MID USER MANUAL 7.1 8 9.6 3.7 USB connection 1.9 Inpd text............................... 4 Eshblish comedions.... 4.1 WIFI 5 com*tion .... Colmmietion. 6.1 Suppofrthefilefomat Brffir;......:;.,.......i..-...:.......-:.... '...:-.....,.,..,.....:,...............-.-..-..26 Olhq applildions........:.......................;...............................-..,......-.......:...................................,......29 Abod the equiprnent.;,:...tr,,..:.,....,.,,.,.,,,..,,,",..........i,.::...:.,..r n.y lead to eledonic equipment dsabled. h nd Muthoaued 6 I Foreword ce repan lhis rcmove MID ed &cessries. Only authoriz€d Plese put MID aray from mF€tic quipment. The ndiatim of 1.1 hfomrion wbich Acktrowledgemetrts is on mapedc sbEge Ples€ don'r Ne MID in the high Thatrk you for chMing ou khd of mobile htmd qipmeil, delise @luion products. PrcduG for 8001480 LCD louch MID (Mobile htemt ftvioe), this is md c.binet, e6y to cry. Equipp.d with sc@, ce se high-definition vid@ md ima86. temptu md flmMble m3 (seh a nee S Plese don't put MID md a@essories in ihis plee which children cm bwh it, ple6e do not let ihe child ue MID in usupenised- Suppon to Pl6€ iBEll Bultiplc ofre, fletuimmt €b applietioN. Thc ihzzle mel intqfsce ffi ld )ou havc nil sE sFimce. Thk meual inedllB fie veiou fimdioN, wina sHns ed mmcem$ts. Pl€e red thc mmual @fully b€fore sing MID. abide by the osss laEfrl righrs relevet ild laws ad replatioro whm you Ne ihe MID, ed 6p€t pdvacy. PIe6e sdclly abide by relevet specificdion of this mul when you sble. OtheNise it might hage you MID or penonal6mpuer. Plese don't ue 1.2 MD will ffi &vice.. sdior). 3 high a iN]iuios MlD. Announcements MID so*d MD in the damp svircment such s bathI@m eb. hd w avoid the or flBhed by the liquid. Mainteotnc6 a o o mh md vapou or se wd hed b op@E equipmd tr chrrga. L€s care sho(-circuit, mmsion cNs€d by esirent failm, md peEomel. Dont mske €quiprnent, batory ud dtrgtr tungly impd or vib€lion. Le* caue equipmml, bdrry md chdgtr fault, fire ff explcim Donl put this equipmmt, bauery ed chargq in the t@ high or too low bmpm@ rcgion. Otheilis you may cae equipmat, baflery md chngs fault, fre or PI€ae keep MID dry. Do not let equipmd, batery charg6 @ntact 1.4 Acrunynr/tems hsMion MD Mobil€ InEmd Dedce Mobile hlemeabmimls Wircless Fidelity BsedmtheEEE rylosion. a a Dorcthil,tlrcw, acupututhe MID, edsvoidilrop, ffiim,badingMID. h not wthorized esipment md u6sri6, olhwis tu equi@at uesd6 {ill not in the conpmy's wa@ty and WIFI TF 1,3 Srfety Tips HDMI Flash Do lhe mt us MID in*iving, i{ ordtr ro p@eot m€dical sites, plsse conply with relevmt rLe merti&l quipment m. df safe ddviD& Eo*ioN or quldiE Pb clc MD na wh yil e tcdiB MD dr op jmiry aircfrft cotul sigral. Pl*e clo$ MID ntr l[e w of hish Filir Plede close High Delmition Multuedia Also all ' Mim High-resoldion inhrfa€ I MD,4lere Md thk @tio. hfomdion .ad let you child hN 6e W infmdion. For delailed iifomatiotr, plffe refd to lhe sfdy pidelines ud @. h Tms SD : Before you a o 802.118 smffi whlss l,AN scop€. plmes mo& b ait rftr6 signak ckui -ri- Cri* n USB mulhda 2 A Brief Description of 2.1 MID Series of products MII) Overdl Dravlng Fmrtk l3 D6crlplid olJy-r003 Sid. Vhr RcMbitu 3 Hmcp.gr key 4 M@kry 5 OD/Ofrk€y 5 Poffi indidid:@p 8 m 1 , n!mt2 .J r \_ ' 2.2 MID B!tu fudoE 1 h 9 Eatpbo& inErree t0 MC ll IIDM 12 miniUSB 13 Spqks l{ Ibs Accesorie ltrtroductiotr Prclirg Lld lGy Yow MID packing box includ€s the following items a o a MID cmpldc Mhine powdsdaptq I Mini USB @medios a 4cTFc6rd (Optimal) . a . Eephore(OptiomD USB sbl€ lin6 m MafieB o E Alm I 2.3 MID Ure and preparrtion h ord6 b mw thd tlE bafr€ry is firll, plese charge for 4 hom n DoMl@d 6 opming io completed Genaral notige (3uch tr Flighr mode Dab synckotuation G Chargiog tnsufficied cild spee D More .I 3a Bonery changing sign SD already ,network asi rynchrpnization eror) MBic playing available fisdy, plcee chrgo for bafiery. l. Use the rc adspEr to charge for MID. B€forc wing MID 2. hodl.d WIFI ieNi.e @nnecbd EE B.ncry chtrging b€ .E 6 Usmeul Conpad dis (Opd@l) b p.nel icon will di$lay the new mess$, rhe #d alm cl@t, $hcdulq ad SD sd tuening etc. You cd opm infom paml to check sFific infmtion. Op€n mde p.oel Wten notioe ba appem oew notic. icm hm, ple8e hold ndice bq th6 slide dou fi{96 or touchinS pen, th6 you ce oFrc! noti@ pe€I, more. Notice Ndice 2.4 MID Sttte &nd lnfomation Node lco, Pl@ click 6llm ftmc md slide m sprcm by touhing pen to otrm nolie list whm the m$rgc appcs notic parcl. Click b requisite vi€w optioDs, checl thc debil€d infotuim. Irt6 you ce click infmation box md slidc b shut up infomation windows, Th. ic6 ilhsmio for sE bu s follM: @ F m ,i 3 Quick start 3.1 Button functlon N*emil N Ns iMt j mes$ging Use USB lirie b @med computer with MID a 3E Mut€ Rcy No SD furdoB ilhrtstior; qd Uptoading/doml@ding Mmu bdrcn Bek buftn Pag! key a a a o a Irng prcs lhis bffion for b@ting mditim, log pffis this bm pryup shudoM optiffi. lnhfinqffidifid nE{Gkhffi bbbff 6E ft6r' Pr* rhi!bffi bop6tho i(a&eE.ou Pes lhisbturbul@kinlhalorkr@@ditior Pr$ rhb biffi b te& i Elviou olcilion,pioc.dm'or lrevi@ opfiation In b@ting I idahra a Prc$ lhis bwon . to rtu the fidiotr inErfM " ftom ubiftry intsf.c.. a lrng rc h buton to oFD Henrly rylicalion wh&y. 3.4 Tbe use of touch scren MID openhn modc m wral waF you ce brcws 3.2 Bmt md shutdom Th@ ffieL mmu ad applicatio& e on lhe MID. Boot ffier long rcin8 2 seconds for the pow€r buro4 you cil s€e fre bmt logo. fre sysh is 4e$ into screen l@king sbB after otsning, pte6e rc lhe mmu b6on b dek. Click k FgE, yo mt 10 e fre ffin krybo{d 6 inpul ed chme appliBtios e m 6e bme 3 loag 3 you click a prcj4t vith tuger or torche F. Shuadom 2. bre N 6e In d butroD, Equi@r opdoN hav€ silmr 3. Clck I . rhe 6€n pup ,shudoM' options. mode, flight mode md shutdoM. shudoro. b opea a availsbl€ optiom ($ch e the br box s web lint) or mov€ shoncut min pgm mou on rhc hom€page as 16g 3 you pres thc ihs. rliding or ilditrg FGt Fd stiding or slidiq $id in his fingeB or buchg F mrking Epid vdical or hdrcnbl Ifyou wml md &4 3.3 Scren ofopening 8nd closing fl be dd durirg the icretr ldltog. l. Aft.r idliry Fiod of rimc, screen wilt b automaticalty closd b sve lhe banry. 2, ln 6e sen oFing condirioq pffi &e pwq bunon, the $rco ro ilm&ely shd &m. Tip: if you need to find oul how ro confiF sreen ctosing time plee rcfs to chapEr 9. I . OFtrg io smD ctokd condtrion, If sltm is in the closed posilion, you cm tong pre$ R€M bulon or ofter butuN to activde tu s@n. Enler I@ked condition afrer opetug il, pre$ 'tsk 'icon ad slide up for ulffkin& md hotding up ,, voice ,icon ed slide down for mure condition S& 6ngs or towhing F. It etioD- Drag Bcf@ you o4 Ne s6 b dBg, you dui e a fi4er s toehinS p to prs ed pd $me 6d brch b th. psition which you wml, fmgs m lm. Robtiig only M b MDhsmwill Formdpi.:liG, pm ftight Seh s in lic inpu tat wdch movis, &. tul& &oo hcaldirction to 3,5 Prge interface min md sffi MhyoEhory The *ill show all applicatim . You m E dE rppli€liq sbotud &d intdfec wallpry, dc. Media Yolme kry he@mmubunm Apli€dm lmgm Fbun 3-2 Tips: inayapphc.rions homepage key cil be Figrre pressed.etums6 the homepage_ 3{ ftc hoElprge iot drcc nry Grhnd Homepage ineftce ce b€ exbnded to scren width, to provide more sFce, ld you m pd l@ls erc. Ress blmt"lace ofhomenpagc inrcrfe€ ,thm w buching mpidly vdical slide which cm skp to ext€nd lo the tefi or riSht of scren.Homwe nw *oicul, mall Fn b have above 2 exlended intdace. rsllp.per Ch.trg€ dBktop l- In ile homepage iilerface, according the nenu 2. Click fre pictu or wallpaFr to butun to ppup Efrbbh folder 1. h te homeprye inrerfee, accodng to the mmu bftm dd 2. Click tu foldq, md nw fold.i 3. Click ,m folder ofhomepage inttrf&e to oFn it. 4. Click md hold the 5. OF thm folds list of hmdlines then click fr. ctick addition. b renme it. ofmilking, holding the folder, click rhe application my pd m6q sler picres. the .pplication ro dEg fotdeN, in he fold€r. 3.6 Acc$s to the application l. to rG b MID rpplk.dotr: Pl6e clckprc@rolme la&I. tu 2. Chms Hos to risit rhe 3. Ifyou wmt to quil FIgrre Skill Longpress Progrmr Menu horon to key j_l k able to qrickty pre!i.! five shown infirc 3-5. applietion. pro@ b diEdy rel]lm intcrface, Eess the tu key to a pag€ or press homepage home int€rface. deskroDs C[stomire homepage interface Nw homep{ge projed I 2 Press on 6e Fpup menu in the blmk ea offre Duing 6e roW nmq selftl the wmted fj€ct int€dsce to of6e hoh€page. ad lo a new homwe hErfe 3.7 USB coonmtion The stong€ sehp of MID. Before llmptug do(m€nb, L Use USB cabl€ firetly you mut b comect MID wilh set storc mode for computer. Notice btr wilt you MlD. apps notice cue. buton to pop up Menu opdon, md click on Notice, fre notification pael, olick on the USB cotrtrecfotr, ths click Loading US, Storuge Press M€nu h LSB comection 4. Then the hd ken successtully. fileon the MID memorycard. Find rhe fileyou qanr rodelere. Delete the l. 2. 3. Device. Hold the file which you need to delete, Sen il will popup the file Click "del€ae,' m€nu_ crrd h tre MD opening cordidon, If you need to remove memory ced in the MtD opening condirioq you mur frstty uload memory card, lest memory cad fauh or dmaged. Remove memory L In the homepase interface, press the m€nu buso! md frm click Settir$. 2. hg dom seting menu, md fren click the SD crd lnd equipmert memory. 3. Clickrhe "Utrload SD card,, 3.9 Input text Use the scr*tr keybolrd wllen you ngure str prorys appear scre€n 3_6 or select Copy filos to momory crrds. mmct MD wi$ cofrputer. 1. Android k€ybotrd 2. After se[ing the slor€ setdng, fren connecr wirh compur€r successfully. 2. ThethirdFrry hFutmerhd I . Use a USB cable to te{ edit box which need ro input ext o nmber, it cm k€ybdd- Keyboard have optiotral inpur way below: ofyou computs, then see "Ftuble disk (x)" coiletrt. 4. Find intended cryy files to duplicare b the "pftble disk (x),. 5. Aftd the completion of the copn cliok otr 'efe deldion hedwe" of you @mpuler (fre uercu tuhI indqendently) 3. Open My Computer t6k btr to mload. Contetrt of B Hd. 3. The abovem€ntimed Fo 2. MD itselfh4 Wile for k€eping filos. dwifts 6 *ber ]ou connr.t ecess uing USB to @m@t you nd rcce$ 3.E Storage to nrenrory.a.d; USB crhl. iIlit b VlD, il )auenal{r wad k, iccess bmemory, arSB s.orrgrdrvlce, as long a{ ycu discsnpct tlte rill LrSS card cud tusfer file beMem MD eal compuer such s nsic md pic@s, etc. Wmr b file, prcvided that you click file brcwser, t€n you cd browse to rhe mtens of the Copy files to storrge You c& see th€ SD cdd. Use L (he in the text setup area. a. Tick afts the input method which you wml. computs. N.1e: langurge.nd keyhrrd. ofMID 3. Lisl all install€d input method 4G stoEge movable Sfiage stomge wrnt to use. According to Feimtall,MlD will disptay Andrcid keyboard when you want to input word. I . On th€ homepqe itrtrfrce, pess menu bunon ed then click .Sefrirgs,'. 2. Clickthe MID Storuge Dwice l. NAND FLASH stmge device, Sel€ct thc input method which you sd switcb input method On the texr input interface, hold text edit box trea click the input mefrod. 2. Select the input nefrod which you wmr lo use. mlil it ppups ,,edil text menu .. Then 3.10 Use skills Open r€cently used applicafotrs In my pro@ing htetrace you can hold homepage keys, the screen will popup trogm window, whdow displays recenlly used applicalion. Figure 3-7 Use Atrdroid keybold parel li$re Add smantook on the 3-9 hble In th€ homqage interfe€, hold fre bld e€4 aeched plugin of aplicatiotr, such as muic, popup mem, click fr€ plugid, listing pitu€ tue, clock, setrch, will list dc. SYitch input m€thod Hold rhe Chin€se edit box of system, popup menu, click fre input method. Quick close tbe progrrm Se brck buton back to supdor interface, or press homeage buton Pr€ss Rstore Switch input case-sensitive Switch text input mode md coincidmce /digital inDul mode "Click "cm insei spaces "Click "cm perfom "enter" Delete the chtracters ofth€ left cusor. Click md hold cm delete all the characters ofthe left cmor. ro frcrory se(ings men you MID has seat mre or forget ulochg Factory Seefrgs b passwords, etu, you cm use Re$oi€ to restore them ro the factory delivery state. frere m two m€tuds for restodng to facrory setings: Methods: I . bek to 6e At th€ homepage inttrface, press Menu key to pop up the 2. Clickon Set, 3. Click on Privacy, Set menu. 4. 5. Clickon R6torc to Frrtory Wai for 6e $tugs. m comel MID lo Wi-Fi neNodq op6aliod 6r @medion: h fr. hmwe bErfrcq click Se menu be4 then ppup stins mmu 2. Click $tuS. 3- Click sircl*.rd Detuork. 4. Click WLFL Sa @ W;Fi 5. Cli* Wi - fi ScttLgi, m wil aubmatically sce available Wi - Fi wirelBs neNork. 6. Chos rhe Fi neMork which you wet to come6. If it has add Nwor4 it dll popup a input Fword whdow, thm input rclevilt paword I . 7. Click on ttc hk FiSre4l 4.2 3G connection 6d by USB interface and suppon WCDMA CDMp0m fomar. (Plee clo$ other wnebss neeork such d WIFI ud blueimth etc kfore comdinS 3c neMorlc) I . Us USB wir€ls cad to 6mecl MD on hlup saE. 2 Wdr l0 smn& or p, saw the SIM si$al in notice b& chmge inlo fire, Sen do followrng 3- suppod wireless Thm click "mobile neMotu". 4- Click lhc 6e m€nu bubqthm ppup menu optioN. PN. tme of acce$. seconds . 10. Aftn rhe sffi of he fd comectioqthis stins cm bc ev€dsd it @y @mct aumdicrlly rcd timc . Ifyou @ b shd h 3G ncModqyou need to rcmove hmk at "3G" opdon k Note: hput diffeMt coilat ftom APN of difemt couoti€s md opeBtos . WIFI connetion MID cm rs me,md givc a tfue for yoE 3G nfrorh. 8. Clck APN ed pu lgd in lhe &x boLten mm iL 9. ApFe 3C reMo* ico by SIM sipl after waiting a few You The Thm 7. Ctrck rhe 4 Establish connections 4.1 5. 6. Click lhe new synem ro .estaf,. 5 Communication 5.1 E-Md,IL E-mril SetfitrS Lnail applications accompmy wifi email seilngs suide, it cm add 6e cotmon Web mail seNice prcvidss (e.g. cmail, Yahoo, Hohail.md 163 etc mmufadrers) exreml POP3 or IMAP mail accoui I ! Delete emlil rccoutrb You cm delete seled POP3 or IMAP email ac€owt fton you mobile phone l. Click E-mrii 2. Enter to you inbox 3. Press menu k€y 4. Click 5. Hold rccout ecout which you want ro d€lete. 6, Popup menu listing, and click fisure5.t ruil wjll be srnrd g{id., pl.asc cn{ril ilrrl to! Msllbox refting gutde L Click the E-mrll icon, then itwill appetrmailbox setup guide Norer b(li)re drc itrud! link drc nc$ork you enail rddre$ rnd pa$word. 4. Click fr€ mrt step buton, md select you mailbox r)"e: pop3 or IMAP. 5. Thm click trext ltep bunon to check wherher endl server is available. 6. Input &cout nme md to display 6e nme, then click comptetion. 7. Ifthe mail is available, it will automalically €nter yotr iobox. account E-mall msssges l. Click the E-n.il, display you inbox. Send to help you 2. Click fre trext stepbunon. 3. Enter 'telete sccount" 7. Clickthe" sure "can remov€ it, b s€t. 2. Click the inbox to enter in, automatically I 4. Click "compose", enrer to 5. Input J rcftesh email, click to read. 3. Press the menu bufioq md popup menu. you E-nail 6. lnput theme wite a nw mail inlerface address of the recipi€nt in the recipient dd infomation colllm. content. Ifyou ilmt to add atrachments, press Se menu buton, md ih€n popup menu options. 8. Click "add !firchmetrG" 9. Sel€ct af,&hments which you wmt to sad (such ff video, imag€s, etc.) 10. Click "!end E-mril" md then sent email oui. NoLer llyou hav. utro 0inn otre acrolN.3nd lopr lo scnd ail dNail in otre aorounl. clic], ilraL Ncounr litle itr ndvrx(( brlitrc you click rruur ilr!tr. ley trnl \rrit0 enuil. 7. - 6 Multimedia View crent play list Repear all music 6.1 Support the lile format YoE MD ce MBic fitG play Se SFcial covs folowing fo@6. Special ilem fom.t aw3 i| a l' a Music MC(AAC, MC+ ed AAC-LC) occ MDI wAv Remaining Th€ tine played Playhg progress btr Vid6 fomil a Au(H.264, md Divx, ud xviD) . RMAMVB . MKv ia wMv aw4 . DAT a voB . FLV . 3GP 6.2 Fipre Gl Visir itrd hrordcr.r music l. Click fre 2. Click cm click rdht, album orsrg li3r. 3. Chmse one song lo play. ao the trew plrylists l. Cli.k de n6ic. 2. Clickde soDgs. 3. Ilold 6e song $hch you sant Add song 4. Popup MNic You nEic h diviM ilto fou music. mr$, d$ nEic setlhg to add to ptaylisls. menu, click to add music to play 5. Click the New. 6. Inpur @teSodes: dst, albM, $nS ed playti$. Chms nme ofplaylisl. a cldsification to check list conrenh. Ityou eils a ctEsification, atwaF chmse util you bave b play songs. For exmple, if you choose the disr calegory, you wiil s6 A to Z quence of a tist of nmes of afr. If you ch@s a disr, lhe tist wil b€ Fed€d dst dbm sons md trsb. 8. Click on a sors, add this sons as bcll. Delete the plsykt l. Click de music. 2. Click de songs. 3. HoldSe song *hich r"ou$anl 1o delerc to playlisG. 4. PopW mNic seting menu, cljck "delete ". li!b. 63 Camera hob bEng fuac$oB l. 2. 3. 4. Cli* @ Crmen. Tt€$m 6hthe CalttminEfa@. Clickm Shd butu b b€ abl€ ro have phoG bt6 6ily. Yo @ s 3iA &Bge lMim, whib bdee atrd feEirg a4iuffi fiMiG. 5- Aftqpb@b&ioe;lhcEwillbeFiwofiimtDlil dbptay. ed ofitr 6.4 HDMI mm highd&itior ddo lr&rf.e Use a tudad mlfl €ble b cm@t MID @ supot with Ligh defnitid &ldirin Thi! itrEfrc highd quality 72OP resluioq md bd plug. the MIDismhmt@. EUe b @d 2. U*.ffimm MIDvithhi8i defnitinEldLid. 3. Tb€ ry@ indfae @ the MID @ b€ symhsmE witt high rehniE TV pitu. clck @ DirpLy. 4. h the Sd na I ftpG2 Vido Motrg foncdoB l- Dry l+ the Mehovd hetrb Mhi it i@Se dd6 Edding mde. 2. Clict on redudo R@rd berb bc able blsfm vi&o @diry 3. YNm g@lncfrect,whiE balareandvidoqualityeddh.rfEdiro 4. Clict or vids R@rd ben @in b ad virt6 video 5. 5. 6.5 Media Clict m OoFrt Seld to wi@h ovtr b rhc IIDMI mode. Clicl mMI S.ttry e s HDTV display lwldior Bromer renditr& ed p @ G Firyed Ma hwer appli€tion trrcgi@ Jou cm &mdicaly steh all phob md m ed m cnd. Moreovq the media brcwtr wilf chsiry suh pt@s md the foldm, You @ ue thc media brow r@ to viil md d phob ad & 6e phob 3 rhe deskbp ed viw vidffi. Ushg lfie vids 6les in vid@ fi16 by C'hak pi.tu l. Clicktu fukp@ 2. Click pitu you b se lo chek incluiLdpi(fu. the sysem will adoddly wt to s, ch€k in tull ffi Dodr. 3. Toeh 3@ $pedu 4. Touch or it will appes mw mmd dE pitu, pl6e click thc mw b s Mpitu. rcreq mm-pmel wiu aws in pi@s hlow; you m ryiry ddll,m tu I I l sd ce Skillsr Lnage browsing supl)od auhmali.atly picture will aulonratically dating funcrion: Whcn you sph MtD. adjust dircclion pr€view playable vid€o files. Ckick to select on€ of them lo be able to play th€ video file. ilrc ofrotalhn. In thc vids preview inErface, €ditinavideo files as shown in press Menu Fise bson to b€ able to appee the function window 6-3 below Figurc 6-2 Edlt 3trd sel images Press menu buton to display option ofmenu in tull screen mode, you can select the oprion to edit md sefiing up the piclr€ according to you needs. a 7 Slide presentrtion Press the menu button to show menu options. picrueswill ften click stide pres€ntation. Alt Internet the be to slid€ folder broadoastro disptay. 7.1 Browser . Shrring I. Erter lnto Press the menu bulton to display menu option. and then click,,share,,. 2. Thepicturc will homepaSe a Rotrting l. homoprgG Tte brcwstr always habitully open th€ last web uers have browsed th€ web, share with your friends via f,-mait aMchment. will appetr who it enteN inlo the browser on boot. Ch.nge your Home Prge Press lhe menu bufron to display menu 2. Click the left oplion, and then click,'rotating,'. l. Click on the bmwkr. 2- Press the main ordght rotrfion. menu, popup senings menu of browser. 3. Click more. a 4. Click Ssttngs. Cuftlng l. Pr€ss the menu bufion to display menu oplion, and then click..cuning" 3. Click on culting device to dragout from cenlre, ro adjusl cudng size. 4. Adjusilhe size you wail. click save. 5. lfyou want 1o abandon cuuing, click ,,give up,,back ro browsc piclures. Vtdeo prevlew rnd phy Afierlhe media browser is opened, you can scan alt vidco files in rhc 5. Click Setlugs homeplge. 6. Inpul website, 2. Click on drag related region to adiust cufiif,s device. MID and the TF card. ed click "emure". the Flnd the I. wor& ln webprge When browsing the wcb! pr€ss menu buton, popup menu options. 2. Click more. 3. Click on a page lo check. 4. Ent€r yow search proj€cts. 5. Wh€n you inpul cheactem, words 6. Click mow on sedch colllm ce ohhge from whib to green. to mov€ last or next one coNist€ni supremacy. Matragement bookmark! a Sefings webprge Flgurc boohrrk fie brcwsing inrffice. ed click th€ bootmrrk!, thm click lddition b@km.rks. 3. Edit bookmeks ed click the !ure. a Opcring bookssrls . Press the m€nu buf,on ed click the bmhek! in rhc brcws€. interface. 2. Click the bookmarks which you wel to e lo orn lhc w.bpage. a f,dltlry bmkm.rk! L Go to 2. H a web page in kes! metru butotr kss the menu butun md click rhe 1 Vldt webrlte L Click on the brow.er. 2. Press th€ main 3. Click "!tril", 4. Click s!!n m€nu, popup sefrings mmu of browso. popup the a.ldress bq I . ul. input boharts in me bro*ser inerfae. ed hold bskma*s to open th€ mau opdotr. 3. Click the edit booha*s to dr it, thm click sE. 2. Click in the soft keyboard. riidow O Opetrrrewbmwsrylrdow Use the browser 1. Open Se brows€r vindowi click the nenu ben ed a !* *lddow. 2. Click ihe new window to open a new brcwsn window. a Switch browserwltrdow I In fre browser window, pr€ss the menu buton md click on the 2. Click witrdow you a Set wet ilrdow. to op.n it. brower In th€ browser interface, press the menu buf,on md click more, then click Settingo lo Figure 7-2 Browre web8ite You cu slide fmger on screen to howse ed check other pd ofw€bpage. Enlargo or 3hrlnk prges Aftcr openin8 webpage when you dmg webpage, the brows€r below md zoom-out buton. You cm click "enlege" or -l ,,rcduce,, will appear enltrge lo browse w€bpage. e$ablhh shdng md 8 Other applications 8.1 Alem m sfle6 to realLe rsouce shdrg. clock clck prory. Ens inb pruiDg intafe suh 3 fip &1. ftrc w@ pi@, duic, alam clock Md ruc bmoN. 4. PB lhe mmu bufron, pFup alm seting mmu. l- Clck Sc 2. 3. Figure &2 Cutrnd opy files l. On rhe fle brcwsi press oFdion dGmen6 $it finF. 2. Popup otsntion maq hcluding cowirg, cufrg, d.leda, cortlrt ad !(frbot6. l. Click " cut" or "copy" 1o cur trd 4. Click the Flgurc &1 foldn you wmt to pasle inio, press the menu buton to popup 5. Click "opemtiotr", fren click "psste". Delcte 8.2 Cslculrtor I- he rile Us fingen to hold rhe file you wmr ro delere in fre file browstr 2. Click "delete". I . 2. 3. Click {r crlcuhbr. hEr ks Se menu buftoq thm click lhe adveced p6€1. 4. Toucb hto fre b6ic calculator p&el digilal or orcloB on lhe "srrc" 3. Click p€I. rcmts b ro delete fites" Bbbltoh fold€r I Onthe file ko{ser, press de menu bunon to ppup mef,u. "mw". 3. Clickde folder. 4. Popup *idox, inpil n€r' folder name in rhe rext box. 5. Click'sEre" ro esbblishte folder. cslculidE. 2. Click Skilb: roucm slide lo sirir.h basic pdel and seniorpsel. E Quick serfth 3 File Manager l. Brow lte On the Ele brcwser, press the m€nu buflon rlle SIi&g de*top, md find lhe file browser. You m ue rhe file brcws ro nmge €ditins dd dclding fils ed fold6, 3- and m ale Click 10 ppup "srch". 4. Popup rcrrE., Ed, sfrg ol copy folders. s€ch poel, rnpul you scarch [ewor&. m€nu. m6u- 5. Click m 6. Aft6 6e ?. ClicL "rE", die b6t will dirylay srch 6 mpldim of lhc reh ppw dialoe "rE b dilplay smhculb. tar. box to @rfim whe66.€ed b shw 9 Basic Setup 9.1 Sound and Display M.dir frhD. S.talngt l. Oa ll€ hmcp€gc infffae, 2. Ctrck S.tfngr. prcss the Dmu btu ro mrp sding lML 3. Ctrck Somd- 4- Ctct oa VoluD. b b€ .ble b contol ring bnq ,nd volmc of mcdi, ed al,m clcL 5. Poru Volmc Sffings pecl, lhen dry rhe rFs k b @ml. Node Rirg S.nirgr l. OEth€ 2. tmw inEf@, rc mmuMr bpoprp miag mu th€ Clcf Sdtiry. Clict Soud. 4. Cli& tu Rira Noto.. 5. Pq+riDg l'l4 Ed sLcl 3. . thc bcl riog p Id b dir. Scr6hbrud Yo6 dMIDb dq;r &bdwha yo{rw6. efrtcybfrdr 6tid.h *@ l. ft thc hdEp,g. itrEr&E plr$ thc m he b poprp dirS @ 2 Clid( SdiE' 3.CIic&M' ,L Tt tE fu sldim nEh a Euh! ODdlio. T.c S&@d OFELo. To* ad S.HIrrqRdhd.rIbE Di+lry ffigr . Adidffibilghbs l. Otr the homepegE inErfre, press th. Eau b&n o po,n{l giog mu Sddryr. 3. Clict Dirplry. 2. Click k Mghoess. 5. PAW &ietfi* Sfiitrgs panel, dag ro bright sli&r odjd bright dcgE 6.Cli&!m. o Adid@tudbyalm. l. Otr rhe h€?,g. iD&rfae, prcss the mmu brtu b poFp dilg mau 2. Click MiE. 3. Clict D+hy. 4. Sm[ &m te sffi, lh6 click erur ovetuG. 5. PoFp Sffi Shdby Timr SeIing& ch6e shdby tim you q&t tbc shdby he4. Click 4. Safety and Position Set 1o 5. uilmk paftm You cm Slfely rcmove et up their mlock paflem (equivalmt to pxsword) to protect yor MD privacy. L On the hom€rue interface, press the menu buton b ppup sefrhs mnu. 5. Popup mlock pafrem plate, pafiem diagonal directions to sysbm c.d of the SD card will comst fou record you ce eEedively got*t te SD c{d md hffi 6e sflice press the menu h&tr b peq sffig m6L crd rd meEory ofquipment. 4. Cliek the unhlt n SD c!rd. 3. Click the SD h6 nine contads. Wifr v€tical hodantal, or aftn completing. and points at leaEt. FingeN left screen 5. Popup SD cild. sefiing patem. 6. Click "Cordtrue'. scEn ulock !at€4 md click surc. Skillsr tl you donl emt miocked pliem 10 display on the 9.4 Drte rnd ?. See hinb, draw a remole using visible hmerue hted&e, Serirs. 1. On lhe 2. Click rnd pdidotr. Click "Se$ings to unlockpattem". 3. Click on s.fety fre SD Sem moval life ofrhe sD ctrd, 2. Click Seffirys. 4. Chsk lhe Wace available of SD wd. Ch*k NAND FLASH imtr srase sPce. palh screen fme h ulook, plede checkbox. Accordi4 to pEset, lhe Noe: ryou prcvided by Se h€@ yu mt md tu proyid€d nedy djB ed tue zore. Sdtltrgt. Smll dom th. s@ rha click tie &e Dd thc diB .[bE.ti!dly ch*kbox 5. Click the choie dme atrg tlrcn sld 4. w &tc tine re &th€homeIBgeiilerfrE,reth!mub@blrysiry@ 2. Click 3. will @Mtically doMically w tue the date, time l. Sh Rm@. morc titu ane. 6. Click d.@ffi& iho click W{d time or are of the lis Scoll dow dF lin b s domw{d bufon b adjs thc date md y6, mmth, click Sefriry3 whm 6mplded. tiEqctdrg. Thm click upwed o douwdd bdm b adjEt the hou md minue, click AM or PM to chdge moming or aflem@n .thm click SctfiEg3 who 7. Click mpled. Seld checkboxB whioh is ubg U houB fomrt b swirch systm hNeo t2-hou ed 2+hou .The eleded fomt will abo apptied to the rime fdmar of the clek, 9. Click b scld drte fom.t, ed thm cho6e to display the d& fomt m the MID. 8. 9.5 Set the larguage 9.3 SD Card and storage l. Check SD crrd .nd device memory setlngs. I . On the homepage intefee, press fte m€nu butbn to popw seting menu. 2. Click Sefrioes. 3. Click lhe SD crd rnd defrcc memory setrqs. & the hmepage 2. Click 3. ierface, prcs the menu b&n to popw sefrng menu. $nhgr, kryhrd. 3.ld Ltrgu.g€ rro,0En Click @ Irrgurge md 4.Click to see mm ofthe leguage. choose words of puneed- Ssotl dom the lisr b 9.6 10 The About the equipment installation and Control of Program Check MID strtus L On rhe homepage inrerface, press the n€nu buson to popup s€ting menu. 10.1 Installstion 2. Click settiDgs. 3. Clicl oD rhe cquipmenl. 4. Click the strte. You cm see the .ccomul.tive used tme b!ftery strte, the neMork strte' netuork etc. 'yp$ rnd Instrn third-prrty spplic.tlons the g€t lhe frird pany on the lntemet for Antuid system' md install in MID automatically .Copy applications into SD ctrd, then ins€t iilo MID. You cd 1. Click on Checksystem veniotr l. file Mmaget md semh necessry installed applisdon Progrm in the SD card. On fre homepage interface, press th€ menu button to PopuP sefiing menu. 2. Holdlhe applicationyou neededto inshll 2. ClickSettitrgs. 3. Popup install oplion, click install. 3. Clickon the equipmont. 4. according tothe inslallalion Suide lo complete, and then operale Nor(i Surch li[s \ilh ihr .fl $1,1i\ lir lhese d]id farlv IDgrums whicli basrd oo 4. Cancheck MID model. firm*rre verllon' inlernrl verllon eic. 10.2 Manoging and Unloading Uninsbll applicaiions I . on the homepage toterfe, press the menu buton to popup seting menu' Settins. L Click'.Pplicrtlon". 2. Click 4. Click "m.nigement rpplic0tioB", listall iiltalled Click "utrlordlng". 6. Click "3ore" to fiDishmloading, 5. Figure l0 -1 application lisl in fre system SkiIs: progs! mea8sthat slBems itrklted ce redi,f, sloadiry ssily. Opfl ee prop) mirnagt a;d clck fie unbshll ofran .h sill ,ist amlicsdon l$t sFtem 10.3 Updrte Annex which tutdled. has been 1 i t Specilications wiy 1 I I Upd& tu&oid lysm applicdioo . DoMlo.d thc lGt rylicdim lhrcWh ou &signed webrie. . Dowdoad rhryh kdsid sFh rclstd sftwe BBS in the i@. . Updab by lh. Emdoor Shop preiosblled in rhe MD. ll a pmductp.rrmcftK Cortent CPU mdel D6cdDti Telechps 8803 I.2GMHZ Troubleshooting 2W DDR-RAM 5 I N,N 4GB FLASH DDR3 tucle tu&oid 2.3 wili l. MID nEt ilil b rlN Aft6 MID r$ef, tpgrodes, iEtail prel@dd applidim sotwe while fid s6. ths *ill b€ fssh. 2. C.tr trd 6mEtflh WBI . BE sre the wirlcs mer tu wd a 8€ sre rh@ is somc dishe btu€en tulbuilr bkes .bou 2-3 minuB Mtr, ad Do wll or fu Shtudlffi6 LifrmMw.34{)1)l#.ry SD ud 3. Fehrbtahd mm6l whm mmy in USB'I w, OTG volbge d AC lmV-2{V, ed oupa SuDDodine 32G volbge dm 5V, D*inu Pad Body psgm e donsle hlerhe mMlhdee oth6 obtules a Be 3E uq me md prword m comt Ir is usB USB hpu MID md wircle$ 3G or the sffi i!.in @ biidtus, d itr chng€. slor Black TFI liquid rybl toEh (Hi Pmduct 7.o-inch visud li@id cffital srcm at the ed capacihe) e resolaion of 80Ox480 l9hx l21m x llm 4, Th.flh h.bnomd frslitrJ lhd3t pqty 285q progm wil dybc 6ult Dom@)bH$crysm :)::. .:.:,,1.:,.': t itr fiilm oD(diq t. , .. FB.RESET (rcety .rl::1.;::.1:-.::-t;-.i,t.],..r.i.rrr.r:.,:.', pqrms f()M, ed Suppofrhg Muic playins Buibin msic player suppning plaltack h 6e W3, mI, WAV Applicrtior Au, RMVB, MKv, FLV ed ofrer Vid€o playhg ild fom* ftid Dd Drc@ oths Gmes SUD@dhs hpu tudroid iryut nelhod merhod OmICE softwm a SupFfring pictu browsiry h 6€ f()lffi of JPC, TIF, Bw, NG md Gr. etc swding office (wor4 exel MdiE ad cdnid, ad smrtins PDF hwshs