December 2015 - Lakewood Republican Women


December 2015 - Lakewood Republican Women
Lakewood Republican Women
Serving our community since April 1971
Sally Taylor, LRW President
Lisa Ikeda, Newsletter Editor
PCRP Christmas Party
Saturday, December 5th
Social Hour begins at 5:30pm,
Program/Dinner begins at
Tacoma Country & Golf Club
13204 Country Club Drive
Lakewood, WA 98498
Cost $50 per person prepaid by
December 2nd
After December 2nd and at the
door $60
No Jeans or Shorts
Please RSVP online at
PCO Training Summit Library 9am to 12pm
LRW Brunch w/ PC Candidates 10:30am
Central Committee Meeting 8:30am/9am
December 2015
During this week of Thanksgiving let us be thankful for the blessings we have. Your
LRW members have much to be thankful. Congratulations to Marie Barth and
Penny Coffey for their wins in the last election. We keep our fingers crossed that
Anne Fitzsimmons keeps her lead in University Pace during the recount, again proving that every vote
is important. Lisa Ikeda was selected for the Jennifer Dunn Institute for future Republican leaders.
(See Lisa's article) and Connie Lacadie was selected to attend the RNC Empowering Leaders for the
Future in the other Washington. (See Connie's article) Our Caring for America application to the
NFRW convention was chosen to represent the state. We continue to be the largest Federated
Republican club in Washington.
Due to lack of participation we cancelled our November luncheon with the presentation on the
Buffalo Soldiers. We realized that only members of the board made reservations. January 16th is our
first program of the year and we plan to have the candidates running for Pierce County Executive,
Pierce County Council and other County candidates. Members who pay their dues by that date are in
a drawing for a Nordstrom gift card.
The first six months of the year we are preparations for the upcoming election. There will be
opportunities to learn more about the February caucuses. That is the first step if you are interested in
attending county, state, and national conventions. There will be many occasions to hear and question
local and state candidates.
I welcome Karen O'Neil to the LRW Board as assistant Treasurer. Also welcome to new members
Anne Fitzsimmons and Nanette Winkler. Join us in 2016 as we celebrate the 45th Anniversary of the
founding of Lakewood Republican Women. We continue to provide the state with Republican
women leaders.
As we enter the Christmas season we look to the birth of the Christ Child and pray for his blessings on
our country and its people. Be safe over the holidays. The coming year will be busy as we work
tirelessly to turn our state and country by electing Republicans to positions of leadership. We need
your help so join us. Have a blessed Christmas and great New Year.
~Sally Taylor
WFRW Board of Directors Meeting
Celebrating WFRW 70 year with
WFRW President Roxanne Husmann
December 2015
2015 WFRW Day at the Capitol
on the steps of the Rotunda
Save the Date
Lincoln Day Dinner
March 12, 2016
To volunteer on the planning committee,
please contact PCRP Vice Chair
Linda Siegel
Please consider a creative Christmas gift or year-end tax deduction by
making a monetary donation to our LRW - Betty Jo Neils Scholarship Fund.
Our ability to continue awarding our college scholarships to deserving
young Republican women is dependent on receiving donations or
earmarking some of our fundraisers toward our scholarship. You can mail a
check directly to: The Greater Tacoma Community Foundation ATTN: Carol Park
950 Pacific Ave., Suite 1100 Tacoma, WA 98402
Please indicate that your donation is going into the Betty Jo Neils Scholarship Fund.
If you are interested in serving on our LRW Scholarship Selection Committee next
spring, please contact Leslie Watts at Thank you, in
advance, for seeding into this wonderful endeavor to bless our future Republicans.
Meet Mike Winkler,
Candidate for the 28th Legislative Representative - R
Mike and his wife Nanette live in Dupont, they have two grown
children (son, 25 and daughter, 19). Mike has honorably served our
country for 23 years active duty, retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel in
the United States Army in 2004. Mike has served 8 years on the
Board of Directors, Steilacoom Historical School District #1. Mike is
currently a 5th grade teacher on JBLM, as well as an Adjunct
Professor at Saint Martins University College of Education and
Counseling Psychology.
Mike is running against first term Democrat, Christine Kilduff, and will
need your support to unseat her. To contact Mike and volunteer for
his campaign, please contact him at; you
can also visit his website
Save the Dates: Saturday, February 20th, for Republican District Caucus’s,
locations of each legislative district’s caucus will be published in February newsletter.
Saturday, April 9th Pierce County Republican Party Convention, Our State Convention
will be held May 20th, 21st & 22nd in Pasco, WA.
December 2015
It was a pleasure to be invited and attend The Jennifer Dunn Leadership
Institutes three-day seminar in Medina, WA. JDLI’s mission is to identify,
mentor and educate tomorrows leaders. It is named after Congresswoman Jennifer Dunn who passed
away in 2007. JDLI held its first class in September 2009, offering its students a grueling course with
guest speakers that include Legislators and industry professionals, speaking on a variety of subjects.
Each seminar is a little different, based on political trends and speaker’s availability. Our class
included the constitution, education, health care, the political process, technology, campaign
strategies and tactics, to name a few. The highlight of our course was listening to the honorable US
Senator Slade Gorton, talk about our State’s Founding documents.
JDLI was organized to identify, potential candidates from across Washington State who are civic
minded, energetic, bright, politically savvy with conservative values and who are active in their
communities. Students are handpicked and vetted from a
vast spectrum of applicants prior to attending. Classes are
offered twice a year. Our class initially had 23 students; a
few were from Eastern Washington. Noteworthy graduates
include Secretary of State, Kim Wyman, Representatives
Linda Kochmar, 30th; JT Wilcox, 2nd; Hans Zeiger, 25th;
Senator Joe Fain, 47th; and Senator Andy Hill, 45th.
~By Lisa Ikeda; LRW Newsletter Editor/Webmaster, 25th
LDC Deputy District Leader, 25th DRC First Vice-President.
Book Club The Book Club will meet
Friday, December 4th at 11am at the
Steilacoom Community Center.
This month’s featured book is:
Under the Wide and Starry Sky,
by author Nancy Horan.
Our Book Club selections can be found at the
local public library. *No meeting in January.
~ Marlene Bostic
December 2015
“Empowering Leaders for the Future”
I was honored to have been nominated by Roxanne Hussman, WFRW President, to attend
the RNC Women “Empowering Leaders for the Future” in Washington, DC.
I could not have been with a greater group of women to share this experience with Fredi
Simpson, our outstanding National Committeewoman, as our leader, mentor and tour guide, as
well as Olga Farnam and Annette Ramirez, my sister State Committeewomen and Billye
Sebastiani, Snohomish Party Chair.
The moment we landed we were off and running. We started our adventure with an in
depth tour of RNC. I was amazed at what is happening there. The young and bright were all
around us. They have a pulse on what is happening in political races around our country and what
to expect in the presidential campaigns. I was amazed and impressed. Bonus was to sit in Clint
Eastwood's famous chair!
The next day was filled with more bright, energetic and outstanding women telling us about
who they were, why they are involved, and why they are doing what they are doing. Leslie
Rutledge, Attorney General from Arkansas. Worked at RNC and then went on to run for Attorney
General in Arkansas. Nobody thought she could win. She stayed on message, reached out to her
constituents and won. Jill Upson, Delegate, West Virginia House of Delegates, was an unknown
and had no campaign funds when she ran against the incumbent in her delegate area in 2012 and
lost. However, she did not give up. Again without few campaign funds she set out to run again in
2014 against the same incumbent. She focused on her campaign creatively by going door to door;
meeting her constituents personally. It paid off and she won.
We learned a lot about the 2016 political update, polling and survey research, strategies on
how to hold Hillary Clinton accountable, messaging and more. It was phenomenal to hear about
the inner workings of how to win in 2016.
Our breakout sessions included growing our ranks, Republican activist training and political
data. The speakers were excited about their work and excited us to be more involved and more
The last presentation was outstanding. Reaching Millennials. I was so impressed with the
women whose focus was about “growing” our own candidates from the millennials. Each of the
women represented and/or created their program which support the millennials in seeking office,
preparing for campaigns, educating on strategies and encouraging sitting elected officials to reach
out to this group especially in colleges. Our young people need to hear from our leaders not just
on TV or at town halls but on their campuses.
We toured the White House and had a personal guided tour of the Capital during our short
three days in DC. This experience was invigorating and encouraging to know we can make a
difference. My sincere thanks to President Hussman for this great opportunity and Fredi for taking
the four of us on an adventure of knowledge and excitement.
As an added comment when I was invited to share this adventure at the recent WFRW
dinner, Representative Chad Magendanz commented that we
needed more people like Representative Matt Manweller to visit
our colleges and encourage the students to get involved. I said he
could be a Matt Manweller as could all of our elected officials. The
college students want and need to know they have someone
representing them.
Connie Coleman-Lacadie,
State Committeewoman, PCRP
South Puget Sound District Director, WFRW
December 2015
You are invited
WFRW Day At The Capitol
Monday, February 12, 2016
Friday, February 12, 2016
11:00 am to 2:00 pm
Columbia Room, Legislative Building, Olympia
Meet and greet your state legislators!
$4.50 per person without lunch (covers cost of permit, room, chairs, tables, microphone, lunches for
Republican legislators, etc.) -- OR
$18.50 per person with lunch
Deadline: All reservations must be prepaid; funds must be received by Friday, January 29th
(please complete the order form on back side of this sheet --- even if not ordering lunch)
Your choice of a whole sandwich, or whole salad, or half sandwich and half salad
Sandwich Options:
Salad Options:
All salad lunches come with a baguette, a cookie and a bottle of water; whole sandwich lunches come with chips,
a cookie and a bottle of water.
Questions: Contact Dani Anderson at or (360) 507-9596.
Please complete the order form on the back of this sheet (it is OK to attach additional copies if needed) and
return your order, with payment, no later than January 29, 2016 to:
Thurston County Women’s Republican Club
PO Box 2711
Olympia, WA 98507
A late fee of $10 per person will be assessed on all Orders and Payment not received by January 29, 2016.
WFRW Day at the Capitol Friday, February 12th, 11am to 2pm. Carpooling is
available. (leaving Lakewood at 9am, arrive back to Lakewood 4pm) The cost is
$4.50 without lunch and $18.50 with lunch. All payments are to be paid prior to
January 25th to guarantee Thurston County’s January 29th deadline. Please contact
Trish Otterholt 253-973-2533 cell (you can text her) to
RSVP. Please include your lunch choice in your message.
December 2015
Lakewood Republican Women
PO Box 39462
Lakewood, WA 98496-3462
Please renew your dues today!
Thank you!
Lakewood Republican Women Membership Application/Address Update
City_____________________________________________________________ State ________
Zip____________________ Home_____________________ Cell_________________________
Email Address_______________________________________________ Moved? ___________
$30.00 member dues ____
$20.00 associate dues ____
Please check how you would like to receive our monthly newsletter? Email: ____ Mail:____
2015 LRW Executive Board
1st VP
2nd VP
Past President
December 2015
Sally Taylor
Bev Raschke (Fundraising)
Connie Coleman-Lacadie (Programs)
Paula Lonergan
Shirley Burrows
Lucile Summerlin