Themis Klarides - Retired Men`s Association of Greenwich, Inc.
Themis Klarides - Retired Men`s Association of Greenwich, Inc.
RETIREDMEN'SASSOCIATIONOFGREENWICH,Inc.(RMA) InvitesyoutoitsmeetingJanuary20,2016at FirstPresbyterianChurch,LafayettePlace,Greenwich,CT. ThemisKlarides “Connecticut’sBusinessClimate:Challengesand Solutions” One of Connecticut’s two highest-ranking elected Republicans is comingtotheRMAtodiscusswhyherpartythinksthatthestatusquo inHartfordisnottherightpathforward. AlthoughRepublicanshave been shut out of budget negotiations in the Legislature, Minority LeaderKlarideshasfoundawaytopublicizesuchRepublicanissuesas fiscal responsibility and to offer common-sense, practical solutions to the state’s many problems including a $3 billion deficit over the next twoyears. Ms. Klarides is currently serving in her ninth term from the 114th House District representingWoodbridge,Derby,andOrange.ShecurrentlylivesinDerby. Following the 2014 elections in which she received 66% of the vote, her House Republican colleagues unanimously elected her as the first female Republican leader. SheleadsthelargestHouseRepublicancaucusin20years. ThemisgraduatedfromTrinityCollege(B.A.)andQuinnipiacSchoolofLaw(J.D.).She observed and then worked part-time with her family running its supermarket in Orange. Working at her family’s supermarket she gained appreciation for the challengesthatsmallbusinessesfacetoday. RMAmeetingsarefreeandopentothepublic,bothmenandwomen;noreservationsarerequired.Please plan to arrive around 10:40AM for our social break (coffee and cake), followed by our speaker at 11:00M. Meetings are held at the First Presbyterian Church in Greenwich, with parking on-street or at public lot two houses north of the church on Lafayette Place. For additional information, contact: