC
The fabulous Jimmy McLean, guitarist & vocalist
with hits from the 50's onwards, from 20h
Saturday 28th June ~ GREEK DAY
Full range of Greek style specialities on offer
from midday, including Mezze, Greek Salad,
Moussaka, Kebabs, Fish and Chicken cooked
on the bbq, whatever the weather!
Come along and take your pick.
6 Rue de Diamant 86460 Mauprevoir
James & Nicky - 05 49 87 20 28
Hotel du Diamant
Keep up to date with events by following us
at: www.facebook.com/hoteldudiamant
Sat 21st June: The Mad Hatter’s Ball
4 course menu, Evening dress, 28€
Live music - ‘Jazz a la Carte’
Fri 4th July: Music in the garden & menu 25€
Endless Trail Band - Country/rock
Valérie & Pascal Corazzini
lieu dit Antardieu, 87200 Saint Junien /
Email: restaurantbeausoleil@orange.fr
Restaurant Beausoleil
Just 5 minutes from Saint Junien, (direction
Brigueuil, turn after the bridge over N141),
Restaurant Beausoleil is located in a quiet
authentic setting. Come and discover our
woodland terrace with its fountain and pond
for an enjoyable experience.
We offer delicious pizzas, cooked in a woodfired bread oven and other homemade dishes,
additionally we offer assorted platters of
Charcuterie from Corsica. To reserve please
tel: English & French spoken.
that … the creation in 1894 of Crepes
Suzette, that tasty
desert of crepes, fresh orange or
lemon juice, butter, castor sugar
& Grand Marnier, served flambe,
was claimed by renowned French
chef Auguste Escoffier, who
named it in honour of actress
Suzette Reichenberg (pictured), one of Edward
VII's favourite mistresses … naughty Bertie!
Escoffier subsequently introduced the dish to
London's Savoy Hotel where it was scoffed by
the rich & famous.
It was a dish unheard of in my working-class
youth, we had rice pudding with a dollop of jam!
I still love it today. Which reminds me: A tramp
called by asking if we had anything to eat … we
said, “Do you like cold rice pudding?” He replied
“Yes please” ... “Well, can you come back
tomorrow, it's hot now.” That's a Jimmy Wheeler
gag for those with long memories.
Reg Clarke
Leisure & Entertainment, Accommodation & Eating Out
The Traditional British Takeaway in France
Siret: 503 419 871 00010
June 2014 (all venues from 18h unless stated otherwise)
Tues 3rd
- St Leger Magnazeix
Thur 5th & 19th
- St Sulpice les Feuilles
Thur 12th & 26th
- Lussac les Eglises
Fri 6th, 13th, 20th & 27th - Le Dorat
Sat 7th
- Liglet (18h30 start)
Sat 21st
Early dates for July 2014:
Tues 1st
- St Leger Magnazeix
Thur 3rd
- St Sulpice les Feuilles
Fri 4th
- Le Dorat
Sat 5th
- Liglet (18h30 start)
Freshly frozen raw chicken fillets 6,90€/kg
Suppliers to individuals &
the food service industry
T: 05 49 84 36 40 / M: 06 34 02 83 08
E: sales@grindrods.com
Château Sainte-Catherine ~ Montbron
…Themed dinners each Friday evening and the arrival of
new exhibitors in the gallery
Check our website for details: www.chateausaintecatherine.com
Remember the Chateau is open: Weds to Sun for Afternoon Tea • Sat & Sun for Brunch
For reservation contact the chateau on 05 45 23 60 03
Château Sainte Catherine - the most exciting new project in the Charente. Over the coming
months the Chateau is organizing many indoor and outdoor associations and groups such as
Poker, Bridge, Chess, Snooker, Backgammon & Scrabble. Marvel at the local artistic talent in
our Gallery and enjoy English afternoon tea’s every Sunday or just sit and savour fine ale, wine
or cognac in Le Marquis club.
Based just outside Montbron in spectacular grounds and surroundings with breathtaking views
this is a day out all the family can enjoy. www.chateausaintecatherine.com Tel: 05 45 23 60 03
'A Very Special Place'
'As seen on National French TV!'
Come and sample our superb We also offer a full
new Menu for 2014 which
3 course Menu of the
includes fresh seasonal and
Day for only 15.50€
traditional dishes, with
plus a great choice
something for all tastes.
of wines and beers.
Special events are listed below.
1200 - 2000Hrs every day
(weather permitting),
but closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
05 55 60 20 79 www.cafepontdelapierre.com
Café le Pont de la Pierre - 'A Very Special Place'
Live music season continues with two shows, with Ian Connor, Sunday 8th June and
Dangerous Age, Sunday 22 June. Free entry and shows starts at 4pm with food served before
and after the music. The next Fish & Chip evenings are Friday 13th & Saturday 14th June
from 6pm. Fresh fish, chips and home made mushy peas served to your table. Some say our
Fish & Chips are the best ever tasted so try for yourself. See you on the terrace soon!
Please note: the café is for sale (enquire within) but in the meantime it is business as usual. We will update via etcetera.
Grindrods supply breaded, battered, raw and
Southern Fried Chicken products to the food
service Industry, however, we can also sell to
individuals too in smaller 1kg quantities. All our
products use only the best quality Grade A Farm
Assured chicken. Whether you are buying for
your family or you run a restaurant or catering
van, and are looking to freshen up your menu
for 2014 and offer something different, that's
popular with both French and English alike,
please visit our website or contact us for further
information on our products.
A new law which will mean UK
drivers visiting France will be
fined back home for traffic offences while
on French roads, has been postponed
and will not come into force for at least
another year.
Tickle Your Taste Buds!
For all your catering needs
• Birthdays
• Anniversaries
• Christenings
• Marriages
Fish et Frites - A taste of The Traditional British Takeaway as you remember. The popularity for
our large cod and chips meal continues; Icelandic cod weighing in at a minimum of 300g and served
with large chips, it’s a whopper of a meal. As always our fish remains freshly filleted, cooked in crispy
beer batter and served with home cut (not frozen) chips using Maris Piper potatoes - simply delicious
- A taste of The Traditional British Takeaway as you remember. Don’t forget to collect your customer
loyalty card when you next visit. We look forward to seeing you at one of the above locations.
siret :49073626100010
Suppliers of Breaded,
Battered, Raw & Southern Fried Chicken
• Any celebrations
• Spit roast pig or lamb
• Hot and cold buffets
I can offer you the total package, in your
own home, garden or Salle de Fête
Eileen: 05 49 87 47 64 / 06 42 28 58 26
Tickle your Taste Buds
Fancy having family and friends round for a
great day without the stress of the cooking?
Why not give us a call? We offer a number
of Packages from a simple buffet to a full 4/5
course meal. Or for that Special Day how
about a Hog/Lamb Roast or a Special BBQ?
We supply everything including special
cakes made to order. French and English
recipes from Christmas cakes to special
wedding cake. All cloths, napkins, china etc
can be hired. Please phone to discuss your
requirements and for a no obligation quote.
that … tinned food originated with a prize offered by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1795 for a method of food preservation to feed his
armies on long campaigns. It was another 60 years before the tin opener, as we know it, was invented … in the intervening
period soldiers used their bayonets to access the contents. Bayonets were invented in the 17th century & manufactured in Bayonne ...
from which the name derives
Reg Clarke
Food & Eating Out
Domaine de Boisbuchet
Summer 2014 Programme
5 Rue Nationale - 16150 Chabanais
Tel 05 45 29 03 99 Fax 05 45 85 92 25
Visit www.petticoatlaneshop.com E-mail sales@petticoatlaneshop.com
English groceries, Fresh British Beef & Steak to order only, Gammon Steak, Bacon,
Sausage & Cheddar cheese. Wide range of frozen items including vegetarian.
Traditional English beers, Sherries & Wine. Cards for all occasions.
This month we will be at the following markets:Sat 7th June: Aigre Sun 8th June: Panazol Sat 21st June: Confolens
Sun 22nd June: Panazol Tues 10th, 17th & 24th: Civray (unless raining or very windy)
Monday to Saturday 10am - 6pm
Please note that we will be closed 2nd & 3rd June
ICELAND frozen, chilled & grocery foods
available here in France for the 1st time!
Good selection of all your beloved English foods
- Pizzas, Chinese, Indian, ready meals + much more.
All supplied by Iceland frozen food giants.
A choice of online shopping or shopping at the store.
For further
info visit our
on-line shop
Mon closed
Tues closed
Wed 10-5
Thurs closed
Fri 10-5
Sat closed
Sun 11-3
Salad of roast Asparagus with warm Crottin de Chavignol
Crottin de Chavignol is the most famous goat’s cheese of the many
varieties produced in the Loire Valley. This cheese is the claim to
fame for the village of Chavignol, France, which has only two hundred
inhabitants. The small cylindrical goat cheese from the area around
Chavignol has been produced since the 16th century, but it wasn't
until 1829 that it was first written about. The etymology is dubious:
the word "Crot" described a small oil lamp made from burned clay,
which resembles the mould used to prepare the cheese. Another
explanation is that old Crottin gets harder and browner and tends to look like dung,
the French word for an animal dropping being crotte. (Wiki). That was the written history and I
can say that it don’t look or taste like sh%*t. It is amazing and has an intense rustic flavour that
is second to none, and goes great with honey & thyme as a flavour enhancer or accompaniment.
- Bunch of young asparagus peeled towards end and trimmed about 1’’ from bottom
- Crottin de Chavignol
- Slices of bread cut to shape of the circumference of the cheese
- Fresh thyme
- Local honey
- 200ml balsamic vinegar reduced to a glaze with a tspn of icing sugar and cooled
- Parmesan shavings
- Mixed salad of choice to serve
- Knob of butter
- Olive oil
- Salt/pepper
- Place cheese onto the shaped bread and place into a moderate oven - 170oC.
- Heat a frying pan, and when hot add in a splash of olive oil and knob of butter.
- When butter is foaming add asparagus and keep it cooking and turning for about 10
minutes. Season with salt and pepper and drain on kitchen paper.
- Spoon a dollop of honey onto cheese with fresh thyme on top and put it back into
oven for 5 more minutes. The crouton should be gone crispy at this stage and
absorbed some of the cheese flavour also.
- Place salad on plate and put the cheese on the crouton beside it. Place asparagus
on top of the cheese and top with shaved parmesan. - Spoon some of the balsamic
reduction beside it or and on top of it. Delish!!!
- A great red wine to go with this would be a, ‘Vignes Centenaires de Minière’ from
the Chateau de Minière in the Bourgueil region.
Happy cooking!
Boisbuchet integrates innovative architecture
and design into the splendid setting of a 19th
century estate, investing in a culture that respects
the past and builds for the future, researching
into a sustainable relationship between the
natural and the man-made to offer a creative
environment for people of all cultures to share.
The summer of 2014 offers a varied public
programme with guided tours to the architectural
park, exhibitions and presentations of design, art
and architecture.
Reception / Bistro / Shop
Boisbuchet's old mill is the welcoming reception
for all visitors. You will also discover a bistro that
serves organic food and beverages on an idyllic
terrace overlooking the river Vienne. A small
boutique offers souvenirs, books and a choice of
design products.
The bistro & shop are open
Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays
and bridge days, 12h - 18h.
International Architecture in a 19th Century
Landscape Park
The park features a Japanese guest house of
1864, innovative pavilions as well as
experimental structures by international
architects and designers. Guided tours take 2½
- 3 hours and include the current exhibition.
Paradise is a Work in Progess
22 June - 21 September
Complimenting Boisbuchet's current building and
renovation activities, this year's exhibition is
devoted to the fascinating diversity of
architecture for the Domaine's bucolic setting realised, failed, currently under construction or
still in a state of pure vision.
Design & Craft - 6 July
Creation of pottery and glass objects in a KoreanJapanese kiln. The event includes a guided tour
of the architectural park and exhibition as well as
a lunch or dinner.
Art - 31 August
A new project by a Russian artist includes a
guided tour of the architectural park and
exhibition as well as a lunch or dinner.
Architecture Conference - 12 Sept
Boisbuchet's welcomes its newest building – the
fully functional, energy autonomous Techstyle
Haus with a public conference on ‘Sustainable
Architecture in Poitou-Charente - Examples and
European Heritage Days - 20 & 21 Sept
Boisbuchet's traditional closing of the summer
programme, with two days of extensive guided
Except for the bistro and shop, all visits require
reservations. Boisbuchet offers two guided tours
per day on Wednesdays, Saturdays and
Sundays at 10h and 15h.
For further details (in English) visit:
Get More for Your Money
Deals etcetera
10 mins from Bellac
‘The SHED’
Special Offer in June:
20 minute jacuzzi for 3 people - just 30€!
25% discount!
Offer valid until the end of June
Heinz Baked Beans • Homepride Flour
McVities Biscuits • Typhoo T-bags
Mushy Peas • Baking Powder
Icing Sugar • Cornflour • Walkers Crisps
Curry Pastes & Sauces • Poppadums
Naan Breads & Mango Chutney
Robinsons Juices • Cadburys Chocolate
+ 100’s of other well known grocery products
June Special Offer : Buy one Fair Trade
item of clothing or bag, and get a second
(equal or lower priced) item at ½ price.
Decking • Skirting board
Flooring • Tongue & Groove
(int/ext treated) • Plywood &
OSB plus much more….
PVA and all your silicone
based products
And a great selection of beers and
wines all year round!
Thistle Multi-Finish Plaster,
Cement, Sand & Gravel
We specialise in buying surplus/discontinued and clearance
stock and periodically have end of lines from well known
English and French supermarket chains.
FREE valuations within
40km radius of Montmorillon
ANGELIQUE (Hair Salon)
FREE conditioning treatment
after shampoo
First art class FREE
when you mention etcetera
10% off! - Order through June
& choose your delivery date*
Furniture • Clothing
Beds & Mattresses • Pet Accs
Hygiene & Household Smoking
Accs • Toys • Storage etc.
Summer hours from 1st of May
Tues - Sat 9h00 - 12h00 14h30 - 18h30
9h30 - 12h00 14h30 - 18h00
*until October 2014
Plus a regular stock of Leyland &
Johnstones Emulsions, undercoats
& masonry paints & more
Route de l’Isle-Jourdain
87320 Bussière-Poitevine
Situated just off the RN147 on the D107,
direction L’Isle Jourdain
GPS: Long: 0° 53' 33" 40 E Lat: 46° 13' 45" 10 N
Tél. 05 55 68 74 73 Email: eco.entrepot@orange.fr
FREE French language assessment
(value of 40€) on presentation of this
voucher, in June 2014
Sandrine Tuyeras
2 FREE months on new subscriptions.
Valid until 21st July 2014
For those of you who love old buildings and architecture, each month we hope to
introduce somewhere new to visit. Many thanks to John at www.abandoned-france.org
Like Abandoned France on Facebook www.facebook.com/AFExploration
FREE electrical safety inspection with
every full satellite system installed
10% off all orders through June for
etcetera readers.
Use coupon code: etcetera at checkout
Located on the site of the old parish of Lanville, current commune of Marcillac-Lanville. The priory
itself is very old but it’s full history is unknown. It suffered much from the wars of religion, especially
that of 1568. However, it recovered, but the priory and the church were seriously damaged.
Lanville Priory never ceased to be monastic, and kept independence until 1652. At that time, it was
attached to the Abbey of Sainte-Geneviève in Paris. In 1793, the Priory was sold as a national asset.
The Priory Church became the parish church of the municipality.
The façade of the Church collapsed in 1903, but stood once again thanks to the generosity of a local
family. Left abandoned, the remains of the Priory have been preserved from total destruction by the
action of the Club de Marpen, which from 1971 began excavating remains of the hall, repointed walls
and protected it’s gothic vaults. From 1974-76, work continued to the secondary chapel, including
updating a mural and a hooded monk statue fragment dating from 17th/18thC. Choir stalls were
restored from 1977 by a cabinetmaker. At the same time, the Historical Monuments Service undertook
restoration of the arm east of the transept that threatened to collapse. Continued works also
undertaken to further preserve the gothic vaults and modern stained glass have been installed.
June Offer: spend 20€ or more and have a
FREE drink/slice of home made cake
(one per person)
June Offer: Looking for a romantic break in
the country? Book 2 nights at the hotel &
receive the 3rd for FREE!
FREE energy monitor and LED pack
with Solar Thermal Systems
Letters & Notices
It is the beauty of this region which has attracted many to move here from Paris, other major cities and from other European countries.
The beneficial influx of money has played a large part in its revitalisation. The 2009 European Directive asks for 20% of energy production
to be provided by renewable energy by 2020 and ‘big business‘ backed by government is promoting imposition on north Haute Vienne
of very large numbers of giant wind turbines up to 190m in height (617 ft).
Wind turbines in the numbers proposed are industrial vandalism that will diminish the regard for the Haute Vienne. The ‘green’ claim is
increasingly suspect, very large amounts of concrete are used for each base and the electricity is more expensive the nuclear or hydro
production. Bills have already increased substantially for subsidy and these will increase further. The eoliennes are not manufactured
in France, construction companies and employees will probably not be French.
Why this region has been selected is difficult to understand. The wind strength is not great or constant, undulations in the land mean
that wind eddies can cause frequent changes of direction leading to inefficient operation. This also increases noise and vibration,
particularly infrasound which is transmitted long distances in our granite sub-soil. Few can hear infrasound but it is detected by the inner
ear and causes dizziness, nausea, sleeplessness and depression which is ‘the wind turbine syndrome’. l’académie nationale de mèdicine
recommended in 2006 that the distance between turbines of 2.5 MW and any habitation is over 1500 metres but this is being totally
ignored. There are also adverse effects on farm animals, wildlife, danger to bats, birds and particularly to migrating birds. It is not direct
contact with the blades but the massive pressure changes near to the blades which cause internal damage.
Their height means they will be visible for over 30 Km, night time flashing lights will never stop, the impact on the beauty of the countryside
will be immense with a fall in house values, difficulty in selling houses, tourism will decrease as will the influx of new residents and money
with a knock-on effect on hotels, gites, restaurants and local shops. If I had known about these proposals I would not have bought a
house in this area. Why should a few entrepreneurs ride so roughshod over us all. So much for ‘Liberté, Fraternité and Egalité’.
J. Bell
Hello Lorraine,
Many, many thanks for giving my editorial such a prominent position, lots of people told me that they had seen the advertisement there,
so it really helped.
We had a wonderful day weatherwise, and fabulous from the fundraising point of view. Our Raffle for the quilt raised over 1,000€ and
we took at least 3,300€ on the day - what a stunning result! Over half goes to Cancer research and we also give to charities that receive
less support; this year the local scouts, and also SAFED the association for the homeless and victims of domestic violence, another
worthy cause.
We have a Facebook page ‘Marval Garden Party’ where you will find photos of this and past year’s events as well as updates for future
Thank you once again.
Regards, Edwina Sutcliffe
The directeurs of the collège and école du Sacré-Coeur at Jaunay-Clan are looking for native speakers of English to devise, develop
and run a programme of new activities, starting next academic year (from September 2014). The aim is to introduce the youngest children
to English, through play, dance, singing and so on, as well as some more formal teaching. This is a new project and so many details
are as yet undecided; the earlier you get involved, the more input you will have into the final product.
My Role
I did some supply teaching at the collège, last term, but do not wish to become involved in this scheme, as I have no experience of
teaching young children (and no wish to gain any!) It was my suggestion to publicise this opportunity and I am more than willing to have
a preliminary chat with anyone who might be interested in taking further steps. I will answer any questions honestly, although will know
little that is specific about this particular scheme. My own experience at Sacré-Coeur was exceptionally positive: teaching, administrative
and support staff and children are all very friendly and there is a purposeful but humane ethos about the place.
If you are interested you can contact the directeur of the collège, as follows:
Monsieur Rodolphe Vanbaevinckhove, 4 rue de l'Ormeau, 86130 Jaunay-Clan
Email: r.vanbaevinckhove@sacrecoeur-jaunayclan.fr Tel: 05 49 52 06 27
Or contact me directly for a preliminary chat.
Paul Bowden, Email: pbowden@yandex.ru Tel: 09 67 12 64 58 / 06 95 70 32 04
Interesting to hear of the woman in Toulouse who's been prosecuted for defaming her neighbours. Readers may also recall the English
guy who received a 4 month custodial sentence for a similar offence. A little while ago a couple set about orchestrating a mendacious
smear campaign against my family & I. The police advised us there was sufficient evidence to prosecute. Being within the compass of
our Christian faith to forgive & complimented by many on the dignity we displayed, our decision to press charges was consigned to the
'pending tray.' It's all a reminder that Defamation of Character is a criminal offence in France & a cautionary note to those, with little
else to occupy their intellect than engage in pejorative gossip, what the consequences may be!
Reg & Christine Clarke
NB. Any correspondence on this matter will be re-directed to Reg & Christine, alternatively they can be contacted directly at:
spanner@orange.fr … Ed.
Share your views - email us at etcetera.editor@neuf.fr or write to the address on page 2
Allianz - BH Assurances
We are looking for a bilingual person (English/French) to work between our 3 offices (Ruffec, La Rochefoucauld
and Chasseneuil sur Bonnieure). Ideally with a University education level and some experiences in Insurances,
you will be helping our English speaking customers with their claims.
Please contact: thierry.hatesse@bh-assurances.fr / 05 45 31 01 61
In the Garden
Cut overgrown clematis back hard after flowering to encourage flowering later in the year.
Ensure you hoe between flowers and crops regularly to keep weeds from taking over.
Remove dead flowers from azaleas and rhododendrons.
Thin out any congestion on fruit trees (eg. if you have three peaches growing alongside one another, remove
one or two and the remaining fruit will grow larger as competition has reduced.)
Water hanging baskets and pots regularly, plus thirsty plants, like tomatoes, cucumbers and courgettes.
Continue planting in your vegetable plot, eg. sprouts, leeks. Thin out seedlings from earlier sowings to
their final spacing, e.g. carrots, parsnips, onion blanc, cabbage, etc.
Lift and divide congested clumps of iris after flowering.
Dead head flowers in tubs and hanging baskets so they remain productive throughout summer. Pinch
back tips of trailing plants to make then branch out.
By Kate Dunn ID Property Services Tel: 05 55 02 80 66
Home & Garden
Grass Cutting
Hedge trimming
Tidy ups
Cutting back trees
Tel: Frank Hawkins 05 55 71 43 38
Email: sparksstudio@yahoo.com
Siret: 514 758 028 00013 Areas covered 87 & 24
Hanging Baskets from 13€
New Clematis in stock
- over 40 varieties
Chez Perochon 86250
(near Civray)
Tel: 05 49 87 52 37
Chez Pierre Naturelle supplies natural
stone paving and tiles at very competitive
prices. You’ll find our range reflects choices
that are popular in both the UK and in
France. We can also supply steps, coping
and stone wall cladding and tiles. Our range
is larger than listed on our website. Please
call or email us if you don’t see the stone you
are looking for or come and visit us just 10
minutes drive from Civray. In stock materials
can often be collected within 24 hours notice.
Interior & exterior painting
Gutter cleaning & repair
Lawn care & hedge trimming
Garden & swimming pool maintenance
05 45 31 13 04 / taylor4057@icloud.com
Based near Confolens
siret: 79745917900017
• Agricultural/Equestrian
• Garden
• Swimming Pool
• 5-Bar Field/Entrance
• Garden
• Driveway
Neil: 05 55 00 08 90 / Mob: 06 11 71 66 87
in assoc. with N&P Renovations
Le Jardin d'Eden
Angie and John welcome you to Le Jardin d'Eden.
John is a qualified tree surgeon and is on hand to
give advice on all things tree related and vegetable
growing. We specialise in Clematis with a wide
range for all seasons, as well as a wide range of
trees, shrubs and plants.
Tea/Coffee: have a Tea/Coffee and slice of home
made cake in our new summer house or sit outside.
June Offer: spend 20€ or more and have a FREE
drink/slice of home made cake (one per person)
Just slab it
Visit our new website: www.dalle-87.com
Planning a new terrace or patio?
Then view our range of slabs, borders and
copings. With expert help and advice at
hand we can offer a complete design,
delivery and installation service.
06 38 55 49 88
Siret: 493 562 474 00012
Based in 86 near Montmorillon
From pruning to dismantling
Competitive prices
Gardening Services
Please call Stephen on
05 49 91 63 60
email: latuilerie@live.fr
Domestic Services
Siret: 519 315 360 00015
La Tuilerie Tree Services is a small company
set up by Stephen Fisher after moving to
France. In 2007 he successfully completed the
arboriculture course (Tree Surgery) with
Distinction, at the renowned Bicton College of
Agriculture in Budleigh Salterton Devon. He
was also winner of the Husqvarna Trophy (Top
Student). Throughout his time there he showed
a passion for trees, their wellbeing and the
environment that they live in. Passing all the
relevant NPTC Chainsaw and other
assessments he is fully qualified to undertake
any tree work that you may require.
Friendly, reliable service since 2007
La Séchère 16150 Chirac
Tel: 05 45 71 32 46
Email: nikzta@hotmail.com
open by appointment for plant sales
ETS Turner
It is an exciting time of year, however the
amount of work can become daunting. Why not
treat yourself to some help in order to get things
ship shape, either as a one-off or on a regular
basis? Whether you are resident here in France
or your house is a second home, we can help
with our reliable, friendly service. We are fully
insured and can provide references on request.
Darren Edwards NCArb
• Pruning • Shaping • Reducing • Tree Felling • Hedge Trimming
• Hedge Laying • Planting
Fully qualified and insured. For friendly advice, or free quotation
Tel: 05 55 00 21 38 Email: monkeyboydar@hotmail.co.uk
siret 510 997075 00013
In the Garden
for Home & Garden
Property Maintenance & Repairs
Garden Maintenance & Creation
Excavation work
Mini Digger & Dumper Hire
Contact Tony on:
T: 05 55 68 78 69 / 06 35 91 55 86
E: tony.page@orange.fr
Mon-Sat 10h-17h Sun 10h-13h
(open through lunch)
15 Rue de Schleithal,
87190 St Leger Magnazeix
Tel: 05 55 68 73 76 Mob: 06 04 01 28 41
email: andrea1yaxley@hotmail.com
Siret: 490 922 309 00011
AC Landscapes
We have been in France for 10 years and in
business for 8. Over the years I have
landscaped many gardens including my own
which is open to the public and inspires all who
visit. We have a small nursery which is
expanding each year. I studied at Writtle for 3
years and have a HND in Landscape Design
& Construction and 2 years at Capel Manor
receiving City & Guilds 123 in Arboriculture.
We supply a friendly and helpful service and
cover all aspects of garden work. We have the
expertise and equipment for all work
undertaken. To visit the garden we are open
on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
that … French beans did not come
from France! They originated in the
Americas where they were cultivated by
the native peoples & brought to Europe in
the early 1600s by the Spanish. Beans,
along with maize & squash, constituted the
'Three Sisters' of Native American
agriculture … the indigenous tribes
obviously had much more to occupy their
lives than just surrounding wagon-trains or
chasing stagecoaches … which in reality
they never did … that was an invention of
Reg Clarke
Jardinerie - St Leger Magnazeix
Selection of fruit trees available, first come
first served. Large selection of bedding
plants ready to go.
Look forward to seeing you, Donald & Andrea
The Ground Force
Clean up service
Renovation preparation
Based 86 - work
considered in
all areas
Gary Jones
Gardens, Barns & Building Clearance
E: thegroundforcefrance@gmail.com
T: 05 49 83 04 24
siret: 53868930800012
The Ground Force
Bought a property in France? You have a
renovation project? Your property is full of
broken furniture and rubbish, sheds and barns
that haven’t been cleared for years, overgrown
gardens revealing unwanted objects hidden in
the undergrowth?
We help clients clean up in readiness for work
to begin. We also offer interior and exterior
decoration and a van & trailer service for
deliveries/collection. No job too small. If you
just need an extra pair of hands, give me a call.
For more information, please contact me as
above or through my wife’s website
www.avriljones.com which will give more
information about the type of work we offer.
Siren: 503 385 817
(Decking, Patios, Driveways & Paving)
Alton Property Services
We offer an honest and reliable range of
services for your home and garden including:
Gardening services and garden creation
such as decking, patios, driveways & paving.
Small and large jobs around the home from
repairs to tiling, repointing, concreting etc.
Excavation services such as land clearance,
site preparation, ponds & pools. Plus many
more services. Further details about
services and charges can be found on my
website but please do not hesitate to contact
me to discuss your requirements.
From pruning to dangerous dismantles
Ground clearance and maintenance
Grass and hedges, spring blitz
Portable planking service
Chainsaw carvings available
Call Darren Shepherd for a free quote
No job too small - No job too far
Romagne 05 49 87 29 16 / 06 73 21 00 27
513 253 823 00019
siret: 452 821 101 00022
30 years experience
Fully qualified arborist
Fully insured
siret 53084095800017
Cross Cut Tree Surgeons
Vernon Pawson is now in his 30th year as an arborist. Immediately after leaving school he went to the famed 'Merrist Wood College' where
he left with the highest level of skills in arboriculture. He did advanced courses on aerial work using chainsaws with ropes and harness, as
well as the understanding of all aspects of tree biology and disorders. After leaving college he progressed through a company of tree surgeons,
which he later owned. He moved to France in 2004 and has continued to build his company here with a style and service second to none.
In the Garden & Swimming Pools
Prices from €15,712 for an 8x4m pool
All work completed by us design, excavation, construction
& landscaping on completion
All work guaranteed
Testimonials available on request
Supplier of
For further details visit
05 49 84 03 62 / 06 22 36 10 56
FowLe Batimenter
Panel pools are an affordable way of getting
an in ground pool. Installed 8x4m inclusive of
security cover and terracing - under €21,000.
Heating options and dosing/salt systems
available. I am an agent for several panel
pools so can tailor the best deal for you. I have
experience of installing over 40 pools and I
can organise the dig, build terracing and
arrange landscaping if required.
When not fitting pools I use my general
building experience and will consider most
work large or small, having access to
registered, skilled and experienced artisans.
Taking last bookings for slots summer 2014.
Tel 05 45 21 69 63
Mob 06 13 84 75 78 / 06 17 37 64 64
E-mail lorne.campbell@orange.fr
Chez Callois, 16310 Massignac
Design • Creation • Maintenance
Specialising in all areas of gardening:
• Professional designs
• Creation of new gardens
• Restoration of overgrown gardens
• Maintenance/grass cutting
• Consultation and advice
• Fencing, terraces and driveways
• Supply of quality plants, trees & shrubs
Contact us now for your free quote
Siret: 497 756 866 00016
Charente, Haute Vienne, Vienne & Nth Dordogne
Taylor Made Gardens
This month sees Taylor-Made Gardens
entering its 8th year of business. Where does
the time go? We would like to thank all of our
clients for your business and continued
support throughout our first seven years and
look forward to welcoming new ones. Also, we
would like to extend our thanks to those who
read our monthly column - and especially for
the positive comments that we often receive.
Mike George is our regular contributor on wildlife and the countryside in France.
He is a geologist and naturalist, living in the Jurassic area of the Charente.
We often hear about orchids, but rarely see any but the Early
Purple Orchid that flowers quite commonly on grassy banks.
We hear rumours of odd, exotic-looking specimens that grow
in remote and heavily-protected places, but only the dedicated
can ever find them.
Well, in Britain this is true - habitat destruction has all but
abolished the native species. However, here in France you
can still come across them if you keep your eyes open. I found
a tiny Bee Orchid Ophrys apifera (Fr: Ophrys abeille), a plant
I had long dreamed of finding, in a corner of my own very
untidy garden several years after we moved in!
It is this untidy garden thing that I keep on about that enables
you to find these oddities. For many years, a friend mowed
the grass in his orchard religiously, but a couple of years ago
circumstances forced him to leave it to grow. Then in June
he found, growing out of the wilderness, about twenty or
thirty huge flower-spikes, reaching up to a meter high,
consisting of a mass of greenish-purplish-white flowers of
the oddest shape. They looked like a crowd of tiny lizards disappearing into
hiding with only their hind-limbs and tails showing. He showed the plants to me, and once
we had made the lizard connection, it didn’t take long to identify them as Lizard Orchids
Himantoglossum hircinum (Fr: Orchis bouc).
The flowers have the typical lip of an orchid, but it is very elongated and split into three,
two shorter side-lobes and a central very elongated lobe about 7 cm long. The height of
the flower spike is very distinctive, as most orchids are tiny. The other property that
singles them out is a reputed perfume of goat. I haven’t noticed this myself, but it is the
reason for the species name hircinum - Latin for goat-like.
Pollination is by insects, and this departs from the norm in that instead of coating the
insect with pollen the flower releases two pollen organs on a sticky pad that adheres to
the insect’s head where it stays for some time, being carried to other flowers.
The tiny seeds are dust-like and spread by the wind in July. The seeds will only thrive
where conditions are exactly right (down to the right bacteria in the soil). Once
established, they will grow and try to flower each year. In spring you can see, if you look
hard enough, a rosette of ground-hugging, longish pointed leaves, dark green with purple
splotches and with the edges rolled somewhat.
These orchids are very rare even in France; in England only about 20 locations remain.
It is strongly protected in Europe. It is also strongly protected in my friend’s orchard. He
is very proud of his rare orchids, and is delighted to have an excuse not to mow his
orchard before autumn. He is a large French huntsman with a large, grumpy dog and a
large and business-like shotgun. Orchid thieves beware!
Traditional diamond brace gates made from
pressure treated larch. Attractive and practical
for the garden or farm.
All sizes and fittings.
Malva or Mallow resembles a miniature hollyhock and produces
pretty flower spikes in blue, pink, purple, or white. It also has
attractive heart-shape foliage and is useful among shrubs, in
wild gardens, and in mixed borders. It is a perennial, very easy
to grow from seed and flowers through the summer and into
early autumn.
These short-lived plants self-seed but generally do not become invasive.
Staking may be required in windy places. Mallows are not fussy about soil, but they do
need full sun to do well.
Other timber products available to order.
Delivery by arrangement
Tel 05 55 60 14 18
Siret 479 503 179 00018
In ground pools
Competitive prices from €7375 (kit only)
and €10,500ht installed
Friendly, professional service
All work guaranteed
Terracing & landscaping service
Siret 479 947 6 16 00021
Seablue / Astral / Crystal Pools
In the Garden
Country & Animal Care
By Taylor-Made Gardens
Sloping gardens - Terracing
Sloping gardens can be tricky to deal with and depending upon the severity of the slope can be
exhausting both to work in and walk around. Don’t be downhearted if you have inherited a sloping
garden - at least you already have the interest of height differences unlike with a totally flat garden.
The most practical way to deal with a sloping garden is to form a
series of terraces with steps leading up/down to each level. This
often involves the use of machinery to carry out the ground works
in order to contour the land by “cutting” and “filling”. What this
means is that the slope is removed and a level area created by
cutting into the top of the slope so that it is level and then using the
resulting soil to fill the dip further down - see diagram.
This can be repeated as many times as necessary until the slope
is taken out and replaced by a series of terraces. If you have large
areas of grass on any of the levels, please remember to include a sloping area from the top to the
bottom of the garden or you may have some problems moving your ride-on mower around the garden!
Once the slope has been contoured to create levels, it will be necessary to build retaining walls to
ensure that the earth doesn’t slip. This can be achieved using brick, stone, breeze blocks (painted),
railway sleepers etc though if the wall is higher than 60-70cm, it would normally be built from brick,
concrete or stone. It should also be topped with a coping stone which overlaps the wall by around 4cm.
Retaining walls are not always pretty so could be hidden by plants. The earth at the foot of a wall is
often cool but well drained so care should be taken when choosing the plants. Plants which will cascade
or arch over the top of the wall and thus soften it include Geranium dalmaticum, Hebe ‘Youngii’, Cytisus
x kewensis, Convolvulus cneorum, Campanula poscharskyana “Stella”, Genista lydia and Juniperus
communis “Green carpet”.
Each terrace should be linked by safe manageable steps and level paving. Steps should be as wide
and as shallow as possible. Shallow steps facilitate easy movement up and down between the terraces
and wide steps allow two people to either walk side by side or to pass.
To make the environment safe for small children, consider adding low fencing or trellis on top of or in
front of the wall with gates across the steps. Climbing plants can then be grown up the trellis to add
extra interest and colour.
Next month we will investigate how to deal with a slope if terracing is not a viable option.
Open Gardens
The gardening season is well under way and the mild winter and spring have
combined to make 2014 one of the loveliest in recent memory. This is particularly
welcome after last year, when most of us were still lighting our fires into the middle
of June!
There are several ways to enjoy gardening but one of the easiest and most
enjoyable is by visiting other people’s gardens. In the UK, there is an initiative called
the Yellow Book scheme, whereby owners open their gardens to the public for a small fee and the revenue
is then donated to charitable causes. This was set up in 1927 and has since raised millions of pounds.
There is no similar national scheme in France, which is a great shame. Mixing people’s passion for
gardening with the added advantage of raising money for worthy causes has huge potential. It was with
this in mind that a small group of 4 gardeners did a small trial in 2013, based loosely on the UK model to
see if a similar scheme could operate here. An entrance fee of 5€ allowed access to the four gardens and
the one-day opening attracted over 50 visitors and realised 300€ for a French charity which organises
activities for children with cancer or leukaemia.
Buoyed up by the success of this project, it was agreed that the project would be continued and broadened
for 2014. Open Gardens/Jardins Ouverts now has 30 gardens, of which 2 are châteaux and are dispersed
in 4 départements: the Creuse, the Haute Vienne, the Corrèze and the Vienne. Details of these can be
seen by visiting the website www.opengardens.eu
The gardens are open for the whole weekend 28th/29th June from 10am - 7pm
Visitors can view any or all of them for the same price as last year i.e. 5€. Tickets are available at any of
the gardens; simply turn up, buy a ticket and use this ticket to access any of the 30 gardens taking part.
Tickets can also be purchased via the website or by mail from the address below.
Refreshments are available and some have a small variety of plants for sale. The charity for 2014 remains
the same - “A Chacun son Everest” and a visit to their website will be rewarded with a poignant reminder
of the value of their activities www.achacunsoneverest.com.
There can be fewer more pleasant ways to spend a summer’s day or two than strolling gently round a few
gardens. A quick dip into the website will demonstrate the variety of gardens on offer and many of them
are also ideal for having a picnic lunch, whether that be on the banks of the river Gartempe, beside a lake,
amongst the trees or on the edge of a pond with a beautiful array of waterlilies, watching frogs sunbathing
on the lily pads and the occasional newt surfacing to grab a bite to eat.
Open Gardens/Jardins Ouverts is a registered organisation Nº W232001865
Tickets by mail from: The Treasurer (Open Gardens), 1 La Combe, 23300 Vareilles
Please make cheques payable to “Open Gardens”
Further enquiries to mick@opengardens.eu or telephone 05 55 63 43 12
Showing and Shearing… I feel a book title coming
on… hmmm, anyway, the Bourges show went
well, 15 breeders from all over France, a couple
from Spain and one from Belgium showing around
100 alpacas in all the different age ranges and
colours. We travelled up on the Sunday afternoon
with 6 of last years babies in the back of the van
to show in the Junior classes (6 to 12 months old).
They all took the drive in the van very well following
an extensive training exercise of at least half an
hour on how to clamber in and out of the van the
previous day.
After installing the team in their pens in the 'Halle
au Blé' with a good supply of hay and water to
chomp through the night and gone through
another round of vets checks and paperwork we
all retired to the restaurant opposite to try to help
reduce their food and wine surplus.
Showing in the arena kicked off at 9am and was
all finished by just after 5pm having gone through
approx. 45 different categories, very efficiently run
I must say. We managed to win a 1st place with
brown female Espresso, two 2nd places with
Cosette & Eponine in the grey and black classes,
a 4th for Harper in the Fawn male class and a 6th
for Katla in the white female class. We knew the
white class would be difficult as there are a lot of
very good quality white's about, so we know we
need to improve our breeding there. There was
no chance of winning a 'champion' or best in show
as this always
goes to a
mature adult
alpaca not a
So all in all
but… 'could
do better' as
my old school reports used to say!
Ten days on and it was shearing time, like sheep
once a year but unlike sheep a bit more involved
as they have to be hobbled and dropped to the
ground on a nice clean mat to protect the valuable
fibre. With Yvonne in hospital our neighbours very
kindly mucked in to help me bring all the alpacas
up from their different fields and into the barns the
night before to ensure they stayed dry ready for
an early start. With our 23 animals and another 13
assorted alpacas from other owners here, James
our Australian shearer was keen to crack on and
get them done as he had to get up to Pressac to
shear another 12 later in the afternoon. Luckily for
us it all went remarkably smoothly… boring for this
article unfortunately but we had no catastrophes,
no escapees, no humans were hurt or particularly
spat upon in the making of this fibrefest… result
all round! And
now we just await
some nice sunny
days to spread
the fleeces out
and pick through
any bits of hay
and rubbish in
them before re-bagging and
sending off for processing. We now have a herd
of very small skinny alpacas, half the size they
used to be... I don't recognize most of them!
Country & Animal Care
“I am a mole and I live in a hole.” The lyrics of the song from the Southlanders in 1958 are still
memorable to persons of a certain age but how many of you know anything about moles? Not
many I’ll bet. This isn’t surprising really as although the mole is one of Europe’s most common
mammals there has been little research into its life and only recently with the advent of micro
cameras capable of recording in total darkness is it possible to see moles in real life.
The European Mole (Talpa europaea) is one of our most recognisable animals even though
most of us have never actually seen one. We are all aware however of the results of mole activity
in the shape of the mole hill or ‘tump, that can take up over 18% of the surface area of a mole’s
living area. So what do we really know about moles?
Moles are classed as insectivores due to their predominant diet of
earthworms that they hunt down in their underground galleries…
They can detect the vibrations of an earthworm from a long range and are able to travel along
their tunnels extremely quickly. These tunnels or galleries are arranged on different levels so that the mole can live deep underground in
extremes of climate such as summer and winter, and move into shallower galleries when the climate is more temperate. They effectively
follow the worms up and down in the soil. In difficult times moles can live on worms that have been decapitated and stored in a larder for
that very purpose. Moles keep their teeth in good order by straining worms between their strong front feet in order to expel all the soil and
grit before they are consumed. The larder will usually be situated near to its nest, a small collection of dead leaves and dried grass where
it spends around four hours in every eight asleep.
When awake however the mole is very active hunting and consuming around half its own body weight in worms every day. Their tunnel
system is arranged similar to our road networks with fast lane for speedy travel and meandering country lanes situated around feeding
areas such as under trees, hedges or damp ground. During the creation of these tunnels the moles scrape soil using oversized front feet
tipped with strong claws. The earth is pushed back along the gallery until there is enough to be forced upwards into the mole hill so
dreaded by gardeners. When creating a mole hill the mole wedges itself in the shaft with three feet and pushes the soil upwards with the
other hence the German name for mole ‘Maulwurf’ or ‘earth thrower’. The French name for a mole is ‘Taupe’
Like civil engineers the mole does not have its shaft directly over the main carriageway…
but slightly to one side so that any subsidence does not block the main thoroughfare. Any significant changes in climate usually results
in a rash of mole hills as the mole moves up or down a level and clears out the galleries it hasn’t used for several months. This explains
the annual rash of mole hills seen following the first hard frost.
According to scientists moles are predominantly solitary and whilst living close together they do not share their tunnels and will fight to
the death with any intruder. Mole catchers however tell of regular multiple catches from the same tunnels and even double captures in
the same trap. Scientists also state that moles only breed during a short spring period and are sexually inactive outside that time. Try
telling that to the moles! Certainly here in France I have seen young moles in ten months of the year. The average litter is around four to
six and they have a gestation period of four to five weeks followed by a similar period in the nest. One thing that scientists and mole
catchers do agree on though is that a male is called a boar and a female a sow.
During the breeding period male moles travel from their galleries to seek out receptive females…
Immediately after mating the male returns and plays no part in the upbringing of the young. The female creates a nesting chamber or
‘fortress’ where she gives birth and suckles the young moles that are born blind and hairless.
Young moles are identified by their significantly smaller size and their pink scrapers. After they leave the nest and are fending for themselves
these scrapers become calloused and whiter in appearance. Moles have a small ‘second thumb’ or prepollex. The young moles travel
often overland to seek out their own domains and during this time can travel great distances at night. Also typical of a young mole seeking
new ground is a long line of mole hills punctuating a very shallow tunnel. Often young moles will repopulate an old abandoned tunnel
system and start to clear out blocked tunnels and redesign the layout creating fresh mole hills.
Mole hills are the main reason why the mole has been persecuted. Bacteria in the soil causes illness in livestock if present in silage.
Stones within the mole hill damage the blades of farm and garden machinery and each mole hill is a ready-made nursery for airborne
seeds such as ragwort, dandelion and thistles. In 1702 William III is supposed to have died after his horse tripped over a molehill. The
incident for years after allowed Jacobites to toast the vanquishing creature as 'The little gentleman in black velvet'. Sadly for romance,
the story is only partly true. Certainly William's horse stumbled on 21 February and the king broke a collarbone in the fall. He died within
two weeks of pulmonary fever.
Moles have been trapped since early times…
Romans buried jars of water in the mole’s tunnel in order to drown it as it passed along. In the 17th century one mole catcher was paid
30 shillings a year and in 1772 the townsfolk of Hammerwich, Staffordshire entered into a 31 year agreement with Samuel Insley to
destroy moles at a fee of 1 shilling per acre. My favourite reference however is Henry Badger who in 1709 revelled in the title ‘Mole
Catcher to the Prince of Denmark’. Shakespeare could have written that!
Virtually every parish retained a mole catcher as did country estates. The Queen still employs one at Sandringham and there is a mole
catcher employed to keep the Palace of Versailles mole free.
During the 20th century poisons such as strychnine and phosphine gas became a popular method of killing moles. Strychnine was outlawed
by the European Union in 2006 and gassing moles is now more strictly controlled and only available to licenced pest controllers.
Mole skins were sought after for clothing, millinery and as plumber’s wipes unto around the 1930’s. Around that time over four million
pelts were exported from the UK to America every year. The mole’s fur does not lay directionally as does a dog or cat’s fur, but stands
upright and is able to lay in any direction. The skin of the mole is tough enough to withstand thorns so burying rose stems will not deter
them. Nor are they haemophiliac as some people believe. These days there is no demand for mole skins other than a small trade in
fly-tying material for anglers. A friend of mine in South Yorkshire disposes of his trapped moles by donating them to a raptor rescue centre.
Clive Kenyon is a professional mole trapper operating in the 16, 79, 86 & 87 border regions (see advert page 34)
A big thank you to Clive for catching all the moles in our own garden! We highly recommend his professional and affordable service. Ed
Country & Animal Care
Every year rapidly growing spring grass
triggers endocrine laminitis in many horses,
ponies and donkeys, and without correct
diagnosis and treatment, some of these
animals will die. Around 90% of all laminitis
cases are due to high levels of insulin, often
related to a diet high in sugar or starch affected horses will have Equine Metabolic
Syndrome (EMS), with or without PPID
(formerly known as Equine Cushing’s
Tel - 02 54 38 02 03
Mobile - 07 87 30 99 88
Email - chienchic@outlook.com
Find us on Facebook
For fast response call (all areas)
Siret: 801 996 943 00016
05 45 31 41 88 / 06 84 23 62 05
18, Rue Pierre Collin de Souvigny, 36300 Le Blanc
siret: 483 620 779 00015
What is laminitis?
In a healthy horse the hoof wall hugs the
bottom bone in the leg (the pedal bone) and
is connected to it by “velcro” made of
interlocking cells, called laminae. Laminitis
causes this “velcro” to stretch, weaken and
separate, often causing hoof and bone to
move away from each other (rotation and/or
sinking). Similar to breaking a bone, this can
damage tissue, blood supply and nerves,
causing pain, and eventually cell death,
sepsis and bone loss if the damage is left
Toilettage de Chiens
Home Stays & Grooming
How is laminitis recognised?
Le Paradis 16460 Ventouse
05 45 31 51 37 email nickyandade@sfr.fr
Symptoms of laminitis vary and range from
the horse showing no signs of pain but
evidence of damage such as divergent hoof
rings and a stretched white line is found in
the feet, to the horse being “footy” on hard or
stony ground, unwilling to walk, shifting
weight from foot to foot and having a
bounding digital pulse, to lying down most of
the time with an increased heart and
respiration rate. Laminitis can quickly
progress from mild to severe and should
always be taken seriously.
For home stays come to Le Paradis
Your dog will love all the creature comforts;
woody walks and bags of space to relax and play
in a safe and secure garden. And in-doors, there
will be a cosy bed near a radiator or close to the
fire. Your dog can stay for a couple of days or a
week or two. Also, I am a qualified dog groomer
offering a range of services from nail clipping to
hand stripping, to a full trim including bathing and
drying. Situated in Le Paradis between Beaulieu
sur Sonnette and Valance - 20 minutes from
Mansle (RN10).
Chien Chic
We are a new dog grooming parlour located in
Le Blanc and cut to the customer’s needs. We
offer a range of services including bath, nails,
anal glands, scissor work and clipper work. Full
grooms include all the services listed above and
prices start at 35€. Mobile services are also
available, call and ask for details. We also offer
dog sitting services in our home in St. Germain.
You can book via email, Facebook, telephone
or call in and see us at 18, Rue Pierre Collin de
Souvigny (opposite Banque Populaire).
AE registered mole trapper working mainly in
the 16 / 86 / 87 border areas and occasionally
further afield including 24 & 79.
I offer a reliable, efficient & safe service.
Please contact me for a free quote & advice.
T: 05 45 31 61 12 E: mail@nicepix.net
How is laminitis treated?
The cause must be identified and
removed/treated, and the feet must be
supported and realigned. The vet should
always be called, and farrier. Confine the
horse to limit movement and ensure the feet
are well supported with padding and/or
supportive bedding. Reduce sugar/starch in
the diet by removing grass and feeding
soaked hay and minerals. Pain relief may be
prescribed but isn’t a cure - removing the
cause and supporting and realigning the feet
should make the horse more comfortable
within a week. Blood tests and x-rays will be
The good news is that many cases of
laminitis can be prevented, and when caught
early, the damage to the feet can usually be
fully repaired and the horse returned to health.
What we know about laminitis has changed
significantly in the last few years. For the
latest information and support if you have a
horse with laminitis, visit the website and
Facebook page detailed below.
Next month: EMS and PPID.
Andrea Jones
The Laminitis Site
w Riding lessons on horses & poneys
w Riding out from 1 hour to a day
w Trekking on horse back from 2 to 7 days
w Holiday with or without your horse on the farm
w Breaking horses, working difficult horses and training horses
www.cerfcheval.com Email: cerfcheval@wanadoo.fr
Tel: Anne, Sascha or Floris 05 49 48 89 65 / 06 85 55 31 06
Chez Mairine, 86430 Luchapt (south Vienne)
La Vallée des Cerfs
Come and share our passion for horse riding through the Vienne, Charente and Haute-Vienne!
Lessons available from qualified teachers; Beginners: Tuesday afternoon, Advanced: Tuesday
afternoon and Saturday morning and Poneyclub: Wednesday afternoon. Ride out with a delicious
picnic, made with local produce: 14 June "La petit Suisse", 21 June "Farm to Farm" and 29 June
"Valley of the Vienne". 100€ p.p. (possibility of reduced price with own horse). We train and break
young horses with an ethological approach. For details or personalised treks anywhere else,
please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to meeting you, Anne, Floris and Sascha.
THE TIGER MOSQUITO, which causes infectious diseases such as yellow fever,
dengue fever and chikungunya, has spread to 18 departments in France (thankfully not
those covered by etcetera so far). It is one of the world's most invasive pests and prefers
biting humans to animals. It is easily identified by its black and white
striped legs, and black and white striped body. It grows to between 2mm
and 10mm. It is a native of southeast Asia, but international travel over
recent decades has resulted in it being found in many other countries.
In order to track the spread of these mosquitos The National Centre of
Expertise on Vectors (CNEV) requests sightings, with photos are posted
to their website: www.signalement-moustique.fr
Country & Animal Care
Lake Management
Aerators for Lakes & Ponds
For our full range of fisheries &
fish farming products/services:
Enjoy a day's fishing at Lake Brillac (16500)
Carp, Roach, Zander & Perch
+44 (0)161 6835869 mob +44 (0)7715 007964
Email: sales@AquacultureEquipment.co.uk
Full day ticket - €10 pp
Aquaculture Equipment Ltd focus on the supply of specialised equipment to help with
most aspects of fisheries management. We can help with most aspects of lake and pond
management, specialising in aeration equipment to help maintain a healthy environment for
the fish. We supply work boats, waders, dry suits, nets, fish transport tanks, fish feeders etc.
We have also developed the new LIMPET range of Reinforced Self-Sink Air Hose - ideal
for small, discreet aeration systems for stock pools and ponds (including natural swimming
ponds). We make regular visits to the region, please contact us to discuss your needs.
Claude's Cat Hotel
Sport fishing only - no kill policy
Open daily. Night fishing available on request.
Equipment hire/bait available at extra cost.
E: lakebrillac@yahoo.co.uk T: 09 74 76 76 62
Isabel Evans
Now available as a Day Ticket water - 10€/day
Fully legal and no licence required
La Tourterie
Les Chaillauds 16220 MONTBRON
Tel: 05 45 24 01 45
Email: claudescathotel@gmail.com
Claude’s Cat Hotel
A small purpose built family run cattery situated
in a quiet hamlet just outside Montbron. We
currently offer 7 accommodation units each
comprising of fully insulated internal spaces
with individual heating and a private outdoor
space with views over the countryside, offering
a calm and caring environment. Caroline has
over 20 years experience of caring for animals,
14 years as an experienced veterinary nurse
in the UK and Spain. For more information or
to arrange a visit please call for an appointment
Mon-Sat 9 - 6 or email us. We look forward to
offering your cat a warm welcome.
Tel: 05 45 23 62 35
email: izzy@petitepaws.fr
Siret: 80189111000018
Petite Paws Cattery is a small, friendly,
family run cattery where your cat will receive
plenty of love and attention whilst you are
away. Your cat can be assured of receiving
the very highest standard of quality and care
whilst with us and your cat’s happiness and
wellbeing is our main priority. The cattery is
fully insulated with each pen benefiting both
inside and outside space. There are also
heated pads for each bed for cooler months.
Located in La Tourterie, a hamlet close to
Montemboeuf, Montbron, Chasseneuil and
La Rochefoucauld. Viewings welcome and
we look forward to meeting you and your cat.
Basic Puppy Training & Socialising
Good Citizens Obedience Training
Group & Individual Tuition
Elaine: 05 55 68 67 56 / 06 04 47 35 19
Phoenix Association
One of many Phoenix kittens looking for homes...
This is Freda. She
was born to a feral
cat, who decided to
bring her kittens to
live on someone's
doorstep! Luckily, the
mother chose well,
and the kind person contacted Phoenix for
We've managed to take Freda and her siblings
in, but we know this will be one of the first litters
of many, as by July & August, we'll be receiving
several calls a day about abandoned kittens.
You can help Freda and the cat population by
ensuring that your own cats are sterilised. If
you're feeding any feral cats, it's your
responsibility too to ensure they are sterilised.
Please visit www.phoenixasso.com for details of
all of our cats and dogs waiting for homes.
Acorn Lake is we think, the best mixed
fishery in the area. Set in beautiful
landscaped grounds near Saulgond, the lake
is just over two acres and has twenty swims,
though we only allow a maximum of six
fishermen at a time. There are Carp to 35
pounds Bream to 7 pounds and many Roach
over 2 pounds, the Tench are growing too!
The record weight of fish in one day is a
fantastic mixed bag over 200 pounds. Check
out the website or give Richard a call.
My name is Nipper, I
am a young lady of
nearly five years old.
My owner recently
died and I am looking
for a new home with
owners that can give
me lots of affection. I
am very friendly, was
brought up with a kitten and am good with
children. I enjoy running around in the garden
and playing ball.
Nipper has not been sterilised, vaccinated or
chipped. She is currently being fostered near
Chef Boutonne.
If you would like to meet Nipper or require
further information please contact:
Sue 05 49 07 26 05.
(20 minutes from Bellac)
siret: 753 130 855 00012
Limousin Dog Training
Having problems with your puppy or dog? Poor
recall or general obedience requires improving?
Not sure of the best way to tackle these
problems? I can help. I was trained by one of
the best UK Kennel Club dog trainers here in
France for 3 years and want to pass this
knowledge on to you. Interested? Then please
contact me for an informal chat in the first
instance. Due to demand we have now sourced
an additional venue at 87160 Les Grands
Chezeaux. I look forward to hearing from you.
Country & Animal Care
Cats & Dogs
Boarding kennels
▪ Puppy parties
▪ Obedience
▪ Agility
▪ Groups or individual sessions
▪ Home Visits available
Le baillat
16220 rouzede
Tel 05 45 66 14 62
Joy: 05 45 30 61 95 / 06 11 56 89 52
Located 16150
Paws 4 Thought
Do you have a young puppy? Would you like
to join us for weekly 'Puppy Parties'? Teach
your puppy basic manners, prevent separation
anxiety and socialise your puppy. Following the
Kennel Club Good Citizens Puppy Scheme,
there will be a friendly assessment with
certificate at the end of the course. If your
puppy has not yet received the necessary
vaccinations' don't worry, the first session will
be without the puppy. Agility sessions and adult
obedience, including RALLY also available plus
one-to-one and home visits. All groups are
friendly and fun using 'positive re-enforcement'.
For an informal chat pleased contact me.
Cats & Dogs Boarding Kennels
Purpose built kennels, with secure paddock
areas enabling dogs to run free and play with
balls & frisbees while having their 2 walks a
day off a lead. Each dog is walked individually
under supervision. Michael has 45 years
animal care experience with certificates
covering animal sensitivity and administering
medication. Kennels and animals are fully
insured. Each pet has its own kennel plus
there are 4 outside play areas. We have family
pens where pets can share. Catteries have
heated vet beds, the kennel block is heated to
provide an even temperature. 15 mins La
Rochefoucauld / 20 mins Rochechouart.
Siret 494 030 919 00018
Tel : Josie or Sean 05 55 60 27 79
Email: Josieschuster@yahoo.co.uk
Thiat 87320 (10 mins north Le Dorat)
Doggy Holidays
We want your dog’s stay with us to be a happy,
stress free and enjoyable one. When they leave
us, we want them to be looking forward to
returning for another holiday. And we hope that,
on collecting them, you will recognise, that they
are content and have had a good time, which
will leave you reassured and happy for us to
care for your pet again and again... We can care
for your dog for weeks, months or just a day.
Tel 05 45 85 44 06
La Riviere de Vienne, 16150 Chassenon
Siret 493 125 439 00015
Bluebell Wood Boarding Kennels
Small, established, family business, enabling
us to give each boarder extra time and
attention, helping your pal to feel at home.
Purpose built kennels boast private internal &
external runs allowing plenty of space and
fresh air. During cooler months the building is
warmed with a log burner and each run has a
heat lamp. We have a 1.5 acre grassed and
fenced paddock with two large outside
enclosures, allowing regular exercise. A
private wooded walkway and 'Monty’s Maze'
leads to a shaded track through woods, where
boarders are walked daily. Our aim is to make
your dog/s as comfortable as possible, so you
feel comfortable leaving them in our care. Fully
registered, insured & veterinary approved.
Siret 49412501600019
Secure, quiet, heated. Large individual
& and family units with outside areas
Purpose built isolation unit
French certificate in cat care
awarded by CFPPA, Bellac
Limoges veterinary approved
English & French spoken
Inspections welcome
Tel: 06 30 02 35 73 / 05 55 03 76 87
(30mins from Limoges airport)
Caring Cattery - Rochechouart
Well established cattery
in the French countryside. Your cat will be
comfortable in it's own
private or family unit. Units have tiled floors
with 3 levels to relax on and a private outside
area, with chair to sleep on & shelves to climb
& scratch. The cattery is heated in colder
weather and individual needs catered for.
Veterinary approved and awarded The French
Certificate of Capacity. Easy to find, la route
to La Royere, 30 mins from Limoges airport.
Viewings welcome by appt. Barbara works
closely with Tracey at Bluebell Wood to
provide a complete pets service.
Cachette du Chat
Small friendly run Cattery
Condac - Ruffec
T: 05 45 29 01 31/06 15 66 38 92
E: Flurry16@gmail.com
June Altman, Le Puytren, 87800 Meilhac
05 55 58 87 94 / 06 61 01 12 21
Purpose built heated Chambers
for your cat with its own outdoor run.
Each chamber is well equipped to give
your cat all the comforts.
Open all year. Visits welcome.
Reg DSV - Certificate of capacity
Tel: 05 45 30 77 60 / 06 88 18 97 78
Sarl RKR 49031205500018
Molly's Dog Grooming Service
Here at Molly's I take a holistic and force free
approach to grooming, incorporating toys
and treats to help make the experience more
enjoyable for your dog. Extra, short visits are
offered for any dog who is unused to
grooming, aimed at accustoming them to the
process kindly and gently - at no extra charge.
I believe that the grooming process should
be as stress free as possible and actively
encourage owners to stay with their dogs.
A natural & gentle way
to promote your dog’s
health through the
use of deliberate &
controlled techniques
Andrea Richards
Certified Member of the
Association Les Masseurs Canins /
Siret 519 165 872 00010
Canine Massage
There are many benefits to canine massage, not
only can it help aid relaxation, improve joint
flexibility and assist recovery, it can also help
restore your dog's natural balance, which can
then maintain and enhance both physical and
emotional well being in your dog. Having trained
with Pauline Arnt in Paris I became a certified
member of The Assocation Les Masseurs Canins
in 2012. (NB Massage does not replace veterinary care).
Removals, Storage & Motoring
Nick Walton
Walton Coachworks
Automotive Technician
Mechanic • Bodyshop
Mob: (+33) 07 87 65 53 11
Tel: (+33) 05 55 78 67 02
Chez Pouveroux, 7 Les Clos, 87600 VAYRES
Siret: 789 759 701 00012
Walton Coachworks
I moved to France from the UK a year ago to
start my own business in Vayres, near
Rochechouart. I am a fully qualified mechanic
with nearly 25 years experience. I served my
apprenticeship with Lotus and have worked
for General Motors for the past 10 years. I've
worked on vehicles from a 1903 vintage Bean
to present day makes and models. I'm also a
qualified panel-beater and sprayer and enjoy
restoring classic cars. My rates are fair and
competitive and in this first year provided an
excellent service to many satisfied customers
in the Limousin and surrounding regions.
From the 20's to the 60's
All mechanical and maintenance
work undertaken
Chasseneuil Sur Bonnieure
16260 Charente
T: 05 16 09 84 46
M: 06 12 88 04 57
E: paul.richfield@cegetel.net
siret no: 378 681 944 00021
Vintage & Classic Cars - Paul Richfield
In 1961, Paul had his first vintage car. Too
young to drive, many hours were spent on
stripping and rebuilding in time for his licence.
This was followed by the usual Austin 7, Riley
Specials and many others.
Eventually turning to full time restoration he
was a partner of Fergus Engineering, Lincs,
working on such cars as Hispano
Head hunted to look after a private collection
on the Mediterranean coast, has spent the last
40 years maintaining European-American and
English Classic cars. During the last 18
months has repaired cars ranging from a 1932
Cadillac V12 to a 1960 Morris commercial van.
£ Competitive Pricing
£ Puncture Repairs, Wheel Balancing, Tracking
£ Alloy Wheel Repair & Refinishing
£ Headlight Refurbishment
£ Towbars & Batteries
CAll vehicles & vans, 4 x 4, light commercial, vintage
Contact Ace Pneus 05 49 29 86 92
Based 10 minutes from Chef Boutonne
Fully trained and insured, the original tyrefitting business, Ace Pneus, has been running
successfully now for 5 years. Due to demand
the business expanded into fitting towbars and
batteries last year and to repairing alloy
wheels and refurbishing headlights the year
before. During opening hours David will pick
your car up from The Market, Luché sur Brioux
(see advert, page 16), where you can relax in
comfort whilst your car is being repaired special menu prices for Ace Pneus clients.
Charente Mobile Valeting
Car Cleaning On Your Doorstep!
See Website for More Info
06 02 31 95 27
all etcetera areas covered
Charente Mobile Valeting
Contact us now for a full valet, leather seat
treatment, bumper care or full wax. Discounts
available for same day, same location
bookings - see the website for full details
www.charentemobilevaleting.fr and more
testimonials like this..
"We have a large dog who would love to live
permanently in the estate part of our Peugeot,
so we take him with us whenever we can. This
means lots of mud, animal hair and general
muckiness - CMV visit us quarterly and I rarely
recognise our car when they've finished - nor
do our friends!" Mr Mike & Mrs Sandie George
It seems a month can’t go by
without hearing of more
In February, 800,000 Orange (France)
accounts were hacked, and now a
further 1.3 million customers personal
data have been stolen. This could mean
you may start receiving emails from
scammers. Please remember - don’t
follow links if you’re not 100% sure, and
even if it is from someone you know,
their account may have been hijacked
We are still hearing from readers who
have received calls from Microsoft
Windows or similar, advising them their
computer has a dangerous virus, but not
to worry, they can talk you through the
process all they like… just do not follow
their instructions, this is a scam.
The last one we have heard of this
month is mobile phone companies
saying you have a won a competition
and offering a fantastic new mobile
You know what they say… if it sounds
too good to be true, it probably is.
05 55 14 49 45 / 09 67 10 49 45
06 13 38 59 68
Parking Limoges - Just 20 mins from
Limoges Airport, we offer alternative, cheaper
parking facilities with benefits of regular
vehicle checks so you can be confident that
on arrival, your car will be ready to drive. Not
only that, we offer packages to enable you to
get to and from the town centre etc plus a new
meet and greet service for Limoges airport, for
new and existing customers, please contact
us for details via the website.
We also offer B&B accommodation. Visit:
Additional services include, vehicle valeting,
arranging a Contrôle Technique (MOT) and
assistance with registering a vehicle in France.
Foreign registered camper
vans and caravans imported
to France must be re-registered.
Please be aware that if your caravan or
motorhome was first registered before
the year 2000, there is a good chance it
may not comply with requirements.
Call Karen for a quote on
09 66 03 52 89
If the vehicle was recently made,
conforms to EU standards and has all
the documents, re-registering should be
an easy process.
Siret: 481 224 129 000 33
Removals, Storage & Motoring
40 years experience
Robert Phillips
La Greliere,
16220 Rouzede
T: 05 45 65 96 20
E: carolyn@rishworth.org
Siret No. 792 215 659 00014
Deliveries and Collections
FRANCE-UK-EUROPE (Inc. the islands)
Transport & Small Removals
Throughout Europe
Full and Part Loads
Friendly Personal Service
For Quote/Devis:
Tel:0033(0) 549971556
Mob: 0033(0)685805057
English Mob: 0044(0)7754732640
Joffreny Loisirs
If you have a home in France but you live/work
abroad, we can store your car to use during
visits. We can meet you at airports/stations, so
you don’t have to wait for a hire car, or find that
the car you left won’t start or has been
damaged. We regularly start/move the car to
maintain the engine, peripherals and tyres. We
can arrange valeting, servicing, maintenance,
CTs and help with re-registering your car in
France. We offer fully insured, secure, indoor
storage all year round at very competitive rates,
and long-term discounts are available. View our
client testimonials on our website.
Delivery via Parcelforce Worldwide to your door in France
Call: 00 44 (0)1253 725 414
Email: smartmovers@hotmail.co.uk
(EST. 1876)
Removals to and
from south-west
UK Reg: 4935391
• Bargain prices on large moves
• Smaller loads at very reasonable rates
• Insurance included
Personal service from an established firm
Vehicles & tractors also transported
Andrew: 0044 7803240137 /
0044 7710149682
email: clentons@yahoo.co.uk
0044 (0)1377 255470 / 0044 (0)7830 170761
Motor Parts Charente - John Sowersby
With over 30 years experience in the motor
industry, John prides himself in offering one
to one customer service, “treat people how
you would like to be treated yourself” is his
motto. He offers LHD headlights delivered
to your door. Spare parts, from a bulb to an
engine or panels, both for left or right hand
drive; in fact anything to do with cars or light
commercial vehicles. High quality easy fit
tubular Towbars complete with all electrics,
sockets etc. Mower Batteries & drive belts.
He can also supply tyres and exhausts (not
fitment). What's more, he can supply vehicle
polishes and cleaning materials as well!
Family business for 30 years offering a
professional service.
• Packing services
• Containerised storage
• Vehicles transported
• Competitive prices
• Full or part loads
• Transit liability included
Stephen or Jane Franklin
Tel/Fax: 0044 (0)1283 792838
E-mail: sales@franklinsremovals.co.uk
Depts 16, 86, 87 & 24
(Towbars & Batteries also supplied & fitted)
Any make of Car, Van or Motorcycle tyre
supplied & fitted, by appt at your address.
Typically 40% cheaper than French prices
Tyre fitting, inc balancing 12€
Puncture repair
Towbar Fitting
Email: dixontyres@gmail.com
Telephone: 0545 306707
siret 53821341400013
Suppliers of Car & Van Spares
& LHD headlights
Direct to France at big savings!
also Mower Batteries and drive belts!
Big enough to cope & Small enough to care
Professional reliable service
Fully insured
UK 01227 713738 UK Mobile 07896 670958
France 02 54 47 14 08 E: ian@pandsremovals.co.uk
We are a small company based in Kent & Central
France offering a professional & friendly service. Goods
in Transit & Public Liability Insurance assured. We use
large Iveco 17.2m³ vans & secure 15.5m³ trailers as
opposed to lorries as access to properties in France and
Spain can be restricted - vans go where lorries can’t!
Big enough to cope with most jobs but where loads
demand more capacity, additional vans are used; still a
cheaper option to larger carriers. Full & part loads
catered for. Secure storage facilities in Southern UK &
Central France. Packing cases & cardboard wardrobes
can be provided. We do not use sub contractors.
Removals, Storage & Motoring
Centre de Recyclage d'Automobiles du Limousin
N°SIRET 513 355 503 00014
We will collect your scrap car
Second hand and new spares parts
All makes
English spoken
Les Tourettes 87440 SAINT MATHIEU
Route de Limoges - Sortie Saint Mathieu
Tel: 05 55 48 21 33 • cral87@gmx.fr
'Your French Connection’
Weekly services to & from SW France
Internal moves within France
Containerised Storage
Range of Packing services available
Over 30 Years’ Experience
Fully Insured members of the BAR & GUILD of Removers
Tel: 0044 1622 690653
Email: info@anglofrench.co.uk
UK Registration 543 77 60 UK
Over 35 years experience on all marques
* Fully equipped workshop with state of the art
diagnostic equipment.
Services are done to
manufactures standards
- not just fluid changes!
* Service and repair of cars & light commercials
including preparation for Control Technique.
* We also supply and fit left hand drive headlights.
Tony Eyre & Chris Eyre
Tel 05 49 07 30 08 - 06 31 51 89 54
1 route des Prés Guillon, 79190 Melleran GPS co‐ordinates N 46˚07’18” W0 ˚01’03”
Based near Bellac
2 Le Petit Confolens 87190 Droux
Tel : 05 55 47 37 68
or 06 75 08 45 30
Every aspect covered from replacing
headlamp bulbs to engine rebuilds!
Parts obtained at sensible prices or you
source the parts and we fix it!
Call for friendly, professional
advice and a free
no obligation quote
Siret No: 53032962200019
30 years experience as a mechanic
with own garage in the UK
Motoring with Stuart
Did you know that ‘Carglass’
will come to your home and
repair / replace your
windscreen? Just like using
Auto Glass in the UK (it’s the
same company) the work is
likely to be covered under your insurance
policy (but check first). I had my van done
recently and it was all very easy.
You can either call your local centre or make
the booking online. You can go to
www.carglass.fr for further information.
The Paris Motor Show will take place
between the 4th and 19th October. Once
again, it will be held at the Paris Expo, Porte
de Versailles. Tickets will be priced at €14 for
adults, €8 for 10 to 25s and free to those
under 10 years old. Marques such as Ferrari,
Lamborghini, Bentley, Porsche and er,
Micocar have already confirmed their
attendance. Having been a few years ago, I
can vouch for the fact it’s a good day out.
Good luck with parking though…..
Nissan have confirmed that their new Golf
and Focus rival, the Pulsar will go on sale this
autumn. The car marks the brand’s re-entry
into the highly competitive family hatch
segment for the first time since the Almera
ceased production in 2006. Nissan say that
the Pulsar offers ‘considerably more rear leg,
shoulder and knee room’ than its rivals.
Engines include a 1.2 turbo-charged petrol
engine though the 1.5 dCi is likely to be far
more popular. Both are lifted from the
Look out, look out, there’s
a new type of speed
camera about. Well,
there will be soon. From
September, the Interior
Ministry will begin testing
‘double sided’ radar cameras. It is reported
that there will will two different versions. One
that will take a picture of both the front and
the back of a vehicle (hence the ‘double
sided’) and another that will take a photo of
the rear of an offending vehicle with a remote
device placed a little further down the road
then taking a front facing picture. Critics are
saying that the move smacks more of money
making than of road safety as it has been
revealed that around 1/3 of all photographs
captured by speed cameras are deemed
unusable. The suggestion is that this new
type of camera is designed to ensure a better
conviction rate.
I would go further and fit them with machine
guns to shoot the tyres of all the slow (Stop
it, Ed). Anyway, don’t say you haven’t been
warned, ‘cos I just did. Look above if you don’t
believe me.
Finally, do you own a ‘sans permis
voiture’? If you do, I’d be genuinely grateful
to hear about the reasons behind it. I find
them a little baffling and having done some
research, had my subsequent article blocked
by the Editor! That said, I am very curious to
hear of the reasons for using them and so if
you would be prepared to share your
experiences, then I’d love to hear from you.
You can write in, e-mail or even call, using
the details on the top of page 2. Thank you.
Finishing Touches & Specialist Services
& property maintenance/ multi services
Mr D Armitage
carpets • vinyls • safety flooring • underlay
gripper • wood flooring • laminate
kitchens • bathrooms • windows • doors
decorating • plastering
• 30 years experience fitting carpets and flooring
• Quality and customer satisfaction guaranteed
• Wide range of samples brought to your door
• Comprehensive service from preparation to finish
• Absolutely free, no obligation quotes
Epenèdre 16150 Chassenon
Tel: 05 45 30 32 85 / 06 78 70 99 79
Email: djflooring1@aol.com
Paul Marshall 05 45 84 27 75 / 06 60 07 54 78
Siret: 79278514900016
D.J. Flooring has been trading for 26 years in
the UK and 1 year in France with the
renovation business trading for 7 years in the
UK and 2 years in France. All works
undertaken. We can supply flooring or fit
flooring supplied by you. A friendly and efficient
service - call or email Dave for a quote or advice.
Curtains, Blinds & Interior
Design by Wendy
For all your sewing needs
Car trimming & upholstery
Curtains & soft furnishings
Repairs & alterations
Ingénierie Spécialisée CNC
Tel 05 45 30 20 11
Siret 514 972 108 00013
05 53 52 59 44
siret: 527 829 766 00015
Specialized CNC Engineering
I have a HURCO 24 Toolstation CNC Mill
ready to take on your requirements. I have
been working in engineering for 20 years and
can reverse engineer parts or fabricate to your
design. I have made parts for Formula 1, In
Flight Refuelling, Stingray Torpedoes etc. I am
experienced in planning, programming, tooling
up, machining and deburring, while liasing with
designers. I offer broken bolt removal to leave
existing threads plus skimmed cylinder heads.
Restoration projects or one-off parts as well
as large volume production all considered. I
can work in metal, wood and plastics. Please
contact me to discuss requirements.
Cheap and clever way to create
invisible book shelves. Simply fix
heavy duty brackets directly to the
wall and stack your books on top!
Rolls of Insulation in stock
Mary Johnson has 25 years of experience in
all sewing trades. She has worked for dress
making and upholstery companies. She also
worked for Marcos sports cars as a car
trimmer; this work was of a very high standard
as these hand made cars commanded a high
price. Mary was also self-employed for many
years, during which time Mary made a
multitude of items including cat beds, tank
bags for motor cycles, Bickerton bike bags,
sports bags and of all things Free Masons
aprons. Because of her varied experience
Mary can also repair or alter most things.
Made-to-measure with
your new or old fabric…
alterations too
Email: whitfieldwendy56@gmail.com
Tel: 05 55 60 44 69 / 06 02 23 30 07
You can also find me on Facebook
Based 87330 Siret: 79768033700012
Wendy Whitfield
I can design and create curtains and blinds
using your own fabric or I can re-design your
old curtains to suit your windows. I also create
pelmets and beautiful cushions to give your
room the look you desire.
I cover dept. 87 but will happily consider
projects in surrounding areas. Ideally I would
prefer to visit you/your room/s and take
necessary measurements, but am happy to
work from your measurements/photos if this
suits you better. In fact I have worked in this
way for clients in Dubai, Cyprus and Spain! I
look forward to working with you.
Bicycle Mechanic
Siret: 512 945 874 00018
For all problems or projects, give me a call
Fast turn around - Top quality service
Siret: 513 208 868 00010
Fraser W. Eade
General Engineering
Turning, Milling, Welding
Quality & Precision Guaranteed
Forgeix, 87200 Saint Junien
05 55 71 41 75
L’Atelier de Fer- After a 5 year apprenticeship
as a Toolmaker, I worked in several countries
building/repairing tooling from press tools to
plastic injection moulds. I bought machines
when I had a cylinder head gasket problem on
my car and struggled to get the head skimmed
in France. I have a Colchester lathe, a Beaver
turret milling machine and a sand blasting
cabinet. I work in most materials: metals and
some plastics. I believe that if it was made once
there's a pretty good chance it can be made
again. One off items are frequently better
quality than production batchwork. I look
forward to helping solve your problems.
See The Reclamation Yard ad for details
87320 Bussiere-Poitevine
Siret: 794 692 137 0019
Velodocteur, Chris Nightingale
The Velodocteur is Chris Nightingale, a fully
qualified cycle mechanic & wheel builder with
many years’ experience in the bicycle
industry - see April’s Life etcetera article for
more on my background in cycling. I service
and repair all bikes, and offer a collection &
return service. I also restore old and vintage
bikes, and am happy to appraise your bike
and quote for any repair and restoration work.
Contact me now to have your bike repaired
before the summer months!
Finishing Touches & Specialist Services
French Lily
Cuisines et
Intérieurs SARL,
23240 Saint Priest La Plaine
e: info@frenchlily.fr | neptune.com
SIRET 799205216 00010
Northern Aquitaine, Limousin,
Auvergne, Poitou-Charentes
WHAT IS MAGNETIC DOUBLE GLAZING? It’s the placing of a second sheet of glass - normally 3mm Perspex - over existing window panes. This
is held in position by adhesive magnetic tape resulting in an airtight system that is extremely effective in reducing heat loss through the window during winter
and keeping heat out during summer. It also dramatically cuts out noise and virtually eliminates condensation. Because it is held in place with magnetic tape
it can be removed in seconds for cleaning. Importantly it is low-cost compared to full double glazing or replacement windows - but with comparable results.
UPVC windows, Doors & Conservatories made to UK Spec in French styles
Made in the UK
Fitted in France
Phone: 05 49 42 99 41 Mobile: 06 63 71 09 81
Email: scott.braddock1@yahoo.com
SIRET: 513 577 809 00017
Open: Thurs - Sat 10h - 18h
Sun 14h - 18h
French & English Fine & Country Furniture ▪ Lighting ▪ Pictures & Paintings
Antique Linens ▪ Antique Toys & Dolls ▪ Vintage Costume Jewellery
Ornamental & unusual items ▪ Postcards & other collectable items
Vintage Persian Carpets & Rugs
Items bought & Sold
siret 519 118 855 00013
Finishing Touches & Specialist Services
Tim Shepherd
Chimney Sweeping Services
√ Registered & qualified
with over 15 yrs Experience
√ Open-fires, Woodburners & Stoves
√ Pots, Cowls, Flu liners fitted
√ Certificate Issued for Home Insurance
For enquiries call: 05 49 87 02 96
Email: shepherd.timothy@orange.fr
Siret: 752 049 932 00011
Tim Shepherd
As a fire fighter in the UK for 18 years, I have seen
the devastation that a house fire can cause.
During this time I also ran my own chimney
sweeping business, both residential and
commercial clients. I also provided advice on how
to reduce the risk of fire in the home. In 2015
French regulations regarding fire safety are
changing, and it will be compulsory for all homes
to have fire prevention equipment installed. This
legislation will apply to second homes and gites
also, so if you need advice on any aspect of fire
safety, smoke detectors, fire extinguishers or
carbon monoxide detectors, please get in touch.
British Paints
In France
Keep it simple
Collection points
throughout France
Suppliers of
ü 25 years experience
ü All glass & glazing repairs undertaken
ü Repairs to leadlight & copperlight
windows also available
ü Free estimates
Ring Paul
05 55 09 17 85 / 07 81 62 74 43
Siret: 80124164700016
Dulux • Crown • Leyland • Cuprinol
Johnstones • Craig & Rose
15 ltrs of paint delivered from
the UK to your door for just 10€
Free delivery on orders over 150€
When it’s Gone! It’s Gone!
Crown 10ltr
Matt white or
Magnolia €25
French trained, qualified & registered
A certificate issued for every chimney swept,
often a home insurance requirement.
Modern no mess method.
Cut firewood delivered - please enquire.
0044 (0) 1962 714249
• B&Q Cooke & Lewis Kitchens
in stock
• Flat packed or built up & delivered
• Planning & Design service
Siret No : 51013659100029
Famous Furniture in France
Tel: 05 49 83 03 71
06 06 86 50 07
• Fitting if required
• No minimum purchase
eg; one cabinet, one door
• Visit our 1000m2 showrooms
• In business for 10 years
• Working to a budget? We can help
Siret No 52267348200017
A large range of fabulous G Plan high back, sofas, chairs & 3-piece suites
always available from stock.
Along with a range of quality UK pocket sprung mattresses.
Delivered direct to your door in France - Pay in £'s or Euros.
Famous Furniture in France - A small family run business located near Montmorillon, Dept
86, with many years experience in the retail of quality furniture in the UK. We specialise in
a full range of G-Plan high back traditional sofas, chairs and 3-piece suites - up to 50% off
UK retail prices! Our aim is to supply high quality furniture, sofas and beds at a fraction of
the UK retail price delivered direct to your door in France.
Weds - Sat 10am - 4pm
Mon & Tues by appt only
Contact Ray, Sonia & Mathew
T: 05 49 87 67 34
E: thekitchencompany@orange.fr
Find us on D727 Jousse,
10 mins from Civray
Guess what?! If you have an anxiety about learning a foreign language, there is a label for you!
Foreign Language Anxiety (or xenoglossophobia) is the feeling of uneasiness, worry, nervousness and apprehension
experienced by non-native speakers when learning or using a second or foreign language.
Don’t worry, it’s totally curable. You just have to keep at it, learn to laugh at yourself if necessary and don’t give up!
“quality workmanship and an excellent level of service”
KITCHENS - wide variety of styles, handmade & agent for Pyram Kitchens
WINDOWS - quality handmade units made in our workshop in hard or softwood
DECKS and TERRACES - any size, tropical hardwood or treated softwood
RENOVATIONS - complete service from roof to floor
good reasons for using
330 years experience
for your next project:
3free quotes and advice
3fully registered and insured
3fluent french speakers
3good contact with other trades
3reliable and recommended
for a quote, more information or testimonials please do not hesitate to get in touch:
SARL maison de l’etang
0640 30 70 90
siret 79159880800016
assurance RC décennale MMA 129724178
la maison - With a wide range of experience and a proven track record, la maison is just what you need when considering any woodwork or building
project. If you want some help with a renovation or need replacement windows, doors or a new kitchen, la maison is for you. Using top quality materials
and machines, the team’s care and attention to detail means you won’t be disappointed. Pain free and professional every step of the way, call us to
discuss your project. We are competitive and provide free quotes. We can also help with the language and any administration required.
10 year Decennale Guarantee
New Build Specialists
Barn Conversions
Full Public Liability Insurance
Fosse Séptiques
For more information, a free quotation or to discuss your requirements
Visit www.slm-construction.fr E-mail: info@slm-construction.fr
or speak to Stuart on 05 45 65 09 11 or 06 38 68 60 14
SLM Construction provides the complete solution for all aspects of construction and renovation. Myself and my team of fully qualified tradesmen
pride ourselves on providing a high quality, reliable service at a competitive rate backed by a 10-year decennale guarantee and full public
liability insurance. From planning and foundations to those final touches, SLM Construction undertakes all types of building, renovation and
insurance repair works with the benefit of a bi-lingual team to guide and assist you with French legislation and formalities. Visit www.slmconstruction.fr or contact me on 05 45 65 09 11 or 06 38 68 60 14 to discuss your requirements or to request a free fully guaranteed quotation.
St. Junien
Andy Coope
Specializing in …
Gardening, Strimming,
Hedge Trimming etc,
Painting & Decorating,
Building Works, Fencing.
Railing Plasterboard Plumbing etc
Experienced, Reliable, Punctual,
Reasonable & a Guarantee
Mob: 06 44 94 64 25
Tel: 05 55 70 68 94
Email: alans.tlr996@yahoo.co.uk
Siret: 801 759 05100015
Aimez Votre Maison has been established to
provide good, honest, reliable property
improvement and maintenance services. Our
ethos is simple, yet effective: any job, be it
small or large requires the same trustworthy
workmanship and a healthy appetite for hard
work. Simply put, no job is too small and we
provide an honest, friendly reliable, quality
service at a realistic price. We are based in
Chateauponsac and will cover a radius of
60kms or thereabouts. For further details
please visit www.aimezvotremaison.fr or call
0555 476137 to discuss your requirements in
detail. Thank you, Martin Munro-Jones
Siret 511 989 568 00015
With over 35 year’s experience, you are
assured of clean and professional work
• All aspects under taken
• Small works not a problem
Siret: 752.545.574.00010
siret 75260425600012
Interior/Exterior Painter &
Decorator with over
25 years experience
Paul Wrathall B.A. Dip Arch R.I.B.A.
Ordre des Architectes
Wall Papering - Tiling
All Repairs Undertaken
05 55 60 05 26
Creu de Grelet, Beaumont, 16490 Alloue
T: 05 45 30 65 17 M: 06 86 21 07 00
Email : apwrathall@gmail.com
Siret No. 800 007 643 000 11
Paul Wrathall
British architect with 30 year's experience, offering
a full Architectural Service. Renovation projects,
conversion works, newbuild and surveys
undertaken, including submissions for Permis de
Construire and liaison with builders/artisans.
BM Ceramics
Specialist Tiling Service
All aspects of tiling:
Natural stone, Ceramics
Poreceleine, Mosaics
Brett Mulcahy
For a competitive estimate contact:
Steve Fuller
Tel 05 55 01 88 05 / 05 55 49 82 96
Mobile 06 28 36 51 39
House & Garden
All repairs & maintenance undertaken
Many years experience
Siret: 79432400400017
31 Puymoreau
87150 Oradour sur Vayres
06 73 17 24 85
05 44 22 97 30
Mob: 07 80 36 30 86
Email: jprendy@gmail.com
Covering dept. 87 & surrounding areas
siret 800 814 30300015
Please ensure that your insurance company knows that your holiday home is your
maison secondaire. It may be a bit more expensive, but if the insurance company
knows it is a holiday home, the cover will allow a long delay between the incident
and the claim, which is not usually the case.
Also, if you have a friend or neighbour who can regularly check the house (say once or twice
a week) then it won’t come into the category of ‘maison abondonnée’ which will lower the
insurance slightly.
Please check your insurance company’s policy on shutters - some will not pay out if you do not
have them. Don’t forget to take photos of your belongings and keep all receipts.
14 Rue des Bans
Architect - John Hartie
Experienced BRITISH Architect, registered in
France and Britain, offers full Architectural
Service from his office which has been based
in La Rochefoucauld for over 7 years.
Undertakes all types of projects, specialising
in New Buildings, Renovations, Barn
Conversions, Extensions and Eco - Building.
First consultation and site visit free of charge.
Service Includes: Full Measured Survey /
Sketch Designs for Client Approval /
Submission of drawings for Permis de
Construire / Issue of Approved drawings to
Contractors for pricing / Energy Efficiency
Studies / Project Management. Experienced
in dealing with French Authorities and British
and French builders and Artisans.
Carpenter / Joiner
General Building Works
Renovations / Conversions / Dry Lining
Doors / Windows / Arbours
Verandas / Floors / Staircases
References & photos of work available
Tel: 05 49 48 46 79 / 07 89 26 76 13
(Based 86 also covering surrounding areas)
Email: jeanette.healey@wanadoo.fr
Reg 05 55 68 51 59 / Gary 05 55 60 77 90
Mob: 06 68 66 32 90
Email: reginald.brinton@orange.fr
Siret: 515232000017
Siret: 442 234 431 00017 / 505 183 210 00010 INSURED
(Internal + External)
30 years experience, 12 yrs in France
Covering Depts: 87, 23, 86
Roofing / Renovation Business
- All aspects of roofing on old or new properties
- Zinc / PVC guttering
- Anti-moss treatment
- Interior & exterior renovations
- Rendering
For a free quotation please contact:
Howard Charlesworth
(fully bilingual, living in France since 1990, 10 yr décennale Insurance)
Tel: /
Email: rcc87@live.fr
Depts: 87,86,16 & 23 Siret: 799 894 860 000 11
Abris Bois LV
your timber building specialist
€ 24.250,- ttc
Product range and
special deals
Free quotes
Delivery & Installation service
05 87 77 95 57
Zone Artisanale Sirvenon
Magnac Laval - Haute Vienne
Your ideal holiday home:
Insulated double skin log cabin
50 m2 + 10 m2 veranda!
Abris Bois LV is a family run business, priding ourselves on quality, value for money and level of customer service. We deal directly with
mills, ensuring costs are kept to a minimum so we can offer an unrivalled range of cabins. You may need a high quality, well insulated
holiday home or extra living space, or a cabin to relax and enjoy the garden or pool. We also offer complementary products such as
guttering, paving, decking, gates and fences. Using our extensive products range, our ability to make bespoke solutions and our friendly
but professional approach, we can help you achieve your goal of having a unique space to live, work or relax.
Tel: 06 42 28 52 31
Siret: 492 374 145 00018
® Exterior Insulation specialists
® Renovation of Facades
® All types of interior and exterior painting
Phone for FREE QUOTE
Chris PRICE (English speaking agent)
06 84 63 25 84
Readers are advised to check registration & insurance as appropriate when employing someone to carry out work, as well as obtain
references if deemed necessary. Before final payment, satisfy yourself that all work has been undertaken and remember good
communication between both parties is usually key to avoiding disputes caused by misunderstandings.
• All reclamation bought & sold
• Demolition undertaken
• Specialists in oak beams
• Metalwork & stonework
• Indian stone flooring
1 km from Confolens on the
D952 Ansac sur Vienne road
Siren 449 714 989
CHIPBOARD type P5 18mm tongue and grooved water repellent, chipboard comes in 8ft
X 2ft sheets, specially bought in this size to make your life easy when trying to get this
upstairs into your grenier and also suitable for one person to handle.
C.L.S. stud work is a beautiful product to work with, clean dry and STRAIGHT, currently
held in 2.4m lengths and 3.6m in length.
38mm X 89mm C16 planed for eased edges CLS profile.
FLOOR JOINTS currently held in 4m lengths
47mm X 200mm Sawn Dry graded to C16, treated.
Other lengths and dimensions can be ordered, please feel free to phone.
PLYWOOD All in 8 X 4 sheets
Internal grade Elliottis, filled & sanded on one side so suitable for internal floors, walls etc.
9mm / 12mm / 18mm Elliottis
External grade suitable for construction uses with a high quality finish on both sides.
12mm Malaysian WBP BB/CC 18mm Malaysian WBP BB/CC
Marine ply suitable for all external applications and total immersion
18mm Marine Ply
ROLLS OF ISOVER INSULATION IN STOCK! 100mm, 150mm & 200mm ~ Plus others
Typical spec for 200mm: (Contact us for spec on other thicknesses)
Pieces per pack: 2 x 580mm wide
Pack area: 4.5m2
Pack Length: 3880mm
R-Value: 4.65
Alan Goodwin Complete Building Services
Time-served and qualified in Carpentry &
Joinery, Alan has increased his skills and
qualifications during his 20+ years in the trade
to cover all aspects of building work and
damp-proofing / timber treatment. While
running his UK company, he trained
apprentices and was the main contractor in
jobs valued up to 250k. He has recently started
offering a ‘plot to home’ package, building
timber framed houses, making it cheaper,
quicker and more efficient for people to create
and build their own home. You can be as
involved as you wish, or just sit back and let us
sort out everything… Watch our latest project
develop: www.facebook.com/plottohome
Competitive prices ~ Free quotes
Dept 16 and surrounding areas
Tel: 05 45 71 44 74 / 07 85 64 56 84
Email: thetomgray@gmail.com
siret: 51339905500013
Building & Renovation
Exterior & interior:
Roofing - Rendering - Plastering
Kitchens & Bathrooms
Full scaffolding service
Depts 86, 87 & 16
Competitive rates / free quotes
Tel: /
Email: iamducked@hotmail.fr
Siret: 51195427300013/51907938800012
Sarl Down to Earth Construction
• Full house clearances quoted for.
• Your complete house contents bought.
• Use until the day you move knowing it is all sold.
Professional, friendly, reliable with competitive prices
Conception to completion - we even do paperwork
Drainage problems, groundworks patios & driveways
Established 10 years, French registered & insured
Plus all aspects of Building & Ground work's covered.
Artisan Carpenter / Joiner
Public liability insurance
10 yr Décennale guarantee.
Call Adrian direct on: 06 10 89 49 16 / Tel: 05 45
email: adrian@robinsbuilders.com
61 40 15
Siret N°4880506750013
ea e
5 c
r 2 rien
Ov expe
For more information & to view our works please visit:
A. Robins Construction - Adrian has over 25 years experience in the construction industry
with 10 of those being here in the Charente. Over the years he has undertaken many roofing
projects using both modern & traditional methods. Adrian is a highly skilled carpenter joiner
who is also able to take on all kinds of building works. He benefits from having his own plant
machinery including a 17 metre reach telescopic manitou, 3.5 tonne digger, 3 tonne dumper,
2 x 3.5 tonne tipper trucks, plus 1000m2 of scaffold, therefore no extra rental costs will be
incurred for plant hire. To view his works please visit www.robinsbuilders.com
All work conforms to current French
regulations (fosses septiques and
drainage). Obtaining of certificate of
conformity is guaranteed.
Competitive tariffs, careful work, free quotes
05 45 31 19 40 - 06 26 71 45 69
St Laurent de Ceris - Montemboeuf
Siret 494 719 826 00021
Painter & Decorator
All round decorator, Paper Hanging & Tiling.
Over 35 years in the trade.
Free estimates given. Based Dept 86.
Covering the Dordogne, Charente and Haute Vienne regions of France
Please Visit our website: www.renovation-france.com
● Architect Drawings
● Complete Renovations
● Fosse Septiques
● Conversions and Extensions
● Roofing and guttering
● Velux and Dorma Windows
● Blockwork and Stonework
● Pointing and Rendering
● Dry Lining and Plastering
● Kitchens and Bathrooms
● Painting and decorating
● Full electrical installations
● Complete plumbing installations
● Staircases
● General household Repairs
● Patios and driveways
● Gates and Fencing
Call Chris
06 04 44 32 12 / 05 49 48 27 91
Email: leseffes@hotmail.co.uk
Siret: 528 599 459 00013
Petits travaux du Batiment
Stuart F Park
siret no 533 252 052 00014
Painter Decorator
For all your landscaping requirements we have a 3 tonne JCB digger and a 2 tonne Thwaites dumper
with experienced drivers that can be hired on a daily/weekly basis. We are a French registered
company specialising in applying our expertise and experience to ensure customer satisfaction. With
over 30 years experience in the construction industry, please contact us for all your building and
renovation requirements. We have a dedicated team of professional British and French tradesmen
covering all aspects of the building trade. We have many established contacts here in France to
cover all of your requirements for your building project. We offer Free no obligation quotations and
an efficient and friendly service.
Siret: 489 199 661 00013
Painting, Tiling, Wallpaper hanging
all types of decorating undertaken
Confolens 16 and area
25 years experience.
Contact /
Remember that having a SIREN (or SIRET nº - the SIREN is the first 9 digits of the SIRET) does not mean that the holder of that SIREN
is registered for all trades and activities. However, in typically French fashion, confirming this can be a minefield of dis-information. There
are many websites to verify a person’s SIREN nº that will usually identify their main activity. However, such sites do not always list the
holder's secondary activities and may in some cases be just plain wrong. Many people use www.infogreffe.fr as reference, but I can confirm it is
actually a bit pants. For example, upon checking my own details, it appears I was registered with the Greffe in Limoges in Nov 2006. This goes
against my 'Extrait K-BIS' (a formal document issued by the Greffe - an official government dept.!) that is correctly dated Jan 2005, the same as
my registration with the Chambre de Metiers. So, whilst internet checks may reveal whether a person is registered, it does not always tell the whole,
or even correct story. If in doubt, ask to see the person’s 'Carte de Identification' or contact the 'Chambre' they are registered with. Stuart
Contact Carl Dyson
Minidigger, Driver
& Tipper Truck
Mark Slee
from 250€ per day
Qualified Carpenter
Building work w Renovations
Gravel driveways, rubbish/
tree stump removals, trenches etc
Mini-Digger & 2 ton Tipper Trailer
Email davesdiggers@aol.com
Dave/Katie Good
0549 073358/ 0675 180913
Tel: 05 55 68 31 59 / 0044 7969 575285
Email: slee.mark@orange.fr
Based near Couhé 86/79/16 siret 5250162590018
Experienced Painter and Decorator
covering all aspects of Interior and Exterior Painting,
Wall Papering, Fine Finishes, Tiling and Remedial Works
for New Builds, Renovation and Refurbishments
Siret No: 789 663 556 000 15
Professional Decorating Services
Contact Wayne on 05 45 30 64 37 or email info@smartdecs.com for a free estimate
Smart Decs offers the complete personal package for home decoration and renovation. From painting
to wallpaper hanging and flooring to plastering, Smart Decs specialises in all aspects of interior and exterior
decoration and renovation. Contact Wayne to discuss your requirements and request your free quotation.
Based in Bellac
Siret: 75001854100011
Carpenter, Joiner, Woodturner
Small Building Works/Renovations
Loft conversions/Velux windows
Bespoke shutters & doors
Stables/Field Shelters
Tel 05 55 29 01 58
06 81 50 37 66
Siret 501 368 393 00010
Interior & Exterior
Repair & Renovation
www.propointfacades.fr Email: paulchester@club-internet.fr Tel: 05 55 78 80 31
Professional tiling, plastering,
plumbing, carpentry &
building works
Kitchens & bathroom installations
For an estimate contact Danny on:
Siret: 52206605900018
Sam Feasey
I offer a wide range of experience in building,
renovation and refurbishment, to include
stonework, carpentry, parquet flooring,
plaster-boarding, brick and block work,
concreting, window and door installations
and fitting kitchens. I have established good
contacts with reliable local tradesmen in
electrics, plumbing, plastering and traditional
lime rendering, clients are offered a
synchronised and professional service. To
view the gallery of my work and testimonials
please visit my website.
Siret 493 799 878 00019
T: 05 55 60 71 33 (St Barbant)
M: 0044 796 6208233
E: suzan.trendall@orange.fr
siret: 483 664 165 00014
Pro-Point Price Guaranty - We will beat any like for like quote:
Re-Pointing from 10€ m², Coloured Rendering from 15€ m², Plastering from 7.50€ m²
At Pro-Point Façades we don't do septic tanks, we don't do electrics and we don't do plumbing!
We do exactly what it says on the tin. We specialize in Facades. Traditional repointing using sand
and lime, and repointing with high pressure injection system using pre-bagged coloured mortars
that are available in 100% lime and sand. We specialize in coloured rendering of new and old builds
applied by our high pressure rendering system. We can render any structure, blocks, stone or even
wood, so if you are building a new house or renovating an old cottage or château, Pro-Point Façades
can do it. Online portfolio available, site visits to see our finished works, references from past clients.
Danny Trendall is an experienced, reliable and
fully registered artisan and plumber who works
in the north Haute Vienne and neighbouring
departments. Plumbing, plastering and carpentry
are his stock trades as well as professional tiling
of walls and floors. Decoration including painting
and papering can be considered. For a personal
estimate to discuss your building projects or
renovation needs, please do not hesitate to
contact Danny by e-mail or telephone.
Over 25 years experience
Fully guaranteed & insured
References available
Tel: 05 45 21 63 96 / 07 80 09 13 09
Email: wesley.halton@orange.fr
Depts 16,24,87 Siret 489 815 258 00012
W.E.Z Constructions
Wesley Halton is a fully registered artisan
with 27 years experience in the building trade
(12 in France) and has completed a wide
range of works from new builds, renovations
and restoration works using traditional joinery
and stonework to be sympathetic with the
build. He offers good advice on design and
build from submitting plans to the finished
project and is a fully qualified carpenter and
stonemason. He has recently completed
another traditionally joined oak framed
covered sun terrace and has a good
selection of different designs and also makes
medieval style doors, please email to request
further information or examples of his work.
Your local odd job & handyman
Anything considered small or large, inside or out
Confolens & surrounding areas
Call Gary Worrall on
05 45 71 43 99 or 06 40 53 73 78
Email: mrfixit16500@gmail.com
Contact Michael
Tel: 05 49 87 01 05
Mob: 06 33 62 77 72
7 days a week 7am-7pm
All areas considered
siret: 79286209600015
Interior Renovations
Barn & Loft conversions
No job too small
From 10€ per hour No Job too small
25 years experience
Based in Chabanais
Cleaning, to Fitting a new Kitchen
or a helping pair of hands
Paul : 0545 71 58 09
Siret: 49031205500018
Siret 51243129700013
Home Care & Maintenance
I have been in the trade for 25 years, working
for Crabtrees, a family business in London,
employing 50 people where I worked my way
up to Company Foreman. Most of our work
was for Network Rail, refurbishing major
stations in London.
My services include double glazing, painting
Interior and exterior, installation of bathrooms
and kitchens, flat pack assembly, drainage,
fencing and building maintenance for local
business. I also offer general small works for
the non DIY person and will do all the little
jobs you cant be bothered with. Give me a
call… references can be given.
RKR (Sarl)
New Builds, Fosse installations, connections
to main drains, all interior and exterior
renovations, ground works, patios and
driveway constructions. Based at Confolens
but covering a wide area: 16, 86, 87 & 24. I
have been in the construction trade 30+
years, the last 9yrs in France. I only use other
competent tradesmen if and when needed.
If you require work doing, please call or
email. No matter how small a job, we will do
our best to help: our rates are competitive
and we try to work to your budget where
possible - we know money can be tight. All
quotes free, insurance work welcome too.
Siret: 528 646 771 00014
Mister Fix-It Gary Worrall
It's time to get those jobs sorted that you've
been putting off so why not let me do them for
you. From erecting a new shed or sorting out
a dripping tap, in fact if it needs fixing, hanging,
glazing, assembling, painting, clearing, tiling,
filling, decorating, plaster boarding or moving,
or if you just need a helping hand for a couple
of hours please give me a call to discuss your
requirements. I have 18 years experience in
all aspects of property maintenance and
development. References available.
Independent supplier of affordable, reliable, high quality, environmentally friendly micro-stations
and sewage treatment systems for both new builds and properties with a non-conforming fosse.
UK registration 07 15 72 91
Fully registered and insured
Trading in France since 2007
Call Mark for a free quotation:
Tel: 05 55 71 49 13 Mob: 06 78 60 96 16
Siret No. 493 159 412 00011
Fosse France Solutions - Having been in the construction and water industries for many
years, we have extensive knowledge of all waste water treatment systems: from traditional
fosses to the newest micro-stations. We know the pros and cons of each system and the
suitability of these systems for you and your property. We have negotiated the very best prices
for our clients and this, along with our full pre-sales consultation service, means you can be
sure of getting the best system for you at the lowest possible price. So, for great advice,
affordable quality systems and a professional service, contact Clint today.
C’est deux oeufs dans un frigo.
Un dit à l'autre: "Mais dis donc,
t'es drôlement poilu pour un oeuf."
L'autre répond: "Mais je suis un kiwi."
There are two eggs in a fridge.
One says to the other: "Hey, you're
quite hairy for an egg."
The other replies: "But I am a kiwi."
P.D.Smith Plastering & Building
High Quality Plastering and Building Work
• Fosse Septique
• Digger & driver
• Land clearance
• Demolition
All jobs undertaken from renovations to new builds
Specialist in flat plastering, plasterboarding
Stud partitioning, rendering and pointing
• Foundations
• Ploughing & re-seeding service
• Fencing
• Stonework specialist
• Building Renovation or New
free quotes, please call
06 75 44 02 86
Small jobs accepted. Insured & guaranteed.
English & French-speaking.
Siret No: 511 322 810 00017
Tel: 05 49 97 15 28 / 06 48 17 20 94
Email: nigel.bentham@orange.fr
& Sandblasting
Glyn Chubb
Staircases, windows, Doors,
Gates, Barn Doors, Kitchens
Wood & metal stripping
De-rusting & degreasing
Waxing & painting
Collection & delivery service available
05 45 31 13 04 / taylor4057@icloud.com
Based near Confolens
siret: 79745917900017
Roofing, plasterboarding, tiling
Restoration and general building
Renovation Vienne
25 years experience
email: glynn.chubb79@orange.fr
Tel: 05 49 27 67 29
T: 09 66 43 60 50
E: renovation.vienne@orange.fr
Siret No. 494 068 315 00014
Fully French Registered & Insured
Full English
scaffolding service
Safe, secure, adaptable
Meeting all safety regulations
and covered by full public liability insurance.
Delivered erected and dismantled
Over 20 years experience
30yrs experience, fully qualified
Free estimates, friendly and reliable service
Tel: 05 55 68 35 79
Depts 87, 16, north 24
Siret: 511294373 00010
Tel Gary on 05 55 48 83 94
Siret no. 480 541 093 00013
Strong, fully adjustable cup-lock
Collect & erect yourself to save costs
or delivery & erection included
T: 05 55 68 22 04
E: info@limousin-builders.com
SJ Renovations was started when I arrived
in France 4 years ago, with 20 years
experience building in the UK. We do kitchens
(which can be supplied from the UK at discount
prices), bathrooms, plumbing, studwork,
plasterboarding, plastering, knock throughs,
stone work, joinery work, lime rendering and
lime jointing. I speak French, am fully insured
and registered with the Chambre de Metiers
de la Haute-Vienne. References and photos
of previous jobs available.
C & C Carpentry
Fully registered, qualified, time served
carpenter & joiner of 30 years experience.
Before moving to France Paul worked
exclusively throughout London and built up a
regular and loyal client base as he has now
done in France. Some of Paul's work (for
French & British clients) can be viewed by
visiting his web-site. A friendly and reliable
service in carpentry, joinery and renovation
covering depts 87, 86, 19 & 23. Please contact
for advice or to discuss requirements.
Full English
Scaffolding Service
Delivered, erected
& dismantled
25 years+ experience
With full public liability insurance
(Dept 86 & surrounding areas)
Small jobs no problem!
Tel: 05 49 48 84 03
Siret No: 485081475 00025
Siret: 502 353 675 00015
siret 789 209 236 00015
Getting Connected
Building Work, Babies
& Blunders
Having injections or blood taken doesn’t faze
me at all, which is probably a good job
considering that you have to have them every
month when you’re pregnant; so 3
pregnancies in 4 years = lots of blood tests
(more than an armful!)
The Central Heating
Cleaning Specialists
Siret 51962408400017
• Available for all types of electrical work
• Small jobs, new builds, renovations, rewires
• Consuel assistance and certification service available
• Fully insured with 10yr workmanship guarantee
But when I have to sit holding one of the
children while a paediatrician and nurse
count down from three then jab one leg of
said child each, it’s another matter. THEN I
don’t like them at all.
Cold radiators High fuel bills Noisy boiler
I haven’t had children in the UK so don’t know
if it’s the same there, but here, you’re given
a book that is completed at various
milestones and all doctor visits and
vaccinations are duly noted.
Covering depts. & 87
They also regularly weigh the child, measure
their height and the size of their head – this
information is then put on to a graph at the
back of the book, which gives you a guideline
of where they should be at that age.
This information led to me discovering that at
the 5 months old, all 3 of our children were
the same height and had exactly the same
head size. However, Izzy was 1kg lighter than
Nicole, who was 1kg lighter than Zacc!
Now it’s sad things like that which I find
interesting, such as dates that read the same
backwards as forwards (Nicole’s birthday is
21.2.12); or that if Alan and I were to choose
our lottery numbers based on all the family’s
birthdates, plus our wedding anniversary
date, we would have: 20, 21, 26, 27, 29 & 30
– strange considering the only one of those
we have consciously chose was our wedding
BLUNDER: I’m sure I’m not alone in relying
rather heavily on Google Translate (other
websites are available); so when I wrote a
business overview to show to our Mairie, it
made sense for me to write it in English, then
seek guidance from Mother Google.
BEWARE: I’m not daft enough to think it is
100% accurate every time; but you can
imagine my shock when I was told one
particular part used a very bad swear word…
problem is, they didn’t tell me which one! As
soon as I work it out, I’ll let you know.
And finally, thanks to everyone who got in
touch following my column in May’s edition,
with suggestions on how I might retrieve the
photos I lost.
Leanne Bradbury runs Créativité, selling handmade
gifts, upcycled and pre-loved items, to raise money
for a project to create a leisure / respite centre for
people with disabilities. For more information, visit
www.creativite.webs.com, or call 05 45 21 79 73 for
the building services of hubby Alan.
Prolong the life of your heating system!
Find out more go to:
05 55 67 35 02
Powerflow - Powerflushing, known as
Désembouage in France, will restore systems
with circulation problems and boiler noise
caused by sludge and corrosion, back to
optimum operation. Powerflushing removes
these deposits and the problems that they
cause. People often forget that the only thing
transporting the heat around the heating
system is the water. Powerflushing should
also be done when commissioning new
heating systems to reduce the risk of
breakdowns. Many systems are found to
contain substantial amounts of corrosion and
sludge, even if no flow problems are obvious.
We cover a large area. For lots more info.
please visit www.powerflowfrance.com.
siret: 48002659000012
T: 09 72 35 74 73
E: barwick.shaun@gmail.com
Based near Chalus 87230
Siret: 794 282 368 00016
Jérôme BETUS
· Fully qualified registered electrician (bilingual)
· All work fully insured with 10-year guarantee
· Domestic & commercial installation / repairs
· Communications wiring & automation
· Safety and conformity checks
86430 Adriers / jbelectric86@orange.fr
05 49 84 34 80 / 06 78 12 02 91
SIRET 537398125 00014
Jérôme Betus of J.B. Electric has a
reputation for high quality workmanship and a
professional service, backed by a 10-year
guarantee to give you peace of mind when it
comes to the safe installation or repair of your
system. Fluent in English and French, Jérôme
is always available to talk through the lighting
or power needs of your home or business, and
provide you with a free quote. Call 06 78 12
02 91 or mail him at: jbelectric86@orange.fr
What did the green grape say
to the purple grape?
Oh my God, breathe!
John Vint
Experienced and qualified plumber
available for all types of plumbing work
Civray based - available 50km radius
T: 05 49 87 04 27
E: jeldershawgrylls@gmail.com
Tel: 05 49 91 85 54
H J Marsh
I offer free &
friendly advice
so please don’t
hesitate to
contact me.
Siret: 48092458800019
Simple jobs
Complete renovations
New builds
Conformity checks
Emergency Call outs
Fully insured 10yr guarantee
Hedley Marsh
86320 Persac
Tel: 05 49 48 35 49
Mobile: 06 45 74 25 36
Email: hedleymarsh@orange.fr
Siret: 51190455900016
Getting Connected
Charles Hodencq
Electricité Générale
Quality PV Kits incl German built panels
SMA Sunny Boy Inverter included
NO need for complicated EDF contracts
Energy Monitors included
French Electrician - fluent English Speaker.
Based in Bellac - covering 87 & parts of
86, 16 & 23
For all your electrical needs - safety
checks, re-wires, new builds,
upgrades & complete renovations
0624270186 / 0555686226
in association with
Siret No : 503121279 00015
Ecopower Keep It Simple and use your roof, garden or even shed to generate your own energy
without the need for complicated EDF contracts. There is a growing trend towards energy
self-sufficiency in France. Who wouldn’t want to reduce energy bills and reliance on providers
as well as protecting themselves against price rises? Our quality PV kits come with all you need
to generate and use your own electricity. If installation is required we will carry out all necessary
paperwork and even install an energy monitor when you book a survey to see the savings you
will make. For details contact lindsey@ecopowereurope.com or call 05 45 32 65 57.
Charles Hodencq Electricité Générale are
proud to offer all its customers a friendly and
efficient service. From small jobs to complete
renovations or new builds we offer the flexibility
to work on your project from start to finish. Need
any help? We offer a fully bi-lingual service to
help you every step of the way, giving advice,
completing a repair, creating a devis, or offering
assistance in dealing with EDF. As the summer
months are almost upon us, why not give us a
call to discuss outdoor lighting to extend those
summer days into enjoyable nights.
Rewires, new build
Electric heating
n Home security
n Lightning protection
n TV & audio
n Work guaranteed & insured
Bathrooms / Kitchens / Tiling
Call Gary: 05 55 60 43 55 / 06 44 37 88 15
Email: garycandland1@yahoo.co.uk
Reduced rates for OAP’s
siret: 53872280200013
• Repairs
• Heating
• Bathroom Installations
35 years experience
All work fully insured
Based dept 79 but will travel
T: 05 49 07 67 09
M: 06 48 42 63 93
For all your
Satellite TV needs…
see advert page 54
French trained
Domestic, Public & Industrial Work
Computer technician
French Speaking
Offers good free advice
Paul Wilkins
Siret: 75333878900013
Contact Paul Ellis on:
Tel/Fax: 05 49 50 09 06
Mob: 06 70 97 59 56
E-mail: paul.gill@wanadoo.fr
Regions: 16, 36, 37, 79, 86, 87
All aspects of
Over 30 years
Based dept 87
but will travel
Fully Qualified - Fully Insured
All electrical works / Security Systems
Data Cabling / Aerials
Based Nr Chef Boutonne
T: 06 35 94 95 85 / 09 80 67 66 40
E: pauljwilkins@hotmail.com
87190 Magnac Laval
T: 05 55 68 08 13
M: 06 25 20 99 13
Siret 490820859RM87
David Read is a French Trained Electrician
based in Magnac Laval and registered with
the Conseil as a ‘professionnel installateur’.
His business was established in 2006 and
David is qualified not only to work in all
domestic, public and industrial areas up to 400
volts live but also to train students. He can also
offer his services as a computer technician
and benefits from being able to speak French.
Contact David for honest free advice.
Siret 509 768 639 00012
Siret: 491827705 00022
05 45 29 68 73 / 06 30 11 86 84
email: gary.moore@orange.fr
Siret 452 755 390 000 13 - RM 8601
T: 05 49 29 12 64 / M: 06 79 37 02 08
E: ak.longman@hotmail.co.uk
Getting Connected
Clive Masters - Masters Electricité
Bathrooms / Kitchens
Water Mains / Drainage
Full or part Heating Systems
Wood Stoves - Servicing / Repairs
When the majority of people hear the term
air-conditioning they think of a system that is
used for cooling a hotel room or office, but this
is not the case. A modern air-conditioning
system is completely reversible, i.e. it heats
as well as cools, which means it is a very
effective and efficient heating system.
T: 05 45 89 38 02 / 09 77 70 72 80
E: simon.kershaw@wanadoo.fr
siret 440 419 018 00013
Clive & Wendy Masters
Air Source Heat Pumps
Ground Source Heat
Solar Water Heating
05 55 78 66 35
Adresse: La Côte, 87600, Vayres
Mob:06 17 32 02 12 Fax:05 55 53 34 45
Email: clive@masters-electricite.com
Web: www.masters-electricite.com
Masters Energies, a limited company, owned and
run by Clive & Wendy Masters. The company is well
qualified and prepared to satisfy your electrical,
heating and renewable energy requirements. Clive
maintains his qualifications with regular training on
manufacturers and other professional courses. With
a strong emphasis on quality and customer
satisfaction, Masters Energies has earned a very
good reputation since established in France in 2003.
Through a progressive development and expansion
programme, the company is able to offer a complete
range of services. Electrical services include:
· Electrical installations for new builds,
conversions or renovations
· Rewiring of existing properties
· Electric central heating with an emphasis of
programmability and energy management
· Lightning protection for electrical installations
and telephone systems (essential in order to
protect your computer modem)
· Automatic controls and motorisation for driveway
gates and garage doors
· Telephone installations and extensions
· Additional lighting and electrical points
· Alarm installations
· 'Smart home' systems using infra-red and radio
frequency technology
Siret: 451 371 579 00017
Photovoltaic Electricity
Wood Burning Stoves
Masters Energies has embraced the new
technologies and holds an Attestation de Capacité
for refrigerant fluids. We are properly qualified to
design, install and commission air and ground source
heat pumps and air-conditioning systems and we
are the manufacturer approved after sales service
engineers for leading marques in this area.
We are qualified installers of solar thermal systems
for the production of hot water and of solar
photovoltaic installations for the generation of
electricity. The solar thermal systems will provide up
to 80% of your annual domestic hot water
requirements. Electricity produced by the
photovoltaic panels can be tied-in to the grid in order
to earn a return on your investment, or may be used
as a stand-alone system for domestic consumption.
In addition to the renewable energy systems, we
supply and install traditional oil and gas central
heating systems. Clive is a certified Professional de
Gaz and as such can inspect and test LPG and
natural gas installations.
We supply and install wood-fired heating systems
from single wood burners to wood-fired boilers as
well as flue systems and liners for all types of fuel.
Our constant aim is to have the highest level of
customer service and satisfaction in every aspect of
our work.
Approved Service Centre for LG
air-conditioning & Heat Pump systems
We supply
and install
Heat Pumps
The modern air-conditioning unit is actually
referred to as an air-source heat pump
because of the way it works. The traditional
reversible air-conditioner, is an air-air heat
pump. It is called that because its heat source
is the ambient air in the vicinity of the outside
unit and the heat is emitted as a flow of warm
air at around 46°C. The heat energy is
absorbed from the air by the refrigerant fluid
contained in the unit’s evaporator. This is the
coil of copper tubing and aluminium fins that
are visible to the side and rear of the external
unit. The unit has a fan in order to draw in the
ambient air. The refrigerant in the evaporator
is in a gaseous state. It is drawn from the
evaporator by the compressor, which as the
name suggests compresses the gas and in
doing so raises its temperature. This hot, high
pressure gas is carried by the refrigerant
piping to the unit inside the home where it is
passed through another coil and fin
arrangement, known as the condensor. A fan
then blows a stream of air past the condensor
coil and out of the unit. The heat contained in
the refrigerant fluid is then emitted and it heats
the room in which it is located. In losing its
heat, the refrigerant changes from a gaseous
to a liquid state, whereupon it passes through
a regulator and re-enters the evaporator as a
cool liquid and so the sequence continues.
The summer process is the exact reverse, so
cooled air is blown into the room and the heat
from inside the house is dispersed by the
outside unit.
Air-air heat pumps are not limited to simply
one outside unit and one inside unit. In a
multi-split system, one outside unit can supply
any number of inside units, depending on the
capacity of the unit, which means the whole
house can be heated/cooled in the same
The reason for a heat pump’s economy is that
it has a coefficient of performance of four or
more. This means that that there is a four-fold
increase in the amount of heat energy
returned against the electrical energy
consumed in its operation. In effect, for every
one kilowatt of electricity used to run the unit,
you get four kilowatts of heat out of it. It is a
very economical way of heating your home,
with the added bonus than in the summer it
works the other way and thus cools it to a
comfortable level. The system is particularly
suited for installation in an existing building
that does not already have a wet centralheating system, i.e. a network of pipework and
Getting Connected
Full Freesat HD
from 350€
All equipment & labour
including Freesat HD
receiver & 65cm
satellite dish
English Free to Air / Freesat
English Subscription TV
French TV
DIY Kits
Based North Dept 87
Expert Service
covering 87, 16, 86, 23, 36, 79, 24
Siret: 480 287 390 00029
Stuart Wallace Tel: 05 55 68 15 77
thefrenchhouse@cegetel.net www.the-french-house.net
French House Satellite TV
Problem Solver
Lost some channels on your FTA receiver?
If so, try re-scanning to pick up any frequency changes. If this doesn't fix
it, you may need your dish alignment checked.
Please get in touch to discuss any problems in further detail.
All sounds a bit dodgy…
Whilst the new breed of flatscreen TVs look very nice, they
often sound rubbish.
This is because there is simply no room to
fit decent speakers. As such, it might be
worth considering a 'sound bar' which can
sit under your TV and offer far better
quality audio. Or, better still, if you have a
big screen TV, then why not consider a
home cinema system? They're not all as
specialist as you might think and many
come all in one box with easy set up.
We keep our promises
- Registered and Insured
- All areas covered
- 24/7 Service
& Satellite Engineers
Tel: 05 49 07 20 28
Mob: 06 71 05 91 70
e-mail: mark.hall@sfr.fr
Satman & Jobin
Satellite / Digital TV /
Valve Equipment/PLUS
Installation Repair & Sales
45 Years Experience
Located CIVRAY (86)
Stewart & Lynda
T: 05 49 87 01 14
E: f5vjj@live.co.uk
siret 483 463 535 00037
SIRET No. 515 362 887 00017
Hallmark Electronique
No need to ask - we cover all areas. We pride
ourselves on first class customer service and
will spend as much time as necessary when
quoting a job to ensure the needs of you, the
customer, are met. Our services include
electrics, communications, satellite, French
TV and auto electrics. Our 2 vans are
equipped with advanced equipment to
ensure your job is professionally managed
and all jobs are fully tested prior to final
payment. We even tidy up after ourselves.
Call us for a FREE, no obligation chat to
discuss your requirements. We also offer a
24/7 breakdown service.
Satman & Jobin
I have been involved in Communications and
Electronics for all of my adult and teenage life
so you could say it has been a passion as well
as a career. I was apprenticed at 15 years old
and qualified at 21 years. I continued
progressing through the dramatic changes in
the field of Communications and Electronics
eventually taking management studies in my
late 30's and then further Technical
Qualifications to advance my career. So by
utilising me to solve your problems
(challenges) you are assured of a lifetime of
both technical and customer service
experience which cannot be gained overnight.
Stuart Wallace
The French House
Satellite TV
So, what have I Iearned this
month? Well, I’ve discovered that there is an erm,
‘installer’ operating in dept 87 who is happy to
install a satellite system, do it quite badly and
then never return the customer’s calls when they
ask him to rectify his work. Suffice to say that I
am not referring to any of the other installers
advertising in etcetera. They of course, are all
jolly good blokes and completely reliable.
This installer however, fitted too small a dish and
then made it worse by fitting it where it could only
ever receive about half the available signal. Good
work my man, good work……no really, it was. I
got paid to come and fix it. Thanks fella….
Don’t forget, the football World Cup starts on
the 12th of this month! For those of you who
hate football, this will be a bad thing. For those
who love it, then I know you’ll be joining me in
pant-wetting excitement. Anyway, immaturities
aside, you’ve not got long to ensure you can see
it. It will be covered by both BBC and ITV (other
country’s broadcasts are also available etc) so
all you need is a basic free-to-air satellite set up
and you can look forward to watching England
getting knocked out in the last 16. Installations
start from 350 euros.
Oooh, oh, nearly forgot! Freeview is not the
same as Freesat. The clue is in the name Freesat (meaning free satellite
- see what they did there?) Do
not buy a Freeview box for
reception of UK TV (in France).
I shall no longer be
sympathetic and gloss over
your errors (except to those of you reading this
for the first time, you are excused. Only this once
Now, dodgy dealing afoot….Sky UK has over the
last few weeks started to implement more antipiracy measures to its premium subscription
services. Over the past few years, Sky and all
pay TV providers, have been losing revenue to
people using card sharing services and
servers. These offer the full Sky package at a
much cheaper rate than an official subscription.
By using certain satellite receivers, like a Skybox
F5 for example, and connecting them to the
internet, you can receive Sky pay channels for a
lot less month than a official subscription. Some
providers of these systems do not tell their clients
that the systems are illegal, and the services
cannot be guaranteed.
Around 10 Sky HD pay channels have had their
encryption settings improved. This has meant the
channels are no longer able to be “unlocked” by
cardsharing services. Although there are only a
handful of channels affected at present, you can
bet that all Sky HD channels will be moved to the
new encryption in the next few weeks. Perhaps
all premium Sky channels, like Sky Sports and
Sky Movies will also change.
Of course, the broadcasters are always playing
catch up, and it may only be a matter of time
before the cardshare networks manage to crack
and hack the new encryption. How long it will take
no-one really knows. The only official and correct
way to receive Sky pay channels via satellite is
with a genuine Sky subscription package. (with
thanks to www.uksatellitehelp.co.uk)
Getting Connected
Website Design
& Computer Maintenance
Contact me for all your web design
needs and computer issues
20 years experience
Tel: 07 86 27 25 51 / 05 49 07 52 26
Siret no:510 987 480 00017
Many people ask me what I do and what I cover
with my long (feeling old now!) and varied IT
experience. Without blowing my trumpet (too
much!), there's not a lot I haven't had experience
with one way or another. From the usual
servicing and repairing of PCs, Macs, Laptops,
Tablets and networking to Smart TVs, DVD/Bluray players and home media centers, I work with
all types of gadgets (obsessed? Moi?). So if you
need assistance, are ready to chuck it out the
window, why not give me a call? Together we
can beat any gadget into submission!
Homecall PC
PC repair on house calls
PC building on demand
We sell hardware & peripherals
Year round maintenance • Contracts on request
Tel: 05 55 78 24 86
Email: contact@homecallpc.com
87150 Champagnac La Riviere
SIRET: 482 107 943 00011 - TVA INT: 0648210794300011
computer services
pc • mac • network
Operating system support
Application support
Network support
System security
Virus and Malware
Call for friendly
assessment & advice
Phil Monaghan
05 55 68 47 33
06 82 26 31 54
Ben Scher's
'Cut Out & Keep' Guides
Kev Pope, the Computer Man
Have Knowhow
Will Travel*
PC repairs, upgrades, internet, home service
tel: 05 49 50 66 80
e-mail: kpcservice@wanadoo.fr
Vant 86510 Chaunay
Siret no: 453 868 275 00026 *within 65kms of Civray
Kev Pope, the Computer Man
I have a client who owns a hand drill made
in 1850. It still works perfectly. Unfortunately,
computers and their programs don't last quite
as long. They need updating from time to
time, or even replacing. At the moment,
certain major systems - for instance Windows
XP - are coming to the end of their lives and
may need to be replaced. This can be a
difficult and time-consuming job. And this is
where I can help. Not only can I install your
new system, but I can make sure your
computer will handle it, and I can show you
any differences in usage. Just call Kev.
Angel Web Designs
Professional Website Design
at competitive prices
All our solutions are tailored
to your needs
Siret No. 491.991.097.00016
View our extensive
portfolio at
Bob Webb
05 55 00 89 98
Angel Web Designs
I’ve recently completed a site for my neighbour
who breeds Cul Noir pigs which if you haven't
tried I suggest you do next time you see it on
a menu. Since my French is embarrassingly
poor and Mikaël speaks little English it was an
interesting project (thankfully, our respective
partners came to the rescue when it got too
complicated). The brief was for an easy to use
site and online shop which will hopefully
enable Mikaël to reach a larger market with
his excellent products all of which I can heartily
recommend. The site is now up and running
- www.la-ferme-bio-87.com.
Siret 50044353600015
Hello there - Mayday calling! I just wanted
you to know that Lewis, Edge Informatique,
has included my telephone number on his
voice message. This is his decision and not
some sort of scam, the likes of which are not
uncommon in the world of IT. And so, if I can
help in anyway whatsoever, please get in
touch and I will endeavour to continue the
good work he has done.
Mobile Computer/Satellite Services
Sky / Freesat
Mike Norman
Depts 16, 79 & 86
Siret 44535334500017
My secretary recently
opened a letter from one of
my fans which caught her
attention. Usually my fan mail consists of
praise such as ‘what are you on about?’ or
‘is there something wrong with you?’ but
this particular letter was so moving that
Bernice felt compelled to bring it
immediately to me at my writing lodge in
the Massif Central.
I shan’t share the entire letter with you
since some of the language is rather
inappropriate, but here’s a snippet...
“I am at the end of my tether and need your
help. My friends are very keen on football
but I don’t know anything about it which
makes socialising with them impossible.
I’ve tried steering the conversation round
to lambs and sunsets but it always returns
to football. What is football? Help me Ben
Scher, you’re my only hope.”
The game was invented back in 1996 when
two men - Ronaldo and Beckham - noticed
children enjoying themselves kicking a
party balloon around a field. They went
home to their caravan park in Llandudno
and had a go themselves. Aside from
having the time of their lives, they quickly
realised that a balloon was too light and
wonky, so they searched for something
heavier and rounder that wouldn’t keep
floating into the hedges. That’s when they
came up with the ball. The modern football
hasn’t really changed much, except it’s no
longer made of oak.
The rules Ronaldo and Beckham came up
with are simple. As the name suggests,
you can only touch the ball with your foot.
Which foot is up to you, but once you’ve
nominated a foot you have to stick with it
for the entire match. The aim of the game
is to kick the ball into Anette. (She doesn’t
mind, it’s what she lives for). Every time
you do you score a point for your team. The
team with the most points at the end of the
game wins. There are strictly no prizes and
no money involved; it’s all about pride.
Nowadays football is a global phenomenon
like Miley Cyrus or cheddar cheese. There
are even competitions, believe it or not, to
find the best team of footballers. In
England this competition is called ‘Match
of the Day’; a man called Gary Linekar
chooses the winner each week. It’s quite
good and some weeks it’s even almost
Every now and then there’s a world
tournament where all the greatest players
from each country go to the same country
at the same time to play against each other
to see which of them can get the most
points and then proudly say that they are
the best.
England are very good at snooker.
Responsible for more than 25% of all foreign client
house purchases in the Limousin
73 dedicated agents in the Limousin, Poitou-Charentes & Aquitaine
New branch in Rochechouart
Actively looking for new agents with good french language skills
around Limoges and to the east and north of Angoulême
info@leggettfrance.com www.leggettfrance.com
In Town with Louise…
Each month Louise introduces a local town or village. This month …
Hi all, I hope that by the time everyone is reading this, the weather has improved! The start of May was very
disappointing with a fair bit of rain, but in a way it was a good thing as it forced me to get back to painting the house.
I managed to paint all of the kitchen beams, the window frames, the front gates and the guest bathroom. Feeling
rather proud of myself!
We decided to venture West one weekend and visit the town of Cognac. I'd never been before but had heard lots
of great things about it over the years so knew it was worth a visit.
The town is, of course, famous thanks to Cognac, the grape-based spirit which has been made in the town for the past 300 years.
It has been referred to as 'the liquor of the gods'. It was first made as an alternative to wine as a preventative drink against scurvy.
It was easier to transport and also tasted better after being aged in oak casks.
We started our day in the medieval part of the town which is a lovely area of cobbled streets, surrounded by pretty white stone
houses dating back to the 15th to 18th centuries. The tourist office have prepared a useful guided tour of the old part of town which
starts to the north of the river Charente. There are clear maps to follow and lots of useful information about the town.
I was surprised to discover that the town actually owes it's original success to King Francois I who granted Cognac a license to trade
in salt, rather than to the drink for which it is now famous!
Obviously I won't share with you every monument of interest in the town as I would be writing a small essay(!) and you will see them
as you explore the town yourselves. But I do recommend that you visit the Chateau des Valois, which is now usually referred to as
the Cognac Chateau and also the Porte of Saint-Jacques. I did find part of the castle rather plain to look at but the other side
features a more interesting medieval tower which is worth a visit.
After a nice lunch at Le Coq d'Or, we ventured into the more modern part of town which is filled with lovely cafés and shops, plus
a busy covered market where we were immediately drawn to the lovely Sugar et Spice stall which features some delicious cakes
for all occasions. That was my diet over for that week...well worth it though.
We took a stroll in the gorgeous public gardens in the centre of Cognac which covers several hectares and contains extensive
plantings, a rose garden, water features, trees and pretty flower borders plus several interesting buildings including the Museum
of Art and History and the grand 19th century Town Hall. To end the day we visited the fabulous Museum of the Arts of Cognac
which will teach you everything you wanted to know about how this famous local brandy is made. Cognac enthusiasts will also
want to visit the glassworks in Saint Gobain where you can see how the bottles are made to contain all that Cognac.
We didn't get time but you can take a cruise on a gabarre, the traditional flat-bottomed boat once used to transport the salt and
cognac along the Charente. You can get tickets at the tourist office (16 rue du XIV Juillet).
Cognac provides a great day out with lots of lovely historical buildings to view, tasty restaurants and make sure you don't leave
without trying some of the famous Cognac!
Louise x
29 bd Victor Hugo
87200 Saint Junien
27 av Henri Barbusse
87200 Saint Junien
Service Immobilier
05 55 02 91 91
email : immonotaires87@wanadoo.fr
site : www.immonotaires87.com
Service Immobilier
05 55 02 11 11
email : immo@courivaud.com
site : www.cmvnotaires.com
11th Century chapel,
80m2, fitted kitchen
library, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Land 1.7ha with
230m2 of barns. No work required, renovation
done to a very high standard. Energy: D 480,322€
Situated on the
outskirts, at the
end of a lane,
approx. 150m2
plus attached
500m2. 52,872€
Commune of Rochechouart, 18th century character
house of 230m2. Kitchen 33m2, 2 living areas/
lounges with chimneys of 52m2 & 24m2, office
20m2, 5 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms. Central heating &
Convertible attic 95m2,
3 barns totalling 300m2.
Land 4.3ha with pool and
Energy: B 392,729€
Commune of Cognac la Fôret. Parklands of
2ha with outbuildings and superb 1ha lake.
House 131m2 habitable area comprising an
entrance hall/office 16m2, fitted kitchen
13m2, living room
& veranda 36m2,
room 35m2 plus 3
Energy: D
Mme Claude Lagny-Edwards
6 bld du 8 mai 1945, 87210 Le Dorat
T: 05 55 68 59 29 or 06 08 05 16 48
E: claude.lagny-edwards@wanadoo.fr
Oradour St Genest (87)
Ready to move into village house
The French Property Agent
Carte Professionelle No. 463 délivrée de la
Préfecture de la Dordogne
We have properties to suit all budgets; visit our
website to find your ideal French home. If you
can't find what you are looking for, contact us
using the details below, as we have new
properties coming in on a daily basis. We offer
a comprehensive bilingual service and will be
by your side through each step of the buying
process. All our prices include all fees and
taxes, so the price you see is the price you
If you have a property for sale, please call for
a free valuation - we may already have clients
looking for just your kind of property!
Below is a snapshot of what we have to offer:
Town house with
original features.
Walking distance
to shops etc Ref
1619 69,460€
6 bed property with
possibility to split and
earn extra income.
Large garden. 25
mins from Limoges
airport. Ref 1622
103, 090€
Hamlet property,
4 beds with 2
garages & large
private garden.
amenities. Ref
1621 136,690€
Commercial properties also available
Bar/restaurant, Hotel/restaurant, Crêperie &
numerous B&B’s. All with good earning
potential. Please contact for further details.
For more info contact :
Lisa McKenna E: frenchpa@orange.fr
T: 09 66 84 68 77 / M: 06 77 01 21 73
or visit www.thefrenchpropertyagent.com
Ground floor: Kitchen, lounge, office/shower,
second lounge.
1st floor: 2 bedrooms, en-suite shower,
shower room.
2nd floor: Bedroom
3 barns/outbuildings. Garden 2287m²
€133,700 FAI/Agency fees incl.
Did you know that based on the latest available figures, France was the most
visited country in the world in 2011 and 2012?
There were approximately 83 million 'international tourist arrivals' in 2012, a
rise of around 1.5 million from the previous year. The United States was
second with China and Spain level in third place.
However, in terms of the revenue earned from this tourism, France ranked only 3rd with
around 40 billion Euros, some way behind the biggest earners, the United States (92
billion euros).
There is a lot of ongoing
speculation about whether you
may be entitled to reclaim a tax on
your electricity bill.
Lawyers are advising that the ‘Contribution au
service public de l’électricité’ (CSPE) can be
up to 10% of an electricity bill, and you can
request a repayment back dated for 2 years.
The European Court of Justice has ruled that
the tax is a form of illegal state aid.
You need to produce the statements for the 2
years, which show you have paid the CSPE
tax (don’t forget to add the TVA portion), send
a covering letter (examples can be found
online) and send it registered to your electricity
provider, remembering to keep copies for
The final decision is said to be made by the
French Conseil d’Etat.
It’s a bit of a long shot but it may be a good idea
to put your claim in now, before conditions on
claims change.
Immobiliers / Property Sales
€169,600 F.A.I.
3 bedroom Chambre
d’Hôtes with possible
gîte and attached
Cathe Bower
Tel: 05 49 48 37 74 / 06 09 60 60 82
147,000€ FAI
Ref: 6272
Coulonges (Vienne)
Beautifully renovated
3 bedroom character
landscaped garden.
Village location.
90,000€ FAI
Ref 6290
1.39Ha - 2 bedroom
modern house,
3 room cottage to
renovate, outbuildings,
super price.
xword & sudoku solver
Within the palatial mansions of your mind
I hope for any refuge my simple thoughts can find
As I wander through your forest of confusion and despair
I seek any reason or rhyme which may be concealed in there
In dreams I take your hand and we walk a virgin shore
Waiting for the breakthrough, looking for the door
There is very little we need save a place wher we may reside
A place where we are safe, with no secrets we need to hide
Minds and passions merging in the deep of the night
Limbs interlocking, tongues tangled in the fight
Both seeking satisfaction from the want we hold
As our needs and juices mingle and our honesty unfolds
We wake in sweet surrender in the half light of the morning
And hungry hearts and want call once again with little warning
Thrashing wild in desire and untamed pleasure and need
We fill our wanton minds and lustful thoughts with all but greed
Then as the early light breaks through the privacy of our room
And we have woven our love and lust on such a personal loom
And the material we wove is of such substance and so real
We then have something we made ourselves which no other man can steal
Bob Darvell
1. Équitation
2. Etalon
6. Cravache
7. Rênes
8. Écurie
9. Mors
11. Cheval
€39,950 F.A.I.
Quaint renovated
cottage with private
courtyard in a pretty
70 Avenue de la Libération 87320 Bussière-Poitevine
T : 05 55 60 03 85 / 06 86 93 80 65 / 06 76 30 13 43
E : gourdonimmobilier@orange.fr
3. Pursang
4. Botte
5. Pas
6. Crinière
8. Étrier
10. Enclos
12. Selle
Private Property /
Businesses For Sale
ONLY 26,500€
A fantastic opportunity to buy a large plot of
land with CU already obtained for a 167msq
property, but with the potential to comfortably
create two separate homes.
This private, enclosed plot, with mature
Douglas fir trees to the front aspect, is set
within walking distance of the centre of
Pressignac 16150, which has all local
amenities and bus to the local school.
The local equestrian centre is close by and
leisure lakes with their beaches, bathing,
fishing, sailing and restaurants just a short
distance. A golf course is just ½ hour away.
The towns of Chabanais and Rochechouart,
with their supermarkets, brico stores and
eateries are 10 minutes. Angouleme is just 40
minutes away and has direct TGV rail links to
the UK (via Lille) and Paris. Limoges airport is
40 minutes. Bordeaux, Bergerac and Poitiers,
airports are all within reasonable distance.
For more information: 05 45 31 89 88
On a beautiful 3677m² plot of land:
Two traditional houses of 158m² and 120m².
Two garages, large playroom (for table tennis
etc) boiler room (fuel oil & wood).
150m² barn. Two old houses to renovate
(with bread oven) plus 82m² barn with
possibility to add 30m² extension.
This unusual opportunity offers many
possibilities to develop a home and business
including gites, spa etc.
DPE Logement Econome: D / Faible Emission de GES: C
300,000€ Tel: 06 77 34 84 99
Email: tao-bong@wanadoo.fr
Between Piegut-Pluviers and St Mathieu.
Village house on approximately 1200 sqm
of land 10 minutes from all amenities.
Fully fitted kitchen, 2 spacious reception
rooms. Wood burning ducted stove, heating
most upstairs rooms. Separate ground floor
toilet, shower room, and utility room.
Direct access into large garage housing
oil-fired central heating boiler - supplies hot
water and to radiators in all rooms.
1st flr: 2 large beds, study/bed, large shower
room with toilet & storage cupboard.
Space for caravan/camping car to side of
garage. Above ground octagonal pool.
Fruit trees, well, and easy to manage garden.
Many extras included in the sale price.
For details Tel: 05 53 60 54 99 or email:
C’est Cheese
Find us at local markets selling a
small and tasty selection of
excellent quality english cheeses
C’est Cheese
For more
_ FORvisit
Contact us for details
SIREN: 409 679 578
Large semi-detached stone built cottage,
formerly two. Nearly 200m2 convertible space.
Could make 4 beds, 2 bathrooms plus kitchen,
large lounge & sun terrace.
Or convert back to two cottages.
Sound roof, walls, floors & timbers, new electrics.
Tranquil area, no passing traffic.
Small garden with house plus large field 6
steps away, approx 3000m2.
Work required, many possibilities.
Price includes a lot of materials and equipment.
Private Sale 40,000€
Tel: 05 45 71 47 22
Private Property / Businesses For Sale
Beautifully renovated and furnished
holiday home. Easy care.
Only €69K
ANIMALS (Continued…)
Private Sale
Tel: 05 55 60 40 83
Overlooking the Château
Highly desirable property - requires no work.
Lac du Mondon is just 3 mins walk.
Garden level: 2 double beds, sitting/ dining
room, office, shower room with wc & kitchen.
First floor: hall, sitting room with fireplace,
2 double beds, bathroom & wc, fitted kitchen
& large balcony. Oil-fired central heating.
2631m² beautiful fenced land & triple garage.
Superb position & views on 3000m² fenced plot.
Solar heated pool in lovely landscaped garden.
3 double bedrooms, sitting room approx 40m²,
study, superb modern kitchen. gas c.h., double
glazing, garage, huge sous sol area.
Workshop, pump house & changing room.
In all, no work to do and suitable for
Permanent or holiday home.
See photos on our own website
Private sale 225,000€
Tel. 05 55 49 03 99
Private Property / Businesses
For Rent
• • • TAKING BOOKINGS FOR 2014! • • •
Fully renovated, 3 bed, double glazed,
detached property on plot 5530 sq.m.
Basement area developed into a second
living space with modern fitted kitchen and
wetroom, giving scope for a range of uses.
Well insulated with excellent roof, wood
burning fire inset & efficient electric heaters
in all rooms. Fully fitted kitchen with range
cooker, and beautiful modern bathroom.
Fantastic valley views. Well stocked gardens.
Close to woodland walks and fishing areas.
Beautiful, quiet setting with easy walk into the
village. 35 min from airport and larger towns
with amenities a short drive away.
Reduced Price - 128,000€
Email: lindaburgess44@hotmail.com
Tel: 00447785543928
Dept 87 ‘Updated Hamlet’ ~ Close to Bellac
Renovated to a high standard, retaining all
original character, 3 bed charming
farmhouse with adjoining 2/3 bed cottage,
currently used as one dwelling. Cottage has
large landing, ideal as studio/office.
Gas C/H + 2 wood burning stoves.
Luxury bathroom / kitchen. Utility room
with w/machine, shower & vanity unit (sep. wc)
3 very tidy barns - large barn used as garage
+ open sided barn, storage/BBQ area.
Barns situated to side of gated shale driveway.
3rd barn: storage/logs or second garage.
Shale frontage for extra parking.
To rear of property, beautiful landscaped
gardens with open countryside views.
2012: Mains drains installed
2013: New underground cables for electric &
Telephone. New attractive lamps throughout
calm/pretty hamlet.
High speed broadband. Energy G
184,500€ (notaire fees not included)
anneash@orange.fr / 05 55 68 48 02 (eves)
Well equipped, sleeps 8, UK TV, large
terrace. 4 star family site with amazing pool
complex, many sports & games, kids club,
restaurant, bar, evening entertainment, loads
of lovely sandy beaches nearby.
Local attractions include La Palmyre zoo,
La Rochelle, Isles d'Oléron and de Ré.
Prices from €200 to €900 pw,
including bedding, and kids pool.
Please contact 09 66 03 52 89 (517)
Champagnac La Rivière
2 bedrooms, sleeps 4, large lounge
fully equipped kitchen, shower etc
Short/long term
05 55 01 22 83 pvbureau@parcverger.com
PORT GRIMAUD Bay of St Tropez
Roberto & sister Flute are about 5½ months old,
born mid December.
Roberto is castrated
and Flute is spayed; no
chips or inoculations.
Clean, affectionate and
inseparable. They need
a loving home with a
garden and plenty of attention; they sleep indoors on
a sofa with a blanket. T: MacLeod 02 54 37 59 12 or
edmacl@orange.fr (401)
Books wanted. Are you having a clear out or moving
and got any old books you want to dispose of then
please give me a call or email 05 45 71 09 21 /
traceyepona17@aol.com (268)
Cash paid for scrap metal - iron, steel, old vehicles,
aluminium, copper, brass, lead, wire etc. Any amount
large or small. Will collect. T: 06 99 61 54 21 (PJL19)
Wanted rotavators, chainsaws, lawnmowers,
generators, all garden machinery etc, any condition,
working or not. Cash paid. T:06 99 61 54 21 (PJL20)
Old Caravans Wanted, older the better, any cond.
considered, will collect, cash paid, ideally send photos
to petebateman87@yahoo.co.uk or T:06 24 65 40 33
Daytime only (PD15)
Old motorcycles and mopeds especially 50cc
motorcycles any condition considered. Stewart 05 49
87 01 14 or e:f5vjj@live.co.uk (A124)
Old oak floor boards, any condition. Demolition
undertaken where necessary. Good prices paid for
good beams. Terry 05 45 30 72 04 (A22)
0.20€/word (minimum 4€)
+ photo 2€ (jpg format)
Private property for sale / rent:
20€ first month /
€10 subsequent months
Cheques payable to ‘etcetera’ :
7 La Gervaudie 87190 Magnac Laval
or please call to make a
card payment
05 55 68 15 77
Please email your advert to
Please contact us for our media
pack or view it online at
A/C 2 bed Mobile home on Prairies de La Mer
with own private beach.
Bright and modern mobile home in a fantastic
location with beach-side bars and
restaurants, water sports facilities and spa
centre plus ferry to St Tropez across the bay.
Bookings now being taken for 2014.
Contact linz.e@orange.fr for
House for holiday rent.
3 bedrooms, sleeps 6.
Situated in southern Costa Blanca
From 200€ pw Tel: 05 49 97 15 56
Subscribe to receive
etcetera by post
28€ / year (France) 18€ / year (UK)
(low cost brochure tariff offered by La Poste
to UK addresses only)
Send your payment with your
name & address by cheque to :
etcetera, 7 La Gervaudie,
87190 Magnac Laval, France
or call 0033 (0)5 55 68 15 77
to make a payment by card
Hobby Caravan,
millennium 2000,
twin axle, fixed end
bed, shower room,
oven, hob, fridge
water heater. Newly
upholstered seating
area with fire and
blow air heating. Make good home while
renovating. Good condition 3,995€ ono. T:05 55
47 62 45 E: joanneelliott64@hotmail.co.uk (397)
Volvo V50 2.0d Feeling. LHD. 2006 - CT OK. Abs.
On board computer. Cruise control. Climate control.
Electric windows. 6 speed. Cd player / radio. Airbags.
Alloys 16”. 2 new tyres,
serviced and cam belt
changed March 2014.
Vgc interior & exterior.
Please email for more
com. 5,800€ ono. T:02 54 36 71 96 (409)
Trailer with attached ramp. Dimensions of flat
bed are L2.48m x W1.53m. Leaf spring
suspension. Fully galvanised construction with
standard 7 pin
electrics. It was
built to carry
battery driven
golf buggies and
is a very strong sturdy trailer, which could be
used to carry a ride on mower, and many other
uses. €775 ovno. T: Phillip 05 53 56 28 06 (404)
Two mobile homes, each 9m x 3m, toilet,
kitchen etc. Ideal for
during house build.
Reasonable condition,
Available July/August.
1,500€ each. Near
T:05 55 68 34 07
Rover 75 Connoisseur CDT SE A 2000 Diesel
Delux BMW version of the Rover 75. One owner, a
real classic. First reg 2001, 163,000 miles. French
CT to June
2 0 1 5 .
n e w
gearbox fitted March 2013, new alternator, new
steering pump, new starter motor, new tyres. Fuel
consumption: round town 40 circa mpg/on
motorways circa 54 mpg. Aircon, radio, 6 disc CD,
TV, cruise control, heated seats, owners handbook,
service manuals and some spares etc. Set of UK
lights if required to re-import to UK. 2,950€. T:05 55
03 47 41 / E:raymond.barber@tiscali.co.uk (374)
Citroen Berlingo Multispace, 1.6, red, CT July 2013,
5 door, LHD, 2009, only 78,000kms, perfect for
French roads. Bargain at 6,500€. E: johngill.gofannon
@yahoo.co.uk or T:0044 1495 446760 (398)
VW Polo, diesel, 1998, RHD, French plates, low
mileage. Well maintained reliable transport. Sold with
new CT. 1,200€. T:05 45 71 47 22 (408)
2002 Peugeot 206cc Cabriolet. Silver body, red
upholstery. Good condition. RHD but French
registered. 73,000 miles, 1 year’s Control Technique.
2,200€. Nov 2011 Kymco Pilsar 125cc motorbike.
Black, French registered, 1000 miles only. Very good
condition. 950€. T:05 55 78 43 56 (407)
Opel Combo 1.3 CDTI. 2005, LHD & French Reg’d.
CD & Radio player, air con, electric windows, excellent
runner, Rhino roof rack. 2,750€. T: Paul Marshall 05
45 84 27 75 / 06 60 07 54 78 (600)
BMW Motorcycle, K1200S, 2005, 35,000km, full
dealer history, superb condition. 7,500€ ono. T:05 45
65 96 20 or E: carolyn@rishworth.org (543)
Range Rover 1995, 2.5TD, Green, BMW engine,
LHD, 177,000km, VGC. T:07 77 25 10 44 (601)
All UK registered vehicles wanted - cars, vans, trucks,
caravans, trailers, motorcycles etc. Any condition. Also
French CT failures. Will collect, cash paid. T:06 99 61
54 21 (PJL18)
De Dietrich wood burning
stove oven. 600W- 600D800H. Good working order
with top and back chimney
outlets. 150€ ono. T:00 44
7778 901161 (410)
Large collection of vintage cigarette & tobacco
tins. Most in good condition, will accept 400€ ono. T:05
45 30 00 45 (389)
Cooker Hood. Brand new, still in box. Signature
SHD9X. W90 H58/106 D50. Cost 199€, accept 170€.
Radiator. Brand new in wrapping. 120x60cm. Cost
60€, accept 45€. Child’s IKEA Bed, as new. 80€. T:05
49 83 02 21 (390)
Rotavator Briggs & Stratton 5h.p, Mountfield
MF19N5. Excellent working order 150€ ono. T:05 45
30 00 45 (391)
Gigaset AS200a Telephone. Base plus extension.
Used once, surplus to requirements. 25€. T:05 55 32
27 62 (Oradour sur Vayres) (392)
Push Lawnmower 55€, Small Television 35€, 3-4
sqm of floor tiles, double bed & mattress 35€. T:05
49 48 22 18 or 06 19 72 05 98 (394)
Whirlpool dishwasher 50€ ono .3 piece leather suite
Olive Green, wood frame, good condition 200€. Angela
(Exideuil) 05 45 29 09 76 (399)
Everything needed to do Painting on Silk. T: Shirley
05 55 49 03 99 (403)
Pine headboard. 54in. 20€. Ikea Benno birch effect
TV bench on castors, two matching bookcases (ht
106cm, w 80cm). 40€. Yellow painted wood mirror
(80 x 65cm) with 2 matching wall lights, towel holder,
toilet roll holder, soap dish holder, shelf. 45€. Ikea
pine effect kitchen cupboard doors, drawer fronts
etc. Ask for details. Offers. T:06 41 99 57 40 or mail
hopgoods@gmail.com (412)
LG flat screen TV 70cm 200€. Humax 500gb
receiver recorder 140€. Both little used. Air
Conditioner, condensor type 60€ T:05 55 48 69 80
Several fans on stand, small ones & tall ones. From
15€ each. T:Isabelle 05 49 84 17 73 (599)
Epiphone guitar. Beautiful collectors instrument. Will
send photo if required. EJ200 model with hard case.
475€ ono. T:05 45 84 23 41 (415)
Raclette/grill set for 8 persons. Brand new, never
used,Cost 39€, will accept 30€. T:05 45 84 23 41 (416)
Garden furniture set comprises 4 steel frame folding
chairs with rectangular folding table all in fair condition.
95€ ono. T:05 45 84 23 41 (417)
Pretty Single IKEA French Day Bed (metal) with slats
and mattress. Excellent condition. 80€. 05 55 02 80
66 (418)
28 June - Household contents sale at 15 Route de
Grand Champ, 87210 Le Dorat on 28th June. 10h till
17h. Many bargains! (419)
15 Stair Mats, unused, still in wrapper, burgandy
colour 22€. Parasol, dia. 2.75m, metal frame + 4 base
anchor plates, colour natural 59€. Storage shelves,
detachable frame, hard plastic, black 10€.
Lawnmower, Honda GCV135E-GVC160E, good
condition, working 225€. Computer table on casters,
pine colour wood 12€. (87310) T:05 55 03 26 42 (421)
Steel Bunk beds. Like new.
Top bunk 190cm x 90cm.
Bottom converts to double or
settee. 190cm x 130cm. 100€.
T:05 49 88 54 50 (393)
OAK FIREWOOD 4 U. We supply 100% oak offcuts,
it varies in size from a mobile phone to a computer
keyboard. It is very popular for Cuisinieres, Rayburns,
pot belly fires and smaller woodburners. It is semi dry
and due to its size will
be ready to burn this
winter. A single load
of over 3m3 is 110€
or special offer of over
10m3 3 loads @
295€. Free delivery within 30kms of 16240. Small fuel
surcharge for further distances. T:05 45 30 74 51 / E:
Oakfirewood4u@gmail.com (414)
Murray ride-on tractor with
Briggs & Stratton engine.
Good working order. Needs
some work on cutter deck but
still works fine. Comes with a
second Murray Tractor without
cutting deck for spares &
repairs. 150€ ono. T:00 44 7778 901161
Oak dining table &
six chairs. Table
size 200cm x 85cm
wide. Table top
slightly scratched in
transit. 150€. T:05 49
(Montmorillon) (396)
Swimming Pool 7mx4m
with large steps inside,
ladder steps outside. Heater
and filter system / sand. We
have a new liner for it. Buyer
dismantles we have
instructions. Will send pics and answer any questions.
2,750€ ono. Chabanais 16150. T:05 45 71 58 09 (595)
Creda Simplicity T520VW tumble
dryer, white 5kg capacity. About 7
years old but little used due to
change of plans. Energy rating C.
High/low heat with 120 minute timer.
Front vented. 50€. Chasseneuil area
E: nidi911@yahoo.com (406)
Dry Oak Firewood.
64€/stère cut in 50cm,
69€/stère cut in 33cm,
74€/stère cut in 25cm.
Free delivery for 7 stères.
(211) T:05 55 76 21 92 / 06 77
58 07 89/ 06 30 61 34 46
Rolls of Insulation in stock - see The Reclamation Yard
advert for details.
Flatcoated Retriever Puppies. Thirteen, six boys and
seven girls born
25/03/2014 ready to
go after 20/05/2014.
Father is an Italian
champion with a field
trial award. Mum
Ballyriver Party Girl is
981000004145900 who was reserve best in show at
the French retriever club regional show. Both parents
are hip, elbow and eye tested. Home reared, the
puppies will be LOF registered, microchipped, health
checked, wormed and have had their first vaccination.
Passport if required. If you are interested in giving a
good home to these lovely puppies please contact
Gillian 05 45 65 98 79 or Bernie 06 14 28 72 35
(mobile). Montbron (16) (395)
Hello. I’m ‘Joshua du Clan Togarric’. I was born 15
February. I’m very well bred and
have LOF ‘Certificat de Naissance
& Pedigree’ - (LABRADOR of
course). I have a beautiful black
brother and a yummy yellow sister.
We live in a house (NOT
KENNELS) with our mother and
other relatives. We have Vets
Certificate of Health, are house
trained, chipped and vaccinated and are FOR SALE
at 575€. For more details please phone 05 49 48 74
98 (Luchapt) (420)
Continued page 59…