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PDF - Haydon Corporation
Residential and Commercial Baseboard Heating Systems N CORPORATIO 1-800-2-HAYDON sales@haydoncorp.com Like Us! - haydoncorporationnj Watch Us! - Haydon Corporation HAYDON 0 e, N.J. 0747 Turnpike, Wayn 415 Hamburg 04-0800 (In N.J.) 973-9 YDON 1-800-2-HA (Outside N.J.) 04-0016 Fax: 973-9 com corp. @haydon Email: sales orp. com .hay donc tive. Website: www local representa to find your our website Please visit Facebook: j Like Us on oncorporationn k.com/hayd eboo w.fac https://ww www.haydoncorp.com Supplied By: Follow Us! - Haydon Corporation October 2014 PM 9/30/14 4:26 Scan to View Haydon’s Baseboard Catalogs Residential Baseboard Heating Systems 758P TM MOST POPULAR! 6OLPDQGXQREWUXVLYHWKHORZSUR¿OH 0RGHO¶V%78RXWSXWLVLGHDO IRUHI¿FLHQWHFRQRPLFDOUHVLGHQWLDO installations.* Standard 22 gauge front cover and optional heavy duty 18 gauge front cover (Model 758P). Commercial Baseboard Heating Systems ver.indd 1 BB_Residential_Co TM Commercial/Demanding Residential for Hot Water or Steam *Available with 1»2” Copper Table 1 — HEATING CAPACITIES, BTU PER HR PER LIN. FT. 65° ENTERING AIR TEMPERATURE Model Nom. Tube Size HEAT3 »4" BASE Copper 750-1B Alum. Fin Dimensions HOT WATER RATINGS $9(5$*(:$7(57(03(5$785() Fin Water ThickSpacing Rate ness Fins/Ft. GPM H W 21»8" 21»2" Natural Finish 0.008 54.5 4 70* 110* 170* 230* 280* 340* 410 480 550 610 690 760 820 900 970 1,040 1 70* 110* 160* 210* 270* 330* 390 450 520 580 650 720 780 850 920 980 Constructed with heavy gauge G-90 zinc clad galvanized steel and pre-coated with a durable, impact and moisture UHVLVWDQWZKLWHSRO\HVWHU¿QLVKRQDOOVXUIDFHV&RPELQHG with the rugged 18 gauge front cover, the PROTECTOR 758P is the ideal choice for high moisture and heavy WUDI¿FDUHDVVXFKDVEDWKURRPVODXQGU\URRPVDQG entrance foyers, as well as homes in seashore and lake communities. Engineered, designed and manufactured with the same TXDOLW\DQGVSHFL¿FDWLRQVDVRXUSRSXODU+HDW%DVH series to provide many years of trouble free, safe, silent and economical heat distribution. It comes packaged* complete with two end caps and our standard ¾” heat element. 5DWLQJVDW)DQGORZHUWHPSHUDWXUHVGHWHUPLQHGE\PXOWLSO\LQJ)UDWLQJE\WKHDSSOLFDEOHUHGXFWLRQIDFWRU$OOWKH above ratings are based on active length, which is 3” less than total length, and includes a 15% addition for heating effect. 5DWLQJV+HDWLQJFDSDFLWLHVDUHOLVWHGLQ7DEOHIRUWZRÀRZUDWHV*30DQG*307KHXVHRIUDWLQJVDW*30LVOLPLWHGWRLQVWDOODWLRQVZKHUHWKHZDWHUÀRZUDWHWKURXJKWKHEDVHERDUGXQLWLVHTXDOWRRUJUHDWHUWKDQ*30:KHUHWKHZDWHU ÀRZUDWHWKURXJKWKHEDVHERDUGLVQRWNQRZQWKHUDWLQJVDWWKHVWDQGDUGÀRZUDWHRI*30PXVWEHXVHG Table 2 — FACTORS FOR RATINGS AT FLOW OTHER THAN STANDARD AND PRESSURE DROP VALUES Rate of Flow GPM Factor Pressure Drop ¾" Tube Mill inches per ft. 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 6.0 1.000 1.016 1.028 1.038 1.045 1.051 1.057 1.062 1.067 1.074 47 96 157 230 320 420 525 650 775 1,060 1RWH,IWKHFDOFXODWHGZDWHUÀRZUDWHWKURXJK a baseboard unit in a completely designed hot water heating system is greater than the stanGDUGÀRZUDWH*30WKHUDWLQJRIWKDWXQLW may be increased by multiplying the standard rating at 1 GPM by the factor shown for the FDOFXODWHGÀRZUDWH 958 *UHDWIRUD+RPH2I¿FH Moisture Resistant * Stocked in 3’, 4’, 5’ and 6’ lengths. Residential/Light Commercial 6XSHULRUGHVLJQFRPELQHGZLWKLQGXVWU\OHDGLQJHI¿FLHQF\PDNHV+D\GRQ¶V+L2XWSXWWKHEHVWFKRLFHIRUERWKWKHVSHFLI\LQJHQJLQHHUDQGWKHKHDWLQJ contractor. Its durable construction with standard 18 gauge front cover makes the 958 ideal for demanding residential and commercial applications, and its UHOLDELOLW\DQGTXLHWRSHUDWLRQDUHDSOXVLQHYHU\VHWWLQJ&KRRVHIURPHOHPHQWV(DFKXVHVRXUVWDQGDUGJDXJHFRYHU Hi-Output 958-2 (Standard Element shown; Other element choices available) Table 3 — HEATING CAPACITIES, BTU PER HR. PER LIN. FT. 65° ENTERING AIR TEMPERATURE Nom. Tube Size »4" Copper 3 Fin Fin Water Thickness Dimensions Spacing Rate Fins/Ft. GPM H W 0.008 2- »8" 1 2- »2" 1 54.5 Hot Water $YHUDJH:DWHU7HPSHUDWXUH) 4 100* 170* 240* 320* 410* 500* 590 700 790 900 1,000 1,110 1,200 1,310 1,420 1,510 1 95* 160* 230* 310* 390* 470* 560 660 750 850 950 1,050 1,140 1,240 1,340 1,430 * Ratings at 140°F and lower temperatures determined by multiplying 150°F rating by the applicable reduction factor. All the above ratings are based on active length, which is 3” less than total length, and includes a 15% addition for heating effect. Ratings: Heating capacities are listed in Table 3 for two flow rates: 1 GPM and 4 GPM. The use of ratings at 4 GPM is limited to installations where the water flow rate through the baseboard unit is HTXDOWRRUJUHDWHUWKDQ*30:KHUHWKHZDWHUIORZUDWHWKURXJKWKHEDVHERDUGLVQRWNQRZQWKHUDWLQJVDWWKHVWDQGDUGIORZUDWHRI*30PXVWEHXVHG Snap-On Accessories VALVE ENCLOSURE/ HINGED END CAP END CAP INSIDE CORNER/ 90° OR 135° OUTSIDE CORNER/ 90° OR 135° WALL TRIM JOINER SET TM The perfect alternative to bulky, commercial enclosures for demanding KHDWUHTXLUHPHQWV Especially suited to problem areas of high heat loss. 18 Gauge standard front covers. Heavy Commercial for Hot Water or Steam 6SHFLDOO\GHVLJQHGIRUFRPPHUFLDOXVHLQKHDY\WUDI¿FDUHDV8QLTXH RQHSLHFHKHDY\GXW\HQFORVXUHZLWKSRO\XUHWKDQHSRZGHUFRDWHG¿QLVK applied after fabrication. Easy installation – simply secure brackets to wall, run element and snap-on enclosure. 1400/2100 Heavy Commercial for Hot Water or Steam +D\GRQ¶VDQGVORSHWRSFRPPHUFLDOFRYHUDQG¿QWXEHLVPDQXIDFWXUHGZLWKWKHVDPH WRSRIWKHOLQH³¿WDQG¿QLVK´WKDWRXUUHVLGHQWLDOEDVHERDUGSURGXFWVDUHNQRZQIRU%RWKKDYHWZR piece enclosures for ease of handling, installation and maintenance. The 1400 accommodates a single tier element while the 2100 will accommodate single or double tiers of element. The series is available in lengths of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 feet along with a full line of accessories thereby DVVXULQJWKHFRQWUDFWRUZLGHÀH[LELOLW\WRPHHWMREUHTXLUHPHQWVZLWKRXWWLPHFRQVXPLQJFXWWLQJRU customization. FEATURES VALVE ENCLOSURE/ HINGED END CAP END CAP INSIDE CORNER/ 90°OR 135° • 14 gauge galvanized, die-formed wall bracket. OUTSIDE CORNER/ 90°OR 135° • Galvanized, die-formed support bracket, slotted to allow 1” vertical movement for positioning/pitch adjustment. WALL TRIM • Hanger cradle and support pin allow lateral travel to accommodate expansion and eliminate noise. Easy installation — simply secure brackets to wall, run element and snap on enclosure. Snap-On Accessories JOINER SET 7ZRSLHFHJDXJHKHDY\GXW\HQFORVXUHVDUH¿QLVKHGLQ a precoated rust inhibiting white baked on enamel paint. FILLER SLEEVE
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