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Kirby Glad
I am currently serving as your
County Party Secretary. We
have seen a lot of positive
progress in our party over the
last several years while I have
been privileged to be on the
party leadership team. I’m
running for chair to continue
that trend.
As Secretary for the party I
have worked to open the flow
of information to delegates,
party leaders, and candidates.
And as a Steering Committee
member I have worked to make
our Central Committee
meetings more impactful. I
sponsored policies which have
helped us reduce the
arguments over the agenda,
streamlined meetings, and
provided more transparency.
As a result, we have enjoyed
more topic oriented meetings
which allow us to focus more
on what we all want to talk
about – politics!
For Utah County Republican Party Chair
Unfortunately, many voters
believe their self-serving
propaganda. We need to do a
better job of educating voters
on the importance of our
caucus system and our value in
the nomination process.
Our party needs a plan for
better attendance at the
caucus. This would improve
the delegate process and will
take the hot air out of our
And party leaders need to be
better advocates for the
principles of our platform. Our
Central Committee has a voice
and we need to use it
Every precinct officer should
leave our Central Committee
meetings feeling energized,
that their time there has been
well spent, and with a clear
plan of the work to be done.
We are in a battle for
As chair I will continue to work
to make our party more
effective, to make party service
more rewarding, and to focus
our efforts on political issues
instead of internal disputes.
The “Count My Vote” crowd
believes the Republican Party is
not, and should not be,
relevant to the nomination
To be successful, I believe our
party needs to focus on these
five 5 crucial priorities, which
are described in more detail on
the reverse.
Kirby and Cindy recently
celebrated their 29th wedding
anniversary with their four
About Kirby
 Life-long, active Republican
 MBA from BYU
 Chief Information Officer and
executive of companies up to
5,000 employees
 School Community Council- 11
 Orem CERT instructor -5 years
 Volunteer on several campaigns
 PMP Certified
 Professional Registered
Utah County Republican Party
Positions held:
 Precinct officer and delegate for
over 24 years
 County Party Secretary
 Steering Committee, 3 years
 Executive Committee, 5 years
 Chair, Constitution and Bylaw
 Chair, Convention Credentials
 District Education Officer
 Chair, Lincoln Day Dinner
 Co-Chair, Youth Outreach
 Co-Chair, Hispanic Outreach
 Co-Chair Platform Action Comte
 Vice-Chair, Candidate Support
 Candidate Liaison for Election
 Chair, Events Committee
Contact Kirby: 801 376 2050. Website:
Five Priorities for the Utah County Republican Party
By Kirby Glad
Elect Good Republicans
Our first priority should be
electing good Republicans
who will support the party
platform. Our opponents
are staying up nights
thinking of how to beat us,
while we fight internal
Good leadership can
prevent many problems
through better collaboration
with all sides. Let’s resolve
internal issues promptly and
fairly by open discussion
and majority vote, and focus
more of our energies on
nominating and electing the
best candidates.
Party officers should
provide a fair and
informative nomination
process, and then support
the decisions made by the
delegates or primary voters.
Champion the Platform
The party speaks for the
platform. Central
Committee meetings should
focus on education and
discussion of current issues
that make a difference. We
will look for areas where the
platform applies, and make
our voice heard. We should
educate the community on
our Republican principles.
When people understand
the platform they have a
reason to be Republican.
An effective working
relationship with elected
officials is essential in
getting the platform
accepted by the voters and
enacted into law.
Grow the Party
There are many unaffiliated
voters in our county, and
many disaffected
Republicans have
registered in other parties.
In the battle for the hearts
and minds of voters, we
need to act like we are
behind if we want to stay
ahead. We should be
recruiting constantly
through regular public
events and community
Integrity and transparency
of party leaders attracts
party membership. Effective
training of local party
leaders strengthens our
grass-roots appeal. More
people actively participate
in the Party when they feel
their service is meaningful
and rewarding.
Reach Out to New Voters
To continue the influence of
the Republican platform into
the future we need to be
sure the next generation is
ready to carry the torch.
Let’s help Republicans get
their youth involved in the
party. An investment in
youth events or student
education opportunities
would yield long term
results at the polls. We
should sponsor a Teen Age
Republicans chapter.
Mentoring College
Republicans prepares them
to be leaders in the party all
over the nation.
The fastest growing voter
demographic is Hispanic
citizens. We need to do a
much better job of giving
them a reason to vote
Be a Beacon of
Republican Principles
Utah County can be a
beacon of Republican
principles to the nation.
We are the most
Republican county of the
most Republican state in
the nation. We have the
talent, energy, and ability to
influence politics outside the
boundaries of our county.
If there was ever a time our
country needs the Utah
County Republicans, it is
Contact Kirby: 801 376 2050. Website: