annual report 2008-09 - North Herts
annual report 2008-09 - North Herts
ANNUAL REPORT 2008-09 Chair’s Statement Director’s Statement Maria Esson Mohammed Alam The year has been very successful for the NHMEF. The Forum has been able to provide an extensive programme of services to directly serve the needs and demands of Black and Minority Ethnic communities. During 2008-09, The Forum has expanded its services across the county of Hertfordshire. Our Aiming High mentoring project is now covering North Hertfordshire, Stevenage and St. Albans. We have supported over 96 children and young people in 29 schools. We have launched a Booster Class to support pupils in Year 10 preparing for their GCSE’s. The project provided English and Maths tuition in small groups for selected BME pupils perceived to be GCSE borderline D/C grades and disengaged in school. Pupils that attended the booster class had raised their achievement in their studies and their predicted grades increased by at least 1 grade at the end of the programme. We have provided extra curricular activities to BME children and young people. These activities have enabled children to attend various educational trips and participate in a variety of workshops, contributing to their confidence and self esteem. We have launched our new ‘Yummy Mummy Group’ to support mothers with small children where various partner organisations including the heath service are working together. We have also launched British Sign Language Class and Spanish language class in the past year for the first time. Together with these new projects, we also had our regular programmes and activities. This report highlights our successful programme of activities over the past 12 months. I would like to thank all the staff and volunteers who worked very hard to run these activities as none of this would have been successful without their dedication and support. I also like to thank all trustees for their dedication, support and time commitment in facilitating all our programmes. The past year has been challenging for us to deliver some exciting new projects and I am proud to say that we met these challenges. NHMEF has supported over 1,580 people during the last 12 months. We have been successful in securing our 3rd successive funding from the Big Lottery Fund. This fund will help us to continue serving the black and minority ethnic communities across Hertfordshire for the next four years. We have also secured funding from Hertfordshire County Council to continue our Mothers & Toddlers activities and support elderly BME people to provide Luncheon Clubs and recreational activities. Our youth group Fix Up Look Sharp, a branch of Aiming High, has had a busy and productive year securing funding from Big Spend for a programme of holiday activities including day trips to Thorpe Park and Paintballing. Our new Learning 4 Life Youth Group has also secured funding for a programme of skills development courses over the next year to help young BME people plan for their futures. As a result of our engagement with BME youths across the county, their voices have been heard and we are helping them to participate in planning and delivering positive activities that meet their needs. Our services now go across the board, and we support everyone aged 0 – 90. Our challenge for the next year is to maintain the level of services we are currently providing to the BME communities and also launch new projects identified through various consultations. I wish to thank all our partner organisations for their support in providing various services for our clients. I would also like to thank the management committee members for their support and commitment to the Forum. Their strategic direction has helped our team set up new projects, acquire resources from various funding organisations and extend our partnership work with new agencies. Finally I would like to thank all my colleagues for their hard work and support. Ethnic Breakdown of Users Oct 08 - Sept 09 N o. of Users 400 300 200 100 0 Oct Nov Dec Indian Bangladeshi Pakistani British Mixed Page 2 Jan Feb Mar Apr Italians Chinese Sri Lankan Irish/Celtic Others Mon ht May Jun Jul African/Caribbean Polish Mauritian Greek/Cypriot Aug Sept Learning & Skills Activities Renu Renu came to the UK two years ago from India and had no English language skills, thus she suffered severe communication difficulties. She joined our Basic ESOL class and our IT class. After attending these classes on a regular basis, Renu’s English skills have improved. This has helped her to regain her confidence. Through attending these classes she has also secured a network of friends and is able to participate in the social life of the local BME community. In September 2009, Renu participated in a Charity Walk and raised £300.00 for the Garden House Hospice in Letchworth. Abdus Abdus, 26, is of Bangladeshi origin. He arrived in the UK in 2007 to live with his British wife. Though Abdus had studied in Bangladesh, his English wasn’t very good. This was a barrier for him in finding employment. He came to the UK with a 2-year visa on his passport which was due to be renewed with ILR (Indefinite Leave to Remain) as a next step for people who wish to settle here. In order to achieve this, Abdus either needed ESOL, Level-3 qualification or to pass the Life in the UK Test. In April 2008, Abdus enrolled in our basic ESOL class which although wasn’t sufficient for his ILR, it contributed to improving his English skills. Six months later Abdus joined our Life in the UK course. This helped him to pass the Life in the UK Test and thus helped him achieve his ILR from the Home Office recently. He was also successful in finding employment within a laundry service company in Stevenage. This is an example of how our learning and skills development programmes helped one young man to turn his life around. Annual Report 08-09 Projects & Activities Basic IT Skills Advanced IT Skills Dress Making Skills ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) Basic ESOL Advanced Italian Language Class Spanish Language Class British Sign Language Class Basic Business Skills Emergency First Aid Basic Food Hygiene Overseas Qualifications Converter Workshop Protective Behaviours Training Consultation Events for Skills Courses Life in the UK course Supporting skills development of BME women NHMEF provides various skills development programmes and activities to the local BME women. In the past year we had Women’s Personal Development Course, Business Development Skills, Empowering into Selfem pl oym e nt , S ew i n g & Dressmaking Skills, Bridal Makeup, ESOL and IT programmes which have improved skills of over 120 BME women. Page 3 Children’s Services Kima Kima is of Black Caribbean heritage and was referred to Aiming High in year 3 because she had speech and language difficulties and lacked confidence. Kima was assured her mentor was open to listen to any of her concerns. The mentor used a variety of resources; games, books, the library and activity sheets to gain an insight into Kima’s personality. The mentor frequently engaged her in conversations to encourage her to articulate her concerns. This helped Kima improve her speech and language. The mentor liaised with home and school and suggested to Mum that Kima’s confidence would improve if she engaged her regularly in conversation and encouraged her to express herself at home. That strategy worked well as Kima would come to the mentoring sessions excited and eager to tell her mentor about the things she did with Mum. The mentor would tell mum about Kima’s concerns with her permission. This proved mutually beneficial to Kima in particular. Her confidence grew. Kima often said that being with her mentor was fun and marked her 10/10 on an evaluation form. If the mentor missed a session she would express regret for the time lost. The mentoring helped raise Kima’s confidence and helped develop her speech and language thus meeting the needs of the referral. Projects & Activities Aiming High Community Mentoring Project Booster Class for GCSE Level Students Fix Up Look Sharp Big Spend Day Trips Project Children’s Consultations After School Arts & Craft Workshops Fix Up Look Sharp Youth Forum Aiming High Parents Support Meetings Music & Dance Workshops Italian Language School Farhan also worked on sheets such as My Friends and Self Assessment which allowed him to reflect on his own qualities and achievements and reinforce his positive self-image, thereby raising his confidence. Farhans’ teacher commented that he ‘works hard and wants to achieve – Farhan is of Bangladeshi heritage and was contributes more in class’ and ‘is makreferred to Aiming High in Year 4. The ing progress, well done’ on an evaluaschool were concerned with his progress tion form. due to comprehension difficulties and his reluctance to seek help. He was also Farhan became a more confident quite emotional at times and would react child. He became more assertive as a negatively with embarrassment if he made result of target setting and his self esa mistake in class. The school hoped that teem grew as a result of his academic mentoring support would help him grow in achievements. He is more inclined to confidence in class and help him become seek help when needed and has less more assertive. Farhan’s honesty from the emotional incidents. start made it easy to set him targets, which Even though the mentoring support included raising his hand in class more to has ended, Farhan continues to be increase his confidence and to not copy involved with all Aiming High extraother student’s work to assure himself of his curricular activities and is an active own academic ability. Farhan responded member of the Fix Up Look Sharp youth well to target setting and rewards. group. He attends all workshops and trips and participates readily in consultations. This is another example of how a once shy and overlooked child has benefited from mentoring long after the process is completed. Farhan * Names changed to protect child’s identity Page 4 Leisure & Social Activities Projects & Activities Yoga class Bollywood Dance Class Keep Fit class Senior Asian Men’s Club African-Caribbean Group Italian Elders Group Yummy Mummy & Bouncy Baby Group African Caribbean Seniors & Carers Luncheon Club Asian Luncheon Club Italian Evening Meal Club Family Music Workshops Baby Rhyme Time Day Trips Black History Month Celebration Event Italian Pensioners Club FNP Multi-cultural events Annual Report 08-09 Veronica Veronica is 79 and a carer for her husband and a daughter. Veronica was keen to improve her sewing skills and enrolled in our sewing class. She also regularly attends the luncheon club on Friday at the Bancroft Hall, Hitchin arranged by the African-Caribbean Senior Luncheon Club and the AfricanCaribbean Women’s group every Wednesday afternoon at the Forum. Veronica has also been a student on our IT skills courses. Attending these activities has helped Veronica to have breaks from her caring responsibilities and meet other people of her own ethnic background in a relaxing environment. She also developed her sewing skills and IT literacy giving her increased confidence in her own abilities. Xiao Xiao moved to the North Herts area from London when she was pregnant in February this year. She lives in a little village, Whitwell, on the outskirts of Hitchin with her husband and baby Jade. She only knew her husband and his family when she came to the area and had no friends here. After speaking with her Health Visitor, Xiao was signposted to our new Yummy Mummy group. Here she met with other Mum’s, some also from BME backgrounds, where she was able to share her baby experiences and receive advice from a Community Nursery Nurse that attends. Jade also participated in baby time for a rhyme and messy play. As a result of being involved with the Forum’s new mummy group, Xiao is not as isolated as she was when she first moved to the area and is receiving expert advice on her child’s wellbeing through our partnership working with the Herts Primary Care Trust. Page 5 Information, Advice & Guidance arrange his transport. Tara Tara joined the Forum in October 2006 as a member of the Senior Asian’s Men’s Club. Tara had worked in a local foundry since arriving in England from his native Punjab (India) in 1963. Since retiring Tara was financially dependent on his son and daughter-in-law and he and his wife lived with them although soon space became limited. Tara began to suffer from deep depression and spent sometime in hospital. His ill health was so severe that he was registered as disabled. Tara also has a pace maker for his poor heart condition. This requires regular monitoring at Harefield hospital in London. The Forum’s staff help Tara to make hospital appointments and Help! Volunteers Looking to make a difference in the lives of others? Please pop into our centre at Unity House. We seek support with administration Projects & Activities Forum staff were able to speak Punjabi and thus able to communicate Advice on benefits, pensions, with him and culturally empathise. He housing & health matters confided and informed them that he Community Safety would become homeless and was desperate to find suitable accommoReporting Race & Hate dation. The Forum’s staff assisted Tara Crimes in an application to the housing serItalian Welfare & Social vices. After a long process Tara evenAssistance—INAS tually found suitable accommodation - and the Forum’s staff and volunteers Library Information Service assisted him in moving to his new home. Tara has now settled in a shelMental Health Service Drop tered home run by North Hertfordshire In Surgery Homes. His independence has helped Diabetes Awareness him regain some of his self confidence. He is now an active volunteer at the Forum and always available to for over 3 months and contacted us lend a hand in setting up and clearing for help. We helped him apply to the up after regular activities. Warm Front for a heating grant and Mr Sekhon also to the North Hertfordshire District Mr Sekhon is 69 and a carer for his Council to help him replace his old disabled wife. Mr Sekhon’s heating windows with double glazing. system broke down in December 2008. Through our continuous support Mr It was non-repairable and he was ad- Sekhon was able to have a new vised to have a new heating system heating system and double glazed which he couldn’t afford. Mr & Mrs windows. Mr Sekhon said “ I just can’t Sekhon had no heating and hot water thank you enough for the support you have given to me.” Trustees The Forum is always looking for new members for our management committee. If you…. are from a minority ethnic background have good community links are committed and have time either live or work in the North Herts area marketing have skills in community development crèche can provide vision and direction to our staff transport provision We also require tutors that have creative or practical skills they can teach others. Anything from an hour a week to several days a month would be appreciated. Please contact us directly by phone or email. Page 6 WE NEED YOU Thanks We would like to thank everybody that has supported the North Herts Minority Ethnic Forum in our work, including all our partners, funders, all past and present Committee members, staff and volunteers. Accounts Statement of Financial Activities Unrestricted Funds Incoming Resources Incoming resources from generated funds Income from charitable objectives Other incoming resources Total Incoming resources Resources expended Charitable expenditure Charitable activities Other resources expended Total resources expended Net incoming resources before transfers Gross transfers between funds Net incoming resources after transfers Total funds brought forward Total funds carried forward Restricted Funds Total 2009 Total 2008 4,224 14,908 12,331 31,462 -194,855 2,619 197,473 4,224 209,763 14,949 228,936 4,858 214,945 32,275 252,078 15,073 9,371 24,444 7,018 28,768 35,786 152,055 187,841 156,667 1,931 158,598 38,875 - 28,768 10,108 55,676 65,784 171,740 11,302 183,042 45,894 …. 45,894 207,731 253,625 189,725 14,052 203,777 48,301 ……. 48,301 159,430 207,731 Unrestricted Funds Restricted Funds Total 2009 Total 2008 - - - Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2009 Fixed assets Tangible Total Fixed Assets Current assets Debtors Cash at bank and in hand Total current assets Creditors: amounts falling due within one year Net current assets Total assets less current liabilities Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year Net assets Income funds Restricted funds Unrestricted funds Total funds 248,592 248,592 365 248,227 ________ 248,227 ________ 248,227 248,227 248,227 Trustees Report Charity Name: North Hertfordshire Minority Ethnic Forum Charity Registration No: 1077201 Financial year begins: 1st April Financial year Ends: 31st March Charity principal address: Unity House, Ground Floor, Whinbush Road, Hitchin Hertfordshire SG5 1PH Charity Trusts: Governing Document The Forum became a registered charity on the 27th August 1999. It is governed by a Charity Commission approved Constitution. It is run by a Board of Trustees. Objectives of the Charity To improve the quality of life for local Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Communities by helping them to have an informed voice in the local decision making process. Within this overall objective there are three specific strands 1.Tackling social isolation and needs of older BME people. 2. Helping vulnerable young BME people to gain confidence and help self esteem thereby reducing future disadvantages. 3. Supporting BME people to improve their skills and thereby improving their employability and economic well being. Committee/ Trustees Members The Trustees at the date of this report are as follows: Committee Members Chair Vice Chair Secretary Treasurer Member Member Member Member Miss Maria Esson Mrs Antonietta Bortone Tinney Miss Francesca D’Anna Mrs Penny Miah Mrs Tazim Ahmed Mrs Karen Chau Mr Helalur Rahman Mrs Maria Mechelewska Annual Report 08-09 Member Member Member Member Member 5,398 5,398 -____ 5,398 ________ 5,398 ________ 5,398 5,398 5,398 -___ -___ 253,990 253,990 365 253,625 ________ 253,625 ________ 253,625 211,213 211,213 3,482 207,731 _______ 207,731 ______ 207,731 5,398 248,227 253,625 56,611 151,120 207,731 Mr Nutchikkat Ramesh Mr Winston Thorpe Mr Dwight Smiley Mrs Dorell Haynes Miss Ashley Johnson Committee/Trustees Members Selection The North Herts Minority Ethnic Forum holds an Annual General Meeting (AGM) and at the AGM, Committee members/Trustees elect a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer and other committee members. New Trustees: Each Trustee is invited to be appointed by the Current Board of Trustees, and as such can be dismissed as a Trustee, or asked to resign their position. However this decision can only be ratified by the full consent of the Board of Trustees. Policies Reserve Policy Most of the income of the charity is received by the way of a grant, and as such if the grant is stopped then that particular activity will also have to cease, therefore not allowing any funds to become a deficit. The charity does not have any specific restrictions on the amount of reserves needs, however it is generally recognised that no such scheme should be in deficit for any significant amount of time, or without the prospect of future grants being received. The Trustees review the reserves of the charity on a monthly basis. This review encompasses the nature of the income and expenditure streams, the need to match variable income and fixed commitments and the nature of the reserves. This monthly review allows the charity to be managed efficiently and to provide a buffer for uninterrupted services. Grant Making Policy The North Herts Minority Ethnic Forum aims to serve the needs of BME groups. To facilitate this, the Forum monitors the needs through various consultations with these groups and designs projects to alleviate their needs. Funding is then sought from various agencies and bodies to enable us to implement the projects/ activities. Risk All major risk areas relating to the charity have been reviewed and there are none which are considered to breach the future going concern of the charity. Page 7 Celebration of our successes Since established in 1998 we have…. Supported 645 BME Women in developing their skills Supported 217 BME children in school through our mentoring project Aiming High Held over 28 day trips for carers and cared for people Held 35 positive workshops and activities for children outside of school Given advice to over 5000 BME people on various issues Had over 62,759 people walk through our doors Have welcomed people from all ethnicities including refugees and asylum seekers Provided over 185 training courses Have had successful partnerships with most local statutory and voluntary organisations Core Staff: North Herts Minority Director Mohammed Alam Ethnic Forum Community Development Officer Henna Khan North Herts Minority Ethnic Administrative Officer Angela Ciaravella Forum Children’s Services Co-ordinator Tashmina Unity House Hoque Whinbush Road Learning Mentors Glenys Cooper, Joan FranHitchin SG5 1PH cis, Sabbie Dhillon & Henna Khan Support Staff: Tel: 01462 440224 Fax: 01462 440242 Ravinder Virdee Decem Speakman Carol Spencer Staff from left to right: Tashmina, Henna, Harmesh Bhandal Angela, Agnes, Mohammed, Sabbie & Agnes Gittens Mehdi Kabir Glenys Designed by Tashmina Hoque