La Lettre de l - Alliance Française of Greenwich


La Lettre de l - Alliance Française of Greenwich
La Lettre de l’
Learn French, Live French
Chers amis francophones et francophiles,
Dear francophone friends,
Nous sommes heureuses de vous présenter les nouveautés de cette
saison, à commencer par une conférence fascinante donnée par notre
cher ancien président, Daniel Vock, qui va nous parler des grandes
heures de Montparnasse et de la génération perdue ainsi que le
Montparnasse d’aujourd’hui. Cette conférence aura lieu le 19 avril à
la bibliothèque de Byram.
We are pleased to present our upcoming events starting with a fascinating conference given by our dear past president, Daniel Vock.
He will speak about the shining moments of Montparnasse and
Montparnasse today. The conference will be held April 19th at the
Byram Shubert Library.
Our French Cinémathèque will be showing the film «In the Shadow
Notre French Cinémathèque présentera le film «L‘ombre des of Women» at the AVON theatre on April 21st. Also on April 21st
femmes» au Cinema AVON le 21 avril. Nous montrerons aussi le 21 the film «Midnight in Paris will be screened at the Byram Shubert
avril le film «Midnight in Paris» à la bibliothèque de Byram. Voici Library. Two great films for you to enjoy.
des grands films pour vous régaler.
Notre club de lecture, «International Book Club», lit le livre de Douglas Kennedy, «The Blue Hour». La réunion aura lieu le 19 avril à
5h à la bibliothèque de Byram. Vous aurez aussi le plaisir de rencontrer, cet auteur pour la signature de son livre, le Samedi 7 mai a
3h à la bibliothèque de Byram.
Our International Book Club is reading «The Blue Hour» by Douglas Kennedy on April 19th at 5pm at the Byram Shubert Library.
Meet the author Douglas Kennedy Saturday May 7 at 3pm at the
Byram Library.
Our annual distribution of awards and scholarships will be held on
Les prix et les bourses seront distribués le 9 mai à 5h. Venez félici- May 9th at 5pm. Please come and congratulate our young students
ter nos jeunes étudiants de la langue française.
learning French.
Le 20 avril, l’Alliance Française de Greenwich vous présentera un
concert des chansons d’Edith Piaf interprétées par la merveilleuse The Alliance Française of Greenwich will present a concert of Edith
Piaf’s songs given by the wonderful singer Laura Budzelek. This
chanteuse, Laura Budzelek.
concert will be held on April 20th at the Arts Center.
L’Alliance Française de Greenwich continue de développer son programme éducatif et culturel en proposant maintes nouveautés The Alliance Française continues to develop its cultural and educacomme par exemple notre colonie de vacances pour enfants et nos tional programs with its summer camp for kids and its immersion
journées d’immersion.
The Alliance Française of Greenwich team thanks you for your supL’équipe de L’Alliance Française de Greenwich se joint à nous pour port. Enjoy the springtime weather !
vous remercier de votre fidélité. Profitez du printemps…en avril ne
Renée Ketcham & Gail Covney
te découvre pas d’un fil, en mai fait ce qu’il te plait !
Pages 2-3:
Page 4:
Page 5:
Pages 6-7:
Page 8:
Literature & Music
Book Clubs
French Cinematheque
Page 9:
Page 10:
Culinary Events
Page 11-12
Téléthèque- Membership
299 Greenwich Avenue, Greenwich, CT 06830 Tel: (203) 629-1340
Literature Events
Literature Workshop
Saturday April 30 | 1pm-3pm
AFG Classroom | 299 Greenwich Ave.
$64 / 2hours
Aimez vous lire? Plus encore, Aimez vous parler de vos impressions de lecture, analyser les personnages, l’histoire et le style de l’auteur? Nous vous proposons une classe littéraire sur le succès
de Jean-Christophe Rufin - Le Collier Rouge.
Les personnes interessées recevront un document pour les accompagner dans la lecture du livre.
Meet the Author Douglas Kennedy
Saturday May 7 | 3pm
A Centennial Celebration of Edith Piaf
Wednesday April 20 | 7:30pm
Meeting Room, Arts Center, 2nd Floor
299 Greenwich Ave, Greenwich, CT
Ticket $25
RSVP 203-629-1340
The Alliance Française of Greenwich will honor 100 year
anniversary of Edith Piaf, with multilingual performer Laura
Budzelek and pianist Chia-Li Sung in: A Centennial Celebration of Piaf.
You can enjoy famous classic songs by France’s “Little Sparrow” such a Milord, Non, Je
ne regrette rien, Hymne à l’amour and of course La Vie en rose. Information on Piaf’s
life will be woven throughout the one hour performance of unforgettable music.
The performance will be followed by a reception.
Let yourself be transported to Paris and moved by French melodies that have inspired
listeners for generations.
Laura Budzelek is a multilingual actress, singer, songwriter
and teacher. She has recently performed at venues such as
the National Opera Center, Symphony Space and the Austrian
Consulate in New York City. The international artist has also
appeared on stage in Spain, France, Austria and Italy, where
she has extensively studied each country’s language. Ms.
Budzelek is an experienced world language instructor. As a
singer, her repertoire includes original compositions, musical
theatre, opera, art songs, jazz, sacred music, zarzuela, German lieder and French classics. The song -writer has released
four singles from her upcoming album, which can be found on
Itunes and Amazon. As an actress, Ms. Budzelek has worked in film, television and
theatre. Some of her various roles in opera, drama and musical theatre include:
Marcellina (Le nozze di Figaro), Second Lady (Die Zauberflöte), Arnalta/Damigella
(L’incoronazione di Poppea), Aldonza (Man of La Mancha), Elaine (Arsenic and Old
Lace) and Cecily Pigeon (The Odd Couple). In addition to training at HB Studio and
the Franco-American Vocal Academy, among other programs, Ms. Budzelek holds a
Masters in Spanish from the University of Connecticut and certificates in translation
and interpreting from New York University.
Tuesday April 19 - 1:30pm | Byram Shubert Library
Les Grandes Heures de Montparnasse et La Génération Perdue | Montpanasse Aujourd’hui
Comment un Carrefour banal est-il devenu un des quartiers les plus parisiens de Paris?
La réponse : les artistes, les écrivains, les cafés.
Montparnasse, ce fut Modi, Kiki, FouFou, Hem, Kisling, Chagall et leurs amis et les artistes
et célébrités qui y vécurent et y créèrent. Ce fut leurs oeuvres artistiques et littéraires qui
furent produites ou mises en chantier de Modigliani à César en passant par Hemingway. Ce
fut ses cabarets don’t “le Jockey” fondé par des américains.
Montparnasse, ce fut et c’est encore ses cafés emblématiques ou Gerschwin composa “Un
Americain à Paris” et où s’attablèrent la ‘génération perdue”, fuyant la prohibition. Ce fut le
Centre Culturel Américain et, hier et toujours l’Alliance Française.
Montparnasse c’est aussi l’histoire de la libération de Paris. Nous évoquerons aussi le
quartier des années soixante et celui d’aujourd’hui. Ses cinémas et boutiques, quoi visiter, où
s’attabler pour prendre un verre ou dejeuner, où aller danser!
” He immigrated to
Daniel Vock : Born and raised in France, Mr. Vock was in hiding during WWII moving seven times to escape the Gestapo.
the USA in 1951. Vock graduated from the Lycée Français de New York, (1952) Dartmouth College ( B. A. 1954) and from Harvard Law
School,( J. D. 1957, cum laude) and was admitted to the New York bar the following year.
Following three years with the Judge Advocate General Corps, United States Army and a like period in Wall Street, Daniel embarked on a
26 year career with Mobil Oil Corporation. In 1989 Mr. Vock became an independent consultant. He has advised Governments in Africa and
the Americas and negotiated minerals development agreements and multiparty agreements for corporate clients in some thirty countries on
six continents, with special emphasis on Africa. He is a knight of the Cameroonian Merit. He retired in 2014.
Daniel is a passionate student of history and of multinational cultures, foremost French, American, English, West African and those he has
encountered in the course of his travels.
He was a Director of Alliance Française of Greenwich from 2002 to 2011 and its President from 2005 to 2007.
Tuesday May 10 - 1:30pm | Byram Shubert Library
The Lafayette Escadrille in World War I (1916-1918)
Conference presented by Serge Gabriel who is a resident of Greenwich, Connecticut since
1972, was born May 10, 1929 in eastern France, where he survived four years of occupation by
Nazi Germany (during WWII), to the late Pierre Gabriel and Georgette Keller of Alsace and Lorraine, France. Early in 1997, Col. Gabriel became a board member, and later a Vice-President for
New England, of the American Society of Le Souvenir Français, Inc. which is dedicated to the
memory of French soldiers who died in America for France in support of the War of Independence
and during the two World Wars.
Near You
Electric Paris Exhibition at the Bruce Museum
May 14 - September 4, 2016
Electric Paris explores the ways in which artists responded to older oil and gas lamps and
the newer electric lighting that began to supplant them around the turn of the twentieth
century. While artificially illuminated public places and private interiors appear frequently
in works of art and popular depictions of contemporary life during this period, the differente types of lighting that animate such spaces and their distinctive visual properties, have
not been considered in detail. Electric Paris will feature approximately 50 works - paintings, prints, photographs and drawing- by such artists as Edgar Degas, Mary Cassatt,
Pierre Bonnard, Edouard Vuillard, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Charles Melville, Jean Beraud, James Tissot, Childe Hassam, among others.
Byram Shubert Library | 21 mead Avenue | Greenwich, CT 06830 | 7:00pm on a Thursday
Midnight In Paris | Thursday April 21
Gil Pender (Owen Wilson) is a screenwriter and aspiring novelist. Vacationing
in Paris with his fiancee (Rachel McAdams), he has taken to touring the city
alone. On one such late-night excursion, Gil encounters a group of strange -yet familiar -- revelers, who sweep him along, apparently back in time, for a
night with some of the Jazz Age's icons of art and literature. The more time
Gil spends with these cultural heroes of the past, the more dissatisfied he
becomes with the present.
Marie’s Story (Marie Heurtin| Thursday May 26
In 1897, 14-year-old Marie Heurtin, the daughter of a humble artisan and his
wife, is born deaf and blind and unable to communicate with the world
around her. Desperate to find a connection with Marie and avoid sending her
to an asylum, the Heurtins send her to the Larnay Institute in central France,
where an order of Catholic nuns manage a school for deaf girls. There, the
idealistic Sister Marguerite sees in Marie a unique potential and, despite her
Mother Superior's skepticism, vows to bring the wild girl out of the darkness
into which she was born.
Quai d’Orsay | Thursday June 23
Alexandre Taillard de Vorms is tall and impressive, a man with style, attractive to women. He also happens to be the Minister of Foreign Affairs for the
land of enlightenment: France. He stalks the world stage, from the floor of
the Unite Nations to the powder keg of Oubanga. There, he calls on the
powerful and invokes the mighty to bring peace. He is a force to be reckoned with, waging his own war backed up by the holy trinity of diplomatic
concepts: legitimacy, lucidity and efficacy.
Bibliothèque de Cos Cob | 5 Sinawoy Rd | Cos Cob | CT.
Les Amants de Montparnasse
Jeudi 14 Avril | 13 heures
En vue de la prochaine conférence de Daniel Vock sur Montparnasse, nous
vous offrons ce beau film de Jacques Becker réalisé en 1958.
En 1919, le peintre italien, Amedeo Modigliani, encore inconnu et atteint de
la tuberculose, vit sa dernière année dans le quartier des artistes: Montparnasse. Là, il tombe amoureux de Jeanne, fille de bonne famille opposée à
leur relation. Avec Gérard Philipe et Annouk Aimée.
Proust Corner
Force of Habit
By: Fereshteh Priou
We form habits throughout our lives.
As children, we get excited by most
everything, but the novelty wears off
with age and even extraordinary
things become mundane. Habit is a
blessing and a curse. It diminishes
our suffering when faced with difficulties in life, but it also takes the pleasure out of our most astonishing accomplishments. Proust has illustrated
this fact deftly in the following quote;
“habit is second nature which prevents us from knowing the first,
of which it has neither the cruelties nor the enchantments.”
In Proust’s book, In Search of Lost
Times, the author discusses the role
habit plays in life extensively. It shows
how habit can affect our emotions,
our memories, and our desires.
Our daily experiences dull our senses, so that we don’t react to them as
time goes by. The reason the narrator
of the book has such an unusual reaction to the taste of Madeleine is
because he had not tasted one since
his early childhood, and therefore his
senses are not numbed to the taste.
He mentions that he had seen Madeleines in the bakery and pastry shop
windows almost daily, so his eyes
had gotten used to its sight. Seeing a
Madeleine does not affect him in any
particular way, yet his taste buds
have not been dulled by experiencing
the taste on a regular basis. The consequent revival of that childhood
memory is proof that habit did not
have the opportunity to extinguish
that memory.
tires of her and questions his desire
and his love for her.
Habit helps us form expertise in handling situations through repetition.
What makes a ballet dancer leap to
the most extraordinary heights and
land gracefully back on his or her feet
is proof of that. But an action does not
have to be extraordinary to appear
daunting to some people. In fact,
some ordinary actions seem overwhelming and frightening at first to
some. For example, the narrator of
Proust’s book finds sleeping in a new
room in a hotel, where he had never
stayed before, quite scary. In the dark
of the night, the objects in the room—
the curtain, the chest, the lamp, and
the clock—become animated and
threatening to him. This changes
when he returns to the same hotel
and the same room in his subsequent
visits. He is no longer in a new environment; the objects in the room are
only objects, and not scary ghosts in
the night. Habit has a way of reassuring and easing life for us and enabling
us to deal calmly with life. Proust expresses this force in the following
“Habit! that skilful but slowmoving arranger who begins by
letting our minds suffer for
weeks on end in temporary
quarters, but whom our minds
are none the less only too happy
to discover at last, for without it,
reduced to their own devices,
they would be powerless to
make any room seem habitable.”
Proust warns us against habits taken
to extreme. A habit could take away
one’s good sense and rule our lives.
Even a good habit can become an
excessive behavior and ends up becoming a bad thing. Regular hand
washing is a good thing, but if it becomes an obsession, then it can have
a reverse influence on one’s wellbeing. Proust had his own rituals that
he could not live without and that is
the reason he has famously said that;
“the fixity of habit is in direct
proportion to its absurdity.”
We even see habit playing a role in
the desires and the love lives of the
narrator and the other characters in
the book. Swann, who cannot deal
with not having Odette at his side at
all moments before they get married,
tires eventually of her, and at the end
he wonders why he ever wasted his
life for a woman who was not even
his type. The same element is discussed in the narrator’s love for Albertine. He wants her when she
seems unattainable, but when he has
her by his side and at his home, he
The only instance Proust does not
discuss the effect of habit is when
one is in awe of a work of art. As he
says in the following quote;
“The labor of the artist to discover a means of apprehending beneath matter and experience,
beneath words, something different from their appearance, is of
an exactly contrary nature to the
operation in which pride, passion, intelligence and habit are
constantly engaged within us
when we spend our lives without
self-communion, accumulating
as though to hide our true impressions, the terminology for
practical ends which we falsely
call life.”
A musical piece can stir emotions in
us every time we listen to it. The emotion can change based on where we
are at that moment in our life, but we
would not become indifferent to it.
The same fact is present in appreciation of a beautiful painting or a great
work of literature. We can read a
great literary oeuvre many times and
not tire by it. Proust’s own book is
proof of this. Many avid Proustians
find difficulty appreciating other books
than his. Many read and reread the
book many times and find new and
wonderful things at every instance.
We never experience a dull moment
with Proust, and habit’s arm, though
long, is still too short to reach where it
can fade the pleasure of reading
International Book Club
Byram Shubert Library | 5-6pm | rsvp: - 203.629.1340
Tues da y, April 19
The Blue Hour b y Douglas Ke nned y
Robin knew Paul wasn’t perfect. But he said they were so lucky to have found each other, and
she believed it was true. When Paul suggests a month in Morocco, Robin reluctantly agrees.
Once immersed into the swirling, white hot exotica of a walled city on the North African Atlantic
coast, Robin finds herself acclimatizing to its wonderful strangeness. Paul is everything she wants
him to be—passionate, talented, knowledgeable. But then Paul suddenly disappears, and Robin
finds herself the prime suspect in the police inquiry.
Tuesday, May 17
A God In Ruins by Kate Atkinson
In Life After Life Ursula Todd lived through the turbulent events of the last century again and
again. In A God in Ruins, Atkinson turns her focus on Ursula’s beloved younger brother Teddy as
he navigates the perils and progress of the 20th century. For all Teddy endures in battle, his
greatest challenge will be to face living in a future he never expected to have.
Tuesday, June 21
Paris in Love by Eloisa James
In 2009, Eloisa James took a leap that many people dream about. She sold her house, took a
sabbatical from her job as a Shakespeare professor, and moved her family to Paris.
This memoir chronicles her joyful year in one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
Proust Group
Byram Shubert Library | 5-7pm
Thursday, April 7, May 5 & June 16
Captive & Fugitive
The Proust Group is an informal book group engaged in a close reading of Proust’s book,
“In Search of Lost Time” (À la recherche du temps perdu). The group started reading the
5th Volume, “Captive & Fugitive” in March 2016. The discussions are in English.
In Proust group, you don’t choose the book, the book chooses you…
To join, contact Fereshteh Priou at: (203-918-1238)
Club de Lecture
Byram Shubert Library | 13h30
Mercredi 6 Avril
Mercredi 1 Juin
Le Général de l’Armée
Morte: Ismail Kadaré
La Terre: Émile Zola
Vingt ans après la fin de la deuxième guerre
mondiale, un général italien accompagné d’un
prêtre, est chargé de récupérer des soldats tombés au combat en Albanie.
Ismail Kadaré est né en Albanie. Il vit en France
depuis 1980.
Émile Zola dresse un portrait féroce du monde
paysan de la fin du 19ème
siècle: Âpre au gain, dévoré
d’une passion pour la terre
qui peut aller jusqu’au crime.
French Cinémathèque
Presented by Alliance Française of Greenwich & the Avon Theatre in Stamford
Thursday April 21 | 7:30pm - Avon Theatre
(L’Ombre des Femmes)
The new film by Philippe Garrel is a close look at infidelity - not merely the fact of it,
but the particular, divergent ways in which it is experienced and understood by men
and women. Pierre and Manon are a married couple working in fragile harmony on
Pierre’s documentary film projects. When Pierre takes a lover, he feels entitled to
do so, and he treats both wife and mistress with disengagement bordering on disdain; when Manon catches Pierre in the act, her immediate response is to find
common ground with her husband. Garrel is an artist of intimacies and emotional
ecologies and in this movie he has added narrative intricacy and intrigue to his
toolbox. The result is an exquisite jewel of a film.
Thursday May 19 | 7:30pm - Avon Theatre
A MARRIED WOMAN ( Une Femme Mariée)
It is a 1964 movie by Jean-Luc Godard who reverses the standard love triangle and
challenges the influence of consumer culture in one on of his most provocative dissections of modern life. Charlotte aimlessly drifts between morning affairs with the
artistic Robert and mundane evenings with her paternalistic husband Pierre.
Unsure of whether she loves either man, Charlotte discovers she is pregnant and
must come to terms with her emotional infidelities.
“Thoughtful and fascinating. Godard s’ most interesting film”. NY. Times
Thursday June 16 | 7:30pm - Avon Theatre
(Cet Obscur Objet du Désir)
After dumping a bucket of water on a beautiful young woman from the window of a
train car, wealthy Frenchman Mathieu (Fernando Rey), regales his fellow passengers
with the story of the dysfunctional relationship between himself and the young woman
in question, a fiery 19-year-old flamenco dancer named Conchita (played alternately
by Carole Bouquet and Angela Molina). What follows is a tale of cruelty, depravity and
lies -- the very building blocks of love.
At the Avon Theatre - 272 Bedford Street - Stamford, CT 06901
Carte Blanche: FREE | Avon & AFG Members: $7| Nonmembers: $12
Culinary Events
La Table Française
JULY 2016
Thursday April 7 | 7:30pm
Restaurant The Fez
227 Summer Street
Stamford, CT
$30 with a class of wine
(Tax and gratuity not included)
Between Stones & Vineyards
October 10-15, 2016
VeronicTravel is organizing
a unique trip to Bordeaux
that will benefit the Alliance
Française of Greenwich
educational program.
Experience Bordeaux’s wine as only a native can and gain entrée to fields of vineyards,
then dine in private château chambers. Also take an insider’s peek into the local culture
and archeology.
Visit also Arcachon with its Atlantic Coast seaside that will refresh your senses and invigorate your soul.
For more information visit
French Immersion
For more information visit
One Week Sessions
June 27-August 19
Monday May 9 | 5pm
Meeting Room | 299 Greenwich Ave.
The Alliance Française of Greenwich has a long and
illustrious history of distributing achievement awards
and scholarships to middle and high school students
in the Town of Greenwich.
Come join us celebrate French language and
Board of Directors
2015 - 2016
Renée Ketcham
Gail Covney
Honorary Board Member
Board member
Jean-Louis Gerin
Karen Bacon
Gail Covney
Mimi Wind
Catherine Ladnier
Renée Ketcham
School Relations
Bourses et Prix
Education outreach
Gail Covney
Gail Covney
Anne Kern
Lucie Chabrol
Paule Khoury
Gail Covney
Renée Ketcham
Sylviane Leibowitz
Fereshteh Priou
Miguel García-Colón
Farah Walczuk &
Antoine Bancharel
International Book Club
Table Francaise
Proust Group
Cultural Liaison
The Return of Martin Guerre (Le Retour de Martin Guerre)
Monday April 4 | 6pm
@ The Avon Theatre | 272 Bedford Street, Stamford, CT
For the first time, Focus on French Cinema will feature a U.S premiere
screening at the Avon Theatre Film Center, a long-time partner of the
festival. Screening of the newly restored classic film
The Return of Martin Guerre (1982).
6pm : Reception sponsored by Serendipity Magazine
Post-Film Q&A with Nathalie Baye and Dominique Besnehard
Martin Guerre (Gerard Depardieu) returns in his village after being away in the war for almost a decade. Imagining
herself a widow, his wife (Nathalie Baye) is astonished
when her husband returns. The villagers who know him as
a young man suspect he is not Martin, but he seems to
know all about his friends, his family and his wife, even the
most unusual things. Is this man really Martin Guerre?
Les activités habituelles de l’Alliance
Round Hill Community Church Parlor
Tuesdays |1.30pm
397 Round Hill Road
Les Causeries
Le deuxième lundi du mois à 13h30 à moins d’un avis contraire @ Cos Cob Library
Marie Agnès Peters, Tél: (203) 355-1787
Gérard Laurent, Tél: (203) 661-9420
Reed Lecture Conversation
Troisième mardi à 13h30
@ Byram Shubert Library
Francis Polizio, Tél: (914) 939-1092
Café franco-américain
Tous les deux vendredis à 9h30.
Discussion chez un particulier. Une heure en anglais et
une heure en français.
Susan Benthall, Tél: (203) 322-9219
Club de lecture
Discussion dirigée de 5 livres dans l’année.
Mimi Wind, Tél: (203) 355-9499
Claire Schwartz, Tél: (914) 273-9588
Le dernier jeudi du mois à 19h @ Byram Shubert Library
Le jeudi à 13h00 @ Cos Cob Library
Pour les amoureux du cinéma français.
Projection vidéo suivie d’une discussion.
Mimi Wind, Tél: (203) 355-9499
Proust Group
17h00 See page 7 for dates & location
Fereshteh Priou, Tel: (203) 918-1238
La Table Française
Le premier jeudi du mois
Sylviane Liebowitz, Tel: (914) 536-8643
Nouveautés à la Téléthèque
Pour Elle (Anything for Her) : Lisa happily married to Julien, a
French teacher, is arrested on suspicion of the murder of her boss and
sentenced to 20 years in prison. She proclaims her innocence and
Julien defends her and takes the matter into his own hands.A film by
Fred Cavayé with Vincent Lindon and Diane Kruger.
Les Souvenirs (Memories) : A beautiful story of Romain”s 85 year old
grand-mother who runs away from a retirement home to go to Normandy and visit a school she one attended when she was a little girl.
Jean-Paul Rouve, Director
With Annie Cordy and Michel Blanc.
La Cage Dorée ( The Gifted Cage) : Jose, a handyman and Maria, a
housekeeper have lived for nearly 30 years in an upscale neighborhood in Paris. The Portuguese family have become indispensable and
well integrated. When they inherit a vineyard in Portugal, the Rebeiros
are torn.... First film of director Ruben Alves.
Un Conte d’Eté (A Summer’s Tale): Film directed by Eric Rohmer
with Mevil Poupaud. A shy maths graduate takes a holiday in Dinard
before starting his first job. He hopes his sort of girl-friend will join him
but soon strikes up a friendship with another girl working in town. She
in turn introduces him to a further young lady ..thus the quiet young
lad finds he has to do some tricky juggling in territory new to him.
C’est avec tristesse que je vous fait part du decès de Claire Gudefin, ancienne Présidente de l’Alliance
Française de Greenwich. Beaucoup parmi vous ne l’ont pas connue car elle occupa ce poste de 1972 a
1976. En ce temps là, j’etais la secrétaire de notre groupe. Claire était toujours très acceuillante, cuisinait à merveille et adorait faire du jardinage.
Elle est morte a l’âge de 95 ans en Floride où elle vivait depuis 2011. Son mari Michel était décédé en
2004. Les Gudefin avaient une fille, un fils et deux petits-enfants.
Mimi Wind
Le Centre de l’Alliance Française: our center, located in the Arts Center, 299 Greenwich Ave.,
Greenwich, CT is open to the public Monday through Friday from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
French Classes: classes are held at the AFG Center, Monday through Saturday. Call Farah Walczuk
(203) 629-2301
Website : Visit us at:
For more information: Please contact our office during our regular business hours at (203) 629-1340
The Alliance Française of Greenwich is a member supported, non-profit organization.
Amazing Co-membership offer with
French Institute - Alliance Française
(FIAF) in New York!
Please call us, email us, or stop by the
office for more information on this
incredible opportunity
Starting this year, new Members of the Alliance
Française of Greenwich, CT also automatically
become FIAF Members, gaining access to all
FIAF Member benefits, including amazing cultural programs & discounts in NY!
Current Members of the Alliance Française of
Greenwich can also upgrade to this comembership and start enjoying the many programs & world-class events of one of the most
respected centers of French-American activities
in the U.S!

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La Lettre de l - Alliance Française of Greenwich

La Lettre de l - Alliance Française of Greenwich française | 1943-44: Création, collaboration, résistance et exil | 1944-46: Les règlements de compte. Born and raised in France, Daniel Vock was in hiding during WWII, moving 7 times to escape the ...

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La Lettre de l - Alliance Française of Greenwich

La Lettre de l - Alliance Française of Greenwich projettera «Grand Central» le 9 avril et «Deux jours, une nuit», le 7 mai, ainsi que Bande de filles, le 11 juin. Trois films excellents ! Notre «International Book Club» lit un livre de Patrick Mo...

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La Lettre de l - Alliance Française of Greenwich

La Lettre de l - Alliance Française of Greenwich At the Avon Theatre - 272 Bedford Street - Stamford, CT 06901 Carte Blanche: FREE | Avon & AFG Members: $7| Nonmembers: $12

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La Lettre de l - Alliance Française of Greenwich

La Lettre de l - Alliance Française of Greenwich Horseneck Wines Shop le 8 juillet au soir. Le 16 juillet venez vous joindre à nous au Théâtre Avon pour la projection du film «Trois Coeurs» dans le cadre de notre Cinémathèque . Nous vous attendon...

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