Winter 2015 PDF Catalogue
Winter 2015 PDF Catalogue
Vintage, Rare & Mature Cigar Auction 30th November 2015 Bulgari Hotel 171 Knightsbridge London SW7 1DW 2:00 P.M. We are delighted to publish our Winter 2015 auction catalogue which contains a range of splendid mature, vintage, limited edition, Pre Embargo, Davidoff and Dunhill Havana cigars. We believe that this is the largest range of Pre Embargo Havana cigars ever offered at auction. Many are exceptionally rare, with perfect provenance and of impeccable condition and appearance. Pre-Auction Lot viewing can be arranged at our London offices by appointment Monday – Friday, as well as 11 a.m. – 3p.m. Sunday 29th November. The auction will be held at 2 p.m. on Monday the 30th November in the Cinema Room at the Bulgari Hotel, 171 Knightsbridge, London SW7 1DW Admission to this cigar event and auction is by pre-registration and ticket purchase only due to strictly limited capacity. Tickets can be purchased via our website After the auction pre booked guests are invited for drinks, canapés and a sampling of the finest English Market Selection cigars supplied by Hunters & Frankau at the Edward Sahakian cigar shop and lounge at The Bulgari. 1:30 pm - Bidder registration at the Cinema Room 2:00 pm - Auction Session One 4:00 pm - Coffee Break 4:15 pm - Auction Session Two 6:00 - 8:00 pm - Post auction hospitality at the Sahakian cigar lounge for pre booked guestes only. For any advice regarding this or future auctions we plan to hold please email us at We would also remind prospective buyers and sellers that we buy and sell vintage Havana cigars throughout the year and are always happy to advise and provide valuations. Mitchell Orchant Managing Director C.Gars Ltd cigar auction - November 2015 Jonathan Humbert Consultant Auctioneer C.Gars Auctions 1 Buying at C.Gars Auctions and Conditions of Sale Our Auction Team will be pleased to answer any questions by email or phone 020 7372 1865. We strongly advise prospective bidders to contact us with any questions and queries before the auction as when a bid is successful a binding contract is formed. Please Note: $OOELGGHUVPXVWEHRYHUWKHDJHRI,WLVLOOHJDOWRVHOOWREDFFRSURGXFWV WRDQ\RQHXQGHUWKHDJHRI 0DQ\RIWKH/RWVDUHDYDLODEOHIRULQVSHFWLRQDWRXU/RQGRQ2IILFHVDQGSURVSHFWLYH purchasers should satisfy themselves as to the condition and description of the cigars. Where they are not available for inspection it will be noted within the product description. 7KHUHDUHQROLVWLQJIHHVIRUVHOOHUV 6HOOHUVDUHFKDUJHGRIWKHKDPPHUSULFHSOXV9$7DVDSSOLFDEOHRQD/RWEHLQJVROG successfully. %X\HUVDUHFKDUJHGRIWKHKDPPHUSULFHSOXV9$7DVDSSOLFDEOHRQD/RWEHLQJ SXUFKDVHGVXFFHVVIXOO\,I\RXZLVKWRSD\E\FUHGLWRUGHELWFDUGWKHUHLVDVXUFKDUJHRQ the total amount payable. 9$7LVDSSOLFDEOHRQKDPPHUSULFHRQO\RQLQGLFDWHGORWVZKLFKDUHFROOHFWHGIURPRXU London offices or shipped within the EU. 3OHDVHVHHLQGLYLGXDOORWVRQOLQHIRUIXOODQGGHWDLOHGGHVFULSWLRQ 9$7LVDQDSSOLFDEOH8.WD[RQERWKEX\HUVDQGVHOOHUVSUHPLXPVUHJDUGOHVVRIZKHUHWKH/RW is shipped to. Buyers and sellers premiums are classed as a service by HMRC and can never be zero rated. %X\HUVPXVWVHWWOHZLWKLQKRXUVRIDXFWLRQHQGLQJDQGUHFHLYLQJRXULQYRLFH E\EDQNZLUHWUDQVIHURUE\FUHGLWGHELWFDUGVXEMHFWWRVXUFKDUJH3OHDVHHQVXUH that you check with us before bidding that your credit card type is acceptable to us. This is DQDXFWLRQIRUPDWXUHLQYHVWRUVFROOHFWRUVDQGELGGHUV,I\RXGRQRWKDYHWKHPHDQVWRSD\ please do not bid. New bidders will be asked to advance deposit funds by wire transfer. This agreed amount will represent the bidding credit limit. 7KHFXUUHQF\WKHDXFWLRQLVFRQGXFWHGLQLV8.3RXQGV6WHUOLQJ*%3 ,I\RXDUHXQDEOHWRELGRQOLQHZHZLOODFFHSWHPDLODQGID[ELGV$EVHQWHH%LGVE\ZLOOEH entered online for buyers, if your bid is the highest you will win the Lot. $VDQH[DPSOH,I\RXELGPD[LPXP RQD/RWEXWWKHKLJKHVWELGDWWKHDXFWLRQLV \RXZLOOZLQWKH/RWDWWKHQH[WLQFUHPHQWRI 3OHDVHQRWHWKDWLIZHUHFHLYHWZRLGHQWLFDOELGVZHZLOORQO\EHDEOHWRHQWHUWKHILUVWELG received. 7KHDXFWLRQ/RWZLOOEHVROGDWWKHWLPHWKHRQOLQHDXFWLRQHQGVDWZKLFKWLPH a binding contract between buyer and seller is completed. :HZLOOQRWDFFHSWSKRQHELGV $OO/RWVZLOOEHVXEMHFWWRD³UHVHUYHSULFH´EHORZZKLFKWKH/RWZLOOQRWEHVROG &LJDUVFDQEHFROOHFWHGWKHGD\DIWHUWKHDXFWLRQIURPRXU/RQGRQRIILFHRULIQRW EHLQJVWRUHGE\&*DUV/WGZHDUHKDSS\WRDVVLVWZLWKGHOLYHU\DUUDQJHPHQWVVXEMHFWWRD reasonable delivery charge. Please ensure that you enquire about specific shipping charges cigar auction - November 2015 2 to your location prior to bidding. 3OHDVHEHDULQPLQGWKDW/RWVWKDWDUHDYDLODEOHIRUVKLSSLQJRQO\FDQWDNHVRPHGD\VWREH UHDG\IRUVKLSSLQJDOWKRXJKZHHQGHDYRUWRVKLSDVVRRQDVSUDFWLFDO :HDUHKDSS\WRVWRUHRQEX\HUVEHKDOIDWDUHDVRQDEOHDGGLWLRQDOFKDUJH :KHUHZHDUHRIIHULQJVHDOHGER[HVWKHVHDUHVROGDVVHHQ0DQ\FROOHFWRUVSUHIHUVHDOHG ER[HVEXWWKHUHLVDOZD\VDSRVVLELOLW\WKDWWKHVXFFHVVIXOELGGHUZLOORSHQWKHER[DQGILQG WKHFLJDUVLQEDGFRQGLWLRQ%X\HUEHZDUHEHIRUHELGGLQJ 3OHDVHQRWHWKDWFHUWDLQ/RWVDUHPDUNHGµ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µVYHU\XQOLNHO\EXWLWFDQKDSSHQ,QWKHHYHQWRIDQ\WHFKQLFDOEUHDNGRZQLVVXHVXFKDVD ELGQRWEHLQJUHFHLYHGRUHQWHUHGXQIRUWXQDWHO\ZHZLOOQRWEHKHOGUHVSRQVLEOH :KLOVWZHDUHKDSS\WRPDNHVKLSSLQJDUUDQJHPHQWVIRUFOLHQWVDVUHTXLUHGDJDLQLWµVDOZD\V SRVVLEOHWKDWPDLORUFRXULHUVHUYLFHVKDYHVHUYLFHIDLOXUHV:HZLOOQRWEHKHOG UHVSRQVLEOH:HZLOODOZD\VGRRXUEHVWWRDVVLVWDQGDQVZHUDQ\TXHULHVLQDWLPHO\IDVKLRQ 2XU$XFWLRQ6DOHVWHDPZLOOEHSOHDVHGWRDQVZHUDQ\TXHVWLRQVE\HPDLOWR DXFWLRQ#FJDUVOWGFRXNRUSKRQH <RXFDQHPDLO\RXUELGVWRDXFWLRQ#FJDUVOWGFRXN 7KLVDXFWLRQLVEHLQJFRQGXFWHGLQ8.SRXQGVVWHUOLQJ*%3 (UURUVDQGRPLVVLRQVH[HPSW $XFWLRQSKRWRJUDSK\E\%%UR]RYD#FRS\ULJKW&*DUV/WG cigar auction - November 2015 3 Order of Sale page Jars of cigars ........................................................ 5 Vintage Cigars Mature cigars Limited Edition Cigars Reserva Edition Cigars Limited Edition Books Davidoff Cigars Dunhill Cigars .....................................................52 Limited Edition Humidors Pre Embargo Cigars Photo Section cigar auction - November 2015 4 JARS OF CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND LOT 1 VINTAGE ESTIMATE COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES Bolivar Jar of 25 cigars 7 ³[ 5th Avenida Jar Regional edition for Germany. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 2 Bolivar Distinguidos Jar Jar of 25 cigars ³[ 2011 Regional edition for China. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 3 Cohiba Siglo VI Jar Jar of 25 Cigars 5 ³[ 2010 LOT 4 H.Upmann Crystales Jar Jar of 25 cigars 5 ³[ µV LOT 5 H.Upmann Crystales Jar 3DUWMDURI cigars µV This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 6 H.Upmann Crystales Claro Jar Jar of 25 cigars 5 ³[ Pre Embargo This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. cigar auction - November 2015 PRESENTATION SIZE 5 ³[ This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. 9HU\UDUHEDQGV This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 5 JARS OF CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION LOT 7 H.Upmann Magnum 46 Jar -DURIFLJDUV 5 ³[ 2012 LOT 8 H.Upmann Noellas Jar Jar of 25 cigars 5 1/2³[ 2010 LOT 9 Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No.1 Jar -DURIFLJDUV 5 ³[ 9LQWDJH Coleccion No.3. Regional edition for Spain. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 10 Juan Lopez Distinguidos Jar Jar of 25 cigars ³[ 2011 UHOHDVH Regional HGLWLRQRI MDUVPDGHIRU Germany. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 11 La Corona Invencibles No.2 Jar Jar of 50 cigars 5 1/2³[ Pre Embargo Magnificent condition, appearance and bouquet. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 12 La Escepcion Selectos Finos Jar Jar of 30 cigars ³[ 2011 Regional edition IRU,WDO\ This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. cigar auction - November 2015 SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES 9LQWDJH Coleccion. Regional edition for Spain. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 6 JARS OF CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION LOT 13 La Gloria Cubana Deliciosos Jar LOT 14 VINTAGE ESTIMATE COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES Jar of 25 cigars ³[ Regional edition of 2000 MDUVIRU&XED This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. Montecristo Edmundo Jar -DURIFLJDUV 5 1/3³[ 2012 Limited edition RIMDUV This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 15 Montecristo Millennium Robustos Jar Jar of 25 cigars ³[ 2000 LOT 16 Trinidad Robusto Extra Jar Jar of 15 cigars ³[ 2013 cigar auction - November 2015 SIZE This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. 9LQWDJH Coleccion No.2. Regional edition for Spain. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 7 VINTAGE CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE LOT 17 Bolivar Coronas Extra Box of 25 cigars 5 ³[ )51,8& LOT 18 Bolivar Corona Box of Gigantes 25 cigars ³[ )3*2(69 LOT 19 Cifuentes Altezas Reales 3 single cigars 7 ³[ This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 20 Cifuentes Altezas Reales 5 single cigars 7 ³[ µV This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 21 Cifuentes Cristaltubo 1 single cigar 5 1/2³[ µV This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 22 Cifuentes 5 single cigars Partagas Super Estupendos ³[ µV This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. cigar auction - November 2015 COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. English Market Selection. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 8 VINTAGE CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES LOT 23 Clos - Vougeot Bourgogne - Havane 1 single cigar ³[ 'Conferie de Chevaliers du 7DVWHYLQµ This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 24 Cohiba Coronas Box of Especiales 25 cigars ³[ EL NOSA LOT 25 Cohiba Esplendidos Part box of 7 cigars ³[ )3*2(69 LOT 26 Cohiba Esplendidos Box of 25 cigars ³[ JM OLSL Pristine condition and appearance. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 27 Cohiba Esplendidos Box of 25 cigars ³[ FPG NNSN Specially selected for Dunhill of London. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 28 Cohiba Esplendidos Box of 25 cigars ³[ FPG NNSN Specially selected for Dunhill of London. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. cigar auction - November 2015 This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 9 VINTAGE CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES LOT 29 Cohiba Lanceros 1 single cigar 7 1/2³[ µV Cigar in cello. This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 30 Cohiba Lanceros 5 packs of 5 cigars 7 1/2³[ Early µV SDFNVVHDOHG 1 pack open. This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 31 Cohiba Lanceros 5 packs of 5 cigars 7 1/2³[ (629& LOT 32 Cohiba Lanceros Cabinet of 50 cigars 7 ³[ Early µV Specially banded 'Juan &DUORVµ Diplomatic box, ,PSHFFDEOH appearance. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 33 Cohiba Lanceros - Presidencia Box of 25 cigars 7 1/2³[ EL OLUU Special Presidencia bands. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 34 Cohiba Siglo V Cabinet of 25 cigars ³[ FPG OUSA Sealed cabinet. This Lot is located outside of the EU and or o r not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. cigar auction - November 2015 This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 10 VINTAGE CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES LOT 35 Cohiba Siglo V Cabinet of 25 cigars ³[ FPG OUSA Sealed cabinet. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 36 Corvanna Cabinet Selection No,1 Box of 25 cigars 5 ³[ µV Sealed box. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 37 Cubatabaco Coronas 5 single cigars 5 ³[ µV 'Empresa de 7DEDFRµRQ bands. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 38 Cubatabaco Marevas 5 single cigars 5 ³[ µV 3XURV+DEDQRVµ on bands. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 39 El Cudenta Londres Box of 50 cigars ³[ Age Unknown Origin Unknown. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 40 El Rey del Mundo Box of Lonsdales 25 cigars 1/2³[ NOSU 66 Ex Davidoff of Geneva. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. cigar auction - November 2015 If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 11 VINTAGE CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES LOT 41 El Trovador Petit Coronas Part box of 17 cigars 5 ³[ Circa µV J.Frankau -DPDLFD/WG This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 42 Empresa Cubana 5 single cigars Coronas 5 ³[ µV LOT 43 Flor de Lancha Petit Coronas Box of 25 cigars 5 ³[ Circa µV Jamaican cigars. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 44 Flor de Lancha Petit Coronas Box of 25 cigars 5 ³[ Circa µV Jamaican cigars. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 45 Flor de Lancha Petit Coronas Box of 25 cigars 5 ³[ Circa µV Jamaican cigars. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 46 Fonseca No.1 Box of 25 cigars ³[ OSSC TLP 02 2002 cigar auction - November 2015 This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 12 VINTAGE CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES LOT 47 H.Upmann Aromaticos Box of 25 cigars 1/2³[ µV Sealed box. This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 48 H.Upmann Aromaticos Box of 25 cigars 1/2³[ µV Sealed box. This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 49 H.Upmann Coronas Box of 10 cigars 5 ³[ µV Sealed box. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 50 H.Upmann De Luxe Perfectos Part box of 12 cigars ³[ µV 5 cigars in cello, 5 cigar minor wrapper damage. This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 51 H.Upmann Epicures Box of 25 cigars ³[ µV Sealed box. This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 52 H.Upmann Especiales 3 packs of 5 cigars in cello 5 1/2³[ µV cigar auction - November 2015 This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 13 VINTAGE CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES LOT 53 H.Upmann Especiales Box of 25 cigars 5 1/2³[ µV Sealed box. This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 54 H.Upmann Petit Coronas Box of 10 cigars 5 ³[ µV LOT 55 H.Upmann Sir Winston Cabinet of 25 cigars ³[ JM NNSA English Market Selection. Exceptional condition and appearance. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 56 House of Lords Petit Coronas Part box of FLJDUV ³[ Circa µV Origin unknown. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 57 Hoyo de Monterrey Double Coronas Cabinet of 50 cigars 7 ³[ OASU TTH LOT 58 Hoyo de Monterrey Double Coronas Part box of 12 cigars 7 ³[ )52$69 cigar auction - November 2015 This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. English Market Selection. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 14 VINTAGE CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE LOT 59 Hoyo de Monterrey Double Coronas Box of 25 cigars 7 ³[ FR OSSU This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 60 Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No.2 Cabinet of 25 cigars ³[ FR ONSE This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 61 Hoyo de Monterrey R Chateau Lafite Rothschild 5 single cigars ³[ µV LOT 62 La Escepcion Gran Gener 1 single cigar ³[ µV This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 63 La Escepcion Gran Gener 1 single cigar ³[ µV This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 64 La Escepcion Gran Gener 1 single cigar ³[ µV This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. cigar auction - November 2015 COMMENTS Exceptionaly rare bands. DELIVERY NOTES This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 15 VINTAGE CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND LOT 65 SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES La Flor de Cano Part box of Diademas 7 cigars ³[ HM OCSN 1 cigar minor foot damage. This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 66 La Gloria Cubana Cetros Box of 25 cigars 1/2³[ µV LOT 67 La Invicta Petit Coronas Box of 25 cigars 5 ³[ Circa µV Sealed box. Made in Jamaica. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 68 Macanudo Petit Coronas Box of 25 cigars 5 ³[ Circa µV Hand made Jamaican cigars. Sealed box. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 69 Mixed singles Diplomatic banded 5 single cigars µV µV LOT 70 Montecristo Box of Especiales No.2 25 cigars (699& cigar auction - November 2015 PRESENTATION [ This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. Stored at Davidoff of London until recent removal to C.Gars. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 16 VINTAGE CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE LOT 71 Montecristo No.1 Box of 25 cigars 1/2³[ µV This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 72 Montecristo No.1 Part box of 10 cigars 1/2³[ NNSA SS1 This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 73 Montecristo No.1 Box of 25 cigars 1/2³[ 2$697/3 LOT 74 Montecristo No.2 Part box of FLJDUV ³[ Mid µV This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 75 Montecristo No.3 Part box of 23 cigars 5 ³[ µV This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 76 Montecristo No.4 Box of 25 cigars 5 ³[ UUS SS11 cigar auction - November 2015 COMMENTS Stored at Davidoff of London until recent removal to C.Gars. Sealed box. Sealed box. DELIVERY NOTES This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 17 VINTAGE CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES LOT 77 Montecristo No.4 Box of 25 cigars 5 ³[ µV Sealed box. This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 78 Montecristo No.5 Box of 25 cigars ³[ NNSC TLP-01 This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 79 Dunhill Montecristo Seleccion No.1 10 single cigars 1/2³[ µV This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 80 Partagas Chicos Pack of 5 cigars ³[ µV This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 81 Partagas Culebras Box of 25 cigars 5 ³[ ENE 2001 LOT 82 Partagas Lusitanias Box of 25 cigars 7 ³[ µV cigar auction - November 2015 This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. µKHDGV This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 18 VINTAGE CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE LOT 83 Partagas Lusitanias Part box of FLJDUV 7 ³[ NOSU TTH 03 LOT 84 Partagas Petit Bouquets Box of 25 cigars 3 ³[ LOT 85 Partagas Serie D No.4 Part box of 20 cigars ³[ FPG 1269 LOT 86 Punch Churchills Box of 25 tubed ³[ cigars FR NNUA Stored at Davidoff of London until recent removal to C.Gars. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 87 Punch Churchills Box of 25 tubed ³[ cigars )52$69 Stored at Davidoff of London until recent removal to C.Gars. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 88 Punch Churchills FDELQHWVRI 50 cigars Mid µV Ex Dunhill of London. Selling on behalf of the Executors RIWKHWK'XNH of Bedford. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. cigar auction - November 2015 ³[ COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. Sealed box. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 19 VINTAGE CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES LOT 89 Punch Churchills Box of 25 cigars ³[ 1,6(9 English Market Selection. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 90 Punch Coronas Cabinet of 50 cigars 5 ³[ FR NNSL Ex Dunhill of London. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 91 Punch Double Coronas Part box of FLJDUV 7 ³[ NNUE &6$ This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 92 Punch Ninfas Box of 25 cigars ³[ 126, This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 93 Punch Tres Petit Coronas Box of 25 cigars ³[ MAM NOSU English Market Selection. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 94 Quintero Brevas Box of 25 cigars 5 1/2³[ µV Sealed box. This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. cigar auction - November 2015 If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 20 VINTAGE CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES LOT 95 Rafael Gonzalez Coronas Extra Box of 25 cigars 5 ³[ Late µV 2 cigar minor foot damage. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 96 Rafael Gonzalez Lonsdales Part box of FLJDUV 1/2³[ BM OSSO English Market Selection. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 97 Rafael Gonzalez Lonsdales Box of 25 cigars 1/2³[ BM OSSO English Market Selection. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 98 Rafael Gonzalez Lonsdales Part box of 12 cigars 1/2³[ µV 3 cigars minor foot damage. This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 99 Ramon Allones 898 Cabinet Selection Box of 25 cigars 5 1/2³[ µV Rare old Ramon Allones bands This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 100 Ramon Allones Specially Selected Part box of FLJDUV ³[ )3*266, English Market Selection. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. cigar auction - November 2015 If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 21 VINTAGE CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES LOT 101 Ramon Allones Small Club Coronas Part box of 15 cigars ³[ µV 1 cigar minor wrapper damage. This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 102 Romeo y Julieta Cedros No.3 Box of 25 cigars 5 ³[ µV This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 103 Romeo y Julieta Celestiales Finos Box of 25 cigars 5 ³[ µV This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 104 Romeo y Julieta Churchills Box of 25 cigars ³[ 1,697/3 English Market Selection. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 105 Romeo y Julieta Churchills Box of 25 tubed ³[ cigars 96/66 Stored at Davidoff of London until recent removal to C.Gars. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 106 Romeo y Julieta Churchills Box of 25 tubed ³[ cigars HM OEUS Stored at Davidoff of London until recent removal to C.Gars. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. cigar auction - November 2015 If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 22 VINTAGE CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION VINTAGE ESTIMATE COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES LOT 107 Romeo y Julieta Churchills Box of 25 tubed ³[ cigars 1,699& Stored at Davidoff of London until recent removal to C.Gars. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 108 Romeo y Julieta Humidor of 25 Prince of wales cigars Ex Dunhill of London. Special presentation for the wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana. Selling on behalf of the Executors of WKHWK'XNHRI Bedford. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 109 Romeo y Julieta Churchills Box of 25 tubed ³[ cigars OCSN TLP 03 Ex Dunhill of London. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 110 Romeo y Julieta Clemenceaus Part box of 20 cigars ³[ µV LOT 111 Romeo y Julieta Panatelas Box of 25 cigars ³[ µV LOT 112 Saint Luis Rey Churchills Part box of FLJDUV ³[ %02969 cigar auction - November 2015 SIZE ³[ This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. Sealed box. This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 23 VINTAGE CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES LOT 113 Saint Luis Rey Churchills Cabinet of 50 cigars ³[ %01,6& Previously owned by the WK'XNHRI Bedford. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 114 Saint Luis Rey Serie A Cabinet of 50 cigars 5 ³[ BM OSSC Previously owned by the WK'XNHRI Bedford. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 115 Trinidad Fundadores Part cabinet of 12 cigars 7 1/2³[ (/1,68 This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 116 Troya Universales Part box of 12 cigars 5 ³[ µV This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 117 Various singles 33 vintage Havana cigars µV µV This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 118 Various singles 12 tubed cigars including 1 H .Upmann Singulares and 2 La Corona Regios µV µV This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. cigar auction - November 2015 If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 24 VINTAGE CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE LOT 119 Vegas Robaina Famosos Part box of 21 cigars ³[ JM OUSU cigar auction - November 2015 COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 25 MATURE CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND LOT 120 SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE Bolivar Corona Box of Gigantes 25 cigars ³[ SEL OCT 02 2002 LOT 121 Bolivar Gold Medal Box of 10 cigars ³[ POS MAY Sealed box. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 122 Bolivar Royal Coronas Box of 10 tubed cigars ³[ LRE JUL Specially EDQGHGµ2UFKDQW 6HOHFFLRQµ This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 123 Cohiba Behike 52 Box of 10 cigars ³[ TEU JUN 10 2010 This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 124 Cohiba Behike 54 Box of 10 cigars 5 ³[ TEU JUN 10 2010 This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 125 Cohiba Coronas Box of Especiales 25 cigars ³[ EUN CCUT This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. cigar auction - November 2015 PRESENTATION COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 26 MATURE CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND LOT 126 SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES Cohiba Coronas Box of Especiales 25 cigars ³[ CLE FEB 01 2001 9,3SUHVHQWDWLRQ Sealed box. This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 127 Cohiba Genios Box of 10 cigars 5 1/2³[ *($129 07 2007 English Market Selection. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 128 Cohiba Siglo IV Cabinet of 25 cigars 5 ³[ PMR OCT 05 2005 This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 129 Cohiba Siglo VI Cabinet of 25 cigars 5 ³[ TEB -81 This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 130 Cuaba Diademas Box of 5 cigars ³[ 129 2001 This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 131 El Rey del Mundo Box of Grandes de 25 cigars Espana 7 1/2³[ RPO MAR 02 2002 This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. cigar auction - November 2015 PRESENTATION If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 27 MATURE CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND LOT 132 SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES El Rey del Mundo Box of Tainos 25 cigars ³[ RPO MAY 01 2001 English Market Selection. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 133 El Rey del Mundo 3 boxes of Tainos 25 cigars ³[ RPO SEP 01 2001 Specially banded `Orchant Seleccion` English Market Selection. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 134 Fonseca Delicias Box of 25 cigars ³[ 3$5',& 00 2000 Sealed box. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 135 Fonseca No.1 Box of 25 cigars ³[ &$90$5 00 2000 English Market Selection. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 136 H.Upmann Magnum 46 Cabinet of 50 cigars 5 ³[ 86(129 07 2007 This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 137 H.Upmann Petit Coronas Box of 25 cigars 5 ³[ SEU JUN 03 2003 This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. cigar auction - November 2015 PRESENTATION If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 28 MATURE CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE LOT 138 H.Upmann Sir Winston Box of 25 cigars ³[ µV This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 139 Hoyo de Monterrey Coronas Box of 25 cigars 5 ³[ LES OCT 01 2001 This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 140 Hoyo de Monterrey Coronas Box of 25 cigars 5 ³[ RSE JUN 01 2001 This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 141 Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No.1 Part cabinet of FLJDUV 5 ³[ (2*&&8, LOT 142 Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No.1 Part cabinet of 20 cigars 5 ³[ LAC MAR 01 2001 This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 143 Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No.1 Cabinet of 25 cigars 5 ³[ 3%7129 07 2007 This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. cigar auction - November 2015 COMMENTS 1 cigar minor foot damage. DELIVERY NOTES This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 29 MATURE CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE LOT 144 Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No.2 Part cabinet of FLJDUV ³[ URL ESOO LOT 145 Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No.2 Cabinet of 25 cigars ³[ GOP 129 LOT 146 Hoyo de Monterrey Palmas Extra Box of 25 cigars 5 1/2³[ LOC FEB 02 2002 This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 147 La Gloria Cubana Medaille D‘Or No.1 Box of 25 cigars 7 ³[ 268',& 01 2001 This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 148 La Gloria Box of Cubana Me25 cigars daille D‘Or No.2 ³[ OSU ENE 02 2002 This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 149 La Gloria Cubana Tainos ³[ LRE MAR cigar auction - November 2015 Box of 10 cigars COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. Sealed box. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 30 MATURE CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION LOT 150 Millennium Havana Cigar Selection Humidor 5 cigars each of Hoyo Churchill, Bolivar, Lonsdale, Romeo Corona, Punch Tres Petit Corona And Montecristo 1R LOT 151 Montecristo No.2 Box of 25 cigars ³[ EAT CCUN LOT 152 Montecristo No.2 Box of 25 cigars ³[ SCO AGO 00 2000 This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 153 Montecristo No.3 Box of 25 cigars [ +)5129 03 2003 This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 154 Montecristo No.4 Box of 25 cigars 5 ³[ 7*3',& This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 155 Montecristo No.4 Box of 25 cigars 5 ³[ RSB JUL This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. cigar auction - November 2015 SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES English Market Selection. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 31 MATURE CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE LOT 156 Montecristo No.4 Box of 25 cigars 5 ³[ SGB ABR 07 2007 LOT 157 Montecristo No.4 Box of 25 cigars 5 ³[ TBS AGO LOT 158 Montecristo No.4 Box of 25 cigars 5 ³[ TBS AGO This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 159 Montecristo No.4 Box of 25 cigars 5 ³[ RSB JUL This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 160 Partagas 898 Unvarnished Part box of FLJDUV ³[ Age Unknown This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 161 Partagas 898 Varnished Cabinet of 25 cigars ³[ cigar auction - November 2015 COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. English Market Selection. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 32 MATURE CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE LOT 162 Partagas Coronas Box of 25 cigars 5 ³[ SUA SEP 07 2007 This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 163 Partagas Lonsdales Box of 25 cigars 1/2³[ SUA OCT 00 2000 This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 164 Partagas Presidente Box of 25 cigars ³[ SEP 01 URL 2001 Sealed box. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 165 Partagas Serie D No.4 Box of 25 cigars ³[ PEL LEOO English Market Selection. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 166 Partagas Shorts Cabinet of 50 cigars ³[ English Market Selection. This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 167 Punch Double Coronas Cabinet of 50 cigars 7 ³[ (2*&&8, English Market Selection. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. cigar auction - November 2015 COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 33 MATURE CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE LOT 168 Punch Royal Selection No.11 Cabinet of 25 cigars 5 ³[ GSO FEB 07 2007 This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 169 Punch Super Selection No.1 Cabinet of 50 cigars ³[ EAT CCUA This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 170 Rafael Gonzalez Box of Slenderellas 25 cigars ³[ RPO LLOO LOT 171 Ramon Allones Specially Selected Box of 25 cigars ³[ POS ABR 07 2007 This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 172 Romeo y Julieta Belicosos Box of 25 cigars 5 1/2³[ 268129 01 2001 This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 173 Romeo y Julieta Cedros de Luxe No.1 Box of 25 cigars 1/2³[ SO ABR 02 2002 This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. cigar auction - November 2015 COMMENTS Ex Davidoff of Geneva. DELIVERY NOTES This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 34 MATURE CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE LOT 174 Romeo y Julieta Cedros de Luxe No.1 Box of 25 cigars 1/2³[ &9$)(% 02 2002 This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 175 Romeo y Julieta Celestiales Finos Box of 25 cigars 5 ³[ OCT 01 URL 2001 This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 176 Romeo y Julieta Churchills Box of 10 tubed cigars ³[ LRL JUL 01 2001 This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 177 Romeo y Julieta Coronitas en Cedro Box of 25 cigars 5 ³[ LSO JUN 07 2007 This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 178 Romeo y Julieta Exhibition No.3 Box of 25 cigars 5 ³[ PEL LROO Sealed box. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 179 Romeo y Julieta Exhibition No.4 Cabinet of 50 cigars ³[ PUC SEP 00 2000 Sealed cabinet. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. cigar auction - November 2015 COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 35 MATURE CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE LOT 180 Sancho Panza Coronas Gigantes Box of 10 cigars ³[ &9$6(3 01 2001 This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 181 Sancho Panza Sanchos Part box of FLJDUV ³[ PAS EPOO This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 182 Trinidad Fundadores Cabinet of 50 cigars 7 1/2³[ ACLE ABR 01 2001 LOT 183 Vegas Robaina Don Alejandro Box of 25 cigars 7 ³[ 886',& 05 2005 LOT 184 Vegas Robaina Famosos Box of 25 cigars ³[ (&$129 01 2001 This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 185 Vegas Robaina Famosos Box of 25 cigars ³[ 2,.&7 2003 This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. cigar auction - November 2015 COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. English Market Selection. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 36 MATURE CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE LOT 186 Vegas Robaina Famosos Box of 25 cigars ³[ 2,.0$< 03 2003 This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 187 Vegas Robaina Unicos Box of 25 cigars ³[ RCA ENE 01 2001 This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. cigar auction - November 2015 COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 37 LIMITED EDITION CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE LOT 188 Cohiba Double Coronas Box of 25 cigars 7 ³[ EAR ABR 03 2003 LOT 189 Cohiba Piramides Box of 10 cigars ³[ ROA OCT R Sealed box. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 190 Cohiba Siglo VI X 10 single cigars 5 ³[ 2002 From limited edition Cohiba 6LJOR9KXPLGRU This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 191 Cohiba Sublimes Box of 25 cigars ³[ TGR ABR 05 2005 This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 192 Cohiba Sublimes Box of 25 cigars ³[ .00',& This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 193 Cubatabaco 25th anniversary 5 ³[ This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. cigar auction - November 2015 2 single cigars COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 38 LIMITED EDITION CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE LOT 194 Cubatabaco 25th anniversary 5 single cigars 5 ³[ This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 195 H.Upmann 150th 3 single cigars Anniversary Diademas ³[ This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 196 H.Upmann Magnum 50 Cabinet of 25 cigars 1/2³[ //1',& This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 197 Montecristo C Box of 25 cigars 5 ³[ *.,-81 03 2003 This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. t This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 198 Montecristo D Cabinet of 10 cigars ³[ 2005 This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 199 Montecristo Compay Salomones 5 single cigars ³[ 2002 This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. cigar auction - November 2015 COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 39 LIMITED EDITION CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE LOT 200 Montecristo Robustos Box of 25 cigars ³[ SLA 2000 This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 201 Partagas Double Coronas XIII Aniversario 10 single cigars 7 ³[ This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 202 Partagas Piramides Box of 25 cigars 532129 00 2000 This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 203 Partagas Robustos XII Aniversario 10 single cigars ³[ This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 204 Partagas Serie D No.1 Box of 25 cigars ³[ AYC AGO This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 205 Partagas Serie D No.1 Part box of FLJDUV ³[ CUE JUL This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. cigar auction - November 2015 ³[ COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 40 LIMITED EDITION CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE LOT 206 Partagas Serie D No.2 Part box of 22 cigars ³[ *.,-81 03 2003 This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. t This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 207 Partagas Serie D No.2 Box of 25 cigars ³[ .00129 03 2003 This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 208 Partagas Serie D No.2 10 single cigars ³[ 2003 This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 209 Partagas Serie D No.3 Box of 25 cigars 5 ³[ &9$',& 02 2002 This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 210 Partagas Serie D No.3 Part box of FLJDUV 5 ³[ &9$',& 02 2002 This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 211 Romeo y Julieta Hermosos No.1 Box of 25 cigars ³[ *.,-8/ 03 2003 cigar auction - November 2015 COMMENTS English Market Selection. DELIVERY NOTES This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 41 LIMITED EDITION CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES LOT 212 Romeo y Julieta Hermosos No.2 Box of 25 cigars ³[ -0=129 English Market Selection. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 213 Romeo y Julieta Robustos Box of 25 cigars ³[ PEL MAR02 2002 English Market Selection. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 214 Romeo y Julieta Robustos Box of 25 cigars ³[ $/9',& 02 2002 LOT 215 Bolivar Libertador Box of 10 cigars 1/2³[ 326129 Regional edition for France . 3000 boxes. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 216 Bolivar Libertador Box of 25 cigars 1/2³[ TEB OCT 07 2007 Regional edition for France . ER[HV This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 217 Fonseca No.4 Box of 25 cigars ³[ MPE MAR 10 2010 Regional edition for Benelux. Box number RI Sealed box. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. cigar auction - November 2015 This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 42 LIMITED EDITION CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES LOT 218 Por Larranaga Magnificos Box of 25 cigars ³[ EMA SEP 07 2007 8.UHJLRQDO edition of ER[HV This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 219 Por Larranaga Regalias de Londres Box of 25 cigars 5 1/2³[ URG JUN 10 2010 8.UHJLRQDO edition of 1200 boxes. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 220 Punch Diademas Box of Extra 10 cigars ³[ Regional edition IRU,WDO\ This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 221 Punch Serie D‘Oro No.1 ³[ EMA OCT 8.UHJLRQDO edition of 1210 boxes. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. cigar auction - November 2015 Box of 25 cigars If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 43 RESERVA EDITION CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION LOT 222 Cohiba Seleccion Reserva Cabinet of 30 cigars &RURQD Especiales 0HGLD Coronas (VSOHQGLGRV 5REXVWRV 3LUDPLGHV OSU ENE 03 2003 This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 223 Cohiba Seleccion Reserva Cabinet of 30 cigars &RURQD Especiales 0HGLD Coronas (VSOHQGLGRV 5REXVWRV 3LUDPLGHV OSU ENE 03 2003 This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 224 Cohiba Siglo VI Gran Reserva Cabinet of 15 cigars 5 ³[ Limited edition of 5000 cabinets. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 225 Cohiba Siglo VI Gran Reserva Cabinet of 15 cigars 5 ³[ Limited edition of 5000 cabinets. This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 226 Cohiba Siglo VI Gran Reserva Cabinet of 15 cigars 5 ³[ Limited edition of 5000 cabinets. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 227 Montecristo No.2 Gran Reserva Cabinet of 15 cigars ³[ SUB OCT11 2011 Limited edition of 5000 cabinets. This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. cigar auction - November 2015 SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 44 RESERVA EDITION CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES LOT 228 Montecristo No.2 Gran Reserva Cabinet of 15 cigars ³[ SUB OCT11 2011 Limited edition of 5000 cabinets. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 229 Montecristo No.4 Reserva Cabinet of 20 cigars 5 ³[ 2007 Limited edition of 5000 cabinets. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 230 Montecristo No.4 Reserva Cabinet of 20 cigars 5 ³[ 2007 Limited edition of 5000 cabinets. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 231 Partagas Serie D No.4 Reserva Cabinet of 20 cigars ³[ 2005 No outer box. Limited edition of 5000 cabinets. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 232 Partagas Serie D No.4 Reserva Cabinet of 20 cigars ³[ 2005 Limited edition of 5000 cabinets. No outer box. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. cigar auction - November 2015 If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 45 LIMITED EDITION BOOKS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE LOT 233 Bolivar Belicosos Book Book of 10 cigars 5 1/2³[ TEB JUN07 2007 LOT 234 Cohiba Sublimes Book of Extra Book 20 cigars 7 ³[ Limited edition of 1000 books. No cardboard outer. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 235 Hoyo de Monterrey Extravaganza Book Book of 20 cigars 7 ³[ 2003 Limited edition of 500 books. No cardboard outer. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 236 Hoyo de Monterrey Extravaganza Book Book of 20 cigars 7 ³[ 2003 Limited edition of 500 books. No cardboard outer. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 237 Hoyo de Monterrey Extravaganza Book Book of 20 cigars 7 ³[ 2003 Limited edition of 500 books. No cardboard outer. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 238 Partagas Custom Blends Book of 12 cigars 5 ³[ Cigars rolled at Partagas Factory LCDH. 2 minor wrapper damage. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. cigar auction - November 2015 COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 46 LIMITED EDITION BOOKS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES LOT 239 Partagas Serie C No.1 Book Book of 20 cigars ³[ 2002 Limited edition of 500 books. No cardboard outer. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 240 Partagas Serie C No.1 Book Book of 20 cigars ³[ 2002 Limited edition of 500 books. No cardboard outer. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 241 Romeo y Julieta Fabulosos no.6 Book Book of 20 cigars 7 ³[ Limited edition of 500 books. No cardboard outer. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 242 Romeo y Julieta Fabulosos no.6 Book Book of 20 cigars 7 ³[ Limited edition of 500 books. No cardboard outer. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 243 Romeo y Julieta Fabulosos no.6 Book Book of 20 cigars 7 ³[ Limited edition of 500 books. No cardboard outer. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. cigar auction - November 2015 If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 47 DAVIDOFF CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE LOT 244 Davidoff 1000 Cabinet of 25 cigars ³[ OCUA LOT 245 Davidoff 2000 Box of 25 cigars 5 ³[ Early µV LOT 246 Davidoff 3000 Cabinet of 25 cigars ³[ LOT 247 Davidoff 4000 Cabinet of 25 cigars LOT 248 Davidoff 5000 LOT 249 Davidoff No.1 cigar auction - November 2015 COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. ,PSHFFDEOH condition and appearance. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. 1,8/ ,PSHFFDEOH condition and appearance. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. ³[ Mid µV ,PSHFFDEOH condition and appearance. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. Cabinet of 25 cigars 5 ³[ Mid µV ,PSHFFDEOH condition and appearance. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. Box of 25 cigars 7 1/2³[ µV This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 48 DAVIDOFF CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES LOT 250 Davidoff No.1 Box of 25 cigars ³[ Early µV ,PSHFFDEOH condition and appearance. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 251 Davidoff No.1 5 packs of 5 cigars 7 1/2³[ µV This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 252 Davidoff No.1 Box of 25 cigars 7 1/2³[ This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 253 Davidoff No.1 Box of 25 cigars 7 1/2³[ OOUL This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 254 Davidoff No.2 Pack of 5 cigars ³[ µV This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 255 Davidoff No.2 Box of 25 cigars Mid µV cigar auction - November 2015 7 1/2³[ ,PSHFFDEOH condition and appearance. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 49 DAVIDOFF CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES LOT 256 Davidoff 80th Aniversarios Box of 10 cigars ³[ ,QGLYLGXDOO\ wooden tubed. This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. LOT 257 Davidoff Ambassadrice Box of 25 cigars 1/2³[ (/1,88 Cigars in cello. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 258 Davidoff Chateau Haut Brion Cabinet of 25 cigars ³[ µV ,PSHFFDEOH condition and appearance. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 259 Davidoff Chateau Haut Brion Cabinet of 25 cigars ³[ µV This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 260 Davidoff Cabinet of Chateau Latour 25 cigars 5 ³[ µV This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 261 Davidoff Chateau Margaux 5 ³[ µV This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. cigar auction - November 2015 Cabinet of 25 cigars If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 50 DAVIDOFF CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE LOT 262 Davidoff Chateau Yquem Part cabinet of 18 cigars 6“ x 42 1980‘s £1,000 - £1,200 This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for shipping to the UK. LOT 263 Davidoff Chateau Yquem Cabinet of 25 cigars 6“ x 42 1980‘s £3,000 - £3,500 This Lot is located in the UK and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 264 Davidoff Dom Perignon Part box of 9 cigars 7“ x 47 HM OVUL 1985 £1,800 - £2,200 This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for shipping to the UK. LOT 265 Davidoff Dom Perignon Box of 25 cigars 7“ x 47 NNUU 1988 £4750 - £5500 This Lot is located in the UK and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 266 Davidoff Rafael Cabinet of Gonzales 25 cigars 6 1/2“ x 50 1960‘s £7,000 - £9,000 „Specially Selected for Davidoff Geneva“. This Lot is located in the UK and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 267 Davidoff Signed Framed photo photograph, size 6“ by 4“. £400 - £500 Includes certificate of authenticity. This Lot is located in the UK and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. cigar auction - November 2015 COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 51 DUNHILL CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND LOT 268 SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES Dunhill Don Part box of Candido No.506 23 cigars 5 ³[ Early µV Ex Dunhill of London. Selling on behalf of the Executors of WKHWK'XNHRI Bedford. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 269 Dunhill Estupendo Box of 10 tubed cigars ³[ µV Pristine condition and appearance. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 270 Dunhill Havana Club Box of 5 cigars ³[ NNUA Pristine condition and appearance. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 271 Dunhill Bolivar Seleccion No.134 5 single cigars ³[ µV Ex Dunhill of London. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 272 Dunhill 10 single cigars 1/2³[ Don Alfredo Seleccion No.51 µV This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 273 Dunhill 10 single cigars ³[ Don Alfredo Seleccion No.52 µV This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. cigar auction - November 2015 PRESENTATION If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 52 DUNHILL CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND LOT 274 Dunhill 10 single cigars 5 ³[ Don Alfredo Seleccion No.53 µV This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 275 Dunhill 10 single cigars 5 ³[ H.Upmann Dunhills Seleccion No.41 Pre Embargo This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 276 Dunhill 10 single cigars ³[ H.Upmann Seleccion No.50 µV This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 277 Dunhill La Flor 10 single cigars ³[ De Cuba Seleccion No.51 µV This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 278 Dunhill 10 single cigars ³[ Romeo y Julieta Seleccion Suprema No.620 cigar auction - November 2015 PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE COMMENTS Ex Dunhill of London. DELIVERY NOTES This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 53 LIMITED EDITION HUMIDORS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION LOT 279 Bolivar Centenary Humidor Part Humidor FRQWDLQLQJFLJDUV - 50 Belicosos 5 1/2³ length x 52 ring gauge 5R\DO&RURQDV ´[ULQJJDXJH LOT 280 Cohiba 35th Anniversary Humidor Part humidor FRQWDLQLQJFLJDUV (VSOHQGLGRV³OHQJWK DQGULQJJDXJH - 20 Gran Coronas ³OHQJWKDQGULQJ gauge - 35 Lanceros 7 1/2³OHQJWKDQGULQJ gauge - 20 Piramides ³ length and 52 ring gauge 5REXVWRV ³OHQJWKDQGULQJ gauge LOT 281 Cohiba Maduro 5 Humidor Humidor containing FLJDUV - 20 each of Magicos 1/2³OHQJWK[ULQJ gauge - Genios 5 1/2³OHQJWK[ ring gauge 6HFUHWRV´OHQJWK[ ULQJJDXJH LOT 282 Siglo X Anniversary Humidor cigar auction - November 2015 SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES Limited edition of 200 humidors. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. 2001 Limited edition QRRI humidors. 1 Robusto missing. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. 2007 Pristine condition and appearance. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. Humidor containing 2002 FLJDUV 15 cigars of each of the following 6LJOR, ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH 6LJOR,, ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH 6LJOR,,, ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH 6LJOR,9 5 ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH 6LJOR9 ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH 6LJOR9, 5 ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH Limited edition of 500 humidors. Pristine condition and appearance. ,QFOXGHV original packing case. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 54 LIMITED EDITION HUMIDORS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES LOT 283 Siglo X Anniversary Humidor Part humidor containing 2002 FLJDUV [6LJOR, ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH [6LJOR,, ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH [6LJOR,,, ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH [6LJOR,9 5 ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH [6LJOR9 ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH [6LJOR9, 5 ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH Limited edition of 500 humidors. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 284 Cuaba Cushion Humidor Humidor containing 2002 10 cigars. - 5 Salamones æ´OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH - 5 Distinguidos ´OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH Limited edition of KXPLGRUV This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 285 Cuaba Cushion Humidor Humidor containing 2002 10 cigars. - 5 Salamones æ´OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH - 5 Distinguidos ´OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH Limited edition of KXPLGRUV This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 286 Cuaba Cushion Humidor Part humidor containing 2002 FLJDUV 6DODPRQHV æ´OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH 'LVWLQJXLGRV ´OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH Limited edition of KXPLGRUV This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 287 Cubatabaco 25th Anniversary Humidor Humidor containing 50 cigars and a commemorative coin. Size 5 ´OHQJWK[ULQJ gauge Limited edition of 100 humidors. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 288 El Rey del Mundo 120th Anniversary Humidor Humidor containing 50 cigars. - 25 Piramides ´OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH - 25 Tainos ´OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH Limited edition of 220 humidors. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. cigar auction - November 2015 SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 55 LIMITED EDITION HUMIDORS LOT NO. BRAND COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES LOT 289 H.Upmann 160th Humidor containing Anniversary 100 cigars. Humidor - 30 Connoisseur No.1 ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH 'RXEOH&RURQD 7 ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH - 30 Upmann No.2 ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH Limited edition RIKXPLGRUV No key. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 290 H.Upmann Humidor containing Antique Replica 50 cigars. Humidor 7DFRV,PSHULDOHV ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH Limited edition QRRI 200 humidors. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 291 H.Upmann Humidor containing Antique Replica 50 cigars. Humidor 7DFRV,PSHULDOHV ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH Limited edition no. 5 of 200 humidors. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 292 Habanos 1994 Humidor Humidor containing 50 cigars. 5 ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH 5 cigars minor wrapper damage. No outer box, cedar divides or certificate. Limited edition of 502 humidors. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 293 Habanos 510th Anniversary Humidor Humidor containing 2003 100 cigars. - 20 Cohiba – Espléndidos ´OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH - 20 Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No.1. 5 ´OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH - 20 Montecristo - No.2. ´OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH - 20 Partagas - Royals de Partagás. 1/2´OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH - 20 Romeo y Julieta Hermosos No.3. 5 1/2´OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH Limited edition of 510 humidors. Some wrinkling to wrappers due to over humidification. Slight damage to the outside bottom corner of the humidor. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. cigar auction - November 2015 PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 56 LIMITED EDITION HUMIDORS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION LOT 294 Hoyo de Monterrey Replica Humidor Humidor containing 2011 50 cigars. 7 ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH LOT 295 Hoyo de Monterrey Humidor No.1 Part humidor containing µV 27 cigars. 5 ´OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH LOT 296 Montecristo Compay 95th Anniversary Humidor Humidor containing 2002 FLJDUV [0RQWHFULVWR1R 5 ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH [6DORPRQHV,, ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH Limited edition RIKXPLGRUV This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 297 Montecristo Limited Edition Humidor containing 100 cigars. - 50 x Montecristo A ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH [6DORPRQHV,, ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH Limited edition no. 71 of 700 humidors. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 298 Humidor Montecristo Replica Humidor Humidor containing 50 cigars. 50 Double Coronas 7 ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH Limited edition of 350 humidors. Pristine condition and appearance. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 299 Partagas Assorted Humidors Part humidor containing µV 72 cigars. &RURQDV*UDQGHV ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH - 25 Charlottes 5 ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH - 25 Petit Coronas Especiales 5 ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH - 3 Besadoras ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH 3 cigars minor wrapper damage. This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. cigar auction - November 2015 SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES Limited edition of 250 humidors. Pristine condition and appearance. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 57 LIMITED EDITION HUMIDORS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES LOT 300 Por Larranaga Magnificos Humidor Humidor containing 50 cigars. ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH Limited edition IRUWKH8.RI 100 humidors. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 301 Ramon Allones Replica Humidor Humidor containing 2012 50 cigars. ,PSHULDOHV 1/2³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH Limited edition of 350 humidors. Pristine condition and appearance. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 302 Romeo y Julieta 125th Anniversary Humidor Humidor containing 2000 50 cigars. - 25 Double Coronas 7 ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH 25 Romeos ´OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH Limited edition of 125 humidors. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 303 Romeo y Julieta 130th Anniversary Humidor Humidor containing 2005 100 cigars. ³µV³³ 7 ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH - 50 Aguilas 5 ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH Limited edition of 250 humidors. Pristine condition and appearance. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 304 Romeo y Julieta Replica Humidor Humidor containing 50 cigars. - Romeos ³³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH Limited edition of 250 humidors. Pristine condition and appearance. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 305 San Cristobal „Humidor containing 5th Anniversary 100 cigars. Humidor 25 each of - El Morro 7 ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH - Oficios 5 1/3³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH - Muralla 7 ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH - Mercaderes ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH Limited edition of 500 humidors. Pristine condition and appearance. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. cigar auction - November 2015 SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 58 LIMITED EDITION HUMIDORS LOT NO. BRAND LOT 306 Vegas Robaina Humidor containing 2003 5th Anniversary 100 cigars. Humidor 20 each of - Classicos 1/2³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH 'RQ$OHMDQGUR 7 ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH - Famosos ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH - Maestros 5 1/2³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH - Unicos ³OHQJWK[ULQJJDXJH cigar auction - November 2015 PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES Limited edition no.133 of 500 humidors. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 59 PRE EMBARGO CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE LOT 307 Banco Hispano Cubano 5 single cigars 5 1/2³[ Pre Embargo This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 308 Dunhill 10 single cigars ³[ Cabanas No.501 Pre Embargo This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 309 Cohiba Coronas 5 single cigars 5 1/2³[ µV 9HU\UDUHROG Cohiba brand bands. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 310 Embejada de Cuba Humidor Humidor of 50 cigars ³[ Pre Embargo Special humidor for Cuban Embassy. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 311 Flor de Miramar Cocteles Tin of 25 cigars 5 ³[ Cocktail shaker shape. Pre Embargo Flor de Miramar Cocteles Tin of 50 cigars 5 ³[ Cocktail shaker shape. Pre Embargo LOT 312 cigar auction - November 2015 COMMENTS Sealed. Splendid Bouquet, excellent condition and appearance. DELIVERY NOTES This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 60 PRE EMBARGO CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE LOT 313 Fonseca Exceptionales de Luxe Part box RIFLJDUV ³[ Pre Embargo LOT 314 H.Upmann Humidor America Consul of 50 cigars ³[ Pre Embargo LOT 315 H.Upmann Coronas 10 single boxed cigars 5 ³[ Pre Embargo LOT 316 H.Upmann Coronas Major Box of 25 cigars 5 ³[ Pre Embargo LOT 317 H.Upmann Coronas Major Part box of 15 cigars 5 ³[ Pre Embargo This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 318 H.Upmann Coronas Major Box of 25 tubed cigars 5 ³[ Pre Embargo This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. cigar auction - November 2015 COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. ,PSHFFDEOH condition and appearance. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. Sealed box. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 61 PRE EMBARGO CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE LOT 319 H.Upmann Coronas Minor Box of 25 tubed cigars ³[ Pre Embargo LOT 320 H.Upmann Coronas Minor Box of 25 tubed ³[ cigars Pre Embargo LOT 321 H.Upmann Dividend Shares Inc 5 single cigars 5 1/2³[ Pre Embargo LOT 322 H.Upmann Perfectos Cabinet of 50 cigars ³[ Pre Embargo LOT 323 H.Upmann Royal Coronas Box of 25 tubed 5 ³[ cigars Pre Embargo This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 324 Henry Clay Coronas 5 single cigars Pre Embargo This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. cigar auction - November 2015 5 ³[ COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. Sealed box. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. ,PSHFFDEOH condition and appearance. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 62 PRE EMBARGO CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE LOT 325 Henry Clay Diamontinos Part box of 22 cigars 5 ³[ Pre Embargo LOT 326 Henry Clay Elegantes Box of 25 cigars ³[ Pre Embargo Sealed box. Size approximate. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 327 Henry Clay Rothschilds Box of 25 cigars 5 ³[ Pre Embargo Sealed box. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 328 Hoyo de Monterrey Elaboracion Especial Humidor containing 50 cigars. &RURQDV 5 1/2´OHQJWK[ ULQJJDXJH - 12 cigars ´OHQJWK[ ULQJJDXJH FLJDUV ³OHQJWK[ 37 ring gauge Pre Embargo Rare multi size humidor. ,PSHFFDEOH condition and appearance. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 329 Jose Piedra Cabinet of Coronas Cortas 50 cigars 5 ³[ Pre Embargo LOT 330 L.Carvajal Preciosas [ Pre Embargo cigar auction - November 2015 Box of 25 cigars COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This Lot is not available for VKLSSLQJWRWKH8. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 63 PRE EMBARGO CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE LOT 331 La Corona Corona Boite Nature cabinet of 50 cigars 5 ³[ Pre Embargo LOT 332 La Corona Coronas Box of 25 cigars 5 ³[ Pre Embargo LOT 333 La Corona Coronas Extra Largas Cabinet of 25 cigars 1/2³[ Pre Embargo LOT 334 La Corona Cristales Box of 25 cigars ³[ Pre Embargo Glass tubed cigars. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 335 La Corona Embajado de Cuba - Paris Box of 25 cigars ³[ Pre Embargo Unique box specially banded for the Cuban ambassador to France. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 336 La Corona Le Cardinal Humidor containing 120 cigars. 70 Coronas 25 Churchills 25 Double Coronas Pre Embargo ,PSHFFDEOH condition and appearance. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. cigar auction - November 2015 COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. Sealed box. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 64 PRE EMBARGO CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES LOT 337 La Corona Seleccion Suprema Numero 40 Box of 25 cigars 1/2³[ Pre Embargo Ex Dunhill of London. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 338 La Flor de A.Allones Directors Choice No.1 Cabinet of 50 cigars 1/2³[ Pre Embargo ,PSHFFDEOH condition and appearance. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 339 Maria Guerrero Box of Cedros de Luxe 25 cigars 1/2³[ Pre Embargo Sealed box. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 340 Montecristo No.1 Cabinet of 50 cigars 1/2³[ Pre Embargo Rare old Montecristo bands. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 341 Montecristo No.3 Box of 25 cigars 5 ³[ Pre Embargo This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 342 Partagas Sample case 1 each No. DQG Pre Embargo This Lot is located outside of the EU and not available for viewing. This lot is not available for shipping into EU. cigar auction - November 2015 If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 65 PRE EMBARGO CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE LOT 343 Partagas Nacionales Cabinet of 50 cigars 5 ³[ Pre Embargo LOT 344 Por Larranaga Cinco Vegas Box of 25 cigars 1/2³[ Pre Embargo Sealed box. Measurements estimated. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 345 Por Larranaga Coronas Box of 25 cigars 5 ³[ Pre Embargo Sealed box. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 346 Por Larranaga Larranaga Nacionales Cabinet of 50 cigars 5 ³[ Pre Embargo Minor foot damage to 2 cigars. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 347 Por Larranaga Petit Cetros Box of 25 cigars 5 ³[ Pre Embargo Sealed box. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 348 Por Larranaga Royales Box of 25 cigars ³[ Pre Embargo Sealed box. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. cigar auction - November 2015 COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 66 PRE EMBARGO CIGARS LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES LOT 349 Por Larranaga Super Cremas Box of 25 cigars ³[ Pre Embargo Sealed box. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 350 Por Larranaga Transparantes Box of 10 cigars 5 1/2³[ Pre Embargo Glass tubed cigars. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 351 Por Larranaga Box of Triangular No1 25 cigars ³[ Pre Embargo Ex Dunhill of London. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. Cabinet of 100 cigars ³[ Pre Embargo ,PSHFFDEOH condition and appearance. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 352 . Ramon Allones Club Cabinets LOT 353 Ramon Allones Corona Miniatura Cabinet of 100 cigars ³[ Pre Embargo ,PSHFFDEOH condition and appearance. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 354 Ramon Allones Private Stock Box of 25 cigars ³[ Pre Embargo Sealed box. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. cigar auction - November 2015 If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 67 Pre Embargo Cigars LOT NO. BRAND PRESENTATION SIZE VINTAGE ESTIMATE COMMENTS DELIVERY NOTES LOT 355 Romeo y Julieta Coronas Divinas No.2 Cabinet of 50 cigars ³[ Pre Embargo ,PSHFFDEOH condition and appearance. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. LOT 356 Romeo y Julieta Invencibles Cabinet of 250 cigars 5 1/2³[ Pre Embargo Magnificent condition and appearance. Exceptionally rare cabinet of 250 cigars. Romeo y Julieta Romeo de Luxe No.5 Box of 25 cigars ³[ Pre Embargo LOT 358 Troya Coronas Siglo XX Box of 25 cigars 5 1/2³[ Pre Embargo Sealed box. Glass tubed cigars. LOT 359 Villaamil No.4 Cabinet of 50 cigars 5 ³[ Pre Embargo Dedication: 'Feliciadedes )2YLHVµ LOT 357 cigar auction - November 2015 This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. This Lot is ORFDWHGLQWKH8. and available for viewing. This Lot is available for shipping anywhere in the world. If delivery of this lot is within the EU, It will be subject to VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyers fees. 68 LOT 11 La Corona Invencibles No.2 Jar LOT 27 Cohiba Esplendidos LOT 33 Cohiba Lanceros - Presidencia LOT 55 H.Upmann Sir Winston LOT 88 Punch Churchills LOT 99 Ramon Allones 898 Cabinet Selection cigar auction - November 2015 69 LOT 108 Romeo y Julieta Prince of Wales LOT 218 Por Larranaga Magnificos LOT 225 Cohiba Siglo VI Gran Reserva LOT 248 Davidoff 5000 LOT 251 Davidoff No.1 LOT 256 Davidoff 80th Aniversarios cigar auction - November 2015 70 LOT 258 Davidoff Chateau Haut Brion LOT 265 Davidoff Dom Perignon LOT 266 Davidoff Rafael Gonzales LOT 268 Dunhill Don Candido No.506 LOT 269 Dunhill Estupendo LOT 270 Dunhill Havana Club cigar auction - November 2015 71 LOT 281 Cohiba Maduro 5 Humidor LOT 282 Siglo X Anniversary Humidor LOT 287 Cubatabaco 25th Anniversary Humidor LOT 287 Cubatabaco 25th Anniversary Humidor LOT 291 H.Upmann Antique Replica Humidor LOT 292 Habanos 1994 Humidor cigar auction - November 2015 72 LOT 294 Hoyo de Monterrey Replica Humidor LOT 298 Montecristo Replica Humidor LOT 300 Por Larranaga Magnificos Humidor LOT 301 Ramon Allones Replica Humidor LOT 303 Romeo y Julieta 130th Anniversary Humidor LOT 303 Romeo y Julieta 130th Anniversary Humidor cigar auction - November 2015 73 LOT 304 Romeo y Julieta Replica Humidor LOT 305 San Cristobal 5th Anniversary Humidor LOT 311 Flor de Miramar Cocteles LOT 312 Flor de Miramar Cocteles LOT 314 H.Upmann America Consul LOT 314 H.Upmann America Consul cigar auction - November 2015 74 LOT 322 H.Upmann Perfectos LOT 328 Hoyo de Monterrey Elaboracion Especial LOT 331 La Corona Corona LOT 334 La Corona Cristales LOT 335 La Corona Embajado de Cuba - Paris LOT 336 La Corona Le Cardinal cigar auction - November 2015 75 LOT 338 La Flor de A.Allones Directors Choice No.1 LOT 340 Montecristo No.1 LOT 343 Partagas Nacionales LOT 352 Ramon Allones Club Cabinets LOT 353 Ramon Allones Corona Miniatura LOT 359 Villaamil No.4 cigar auction - November 2015 76 LOT 356 Romeo y Julieta Invencibles Cabinet of 250 cigars - £27,500 - £32,500 cigar auction - November 2015 77 cigar auction - November 2015 78 cigar auction - November 2015 79 E D &XFH D LQ H 2QF D XSR Q WLPH ED & 2QF D XSRQ Q WLPH L D &XFH 2QFRHQD XSRQHLQ WLPHL D &XED E 2Q D XSRQ Q WLPH X L H 2Q D XS ED & QFH &XE Q WLP 2QF D XSRQ Q WLPH L Q D &XFH 2QFRHQD XSRQHLQ WLPHL D &XED 2QFH 2XSRQD E XSR LQ WLPH X 2Q D XS HL RQD ED & QFH &XE Q WLP WLPH D &XFH 2QFRHQD XSRQHLQ WLPHL D &XED 2QFH 2XSRQD XWSLPHLQ WLPXE E X & P D 2Q D XS HLQ QFH &XE ED & SRQ LQ WL H 2QF D XSRQ Q WLPH XED 2QFH 2XSRQD XWLPHLQ WLPXED &XFH 2QFH & L Q D H R Q & SR LP XS XE FH RQD WLPHLQ LQ W XED 2QFH 2XSRQD XWLP ED &2QFH 2QSRQD XSP & LQ X WLPH D H & H X D LQ XE QD WL &XE 2QFH D XSRQDQ WLPHLQ &XED & QFH 2QSFRQD XSR HLQ WLPHED &X “Once Upon a Time in Cuba” L H P 2 Q L X F D X W H R Q E D S Q & P Q 2 L X X FH RQ WLPHL by Michael Mirecki and Mitchell LQ W QD XED 2QFH 2XS ED &2QFH 2QSRQD XSP & LQ XSR LQ WLPH X D H & E D L H X Orchant is a 147 page compilatiED 2QFH &X 2QF D XSRQ Q WL QD LPHLQ W WLPH H XSR D &X L XED Q W on of our original photograph &XE 2QFH D XSRQDQ WLPHLQ &XED & QFH 2QSFRQD XSR HLQ WLPHED & L H 2 X collection of Cuba. D X WLP 2QF D XSRQ Q WLPH &XE 2QFH D XSRQDQ WLPHLQ &XED & QFH L Q D E L H XSR LQ WLPH 2 X Q F D H R Q & E S D P 2 H L X QF ED &X QW D SRQ WLPH The book has a foreword by Simon D &XFH 2QFRHQD XSRQHLQ WLPHL D &XED 2QFH 2XSRQD XWLPHLQ E X & Chase of Hunters and Frankau and P 2Q D XS XE FH RQD WLPHLQ LQ WL H XED ED &2QFH 2QSRQD XSP 2QF D XSRQ Q WLPH X includes chapters on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imited edition of 1000 LQGLYLGXDOO\ L H ED &2QFH 2QSRQD XSP 2QF D XSRQ Q WLPH LQ X D H & L numbered hard back coffee table books. Q L ED &XE QW D X XSR LQ WLPH D &XFH 2QFRHQD XSRQHLQ WLPHL D &XED 2QFH E X WLPH 2Q H XS D& XE Q WLP $YDLODEOHDW &XE 2QFH D XSRQDQ WLPHLQ &XED & QFH 2QSFRQD XSR H L H P 2 Q L X F D W D 2Q D XSR Q WLPH HLQ QFH &XE E SRQ L Q XSR LQ WLPH XED 2QFH 2XSRQD XWLPHLQ WLPXED &XF & D H E D Q & Q L H 2 X Q WLP F D H 2Q H XSR D& XE WLP &XE 2QFH XSRQD WLPHLQ XED & H 2QF Q D XSR WLP &XE Once Upon a Time in Cuba Michael Mirecki & Mitchell Orchant & cigar auction - November 2015 80 cigar auction - November 2015 81 THE ULTIMATE ELECTRONIC HUMIDIFIERS Cigar Oasis Electronic Cigar Humidifiers including new calibration feature offer automatic and reliable control to always keep re iable e humidity hum h hum your cigar fresh! CIGAR OASIS XL New sleek look Battery or outlet powered Forr hum hu For humidors holding up to 300 cigars CIGAR OASIS XL PLUS Virtually Maintenance Free More rapid humidification than the he XL unitt For humidors up to 10 cubic feet p e Optional Batteryy p power available CIGAR OASIS II XL Re Remote emote display adjustments with Calibration feature for large display humidors Suitable S uita able e fo up to 60 cubic feet Circulation fans and controlled Circul cul humidity blower Optional fan kit available O CI GA AR OASIS OA ASIS SIS U LTRA T A CIGAR ULTRA Sl d h d r lid ld Sleekk design mounts on humidor New Calibration Feature cigars i ars For humidors holding up to 75 cig Battery or outlet powered cigar auction - November 2015 82 cigar auction - November 2015 83 DAVIDOFF OF LONDON THE FINEST HANDMADE CIGARS +(=0+6--6-365+65 :[1HTLZxZ:[YLL[3VUKVU:>(/+ ;LSLWOVUL -H_ ,THPS!ZOVW'KH]PKVMÅVUKVUJVT cigar auction - November 2015 84 Vintage Cigars purchased & sold throughout the year 07000 088 088 valuations by Mitchell Orchant cigar auction - November 2015 85 C.Gars Ltd Est. 1997 0207 372 1865 Turmeaus Tobacconist Est.1817 Turmeaus Liverpool - Pipes and Tobacco 32 Fenwick Street, Liverpool L2 7NB 0151 236 3802 Turmeaus Chester - Pipes and Tobacco 34 Watergate Street, Chester CH1 2LA 01244 348 821 Turmeaus Liverpool – Cigars and Whisky 34 Fenwick Street, Liverpool L2 7NB 0151 236 3802 Turmeaus Chester – Whisky and Cigars 28 Watergate Street, Chester CH1 2LA 01244 403 022 Turmeaus Mayfair– Cigars and Whisky 1 White Horse Street, London W1J 7LB 0207 495 7330 Turmeaus Norfolk - Cigars and Tobacco Hall Farm, Martham Road Rollesby, Great Yarmouth Norfolk NR29 5DR 01493 749 710 Coming soon! Turmeaus Knutsford - Cigars and Whisky La Casa Del Habano Chester 32 Watergate Street, Chester CH1 2LA 01244 348 821 ALSO AT: Robert Graham Ltd London 4 Broadwell Parade, Broadhurst Gardens, West Hampstead, London NW6 3BQ 0207 624 3351 Cambridge 9 Sussex Street, Cambridge, CB1 1PA 01223 354 459 Edinburgh 1194A, Rose Street, Edinburgh EH2 4AZ 0131 226 1874 254 Canongate, Edinburgh EH8 8AA 0131 556 2791 Glasgow 111 West George Street, Glasgow G2 1QX 0141 248 7283 Orchant & Johnstone Family Businesses Member of the AICS Association of Independent Cigar Specialists Errors and Omissions Exempt RMEAU TU emier Cigar S r ‘s P EST 1817 T he uk T he & nt ha rc To b acco M e /21'21/,9(5322/&+(67(5125)2/.
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