December - Palomar RC Flyers
December - Palomar RC Flyers
December 2006 PALOMAR R/C FLYERS Page 1 Transmitter The Newsletter of the Palo mar RC Flye rs AMA Charter #141 RC Web Site — Parents please pass this copy of the Transmitter on to your Junior Member(s) as you see fit. Meeting Minutes General Meeting 11/23/2006 Meeting called to order at 7:30p.m. The Membership moved, seconded and carried the motion to accept October’s minutes as published. Joe Buko reported us as having positive cash flow of $3160.00 Varley Longson emphasized the team of Bob Peterson, Frank Burke, Clay Hoag and Dick Vansuk was involved in redoing our tables at the field. President’s Column Hello Everyone! Happy Chanukah or whatever applies, to all. Um well… and that’s the story and I’m stick’n to it! May all your planes fly We’re gonna have a great banquet and live entertainment. Please plan to attend. The raffle is growing! Lots of nice stuff, good food, and great friends! Promised to keep this short… I would like to thank everyone that have made this year the success that it has been. And plan to have an even better next year! Jimmy reported on Palomar Flyers wins at the one eighth air force meeting in Arizona. Mark Kesler, Ren Solomon and the Peterka/ Kitteringham team all scored trophies. I would like to wish everyone Happy Holidays, a merry Christmas, and a terrific new year! ☺ jimmy KEY EXCHANGE will be on Saturday January 6th 2007 between 9:00am and 1:00pm at the front gate (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Happy Holidays, Well… here’s my campaign speech….. Ron Peterka reported on the success he and Curtis Kitteringham had at the scale masters in Indiana. Ron also reported that a scale quali fier will be held in October of 2007 in Hemet. Goetz Vogelsang reported on the lighting equipment available for "night flights”. We may have one of these events shortly Merry Christmas, flawlessly and your landings be perfect for the new year 2007 Page 2 PALOMAR R/C FLYERS NEWSLETTER Board Meeting November 29th,2006 CLUB BANQUET Charles Lewis, Joe Buko, Varley Longson, Curtis Kitteringham, Butch Abongen, Dave Truax, David drowns. Joe Buko went through the process of getting a checking account in the club name rather than in the presidents and treasurers name. We have $2,000.00 in the checking and approximately $5,000.00 in the savings accounts respectively. Concerning the savings account, Joe asked for suggestions for investing in CD’s or other short-term financial instruments. December 2006 The Annual Club Banquet is scheduled for Saturday 16th. of December Start time is 6:30 p.m. at the same place as our meetings. i.e. Joslyn Senior Center The board discussed the lack of income from the car track. We will bring this up with the car chairman on next year’s board. MENU The toys for tots fun fly generated several toys and $50.00 in cash. The board will be working to promote the program and make it a club tradition. $20.00 for adults Key exchange is slated for Saturday January 6th 2007, 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. at the front gate. $5.00 for juniors The Stinson Reliant Meeting adjourned at 8.00 p.m. MODEL OF THE MONTH Main entrée Turkey/Ham Frank and Ethel Burke entered an Extra 300S with a Magnum 1.20 from a Great Planes kit. Garlic mashed potatoes with gravy Ron Peterka - Hanger 9 J-3 cub kit, converted to super cub with flaps. Scale seats and dash, Saito engine and 16-18 pounds covered with Stits Lite covering. Ron built this kit when he couldn’t get delivery of a Dave Patrick ARF. This will be Ron’s practice plane for the Scale Masters. Ron won Model of the Month Bill from Hobby town brought in a new model from Hyperion. It had a 64” wingspan with engine, mountings and speed controller for less than $400.00 dollars. Bill also brought in a tape triple threat air- land- sea hydroplane kit that can do 3-d maneuvers. OTHER STUFF Mark Williamson volunteered for ballot folding and mailing. Tool of the Month - Don White showed his compact homemade cordless starter motor. MAJOR RAFFLE WINNERS Aluminum case - Bill from Hobby Tow Green beans with cranberries Salads with dressings Breads with butter Desert Cakes & pies Coffee, soda and water Flowers for the ladies 6-8 door prizes for the ladies Servers will be in attendance and entertainment will be provided by Richard Martinez Strings E-power spirit of St. Louis Kit - Mark Wil liams Shock Wave kit - Greg Frank Ugly Stick A RF - Bill from Hobby Town Call Dave Truax to make your reservation before MONDAY 11th. Note all the well buttoned up people 760-747-3485 December 2006 PALOMAR R/C FLYERS Page 3 ELECTIONS 2007 You should have your ballot by now. Don’t forget to mail it in to get here by the 16th. NO-FLY QUICK CHECK ASSEMBLY INSPECTION • Check Security - Engine, fuel tank, wheels, receiver, battery, se rvos. • Pull Test - Linkages and control surfaces. • Vice President - Curtis Kitteringham Receiver Antenna - Fully extended and away from metal. • Secretary - Dave Truax Verify Center of gravity location. • Conduct Range Test- with transmitter antenna collapsed. Nominations for Officers President - Jimmy Mazurek Treasurer - Joe Buko Nominations for Board Member Bob Peterson Mario DiRusso David Drowns (incumbent) Goetz Vogelsang Darrel Albert Mark Klaar PRE-FLIGHT(EACH FLIGHT) • Check receiver voltage under load. • Check transmitter power level. • Check engine high speed, nose up. • Check engine idle, nose down. • Extend transmitter antenna. • Check control surface direction and response. Mark Kesler Robin Solomon Mark Williamson Hi There, my name is Michael Diamond and I have been an active R/C flyer since 1969 (AMA 55859). I am presently building a collection of vintage R/C radios, engines and tether cars and am writing to inquire if any of your club members may have any old radios or engines that they would like to sell. I am looking for radios, engines, and tether cars from the 1940’ s to 1980’ s and will buy 1 item or an entire collection. My contact information is as follows: Michael Diamond 8444 P inelake Drive West Hills, CA 91304 Tel/fax: 818/888-7938 Page 4 PALOMAR R/C FLYERS NEWSLETTER December 2006 Ron’s Stinson Reliant December 2006 FOR SALE ADVERTISEMENTS In the Transmitter and on the web site: Members: Free posting for a 3 month run Non-members: $10 per posting for a 2 month run Send your ads (or cancellations) to: or For Sale Palomar RC Flyers PO Box 141 San Marcos, CA 92079 For Sale Performance Plus Fuels (Best on the market) For reliable idle, smooth transition and maximum power PALOMAR R/C FLYERS Page 5 FOR S ALE I have to sell a large portion of my planes. The obsession with this hobby landed me in a divorce. The following is a list of planes that need to be sold. CALL Jimmy at (760) 505-6606 • Balsa USA Taube: complete RTF .91 4-stroke- Airtronics 675.00 • Kadet senior: blue/white RTF OS.46 no tx/rec. 300.00 • Sikorsky S-39 single engine FEE ANA scale Russian float/land OS.46 air servos. 375.00 • Shoestring RTF .91 4-stro ke complete. No tx. 400.00 • Corby starlet RTF saito.72 complete. No tx. • World models Trainer .40 RTF symetrical 2 piece wing,flaps,floats .46 alum.spinner complete. No tx. 300.00 • Cessna 182 RTF OS.46 complete. No tx. 300.00 • Arizona Models 1/8 se5a elec. Complete no tx. 200.00 • Scale BD-5 ARF new. Brushless mtr,spinner. 175.00 • New Wattage stagger wing beech.ARF Cobalt 400 motor prop/spinner 80.00 • Corby starlet ARF NIB kit. 140.00 • TF Stu ka - NEW, purchased from collector. Beautifull Plane, only 375.00 • New Wattage Cessna 195 ARF cobalt 400 motor 80.00 • FW Stosser RTF elec. Winner at last fly event. Complete with lipo batt. No tx/rec. 500.00 • Twinstar RTF camo/brit markings. Also has gear. Complete. No tx. 125.00 400.00 • 10% $12.00 per gallon • 15% $13.00 per gallon • 20% Off Road $17 .00 per gallon • GWS Zero RTF complete. No tx. 75.00 • 30% Car 18.00 per gallon • GWS Corsair RTF complete. No tx. 75.00 Call Robin SOLOMON • New wattage T-6 RTF cobalt 400 motor. no tx. 125.00 760-480-5834 • Elec fun fly like micro wiz. RTF complete no tx. 75.00 • Scale 8’ stearman new G-62 • Scale 8’ travelair bi-plane quadra 50. 575.00 • New Cox P-40 RTF complete. No tx. 50.00 • 10’ Cessna 310 bud nosen kit. Robart retracts. Fiberglass cowls/wing tips. 975.00 • Scale polish PZL .40 size plane only 125.00 • I also have a TREX 450 RTF complete. Lots of extras. No tx. Price unknown yet. • Evo .50 heli in a Hughes 500 body yellow/green. Price unknown yet. • More planes to follow. Cell - ( best one to use): 760-420-3692 775.00 Page 6 PALOMAR R/C FLYERS NEWSLETTER Palomar Dollars 2006 NO CHANGES THI S MONTH Palomar Dollars as of 12/06/2006 $100 - Butch Abongan; Harvey Atkinson; Richard Barndt; Justin Barry; Joseph Bukovchik; Frank Bur ke; Mark Claar; Jim Cole; Evan Davidson; David Drowns; Ernest Emery; Gregory Frank; Steve Harlan; Terry Harner; Larry Hufford; Curtis Kitteringham; Charles Lewis; Varley Longson; Jimmy Mazurek; Tom Minegar; Tom Moriarty; Sean O'Connor; Ron Peterka; Ted Schwope; Ren Solomon; Robin Solo mon; Dennis Teason; Gary Thompson; David Truax; Richard Van Slyke; Donald White; Robert Wylie $80 - Larry Mcdougle $70 - Tim Waldon $60 - William Hill; Paul Self $40 - Ryan L Anson; Duarte Cabral; John Clark; Roger Corley; Pete Goulding; Ryan Lofthouse; Tom Pollinger; Patrick WRose; Paul Stenberg; Michael Sugamele; Charles Swope $30 - Barry Hirschberg; Henry "Clay" Hoag; Andrew James; Randy Molho; Michael Musso; Mark Nyberg; Kenneth Prue $20 - Mario Di Russo; Tita Gauthier $10 - Lavelle M. Rursch As always, if you believe you have earned Palomar Dollars that are not shown here, please contact the event organizer and give him grief for not reporting your work to me. If that doesn't work, contact me directly and I'll try to resolve it. Glenn Pohly,, 858-414-9749. December 2006 December 2006 PALOMAR R/C FLYERS Page 7 Club Directory CLUB OFFICERS PRESIDENT VI CE PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER BD MEMBER BD MEMBER BD MEMBER BD MEMBER BD MEMBER BD MEMBER BD MEMBER Jim Mazurek Curtis Kitteringham Dave Truax Joe Buko Jim Cole Terry Harner Butch Abongan David Drowns Varley Longson Charles Lewis Glenn Pohly 760-451-9395 760-746-5913 760-747-3485 760-726-8831 760-727-7666 760760-724-1207 760-740-1715 760-723-1335 760-758-3103 760-438-5221 CLUB OPERATIONS Membership Glenn Pohly Varley Longson 760-438-5221 760-723-1335 Advertising Curtis Kitteringham 858-746-5913 Newsletter Editor Sean O’Connor 858-486-6771 E-mail address WebMaster Glenn Horner (cell) 619-227-2636 SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS Car Chairman Scale Chairman RC Combat Chairman Helicopter Chairman Mark Klaar Ron Peterka Jim Cole Don White 760-436-8927 760-788-9022 760-727-7666 760-419-9325 LOST AND FOUND Richard Anderson 760-744-5631 SAFETY COMMITTEE / HEAD INSTRUCTOR Charles Lewis 760-758-3103 SAFETY OFFICERS Duarte Cabral Les Staten Larry McDougle 858-578-6375 951-244-8057 760-945-8998 INSTRUCTOR LIST AIRPLANES Butch Abongan Randy Alderman David Drowns Charles Lewis Varley Longson Glenn Pohly Mike Sugamel e Robert Wylie Gary Thompson Les Staten Basic Flight Basic Flight Basic Flight Basic Flight Basic Flight Basic Flight Basic Flight Basic Flight Basic Flight Basic Flight AEROBATICS Larry McDougle Duarte Cabral 760-724-1207 760-432-0214 760-740-1715 760-758-3103 760-723-1335 760-438-5221 760-743-5734 760-741-5828 858-794-4665 909-696-9557 760-945-8998 858-578-6375 Please direct correspondence to: PALOMAR RC FLYERS, Inc. P.O. BOX 141 SAN MAR COS, CA 92079 Fax : 909-679-7465 E-MAIL: Catch us on the web at Page 8 Meeting Notice: PALOMAR R/C FLYERS NEWSLETTER December 2006 The December 16th club meeting will not be held. We will hold our annual Christmas Banquet on that day at the San Marcos Joslyn Senior Center, 101 Richmar Avenue, San Marcos, CA. January July Saturday, 7th - Gate key exchange, 9:00am to noon Thursday, 19th - Club Meeting Saturday, 28th - Fun Fly Show Off & SSC Combat - $20 prizes Tuesday, 4th - Club Picnic and Fun-Fly Saturday, 15th - "Flights of Fancy" - February Thursday, 16th - Club Meeting Saturday, 18th - RC Co mbat - "Raid on Tokyo " - Open B/Scale March Thursday, 16th - Club Meeting Saturday, 18th - Pylon racing April August Saturday/Sunday - 5th - ScalElectric 2006 Fly In Thursday, 17th - Club Meeting Saturday, 19th - RC Co mbat - "Battle Of Britain" - Open B/ Scale September Thursday 21st- Club Meeting Saturday, the 23rd - Pylon racing October Thursday, 20th - Club Meeting Saturday, 22nd - RC Combat "The Hunt For Yamamoto" - Open B/Scale Saturday 7th - Club Air Show and swap meet Thursday, 19th - Club Meeting - CLUB AUCTION Saturday, 21st - RC Combat - "Raid on Bougainville" - Open B/Scale Sunday, 23rd - Fallbroo k Air Fair November May Thursday, 16th - Club Meeting Saturday, 18th - Turkey shoot - General Flying and turkey scramble. Thursday, 18th - Club Meeting Saturday, 20th - Helicopter Fun Fly (tentative) June Thursday, 15th - Club Meeting Saturday, 17th - RC Co mbat - "Mariana's Turkey Shoot" - Open B/Scale December Sat/Sun, the 9/10 - RC Combat - "Pearl Harbor Classic" - Open B, SSC and Scale Saturday, the 16th - Club Christmas Banquet (No business meeting ) November 2006 Return Service re queste d PALOMAR RC FLYERS P.O . BOX 141 SAN MARCOS, CA 92079 Stamp
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