GREE HIP NS CH TOW WI N Established Greenwich Township 2014 COMMUNITY DAY Sponsored in part by local businesses & private donors SAVE the DATE Saturday, September 27, 2014 rain date - Sunday, September 28, 2014 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm Greenwich Township Municipal Park ( behind the Municipal Building ) F E AT U R I N G Cool Car Bash RE/MAX TETHERED BALLOON RIDES LARGE flowerheads THE 2014 COMMUNITY DAY 2014 COMMUNITY DAY S aturday, S e pte m be r 27, 2014 FREE ADMISSION Greenwich Township is pleased to present the lineup for the 2014 Community Day, celebrating our farming heritage. We have a great lineup this year, with something for everyone, so plan to bring your whole family out for food, fun, entertainment and a chance to meet some neighbors you may not know. K rooz in A n t iqu e Car Sh ow (In R ay n a F ield) For more information, visit the Community Day web site at day R IDES/ R EC. G A M ES R A I N D A T E , S U N D A Y, 9 / 2 8 / 2 0 1 4 Gr e e n w i c h C o m m u n i t y D a y P a r k M a p 2 0 1 4 RIDES & GAMES P arkin g L ot 37 Rock Wall M U S I CA L E N T E RTA I N M E N T 39 38 36 Pavilion 40 46 Pavilion 41 42 Tent 44 43 45 Ambulance 1 LARGE flowerheads Dining Tent THE 2 3 Vertical Rush Trackless Train 20 x 40 35 34 5 6 Animals Hay Bale Maze 47 33 48 32 49 7 31 Farm Equipment 30 BRIDGE F E AT U R E D E V E N T Cool Car Bash Play Area 9 10 22 GROOVY MUSIC! Quoit Tournament - 16 8 Winner of 2012, 2013 & 2014 Lehigh Valley Music Awards! 11 12 21 13 20 14 19 15 18 T H IS E VE NT IS O PE N T O A LL MA K E S A ND MO DE LS Das h P l aq u e s t o t h e fi rs t 1 0 0 C ool C ars ! 51 50 FIRE OEM Tot Lot 17 Large Flowerheads P R O M OT I O N A L A S S I S TA NCE P ROV IDE BY KROOZIN P RODU CT IONS Rods, Customs, Stocks, Classics & More! 58 Garage Church Parking Lot Police Trailer 15 - American Legion ReMax Balloon (Chris Butler) 16 - Bourbon Street Porta Potties BE E R T E NT Sponsored by Greenwich Recreation Commission $5.00 per person $10 Registration Fee per Car - No charge to view the show S P O N S O R E D B Y F R A N C E S C O TA D D E O, E S Q . - TA D D E O L A W Superdome Vertical Rush Trackless Train Pony Rides Animal Petting Zoo Hay Bale Maze/Fort Farm Equipment STAGE SIDE 4 Pony Rides 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Recreation sponsored contests throughout the day: Pie Eating Contest, Watermelon Eating Contest and Egg Toss 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) Dance Unlimited Home Depot Budd Agency PNC Bank Lowe’s COE Insurance TD Bank American Legion/Beer Tent Bourbon Street Liquor Store Applebee’s Restaurant AAA Insurance Stop ‘n Shop Rainbow Childcare Show Biz Kids Information Area PAVILION SIDE 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) 37) 38) 39) 40) 41) 42) 43) 44) 45) 46) 47) 48) 49) 50) 51) 52) Old Greenwich Presbyterian Church Environmental Commission St. James Lutheran Church Asbury/Bloomsbury Methodist Church Girl Scout Troop #99366 Shop Rite Store DJ Greenwich PTO Cub Scout Pack #61 Girl Scout Troup #4351 Brownie Troop #5077 Girl Scout Troop # 4310 Girl Scout Troop # 4272 Stewartsville Senior Group Stewartsville Fire Dept. Auxillary Greenwich Emergency Squad Boy Scout Troop #56 Greenwich Historical Commission Greenwich Recreation Commission Greenwich Teachers Group Office of Emergency Management Stewartsville Volunteer Fire Dept. Greenwich Police Department GREE HIP NS CH TOW WI N Established Greenwich Township 2014 COMMUNITY DAY Sponsored in part by local businesses & private donors Thank our Community Day Sponsors $1,000 - Large Flowerheads - ShopRite of Greenwich $1,000 - Kroozin Productions - Francesco Taddeo, Esq. $750 - ReElect Tauriello & Callari - Greenwich Township Republican County Committee Christopher Butler CHILD CARE CENTER Greenwich Township Board of Education Dave Dabour Photography Lamb & Ivy Photography
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