Fitness Incentive


Fitness Incentive
The official newsletter of Fitness Incentive since 1993
157 Deer Park Avenue, Babylon NY 11702 e-mail:
2007 2008
2009 2010
Volume 20 Number 1
Spring 2011
World Figure
The FI “Front Desk Elves”
Amy Llinas-Lynch
& daughter, Bella
Tired of being in pain?
Incentives would like to welcome
Howard Schwartz, MD and Krystal Sukhdeo, RPA-C
now offering
Trigger Point
Therapy and Pain
Effective treatment for
headaches, neck and back
pain, hip pain, tennis elbow
and knee pain.
Most insurance accepted.
Personal Wellness Studio, SPA, & Salon
157 Deer Park Avenue, Babylon Village, NY 11702
Spring at...
New fashions coming this Spring!
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Cannot be combined with other discount offers. Excludes sneakers, heart
rate monitors, & accessories. Must present coupon to receive discount. One coupon per customer.
157 Deer Park Avenue,
Spring 2011 FIT to Print
Babylon Village
@ FI
Mind Over Muscle
A Fantastic Spring
we’ll see you at the awards party on
May 18th at 8pm.
World Champion Workout
2007 2008 2009 2010
pring is always a busy time at Fitness
Incentive, and never more so than
this year. There is so much going on,
it’s hard to keep up. But before we get to
all that, a big “Thank you” is in order.
That’s because you voted us the Best of
Long Island for the fifth consecutive year!
We work very hard to keep Fitness
Incentive an exceptional place, and it is
extremely satisfying and inspiring to know
that you recognize and appreciate our
efforts. We are dedicated to honor your
selection by continuing to provide you
with the cleanest, well equipped state-ofthe-art facility, stocked with the newest
and best equipment, the best
programming and the finest staff we can
assemble. And we’re kicking off 2011 with
some exciting programs - some old
favorites and some brand new - that
should get you’re heart pumping and have
you looking your absolute best this
summer. Starting with...
Fitness Incentive has become a “home
of champions.” Not only is Jim Cordova
the reigning all-natural Mr. Universe,
Amy Llinas-Lynch recently won the allnatural World Figure Championship.
What makes this all the more amazing
is that she did it just 15 months after
giving birth to her beautiful daughter,
Bella. How did she do it? Well, you can
read the article on page 16 to find out.
If you’d like to follow in her footsteps,
you can join her new program, World
Champion Workout, and discover for
yourself, first hand, what it takes to
build a championship caliber physique.
WNBF World Figure Champion
Amy Llinas-Lynch
Dance Your #$@ Off!
For those of you addicted to dance
classes - you know who you are! - FI is
very excited to have added an amazing
new class taught by an even more
amazing instructor. I’m talking about
Shakin’ It, by Dawn Moore. If you’ve
already tried it then you know what all
the excitement is about. If you haven’t,
well, you simply must. Dawn is a
certified Zumba instructor, and if you
like Zumba, this class takes it to another
level. Offered on Wednesday nights at
7pm and Sundays at 10:30am. Check it
It Never Gets Old...Really!
Fantastic Four: Fit 4 Summer 2!
What better way to celebrate the end of
winter and start getting ready for summer?
The contest is set to kick off on the very
first day of spring - March 21st - and
promises to be the biggest and best yet.
We’re anticipating an even bigger turnout
than last year, which had nearly 160
participants. With that in mind, we’ve
taken steps to insure that the contest has
as minimal an impact on the regular
functioning of the gym as possible. To do
this, we have opened up additional areas
for the contest, and assigned trainers and
their teams to specific spaces on specific
days and times. This should significantly
reduce over-crowding in any area of the
gym and guarantee plenty of workout
space for the non-participants. If you’ll be
participating this year, best of luck, and
Speaking of Champions, the natural body
builder that has taken home more awards
than anyone in the history of the sport
also happens to call FI his home gym. I’m
of course talking about Jim Cordova.
Now, Jim is taking his expertise and
making it even more accessible through
video. Jim will be publishing a series of
“How To” videos designed to share his
unmatched knowledge of effective
training. The first series will focus on
Toning, and is particularly geared
towards women. Future series will cover
different topics, based on Jim’s heuristic
and wildly successful approach to
physique development. We’ll be sharing
these videos with you through email,
facebook and our website, so stay tuned
for updates and follow those links! Like I
said, FI - the home of champions!
Amy is running the 8 week program as
an intense bootcamp-style workout that
will focus on agility, cardiovascular and
weight training drills. And when Amy
says intense, trust me, she means it.
You will re-make your body and finish
the program feeling like, well, a
champion. The cost for the program is
$160, and it is limited to 20 individuals.
Stop by the front desk to sign up.
I know I know - we keep saying it. But it’s
nonetheless true - new things are always
happening at FI. Take our recent
equipment upgrades - 10 new True
Treadmills and 31 new Keiser M3 Spin
Bikes. Both arrived just in time for the
new year, and both represent stunning
upgrades. The True treads boast fully
consoles that
provide TV,
iPod controls
and dynamic
control and
feedback on
workout. The
Keiser bikes
are nothing
less than a
revolution in
spinning (yes,
that’s a little
The new Keiser M3
pun). There’s a full article about them on
page 27, but to summarize the key
points: fantastic design, amazingly
smooth ride, state-of-the-art computer
continued on page 31
Spring 2011 FIT to Print
N e w P r o g r a m sby Monica Jones
By Dana Mancini
TRX is For You!
Suspension Training is the New Rage
Fi’s Certified TRX trainers,
Sharon Donnelly and Dana Mancini
ave you heard the buzz going
around Fitness Incentive? People
are asking… “What is TRX?” And
while I'd love to sit here and explain the
dozens of reasons why Sharon and I LOVE
TRX Suspension Training, I’m going to keep
it short and sweet, let YOU give it a try,
and find out for yourselves!
TRX is effective for ALL fitness levels.
TRX training provides us with a versatile
and effective training opportunity –
regardless of age, gender or fitness level.
We love that we can have a group of
clients, each at a different level of fitness,
doing the same exercises but each working
at a different degree of difficulty
according to their fitness needs. Once a
basic form of an exercise is learned, we
can increase the difficulty level by
increasing the body angle (adding
resistance) or by narrowing the base of
support (bringing your feet closer together,
reducing stability). One step farther away
from or closer to the anchor – makes a TRX
Chest Press go from beginner to
intermediate in no time at all! You should
also know that TRX training is a great way
to help strengthen supporting muscles
while in turn relieving some of the
difficulty and pressure that can negatively
affect or limit some traditional exercises
for people with injuries (see Sharon's story
below). Dana: “I often hear 'I can't do
TRX, it is way too hard for me' – to which I
respond, 'Absolutely not – if you want to
work on the TRX, the TRX will work for
TRX is “all core, all the time”.
“I want nice abs.” Sound familiar? This
is a common request most personal
trainers hear. Dana: “In my opinion,
one of the most appealing benefits to
TRX training is that not only are there
very specific (and very effective)
exercises targeting the abdominals on
the TRX – but an intense amount of core
strengthening is incorporated into every
single upper and lower body exercise.”
TRX training is designed to intentionally
displace your center of gravity, which
activates the core muscles forcing your
abs to work during every single exercise!
Think about it like this: every step you
take, every time you get in or out of
your car, every time you climb a set of
steps – your body uses muscle strength
to control its center of gravity during
your movement. Our abdominal muscles
are at work 100% of the time when
training on the TRX.
TRX is integrated, functional
TRX training provides us with an
opportunity to take all of the exercises
we already know and love from the
weight room and combine them into an
integrated and functional set of
exercises. Integrated exercises are
multi-muscle movements that
successfully incorporate strength,
balance, coordination and flexibility
into every exercise (hey, why not work
on those abs while doing a biceps curl?)
A large portion of traditional weight
training exercises are performed in what
is called the Sagittal plane – moving
forward, backward, push and pull type
of exercises, often while seated (e.g.
seated cable row, or leg press).
However, in our daily routines do we
only move forward and backward? Are
we always seated? No, we move left,
right…forward, backward…diagonal,
reaching, and twisting (think about
putting those groceries away or
shoveling the driveway? Or how about
picking up after those kids?!)
Therefore, shouldn't we train our bodies
the same way? Sharon: “This is a big
reason why the TRX helps prevent
injuries!” The TRX allows us to move in
multiple planes through different
exercises, helping to train your body for
those daily activities. And truth be told,
most of us are guilty of slacking when it
Spring 2011 FIT to Print
comes to stretching! But many of the
staple exercises done on the TRX provide
us with what we like to call a “working
stretch.” Ask one of us to show you a TRX
Hip-Hinge (basically a single leg dead lift)
and you'll feel what we're talking about!
Sharon's Story:
In November 2009, I had rotator cuff
/biceps re-attachment surgery. My
rotator cuff was completely shredded and
my biceps tendon detached from the
muscle. It required major surgery and a
plastic anchor was placed in my biceps
Anda pampers Amy Lynch
tendon. After the surgery, I was told it
would take a good year to completely
recover. I was also told that I might not
gain full strength back in my right
shoulder. During this recovery time I
started researching my injury on the
internet. I discovered that the
quarterback for the SuperBowl Champion
New Orleans Saints, Drew Brees, had the
same surgery that I had! I was told that
the chance for full recovery was 60%, but
Drew Brees was given a much better
prognosis. I began to study his recovery
blogs and noticed that his training routine
included the TRX and he was able to get
back to playing pro football, apparently
stronger than before?! I then decided to
fully research TRX training and see if it
could do the same for me. Subsequently, I
started TRX training and I saw amazing
results. My shoulder strength and
flexibility improved markedly. Many
people commented on my recovery. I can
whole-heartedly say that the TRX was
integral in restoring my shoulder strength.
People are talking:
And here's what they are saying:
Carmella Milano: “TRX is so painfully
Ashley Nissen: “It is an intensely
satisfying full body workout!”
Kim Mascolo: “TRX training has
strengthened every muscle in my body. It
makes me feel mighty!”
**Hey men…are you scared? Men's Health
named TRX as the year's “BEST TOTALBODY TOOL,” and we can give you an
endless list of quotes from a long list of
professional male athletes praising TRX
training. Give us four sessions on the TRX
system and we'll be writing about you in
the next newsletter! We dare you…
The bottom line:
Incorporating TRX training into your
workout regimen will benefit you in the
weight room, in group fitness classes…and
in performing the more demanding
activities of daily living!
Dana Mancini and Sharon Donnelly each hold
multiple fitness certifications, including TRX.
They offer small group TRX training at FI.
Like more info? Email us at
Pr o f i l e s i n F i t n e s s
Becoming Liz
The Evolution of a Great Instructor
Liz Romano leads her class
iz Romano is a true FI veteran. She
has taught everything from
Kickboxing to Cardio, from
Rebounding to Step in all of its many
permutations. A long-time personal
trainer, she currently teaches Stability
Ball and Cardio Sculpt and has spent most
of her career at the advanced end of the
teaching spectrum. In keeping with her
desire to constantly learn and grow, Liz
recently began teaching yoga. As with
each addition to her professional
repertoire, this expansion has yielded
many enlightened insights.
F2P: You've been associated with FI since
the Grove Place days.
LR: Yes, and it's truly been an evolution. I
was not married then, had no children.
Now, all the women I got to know in those
early classes—their children are having
children. This place is just amazing. I'm
here 26 years! I remember when Step first
hit, Corinne and I would use the same Step
on that little stage, teaching together.
But before I became an aerobics
instructor, before I'd even taken my first
aerobics class in that studio at Grove
Place, I spent my gym time lifting weights.
I actually used to lift competitively, years
ago. This changed though, very soon after
that first, fateful visit and those early
classes with Corinne. And after maybe a
month or so, she told me, “That's it…you
have to teach!” And Cor herself taught me
to teach. So that's where it began for me,
in that tiny, one-room studio.
F2P: What drew you to the Grove Place
location in the first place?
LR: A friend of mine, Lisa Lynch, was
(and still is) a member. “Come and take
this class with me,” she said. So I did.
It so happened that I attended the most
advanced class—Corinne's crazy 9:00
class—the hardest class you could ever
attend. The class moved right, I moved
left…it was hysterical. But that was it. I
was hooked, and things progressed very
rapidly after that.
I've found that yoga
promotes awareness of
the mind-body connection
which, as anyone who is
serious about fitness will
tell you, is absolutely
vital to meaningful,
lasting results.
F2P: Your experience as a lifter would
prove to be highly beneficial when you
became a personal trainer.
LR: Absolutely. I'd been teaching
aerobics for a good while, and then,
once Corinne moved into the Deer Park
Avenue location and brought in the
weights, I began to work as a personal
trainer along with Kelly Wallace. Kelly
and I were certified as PTs together. I
thought it was a great fit for me, owing
to my background with weight training.
It had already been useful with the
weight classes on the aerobics
floor—Sculpt classes and so forth. The
weight area was at that time still
small, but it was an exciting new thing
we could offer members. It was handson, which is always the preferred
approach for me.
F2P: You've now branched out even
further, into yoga.
LR: When yoga was introduced, I took a
few classes here and there, but wasn't
really committed. Then, suddenly, Hot
Yoga was introduced.
Spring 2011 FIT to Print
F2P: What was it about Hot Yoga that
seemed to strike a chord with you?
LR: I think that most people who
embrace yoga are first attracted by a
kind of 'Hmm…let's see what this is really
all about' attitude. Not necessarily the
spiritual side—though that's a dimension
that, for many, invariably follows.
But honestly, the reason I was curious
was, umm…sweating! Plus, I'd heard that
the practice was very vigorous and
intense…physically demanding on both
the mind and the body.
I worked with Angela Strynkowski, taking
Chrisa commitment
her classes and developing
to her practice. She, in turn, began to
weight train with me. Here is where it
really kicked in for me.
F2P: It sounds like once you were able to
establish a connection between what you
knew and loved—lifting—and what you
learned about the benefits of yoga, it all
fell into place.
LR: Yes, in a way we each provided the
other with a window into a part of the
fitness world not fully experienced at
that level before.
As I've said, I've always followed a “learnby-doing” model. “See it, do it, learn it,
teach it.” The books-and-studying
method works for some people, but I
respond more to “show me, let me touch
and experience it…”
I loved the Ashtanga practice, the
Primary Series, which lead to my
enrollment in A Jewel In The Lotus, the
teacher training school established by
Angela and Lisa Mondello-Morris, which
was conducted here at FI last Summer.
Angela is an amazing yogi with so much
knowledge. Through the school I received
my 200 hour RYT—Registered Yoga
Teacher—certification. I have since
completed my Hot Yoga certification
I've found that yoga promotes awareness
of the mind-body connection which, as
anyone who is serious about fitness will
tell you, is absolutely vital to
meaningful, lasting results—no matter
whether it's weight training, cardio,
every exercise discipline. It's very much
like just about anything that really
engages and captivates a person: the
deeper you get into your practice, the
more you learn, the more you want to
know. I've been involved with yoga, first
as a student, and now as a teacher, for a
while now, and I'm still working on that. I
feel like I have so much more to learn.
F2P: Having progressed through the
various disciplines that you have: the
early lifting, the aerobics instruction,
personal training, now yoga, do you have
a sense of what might be next?
LR: I would love to embrace Pilates and
I’m sure that at some point I will,
especially with Dina being such an
Norman tells Janese to “bring it on!”
continued on page 19, col 3
S t a f f S p o t l i bygMonica
h tJones
By Paul Smith
Sister Act
Linda Bornholdt and Diane Tinnirello
rom our wonderful Front Desk staff,
fresh from their stint this past
holiday season as FI's resident elves,
to our roster of peerless trainers and
instructors, several of whom literally
enjoy national recognition as leaders in
the fitness industry, Fitness Incentive has
no shortage of mega-stellar personalities.
Combined, they help us extend to our
membership an incredible variety of
services and exercise options, addressing
virtually every conceivable niche and
requirement. This variety
is what helps establish FI
as a leading health
club/exercise facility in
the region, if not the
But the highly visible
superstars are not alone in
making FI the “Best of
Long Island” (for five
years now—and
counting!). Many others
also contribute to the
outstanding quality
members have come to
expect, albeit a bit more
quietly and with
significantly lower profiles
than their celebrity
counterparts. Their
contributions, however,
are no less important. Their names may
be known to far fewer people than some
of the more visible personalities, but they
are truly superstars in their own right.
One often hears the word 'family' used in
discussions of what makes FI special. In
the case of the subjects of this feature
the term applies literally, for in it we
speak with two sisters who spearhead
efforts that are among the most
distinctive about FI and that are of
supreme value to any family—childcare,
and cleanliness.
Few are more aware of the need for
excellence in these areas, or are more
responsible for ensuring that FI's excellent
standards are maintained, than sisters
Linda Bornholdt and Diane Tinnirello.
Between them they have been with FI for
a combined 28 years—a remarkable length
of time for these remarkable women. We
are lucky to have them both.
“Fourteen years ago, when I started at
Fitness Incentive, I was working at the
Front Desk,” said Linda. “After a while,
the nursery was getting very busy and I
heard that they were looking for
somebody in childcare. I love children
and truthfully, it was a better fit for me
than the Front Desk work. I have
babysat and minded children my entire
life, including, as the third oldest of
eight and the oldest sister, my own
siblings. And it's never been a chore for
me, even when I was younger…I truly
enjoy it.
In my time at FI, I've had the pleasure
of babysitting numerous children, of
Dynamic Duo: Linda and Diane
both members and employees, and
watching them grow up. It's great
knowing FI will become the fitness
home for many of them, as it is for
their parents!
After about a year, I heard that Cor was
looking for someone to clean. She asked
me if I knew anybody, and of course, I
did! I told her I had the perfect
person—my sister. 'They have to be
crazy-clean like me,' said Cor. 'She
might even be worse that you!' I said.
'She has always been crazy-clean, even
as a little girl.' Diane has been here
ever since.”
“It's true,” said Diane. “I have always
been this way. I like to clean, I know
the members like to come to a gym
that's clean…I like to come to a gym
that's clean. Clean, and germ-free. To
me, it isn't just about the way the gym
looks, that it's neat, picked up,
scrubbed. It's also about health, which
matters in a gym where people are very
active and are exercising and moving
from place to place, machine to
machine. Here, a medicine ball, there,
Spring 2011 FIT to Print
a free weight. Things you wouldn't think
of, like the remote controls on the
treadmill TVs, or doorknobs, or jumprope grips. To me it's important…it's
important that these places and things be
as clean as I can make them. It's what I
like, what I prefer, so for me it comes
easy to be sure that things are that way
for everyone. I've been to other gyms
over the years. I've watched the cleaning
there. They don't clean things that I think
have to be cleaned—things that I would,
and do, clean. It's the way I am to notice
these things and to clean the way I do.”
“With the nursery, it's the same,” said
Linda. “In a way, it's personal. Members
will tell me that at other gyms, they
weren't happy with the nursery. I know
what that's like, because I've seen it
myself, with my own daughter when she
was little. As a member at other gyms, I
have to say that I was never completely
at ease with what I saw as far as the
nursery. So my goal is to make sure that
ours is what I would like
to see if it were my
child. One way I know
that we've got the right
approach is that the kids
actually like to come to
the nursery. I get a lot of
satisfaction from
knowing that our
childcare is recognized
by the members as
something that's
Fitness Incentive.”
The sisters grew up in
Lindenhurst, and shared
a room as kids. “Her side
was always absolutely
spotless,” said Linda,
“you know, immaculate,
with the dolls all lined up in a row. My
side…wasn't. But I started babysitting as
soon as I could convince moms and dads
that I was old enough, and qualified.”
Speaking with the sisters, one message
that comes through clearly is that they
both love to come to work, and really
enjoy what they do. This affection
contributes to the wholly justifiable pride
The rooting section:
Mary andof
they communicate
when “Little”
the speak
their attendance records, which would be
the envy of the most dedicated of
employees anywhere.
“We've always worked,” said Diane,
“always had jobs. We'd ride our bikes to
work, or take one bus, then another. It's
what we grew up with, what we know.
We'd work after school, and at the end of
the week, give our paychecks to our
“And we'd walk!” said Linda. “I remember
continued on page 28
Group Ex
by Kelly Wallace
H.I.T Me!
High Intensity Training Gets Results.
you push yourself to your absolute
limit? Because of the intensity of
this training method you should not
be able to go past the allotted
time. So if you must spend two
hours exercising at the gym this
will be tough. What are the
benefits of this type of training? It
improves endurance and stamina
and provides a more interesting
way to exercise. The biggest
What is High Intensity Training,
and Is it for Me?
re you in an exercise rut?
Looking for a new challenge?
Feel you are just not seeing
results anymore? If you have asked
yourself any of these questions this
may be just the workout you are
looking for! It is called HIT, High
Intensity Training. This is a 30- 40
minute workout where you push
yourself to the max for short intervals
of time. Going over this amount of
time will bring you to the point of
over training. Take note, that this
form of exercise is not for everyone.
If you have medical restrictions or
injuries it may not be for you. The
appropriate amount of exercise for
each individual varies drastically
based on age, genetics as well as
lifestyle factors; nutrition, sleep and
goals of the participant. Workouts are
based on intensity (how hard), volume
(how much) and frequency (how
Many people spend hours at the gym
each week doing the same exercises
at the same intensity at the same
time. The idea of HIT is to completely
alter your exercise routine and force
your muscles to "wake up". There is a
huge level of honesty that comes with
this form of exercise. Do you or will
The biggest benefit found
from this type of training
is the amount of fat that
can be burned...
Supporters claim that you
can be burning calories for
a full 24 hours after the
workout is completed!
benefit found from this type of
training is the amount of fat that
can be burned during as well as
after the workouts are over. It
supporters claim that you can be
burning calories for a full 24 hours
after the workout is completed!
Now how can Fitness Incentive
provide you with these types of
workouts? Well many spin classes
are run on this principle. If you spin
ask yourself - have you pushed
yourself to your limit? We also have
30 minute classes on the schedule
which work with this format. Jump
and Drill is also based on this form
of training. The treadmill can be
used for this workout as well. After
warming up for five minutes then
push yourself for two entire
minutes. The next three minutes
are at bearable intensity then up
Spring 2011 FIT to Print
again to your maximum exertion for
two minutes and so on until you hit
that 30-40 minute mark. Remember,
if you go past that time you are
probably over training. Again, this
workout is not for everyone but if
you are looking for something new,
need a change or a challenge try it!
Yes, You Can…
Carlyn Giuriceo's
All my life I felt that
working out was a
chore. Spending
endless amounts of
time pretending to
enjoy running on a
treadmill or lifting
weights was not
appealing to me.
Fitness classes were daunting since I
never knew what to expect from
them or if I could actually do the
work outs, but I had to try! The first
class I took was Kelly's Sunday
morning kickboxing. I hid in the back
so no one would see me as I
struggled through the entire 60
minutes. I could barely do the
jumping jacks, let alone the
punching, kicking and lunges. But I
said to myself, "If I can get through
this it will only get easier."
Week by week I found myself
attending more of her classes:
Bollywood Sweat, Interval Training
and Jump & Drill. All of these classes
are not only a great workout but
they're fun and she always changes
them up. Who knew that being out
of breath and sweaty could be so
entertaining? Not me. If you would
have asked me 6 months ago if my
daily schedule would revolve around
the classes I take at Fitness
Incentive, I would have laughed, but
it's true. I cannot wait for my next
workout. Fitness Incentive has given
me courage to try new things both in
the gym and out in the real world.
This June I will be running my first
5k to raise money for my aunt's
breast cancer foundation. It is
something I have always wanted to
do, but never thought I could. This
year I can. This year I will.
Kelly Wallace is a certified Group Ex
instructor who manages the Group Ex program
at Fitness Incentive.
Fitting Soul to Sole
474 Montauk Highway • West Islip, NY 11795
(631) 321-8400
529 Main Street • Islip, NY 11751
375 E. Main Street • East Islip, NY 11730
We specialize in gear from the beginner to the elite.
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Spring 2011 FIT to Print
M e m b e r Pe r s p e c t i v e
by Christine Jelly
Get a Wiff of This...
For latest event schedule, check
Do Your Gym Clothes Pass the “Sniff” Test?
whiffy reek,” whether you realize it or
not. 1.) Throw a load in 2.) Forget
about it 3.) Transfer to dryer the next
day (or week) and dry as usual. Washing
clothes is good; forgetting to dry them
is not. You can never get away with it,
not even “just this once.”
ave you ever followed someone on
the circuit, been next to someone
in a class or the Spin room and
suddenly gotten a whiff of
something…unsavory? Not garden-variety
sweat, everyone gets caught by an
antiperspirant malfunction now-and-then.
I'm talking about an odor far more
insidious – mold and/or fungus
impregnated into innocent workout gear.
The good news is that it's preventable. The
bad news is that in small yet explosive
doses, the wearer of the affected
garments is sometimes rendered anosmic
to its initially subtle effect.
From Wiki: Anosmia is a lack of
functioning olfaction, or in other words,
an inability to perceive odors. Anosmia
may be either temporary or permanent.
Some people may be anosmic for one
particular odor. This is called "specific
anosmia" and may be genetically based.
I suspected that I might be unusually
sensitive to musty smells, as I am a scent
nut. So I asked around. What do you think
of moldy smelling clothes? Big deal or not
so much? Overwhelmingly, it's considered
to be A BIG DEAL. Here were some of the
passionate responses to moldy clothes:
“A festive mélange of good intentions and
bad sod.”
“Wet dog.”
“Dank, corpsey flowers; honeyed foulness;
cloying fungal perfume; nauseous
sweetness; stagnant rosewater; sweet
whiffy reek. Dead bread. Baked death.”
As fitness enthusiasts with good
intentions, I don't think any of us want to
smell like, “baked death.” If you are
treating your laundry as follows, there is a
good chance that you smell like “sweet
When damp laundry sits, be it in the
washing machine or a laundry basket, it
almost immediately starts to develop
mold, a growth of fungi that lives and
feeds and festers the longer it sits.
Unless the load is transferred promptly,
anything between an unmistakable hint
of early-stage mold to the deafening
blow of a full-fledged colony can be
expected. Casual launderers may hope
that no one will notice and they wear
them anyway. Sometimes to our very
own gym. More bad news. The smell
“blooms” with body sweat. I'm here to
tell you that I've never forgotten an
encounter with moldy clothing and I
forget to attend to my son's “Good
Citizenship” award ceremony at
Babylon Grade School. So everyone
benefits by erring on the side of good
laundering practices.
Hard Truth: You are better off picking
dirty clothes off the floor and wearing
them than musty clothes.
Let's say you are reading this and
realize that you've got a towel load
percolating as we speak. There's a
Laundry Room Forum (really) on the
Internet that deals with solutions.
Everyone agrees that the clothes have
to be rewashed. Rewashing does not
mean rinse cycle plus Downey Simple
Pleasures Lavender Serenity Liquid. It
means a good quality detergent, plus
one or more of the following additives:
1/2-1 cup of white vinegar, 1/2 cup
baking soda, 1/2 cup 20 Mule Team
Borax. I like Borax because if 20 mules
can't get the job done, nothing can.
Wash in hot water, if possible. Dry
Sweet exercising.
Christine Jelley, a longtime FI member and
perfume lover, has acted as a consultant to
fragrance research and development
Spring 2011 FIT to Print
Hot Yoga
Mon. 9am, Wed. 12pm, Thurs. 6:30pm
Members: FREE!
Non-Members: $15 per class. 10 for $130
Yoga For Beginners Workshop
March 20th, 12pm - 2pm $20
by Dina SantaMaria.
Fantastic Four Fit 4 Summer
March 21st through May 13th
8 Week Fitness Contest - Thousands in prizes
$700 for members, $800 for non-members.
CandleLight Essential Stretch
March 23rd 8:30pm $20 by Cathy Peacock
Surya Yoga Workshop
March 26th 1-1:30pm in the Yoga room.
Price $20 for members, $30 non-members
By Karen Britton
KettleBell Clinics
March 26th 6:50-7:50am (Intermediate) in
the Yoga Room. 12:30 - 1:30pm (beginner) in
the main room. $15.
By Marianela Virella-Meilke
Swim-a-Thon Raffle
March 27th - April 10th. Benefits Winthrop
Children’s Hospital.
Tickets on sale at the front desk
Trathalon Training
March 28th at 7pm. Informational meeting.
By Bob McKweon of South Shore Tri Coach.
No charge.
Trathalon Training
April 2nd at 9am. Informational meeting. By
Bob McKweon of South Shore Tri Coach.
No charge.
AFAA Instructor Certification
April 3rd. Register through the AFFA website.
Fantastic Four “Fit 4 Summer”
Awards Party
May 18th 8pm - 11pm. Free for all
contestants, $20 for non-contestants.
Tickets required.
E AT S M A R T !
By Rachel Ezelius, RD
21st Century Dieting
Weighing-In on the Web
t's game day and you are ready for
your guests to watch your big screen
TV. Chicken wings & pigs in the
blanket are heating in the oven, dips
and chips are scattered around the
room and the pizza is set to be
delivered within the hour.... "Ahhh,"
you say, "what's going to happen to my
diet?" A little self-talk has convinced
you that Saturday is never a day to
diet, Sunday is for finishing leftovers
and you can start all over again on
Monday. It's not until Monday when you
step on the dreaded scale that you
realize this strategy just is not working!
Diets and the constantly 'being on one'
and 'falling off one' are the reasons why
they are never successful. The diet
syndrome affects almost all of us,
starting out innocently and somehow
snowballing into an unhealthy cycle of
starvation and gorging. The healthiest
choice is to not diet at all but to eat
well-balanced, small and regular meals.
There are numerous studies, which
have proven that gimmick free plans
work, but being consistent can be the
biggest challenge. Sounds impossible
but there is actually a solution to
staying off a diet (in the right way) and
it’s called accountability.
First, you must be accountable and
honest with yourself. The best way to
start is to begin a food journal and
stick with it. It is easy to lose the
momentum, miss a day or two and
suddenly decide to give up. Research
has shown that dieters who track
their weight and food intake reach
their goals more often than those
who don't. If a journal is used
correctly (i.e. being honest with all
of the food that you eat throughout
any given day) weight loss is almost
guaranteed. Recording regular meals
and anything that you eat in between
gives you a good idea how successful
you are in staying within a calorie
range. You may even discover some
of the things you thought were so
healthy for you (like that salad with
chicken you love so much) actually
aren't and the things that you thought
were so bad for you, don't actually
have a lot of calories! The truth is
most people don't have a clue what
Food journaling is a
smart idea for
everybody, since we
eat out of habit
without really thinking
about what we are
putting into our mouths.
they eat and they eat far more then
they would probably want to admit.
You will be amazed how recording
your food before you even make any
dietary changes will add up to big
positive weight loss results! This just
proves that it is not actually what we
are eating but the amount of the
foods we eat that cause our weight to
The physical act of journaling isn't
always what holds people back, but
rather understanding portions and
servings sizes make journaling
cumbersome and pointless! There is
help for that too. Online websites,
such as the Eat Smart's Online
Tracker, allow you to log your foods
Spring 2011 FIT to Print
as you eat them giving you immediate
information about calories and the
nutritional break down. Simply type in
the foods you ate and select the
appropriate portion size, and the
program does the calculating.
Maintaining a food journal is extremely
valuable for any variety of personal
To set up an Eat Smart Online Tracker
account you must first have a
registered dietitian individualize your
recommendations regarding calories,
fats, carbohydrates, proteins, fiber,
vitamin and minerals by evaluating your
basic information, health concerns and
goals. The most unique feature of the
Eat Smart's Online Tracker is that a
registered dietitian reviews it daily and
you will receive personal feedback with
praise, suggestions, or perhaps pep
talks! During the review, problem areas
are identified to help you reach your
goal. Through your journal you may
discover that you're not eating enough
vegetables or maybe not getting
enough of a particular vitamin or
mineral. Problems can include, but are
not limited to, not eating enough
protein, going too long without eating
or never eating an actual meal.
Deficiencies are flagged and foods are
suggested to add to make your diet
more balanced. Meal plans are
developed and can easily be copied
into your food journal. Recipes are
even available to make it easy.
Journaling and reaching your weight
loss goal really can be as simple as a
Food journaling is a smart idea for
everybody, since we eat out of habit
without really thinking about what we
are putting into our mouths. The
medical field has told us that foods we
eat have a direct correlation on our
health, the way we feel, and our risk of
diseases. It is time to be aware of what
is going into your body. Getting control
and being accountable is the first step
in mindful eating. Online journaling
adds another level of accountability
where you may think twice before
eating that 12th chicken wing.
or more information about Eat
Smart's Online Tracker or for any
questions please feel free to
or call 631-587-5766 for more
Rachel Ezelius is a Registered Dietitian who
manages Fitness Incentive’s
Eat Smart program. Questions? Contact her
by email:
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Spring 2011 FIT to Print
Pe r s o n a l B e s t
by Bob McKeown
Becoming Iron Man
The Creation of a 3x Ironman @ FI
Bob McKeown
whole new world opened up and I was
mixing my workouts between spinning
and running.
Monday night spin class @ 6 P.M. - NEED
I SAY MORE? Welcome to the World of
Carmella. I do not think I need to
elaborate on Carmella, but her classes
quickly became part of my regular
schedule. Everything in life revolved
around 6 P.M. spin on Mondays and
Wednesdays. Carmella became my
biggest motivator at the gym. She even
let me do various spin fundraisers.
Little did she know she was creating a
monster! Soon, I mixed in some cardio
ow it all started...Walking up the
stairs at work, out of breath and 35
lbs heavier, it all finally clicked. I
did not possess the body my mind thought
it did. I was not the athlete I was in
college anymore. I was lucky if anything
in the closet actually fit. Sure, I was still
surfing, but the gut was getting bigger
and the clothes were getting tighter. I
knew something needed to change, not
only for myself, but for my son. I knew he
needed to see his Dad as someone who
was active, happy, and motivated. What
better way to teach a child than to lead
by example. What about my students? Do
I become the grumpy overweight teacher,
or a motivator for leading a healthy
lifestyle? If nothing else, my Dad was in
better shape than me and was appearing
in the Fitness Incentive commercials.
Joining Fitness Incentive
It didn't take long to decide that Fitness
Incentive was the place for me. Keep in
mind, as my journey began, I couldn't
even run a half a mile without feeling the
pain. I had a long road ahead of me!
Spin with Carmella
My workouts consisted of short runs on
the treadmill and I was only adding about
10% a week to my running. I still didn't
have the confidence I was looking for and
there was no way I was even thinking
about hitting a weight or cardio class at
this time. One of the girls at the front
desk had been encouraging me to take a
spin class for a while. I eventually caved
in, and was instantly hooked. It was the
best workout I had done in 10 years. A
TJ gives me a bit of an
interview and tells me
he expects 110 percent!
Is this guy serious? He
would refuse my money
if I wasn't committed?
classes on the floor. Cor's insane
classes were exactly what I was looking
for. A class that pushes you to the limit
and helps you to understand that the
mind will give out before the body will.
Yes, I am one of those guys that will
jump around on a trampoline, go to a
kick-boxing class, or hit Cor's “xtreme
cardio.” I was probably made fun of in
the guy's locker room for a good year!
They eventually realized that these
classes were the best workouts in the
gym and they soon joined in.
Endurance Racing
So now I’m running, spinning, and
taking Cardio classes! Can I even
attempt to take some of these skills
into the world outside the gym again?
Without a 6 page story, I will just say
that my fitness journey led me to the
endurance community. I was instantly
hooked and competing in any road race,
duathlon, or triathlon that I could find
on Long Island. I wasn't climbing the
stairs at work out of breath anymore. I
Spring 2011 FIT to Print
was actually running up them. I soon
teamed up with a professional triathlete
who helped me create a training schedule
that maximized my training without
negatively affecting my family and work.
It turned out to be one of the most
demanding mental and physical
challenges of my entire life. I met the
most amazing and supportive people and
was part of a great team. I finally
reached the ultimate goal of becoming an
Ironman, but soon realized that this was
just another chapter in my new healthy
Fantastic Four Contest & TJ Lynch
By now, I'm competing in various distance
triathlons across the country and have
completed two Ironman races. As always,
I reset my goals and focused on becoming
stronger in my legs. My friend Christina
recommended I join a contest and team
up with TJ Lynch. He just happens to
pass by me at the gym so I approach him.
He gives me a bit of an interview and tells
me he expects 110 percent! Is this guy
serious? He would refuse my money if I
wasn't committed? You have to
understand, TJ sets the standard high and
there was no way I would let him, myself,
or my team down. I was instantly teamed
up with three complete strangers (Joe
Lloyd, Jeff Szabo, TJ Conlon) and we
eventually all clicked. Each of us brought
a different strength to the workouts and
my constant emails and text messages
probably drove them crazy. I knew our
main competition was fierce. Billy Boyle
was a past champion, Connor was one of
the few people in the world to swim the
English Channel, Joe Conte was a
machine, and another fellow McKeown
(no relation..LOL) had to be good. Billy
was a former lacrosse teammate of mine
and being a goalie, I knew his mental
strength was unmatched. My team
needed to be perfect! TJ put us through
demanding workouts and he oversaw our
nutrition to perfection. I can honestly say
that my nutrition was perfect for the
entire competition. I didn't cheat once! I
wasn't sure if my desire to win was for
myself, my team, or to prove my
commitment to TJ. In the end, I realized
it was all just part of TJ's plan to make
each and every one of us the best we
could be. FYI- WE WON!
I continued working with TJ Lynch
throughout the year. This past November I
finished my 3rd Ironman in Arizona setting
a personal record by over 2 hours. I spent
many late hours in the pool and early
mornings on the road. However, by
utilizing all the services at Fitness
Incentive, I was able to bring home that
PR! I considered all the trainers and
instructors at FI to be my “Performance
continued on page 21
Mind Body Spirit
By Dina SantaMaria
Real Men Do Yoga
The Perfect Compliment to Weight Lifting
! Improves breathing and vital energy
! Helps to balance and improve
! Promotes cardiovascular, joint and
circulatory health
! Relieves pain, improves athletic
! Helps you look and feel younger than
your actual age
! Strengthens your bones and muscles
Mental Benefits:
! Helps you learn to relax, handle
stress and lessen anxiety
“Will practicing yoga make me lose my
“I am not flexible…I can't do yoga”
“Will yoga compliment or Hurt my weight
lifting regimen?”
“Yoga is for girls…” ...“Can men do yoga?”
ound familiar? These questions and
statements are all too familiar to me!
I would like to answer some of these
questions and “de-bunk” some common
myths! Weight training and yoga
compliment each other beautifully.
Actually a regular yoga practice is a
benefit to anyone and everyone; from
weight lifters, body builders, athletes of
all types, people old and young - from all
walks of life. In this writing, I am going
to focus mostly on how yoga can
compliment a weight/strength training
Baron Baptiste, world renowned yoga
instructor and former coach of the
Philadelphia Eagles Football team puts it
beautifully: “Yoga is a full-body workout
that creates both strength and flexibility.
You need to have both. One without the
other is a recipe for disaster.”
Interesting!? Let's take a look at some of
the benefits of a regular yoga practice:
Physical Benefits:
! Creates a strong, toned, flexible body
“Yoga is a full-body
workout that creates
both strength and
flexibility. You need
to have both. One
without the other is
a recipe for disaster.”
! Teaches you to quiet the mind and
focus your mental energy whether on
the weight training floor, on the golf
course, in an important meeting at
work, in a difficult yoga pose, running
a marathon..
! Encourages self-acceptance, selfrespect and love
! Encourages positive thinking
Spiritual Benefits:
! Helps improve your body awareness
! Deepens the mind body connection
! Improves your awareness of the world
around you and the needs of others
! Helps you to understand and live in
the “now”
These are all just a sampling of the
physical, mental and spiritual benefits
of yoga. Before we explore how these
benefits relate to weight training and
men in particular…let's take a look at a
few common myths and truths about
! Yoga is just stretching …it's easyWhile yoga is an excellent way to
stretch the body's muscles it is much
Spring 2011 FIT to Print
!more than stretching. yoga in itself is an
ancient science and philosophy. The
physical aspect of yoga (Asana practice)
is much more than simple stretching.
Many poses and sequences take strength,
balance and focus to execute. The word
yoga means union or yoking…deep
concentration, strength and mind-body
discipline are needed to practice physical
! Yoga is just for women- it is true that
currently, in our Western world…more
women than men practice yoga.
However, yoga is said to have been
originally “created” BY men…FOR men
(over 5,000 years ago). It is only until
recently that women came to begin the
practice. Many ancient, influential yoga
teachers are men.
! You have to be flexible to do yoga – This
is one of the most commonly believed
myths regarding yoga. While some yoga
poses do require a degree of flexibility
and may be difficult for certain body
types to execute…All yoga poses can be
modified and can be performed to the
needs of the practitioner. A qualified
yoga instructor will guide you in
modifications and poses that best suit
your needs. While executing yoga
postures…you should do them to the best
of your ability and know that the effort
you put forth and the focus will almost
always reap you the benefits you most
! Yoga is boring and slow – There are
many “types” or traditions of yoga.
Vinyasa and Ashtanga yoga are just two
examples of the types of yoga that are
quicker moving and really tend to
increase the heart rate – resulting in a
sweat breaking, cardiovascular workout
in your yoga practice.
Now let's take a brief look at some of the
benefits of weight-training:
Weight Lifting
! improves your metabolism
! makes you stronger
! gives you energy
! strengthens your bones
! improves muscular endurance
! lowers your resting heart rate
! improves your self-confidence
And some common weight lifting myths
and truths:
! Weight lifting is dangerous – Weight
lifting if done with proper form and
technique is not dangerous. With proper
training you can experience all of the
above benefits and more. The only way
weight lifting becomes dangerous is if
you do not control your movements or
your ego and use bad technique.
! Weight lifting is bad for your joints –
Again…if you use proper technique,
continued on page 20
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Spring 2011 FIT to Print
Group Ex
By: Marianela Virella-Mielke NSCA-CPT
Fitness - Now in 3D
No Special Glasses Required!
in VO2 max of about 10%, but had no
effect on anaerobic capacity. The high
intensity group improved their VO2
max by about 14% while anaerobic
capacity improved by 28%. The study
was done over a six week period. Both
groups worked out 5 days per week.
An attempt at visualizing the fourth
dimension: take a point, stretch it into a
line, curl it into a circle, twist it into a
sphere and punch through the sphere.
- Albert Einstein
nter 3D-FIT, a new FREE half-hour
fitness class (Saturdays @ 7:25 am
in the yoga studio) that I created
based on Dr. Izumi Tabata's powerful
circuit training method.
3D-FIT is designed to burn fat, while
boosting cardio endurance and athletic
performance. Moving through timed
three dimensional, high-low movement
segments, my 3D-FIT class uses minimal
equipment and delivers optimal results.
The heart of Tabata Training is four
minute segments of intense interval
training/circuit training. Inside of those
four minute segments are timed work
and rest periods. Tabata Training can be
done with a variety of multi-joint
strength or cardio based exercises.
Tabata Training may be executed with
barbells, dumbells, kettlebells or simple
bodyweight exercises.
Tabata Training was developed by Izumi
Tabata at the National Institute of Fitness
and Sports in Tokyo, Japan. The institute
recently conducted a study comparing
the effects of moderate intensity
endurance (aerobics) and high endurance
intermittent training (tabata training
intervals) on VO2 max and anaerobic
The moderate intensity group training
program produced a significant increase
What do these results exactly mean
for hard core Fitness Incentive
members? It signifies that 3-D FIT
has all the ingredients you need to
help you build lean body mass, rev up
your metabolism and get fitter faster!
Since our body was engineered to
move in various planes of motion and
not all multi-joint or circuit exercises
involve enough variety in positions, I
have been careful to include my own
3D elements (forward, side, back,
rotational movements) in this Tabata
style class. I have also structured the
class circuits and ending segments to
reflect my multi-dimensional training
style for a fit, balanced and
coordinated body. The outcome is a
vigorous, dynamic class that will take
you to your next fitness level and
allow you to see and feel your
workout results.
3D-FIT is for intermediate and
advanced levels only.
Sorry, this is no Starbucks session. It is
absolutely crucial that you warm up
BEFORE you arrive to class and be
responsible for cooling down
afterwards. We will have a very brief
intro to the exercises before we dive
right in. In order to reap all the
benefits of our in + out training time,
please be prepared to bring in and
take back any class
equipment/objects to the main gym
floor. Also, to enhance your 3-D FIT
workout, please hydrate and eat
something very light at least 1 hour
before class.
Let's get 3DFIT!
Marianela Virella-Mielke, NSCA-CPT, holds several
certifications in fitness instruction and training. In
addition to teaching the 3D fit class, she is a personal
trainer at Fitness Incentive.
Spring 2011 FIT to Print
Bec ming
continued from page 5
amazing source. You know, it's all sort
of wonderfully endless…each thing
opens out into the next. You think
you're done
with one
thing, and
move on to
the next,
only to find
that they
In order to
it's best to
do a little
bit of
yoga into my
classes, and
the yogis in
the class
Yoga has helped Liz evolve as a person
recognize it,
and an instructor
while those
not practicing yoga don't. But they like
it! They respond, I think, because it is
consistent with one of my main themes:
“strength, and stretch, strength, and
stretch…” especially important as we
get older and need to keep our joints
more limber. I've seen the impact of
this integration in members, who are
capable of more than they otherwise
would be. They've told me how they've
felt their bodies open up.
F2P: This integration, this 'crosspollination' between what are usually
thought of as stand-alone disciplines, is
something I'm hearing more and more
about from fitness professionals.
LR: I feel that fitness is a thing you do
for your lifetime, it's going to be there
forever…and I think that yoga, as much
or more than anything I've done before,
teaches that each thing—the diet, the
cardio, weight training, yoga, and so
on—is part of the same whole, and we
draw the fullest benefit when we
remember and practice this. I have no
doubt that I get more out of the gym
and working out now than I ever have
before because I'm more aware than
ever about how each activity touches
the other and enhances it. For many,
including myself, the philosophy of yoga
extends beyond what you do in the
gym. It changes your body, mind, and
ultimately your life, for the better!
Paul Smith manages Marketing
for Fitness Incentive and is responsible for all the
signs you see around the gym.
He’s a regular contributor to these pages.
Wife...Mother...Trainer...And World Figure Champion:
Two Years in The Life of Amy Llinas-Lynch
n November 13th, 2010,
Amy Llinas stood centerstage in an auditorium in
mid-town Manhattan. She'd
just captured the first place
title in the WNBF World
Figure Model Championships —Tall
Division. Beside her stood her winning
counterpart from the Short Division,
Melissa Kelley. Together, they were
awaiting the announcement of the Overall
Championship winner —the World Title.
When the announcement came, the room
erupted with cheers and applause from
the audience, composed substantially of
Fitness Incentive members and staff,
who'd come to support Amy in her quest to
capture the crown. She did. The title was
There Amy stood, smiling proudly and
enjoying every minute of her victory, of
this culmination of months and months of
grueling effort. When her daughter, Bella,
was passed up to her, there was a
collective gasp of astonishment from the
gallery. “Is that your child?” she was
asked. “She's my child,” Amy answered
with a laugh. “No, we didn't adopt
her…see her father here? They look just
Amy had laughed because in a way it was
a fair question. What business did she—or
any woman, really—have, winning a World
Championship figure competition scarcely
a year after having her first baby? It's a
journey that for Amy began with a
personal and professional goal, that took
her into the gym at all hours, through
hospital stays and then the nursery, and
culminated on that New York stage last
It required Amy to balance many demands;
to wear many hats: wife, mother, personal
trainer and instructor, competitor…while
keeping her eye on the prize throughout.
11/25/2008: Thanksgiving Day.
TJ and I tell our families the happy news:
by the following Summer, we'll be parents!
When I found out I was pregnant with
Bella, I was actually getting ready to train
to compete in the 2009 WNBF
Championship—the same event I would
eventually win in November of 2010. So
competing had been a goal of mine before
I became pregnant. My thinking at that
time was, 'I'll train, and I'll compete right
after the baby is born.' I was so intense
and go-go-go that I thought that the four
months after she was born would be
enough to allow me to get ready for the
competition. Ordinarily, four months
would have been ample time.
Reality check:
Morning sickness! I am living on bread
and water. It was weird. I went through
a phase where I was so nauseous that
carbohydrates were the only things
that sounded good to me. I would eat
bagels almost every day because they
were the only thing I could keep down.
The thought of any kind of meat was
absolutely repulsive to me. Oddly,
though my diet wasn't all that great, I
wasn't taking in a whole lot of crazy
calories…toward the end of my
pregnancy, all I ate was Italian Ices.”
4/9/2009: I was beginning to sense
that I was pushing myself…
…over the limits of what my body could
accept—just doing far too much. I
began to say as much, but no one else
seemed to be getting it!
4/24/2009: “You look fine, you're
numbers are fine, you're doing fine…”
I'm on my feet for 14-15 hours a day.
This was partly because TJ had injured
his foot, and I took on a lot of his
clients. I needed to take it easier and I
knew what was going to happen if I
pushed myself too hard. “TJ, I'm going
to end up on bed rest,” I said. “Oh, no,
honey, you're fine…” “TJ,” I said,
“you've never had a pregnant wife
before! You really don't know what
you're talking about!” And to prove it, I
took him to one of my doctor's
appointments. Naturally, they agreed
with him! “She's fine, everything's
fine.” I was like, are you for real? Are
you kidding me? I brought him here so
you guys could tell him that I need to
back off a little bit. Instead, I got
“she's doing great, she can handle it.”
It was like a male conspiracy!
4/30/2009: Bed rest and
I was placed on bed rest and
medication and would stay there for
about 3 months. Couldn't get up,
couldn't move. Amazingly and in spite
of this immobility, I didn't really gain
that much weight. When it was all said
and done, I'd only gained seven pounds.
Only seven, but I'd pay a very high
price for those pounds in the form of
lost muscle tissue. My body changed
radically, but not how most people
thought. Most said things like, “Wow,
you gained so much weight!” I really
didn't. Muscle weighs more than fat,
and I'd lost a lot of it, and I gained a lot
Spring 2011 FIT to Print
of body fat in return.
contractions from home.
5/10/2009: This morning, I went in to
7/9/2009: Happy birthday, Bella!
Right there, in the middle of the gym. I
called TJ. “Honey, I think I'm in labor.”
“That's really unlikely,” he said, “It's
probably Braxton-Hicks.”
Well, no. I know my body pretty well. I
went to pick up a weight and I felt a little
something tweak, and I thought, “Hmm…I
think I'm in labor!”
So, I ended up calling my doctor. “Oh, my
gosh, come in right away!” he said.
“Right now! Get here as fast as you can.
Emergency room. Come right in.” So I got
home and told TJ, “I need you to take me
to the hospital right now. I'm not fine. I
need to go now. I called the doctor, and
he said come in immediately.”
At the hospital, checked in, and sure
enough, I'm in full-blown labor. I almost
had the baby, and it would have been way
too early—a little over six months at that
The doctors came in and put me on a
bunch of medications, one of which was
magnesium sulfate, which any woman
who has ever been premature will tell
you makes you feel like you are going to
die. None had any real effect. The best of
them was the most extreme. It's actually
an asthma medication called terbutaline
and is delivered via a pump, similar to
those used by diabetics, that is installed
in your leg and delivers a big shot every
four hours. A side effect—there are
always side effects—is that it hypes you
up. You're totally wired, so you cant
sleep, but, being confined to bed, can't
get up and do anything either.
At this point, when you're in that state,
they won't allow you to eat anything. So
for three days, they wouldn't let me eat. I
kept telling them, “I know my body! I eat
every two and a half to three hours, and I
promise you, if you just let me eat, the
contractions will subside. Finally, I told
them, “I can't do this anymore. I am
about to die! I have to eat!” I ate, and
sure enough, everything just halted. I
know my body really well.
After seven days of this, they finally gave
me an epidural and bingo, I delivered. A Csection was never considered; she was fully
in position—for three months! They didn't
really do anything like induce me, because
I wasn't actually considered 'full-term' yet.
Even so, Bella ended up being three weeks
early. She was fine, spent no time in the
ICU, so it was great.
The birth was made a bit tougher because,
in a addition to being exhausted, my body
was extremely tight and tense—a byproduct, actually, of being in shape. Years
of training the abdominals meant that my
body just wouldn't 'give'. Just locked up, it
wasn't going anywhere, with a lot of
pressure on my spine.
7/2/2009: I go into labor again, this
time for real…it would last for seven
I was incredibly worn out, because I was
on the medication that won't allow you to
sleep. Probably one of the most difficult
experiences I've ever been through. I
went repeatedly to the hospital, but they
kept sending me home because I wasn't
ready. They were monitoring my constant
instructor, not say a word in your
classes. Now, you're loud and clear.
What's going on?”
“I'll honestly tell you why,” I said, “Back
then I was a new mom, and just
couldn't breathe!”
“I thought you were just shy!” she
“I was gasping like a fish out of water!”
But at this point, I'm starting to develop
a routine and a schedule that allows me
to manage my time and all these new
responsibilities. It's not easy, not yet.
This little one is totally dependent on
you, you're deprived of sleep…a
husband who's just as inexperienced as
you are…just one thing after another,
and it's easy to feel overwhelmed.
Also, my metabolism was messed
up…just creeping along. My diet would
eventually need a lot of work. During
this period, after Bella's birth, I ate
whatever I wanted, really. For so many
months, nothing had tasted good to me.
Now, it was like, “I've got my taste buds
back again!”
8/28/2009: “I want to compete
I'd decided that I definitely wanted to
compete again, but I had to wait for my
body to be ready. While you're nursing,
your body is still producing leutenizing
hormones, so you really can't go all-out.
Hormone production varies from person
to person…some stop producing right
away, for others, it takes a while.
But even from the earliest days of my
pregnancy, I never let go of the idea of
competing again, though there were
times when it seemed impossible. It
became clear that I wasn't going to be
able to do it as quickly as I had planned,
but I was determined to keep plugging
away and just see what happened. I
didn't put too much pressure on myself.
That was key. A lot of women do that. I
tried not to care too much about what
other people might be thinking of me…I
came to the gym, was out of shape,
standing in front of forty people,
continued on page 24
7/19/2009: Reality check: Who's body
is this?
A week after Bella was born I put on one of
my competition suit and took some
pictures—pictures the world will never see!
“Oh my gosh,” I thought, “who's body is
this?” My entire physique had changed. I
looked ridiculous! I had so much to come
back from.
Amy & Bella
8/9/2009:Learning to manage the clock.
A lot of women get very frustrated after
having a baby. You must juggle so many
things, particularly with a newborn. They
require so much care and attention,
especially if you're nursing. I remember
that once I was back to work, I'd nurse
Bella between clients, then jump right
back out on the floor! It was just non-stop.
You do burn more calories while nursing,
but what they don't tell you is that you
retain a lot more body fat, because you
have to keep your milk production and
supply up.
Four weeks after Bella was born, TJ said
“come take my class.” I couldn't even get
up off the floor. Cor had also been asking
me for a long time to teach a class. I used
to teach in South Carolina, but at Fitness
Incentive, I was strictly PT and had never
taught. “OK Amy,” Cor said, “you're gonna
teach Tuesday night…” “Are you kidding
me? I can't even walk on the treadmill at
this point, I'm so out of shape!” I will never
forget that first class I taught. I was up
there and I was dead silent. “You're just
going to have to watch everything I do, I'm
not in my best shape right now…”
Sidebar: just a few days ago a woman
came up to me after a class and said, “You
know, you used to be such a quiet
This photo and cover photo by Susan Eckert - 631-398-4487
Spring 2011 FIT to Print
Incentives Spa
By Dr. Donna Brown
Spring Cleaning
Get Your Skin Ready for the Sun!
Another extremely important aspect of
skin health is proper cleansing.
Cleansers should be chosen for your
particular skin type. They should
make your skin feel clean and fresh,
not tight and dry. There are many
different types of cleansers, but at
Incentives, we feel that organic
botanicals are the best way to wash
away everyday dirt and grime. Again,
there are many skin conditions
including Rosacea and acne that
require specific types of cleansers, so
if you need help, a professional at
Incentives will be glad to assist you.
pringtime is a great time for us to
examine our skin care regime and
make some important changes.
Winter skin is extremely dry and requires
us to use heavy moisturizers to keep it
healthy. Warmer, moister conditions call
for lighter formulas and less makeup.
While it is always important to exfoliate,
it is especially important during the
spring. Exfoliation is the process of
removing dead skins cells by sloughing
off the very top layer of the skin. This
accumulated layer contributes to
breakouts and overall dull looking skin.
You have just come from a harsh winter
with limited sun exposure, cold
temperatures and heavy winds. These
harsh conditions contribute to a buildup
of dead cells that need to be removed.
This can be accomplished by using
topical exfoliators that work to rub off
or eat away at dead cells. These should
be chosen depending on whether your
skin is sensitive, dry or acne prone. The
estheticians at Incentives will always do
a complimentary evaluation to help you
determine which one is right for you.
Exfoliation can also be accomplished
with microdermabrasion. At Incentives
Spa, our estheticians use diamondhead
microdermabrasion machines which are
free of harmful aluminum dust. Many
people think that microdermabrasion is
an abrasive treatment that will cause
irritation and redness. On the contrary,
it is a light, wonderful and relaxing
experience that reveals new radiant skin
when you leave. It is most definitely a
pleasant experience and one where
immediate results are evident.
Microdermabrasion is a
light, wonderful and relaxing
experience that reveals new
radiant skin when you leave.
Moisturizers should become lighter and
contain different antioxidants that are
more suitable for spring and summer
conditions. For example, skin that is
exposed to sun requires more vitamin
C to prevent oxidation and aging.
Some moisturizers will also contain
SPF to help prevent sun damage.
Serums are a way to boost the
antioxidant protection to your skin and
should also be re-evaluated in the
spring depending on your needs.
The staff at Incentives
is always
Nicole Collins
here to help you with any questions
you may have about your particular
skin. Our goal is to make you look
your absolute best! So this spring,
take some time to give your skin a
little attention, not just your closets.
Step into the Light - IPL Therapy
What is laser IPL therapy?
IPL stands for Intense Pulse Light,
otherwise known as a Photofacial
Laser. IPL involves minimal recovery
time and can be quite effective in
improving broken facial blood vessels
brown spots, especially on
Spring 2011 FIT to Print
the face and neck and to a lesser extent
on the hands and lower extremities. It is
also useful for hair removal in fair
skinned individuals. Dark hair responds
the best with this kind of laser.
Is this kind of technology safe?
IPL technology is FDA approved and has
been around since the early 1990's.
Since then, it has been widely used and
has an excellent safety record. The
technology is designed to block out
harmful light energy. Most people
receive a limited series of treatments so
"chronic" use is not a risk factor.
How do dark spots (hyper
pigmentation) go away?
Usually the dark spots after the IPL
treatment get progressively darker over
the next several days. You should notice
an increase in pigmentation. Some call
it "coffee grounds". You should see the
pigment gradually coming to the surface
and peeling off over the next week or
two. Depending on the amount of hyper
pigmentation you have, you may need to
repeat the treatment in a month. If you
have a lot of sun damage, it can take 35 treatments. We recommend that our
clients see our aestheticians for skin
care in between their IPL's and use sun
screen after any laser treatments.
What about hair removal?
Laser hair removal targets the melanin
in the hair follicles that give that hair its
color. A contrast between the darker
melanin in the hair follicle and lighter
melanin of fair complexions works the
best for this treatment. The lighter
colored hairs do not respond well to
laser treatment because they are
designed to target the darker pigment
of brown to black hairs. Do not let
anyone try to convince you that their
laser will remove light or blond fine
hairs - you will be disappointed with the
results. The science isn't there to
support the claims. On average, a
person will need 6 to 8 treatments to
get rid of unwanted hair. Treatments
are spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart,
depending on the area being treated.
While many doctors refer laser hair
removal as a “permanent solution”,
many people find they must have
additional treatments to maintain
results. If you do require maintenance
hair removal sessions, they are usually
only required once or twice a year.
For any additional info, please stop by
Incentives Spa for a complementary
Dr. Donna Brown is a Chiropractor as well as the
owner/operator of Incentives Spa. Questions? Email
her at:
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Spring 2011 FIT to Print
Mind Body Spirit
!controlled, non-impact movements,
weight training will help improve the
health of your bones and joints. Proper
weight training strengthens the muscles,
tendons and ligaments….thereby
strengthening and improving the health or
your joints.
! Weight lifting causes high blood pressure
– While it is true that your blood pressure
increases when you lift heavy weights, it
should return to normal after finishing
your set. This is how weight lifting helps
to improve your cardiovascular health.
People who weight lift with focus on
strength training tend to have lower blood
pressure than people who do not exercise
or weight train.
! Weight lifting makes you bulky – Proper
weight lifting will help you build lean
muscle mass and since muscle is denser
than fat you will look thinner at the same
body weight if you increase your muscle
mass. Body builders who compete and
sport the big “bulkier” muscle look follow
competitive, strict diets and weight
training geared at hypertrophy –
“growing” their muscles. A carefully
designed weight training program for
strength and health reasons will not result
in “bulk”.
Anyone reading this information can see
some similar benefits that yoga and
Weight lifting provide both physically and
mentally. That alone should be enough to
convince you how complimentary they are
to each other. However, I feel it is
important to further our exploration and
see how yoga can help improve muscle
strength and balance.
A study was conducted at the University
of California at Davis. Ten college 'couch
potatoes' adopted a yoga routine for eight
weeks. Each week, they attended from
two to four classes during which they
spent 10 minutes on breath control, 15
minutes of warm up exercises, 50 minutes
doing yoga asana, and then 10 minutes of
relaxation/mediation. At the end of the
eight-week period, the researchers
measured the students' fitness and
discovered that their muscular strength
had increased by up to 31%, their
muscular endurance improved by 57%,
their flexibility increased by 188%, and
their cardio respiratory fitness improved
by 7%. These results are pretty amazing
when you consider that the study was only
conducted for eight weeks.*
Building muscle by lifting weights is
usually the main focus in a weight /
resistance training program. In yoga, your
body provides the resistance which helps
continued from page 13
to increase bone and muscle strength.
Many poses in yoga are held for a
certain amount of time or several
breaths and some are done very slowly.
Holding a pose or doing it slowly
provides much more challenge to your
muscles than allowing speed and
momentum to take over which is often
the case in traditional weight lifting.
Balancing poses require tremendous
muscle control to keep yourself from
falling over which also helps strengthen
and build your muscles.
In weight lifting, you are often isolating
a specific muscle (or muscle group) as
you perform an exercise. This has been
A regular Yoga practice
is simply the perfect
partner to your weight
lifting practice!
said to lead to short, tightened
muscle(s). In yoga, while you are
strengthening the muscles, you are
lengthening them at the same time
which more likely results in the muscles
being elongated. yoga poses work the
entire body and improve
communication and muscle recruitment
patterns. It allows the smaller muscle
groups a chance to do their job, helping
to open up and lengthen tighter, shorter
muscles and strengthen weaker
muscles; thereby bringing the body into
better balance. The focus of yoga is
not to overwork any specific muscle or
muscle group (which is sometimes the
case with weight lifting) resulting in
less chance of injury.
Yoga can help your muscles grow fit,
balanced and strong. It can help open
up tight spots and really lengthen
shortened muscles! Yoga will improve
your focus, your mind-body connection
and your entire outlook on life! yoga
helps reduce stress, lower blood
pressure and improve resting heart
rate. Yoga builds lean muscle mass,
improves breathing and enhances
vitality! How can yoga not enhance
your weight lifting regimen? A regular
yoga practice is simply the perfect
partner to your weight lifting practice!
My goal in this writing is not just to
Spring 2011 FIT to Print
share this information, but to hopefully
get more weight lifters (especially men)
to incorporate yoga into their lives. In
that vein, I would like to further explore
(briefly) some of the mental benefits of
yoga especially for men.
It is a well known fact that women in
general are more in touch with their
emotions and have more outlets for
dealing with daily stressors. Men, on the
other hand, tend to ignore signs of stress
and as a result, their heart rate and blood
pressure go up and other physical
ailments develop. These physical changes
brought on by stress are often
accompanied by behavioral changes such
as eating a less healthy diet, exercising
less (or not at all) and even smoking or
excessive drinking - thinking this
promotes relaxation and to “try to take
the edge off” . All of these things can
lead to depression (an epidemic in men in
the U.S.)
Taking time out of your day to practice
yoga, to sit, be quiet, focus on breathing
and stretching deeply is a wonderful way
to reduce stress. yoga has been proven to
reduce blood pressure, body temperature,
heart rate (all of the benefits listed above
and more). It's a no-brainer antidote to
stress, especially for men, who in general
find it difficult to decompress and destress. Robert Bulgarelli, DO, FACC says
"yoga gives you the opportunity to strip
yourself down, to quiet yourself, to just
really 'be'; and for many men, that may
be the first time they've ever done that.
The meditative aspect of yoga is the
perfect avenue to help you figure out
what's going on in your life."
You need yoga today!!!! Men….give it a
try! Women, if you are not already
practicing yoga, give it a try and get the
men in your life to come with you!!!
Still not sure? Join me on March 20th for
a Beginner yoga workshop. It is an
introduction to yoga…think of it as yoga
101. I will walk you through basic yoga
concepts and postures and show you how
to best execute them and incorporate
them into your fitness regimen! I will
help you pick a yoga class best suited for
you! This workshop will prepare you to
take one of the many classes we offer at
Fitness Incentive. Fitness Incentive has
many yoga classes for all levels of
practitioners…from beginners to
advanced! Check the schedule for a class
that fits your needs today!
*DM 10/1/05 Muscle Fitness – Can yoga make you stronger?
Dina SantaMaria is a certified Pilates, Yoga &
Spin instructor, as well as a certified Personal Trainer.
She manages the Mind, Body & Spirit program at FI.
Questions? Contact her at: Dina@Fitnessincentive. com
Becoming Iron Man
Recently, my new favorite class is
candlelight stretch! I try to incorporate
this as my date night with my girlfriend,
Gina. Is this part of training? Absolutely,
you better have a good support system and
you better make that person happy!
Not the End
The sport of Triathlon has totally reshaped
my life. I am surrounded by supportive
and caring people. We all share the same
goal of living a healthy lifestyle while
making everyone around us better. At
work, I became very involved with the
Wellness Program and coordinated large
scale health fairs. My students are leading
a healthy lifestyle through various
programs and events. As a tri coach, I now
work with endurance athletes ranging
from beginners to Ironman athletes. As a
father, my kids are running around the
house with my goggles, medals, and swim
caps on. It's just a matter of time until we
all race together.
I'm forever grateful to Fitness Incentive for
providing the tools to make it all happen!
Give it a TRI- you'll like it!
Bob McKeown is an FI Member and 3x Ironman
He is also a USA Triathlon Coach and the Owner of South
Shore TRI Coach, Inc. He will be hosting a series of
seminars on Triathalon Training at FI (details below)
ob McKeown will
be hosting a series
of Triathalon
training seminars at
Fitness Incentive this
spring. Seminars will be
offered in the basics of
Triathalon training, as
well as seminars focused
on the specific
components, including
swimming, biking and running. The series
can be taken in whole or in part, and is
geared towards all levels of Triathalon
experience. There will be two
informational meetings that will go over
the program content in greater detail:
March 28th at 7pm and April 2nd at 9am.
Both of these sessions are free, but you
are requested to sign up at the desk, as
space will be limited.
Triathalon training is a great way to
increase your focus on fitness and take
your conditioning to another level.
Despite the imposing sound of it, it can
also be a lot of fun, and is offered in a
variety of formats that make competing
accessible and enjoyable. Recently, Janet
Lang and her sister, Linda, competed in a
tri-relay. There story is on the right.
continued from page 12
The Twisted Sisters of Triathalon
n October, 2009 I went on a stormy Sunday to support my sisters
who were competing in their
very first sprint distance
triathlon. It consisted of a 750
Meters swim, a 17.5K bike and a 5K
run. At 5 am, the excitement
started to build as soon as we got
to the transition area. I watched
them enter the water and got so
caught up in the competition; the
entire event from start to finish
was thrilling. Watching them
transition from swim to bike and
from bike to run was a rush as I
knew they had finished one feat
and were on to the next. Having
run 1/2 marathons myself, I must
admit I was envious and a bit
jealous that I was only a
spectator. As I toyed with the
idea of possibly competing in a
triathlon the reality hit me, I would
have to wear a bathing cap and wet
suit. Anyone who knows me can
see why this would pose a
problem--my fashion sense and vanity were standing in the way--I would
never wear the wet suit. Besides I am not a swimmer.
The following tri season my sister Linda needed a runner due to a minor
injury. We registered as a relay team. She would swim and bike and I
would be the runner – thus the relay team Twisted Sisters was born. The
event was the Great South Bay Tri in East Islip. We had a blast and I ran
my best 5K time ever as the adrenaline rush that you can't help but feel
came over me. We did two more events that season placing 1st and 2nd.
We are looking forward to doing our first Olympic Distance Tri (1 mile
swim, 22 mile bike and a 10K run) in June.
Being a relay team is a great experience. Teams can be made up of two or
three people each taking a leg. The experience of sharing the event with
your friends is rewarding and creates such a sense of camaraderie. So
find a team, start training and enjoy the rush. I promise you will never
regret it!
- Janet Lang
Spring 2011 FIT to Print
page 15Let's use a treadmill for our example - one
by Toni from
Fix It. Now.
It Takes a Team to Keep It All Working
of the new True treads, more specifically!
We happily received our new True Treads
just before Christmas. Unfortunately, we
have had some persistent problems with
the cool, but thus far temperamental,
touch screens. This type of “software”
problem isn’t all that uncommon on new
equipment. In fact, it’s usually the newest
and coolest stuff that breaks down the
most frequently - at least until they work
out the bugs. To correct the problem
required us to be in virtually constant
contact, not only with our service
company, but also with representatives
from the manufacturer, True. Everyone
involved, from the service men to the
company techs were confused as to what
was causing the problems, why the
screens were freezing, and the TVs were
not working, among other things!
wenty-one Treadmills. Eighteen
and aggressively follow up with service.
Ellipticals. Four Expresso Bikes.
And, most importantly, it keeps you on
Thirty-one Spin Bikes. And who
working equipment!
knows how many pieces of equipment are
in the weight room?!? This is a long way
One of the most important aspects of
from the eight treadmills that started us
the maintenance system is the “Cards.”
off at our old “Talbots” location on Main
(pictured below) Every machine on the
Street. I remember quite clearly the day
floor has a small card on it that
the three Precor EFX Ellipticals arrived - it
identifies it for our staff. When there is
The information that we gathered from
was the dawn of a new FI.
you, our members,
Soon came the circuit
The “card” - there’s one on every machine. If the machine you’re using has any type of problem,
and from other staff
machines and then the
pull the card and bring it to the front desk. We’ll make sure it gets fixed asap.
members finally
weight room in the
helped the True
back….followed by the
Representatives (who
move to Deer Park
flew in from out of
state just to fix them!)
figure out what the
At Fitness Incentive, we
likely causes were. So
take great pride in what
what was the big
we do. Whether it’s
mystery? Apparently,
striving to teach a better
our members are so
class, help a hesitant
“electric” they were
newcomer to FI, or to
shorting the screens!
make the perfect shake,
In other words, static
we are always looking to
electricity was the
take it to the next level
culprit. True has now
for our members. There is
modified the touch
one crew, though, that
If this machine is malfunctioning
screens to solve the
floats behind the scenes:
please bring this card to the front
problem - but only
The Maintenance team.
desk. Let the desk staff know the
time will tell!
Like a good ref, when
nature of the problem. If you
they do their job best,
received an error message, please
The bottom line is
you hardly notice them.
note it when you submit the card.
this: we want every
Thanks for your help!
piece of equipment on
According to Wikipedia,
the floor to be in
there are three types of
perfect working order.
Maintenance: Breakdown,
And if it’s not, we
Preventative and
an issue, we count on you, our
want to get it back working as quickly as
Corrective. These words in essence sum up
members, to bring it to the front desk
what our Maintenance team at FI does and report the problem. You have now
we try to keep your workouts on schedule
become a key part of our system. So
So if you're on a cardio machine, or any
and disruption free!
what can you do to help?
piece of equipment for that matter, and
you are having a problem with it - big or
I came to inherit what we lovingly call
First of all, take note of what is going
small - grab “the card” from the machine
“The Maintenance Crown,” approximately
on with the machine when the problem
and bring it to the Front Desk when you
five years ago. At that time, we used a
occurs. The more information you can
have a minute. We’ll get on it
massive green binder to keep records of
provide to the Front Desk, the faster we
immediately, if not sooner.
all repairs, invoices, service calls, etc.
can diagnose and address the problem.
Needless to say, this caused many issues
For example:
With your help, our crack maintenance
when we needed to find things later on! As
team will do their utmost to keep all the
we acquired more machines, more service
1- How long where you on the machine
machines running, all of the time!
companies and reps, we definitely needed
to change our system. An Excel
2- How fast were you going on the
spreadsheet eventually morphed into
newer technology: Google Calendar. “The
3- Did any error message pop up on the
Calendar,” as it has become known at the
desk, not only tracks machine issues and
4- Did the machine feel different than
repairs, but allows us to send out email
normal? Bumpy or jerky?
“invitations” to the staff to make them
In addition to working with the maintenance team,
5- Anything and everything you can tell
Toni Caracci is a certified Group Ex instructor, and
aware of any issues. This system has truly
us can potentially help us resolve the
responsible for our “FI Minute” Videos.
allowed us to keep everyone in the loop
Spring 2011 FIT to Print
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Spring 2011 FIT to Print
...World Figure Champion
continued from page 17
teaching a class to women, some of whom
were in better shape than I was!
1/28/2010: Reality check: the spirit is
willing but the flesh…
I have now come to realize that there is
no way I could possibly be ready to
compete by this Spring. While I had no
stretch marks—thank heaven—my stomach
was so flabby, and so jiggly…so jelly-like,
that it was easy to think “Will I ever get
back…” In a moment of panic, I actually
cleaned out my closet and gave all my
clothes away! I'm kind of kicking myself
about that, now…
2/10/2010: Training calendar
established, it's time to get serious.
I've begun to seriously train to get back
into 'normal' condition. Normal means the
shape I need to be in to do my job, to be
at least satisfied with the way I look, and
to begin to even think about training for a
3/12/2010: Progress.
I began to see little changes, and think,
“OK, it's coming back, I'll get there.”
Little by little…not over night, that's for
sure. For an outside observer, it might
have appeared to come about quickly. It
3/15/2010: The 2010 Fit4Summer
Contest begins.
I told my teams, “All right, this is it…I'm
doing it all with you.” And I did. This was
when I got into the training mode again.
3/19/2010: Tale of the scale.
It's been eight months or so after Bella
was born. I finally start losing weight.
8/15/2010: Going for it.
There's a two-week window needed to
cleanse your body of refined sugar,
important because sugar itself makes
you crave more sugar. Once you get
through that phase—and it's a hard
phase to break through—you are in the
mode. You're rolling. In a lot of ways,
this is the hardest part, this 'detox'.
In mid-August, I started to train in
earnest for the competition. Intense
training, proper nutrition. I'm going for
What business did she—
or any woman, really—
have, winning a World
Championship figure
competition scarcely a
year after having her
first baby?
9/22/10: “It's not getting any easier…”
I'd had blood work done post-pregnancy.
My hair was falling out, I was really
having a tough time. I ended up having
pregnancy-induced hypothyroidism. It is
characterized by trouble losing weight,
trouble getting your body fat down. For
me it was caused in part by the
medication I was on. My whole
hormonal composition was out of
whack. My pituitary gland was not
producing precisely correctly…I ended
up back in the doctor's office for that
and was placed back on medication.
9/21/2010: Keeping the priorities in
order. There are a lot of them.
Never once during my training did TJ or
Bella come second. My family always
came first; I made sure of it. I was up
and training at three thirty in the
morning. Coming into the gym, doing
my cardio, then repeating it again at
night. This was “contest training,” not
normal training for me. It took an
intense commitment. I had to make
sure Bella was cared for, and had to
come in before TJ went to work
himself—his day was starting at 4:45am.
I had to be home before then, before he
left. A challenge, but once I got into the
routine of it, and started to see the
Spring 2011 FIT to Print
results and the changes in my body, that
fueled my fire. So much of it is how you
look at it. It could have been, “Oh, how in
the world could you possibly get up and
work out at 3:30 in the morning? You must
be crazy.”
For me, it was great. Nobody else was
awake. I understood that this was time
for me, by myself. Very important, I was
to learn. Not only was I getting back in
shape, but it was time during which I
could clear my head, and be alone. This is
something that a lot of new mothers miss.
They don't have that “alone-time”
anymore, that time for them.
I started my day like that every day, and
because of it, I was a better trainer, a
better mother, a better wife…it helped
me change the way I was looking at the
whole thing. I could've dreaded the whole
process. Instead I embraced it, I enjoyed
it, largely because I put aside some time
for myself every day. It was good for me
and good for the whole family.
All the enforced bed rest leading up to
the birth, all the confinement, had left
me stir-crazy. This contributed to my
ability to get through all the training at
off-hours. I'd been flat on my back so long
that on those days when I'd think, “I don't
feel like doing this,” I'd answer myself:
“No, Amy, you get to do this. It used to be
that you had no choice, no option. You
could not do this.” I remember being in
the hospital…I was in for about one week
before I went on bed rest…and I
remember having such sympathy, and
such compassion, for anyone who had
ever spent any time in a hospital,
confined and not able to do anything.
“When I can get up on my feet again,” I
thought, “I'm going to make the absolute
most of it.” That's how good it felt to be
able to get up and move.
10/7/2010: Not widely known about
post-pregnancy training…
…is that your ligaments loosen while you
are pregnant. A relaxin hormone is
produced. So this was another
hurdle…waiting for my joints and
ligaments to tighten up. You are very
susceptible to injury if you aren't really
careful during this time. I've seen this.
Women who “pushed through the burn.”
You have to know your body well enough,
but also have to know what all women's
bodies are going through during
pregnancy. You must be so in tune with
your body that you recognize the
difference between muscular burn and
nearness to injury. A lot of women—and
I've seen this happen, and heard about
it—come back too soon, or improperly,
after childbirth. The body is just not
ready for all the pounding and
punishment. So these women hurt
themselves and there is a downward
spiral that can lead to depression…you
must be ready, physically and mentally, to
continued on page 29
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Spring 2011 FIT to Print
by Carmella Milano
by Monica Jones
The Bikes Are Alright!
Here’s the Skinny on the New Bikes
ur Star Trac spinners had let us
down - this was the sad truth we
finally had to acknowledge. Not
even 3 years after they had been
purchased, their persistent breakdowns
and maintenance requirements had
become a nightmare for spinners,
instructors and especially the dedicated
spin maintenance team.
We had to take the plunge for new
bikes, and there was really only one
choice: the stunning Keiser M3. This
bike is like no other “spin” bike on the
market. It’s a marvel of design. The
most obvious advantage - nothing to
sweat on! Keiser wisely put the wheel
in the rear of the bike, away from the
sweat-dripping head of the rider. The
result - nothing to rust up front.
Equally brilliant, they did away with
the primitive knob-turning
brake/resistence system. Not only were
these systems crude, they were prone
to breakdown and wear. Worse still,
every bike was a little different, so
every turn of the knob produced a
slightly different result on every bike.
When the instructor implored the class
to take a big turn to the right, you
never knew if you be climbing Everest
or spinning free and easy. The Keiser
M3 changed all that with a
revolutionary magnetic braking system.
Nothing touches the flywheel, so
nothing wears out. And hidden in the
back of the bike, the braking system is
protected from sweat and corrosion, too.
- Effective user-friendly program that
stimulates an outdoor ride.
- Ergonomic posture and drills that help
cyclists improve technique and avoid
- A safe and individualized instructional
approach to group cycling.
Display alternates betw.
Power Output (WATTS)
and Kilo Calories
As with all new things, the Keiser’s take a
little getting used to. The smooth ride is
immediately felt and seductive, but there
are a few things you should know to get
the most out of you ride. Here’s an
Heart Rate Monitor
Trip Time
Gear........Trip Distance
Most revolutionary of all - the on-board
computer and shifting mechanism. Now
you can keep track of your ride with
exactness and ease. Moreover, your gear
ratio is precise - no more turn-of-the-knob
guess work. When everyone is supposed to
be in 12th gear, you know if you are in
12th gear ...or if you are cheating!
On top of all this, they are beautiful to
look at. So what’s not to like?
Revolutions per minute
- Effective use of intensity training to
maximize your workout.
-I mproves strength, endurance,
flexibility between mind and body.
Keiser M3's Computer Features and
The computer on the new bikes is a
powerful teaching tool. The computer
can assist both instructor and
participant by providing immediate
feedback as well as tracking ongoing
improvement. By experiencing
cadence, power output, gears and
heatrate, the cyclist benefits from a
better overall and more effective
workout. The more participants
understand the components of a proper
workout, the further they can fine tune
their performance. The goal is to work
more efficiently and effectively to
achieve better results.
Benefits of the new Keiser M3's:
Line 1 - RPM - Cadence: The RPM
display counts the cyclists revolutions per
minute on one crank arm (Cadence).
Above 140 RPM the computer will not
read and the word STOP will appear,
cyclist is pedaling too fast. If the cyclist
is out of the saddle and wishes to retain
enough resistance pedaling, it should not
fall below 60 RPM's.
Line 2 - POWER: The power output is
displayed in Watts and kilo calories. The
computer switches back and forth
between Watts (displayed for 8 seconds)
and kilo calories (displayed for 2 seconds)
throughout the ride.
Line 3 - HEART RATE: If a participant is
wearing a heart rate strap and once the
computer locks into the signal, the heart
symbol will blink and display heart
rate. You MUST wear a polar heart
rate strap for this feature (available
at FI).
TIME: The numbers shown reports
the total time spent cycling and will
reset to zero after 60 seconds of
inactivity or if the computer is reset
using the gear lever.
and GEAR: For the first 8 seconds,
the odometer will display the total
distance the cycle has been ridden
on right hand side and gear setting
on left hand side. After 8 seconds
the odometer will display trip
distance and gears from 1 to 24.
To view averages RPM, Watts, and
heart rate, at any point in the ride,
stop pedaling for 3 seconds. This
will flash your averages until you
start pedaling again or until the
computer goes to sleep after 60
To help you take full advantage of the
Bike computers, Fitness Incentive is
offering two accessories:
Polar Heart rate straps: You need to
wear a strap for the heart rate reading
on the computer to function.
Computer lights: By popular
acclimation, FI holds its spin classes in
semi-dark black-light lit conditions. This
can make seeing the bike computer
difficult. The computer light clips on to
the handle bars and allows you to easily
view the computer screen readouts.
You can purchase the light for $10, or
the light and heart rate strap together
for $60. Stop by the front desk.
Carmella Milano is a certified Johnny G Spin Instructor
who manages the Spinning Program at FI.
Spring 2011 FIT to Print
Yo g a
by Valerie Cario
Why Do Yoga If...
...from page 6
Yoga Improves Just About Everything. Really!
all about modifying your practice to
what's right for you. Unlike other
workout classes, yoga instructors guide
rather than rule. The goal of yoga is to
do the perfect practice for you. In
time, when practiced properly under an
instructor's watchful eye, yoga can help
heal internal and external injuries.
hy do yoga if you're a
runner…Here is a million dollar
question. If you're training for a
marathon and work full time, why make
the time to add a yoga session in here and
there? The answer, my running friends, is
that when you run you are tightening the
hips and hamstrings and putting a lot of
unwanted pressure on your precious
knees. Yoga opens and releases all these
areas, and by doing this, you can help
increase your stride and maybe even
increase run time since you are taking
better care of your muscles. Yoga also
strengthens the core (not just the 6 pack
abs, but the deepest muscles that you
can't even see), and every good runner
knows that you're nothing without core
strength in the long run because a weak
core equals a weak lower back, which can
cause lots of unwanted pain.
Why do yoga if you want to lose
weight…No we don't jump up and down
for an hour, but one hot yoga class can
burn anywhere between 500-800 calories
depending on temperature and body
weight. Yoga also gives you lean muscle.
Ladies (most ladies) want LEAN muscle.
This means looking more long and slender.
When you are picking up weights and
working the same leg muscles, you can
actually start looking thicker. Yoga opens
and lengthens muscles, making you look
longer. You also walk a little taller after a
yoga class, which helps make you look
leaner too. And since yoga works muscles
you didn't even know you had, it can
guarantee a butt kicking workout.
Why do yoga if you have an injury…Yoga
is all about rehabilitation. Just because at
this point you can't do a handstand
because you hurt your shoulder doesn't
mean you can't do yoga. Yoga can be
vigorous or it can be slow and relaxed. It's
Sister Act
Why do yoga if you're an
athlete…Doesn't matter what sport you
play or have played, yoga will improve
your performance in athletics.
Physically yoga has proven to help
pitchers in baseball throw better,
faster, and stronger. In golf, a simple
warrior 2 adjustment can change your
swing. Alternate nostril breathing has
been shown to improve performance by
balancing out the nervous system. Not
to mention that a well stretched
athlete will be less likely to injure
themselves during a game.
Why do yoga if you're me…The reason
that I do, to teach, and always look to
deepen and strengthen my yoga
practice goes far beyond the physical.
Although, I'm not going to lie, after I
spend a few days away from my mat, I
start to feel some aches and pains,
tightness in my lower back and hips, so
of course yoga keeps my body feeling
good, but I need it for much more than
my physical well being. The reason I
keep my practice diligent is because
yoga offers me peace of mind. When I
first started practicing 5 years ago, I
did it because I ran a lot and never
stretched. I thought it was weird that I
was only 18 and couldn't touch my toes.
After I became kind of committed
because of how great my body felt,
that was when I noticed that my
practice was the only time that I
focused solely on me in the present
(my body, breath, movement) and
nothing else. My thoughts began to run
less and yoga became my mental
clarifying time. At this point in my life,
I don't think I could survive without
yoga. It allows me to accept myself for
who I am, understand the beauty of the
present, and set intentions that allow
my life to be more positive and
Valerie Cario is a certified Yoga Instructor who teaches
and conducts workshops at Fitness Incentive.
Questions? Email us at
Spring 2011 FIT to Print
Wellwood Avenue,
than down
a Membership…
to Lindenhurst. A lot of that work
comes down to us from our
Mom. She was strict, but she had
Once upon
to you
When ourthis
time, itwas
was ten—Mom
seen (and heard)
had torather a
gym. Itand
of all
a “tag
line,” and appeared in brochures and on
pitched in. All things considered…
schedules, on signage, on our video
single mom with eight kids, the
screens and the web site…in fact, on a
yet born when
slew not
of documents
and she
a to
promotional materials. In ashe
it is
terrific job.”
what 'Think outside the
bun' is to Taco Bell, or 'You're in good
is to Allstate.
Both sisters
also speak of “the
zone.” Most exercisers, especially
it is not
a clever
I get not
it,” glib
Diane, lacking
meaning or connection to the institution
job to job, room to room, I'm in my
it refers to. It was (and is) a
own world. conceived,
Absorbed well-considered
by the work,
by the order…complete
one task,
of a Fitness Incentive
mission statement, accurately describing
off the
me it's a very
our you
every time
front doors
each morning.
of mind.”
“And while most people might
gyms as
a place
front, a
where that kind of absorption
parking lot in back, and a construction
might be impossible,” agreed
of bricks and mortar filled with exercise
“with machines,
children laughing,
treadmills, and
But anyplaying,
analysis Ioffeel
of beingleads
in your
FI special
and where
you belong.
of distinguishing
I think a lot oftowhat
we do issource of
the ultimate
a whole
lot cleaner
a place
A whole lot!)The
feel guys.
about where
They out
can relax and work
what elevates FI above the colder, more
feeling that their children are safe
corporate national chain gyms.
and cared for, and not have to
that something,
the machines
But is there
pose The
a threat
the people?
in or
a positive
This is standard operating goal; it
is a given and goes without saying.
that fail
to do
this don't
It is very much
to the
to last
But what
and Diane
have with
their niches
How much of what makes FI unique
here, at FI. The dedication and
derives from these particular
expertise they
to their work
In this
forabout how
we seek to learn a little bit
of a role
member-tonot be the
Best of Long
play inIsland
creating the
this amazing
who better than
Stay inIncentive.
the zone,And
the members themselves to tell us?
Paul Smith manages Marketing
for Fitness Incentive, and is responsible for all the
signs you see around the gym.
He’s a regular contributor to these pages.
...World Figure Champion
continued from page 24
resume training at that level. There is a
tremendous amount of science to be
considered…it can't be approached
ignorantly or casually.
10/12/2010: Self-administered pep-talks.
I'd say to myself, “I have 24 hours in a day,
and a total of “x” number of days to train
for this competition. Today, here and now,
this is just 1 hour out of my day. I'll have
23 full hours left to see to all the other
demands and responsibilities.” Here's
where a lot of people get hung up. They
look at the big picture, instead of hour-tohour, day-to-day. You have to have small
goals each and every day. If you break it
down that way, before you know it, you've
reached your goal. If you keep it to small,
daily goals, when you reach your goal you
realize you have actually surpassed the
original goal you set for yourself and what
you set out to do, without having
experienced the feeling of being
10/27/10: Blood work, again.
Right before the show I had blood work
again, and the thryroid medication hadn't
worked! It was a tiny dose of a natural
therapy, a natural remedy, but it was not
working at all. My doctor looked at me and
at the blood work, and said “These
numbers are not consistent with the person
I'm looking at. What are you doing, and
how are you doing it?” I told him, basically,
that I knew the obstacles I had to
overcome, I knew I had to push myself a
little bit harder. In short, I overcame this
obstacle mentally. He said, “I'm looking at
these numbers and at you and honestly, I
don't know how you're looking the way you
are. I have no idea how you did this.”
11/1/2010: The home stretch.
Honestly, I was really blown away by where
I was able to get. I really was. I mean, I
knew I could get into shape again once I
really started, but I didn't have any idea I
could get my physique to that competitive
level, into championship shape to the
extent that I did in that time-frame. It was
especially true of my midsection. I could
see every individual ab muscle. I was
amazed by what I'd accomplished. And, of
course, I compete naturally, so there are
no tricks, no miracle pills, it's all nutrition
and hard core training.
11/13/2010: The WNBF (World Natural
Bodybuilding Federation) World
The day of the championship, there were
women from all over the world competing.
Every one of them brought a championship
physique. The competition was fierce. I
went head to head with another
competitor who had a great physique, had
done really well in years past and had won
the title two years previous. She was in
the short class and I was in the tall. We
each won our classes, and were then
brought out for the overall. I was just,
like, sweating. When they called my
name, well, I can't tell you. All those
3:30 AM cardio hours… Every emotion
possible just overwhelmed me…my
daughter and husband joined me on
stage, and it was the most amazing
experience. It was almost like time
stood still.
No, it hadn't always been easy. Working
full-time while a full-time mother, fulltime wife… It came down to a question
Today, here and now,
this is just 1 hour out of
my day. I'll have 23 full
hours left to see to all
the other demands and
of organizing the entire day, and being
flexible when called upon to do so.
Realizing that things don't always go as
planned, and being able, when they
don't, to re-organize and juggle pretty
quickly…to be quick on your feet. Not
rocket science, but definitely a
combination of discipline and flexibility.
A remark I heard more than once was,
“Oh, yes, you had a baby, but you were
in shape already…that's why you
bounced back so fast…” Not at all. In
terms of getting back into shape,
especially the kind of condition you
need to be in to compete, the shape I
was in before Bella's birth was
It's one thing to know or assume that
someone is good at a thing, but it's
another to actually see them go through
the process. Members and my clients
were able to see how my body changed
over the course of the pregnancy and in
the months of training after the birth.
They could observe for themselves the
impact that proper training—nutrition
and exercise—will actually have. They
could see how the theory and practice
were applied and the results that were
generated. I now have a whole other
level of rapport with members,
especially with women who have
themselves been through this.
It wasn't like the impressions you might
get watching a show like 'The Biggest
Spring 2011 FIT to Print
Loser', where the trainers are in shape
and apparently have always been.
Members and clients have seen for
themselves that I haven't always been in
this shape, that I had to fight back
through the changes, work hard, and
have my physique transform day by day.
It works against the idea that many
people allow to develop: “I can't do that,
it's too hard…it's impossible.” They are
defeated before they even glimpse what's
It's easy to reach a point where you think,
“Oh, I can't.” You have to flip that
around. Not “I can't do this,” but “How
can I do it? What can I do to get through
When many people train, they are
thinking about a million different things.
But successful training requires you to
concentrate on what you are doing. You
have to get inside your body, and focus
intently on the muscle you are working.
Visualize the result you want. How you
want it to look. You will achieve so much
faster this way, as opposed to “I don't
know why I'm doing this,” or “I'm thinking
about what to fix for dinner, or laundry,
or work…” There is a mind-to-muscle
connection. Anyone can learn how to
make it happen.
ince the competition, Amy has been
very busy. She's been traveling a lot,
appearing and speaking at seminars
and workshops, most recently in Georgia,
and Massachusetts. She has also been
developing a program that will bring
these workshops to Fitness Incentive.
They will cover all phases of preparation
and competition: training, posing and the
walk, wardrobe, hair and
makeup…everything that goes into
training and preparing to compete. The
workshops will be for everyone: people
who are interested in competing, but also
those who are just curious to see what
goes into it and want to learn about what
goes on behind-the-scenes in the world of
competitive fitness modeling. Amy hopes
the program will roll out sometime in the
later Spring.
It would be easy to see Amy's story as one
of almost superhuman achievement, but
she is quick to refute any such claims.
Throughout the telling of the tale, Amy
kept declaring that her accomplishment
was more than anything evidence that
there is nothing particularly unique or
mysterious about achievement—it almost
invariably comes down to dedication and
hard work. Amy firmly believes that we
all possess the innate ability to
demonstrate our best efforts and reach a
declared goal. “If I can do it,” she often
repeated, “anyone can.”
Paul Smith manages Marketing
for Fitness Incentive, and is responsible for all the
signs you see around the gym.
He’s a regular contributor to these pages.
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Spring 2011 FIT to Print
@ FI
continued from page 3
It’s fast paced class based on the Tabata
circuit training method, and it aims to
“burn fat and boost cardio endurance.
It’s a must-go class for all Marianela fans!
Fit To Be Certified
controls. If you’ve never tried spin, this
may be the excuse you’ve been waiting
for. If you have, you already know what
I’m talking about. These are simply the
best spin bikes ever made. And we have
them, here, at FI.
TRX Goes Alfresco!
The demand for TRX training has driven
it out of the gym...and onto the
carport! Yes, TRX has gone alfresco. If
you like working out in the great
outdoors (albeit a parking lot), then
this is the opportunity you’ve been
waiting for. You're at FI and you’re
outside - what could be better? If
you’re interested in trying TRX
Suspension training, stop by the front
desk. It’s a great workout, surprisingly
affordable, and now, it’s in the great
outdoors. (for more about TRX, see the
article on page 4).
Iron man
Bob McKweon, FI member, Fantastic
Four champion and Iron Man Triathlete
is also a Triathalon coach. His
organization, South Shore Tri Coach will
be hosting a Triathalon Training Seminar
Series this spring at FI. This fast
growing sport is a great way for fitness
enthusiasts to take their training up a
Fitness Incentive is culminating it’s second
Instructor Training program with an in-house
AFAA Primary Group Exercise Certification.
The program will take place on Sunday,
April 3rd from 9am - 6pm. You can go to for more
information. If you plan on attending, call
AFAA to register and mention that you are
from FI to get a home-field discount on the
2011 Swim-a-Thon
When he’s not teaching yoga at FI, Ron
Marino, is a better known as Doctor Ron
of Winthrop University Hospital. Every
year they host a Swim-a-Thon to benefit
the hospital’s Child Life program. This
year, the event will take place on Sunday,
April 10th from 7am - 11am at the
Hofstra University Swim Center. The cost
is $20 for adults and $10 for children and
students. You can also help the cause
without getting wet by buying a raffle
ticket or ten at Fitness Incentive. Tickets
are on sale at the desk from March 27th
through April 10th. This is a great cause
that we are proud to support - please
give generously.
Meet Mike...
Our newest personal trainer
is Michael Fariello. Mike is an
ASCM Certified Personal
Trainer with 15 years of
personal experience He
knows how time consuming not to mention frustrating - it
can be to work hard but not
get the results you want. Thus his motto:
"work smarter not harder". Mike is
available for a free consultation. Stop by
the desk if you would like to meet him.
On Trial...
We occasionally get the opportunity to
check out new equipment on a trial basis,
which is not only fun but also gives us an
opportunity to learn about exciting new
equipment before it goes viral. We
recently enjoyed a 3 month trial with the
Woodway Ecomill, the world’s greenest
treadmill - primarily because you provide
all the power. For what it’s worth, I
personally loved it. It was probably the
toughest treadmill workout I ever had,
plus the ability to go from a walk to a near
sprint and back to a walk in mere seconds
was nothing like I had ever experienced on
a powered treadmill. We’re looking to find
a home for one or two of these in the very
near future. Right now, we have another
unique piece on loan - the Helix Lateral
Trainer. This is a cardio piece that has a
completely different take on the elliptical.
Instead of moving north-south, this
machine has you moving east-west. It’s
hard to explain but pretty easy to get the
hang of - you can watch a how-to video on
our facebook site. The machine is
tremendous at targeting the inner and
outer thighs and the butt - areas that
many of you tell us you are also looking to
target. Try it out if you get a moment and
let us know what you think!
notch, as well as to compete in many
“fun” (grueling?) events around the
island and the country (see article on
page 12). There will be two
informational kickoff meetings - March
28th at 7pm and April 2nd at 9am.
These are free and provide you with
the details of the seminar series, which
can be purchased in whole or in parts.
Stop by the desk to register if you are
Fitness Goes 3D...
Marianela has a long history of bringing
exciting, innovative programs to FI, like
Zumba and Kettletorch. Her followers
have anxiously been awaiting her next
move, and now it’s here: 3D FIT. 3D FIT
is a free half-hour class that is taught
by Marianela on Saturday mornings at
7:30am. (See the article on page 19.)
Spring 2011 FIT to Print
Peace, Love, Fitness...
Time to spruce up your spring wardrobe?
Check out the new distressed retro FI
Logo Wear in the boutique. Very cool
stuff, man.
Pain Pain Go Away...
We’re happy to welcome Howard
Schwartz, MD and Krystal Sukhdeo, RPA-C
to Incentives Salon & Spa. Dr. Schwartz
and Ms. Sukhdeo are offering Trigger
Point Therapy and Pain Management
services through the spa. Their
treatments are effective for a widerange of chronic pain, including
headaches, neck and back pain, tennis
elbow and knee pain. There’s no need to
suffer - stop in for an appointment today,
or call 631-893-3490.
Have a Happy, Healthy & Fit Spring!
To Print
The official newsletter of
Fitness Incentive
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